path: root/thirdparty/bullet/BulletDynamics/Dynamics/btDiscreteDynamicsWorldMt.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/bullet/BulletDynamics/Dynamics/btDiscreteDynamicsWorldMt.cpp')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/BulletDynamics/Dynamics/btDiscreteDynamicsWorldMt.cpp b/thirdparty/bullet/BulletDynamics/Dynamics/btDiscreteDynamicsWorldMt.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d10bad922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/BulletDynamics/Dynamics/btDiscreteDynamicsWorldMt.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
+Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Erwin Coumans
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
+subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+#include "btDiscreteDynamicsWorldMt.h"
+//collision detection
+#include "BulletCollision/CollisionDispatch/btCollisionDispatcher.h"
+#include "BulletCollision/BroadphaseCollision/btSimpleBroadphase.h"
+#include "BulletCollision/BroadphaseCollision/btCollisionAlgorithm.h"
+#include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btCollisionShape.h"
+#include "btSimulationIslandManagerMt.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btTransformUtil.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btQuickprof.h"
+//rigidbody & constraints
+#include "BulletDynamics/Dynamics/btRigidBody.h"
+#include "BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver.h"
+#include "BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btContactSolverInfo.h"
+#include "BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btTypedConstraint.h"
+#include "BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btPoint2PointConstraint.h"
+#include "BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btHingeConstraint.h"
+#include "BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btConeTwistConstraint.h"
+#include "BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btGeneric6DofConstraint.h"
+#include "BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btGeneric6DofSpring2Constraint.h"
+#include "BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btSliderConstraint.h"
+#include "BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btContactConstraint.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btIDebugDraw.h"
+#include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btSphereShape.h"
+#include "BulletDynamics/Dynamics/btActionInterface.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btQuickprof.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btMotionState.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btSerializer.h"
+struct InplaceSolverIslandCallbackMt : public btSimulationIslandManagerMt::IslandCallback
+ btContactSolverInfo* m_solverInfo;
+ btConstraintSolver* m_solver;
+ btIDebugDraw* m_debugDrawer;
+ btDispatcher* m_dispatcher;
+ InplaceSolverIslandCallbackMt(
+ btConstraintSolver* solver,
+ btStackAlloc* stackAlloc,
+ btDispatcher* dispatcher)
+ :m_solverInfo(NULL),
+ m_solver(solver),
+ m_debugDrawer(NULL),
+ m_dispatcher(dispatcher)
+ {
+ }
+ InplaceSolverIslandCallbackMt& operator=(InplaceSolverIslandCallbackMt& other)
+ {
+ btAssert(0);
+ (void)other;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void setup ( btContactSolverInfo* solverInfo, btIDebugDraw* debugDrawer)
+ {
+ btAssert(solverInfo);
+ m_solverInfo = solverInfo;
+ m_debugDrawer = debugDrawer;
+ }
+ virtual void processIsland( btCollisionObject** bodies,
+ int numBodies,
+ btPersistentManifold** manifolds,
+ int numManifolds,
+ btTypedConstraint** constraints,
+ int numConstraints,
+ int islandId
+ )
+ {
+ m_solver->solveGroup( bodies,
+ numBodies,
+ manifolds,
+ numManifolds,
+ constraints,
+ numConstraints,
+ *m_solverInfo,
+ m_debugDrawer,
+ m_dispatcher
+ );
+ }
+/// btConstraintSolverPoolMt
+btConstraintSolverPoolMt::ThreadSolver* btConstraintSolverPoolMt::getAndLockThreadSolver()
+ int i = 0;
+ i = btGetCurrentThreadIndex() % m_solvers.size();
+#endif // #if BT_THREADSAFE
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ ThreadSolver& solver = m_solvers[ i ];
+ if ( solver.mutex.tryLock() )
+ {
+ return &solver;
+ }
+ // failed, try the next one
+ i = ( i + 1 ) % m_solvers.size();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void btConstraintSolverPoolMt::init( btConstraintSolver** solvers, int numSolvers )
+ m_solvers.resize( numSolvers );
+ for ( int i = 0; i < numSolvers; ++i )
+ {
+ m_solvers[ i ].solver = solvers[ i ];
+ }
+ if ( numSolvers > 0 )
+ {
+ m_solverType = solvers[ 0 ]->getSolverType();
+ }
+// create the solvers for me
+btConstraintSolverPoolMt::btConstraintSolverPoolMt( int numSolvers )
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btConstraintSolver*> solvers;
+ solvers.reserve( numSolvers );
+ for ( int i = 0; i < numSolvers; ++i )
+ {
+ btConstraintSolver* solver = new btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();
