path: root/tests/scene
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/scene')
5 files changed, 504 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/tests/scene/test_audio_stream_wav.h b/tests/scene/test_audio_stream_wav.h
index 92c524525c..cf369c115b 100644
--- a/tests/scene/test_audio_stream_wav.h
+++ b/tests/scene/test_audio_stream_wav.h
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ Vector<uint8_t> gen_pcm16_test(float wav_rate, int wav_count, bool stereo) {
void run_test(String file_name, AudioStreamWAV::Format data_format, bool stereo, float wav_rate, float wav_count) {
- String save_path = OS::get_singleton()->get_cache_path().plus_file(file_name);
+ String save_path = OS::get_singleton()->get_cache_path().path_join(file_name);
Vector<uint8_t> test_data;
if (data_format == AudioStreamWAV::FORMAT_8_BITS) {
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[AudioStreamWAV] Alternate mix rate") {
TEST_CASE("[AudioStreamWAV] save_to_wav() adds '.wav' file extension automatically") {
- String save_path = OS::get_singleton()->get_cache_path().plus_file("test_wav_extension");
+ String save_path = OS::get_singleton()->get_cache_path().path_join("test_wav_extension");
Vector<uint8_t> test_data = gen_pcm8_test(WAV_RATE, WAV_COUNT, false);
Ref<AudioStreamWAV> stream = memnew(AudioStreamWAV);
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[AudioStreamWAV] Save empty file") {
TEST_CASE("[AudioStreamWAV] Saving IMA ADPCM is not supported") {
- String save_path = OS::get_singleton()->get_cache_path().plus_file("test_adpcm.wav");
+ String save_path = OS::get_singleton()->get_cache_path().path_join("test_adpcm.wav");
Ref<AudioStreamWAV> stream = memnew(AudioStreamWAV);
diff --git a/tests/scene/test_bit_map.h b/tests/scene/test_bit_map.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53afdc38f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/scene/test_bit_map.h
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+/* test_bit_map.h */
+/* This file is part of: */
+/* */
+/* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
+/* */
+/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
+/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
+/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
+/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
+/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
+/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
+/* the following conditions: */
+/* */
+/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
+/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
+/* */
+#ifndef TEST_BIT_MAP_H
+#define TEST_BIT_MAP_H
+#include "core/os/memory.h"
+#include "scene/resources/bit_map.h"
+#include "tests/test_macros.h"
+namespace TestBitmap {
+void reset_bit_map(BitMap &p_bm) {
+ Size2i size = p_bm.get_size();
+ p_bm.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(0, 0, size.width, size.height), false);
+TEST_CASE("[BitMap] Create bit map") {
+ Size2i dim{ 256, 512 };
+ BitMap bit_map{};
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_size() == Size2i(256, 512));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 0, "This will go through the entire bitmask inside of bitmap, thus hopefully checking if the bitmask was correctly set up.");
+ dim = Size2i(0, 256);
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_size() == Size2i(256, 512), "We should still have the same dimensions as before, because the new dimension is invalid.");
+ dim = Size2i(512, 0);
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_size() == Size2i(256, 512), "We should still have the same dimensions as before, because the new dimension is invalid.");
+ dim = Size2i(46341, 46341);
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_size() == Size2i(256, 512), "We should still have the same dimensions as before, because the new dimension is too large (46341*46341=2147488281).");
+TEST_CASE("[BitMap] Create bit map from image alpha") {
+ const Size2i dim{ 256, 256 };
+ BitMap bit_map{};
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ const Ref<Image> null_img = nullptr;
+ bit_map.create_from_image_alpha(null_img);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_size() == Size2i(256, 256), "Bitmap should have its old values because bitmap creation from a nullptr should fail.");
+ Ref<Image> empty_img;
+ empty_img.instantiate();
+ bit_map.create_from_image_alpha(empty_img);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_size() == Size2i(256, 256), "Bitmap should have its old values because bitmap creation from an empty image should fail.");
+ Ref<Image> wrong_format_img;
+ wrong_format_img.instantiate();
+ wrong_format_img->create(3, 3, false, Image::Format::FORMAT_DXT1);
+ bit_map.create_from_image_alpha(wrong_format_img);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_size() == Size2i(256, 256), "Bitmap should have its old values because converting from a compressed image should fail.");
+ Ref<Image> img;
+ img.instantiate();
+ img->create(3, 3, false, Image::Format::FORMAT_RGBA8);
+ img->set_pixel(0, 0, Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ img->set_pixel(0, 1, Color(0, 0, 0, 0.09f));
+ img->set_pixel(0, 2, Color(0, 0, 0, 0.25f));
+ img->set_pixel(1, 0, Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5f));
+ img->set_pixel(1, 1, Color(0, 0, 0, 0.75f));
+ img->set_pixel(1, 2, Color(0, 0, 0, 0.99f));
+ img->set_pixel(2, 0, Color(0, 0, 0, 1.f));
+ // Check different threshold values.
