path: root/servers/visual/rasterizer_rd/light_cluster_builder.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'servers/visual/rasterizer_rd/light_cluster_builder.h')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/servers/visual/rasterizer_rd/light_cluster_builder.h b/servers/visual/rasterizer_rd/light_cluster_builder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f391262356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servers/visual/rasterizer_rd/light_cluster_builder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+#include "servers/visual/rasterizer_rd/rasterizer_storage_rd.h"
+class LightClusterBuilder {
+ enum LightType {
+ };
+ enum ItemType {
+ ITEM_TYPE_MAX //should always be 4
+ };
+ enum {
+ COUNTER_SHIFT = 20, //one million total ids
+ COUNTER_MASK = 0xfff // 4096 items per cell
+ };
+ struct LightData {
+ float position[3];
+ uint32_t type;
+ float radius;
+ float spot_aperture;
+ uint32_t pad[2];
+ };
+ uint32_t light_count = 0;
+ uint32_t light_max = 0;
+ LightData *lights = nullptr;
+ struct OrientedBoxData {
+ float position[3];
+ uint32_t pad;
+ float x_axis[3];
+ uint32_t pad2;
+ float y_axis[3];
+ uint32_t pad3;
+ float z_axis[3];
+ uint32_t pad4;
+ };
+ uint32_t refprobe_count = 0;
+ uint32_t refprobe_max = 0;
+ OrientedBoxData *refprobes = nullptr;
+ uint32_t decal_count = 0;
+ uint32_t decal_max = 0;
+ OrientedBoxData *decals = nullptr;
+ struct Item {
+ AABB aabb;
+ ItemType type;
+ uint32_t index;
+ };
+ Item *items = nullptr;
+ uint32_t item_count = 0;
+ uint32_t item_max = 0;
+ uint32_t width = 0;
+ uint32_t height = 0;
+ uint32_t depth = 0;
+ struct Cell {
+ uint32_t item_pointers[ITEM_TYPE_MAX];
+ };
+ PoolVector<uint8_t> cluster_data;
+ RID cluster_texture;
+ struct SortID {
+ uint32_t cell_index;
+ uint32_t item_index;
+ ItemType item_type;
+ };
+ SortID *sort_ids = nullptr;
+ PoolVector<uint32_t> ids;
+ uint32_t sort_id_count = 0;
+ uint32_t sort_id_max = 0;
+ RID items_buffer;
+ Transform view_xform;
+ CameraMatrix projection;
+ float z_far = 0;
+ float z_near = 0;
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void _add_item(const AABB &p_aabb, ItemType p_type, uint32_t p_index) {
+ if (unlikely(item_count == item_max)) {
+ item_max = nearest_power_of_2_templated(item_max + 1);
+ items = (Item *)memrealloc(items, sizeof(Item) * item_max);
+ }
+ Item &item = items[item_count];
+ item.aabb = p_aabb;
+ item.index = p_index;
+ item.type = p_type;
+ item_count++;
+ }
+ void begin(const Transform &p_view_transform, const CameraMatrix &p_cam_projection);
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void add_light(LightType p_type, const Transform &p_transform, float p_radius, float p_spot_aperture) {
+ if (unlikely(light_count == light_max)) {
+ light_max = nearest_power_of_2_templated(light_max + 1);
+ lights = (LightData *)memrealloc(lights, sizeof(LightData) * light_max);
+ }
+ LightData &ld = lights[light_count];
+ ld.type = p_type;
+ ld.position[0] = p_transform.origin.x;
+ ld.position[1] = p_transform.origin.y;
+ ld.position[2] = p_transform.origin.z;
+ ld.radius = p_radius;
+ ld.spot_aperture = p_spot_aperture;
+ Transform xform = view_xform * p_transform;
+ ld.radius *= xform.basis.get_uniform_scale();
+ AABB aabb;
+ switch (p_type) {
+ aabb.position = xform.origin;
+ aabb.size = Vector3(ld.radius, ld.radius, ld.radius);
+ aabb.position -= aabb.size;
+ aabb.size *= 2.0;
+ _add_item(aabb, ITEM_TYPE_OMNI_LIGHT, light_count);
+ } break;
+ Vector3 v(0, 0, -1);
+ v.rotated(Vector3(0, 1, 0), Math::deg2rad(ld.spot_aperture)); //rotate in x-z
