path: root/scene
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Diffstat (limited to 'scene')
46 files changed, 2279 insertions, 1681 deletions
diff --git a/scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp b/scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp
index 8a4d42fd1f..ea491e8b0e 100644
--- a/scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp
+++ b/scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.cpp
@@ -33,125 +33,17 @@
#include "scene/2d/area_2d.h"
#include "scene/main/window.h"
-void AudioStreamPlayer2D::_mix_audio() {
- if (!stream_playback.is_valid() || !active.is_set() ||
- (stream_paused && !stream_paused_fade_out)) {
- return;
- }
- if (setseek.get() >= 0.0) {
- stream_playback->start(setseek.get());
- setseek.set(-1.0); //reset seek
- }
- //get data
- AudioFrame *buffer = mix_buffer.ptrw();
- int buffer_size = mix_buffer.size();
- if (stream_paused_fade_out) {
- // Short fadeout ramp
- buffer_size = MIN(buffer_size, 128);
- }
- stream_playback->mix(buffer, pitch_scale, buffer_size);
- //write all outputs
- int oc = output_count.get();
- for (int i = 0; i < oc; i++) {
- Output current = outputs[i];
- //see if current output exists, to keep volume ramp
- bool found = false;
- for (int j = i; j < prev_output_count; j++) {
- if (prev_outputs[j].viewport == current.viewport) {
- if (j != i) {
- SWAP(prev_outputs[j], prev_outputs[i]);
- }
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- //create new if was not used before
- if (prev_output_count < MAX_OUTPUTS) {
- prev_outputs[prev_output_count] = prev_outputs[i]; //may be owned by another viewport
- prev_output_count++;
- }
- prev_outputs[i] = current;
- }
- //mix!
- AudioFrame target_volume = stream_paused_fade_out ? AudioFrame(0.f, 0.f) : current.vol;
- AudioFrame vol_prev = stream_paused_fade_in ? AudioFrame(0.f, 0.f) : prev_outputs[i].vol;
- AudioFrame vol_inc = (target_volume - vol_prev) / float(buffer_size);
- AudioFrame vol = vol_prev;
- int cc = AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_channel_count();
- if (cc == 1) {
- if (!AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_has_channel_mix_buffer(current.bus_index, 0)) {
- continue; //may have been removed
- }
- AudioFrame *target = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(current.bus_index, 0);
- for (int j = 0; j < buffer_size; j++) {
- target[j] += buffer[j] * vol;
- vol += vol_inc;
- }
- } else {
- AudioFrame *targets[4];
- bool valid = true;
- for (int k = 0; k < cc; k++) {
- if (!AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_has_channel_mix_buffer(current.bus_index, k)) {
- valid = false; //may have been removed
- break;
- }
- targets[k] = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(current.bus_index, k);
- }
- if (!valid) {
- continue;
- }
- for (int j = 0; j < buffer_size; j++) {
- AudioFrame frame = buffer[j] * vol;
- for (int k = 0; k < cc; k++) {
- targets[k][j] += frame;
- }
- vol += vol_inc;
- }
- }
- prev_outputs[i] = current;
- }
- prev_output_count = oc;
- //stream is no longer active, disable this.
- if (!stream_playback->is_playing()) {
- active.clear();
- }
- output_ready.clear();
- stream_paused_fade_in = false;
- stream_paused_fade_out = false;
void AudioStreamPlayer2D::_notification(int p_what) {
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->add_callback(_mix_audios, this);
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->add_listener_changed_callback(_listener_changed_cb, this);
if (autoplay && !Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->remove_callback(_mix_audios, this);
+ stop();
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->remove_listener_changed_callback(_listener_changed_cb, this);
if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_PAUSED) {
@@ -168,109 +60,120 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer2D::_notification(int p_what) {
//update anything related to position first, if possible of course
- if (!output_ready.is_set()) {
- Ref<World2D> world_2d = get_world_2d();
- ERR_FAIL_COND(world_2d.is_null());
+ if (!stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (setplay.get() >= 0 || (active.is_set() && last_mix_count != AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_mix_count())) {
+ _update_panning();
+ if (setplay.get() >= 0) {
+ active.set();
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->start_playback_stream(stream_playback, _get_actual_bus(), volume_vector, setplay.get());
+ setplay.set(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ // Stop playing if no longer active.
+ if (active.is_set() && !AudioServer::get_singleton()->is_playback_active(stream_playback)) {
+ active.clear();
+ set_physics_process_internal(false);
+ emit_signal(SNAME("finished"));
+ }
+ }
- int new_output_count = 0;
+StringName AudioStreamPlayer2D::_get_actual_bus() {
+ if (!stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ return SNAME("Master");
+ }
- Vector2 global_pos = get_global_position();
+ Vector2 global_pos = get_global_position();
- int bus_index = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_find_bus_index(bus);
+ //check if any area is diverting sound into a bus
+ Ref<World2D> world_2d = get_world_2d();
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(world_2d.is_null(), SNAME("Master"));
- //check if any area is diverting sound into a bus
+ PhysicsDirectSpaceState2D *space_state = PhysicsServer2D::get_singleton()->space_get_direct_state(world_2d->get_space());
+ PhysicsDirectSpaceState2D::ShapeResult sr[MAX_INTERSECT_AREAS];
- PhysicsDirectSpaceState2D *space_state = PhysicsServer2D::get_singleton()->space_get_direct_state(world_2d->get_space());
+ int areas = space_state->intersect_point(global_pos, sr, MAX_INTERSECT_AREAS, Set<RID>(), area_mask, false, true);
- PhysicsDirectSpaceState2D::ShapeResult sr[MAX_INTERSECT_AREAS];
+ for (int i = 0; i < areas; i++) {
+ Area2D *area2d = Object::cast_to<Area2D>(sr[i].collider);
+ if (!area2d) {
+ continue;
+ }
- int areas = space_state->intersect_point(global_pos, sr, MAX_INTERSECT_AREAS, Set<RID>(), area_mask, false, true);
+ if (!area2d->is_overriding_audio_bus()) {
+ continue;
+ }
- for (int i = 0; i < areas; i++) {
- Area2D *area2d = Object::cast_to<Area2D>(sr[i].collider);
- if (!area2d) {
- continue;
- }
+ return area2d->get_audio_bus_name();
+ }
+ return default_bus;
- if (!area2d->is_overriding_audio_bus()) {
- continue;
- }
+void AudioStreamPlayer2D::_update_panning() {
+ if (!stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ return;
+ }
- StringName bus_name = area2d->get_audio_bus_name();
- bus_index = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_find_bus_index(bus_name);
- break;
- }
+ last_mix_count = AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_mix_count();
- const Set<Viewport *> viewports = world_2d->get_viewports();
+ Ref<World2D> world_2d = get_world_2d();
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(world_2d.is_null());
- for (Set<Viewport *>::Element *E = viewports.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- Viewport *vp = E->get();
- if (vp->is_audio_listener_2d()) {
- //compute matrix to convert to screen
- Transform2D to_screen = vp->get_global_canvas_transform() * vp->get_canvas_transform();
- Vector2 screen_size = vp->get_visible_rect().size;
+ Vector2 global_pos = get_global_position();
- //screen in global is used for attenuation
- Vector2 screen_in_global = to_screen.affine_inverse().xform(screen_size * 0.5);
+ Set<Viewport *> viewports = world_2d->get_viewports();
+ viewports.insert(get_viewport()); // TODO: This is a mediocre workaround for #50958. Remove when that bug is fixed!
- float dist = global_pos.distance_to(screen_in_global); //distance to screen center
+ volume_vector.resize(4);
+ volume_vector.write[0] = AudioFrame(0, 0);
+ volume_vector.write[1] = AudioFrame(0, 0);
+ volume_vector.write[2] = AudioFrame(0, 0);
+ volume_vector.write[3] = AudioFrame(0, 0);
- if (dist > max_distance) {
- continue; //can't hear this sound in this viewport
- }
+ for (Viewport *vp : viewports) {
+ if (!vp->is_audio_listener_2d()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ //compute matrix to convert to screen
+ Transform2D to_screen = vp->get_global_canvas_transform() * vp->get_canvas_transform();
+ Vector2 screen_size = vp->get_visible_rect().size;
- float multiplier = Math::pow(1.0f - dist / max_distance, attenuation);
- multiplier *= Math::db2linear(volume_db); //also apply player volume!
+ //screen in global is used for attenuation
+ Vector2 screen_in_global = to_screen.affine_inverse().xform(screen_size * 0.5);
- //point in screen is used for panning
- Vector2 point_in_screen = to_screen.xform(global_pos);
+ float dist = global_pos.distance_to(screen_in_global); //distance to screen center
- float pan = CLAMP(point_in_screen.x / screen_size.width, 0.0, 1.0);
+ if (dist > max_distance) {
+ continue; //can't hear this sound in this viewport
+ }
- float l = 1.0 - pan;
- float r = pan;
+ float multiplier = Math::pow(1.0f - dist / max_distance, attenuation);
+ multiplier *= Math::db2linear(volume_db); //also apply player volume!
- outputs[new_output_count].vol = AudioFrame(l, r) * multiplier;
- outputs[new_output_count].bus_index = bus_index;
- outputs[new_output_count].viewport = vp; //keep pointer only for reference
- new_output_count++;
- if (new_output_count == MAX_OUTPUTS) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
+ //point in screen is used for panning
+ Vector2 point_in_screen = to_screen.xform(global_pos);
- output_count.set(new_output_count);
- output_ready.set();
- }
+ float pan = CLAMP(point_in_screen.x / screen_size.width, 0.0, 1.0);
- //start playing if requested
- if (setplay.get() >= 0.0) {
- setseek.set(setplay.get());
- active.set();
- setplay.set(-1);
- }
+ float l = 1.0 - pan;
+ float r = pan;
- //stop playing if no longer active
- if (!active.is_set()) {
- set_physics_process_internal(false);
- emit_signal(SNAME("finished"));
- }
+ volume_vector.write[0] = AudioFrame(l, r) * multiplier;
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->set_playback_bus_exclusive(stream_playback, _get_actual_bus(), volume_vector);
void AudioStreamPlayer2D::set_stream(Ref<AudioStream> p_stream) {
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->lock();
- mix_buffer.resize(AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_mix_buffer_size());
if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
- stream_playback.unref();
- stream.unref();
- active.clear();
- setseek.set(-1);
+ stop();
+ stream_playback.unref();
+ stream.unref();
if (p_stream.is_valid()) {
stream_playback = p_stream->instance_playback();
if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
@@ -280,8 +183,6 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer2D::set_stream(Ref<AudioStream> p_stream) {
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->unlock();
if (p_stream.is_valid() && stream_playback.is_null()) {
@@ -302,6 +203,9 @@ float AudioStreamPlayer2D::get_volume_db() const {
void AudioStreamPlayer2D::set_pitch_scale(float p_pitch_scale) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(p_pitch_scale <= 0.0);
pitch_scale = p_pitch_scale;
+ if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->set_playback_pitch_scale(stream_playback, p_pitch_scale);
+ }
float AudioStreamPlayer2D::get_pitch_scale() const {
@@ -309,27 +213,26 @@ float AudioStreamPlayer2D::get_pitch_scale() const {
void AudioStreamPlayer2D::play(float p_from_pos) {
- if (!is_playing()) {
- // Reset the prev_output_count if the stream is stopped
- prev_output_count = 0;
+ stop();
+ if (stream.is_valid()) {
+ stream_playback = stream->instance_playback();
if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
- output_ready.clear();
void AudioStreamPlayer2D::seek(float p_seconds) {
- if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
- setseek.set(p_seconds);
+ if (stream_playback.is_valid() && active.is_set()) {
+ play(p_seconds);
void AudioStreamPlayer2D::stop() {
if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->stop_playback_stream(stream_playback);
@@ -337,7 +240,7 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer2D::stop() {
bool AudioStreamPlayer2D::is_playing() const {
if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
- return active.is_set() || setplay.get() >= 0;
+ return AudioServer::get_singleton()->is_playback_active(stream_playback);
return false;
@@ -345,30 +248,23 @@ bool AudioStreamPlayer2D::is_playing() const {
float AudioStreamPlayer2D::get_playback_position() {
if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
- float ss = setseek.get();
- if (ss >= 0.0) {
- return ss;
- }
- return stream_playback->get_playback_position();
+ return AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_playback_position(stream_playback);
return 0;
void AudioStreamPlayer2D::set_bus(const StringName &p_bus) {
- //if audio is active, must lock this
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->lock();
- bus = p_bus;
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->unlock();
+ default_bus = p_bus; // This will be pushed to the audio server during the next physics timestep, which is fast enough.
StringName AudioStreamPlayer2D::get_bus() const {
for (int i = 0; i < AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_bus_count(); i++) {
- if (AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_bus_name(i) == bus) {
- return bus;
+ if (AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_bus_name(i) == default_bus) {
+ return default_bus;
- return "Master";
+ return SNAME("Master");
void AudioStreamPlayer2D::set_autoplay(bool p_enable) {
@@ -388,7 +284,11 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer2D::_set_playing(bool p_enable) {
bool AudioStreamPlayer2D::_is_active() const {
- return active.is_set();
+ if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ // TODO make sure this doesn't change any behavior w.r.t. pauses. Is a paused stream active?
+ return AudioServer::get_singleton()->is_playback_active(stream_playback);
+ }
+ return false;
void AudioStreamPlayer2D::_validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const {
@@ -436,15 +336,17 @@ uint32_t AudioStreamPlayer2D::get_area_mask() const {
void AudioStreamPlayer2D::set_stream_paused(bool p_pause) {
- if (p_pause != stream_paused) {
- stream_paused = p_pause;
- stream_paused_fade_in = !p_pause;
- stream_paused_fade_out = p_pause;
+ // TODO this does not have perfect recall, fix that maybe? If the stream isn't set, we can't persist this bool.
+ if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->set_playback_paused(stream_playback, p_pause);
bool AudioStreamPlayer2D::get_stream_paused() const {
- return stream_paused;
+ if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ return AudioServer::get_singleton()->is_playback_paused(stream_playback);
+ }
+ return false;
Ref<AudioStreamPlayback> AudioStreamPlayer2D::get_stream_playback() {
diff --git a/scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.h b/scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.h
index cf05a49b00..6428fbe017 100644
--- a/scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.h
+++ b/scene/2d/audio_stream_player_2d.h
@@ -51,38 +51,30 @@ private:
Viewport *viewport = nullptr; //pointer only used for reference to previous mix
- Output outputs[MAX_OUTPUTS];
- SafeNumeric<int> output_count;
- SafeFlag output_ready;
- //these are used by audio thread to have a reference of previous volumes (for ramping volume and avoiding clicks)
- Output prev_outputs[MAX_OUTPUTS];
- int prev_output_count = 0;
Ref<AudioStreamPlayback> stream_playback;
Ref<AudioStream> stream;
- Vector<AudioFrame> mix_buffer;
- SafeNumeric<float> setseek{ -1.0 };
SafeFlag active;
SafeNumeric<float> setplay{ -1.0 };
+ Vector<AudioFrame> volume_vector;
+ uint64_t last_mix_count = -1;
float volume_db = 0.0;
float pitch_scale = 1.0;
bool autoplay = false;
- bool stream_paused = false;
- bool stream_paused_fade_in = false;
- bool stream_paused_fade_out = false;
- StringName bus;
- void _mix_audio();
- static void _mix_audios(void *self) { reinterpret_cast<AudioStreamPlayer2D *>(self)->_mix_audio(); }
+ StringName default_bus = "Master";
void _set_playing(bool p_enable);
bool _is_active() const;
+ StringName _get_actual_bus();
+ void _update_panning();
void _bus_layout_changed();
+ static void _listener_changed_cb(void *self) { reinterpret_cast<AudioStreamPlayer2D *>(self)->_update_panning(); }
uint32_t area_mask = 1;
float max_distance = 2000.0;
diff --git a/scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp b/scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
index a9d4877cbb..8d8b187445 100644
--- a/scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
+++ b/scene/2d/physics_body_2d.cpp
@@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ Ref<KinematicCollision2D> PhysicsBody2D::_move(const Vector2 &p_motion, bool p_t
return Ref<KinematicCollision2D>();
-bool PhysicsBody2D::move_and_collide(const Vector2 &p_motion, PhysicsServer2D::MotionResult &r_result, real_t p_margin, bool p_test_only, bool p_cancel_sliding, const Set<RID> &p_exclude) {
+bool PhysicsBody2D::move_and_collide(const Vector2 &p_motion, PhysicsServer2D::MotionResult &r_result, real_t p_margin, bool p_test_only, bool p_cancel_sliding, bool p_collide_separation_ray, const Set<RID> &p_exclude) {
if (is_only_update_transform_changes_enabled()) {
ERR_PRINT("Move functions do not work together with 'sync to physics' option. Please read the documentation.");
Transform2D gt = get_global_transform();
- bool colliding = PhysicsServer2D::get_singleton()->body_test_motion(get_rid(), gt, p_motion, p_margin, &r_result, p_exclude);
+ bool colliding = PhysicsServer2D::get_singleton()->body_test_motion(get_rid(), gt, p_motion, p_margin, &r_result, p_collide_separation_ray, p_exclude);
// Restore direction of motion to be along original motion,
// in order to avoid sliding due to recovery,
@@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ bool CharacterBody2D::move_and_slide() {
PhysicsServer2D::MotionResult floor_result;
Set<RID> exclude;
- if (move_and_collide(current_platform_velocity * delta, floor_result, margin, false, false, exclude)) {
+ if (move_and_collide(current_platform_velocity * delta, floor_result, margin, false, false, false, exclude)) {
@@ -1285,12 +1285,11 @@ void CharacterBody2D::_snap_on_floor(bool was_on_floor, bool vel_dir_facing_up)
Transform2D gt = get_global_transform();
PhysicsServer2D::MotionResult result;
- if (move_and_collide(up_direction * -floor_snap_length, result, margin, true, false)) {
+ if (move_and_collide(up_direction * -floor_snap_length, result, margin, true, false, true)) {
bool apply = true;
if (result.get_angle(up_direction) <= floor_max_angle + FLOOR_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) {
on_floor = true;
floor_normal = result.collision_normal;
- platform_velocity = result.collider_velocity;
if (floor_stop_on_slope) {
@@ -1319,7 +1318,7 @@ bool CharacterBody2D::_on_floor_if_snapped(bool was_on_floor, bool vel_dir_facin
PhysicsServer2D::MotionResult result;
- if (move_and_collide(up_direction * -floor_snap_length, result, margin, true, false)) {
+ if (move_and_collide(up_direction * -floor_snap_length, result, margin, true, false, true)) {
if (result.get_angle(up_direction) <= floor_max_angle + FLOOR_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) {
return true;
@@ -1332,19 +1331,21 @@ void CharacterBody2D::_set_collision_direction(const PhysicsServer2D::MotionResu
if (motion_mode == MOTION_MODE_GROUNDED && p_result.get_angle(up_direction) <= floor_max_angle + FLOOR_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) { //floor
on_floor = true;
floor_normal = p_result.collision_normal;
- platform_velocity = p_result.collider_velocity;
} else if (motion_mode == MOTION_MODE_GROUNDED && p_result.get_angle(-up_direction) <= floor_max_angle + FLOOR_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) { //ceiling
on_ceiling = true;
} else {
on_wall = true;
- platform_velocity = p_result.collider_velocity;
- _set_platform_data(p_result);
+ // Don't apply wall velocity when the collider is a CharacterBody2D.
+ if (Object::cast_to<CharacterBody2D>(ObjectDB::get_instance(p_result.collider_id)) == nullptr) {
+ _set_platform_data(p_result);
+ }
void CharacterBody2D::_set_platform_data(const PhysicsServer2D::MotionResult &p_result) {
platform_rid = p_result.collider;
+ platform_velocity = p_result.collider_velocity;
platform_layer = 0;
CollisionObject2D *collision_object = Object::cast_to<CollisionObject2D>(ObjectDB::get_instance(p_result.collider_id));
if (collision_object) {
diff --git a/scene/2d/physics_body_2d.h b/scene/2d/physics_body_2d.h
index a999317953..885f0ace05 100644
--- a/scene/2d/physics_body_2d.h
+++ b/scene/2d/physics_body_2d.h
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ protected:
Ref<KinematicCollision2D> _move(const Vector2 &p_motion, bool p_test_only = false, real_t p_margin = 0.08);
- bool move_and_collide(const Vector2 &p_motion, PhysicsServer2D::MotionResult &r_result, real_t p_margin, bool p_test_only = false, bool p_cancel_sliding = true, const Set<RID> &p_exclude = Set<RID>());
+ bool move_and_collide(const Vector2 &p_motion, PhysicsServer2D::MotionResult &r_result, real_t p_margin, bool p_test_only = false, bool p_cancel_sliding = true, bool p_collide_separation_ray = false, const Set<RID> &p_exclude = Set<RID>());
bool test_move(const Transform2D &p_from, const Vector2 &p_motion, const Ref<KinematicCollision2D> &r_collision = Ref<KinematicCollision2D>(), real_t p_margin = 0.08);
TypedArray<PhysicsBody2D> get_collision_exceptions();
diff --git a/scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp b/scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
index 3b44580264..16d5b9da3e 100644
--- a/scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
+++ b/scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.cpp
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ static const Vector3 speaker_directions[7] = {
Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0).normalized(), // side-right
-void AudioStreamPlayer3D::_calc_output_vol(const Vector3 &source_dir, real_t tightness, AudioStreamPlayer3D::Output &output) {
+void AudioStreamPlayer3D::_calc_output_vol(const Vector3 &source_dir, real_t tightness, Vector<AudioFrame> &output) {
unsigned int speaker_count = 0; // only main speakers (no LFE)
switch (AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_speaker_mode()) {
case AudioServer::SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO:
@@ -118,182 +118,94 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer3D::_calc_output_vol(const Vector3 &source_dir, real_t tig
switch (AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_speaker_mode()) {
case AudioServer::SPEAKER_SURROUND_71:
- output.vol[3].l = volumes[5]; // side-left
- output.vol[3].r = volumes[6]; // side-right
+ output.write[3].l = volumes[5]; // side-left
+ output.write[3].r = volumes[6]; // side-right
case AudioServer::SPEAKER_SURROUND_51:
- output.vol[2].l = volumes[3]; // rear-left
- output.vol[2].r = volumes[4]; // rear-right
+ output.write[2].l = volumes[3]; // rear-left
+ output.write[2].r = volumes[4]; // rear-right
case AudioServer::SPEAKER_SURROUND_31:
- output.vol[1].r = 1.0; // LFE - always full power
- output.vol[1].l = volumes[2]; // center
+ output.write[1].r = 1.0; // LFE - always full power
+ output.write[1].l = volumes[2]; // center
case AudioServer::SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO:
- output.vol[0].r = volumes[1]; // front-right
- output.vol[0].l = volumes[0]; // front-left
+ output.write[0].r = volumes[1]; // front-right
+ output.write[0].l = volumes[0]; // front-left
-void AudioStreamPlayer3D::_mix_audio() {
- if (!stream_playback.is_valid() || !active.is_set() ||
- (stream_paused && !stream_paused_fade_out)) {
- return;
- }
+void AudioStreamPlayer3D::_calc_reverb_vol(Area3D *area, Vector3 listener_area_pos, Vector<AudioFrame> direct_path_vol, Vector<AudioFrame> &reverb_vol) {
+ reverb_vol.resize(4);
+ reverb_vol.write[0] = AudioFrame(0, 0);
+ reverb_vol.write[1] = AudioFrame(0, 0);
+ reverb_vol.write[2] = AudioFrame(0, 0);
+ reverb_vol.write[3] = AudioFrame(0, 0);
- bool started = false;
- if (setseek.get() >= 0.0) {
- stream_playback->start(setseek.get());
- setseek.set(-1.0); //reset seek
- started = true;
- }
+ float uniformity = area->get_reverb_uniformity();
+ float area_send = area->get_reverb_amount();
- //get data
- AudioFrame *buffer = mix_buffer.ptrw();
- int buffer_size = mix_buffer.size();
+ if (uniformity > 0.0) {
+ float distance = listener_area_pos.length();
+ float attenuation = Math::db2linear(_get_attenuation_db(distance));
- if (stream_paused_fade_out) {
- // Short fadeout ramp
- buffer_size = MIN(buffer_size, 128);
- }
+ // Determine the fraction of sound that would come from each speaker if they were all driven uniformly.
