path: root/servers/physics/body_sw.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'servers/physics/body_sw.h')
1 files changed, 325 insertions, 320 deletions
diff --git a/servers/physics/body_sw.h b/servers/physics/body_sw.h
index 9f0bbc00cf..8923899278 100644
--- a/servers/physics/body_sw.h
+++ b/servers/physics/body_sw.h
@@ -26,323 +26,328 @@
-#ifndef BODY_SW_H
-#define BODY_SW_H
-#include "collision_object_sw.h"
-#include "vset.h"
-#include "area_sw.h"
-class ConstraintSW;
-class BodySW : public CollisionObjectSW {
- PhysicsServer::BodyMode mode;
- Vector3 linear_velocity;
- Vector3 angular_velocity;
- Vector3 biased_linear_velocity;
- Vector3 biased_angular_velocity;
- real_t mass;
- real_t bounce;
- real_t friction;
- real_t _inv_mass;
- Vector3 _inv_inertia;
- Matrix3 _inv_inertia_tensor;
- Vector3 gravity;
- real_t density;
- real_t still_time;
- Vector3 applied_force;
- Vector3 applied_torque;
- SelfList<BodySW> active_list;
- SelfList<BodySW> inertia_update_list;
- SelfList<BodySW> direct_state_query_list;
- VSet<RID> exceptions;
- bool omit_force_integration;
- bool active;
- bool simulated_motion;
- bool continuous_cd;
- bool can_sleep;
- void _update_inertia();
- virtual void _shapes_changed();
- Map<ConstraintSW*,int> constraint_map;
- struct AreaCMP {
- AreaSW *area;
- _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator<(const AreaCMP& p_cmp) const { return area->get_self() < p_cmp.area->get_self() ; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ AreaCMP(AreaSW *p_area) { area=p_area;}
- };
- VSet<AreaCMP> areas;
- struct Contact {
- Vector3 local_pos;
- Vector3 local_normal;
- float depth;
- int local_shape;
- Vector3 collider_pos;
- int collider_shape;
- ObjectID collider_instance_id;
- RID collider;
- Vector3 collider_velocity_at_pos;
- };
- Vector<Contact> contacts; //no contacts by default
- int contact_count;
- struct ForceIntegrationCallback {
- ObjectID id;
- StringName method;
- Variant udata;
- };
- ForceIntegrationCallback *fi_callback;
- uint64_t island_step;
- BodySW *island_next;
- BodySW *island_list_next;
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void _compute_area_gravity(const AreaSW *p_area);
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void _update_inertia_tensor();
-friend class PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW; // i give up, too many functions to expose
- void set_force_integration_callback(ObjectID p_id,const StringName& p_method,const Variant& p_udata=Variant());
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void add_area(AreaSW *p_area) { areas.insert(AreaCMP(p_area)); }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void remove_area(AreaSW *p_area) { areas.erase(AreaCMP(p_area)); }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_max_contacts_reported(int p_size) { contacts.resize(p_size); contact_count=0; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ int get_max_contacts_reported() const { return contacts.size(); }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ bool can_report_contacts() const { return !contacts.empty(); }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void add_contact(const Vector3& p_local_pos,const Vector3& p_local_normal, float p_depth, int p_local_shape, const Vector3& p_collider_pos, int p_collider_shape, ObjectID p_collider_instance_id, const RID& p_collider,const Vector3& p_collider_velocity_at_pos);
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void add_exception(const RID& p_exception) { exceptions.insert(p_exception);}
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void remove_exception(const RID& p_exception) { exceptions.erase(p_exception);}
- _FORCE_INLINE_ bool has_exception(const RID& p_exception) const { return exceptions.has(p_exception);}
- _FORCE_INLINE_ const VSet<RID>& get_exceptions() const { return exceptions;}
- _FORCE_INLINE_ uint64_t get_island_step() const { return island_step; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_island_step(uint64_t p_step) { island_step=p_step; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ BodySW* get_island_next() const { return island_next; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_island_next(BodySW* p_next) { island_next=p_next; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ BodySW* get_island_list_next() const { return island_list_next; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_island_list_next(BodySW* p_next) { island_list_next=p_next; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void add_constraint(ConstraintSW* p_constraint, int p_pos) { constraint_map[p_constraint]=p_pos; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void remove_constraint(ConstraintSW* p_constraint) { constraint_map.erase(p_constraint); }
