path: root/thirdparty/astcenc/astcenc_compute_variance.cpp
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diff --git a/thirdparty/astcenc/astcenc_compute_variance.cpp b/thirdparty/astcenc/astcenc_compute_variance.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..48a4af8cef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/astcenc/astcenc_compute_variance.cpp
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+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright 2011-2022 Arm Limited
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
+// of the License at:
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * @brief Functions to calculate variance per component in a NxN footprint.
+ *
+ * We need N to be parametric, so the routine below uses summed area tables in order to execute in
+ * O(1) time independent of how big N is.
+ *
+ * The addition uses a Brent-Kung-based parallel prefix adder. This uses the prefix tree to first
+ * perform a binary reduction, and then distributes the results. This method means that there is no
+ * serial dependency between a given element and the next one, and also significantly improves
+ * numerical stability allowing us to use floats rather than doubles.
+ */
+#include "astcenc_internal.h"
+#include <cassert>
+ * @brief Generate a prefix-sum array using the Brent-Kung algorithm.
+ *
+ * This will take an input array of the form:
+ * v0, v1, v2, ...
+ * ... and modify in-place to turn it into a prefix-sum array of the form:
+ * v0, v0+v1, v0+v1+v2, ...
+ *
+ * @param d The array to prefix-sum.
+ * @param items The number of items in the array.
+ * @param stride The item spacing in the array; i.e. dense arrays should use 1.
+ */
+static void brent_kung_prefix_sum(
+ vfloat4* d,
+ size_t items,
+ int stride
+) {
+ if (items < 2)
+ return;
+ size_t lc_stride = 2;
+ size_t log2_stride = 1;
+ // The reduction-tree loop
+ do {
+ size_t step = lc_stride >> 1;
+ size_t start = lc_stride - 1;
+ size_t iters = items >> log2_stride;
+ vfloat4 *da = d + (start * stride);
+ ptrdiff_t ofs = -static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(step * stride);
+ size_t ofs_stride = stride << log2_stride;
+ while (iters)
+ {
+ *da = *da + da[ofs];
+ da += ofs_stride;
+ iters--;
+ }
+ log2_stride += 1;
+ lc_stride <<= 1;
+ } while (lc_stride <= items);
+ // The expansion-tree loop
+ do {
+ log2_stride -= 1;
+ lc_stride >>= 1;
+ size_t step = lc_stride >> 1;
+ size_t start = step + lc_stride - 1;
+ size_t iters = (items - step) >> log2_stride;
+ vfloat4 *da = d + (start * stride);
+ ptrdiff_t ofs = -static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(step * stride);
+ size_t ofs_stride = stride << log2_stride;
+ while (iters)
+ {
+ *da = *da + da[ofs];
+ da += ofs_stride;
+ iters--;
+ }
+ } while (lc_stride > 2);
+/* See header for documentation. */
+void compute_pixel_region_variance(
+ astcenc_contexti& ctx,
+ const pixel_region_args& arg
+) {
+ // Unpack the memory structure into local variables
+ const astcenc_image* img = arg.img;
+ astcenc_swizzle swz = arg.swz;
+ bool have_z = arg.have_z;
+ int size_x = arg.size_x;
+ int size_y = arg.size_y;
+ int size_z = arg.size_z;
+ int offset_x = arg.offset_x;
+ int offset_y = arg.offset_y;
