path: root/thirdparty/bullet/BulletSoftBody/btDeformableLinearElasticityForce.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/bullet/BulletSoftBody/btDeformableLinearElasticityForce.h')
1 files changed, 435 insertions, 313 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/BulletSoftBody/btDeformableLinearElasticityForce.h b/thirdparty/bullet/BulletSoftBody/btDeformableLinearElasticityForce.h
index 106dc10ad6..971192050b 100644
--- a/thirdparty/bullet/BulletSoftBody/btDeformableLinearElasticityForce.h
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/BulletSoftBody/btDeformableLinearElasticityForce.h
@@ -18,323 +18,445 @@
#include "btDeformableLagrangianForce.h"
#include "LinearMath/btQuickprof.h"
+#include "btSoftBodyInternals.h"
class btDeformableLinearElasticityForce : public btDeformableLagrangianForce
- typedef btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> TVStack;
- btScalar m_mu, m_lambda;
- btScalar m_mu_damp, m_lambda_damp;
- btDeformableLinearElasticityForce(): m_mu(1), m_lambda(1)
- {
- btScalar damping = 0.05;
- m_mu_damp = damping * m_mu;
- m_lambda_damp = damping * m_lambda;
- }
- btDeformableLinearElasticityForce(btScalar mu, btScalar lambda, btScalar damping = 0.05): m_mu(mu), m_lambda(lambda)
- {
- m_mu_damp = damping * m_mu;
- m_lambda_damp = damping * m_lambda;
- }
- virtual void addScaledForces(btScalar scale, TVStack& force)
- {
- addScaledDampingForce(scale, force);
- addScaledElasticForce(scale, force);
- }
- virtual void addScaledExplicitForce(btScalar scale, TVStack& force)
- {
- addScaledElasticForce(scale, force);
- }
- // The damping matrix is calculated using the time n state as described in to allow line search
- virtual void addScaledDampingForce(btScalar scale, TVStack& force)
- {
- if (m_mu_damp == 0 && m_lambda_damp == 0)
- return;
- int numNodes = getNumNodes();
- btAssert(numNodes <= force.size());
- btVector3 grad_N_hat_1st_col = btVector3(-1,-1,-1);
- for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
- {
- btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
- if (!psb->isActive())
- {
- continue;
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_tetras.size(); ++j)
- {
- btSoftBody::Tetra& tetra = psb->m_tetras[j];
- btSoftBody::Node* node0 = tetra.m_n[0];
- btSoftBody::Node* node1 = tetra.m_n[1];
- btSoftBody::Node* node2 = tetra.m_n[2];
- btSoftBody::Node* node3 = tetra.m_n[3];
- size_t id0 = node0->index;
- size_t id1 = node1->index;
- size_t id2 = node2->index;
- size_t id3 = node3->index;
- btMatrix3x3 dF = DsFromVelocity(node0, node1, node2, node3) * tetra.m_Dm_inverse;
- btMatrix3x3 I;
- I.setIdentity();
- btMatrix3x3 dP = (dF + dF.transpose()) * m_mu_damp + I * (dF[0][0]+dF[1][1]+dF[2][2]) * m_lambda_damp;
- // firstPiolaDampingDifferential(psb->m_tetraScratchesTn[j], dF, dP);
- btVector3 df_on_node0 = dP * (tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose()*grad_N_hat_1st_col);
- btMatrix3x3 df_on_node123 = dP * tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose();
- // damping force differential
- btScalar scale1 = scale * tetra.m_element_measure;
- force[id0] -= scale1 * df_on_node0;
- force[id1] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(0);
- force[id2] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(1);
- force[id3] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(2);
- }
- }
- }
- virtual double totalElasticEnergy(btScalar dt)
- {
- double energy = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
- {
- btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
- if (!psb->isActive())
- {
- continue;
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_tetraScratches.size(); ++j)
- {
- btSoftBody::Tetra& tetra = psb->m_tetras[j];
- btSoftBody::TetraScratch& s = psb->m_tetraScratches[j];