+ float center_val[3] = { 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.16666f };
+ int channel_count = AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_channel_count();
+ AudioFrame center_frame(center_val[channel_count - 1], center_val[channel_count - 1]);
- // Mix if we're not paused or we're fading out
- if ((output_count.get() > 0 || out_of_range_mode == OUT_OF_RANGE_MIX)) {
- float output_pitch_scale = 0.0;
- if (output_count.get()) {
- //used for doppler, not realistic but good enough
- for (int i = 0; i < output_count.get(); i++) {
- output_pitch_scale += outputs[i].pitch_scale;
- }
- output_pitch_scale /= float(output_count.get());
- } else {
- output_pitch_scale = 1.0;
- }
+ if (attenuation < 1.0) {
+ //pan the uniform sound
+ Vector3 rev_pos = listener_area_pos;
+ rev_pos.y = 0;
+ rev_pos.normalize();
- stream_playback->mix(buffer, pitch_scale * output_pitch_scale, buffer_size);
- }
- //write all outputs
- for (int i = 0; i < output_count.get(); i++) {
- Output current = outputs[i];
- //see if current output exists, to keep volume ramp
- bool found = false;
- for (int j = i; j < prev_output_count; j++) {
- if (prev_outputs[j].viewport == current.viewport) {
- if (j != i) {
- SWAP(prev_outputs[j], prev_outputs[i]);
- }
- found = true;
- break;
+ if (channel_count >= 1) {
+ // Stereo pair
+ float c = rev_pos.x * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ reverb_vol.write[0].l = 1.0 - c;
+ reverb_vol.write[0].r = c;
- }
- bool interpolate_filter = !started;
+ if (channel_count >= 3) {
+ // Center pair + Side pair
+ float xl = Vector3(-1, 0, -1).normalized().dot(rev_pos) * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ float xr = Vector3(1, 0, -1).normalized().dot(rev_pos) * 0.5 + 0.5;
- if (!found) {
- //create new if was not used before
- if (prev_output_count < MAX_OUTPUTS) {
- prev_outputs[prev_output_count] = prev_outputs[i]; //may be owned by another viewport
- prev_output_count++;
+ reverb_vol.write[1].l = xl;
+ reverb_vol.write[1].r = xr;
+ reverb_vol.write[2].l = 1.0 - xr;
+ reverb_vol.write[2].r = 1.0 - xl;
- prev_outputs[i] = current;
- interpolate_filter = false;
- }
- //mix!
- int buffers = AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_channel_count();
- for (int k = 0; k < buffers; k++) {
- AudioFrame target_volume = stream_paused_fade_out ? AudioFrame(0.f, 0.f) : current.vol[k];
- AudioFrame vol_prev = stream_paused_fade_in ? AudioFrame(0.f, 0.f) : prev_outputs[i].vol[k];
- AudioFrame vol_inc = (target_volume - vol_prev) / float(buffer_size);
- AudioFrame vol = vol_prev;
- if (!AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_has_channel_mix_buffer(current.bus_index, k)) {
- continue; //may have been deleted, will be updated on process
+ if (channel_count >= 4) {
+ // Rear pair
+ // FIXME: Not sure what math should be done here
+ float c = rev_pos.x * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ reverb_vol.write[3].l = 1.0 - c;
+ reverb_vol.write[3].r = c;
- AudioFrame *target = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(current.bus_index, k);
- current.filter.set_mode(AudioFilterSW::HIGHSHELF);
- current.filter.set_sampling_rate(AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_mix_rate());
- current.filter.set_cutoff(attenuation_filter_cutoff_hz);
- current.filter.set_resonance(1);
- current.filter.set_stages(1);
- current.filter.set_gain(current.filter_gain);
- if (interpolate_filter) {
- current.filter_process[k * 2 + 0] = prev_outputs[i].filter_process[k * 2 + 0];
- current.filter_process[k * 2 + 1] = prev_outputs[i].filter_process[k * 2 + 1];
- current.filter_process[k * 2 + 0].set_filter(&current.filter, false);
- current.filter_process[k * 2 + 1].set_filter(&current.filter, false);
- current.filter_process[k * 2 + 0].update_coeffs(buffer_size);
- current.filter_process[k * 2 + 1].update_coeffs(buffer_size);
- for (int j = 0; j < buffer_size; j++) {
- AudioFrame f = buffer[j] * vol;
- current.filter_process[k * 2 + 0].process_one_interp(f.l);
- current.filter_process[k * 2 + 1].process_one_interp(f.r);
- target[j] += f;
- vol += vol_inc;
- }
- } else {
- current.filter_process[k * 2 + 0].set_filter(&current.filter);
- current.filter_process[k * 2 + 1].set_filter(&current.filter);
- current.filter_process[k * 2 + 0].update_coeffs();
- current.filter_process[k * 2 + 1].update_coeffs();
- for (int j = 0; j < buffer_size; j++) {
- AudioFrame f = buffer[j] * vol;
- current.filter_process[k * 2 + 0].process_one(f.l);
- current.filter_process[k * 2 + 1].process_one(f.r);
- target[j] += f;
- vol += vol_inc;
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < channel_count; i++) {
+ reverb_vol.write[i] = reverb_vol[i].lerp(center_frame, attenuation);
- if (current.reverb_bus_index >= 0) {
- if (!AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_has_channel_mix_buffer(current.reverb_bus_index, k)) {
- continue; //may have been deleted, will be updated on process
- }
- AudioFrame *rtarget = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(current.reverb_bus_index, k);
- if (current.reverb_bus_index == prev_outputs[i].reverb_bus_index) {
- AudioFrame rvol_inc = (current.reverb_vol[k] - prev_outputs[i].reverb_vol[k]) / float(buffer_size);
- AudioFrame rvol = prev_outputs[i].reverb_vol[k];
- for (int j = 0; j < buffer_size; j++) {
- rtarget[j] += buffer[j] * rvol;
- rvol += rvol_inc;
- }
- } else {
- AudioFrame rvol = current.reverb_vol[k];
- for (int j = 0; j < buffer_size; j++) {
- rtarget[j] += buffer[j] * rvol;
- }
- }
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < channel_count; i++) {
+ reverb_vol.write[i] = center_frame;
- prev_outputs[i] = current;
- }
- prev_output_count = output_count.get();
+ for (int i = 0; i < channel_count; i++) {
+ reverb_vol.write[i] = direct_path_vol[i].lerp(reverb_vol[i] * attenuation, uniformity);
+ reverb_vol.write[i] *= area_send;
+ }
- //stream is no longer active, disable this.
- if (!stream_playback->is_playing()) {
- active.clear();
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ reverb_vol.write[i] = direct_path_vol[i] * area_send;
+ }
- output_ready.clear();
- stream_paused_fade_in = false;
- stream_paused_fade_out = false;
float AudioStreamPlayer3D::_get_attenuation_db(float p_distance) const {
@@ -329,14 +241,15 @@ float AudioStreamPlayer3D::_get_attenuation_db(float p_distance) const {
void AudioStreamPlayer3D::_notification(int p_what) {
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->add_callback(_mix_audios, this);
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->add_listener_changed_callback(_listener_changed_cb, this);
if (autoplay && !Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->remove_callback(_mix_audios, this);
+ stop();
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->remove_listener_changed_callback(_listener_changed_cb, this);
if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_PAUSED) {
@@ -359,268 +272,216 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer3D::_notification(int p_what) {
//update anything related to position first, if possible of course
- if (!output_ready.is_set()) {
- Vector3 linear_velocity;
+ if (!stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //start playing if requested
- //compute linear velocity for doppler
- if (doppler_tracking != DOPPLER_TRACKING_DISABLED) {
- linear_velocity = velocity_tracker->get_tracked_linear_velocity();
- }
+ if (setplay.get() >= 0) {
+ Vector<AudioFrame> volume_vector = _update_panning();
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->start_playback_stream(stream_playback, _get_actual_bus(), volume_vector, setplay.get());
+ active.set();
+ setplay.set(-1);
+ }
+ if (active.is_set() && last_mix_count != AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_mix_count()) {
+ _update_panning();
+ last_mix_count = AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_mix_count();
+ }
+ // Stop playing if no longer active.
+ if (!active.is_set()) {
+ set_physics_process_internal(false);
+ emit_signal(SNAME("finished"));
+ }
+ }
+Area3D *AudioStreamPlayer3D::_get_overriding_area() {
+ //check if any area is diverting sound into a bus
+ Ref<World3D> world_3d = get_world_3d();
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(world_3d.is_null(), nullptr);
+ Vector3 global_pos = get_global_transform().origin;
- Ref<World3D> world_3d = get_world_3d();
- ERR_FAIL_COND(world_3d.is_null());
+ PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D *space_state = PhysicsServer3D::get_singleton()->space_get_direct_state(world_3d->get_space());
- int new_output_count = 0;
+ PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D::ShapeResult sr[MAX_INTERSECT_AREAS];
- Vector3 global_pos = get_global_transform().origin;
+ int areas = space_state->intersect_point(global_pos, sr, MAX_INTERSECT_AREAS, Set<RID>(), area_mask, false, true);
- int bus_index = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_find_bus_index(bus);
+ for (int i = 0; i < areas; i++) {
+ if (!sr[i].collider) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Area3D *tarea = Object::cast_to<Area3D>(sr[i].collider);
+ if (!tarea) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!tarea->is_overriding_audio_bus() && !tarea->is_using_reverb_bus()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ return tarea;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
- //check if any area is diverting sound into a bus
+StringName AudioStreamPlayer3D::_get_actual_bus() {
+ if (!stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ return SNAME("Master");
+ }
+ Area3D *overriding_area = _get_overriding_area();
+ if (overriding_area && overriding_area->is_overriding_audio_bus() && !overriding_area->is_using_reverb_bus()) {
+ return overriding_area->get_audio_bus_name();
+ }
+ return bus;
- PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D *space_state = PhysicsServer3D::get_singleton()->space_get_direct_state(world_3d->get_space());
+Vector<AudioFrame> AudioStreamPlayer3D::_update_panning() {
+ Vector<AudioFrame> output_volume_vector;
+ output_volume_vector.resize(4);
+ for (AudioFrame &frame : output_volume_vector) {
+ frame = AudioFrame(0, 0);
+ }
- PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D::ShapeResult sr[MAX_INTERSECT_AREAS];
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(stream_playback.is_null(), output_volume_vector);
- int areas = space_state->intersect_point(global_pos, sr, MAX_INTERSECT_AREAS, Set<RID>(), area_mask, false, true);
- Area3D *area = nullptr;
+ Vector3 linear_velocity;
- for (int i = 0; i < areas; i++) {
- if (!sr[i].collider) {
- continue;
- }
+ //compute linear velocity for doppler
+ if (doppler_tracking != DOPPLER_TRACKING_DISABLED) {
+ linear_velocity = velocity_tracker->get_tracked_linear_velocity();
+ }
- Area3D *tarea = Object::cast_to<Area3D>(sr[i].collider);
- if (!tarea) {
- continue;
- }
+ Vector3 global_pos = get_global_transform().origin;
- if (!tarea->is_overriding_audio_bus() && !tarea->is_using_reverb_bus()) {
- continue;
- }
+ Ref<World3D> world_3d = get_world_3d();
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(world_3d.is_null(), output_volume_vector);
- area = tarea;
- break;
+ Set<Camera3D *> cameras = world_3d->get_cameras();
+ cameras.insert(get_viewport()->get_camera_3d());
+ PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D *space_state = PhysicsServer3D::get_singleton()->space_get_direct_state(world_3d->get_space());
+ for (Camera3D *camera : cameras) {
+ Viewport *vp = camera->get_viewport();
+ if (!vp->is_audio_listener_3d()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool listener_is_camera = true;
+ Node3D *listener_node = camera;
+ Listener3D *listener = vp->get_listener_3d();
+ if (listener) {
+ listener_node = listener;
+ listener_is_camera = false;
+ }
+ Vector3 local_pos = listener_node->get_global_transform().orthonormalized().affine_inverse().xform(global_pos);
+ float dist = local_pos.length();
+ Vector3 area_sound_pos;
+ Vector3 listener_area_pos;
+ Area3D *area = _get_overriding_area();
+ if (area && area->is_using_reverb_bus() && area->get_reverb_uniformity() > 0) {
+ area_sound_pos = space_state->get_closest_point_to_object_volume(area->get_rid(), listener_node->get_global_transform().origin);
+ listener_area_pos = listener_node->get_global_transform().affine_inverse().xform(area_sound_pos);
+ }
+ if (max_distance > 0) {
+ float total_max = max_distance;
+ if (area && area->is_using_reverb_bus() && area->get_reverb_uniformity() > 0) {
+ total_max = MAX(total_max, listener_area_pos.length());
+ if (total_max > max_distance) {
+ continue; //can't hear this sound in this listener
+ }
+ }
+ float multiplier = Math::db2linear(_get_attenuation_db(dist));
+ if (max_distance > 0) {
+ multiplier *= MAX(0, 1.0 - (dist / max_distance));
+ }
- for (const Set<Camera3D *>::Element *E = world_3d->get_cameras().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- Camera3D *camera = E->get();
- Viewport *vp = camera->get_viewport();
- if (!vp->is_audio_listener_3d()) {
- continue;
- }
- bool listener_is_camera = true;
- Node3D *listener_node = camera;
- Listener3D *listener = vp->get_listener_3d();
- if (listener) {
- listener_node = listener;
- listener_is_camera = false;
- }
- Vector3 local_pos = listener_node->get_global_transform().orthonormalized().affine_inverse().xform(global_pos);
- float dist = local_pos.length();
- Vector3 area_sound_pos;
- Vector3 listener_area_pos;
- if (area && area->is_using_reverb_bus() && area->get_reverb_uniformity() > 0) {
- area_sound_pos = space_state->get_closest_point_to_object_volume(area->get_rid(), listener_node->get_global_transform().origin);
- listener_area_pos = listener_node->to_local(area_sound_pos);
- }
- if (max_distance > 0) {
- float total_max = max_distance;
- if (area && area->is_using_reverb_bus() && area->get_reverb_uniformity() > 0) {
- total_max = MAX(total_max, listener_area_pos.length());
- }
- if (total_max > max_distance) {
- continue; //can't hear this sound in this listener
- }
- }
- float multiplier = Math::db2linear(_get_attenuation_db(dist));
- if (max_distance > 0) {
- multiplier *= MAX(0, 1.0 - (dist / max_distance));
- }
- Output output;
- output.bus_index = bus_index;
- output.reverb_bus_index = -1; //no reverb by default
- output.viewport = vp;
- float db_att = (1.0 - MIN(1.0, multiplier)) * attenuation_filter_db;
- if (emission_angle_enabled) {
- Vector3 listenertopos = global_pos - listener_node->get_global_transform().origin;
- float c = listenertopos.normalized().dot(get_global_transform().basis.get_axis(2).normalized()); //it's z negative
- float angle = Math::rad2deg(Math::acos(c));
- if (angle > emission_angle) {
- db_att -= -emission_angle_filter_attenuation_db;
- }
- }
- output.filter_gain = Math::db2linear(db_att);
- //TODO: The lower the second parameter (tightness) the more the sound will "enclose" the listener (more undirected / playing from
- // speakers not facing the source) - this could be made distance dependent.
- _calc_output_vol(local_pos.normalized(), 4.0, output);
- unsigned int cc = AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_channel_count();
- for (unsigned int k = 0; k < cc; k++) {
- output.vol[k] *= multiplier;
- }
- bool filled_reverb = false;
- int vol_index_max = AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_speaker_mode() + 1;
- if (area) {
- if (area->is_overriding_audio_bus()) {
- //override audio bus
- StringName bus_name = area->get_audio_bus_name();
- output.bus_index = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_find_bus_index(bus_name);
- }
- if (area->is_using_reverb_bus()) {
- filled_reverb = true;
- StringName bus_name = area->get_reverb_bus();
- output.reverb_bus_index = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_find_bus_index(bus_name);
- float uniformity = area->get_reverb_uniformity();
- float area_send = area->get_reverb_amount();
- if (uniformity > 0.0) {
- float distance = listener_area_pos.length();
- float attenuation = Math::db2linear(_get_attenuation_db(distance));
- //float dist_att_db = -20 * Math::log(dist + 0.00001); //logarithmic attenuation, like in real life
- float center_val[3] = { 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.16666f };
- AudioFrame center_frame(center_val[vol_index_max - 1], center_val[vol_index_max - 1]);
- if (attenuation < 1.0) {
- //pan the uniform sound
- Vector3 rev_pos = listener_area_pos;
- rev_pos.y = 0;
- rev_pos.normalize();
- if (cc >= 1) {
- // Stereo pair
- float c = rev_pos.x * 0.5 + 0.5;
- output.reverb_vol[0].l = 1.0 - c;
- output.reverb_vol[0].r = c;
- }
- if (cc >= 3) {
- // Center pair + Side pair
- float xl = Vector3(-1, 0, -1).normalized().dot(rev_pos) * 0.5 + 0.5;
- float xr = Vector3(1, 0, -1).normalized().dot(rev_pos) * 0.5 + 0.5;
- output.reverb_vol[1].l = xl;
- output.reverb_vol[1].r = xr;
- output.reverb_vol[2].l = 1.0 - xr;
- output.reverb_vol[2].r = 1.0 - xl;
- }
- if (cc >= 4) {
- // Rear pair
- // FIXME: Not sure what math should be done here
- float c = rev_pos.x * 0.5 + 0.5;
- output.reverb_vol[3].l = 1.0 - c;
- output.reverb_vol[3].r = c;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < vol_index_max; i++) {
- output.reverb_vol[i] = output.reverb_vol[i].lerp(center_frame, attenuation);
- }
- } else {
- for (int i = 0; i < vol_index_max; i++) {
- output.reverb_vol[i] = center_frame;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < vol_index_max; i++) {
- output.reverb_vol[i] = output.vol[i].lerp(output.reverb_vol[i] * attenuation, uniformity);
- output.reverb_vol[i] *= area_send;
- }
- } else {
- for (int i = 0; i < vol_index_max; i++) {
- output.reverb_vol[i] = output.vol[i] * area_send;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (doppler_tracking != DOPPLER_TRACKING_DISABLED) {
- Vector3 listener_velocity;
- if (listener_is_camera) {
- listener_velocity = camera->get_doppler_tracked_velocity();
- }
- Vector3 local_velocity = listener_node->get_global_transform().orthonormalized().basis.xform_inv(linear_velocity - listener_velocity);
- if (local_velocity == Vector3()) {
- output.pitch_scale = 1.0;
- } else {
- float approaching = local_pos.normalized().dot(local_velocity.normalized());
- float velocity = local_velocity.length();
- float speed_of_sound = 343.0;
- output.pitch_scale = speed_of_sound / (speed_of_sound + velocity * approaching);
- output.pitch_scale = CLAMP(output.pitch_scale, (1 / 8.0), 8.0); //avoid crazy stuff
- }
- } else {
- output.pitch_scale = 1.0;
- }
- if (!filled_reverb) {
- for (int i = 0; i < vol_index_max; i++) {
- output.reverb_vol[i] = AudioFrame(0, 0);
- }
- }
- outputs[new_output_count] = output;
- new_output_count++;
- if (new_output_count == MAX_OUTPUTS) {
- break;
- }
+ float db_att = (1.0 - MIN(1.0, multiplier)) * attenuation_filter_db;
+ if (emission_angle_enabled) {
+ Vector3 listenertopos = global_pos - listener_node->get_global_transform().origin;
+ float c = listenertopos.normalized().dot(get_global_transform().basis.get_axis(2).normalized()); //it's z negative
+ float angle = Math::rad2deg(Math::acos(c));
+ if (angle > emission_angle) {
+ db_att -= -emission_angle_filter_attenuation_db;
+ }
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->set_playback_highshelf_params(stream_playback, Math::db2linear(db_att), attenuation_filter_cutoff_hz);
+ //TODO: The lower the second parameter (tightness) the more the sound will "enclose" the listener (more undirected / playing from
+ // speakers not facing the source) - this could be made distance dependent.
