path: root/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision')
24 files changed, 4738 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3Config.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3Config.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65d4a21613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3Config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#ifndef B3_CONFIG_H
+#define B3_CONFIG_H
+struct b3Config
+ int m_maxConvexBodies;
+ int m_maxConvexShapes;
+ int m_maxBroadphasePairs;
+ int m_maxContactCapacity;
+ int m_compoundPairCapacity;
+ int m_maxVerticesPerFace;
+ int m_maxFacesPerShape;
+ int m_maxConvexVertices;
+ int m_maxConvexIndices;
+ int m_maxConvexUniqueEdges;
+ int m_maxCompoundChildShapes;
+ int m_maxTriConvexPairCapacity;
+ b3Config()
+ :m_maxConvexBodies(128*1024),
+ m_maxVerticesPerFace(64),
+ m_maxFacesPerShape(12),
+ m_maxConvexVertices(8192),
+ m_maxConvexIndices(81920),
+ m_maxConvexUniqueEdges(8192),
+ m_maxCompoundChildShapes(8192),
+ m_maxTriConvexPairCapacity(256*1024)
+ {
+ m_maxConvexShapes = m_maxConvexBodies;
+ m_maxBroadphasePairs = 16*m_maxConvexBodies;
+ m_maxContactCapacity = m_maxBroadphasePairs;
+ m_compoundPairCapacity = 1024*1024;
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3Contact4.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3Contact4.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb25165673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3Contact4.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Erwin Coumans
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
+subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+#ifndef B3_CONTACT4_H
+#define B3_CONTACT4_H
+#include "Bullet3Common/b3Vector3.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Contact4Data.h"
+B3_ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(struct) b3Contact4 : public b3Contact4Data
+ int getBodyA()const {return abs(m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit);}
+ int getBodyB()const {return abs(m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit);}
+ bool isBodyAFixed()const { return m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit<0;}
+ bool isBodyBFixed()const { return m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit<0;}
+ // todo. make it safer
+ int& getBatchIdx() { return m_batchIdx; }
+ const int& getBatchIdx() const { return m_batchIdx; }
+ float getRestituitionCoeff() const { return ((float)m_restituitionCoeffCmp/(float)0xffff); }
+ void setRestituitionCoeff( float c ) { b3Assert( c >= 0.f && c <= 1.f ); m_restituitionCoeffCmp = (unsigned short)(c*0xffff); }
+ float getFrictionCoeff() const { return ((float)m_frictionCoeffCmp/(float)0xffff); }
+ void setFrictionCoeff( float c ) { b3Assert( c >= 0.f && c <= 1.f ); m_frictionCoeffCmp = (unsigned short)(c*0xffff); }
+ //float& getNPoints() { return m_worldNormal[3]; }
+ int getNPoints() const { return (int) m_worldNormalOnB.w; }
+ float getPenetration(int idx) const { return m_worldPosB[idx].w; }
+ bool isInvalid() const { return (getBodyA()==0 || getBodyB()==0); }
+#endif //B3_CONTACT4_H
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3ConvexUtility.cpp b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3ConvexUtility.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55706fa631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3ConvexUtility.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+Copyright (c) 2012 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
+subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+//Originally written by Erwin Coumans
+#include "b3ConvexUtility.h"
+#include "Bullet3Geometry/b3ConvexHullComputer.h"
+#include "Bullet3Geometry/b3GrahamScan2dConvexHull.h"
+#include "Bullet3Common/b3Quaternion.h"
+#include "Bullet3Common/b3HashMap.h"
+bool b3ConvexUtility::initializePolyhedralFeatures(const b3Vector3* orgVertices, int numPoints, bool mergeCoplanarTriangles)
+ b3ConvexHullComputer conv;
+ conv.compute(&orgVertices[0].getX(), sizeof(b3Vector3),numPoints,0.f,0.f);
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> faceNormals;
+ int numFaces = conv.faces.size();
+ faceNormals.resize(numFaces);
+ b3ConvexHullComputer* convexUtil = &conv;
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3MyFace> tmpFaces;
+ tmpFaces.resize(numFaces);
+ int numVertices = convexUtil->vertices.size();
+ m_vertices.resize(numVertices);
+ for (int p=0;p<numVertices;p++)
+ {
+ m_vertices[p] = convexUtil->vertices[p];
+ }
+ for (int i=0;i<numFaces;i++)
+ {
+ int face = convexUtil->faces[i];
+ //printf("face=%d\n",face);
+ const b3ConvexHullComputer::Edge* firstEdge = &convexUtil->edges[face];
+ const b3ConvexHullComputer::Edge* edge = firstEdge;
+ b3Vector3 edges[3];
+ int numEdges = 0;
+ //compute face normals
+ do
+ {
+ int src = edge->getSourceVertex();
+ tmpFaces[i].m_indices.push_back(src);
+ int targ = edge->getTargetVertex();
+ b3Vector3 wa = convexUtil->vertices[src];
+ b3Vector3 wb = convexUtil->vertices[targ];
+ b3Vector3 newEdge = wb-wa;
+ newEdge.normalize();
+ if (numEdges<2)
+ edges[numEdges++] = newEdge;
+ edge = edge->getNextEdgeOfFace();
+ } while (edge!=firstEdge);
+ b3Scalar planeEq = 1e30f;
+ if (numEdges==2)
+ {
+ faceNormals[i] = edges[0].cross(edges[1]);
+ faceNormals[i].normalize();
+ tmpFaces[i].m_plane[0] = faceNormals[i].getX();
+ tmpFaces[i].m_plane[1] = faceNormals[i].getY();
+ tmpFaces[i].m_plane[2] = faceNormals[i].getZ();
+ tmpFaces[i].m_plane[3] = planeEq;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ b3Assert(0);//degenerate?
+ faceNormals[i].setZero();
+ }
+ for (int v=0;v<tmpFaces[i].m_indices.size();v++)
+ {
+ b3Scalar eq = m_vertices[tmpFaces[i].m_indices[v]].dot(faceNormals[i]);
+ if (planeEq>eq)
+ {
+ planeEq=eq;
+ }
+ }
+ tmpFaces[i].m_plane[3] = -planeEq;
+ }
+ //merge coplanar faces and copy them to m_polyhedron
+ b3Scalar faceWeldThreshold= 0.999f;
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<int> todoFaces;
+ for (int i=0;i<tmpFaces.size();i++)
+ todoFaces.push_back(i);
+ while (todoFaces.size())
+ {
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<int> coplanarFaceGroup;
+ int refFace = todoFaces[todoFaces.size()-1];
+ coplanarFaceGroup.push_back(refFace);
+ b3MyFace& faceA = tmpFaces[refFace];
+ todoFaces.pop_back();
+ b3Vector3 faceNormalA = b3MakeVector3(faceA.m_plane[0],faceA.m_plane[1],faceA.m_plane[2]);
+ for (int j=todoFaces.size()-1;j>=0;j--)
+ {
+ int i = todoFaces[j];
+ b3MyFace& faceB = tmpFaces[i];
+ b3Vector3 faceNormalB = b3MakeVector3(faceB.m_plane[0],faceB.m_plane[1],faceB.m_plane[2]);
+ if (>faceWeldThreshold)
+ {
+ coplanarFaceGroup.push_back(i);
+ todoFaces.remove(i);
+ }
+ }
+ bool did_merge = false;
+ if (coplanarFaceGroup.size()>1)
+ {
+ //do the merge: use Graham Scan 2d convex hull
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GrahamVector3> orgpoints;
+ b3Vector3 averageFaceNormal = b3MakeVector3(0,0,0);
+ for (int i=0;i<coplanarFaceGroup.size();i++)
+ {
+// m_polyhedron->m_faces.push_back(tmpFaces[coplanarFaceGroup[i]]);
+ b3MyFace& face = tmpFaces[coplanarFaceGroup[i]];
+ b3Vector3 faceNormal = b3MakeVector3(face.m_plane[0],face.m_plane[1],face.m_plane[2]);
+ averageFaceNormal+=faceNormal;
+ for (int f=0;f<face.m_indices.size();f++)
+ {
+ int orgIndex = face.m_indices[f];
+ b3Vector3 pt = m_vertices[orgIndex];
+ bool found = false;
+ for (int i=0;i<orgpoints.size();i++)
+ {
+ //if ((orgpoints[i].m_orgIndex == orgIndex) || ((rotatedPt-orgpoints[i]).length2()<0.0001))
+ if (orgpoints[i].m_orgIndex == orgIndex)
+ {
+ found=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ orgpoints.push_back(b3GrahamVector3(pt,orgIndex));
+ }
+ }
+ b3MyFace combinedFace;
+ for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
+ combinedFace.m_plane[i] = tmpFaces[coplanarFaceGroup[0]].m_plane[i];
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GrahamVector3> hull;
+ averageFaceNormal.normalize();
+ b3GrahamScanConvexHull2D(orgpoints,hull,averageFaceNormal);
+ for (int i=0;i<hull.size();i++)
+ {
+ combinedFace.m_indices.push_back(hull[i].m_orgIndex);
+ for(int k = 0; k < orgpoints.size(); k++)
+ {
+ if(orgpoints[k].m_orgIndex == hull[i].m_orgIndex)
+ {
+ orgpoints[k].m_orgIndex = -1; // invalidate...
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // are there rejected vertices?
+ bool reject_merge = false;
+ for(int i = 0; i < orgpoints.size(); i++) {
+ if(orgpoints[i].m_orgIndex == -1)
+ continue; // this is in the hull...
+ // this vertex is rejected -- is anybody else using this vertex?
+ for(int j = 0; j < tmpFaces.size(); j++) {
+ b3MyFace& face = tmpFaces[j];
+ // is this a face of the current coplanar group?
+ bool is_in_current_group = false;
+ for(int k = 0; k < coplanarFaceGroup.size(); k++) {
+ if(coplanarFaceGroup[k] == j) {
+ is_in_current_group = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(is_in_current_group) // ignore this face...
+ continue;
+ // does this face use this rejected vertex?
+ for(int v = 0; v < face.m_indices.size(); v++) {
+ if(face.m_indices[v] == orgpoints[i].m_orgIndex) {
+ // this rejected vertex is used in another face -- reject merge
+ reject_merge = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(reject_merge)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(reject_merge)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!reject_merge)
+ {
+ // do this merge!
+ did_merge = true;
+ m_faces.push_back(combinedFace);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!did_merge)
+ {
+ for (int i=0;i<coplanarFaceGroup.size();i++)
+ {
+ b3MyFace face = tmpFaces[coplanarFaceGroup[i]];
+ m_faces.push_back(face);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ initialize();
+ return true;
+inline bool IsAlmostZero(const b3Vector3& v)
+ if(fabsf(v.getX())>1e-6 || fabsf(v.getY())>1e-6 || fabsf(v.getZ())>1e-6) return false;
+ return true;
+struct b3InternalVertexPair
+ b3InternalVertexPair(short int v0,short int v1)
+ :m_v0(v0),
+ m_v1(v1)
+ {
+ if (m_v1>m_v0)
+ b3Swap(m_v0,m_v1);
+ }
+ short int m_v0;
+ short int m_v1;
+ int getHash() const
+ {
+ return m_v0+(m_v1<<16);
+ }
+ bool equals(const b3InternalVertexPair& other) const
+ {
+ return m_v0==other.m_v0 && m_v1==other.m_v1;
+ }
+struct b3InternalEdge
+ b3InternalEdge()
+ :m_face0(-1),
+ m_face1(-1)
+ {
+ }
+ short int m_face0;
+ short int m_face1;
+bool b3ConvexUtility::testContainment() const
+ for(int p=0;p<8;p++)
+ {
+ b3Vector3 LocalPt;
+ if(p==0) LocalPt = m_localCenter + b3Vector3(m_extents[0], m_extents[1], m_extents[2]);
+ else if(p==1) LocalPt = m_localCenter + b3Vector3(m_extents[0], m_extents[1], -m_extents[2]);
+ else if(p==2) LocalPt = m_localCenter + b3Vector3(m_extents[0], -m_extents[1], m_extents[2]);
+ else if(p==3) LocalPt = m_localCenter + b3Vector3(m_extents[0], -m_extents[1], -m_extents[2]);
+ else if(p==4) LocalPt = m_localCenter + b3Vector3(-m_extents[0], m_extents[1], m_extents[2]);
+ else if(p==5) LocalPt = m_localCenter + b3Vector3(-m_extents[0], m_extents[1], -m_extents[2]);
+ else if(p==6) LocalPt = m_localCenter + b3Vector3(-m_extents[0], -m_extents[1], m_extents[2]);
+ else if(p==7) LocalPt = m_localCenter + b3Vector3(-m_extents[0], -m_extents[1], -m_extents[2]);
+ for(int i=0;i<m_faces.size();i++)
+ {
+ const b3Vector3 Normal(m_faces[i].m_plane[0], m_faces[i].m_plane[1], m_faces[i].m_plane[2]);
+ const b3Scalar d = + m_faces[i].m_plane[3];
+ if(d>0.0f)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void b3ConvexUtility::initialize()
+ b3HashMap<b3InternalVertexPair,b3InternalEdge> edges;
+ b3Scalar TotalArea = 0.0f;
+ m_localCenter.setValue(0, 0, 0);
+ for(int i=0;i<m_faces.size();i++)
+ {
+ int numVertices = m_faces[i].m_indices.size();
+ int NbTris = numVertices;
+ for(int j=0;j<NbTris;j++)
+ {
+ int k = (j+1)%numVertices;
+ b3InternalVertexPair vp(m_faces[i].m_indices[j],m_faces[i].m_indices[k]);
+ b3InternalEdge* edptr = edges.find(vp);
+ b3Vector3 edge = m_vertices[vp.m_v1]-m_vertices[vp.m_v0];
+ edge.normalize();
+ bool found = false;
+ b3Vector3 diff,diff2;
+ for (int p=0;p<m_uniqueEdges.size();p++)
+ {
+ diff = m_uniqueEdges[p]-edge;
+ diff2 = m_uniqueEdges[p]+edge;
+ // if ((diff.length2()==0.f) ||
+ // (diff2.length2()==0.f))
+ if (IsAlmostZero(diff) ||
+ IsAlmostZero(diff2))
+ {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found)
+ {
+ m_uniqueEdges.push_back(edge);
+ }
+ if (edptr)
+ {
+ //TBD: figure out why I added this assert
+// b3Assert(edptr->m_face0>=0);
+ // b3Assert(edptr->m_face1<0);
+ edptr->m_face1 = i;
+ } else
+ {
+ b3InternalEdge ed;
+ ed.m_face0 = i;
+ edges.insert(vp,ed);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<m_faces.size();i++)
+ {
+ int numVertices = m_faces[i].m_indices.size();
+ m_faces[i].m_connectedFaces.resize(numVertices);
+ for(int j=0;j<numVertices;j++)
+ {
+ int k = (j+1)%numVertices;
+ b3InternalVertexPair vp(m_faces[i].m_indices[j],m_faces[i].m_indices[k]);
+ b3InternalEdge* edptr = edges.find(vp);
+ b3Assert(edptr);
+ b3Assert(edptr->m_face0>=0);
+ b3Assert(edptr->m_face1>=0);
+ int connectedFace = (edptr->m_face0==i)?edptr->m_face1:edptr->m_face0;
+ m_faces[i].m_connectedFaces[j] = connectedFace;
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<m_faces.size();i++)
+ {
+ int numVertices = m_faces[i].m_indices.size();
+ int NbTris = numVertices-2;
+ const b3Vector3& p0 = m_vertices[m_faces[i].m_indices[0]];
+ for(int j=1;j<=NbTris;j++)
+ {
+ int k = (j+1)%numVertices;
+ const b3Vector3& p1 = m_vertices[m_faces[i].m_indices[j]];
+ const b3Vector3& p2 = m_vertices[m_faces[i].m_indices[k]];
+ b3Scalar Area = ((p0 - p1).cross(p0 - p2)).length() * 0.5f;
+ b3Vector3 Center = (p0+p1+p2)/3.0f;
+ m_localCenter += Area * Center;
+ TotalArea += Area;
+ }
+ }
+ m_localCenter /= TotalArea;
+ if(1)
+ {
+ m_radius = FLT_MAX;
+ for(int i=0;i<m_faces.size();i++)
+ {
+ const b3Vector3 Normal(m_faces[i].m_plane[0], m_faces[i].m_plane[1], m_faces[i].m_plane[2]);
+ const b3Scalar dist = b3Fabs( + m_faces[i].m_plane[3]);
+ if(dist<m_radius)
+ m_radius = dist;
+ }
+ b3Scalar MinX = FLT_MAX;
+ b3Scalar MinY = FLT_MAX;
+ b3Scalar MinZ = FLT_MAX;
+ b3Scalar MaxX = -FLT_MAX;
+ b3Scalar MaxY = -FLT_MAX;
+ b3Scalar MaxZ = -FLT_MAX;
+ for(int i=0; i<m_vertices.size(); i++)
+ {
+ const b3Vector3& pt = m_vertices[i];
+ if(pt.getX()<MinX) MinX = pt.getX();
+ if(pt.getX()>MaxX) MaxX = pt.getX();
+ if(pt.getY()<MinY) MinY = pt.getY();
+ if(pt.getY()>MaxY) MaxY = pt.getY();
+ if(pt.getZ()<MinZ) MinZ = pt.getZ();
+ if(pt.getZ()>MaxZ) MaxZ = pt.getZ();
+ }
+ mC.setValue(MaxX+MinX, MaxY+MinY, MaxZ+MinZ);
+ mE.setValue(MaxX-MinX, MaxY-MinY, MaxZ-MinZ);
+// const b3Scalar r = m_radius / sqrtf(2.0f);
+ const b3Scalar r = m_radius / sqrtf(3.0f);
+ const int LargestExtent = mE.maxAxis();
+ const b3Scalar Step = (mE[LargestExtent]*0.5f - r)/1024.0f;
+ m_extents[0] = m_extents[1] = m_extents[2] = r;
+ m_extents[LargestExtent] = mE[LargestExtent]*0.5f;
+ bool FoundBox = false;
+ for(int j=0;j<1024;j++)
+ {
+ if(testContainment())
+ {
+ FoundBox = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ m_extents[LargestExtent] -= Step;