- energy += tetra.m_element_measure * elasticEnergyDensity(s);
- }
- }
- return energy;
- }
- // The damping energy is formulated as in to allow line search
- virtual double totalDampingEnergy(btScalar dt)
- {
- double energy = 0;
- int sz = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
- {
- btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
- if (!psb->isActive())
- {
- continue;
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_nodes.size(); ++j)
- {
- sz = btMax(sz, psb->m_nodes[j].index);
- }
- }
- TVStack dampingForce;
- dampingForce.resize(sz+1);
- for (int i = 0; i < dampingForce.size(); ++i)
- dampingForce[i].setZero();
- addScaledDampingForce(0.5, dampingForce);
- for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
- {
- btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
- for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_nodes.size(); ++j)
- {
- const btSoftBody::Node& node = psb->m_nodes[j];
- energy -= dampingForce[node.index].dot(node.m_v) / dt;
- }
- }
- return energy;
- }
- double elasticEnergyDensity(const btSoftBody::TetraScratch& s)
- {
- double density = 0;
- btMatrix3x3 epsilon = (s.m_F + s.m_F.transpose()) * 0.5 - btMatrix3x3::getIdentity();
- btScalar trace = epsilon[0][0] + epsilon[1][1] + epsilon[2][2];
- density += m_mu * (epsilon[0].length2() + epsilon[1].length2() + epsilon[2].length2());
- density += m_lambda * trace * trace * 0.5;
- return density;
- }
- virtual void addScaledElasticForce(btScalar scale, TVStack& force)
- {
- int numNodes = getNumNodes();
- btAssert(numNodes <= force.size());
- btVector3 grad_N_hat_1st_col = btVector3(-1,-1,-1);
- for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
- {
- btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
- if (!psb->isActive())
- {
- continue;
- }
- btScalar max_p = psb->m_cfg.m_maxStress;
- for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_tetras.size(); ++j)
- {
- btSoftBody::Tetra& tetra = psb->m_tetras[j];
- btMatrix3x3 P;
- firstPiola(psb->m_tetraScratches[j],P);
+ typedef btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> TVStack;
+ btScalar m_mu, m_lambda;
+ btScalar m_E, m_nu; // Young's modulus and Poisson ratio
+ btScalar m_damping_alpha, m_damping_beta;
+ btDeformableLinearElasticityForce() : m_mu(1), m_lambda(1), m_damping_alpha(0.01), m_damping_beta(0.01)
+ {
+ updateYoungsModulusAndPoissonRatio();
+ }
+ btDeformableLinearElasticityForce(btScalar mu, btScalar lambda, btScalar damping_alpha = 0.01, btScalar damping_beta = 0.01) : m_mu(mu), m_lambda(lambda), m_damping_alpha(damping_alpha), m_damping_beta(damping_beta)
+ {
+ updateYoungsModulusAndPoissonRatio();
+ }
+ void updateYoungsModulusAndPoissonRatio()
+ {
+ // conversion from Lame Parameters to Young's modulus and Poisson ratio
+ //
+ m_E = m_mu * (3 * m_lambda + 2 * m_mu) / (m_lambda + m_mu);
+ m_nu = m_lambda * 0.5 / (m_mu + m_lambda);
+ }
+ void updateLameParameters()
+ {
+ // conversion from Young's modulus and Poisson ratio to Lame Parameters
+ //
+ m_mu = m_E * 0.5 / (1 + m_nu);
+ m_lambda = m_E * m_nu / ((1 + m_nu) * (1 - 2 * m_nu));
+ }
+ void setYoungsModulus(btScalar E)
+ {
+ m_E = E;
+ updateLameParameters();
+ }
+ void setPoissonRatio(btScalar nu)
+ {
+ m_nu = nu;
+ updateLameParameters();
+ }
+ void setDamping(btScalar damping_alpha, btScalar damping_beta)
+ {
+ m_damping_alpha = damping_alpha;
+ m_damping_beta = damping_beta;
+ }
+ void setLameParameters(btScalar mu, btScalar lambda)
+ {
+ m_mu = mu;
+ m_lambda = lambda;
+ updateYoungsModulusAndPoissonRatio();
+ }
+ virtual void addScaledForces(btScalar scale, TVStack& force)
+ {
+ addScaledDampingForce(scale, force);
+ addScaledElasticForce(scale, force);
+ }
+ virtual void addScaledExplicitForce(btScalar scale, TVStack& force)