+ _calc_output_vol(local_pos.normalized(), 4.0, output_volume_vector);
- output_count.set(new_output_count);
- output_ready.set();
+ for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
+ output_volume_vector.write[k] = multiplier * output_volume_vector[k];
- //start playing if requested
- if (setplay.get() >= 0.0) {
- setseek.set(setplay.get());
- active.set();
- setplay.set(-1);
+ Map<StringName, Vector<AudioFrame>> bus_volumes;
+ if (area) {
+ if (area->is_overriding_audio_bus()) {
+ //override audio bus
+ bus_volumes[area->get_audio_bus_name()] = output_volume_vector;
+ }
+ if (area->is_using_reverb_bus()) {
+ StringName reverb_bus_name = area->get_reverb_bus();
+ Vector<AudioFrame> reverb_vol;
+ _calc_reverb_vol(area, listener_area_pos, output_volume_vector, reverb_vol);
+ bus_volumes[reverb_bus_name] = reverb_vol;
+ }
+ } else {
+ bus_volumes[bus] = output_volume_vector;
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->set_playback_bus_volumes_linear(stream_playback, bus_volumes);
- //stop playing if no longer active
- if (!active.is_set()) {
- set_physics_process_internal(false);
- emit_signal(SNAME("finished"));
+ if (doppler_tracking != DOPPLER_TRACKING_DISABLED) {
+ Vector3 listener_velocity;
+ if (listener_is_camera) {
+ listener_velocity = camera->get_doppler_tracked_velocity();
+ }
+ Vector3 local_velocity = listener_node->get_global_transform().orthonormalized().basis.xform_inv(linear_velocity - listener_velocity);
+ if (local_velocity == Vector3()) {
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->set_playback_pitch_scale(stream_playback, pitch_scale);
+ } else {
+ float approaching = local_pos.normalized().dot(local_velocity.normalized());
+ float velocity = local_velocity.length();
+ float speed_of_sound = 343.0;
+ float doppler_pitch_scale = pitch_scale * speed_of_sound / (speed_of_sound + velocity * approaching);
+ doppler_pitch_scale = CLAMP(doppler_pitch_scale, (1 / 8.0), 8.0); //avoid crazy stuff
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->set_playback_pitch_scale(stream_playback, doppler_pitch_scale);
+ }
+ } else {
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->set_playback_pitch_scale(stream_playback, pitch_scale);
+ return output_volume_vector;
void AudioStreamPlayer3D::set_stream(Ref<AudioStream> p_stream) {
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->lock();
- mix_buffer.resize(AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_mix_buffer_size());
if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ stop();
- active.clear();
- setseek.set(-1);
if (p_stream.is_valid()) {
@@ -632,8 +493,6 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer3D::set_stream(Ref<AudioStream> p_stream) {
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->unlock();
if (p_stream.is_valid() && stream_playback.is_null()) {
@@ -677,27 +536,22 @@ float AudioStreamPlayer3D::get_pitch_scale() const {
void AudioStreamPlayer3D::play(float p_from_pos) {
- if (!is_playing()) {
- // Reset the prev_output_count if the stream is stopped
- prev_output_count = 0;
- }
if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
- output_ready.clear();
void AudioStreamPlayer3D::seek(float p_seconds) {
- if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
- setseek.set(p_seconds);
+ if (stream_playback.is_valid() && active.is_set()) {
+ play(p_seconds);
void AudioStreamPlayer3D::stop() {
if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->stop_playback_stream(stream_playback);
@@ -713,11 +567,7 @@ bool AudioStreamPlayer3D::is_playing() const {
float AudioStreamPlayer3D::get_playback_position() {
if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
- float ss = setseek.get();
- if (ss >= 0.0) {
- return ss;
- }
- return stream_playback->get_playback_position();
+ return AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_playback_position(stream_playback);
return 0;
@@ -736,7 +586,7 @@ StringName AudioStreamPlayer3D::get_bus() const {
return bus;
- return "Master";
+ return SNAME("Master");
void AudioStreamPlayer3D::set_autoplay(bool p_enable) {
@@ -879,15 +729,16 @@ AudioStreamPlayer3D::DopplerTracking AudioStreamPlayer3D::get_doppler_tracking()
void AudioStreamPlayer3D::set_stream_paused(bool p_pause) {
- if (p_pause != stream_paused) {
- stream_paused = p_pause;
- stream_paused_fade_in = !stream_paused;
- stream_paused_fade_out = stream_paused;
+ if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->set_playback_paused(stream_playback, p_pause);
bool AudioStreamPlayer3D::get_stream_paused() const {
- return stream_paused;
+ if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ return AudioServer::get_singleton()->is_playback_paused(stream_playback);
+ }
+ return false;
Ref<AudioStreamPlayback> AudioStreamPlayer3D::get_stream_playback() {
diff --git a/scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.h b/scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.h
index f86e19403c..f915abad2b 100644
--- a/scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.h
+++ b/scene/3d/audio_stream_player_3d.h
@@ -31,10 +31,12 @@
+#include "scene/3d/area_3d.h"
#include "scene/3d/node_3d.h"
#include "scene/3d/velocity_tracker_3d.h"
#include "servers/audio/audio_filter_sw.h"
#include "servers/audio/audio_stream.h"
+#include "servers/audio_server.h"
class Camera3D;
class AudioStreamPlayer3D : public Node3D {
@@ -66,31 +68,9 @@ private:
- struct Output {
- AudioFilterSW filter;
- AudioFilterSW::Processor filter_process[8];
- AudioFrame vol[4];
- float filter_gain = 0.0;
- float pitch_scale = 0.0;
- int bus_index = -1;
- int reverb_bus_index = -1;
- AudioFrame reverb_vol[4];
- Viewport *viewport = nullptr; //pointer only used for reference to previous mix
- };
- Output outputs[MAX_OUTPUTS];
- SafeNumeric<int> output_count;
- SafeFlag output_ready;
- //these are used by audio thread to have a reference of previous volumes (for ramping volume and avoiding clicks)
- Output prev_outputs[MAX_OUTPUTS];
- int prev_output_count = 0;
Ref<AudioStreamPlayback> stream_playback;
Ref<AudioStream> stream;
- Vector<AudioFrame> mix_buffer;
- SafeNumeric<float> setseek{ -1.0 };
SafeFlag active;
SafeNumeric<float> setplay{ -1.0 };
@@ -100,17 +80,21 @@ private:
float max_db = 3.0;
float pitch_scale = 1.0;
bool autoplay = false;
- bool stream_paused = false;
- bool stream_paused_fade_in = false;
- bool stream_paused_fade_out = false;
- StringName bus;
+ StringName bus = "Master";
+ uint64_t last_mix_count = -1;
+ static void _calc_output_vol(const Vector3 &source_dir, real_t tightness, Vector<AudioFrame> &output);
+ void _calc_reverb_vol(Area3D *area, Vector3 listener_area_pos, Vector<AudioFrame> direct_path_vol, Vector<AudioFrame> &reverb_vol);
- static void _calc_output_vol(const Vector3 &source_dir, real_t tightness, Output &output);
- void _mix_audio();
- static void _mix_audios(void *self) { reinterpret_cast<AudioStreamPlayer3D *>(self)->_mix_audio(); }
+ static void _listener_changed_cb(void *self) { reinterpret_cast<AudioStreamPlayer3D *>(self)->_update_panning(); }
void _set_playing(bool p_enable);
bool _is_active() const;
+ StringName _get_actual_bus();
+ Area3D *_get_overriding_area();
+ Vector<AudioFrame> _update_panning();
void _bus_layout_changed();
diff --git a/scene/3d/physics_body_3d.cpp b/scene/3d/physics_body_3d.cpp
index 4c36618c99..06a4087b60 100644
--- a/scene/3d/physics_body_3d.cpp
+++ b/scene/3d/physics_body_3d.cpp
@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ Ref<KinematicCollision3D> PhysicsBody3D::_move(const Vector3 &p_motion, bool p_t
return Ref<KinematicCollision3D>();
-bool PhysicsBody3D::move_and_collide(const Vector3 &p_motion, PhysicsServer3D::MotionResult &r_result, real_t p_margin, bool p_test_only, bool p_cancel_sliding, const Set<RID> &p_exclude) {
+bool PhysicsBody3D::move_and_collide(const Vector3 &p_motion, PhysicsServer3D::MotionResult &r_result, real_t p_margin, bool p_test_only, bool p_cancel_sliding, bool p_collide_separation_ray, const Set<RID> &p_exclude) {
Transform3D gt = get_global_transform();
- bool colliding = PhysicsServer3D::get_singleton()->body_test_motion(get_rid(), gt, p_motion, p_margin, &r_result, p_exclude);
+ bool colliding = PhysicsServer3D::get_singleton()->body_test_motion(get_rid(), gt, p_motion, p_margin, &r_result, p_collide_separation_ray, p_exclude);
// Restore direction of motion to be along original motion,
// in order to avoid sliding due to recovery,
@@ -1080,8 +1080,6 @@ void RigidBody3D::_reload_physics_characteristics() {
bool CharacterBody3D::move_and_slide() {
- Vector3 body_velocity_normal = linear_velocity.normalized();
bool was_on_floor = on_floor;
// Hack in order to work with calling from _process as well as from _physics_process; calling from thread is risky
@@ -1111,11 +1109,11 @@ bool CharacterBody3D::move_and_slide() {
floor_normal = Vector3();
floor_velocity = Vector3();
- if (current_floor_velocity != Vector3() && on_floor_body.is_valid()) {
+ if (!current_floor_velocity.is_equal_approx(Vector3()) && on_floor_body.is_valid()) {
PhysicsServer3D::MotionResult floor_result;
Set<RID> exclude;
- if (move_and_collide(current_floor_velocity * delta, floor_result, margin, false, false, exclude)) {
+ if (move_and_collide(current_floor_velocity * delta, floor_result, margin, false, false, false, exclude)) {
@@ -1130,39 +1128,35 @@ bool CharacterBody3D::move_and_slide() {
for (int iteration = 0; iteration < max_slides; ++iteration) {
PhysicsServer3D::MotionResult result;
- bool found_collision = false;
bool collided = move_and_collide(motion, result, margin, false, !sliding_enabled);
- if (!collided) {
- motion = Vector3(); //clear because no collision happened and motion completed
- } else {
- found_collision = true;
+ if (collided) {
- if (on_floor && floor_stop_on_slope) {
- if ((body_velocity_normal + up_direction).length() < 0.01) {
- Transform3D gt = get_global_transform();
- if ( > margin) {
- gt.origin -=;
- } else {
- gt.origin -=;
- }
- set_global_transform(gt);
- linear_velocity = Vector3();
- return true;
+ if (on_floor && floor_stop_on_slope && (linear_velocity.normalized() + up_direction).length() < 0.01) {
+ Transform3D gt = get_global_transform();
+ if ( > margin) {
+ gt.origin -=;
+ } else {
+ gt.origin -=;
+ set_global_transform(gt);
+ linear_velocity = Vector3();
+ motion = Vector3();
+ break;
- if (sliding_enabled || !on_floor) {
- motion = result.remainder.slide(result.collision_normal);
- linear_velocity = linear_velocity.slide(result.collision_normal);
+ if (result.remainder.is_equal_approx(Vector3())) {
+ motion = Vector3();
+ break;
+ }
- for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- if (locked_axis & (1 << j)) {
- linear_velocity[j] = 0.0;
- }
+ if (sliding_enabled || !on_floor) {
+ Vector3 slide_motion = result.remainder.slide(result.collision_normal);
+ if ( > 0.0) {
+ motion = slide_motion;
+ } else {
+ motion = Vector3();
} else {
motion = result.remainder;
@@ -1171,16 +1165,16 @@ bool CharacterBody3D::move_and_slide() {
sliding_enabled = true;
- if (!found_collision || motion == Vector3()) {
+ if (!collided || motion.is_equal_approx(Vector3())) {
- if (was_on_floor && snap != Vector3()) {
+ if (was_on_floor && !on_floor && !snap.is_equal_approx(Vector3())) {
// Apply snap.
Transform3D gt = get_global_transform();
PhysicsServer3D::MotionResult result;
- if (move_and_collide(snap, result, margin, true, false)) {
+ if (move_and_collide(snap, result, margin, true, false, true)) {
bool apply = true;
if (up_direction != Vector3()) {
if (result.get_angle(up_direction) <= floor_max_angle + FLOOR_ANGLE_THRESHOLD) {
@@ -1213,6 +1207,11 @@ bool CharacterBody3D::move_and_slide() {
linear_velocity += current_floor_velocity;
+ // Reset the gravity accumulation when touching the ground.
+ if (on_floor && <= 0) {
+ linear_velocity = linear_velocity.slide(up_direction);
+ }
return motion_results.size() > 0;
@@ -1230,8 +1229,11 @@ void CharacterBody3D::_set_collision_direction(const PhysicsServer3D::MotionResu
on_ceiling = true;
} else {
on_wall = true;
- on_floor_body = p_result.collider;
- floor_velocity = p_result.collider_velocity;
+ // Don't apply wall velocity when the collider is a CharacterBody3D.
+ if (Object::cast_to<CharacterBody3D>(ObjectDB::get_instance(p_result.collider_id)) == nullptr) {
+ on_floor_body = p_result.collider;
+ floor_velocity = p_result.collider_velocity;
+ }
diff --git a/scene/3d/physics_body_3d.h b/scene/3d/physics_body_3d.h
index 26b9a39047..17e688451d 100644
--- a/scene/3d/physics_body_3d.h
+++ b/scene/3d/physics_body_3d.h
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ protected:
Ref<KinematicCollision3D> _move(const Vector3 &p_motion, bool p_test_only = false, real_t p_margin = 0.001);
- bool move_and_collide(const Vector3 &p_motion, PhysicsServer3D::MotionResult &r_result, real_t p_margin, bool p_test_only = false, bool p_cancel_sliding = true, const Set<RID> &p_exclude = Set<RID>());
+ bool move_and_collide(const Vector3 &p_motion, PhysicsServer3D::MotionResult &r_result, real_t p_margin, bool p_test_only = false, bool p_cancel_sliding = true, bool p_collide_separation_ray = false, const Set<RID> &p_exclude = Set<RID>());
bool test_move(const Transform3D &p_from, const Vector3 &p_motion, const Ref<KinematicCollision3D> &r_collision = Ref<KinematicCollision3D>(), real_t p_margin = 0.001);
void set_axis_lock(PhysicsServer3D::BodyAxis p_axis, bool p_lock);
diff --git a/scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp b/scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
index 049f3483ff..d11387902a 100644
--- a/scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
+++ b/scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.cpp
@@ -1124,6 +1124,7 @@ void AnimationNodeBlendTree::_get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) cons
void AnimationNodeBlendTree::reset_state() {
graph_offset = Vector2();
+ _initialize_node_tree();
@@ -1162,7 +1163,7 @@ void AnimationNodeBlendTree::_bind_methods() {
-AnimationNodeBlendTree::AnimationNodeBlendTree() {
+void AnimationNodeBlendTree::_initialize_node_tree() {
Ref<AnimationNodeOutput> output;
Node n;
@@ -1172,5 +1173,9 @@ AnimationNodeBlendTree::AnimationNodeBlendTree() {
nodes["output"] = n;
+AnimationNodeBlendTree::AnimationNodeBlendTree() {
+ _initialize_node_tree();
AnimationNodeBlendTree::~AnimationNodeBlendTree() {
diff --git a/scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.h b/scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.h
index 8508aaf71b..258443a999 100644
--- a/scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.h
+++ b/scene/animation/animation_blend_tree.h
@@ -345,6 +345,8 @@ class AnimationNodeBlendTree : public AnimationRootNode {
void _tree_changed();
void _node_changed(const StringName &p_node);
+ void _initialize_node_tree();
static void _bind_methods();
bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value);
diff --git a/scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp b/scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp
index 9383355292..f7b7604fd5 100644
--- a/scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp
+++ b/scene/audio/audio_stream_player.cpp
@@ -31,119 +31,18 @@
#include "audio_stream_player.h"
#include "core/config/engine.h"
-void AudioStreamPlayer::_mix_to_bus(const AudioFrame *p_frames, int p_amount) {
- int bus_index = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_find_bus_index(bus);
- AudioFrame *targets[4] = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr };
- if (AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_speaker_mode() == AudioServer::SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO) {
- targets[0] = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(bus_index, 0);
- } else {
- switch (mix_target) {
- targets[0] = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(bus_index, 0);
- } break;
- for (int i = 0; i < AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_channel_count(); i++) {
- targets[i] = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(bus_index, i);
- }
- } break;
- targets[0] = AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_channel_mix_buffer(bus_index, 1);
- } break;
- }
- }
- for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
- if (!targets[c]) {
- break;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < p_amount; i++) {
- targets[c][i] += p_frames[i];
- }
- }
-void AudioStreamPlayer::_mix_internal(bool p_fadeout) {
- //get data
- AudioFrame *buffer = mix_buffer.ptrw();
- int buffer_size = mix_buffer.size();
- if (p_fadeout) {
- // Short fadeout ramp
- buffer_size = MIN(buffer_size, 128);
- }
- stream_playback->mix(buffer, pitch_scale, buffer_size);
- //multiply volume interpolating to avoid clicks if this changes
- float target_volume = p_fadeout ? -80.0 : volume_db;
- float vol = Math::db2linear(mix_volume_db);
- float vol_inc = (Math::db2linear(target_volume) - vol) / float(buffer_size);
- for (int i = 0; i < buffer_size; i++) {
- buffer[i] *= vol;
- vol += vol_inc;
- }
- //set volume for next mix
- mix_volume_db = target_volume;
- _mix_to_bus(buffer, buffer_size);
-void AudioStreamPlayer::_mix_audio() {
- if (use_fadeout) {
- _mix_to_bus(fadeout_buffer.ptr(), fadeout_buffer.size());
- use_fadeout = false;
- }
- if (!stream_playback.is_valid() || !active.is_set() ||
- (stream_paused && !stream_paused_fade)) {
- return;
- }
- if (stream_paused) {
- if (stream_paused_fade && stream_playback->is_playing()) {
- _mix_internal(true);
- stream_paused_fade = false;
- }
- return;
- }
- if (setstop.is_set()) {
- _mix_internal(true);
- stream_playback->stop();
- setstop.clear();
- }
- if (setseek.get() >= 0.0 && !stop_has_priority.is_set()) {
- if (stream_playback->is_playing()) {
- //fade out to avoid pops
- _mix_internal(true);
- }
- stream_playback->start(setseek.get());
- setseek.set(-1.0); //reset seek
- mix_volume_db = volume_db; //reset ramp
- }
- stop_has_priority.clear();
- _mix_internal(false);
+#include "core/math/audio_frame.h"
+#include "servers/audio_server.h"
void AudioStreamPlayer::_notification(int p_what) {
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->add_callback(_mix_audios, this);
if (autoplay && !Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
- if (!active.is_set() || (setseek.get() < 0 && !stream_playback->is_playing())) {
+ if (stream_playback.is_valid() && active.is_set() && !AudioServer::get_singleton()->is_playback_active(stream_playback)) {
@@ -151,7 +50,9 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer::_notification(int p_what) {
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->remove_callback(_mix_audios, this);
+ if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->stop_playback_stream(stream_playback);
+ }
if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_PAUSED) {
@@ -167,38 +68,10 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer::_notification(int p_what) {
void AudioStreamPlayer::set_stream(Ref<AudioStream> p_stream) {
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->lock();
- if (active.is_set() && stream_playback.is_valid() && !stream_paused) {
- //changing streams out of the blue is not a great idea, but at least
- //let's try to somehow avoid a click
- AudioFrame *buffer = fadeout_buffer.ptrw();
- int buffer_size = fadeout_buffer.size();
- stream_playback->mix(buffer, pitch_scale, buffer_size);
- //multiply volume interpolating to avoid clicks if this changes
- float target_volume = -80.0;
- float vol = Math::db2linear(mix_volume_db);
- float vol_inc = (Math::db2linear(target_volume) - vol) / float(buffer_size);
- for (int i = 0; i < buffer_size; i++) {
- buffer[i] *= vol;
- vol += vol_inc;
- }
- use_fadeout = true;
- }
- mix_buffer.resize(AudioServer::get_singleton()->thread_get_mix_buffer_size());
if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ stop();
- active.clear();
- setseek.set(-1);
- setstop.clear();
if (p_stream.is_valid()) {
@@ -210,8 +83,6 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer::set_stream(Ref<AudioStream> p_stream) {
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->unlock();
if (p_stream.is_valid() && stream_playback.is_null()) {
@@ -223,6 +94,8 @@ Ref<AudioStream> AudioStreamPlayer::get_stream() const {
void AudioStreamPlayer::set_volume_db(float p_volume) {
volume_db = p_volume;
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->set_playback_all_bus_volumes_linear(stream_playback, _get_volume_vector());
float AudioStreamPlayer::get_volume_db() const {
@@ -232,6 +105,8 @@ float AudioStreamPlayer::get_volume_db() const {
void AudioStreamPlayer::set_pitch_scale(float p_pitch_scale) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(p_pitch_scale <= 0.0);
pitch_scale = p_pitch_scale;
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->set_playback_pitch_scale(stream_playback, pitch_scale);
float AudioStreamPlayer::get_pitch_scale() const {
@@ -239,31 +114,32 @@ float AudioStreamPlayer::get_pitch_scale() const {
void AudioStreamPlayer::play(float p_from_pos) {
+ stop();
+ if (stream.is_valid()) {
+ stream_playback = stream->instance_playback();
+ }
if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
- //mix_volume_db = volume_db; do not reset volume ramp here, can cause clicks
- setseek.set(p_from_pos);
- stop_has_priority.clear();
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->start_playback_stream(stream_playback, bus, _get_volume_vector(), p_from_pos);
- set_process_internal(true);
void AudioStreamPlayer::seek(float p_seconds) {
- if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
- setseek.set(p_seconds);
+ if (stream_playback.is_valid() && active.is_set()) {
+ play(p_seconds);
void AudioStreamPlayer::stop() {
- if (stream_playback.is_valid() && active.is_set()) {
- setstop.set();
- stop_has_priority.set();
+ if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ active.clear();
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->stop_playback_stream(stream_playback);
bool AudioStreamPlayer::is_playing() const {
if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
- return active.is_set() && !setstop.is_set(); //&& stream_playback->is_playing();
+ return AudioServer::get_singleton()->is_playback_active(stream_playback);
return false;
@@ -271,26 +147,22 @@ bool AudioStreamPlayer::is_playing() const {
float AudioStreamPlayer::get_playback_position() {
if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
- float ss = setseek.get();
- if (ss >= 0.0) {
- return ss;
- }
- return stream_playback->get_playback_position();
+ return AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_playback_position(stream_playback);
return 0;
void AudioStreamPlayer::set_bus(const StringName &p_bus) {
- //if audio is active, must lock this
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->lock();
bus = p_bus;
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->unlock();
+ if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->set_playback_bus_exclusive(stream_playback, p_bus, _get_volume_vector());
+ }
StringName AudioStreamPlayer::get_bus() const {
for (int i = 0; i < AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_bus_count(); i++) {
- if (AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_bus_name(i) == bus) {
+ if (AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_bus_name(i) == String(bus)) {
return bus;
@@ -322,18 +194,61 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer::_set_playing(bool p_enable) {
bool AudioStreamPlayer::_is_active() const {
- return active.is_set();
+ if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ return AudioServer::get_singleton()->is_playback_active(stream_playback);
+ }
+ return false;
void AudioStreamPlayer::set_stream_paused(bool p_pause) {
- if (p_pause != stream_paused) {
- stream_paused = p_pause;
- stream_paused_fade = p_pause;
+ // TODO this does not have perfect recall, fix that maybe? If the stream isn't set, we can't persist this bool.
+ if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->set_playback_paused(stream_playback, p_pause);
bool AudioStreamPlayer::get_stream_paused() const {
- return stream_paused;
+ if (stream_playback.is_valid()) {
+ return AudioServer::get_singleton()->is_playback_paused(stream_playback);
+ }
+ return false;
+Vector<AudioFrame> AudioStreamPlayer::_get_volume_vector() {
+ Vector<AudioFrame> volume_vector;
+ // We need at most four stereo pairs (for 7.1 systems).
+ volume_vector.resize(4);
+ // Initialize the volume vector to zero.
+ for (AudioFrame &channel_volume_db : volume_vector) {
+ channel_volume_db = AudioFrame(0, 0);
+ }
+ float volume_linear = Math::db2linear(volume_db);
+ // Set the volume vector up according to the speaker mode and mix target.
+ // TODO do we need to scale the volume down when we output to more channels?
+ if (AudioServer::get_singleton()->get_speaker_mode() == AudioServer::SPEAKER_MODE_STEREO) {
+ volume_vector.write[0] = AudioFrame(volume_linear, volume_linear);
+ } else {
+ switch (mix_target) {
+ volume_vector.write[0] = AudioFrame(volume_linear, volume_linear);
+ } break;
+ // TODO Make sure this is right.
+ volume_vector.write[0] = AudioFrame(volume_linear, volume_linear);
+ volume_vector.write[1] = AudioFrame(volume_linear, /* LFE= */ 1.0f);
+ volume_vector.write[2] = AudioFrame(volume_linear, volume_linear);
+ volume_vector.write[3] = AudioFrame(volume_linear, volume_linear);
+ } break;
+ // TODO Make sure this is right.