+ v.normalize();
+ v *= ld.radius;
+ v.y = v.x;
+ aabb.position = xform.origin;
+ aabb.expand_to(xform.xform(v));
+ aabb.expand_to(xform.xform(Vector3(-v.x, v.y, v.z)));
+ aabb.expand_to(xform.xform(Vector3(-v.x, -v.y, v.z)));
+ aabb.expand_to(xform.xform(Vector3(v.x, -v.y, v.z)));
+ _add_item(aabb, ITEM_TYPE_SPOT_LIGHT, light_count);
+ } break;
+ }
+ light_count++;
+ }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void add_reflection_probe(const Transform &p_transform, const Vector3 &p_half_extents) {
+ if (unlikely(refprobe_count == refprobe_max)) {
+ refprobe_max = nearest_power_of_2_templated(refprobe_max + 1);
+ refprobes = (OrientedBoxData *)memrealloc(refprobes, sizeof(OrientedBoxData) * refprobe_max);
+ }
+ OrientedBoxData &rp = refprobes[refprobe_count];
+ Vector3 origin = p_transform.origin;
+ rp.position[0] = origin.x;
+ rp.position[1] = origin.y;
+ rp.position[2] = origin.z;
+ Vector3 x_axis = p_transform.basis.get_axis(0) * p_half_extents.x;
+ rp.x_axis[0] = x_axis.x;
+ rp.x_axis[1] = x_axis.y;
+ rp.x_axis[2] = x_axis.z;
+ Vector3 y_axis = p_transform.basis.get_axis(1) * p_half_extents.y;
+ rp.y_axis[0] = y_axis.x;
+ rp.y_axis[1] = y_axis.y;
+ rp.y_axis[2] = y_axis.z;
+ Vector3 z_axis = p_transform.basis.get_axis(2) * p_half_extents.z;
+ rp.z_axis[0] = z_axis.x;
+ rp.z_axis[1] = z_axis.y;
+ rp.z_axis[2] = z_axis.z;
+ AABB aabb;
+ aabb.position = origin + x_axis + y_axis + z_axis;
+ aabb.expand_to(origin + x_axis + y_axis - z_axis);
+ aabb.expand_to(origin + x_axis - y_axis + z_axis);
+ aabb.expand_to(origin + x_axis - y_axis - z_axis);
+ aabb.expand_to(origin - x_axis + y_axis + z_axis);
+ aabb.expand_to(origin - x_axis + y_axis - z_axis);
+ aabb.expand_to(origin - x_axis - y_axis + z_axis);
+ aabb.expand_to(origin - x_axis - y_axis - z_axis);
+ _add_item(aabb, ITEM_TYPE_REFLECTION_PROBE, refprobe_count);
+ refprobe_count++;
+ }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void add_decal(const Transform &p_transform, const Vector2 &p_half_extents, float p_depth) {
+ if (unlikely(decal_count == decal_max)) {
+ decal_max = nearest_power_of_2_templated(decal_max + 1);
+ decals = (OrientedBoxData *)memrealloc(decals, sizeof(OrientedBoxData) * decal_max);
+ }
+ OrientedBoxData &dc = decals[decal_count];
+ Vector3 z_axis = -p_transform.basis.get_axis(2) * p_depth * 0.5;
+ dc.z_axis[0] = z_axis.x;
+ dc.z_axis[1] = z_axis.y;
+ dc.z_axis[2] = z_axis.z;
+ Vector3 origin = p_transform.origin - z_axis;
+ dc.position[0] = origin.x;
+ dc.position[1] = origin.y;
+ dc.position[2] = origin.z;
+ Vector3 x_axis = p_transform.basis.get_axis(0) * p_half_extents.x;
+ dc.x_axis[0] = x_axis.x;
+ dc.x_axis[1] = x_axis.y;
+ dc.x_axis[2] = x_axis.z;
+ Vector3 y_axis = p_transform.basis.get_axis(1) * p_half_extents.y;
+ dc.y_axis[0] = y_axis.x;
+ dc.y_axis[1] = y_axis.y;
+ dc.y_axis[2] = y_axis.z;
+ AABB aabb;
+ aabb.position = origin + x_axis + y_axis + z_axis;
+ aabb.expand_to(origin + x_axis + y_axis - z_axis);
+ aabb.expand_to(origin + x_axis - y_axis + z_axis);
+ aabb.expand_to(origin + x_axis - y_axis - z_axis);
+ aabb.expand_to(origin - x_axis + y_axis + z_axis);
+ aabb.expand_to(origin - x_axis + y_axis - z_axis);
+ aabb.expand_to(origin - x_axis - y_axis + z_axis);
+ aabb.expand_to(origin - x_axis - y_axis - z_axis);
+ _add_item(aabb, ITEM_TYPE_DECAL, decal_count);
+ decal_count++;
+ }
+ void bake_cluster();
+ void setup(uint32_t p_width, uint32_t p_height, uint32_t p_depth);
+ RID get_cluster_texture() const;
+ RID get_cluster_indices_buffer() const;
+ LightClusterBuilder();
+ ~LightClusterBuilder();