+ {
+ addScaledElasticForce(scale, force);
+ }
+ // The damping matrix is calculated using the time n state as described in to allow line search
+ virtual void addScaledDampingForce(btScalar scale, TVStack& force)
+ {
+ if (m_damping_alpha == 0 && m_damping_beta == 0)
+ return;
+ btScalar mu_damp = m_damping_beta * m_mu;
+ btScalar lambda_damp = m_damping_beta * m_lambda;
+ int numNodes = getNumNodes();
+ btAssert(numNodes <= force.size());
+ btVector3 grad_N_hat_1st_col = btVector3(-1, -1, -1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
+ if (!psb->isActive())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_tetras.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ bool close_to_flat = (psb->m_tetraScratches[j].m_J < TETRA_FLAT_THRESHOLD);
+ btSoftBody::Tetra& tetra = psb->m_tetras[j];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node0 = tetra.m_n[0];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node1 = tetra.m_n[1];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node2 = tetra.m_n[2];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node3 = tetra.m_n[3];
+ size_t id0 = node0->index;
+ size_t id1 = node1->index;
+ size_t id2 = node2->index;
+ size_t id3 = node3->index;
+ btMatrix3x3 dF = DsFromVelocity(node0, node1, node2, node3) * tetra.m_Dm_inverse;
+ if (!close_to_flat)
+ {
+ dF = psb->m_tetraScratches[j].m_corotation.transpose() * dF;
+ }
+ btMatrix3x3 I;
+ I.setIdentity();
+ btMatrix3x3 dP = (dF + dF.transpose()) * mu_damp + I * ((dF[0][0] + dF[1][1] + dF[2][2]) * lambda_damp);
+ btMatrix3x3 df_on_node123 = dP * tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose();
+ if (!close_to_flat)
+ {
+ df_on_node123 = psb->m_tetraScratches[j].m_corotation * df_on_node123;
+ }
+ btVector3 df_on_node0 = df_on_node123 * grad_N_hat_1st_col;
+ // damping force differential
+ btScalar scale1 = scale * tetra.m_element_measure;
+ force[id0] -= scale1 * df_on_node0;
+ force[id1] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(0);
+ force[id2] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(1);
+ force[id3] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(2);
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_nodes.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ const btSoftBody::Node& node = psb->m_nodes[j];
+ size_t id = node.index;
+ if (node.m_im > 0)
+ {
+ force[id] -= scale * node.m_v / node.m_im * m_damping_alpha;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ virtual double totalElasticEnergy(btScalar dt)
+ {
+ double energy = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
+ if (!psb->isActive())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_tetraScratches.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ btSoftBody::Tetra& tetra = psb->m_tetras[j];
+ btSoftBody::TetraScratch& s = psb->m_tetraScratches[j];
+ energy += tetra.m_element_measure * elasticEnergyDensity(s);
+ }
+ }
+ return energy;
+ }
+ // The damping energy is formulated as in to allow line search
+ virtual double totalDampingEnergy(btScalar dt)
+ {
+ double energy = 0;
+ int sz = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
+ if (!psb->isActive())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_nodes.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ sz = btMax(sz, psb->m_nodes[j].index);
+ }
+ }
+ TVStack dampingForce;
+ dampingForce.resize(sz + 1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < dampingForce.size(); ++i)
+ dampingForce[i].setZero();
+ addScaledDampingForce(0.5, dampingForce);
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
+ for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_nodes.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ const btSoftBody::Node& node = psb->m_nodes[j];