+ }
+ if(!FoundBox)
+ {
+ m_extents[0] = m_extents[1] = m_extents[2] = r;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Refine the box
+ const b3Scalar Step = (m_radius - r)/1024.0f;
+ const int e0 = (1<<LargestExtent) & 3;
+ const int e1 = (1<<e0) & 3;
+ for(int j=0;j<1024;j++)
+ {
+ const b3Scalar Saved0 = m_extents[e0];
+ const b3Scalar Saved1 = m_extents[e1];
+ m_extents[e0] += Step;
+ m_extents[e1] += Step;
+ if(!testContainment())
+ {
+ m_extents[e0] = Saved0;
+ m_extents[e1] = Saved1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3ConvexUtility.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3ConvexUtility.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86c4151f8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3ConvexUtility.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+Copyright (c) 2012 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
+subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+//Originally written by Erwin Coumans
+#include "Bullet3Common/b3AlignedObjectArray.h"
+#include "Bullet3Common/b3Transform.h"
+struct b3MyFace
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<int> m_indices;
+ b3Scalar m_plane[4];
+B3_ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(class) b3ConvexUtility
+ public:
+ b3Vector3 m_localCenter;
+ b3Vector3 m_extents;
+ b3Vector3 mC;
+ b3Vector3 mE;
+ b3Scalar m_radius;
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> m_vertices;
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3MyFace> m_faces;
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> m_uniqueEdges;
+ b3ConvexUtility()
+ {
+ }
+ virtual ~b3ConvexUtility();
+ bool initializePolyhedralFeatures(const b3Vector3* orgVertices, int numVertices, bool mergeCoplanarTriangles=true);
+ void initialize();
+ bool testContainment() const;
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3CpuNarrowPhase.cpp b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3CpuNarrowPhase.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3134b2c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3CpuNarrowPhase.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+#include "b3CpuNarrowPhase.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3ConvexUtility.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3Config.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ConvexPolyhedronData.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ContactConvexConvexSAT.h"
+struct b3CpuNarrowPhaseInternalData
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Aabb> m_localShapeAABBCPU;
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Collidable> m_collidablesCPU;
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3ConvexUtility*> m_convexData;
+ b3Config m_config;
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3ConvexPolyhedronData> m_convexPolyhedra;
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> m_uniqueEdges;
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> m_convexVertices;
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<int> m_convexIndices;
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace> m_convexFaces;
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Contact4Data> m_contacts;
+ int m_numAcceleratedShapes;
+const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Contact4Data>& b3CpuNarrowPhase::getContacts() const
+ return m_data->m_contacts;
+b3Collidable& b3CpuNarrowPhase::getCollidableCpu(int collidableIndex)
+ return m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndex];
+const b3Collidable& b3CpuNarrowPhase::getCollidableCpu(int collidableIndex) const
+ return m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndex];
+b3CpuNarrowPhase::b3CpuNarrowPhase(const struct b3Config& config)
+ m_data = new b3CpuNarrowPhaseInternalData;
+ m_data->m_config = config;
+ m_data->m_numAcceleratedShapes = 0;
+ delete m_data;
+void b3CpuNarrowPhase::computeContacts(b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4>& pairs, b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Aabb>& aabbsWorldSpace, b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RigidBodyData>& bodies)
+ int nPairs = pairs.size();
+ int numContacts = 0;
+ int maxContactCapacity = m_data->m_config.m_maxContactCapacity;
+ m_data->m_contacts.resize(maxContactCapacity);
+ for (int i=0;i<nPairs;i++)
+ {
+ int bodyIndexA = pairs[i].x;
+ int bodyIndexB = pairs[i].y;
+ int collidableIndexA = bodies[bodyIndexA].m_collidableIdx;
+ int collidableIndexB = bodies[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
+ if (m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_SPHERE &&
+ m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL)
+ {
+// computeContactSphereConvex(i,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,collidableIndexA,collidableIndexB,&bodies[0],
+// &m_data->m_collidablesCPU[0],&hostConvexData[0],&hostVertices[0],&hostIndices[0],&hostFaces[0],&hostContacts[0],nContacts,maxContactCapacity);
+ }
+ if (m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL &&
+ m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_SPHERE)
+ {
+// computeContactSphereConvex(i,bodyIndexB,bodyIndexA,collidableIndexB,collidableIndexA,&bodies[0],
+// &m_data->m_collidablesCPU[0],&hostConvexData[0],&hostVertices[0],&hostIndices[0],&hostFaces[0],&hostContacts[0],nContacts,maxContactCapacity);
+ //printf("convex-sphere\n");
+ }
+ if (m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL &&
+ m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_PLANE)
+ {
+// computeContactPlaneConvex(i,bodyIndexB,bodyIndexA,collidableIndexB,collidableIndexA,&bodies[0],
+// &m_data->m_collidablesCPU[0],&hostConvexData[0],&hostVertices[0],&hostIndices[0],&hostFaces[0],&hostContacts[0],nContacts,maxContactCapacity);
+// printf("convex-plane\n");
+ }
+ if (m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_PLANE &&
+ m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL)
+ {
+// computeContactPlaneConvex(i,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,collidableIndexA,collidableIndexB,&bodies[0],
+// &m_data->m_collidablesCPU[0],&hostConvexData[0],&hostVertices[0],&hostIndices[0],&hostFaces[0],&hostContacts[0],nContacts,maxContactCapacity);
+// printf("plane-convex\n");
+ }
+ if (m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS &&
+ m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS)
+ {
+// computeContactCompoundCompound(i,bodyIndexB,bodyIndexA,collidableIndexB,collidableIndexA,&bodies[0],
+// &m_data->m_collidablesCPU[0],&hostConvexData[0],&cpuChildShapes[0], hostAabbsWorldSpace,hostAabbsLocalSpace,hostVertices,hostUniqueEdges,hostIndices,hostFaces,&hostContacts[0],
+// nContacts,maxContactCapacity,treeNodesCPU,subTreesCPU,bvhInfoCPU);
+// printf("convex-plane\n");
+ }
+ if (m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS &&
+ m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_PLANE)
+ {
+// computeContactPlaneCompound(i,bodyIndexB,bodyIndexA,collidableIndexB,collidableIndexA,&bodies[0],
+// &m_data->m_collidablesCPU[0],&hostConvexData[0],&cpuChildShapes[0], &hostVertices[0],&hostIndices[0],&hostFaces[0],&hostContacts[0],nContacts,maxContactCapacity);
+// printf("convex-plane\n");
+ }
+ if (m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_PLANE &&
+ m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS)
+ {
+// computeContactPlaneCompound(i,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,collidableIndexA,collidableIndexB,&bodies[0],
+// &m_data->m_collidablesCPU[0],&hostConvexData[0],&cpuChildShapes[0],&hostVertices[0],&hostIndices[0],&hostFaces[0],&hostContacts[0],nContacts,maxContactCapacity);
+// printf("plane-convex\n");
+ }
+ if (m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL &&
+ m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL)
+ {
+ //printf("pairs[i].z=%d\n",pairs[i].z);
+ //int contactIndex = computeContactConvexConvex2(i,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,collidableIndexA,collidableIndexB,bodies,
+ // m_data->m_collidablesCPU,hostConvexData,hostVertices,hostUniqueEdges,hostIndices,hostFaces,hostContacts,nContacts,maxContactCapacity,oldHostContacts);
+ int contactIndex = b3ContactConvexConvexSAT(i,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,collidableIndexA,collidableIndexB,bodies,
+ m_data->m_collidablesCPU,m_data->m_convexPolyhedra,m_data->m_convexVertices,m_data->m_uniqueEdges,m_data->m_convexIndices,m_data->m_convexFaces,m_data->m_contacts,numContacts,maxContactCapacity);
+ if (contactIndex>=0)
+ {
+ pairs[i].z = contactIndex;
+ }
+// printf("plane-convex\n");
+ }
+ }
+ m_data->m_contacts.resize(numContacts);
+int b3CpuNarrowPhase::registerConvexHullShape(b3ConvexUtility* utilPtr)
+ int collidableIndex = allocateCollidable();
+ if (collidableIndex<0)
+ return collidableIndex;
+ b3Collidable& col = m_data->m_collidablesCPU[collidableIndex];
+ col.m_shapeType = SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL;
+ col.m_shapeIndex = -1;
+ {
+ b3Vector3 localCenter=b3MakeVector3(0,0,0);
+ for (int i=0;i<utilPtr->m_vertices.size();i++)
+ localCenter+=utilPtr->m_vertices[i];
+ localCenter*= (1.f/utilPtr->m_vertices.size());
+ utilPtr->m_localCenter = localCenter;
+ col.m_shapeIndex = registerConvexHullShapeInternal(utilPtr,col);
+ }
+ if (col.m_shapeIndex>=0)
+ {
+ b3Aabb aabb;
+ b3Vector3 myAabbMin=b3MakeVector3(1e30f,1e30f,1e30f);
+ b3Vector3 myAabbMax=b3MakeVector3(-1e30f,-1e30f,-1e30f);
+ for (int i=0;i<utilPtr->m_vertices.size();i++)
+ {
+ myAabbMin.setMin(utilPtr->m_vertices[i]);
+ myAabbMax.setMax(utilPtr->m_vertices[i]);
+ }
+ aabb.m_min[0] = myAabbMin[0];
+ aabb.m_min[1] = myAabbMin[1];
+ aabb.m_min[2] = myAabbMin[2];
+ aabb.m_minIndices[3] = 0;
+ aabb.m_max[0] = myAabbMax[0];
+ aabb.m_max[1] = myAabbMax[1];
+ aabb.m_max[2] = myAabbMax[2];
+ aabb.m_signedMaxIndices[3] = 0;
+ m_data->m_localShapeAABBCPU.push_back(aabb);
+ }
+ return collidableIndex;
+int b3CpuNarrowPhase::allocateCollidable()
+ int curSize = m_data->m_collidablesCPU.size();
+ if (curSize<m_data->m_config.m_maxConvexShapes)
+ {
+ m_data->m_collidablesCPU.expand();
+ return curSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ b3Error("allocateCollidable out-of-range %d\n",m_data->m_config.m_maxConvexShapes);
+ }
+ return -1;
+int b3CpuNarrowPhase::registerConvexHullShape(const float* vertices, int strideInBytes, int numVertices, const float* scaling)
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> verts;
+ unsigned char* vts = (unsigned char*) vertices;
+ for (int i=0;i<numVertices;i++)
+ {
+ float* vertex = (float*) &vts[i*strideInBytes];
+ verts.push_back(b3MakeVector3(vertex[0]*scaling[0],vertex[1]*scaling[1],vertex[2]*scaling[2]));
+ }
+ b3ConvexUtility* utilPtr = new b3ConvexUtility();
+ bool merge = true;
+ if (numVertices)
+ {
+ utilPtr->initializePolyhedralFeatures(&verts[0],verts.size(),merge);
+ }
+ int collidableIndex = registerConvexHullShape(utilPtr);
+ delete utilPtr;
+ return collidableIndex;
+int b3CpuNarrowPhase::registerConvexHullShapeInternal(b3ConvexUtility* convexPtr,b3Collidable& col)
+ m_data->m_convexData.resize(m_data->m_numAcceleratedShapes+1);
+ m_data->m_convexPolyhedra.resize(m_data->m_numAcceleratedShapes+1);
+ b3ConvexPolyhedronData& convex = m_data->>m_convexPolyhedra.size()-1);
+ convex.mC = convexPtr->mC;
+ convex.mE = convexPtr->mE;
+ convex.m_extents= convexPtr->m_extents;
+ convex.m_localCenter = convexPtr->m_localCenter;
+ convex.m_radius = convexPtr->m_radius;
+ convex.m_numUniqueEdges = convexPtr->m_uniqueEdges.size();
+ int edgeOffset = m_data->m_uniqueEdges.size();
+ convex.m_uniqueEdgesOffset = edgeOffset;
+ m_data->m_uniqueEdges.resize(edgeOffset+convex.m_numUniqueEdges);
+ //convex data here
+ int i;
+ for ( i=0;i<convexPtr->m_uniqueEdges.size();i++)
+ {
+ m_data->m_uniqueEdges[edgeOffset+i] = convexPtr->m_uniqueEdges[i];
+ }
+ int faceOffset = m_data->m_convexFaces.size();
+ convex.m_faceOffset = faceOffset;
+ convex.m_numFaces = convexPtr->m_faces.size();
+ m_data->m_convexFaces.resize(faceOffset+convex.m_numFaces);
+ for (i=0;i<convexPtr->m_faces.size();i++)
+ {
+ m_data->m_convexFaces[convex.m_faceOffset+i].m_plane = b3MakeVector3(convexPtr->m_faces[i].m_plane[0],
+ convexPtr->m_faces[i].m_plane[1],
+ convexPtr->m_faces[i].m_plane[2],
+ convexPtr->m_faces[i].m_plane[3]);
+ int indexOffset = m_data->m_convexIndices.size();
+ int numIndices = convexPtr->m_faces[i].m_indices.size();
+ m_data->m_convexFaces[convex.m_faceOffset+i].m_numIndices = numIndices;
+ m_data->m_convexFaces[convex.m_faceOffset+i].m_indexOffset = indexOffset;
+ m_data->m_convexIndices.resize(indexOffset+numIndices);
+ for (int p=0;p<numIndices;p++)
+ {
+ m_data->m_convexIndices[indexOffset+p] = convexPtr->m_faces[i].m_indices[p];
+ }
+ }
+ convex.m_numVertices = convexPtr->m_vertices.size();
+ int vertexOffset = m_data->m_convexVertices.size();
+ convex.m_vertexOffset =vertexOffset;
+ m_data->m_convexVertices.resize(vertexOffset+convex.m_numVertices);
+ for (int i=0;i<convexPtr->m_vertices.size();i++)
+ {
+ m_data->m_convexVertices[vertexOffset+i] = convexPtr->m_vertices[i];
+ }
+ (m_data->m_convexData)[m_data->m_numAcceleratedShapes] = convexPtr;
+ return m_data->m_numAcceleratedShapes++;
+const b3Aabb& b3CpuNarrowPhase::getLocalSpaceAabb(int collidableIndex) const
+ return m_data->m_localShapeAABBCPU[collidableIndex];
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3CpuNarrowPhase.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3CpuNarrowPhase.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..528be3346d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3CpuNarrowPhase.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Collidable.h"
+#include "Bullet3Common/b3AlignedObjectArray.h"
+#include "Bullet3Common/b3Vector3.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/BroadPhaseCollision/shared/b3Aabb.h"
+#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3Int4.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3RigidBodyData.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Contact4Data.h"
+class b3CpuNarrowPhase
+ struct b3CpuNarrowPhaseInternalData* m_data;
+ int m_acceleratedCompanionShapeIndex;
+ int m_planeBodyIndex;
+ int m_static0Index;
+ int registerConvexHullShapeInternal(class b3ConvexUtility* convexPtr,b3Collidable& col);
+ int registerConcaveMeshShape(b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>* vertices, b3AlignedObjectArray<int>* indices, b3Collidable& col, const float* scaling);
+ b3CpuNarrowPhase(const struct b3Config& config);
+ virtual ~b3CpuNarrowPhase(void);
+ int registerSphereShape(float radius);
+ int registerPlaneShape(const b3Vector3& planeNormal, float planeConstant);
+ int registerCompoundShape(b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuChildShape>* childShapes);
+ int registerFace(const b3Vector3& faceNormal, float faceConstant);
+ int registerConcaveMesh(b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>* vertices, b3AlignedObjectArray<int>* indices,const float* scaling);
+ //do they need to be merged?