+ bit_map.create_from_image_alpha(img);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 5, "There are 5 values in the image that are smaller than the default threshold of 0.1.");
+ bit_map.create_from_image_alpha(img, 0.08f);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 6, "There are 6 values in the image that are smaller than the threshold of 0.08.");
+ bit_map.create_from_image_alpha(img, 1);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 0, "There are no values in the image that are smaller than the threshold of 1, there is one value equal to 1, but we check for inequality only.");
+TEST_CASE("[BitMap] Set bit") {
+ Size2i dim{ 256, 256 };
+ BitMap bit_map{};
+ // Setting a point before a bit map is created should not crash, because there are checks to see if we are out of bounds.
+ bit_map.set_bitv(Point2i(128, 128), true);
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 0, "All values should be initialized to false.");
+ bit_map.set_bitv(Point2i(128, 128), true);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 1, "One bit should be set to true.");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(128, 128)) == true, "The bit at (128,128) should be set to true");
+ bit_map.set_bitv(Point2i(128, 128), false);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 0, "The bit should now be set to false again");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(128, 128)) == false, "The bit at (128,128) should now be set to false again");
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ bit_map.set_bitv(Point2i(512, 512), true);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 0, "Nothing should change as we were trying to edit a bit outside of the correct range.");
+TEST_CASE("[BitMap] Get bit") {
+ const Size2i dim{ 256, 256 };
+ BitMap bit_map{};
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(128, 128)) == false, "Trying to access a bit outside of the BitMap's range should always return false");
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(128, 128)) == false);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(-1, -1, 257, 257), true);
+ // Checking that range is [0, 256).
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(-1, 0)) == false);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(0, 0)) == true);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(128, 128)) == true);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(255, 255)) == true);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(256, 256)) == false);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(257, 257)) == false);
+TEST_CASE("[BitMap] Set bit rect") {
+ const Size2i dim{ 256, 256 };
+ BitMap bit_map{};
+ // Although we have not setup the BitMap yet, this should not crash because we get an empty intersection inside of the method.
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i{ 0, 0, 128, 128 }, true);
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 0);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i{ 0, 0, 256, 256 }, true);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 65536);
+ reset_bit_map(bit_map);
+ // Checking out of bounds handling.
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i{ 128, 128, 256, 256 }, true);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 16384);
+ reset_bit_map(bit_map);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i{ -128, -128, 256, 256 }, true);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 16384);
+ reset_bit_map(bit_map);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i{ -128, -128, 512, 512 }, true);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 65536);
+TEST_CASE("[BitMap] Get true bit count") {
+ const Size2i dim{ 256, 256 };
+ BitMap bit_map{};
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 0);
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 0, "Unitialized bit map should have no true bits");
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i{ 0, 0, 256, 256 }, true);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 65536);
+ bit_map.set_bitv(Point2i{ 0, 0 }, false);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 65535);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i{ 0, 0, 256, 256 }, false);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 0);
+TEST_CASE("[BitMap] Get size") {
+ const Size2i dim{ 256, 256 };
+ BitMap bit_map{};
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_size() == Size2i(0, 0), "Unitialized bit map should have a size of 0x0");
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_size() == Size2i(256, 256));
+ bit_map.create(Size2i(-1, 0));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_size() == Size2i(256, 256), "Invalid size should not be accepted by create");
+ bit_map.create(Size2i(256, 128));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_size() == Size2i(256, 128), "Bitmap should have updated size");
+TEST_CASE("[BitMap] Resize") {
+ const Size2i dim{ 128, 128 };
+ BitMap bit_map{};
+ bit_map.resize(dim);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_size() == dim);
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(0, 0, 10, 10), true);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(118, 118, 10, 10), true);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 200, "There should be 100 bits in the top left corner, and 100 bits in the bottom right corner");
+ bit_map.resize(Size2i(64, 64));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 50, "There should be 25 bits in the top left corner, and 25 bits in the bottom right corner");
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ bit_map.resize(Size2i(-1, 128));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_size() == Size2i(128, 128), "When an invalid size is given the bit map will keep its size");
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(0, 0, 10, 10), true);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(118, 118, 10, 10), true);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 200, "There should be 100 bits in the top left corner, and 100 bits in the bottom right corner");
+ bit_map.resize(Size2i(256, 256));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 800, "There should still be 100 bits in the bottom right corner, and all new bits should be initialized to false");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_size() == Size2i(256, 256), "The bitmap should now be 256x256");
+TEST_CASE("[BitMap] Grow and shrink mask") {
+ const Size2i dim{ 256, 256 };
+ BitMap bit_map{};
+ bit_map.grow_mask(100, Rect2i(0, 0, 128, 128)); // Check if method does not crash when working with an uninitialised bit map.