- const Map<ConstraintSW*,int>& get_constraint_map() const { return constraint_map; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_omit_force_integration(bool p_omit_force_integration) { omit_force_integration=p_omit_force_integration; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ bool get_omit_force_integration() const { return omit_force_integration; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_linear_velocity(const Vector3& p_velocity) {linear_velocity=p_velocity; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 get_linear_velocity() const { return linear_velocity; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_angular_velocity(const Vector3& p_velocity) { angular_velocity=p_velocity; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 get_angular_velocity() const { return angular_velocity; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ const Vector3& get_biased_linear_velocity() const { return biased_linear_velocity; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ const Vector3& get_biased_angular_velocity() const { return biased_angular_velocity; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void apply_impulse(const Vector3& p_pos, const Vector3& p_j) {
- linear_velocity += p_j * _inv_mass;
- angular_velocity += _inv_inertia_tensor.xform( p_pos.cross(p_j) );
- }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void apply_bias_impulse(const Vector3& p_pos, const Vector3& p_j) {
- biased_linear_velocity += p_j * _inv_mass;
- biased_angular_velocity += _inv_inertia_tensor.xform( p_pos.cross(p_j) );
- }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void apply_torque_impulse(const Vector3& p_j) {
- angular_velocity += _inv_inertia_tensor.xform(p_j);
- }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void add_force(const Vector3& p_force, const Vector3& p_pos) {
- applied_force += p_force;
- applied_torque += p_pos.cross(p_force);
- }
- void set_active(bool p_active);
- _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_active() const { return active; }
- void set_param(PhysicsServer::BodyParameter p_param, float);
- float get_param(PhysicsServer::BodyParameter p_param) const;
- void set_mode(PhysicsServer::BodyMode p_mode);
- PhysicsServer::BodyMode get_mode() const;
- void set_state(PhysicsServer::BodyState p_state, const Variant& p_variant);
- Variant get_state(PhysicsServer::BodyState p_state) const;
- void set_applied_force(const Vector3& p_force) { applied_force=p_force; }
- Vector3 get_applied_force() const { return applied_force; }
- void set_applied_torque(const Vector3& p_torque) { applied_torque=p_torque; }
- Vector3 get_applied_torque() const { return applied_torque; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_continuous_collision_detection(bool p_enable) { continuous_cd=p_enable; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_continuous_collision_detection_enabled() const { return continuous_cd; }
- void set_space(SpaceSW *p_space);
- void update_inertias();
- _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t get_inv_mass() const { return _inv_mass; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 get_inv_inertia() const { return _inv_inertia; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ Matrix3 get_inv_inertia_tensor() const { return _inv_inertia_tensor; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t get_friction() const { return friction; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 get_gravity() const { return gravity; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t get_density() const { return density; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t get_bounce() const { return bounce; }
- void integrate_forces(real_t p_step);
- void integrate_velocities(real_t p_step);
- void simulate_motion(const Transform& p_xform,real_t p_step);
- void call_queries();
- void wakeup_neighbours();
- bool sleep_test(real_t p_step);
- BodySW();
- ~BodySW();
-//add contact inline
-void BodySW::add_contact(const Vector3& p_local_pos,const Vector3& p_local_normal, float p_depth, int p_local_shape, const Vector3& p_collider_pos, int p_collider_shape, ObjectID p_collider_instance_id, const RID& p_collider,const Vector3& p_collider_velocity_at_pos) {