+ int registerConvexHullShape(b3ConvexUtility* utilPtr);
+ int registerConvexHullShape(const float* vertices, int strideInBytes, int numVertices, const float* scaling);
+ //int registerRigidBody(int collidableIndex, float mass, const float* position, const float* orientation, const float* aabbMin, const float* aabbMax,bool writeToGpu);
+ void setObjectTransform(const float* position, const float* orientation , int bodyIndex);
+ void writeAllBodiesToGpu();
+ void reset();
+ void readbackAllBodiesToCpu();
+ bool getObjectTransformFromCpu(float* position, float* orientation , int bodyIndex) const;
+ void setObjectTransformCpu(float* position, float* orientation , int bodyIndex);
+ void setObjectVelocityCpu(float* linVel, float* angVel, int bodyIndex);
+ //virtual void computeContacts(cl_mem broadphasePairs, int numBroadphasePairs, cl_mem aabbsWorldSpace, int numObjects);
+ virtual void computeContacts(b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4>& pairs, b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Aabb>& aabbsWorldSpace, b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RigidBodyData>& bodies);
+ const struct b3RigidBodyData* getBodiesCpu() const;
+ //struct b3RigidBodyData* getBodiesCpu();
+ int getNumBodiesGpu() const;
+ int getNumBodyInertiasGpu() const;
+ const struct b3Collidable* getCollidablesCpu() const;
+ int getNumCollidablesGpu() const;
+ /*const struct b3Contact4* getContactsCPU() const;
+ int getNumContactsGpu() const;
+ */
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Contact4Data>& getContacts() const;
+ int getNumRigidBodies() const;
+ int allocateCollidable();
+ int getStatic0Index() const
+ {
+ return m_static0Index;
+ }
+ b3Collidable& getCollidableCpu(int collidableIndex);
+ const b3Collidable& getCollidableCpu(int collidableIndex) const;
+ const b3CpuNarrowPhaseInternalData* getInternalData() const
+ {
+ return m_data;
+ }
+ const struct b3Aabb& getLocalSpaceAabb(int collidableIndex) const;
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3RaycastInfo.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3RaycastInfo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fba8bd07a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3RaycastInfo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#ifndef B3_RAYCAST_INFO_H
+#define B3_RAYCAST_INFO_H
+#include "Bullet3Common/b3Vector3.h"
+B3_ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(struct) b3RayInfo
+ b3Vector3 m_from;
+ b3Vector3 m_to;
+B3_ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED16(struct) b3RayHit
+ b3Scalar m_hitFraction;
+ int m_hitBody;
+ int m_hitResult1;
+ int m_hitResult2;
+ b3Vector3 m_hitPoint;
+ b3Vector3 m_hitNormal;
+#endif //B3_RAYCAST_INFO_H
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3RigidBodyCL.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3RigidBodyCL.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d58f71802f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3RigidBodyCL.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
+Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Erwin Coumans
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
+subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+#ifndef B3_RIGID_BODY_CL
+#define B3_RIGID_BODY_CL
+#include "Bullet3Common/b3Scalar.h"
+#include "Bullet3Common/b3Matrix3x3.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3RigidBodyData.h"
+inline float b3GetInvMass(const b3RigidBodyData& body)
+ return body.m_invMass;
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3BvhSubtreeInfoData.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3BvhSubtreeInfoData.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8788ccbb47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3BvhSubtreeInfoData.h
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+typedef struct b3BvhSubtreeInfoData b3BvhSubtreeInfoData_t;
+struct b3BvhSubtreeInfoData
+ //12 bytes
+ unsigned short int m_quantizedAabbMin[3];
+ unsigned short int m_quantizedAabbMax[3];
+ //4 bytes, points to the root of the subtree
+ int m_rootNodeIndex;
+ //4 bytes
+ int m_subtreeSize;
+ int m_padding[3];
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3BvhTraversal.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3BvhTraversal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2618da24bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3BvhTraversal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3Int4.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3RigidBodyData.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Collidable.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/BroadPhaseCollision/shared/b3Aabb.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3BvhSubtreeInfoData.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3QuantizedBvhNodeData.h"
+// work-in-progress
+void b3BvhTraversal( __global const b3Int4* pairs,
+ __global const b3RigidBodyData* rigidBodies,
+ __global const b3Collidable* collidables,
+ __global b3Aabb* aabbs,
+ __global b3Int4* concavePairsOut,
+ __global volatile int* numConcavePairsOut,
+ __global const b3BvhSubtreeInfo* subtreeHeadersRoot,
+ __global const b3QuantizedBvhNode* quantizedNodesRoot,
+ __global const b3BvhInfo* bvhInfos,
+ int numPairs,
+ int maxNumConcavePairsCapacity,
+ int id)
+ int bodyIndexA = pairs[id].x;
+ int bodyIndexB = pairs[id].y;
+ int collidableIndexA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_collidableIdx;
+ int collidableIndexB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
+ //once the broadphase avoids static-static pairs, we can remove this test
+ if ((rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_invMass==0) &&(rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_invMass==0))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType!=SHAPE_CONCAVE_TRIMESH)
+ return;
+ int shapeTypeB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType;
+ if (shapeTypeB!=SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL &&
+ shapeTypeB!=SHAPE_SPHERE &&
+ )
+ return;
+ b3BvhInfo bvhInfo = bvhInfos[collidables[collidableIndexA].m_numChildShapes];
+ b3Float4 bvhAabbMin = bvhInfo.m_aabbMin;
+ b3Float4 bvhAabbMax = bvhInfo.m_aabbMax;
+ b3Float4 bvhQuantization = bvhInfo.m_quantization;
+ int numSubtreeHeaders = bvhInfo.m_numSubTrees;
+ __global const b3BvhSubtreeInfoData* subtreeHeaders = &subtreeHeadersRoot[bvhInfo.m_subTreeOffset];
+ __global const b3QuantizedBvhNodeData* quantizedNodes = &quantizedNodesRoot[bvhInfo.m_nodeOffset];
+ unsigned short int quantizedQueryAabbMin[3];
+ unsigned short int quantizedQueryAabbMax[3];
+ b3QuantizeWithClamp(quantizedQueryAabbMin,aabbs[bodyIndexB].m_minVec,false,bvhAabbMin, bvhAabbMax,bvhQuantization);
+ b3QuantizeWithClamp(quantizedQueryAabbMax,aabbs[bodyIndexB].m_maxVec,true ,bvhAabbMin, bvhAabbMax,bvhQuantization);
+ for (int i=0;i<numSubtreeHeaders;i++)
+ {
+ b3BvhSubtreeInfoData subtree = subtreeHeaders[i];
+ int overlap = b3TestQuantizedAabbAgainstQuantizedAabbSlow(quantizedQueryAabbMin,quantizedQueryAabbMax,subtree.m_quantizedAabbMin,subtree.m_quantizedAabbMax);
+ if (overlap != 0)
+ {
+ int startNodeIndex = subtree.m_rootNodeIndex;
+ int endNodeIndex = subtree.m_rootNodeIndex+subtree.m_subtreeSize;
+ int curIndex = startNodeIndex;
+ int escapeIndex;
+ int isLeafNode;
+ int aabbOverlap;
+ while (curIndex < endNodeIndex)
+ {
+ b3QuantizedBvhNodeData rootNode = quantizedNodes[curIndex];
+ aabbOverlap = b3TestQuantizedAabbAgainstQuantizedAabbSlow(quantizedQueryAabbMin,quantizedQueryAabbMax,rootNode.m_quantizedAabbMin,rootNode.m_quantizedAabbMax);
+ isLeafNode = b3IsLeaf(&rootNode);
+ if (aabbOverlap)
+ {
+ if (isLeafNode)
+ {
+ int triangleIndex = b3GetTriangleIndex(&rootNode);
+ {
+ int numChildrenB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_numChildShapes;
+ int pairIdx = b3AtomicAdd (numConcavePairsOut,numChildrenB);
+ for (int b=0;b<numChildrenB;b++)
+ {
+ if ((pairIdx+b)<maxNumConcavePairsCapacity)
+ {
+ int childShapeIndexB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex+b;
+ b3Int4 newPair = b3MakeInt4(bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,triangleIndex,childShapeIndexB);
+ concavePairsOut[pairIdx+b] = newPair;
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ int pairIdx = b3AtomicInc(numConcavePairsOut);
+ if (pairIdx<maxNumConcavePairsCapacity)
+ {
+ b3Int4 newPair = b3MakeInt4(bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,triangleIndex,0);
+ concavePairsOut[pairIdx] = newPair;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ curIndex++;
+ } else
+ {
+ if (isLeafNode)
+ {
+ curIndex++;
+ } else
+ {
+ escapeIndex = b3GetEscapeIndex(&rootNode);
+ curIndex += escapeIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ClipFaces.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ClipFaces.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8009e7d6e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ClipFaces.h
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+#ifndef B3_CLIP_FACES_H
+#define B3_CLIP_FACES_H
+#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3Int4.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3RigidBodyData.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Collidable.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/BroadPhaseCollision/shared/b3Aabb.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3BvhSubtreeInfoData.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3QuantizedBvhNodeData.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ConvexPolyhedronData.h"
+inline b3Float4 b3Lerp3(b3Float4ConstArg a,b3Float4ConstArg b, float t)
+ return b3MakeFloat4( a.x + (b.x - a.x) * t,
+ a.y + (b.y - a.y) * t,
+ a.z + (b.z - a.z) * t,
+ 0.f);
+// Clips a face to the back of a plane, return the number of vertices out, stored in ppVtxOut
+int clipFaceGlobal(__global const b3Float4* pVtxIn, int numVertsIn, b3Float4ConstArg planeNormalWS,float planeEqWS, __global b3Float4* ppVtxOut)
+ int ve;
+ float ds, de;
+ int numVertsOut = 0;
+ //double-check next test
+ // if (numVertsIn < 2)
+ // return 0;
+ b3Float4 firstVertex=pVtxIn[numVertsIn-1];
+ b3Float4 endVertex = pVtxIn[0];
+ ds = b3Dot(planeNormalWS,firstVertex)+planeEqWS;
+ for (ve = 0; ve < numVertsIn; ve++)
+ {
+ endVertex=pVtxIn[ve];
+ de = b3Dot(planeNormalWS,endVertex)+planeEqWS;
+ if (ds<0)
+ {
+ if (de<0)
+ {
+ // Start < 0, end < 0, so output endVertex
+ ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = endVertex;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Start < 0, end >= 0, so output intersection
+ ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = b3Lerp3(firstVertex, endVertex,(ds * 1.f/(ds - de)) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (de<0)
+ {
+ // Start >= 0, end < 0 so output intersection and end
+ ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = b3Lerp3(firstVertex, endVertex,(ds * 1.f/(ds - de)) );
+ ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = endVertex;
+ }
+ }
+ firstVertex = endVertex;
+ ds = de;
+ }
+ return numVertsOut;
+__kernel void clipFacesAndFindContactsKernel( __global const b3Float4* separatingNormals,
+ __global const int* hasSeparatingAxis,
+ __global b3Int4* clippingFacesOut,
+ __global b3Float4* worldVertsA1,
+ __global b3Float4* worldNormalsA1,
+ __global b3Float4* worldVertsB1,
+ __global b3Float4* worldVertsB2,
+ int vertexFaceCapacity,
+ int pairIndex
+ )
+// int i = get_global_id(0);
+ //int pairIndex = i;
+ int i = pairIndex;
+ float minDist = -1e30f;
+ float maxDist = 0.02f;
+// if (i<numPairs)
+ {
+ if (hasSeparatingAxis[i])
+ {
+// int bodyIndexA = pairs[i].x;
+ // int bodyIndexB = pairs[i].y;
+ int numLocalContactsOut = 0;
+ int capacityWorldVertsB2 = vertexFaceCapacity;
+ __global b3Float4* pVtxIn = &worldVertsB1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVertsB2];
+ __global b3Float4* pVtxOut = &worldVertsB2[pairIndex*capacityWorldVertsB2];
+ {
+ __global b3Int4* clippingFaces = clippingFacesOut;
+ int closestFaceA = clippingFaces[pairIndex].x;
+ // int closestFaceB = clippingFaces[pairIndex].y;
+ int numVertsInA = clippingFaces[pairIndex].z;
+ int numVertsInB = clippingFaces[pairIndex].w;
+ int numVertsOut = 0;
+ if (closestFaceA>=0)
+ {
+ // clip polygon to back of planes of all faces of hull A that are adjacent to witness face
+ for(int e0=0;e0<numVertsInA;e0++)
+ {
+ const b3Float4 aw = worldVertsA1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVertsB2+e0];
+ const b3Float4 bw = worldVertsA1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVertsB2+((e0+1)%numVertsInA)];
+ const b3Float4 WorldEdge0 = aw - bw;
+ b3Float4 worldPlaneAnormal1 = worldNormalsA1[pairIndex];
+ b3Float4 planeNormalWS1 = -b3Cross(WorldEdge0,worldPlaneAnormal1);
+ b3Float4 worldA1 = aw;
+ float planeEqWS1 = -b3Dot(worldA1,planeNormalWS1);
+ b3Float4 planeNormalWS = planeNormalWS1;
+ float planeEqWS=planeEqWS1;
+ numVertsOut = clipFaceGlobal(pVtxIn, numVertsInB, planeNormalWS,planeEqWS, pVtxOut);
+ __global b3Float4* tmp = pVtxOut;
+ pVtxOut = pVtxIn;
+ pVtxIn = tmp;
+ numVertsInB = numVertsOut;
+ numVertsOut = 0;
+ }
+ b3Float4 planeNormalWS = worldNormalsA1[pairIndex];
+ float planeEqWS=-b3Dot(planeNormalWS,worldVertsA1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVertsB2]);
+ for (int i=0;i<numVertsInB;i++)
+ {
+ float depth = b3Dot(planeNormalWS,pVtxIn[i])+planeEqWS;
+ if (depth <=minDist)
+ {
+ depth = minDist;
+ }
+ static float maxDepth = 0.f;
+ if (depth < maxDepth)
+ {
+ maxDepth = depth;
+ if (maxDepth < -10)
+ {
+ printf("error at framecount %d?\n",myframecount);
+ }
+ printf("maxDepth = %f\n", maxDepth);
+ }
+ if (depth <=maxDist)
+ {
+ b3Float4 pointInWorld = pVtxIn[i];
+ pVtxOut[numLocalContactsOut++] = b3MakeFloat4(pointInWorld.x,pointInWorld.y,pointInWorld.z,depth);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ clippingFaces[pairIndex].w =numLocalContactsOut;
+ }
+ for (int i=0;i<numLocalContactsOut;i++)
+ pVtxIn[i] = pVtxOut[i];
+ }// if (hasSeparatingAxis[i])
+ }// if (i<numPairs)
+#endif //B3_CLIP_FACES_H
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Collidable.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Collidable.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..77cdc7b7a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Collidable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#ifndef B3_COLLIDABLE_H
+#define B3_COLLIDABLE_H
+#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3Float4.h"
+#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3Quat.h"
+enum b3ShapeTypes
+typedef struct b3Collidable b3Collidable_t;
+struct b3Collidable
+ union {
+ int m_numChildShapes;
+ int m_bvhIndex;
+ };
+ union
+ {
+ float m_radius;
+ int m_compoundBvhIndex;
+ };
+ int m_shapeType;
+ union
+ {
+ int m_shapeIndex;
+ float m_height;
+ };
+typedef struct b3GpuChildShape b3GpuChildShape_t;
+struct b3GpuChildShape
+ b3Float4 m_childPosition;
+ b3Quat m_childOrientation;
+ union
+ {
+ int m_shapeIndex;//used for SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS
+ int m_capsuleAxis;
+ };
+ union
+ {
+ float m_radius;//used for childshape of SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_SPHERES or SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CAPSULES
+ int m_numChildShapes;//used for compound shape
+ };
+ union
+ {
+ float m_height;//used for childshape of SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CAPSULES
+ int m_collidableShapeIndex;
+ };
+ int m_shapeType;
+struct b3CompoundOverlappingPair
+ int m_bodyIndexA;
+ int m_bodyIndexB;
+// int m_pairType;
+ int m_childShapeIndexA;
+ int m_childShapeIndexB;
+#endif //B3_COLLIDABLE_H
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Contact4Data.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Contact4Data.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfd45cc566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Contact4Data.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#ifndef B3_CONTACT4DATA_H
+#define B3_CONTACT4DATA_H
+#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3Float4.h"
+typedef struct b3Contact4Data b3Contact4Data_t;
+struct b3Contact4Data
+ b3Float4 m_worldPosB[4];
+// b3Float4 m_localPosA[4];
+// b3Float4 m_localPosB[4];
+ b3Float4 m_worldNormalOnB; // w: m_nPoints
+ unsigned short m_restituitionCoeffCmp;
+ unsigned short m_frictionCoeffCmp;
+ int m_batchIdx;
+ int m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit;//x:m_bodyAPtr, y:m_bodyBPtr
+ int m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit;
+ int m_childIndexA;
+ int m_childIndexB;
+ int m_unused1;
+ int m_unused2;
+inline int b3Contact4Data_getNumPoints(const struct b3Contact4Data* contact)
+ return (int)contact->m_worldNormalOnB.w;
+inline void b3Contact4Data_setNumPoints(struct b3Contact4Data* contact, int numPoints)
+ contact->m_worldNormalOnB.w = (float)numPoints;
+#endif //B3_CONTACT4DATA_H \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ContactConvexConvexSAT.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ContactConvexConvexSAT.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f295f01a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ContactConvexConvexSAT.h