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_size() == Size2i(0, 0), "Size should still be equal to 0x0");
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(96, 96, 64, 64), true);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 4096, "Creating a square of 64x64 should be 4096 bits");
+ bit_map.grow_mask(0, Rect2i(0, 0, 256, 256));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 4096, "Growing with size of 0 should not change any bits");
+ reset_bit_map(bit_map);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(96, 96, 64, 64), true);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(95, 128)) == false, "Bits just outside of the square should not be set");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(160, 128)) == false, "Bits just outside of the square should not be set");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(128, 95)) == false, "Bits just outside of the square should not be set");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(128, 160)) == false, "Bits just outside of the square should not be set");
+ bit_map.grow_mask(1, Rect2i(0, 0, 256, 256));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 4352, "We should have 4*64 (perimeter of square) more bits set to true");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(95, 128)) == true, "Bits that were just outside of the square should now be set to true");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(160, 128)) == true, "Bits that were just outside of the square should now be set to true");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(128, 95)) == true, "Bits that were just outside of the square should now be set to true");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(128, 160)) == true, "Bits that were just outside of the square should now be set to true");
+ reset_bit_map(bit_map);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(127, 127, 1, 1), true);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 1);
+ bit_map.grow_mask(32, Rect2i(0, 0, 256, 256));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 3209, "Creates a circle around the initial bit with a radius of 32 bits. Any bit that has a distance within this radius will be set to true");
+ reset_bit_map(bit_map);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(127, 127, 1, 1), true);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+ bit_map.grow_mask(1, Rect2i(0, 0, 256, 256));
+ }
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 2113, "Creates a diamond around the initial bit with diagonals that are 65 bits long.");
+ reset_bit_map(bit_map);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(123, 123, 10, 10), true);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 100);
+ bit_map.grow_mask(-11, Rect2i(0, 0, 256, 256));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 0, "Shrinking by more than the width of the square should totally remove it.");
+ reset_bit_map(bit_map);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(96, 96, 64, 64), true);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(96, 129)) == true, "Bits on the edge of the square should be true");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(159, 129)) == true, "Bits on the edge of the square should be true");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(129, 96)) == true, "Bits on the edge of the square should be true");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(129, 159)) == true, "Bits on the edge of the square should be true");
+ bit_map.grow_mask(-1, Rect2i(0, 0, 256, 256));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 3844, "Shrinking by 1 should set 4*63=252 bits to false");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(96, 129)) == false, "Bits that were on the edge of the square should now be set to false");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(159, 129)) == false, "Bits that were on the edge of the square should now be set to false");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(129, 96)) == false, "Bits that were on the edge of the square should now be set to false");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(129, 159)) == false, "Bits that were on the edge of the square should now be set to false");
+ reset_bit_map(bit_map);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(125, 125, 1, 6), true);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(130, 125, 1, 6), true);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(125, 130, 6, 1), true);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 16);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(125, 131)) == false, "Bits that are on the edge of the shape should be set to false");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(131, 131)) == false, "Bits that are on the edge of the shape should be set to false");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(125, 124)) == false, "Bits that are on the edge of the shape should be set to false");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(130, 124)) == false, "Bits that are on the edge of the shape should be set to false");
+ bit_map.grow_mask(1, Rect2i(0, 0, 256, 256));
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 48);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(125, 131)) == true, "Bits that were on the edge of the shape should now be set to true");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(131, 130)) == true, "Bits that were on the edge of the shape should now be set to true");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(125, 124)) == true, "Bits that were on the edge of the shape should now be set to true");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(130, 124)) == true, "Bits that were on the edge of the shape should now be set to true");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(124, 124)) == false, "Bits that are on the edge of the shape should be set to false");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(126, 124)) == false, "Bits that are on the edge of the shape should be set to false");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(124, 131)) == false, "Bits that are on the edge of the shape should be set to false");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(131, 131)) == false, "Bits that are on the edge of the shape should be set to false");
+TEST_CASE("[BitMap] Blit") {
+ Point2i blit_pos{ 128, 128 };
+ Point2i bit_map_size{ 256, 256 };
+ Point2i blit_size{ 32, 32 };
+ BitMap bit_map{};
+ Ref<BitMap> blit_bit_map{};
+ // Testing null reference to blit bit map.