+ energy -= dampingForce[node.index].dot(node.m_v) / dt;
+ }
+ }
+ return energy;
+ }
+ double elasticEnergyDensity(const btSoftBody::TetraScratch& s)
+ {
+ double density = 0;
+ btMatrix3x3 epsilon = (s.m_F + s.m_F.transpose()) * 0.5 - btMatrix3x3::getIdentity();
+ btScalar trace = epsilon[0][0] + epsilon[1][1] + epsilon[2][2];
+ density += m_mu * (epsilon[0].length2() + epsilon[1].length2() + epsilon[2].length2());
+ density += m_lambda * trace * trace * 0.5;
+ return density;
+ }
+ virtual void addScaledElasticForce(btScalar scale, TVStack& force)
+ {
+ int numNodes = getNumNodes();
+ btAssert(numNodes <= force.size());
+ btVector3 grad_N_hat_1st_col = btVector3(-1, -1, -1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
+ if (!psb->isActive())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ btScalar max_p = psb->m_cfg.m_maxStress;
+ for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_tetras.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ btSoftBody::Tetra& tetra = psb->m_tetras[j];
+ btMatrix3x3 P;
+ firstPiola(psb->m_tetraScratches[j], P);
- if (max_p > 0)
- {
- // since we want to clamp the principal stress to max_p, we only need to
- // calculate SVD when sigma_0^2 + sigma_1^2 + sigma_2^2 > max_p * max_p
- btScalar trPTP = (P[0].length2() + P[1].length2() + P[2].length2());
- if (trPTP > max_p * max_p)
- {
- btMatrix3x3 U, V;
- btVector3 sigma;
- singularValueDecomposition(P, U, sigma, V);
- sigma[0] = btMin(sigma[0], max_p);
- sigma[1] = btMin(sigma[1], max_p);
- sigma[2] = btMin(sigma[2], max_p);
- sigma[0] = btMax(sigma[0], -max_p);
- sigma[1] = btMax(sigma[1], -max_p);
- sigma[2] = btMax(sigma[2], -max_p);
- btMatrix3x3 Sigma;
- Sigma.setIdentity();
- Sigma[0][0] = sigma[0];
- Sigma[1][1] = sigma[1];
- Sigma[2][2] = sigma[2];
- P = U * Sigma * V.transpose();
- }
- }
+ if (max_p > 0)
+ {
+ // since we want to clamp the principal stress to max_p, we only need to
+ // calculate SVD when sigma_0^2 + sigma_1^2 + sigma_2^2 > max_p * max_p
+ btScalar trPTP = (P[0].length2() + P[1].length2() + P[2].length2());
+ if (trPTP > max_p * max_p)
+ {
+ btMatrix3x3 U, V;
+ btVector3 sigma;
+ singularValueDecomposition(P, U, sigma, V);
+ sigma[0] = btMin(sigma[0], max_p);
+ sigma[1] = btMin(sigma[1], max_p);
+ sigma[2] = btMin(sigma[2], max_p);
+ sigma[0] = btMax(sigma[0], -max_p);
+ sigma[1] = btMax(sigma[1], -max_p);
+ sigma[2] = btMax(sigma[2], -max_p);
+ btMatrix3x3 Sigma;
+ Sigma.setIdentity();
+ Sigma[0][0] = sigma[0];
+ Sigma[1][1] = sigma[1];
+ Sigma[2][2] = sigma[2];
+ P = U * Sigma * V.transpose();
+ }
+ }
- // btVector3 force_on_node0 = P * (tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose()*grad_N_hat_1st_col);
- btMatrix3x3 force_on_node123 = P * tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose();
- btVector3 force_on_node0 = force_on_node123 * grad_N_hat_1st_col;
- btSoftBody::Node* node0 = tetra.m_n[0];
- btSoftBody::Node* node1 = tetra.m_n[1];
- btSoftBody::Node* node2 = tetra.m_n[2];
- btSoftBody::Node* node3 = tetra.m_n[3];
- size_t id0 = node0->index;
- size_t id1 = node1->index;
- size_t id2 = node2->index;
- size_t id3 = node3->index;
- // elastic force
- btScalar scale1 = scale * tetra.m_element_measure;
- force[id0] -= scale1 * force_on_node0;
- force[id1] -= scale1 * force_on_node123.getColumn(0);
- force[id2] -= scale1 * force_on_node123.getColumn(1);
- force[id3] -= scale1 * force_on_node123.getColumn(2);
- }
- }
- }
- // The damping matrix is calculated using the time n state as described in to allow line search
- virtual void addScaledDampingForceDifferential(btScalar scale, const TVStack& dv, TVStack& df)
- {
- if (m_mu_damp == 0 && m_lambda_damp == 0)
- return;
- int numNodes = getNumNodes();
- btAssert(numNodes <= df.size());