+ volume_vector.write[1] = AudioFrame(volume_linear, /* LFE= */ 1.0f);
+ } break;
+ }
+ }
+ return volume_vector;
void AudioStreamPlayer::_validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const {
@@ -410,8 +325,6 @@ void AudioStreamPlayer::_bind_methods() {
AudioStreamPlayer::AudioStreamPlayer() {
- fadeout_buffer.resize(512);
AudioServer::get_singleton()->connect("bus_layout_changed", callable_mp(this, &AudioStreamPlayer::_bus_layout_changed));
diff --git a/scene/audio/audio_stream_player.h b/scene/audio/audio_stream_player.h
index aa8d088be5..76b6698c9d 100644
--- a/scene/audio/audio_stream_player.h
+++ b/scene/audio/audio_stream_player.h
@@ -48,22 +48,13 @@ public:
Ref<AudioStreamPlayback> stream_playback;
Ref<AudioStream> stream;
- Vector<AudioFrame> mix_buffer;
- Vector<AudioFrame> fadeout_buffer;
- bool use_fadeout = false;
- SafeNumeric<float> setseek{ -1.0 };
SafeFlag active;
- SafeFlag setstop;
- SafeFlag stop_has_priority;
- float mix_volume_db = 0.0;
float pitch_scale = 1.0;
float volume_db = 0.0;
bool autoplay = false;
- bool stream_paused = false;
- bool stream_paused_fade = false;
- StringName bus;
+ StringName bus = "Master";
MixTarget mix_target = MIX_TARGET_STEREO;
@@ -77,6 +68,8 @@ private:
void _bus_layout_changed();
void _mix_to_bus(const AudioFrame *p_frames, int p_amount);
+ Vector<AudioFrame> _get_volume_vector();
void _validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const override;
void _notification(int p_what);
diff --git a/scene/gui/code_edit.cpp b/scene/gui/code_edit.cpp
index 27cac73aef..5f3ab18cca 100644
--- a/scene/gui/code_edit.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/code_edit.cpp
@@ -2651,7 +2651,7 @@ TypedArray<String> CodeEdit::_get_delimiters(DelimiterType p_type) const {
void CodeEdit::_filter_code_completion_candidates_impl() {
int line_height = get_line_height();
- if (GDVIRTUAL_IS_OVERRIDEN(_filter_code_completion_candidates)) {
+ if (GDVIRTUAL_IS_OVERRIDDEN(_filter_code_completion_candidates)) {
code_completion_base = "";
diff --git a/scene/gui/color_picker.cpp b/scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
index 661e0dc648..0dddb2b09a 100644
--- a/scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/color_picker.cpp
@@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ Ref<Shader> ColorPicker::circle_shader;
void ColorPicker::init_shaders() {
+// ColorPicker wheel shader.
shader_type canvas_item;
void fragment() {
@@ -119,6 +121,8 @@ void fragment() {
+// ColorPicker circle shader.
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform float v = 1.0;
diff --git a/scene/gui/label.cpp b/scene/gui/label.cpp
index 50db1fc3ce..3f87003423 100644
--- a/scene/gui/label.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/label.cpp
@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ bool Label::is_uppercase() const {
int Label::get_line_height(int p_line) const {
Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font(SNAME("font"));
if (p_line >= 0 && p_line < lines_rid.size()) {
- return TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[p_line]).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM);
+ return TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[p_line]).y + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM);
} else if (lines_rid.size() > 0) {
int h = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lines_rid.size(); i++) {
- h = MAX(h, TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM);
+ h = MAX(h, TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y) + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM);
return h;
} else {
@@ -89,7 +89,10 @@ void Label::_shape() {
} else {
TS->shaped_text_set_direction(text_rid, (TextServer::Direction)text_direction);
- TS->shaped_text_add_string(text_rid, (uppercase) ? xl_text.to_upper() : xl_text, get_theme_font(SNAME("font"))->get_rids(), get_theme_font_size(SNAME("font_size")), opentype_features, (language != "") ? language : TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale());
+ const Ref<Font> &font = get_theme_font(SNAME("font"));
+ int font_size = get_theme_font_size(SNAME("font_size"));
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(font.is_null());
+ TS->shaped_text_add_string(text_rid, (uppercase) ? xl_text.to_upper() : xl_text, font->get_rids(), font_size, opentype_features, (language != "") ? language : TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale());
TS->shaped_text_set_bidi_override(text_rid, structured_text_parser(st_parser, st_args, xl_text));
dirty = false;
lines_dirty = true;
@@ -217,7 +220,7 @@ void Label::_update_visible() {
minsize.height = 0;
int last_line = MIN(lines_rid.size(), lines_visible + lines_skipped);
for (int64_t i = lines_skipped; i < last_line; i++) {
- minsize.height += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM) + line_spacing;
+ minsize.height += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM) + line_spacing;
if (minsize.height > (get_size().height - style->get_minimum_size().height + line_spacing)) {
@@ -286,7 +289,7 @@ void Label::_notification(int p_what) {
// Get number of lines to fit to the height.
for (int64_t i = lines_skipped; i < lines_rid.size(); i++) {
- total_h += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM) + line_spacing;
+ total_h += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM) + line_spacing;
if (total_h > (get_size().height - style->get_minimum_size().height + line_spacing)) {
@@ -302,7 +305,7 @@ void Label::_notification(int p_what) {
// Get real total height.
total_h = 0;
for (int64_t i = lines_skipped; i < last_line; i++) {
- total_h += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM) + line_spacing;
+ total_h += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM) + line_spacing;
total_h += style->get_margin(SIDE_TOP) + style->get_margin(SIDE_BOTTOM);
@@ -357,7 +360,7 @@ void Label::_notification(int p_what) {
for (int i = lines_skipped; i < last_line; i++) {
Size2 line_size = TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]);
ofs.x = 0;
- ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines_rid[i]) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP);
+ ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(lines_rid[i]) + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_TOP);
switch (align) {
if (rtl && autowrap_mode != AUTOWRAP_OFF) {
@@ -433,7 +436,7 @@ void Label::_notification(int p_what) {
- ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_descent(lines_rid[i]) + vsep + line_spacing + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM);
+ ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_descent(lines_rid[i]) + vsep + line_spacing + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM);
@@ -455,7 +458,7 @@ Size2 Label::get_minimum_size() const {
Size2 min_size = minsize;
Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font(SNAME("font"));
- min_size.height = MAX(min_size.height, font->get_height(get_theme_font_size(SNAME("font_size"))) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM));
+ min_size.height = MAX(min_size.height, font->get_height(get_theme_font_size(SNAME("font_size"))) + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM));
Size2 min_style = get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("normal"))->get_minimum_size();
if (autowrap_mode != AUTOWRAP_OFF) {
@@ -486,7 +489,7 @@ int Label::get_visible_line_count() const {
int lines_visible = 0;
float total_h = 0.0;
for (int64_t i = lines_skipped; i < lines_rid.size(); i++) {
- total_h += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM) + line_spacing;
+ total_h += TS->shaped_text_get_size(lines_rid[i]).y + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM) + line_spacing;
if (total_h > (get_size().height - style->get_minimum_size().height + line_spacing)) {
diff --git a/scene/gui/line_edit.cpp b/scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
index 5e9c2d891f..d524e78caa 100644
--- a/scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ void LineEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
int x_ofs = 0;
bool using_placeholder = text.is_empty() && ime_text.is_empty();
float text_width = TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).x;
- float text_height = TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM);
+ float text_height = TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).y + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM);
switch (align) {
@@ -1531,7 +1531,7 @@ Size2 LineEdit::get_minimum_size() const {
min_size.width = MAX(min_size.width, full_width + em_space_size);
- min_size.height = MAX(TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM), font->get_height(font_size));
+ min_size.height = MAX(TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).y + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM), font->get_height(font_size));
// Take icons into account.
bool using_placeholder = text.is_empty() && ime_text.is_empty();
@@ -1941,6 +1941,7 @@ void LineEdit::_shape() {
const Ref<Font> &font = get_theme_font(SNAME("font"));
int font_size = get_theme_font_size(SNAME("font_size"));
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(font.is_null());
TS->shaped_text_add_string(text_rid, t, font->get_rids(), font_size, opentype_features, (language != "") ? language : TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale());
TS->shaped_text_set_bidi_override(text_rid, structured_text_parser(st_parser, st_args, t));
diff --git a/scene/gui/rich_text_effect.h b/scene/gui/rich_text_effect.h
index e674b2f62f..f5506542bb 100644
--- a/scene/gui/rich_text_effect.h
+++ b/scene/gui/rich_text_effect.h
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public:
Color color;
double elapsed_time = 0.0f;
Dictionary environment;
- uint32_t glpyh_index = 0;
+ uint32_t glyph_index = 0;
RID font;
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ public:
Color get_color() { return color; }
void set_color(Color p_color) { color = p_color; }
- uint32_t get_glyph_index() const { return glpyh_index; };
- void set_glyph_index(uint32_t p_glpyh_index) { glpyh_index = p_glpyh_index; };
+ uint32_t get_glyph_index() const { return glyph_index; };
+ void set_glyph_index(uint32_t p_glyph_index) { glyph_index = p_glyph_index; };
RID get_font() const { return font; };
void set_font(RID p_font) { font = p_font; };
diff --git a/scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp b/scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
index 9707129ba8..b7519af4aa 100644
--- a/scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/rich_text_label.cpp
@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ int RichTextLabel::_draw_line(ItemFrame *p_frame, int p_line, const Vector2 &p_o
charfx->visibility = visible;
charfx->outline = true;
charfx->font = frid;
- charfx->glpyh_index = gl;
+ charfx->glyph_index = gl;
charfx->offset = fx_offset;
charfx->color = font_color;
@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ int RichTextLabel::_draw_line(ItemFrame *p_frame, int p_line, const Vector2 &p_o
fx_offset += charfx->offset;
font_color = charfx->color;
frid = charfx->font;
- gl = charfx->glpyh_index;
+ gl = charfx->glyph_index;
visible &= charfx->visibility;
} else if (item_fx->type == ITEM_SHAKE) {
@@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ int RichTextLabel::_draw_line(ItemFrame *p_frame, int p_line, const Vector2 &p_o
charfx->visibility = visible;
charfx->outline = false;
charfx->font = frid;
- charfx->glpyh_index = gl;
+ charfx->glyph_index = gl;
charfx->offset = fx_offset;
charfx->color = font_color;
@@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ int RichTextLabel::_draw_line(ItemFrame *p_frame, int p_line, const Vector2 &p_o
fx_offset += charfx->offset;
font_color = charfx->color;
frid = charfx->font;
- gl = charfx->glpyh_index;
+ gl = charfx->glyph_index;
visible &= charfx->visibility;
} else if (item_fx->type == ITEM_SHAKE) {
@@ -1451,7 +1451,7 @@ void RichTextLabel::_notification(int p_what) {
Control::CursorShape RichTextLabel::get_cursor_shape(const Point2 &p_pos) const {
if (!underline_meta) {
- return CURSOR_ARROW;
+ return get_default_cursor_shape();
if (selection.click_item) {
@@ -1459,11 +1459,11 @@ Control::CursorShape RichTextLabel::get_cursor_shape(const Point2 &p_pos) const
if (main->first_invalid_line < main->lines.size()) {
- return CURSOR_ARROW; //invalid
+ return get_default_cursor_shape(); //invalid
if (main->first_resized_line < main->lines.size()) {
- return CURSOR_ARROW; //invalid
+ return get_default_cursor_shape(); //invalid
Item *item = nullptr;
@@ -1474,7 +1474,7 @@ Control::CursorShape RichTextLabel::get_cursor_shape(const Point2 &p_pos) const
- return CURSOR_ARROW;
+ return get_default_cursor_shape();
void RichTextLabel::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
diff --git a/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp b/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
index 61dfec6abe..a731f80741 100644
--- a/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
@@ -888,7 +888,7 @@ void TextEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
// Draw line.
RID rid = ldata->get_line_rid(line_wrap_index);
- float text_height = TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM);
+ float text_height = TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).y + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM);
if (rtl) {
char_margin = size.width - char_margin - TS->shaped_text_get_size(rid).x;
diff --git a/scene/gui/tree.cpp b/scene/gui/tree.cpp
index 5f07f5216a..3e46e2749b 100644
--- a/scene/gui/tree.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/tree.cpp
@@ -889,11 +889,22 @@ void TreeItem::set_custom_font(int p_column, const Ref<Font> &p_font) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_column, cells.size());
cells.write[p_column].custom_font = p_font;
Ref<Font> TreeItem::get_custom_font(int p_column) const {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_column, cells.size(), Ref<Font>());
return cells[p_column].custom_font;
+void TreeItem::set_custom_font_size(int p_column, int p_font_size) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_column, cells.size());
+ cells.write[p_column].custom_font_size = p_font_size;
+int TreeItem::get_custom_font_size(int p_column) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_column, cells.size(), -1);
+ return cells[p_column].custom_font_size;
void TreeItem::set_tooltip(int p_column, const String &p_tooltip) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_column, cells.size());
cells.write[p_column].tooltip = p_tooltip;
@@ -1132,6 +1143,9 @@ void TreeItem::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_custom_font", "column", "font"), &TreeItem::set_custom_font);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_custom_font", "column"), &TreeItem::get_custom_font);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_custom_font_size", "column", "font_size"), &TreeItem::set_custom_font_size);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_custom_font_size", "column"), &TreeItem::get_custom_font_size);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_custom_bg_color", "column", "color", "just_outline"), &TreeItem::set_custom_bg_color, DEFVAL(false));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_custom_bg_color", "column"), &TreeItem::clear_custom_bg_color);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_custom_bg_color", "column"), &TreeItem::get_custom_bg_color);
@@ -1507,7 +1521,14 @@ void Tree::update_item_cell(TreeItem *p_item, int p_col) {
} else {
font = cache.font;
- p_item->cells.write[p_col].text_buf->add_string(valtext, font, cache.font_size, p_item->cells[p_col].opentype_features, (p_item->cells[p_col].language != "") ? p_item->cells[p_col].language : TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale());
+ int font_size;
+ if (p_item->cells[p_col].custom_font_size > 0) {
+ font_size = p_item->cells[p_col].custom_font_size;
+ } else {
+ font_size = cache.font_size;
+ }
+ p_item->cells.write[p_col].text_buf->add_string(valtext, font, font_size, p_item->cells[p_col].opentype_features, (p_item->cells[p_col].language != "") ? p_item->cells[p_col].language : TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale());
TS->shaped_text_set_bidi_override(p_item->cells[p_col].text_buf->get_rid(), structured_text_parser(p_item->cells[p_col].st_parser, p_item->cells[p_col].st_args, valtext));
p_item->cells.write[p_col].dirty = false;
@@ -1696,24 +1717,30 @@ int Tree::draw_item(const Point2i &p_pos, const Point2 &p_draw_ofs, const Size2
- if (drop_mode_flags && drop_mode_over == p_item) {
+ if (drop_mode_flags && drop_mode_over) {
Rect2 r = cell_rect;
- bool has_parent = p_item->get_first_child() != nullptr;
if (rtl) {
r.position.x = get_size().width - r.position.x - r.size.x;
- if (drop_mode_section == -1 || has_parent || drop_mode_section == 0) {
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(r.position.x, r.position.y, r.size.x, 1), cache.drop_position_color);
- }
- if (drop_mode_section == 0) {
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(r.position.x, r.position.y, 1, r.size.y), cache.drop_position_color);
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(r.position.x + r.size.x - 1, r.position.y, 1, r.size.y), cache.drop_position_color);
- }
- if ((drop_mode_section == 1 && !has_parent) || drop_mode_section == 0) {
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(r.position.x, r.position.y + r.size.y, r.size.x, 1), cache.drop_position_color);
+ if (drop_mode_over == p_item) {
+ if (drop_mode_section == 0 || drop_mode_section == -1) {
+ // Line above.
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(r.position.x, r.position.y, r.size.x, 1), cache.drop_position_color);
+ }
+ if (drop_mode_section == 0) {
+ // Side lines.
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(r.position.x, r.position.y, 1, r.size.y), cache.drop_position_color);
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(r.position.x + r.size.x - 1, r.position.y, 1, r.size.y), cache.drop_position_color);
+ }
+ if (drop_mode_section == 0 || (drop_mode_section == 1 && (!p_item->get_first_child() || p_item->is_collapsed()))) {
+ // Line below.
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(r.position.x, r.position.y + r.size.y, r.size.x, 1), cache.drop_position_color);
+ }
+ } else if (drop_mode_over == p_item->get_parent()) {
+ if (drop_mode_section == 1 && !p_item->get_prev() /* && !drop_mode_over->is_collapsed() */) { // The drop_mode_over shouldn't ever be collapsed in here, otherwise we would be drawing a child of a collapsed item.
+ // Line above.