+ bit_map.blit(blit_pos, blit_bit_map);
+ blit_bit_map.instantiate();
+ // Testing if uninitialised blit bit map and uninitialised bit map does not crash
+ bit_map.blit(blit_pos, blit_bit_map);
+ // Testing if uninitialised bit map does not crash
+ blit_bit_map->create(blit_size);
+ bit_map.blit(blit_pos, blit_bit_map);
+ // Testing if uninitialised bit map does not crash
+ blit_bit_map.unref();
+ blit_bit_map.instantiate();
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(blit_bit_map->get_size() == Point2i(0, 0), "Size should be cleared by unref and instance calls.");
+ bit_map.create(bit_map_size);
+ bit_map.blit(Point2i(128, 128), blit_bit_map);
+ // Testing if both initialised does not crash.
+ blit_bit_map->create(blit_size);
+ bit_map.blit(blit_pos, blit_bit_map);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i{ 127, 127, 3, 3 }, true);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 9);
+ bit_map.blit(Point2i(112, 112), blit_bit_map);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 9, "No bits should have been changed, as the blit bit map only contains falses");
+ bit_map.create(bit_map_size);
+ blit_bit_map->create(blit_size);
+ blit_bit_map->set_bit_rect(Rect2i(15, 15, 3, 3), true);
+ CHECK(blit_bit_map->get_true_bit_count() == 9);
+ CHECK(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 0);
+ bit_map.blit(Point2i(112, 112), blit_bit_map);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_true_bit_count() == 9, "All true bits should have been moved to the bit map");
+ for (int x = 127; x < 129; ++x) {
+ for (int y = 127; y < 129; ++y) {
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(bit_map.get_bitv(Point2i(x, y)) == true, "All true bits should have been moved to the bit map");
+ }
+ }
+TEST_CASE("[BitMap] Convert to image") {
+ const Size2i dim{ 256, 256 };
+ BitMap bit_map{};
+ Ref<Image> img;
+ img = bit_map.convert_to_image();
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(img.is_valid(), "We should receive a valid Image Object even if BitMap is not created yet");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(img->get_format() == Image::FORMAT_L8, "We should receive a valid Image Object even if BitMap is not created yet");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(img->get_size() == (Size2i(0, 0)), "Image should have no width or height, because BitMap has not yet been created");
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ img = bit_map.convert_to_image();
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(img->get_size() == dim, "Image should have the same dimensions as the BitMap");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(img->get_pixel(0, 0).is_equal_approx(Color(0, 0, 0)), "BitMap is intialized to all 0's, so Image should be all black");
+ reset_bit_map(bit_map);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(0, 0, 128, 128), true);
+ img = bit_map.convert_to_image();
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(img->get_pixel(0, 0).is_equal_approx(Color(1, 1, 1)), "BitMap's top-left quadrant is all 1's, so Image should be white");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(img->get_pixel(256, 256).is_equal_approx(Color(0, 0, 0)), "All other quadrants were 0's, so these should be black");
+TEST_CASE("[BitMap] Clip to polygon") {
+ const Size2i dim{ 256, 256 };
+ BitMap bit_map{};
+ Vector<Vector<Vector2>> polygons;
+ polygons = bit_map.clip_opaque_to_polygons(Rect2i(0, 0, 128, 128));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(polygons.size() == 0, "We should have no polygons, because the BitMap was not initialized");
+ bit_map.create(dim);
+ polygons = bit_map.clip_opaque_to_polygons(Rect2i(0, 0, 128, 128));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(polygons.size() == 0, "We should have no polygons, because the BitMap was all 0's");
+ reset_bit_map(bit_map);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(0, 0, 64, 64), true);
+ polygons = bit_map.clip_opaque_to_polygons(Rect2i(0, 0, 128, 128));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(polygons.size() == 1, "We should have exactly 1 polygon");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(polygons[0].size() == 4, "The polygon should have exactly 4 points");
+ reset_bit_map(bit_map);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(0, 0, 32, 32), true);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(64, 64, 32, 32), true);