+ int offset_z = arg.offset_z;
+ int alpha_kernel_radius = arg.alpha_kernel_radius;
+ float* input_alpha_averages = ctx.input_alpha_averages;
+ vfloat4* work_memory = arg.work_memory;
+ // Compute memory sizes and dimensions that we need
+ int kernel_radius = alpha_kernel_radius;
+ int kerneldim = 2 * kernel_radius + 1;
+ int kernel_radius_xy = kernel_radius;
+ int kernel_radius_z = have_z ? kernel_radius : 0;
+ int padsize_x = size_x + kerneldim;
+ int padsize_y = size_y + kerneldim;
+ int padsize_z = size_z + (have_z ? kerneldim : 0);
+ int sizeprod = padsize_x * padsize_y * padsize_z;
+ int zd_start = have_z ? 1 : 0;
+ vfloat4 *varbuf1 = work_memory;
+ vfloat4 *varbuf2 = work_memory + sizeprod;
+ // Scaling factors to apply to Y and Z for accesses into the work buffers
+ int yst = padsize_x;
+ int zst = padsize_x * padsize_y;
+ // Scaling factors to apply to Y and Z for accesses into result buffers
+ int ydt = img->dim_x;
+ int zdt = img->dim_x * img->dim_y;
+ // Macros to act as accessor functions for the work-memory
+ #define VARBUF1(z, y, x) varbuf1[z * zst + y * yst + x]
+ #define VARBUF2(z, y, x) varbuf2[z * zst + y * yst + x]
+ // Load N and N^2 values into the work buffers
+ if (img->data_type == ASTCENC_TYPE_U8)
+ {
+ // Swizzle data structure 4 = ZERO, 5 = ONE
+ uint8_t data[6];
+ data[ASTCENC_SWZ_0] = 0;
+ data[ASTCENC_SWZ_1] = 255;
+ for (int z = zd_start; z < padsize_z; z++)
+ {
+ int z_src = (z - zd_start) + offset_z - kernel_radius_z;
+ z_src = astc::clamp(z_src, 0, static_cast<int>(img->dim_z - 1));
+ uint8_t* data8 = static_cast<uint8_t*>(img->data[z_src]);
+ for (int y = 1; y < padsize_y; y++)
+ {
+ int y_src = (y - 1) + offset_y - kernel_radius_xy;
+ y_src = astc::clamp(y_src, 0, static_cast<int>(img->dim_y - 1));
+ for (int x = 1; x < padsize_x; x++)
+ {
+ int x_src = (x - 1) + offset_x - kernel_radius_xy;
+ x_src = astc::clamp(x_src, 0, static_cast<int>(img->dim_x - 1));
+ data[0] = data8[(4 * img->dim_x * y_src) + (4 * x_src )];
+ data[1] = data8[(4 * img->dim_x * y_src) + (4 * x_src + 1)];
+ data[2] = data8[(4 * img->dim_x * y_src) + (4 * x_src + 2)];
+ data[3] = data8[(4 * img->dim_x * y_src) + (4 * x_src + 3)];
+ uint8_t r = data[swz.r];
+ uint8_t g = data[swz.g];
+ uint8_t b = data[swz.b];
+ uint8_t a = data[swz.a];
+ vfloat4 d = vfloat4 (r * (1.0f / 255.0f),
+ g * (1.0f / 255.0f),
+ b * (1.0f / 255.0f),
+ a * (1.0f / 255.0f));
+ VARBUF1(z, y, x) = d;
+ VARBUF2(z, y, x) = d * d;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (img->data_type == ASTCENC_TYPE_F16)
+ {
+ // Swizzle data structure 4 = ZERO, 5 = ONE (in FP16)
+ uint16_t data[6];
+ data[ASTCENC_SWZ_0] = 0;
+ data[ASTCENC_SWZ_1] = 0x3C00;
+ for (int z = zd_start; z < padsize_z; z++)
+ {
+ int z_src = (z - zd_start) + offset_z - kernel_radius_z;
+ z_src = astc::clamp(z_src, 0, static_cast<int>(img->dim_z - 1));
+ uint16_t* data16 = static_cast<uint16_t*>(img->data[z_src]);
+ for (int y = 1; y < padsize_y; y++)
+ {
+ int y_src = (y - 1) + offset_y - kernel_radius_xy;
+ y_src = astc::clamp(y_src, 0, static_cast<int>(img->dim_y - 1));
+ for (int x = 1; x < padsize_x; x++)
+ {
+ int x_src = (x - 1) + offset_x - kernel_radius_xy;
+ x_src = astc::clamp(x_src, 0, static_cast<int>(img->dim_x - 1));