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(r.position.x, r.position.y, r.size.x, 1), cache.drop_position_color);
+ }
diff --git a/scene/gui/tree.h b/scene/gui/tree.h
index cce8b527db..8b7ddc3faf 100644
--- a/scene/gui/tree.h
+++ b/scene/gui/tree.h
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ private:
Vector<Button> buttons;
Ref<Font> custom_font;
+ int custom_font_size = -1;
Cell() {
@@ -299,6 +300,9 @@ public:
void set_custom_font(int p_column, const Ref<Font> &p_font);
Ref<Font> get_custom_font(int p_column) const;
+ void set_custom_font_size(int p_column, int p_font_size);
+ int get_custom_font_size(int p_column) const;
void set_custom_bg_color(int p_column, const Color &p_color, bool p_bg_outline = false);
void clear_custom_bg_color(int p_column);
Color get_custom_bg_color(int p_column) const;
diff --git a/scene/gui/video_player.cpp b/scene/gui/video_player.cpp
index 229b5384ea..8734037a57 100644
--- a/scene/gui/video_player.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/video_player.cpp
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ void VideoPlayer::_mix_audio() {
void VideoPlayer::_notification(int p_notification) {
switch (p_notification) {
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->add_callback(_mix_audios, this);
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->add_mix_callback(_mix_audios, this);
if (stream.is_valid() && autoplay && !Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
@@ -138,8 +138,7 @@ void VideoPlayer::_notification(int p_notification) {
} break;
- AudioServer::get_singleton()->remove_callback(_mix_audios, this);
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->remove_mix_callback(_mix_audios, this);
} break;
diff --git a/scene/main/canvas_item.cpp b/scene/main/canvas_item.cpp
index f329332725..64b169b1fb 100644
--- a/scene/main/canvas_item.cpp
+++ b/scene/main/canvas_item.cpp
@@ -571,6 +571,12 @@ void CanvasItem::draw_texture_rect_region(const Ref<Texture2D> &p_texture, const
p_texture->draw_rect_region(canvas_item, p_rect, p_src_rect, p_modulate, p_transpose, p_clip_uv);
+void CanvasItem::draw_msdf_texture_rect_region(const Ref<Texture2D> &p_texture, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, const Color &p_modulate, double p_outline, double p_pixel_range) {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!drawing, "Drawing is only allowed inside NOTIFICATION_DRAW, _draw() function or 'draw' signal.");
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(p_texture.is_null());
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_msdf_texture_rect_region(canvas_item, p_rect, p_texture->get_rid(), p_src_rect, p_modulate, p_outline, p_pixel_range);
void CanvasItem::draw_style_box(const Ref<StyleBox> &p_style_box, const Rect2 &p_rect) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!drawing, "Drawing is only allowed inside NOTIFICATION_DRAW, _draw() function or 'draw' signal.");
@@ -881,6 +887,7 @@ void CanvasItem::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_texture", "texture", "position", "modulate"), &CanvasItem::draw_texture, DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1, 1)));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_texture_rect", "texture", "rect", "tile", "modulate", "transpose"), &CanvasItem::draw_texture_rect, DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1, 1)), DEFVAL(false));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_texture_rect_region", "texture", "rect", "src_rect", "modulate", "transpose", "clip_uv"), &CanvasItem::draw_texture_rect_region, DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1, 1)), DEFVAL(false), DEFVAL(true));
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_msdf_texture_rect_region", "texture", "rect", "src_rect", "modulate", "outline", "pixel_range"), &CanvasItem::draw_msdf_texture_rect_region, DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1, 1)), DEFVAL(0.0), DEFVAL(4.0));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_style_box", "style_box", "rect"), &CanvasItem::draw_style_box);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_primitive", "points", "colors", "uvs", "texture", "width"), &CanvasItem::draw_primitive, DEFVAL(Ref<Texture2D>()), DEFVAL(1.0));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_polygon", "points", "colors", "uvs", "texture"), &CanvasItem::draw_polygon, DEFVAL(PackedVector2Array()), DEFVAL(Ref<Texture2D>()));
diff --git a/scene/main/canvas_item.h b/scene/main/canvas_item.h
index a591cab485..01ed47d4dc 100644
--- a/scene/main/canvas_item.h
+++ b/scene/main/canvas_item.h
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ public:
void draw_texture(const Ref<Texture2D> &p_texture, const Point2 &p_pos, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
void draw_texture_rect(const Ref<Texture2D> &p_texture, const Rect2 &p_rect, bool p_tile = false, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), bool p_transpose = false);
void draw_texture_rect_region(const Ref<Texture2D> &p_texture, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), bool p_transpose = false, bool p_clip_uv = false);
+ void draw_msdf_texture_rect_region(const Ref<Texture2D> &p_texture, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), double p_outline = 0.0, double p_pixel_range = 4.0);
void draw_style_box(const Ref<StyleBox> &p_style_box, const Rect2 &p_rect);
void draw_primitive(const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs, Ref<Texture2D> p_texture = Ref<Texture2D>(), real_t p_width = 1);
void draw_polygon(const Vector<Point2> &p_points, const Vector<Color> &p_colors, const Vector<Point2> &p_uvs = Vector<Point2>(), Ref<Texture2D> p_texture = Ref<Texture2D>());
diff --git a/scene/main/node.cpp b/scene/main/node.cpp
index 4ea4579bf9..cafa4fa2d2 100644
--- a/scene/main/node.cpp
+++ b/scene/main/node.cpp
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ void Node::_notification(int p_notification) {
} break;
- GDVIRTUAL_CALL(_physics_process, get_process_delta_time());
+ GDVIRTUAL_CALL(_physics_process, get_physics_process_delta_time());
} break;
@@ -123,22 +123,22 @@ void Node::_notification(int p_notification) {
} break;
if (get_script_instance()) {
- if (GDVIRTUAL_IS_OVERRIDEN(_unhandled_input)) {
+ if (GDVIRTUAL_IS_OVERRIDDEN(_unhandled_input)) {
- if (GDVIRTUAL_IS_OVERRIDEN(_unhandled_key_input)) {
+ if (GDVIRTUAL_IS_OVERRIDDEN(_unhandled_key_input)) {
- if (GDVIRTUAL_IS_OVERRIDEN(_process)) {
+ if (GDVIRTUAL_IS_OVERRIDDEN(_process)) {
- if (GDVIRTUAL_IS_OVERRIDEN(_physics_process)) {
+ if (GDVIRTUAL_IS_OVERRIDDEN(_physics_process)) {
@@ -2652,6 +2652,8 @@ void Node::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_scene_instance_load_placeholder", "load_placeholder"), &Node::set_scene_instance_load_placeholder);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_scene_instance_load_placeholder"), &Node::get_scene_instance_load_placeholder);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_editable_instance", "node", "is_editable"), &Node::set_editable_instance);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_editable_instance", "node"), &Node::is_editable_instance);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_viewport"), &Node::get_viewport);
diff --git a/scene/main/viewport.cpp b/scene/main/viewport.cpp
index ea2323c651..6e0b161e54 100644
--- a/scene/main/viewport.cpp
+++ b/scene/main/viewport.cpp
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
#include "scene/resources/text_line.h"
#include "scene/resources/world_2d.h"
#include "scene/scene_string_names.h"
+#include "servers/audio_server.h"
void ViewportTexture::setup_local_to_scene() {
if (vp) {
@@ -820,12 +821,7 @@ Rect2 Viewport::get_visible_rect() const {
void Viewport::_update_listener_2d() {
- /*
- if (is_inside_tree() && audio_listener_3d && (!get_parent() || (Object::cast_to<Control>(get_parent()) && Object::cast_to<Control>(get_parent())->is_visible_in_tree())))
- SpatialSound2DServer::get_singleton()->listener_set_space(internal_listener_2d, find_world_2d()->get_sound_space());
- else
- SpatialSound2DServer::get_singleton()->listener_set_space(internal_listener_2d, RID());
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->notify_listener_changed();
void Viewport::set_as_audio_listener_2d(bool p_enable) {
@@ -3072,6 +3068,7 @@ bool Viewport::is_audio_listener_3d() const {
void Viewport::_update_listener_3d() {
+ AudioServer::get_singleton()->notify_listener_changed();
void Viewport::_listener_transform_3d_changed_notify() {
@@ -3451,6 +3448,17 @@ void Viewport::set_use_xr(bool p_use_xr) {
bool Viewport::is_using_xr() {
return use_xr;
+void Viewport::set_scale_3d(const Scale3D p_scale_3d) {
+ scale_3d = p_scale_3d;
+ RS::get_singleton()->viewport_set_scale_3d(viewport, RS::ViewportScale3D(scale_3d));
+Viewport::Scale3D Viewport::get_scale_3d() const {
+ return scale_3d;
#endif // _3D_DISABLED
void Viewport::_bind_methods() {
@@ -3575,8 +3583,12 @@ void Viewport::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_use_xr", "use"), &Viewport::set_use_xr);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_using_xr"), &Viewport::is_using_xr);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_scale_3d", "scale"), &Viewport::set_scale_3d);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_scale_3d"), &Viewport::get_scale_3d);
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "disable_3d"), "set_disable_3d", "is_3d_disabled");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "use_xr"), "set_use_xr", "is_using_xr");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "scale_3d", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, String::utf8("Disabled,75%,50%,33%,25%")), "set_scale_3d", "get_scale_3d");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "audio_listener_enable_3d"), "set_as_audio_listener_3d", "is_audio_listener_3d");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "own_world_3d"), "set_use_own_world_3d", "is_using_own_world_3d");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "world_3d", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "World3D"), "set_world_3d", "get_world_3d");
@@ -3620,6 +3632,12 @@ void Viewport::_bind_methods() {
ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("gui_focus_changed", PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "node", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Control")));
@@ -3734,6 +3752,11 @@ Viewport::Viewport() {
gui.tooltip_delay = GLOBAL_DEF("gui/timers/tooltip_delay_sec", 0.5);
ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("gui/timers/tooltip_delay_sec", PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "gui/timers/tooltip_delay_sec", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,5,0.01,or_greater")); // No negative numbers
+#ifndef _3D_DISABLED
+ int scale = GLOBAL_GET("rendering/3d/viewport/scale");
+ set_scale_3d((Scale3D)scale);
+#endif // _3D_DISABLED
set_sdf_oversize(sdf_oversize); //set to server
diff --git a/scene/main/viewport.h b/scene/main/viewport.h
index b24de77e6b..d9b21ce6a8 100644
--- a/scene/main/viewport.h
+++ b/scene/main/viewport.h
@@ -88,6 +88,14 @@ class Viewport : public Node {
GDCLASS(Viewport, Node);
+ enum Scale3D {
+ };
enum ShadowAtlasQuadrantSubdiv {
@@ -577,6 +585,7 @@ public:
#ifndef _3D_DISABLED
bool use_xr = false;
+ Scale3D scale_3d = SCALE_3D_DISABLED;
friend class Listener3D;
Listener3D *listener_3d = nullptr;
Set<Listener3D *> listener_3d_set;
@@ -647,6 +656,9 @@ public:
void set_use_xr(bool p_use_xr);
bool is_using_xr();
+ void set_scale_3d(const Scale3D p_scale_3d);
+ Scale3D get_scale_3d() const;
#endif // _3D_DISABLED
@@ -705,6 +717,7 @@ VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(SubViewport::UpdateMode);
diff --git a/scene/main/window.cpp b/scene/main/window.cpp
index b9c0ae5a4a..1fcfce2ea9 100644
--- a/scene/main/window.cpp
+++ b/scene/main/window.cpp
@@ -659,8 +659,8 @@ void Window::_update_viewport_size() {
if (!use_font_oversampling) {
font_oversampling = 1.0;
- if (TS->font_get_oversampling() != font_oversampling) {
- TS->font_set_oversampling(font_oversampling);
+ if (TS->font_get_global_oversampling() != font_oversampling) {
+ TS->font_set_global_oversampling(font_oversampling);
diff --git a/scene/register_scene_types.cpp b/scene/register_scene_types.cpp
index 2cea3c2337..0c97fee711 100644
--- a/scene/register_scene_types.cpp
+++ b/scene/register_scene_types.cpp
@@ -160,6 +160,8 @@
#include "scene/resources/rectangle_shape_2d.h"
#include "scene/resources/resource_format_text.h"
#include "scene/resources/segment_shape_2d.h"
+#include "scene/resources/separation_ray_shape_2d.h"
+#include "scene/resources/separation_ray_shape_3d.h"
#include "scene/resources/skeleton_modification_2d.h"
#include "scene/resources/skeleton_modification_2d_ccdik.h"
#include "scene/resources/skeleton_modification_2d_fabrik.h"
@@ -247,12 +249,6 @@
static Ref<ResourceFormatSaverText> resource_saver_text;
static Ref<ResourceFormatLoaderText> resource_loader_text;
-static Ref<ResourceFormatLoaderFont> resource_loader_font;
-static Ref<ResourceFormatLoaderCompatFont> resource_loader_compat_font;
static Ref<ResourceFormatLoaderStreamTexture2D> resource_loader_stream_texture;
static Ref<ResourceFormatLoaderStreamTextureLayered> resource_loader_texture_layered;
static Ref<ResourceFormatLoaderStreamTexture3D> resource_loader_texture_3d;
@@ -267,14 +263,6 @@ void register_scene_types() {
- resource_loader_font.instantiate();
- ResourceLoader::add_resource_format_loader(resource_loader_font);
- resource_loader_compat_font.instantiate();
- ResourceLoader::add_resource_format_loader(resource_loader_compat_font);
@@ -752,6 +740,7 @@ void register_scene_types() {
OS::get_singleton()->yield(); //may take time to init
+ GDREGISTER_CLASS(SeparationRayShape3D);
@@ -840,6 +829,7 @@ void register_scene_types() {
+ GDREGISTER_CLASS(SeparationRayShape2D);
@@ -960,6 +950,8 @@ void register_scene_types() {
ClassDB::add_compatibility_class("ProceduralSky", "Sky");
ClassDB::add_compatibility_class("ProximityGroup", "ProximityGroup3D");
ClassDB::add_compatibility_class("RayCast", "RayCast3D");
+ ClassDB::add_compatibility_class("RayShape", "SeparationRayShape3D");
+ ClassDB::add_compatibility_class("RayShape2D", "SeparationRayShape2D");
ClassDB::add_compatibility_class("RemoteTransform", "RemoteTransform3D");
ClassDB::add_compatibility_class("RigidBody", "RigidBody3D");
ClassDB::add_compatibility_class("Shape", "Shape3D");
@@ -1065,14 +1057,6 @@ void unregister_scene_types() {
- ResourceLoader::remove_resource_format_loader(resource_loader_font);
- resource_loader_font.unref();
- ResourceLoader::remove_resource_format_loader(resource_loader_compat_font);
- resource_loader_compat_font.unref();
diff --git a/scene/resources/animation.cpp b/scene/resources/animation.cpp
index 80e338c8e8..b4eec2530b 100644
--- a/scene/resources/animation.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/animation.cpp
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
#include "animation.h"
-#include "scene/scene_string_names.h"
#include "core/math/geometry_3d.h"
+#include "scene/scene_string_names.h"
bool Animation::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) {
String name = p_name;
@@ -79,17 +79,16 @@ bool Animation::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) {
TransformTrack *tt = static_cast<TransformTrack *>(tracks[track]);
Vector<real_t> values = p_value;
int vcount = values.size();
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(vcount % 12, false); // should be multiple of 12
const real_t *r = values.ptr();
- int transform3d_size = (int)sizeof(Transform3D);
- tt->transforms.resize(vcount / transform3d_size);
+ int64_t count = vcount / TRANSFORM_TRACK_SIZE;
+ tt->transforms.resize(count);
- for (int i = 0; i < (vcount / transform3d_size); i++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
TKey<TransformKey> &tk = tt->transforms.write[i];
- const real_t *ofs = &r[i * 12];
+ const real_t *ofs = &r[i * TRANSFORM_TRACK_SIZE];
tk.time = ofs[0];
tk.transition = ofs[1];
@@ -356,7 +355,7 @@ bool Animation::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const {
if (track_get_type(track) == TYPE_TRANSFORM3D) {
Vector<real_t> keys;
int kk = track_get_key_count(track);
- keys.resize(kk * sizeof(Transform3D));
+ keys.resize(kk * TRANSFORM_TRACK_SIZE);
real_t *w = keys.ptrw();
diff --git a/scene/resources/animation.h b/scene/resources/animation.h
index 6227f6967f..9a410bd566 100644
--- a/scene/resources/animation.h
+++ b/scene/resources/animation.h
@@ -92,6 +92,9 @@ private:
Vector3 scale;
+ // Not necessarily the same size as Transform3D. The amount of numbers in Animation::Key and TransformKey.
+ const int32_t TRANSFORM_TRACK_SIZE = 12;
struct TransformTrack : public Track {
diff --git a/scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp b/scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp
index ef070589e4..2ab9b7b5a4 100644
--- a/scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.cpp
@@ -221,12 +221,12 @@ void AudioStreamPlaybackSample::do_resample(const Depth *p_src, AudioFrame *p_ds
-void AudioStreamPlaybackSample::mix(AudioFrame *p_buffer, float p_rate_scale, int p_frames) {
+int AudioStreamPlaybackSample::mix(AudioFrame *p_buffer, float p_rate_scale, int p_frames) {
if (!base->data || !active) {
for (int i = 0; i < p_frames; i++) {
p_buffer[i] = AudioFrame(0, 0);
- return;
+ return 0;
int len = base->data_bytes;
@@ -395,12 +395,15 @@ void AudioStreamPlaybackSample::mix(AudioFrame *p_buffer, float p_rate_scale, in
if (todo) {
+ int mixed_frames = p_frames - todo;
//bit was missing from mix
int todo_ofs = p_frames - todo;
for (int i = todo_ofs; i < p_frames; i++) {
p_buffer[i] = AudioFrame(0, 0);
+ return mixed_frames;
+ return p_frames;
AudioStreamPlaybackSample::AudioStreamPlaybackSample() {}
diff --git a/scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.h b/scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.h
index 70b8ba79ad..8bf3d29123 100644
--- a/scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.h
+++ b/scene/resources/audio_stream_sample.h
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public:
virtual float get_playback_position() const override;
virtual void seek(float p_time) override;
- virtual void mix(AudioFrame *p_buffer, float p_rate_scale, int p_frames) override;
+ virtual int mix(AudioFrame *p_buffer, float p_rate_scale, int p_frames) override;
diff --git a/scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp b/scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
index dd7b348498..4845c556c6 100644
--- a/scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/default_theme/default_theme.cpp
@@ -1020,8 +1020,9 @@ void make_default_theme(bool p_hidpi, Ref<Font> p_font) {
Ref<FontData> dynamic_font_data;
- dynamic_font_data->load_memory(_font_OpenSans_SemiBold, _font_OpenSans_SemiBold_size, "ttf", default_font_size);
+ dynamic_font_data->set_data_ptr(_font_OpenSans_SemiBold, _font_OpenSans_SemiBold_size);
+ dynamic_font->set_base_size(default_font_size);
default_font = dynamic_font;
diff --git a/scene/resources/font.cpp b/scene/resources/font.cpp
index 032171847d..7af8e900fd 100644
--- a/scene/resources/font.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/font.cpp
@@ -36,54 +36,129 @@
#include "scene/resources/text_line.h"
#include "scene/resources/text_paragraph.h"
-void FontData::_bind_methods() {
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("load_resource", "filename", "base_size"), &FontData::load_resource, DEFVAL(16));
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("load_memory", "data", "type", "base_size"), &FontData::_load_memory, DEFVAL(16));
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("new_bitmap", "height", "ascent", "base_size"), &FontData::new_bitmap);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("bitmap_add_texture", "texture"), &FontData::bitmap_add_texture);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("bitmap_add_char", "char", "texture_idx", "rect", "align", "advance"), &FontData::bitmap_add_char);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("bitmap_add_kerning_pair", "A", "B", "kerning"), &FontData::bitmap_add_kerning_pair);
+_FORCE_INLINE_ void FontData::_clear_cache() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < cache.size(); i++) {
+ if (cache[i].is_valid()) {
+ TS->free(cache[i]);
+ cache.write[i] = RID();
+ }
+ }
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_data_path", "path"), &FontData::set_data_path);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_data_path"), &FontData::get_data_path);
+_FORCE_INLINE_ void FontData::_ensure_rid(int p_cache_index) const {
+ if (unlikely(p_cache_index >= cache.size())) {
+ cache.resize(p_cache_index + 1);
+ }
+ if (unlikely(!cache[p_cache_index].is_valid())) {
+ cache.write[p_cache_index] = TS->create_font();
+ TS->font_set_data_ptr(cache[p_cache_index], data_ptr, data_size);
+ TS->font_set_antialiased(cache[p_cache_index], antialiased);
+ TS->font_set_multichannel_signed_distance_field(cache[p_cache_index], msdf);
+ TS->font_set_msdf_pixel_range(cache[p_cache_index], msdf_pixel_range);
+ TS->font_set_msdf_size(cache[p_cache_index], msdf_size);
+ TS->font_set_fixed_size(cache[p_cache_index], fixed_size);
+ TS->font_set_force_autohinter(cache[p_cache_index], force_autohinter);
+ TS->font_set_hinting(cache[p_cache_index], hinting);
+ TS->font_set_oversampling(cache[p_cache_index], oversampling);
+ }
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_height", "size"), &FontData::get_height);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_ascent", "size"), &FontData::get_ascent);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_descent", "size"), &FontData::get_descent);
+void FontData::_bind_methods() {
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_data", "data"), &FontData::set_data);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_data"), &FontData::get_data);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_underline_position", "size"), &FontData::get_underline_position);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_underline_thickness", "size"), &FontData::get_underline_thickness);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_antialiased", "antialiased"), &FontData::set_antialiased);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_antialiased"), &FontData::is_antialiased);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_spacing", "type"), &FontData::get_spacing);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_spacing", "type", "value"), &FontData::set_spacing);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_multichannel_signed_distance_field", "msdf"), &FontData::set_multichannel_signed_distance_field);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_multichannel_signed_distance_field"), &FontData::is_multichannel_signed_distance_field);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_antialiased", "antialiased"), &FontData::set_antialiased);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_antialiased"), &FontData::get_antialiased);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_msdf_pixel_range", "msdf_pixel_range"), &FontData::set_msdf_pixel_range);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_msdf_pixel_range"), &FontData::get_msdf_pixel_range);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_variation_list"), &FontData::get_variation_list);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_msdf_size", "msdf_size"), &FontData::set_msdf_size);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_msdf_size"), &FontData::get_msdf_size);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_variation", "tag", "value"), &FontData::set_variation);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_variation", "tag"), &FontData::get_variation);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_force_autohinter", "force_autohinter"), &FontData::set_force_autohinter);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_force_autohinter"), &FontData::is_force_autohinter);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_hinting", "hinting"), &FontData::set_hinting);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_hinting"), &FontData::get_hinting);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_force_autohinter", "enabled"), &FontData::set_force_autohinter);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_force_autohinter"), &FontData::get_force_autohinter);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_oversampling", "oversampling"), &FontData::set_oversampling);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_oversampling"), &FontData::get_oversampling);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_distance_field_hint", "distance_field"), &FontData::set_distance_field_hint);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_distance_field_hint"), &FontData::get_distance_field_hint);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("find_cache", "variation_coordinates"), &FontData::find_cache);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_char", "char"), &FontData::has_char);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_supported_chars"), &FontData::get_supported_chars);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_cache_count"), &FontData::get_cache_count);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_cache"), &FontData::clear_cache);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_cache", "cache_index"), &FontData::remove_cache);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_size_cache_list", "cache_index"), &FontData::get_size_cache_list);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_size_cache", "cache_index"), &FontData::clear_size_cache);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_size_cache", "cache_index", "size"), &FontData::remove_size_cache);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_variation_coordinates", "cache_index", "variation_coordinates"), &FontData::set_variation_coordinates);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_variation_coordinates", "cache_index"), &FontData::get_variation_coordinates);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_ascent", "cache_index", "size", "ascent"), &FontData::set_ascent);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_ascent", "cache_index", "size"), &FontData::get_ascent);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_descent", "cache_index", "size", "descent"), &FontData::set_descent);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_descent", "cache_index", "size"), &FontData::get_descent);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_underline_position", "cache_index", "size", "underline_position"), &FontData::set_underline_position);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_underline_position", "cache_index", "size"), &FontData::get_underline_position);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_underline_thickness", "cache_index", "size", "underline_thickness"), &FontData::set_underline_thickness);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_underline_thickness", "cache_index", "size"), &FontData::get_underline_thickness);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_scale", "cache_index", "size", "scale"), &FontData::set_scale);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_scale", "cache_index", "size"), &FontData::get_scale);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_spacing", "cache_index", "size", "spacing"), &FontData::set_spacing);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_spacing", "cache_index", "size"), &FontData::get_spacing);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_texture_count", "cache_index", "size"), &FontData::get_texture_count);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_textures", "cache_index", "size"), &FontData::clear_textures);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_texture", "cache_index", "size", "texture_index"), &FontData::remove_texture);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_texture_image", "cache_index", "size", "texture_index", "image"), &FontData::set_texture_image);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_texture_image", "cache_index", "size", "texture_index"), &FontData::get_texture_image);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_texture_offsets", "cache_index", "size", "texture_index", "offset"), &FontData::set_texture_offsets);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_texture_offsets", "cache_index", "size", "texture_index"), &FontData::get_texture_offsets);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_glyph_list", "cache_index", "size"), &FontData::get_glyph_list);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_glyphs", "cache_index", "size"), &FontData::clear_glyphs);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_glyph", "cache_index", "size", "glyph"), &FontData::remove_glyph);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_glyph_advance", "cache_index", "size", "glyph", "advance"), &FontData::set_glyph_advance);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_glyph_advance", "cache_index", "size", "glyph"), &FontData::get_glyph_advance);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_glyph_offset", "cache_index", "size", "glyph", "offset"), &FontData::set_glyph_offset);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_glyph_offset", "cache_index", "size", "glyph"), &FontData::get_glyph_offset);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_glyph_size", "cache_index", "size", "glyph", "gl_size"), &FontData::set_glyph_size);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_glyph_size", "cache_index", "size", "glyph"), &FontData::get_glyph_size);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_glyph_advance", "index", "size"), &FontData::get_glyph_advance);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_glyph_kerning", "index_a", "index_b", "size"), &FontData::get_glyph_kerning);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_glyph_uv_rect", "cache_index", "size", "glyph", "uv_rect"), &FontData::set_glyph_uv_rect);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_glyph_uv_rect", "cache_index", "size", "glyph"), &FontData::get_glyph_uv_rect);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_base_size"), &FontData::get_base_size);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_glyph_texture_idx", "cache_index", "size", "glyph", "texture_idx"), &FontData::set_glyph_texture_idx);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_glyph_texture_idx", "cache_index", "size", "glyph"), &FontData::get_glyph_texture_idx);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_outline"), &FontData::has_outline);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_kerning_list", "cache_index", "size"), &FontData::get_kerning_list);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_kerning_map", "cache_index", "size"), &FontData::clear_kerning_map);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_kerning", "cache_index", "size", "glyph_pair"), &FontData::remove_kerning);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_kerning", "cache_index", "size", "glyph_pair", "kerning"), &FontData::set_kerning);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_kerning", "cache_index", "size", "glyph_pair"), &FontData::get_kerning);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("render_range", "cache_index", "size", "start", "end"), &FontData::render_range);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("render_glyph", "cache_index", "size", "index"), &FontData::render_glyph);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_cache_rid", "cache_index"), &FontData::get_cache_rid);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_language_supported", "language"), &FontData::is_language_supported);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_language_support_override", "language", "supported"), &FontData::set_language_support_override);