+ polygons = bit_map.clip_opaque_to_polygons(Rect2i(0, 0, 128, 128));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(polygons.size() == 2, "We should have exactly 2 polygons");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(polygons[0].size() == 4, "The polygon should have exactly 4 points");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(polygons[1].size() == 4, "The polygon should have exactly 4 points");
+ reset_bit_map(bit_map);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(124, 112, 8, 32), true);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(112, 124, 32, 8), true);
+ polygons = bit_map.clip_opaque_to_polygons(Rect2i(0, 0, 256, 256));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(polygons.size() == 1, "We should have exactly 1 polygon");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(polygons[0].size() == 12, "The polygon should have exactly 12 points");
+ reset_bit_map(bit_map);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(124, 112, 8, 32), true);
+ bit_map.set_bit_rect(Rect2i(112, 124, 32, 8), true);
+ polygons = bit_map.clip_opaque_to_polygons(Rect2i(0, 0, 128, 128));
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(polygons.size() == 1, "We should have exactly 1 polygon");
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(polygons[0].size() == 6, "The polygon should have exactly 6 points");
+} // namespace TestBitmap
+#endif // TEST_BIT_MAP_H
diff --git a/tests/scene/test_code_edit.h b/tests/scene/test_code_edit.h
index be2e18bdf4..3940bdb37a 100644
--- a/tests/scene/test_code_edit.h
+++ b/tests/scene/test_code_edit.h
@@ -2943,10 +2943,6 @@ TEST_CASE("[SceneTree][CodeEdit] completion") {
CHECK(code_edit->get_code_completion_selected_index() == -1);
- // Need to flush here since `NOTIFICATION_THEME_CHANGED` is called deferred from `NOTIFICATION_ENTER_TREE`,
- // and `update_code_completion_options` requires access to the theme's font size.
- MessageQueue::get_singleton()->flush();
CHECK(code_edit->get_code_completion_selected_index() == -1);
@@ -3249,7 +3245,7 @@ TEST_CASE("[SceneTree][CodeEdit] symbol lookup") {
code_edit->set_text("this is some text");
Point2 caret_pos = code_edit->get_caret_draw_pos();
- caret_pos.x += 58;
+ caret_pos.x += 60;
SEND_GUI_MOUSE_BUTTON_EVENT(code_edit, caret_pos, MouseButton::NONE, MouseButton::NONE, Key::NONE);
CHECK(code_edit->get_text_for_symbol_lookup() == "this is s" + String::chr(0xFFFF) + "ome text");
diff --git a/tests/scene/test_curve.h b/tests/scene/test_curve.h
index 0370ab15fd..ad7625ddc5 100644
--- a/tests/scene/test_curve.h
+++ b/tests/scene/test_curve.h
@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ TEST_CASE("[Curve] Default curve") {
curve->get_point_count() == 0,
"Default curve should contain the expected number of points.");
- Math::is_zero_approx(curve->interpolate(0)),
+ Math::is_zero_approx(curve->sample(0)),
"Default curve should return the expected value at offset 0.0.");
- Math::is_zero_approx(curve->interpolate(0.5)),
+ Math::is_zero_approx(curve->sample(0.5)),
"Default curve should return the expected value at offset 0.5.");
- Math::is_zero_approx(curve->interpolate(1)),
+ Math::is_zero_approx(curve->sample(1)),
"Default curve should return the expected value at offset 1.0.");
@@ -80,57 +80,57 @@ TEST_CASE("[Curve] Custom curve with free tangents") {
"Custom free curve should contain the expected number of points.");
- Math::is_zero_approx(curve->interpolate(-0.1)),
+ Math::is_zero_approx(curve->sample(-0.1)),
"Custom free curve should return the expected value at offset 0.1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate(0.1), (real_t)0.352),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample(0.1), (real_t)0.352),
"Custom free curve should return the expected value at offset 0.1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate(0.4), (real_t)0.352),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample(0.4), (real_t)0.352),
"Custom free curve should return the expected value at offset 0.1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate(0.7), (real_t)0.896),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample(0.7), (real_t)0.896),
"Custom free curve should return the expected value at offset 0.1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate(1), 1),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample(1), 1),
"Custom free curve should return the expected value at offset 0.1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate(2), 1),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample(2), 1),
"Custom free curve should return the expected value at offset 0.1.");
- Math::is_zero_approx(curve->interpolate_baked(-0.1)),
+ Math::is_zero_approx(curve->sample_baked(-0.1)),