+ data[0] = data16[(4 * img->dim_x * y_src) + (4 * x_src )];
+ data[1] = data16[(4 * img->dim_x * y_src) + (4 * x_src + 1)];
+ data[2] = data16[(4 * img->dim_x * y_src) + (4 * x_src + 2)];
+ data[3] = data16[(4 * img->dim_x * y_src) + (4 * x_src + 3)];
+ vint4 di(data[swz.r], data[swz.g], data[swz.b], data[swz.a]);
+ vfloat4 d = float16_to_float(di);
+ VARBUF1(z, y, x) = d;
+ VARBUF2(z, y, x) = d * d;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // if (img->data_type == ASTCENC_TYPE_F32)
+ {
+ assert(img->data_type == ASTCENC_TYPE_F32);
+ // Swizzle data structure 4 = ZERO, 5 = ONE (in FP16)
+ float data[6];
+ data[ASTCENC_SWZ_0] = 0.0f;
+ data[ASTCENC_SWZ_1] = 1.0f;
+ for (int z = zd_start; z < padsize_z; z++)
+ {
+ int z_src = (z - zd_start) + offset_z - kernel_radius_z;
+ z_src = astc::clamp(z_src, 0, static_cast<int>(img->dim_z - 1));
+ float* data32 = static_cast<float*>(img->data[z_src]);
+ for (int y = 1; y < padsize_y; y++)
+ {
+ int y_src = (y - 1) + offset_y - kernel_radius_xy;
+ y_src = astc::clamp(y_src, 0, static_cast<int>(img->dim_y - 1));
+ for (int x = 1; x < padsize_x; x++)
+ {
+ int x_src = (x - 1) + offset_x - kernel_radius_xy;
+ x_src = astc::clamp(x_src, 0, static_cast<int>(img->dim_x - 1));
+ data[0] = data32[(4 * img->dim_x * y_src) + (4 * x_src )];
+ data[1] = data32[(4 * img->dim_x * y_src) + (4 * x_src + 1)];
+ data[2] = data32[(4 * img->dim_x * y_src) + (4 * x_src + 2)];
+ data[3] = data32[(4 * img->dim_x * y_src) + (4 * x_src + 3)];
+ float r = data[swz.r];
+ float g = data[swz.g];
+ float b = data[swz.b];
+ float a = data[swz.a];
+ vfloat4 d(r, g, b, a);
+ VARBUF1(z, y, x) = d;
+ VARBUF2(z, y, x) = d * d;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Pad with an extra layer of 0s; this forms the edge of the SAT tables
+ vfloat4 vbz = vfloat4::zero();
+ for (int z = 0; z < padsize_z; z++)
+ {
+ for (int y = 0; y < padsize_y; y++)
+ {
+ VARBUF1(z, y, 0) = vbz;
+ VARBUF2(z, y, 0) = vbz;
+ }
+ for (int x = 0; x < padsize_x; x++)
+ {
+ VARBUF1(z, 0, x) = vbz;
+ VARBUF2(z, 0, x) = vbz;
+ }
+ }
+ if (have_z)
+ {
+ for (int y = 0; y < padsize_y; y++)
+ {
+ for (int x = 0; x < padsize_x; x++)
+ {
+ VARBUF1(0, y, x) = vbz;
+ VARBUF2(0, y, x) = vbz;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Generate summed-area tables for N and N^2; this is done in-place, using
+ // a Brent-Kung parallel-prefix based algorithm to minimize precision loss
+ for (int z = zd_start; z < padsize_z; z++)
+ {
+ for (int y = 1; y < padsize_y; y++)
+ {
+ brent_kung_prefix_sum(&(VARBUF1(z, y, 1)), padsize_x - 1, 1);
+ brent_kung_prefix_sum(&(VARBUF2(z, y, 1)), padsize_x - 1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int z = zd_start; z < padsize_z; z++)
+ {
+ for (int x = 1; x < padsize_x; x++)
+ {
+ brent_kung_prefix_sum(&(VARBUF1(z, 1, x)), padsize_y - 1, yst);
+ brent_kung_prefix_sum(&(VARBUF2(z, 1, x)), padsize_y - 1, yst);
+ }
+ }
+ if (have_z)
+ {
+ for (int y = 1; y < padsize_y; y++)
+ {
+ for (int x = 1; x < padsize_x; x++)
+ {
+ brent_kung_prefix_sum(&(VARBUF1(1, y, x)), padsize_z - 1, zst);
+ brent_kung_prefix_sum(&(VARBUF2(1, y, x)), padsize_z - 1, zst);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute a few constants used in the variance-calculation.