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Contact4Data.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3FindSeparatingAxis.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ReduceContacts.h"
+#define B3_MAX_VERTS 1024
+inline b3Float4 b3Lerp3(const b3Float4& a,const b3Float4& b, float t)
+ return b3MakeVector3( a.x + (b.x - a.x) * t,
+ a.y + (b.y - a.y) * t,
+ a.z + (b.z - a.z) * t,
+ 0.f);
+// Clips a face to the back of a plane, return the number of vertices out, stored in ppVtxOut
+inline int b3ClipFace(const b3Float4* pVtxIn, int numVertsIn, b3Float4& planeNormalWS,float planeEqWS, b3Float4* ppVtxOut)
+ int ve;
+ float ds, de;
+ int numVertsOut = 0;
+ if (numVertsIn < 2)
+ return 0;
+ b3Float4 firstVertex=pVtxIn[numVertsIn-1];
+ b3Float4 endVertex = pVtxIn[0];
+ ds = b3Dot3F4(planeNormalWS,firstVertex)+planeEqWS;
+ for (ve = 0; ve < numVertsIn; ve++)
+ {
+ endVertex=pVtxIn[ve];
+ de = b3Dot3F4(planeNormalWS,endVertex)+planeEqWS;
+ if (ds<0)
+ {
+ if (de<0)
+ {
+ // Start < 0, end < 0, so output endVertex
+ ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = endVertex;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Start < 0, end >= 0, so output intersection
+ ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = b3Lerp3(firstVertex, endVertex,(ds * 1.f/(ds - de)) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (de<0)
+ {
+ // Start >= 0, end < 0 so output intersection and end
+ ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = b3Lerp3(firstVertex, endVertex,(ds * 1.f/(ds - de)) );
+ ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = endVertex;
+ }
+ }
+ firstVertex = endVertex;
+ ds = de;
+ }
+ return numVertsOut;
+inline int b3ClipFaceAgainstHull(const b3Float4& separatingNormal, const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullA,
+ const b3Float4& posA, const b3Quaternion& ornA, b3Float4* worldVertsB1, int numWorldVertsB1,
+ b3Float4* worldVertsB2, int capacityWorldVertsB2,
+ const float minDist, float maxDist,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Float4>& verticesA, const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& facesA, const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indicesA,
+ //const b3Float4* verticesB, const b3GpuFace* facesB, const int* indicesB,
+ b3Float4* contactsOut,
+ int contactCapacity)
+ int numContactsOut = 0;
+ b3Float4* pVtxIn = worldVertsB1;
+ b3Float4* pVtxOut = worldVertsB2;
+ int numVertsIn = numWorldVertsB1;
+ int numVertsOut = 0;
+ int closestFaceA=-1;
+ {
+ float dmin = FLT_MAX;
+ for(int face=0;face<hullA->m_numFaces;face++)
+ {
+ const b3Float4 Normal = b3MakeVector3(
+ facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.x,
+ facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.y,
+ facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.z,0.f);
+ const b3Float4 faceANormalWS = b3QuatRotate(ornA,Normal);
+ float d = b3Dot3F4(faceANormalWS,separatingNormal);
+ if (d < dmin)
+ {
+ dmin = d;
+ closestFaceA = face;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (closestFaceA<0)
+ return numContactsOut;
+ b3GpuFace polyA = facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+closestFaceA];
+ // clip polygon to back of planes of all faces of hull A that are adjacent to witness face
+ //int numContacts = numWorldVertsB1;
+ int numVerticesA = polyA.m_numIndices;
+ for(int e0=0;e0<numVerticesA;e0++)
+ {
+ const b3Float4 a = verticesA[hullA->m_vertexOffset+indicesA[polyA.m_indexOffset+e0]];
+ const b3Float4 b = verticesA[hullA->m_vertexOffset+indicesA[polyA.m_indexOffset+((e0+1)%numVerticesA)]];
+ const b3Float4 edge0 = a - b;
+ const b3Float4 WorldEdge0 = b3QuatRotate(ornA,edge0);
+ b3Float4 planeNormalA = b3MakeFloat4(polyA.m_plane.x,polyA.m_plane.y,polyA.m_plane.z,0.f);
+ b3Float4 worldPlaneAnormal1 = b3QuatRotate(ornA,planeNormalA);
+ b3Float4 planeNormalWS1 = -b3Cross3(WorldEdge0,worldPlaneAnormal1);
+ b3Float4 worldA1 = b3TransformPoint(a,posA,ornA);
+ float planeEqWS1 = -b3Dot3F4(worldA1,planeNormalWS1);
+ b3Float4 planeNormalWS = planeNormalWS1;
+ float planeEqWS=planeEqWS1;
+ //clip face
+ //clipFace(*pVtxIn, *pVtxOut,planeNormalWS,planeEqWS);
+ numVertsOut = b3ClipFace(pVtxIn, numVertsIn, planeNormalWS,planeEqWS, pVtxOut);
+ //btSwap(pVtxIn,pVtxOut);
+ b3Float4* tmp = pVtxOut;
+ pVtxOut = pVtxIn;
+ pVtxIn = tmp;
+ numVertsIn = numVertsOut;
+ numVertsOut = 0;
+ }
+ // only keep points that are behind the witness face
+ {
+ b3Float4 localPlaneNormal = b3MakeFloat4(polyA.m_plane.x,polyA.m_plane.y,polyA.m_plane.z,0.f);
+ float localPlaneEq = polyA.m_plane.w;
+ b3Float4 planeNormalWS = b3QuatRotate(ornA,localPlaneNormal);
+ float planeEqWS=localPlaneEq-b3Dot3F4(planeNormalWS,posA);
+ for (int i=0;i<numVertsIn;i++)
+ {
+ float depth = b3Dot3F4(planeNormalWS,pVtxIn[i])+planeEqWS;
+ if (depth <=minDist)
+ {
+ depth = minDist;
+ }
+ if (numContactsOut<contactCapacity)
+ {
+ if (depth <=maxDist)
+ {
+ b3Float4 pointInWorld = pVtxIn[i];
+ //resultOut.addContactPoint(separatingNormal,point,depth);
+ contactsOut[numContactsOut++] = b3MakeVector3(pointInWorld.x,pointInWorld.y,pointInWorld.z,depth);
+ //printf("depth=%f\n",depth);
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ b3Error("exceeding contact capacity (%d,%df)\n", numContactsOut,contactCapacity);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return numContactsOut;
+inline int b3ClipHullAgainstHull(const b3Float4& separatingNormal,
+ const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hullA, const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hullB,
+ const b3Float4& posA, const b3Quaternion& ornA,const b3Float4& posB, const b3Quaternion& ornB,
+ b3Float4* worldVertsB1, b3Float4* worldVertsB2, int capacityWorldVerts,
+ const float minDist, float maxDist,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Float4>& verticesA, const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& facesA, const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indicesA,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Float4>& verticesB, const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& facesB, const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indicesB,
+ b3Float4* contactsOut,
+ int contactCapacity)
+ int numContactsOut = 0;
+ int numWorldVertsB1= 0;
+ B3_PROFILE("clipHullAgainstHull");
+ //float curMaxDist=maxDist;
+ int closestFaceB=-1;
+ float dmax = -FLT_MAX;
+ {
+ //B3_PROFILE("closestFaceB");
+ if (hullB.m_numFaces!=1)
+ {
+ //printf("wtf\n");
+ }
+ static bool once = true;
+ //printf("separatingNormal=%f,%f,%f\n",separatingNormal.x,separatingNormal.y,separatingNormal.z);
+ for(int face=0;face<hullB.m_numFaces;face++)
+ {
+ if (once)
+ printf("face %d\n",face);
+ const b3GpuFace* faceB = &facesB[hullB.m_faceOffset+face];
+ if (once)
+ {
+ for (int i=0;i<faceB->m_numIndices;i++)
+ {
+ b3Float4 vert = verticesB[hullB.m_vertexOffset+indicesB[faceB->m_indexOffset+i]];
+ printf("vert[%d] = %f,%f,%f\n",i,vert.x,vert.y,vert.z);
+ }
+ }
+ //if (facesB[hullB.m_faceOffset+face].m_numIndices>2)
+ {
+ const b3Float4 Normal = b3MakeVector3(facesB[hullB.m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.x,
+ facesB[hullB.m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.y, facesB[hullB.m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.z,0.f);
+ const b3Float4 WorldNormal = b3QuatRotate(ornB, Normal);
+ if (once)
+ printf("faceNormal = %f,%f,%f\n",Normal.x,Normal.y,Normal.z);
+ float d = b3Dot3F4(WorldNormal,separatingNormal);
+ if (d > dmax)
+ {
+ dmax = d;
+ closestFaceB = face;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ once = false;
+ }
+ b3Assert(closestFaceB>=0);
+ {
+ //B3_PROFILE("worldVertsB1");
+ const b3GpuFace& polyB = facesB[hullB.m_faceOffset+closestFaceB];
+ const int numVertices = polyB.m_numIndices;
+ for(int e0=0;e0<numVertices;e0++)
+ {
+ const b3Float4& b = verticesB[hullB.m_vertexOffset+indicesB[polyB.m_indexOffset+e0]];
+ worldVertsB1[numWorldVertsB1++] = b3TransformPoint(b,posB,ornB);
+ }
+ }
+ if (closestFaceB>=0)
+ {
+ //B3_PROFILE("clipFaceAgainstHull");
+ numContactsOut = b3ClipFaceAgainstHull((b3Float4&)separatingNormal, &hullA,
+ posA,ornA,
+ worldVertsB1,numWorldVertsB1,worldVertsB2,capacityWorldVerts, minDist, maxDist,
+ verticesA, facesA, indicesA,
+ contactsOut,contactCapacity);
+ }
+ return numContactsOut;
+inline int b3ClipHullHullSingle(
+ int bodyIndexA, int bodyIndexB,
+ const b3Float4& posA,
+ const b3Quaternion& ornA,
+ const b3Float4& posB,
+ const b3Quaternion& ornB,
+ int collidableIndexA, int collidableIndexB,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RigidBodyData>* bodyBuf,
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Contact4Data>* globalContactOut,
+ int& nContacts,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3ConvexPolyhedronData>& hostConvexDataA,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3ConvexPolyhedronData>& hostConvexDataB,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesA,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& uniqueEdgesA,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& facesA,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indicesA,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesB,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& uniqueEdgesB,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& facesB,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indicesB,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Collidable>& hostCollidablesA,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Collidable>& hostCollidablesB,
+ const b3Vector3& sepNormalWorldSpace,
+ int maxContactCapacity )
+ int contactIndex = -1;
+ b3ConvexPolyhedronData hullA, hullB;
+ b3Collidable colA = hostCollidablesA[collidableIndexA];
+ hullA = hostConvexDataA[colA.m_shapeIndex];
+ //printf("numvertsA = %d\n",hullA.m_numVertices);
+ b3Collidable colB = hostCollidablesB[collidableIndexB];
+ hullB = hostConvexDataB[colB.m_shapeIndex];
+ //printf("numvertsB = %d\n",hullB.m_numVertices);
+ b3Float4 contactsOut[B3_MAX_VERTS];
+ int localContactCapacity = B3_MAX_VERTS;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ b3Assert(_finite(bodyBuf->at(bodyIndexA).m_pos.x));
+ b3Assert(_finite(bodyBuf->at(bodyIndexB).m_pos.x));
+ {
+ b3Float4 worldVertsB1[B3_MAX_VERTS];
+ b3Float4 worldVertsB2[B3_MAX_VERTS];
+ int capacityWorldVerts = B3_MAX_VERTS;
+ b3Float4 hostNormal = b3MakeFloat4(sepNormalWorldSpace.x,sepNormalWorldSpace.y,sepNormalWorldSpace.z,0.f);
+ int shapeA = hostCollidablesA[collidableIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
+ int shapeB = hostCollidablesB[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
+ b3Scalar minDist = -1;
+ b3Scalar maxDist = 0.;
+ b3Transform trA,trB;
+ {
+ //B3_PROFILE("b3TransformPoint computation");
+ //trA.setIdentity();
+ trA.setOrigin(b3MakeVector3(posA.x,posA.y,posA.z));
+ trA.setRotation(b3Quaternion(ornA.x,ornA.y,ornA.z,ornA.w));
+ //trB.setIdentity();
+ trB.setOrigin(b3MakeVector3(posB.x,posB.y,posB.z));
+ trB.setRotation(b3Quaternion(ornB.x,ornB.y,ornB.z,ornB.w));
+ }
+ b3Quaternion trAorn = trA.getRotation();
+ b3Quaternion trBorn = trB.getRotation();
+ int numContactsOut = b3ClipHullAgainstHull(hostNormal,
+ (b3Float4&)trA.getOrigin(), (b3Quaternion&)trAorn,
+ (b3Float4&)trB.getOrigin(), (b3Quaternion&)trBorn,
+ worldVertsB1,worldVertsB2,capacityWorldVerts,
+ minDist, maxDist,
+ verticesA, facesA,indicesA,
+ verticesB, facesB,indicesB,
+ contactsOut,localContactCapacity);
+ if (numContactsOut>0)
+ {
+ B3_PROFILE("overlap");
+ b3Float4 normalOnSurfaceB = (b3Float4&)hostNormal;
+// b3Float4 centerOut;
+ b3Int4 contactIdx;
+ contactIdx.x = 0;
+ contactIdx.y = 1;
+ contactIdx.z = 2;
+ contactIdx.w = 3;
+ int numPoints = 0;
+ {
+ B3_PROFILE("extractManifold");
+ numPoints = b3ReduceContacts(contactsOut, numContactsOut, normalOnSurfaceB, &contactIdx);
+ }
+ b3Assert(numPoints);
+ if (nContacts<maxContactCapacity)
+ {
+ contactIndex = nContacts;
+ globalContactOut->expand();
+ b3Contact4Data& contact = globalContactOut->at(nContacts);
+ contact.m_batchIdx = 0;//i;
+ contact.m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit = (bodyBuf->at(bodyIndexA).m_invMass==0)? -bodyIndexA:bodyIndexA;
+ contact.m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit = (bodyBuf->at(bodyIndexB).m_invMass==0)? -bodyIndexB:bodyIndexB;
+ contact.m_frictionCoeffCmp = 45874;
+ contact.m_restituitionCoeffCmp = 0;
+ // float distance = 0.f;
+ for (int p=0;p<numPoints;p++)
+ {
+ contact.m_worldPosB[p] = contactsOut[contactIdx.s[p]];//check if it is actually on B
+ contact.m_worldNormalOnB = normalOnSurfaceB;
+ }
+ //printf("bodyIndexA %d,bodyIndexB %d,normal=%f,%f,%f numPoints %d\n",bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,normalOnSurfaceB.x,normalOnSurfaceB.y,normalOnSurfaceB.z,numPoints);
+ contact.m_worldNormalOnB.w = (b3Scalar)numPoints;
+ nContacts++;
+ } else
+ {
+ b3Error("Error: exceeding contact capacity (%d/%d)\n", nContacts,maxContactCapacity);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return contactIndex;
+inline int b3ContactConvexConvexSAT(
+ int pairIndex,
+ int bodyIndexA, int bodyIndexB,
+ int collidableIndexA, int collidableIndexB,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RigidBodyData>& rigidBodies,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Collidable>& collidables,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3ConvexPolyhedronData>& convexShapes,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Float4>& convexVertices,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Float4>& uniqueEdges,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& convexIndices,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& faces,
+ b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Contact4Data>& globalContactsOut,
+ int& nGlobalContactsOut,
+ int maxContactCapacity)
+ int contactIndex = -1;
+ b3Float4 posA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
+ b3Quaternion ornA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
+ b3Float4 posB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
+ b3Quaternion ornB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
+ b3ConvexPolyhedronData hullA, hullB;
+ b3Float4 sepNormalWorldSpace;
+ b3Collidable colA = collidables[collidableIndexA];
+ hullA = convexShapes[colA.m_shapeIndex];
+ //printf("numvertsA = %d\n",hullA.m_numVertices);
+ b3Collidable colB = collidables[collidableIndexB];
+ hullB = convexShapes[colB.m_shapeIndex];
+ //printf("numvertsB = %d\n",hullB.m_numVertices);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ b3Assert(_finite(rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos.x));
+ b3Assert(_finite(rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos.x));
+ bool foundSepAxis = b3FindSeparatingAxis(hullA,hullB,
+ posA,
+ ornA,
+ posB,
+ ornB,
+ convexVertices,uniqueEdges,faces,convexIndices,
+ convexVertices,uniqueEdges,faces,convexIndices,
+ sepNormalWorldSpace
+ );
+ if (foundSepAxis)
+ {
+ contactIndex = b3ClipHullHullSingle(
+ bodyIndexA, bodyIndexB,
+ posA,ornA,
+ posB,ornB,
+ collidableIndexA, collidableIndexB,
+ &rigidBodies,
+ &globalContactsOut,
+ nGlobalContactsOut,
+ convexShapes,
+ convexShapes,
+ convexVertices,
+ uniqueEdges,
+ faces,
+ convexIndices,
+ convexVertices,
+ uniqueEdges,
+ faces,
+ convexIndices,
+ collidables,
+ collidables,
+ sepNormalWorldSpace,
+ maxContactCapacity);
+ }
+ return contactIndex;
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ContactSphereSphere.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ContactSphereSphere.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3fa82287b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ContactSphereSphere.h
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+void computeContactSphereConvex(int pairIndex,
+ int bodyIndexA, int bodyIndexB,
+ int collidableIndexA, int collidableIndexB,
+ const b3RigidBodyData* rigidBodies,
+ const b3Collidable* collidables,
+ const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* convexShapes,
+ const b3Vector3* convexVertices,
+ const int* convexIndices,
+ const b3GpuFace* faces,
+ b3Contact4* globalContactsOut,
+ int& nGlobalContactsOut,
+ int maxContactCapacity)
+ float radius = collidables[collidableIndexA].m_radius;
+ float4 spherePos1 = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
+ b3Quaternion sphereOrn = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
+ float4 pos = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
+ b3Quaternion quat = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
+ b3Transform tr;
+ tr.setIdentity();
+ tr.setOrigin(pos);
+ tr.setRotation(quat);
+ b3Transform trInv = tr.inverse();
+ float4 spherePos = trInv(spherePos1);
+ int collidableIndex = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
+ int shapeIndex = collidables[collidableIndex].m_shapeIndex;
+ int numFaces = convexShapes[shapeIndex].m_numFaces;
+ float4 closestPnt = b3MakeVector3(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ float4 hitNormalWorld = b3MakeVector3(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ float minDist = -1000000.f; // TODO: What is the largest/smallest float?
