path: root/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ContactSphereSphere.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ContactSphereSphere.h')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ContactSphereSphere.h b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ContactSphereSphere.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3fa82287b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ContactSphereSphere.h
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+void computeContactSphereConvex(int pairIndex,
+ int bodyIndexA, int bodyIndexB,
+ int collidableIndexA, int collidableIndexB,
+ const b3RigidBodyData* rigidBodies,
+ const b3Collidable* collidables,
+ const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* convexShapes,
+ const b3Vector3* convexVertices,
+ const int* convexIndices,
+ const b3GpuFace* faces,
+ b3Contact4* globalContactsOut,
+ int& nGlobalContactsOut,
+ int maxContactCapacity)
+ float radius = collidables[collidableIndexA].m_radius;
+ float4 spherePos1 = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
+ b3Quaternion sphereOrn = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
+ float4 pos = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
+ b3Quaternion quat = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
+ b3Transform tr;
+ tr.setIdentity();
+ tr.setOrigin(pos);
+ tr.setRotation(quat);
+ b3Transform trInv = tr.inverse();
+ float4 spherePos = trInv(spherePos1);
+ int collidableIndex = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
+ int shapeIndex = collidables[collidableIndex].m_shapeIndex;
+ int numFaces = convexShapes[shapeIndex].m_numFaces;
+ float4 closestPnt = b3MakeVector3(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ float4 hitNormalWorld = b3MakeVector3(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ float minDist = -1000000.f; // TODO: What is the largest/smallest float?
+ bool bCollide = true;
+ int region = -1;
+ float4 localHitNormal;
+ for ( int f = 0; f < numFaces; f++ )
+ {
+ b3GpuFace face = faces[convexShapes[shapeIndex].m_faceOffset+f];
+ float4 planeEqn;
+ float4 localPlaneNormal = b3MakeVector3(face.m_plane.x,face.m_plane.y,face.m_plane.z,0.f);
+ float4 n1 = localPlaneNormal;//quatRotate(quat,localPlaneNormal);
+ planeEqn = n1;
+ planeEqn[3] = face.m_plane.w;
+ float4 pntReturn;
+ float dist = signedDistanceFromPointToPlane(spherePos, planeEqn, &pntReturn);
+ if ( dist > radius)
+ {
+ bCollide = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( dist > 0 )
+ {
+ //might hit an edge or vertex
+ b3Vector3 out;
+ bool isInPoly = IsPointInPolygon(spherePos,
+ &face,
+ &convexVertices[convexShapes[shapeIndex].m_vertexOffset],
+ convexIndices,
+ &out);
+ if (isInPoly)
+ {
+ if (dist>minDist)
+ {
+ minDist = dist;
+ closestPnt = pntReturn;
+ localHitNormal = planeEqn;
+ region=1;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ b3Vector3 tmp = spherePos-out;
+ b3Scalar l2 = tmp.length2();
+ if (l2<radius*radius)
+ {
+ dist = b3Sqrt(l2);
+ if (dist>minDist)
+ {
+ minDist = dist;
+ closestPnt = out;
+ localHitNormal = tmp/dist;
+ region=2;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ bCollide = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( dist > minDist )
+ {
+ minDist = dist;
+ closestPnt = pntReturn;
+ localHitNormal = planeEqn;
+ region=3;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static int numChecks = 0;
+ numChecks++;
+ if (bCollide && minDist > -10000)
+ {
+ float4 normalOnSurfaceB1 = tr.getBasis()*localHitNormal;//-hitNormalWorld;
+ float4 pOnB1 = tr(closestPnt);
+ //printf("dist ,%f,",minDist);
+ float actualDepth = minDist-radius;
+ if (actualDepth<0)
+ {
+ //printf("actualDepth = ,%f,", actualDepth);
+ //printf("normalOnSurfaceB1 = ,%f,%f,%f,", normalOnSurfaceB1.x,normalOnSurfaceB1.y,normalOnSurfaceB1.z);
+ //printf("region=,%d,\n", region);
+ pOnB1[3] = actualDepth;
+ int dstIdx;
+// dstIdx = nGlobalContactsOut++;//AppendInc( nGlobalContactsOut, dstIdx );
+ if (nGlobalContactsOut < maxContactCapacity)
+ {
+ dstIdx=nGlobalContactsOut;
+ nGlobalContactsOut++;
+ b3Contact4* c = &globalContactsOut[dstIdx];
+ c->m_worldNormalOnB = normalOnSurfaceB1;
+ c->setFrictionCoeff(0.7);
+ c->setRestituitionCoeff(0.f);
+ c->m_batchIdx = pairIndex;
+ c->m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_invMass==0?-bodyIndexA:bodyIndexA;
+ c->m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_invMass==0?-bodyIndexB:bodyIndexB;
+ c->m_worldPosB[0] = pOnB1;
+ int numPoints = 1;
+ c->m_worldNormalOnB.w = (b3Scalar)numPoints;
+ }//if (dstIdx < numPairs)
+ }
+ }//if (hasCollision)