+ float alpha_kdim = static_cast<float>(2 * alpha_kernel_radius + 1);
+ float alpha_rsamples;
+ if (have_z)
+ {
+ alpha_rsamples = 1.0f / (alpha_kdim * alpha_kdim * alpha_kdim);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ alpha_rsamples = 1.0f / (alpha_kdim * alpha_kdim);
+ }
+ // Use the summed-area tables to compute variance for each neighborhood
+ if (have_z)
+ {
+ for (int z = 0; z < size_z; z++)
+ {
+ int z_src = z + kernel_radius_z;
+ int z_dst = z + offset_z;
+ int z_low = z_src - alpha_kernel_radius;
+ int z_high = z_src + alpha_kernel_radius + 1;
+ for (int y = 0; y < size_y; y++)
+ {
+ int y_src = y + kernel_radius_xy;
+ int y_dst = y + offset_y;
+ int y_low = y_src - alpha_kernel_radius;
+ int y_high = y_src + alpha_kernel_radius + 1;
+ for (int x = 0; x < size_x; x++)
+ {
+ int x_src = x + kernel_radius_xy;
+ int x_dst = x + offset_x;
+ int x_low = x_src - alpha_kernel_radius;
+ int x_high = x_src + alpha_kernel_radius + 1;
+ // Summed-area table lookups for alpha average
+ float vasum = ( VARBUF1(z_high, y_low, x_low).lane<3>()
+ - VARBUF1(z_high, y_low, x_high).lane<3>()
+ - VARBUF1(z_high, y_high, x_low).lane<3>()
+ + VARBUF1(z_high, y_high, x_high).lane<3>()) -
+ ( VARBUF1(z_low, y_low, x_low).lane<3>()
+ - VARBUF1(z_low, y_low, x_high).lane<3>()
+ - VARBUF1(z_low, y_high, x_low).lane<3>()
+ + VARBUF1(z_low, y_high, x_high).lane<3>());
+ int out_index = z_dst * zdt + y_dst * ydt + x_dst;
+ input_alpha_averages[out_index] = (vasum * alpha_rsamples);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int y = 0; y < size_y; y++)
+ {
+ int y_src = y + kernel_radius_xy;
+ int y_dst = y + offset_y;
+ int y_low = y_src - alpha_kernel_radius;
+ int y_high = y_src + alpha_kernel_radius + 1;
+ for (int x = 0; x < size_x; x++)
+ {
+ int x_src = x + kernel_radius_xy;
+ int x_dst = x + offset_x;
+ int x_low = x_src - alpha_kernel_radius;
+ int x_high = x_src + alpha_kernel_radius + 1;
+ // Summed-area table lookups for alpha average
+ float vasum = VARBUF1(0, y_low, x_low).lane<3>()
+ - VARBUF1(0, y_low, x_high).lane<3>()
+ - VARBUF1(0, y_high, x_low).lane<3>()
+ + VARBUF1(0, y_high, x_high).lane<3>();
+ int out_index = y_dst * ydt + x_dst;
+ input_alpha_averages[out_index] = (vasum * alpha_rsamples);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* See header for documentation. */
+unsigned int init_compute_averages(
+ const astcenc_image& img,
+ unsigned int alpha_kernel_radius,
+ const astcenc_swizzle& swz,
+ avg_args& ag
+) {
+ unsigned int size_x = img.dim_x;
+ unsigned int size_y = img.dim_y;
+ unsigned int size_z = img.dim_z;
+ // Compute maximum block size and from that the working memory buffer size
+ unsigned int kernel_radius = alpha_kernel_radius;
+ unsigned int kerneldim = 2 * kernel_radius + 1;
+ bool have_z = (size_z > 1);
+ unsigned int max_blk_size_xy = have_z ? 16 : 32;
+ unsigned int max_blk_size_z = astc::min(size_z, have_z ? 16u : 1u);
+ unsigned int max_padsize_xy = max_blk_size_xy + kerneldim;
+ unsigned int max_padsize_z = max_blk_size_z + (have_z ? kerneldim : 0);
+ // Perform block-wise averages calculations across the image
+ // Initialize fields which are not populated until later
+ ag.arg.size_x = 0;
+ ag.arg.size_y = 0;
+ ag.arg.size_z = 0;
+ ag.arg.offset_x = 0;
+ ag.arg.offset_y = 0;
+ ag.arg.offset_z = 0;
+ ag.arg.work_memory = nullptr;
+ ag.arg.img = &img;
+ ag.arg.swz = swz;
+ ag.arg.have_z = have_z;
+ ag.arg.alpha_kernel_radius = alpha_kernel_radius;
+ ag.img_size_x = size_x;
+ ag.img_size_y = size_y;
+ ag.img_size_z = size_z;
+ ag.blk_size_xy = max_blk_size_xy;
+ ag.blk_size_z = max_blk_size_z;
+ ag.work_memory_size = 2 * max_padsize_xy * max_padsize_xy * max_padsize_z;
+ // The parallel task count
+ unsigned int z_tasks = (size_z + max_blk_size_z - 1) / max_blk_size_z;
+ unsigned int y_tasks = (size_y + max_blk_size_xy - 1) / max_blk_size_xy;
+ return z_tasks * y_tasks;