+ bool bCollide = true;
+ int region = -1;
+ float4 localHitNormal;
+ for ( int f = 0; f < numFaces; f++ )
+ {
+ b3GpuFace face = faces[convexShapes[shapeIndex].m_faceOffset+f];
+ float4 planeEqn;
+ float4 localPlaneNormal = b3MakeVector3(face.m_plane.x,face.m_plane.y,face.m_plane.z,0.f);
+ float4 n1 = localPlaneNormal;//quatRotate(quat,localPlaneNormal);
+ planeEqn = n1;
+ planeEqn[3] = face.m_plane.w;
+ float4 pntReturn;
+ float dist = signedDistanceFromPointToPlane(spherePos, planeEqn, &pntReturn);
+ if ( dist > radius)
+ {
+ bCollide = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( dist > 0 )
+ {
+ //might hit an edge or vertex
+ b3Vector3 out;
+ bool isInPoly = IsPointInPolygon(spherePos,
+ &face,
+ &convexVertices[convexShapes[shapeIndex].m_vertexOffset],
+ convexIndices,
+ &out);
+ if (isInPoly)
+ {
+ if (dist>minDist)
+ {
+ minDist = dist;
+ closestPnt = pntReturn;
+ localHitNormal = planeEqn;
+ region=1;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ b3Vector3 tmp = spherePos-out;
+ b3Scalar l2 = tmp.length2();
+ if (l2<radius*radius)
+ {
+ dist = b3Sqrt(l2);
+ if (dist>minDist)
+ {
+ minDist = dist;
+ closestPnt = out;
+ localHitNormal = tmp/dist;
+ region=2;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ bCollide = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( dist > minDist )
+ {
+ minDist = dist;
+ closestPnt = pntReturn;
+ localHitNormal = planeEqn;
+ region=3;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static int numChecks = 0;
+ numChecks++;
+ if (bCollide && minDist > -10000)
+ {
+ float4 normalOnSurfaceB1 = tr.getBasis()*localHitNormal;//-hitNormalWorld;
+ float4 pOnB1 = tr(closestPnt);
+ //printf("dist ,%f,",minDist);
+ float actualDepth = minDist-radius;
+ if (actualDepth<0)
+ {
+ //printf("actualDepth = ,%f,", actualDepth);
+ //printf("normalOnSurfaceB1 = ,%f,%f,%f,", normalOnSurfaceB1.x,normalOnSurfaceB1.y,normalOnSurfaceB1.z);
+ //printf("region=,%d,\n", region);
+ pOnB1[3] = actualDepth;
+ int dstIdx;
+// dstIdx = nGlobalContactsOut++;//AppendInc( nGlobalContactsOut, dstIdx );
+ if (nGlobalContactsOut < maxContactCapacity)
+ {
+ dstIdx=nGlobalContactsOut;
+ nGlobalContactsOut++;
+ b3Contact4* c = &globalContactsOut[dstIdx];
+ c->m_worldNormalOnB = normalOnSurfaceB1;
+ c->setFrictionCoeff(0.7);
+ c->setRestituitionCoeff(0.f);
+ c->m_batchIdx = pairIndex;
+ c->m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_invMass==0?-bodyIndexA:bodyIndexA;
+ c->m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_invMass==0?-bodyIndexB:bodyIndexB;
+ c->m_worldPosB[0] = pOnB1;
+ int numPoints = 1;
+ c->m_worldNormalOnB.w = (b3Scalar)numPoints;
+ }//if (dstIdx < numPairs)
+ }
+ }//if (hasCollision)
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ConvexPolyhedronData.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ConvexPolyhedronData.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c5f4e297f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ConvexPolyhedronData.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3Float4.h"
+#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3Quat.h"
+typedef struct b3GpuFace b3GpuFace_t;
+struct b3GpuFace
+ b3Float4 m_plane;
+ int m_indexOffset;
+ int m_numIndices;
+ int m_unusedPadding1;
+ int m_unusedPadding2;
+typedef struct b3ConvexPolyhedronData b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t;
+struct b3ConvexPolyhedronData
+ b3Float4 m_localCenter;
+ b3Float4 m_extents;
+ b3Float4 mC;
+ b3Float4 mE;
+ float m_radius;
+ int m_faceOffset;
+ int m_numFaces;
+ int m_numVertices;
+ int m_vertexOffset;
+ int m_uniqueEdgesOffset;
+ int m_numUniqueEdges;
+ int m_unused;
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3FindConcaveSatAxis.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3FindConcaveSatAxis.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89993f3565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3FindConcaveSatAxis.h
@@ -0,0 +1,832 @@
+#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3Int4.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3RigidBodyData.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Collidable.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/BroadPhaseCollision/shared/b3Aabb.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3BvhSubtreeInfoData.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3QuantizedBvhNodeData.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ConvexPolyhedronData.h"
+inline void b3Project(__global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hull, b3Float4ConstArg pos, b3QuatConstArg orn,
+const b3Float4* dir, __global const b3Float4* vertices, float* min, float* max)
+ min[0] = FLT_MAX;
+ max[0] = -FLT_MAX;
+ int numVerts = hull->m_numVertices;
+ const b3Float4 localDir = b3QuatRotate(b3QuatInverse(orn),*dir);
+ float offset = b3Dot(pos,*dir);
+ for(int i=0;i<numVerts;i++)
+ {
+ float dp = b3Dot(vertices[hull->m_vertexOffset+i],localDir);
+ if(dp < min[0])
+ min[0] = dp;
+ if(dp > max[0])
+ max[0] = dp;
+ }
+ if(min[0]>max[0])
+ {
+ float tmp = min[0];
+ min[0] = max[0];
+ max[0] = tmp;
+ }
+ min[0] += offset;
+ max[0] += offset;
+inline bool b3TestSepAxis(const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullA, __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullB,
+ b3Float4ConstArg posA,b3QuatConstArg ornA,
+ b3Float4ConstArg posB,b3QuatConstArg ornB,
+ b3Float4* sep_axis, const b3Float4* verticesA, __global const b3Float4* verticesB,float* depth)
+ float Min0,Max0;
+ float Min1,Max1;
+ b3Project(hullA,posA,ornA,sep_axis,verticesA, &Min0, &Max0);
+ b3Project(hullB,posB,ornB, sep_axis,verticesB, &Min1, &Max1);
+ if(Max0<Min1 || Max1<Min0)
+ return false;
+ float d0 = Max0 - Min1;
+ float d1 = Max1 - Min0;
+ *depth = d0<d1 ? d0:d1;
+ return true;
+bool b3FindSeparatingAxis( const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullA, __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullB,
+ b3Float4ConstArg posA1,
+ b3QuatConstArg ornA,
+ b3Float4ConstArg posB1,
+ b3QuatConstArg ornB,
+ b3Float4ConstArg DeltaC2,
+ const b3Float4* verticesA,
+ const b3Float4* uniqueEdgesA,
+ const b3GpuFace* facesA,
+ const int* indicesA,
+ __global const b3Float4* verticesB,
+ __global const b3Float4* uniqueEdgesB,
+ __global const b3GpuFace* facesB,
+ __global const int* indicesB,
+ b3Float4* sep,
+ float* dmin)
+ b3Float4 posA = posA1;
+ posA.w = 0.f;
+ b3Float4 posB = posB1;
+ posB.w = 0.f;
+ static int maxFaceVertex = 0;
+ int curFaceVertexAB = hullA->m_numFaces*hullB->m_numVertices;
+ curFaceVertexAB+= hullB->m_numFaces*hullA->m_numVertices;
+ if (curFaceVertexAB>maxFaceVertex)
+ {
+ maxFaceVertex = curFaceVertexAB;
+ printf("curFaceVertexAB = %d\n",curFaceVertexAB);
+ printf("hullA->m_numFaces = %d\n",hullA->m_numFaces);
+ printf("hullA->m_numVertices = %d\n",hullA->m_numVertices);
+ printf("hullB->m_numVertices = %d\n",hullB->m_numVertices);
+ }
+ int curPlaneTests=0;
+ {
+ int numFacesA = hullA->m_numFaces;
+ // Test normals from hullA
+ for(int i=0;i<numFacesA;i++)
+ {
+ const b3Float4 normal = facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+i].m_plane;
+ b3Float4 faceANormalWS = b3QuatRotate(ornA,normal);
+ if (b3Dot(DeltaC2,faceANormalWS)<0)
+ faceANormalWS*=-1.f;
+ curPlaneTests++;
+ float d;
+ if(!b3TestSepAxis( hullA, hullB, posA,ornA,posB,ornB,&faceANormalWS, verticesA, verticesB,&d))
+ return false;
+ if(d<*dmin)
+ {
+ *dmin = d;
+ *sep = faceANormalWS;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if((b3Dot(-DeltaC2,*sep))>0.0f)
+ {
+ *sep = -(*sep);
+ }
+ return true;
+b3Vector3 unitSphere162[]=
+ b3MakeVector3(0.000000,-1.000000,0.000000),
+bool b3FindSeparatingAxisEdgeEdge( const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullA, __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullB,
+ b3Float4ConstArg posA1,
+ b3QuatConstArg ornA,
+ b3Float4ConstArg posB1,
+ b3QuatConstArg ornB,
+ b3Float4ConstArg DeltaC2,
+ const b3Float4* verticesA,
+ const b3Float4* uniqueEdgesA,
+ const b3GpuFace* facesA,
+ const int* indicesA,
+ __global const b3Float4* verticesB,
+ __global const b3Float4* uniqueEdgesB,
+ __global const b3GpuFace* facesB,
+ __global const int* indicesB,
+ b3Float4* sep,
+ float* dmin,
+ bool searchAllEdgeEdge)
+ b3Float4 posA = posA1;
+ posA.w = 0.f;
+ b3Float4 posB = posB1;
+ posB.w = 0.f;
+// int curPlaneTests=0;
+ int curEdgeEdge = 0;
+ // Test edges
+ static int maxEdgeTests = 0;
+ int curEdgeTests = hullA->m_numUniqueEdges * hullB->m_numUniqueEdges;
+ if (curEdgeTests >maxEdgeTests )
+ {
+ maxEdgeTests = curEdgeTests ;
+ printf("maxEdgeTests = %d\n",maxEdgeTests );
+ printf("hullA->m_numUniqueEdges = %d\n",hullA->m_numUniqueEdges);
+ printf("hullB->m_numUniqueEdges = %d\n",hullB->m_numUniqueEdges);
+ }
+ if (searchAllEdgeEdge)
+ {
+ for(int e0=0;e0<hullA->m_numUniqueEdges;e0++)
+ {
+ const b3Float4 edge0 = uniqueEdgesA[hullA->m_uniqueEdgesOffset+e0];
+ b3Float4 edge0World = b3QuatRotate(ornA,edge0);
+ for(int e1=0;e1<hullB->m_numUniqueEdges;e1++)
+ {
+ const b3Float4 edge1 = uniqueEdgesB[hullB->m_uniqueEdgesOffset+e1];
+ b3Float4 edge1World = b3QuatRotate(ornB,edge1);
+ b3Float4 crossje = b3Cross(edge0World,edge1World);
+ curEdgeEdge++;
+ if(!b3IsAlmostZero(crossje))
+ {
+ crossje = b3Normalized(crossje);
+ if (b3Dot(DeltaC2,crossje)<0)
+ crossje *= -1.f;
+ float dist;
+ bool result = true;
+ {
+ float Min0,Max0;
+ float Min1,Max1;
+ b3Project(hullA,posA,ornA,&crossje,verticesA, &Min0, &Max0);
+ b3Project(hullB,posB,ornB,&crossje,verticesB, &Min1, &Max1);
+ if(Max0<Min1 || Max1<Min0)
+ return false;
+ float d0 = Max0 - Min1;
+ float d1 = Max1 - Min0;
+ dist = d0<d1 ? d0:d1;
+ result = true;
+ }
+ if(dist<*dmin)
+ {
+ *dmin = dist;
+ *sep = crossje;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ int numDirections = sizeof(unitSphere162)/sizeof(b3Vector3);
+ //printf("numDirections =%d\n",numDirections );
+ for(int i=0;i<numDirections;i++)
+ {
+ b3Float4 crossje = unitSphere162[i];
+ {
+ //if (b3Dot(DeltaC2,crossje)>0)
+ {
+ float dist;
+ bool result = true;
+ {
+ float Min0,Max0;
+ float Min1,Max1;
+ b3Project(hullA,posA,ornA,&crossje,verticesA, &Min0, &Max0);
+ b3Project(hullB,posB,ornB,&crossje,verticesB, &Min1, &Max1);
+ if(Max0<Min1 || Max1<Min0)
+ return false;
+ float d0 = Max0 - Min1;
+ float d1 = Max1 - Min0;
+ dist = d0<d1 ? d0:d1;
+ result = true;
+ }
+ if(dist<*dmin)
+ {
+ *dmin = dist;
+ *sep = crossje;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if((b3Dot(-DeltaC2,*sep))>0.0f)
+ {
+ *sep = -(*sep);
+ }
+ return true;
+inline int b3FindClippingFaces(b3Float4ConstArg separatingNormal,
+ __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t* hullA, __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t* hullB,
+ b3Float4ConstArg posA, b3QuatConstArg ornA,b3Float4ConstArg posB, b3QuatConstArg ornB,
+ __global b3Float4* worldVertsA1,
+ __global b3Float4* worldNormalsA1,
+ __global b3Float4* worldVertsB1,
+ int capacityWorldVerts,
+ const float minDist, float maxDist,
+ __global const b3Float4* verticesA,
+ __global const b3GpuFace_t* facesA,
+ __global const int* indicesA,
+ __global const b3Float4* verticesB,
+ __global const b3GpuFace_t* facesB,
+ __global const int* indicesB,
+ __global b3Int4* clippingFaces, int pairIndex)
+ int numContactsOut = 0;
+ int numWorldVertsB1= 0;
+ int closestFaceB=-1;
+ float dmax = -FLT_MAX;
+ {
+ for(int face=0;face<hullB->m_numFaces;face++)
+ {
+ const b3Float4 Normal = b3MakeFloat4(facesB[hullB->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.x,
+ facesB[hullB->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.y, facesB[hullB->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.z,0.f);
+ const b3Float4 WorldNormal = b3QuatRotate(ornB, Normal);
+ float d = b3Dot(WorldNormal,separatingNormal);
+ if (d > dmax)
+ {
+ dmax = d;
+ closestFaceB = face;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const b3GpuFace_t polyB = facesB[hullB->m_faceOffset+closestFaceB];
+ const int numVertices = polyB.m_numIndices;
+ for(int e0=0;e0<numVertices;e0++)
+ {
+ const b3Float4 b = verticesB[hullB->m_vertexOffset+indicesB[polyB.m_indexOffset+e0]];
+ worldVertsB1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVerts+numWorldVertsB1++] = b3TransformPoint(b,posB,ornB);
+ }
+ }
+ int closestFaceA=-1;
+ {
+ float dmin = FLT_MAX;
+ for(int face=0;face<hullA->m_numFaces;face++)
+ {
+ const b3Float4 Normal = b3MakeFloat4(
+ facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.x,
+ facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.y,
+ facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.z,
+ 0.f);
+ const b3Float4 faceANormalWS = b3QuatRotate(ornA,Normal);
+ float d = b3Dot(faceANormalWS,separatingNormal);
+ if (d < dmin)
+ {
+ dmin = d;
+ closestFaceA = face;
+ worldNormalsA1[pairIndex] = faceANormalWS;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int numVerticesA = facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+closestFaceA].m_numIndices;
+ for(int e0=0;e0<numVerticesA;e0++)
+ {
+ const b3Float4 a = verticesA[hullA->m_vertexOffset+indicesA[facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+closestFaceA].m_indexOffset+e0]];
+ worldVertsA1[pairIndex*capacityWorldVerts+e0] = b3TransformPoint(a, posA,ornA);
+ }
+ clippingFaces[pairIndex].x = closestFaceA;
+ clippingFaces[pairIndex].y = closestFaceB;
+ clippingFaces[pairIndex].z = numVerticesA;
+ clippingFaces[pairIndex].w = numWorldVertsB1;
+ return numContactsOut;
+__kernel void b3FindConcaveSeparatingAxisKernel( __global b3Int4* concavePairs,
+ __global const b3RigidBodyData* rigidBodies,
+ __global const b3Collidable* collidables,
+ __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* convexShapes,
+ __global const b3Float4* vertices,
+ __global const b3Float4* uniqueEdges,
+ __global const b3GpuFace* faces,
+ __global const int* indices,
+ __global const b3GpuChildShape* gpuChildShapes,
+ __global b3Aabb* aabbs,
+ __global b3Float4* concaveSeparatingNormalsOut,
+ __global b3Int4* clippingFacesOut,
+ __global b3Vector3* worldVertsA1Out,
+ __global b3Vector3* worldNormalsA1Out,
+ __global b3Vector3* worldVertsB1Out,
+ __global int* hasSeparatingNormals,
+ int vertexFaceCapacity,
+ int numConcavePairs,
+ int pairIdx
+ )
+ int i = pairIdx;
+/* int i = get_global_id(0);
+ if (i>=numConcavePairs)
+ return;
+ int pairIdx = i;
+ */
+ int bodyIndexA = concavePairs[i].x;
+ int bodyIndexB = concavePairs[i].y;
+ int collidableIndexA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_collidableIdx;
+ int collidableIndexB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
+ int shapeIndexA = collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
+ int shapeIndexB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
+ if (collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType!=SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL&&
+ collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType!=SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS)
+ {
+ concavePairs[pairIdx].w = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ hasSeparatingNormals[i] = 0;
+// int numFacesA = convexShapes[shapeIndexA].m_numFaces;
+ int numActualConcaveConvexTests = 0;
+ int f = concavePairs[i].z;
+ bool overlap = false;
+ b3ConvexPolyhedronData convexPolyhedronA;
+ //add 3 vertices of the triangle
+ convexPolyhedronA.m_numVertices = 3;
+ convexPolyhedronA.m_vertexOffset = 0;
+ b3Float4 localCenter = b3MakeFloat4(0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f);
+ b3GpuFace face = faces[convexShapes[shapeIndexA].m_faceOffset+f];
+ b3Aabb triAabb;
+ triAabb.m_minVec = b3MakeFloat4(1e30f,1e30f,1e30f,0.f);
+ triAabb.m_maxVec = b3MakeFloat4(-1e30f,-1e30f,-1e30f,0.f);
+ b3Float4 verticesA[3];
+ for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
+ {
+ int index = indices[face.m_indexOffset+i];
+ b3Float4 vert = vertices[convexShapes[shapeIndexA].m_vertexOffset+index];
+ verticesA[i] = vert;
+ localCenter += vert;
+ triAabb.m_minVec = b3MinFloat4(triAabb.m_minVec,vert);
+ triAabb.m_maxVec = b3MaxFloat4(triAabb.m_maxVec,vert);
+ }
+ overlap = true;
+ overlap = (triAabb.m_minVec.x > aabbs[bodyIndexB].m_maxVec.x || triAabb.m_maxVec.x < aabbs[bodyIndexB].m_minVec.x) ? false : overlap;
+ overlap = (triAabb.m_minVec.z > aabbs[bodyIndexB].m_maxVec.z || triAabb.m_maxVec.z < aabbs[bodyIndexB].m_minVec.z) ? false : overlap;
+ overlap = (triAabb.m_minVec.y > aabbs[bodyIndexB].m_maxVec.y || triAabb.m_maxVec.y < aabbs[bodyIndexB].m_minVec.y) ? false : overlap;
+ if (overlap)
+ {
+ float dmin = FLT_MAX;
+ int hasSeparatingAxis=5;
+ b3Float4 sepAxis=b3MakeFloat4(1,2,3,4);
+ // int localCC=0;
+ numActualConcaveConvexTests++;
+ //a triangle has 3 unique edges
+ convexPolyhedronA.m_numUniqueEdges = 3;
+ convexPolyhedronA.m_uniqueEdgesOffset = 0;
+ b3Float4 uniqueEdgesA[3];
+ uniqueEdgesA[0] = (verticesA[1]-verticesA[0]);
+ uniqueEdgesA[1] = (verticesA[2]-verticesA[1]);
+ uniqueEdgesA[2] = (verticesA[0]-verticesA[2]);
+ convexPolyhedronA.m_faceOffset = 0;
+ b3Float4 normal = b3MakeFloat4(face.m_plane.x,face.m_plane.y,face.m_plane.z,0.f);
+ int indicesA[3+3+2+2+2];
+ int curUsedIndices=0;
+ int fidx=0;
+ //front size of triangle
+ {
+ facesA[fidx].m_indexOffset=curUsedIndices;
+ indicesA[0] = 0;
+ indicesA[1] = 1;
+ indicesA[2] = 2;
+ curUsedIndices+=3;
+ float c = face.m_plane.w;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.x = normal.x;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.y = normal.y;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.z = normal.z;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.w = c;
+ facesA[fidx].m_numIndices=3;
+ }
+ fidx++;
+ //back size of triangle
+ {
+ facesA[fidx].m_indexOffset=curUsedIndices;
+ indicesA[3]=2;
+ indicesA[4]=1;
+ indicesA[5]=0;
+ curUsedIndices+=3;
+ float c = b3Dot(normal,verticesA[0]);
+ // float c1 = -face.m_plane.w;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.x = -normal.x;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.y = -normal.y;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.z = -normal.z;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.w = c;
+ facesA[fidx].m_numIndices=3;
+ }
+ fidx++;
+ bool addEdgePlanes = true;
+ if (addEdgePlanes)
+ {
+ int numVertices=3;
+ int prevVertex = numVertices-1;
+ for (int i=0;i<numVertices;i++)
+ {
+ b3Float4 v0 = verticesA[i];
+ b3Float4 v1 = verticesA[prevVertex];
+ b3Float4 edgeNormal = b3Normalized(b3Cross(normal,v1-v0));
+ float c = -b3Dot(edgeNormal,v0);
+ facesA[fidx].m_numIndices = 2;
+ facesA[fidx].m_indexOffset=curUsedIndices;
+ indicesA[curUsedIndices++]=i;
+ indicesA[curUsedIndices++]=prevVertex;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.x = edgeNormal.x;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.y = edgeNormal.y;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.z = edgeNormal.z;
+ facesA[fidx].m_plane.w = c;
+ fidx++;
+ prevVertex = i;
+ }
+ }
+ convexPolyhedronA.m_numFaces = B3_TRIANGLE_NUM_CONVEX_FACES;
+ convexPolyhedronA.m_localCenter = localCenter*(1.f/3.f);
+ b3Float4 posA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
+ posA.w = 0.f;
+ b3Float4 posB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
+ posB.w = 0.f;
+ b3Quaternion ornA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
+ b3Quaternion ornB =rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
+ ///////////////////
+ ///compound shape support
+ if (collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType==SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS)
+ {
+ int compoundChild = concavePairs[pairIdx].w;
+ int childShapeIndexB = compoundChild;//collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex+compoundChild;
+ int childColIndexB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
+ b3Float4 childPosB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childPosition;
+ b3Quaternion childOrnB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childOrientation;
+ b3Float4 newPosB = b3TransformPoint(childPosB,posB,ornB);
+ b3Quaternion newOrnB = b3QuatMul(ornB,childOrnB);
+ posB = newPosB;
+ ornB = newOrnB;
+ shapeIndexB = collidables[childColIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
+ }
+ //////////////////
+ b3Float4 c0local = convexPolyhedronA.m_localCenter;
+ b3Float4 c0 = b3TransformPoint(c0local, posA, ornA);
+ b3Float4 c1local = convexShapes[shapeIndexB].m_localCenter;
+ b3Float4 c1 = b3TransformPoint(c1local,posB,ornB);
+ const b3Float4 DeltaC2 = c0 - c1;
+ bool sepA = b3FindSeparatingAxis( &convexPolyhedronA, &convexShapes[shapeIndexB],
+ posA,ornA,
+ posB,ornB,
+ DeltaC2,
+ verticesA,uniqueEdgesA,facesA,indicesA,
+ vertices,uniqueEdges,faces,indices,
+ &sepAxis,&dmin);
+ hasSeparatingAxis = 4;
+ if (!sepA)
+ {
+ hasSeparatingAxis = 0;
+ } else
+ {
+ bool sepB = b3FindSeparatingAxis( &convexShapes[shapeIndexB],&convexPolyhedronA,
+ posB,ornB,
+ posA,ornA,
+ DeltaC2,
+ vertices,uniqueEdges,faces,indices,
+ verticesA,uniqueEdgesA,facesA,indicesA,
+ &sepAxis,&dmin);
+ if (!sepB)
+ {
+ hasSeparatingAxis = 0;
+ } else
+ {
+ bool sepEE = b3FindSeparatingAxisEdgeEdge( &convexPolyhedronA, &convexShapes[shapeIndexB],
+ posA,ornA,
+ posB,ornB,
+ DeltaC2,
+ verticesA,uniqueEdgesA,facesA,indicesA,
+ vertices,uniqueEdges,faces,indices,
+ &sepAxis,&dmin,true);
+ if (!sepEE)
+ {
+ hasSeparatingAxis = 0;
+ } else
+ {
+ hasSeparatingAxis = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasSeparatingAxis)
+ {
+ hasSeparatingNormals[i]=1;
+ sepAxis.w = dmin;
+ concaveSeparatingNormalsOut[pairIdx]=sepAxis;
+ //now compute clipping faces A and B, and world-space clipping vertices A and B...