- int c_max=contacts.size();
- if (c_max==0)
- return;
- Contact *c = &contacts[0];
- int idx=-1;
- if (contact_count<c_max) {
- idx=contact_count++;
- } else {
- float least_depth=1e20;
- int least_deep=-1;
- for(int i=0;i<c_max;i++) {
- if (i==0 || c[i].depth<least_depth) {
- least_deep=i;
- least_depth=c[i].depth;
- }
- }
- if (least_deep>=0 && least_depth<p_depth) {
- idx=least_deep;
- }
- if (idx==-1)
- return; //none least deepe than this
- }
- c[idx].local_pos=p_local_pos;
- c[idx].local_normal=p_local_normal;
- c[idx].depth=p_depth;
- c[idx].local_shape=p_local_shape;
- c[idx].collider_pos=p_collider_pos;
- c[idx].collider_shape=p_collider_shape;
- c[idx].collider_instance_id=p_collider_instance_id;
- c[idx].collider=p_collider;
- c[idx].collider_velocity_at_pos=p_collider_velocity_at_pos;
-class PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW : public PhysicsDirectBodyState {
- OBJ_TYPE( PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW, PhysicsDirectBodyState );
- static PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW *singleton;
- BodySW *body;
- real_t step;
- virtual Vector3 get_total_gravity() const { return body->get_gravity(); } // get gravity vector working on this body space/area
- virtual float get_total_density() const { return body->get_density(); } // get density of this body space/area
- virtual float get_inverse_mass() const { return body->get_inv_mass(); } // get the mass
- virtual Vector3 get_inverse_inertia() const { return body->get_inv_inertia(); } // get density of this body space
- virtual Matrix3 get_inverse_inertia_tensor() const { return body->get_inv_inertia_tensor(); } // get density of this body space
- virtual void set_linear_velocity(const Vector3& p_velocity) { body->set_linear_velocity(p_velocity); }
- virtual Vector3 get_linear_velocity() const { return body->get_linear_velocity(); }
- virtual void set_angular_velocity(const Vector3& p_velocity) { body->set_angular_velocity(p_velocity); }
- virtual Vector3 get_angular_velocity() const { return body->get_angular_velocity(); }
- virtual void set_transform(const Transform& p_transform) { body->set_state(PhysicsServer::BODY_STATE_TRANSFORM,p_transform); }
- virtual Transform get_transform() const { return body->get_transform(); }
- virtual void add_force(const Vector3& p_force, const Vector3& p_pos) { body->add_force(p_force,p_pos); }
- virtual void set_sleep_state(bool p_enable) { body->set_active(!p_enable); }
- virtual bool is_sleeping() const { return !body->is_active(); }
- virtual int get_contact_count() const { return body->contact_count; }
- virtual Vector3 get_contact_local_pos(int p_contact_idx) const {
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_contact_idx,body->contact_count,Vector3());
- return body->contacts[p_contact_idx].local_pos;
- }
- virtual Vector3 get_contact_local_normal(int p_contact_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_contact_idx,body->contact_count,Vector3()); return body->contacts[p_contact_idx].local_normal; }
- virtual int get_contact_local_shape(int p_contact_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_contact_idx,body->contact_count,-1); return body->contacts[p_contact_idx].local_shape; }
- virtual RID get_contact_collider(int p_contact_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_contact_idx,body->contact_count,RID()); return body->contacts[p_contact_idx].collider; }
- virtual Vector3 get_contact_collider_pos(int p_contact_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_contact_idx,body->contact_count,Vector3()); return body->contacts[p_contact_idx].collider_pos; }
- virtual ObjectID get_contact_collider_id(int p_contact_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_contact_idx,body->contact_count,0); return body->contacts[p_contact_idx].collider_instance_id; }
- virtual int get_contact_collider_shape(int p_contact_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_contact_idx,body->contact_count,0); return body->contacts[p_contact_idx].collider_shape; }
- virtual Vector3 get_contact_collider_velocity_at_pos(int p_contact_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_contact_idx,body->contact_count,Vector3()); return body->contacts[p_contact_idx].collider_velocity_at_pos; }
- virtual PhysicsDirectSpaceState* get_space_state();
- virtual real_t get_step() const { return step; }
- PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW() { singleton=this; body=NULL; }
-#endif // BODY__SW_H