"Custom free curve should return the expected baked value at offset 0.1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate_baked(0.1), (real_t)0.352),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample_baked(0.1), (real_t)0.352),
"Custom free curve should return the expected baked value at offset 0.1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate_baked(0.4), (real_t)0.352),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample_baked(0.4), (real_t)0.352),
"Custom free curve should return the expected baked value at offset 0.1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate_baked(0.7), (real_t)0.896),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample_baked(0.7), (real_t)0.896),
"Custom free curve should return the expected baked value at offset 0.1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate_baked(1), 1),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample_baked(1), 1),
"Custom free curve should return the expected baked value at offset 0.1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate_baked(2), 1),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample_baked(2), 1),
"Custom free curve should return the expected baked value at offset 0.1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate(0.1), 0),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample(0.1), 0),
"Custom free curve should return the expected value at offset 0.1 after removing point at index 1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate_baked(0.1), 0),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample_baked(0.1), 0),
"Custom free curve should return the expected baked value at offset 0.1 after removing point at index 1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate(0.6), 0),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample(0.6), 0),
"Custom free curve should return the expected value at offset 0.6 after clearing all points.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate_baked(0.6), 0),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample_baked(0.6), 0),
"Custom free curve should return the expected baked value at offset 0.6 after clearing all points.");
@@ -169,51 +169,51 @@ TEST_CASE("[Curve] Custom curve with linear tangents") {
"Custom linear curve should contain the expected number of points.");
- Math::is_zero_approx(curve->interpolate(-0.1)),
+ Math::is_zero_approx(curve->sample(-0.1)),
"Custom linear curve should return the expected value at offset -0.1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate(0.1), (real_t)0.4),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample(0.1), (real_t)0.4),
"Custom linear curve should return the expected value at offset 0.1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate(0.4), (real_t)0.4),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample(0.4), (real_t)0.4),
"Custom linear curve should return the expected value at offset 0.4.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate(0.7), (real_t)0.8),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample(0.7), (real_t)0.8),
"Custom linear curve should return the expected value at offset 0.7.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate(1), 1),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample(1), 1),
"Custom linear curve should return the expected value at offset 1.0.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate(2), 1),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample(2), 1),
"Custom linear curve should return the expected value at offset 2.0.");
- Math::is_zero_approx(curve->interpolate_baked(-0.1)),
+ Math::is_zero_approx(curve->sample_baked(-0.1)),
"Custom linear curve should return the expected baked value at offset -0.1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate_baked(0.1), (real_t)0.4),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample_baked(0.1), (real_t)0.4),
"Custom linear curve should return the expected baked value at offset 0.1.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate_baked(0.4), (real_t)0.4),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample_baked(0.4), (real_t)0.4),
"Custom linear curve should return the expected baked value at offset 0.4.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate_baked(0.7), (real_t)0.8),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample_baked(0.7), (real_t)0.8),
"Custom linear curve should return the expected baked value at offset 0.7.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate_baked(1), 1),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample_baked(1), 1),