@@ -97,511 +172,915 @@ void FontData::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_script_support_override", "script"), &FontData::remove_script_support_override);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_script_support_overrides"), &FontData::get_script_support_overrides);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_glyph_index", "char", "variation_selector"), &FontData::get_glyph_index, DEFVAL(0x0000));
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_glyph", "canvas", "size", "pos", "index", "color"), &FontData::draw_glyph, DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1)));
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_glyph_outline", "canvas", "size", "outline_size", "pos", "index", "color"), &FontData::draw_glyph_outline, DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1)));
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "data_path", PROPERTY_HINT_FILE, "*.ttf,*.otf,*.woff,*.fnt,*.font"), "set_data_path", "get_data_path");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "antialiased"), "set_antialiased", "get_antialiased");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "force_autohinter"), "set_force_autohinter", "get_force_autohinter");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "distance_field_hint"), "set_distance_field_hint", "get_distance_field_hint");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "hinting", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "None,Light,Normal"), "set_hinting", "get_hinting");
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_char", "char"), &FontData::has_char);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_supported_chars"), &FontData::get_supported_chars);
- ADD_GROUP("Extra Spacing", "extra_spacing");
- ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "extra_spacing_glyph"), "set_spacing", "get_spacing", SPACING_GLYPH);
- ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "extra_spacing_space"), "set_spacing", "get_spacing", SPACING_SPACE);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_glyph_index", "char", "variation_selector"), &FontData::get_glyph_index);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_supported_feature_list"), &FontData::get_supported_feature_list);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_supported_variation_list"), &FontData::get_supported_variation_list);
bool FontData::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) {
- String str = p_name;
- if (str.begins_with("language_support_override/")) {
- String lang = str.get_slicec('/', 1);
- if (lang == "_new") {
- return false;
+ Vector<String> tokens = p_name.operator String().split("/");
+ if (tokens.size() == 1) {
+ if (tokens[0] == "data") {
+ set_data(p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[0] == "antialiased") {
+ set_antialiased(p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[0] == "multichannel_signed_distance_field") {
+ set_multichannel_signed_distance_field(p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[0] == "msdf_pixel_range") {
+ set_msdf_pixel_range(p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[0] == "msdf_size") {
+ set_msdf_size(p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[0] == "fixed_size") {
+ set_fixed_size(p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[0] == "hinting") {
+ set_hinting((TextServer::Hinting)p_value.operator int());
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[0] == "force_autohinter") {
+ set_force_autohinter(p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[0] == "oversampling") {
+ set_oversampling(p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens.size() == 2 && tokens[0] == "language_support_override") {
+ String lang = tokens[1];
set_language_support_override(lang, p_value);
return true;
- }
- if (str.begins_with("script_support_override/")) {
- String scr = str.get_slicec('/', 1);
- if (scr == "_new") {
- return false;
- }
- set_script_support_override(scr, p_value);
- return true;
- }
- if (str.begins_with("variation/")) {
- String name = str.get_slicec('/', 1);
- set_variation(name, p_value);
+ } else if (tokens.size() == 2 && tokens[0] == "script_support_override") {
+ String script = tokens[1];
+ set_script_support_override(script, p_value);
return true;
+ } else if (tokens.size() >= 3 && tokens[0] == "cache") {
+ int cache_index = tokens[1].to_int();
+ if (tokens.size() == 3 && tokens[2] == "variation_coordinates") {
+ set_variation_coordinates(cache_index, p_value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (tokens.size() >= 5) {
+ Vector2i sz = Vector2i(tokens[2].to_int(), tokens[3].to_int());
+ if (tokens[4] == "ascent") {
+ set_ascent(cache_index, sz.x, p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[4] == "descent") {
+ set_descent(cache_index, sz.x, p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[4] == "underline_position") {
+ set_underline_position(cache_index, sz.x, p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[4] == "underline_thickness") {
+ set_underline_thickness(cache_index, sz.x, p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[4] == "scale") {
+ set_scale(cache_index, sz.x, p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[4] == "spacing_glyph") {
+ set_spacing(cache_index, sz.x, TextServer::SPACING_GLYPH, p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[4] == "spacing_space") {
+ set_spacing(cache_index, sz.x, TextServer::SPACING_SPACE, p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens.size() == 7 && tokens[4] == "textures") {
+ int texture_index = tokens[5].to_int();
+ if (tokens[6] == "image") {
+ set_texture_image(cache_index, sz, texture_index, p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[6] == "offsets") {
+ set_texture_offsets(cache_index, sz, texture_index, p_value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else if (tokens.size() == 7 && tokens[4] == "glyphs") {
+ int32_t glyph_index = tokens[5].to_int();
+ if (tokens[6] == "advance") {
+ set_glyph_advance(cache_index, sz.x, glyph_index, p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[6] == "offset") {
+ set_glyph_offset(cache_index, sz, glyph_index, p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[6] == "size") {
+ set_glyph_size(cache_index, sz, glyph_index, p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[6] == "uv_rect") {
+ set_glyph_uv_rect(cache_index, sz, glyph_index, p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[6] == "texture_idx") {
+ set_glyph_texture_idx(cache_index, sz, glyph_index, p_value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else if (tokens.size() == 7 && tokens[4] == "kerning_overrides") {
+ Vector2i gp = Vector2i(tokens[5].to_int(), tokens[6].to_int());
+ set_kerning(cache_index, sz.x, gp, p_value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
return false;
bool FontData::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const {
- String str = p_name;
- if (str.begins_with("language_support_override/")) {
- String lang = str.get_slicec('/', 1);
- if (lang == "_new") {
+ Vector<String> tokens = p_name.operator String().split("/");
+ if (tokens.size() == 1) {
+ if (tokens[0] == "data") {
+ r_ret = get_data();
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[0] == "antialiased") {
+ r_ret = is_antialiased();
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[0] == "multichannel_signed_distance_field") {
+ r_ret = is_multichannel_signed_distance_field();
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[0] == "msdf_pixel_range") {
+ r_ret = get_msdf_pixel_range();
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[0] == "msdf_size") {
+ r_ret = get_msdf_size();
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[0] == "fixed_size") {
+ r_ret = get_fixed_size();
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[0] == "hinting") {
+ r_ret = get_hinting();
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[0] == "force_autohinter") {
+ r_ret = is_force_autohinter();
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[0] == "oversampling") {
+ r_ret = get_oversampling();
return true;
+ } else if (tokens.size() == 2 && tokens[0] == "language_support_override") {
+ String lang = tokens[1];
r_ret = get_language_support_override(lang);
return true;
- }
- if (str.begins_with("script_support_override/")) {
- String scr = str.get_slicec('/', 1);
- if (scr == "_new") {
+ } else if (tokens.size() == 2 && tokens[0] == "script_support_override") {
+ String script = tokens[1];
+ r_ret = get_script_support_override(script);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens.size() >= 3 && tokens[0] == "cache") {
+ int cache_index = tokens[1].to_int();
+ if (tokens.size() == 3 && tokens[2] == "variation_coordinates") {
+ r_ret = get_variation_coordinates(cache_index);
return true;
- r_ret = get_script_support_override(scr);
- return true;
- }
- if (str.begins_with("variation/")) {
- String name = str.get_slicec('/', 1);
- r_ret = get_variation(name);
- return true;
+ if (tokens.size() >= 5) {
+ Vector2i sz = Vector2i(tokens[2].to_int(), tokens[3].to_int());
+ if (tokens[4] == "ascent") {
+ r_ret = get_ascent(cache_index, sz.x);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[4] == "descent") {
+ r_ret = get_descent(cache_index, sz.x);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[4] == "underline_position") {
+ r_ret = get_underline_position(cache_index, sz.x);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[4] == "underline_thickness") {
+ r_ret = get_underline_thickness(cache_index, sz.x);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[4] == "scale") {
+ r_ret = get_scale(cache_index, sz.x);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[4] == "spacing_glyph") {
+ r_ret = get_spacing(cache_index, sz.x, TextServer::SPACING_GLYPH);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[4] == "spacing_space") {
+ r_ret = get_spacing(cache_index, sz.x, TextServer::SPACING_SPACE);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens.size() == 7 && tokens[4] == "textures") {
+ int texture_index = tokens[5].to_int();
+ if (tokens[6] == "image") {
+ r_ret = get_texture_image(cache_index, sz, texture_index);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[6] == "offsets") {
+ r_ret = get_texture_offsets(cache_index, sz, texture_index);
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else if (tokens.size() == 7 && tokens[4] == "glyphs") {
+ int32_t glyph_index = tokens[5].to_int();
+ if (tokens[6] == "advance") {
+ r_ret = get_glyph_advance(cache_index, sz.x, glyph_index);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[6] == "offset") {
+ r_ret = get_glyph_offset(cache_index, sz, glyph_index);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[6] == "size") {
+ r_ret = get_glyph_size(cache_index, sz, glyph_index);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[6] == "uv_rect") {
+ r_ret = get_glyph_uv_rect(cache_index, sz, glyph_index);
+ return true;
+ } else if (tokens[6] == "texture_idx") {
+ r_ret = get_glyph_texture_idx(cache_index, sz, glyph_index);
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else if (tokens.size() == 7 && tokens[4] == "kerning_overrides") {
+ Vector2i gp = Vector2i(tokens[5].to_int(), tokens[6].to_int());
+ r_ret = get_kerning(cache_index, sz.x, gp);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
return false;
void FontData::_get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const {
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY, "data", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "antialiased", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "multichannel_signed_distance_field", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "msdf_pixel_range", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "msdf_size", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "fixed_size", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "hinting", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "None,Light,Normal", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "force_autohinter", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "oversampling", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
Vector<String> lang_over = get_language_support_overrides();
for (int i = 0; i < lang_over.size(); i++) {
- p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "language_support_override/" + lang_over[i], PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "language_support_override/" + lang_over[i], PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
- p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "language_support_override/_new", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR));
Vector<String> scr_over = get_script_support_overrides();
for (int i = 0; i < scr_over.size(); i++) {
- p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "script_support_override/" + scr_over[i], PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
- }
- p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "script_support_override/_new", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "script_support_override/" + scr_over[i], PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < cache.size(); i++) {
+ String prefix = "cache/" + itos(i) + "/";
+ Array sizes = get_size_cache_list(i);
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::DICTIONARY, prefix + "variation_coordinates", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ for (int j = 0; j < sizes.size(); j++) {
+ Vector2i sz = sizes[j];
+ String prefix_sz = prefix + itos(sz.x) + "/" + itos(sz.y) + "/";
+ if (sz.y == 0) {
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, prefix_sz + "ascent", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, prefix_sz + "descent", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, prefix_sz + "underline_position", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, prefix_sz + "underline_thickness", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, prefix_sz + "scale", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, prefix_sz + "spacing_glyph", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, prefix_sz + "spacing_space", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ }
- Dictionary variations = get_variation_list();
- for (const Variant *ftr =; ftr != nullptr; ftr = {
- Vector3i v = variations[*ftr];
- p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "variation/" + TS->tag_to_name(*ftr), PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, itos(v.x) + "," + itos(v.y), PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ int tx_cnt = get_texture_count(i, sz);
+ for (int k = 0; k < tx_cnt; k++) {
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::PACKED_INT32_ARRAY, prefix_sz + "textures/" + itos(k) + "/offsets", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, prefix_sz + "textures/" + itos(k) + "/image", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Image", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE | PROPERTY_USAGE_RESOURCE_NOT_PERSISTENT));
+ }
+ Array glyphs = get_glyph_list(i, sz);
+ for (int k = 0; k < glyphs.size(); k++) {
+ const int32_t &gl = glyphs[k];
+ if (sz.y == 0) {
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, prefix_sz + "glyphs/" + itos(gl) + "/advance", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ }
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, prefix_sz + "glyphs/" + itos(gl) + "/offset", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, prefix_sz + "glyphs/" + itos(gl) + "/size", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::RECT2, prefix_sz + "glyphs/" + itos(gl) + "/uv_rect", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, prefix_sz + "glyphs/" + itos(gl) + "/texture_idx", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ }
+ if (sz.y == 0) {
+ Array kerning_map = get_kerning_list(i, sz.x);
+ for (int k = 0; k < kerning_map.size(); k++) {
+ const Vector2i &gl_pair = kerning_map[k];
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, prefix_sz + "kerning_overrides/" + itos(gl_pair.x) + "/" + itos(gl_pair.y), PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE));
+ }
+ }
+ }
void FontData::reset_state() {
- if (rid != RID()) {
- TS->free(rid);
- }
- base_size = 16;
- path = String();
+ _clear_cache();
+ data.clear();
+ data_ptr = nullptr;
+ data_size = 0;
+ cache.clear();
-RID FontData::get_rid() const {
- return rid;
+ antialiased = true;
+ msdf = false;
+ force_autohinter = false;
+ hinting = TextServer::HINTING_LIGHT;
+ msdf_pixel_range = 14;
+ msdf_size = 128;
+ oversampling = 0.f;
-void FontData::load_resource(const String &p_filename, int p_base_size) {
- if (rid != RID()) {
- TS->free(rid);
+void FontData::set_data_ptr(const uint8_t *p_data, size_t p_size) {
+ data.clear();
+ data_ptr = p_data;
+ data_size = p_size;
+ if (data_ptr != nullptr) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < cache.size(); i++) {
+ if (cache[i].is_valid()) {
+ TS->font_set_data_ptr(cache[i], data_ptr, data_size);
+ }
+ }
- rid = TS->create_font_resource(p_filename, p_base_size);
- path = p_filename;
- base_size = TS->font_get_base_size(rid);
- emit_changed();
-void FontData::_load_memory(const PackedByteArray &p_data, const String &p_type, int p_base_size) {
- if (rid != RID()) {
- TS->free(rid);
+void FontData::set_data(const PackedByteArray &p_data) {
+ data = p_data;
+ data_ptr = data.ptr();
+ data_size = data.size();
+ if (data_ptr != nullptr) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < cache.size(); i++) {
+ if (cache[i].is_valid()) {
+ TS->font_set_data_ptr(cache[i], data_ptr, data_size);
+ }
+ }
- rid = TS->create_font_memory(p_data.ptr(), p_data.size(), p_type, p_base_size);
- path = TTR("(Memory: " + p_type.to_upper() + " @ 0x" + String::num_int64((uint64_t)p_data.ptr(), 16, true) + ")");
- base_size = TS->font_get_base_size(rid);
- emit_changed();
-void FontData::load_memory(const uint8_t *p_data, size_t p_size, const String &p_type, int p_base_size) {
- if (rid != RID()) {
- TS->free(rid);
- }
- rid = TS->create_font_memory(p_data, p_size, p_type, p_base_size);
- path = TTR("(Memory: " + p_type.to_upper() + " @ 0x" + String::num_int64((uint64_t)p_data, 16, true) + ")");
- base_size = TS->font_get_base_size(rid);
- emit_changed();
+PackedByteArray FontData::get_data() const {
+ return data;
-void FontData::new_bitmap(float p_height, float p_ascent, int p_base_size) {
- if (rid != RID()) {
- TS->free(rid);
+void FontData::set_antialiased(bool p_antialiased) {
+ if (antialiased != p_antialiased) {
+ antialiased = p_antialiased;
+ for (int i = 0; i < cache.size(); i++) {
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ TS->font_set_antialiased(cache[i], antialiased);
+ }
+ emit_changed();
- rid = TS->create_font_bitmap(p_height, p_ascent, p_base_size);
- path = TTR("(Bitmap: " + String::num_int64(rid.get_id(), 16, true) + ")");
- base_size = TS->font_get_base_size(rid);
- emit_changed();
-void FontData::bitmap_add_texture(const Ref<Texture> &p_texture) {
- if (rid != RID()) {
- TS->font_bitmap_add_texture(rid, p_texture);
- }
+bool FontData::is_antialiased() const {
+ return antialiased;
-void FontData::bitmap_add_char(char32_t p_char, int p_texture_idx, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Size2 &p_align, float p_advance) {
- if (rid != RID()) {
- TS->font_bitmap_add_char(rid, p_char, p_texture_idx, p_rect, p_align, p_advance);
+void FontData::set_multichannel_signed_distance_field(bool p_msdf) {
+ if (msdf != p_msdf) {
+ msdf = p_msdf;
+ for (int i = 0; i < cache.size(); i++) {
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ TS->font_set_multichannel_signed_distance_field(cache[i], msdf);
+ }
+ emit_changed();
-void FontData::bitmap_add_kerning_pair(char32_t p_A, char32_t p_B, int p_kerning) {
- if (rid != RID()) {
- TS->font_bitmap_add_kerning_pair(rid, p_A, p_B, p_kerning);
- }
+bool FontData::is_multichannel_signed_distance_field() const {
+ return msdf;
-void FontData::set_data_path(const String &p_path) {
- load_resource(p_path, base_size);
+void FontData::set_msdf_pixel_range(int p_msdf_pixel_range) {
+ if (msdf_pixel_range != p_msdf_pixel_range) {
+ msdf_pixel_range = p_msdf_pixel_range;
+ for (int i = 0; i < cache.size(); i++) {
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ TS->font_set_msdf_pixel_range(cache[i], msdf_pixel_range);
+ }
+ emit_changed();
+ }
-String FontData::get_data_path() const {
- return path;
+int FontData::get_msdf_pixel_range() const {
+ return msdf_pixel_range;
-float FontData::get_height(int p_size) const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return 0.f; // Do not raise errors in getters, to prevent editor from spamming errors on incomplete (without data_path set) fonts.
+void FontData::set_msdf_size(int p_msdf_size) {
+ if (msdf_size != p_msdf_size) {
+ msdf_size = p_msdf_size;
+ for (int i = 0; i < cache.size(); i++) {
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ TS->font_set_msdf_size(cache[i], msdf_size);
+ }
+ emit_changed();
- return TS->font_get_height(rid, (p_size < 0) ? base_size : p_size);
-float FontData::get_ascent(int p_size) const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return 0.f;
- }
- return TS->font_get_ascent(rid, (p_size < 0) ? base_size : p_size);
+int FontData::get_msdf_size() const {
+ return msdf_size;
-float FontData::get_descent(int p_size) const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return 0.f;
+void FontData::set_fixed_size(int p_fixed_size) {
+ if (fixed_size != p_fixed_size) {
+ fixed_size = p_fixed_size;
+ for (int i = 0; i < cache.size(); i++) {
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ TS->font_set_fixed_size(cache[i], fixed_size);
+ }
+ emit_changed();
- return TS->font_get_descent(rid, (p_size < 0) ? base_size : p_size);
-float FontData::get_underline_position(int p_size) const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return 0.f;
- }
- return TS->font_get_underline_position(rid, (p_size < 0) ? base_size : p_size);
+int FontData::get_fixed_size() const {
+ return fixed_size;
-Dictionary FontData::get_feature_list() const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return Dictionary();
+void FontData::set_force_autohinter(bool p_force_autohinter) {
+ if (force_autohinter != p_force_autohinter) {
+ force_autohinter = p_force_autohinter;
+ for (int i = 0; i < cache.size(); i++) {
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ TS->font_set_force_autohinter(cache[i], force_autohinter);
+ }
+ emit_changed();
- return TS->font_get_feature_list(rid);
-float FontData::get_underline_thickness(int p_size) const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return 0.f;
- }
- return TS->font_get_underline_thickness(rid, (p_size < 0) ? base_size : p_size);
+bool FontData::is_force_autohinter() const {
+ return force_autohinter;
-Dictionary FontData::get_variation_list() const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return Dictionary();
+void FontData::set_hinting(TextServer::Hinting p_hinting) {
+ if (hinting != p_hinting) {
+ hinting = p_hinting;
+ for (int i = 0; i < cache.size(); i++) {
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ TS->font_set_hinting(cache[i], hinting);
+ }
+ emit_changed();
- return TS->font_get_variation_list(rid);
-void FontData::set_variation(const String &p_name, double p_value) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(rid == RID());
- TS->font_set_variation(rid, p_name, p_value);
- emit_changed();
+TextServer::Hinting FontData::get_hinting() const {
+ return hinting;
-double FontData::get_variation(const String &p_name) const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return 0;
+void FontData::set_oversampling(real_t p_oversampling) {
+ if (oversampling != p_oversampling) {
+ oversampling = p_oversampling;
+ for (int i = 0; i < cache.size(); i++) {
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ TS->font_set_oversampling(cache[i], oversampling);
+ }
+ emit_changed();
+ }
+real_t FontData::get_oversampling() const {
+ return oversampling;
+RID FontData::find_cache(const Dictionary &p_variation_coordinates) const {
+ // Find existing variation cache.
+ const Dictionary &supported_coords = get_supported_variation_list();
+ for (int i = 0; i < cache.size(); i++) {
+ if (cache[i].is_valid()) {
+ const Dictionary &cache_var = TS->font_get_variation_coordinates(cache[i]);
+ bool match = true;
+ for (const Variant *V =; V && match; V = {
+ const Vector3 &def = supported_coords[*V];
+ real_t c_v = def.z;
+ if (cache_var.has(*V)) {
+ real_t val = cache_var[*V];
+ c_v = CLAMP(val, def.x, def.y);
+ }
+ if (cache_var.has(TS->tag_to_name(*V))) {
+ real_t val = cache_var[TS->tag_to_name(*V)];
+ c_v = CLAMP(val, def.x, def.y);
+ }
+ real_t s_v = def.z;
+ if (p_variation_coordinates.has(*V)) {
+ real_t val = p_variation_coordinates[*V];
+ s_v = CLAMP(val, def.x, def.y);
+ }
+ if (p_variation_coordinates.has(TS->tag_to_name(*V))) {
+ real_t val = p_variation_coordinates[TS->tag_to_name(*V)];
+ s_v = CLAMP(val, def.x, def.y);
+ }
+ match = match && (c_v == s_v);
+ }
+ if (match) {
+ return cache[i];
+ }
+ }
- return TS->font_get_variation(rid, p_name);
+ // Create new variation cache.