+ solvers.push_back( solver );
+ }
+ init( &solvers[ 0 ], numSolvers );
+// pass in fully constructed solvers (destructor will delete them)
+btConstraintSolverPoolMt::btConstraintSolverPoolMt( btConstraintSolver** solvers, int numSolvers )
+ init( solvers, numSolvers );
+ // delete all solvers
+ for ( int i = 0; i < m_solvers.size(); ++i )
+ {
+ ThreadSolver& solver = m_solvers[ i ];
+ delete solver.solver;
+ solver.solver = NULL;
+ }
+///solve a group of constraints
+btScalar btConstraintSolverPoolMt::solveGroup( btCollisionObject** bodies,
+ int numBodies,
+ btPersistentManifold** manifolds,
+ int numManifolds,
+ btTypedConstraint** constraints,
+ int numConstraints,
+ const btContactSolverInfo& info,
+ btIDebugDraw* debugDrawer,
+ btDispatcher* dispatcher
+ ThreadSolver* ts = getAndLockThreadSolver();
+ ts->solver->solveGroup( bodies, numBodies, manifolds, numManifolds, constraints, numConstraints, info, debugDrawer, dispatcher );
+ ts->mutex.unlock();
+ return 0.0f;
+void btConstraintSolverPoolMt::reset()
+ for ( int i = 0; i < m_solvers.size(); ++i )
+ {
+ ThreadSolver& solver = m_solvers[ i ];
+ solver.mutex.lock();
+ solver.solver->reset();
+ solver.mutex.unlock();
+ }
+/// btDiscreteDynamicsWorldMt
+btDiscreteDynamicsWorldMt::btDiscreteDynamicsWorldMt(btDispatcher* dispatcher, btBroadphaseInterface* pairCache, btConstraintSolverPoolMt* constraintSolver, btCollisionConfiguration* collisionConfiguration)
+: btDiscreteDynamicsWorld(dispatcher,pairCache,constraintSolver,collisionConfiguration)
+ if (m_ownsIslandManager)
+ {
+ m_islandManager->~btSimulationIslandManager();
+ btAlignedFree( m_islandManager);
+ }
+ {
+ void* mem = btAlignedAlloc(sizeof(InplaceSolverIslandCallbackMt),16);
+ m_solverIslandCallbackMt = new (mem) InplaceSolverIslandCallbackMt (m_constraintSolver, 0, dispatcher);
+ }
+ {
+ void* mem = btAlignedAlloc(sizeof(btSimulationIslandManagerMt),16);
+ btSimulationIslandManagerMt* im = new (mem) btSimulationIslandManagerMt();
+ im->setMinimumSolverBatchSize( m_solverInfo.m_minimumSolverBatchSize );
+ m_islandManager = im;
+ }
+ if (m_solverIslandCallbackMt)
+ {
+ m_solverIslandCallbackMt->~InplaceSolverIslandCallbackMt();
+ btAlignedFree(m_solverIslandCallbackMt);
+ }
+ if (m_ownsConstraintSolver)
+ {
+ m_constraintSolver->~btConstraintSolver();
+ btAlignedFree(m_constraintSolver);
+ }
+void btDiscreteDynamicsWorldMt::solveConstraints(btContactSolverInfo& solverInfo)
+ BT_PROFILE("solveConstraints");
+ m_solverIslandCallbackMt->setup(&solverInfo, getDebugDrawer());
+ m_constraintSolver->prepareSolve(getCollisionWorld()->getNumCollisionObjects(), getCollisionWorld()->getDispatcher()->getNumManifolds());
+ /// solve all the constraints for this island
+ btSimulationIslandManagerMt* im = static_cast<btSimulationIslandManagerMt*>(m_islandManager);
+ im->buildAndProcessIslands( getCollisionWorld()->getDispatcher(), getCollisionWorld(), m_constraints, m_solverIslandCallbackMt );
+ m_constraintSolver->allSolved(solverInfo, m_debugDrawer);
+struct UpdaterUnconstrainedMotion : public btIParallelForBody
+ btScalar timeStep;
+ btRigidBody** rigidBodies;
+ void forLoop( int iBegin, int iEnd ) const BT_OVERRIDE
+ {
+ for ( int i = iBegin; i < iEnd; ++i )
+ {
+ btRigidBody* body = rigidBodies[ i ];
+ if ( !body->isStaticOrKinematicObject() )
+ {
+ //don't integrate/update velocities here, it happens in the constraint solver
+ body->applyDamping( timeStep );
+ body->predictIntegratedTransform( timeStep, body->getInterpolationWorldTransform() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void btDiscreteDynamicsWorldMt::predictUnconstraintMotion( btScalar timeStep )
+ BT_PROFILE( "predictUnconstraintMotion" );
+ if ( m_nonStaticRigidBodies.size() > 0 )
+ {
+ UpdaterUnconstrainedMotion update;
+ update.timeStep = timeStep;
+ update.rigidBodies = &m_nonStaticRigidBodies[ 0 ];
+ int grainSize = 50; // num of iterations per task for task scheduler
+ btParallelFor( 0, m_nonStaticRigidBodies.size(), grainSize, update );
+ }
+void btDiscreteDynamicsWorldMt::createPredictiveContacts( btScalar timeStep )
+ BT_PROFILE( "createPredictiveContacts" );
+ releasePredictiveContacts();
+ if ( m_nonStaticRigidBodies.size() > 0 )
+ {
+ UpdaterCreatePredictiveContacts update;
+ = this;
+ update.timeStep = timeStep;
+ update.rigidBodies = &m_nonStaticRigidBodies[ 0 ];
+ int grainSize = 50; // num of iterations per task for task scheduler
+ btParallelFor( 0, m_nonStaticRigidBodies.size(), grainSize, update );
+ }
+void btDiscreteDynamicsWorldMt::integrateTransforms( btScalar timeStep )
+ BT_PROFILE( "integrateTransforms" );
+ if ( m_nonStaticRigidBodies.size() > 0 )
+ {
+ UpdaterIntegrateTransforms update;
+ = this;
+ update.timeStep = timeStep;
+ update.rigidBodies = &m_nonStaticRigidBodies[ 0 ];
+ int grainSize = 50; // num of iterations per task for task scheduler
+ btParallelFor( 0, m_nonStaticRigidBodies.size(), grainSize, update );
+ }