- btVector3 grad_N_hat_1st_col = btVector3(-1,-1,-1);
- for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
- {
- btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
- if (!psb->isActive())
- {
- continue;
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_tetras.size(); ++j)
- {
- btSoftBody::Tetra& tetra = psb->m_tetras[j];
- btSoftBody::Node* node0 = tetra.m_n[0];
- btSoftBody::Node* node1 = tetra.m_n[1];
- btSoftBody::Node* node2 = tetra.m_n[2];
- btSoftBody::Node* node3 = tetra.m_n[3];
- size_t id0 = node0->index;
- size_t id1 = node1->index;
- size_t id2 = node2->index;
- size_t id3 = node3->index;
- btMatrix3x3 dF = Ds(id0, id1, id2, id3, dv) * tetra.m_Dm_inverse;
- btMatrix3x3 I;
- I.setIdentity();
- btMatrix3x3 dP = (dF + dF.transpose()) * m_mu_damp + I * (dF[0][0]+dF[1][1]+dF[2][2]) * m_lambda_damp;
- // firstPiolaDampingDifferential(psb->m_tetraScratchesTn[j], dF, dP);
- // btVector3 df_on_node0 = dP * (tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose()*grad_N_hat_1st_col);
- btMatrix3x3 df_on_node123 = dP * tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose();
- btVector3 df_on_node0 = df_on_node123 * grad_N_hat_1st_col;
- // damping force differential
- btScalar scale1 = scale * tetra.m_element_measure;
- df[id0] -= scale1 * df_on_node0;
- df[id1] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(0);
- df[id2] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(1);
- df[id3] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(2);
- }
- }
- }
- virtual void addScaledElasticForceDifferential(btScalar scale, const TVStack& dx, TVStack& df)
- {
- int numNodes = getNumNodes();
- btAssert(numNodes <= df.size());
- btVector3 grad_N_hat_1st_col = btVector3(-1,-1,-1);
- for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
- {
- btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
- if (!psb->isActive())
- {
- continue;
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_tetras.size(); ++j)
- {
- btSoftBody::Tetra& tetra = psb->m_tetras[j];
- btSoftBody::Node* node0 = tetra.m_n[0];
- btSoftBody::Node* node1 = tetra.m_n[1];
- btSoftBody::Node* node2 = tetra.m_n[2];
- btSoftBody::Node* node3 = tetra.m_n[3];
- size_t id0 = node0->index;
- size_t id1 = node1->index;
- size_t id2 = node2->index;
- size_t id3 = node3->index;
- btMatrix3x3 dF = Ds(id0, id1, id2, id3, dx) * tetra.m_Dm_inverse;
- btMatrix3x3 dP;
- firstPiolaDifferential(psb->m_tetraScratches[j], dF, dP);
- // btVector3 df_on_node0 = dP * (tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose()*grad_N_hat_1st_col);
- btMatrix3x3 df_on_node123 = dP * tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose();
- btVector3 df_on_node0 = df_on_node123 * grad_N_hat_1st_col;
- // elastic force differential
- btScalar scale1 = scale * tetra.m_element_measure;
- df[id0] -= scale1 * df_on_node0;
- df[id1] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(0);
- df[id2] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(1);
- df[id3] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(2);
- }
- }
- }
- void firstPiola(const btSoftBody::TetraScratch& s, btMatrix3x3& P)
- {
- btMatrix3x3 epsilon = (s.m_F + s.m_F.transpose()) * 0.5 - btMatrix3x3::getIdentity();
- btScalar trace = epsilon[0][0] + epsilon[1][1] + epsilon[2][2];
- P = epsilon * btScalar(2) * m_mu + btMatrix3x3::getIdentity() * m_lambda * trace;
- }
- // Let P be the first piola stress.
- // This function calculates the dP = dP/dF * dF
- void firstPiolaDifferential(const btSoftBody::TetraScratch& s, const btMatrix3x3& dF, btMatrix3x3& dP)
- {
- btScalar trace = (dF[0][0] + dF[1][1] + dF[2][2]);
- dP = (dF + dF.transpose()) * m_mu + btMatrix3x3::getIdentity() * m_lambda * trace;
- }
- // Let Q be the damping stress.