"Custom linear curve should return the expected baked value at offset 1.0.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate_baked(2), 1),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample_baked(2), 1),
"Custom linear curve should return the expected baked value at offset 2.0.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate(0.7), (real_t)0.8),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample(0.7), (real_t)0.8),
"Custom free curve should return the expected value at offset 0.7 after removing point at invalid index 10.");
- Math::is_equal_approx(curve->interpolate_baked(0.7), (real_t)0.8),
+ Math::is_equal_approx(curve->sample_baked(0.7), (real_t)0.8),
"Custom free curve should return the expected baked value at offset 0.7 after removing point at invalid index 10.");
@@ -228,8 +228,8 @@ TEST_CASE("[Curve2D] Linear sampling should return exact value") {
CHECK(len == baked_length);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- Vector2 pos = curve->interpolate_baked(i);
- CHECK_MESSAGE(pos.x == i, "interpolate_baked should return exact value");
+ Vector2 pos = curve->sample_baked(i);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(pos.x == i, "sample_baked should return exact value");
@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ TEST_CASE("[Curve3D] Linear sampling should return exact value") {
CHECK(len == baked_length);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- Vector3 pos = curve->interpolate_baked(i);
- CHECK_MESSAGE(pos.x == i, "interpolate_baked should return exact value");
+ Vector3 pos = curve->sample_baked(i);
+ CHECK_MESSAGE(pos.x == i, "sample_baked should return exact value");
diff --git a/tests/scene/test_text_edit.h b/tests/scene/test_text_edit.h
index 0fce359c5a..f0e6b98427 100644
--- a/tests/scene/test_text_edit.h
+++ b/tests/scene/test_text_edit.h
@@ -2714,15 +2714,15 @@ TEST_CASE("[SceneTree][TextEdit] caret") {
- text_edit->set_caret_blink_speed(10);
- CHECK(text_edit->get_caret_blink_speed() == 10);
+ text_edit->set_caret_blink_interval(10);
+ CHECK(text_edit->get_caret_blink_interval() == 10);
- text_edit->set_caret_blink_speed(-1);
- CHECK(text_edit->get_caret_blink_speed() == 10);
+ text_edit->set_caret_blink_interval(-1);
+ CHECK(text_edit->get_caret_blink_interval() == 10);
- text_edit->set_caret_blink_speed(0);
- CHECK(text_edit->get_caret_blink_speed() == 10);
+ text_edit->set_caret_blink_interval(0);
+ CHECK(text_edit->get_caret_blink_interval() == 10);
@@ -3388,6 +3388,8 @@ TEST_CASE("[SceneTree][TextEdit] gutters") {
SUBCASE("[TextEdit] gutter add and remove") {
CHECK(text_edit->get_gutter_count() == 1);
+ CHECK(text_edit->get_gutter_width(0) == 24);
+ CHECK(text_edit->get_total_gutter_width() == 24 + 2);
SIGNAL_CHECK("gutter_added", empty_signal_args);
text_edit->set_gutter_name(0, "test_gutter");
@@ -3395,39 +3397,43 @@ TEST_CASE("[SceneTree][TextEdit] gutters") {
text_edit->set_gutter_width(0, 10);
CHECK(text_edit->get_gutter_width(0) == 10);
- CHECK(text_edit->get_total_gutter_width() > 10);
- CHECK(text_edit->get_total_gutter_width() < 20);
+ CHECK(text_edit->get_total_gutter_width() == 10 + 2);
text_edit->set_gutter_width(1, 10);
- CHECK(text_edit->get_total_gutter_width() > 20);
- CHECK(text_edit->get_total_gutter_width() < 30);
+ CHECK(text_edit->get_gutter_width(1) == 10);
+ CHECK(text_edit->get_total_gutter_width() == 20 + 2);
CHECK(text_edit->get_gutter_count() == 2);
CHECK(text_edit->get_gutter_name(0) == "test_gutter");
SIGNAL_CHECK("gutter_added", empty_signal_args);
text_edit->set_gutter_draw(1, false);
- CHECK(text_edit->get_total_gutter_width() > 10);
- CHECK(text_edit->get_total_gutter_width() < 20);
+ CHECK(text_edit->get_total_gutter_width() == 10 + 2);
CHECK(text_edit->get_gutter_count() == 3);
+ CHECK(text_edit->get_gutter_width(2) == 24);
+ CHECK(text_edit->get_total_gutter_width() == 34 + 2);
CHECK(text_edit->get_gutter_name(0) == "test_gutter");
SIGNAL_CHECK("gutter_added", empty_signal_args);
CHECK(text_edit->get_gutter_count() == 4);
+ CHECK(text_edit->get_gutter_width(0) == 24);
+ CHECK(text_edit->get_total_gutter_width() == 58 + 2);
CHECK(text_edit->get_gutter_name(1) == "test_gutter");
SIGNAL_CHECK("gutter_added", empty_signal_args);
CHECK(text_edit->get_gutter_name(1) == "test_gutter");
CHECK(text_edit->get_gutter_count() == 3);
+ CHECK(text_edit->get_total_gutter_width() == 58 + 2);
SIGNAL_CHECK("gutter_removed", empty_signal_args);
CHECK(text_edit->get_gutter_name(0) == "test_gutter");
CHECK(text_edit->get_gutter_count() == 2);
+ CHECK(text_edit->get_total_gutter_width() == 34 + 2);
SIGNAL_CHECK("gutter_removed", empty_signal_args);