+ int idx = cache.size();
+ _ensure_rid(idx);
+ TS->font_set_variation_coordinates(cache[idx], p_variation_coordinates);
+ return cache[idx];
-int FontData::get_spacing(int p_type) const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (p_type == SPACING_GLYPH) {
- return TS->font_get_spacing_glyph(rid);
- } else {
- return TS->font_get_spacing_space(rid);
- }
+int FontData::get_cache_count() const {
+ return cache.size();
-void FontData::set_spacing(int p_type, int p_value) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(rid == RID());
- if (p_type == SPACING_GLYPH) {
- TS->font_set_spacing_glyph(rid, p_value);
- } else {
- TS->font_set_spacing_space(rid, p_value);
+void FontData::clear_cache() {
+ _clear_cache();
+ cache.clear();
+void FontData::remove_cache(int p_cache_index) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_cache_index, cache.size());
+ if (cache[p_cache_index].is_valid()) {
+ TS->free(cache.write[p_cache_index]);
+ cache.remove(p_cache_index);
-void FontData::set_antialiased(bool p_antialiased) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(rid == RID());
- TS->font_set_antialiased(rid, p_antialiased);
- emit_changed();
+Array FontData::get_size_cache_list(int p_cache_index) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_size_cache_list(cache[p_cache_index]);
-bool FontData::get_antialiased() const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return false;
- }
- return TS->font_get_antialiased(rid);
+void FontData::clear_size_cache(int p_cache_index) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_clear_size_cache(cache[p_cache_index]);
+void FontData::remove_size_cache(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_remove_size_cache(cache[p_cache_index], p_size);
-void FontData::set_distance_field_hint(bool p_distance_field) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(rid == RID());
- TS->font_set_distance_field_hint(rid, p_distance_field);
+void FontData::set_variation_coordinates(int p_cache_index, const Dictionary &p_variation_coordinates) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_set_variation_coordinates(cache[p_cache_index], p_variation_coordinates);
-bool FontData::get_distance_field_hint() const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return false;
- }
- return TS->font_get_distance_field_hint(rid);
+Dictionary FontData::get_variation_coordinates(int p_cache_index) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_variation_coordinates(cache[p_cache_index]);
-void FontData::set_hinting(TextServer::Hinting p_hinting) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(rid == RID());
- TS->font_set_hinting(rid, p_hinting);
- emit_changed();
+void FontData::set_ascent(int p_cache_index, int p_size, real_t p_ascent) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_set_ascent(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_ascent);
-TextServer::Hinting FontData::get_hinting() const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return TextServer::HINTING_NONE;
- }
- return TS->font_get_hinting(rid);
+real_t FontData::get_ascent(int p_cache_index, int p_size) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_ascent(cache[p_cache_index], p_size);
-void FontData::set_force_autohinter(bool p_enabeld) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(rid == RID());
- TS->font_set_force_autohinter(rid, p_enabeld);
- emit_changed();
+void FontData::set_descent(int p_cache_index, int p_size, real_t p_descent) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_set_descent(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_descent);
-bool FontData::get_force_autohinter() const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return false;
- }
- return TS->font_get_force_autohinter(rid);
+real_t FontData::get_descent(int p_cache_index, int p_size) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_descent(cache[p_cache_index], p_size);
-bool FontData::has_char(char32_t p_char) const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return false;
- }
- return TS->font_has_char(rid, p_char);
+void FontData::set_underline_position(int p_cache_index, int p_size, real_t p_underline_position) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_set_underline_position(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_underline_position);
-String FontData::get_supported_chars() const {
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(rid == RID(), String());
- return TS->font_get_supported_chars(rid);
+real_t FontData::get_underline_position(int p_cache_index, int p_size) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_underline_position(cache[p_cache_index], p_size);
-Vector2 FontData::get_glyph_advance(uint32_t p_index, int p_size) const {
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(rid == RID(), Vector2());
- return TS->font_get_glyph_advance(rid, p_index, (p_size < 0) ? base_size : p_size);
+void FontData::set_underline_thickness(int p_cache_index, int p_size, real_t p_underline_thickness) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_set_underline_thickness(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_underline_thickness);
-Vector2 FontData::get_glyph_kerning(uint32_t p_index_a, uint32_t p_index_b, int p_size) const {
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(rid == RID(), Vector2());
- return TS->font_get_glyph_kerning(rid, p_index_a, p_index_b, (p_size < 0) ? base_size : p_size);
+real_t FontData::get_underline_thickness(int p_cache_index, int p_size) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_underline_thickness(cache[p_cache_index], p_size);
-bool FontData::has_outline() const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return false;
- }
- return TS->font_has_outline(rid);
+void FontData::set_scale(int p_cache_index, int p_size, real_t p_scale) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_set_scale(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_scale);
-float FontData::get_base_size() const {
- return base_size;
+real_t FontData::get_scale(int p_cache_index, int p_size) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_scale(cache[p_cache_index], p_size);
+void FontData::set_spacing(int p_cache_index, int p_size, TextServer::SpacingType p_spacing, int p_value) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_set_spacing(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_spacing, p_value);
+int FontData::get_spacing(int p_cache_index, int p_size, TextServer::SpacingType p_spacing) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_spacing(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_spacing);
+int FontData::get_texture_count(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_texture_count(cache[p_cache_index], p_size);
+void FontData::clear_textures(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_clear_textures(cache[p_cache_index], p_size);
+void FontData::remove_texture(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int p_texture_index) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_remove_texture(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_texture_index);
+void FontData::set_texture_image(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int p_texture_index, const Ref<Image> &p_image) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_set_texture_image(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_texture_index, p_image);
+Ref<Image> FontData::get_texture_image(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int p_texture_index) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_texture_image(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_texture_index);
+void FontData::set_texture_offsets(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int p_texture_index, const PackedInt32Array &p_offset) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_set_texture_offsets(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_texture_index, p_offset);
+PackedInt32Array FontData::get_texture_offsets(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int p_texture_index) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_texture_offsets(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_texture_index);
+Array FontData::get_glyph_list(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_glyph_list(cache[p_cache_index], p_size);
+void FontData::clear_glyphs(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_clear_glyphs(cache[p_cache_index], p_size);
+void FontData::remove_glyph(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_remove_glyph(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_glyph);
+void FontData::set_glyph_advance(int p_cache_index, int p_size, int32_t p_glyph, const Vector2 &p_advance) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_set_glyph_advance(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_glyph, p_advance);
+Vector2 FontData::get_glyph_advance(int p_cache_index, int p_size, int32_t p_glyph) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_glyph_advance(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_glyph);
+void FontData::set_glyph_offset(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph, const Vector2 &p_offset) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_set_glyph_offset(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_glyph, p_offset);
+Vector2 FontData::get_glyph_offset(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_glyph_offset(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_glyph);
+void FontData::set_glyph_size(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph, const Vector2 &p_gl_size) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_set_glyph_size(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_glyph, p_gl_size);
+Vector2 FontData::get_glyph_size(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_glyph_size(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_glyph);
+void FontData::set_glyph_uv_rect(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph, const Rect2 &p_uv_rect) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_set_glyph_uv_rect(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_glyph, p_uv_rect);
+Rect2 FontData::get_glyph_uv_rect(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_glyph_uv_rect(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_glyph);
+void FontData::set_glyph_texture_idx(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph, int p_texture_idx) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_set_glyph_texture_idx(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_glyph, p_texture_idx);
+int FontData::get_glyph_texture_idx(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_glyph_texture_idx(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_glyph);
+Array FontData::get_kerning_list(int p_cache_index, int p_size) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_kerning_list(cache[p_cache_index], p_size);
+void FontData::clear_kerning_map(int p_cache_index, int p_size) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_clear_kerning_map(cache[p_cache_index], p_size);
+void FontData::remove_kerning(int p_cache_index, int p_size, const Vector2i &p_glyph_pair) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_remove_kerning(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_glyph_pair);
+void FontData::set_kerning(int p_cache_index, int p_size, const Vector2i &p_glyph_pair, const Vector2 &p_kerning) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_set_kerning(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_glyph_pair, p_kerning);
+Vector2 FontData::get_kerning(int p_cache_index, int p_size, const Vector2i &p_glyph_pair) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return TS->font_get_kerning(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_glyph_pair);
+void FontData::render_range(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, char32_t p_start, char32_t p_end) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_render_range(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_start, p_end);
+void FontData::render_glyph(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_index) {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ TS->font_render_glyph(cache[p_cache_index], p_size, p_index);
+RID FontData::get_cache_rid(int p_cache_index) const {
+ _ensure_rid(p_cache_index);
+ return cache[p_cache_index];
bool FontData::is_language_supported(const String &p_language) const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return false;
- }
- return TS->font_is_language_supported(rid, p_language);
+ _ensure_rid(0);
+ return TS->font_is_language_supported(cache[0], p_language);
void FontData::set_language_support_override(const String &p_language, bool p_supported) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(rid == RID());
- TS->font_set_language_support_override(rid, p_language, p_supported);
- emit_changed();
+ _ensure_rid(0);
+ TS->font_set_language_support_override(cache[0], p_language, p_supported);
bool FontData::get_language_support_override(const String &p_language) const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return false;
- }
- return TS->font_get_language_support_override(rid, p_language);
+ _ensure_rid(0);
+ return TS->font_get_language_support_override(cache[0], p_language);
void FontData::remove_language_support_override(const String &p_language) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(rid == RID());
- TS->font_remove_language_support_override(rid, p_language);
- emit_changed();
+ _ensure_rid(0);
+ TS->font_remove_language_support_override(cache[0], p_language);
Vector<String> FontData::get_language_support_overrides() const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return Vector<String>();
- }
- return TS->font_get_language_support_overrides(rid);
+ _ensure_rid(0);
+ return TS->font_get_language_support_overrides(cache[0]);
bool FontData::is_script_supported(const String &p_script) const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return false;
- }
- return TS->font_is_script_supported(rid, p_script);
+ _ensure_rid(0);
+ return TS->font_is_script_supported(cache[0], p_script);
void FontData::set_script_support_override(const String &p_script, bool p_supported) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(rid == RID());
- TS->font_set_script_support_override(rid, p_script, p_supported);
- emit_changed();
+ _ensure_rid(0);
+ TS->font_set_script_support_override(cache[0], p_script, p_supported);
bool FontData::get_script_support_override(const String &p_script) const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return false;
- }
- return TS->font_get_script_support_override(rid, p_script);
+ _ensure_rid(0);
+ return TS->font_get_script_support_override(cache[0], p_script);
void FontData::remove_script_support_override(const String &p_script) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(rid == RID());
- TS->font_remove_script_support_override(rid, p_script);
- emit_changed();
+ _ensure_rid(0);
+ TS->font_remove_script_support_override(cache[0], p_script);
Vector<String> FontData::get_script_support_overrides() const {
- if (rid == RID()) {
- return Vector<String>();
- }
- return TS->font_get_script_support_overrides(rid);
+ _ensure_rid(0);
+ return TS->font_get_script_support_overrides(cache[0]);
-uint32_t FontData::get_glyph_index(char32_t p_char, char32_t p_variation_selector) const {
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(rid == RID(), 0);
- return TS->font_get_glyph_index(rid, p_char, p_variation_selector);
+bool FontData::has_char(char32_t p_char) const {
+ _ensure_rid(0);
+ return TS->font_has_char(cache[0], p_char);
-Vector2 FontData::draw_glyph(RID p_canvas, int p_size, const Vector2 &p_pos, uint32_t p_index, const Color &p_color) const {
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(rid == RID(), Vector2());
- return TS->font_draw_glyph(rid, p_canvas, (p_size <= 0) ? base_size : p_size, p_pos, p_index, p_color);
+String FontData::get_supported_chars() const {
+ _ensure_rid(0);
+ return TS->font_get_supported_chars(cache[0]);
-Vector2 FontData::draw_glyph_outline(RID p_canvas, int p_size, int p_outline_size, const Vector2 &p_pos, uint32_t p_index, const Color &p_color) const {
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(rid == RID(), Vector2());
- return TS->font_draw_glyph_outline(rid, p_canvas, (p_size <= 0) ? base_size : p_size, p_outline_size, p_pos, p_index, p_color);
+int32_t FontData::get_glyph_index(int p_size, char32_t p_char, char32_t p_variation_selector) const {
+ _ensure_rid(0);
+ return TS->font_get_glyph_index(cache[0], p_size, p_char, p_variation_selector);
-FontData::FontData() {}
+Dictionary FontData::get_supported_feature_list() const {
+ _ensure_rid(0);
+ return TS->font_supported_feature_list(cache[0]);
-FontData::FontData(const String &p_filename, int p_base_size) {
- load_resource(p_filename, p_base_size);
+Dictionary FontData::get_supported_variation_list() const {
+ _ensure_rid(0);
+ return TS->font_supported_variation_list(cache[0]);
-FontData::FontData(const PackedByteArray &p_data, const String &p_type, int p_base_size) {
- _load_memory(p_data, p_type, p_base_size);
+FontData::FontData() {
+ /* NOP */
FontData::~FontData() {
- if (rid != RID()) {
- TS->free(rid);
- }
+ _clear_cache();
+void Font::_data_changed() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < rids.size(); i++) {
+ rids.write[i] = RID();
+ }
+ emit_changed();
+void Font::_ensure_rid(int p_index) const {
+ // Find or create cache record.
+ for (int i = 0; i < rids.size(); i++) {
+ if (!rids[i].is_valid() && data[i].is_valid()) {
+ rids.write[i] = data[i]->find_cache(variation_coordinates);
+ }
+ }
void Font::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_data", "data"), &Font::add_data);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_data", "idx", "data"), &Font::set_data);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_data_count"), &Font::get_data_count);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_data", "idx"), &Font::get_data);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_data_rid", "idx"), &Font::get_data_rid);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_data"), &Font::clear_data);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_data", "idx"), &Font::remove_data);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_base_size", "size"), &Font::set_base_size);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_base_size"), &Font::get_base_size);
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "base_size"), "set_base_size", "get_base_size");
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_variation_coordinates", "variation_coordinates"), &Font::set_variation_coordinates);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_variation_coordinates"), &Font::get_variation_coordinates);
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::DICTIONARY, "variation_coordinates"), "set_variation_coordinates", "get_variation_coordinates");
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_spacing", "spacing", "value"), &Font::set_spacing);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_spacing", "spacing"), &Font::get_spacing);
+ ADD_GROUP("Extra Spacing", "spacing");
+ ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "spacing_top"), "set_spacing", "get_spacing", TextServer::SPACING_TOP);
+ ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "spacing_bottom"), "set_spacing", "get_spacing", TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_height", "size"), &Font::get_height, DEFVAL(-1));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_ascent", "size"), &Font::get_ascent, DEFVAL(-1));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_descent", "size"), &Font::get_descent, DEFVAL(-1));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_underline_position", "size"), &Font::get_underline_position, DEFVAL(-1));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_underline_thickness", "size"), &Font::get_underline_thickness, DEFVAL(-1));
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_spacing", "type"), &Font::get_spacing);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_spacing", "type", "value"), &Font::set_spacing);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_string_size", "text", "size"), &Font::get_string_size, DEFVAL(-1));
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_string_size", "text", "size", "align", "width", "flags"), &Font::get_string_size, DEFVAL(-1), DEFVAL(HALIGN_LEFT), DEFVAL(-1), DEFVAL(TextServer::JUSTIFICATION_KASHIDA | TextServer::JUSTIFICATION_WORD_BOUND));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_multiline_string_size", "text", "width", "size", "flags"), &Font::get_multiline_string_size, DEFVAL(-1), DEFVAL(-1), DEFVAL(TextServer::BREAK_MANDATORY | TextServer::BREAK_WORD_BOUND));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_string", "canvas_item", "pos", "text", "align", "width", "size", "modulate", "outline_size", "outline_modulate", "flags"), &Font::draw_string, DEFVAL(HALIGN_LEFT), DEFVAL(-1), DEFVAL(-1), DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1)), DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1, 0)), DEFVAL(TextServer::JUSTIFICATION_KASHIDA | TextServer::JUSTIFICATION_WORD_BOUND));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_multiline_string", "canvas_item", "pos", "text", "align", "width", "max_lines", "size", "modulate", "outline_size", "outline_modulate", "flags"), &Font::draw_multiline_string, DEFVAL(HALIGN_LEFT), DEFVAL(-1), DEFVAL(-1), DEFVAL(-1), DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1)), DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1, 0)), DEFVAL(TextServer::BREAK_MANDATORY | TextServer::BREAK_WORD_BOUND | TextServer::JUSTIFICATION_KASHIDA | TextServer::JUSTIFICATION_WORD_BOUND));
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_char", "char"), &Font::has_char);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_supported_chars"), &Font::get_supported_chars);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_char_size", "char", "next", "size"), &Font::get_char_size, DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(-1));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_char", "canvas_item", "pos", "char", "next", "size", "modulate", "outline_size", "outline_modulate"), &Font::draw_char, DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(-1), DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1)), DEFVAL(0), DEFVAL(Color(1, 1, 1, 0)));
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("update_changes"), &Font::update_changes);
- ADD_GROUP("Extra Spacing", "extra_spacing");
- ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "extra_spacing_top"), "set_spacing", "get_spacing", SPACING_TOP);
- ADD_PROPERTYI(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "extra_spacing_bottom"), "set_spacing", "get_spacing", SPACING_BOTTOM);
-void Font::_data_changed() {
- cache.clear();
- cache_wrap.clear();
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_char", "char"), &Font::has_char);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_supported_chars"), &Font::get_supported_chars);
- emit_changed();
- notify_property_list_changed();
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("update_changes"), &Font::update_changes);
bool Font::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) {
- String str = p_name;
+ Vector<String> tokens = p_name.operator String().split("/");
- if (str == "font_data") { // Compatibility, DynamicFont main data
+ if (tokens.size() == 1 && tokens[0] == "font_data") {
+ // Compatibility, DynamicFont main data.
Ref<FontData> fd = p_value;
if (fd.is_valid()) {
return true;
return false;
- } else if (str.begins_with("fallback/")) { // Compatibility, DynamicFont fallback data
+ } else if (tokens.size() == 2 && tokens[0] == "fallback") {
+ // Compatibility, DynamicFont fallback data.
Ref<FontData> fd = p_value;
if (fd.is_valid()) {
return true;
return false;
- } else if (str == "fallback") { // Compatibility, BitmapFont fallback
+ } else if (tokens.size() == 1 && tokens[0] == "fallback") {
+ // Compatibility, BitmapFont fallback data.
Ref<Font> f = p_value;
if (f.is_valid()) {
for (int i = 0; i < f->get_data_count(); i++) {
@@ -612,10 +1091,9 @@ bool Font::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) {
return false;
- if (str.begins_with("data/")) {
- int idx = str.get_slicec('/', 1).to_int();
+ if (tokens.size() == 2 && tokens[0] == "data") {
+ int idx = tokens[1].to_int();
Ref<FontData> fd = p_value;
if (fd.is_valid()) {
if (idx == data.size()) {
@@ -631,14 +1109,13 @@ bool Font::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) {
return true;
return false;
bool Font::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const {
- String str = p_name;
- if (str.begins_with("data/")) {
- int idx = str.get_slicec('/', 1).to_int();
+ Vector<String> tokens = p_name.operator String().split("/");
+ if (tokens.size() == 2 && tokens[0] == "data") {
+ int idx = tokens[1].to_int();
if (idx == data.size()) {
r_ret = Ref<FontData>();
@@ -656,24 +1133,44 @@ void Font::_get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const {
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "data/" + itos(i), PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "FontData"));
p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "data/" + itos(data.size()), PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "FontData"));
void Font::reset_state() {
- spacing_top = 0;
- spacing_bottom = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
+ if (data[i].is_valid()) {
+ data.write[i]->connect(SNAME("changed"), callable_mp(this, &Font::_data_changed), varray(), CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED);
+ }
+ }
+ rids.clear();
+ base_size = 16;
+ variation_coordinates.clear();
+ spacing_bottom = 0;
+ spacing_top = 0;
+Dictionary Font::get_feature_list() const {
+ Dictionary out;
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
+ Dictionary data_ftrs = data[i]->get_supported_feature_list();
+ for (const Variant *ftr =; ftr != nullptr; ftr = {
+ out[*ftr] = data_ftrs[*ftr];
+ }
+ }
+ return out;
void Font::add_data(const Ref<FontData> &p_data) {
+ rids.push_back(RID());
if (data[data.size() - 1].is_valid()) {
- data.write[data.size() - 1]->connect("changed", callable_mp(this, &Font::_data_changed), varray(), CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED);
+ data.write[data.size() - 1]->connect(SNAME("changed"), callable_mp(this, &Font::_data_changed), varray(), CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED);
@@ -688,13 +1185,14 @@ void Font::set_data(int p_idx, const Ref<FontData> &p_data) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, data.size());
if (data[p_idx].is_valid()) {
- data.write[p_idx]->disconnect("changed", callable_mp(this, &Font::_data_changed));
+ data.write[p_idx]->disconnect(SNAME("changed"), callable_mp(this, &Font::_data_changed));
data.write[p_idx] = p_data;
+ rids.write[p_idx] = RID();
if (data[p_idx].is_valid()) {
- data.write[p_idx]->connect("changed", callable_mp(this, &Font::_data_changed), varray(), CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED);
+ data.write[p_idx]->connect(SNAME("changed"), callable_mp(this, &Font::_data_changed), varray(), CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED);
@@ -713,14 +1211,31 @@ Ref<FontData> Font::get_data(int p_idx) const {
return data[p_idx];
+RID Font::get_data_rid(int p_idx) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, data.size(), RID());
+ _ensure_rid(p_idx);
+ return rids[p_idx];
+void Font::clear_data() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
+ if (data[i].is_valid()) {
+ data.write[i]->connect(SNAME("changed"), callable_mp(this, &Font::_data_changed), varray(), CONNECT_REFERENCE_COUNTED);
+ }
+ }
+ data.clear();
+ rids.clear();
void Font::remove_data(int p_idx) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, data.size());
if (data[p_idx].is_valid()) {
- data.write[p_idx]->disconnect("changed", callable_mp(this, &Font::_data_changed));
+ data.write[p_idx]->disconnect(SNAME("changed"), callable_mp(this, &Font::_data_changed));
+ rids.remove(p_idx);
@@ -729,117 +1244,148 @@ void Font::remove_data(int p_idx) {
-Dictionary Font::get_feature_list() const {
- Dictionary out;
- for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
- Dictionary data_ftrs = data[i]->get_feature_list();
- for (const Variant *ftr =; ftr != nullptr; ftr = {
- out[*ftr] = data_ftrs[*ftr];
- }
+void Font::set_base_size(int p_size) {
+ base_size = p_size;
+int Font::get_base_size() const {
+ return base_size;
+void Font::set_variation_coordinates(const Dictionary &p_variation_coordinates) {
+ _data_changed();
+ variation_coordinates = p_variation_coordinates;
+Dictionary Font::get_variation_coordinates() const {
+ return variation_coordinates;
+void Font::set_spacing(TextServer::SpacingType p_spacing, int p_value) {
+ _data_changed();
+ switch (p_spacing) {
+ case TextServer::SPACING_TOP: {
+ spacing_top = p_value;
+ } break;
+ case TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM: {
+ spacing_bottom = p_value;
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ ERR_FAIL_MSG("Invalid spacing type: " + itos(p_spacing));
+ } break;
+ }
+int Font::get_spacing(TextServer::SpacingType p_spacing) const {
+ switch (p_spacing) {
+ case TextServer::SPACING_TOP: {
+ return spacing_top;
+ } break;
+ case TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM: {
+ return spacing_bottom;
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(0, "Invalid spacing type: " + itos(p_spacing));
+ } break;
- return out;
-float Font::get_height(int p_size) const {
- float ret = 0.f;
+real_t Font::get_height(int p_size) const {
+ int size = (p_size <= 0) ? base_size : p_size;
+ real_t ret = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
- ret = MAX(ret, data[i]->get_height(p_size));
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ ret = MAX(ret, TS->font_get_ascent(rids[i], size) + TS->font_get_descent(rids[i], size));
- return ret + spacing_top + spacing_bottom;
+ return ret + spacing_bottom + spacing_top;
-float Font::get_ascent(int p_size) const {
- float ret = 0.f;
+real_t Font::get_ascent(int p_size) const {
+ int size = (p_size <= 0) ? base_size : p_size;
+ real_t ret = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
- ret = MAX(ret, data[i]->get_ascent(p_size));
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ ret = MAX(ret, TS->font_get_ascent(rids[i], size));
return ret + spacing_top;
-float Font::get_descent(int p_size) const {
- float ret = 0.f;
+real_t Font::get_descent(int p_size) const {
+ int size = (p_size <= 0) ? base_size : p_size;
+ real_t ret = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
- ret = MAX(ret, data[i]->get_descent(p_size));
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ ret = MAX(ret, TS->font_get_descent(rids[i], size));
return ret + spacing_bottom;
-float Font::get_underline_position(int p_size) const {
- float ret = 0.f;
+real_t Font::get_underline_position(int p_size) const {
+ int size = (p_size <= 0) ? base_size : p_size;
+ real_t ret = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
- ret = MAX(ret, data[i]->get_underline_position(p_size));
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ ret = MAX(ret, TS->font_get_underline_position(rids[i], size));
- return ret;
+ return ret + spacing_top;
-float Font::get_underline_thickness(int p_size) const {
- float ret = 0.f;
+real_t Font::get_underline_thickness(int p_size) const {
+ int size = (p_size <= 0) ? base_size : p_size;
+ real_t ret = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
- ret = MAX(ret, data[i]->get_underline_thickness(p_size));
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ ret = MAX(ret, TS->font_get_underline_thickness(rids[i], size));
return ret;
-int Font::get_spacing(int p_type) const {
- if (p_type == SPACING_TOP) {
- return spacing_top;
- } else if (p_type == SPACING_BOTTOM) {
- return spacing_bottom;
- }
+Size2 Font::get_string_size(const String &p_text, int p_size, HAlign p_align, real_t p_width, uint8_t p_flags) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data.is_empty(), Size2());
- return 0;
+ int size = (p_size <= 0) ? base_size : p_size;
-void Font::set_spacing(int p_type, int p_value) {
- if (p_type == SPACING_TOP) {
- spacing_top = p_value;
- } else if (p_type == SPACING_BOTTOM) {
- spacing_bottom = p_value;
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
+ _ensure_rid(i);
- emit_changed();
- notify_property_list_changed();
-// Drawing string and string sizes, cached.