+#ifndef BODY_SW_H
+#define BODY_SW_H
+#include "collision_object_sw.h"
+#include "vset.h"
+#include "area_sw.h"
+class ConstraintSW;
+class BodySW : public CollisionObjectSW {
+ PhysicsServer::BodyMode mode;
+ Vector3 linear_velocity;
+ Vector3 angular_velocity;
+ Vector3 biased_linear_velocity;
+ Vector3 biased_angular_velocity;
+ real_t mass;
+ real_t bounce;
+ real_t friction;
+ PhysicsServer::BodyAxisLock axis_lock;
+ real_t _inv_mass;
+ Vector3 _inv_inertia;
+ Matrix3 _inv_inertia_tensor;
+ Vector3 gravity;
+ real_t density;
+ real_t still_time;
+ Vector3 applied_force;
+ Vector3 applied_torque;
+ SelfList<BodySW> active_list;
+ SelfList<BodySW> inertia_update_list;
+ SelfList<BodySW> direct_state_query_list;
+ VSet<RID> exceptions;
+ bool omit_force_integration;
+ bool active;
+ bool simulated_motion;
+ bool continuous_cd;
+ bool can_sleep;
+ void _update_inertia();
+ virtual void _shapes_changed();
+ Map<ConstraintSW*,int> constraint_map;
+ struct AreaCMP {
+ AreaSW *area;
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool operator<(const AreaCMP& p_cmp) const { return area->get_self() < p_cmp.area->get_self() ; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ AreaCMP(AreaSW *p_area) { area=p_area;}
+ };
+ VSet<AreaCMP> areas;
+ struct Contact {
+ Vector3 local_pos;
+ Vector3 local_normal;
+ float depth;
+ int local_shape;
+ Vector3 collider_pos;
+ int collider_shape;
+ ObjectID collider_instance_id;
+ RID collider;
+ Vector3 collider_velocity_at_pos;
+ };
+ Vector<Contact> contacts; //no contacts by default
+ int contact_count;
+ struct ForceIntegrationCallback {
+ ObjectID id;
+ StringName method;
+ Variant udata;
+ };
+ ForceIntegrationCallback *fi_callback;
+ uint64_t island_step;
+ BodySW *island_next;
+ BodySW *island_list_next;
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void _compute_area_gravity(const AreaSW *p_area);
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void _update_inertia_tensor();
+friend class PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW; // i give up, too many functions to expose
+ void set_force_integration_callback(ObjectID p_id,const StringName& p_method,const Variant& p_udata=Variant());
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void add_area(AreaSW *p_area) { areas.insert(AreaCMP(p_area)); }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void remove_area(AreaSW *p_area) { areas.erase(AreaCMP(p_area)); }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_max_contacts_reported(int p_size) { contacts.resize(p_size); contact_count=0; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ int get_max_contacts_reported() const { return contacts.size(); }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool can_report_contacts() const { return !contacts.empty(); }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void add_contact(const Vector3& p_local_pos,const Vector3& p_local_normal, float p_depth, int p_local_shape, const Vector3& p_collider_pos, int p_collider_shape, ObjectID p_collider_instance_id, const RID& p_collider,const Vector3& p_collider_velocity_at_pos);
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void add_exception(const RID& p_exception) { exceptions.insert(p_exception);}
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void remove_exception(const RID& p_exception) { exceptions.erase(p_exception);}
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool has_exception(const RID& p_exception) const { return exceptions.has(p_exception);}
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ const VSet<RID>& get_exceptions() const { return exceptions;}
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ uint64_t get_island_step() const { return island_step; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_island_step(uint64_t p_step) { island_step=p_step; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ BodySW* get_island_next() const { return island_next; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_island_next(BodySW* p_next) { island_next=p_next; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ BodySW* get_island_list_next() const { return island_list_next; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_island_list_next(BodySW* p_next) { island_list_next=p_next; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void add_constraint(ConstraintSW* p_constraint, int p_pos) { constraint_map[p_constraint]=p_pos; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void remove_constraint(ConstraintSW* p_constraint) { constraint_map.erase(p_constraint); }