- // This function calculates the dP = dQ/dF * dF
- void firstPiolaDampingDifferential(const btSoftBody::TetraScratch& s, const btMatrix3x3& dF, btMatrix3x3& dP)
- {
- btScalar trace = (dF[0][0] + dF[1][1] + dF[2][2]);
- dP = (dF + dF.transpose()) * m_mu_damp + btMatrix3x3::getIdentity() * m_lambda_damp * trace;
- }
- virtual btDeformableLagrangianForceType getForceType()
- {
- }
+ // btVector3 force_on_node0 = P * (tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose()*grad_N_hat_1st_col);
+ btMatrix3x3 force_on_node123 = psb->m_tetraScratches[j].m_corotation * P * tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose();
+ btVector3 force_on_node0 = force_on_node123 * grad_N_hat_1st_col;
+ btSoftBody::Node* node0 = tetra.m_n[0];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node1 = tetra.m_n[1];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node2 = tetra.m_n[2];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node3 = tetra.m_n[3];
+ size_t id0 = node0->index;
+ size_t id1 = node1->index;
+ size_t id2 = node2->index;
+ size_t id3 = node3->index;
+ // elastic force
+ btScalar scale1 = scale * tetra.m_element_measure;
+ force[id0] -= scale1 * force_on_node0;
+ force[id1] -= scale1 * force_on_node123.getColumn(0);
+ force[id2] -= scale1 * force_on_node123.getColumn(1);
+ force[id3] -= scale1 * force_on_node123.getColumn(2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void buildDampingForceDifferentialDiagonal(btScalar scale, TVStack& diagA) {}
+ // The damping matrix is calculated using the time n state as described in to allow line search
+ virtual void addScaledDampingForceDifferential(btScalar scale, const TVStack& dv, TVStack& df)
+ {
+ if (m_damping_alpha == 0 && m_damping_beta == 0)
+ return;
+ btScalar mu_damp = m_damping_beta * m_mu;
+ btScalar lambda_damp = m_damping_beta * m_lambda;
+ int numNodes = getNumNodes();
+ btAssert(numNodes <= df.size());
+ btVector3 grad_N_hat_1st_col = btVector3(-1, -1, -1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
+ if (!psb->isActive())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_tetras.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ bool close_to_flat = (psb->m_tetraScratches[j].m_J < TETRA_FLAT_THRESHOLD);
+ btSoftBody::Tetra& tetra = psb->m_tetras[j];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node0 = tetra.m_n[0];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node1 = tetra.m_n[1];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node2 = tetra.m_n[2];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node3 = tetra.m_n[3];
+ size_t id0 = node0->index;
+ size_t id1 = node1->index;
+ size_t id2 = node2->index;
+ size_t id3 = node3->index;
+ btMatrix3x3 dF = Ds(id0, id1, id2, id3, dv) * tetra.m_Dm_inverse;
+ if (!close_to_flat)
+ {
+ dF = psb->m_tetraScratches[j].m_corotation.transpose() * dF;
+ }
+ btMatrix3x3 I;
+ I.setIdentity();
+ btMatrix3x3 dP = (dF + dF.transpose()) * mu_damp + I * ((dF[0][0] + dF[1][1] + dF[2][2]) * lambda_damp);
+ btMatrix3x3 df_on_node123 = dP * tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose();
+ if (!close_to_flat)
+ {
+ df_on_node123 = psb->m_tetraScratches[j].m_corotation * df_on_node123;
+ }
+ btVector3 df_on_node0 = df_on_node123 * grad_N_hat_1st_col;
+ // damping force differential
+ btScalar scale1 = scale * tetra.m_element_measure;
+ df[id0] -= scale1 * df_on_node0;
+ df[id1] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(0);
+ df[id2] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(1);
+ df[id3] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(2);
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_nodes.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ const btSoftBody::Node& node = psb->m_nodes[j];
+ size_t id = node.index;
+ if (node.m_im > 0)
+ {
+ df[id] -= scale * dv[id] / node.m_im * m_damping_alpha;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void addScaledElasticForceDifferential(btScalar scale, const TVStack& dx, TVStack& df)
+ {
+ int numNodes = getNumNodes();
+ btAssert(numNodes <= df.size());
+ btVector3 grad_N_hat_1st_col = btVector3(-1, -1, -1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