+ float minDist = -1e30f;
+ float maxDist = 0.02f;
+ b3FindClippingFaces(sepAxis,
+ &convexPolyhedronA,
+ &convexShapes[shapeIndexB],
+ posA,ornA,
+ posB,ornB,
+ worldVertsA1Out,
+ worldNormalsA1Out,
+ worldVertsB1Out,
+ vertexFaceCapacity,
+ minDist, maxDist,
+ verticesA,
+ facesA,
+ indicesA,
+ vertices,
+ faces,
+ indices,
+ clippingFacesOut, pairIdx);
+ } else
+ {
+ //mark this pair as in-active
+ concavePairs[pairIdx].w = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //mark this pair as in-active
+ concavePairs[pairIdx].w = -1;
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3FindSeparatingAxis.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3FindSeparatingAxis.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..332dbc278c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3FindSeparatingAxis.h
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+inline void b3ProjectAxis(const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hull, const b3Float4& pos, const b3Quaternion& orn, const b3Float4& dir, const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& vertices, b3Scalar& min, b3Scalar& max)
+ min = FLT_MAX;
+ max = -FLT_MAX;
+ int numVerts = hull.m_numVertices;
+ const b3Float4 localDir = b3QuatRotate(orn.inverse(),dir);
+ b3Scalar offset = b3Dot3F4(pos,dir);
+ for(int i=0;i<numVerts;i++)
+ {
+ //b3Vector3 pt = trans * vertices[m_vertexOffset+i];
+ //b3Scalar dp =;
+ //b3Vector3 vertex = vertices[hull.m_vertexOffset+i];
+ b3Scalar dp = b3Dot3F4((b3Float4&)vertices[hull.m_vertexOffset+i],localDir);
+ //b3Assert(dp==dpL);
+ if(dp < min) min = dp;
+ if(dp > max) max = dp;
+ }
+ if(min>max)
+ {
+ b3Scalar tmp = min;
+ min = max;
+ max = tmp;
+ }
+ min += offset;
+ max += offset;
+inline bool b3TestSepAxis(const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hullA, const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hullB,
+ const b3Float4& posA,const b3Quaternion& ornA,
+ const b3Float4& posB,const b3Quaternion& ornB,
+ const b3Float4& sep_axis, const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesA,const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesB,b3Scalar& depth)
+ b3Scalar Min0,Max0;
+ b3Scalar Min1,Max1;
+ b3ProjectAxis(hullA,posA,ornA,sep_axis,verticesA, Min0, Max0);
+ b3ProjectAxis(hullB,posB,ornB, sep_axis,verticesB, Min1, Max1);
+ if(Max0<Min1 || Max1<Min0)
+ return false;
+ b3Scalar d0 = Max0 - Min1;
+ b3Assert(d0>=0.0f);
+ b3Scalar d1 = Max1 - Min0;
+ b3Assert(d1>=0.0f);
+ depth = d0<d1 ? d0:d1;
+ return true;
+inline bool b3FindSeparatingAxis( const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hullA, const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hullB,
+ const b3Float4& posA1,
+ const b3Quaternion& ornA,
+ const b3Float4& posB1,
+ const b3Quaternion& ornB,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesA,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& uniqueEdgesA,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& facesA,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indicesA,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesB,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& uniqueEdgesB,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& facesB,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indicesB,
+ b3Vector3& sep)
+ B3_PROFILE("findSeparatingAxis");
+ b3Float4 posA = posA1;
+ posA.w = 0.f;
+ b3Float4 posB = posB1;
+ posB.w = 0.f;
+ b3Float4 c0local = (b3Float4&)hullA.m_localCenter;
+ b3Float4 c0 = b3TransformPoint(c0local, posA, ornA);
+ b3Float4 c1local = (b3Float4&)hullB.m_localCenter;
+ b3Float4 c1 = b3TransformPoint(c1local,posB,ornB);
+ const b3Float4 deltaC2 = c0 - c1;
+ b3Scalar dmin = FLT_MAX;
+ int curPlaneTests=0;
+ int numFacesA = hullA.m_numFaces;
+ // Test normals from hullA
+ for(int i=0;i<numFacesA;i++)
+ {
+ const b3Float4& normal = (b3Float4&)facesA[hullA.m_faceOffset+i].m_plane;
+ b3Float4 faceANormalWS = b3QuatRotate(ornA,normal);
+ if (b3Dot3F4(deltaC2,faceANormalWS)<0)
+ faceANormalWS*=-1.f;
+ curPlaneTests++;
+ gExpectedNbTests++;
+ if(gUseInternalObject && !TestInternalObjects(transA,transB, DeltaC2, faceANormalWS, hullA, hullB, dmin))
+ continue;
+ gActualNbTests++;
+ b3Scalar d;
+ if(!b3TestSepAxis( hullA, hullB, posA,ornA,posB,ornB,faceANormalWS, verticesA, verticesB,d))
+ return false;
+ if(d<dmin)
+ {
+ dmin = d;
+ sep = (b3Vector3&)faceANormalWS;
+ }
+ }
+ int numFacesB = hullB.m_numFaces;
+ // Test normals from hullB
+ for(int i=0;i<numFacesB;i++)
+ {
+ b3Float4 normal = (b3Float4&)facesB[hullB.m_faceOffset+i].m_plane;
+ b3Float4 WorldNormal = b3QuatRotate(ornB, normal);
+ if (b3Dot3F4(deltaC2,WorldNormal)<0)
+ {
+ WorldNormal*=-1.f;
+ }
+ curPlaneTests++;
+ gExpectedNbTests++;
+ if(gUseInternalObject && !TestInternalObjects(transA,transB,DeltaC2, WorldNormal, hullA, hullB, dmin))
+ continue;
+ gActualNbTests++;
+ b3Scalar d;
+ if(!b3TestSepAxis(hullA, hullB,posA,ornA,posB,ornB,WorldNormal,verticesA,verticesB,d))
+ return false;
+ if(d<dmin)
+ {
+ dmin = d;
+ sep = (b3Vector3&)WorldNormal;
+ }
+ }
+// b3Vector3 edgeAstart,edgeAend,edgeBstart,edgeBend;
+ int curEdgeEdge = 0;
+ // Test edges
+ for(int e0=0;e0<hullA.m_numUniqueEdges;e0++)
+ {
+ const b3Float4& edge0 = (b3Float4&) uniqueEdgesA[hullA.m_uniqueEdgesOffset+e0];
+ b3Float4 edge0World = b3QuatRotate(ornA,(b3Float4&)edge0);
+ for(int e1=0;e1<hullB.m_numUniqueEdges;e1++)
+ {
+ const b3Vector3 edge1 = uniqueEdgesB[hullB.m_uniqueEdgesOffset+e1];
+ b3Float4 edge1World = b3QuatRotate(ornB,(b3Float4&)edge1);
+ b3Float4 crossje = b3Cross3(edge0World,edge1World);
+ curEdgeEdge++;
+ if(!b3IsAlmostZero((b3Vector3&)crossje))
+ {
+ crossje = b3FastNormalized3(crossje);
+ if (b3Dot3F4(deltaC2,crossje)<0)
+ crossje*=-1.f;
+ gExpectedNbTests++;
+ if(gUseInternalObject && !TestInternalObjects(transA,transB,DeltaC2, Cross, hullA, hullB, dmin))
+ continue;
+ gActualNbTests++;
+ b3Scalar dist;
+ if(!b3TestSepAxis( hullA, hullB, posA,ornA,posB,ornB,crossje, verticesA,verticesB,dist))
+ return false;
+ if(dist<dmin)
+ {
+ dmin = dist;
+ sep = (b3Vector3&)crossje;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if((b3Dot3F4(-deltaC2,(b3Float4&)sep))>0.0f)
+ sep = -sep;
+ return true;
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3MprPenetration.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3MprPenetration.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c3ad7c9dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3MprPenetration.h
@@ -0,0 +1,920 @@
+ * ---------------------------------
+ * Copyright (c)2012 Daniel Fiser <>
+ *
+ * This file was ported from mpr.c file, part of libccd.
+ * The Minkoski Portal Refinement implementation was ported
+ * to OpenCL by Erwin Coumans for the Bullet 3 Physics library.
+ * at
+ *
+ * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
+ * see <>.
+ * This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+ * See the License for more information.
+ */
+#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3PlatformDefinitions.h"
+#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3Float4.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3RigidBodyData.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ConvexPolyhedronData.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Collidable.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define B3_MPR_SQRT sqrtf
+#define B3_MPR_SQRT sqrt
+#define B3_MPR_FMIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
+#define B3_MPR_FABS fabs
+#define B3_MPR_TOLERANCE 1E-6f
+#define B3_MPR_MAX_ITERATIONS 1000
+struct _b3MprSupport_t
+ b3Float4 v; //!< Support point in minkowski sum
+ b3Float4 v1; //!< Support point in obj1
+ b3Float4 v2; //!< Support point in obj2
+typedef struct _b3MprSupport_t b3MprSupport_t;
+struct _b3MprSimplex_t
+ b3MprSupport_t ps[4];
+ int last; //!< index of last added point
+typedef struct _b3MprSimplex_t b3MprSimplex_t;
+inline b3MprSupport_t* b3MprSimplexPointW(b3MprSimplex_t *s, int idx)
+ return &s->ps[idx];
+inline void b3MprSimplexSetSize(b3MprSimplex_t *s, int size)
+ s->last = size - 1;
+inline int b3MprSimplexSize(const b3MprSimplex_t *s)
+ return s->last + 1;
+inline const b3MprSupport_t* b3MprSimplexPoint(const b3MprSimplex_t* s, int idx)
+ // here is no check on boundaries
+ return &s->ps[idx];
+inline void b3MprSupportCopy(b3MprSupport_t *d, const b3MprSupport_t *s)
+ *d = *s;
+inline void b3MprSimplexSet(b3MprSimplex_t *s, size_t pos, const b3MprSupport_t *a)
+ b3MprSupportCopy(s->ps + pos, a);
+inline void b3MprSimplexSwap(b3MprSimplex_t *s, size_t pos1, size_t pos2)
+ b3MprSupport_t supp;
+ b3MprSupportCopy(&supp, &s->ps[pos1]);
+ b3MprSupportCopy(&s->ps[pos1], &s->ps[pos2]);
+ b3MprSupportCopy(&s->ps[pos2], &supp);
+inline int b3MprIsZero(float val)
+ return B3_MPR_FABS(val) < FLT_EPSILON;
+inline int b3MprEq(float _a, float _b)
+ float ab;
+ float a, b;
+ ab = B3_MPR_FABS(_a - _b);
+ if (B3_MPR_FABS(ab) < FLT_EPSILON)
+ return 1;
+ a = B3_MPR_FABS(_a);
+ b = B3_MPR_FABS(_b);
+ if (b > a){
+ return ab < FLT_EPSILON * b;
+ }else{
+ return ab < FLT_EPSILON * a;
+ }
+inline int b3MprVec3Eq(const b3Float4* a, const b3Float4 *b)
+ return b3MprEq((*a).x, (*b).x)
+ && b3MprEq((*a).y, (*b).y)
+ && b3MprEq((*a).z, (*b).z);
+inline b3Float4 b3LocalGetSupportVertex(b3Float4ConstArg supportVec,__global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t* hull, b3ConstArray(b3Float4) verticesA)
+ b3Float4 supVec = b3MakeFloat4(0,0,0,0);
+ float maxDot = -B3_LARGE_FLOAT;
+ if( 0 < hull->m_numVertices )
+ {
+ const b3Float4 scaled = supportVec;
+ int index = b3MaxDot(scaled, &verticesA[hull->m_vertexOffset], hull->m_numVertices, &maxDot);
+ return verticesA[hull->m_vertexOffset+index];
+ }
+ return supVec;
+B3_STATIC void b3MprConvexSupport(int pairIndex,int bodyIndex, b3ConstArray(b3RigidBodyData_t) cpuBodyBuf,
+ b3ConstArray(b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t) cpuConvexData,
+ b3ConstArray(b3Collidable_t) cpuCollidables,
+ b3ConstArray(b3Float4) cpuVertices,
+ __global b3Float4* sepAxis,
+ const b3Float4* _dir, b3Float4* outp, int logme)
+ //dir is in worldspace, move to local space
+ b3Float4 pos = cpuBodyBuf[bodyIndex].m_pos;
+ b3Quat orn = cpuBodyBuf[bodyIndex].m_quat;
+ b3Float4 dir = b3MakeFloat4((*_dir).x,(*_dir).y,(*_dir).z,0.f);
+ const b3Float4 localDir = b3QuatRotate(b3QuatInverse(orn),dir);
+ //find local support vertex
+ int colIndex = cpuBodyBuf[bodyIndex].m_collidableIdx;
+ b3Assert(cpuCollidables[colIndex].m_shapeType==SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL);
+ __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t* hull = &cpuConvexData[cpuCollidables[colIndex].m_shapeIndex];
+ b3Float4 pInA;
+ if (logme)
+ {
+ // b3Float4 supVec = b3MakeFloat4(0,0,0,0);
+ float maxDot = -B3_LARGE_FLOAT;
+ if( 0 < hull->m_numVertices )
+ {
+ const b3Float4 scaled = localDir;
+ int index = b3MaxDot(scaled, &cpuVertices[hull->m_vertexOffset], hull->m_numVertices, &maxDot);
+ pInA = cpuVertices[hull->m_vertexOffset+index];
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ pInA = b3LocalGetSupportVertex(localDir,hull,cpuVertices);
+ }
+ //move vertex to world space
+ *outp = b3TransformPoint(pInA,pos,orn);
+inline void b3MprSupport(int pairIndex,int bodyIndexA, int bodyIndexB, b3ConstArray(b3RigidBodyData_t) cpuBodyBuf,
+ b3ConstArray(b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t) cpuConvexData,
+ b3ConstArray(b3Collidable_t) cpuCollidables,
+ b3ConstArray(b3Float4) cpuVertices,
+ __global b3Float4* sepAxis,
+ const b3Float4* _dir, b3MprSupport_t *supp)
+ b3Float4 dir;
+ dir = *_dir;
+ b3MprConvexSupport(pairIndex,bodyIndexA,cpuBodyBuf,cpuConvexData,cpuCollidables,cpuVertices,sepAxis,&dir, &supp->v1,0);
+ dir = *_dir*-1.f;
+ b3MprConvexSupport(pairIndex,bodyIndexB,cpuBodyBuf,cpuConvexData,cpuCollidables,cpuVertices,sepAxis,&dir, &supp->v2,0);
+ supp->v = supp->v1 - supp->v2;
+inline void b3FindOrigin(int bodyIndexA, int bodyIndexB, b3ConstArray(b3RigidBodyData_t) cpuBodyBuf, b3MprSupport_t *center)
+ center->v1 = cpuBodyBuf[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
+ center->v2 = cpuBodyBuf[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
+ center->v = center->v1 - center->v2;
+inline void b3MprVec3Set(b3Float4 *v, float x, float y, float z)
+ (*v).x = x;
+ (*v).y = y;
+ (*v).z = z;
+ (*v).w = 0.f;
+inline void b3MprVec3Add(b3Float4 *v, const b3Float4 *w)
+ (*v).x += (*w).x;
+ (*v).y += (*w).y;
+ (*v).z += (*w).z;
+inline void b3MprVec3Copy(b3Float4 *v, const b3Float4 *w)
+ *v = *w;
+inline void b3MprVec3Scale(b3Float4 *d, float k)
+ *d *= k;
+inline float b3MprVec3Dot(const b3Float4 *a, const b3Float4 *b)
+ float dot;
+ dot = b3Dot3F4(*a,*b);
+ return dot;
+inline float b3MprVec3Len2(const b3Float4 *v)
+ return b3MprVec3Dot(v, v);
+inline void b3MprVec3Normalize(b3Float4 *d)
+ float k = 1.f / B3_MPR_SQRT(b3MprVec3Len2(d));
+ b3MprVec3Scale(d, k);
+inline void b3MprVec3Cross(b3Float4 *d, const b3Float4 *a, const b3Float4 *b)
+ *d = b3Cross3(*a,*b);
+inline void b3MprVec3Sub2(b3Float4 *d, const b3Float4 *v, const b3Float4 *w)
+ *d = *v - *w;
+inline void b3PortalDir(const b3MprSimplex_t *portal, b3Float4 *dir)
+ b3Float4 v2v1, v3v1;
+ b3MprVec3Sub2(&v2v1, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 2)->v,
+ &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v);
+ b3MprVec3Sub2(&v3v1, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 3)->v,
+ &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v);
+ b3MprVec3Cross(dir, &v2v1, &v3v1);
+ b3MprVec3Normalize(dir);
+inline int portalEncapsulesOrigin(const b3MprSimplex_t *portal,
+ const b3Float4 *dir)
+ float dot;
+ dot = b3MprVec3Dot(dir, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v);
+ return b3MprIsZero(dot) || dot > 0.f;
+inline int portalReachTolerance(const b3MprSimplex_t *portal,
+ const b3MprSupport_t *v4,
+ const b3Float4 *dir)
+ float dv1, dv2, dv3, dv4;
+ float dot1, dot2, dot3;
+ // find the smallest dot product of dir and {v1-v4, v2-v4, v3-v4}
+ dv1 = b3MprVec3Dot(&b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v, dir);
+ dv2 = b3MprVec3Dot(&b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 2)->v, dir);
+ dv3 = b3MprVec3Dot(&b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 3)->v, dir);
+ dv4 = b3MprVec3Dot(&v4->v, dir);
+ dot1 = dv4 - dv1;
+ dot2 = dv4 - dv2;
+ dot3 = dv4 - dv3;
+ dot1 = B3_MPR_FMIN(dot1, dot2);
+ dot1 = B3_MPR_FMIN(dot1, dot3);
+ return b3MprEq(dot1, B3_MPR_TOLERANCE) || dot1 < B3_MPR_TOLERANCE;
+inline int portalCanEncapsuleOrigin(const b3MprSimplex_t *portal,
+ const b3MprSupport_t *v4,
+ const b3Float4 *dir)
+ float dot;
+ dot = b3MprVec3Dot(&v4->v, dir);
+ return b3MprIsZero(dot) || dot > 0.f;
+inline void b3ExpandPortal(b3MprSimplex_t *portal,
+ const b3MprSupport_t *v4)
+ float dot;
+ b3Float4 v4v0;
+ b3MprVec3Cross(&v4v0, &v4->v, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 0)->v);
+ dot = b3MprVec3Dot(&b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v, &v4v0);
+ if (dot > 0.f){
+ dot = b3MprVec3Dot(&b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 2)->v, &v4v0);
+ if (dot > 0.f){
+ b3MprSimplexSet(portal, 1, v4);
+ }else{
+ b3MprSimplexSet(portal, 3, v4);
+ }
+ }else{
+ dot = b3MprVec3Dot(&b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 3)->v, &v4v0);
+ if (dot > 0.f){
+ b3MprSimplexSet(portal, 2, v4);
+ }else{
+ b3MprSimplexSet(portal, 1, v4);
+ }
+ }
+B3_STATIC int b3DiscoverPortal(int pairIndex, int bodyIndexA, int bodyIndexB, b3ConstArray(b3RigidBodyData_t) cpuBodyBuf,
+ b3ConstArray(b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t) cpuConvexData,
+ b3ConstArray(b3Collidable_t) cpuCollidables,
+ b3ConstArray(b3Float4) cpuVertices,
+ __global b3Float4* sepAxis,
+ __global int* hasSepAxis,
+ b3MprSimplex_t *portal)
+ b3Float4 dir, va, vb;
+ float dot;
+ int cont;
+ // vertex 0 is center of portal
+ b3FindOrigin(bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,cpuBodyBuf, b3MprSimplexPointW(portal, 0));
+ // vertex 0 is center of portal
+ b3MprSimplexSetSize(portal, 1);
+ b3Float4 zero = b3MakeFloat4(0,0,0,0);
+ b3Float4* b3mpr_vec3_origin = &zero;
+ if (b3MprVec3Eq(&b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 0)->v, b3mpr_vec3_origin)){
+ // Portal's center lies on origin (0,0,0) => we know that objects
+ // intersect but we would need to know penetration info.