+ const Map<ConstraintSW*,int>& get_constraint_map() const { return constraint_map; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_omit_force_integration(bool p_omit_force_integration) { omit_force_integration=p_omit_force_integration; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool get_omit_force_integration() const { return omit_force_integration; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_linear_velocity(const Vector3& p_velocity) {linear_velocity=p_velocity; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 get_linear_velocity() const { return linear_velocity; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_angular_velocity(const Vector3& p_velocity) { angular_velocity=p_velocity; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 get_angular_velocity() const { return angular_velocity; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ const Vector3& get_biased_linear_velocity() const { return biased_linear_velocity; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ const Vector3& get_biased_angular_velocity() const { return biased_angular_velocity; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void apply_impulse(const Vector3& p_pos, const Vector3& p_j) {
+ linear_velocity += p_j * _inv_mass;
+ angular_velocity += _inv_inertia_tensor.xform( p_pos.cross(p_j) );
+ }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void apply_bias_impulse(const Vector3& p_pos, const Vector3& p_j) {
+ biased_linear_velocity += p_j * _inv_mass;
+ biased_angular_velocity += _inv_inertia_tensor.xform( p_pos.cross(p_j) );
+ }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void apply_torque_impulse(const Vector3& p_j) {
+ angular_velocity += _inv_inertia_tensor.xform(p_j);
+ }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void add_force(const Vector3& p_force, const Vector3& p_pos) {
+ applied_force += p_force;
+ applied_torque += p_pos.cross(p_force);
+ }
+ void set_active(bool p_active);
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_active() const { return active; }
+ void set_param(PhysicsServer::BodyParameter p_param, float);
+ float get_param(PhysicsServer::BodyParameter p_param) const;
+ void set_mode(PhysicsServer::BodyMode p_mode);
+ PhysicsServer::BodyMode get_mode() const;
+ void set_state(PhysicsServer::BodyState p_state, const Variant& p_variant);
+ Variant get_state(PhysicsServer::BodyState p_state) const;
+ void set_applied_force(const Vector3& p_force) { applied_force=p_force; }
+ Vector3 get_applied_force() const { return applied_force; }
+ void set_applied_torque(const Vector3& p_torque) { applied_torque=p_torque; }
+ Vector3 get_applied_torque() const { return applied_torque; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_continuous_collision_detection(bool p_enable) { continuous_cd=p_enable; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_continuous_collision_detection_enabled() const { return continuous_cd; }
+ void set_space(SpaceSW *p_space);
+ void update_inertias();
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t get_inv_mass() const { return _inv_mass; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 get_inv_inertia() const { return _inv_inertia; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ Matrix3 get_inv_inertia_tensor() const { return _inv_inertia_tensor; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t get_friction() const { return friction; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 get_gravity() const { return gravity; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t get_density() const { return density; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ real_t get_bounce() const { return bounce; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_axis_lock(PhysicsServer::BodyAxisLock p_lock) { axis_lock=p_lock; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ PhysicsServer::BodyAxisLock get_axis_lock() const { return axis_lock; }
+ void integrate_forces(real_t p_step);
+ void integrate_velocities(real_t p_step);
+ void simulate_motion(const Transform& p_xform,real_t p_step);
+ void call_queries();
+ void wakeup_neighbours();
+ bool sleep_test(real_t p_step);
+ BodySW();
+ ~BodySW();
+//add contact inline
+void BodySW::add_contact(const Vector3& p_local_pos,const Vector3& p_local_normal, float p_depth, int p_local_shape, const Vector3& p_collider_pos, int p_collider_shape, ObjectID p_collider_instance_id, const RID& p_collider,const Vector3& p_collider_velocity_at_pos) {