+ if (!psb->isActive())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_tetras.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ btSoftBody::Tetra& tetra = psb->m_tetras[j];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node0 = tetra.m_n[0];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node1 = tetra.m_n[1];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node2 = tetra.m_n[2];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node3 = tetra.m_n[3];
+ size_t id0 = node0->index;
+ size_t id1 = node1->index;
+ size_t id2 = node2->index;
+ size_t id3 = node3->index;
+ btMatrix3x3 dF = psb->m_tetraScratches[j].m_corotation.transpose() * Ds(id0, id1, id2, id3, dx) * tetra.m_Dm_inverse;
+ btMatrix3x3 dP;
+ firstPiolaDifferential(psb->m_tetraScratches[j], dF, dP);
+ // btVector3 df_on_node0 = dP * (tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose()*grad_N_hat_1st_col);
+ btMatrix3x3 df_on_node123 = psb->m_tetraScratches[j].m_corotation * dP * tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose();
+ btVector3 df_on_node0 = df_on_node123 * grad_N_hat_1st_col;
+ // elastic force differential
+ btScalar scale1 = scale * tetra.m_element_measure;
+ df[id0] -= scale1 * df_on_node0;
+ df[id1] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(0);
+ df[id2] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(1);
+ df[id3] -= scale1 * df_on_node123.getColumn(2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void firstPiola(const btSoftBody::TetraScratch& s, btMatrix3x3& P)
+ {
+ btMatrix3x3 corotated_F = s.m_corotation.transpose() * s.m_F;
+ btMatrix3x3 epsilon = (corotated_F + corotated_F.transpose()) * 0.5 - btMatrix3x3::getIdentity();
+ btScalar trace = epsilon[0][0] + epsilon[1][1] + epsilon[2][2];
+ P = epsilon * btScalar(2) * m_mu + btMatrix3x3::getIdentity() * m_lambda * trace;
+ }
+ // Let P be the first piola stress.
+ // This function calculates the dP = dP/dF * dF
+ void firstPiolaDifferential(const btSoftBody::TetraScratch& s, const btMatrix3x3& dF, btMatrix3x3& dP)
+ {
+ btScalar trace = (dF[0][0] + dF[1][1] + dF[2][2]);
+ dP = (dF + dF.transpose()) * m_mu + btMatrix3x3::getIdentity() * m_lambda * trace;
+ }
+ // Let Q be the damping stress.
+ // This function calculates the dP = dQ/dF * dF
+ void firstPiolaDampingDifferential(const btSoftBody::TetraScratch& s, const btMatrix3x3& dF, btMatrix3x3& dP)
+ {
+ btScalar mu_damp = m_damping_beta * m_mu;
+ btScalar lambda_damp = m_damping_beta * m_lambda;
+ btScalar trace = (dF[0][0] + dF[1][1] + dF[2][2]);
+ dP = (dF + dF.transpose()) * mu_damp + btMatrix3x3::getIdentity() * lambda_damp * trace;
+ }
+ virtual void addScaledHessian(btScalar scale)
+ {
+ btVector3 grad_N_hat_1st_col = btVector3(-1, -1, -1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
+ if (!psb->isActive())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_tetras.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ btSoftBody::Tetra& tetra = psb->m_tetras[j];
+ btMatrix3x3 P;
+ firstPiola(psb->m_tetraScratches[j], P); // make sure scratch is evaluated at x_n + dt * vn
+ btMatrix3x3 force_on_node123 = psb->m_tetraScratches[j].m_corotation * P * tetra.m_Dm_inverse.transpose();
+ btVector3 force_on_node0 = force_on_node123 * grad_N_hat_1st_col;
+ btSoftBody::Node* node0 = tetra.m_n[0];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node1 = tetra.m_n[1];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node2 = tetra.m_n[2];
+ btSoftBody::Node* node3 = tetra.m_n[3];
+ btScalar scale1 = scale * (scale + m_damping_beta) * tetra.m_element_measure; // stiff and stiffness-damping terms;
+ node0->m_effectiveMass += OuterProduct(force_on_node0, force_on_node0) * scale1;
+ node1->m_effectiveMass += OuterProduct(force_on_node123.getColumn(0), force_on_node123.getColumn(0)) * scale1;
+ node2->m_effectiveMass += OuterProduct(force_on_node123.getColumn(1), force_on_node123.getColumn(1)) * scale1;
+ node3->m_effectiveMass += OuterProduct(force_on_node123.getColumn(2), force_on_node123.getColumn(2)) * scale1;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_nodes.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ btSoftBody::Node& node = psb->m_nodes[j];
+ if (node.m_im > 0)
+ {
+ btMatrix3x3 I;
+ I.setIdentity();
+ node.m_effectiveMass += I * (scale * (1.0 / node.m_im) * m_damping_alpha);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ virtual btDeformableLagrangianForceType getForceType()
+ {
+ }