+ // So move center little bit...
+ b3MprVec3Set(&va, FLT_EPSILON * 10.f, 0.f, 0.f);
+ b3MprVec3Add(&b3MprSimplexPointW(portal, 0)->v, &va);
+ }
+ // vertex 1 = support in direction of origin
+ b3MprVec3Copy(&dir, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 0)->v);
+ b3MprVec3Scale(&dir, -1.f);
+ b3MprVec3Normalize(&dir);
+ b3MprSupport(pairIndex,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,cpuBodyBuf,cpuConvexData,cpuCollidables,cpuVertices, sepAxis,&dir, b3MprSimplexPointW(portal, 1));
+ b3MprSimplexSetSize(portal, 2);
+ // test if origin isn't outside of v1
+ dot = b3MprVec3Dot(&b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v, &dir);
+ if (b3MprIsZero(dot) || dot < 0.f)
+ return -1;
+ // vertex 2
+ b3MprVec3Cross(&dir, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 0)->v,
+ &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v);
+ if (b3MprIsZero(b3MprVec3Len2(&dir))){
+ if (b3MprVec3Eq(&b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v, b3mpr_vec3_origin)){
+ // origin lies on v1
+ return 1;
+ }else{
+ // origin lies on v0-v1 segment
+ return 2;
+ }
+ }
+ b3MprVec3Normalize(&dir);
+ b3MprSupport(pairIndex,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,cpuBodyBuf,cpuConvexData,cpuCollidables,cpuVertices, sepAxis,&dir, b3MprSimplexPointW(portal, 2));
+ dot = b3MprVec3Dot(&b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 2)->v, &dir);
+ if (b3MprIsZero(dot) || dot < 0.f)
+ return -1;
+ b3MprSimplexSetSize(portal, 3);
+ // vertex 3 direction
+ b3MprVec3Sub2(&va, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v,
+ &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 0)->v);
+ b3MprVec3Sub2(&vb, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 2)->v,
+ &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 0)->v);
+ b3MprVec3Cross(&dir, &va, &vb);
+ b3MprVec3Normalize(&dir);
+ // it is better to form portal faces to be oriented "outside" origin
+ dot = b3MprVec3Dot(&dir, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 0)->v);
+ if (dot > 0.f){
+ b3MprSimplexSwap(portal, 1, 2);
+ b3MprVec3Scale(&dir, -1.f);
+ }
+ while (b3MprSimplexSize(portal) < 4){
+ b3MprSupport(pairIndex,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,cpuBodyBuf,cpuConvexData,cpuCollidables,cpuVertices, sepAxis,&dir, b3MprSimplexPointW(portal, 3));
+ dot = b3MprVec3Dot(&b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 3)->v, &dir);
+ if (b3MprIsZero(dot) || dot < 0.f)
+ return -1;
+ cont = 0;
+ // test if origin is outside (v1, v0, v3) - set v2 as v3 and
+ // continue
+ b3MprVec3Cross(&va, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v,
+ &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 3)->v);
+ dot = b3MprVec3Dot(&va, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 0)->v);
+ if (dot < 0.f && !b3MprIsZero(dot)){
+ b3MprSimplexSet(portal, 2, b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 3));
+ cont = 1;
+ }
+ if (!cont){
+ // test if origin is outside (v3, v0, v2) - set v1 as v3 and
+ // continue
+ b3MprVec3Cross(&va, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 3)->v,
+ &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 2)->v);
+ dot = b3MprVec3Dot(&va, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 0)->v);
+ if (dot < 0.f && !b3MprIsZero(dot)){
+ b3MprSimplexSet(portal, 1, b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 3));
+ cont = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cont){
+ b3MprVec3Sub2(&va, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v,
+ &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 0)->v);
+ b3MprVec3Sub2(&vb, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 2)->v,
+ &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 0)->v);
+ b3MprVec3Cross(&dir, &va, &vb);
+ b3MprVec3Normalize(&dir);
+ }else{
+ b3MprSimplexSetSize(portal, 4);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+B3_STATIC int b3RefinePortal(int pairIndex,int bodyIndexA, int bodyIndexB, b3ConstArray(b3RigidBodyData_t) cpuBodyBuf,
+ b3ConstArray(b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t) cpuConvexData,
+ b3ConstArray(b3Collidable_t) cpuCollidables,
+ b3ConstArray(b3Float4) cpuVertices,
+ __global b3Float4* sepAxis,
+ b3MprSimplex_t *portal)
+ b3Float4 dir;
+ b3MprSupport_t v4;
+ for (int i=0;i<B3_MPR_MAX_ITERATIONS;i++)
+ //while (1)
+ {
+ // compute direction outside the portal (from v0 throught v1,v2,v3
+ // face)
+ b3PortalDir(portal, &dir);
+ // test if origin is inside the portal
+ if (portalEncapsulesOrigin(portal, &dir))
+ return 0;
+ // get next support point
+ b3MprSupport(pairIndex,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,cpuBodyBuf,cpuConvexData,cpuCollidables,cpuVertices, sepAxis,&dir, &v4);
+ // test if v4 can expand portal to contain origin and if portal
+ // expanding doesn't reach given tolerance
+ if (!portalCanEncapsuleOrigin(portal, &v4, &dir)
+ || portalReachTolerance(portal, &v4, &dir))
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // v1-v2-v3 triangle must be rearranged to face outside Minkowski
+ // difference (direction from v0).
+ b3ExpandPortal(portal, &v4);
+ }
+ return -1;
+B3_STATIC void b3FindPos(const b3MprSimplex_t *portal, b3Float4 *pos)
+ b3Float4 zero = b3MakeFloat4(0,0,0,0);
+ b3Float4* b3mpr_vec3_origin = &zero;
+ b3Float4 dir;
+ size_t i;
+ float b[4], sum, inv;
+ b3Float4 vec, p1, p2;
+ b3PortalDir(portal, &dir);
+ // use barycentric coordinates of tetrahedron to find origin
+ b3MprVec3Cross(&vec, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v,
+ &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 2)->v);
+ b[0] = b3MprVec3Dot(&vec, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 3)->v);
+ b3MprVec3Cross(&vec, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 3)->v,
+ &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 2)->v);
+ b[1] = b3MprVec3Dot(&vec, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 0)->v);
+ b3MprVec3Cross(&vec, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 0)->v,
+ &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v);
+ b[2] = b3MprVec3Dot(&vec, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 3)->v);
+ b3MprVec3Cross(&vec, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 2)->v,
+ &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v);
+ b[3] = b3MprVec3Dot(&vec, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 0)->v);
+ sum = b[0] + b[1] + b[2] + b[3];
+ if (b3MprIsZero(sum) || sum < 0.f){
+ b[0] = 0.f;
+ b3MprVec3Cross(&vec, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 2)->v,
+ &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 3)->v);
+ b[1] = b3MprVec3Dot(&vec, &dir);
+ b3MprVec3Cross(&vec, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 3)->v,
+ &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v);
+ b[2] = b3MprVec3Dot(&vec, &dir);
+ b3MprVec3Cross(&vec, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v,
+ &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 2)->v);
+ b[3] = b3MprVec3Dot(&vec, &dir);
+ sum = b[1] + b[2] + b[3];
+ }
+ inv = 1.f / sum;
+ b3MprVec3Copy(&p1, b3mpr_vec3_origin);
+ b3MprVec3Copy(&p2, b3mpr_vec3_origin);
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){
+ b3MprVec3Copy(&vec, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, i)->v1);
+ b3MprVec3Scale(&vec, b[i]);
+ b3MprVec3Add(&p1, &vec);
+ b3MprVec3Copy(&vec, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, i)->v2);
+ b3MprVec3Scale(&vec, b[i]);
+ b3MprVec3Add(&p2, &vec);
+ }
+ b3MprVec3Scale(&p1, inv);
+ b3MprVec3Scale(&p2, inv);
+ b3MprVec3Copy(pos, &p1);
+ b3MprVec3Add(pos, &p2);
+ b3MprVec3Scale(pos, 0.5);
+inline float b3MprVec3Dist2(const b3Float4 *a, const b3Float4 *b)
+ b3Float4 ab;
+ b3MprVec3Sub2(&ab, a, b);
+ return b3MprVec3Len2(&ab);
+inline float _b3MprVec3PointSegmentDist2(const b3Float4 *P,
+ const b3Float4 *x0,
+ const b3Float4 *b,
+ b3Float4 *witness)
+ // The computation comes from solving equation of segment:
+ // S(t) = x0 + t.d
+ // where - x0 is initial point of segment
+ // - d is direction of segment from x0 (|d| > 0)
+ // - t belongs to <0, 1> interval
+ //
+ // Than, distance from a segment to some point P can be expressed:
+ // D(t) = |x0 + t.d - P|^2
+ // which is distance from any point on segment. Minimization
+ // of this function brings distance from P to segment.
+ // Minimization of D(t) leads to simple quadratic equation that's
+ // solving is straightforward.
+ //
+ // Bonus of this method is witness point for free.
+ float dist, t;
+ b3Float4 d, a;
+ // direction of segment
+ b3MprVec3Sub2(&d, b, x0);
+ // precompute vector from P to x0
+ b3MprVec3Sub2(&a, x0, P);
+ t = -1.f * b3MprVec3Dot(&a, &d);
+ t /= b3MprVec3Len2(&d);
+ if (t < 0.f || b3MprIsZero(t)){
+ dist = b3MprVec3Dist2(x0, P);
+ if (witness)
+ b3MprVec3Copy(witness, x0);
+ }else if (t > 1.f || b3MprEq(t, 1.f)){
+ dist = b3MprVec3Dist2(b, P);
+ if (witness)
+ b3MprVec3Copy(witness, b);
+ }else{
+ if (witness){
+ b3MprVec3Copy(witness, &d);
+ b3MprVec3Scale(witness, t);
+ b3MprVec3Add(witness, x0);
+ dist = b3MprVec3Dist2(witness, P);
+ }else{
+ // recycling variables
+ b3MprVec3Scale(&d, t);
+ b3MprVec3Add(&d, &a);
+ dist = b3MprVec3Len2(&d);
+ }
+ }
+ return dist;
+inline float b3MprVec3PointTriDist2(const b3Float4 *P,
+ const b3Float4 *x0, const b3Float4 *B,
+ const b3Float4 *C,
+ b3Float4 *witness)
+ // Computation comes from analytic expression for triangle (x0, B, C)
+ // T(s, t) = x0 + s.d1 + t.d2, where d1 = B - x0 and d2 = C - x0 and
+ // Then equation for distance is:
+ // D(s, t) = | T(s, t) - P |^2
+ // This leads to minimization of quadratic function of two variables.
+ // The solution from is taken only if s is between 0 and 1, t is
+ // between 0 and 1 and t + s < 1, otherwise distance from segment is
+ // computed.
+ b3Float4 d1, d2, a;
+ float u, v, w, p, q, r;
+ float s, t, dist, dist2;
+ b3Float4 witness2;
+ b3MprVec3Sub2(&d1, B, x0);
+ b3MprVec3Sub2(&d2, C, x0);
+ b3MprVec3Sub2(&a, x0, P);
+ u = b3MprVec3Dot(&a, &a);
+ v = b3MprVec3Dot(&d1, &d1);
+ w = b3MprVec3Dot(&d2, &d2);
+ p = b3MprVec3Dot(&a, &d1);
+ q = b3MprVec3Dot(&a, &d2);
+ r = b3MprVec3Dot(&d1, &d2);
+ s = (q * r - w * p) / (w * v - r * r);
+ t = (-s * r - q) / w;
+ if ((b3MprIsZero(s) || s > 0.f)
+ && (b3MprEq(s, 1.f) || s < 1.f)
+ && (b3MprIsZero(t) || t > 0.f)
+ && (b3MprEq(t, 1.f) || t < 1.f)
+ && (b3MprEq(t + s, 1.f) || t + s < 1.f)){
+ if (witness){
+ b3MprVec3Scale(&d1, s);
+ b3MprVec3Scale(&d2, t);
+ b3MprVec3Copy(witness, x0);
+ b3MprVec3Add(witness, &d1);
+ b3MprVec3Add(witness, &d2);
+ dist = b3MprVec3Dist2(witness, P);
+ }else{
+ dist = s * s * v;
+ dist += t * t * w;
+ dist += 2.f * s * t * r;
+ dist += 2.f * s * p;
+ dist += 2.f * t * q;
+ dist += u;
+ }
+ }else{
+ dist = _b3MprVec3PointSegmentDist2(P, x0, B, witness);
+ dist2 = _b3MprVec3PointSegmentDist2(P, x0, C, &witness2);
+ if (dist2 < dist){
+ dist = dist2;
+ if (witness)
+ b3MprVec3Copy(witness, &witness2);
+ }
+ dist2 = _b3MprVec3PointSegmentDist2(P, B, C, &witness2);
+ if (dist2 < dist){
+ dist = dist2;
+ if (witness)
+ b3MprVec3Copy(witness, &witness2);
+ }
+ }
+ return dist;
+B3_STATIC void b3FindPenetr(int pairIndex,int bodyIndexA, int bodyIndexB, b3ConstArray(b3RigidBodyData_t) cpuBodyBuf,
+ b3ConstArray(b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t) cpuConvexData,
+ b3ConstArray(b3Collidable_t) cpuCollidables,
+ b3ConstArray(b3Float4) cpuVertices,
+ __global b3Float4* sepAxis,
+ b3MprSimplex_t *portal,
+ float *depth, b3Float4 *pdir, b3Float4 *pos)
+ b3Float4 dir;
+ b3MprSupport_t v4;
+ unsigned long iterations;
+ b3Float4 zero = b3MakeFloat4(0,0,0,0);
+ b3Float4* b3mpr_vec3_origin = &zero;
+ iterations = 1UL;
+ for (int i=0;i<B3_MPR_MAX_ITERATIONS;i++)
+ //while (1)
+ {
+ // compute portal direction and obtain next support point
+ b3PortalDir(portal, &dir);
+ b3MprSupport(pairIndex,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,cpuBodyBuf,cpuConvexData,cpuCollidables,cpuVertices, sepAxis,&dir, &v4);
+ // reached tolerance -> find penetration info
+ if (portalReachTolerance(portal, &v4, &dir)
+ || iterations ==B3_MPR_MAX_ITERATIONS)
+ {
+ *depth = b3MprVec3PointTriDist2(b3mpr_vec3_origin,&b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v,&b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 2)->v,&b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 3)->v,pdir);
+ *depth = B3_MPR_SQRT(*depth);
+ if (b3MprIsZero((*pdir).x) && b3MprIsZero((*pdir).y) && b3MprIsZero((*pdir).z))
+ {
+ *pdir = dir;
+ }
+ b3MprVec3Normalize(pdir);
+ // barycentric coordinates:
+ b3FindPos(portal, pos);
+ return;
+ }
+ b3ExpandPortal(portal, &v4);
+ iterations++;
+ }
+B3_STATIC void b3FindPenetrTouch(b3MprSimplex_t *portal,float *depth, b3Float4 *dir, b3Float4 *pos)
+ // Touching contact on portal's v1 - so depth is zero and direction
+ // is unimportant and pos can be guessed
+ *depth = 0.f;
+ b3Float4 zero = b3MakeFloat4(0,0,0,0);
+ b3Float4* b3mpr_vec3_origin = &zero;
+ b3MprVec3Copy(dir, b3mpr_vec3_origin);
+ b3MprVec3Copy(pos, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v1);
+ b3MprVec3Add(pos, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v2);
+ b3MprVec3Scale(pos, 0.5);
+B3_STATIC void b3FindPenetrSegment(b3MprSimplex_t *portal,
+ float *depth, b3Float4 *dir, b3Float4 *pos)
+ // Origin lies on v0-v1 segment.