+ int c_max=contacts.size();
+ if (c_max==0)
+ return;
+ Contact *c = &contacts[0];
+ int idx=-1;
+ if (contact_count<c_max) {
+ idx=contact_count++;
+ } else {
+ float least_depth=1e20;
+ int least_deep=-1;
+ for(int i=0;i<c_max;i++) {
+ if (i==0 || c[i].depth<least_depth) {
+ least_deep=i;
+ least_depth=c[i].depth;
+ }
+ }
+ if (least_deep>=0 && least_depth<p_depth) {
+ idx=least_deep;
+ }
+ if (idx==-1)
+ return; //none least deepe than this
+ }
+ c[idx].local_pos=p_local_pos;
+ c[idx].local_normal=p_local_normal;
+ c[idx].depth=p_depth;
+ c[idx].local_shape=p_local_shape;
+ c[idx].collider_pos=p_collider_pos;
+ c[idx].collider_shape=p_collider_shape;
+ c[idx].collider_instance_id=p_collider_instance_id;
+ c[idx].collider=p_collider;
+ c[idx].collider_velocity_at_pos=p_collider_velocity_at_pos;
+class PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW : public PhysicsDirectBodyState {
+ OBJ_TYPE( PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW, PhysicsDirectBodyState );
+ static PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW *singleton;
+ BodySW *body;
+ real_t step;
+ virtual Vector3 get_total_gravity() const { return body->get_gravity(); } // get gravity vector working on this body space/area
+ virtual float get_total_density() const { return body->get_density(); } // get density of this body space/area
+ virtual float get_inverse_mass() const { return body->get_inv_mass(); } // get the mass
+ virtual Vector3 get_inverse_inertia() const { return body->get_inv_inertia(); } // get density of this body space
+ virtual Matrix3 get_inverse_inertia_tensor() const { return body->get_inv_inertia_tensor(); } // get density of this body space
+ virtual void set_linear_velocity(const Vector3& p_velocity) { body->set_linear_velocity(p_velocity); }
+ virtual Vector3 get_linear_velocity() const { return body->get_linear_velocity(); }
+ virtual void set_angular_velocity(const Vector3& p_velocity) { body->set_angular_velocity(p_velocity); }
+ virtual Vector3 get_angular_velocity() const { return body->get_angular_velocity(); }
+ virtual void set_transform(const Transform& p_transform) { body->set_state(PhysicsServer::BODY_STATE_TRANSFORM,p_transform); }
+ virtual Transform get_transform() const { return body->get_transform(); }
+ virtual void add_force(const Vector3& p_force, const Vector3& p_pos) { body->add_force(p_force,p_pos); }
+ virtual void set_sleep_state(bool p_enable) { body->set_active(!p_enable); }
+ virtual bool is_sleeping() const { return !body->is_active(); }
+ virtual int get_contact_count() const { return body->contact_count; }
+ virtual Vector3 get_contact_local_pos(int p_contact_idx) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_contact_idx,body->contact_count,Vector3());
+ return body->contacts[p_contact_idx].local_pos;
+ }
+ virtual Vector3 get_contact_local_normal(int p_contact_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_contact_idx,body->contact_count,Vector3()); return body->contacts[p_contact_idx].local_normal; }
+ virtual int get_contact_local_shape(int p_contact_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_contact_idx,body->contact_count,-1); return body->contacts[p_contact_idx].local_shape; }
+ virtual RID get_contact_collider(int p_contact_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_contact_idx,body->contact_count,RID()); return body->contacts[p_contact_idx].collider; }
+ virtual Vector3 get_contact_collider_pos(int p_contact_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_contact_idx,body->contact_count,Vector3()); return body->contacts[p_contact_idx].collider_pos; }
+ virtual ObjectID get_contact_collider_id(int p_contact_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_contact_idx,body->contact_count,0); return body->contacts[p_contact_idx].collider_instance_id; }
+ virtual int get_contact_collider_shape(int p_contact_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_contact_idx,body->contact_count,0); return body->contacts[p_contact_idx].collider_shape; }
+ virtual Vector3 get_contact_collider_velocity_at_pos(int p_contact_idx) const { ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_contact_idx,body->contact_count,Vector3()); return body->contacts[p_contact_idx].collider_velocity_at_pos; }
+ virtual PhysicsDirectSpaceState* get_space_state();
+ virtual real_t get_step() const { return step; }
+ PhysicsDirectBodyStateSW() { singleton=this; body=NULL; }
+#endif // BODY__SW_H