+ // Depth is distance to v1, direction also and position must be
+ // computed
+ b3MprVec3Copy(pos, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v1);
+ b3MprVec3Add(pos, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v2);
+ b3MprVec3Scale(pos, 0.5f);
+ b3MprVec3Copy(dir, &b3MprSimplexPoint(portal, 1)->v);
+ *depth = B3_MPR_SQRT(b3MprVec3Len2(dir));
+ b3MprVec3Normalize(dir);
+inline int b3MprPenetration(int pairIndex, int bodyIndexA, int bodyIndexB,
+ b3ConstArray(b3RigidBodyData_t) cpuBodyBuf,
+ b3ConstArray(b3ConvexPolyhedronData_t) cpuConvexData,
+ b3ConstArray(b3Collidable_t) cpuCollidables,
+ b3ConstArray(b3Float4) cpuVertices,
+ __global b3Float4* sepAxis,
+ __global int* hasSepAxis,
+ float *depthOut, b3Float4* dirOut, b3Float4* posOut)
+ b3MprSimplex_t portal;
+// if (!hasSepAxis[pairIndex])
+ // return -1;
+ hasSepAxis[pairIndex] = 0;
+ int res;
+ // Phase 1: Portal discovery
+ res = b3DiscoverPortal(pairIndex,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,cpuBodyBuf,cpuConvexData,cpuCollidables,cpuVertices,sepAxis,hasSepAxis, &portal);
+ //sepAxis[pairIndex] = *pdir;//or -dir?
+ switch (res)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ // Phase 2: Portal refinement
+ res = b3RefinePortal(pairIndex,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,cpuBodyBuf,cpuConvexData,cpuCollidables,cpuVertices, sepAxis,&portal);
+ if (res < 0)
+ return -1;
+ // Phase 3. Penetration info
+ b3FindPenetr(pairIndex,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,cpuBodyBuf,cpuConvexData,cpuCollidables,cpuVertices, sepAxis,&portal, depthOut, dirOut, posOut);
+ hasSepAxis[pairIndex] = 1;
+ sepAxis[pairIndex] = -*dirOut;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1:
+ {
+ // Touching contact on portal's v1.
+ b3FindPenetrTouch(&portal, depthOut, dirOut, posOut);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ {
+ b3FindPenetrSegment( &portal, depthOut, dirOut, posOut);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ hasSepAxis[pairIndex]=0;
+ //if (res < 0)
+ //{
+ // Origin isn't inside portal - no collision.
+ return -1;
+ //}
+ }
+ };
+ return 0;
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3NewContactReduction.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3NewContactReduction.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..718222ebca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3NewContactReduction.h
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3Float4.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3RigidBodyData.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Contact4Data.h"
+#define GET_NPOINTS(x) (x).m_worldNormalOnB.w
+int b3ExtractManifoldSequentialGlobal(__global const b3Float4* p, int nPoints, b3Float4ConstArg nearNormal, b3Int4* contactIdx)
+ if( nPoints == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ if (nPoints <=4)
+ return nPoints;
+ if (nPoints >64)
+ nPoints = 64;
+ b3Float4 center = b3MakeFloat4(0,0,0,0);
+ {
+ for (int i=0;i<nPoints;i++)
+ center += p[i];
+ center /= (float)nPoints;
+ }
+ // sample 4 directions
+ b3Float4 aVector = p[0] - center;
+ b3Float4 u = b3Cross( nearNormal, aVector );
+ b3Float4 v = b3Cross( nearNormal, u );
+ u = b3Normalized( u );
+ v = b3Normalized( v );
+ //keep point with deepest penetration
+ float minW= FLT_MAX;
+ int minIndex=-1;
+ b3Float4 maxDots;
+ maxDots.x = FLT_MIN;
+ maxDots.y = FLT_MIN;
+ maxDots.z = FLT_MIN;
+ maxDots.w = FLT_MIN;
+ // idx, distance
+ for(int ie = 0; ie<nPoints; ie++ )
+ {
+ if (p[ie].w<minW)
+ {
+ minW = p[ie].w;
+ minIndex=ie;
+ }
+ float f;
+ b3Float4 r = p[ie]-center;
+ f = b3Dot( u, r );
+ if (f<maxDots.x)
+ {
+ maxDots.x = f;
+ contactIdx[0].x = ie;
+ }
+ f = b3Dot( -u, r );
+ if (f<maxDots.y)
+ {
+ maxDots.y = f;
+ contactIdx[0].y = ie;
+ }
+ f = b3Dot( v, r );
+ if (f<maxDots.z)
+ {
+ maxDots.z = f;
+ contactIdx[0].z = ie;
+ }
+ f = b3Dot( -v, r );
+ if (f<maxDots.w)
+ {
+ maxDots.w = f;
+ contactIdx[0].w = ie;
+ }
+ }
+ if (contactIdx[0].x != minIndex && contactIdx[0].y != minIndex && contactIdx[0].z != minIndex && contactIdx[0].w != minIndex)
+ {
+ //replace the first contact with minimum (todo: replace contact with least penetration)
+ contactIdx[0].x = minIndex;
+ }
+ return 4;
+__kernel void b3NewContactReductionKernel( __global b3Int4* pairs,
+ __global const b3RigidBodyData_t* rigidBodies,
+ __global const b3Float4* separatingNormals,
+ __global const int* hasSeparatingAxis,
+ __global struct b3Contact4Data* globalContactsOut,
+ __global b3Int4* clippingFaces,
+ __global b3Float4* worldVertsB2,
+ volatile __global int* nGlobalContactsOut,
+ int vertexFaceCapacity,
+ int contactCapacity,
+ int numPairs,
+ int pairIndex
+ )
+// int i = get_global_id(0);
+ //int pairIndex = i;
+ int i = pairIndex;
+ b3Int4 contactIdx;
+ contactIdx=b3MakeInt4(0,1,2,3);
+ if (i<numPairs)
+ {
+ if (hasSeparatingAxis[i])
+ {
+ int nPoints = clippingFaces[pairIndex].w;
+ if (nPoints>0)
+ {
+ __global b3Float4* pointsIn = &worldVertsB2[pairIndex*vertexFaceCapacity];
+ b3Float4 normal = -separatingNormals[i];
+ int nReducedContacts = b3ExtractManifoldSequentialGlobal(pointsIn, nPoints, normal, &contactIdx);
+ int dstIdx;
+ dstIdx = b3AtomicInc( nGlobalContactsOut);
+//#if 0
+ b3Assert(dstIdx < contactCapacity);
+ if (dstIdx < contactCapacity)
+ {
+ __global struct b3Contact4Data* c = &globalContactsOut[dstIdx];
+ c->m_worldNormalOnB = -normal;
+ c->m_restituitionCoeffCmp = (0.f*0xffff);c->m_frictionCoeffCmp = (0.7f*0xffff);
+ c->m_batchIdx = pairIndex;
+ int bodyA = pairs[pairIndex].x;
+ int bodyB = pairs[pairIndex].y;
+ pairs[pairIndex].w = dstIdx;
+ c->m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyA].m_invMass==0?-bodyA:bodyA;
+ c->m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyB].m_invMass==0?-bodyB:bodyB;
+ c->m_childIndexA =-1;
+ c->m_childIndexB =-1;
+ switch (nReducedContacts)
+ {
+ case 4:
+ c->m_worldPosB[3] = pointsIn[contactIdx.w];
+ case 3:
+ c->m_worldPosB[2] = pointsIn[contactIdx.z];
+ case 2:
+ c->m_worldPosB[1] = pointsIn[contactIdx.y];
+ case 1:
+ c->m_worldPosB[0] = pointsIn[contactIdx.x];
+ default:
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ GET_NPOINTS(*c) = nReducedContacts;
+ }
+ }// if (numContactsOut>0)
+ }// if (hasSeparatingAxis[i])
+ }// if (i<numPairs)
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3QuantizedBvhNodeData.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3QuantizedBvhNodeData.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3661e43cf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3QuantizedBvhNodeData.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3Float4.h"
+#define B3_MAX_NUM_PARTS_IN_BITS 10
+///b3QuantizedBvhNodeData is a compressed aabb node, 16 bytes.
+///Node can be used for leafnode or internal node. Leafnodes can point to 32-bit triangle index (non-negative range).
+typedef struct b3QuantizedBvhNodeData b3QuantizedBvhNodeData_t;
+struct b3QuantizedBvhNodeData
+ //12 bytes
+ unsigned short int m_quantizedAabbMin[3];
+ unsigned short int m_quantizedAabbMax[3];
+ //4 bytes
+ int m_escapeIndexOrTriangleIndex;
+inline int b3GetTriangleIndex(const b3QuantizedBvhNodeData* rootNode)
+ unsigned int x=0;
+ unsigned int y = (~(x&0))<<(31-B3_MAX_NUM_PARTS_IN_BITS);
+ // Get only the lower bits where the triangle index is stored
+ return (rootNode->m_escapeIndexOrTriangleIndex&~(y));
+inline int b3IsLeaf(const b3QuantizedBvhNodeData* rootNode)
+ //skipindex is negative (internal node), triangleindex >=0 (leafnode)
+ return (rootNode->m_escapeIndexOrTriangleIndex >= 0)? 1 : 0;
+inline int b3GetEscapeIndex(const b3QuantizedBvhNodeData* rootNode)
+ return -rootNode->m_escapeIndexOrTriangleIndex;
+inline void b3QuantizeWithClamp(unsigned short* out, b3Float4ConstArg point2,int isMax, b3Float4ConstArg bvhAabbMin, b3Float4ConstArg bvhAabbMax, b3Float4ConstArg bvhQuantization)
+ b3Float4 clampedPoint = b3MaxFloat4(point2,bvhAabbMin);
+ clampedPoint = b3MinFloat4 (clampedPoint, bvhAabbMax);
+ b3Float4 v = (clampedPoint - bvhAabbMin) * bvhQuantization;
+ if (isMax)
+ {
+ out[0] = (unsigned short) (((unsigned short)(v.x+1.f) | 1));
+ out[1] = (unsigned short) (((unsigned short)(v.y+1.f) | 1));
+ out[2] = (unsigned short) (((unsigned short)(v.z+1.f) | 1));
+ } else
+ {
+ out[0] = (unsigned short) (((unsigned short)(v.x) & 0xfffe));
+ out[1] = (unsigned short) (((unsigned short)(v.y) & 0xfffe));
+ out[2] = (unsigned short) (((unsigned short)(v.z) & 0xfffe));
+ }
+inline int b3TestQuantizedAabbAgainstQuantizedAabbSlow(
+ const unsigned short int* aabbMin1,
+ const unsigned short int* aabbMax1,
+ const unsigned short int* aabbMin2,
+ const unsigned short int* aabbMax2)
+ //int overlap = 1;
+ if (aabbMin1[0] > aabbMax2[0])
+ return 0;
+ if (aabbMax1[0] < aabbMin2[0])
+ return 0;
+ if (aabbMin1[1] > aabbMax2[1])
+ return 0;
+ if (aabbMax1[1] < aabbMin2[1])
+ return 0;
+ if (aabbMin1[2] > aabbMax2[2])
+ return 0;
+ if (aabbMax1[2] < aabbMin2[2])
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+ //overlap = ((aabbMin1[0] > aabbMax2[0]) || (aabbMax1[0] < aabbMin2[0])) ? 0 : overlap;
+ //overlap = ((aabbMin1[2] > aabbMax2[2]) || (aabbMax1[2] < aabbMin2[2])) ? 0 : overlap;
+ //overlap = ((aabbMin1[1] > aabbMax2[1]) || (aabbMax1[1] < aabbMin2[1])) ? 0 : overlap;
+ //return overlap;
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ReduceContacts.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ReduceContacts.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35b5197006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ReduceContacts.h
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+inline int b3ReduceContacts(const b3Float4* p, int nPoints, const b3Float4& nearNormal, b3Int4* contactIdx)
+ if( nPoints == 0 )
+ return 0;
+ if (nPoints <=4)
+ return nPoints;
+ if (nPoints >64)
+ nPoints = 64;
+ b3Float4 center = b3MakeFloat4(0,0,0,0);
+ {
+ for (int i=0;i<nPoints;i++)
+ center += p[i];
+ center /= (float)nPoints;
+ }
+ // sample 4 directions
+ b3Float4 aVector = p[0] - center;
+ b3Float4 u = b3Cross3( nearNormal, aVector );
+ b3Float4 v = b3Cross3( nearNormal, u );
+ u = b3FastNormalized3( u );
+ v = b3FastNormalized3( v );
+ //keep point with deepest penetration
+ float minW= FLT_MAX;
+ int minIndex=-1;
+ b3Float4 maxDots;
+ maxDots.x = FLT_MIN;
+ maxDots.y = FLT_MIN;
+ maxDots.z = FLT_MIN;
+ maxDots.w = FLT_MIN;
+ // idx, distance
+ for(int ie = 0; ie<nPoints; ie++ )
+ {
+ if (p[ie].w<minW)
+ {
+ minW = p[ie].w;
+ minIndex=ie;
+ }
+ float f;
+ b3Float4 r = p[ie]-center;
+ f = b3Dot3F4( u, r );
+ if (f<maxDots.x)
+ {
+ maxDots.x = f;
+ contactIdx[0].x = ie;
+ }
+ f = b3Dot3F4( -u, r );
+ if (f<maxDots.y)
+ {
+ maxDots.y = f;
+ contactIdx[0].y = ie;
+ }
+ f = b3Dot3F4( v, r );
+ if (f<maxDots.z)
+ {
+ maxDots.z = f;
+ contactIdx[0].z = ie;
+ }
+ f = b3Dot3F4( -v, r );
+ if (f<maxDots.w)
+ {
+ maxDots.w = f;
+ contactIdx[0].w = ie;
+ }
+ }
+ if (contactIdx[0].x != minIndex && contactIdx[0].y != minIndex && contactIdx[0].z != minIndex && contactIdx[0].w != minIndex)
+ {
+ //replace the first contact with minimum (todo: replace contact with least penetration)
+ contactIdx[0].x = minIndex;
+ }
+ return 4;
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3RigidBodyData.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3RigidBodyData.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50632c871f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3RigidBodyData.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3Float4.h"
+#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3Quat.h"
+#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3Mat3x3.h"
+typedef struct b3RigidBodyData b3RigidBodyData_t;
+struct b3RigidBodyData
+ b3Float4 m_pos;
+ b3Quat m_quat;
+ b3Float4 m_linVel;
+ b3Float4 m_angVel;
+ int m_collidableIdx;
+ float m_invMass;
+ float m_restituitionCoeff;
+ float m_frictionCoeff;
+typedef struct b3InertiaData b3InertiaData_t;
+struct b3InertiaData
+ b3Mat3x3 m_invInertiaWorld;
+ b3Mat3x3 m_initInvInertia;
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3UpdateAabbs.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3UpdateAabbs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d40d19a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3UpdateAabbs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#ifndef B3_UPDATE_AABBS_H
+#define B3_UPDATE_AABBS_H
+#include "Bullet3Collision/BroadPhaseCollision/shared/b3Aabb.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Collidable.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3RigidBodyData.h"
+void b3ComputeWorldAabb( int bodyId, __global const b3RigidBodyData_t* bodies, __global const b3Collidable_t* collidables, __global const b3Aabb_t* localShapeAABB, __global b3Aabb_t* worldAabbs)
+ __global const b3RigidBodyData_t* body = &bodies[bodyId];
+ b3Float4 position = body->m_pos;
+ b3Quat orientation = body->m_quat;
+ int collidableIndex = body->m_collidableIdx;
+ int shapeIndex = collidables[collidableIndex].m_shapeIndex;
+ if (shapeIndex>=0)
+ {
+ b3Aabb_t localAabb = localShapeAABB[collidableIndex];
+ b3Aabb_t worldAabb;
+ b3Float4 aabbAMinOut,aabbAMaxOut;
+ float margin = 0.f;
+ b3TransformAabb2(localAabb.m_minVec,localAabb.m_maxVec,margin,position,orientation,&aabbAMinOut,&aabbAMaxOut);
+ worldAabb.m_minVec =aabbAMinOut;
+ worldAabb.m_minIndices[3] = bodyId;
+ worldAabb.m_maxVec = aabbAMaxOut;
+ worldAabb.m_signedMaxIndices[3] = body[bodyId].m_invMass==0.f? 0 : 1;
+ worldAabbs[bodyId] = worldAabb;
+ }
+#endif //B3_UPDATE_AABBS_H