-Size2 Font::get_string_size(const String &p_text, int p_size) const {
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data.is_empty(), Size2());
uint64_t hash = p_text.hash64();
- hash = hash_djb2_one_64(p_size, hash);
+ if (p_align == HALIGN_FILL) {
+ hash = hash_djb2_one_64(hash_djb2_one_float(p_width), hash);
+ hash = hash_djb2_one_64(p_flags, hash);
+ }
+ hash = hash_djb2_one_64(size, hash);
Ref<TextLine> buffer;
if (cache.has(hash)) {
buffer = cache.get(hash);
} else {
- int size = p_size <= 0 ? data[0]->get_base_size() : p_size;
buffer->add_string(p_text, Ref<Font>(this), size, Dictionary(), TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale());
cache.insert(hash, buffer);
- if (buffer->get_orientation() == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) {
- return buffer->get_size() + Vector2(0, spacing_top + spacing_bottom);
- } else {
- return buffer->get_size() + Vector2(spacing_top + spacing_bottom, 0);
- }
+ return buffer->get_size();
-Size2 Font::get_multiline_string_size(const String &p_text, float p_width, int p_size, uint8_t p_flags) const {
+Size2 Font::get_multiline_string_size(const String &p_text, real_t p_width, int p_size, uint8_t p_flags) const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data.is_empty(), Size2());
- uint64_t hash = p_text.hash64();
- hash = hash_djb2_one_64(p_size, hash);
+ int size = (p_size <= 0) ? base_size : p_size;
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ }
+ uint64_t hash = p_text.hash64();
uint64_t wrp_hash = hash_djb2_one_64(hash_djb2_one_float(p_width), hash);
wrp_hash = hash_djb2_one_64(p_flags, wrp_hash);
+ wrp_hash = hash_djb2_one_64(size, wrp_hash);
Ref<TextParagraph> lines_buffer;
if (cache_wrap.has(wrp_hash)) {
lines_buffer = cache_wrap.get(wrp_hash);
} else {
- int size = p_size <= 0 ? data[0]->get_base_size() : p_size;
lines_buffer->add_string(p_text, Ref<Font>(this), size, Dictionary(), TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale());
@@ -851,40 +1397,50 @@ Size2 Font::get_multiline_string_size(const String &p_text, float p_width, int p
Size2 line_size = lines_buffer->get_line_size(i);
if (lines_buffer->get_orientation() == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) {
ret.x = MAX(ret.x, line_size.x);
- ret.y += line_size.y + spacing_top + spacing_bottom;
+ ret.y += line_size.y;
} else {
ret.y = MAX(ret.y, line_size.y);
- ret.x += line_size.x + spacing_top + spacing_bottom;
+ ret.x += line_size.x;
return ret;
-void Font::draw_string(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const String &p_text, HAlign p_align, float p_width, int p_size, const Color &p_modulate, int p_outline_size, const Color &p_outline_modulate, uint8_t p_flags) const {
+void Font::draw_string(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const String &p_text, HAlign p_align, real_t p_width, int p_size, const Color &p_modulate, int p_outline_size, const Color &p_outline_modulate, uint8_t p_flags) const {
+ int size = (p_size <= 0) ? base_size : p_size;
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ }
uint64_t hash = p_text.hash64();
- hash = hash_djb2_one_64(p_size, hash);
+ if (p_align == HALIGN_FILL) {
+ hash = hash_djb2_one_64(hash_djb2_one_float(p_width), hash);
+ hash = hash_djb2_one_64(p_flags, hash);
+ }
+ hash = hash_djb2_one_64(size, hash);
Ref<TextLine> buffer;
if (cache.has(hash)) {
buffer = cache.get(hash);
} else {
- int size = p_size <= 0 ? data[0]->get_base_size() : p_size;
buffer->add_string(p_text, Ref<Font>(this), size, Dictionary(), TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale());
cache.insert(hash, buffer);
Vector2 ofs = p_pos;
if (buffer->get_orientation() == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) {
- ofs.y += spacing_top - buffer->get_line_ascent();
+ ofs.y -= buffer->get_line_ascent();
} else {
- ofs.x += spacing_top - buffer->get_line_ascent();
+ ofs.x -= buffer->get_line_ascent();
+ buffer->set_flags(p_flags);
if (p_outline_size > 0 && p_outline_modulate.a != 0.0f) {
buffer->draw_outline(p_canvas_item, ofs, p_outline_size, p_outline_modulate);
@@ -895,18 +1451,22 @@ void Font::draw_string(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const String &p_t
void Font::draw_multiline_string(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const String &p_text, HAlign p_align, float p_width, int p_max_lines, int p_size, const Color &p_modulate, int p_outline_size, const Color &p_outline_modulate, uint8_t p_flags) const {
- uint64_t hash = p_text.hash64();
- hash = hash_djb2_one_64(p_size, hash);
+ int size = (p_size <= 0) ? base_size : p_size;
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ }
+ uint64_t hash = p_text.hash64();
uint64_t wrp_hash = hash_djb2_one_64(hash_djb2_one_float(p_width), hash);
wrp_hash = hash_djb2_one_64(p_flags, wrp_hash);
+ wrp_hash = hash_djb2_one_64(size, wrp_hash);
Ref<TextParagraph> lines_buffer;
if (cache_wrap.has(wrp_hash)) {
lines_buffer = cache_wrap.get(wrp_hash);
} else {
- int size = p_size <= 0 ? data[0]->get_base_size() : p_size;
lines_buffer->add_string(p_text, Ref<Font>(this), size, Dictionary(), TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale());
@@ -918,12 +1478,10 @@ void Font::draw_multiline_string(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const S
Vector2 lofs = p_pos;
for (int i = 0; i < lines_buffer->get_line_count(); i++) {
if (lines_buffer->get_orientation() == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) {
- lofs.y += spacing_top;
if (i == 0) {
lofs.y -= lines_buffer->get_line_ascent(0);
} else {
- lofs.x += spacing_top;
if (i == 0) {
lofs.x -= lines_buffer->get_line_ascent(0);
@@ -939,9 +1497,9 @@ void Font::draw_multiline_string(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const S
Size2 line_size = lines_buffer->get_line_size(i);
if (lines_buffer->get_orientation() == TextServer::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) {
- lofs.y += line_size.y + spacing_bottom;
+ lofs.y += line_size.y;
} else {
- lofs.x += line_size.x + spacing_bottom;
+ lofs.x += line_size.x;
if ((p_max_lines > 0) && (i >= p_max_lines)) {
@@ -950,37 +1508,17 @@ void Font::draw_multiline_string(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const S
-bool Font::has_char(char32_t p_char) const {
- for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
- if (data[i]->has_char(p_char)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-String Font::get_supported_chars() const {
- String chars;
- for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
- String data_chars = data[i]->get_supported_chars();
- for (int j = 0; j < data_chars.length(); j++) {
- if (chars.find_char(data_chars[j]) == -1) {
- chars += data_chars[j];
- }
- }
- }
- return chars;
Size2 Font::get_char_size(char32_t p_char, char32_t p_next, int p_size) const {
+ int size = (p_size <= 0) ? base_size : p_size;
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
+ _ensure_rid(i);
if (data[i]->has_char(p_char)) {
- int size = p_size <= 0 ? data[i]->get_base_size() : p_size;
- uint32_t glyph_a = data[i]->get_glyph_index(p_char);
- Size2 ret = Size2(data[i]->get_glyph_advance(glyph_a, size).x, data[i]->get_height(size));
+ int32_t glyph_a = TS->font_get_glyph_index(rids[i], size, p_char, 0);
+ Size2 ret = Size2(TS->font_get_glyph_advance(rids[i], size, glyph_a).x, TS->font_get_ascent(rids[i], size) + TS->font_get_descent(rids[i], size));
if ((p_next != 0) && data[i]->has_char(p_next)) {
- uint32_t glyph_b = data[i]->get_glyph_index(p_next);
- ret.x -= data[i]->get_glyph_kerning(glyph_a, glyph_b, size).x;
+ int32_t glyph_b = TS->font_get_glyph_index(rids[i], size, p_next, 0);
+ ret.x -= TS->font_get_kerning(rids[i], size, Vector2i(glyph_a, glyph_b)).x;
return ret;
@@ -988,35 +1526,55 @@ Size2 Font::get_char_size(char32_t p_char, char32_t p_next, int p_size) const {
return Size2();
-float Font::draw_char(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, char32_t p_char, char32_t p_next, int p_size, const Color &p_modulate, int p_outline_size, const Color &p_outline_modulate) const {
+real_t Font::draw_char(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, char32_t p_char, char32_t p_next, int p_size, const Color &p_modulate, int p_outline_size, const Color &p_outline_modulate) const {
+ int size = (p_size <= 0) ? base_size : p_size;
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
+ _ensure_rid(i);
if (data[i]->has_char(p_char)) {
- int size = p_size <= 0 ? data[i]->get_base_size() : p_size;
- uint32_t glyph_a = data[i]->get_glyph_index(p_char);
- float ret = data[i]->get_glyph_advance(glyph_a, size).x;
+ int32_t glyph_a = TS->font_get_glyph_index(rids[i], size, p_char, 0);
+ real_t ret = TS->font_get_glyph_advance(rids[i], size, glyph_a).x;
if ((p_next != 0) && data[i]->has_char(p_next)) {
- uint32_t glyph_b = data[i]->get_glyph_index(p_next);
- ret -= data[i]->get_glyph_kerning(glyph_a, glyph_b, size).x;
+ int32_t glyph_b = TS->font_get_glyph_index(rids[i], size, p_next, 0);
+ ret -= TS->font_get_kerning(rids[i], size, Vector2i(glyph_a, glyph_b)).x;
if (p_outline_size > 0 && p_outline_modulate.a != 0.0f) {
- data[i]->draw_glyph_outline(p_canvas_item, size, p_outline_size, p_pos, glyph_a, p_outline_modulate);
+ TS->font_draw_glyph_outline(rids[i], p_canvas_item, size, p_outline_size, p_pos, glyph_a, p_outline_modulate);
- data[i]->draw_glyph(p_canvas_item, size, p_pos, glyph_a, p_modulate);
+ TS->font_draw_glyph(rids[i], p_canvas_item, size, p_pos, glyph_a, p_modulate);
return ret;
return 0;
-Vector<RID> Font::get_rids() const {
- Vector<RID> ret;
+bool Font::has_char(char32_t p_char) const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
+ if (data[i]->has_char(p_char))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+String Font::get_supported_chars() const {
+ String chars;
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
- RID rid = data[i]->get_rid();
- if (rid != RID()) {
- ret.push_back(rid);
+ String data_chars = data[i]->get_supported_chars();
+ for (int j = 0; j < data_chars.length(); j++) {
+ if (chars.find_char(data_chars[j]) == -1) {
+ chars += data_chars[j];
+ }
- return ret;
+ return chars;
+Vector<RID> Font::get_rids() const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
+ _ensure_rid(i);
+ }
+ return rids;
void Font::update_changes() {
@@ -1029,103 +1587,7 @@ Font::Font() {
Font::~Font() {
+ clear_data();
-RES ResourceFormatLoaderFont::load(const String &p_path, const String &p_original_path, Error *r_error, bool p_use_sub_threads, float *r_progress, CacheMode p_cache_mode) {
- if (r_error) {
- *r_error = ERR_FILE_CANT_OPEN;
- }
- Ref<FontData> dfont;
- dfont.instantiate();
- dfont->load_resource(p_path);
- if (r_error) {
- *r_error = OK;
- }
- return dfont;
-void ResourceFormatLoaderFont::get_recognized_extensions_for_type(const String &p_type, List<String> *p_extensions) const {
- if (p_type == "DynamicFontData") {
- p_extensions->push_back("ttf");
- p_extensions->push_back("otf");
- p_extensions->push_back("woff");
- return;
- }
- if (p_type == "BitmapFont") { // BitmapFont (*.font, *fnt) is handled by ResourceFormatLoaderCompatFont
- return;
- }
- if (p_type == "" || handles_type(p_type)) {
- get_recognized_extensions(p_extensions);
- }
-void ResourceFormatLoaderFont::get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const {
- p_extensions->push_back("ttf");
- p_extensions->push_back("otf");
- p_extensions->push_back("woff");
- p_extensions->push_back("font");
- p_extensions->push_back("fnt");
-bool ResourceFormatLoaderFont::handles_type(const String &p_type) const {
- return (p_type == "FontData");
-String ResourceFormatLoaderFont::get_resource_type(const String &p_path) const {
- String el = p_path.get_extension().to_lower();
- if (el == "ttf" || el == "otf" || el == "woff" || el == "font" || el == "fnt") {
- return "FontData";
- }
- return "";
-RES ResourceFormatLoaderCompatFont::load(const String &p_path, const String &p_original_path, Error *r_error, bool p_use_sub_threads, float *r_progress, CacheMode p_cache_mode) {
- if (r_error) {
- *r_error = ERR_FILE_CANT_OPEN;
- }
- Ref<FontData> dfont;
- dfont.instantiate();
- dfont->load_resource(p_path);
- Ref<Font> font;
- font.instantiate();
- font->add_data(dfont);
- if (r_error) {
- *r_error = OK;
- }
- return font;
-void ResourceFormatLoaderCompatFont::get_recognized_extensions_for_type(const String &p_type, List<String> *p_extensions) const {
- if (p_type == "BitmapFont") {
- p_extensions->push_back("font");
- p_extensions->push_back("fnt");
- }
-void ResourceFormatLoaderCompatFont::get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const {
-bool ResourceFormatLoaderCompatFont::handles_type(const String &p_type) const {
- return (p_type == "Font");
-String ResourceFormatLoaderCompatFont::get_resource_type(const String &p_path) const {
- return "";
diff --git a/scene/resources/font.h b/scene/resources/font.h
index 200373aa8c..9a34edce64 100644
--- a/scene/resources/font.h
+++ b/scene/resources/font.h
@@ -41,17 +41,27 @@
class FontData : public Resource {
GDCLASS(FontData, Resource);
+ RES_BASE_EXTENSION("fontdata");
- enum SpacingType {
- };
+ // Font source data.
+ const uint8_t *data_ptr = nullptr;
+ size_t data_size = 0;
+ PackedByteArray data;
- RID rid;
- int base_size = 16;
- String path;
+ bool antialiased = true;
+ bool msdf = false;
+ int msdf_pixel_range = 16;
+ int msdf_size = 48;
+ int fixed_size = 0;
+ bool force_autohinter = false;
+ TextServer::Hinting hinting = TextServer::HINTING_LIGHT;
+ real_t oversampling = 0.f;
+ // Cache.
+ mutable Vector<RID> cache;
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void _clear_cache();
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void _ensure_rid(int p_cache_index) const;
static void _bind_methods();
@@ -63,79 +73,132 @@ protected:
virtual void reset_state() override;
- virtual RID get_rid() const override;
+ // Font source data.
+ virtual void set_data_ptr(const uint8_t *p_data, size_t p_size);
+ virtual void set_data(const PackedByteArray &p_data);
+ virtual PackedByteArray get_data() const;
- void load_resource(const String &p_filename, int p_base_size = 16);
- void load_memory(const uint8_t *p_data, size_t p_size, const String &p_type, int p_base_size = 16);
- void _load_memory(const PackedByteArray &p_data, const String &p_type, int p_base_size = 16);
+ // Common properties.
+ virtual void set_antialiased(bool p_antialiased);
+ virtual bool is_antialiased() const;
- void new_bitmap(float p_height, float p_ascent, int p_base_size = 16);
+ virtual void set_multichannel_signed_distance_field(bool p_msdf);
+ virtual bool is_multichannel_signed_distance_field() const;
- void bitmap_add_texture(const Ref<Texture> &p_texture);
- void bitmap_add_char(char32_t p_char, int p_texture_idx, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Size2 &p_align, float p_advance);
- void bitmap_add_kerning_pair(char32_t p_A, char32_t p_B, int p_kerning);
+ virtual void set_msdf_pixel_range(int p_msdf_pixel_range);
+ virtual int get_msdf_pixel_range() const;
- void set_data_path(const String &p_path);
- String get_data_path() const;
+ virtual void set_msdf_size(int p_msdf_size);
+ virtual int get_msdf_size() const;
- float get_height(int p_size) const;
- float get_ascent(int p_size) const;
- float get_descent(int p_size) const;
+ virtual void set_fixed_size(int p_fixed_size);
+ virtual int get_fixed_size() const;
- Dictionary get_feature_list() const;
- Dictionary get_variation_list() const;
+ virtual void set_force_autohinter(bool p_force_autohinter);
+ virtual bool is_force_autohinter() const;
- void set_variation(const String &p_name, double p_value);
- double get_variation(const String &p_name) const;
+ virtual void set_hinting(TextServer::Hinting p_hinting);
+ virtual TextServer::Hinting get_hinting() const;
- float get_underline_position(int p_size) const;
- float get_underline_thickness(int p_size) const;
+ virtual void set_oversampling(real_t p_oversampling);
+ virtual real_t get_oversampling() const;
- int get_spacing(int p_type) const;
- void set_spacing(int p_type, int p_value);
+ // Cache.
+ virtual RID find_cache(const Dictionary &p_variation_coordinates) const;
- void set_antialiased(bool p_antialiased);
- bool get_antialiased() const;
+ virtual int get_cache_count() const;
+ virtual void clear_cache();
+ virtual void remove_cache(int p_cache_index);
- void set_distance_field_hint(bool p_distance_field);
- bool get_distance_field_hint() const;
+ virtual Array get_size_cache_list(int p_cache_index) const;
+ virtual void clear_size_cache(int p_cache_index);
+ virtual void remove_size_cache(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size);
- void set_force_autohinter(bool p_enabeld);
- bool get_force_autohinter() const;
+ virtual void set_variation_coordinates(int p_cache_index, const Dictionary &p_variation_coordinates);
+ virtual Dictionary get_variation_coordinates(int p_cache_index) const;
- void set_hinting(TextServer::Hinting p_hinting);
- TextServer::Hinting get_hinting() const;
+ virtual void set_ascent(int p_cache_index, int p_size, real_t p_ascent);
+ virtual real_t get_ascent(int p_cache_index, int p_size) const;
- bool has_char(char32_t p_char) const;
- String get_supported_chars() const;
+ virtual void set_descent(int p_cache_index, int p_size, real_t p_descent);
+ virtual real_t get_descent(int p_cache_index, int p_size) const;
- Vector2 get_glyph_advance(uint32_t p_index, int p_size) const;
- Vector2 get_glyph_kerning(uint32_t p_index_a, uint32_t p_index_b, int p_size) const;
+ virtual void set_underline_position(int p_cache_index, int p_size, real_t p_underline_position);
+ virtual real_t get_underline_position(int p_cache_index, int p_size) const;
- bool has_outline() const;
- float get_base_size() const;
+ virtual void set_underline_thickness(int p_cache_index, int p_size, real_t p_underline_thickness);
+ virtual real_t get_underline_thickness(int p_cache_index, int p_size) const;
- bool is_language_supported(const String &p_language) const;
- void set_language_support_override(const String &p_language, bool p_supported);
- bool get_language_support_override(const String &p_language) const;
- void remove_language_support_override(const String &p_language);
- Vector<String> get_language_support_overrides() const;
+ virtual void set_scale(int p_cache_index, int p_size, real_t p_scale); // Rendering scale for bitmap fonts (e.g. emoji fonts).
+ virtual real_t get_scale(int p_cache_index, int p_size) const;
- bool is_script_supported(const String &p_script) const;
- void set_script_support_override(const String &p_script, bool p_supported);
- bool get_script_support_override(const String &p_script) const;
- void remove_script_support_override(const String &p_script);
- Vector<String> get_script_support_overrides() const;
+ virtual void set_spacing(int p_cache_index, int p_size, TextServer::SpacingType p_spacing, int p_value);
+ virtual int get_spacing(int p_cache_index, int p_size, TextServer::SpacingType p_spacing) const;
- uint32_t get_glyph_index(char32_t p_char, char32_t p_variation_selector = 0x0000) const;
+ virtual int get_texture_count(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size) const;
+ virtual void clear_textures(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size);
+ virtual void remove_texture(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int p_texture_index);
- Vector2 draw_glyph(RID p_canvas, int p_size, const Vector2 &p_pos, uint32_t p_index, const Color &p_color = Color(1, 1, 1)) const;
- Vector2 draw_glyph_outline(RID p_canvas, int p_size, int p_outline_size, const Vector2 &p_pos, uint32_t p_index, const Color &p_color = Color(1, 1, 1)) const;
+ virtual void set_texture_image(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int p_texture_index, const Ref<Image> &p_image);
+ virtual Ref<Image> get_texture_image(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int p_texture_index) const;
- FontData();
- FontData(const String &p_filename, int p_base_size);
- FontData(const PackedByteArray &p_data, const String &p_type, int p_base_size);
+ virtual void set_texture_offsets(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int p_texture_index, const PackedInt32Array &p_offset);
+ virtual PackedInt32Array get_texture_offsets(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int p_texture_index) const;
+ virtual Array get_glyph_list(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size) const;
+ virtual void clear_glyphs(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size);
+ virtual void remove_glyph(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph);
+ virtual void set_glyph_advance(int p_cache_index, int p_size, int32_t p_glyph, const Vector2 &p_advance);
+ virtual Vector2 get_glyph_advance(int p_cache_index, int p_size, int32_t p_glyph) const;
+ virtual void set_glyph_offset(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph, const Vector2 &p_offset);
+ virtual Vector2 get_glyph_offset(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph) const;
+ virtual void set_glyph_size(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph, const Vector2 &p_gl_size);
+ virtual Vector2 get_glyph_size(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph) const;
+ virtual void set_glyph_uv_rect(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph, const Rect2 &p_uv_rect);
+ virtual Rect2 get_glyph_uv_rect(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph) const;
+ virtual void set_glyph_texture_idx(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph, int p_texture_idx);
+ virtual int get_glyph_texture_idx(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_glyph) const;
+ virtual Array get_kerning_list(int p_cache_index, int p_size) const;
+ virtual void clear_kerning_map(int p_cache_index, int p_size);
+ virtual void remove_kerning(int p_cache_index, int p_size, const Vector2i &p_glyph_pair);
+ virtual void set_kerning(int p_cache_index, int p_size, const Vector2i &p_glyph_pair, const Vector2 &p_kerning);
+ virtual Vector2 get_kerning(int p_cache_index, int p_size, const Vector2i &p_glyph_pair) const;
+ virtual void render_range(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, char32_t p_start, char32_t p_end);
+ virtual void render_glyph(int p_cache_index, const Vector2i &p_size, int32_t p_index);
+ virtual RID get_cache_rid(int p_cache_index) const;
+ // Language/script support override.
+ virtual bool is_language_supported(const String &p_language) const;
+ virtual void set_language_support_override(const String &p_language, bool p_supported);
+ virtual bool get_language_support_override(const String &p_language) const;
+ virtual void remove_language_support_override(const String &p_language);
+ virtual Vector<String> get_language_support_overrides() const;
+ virtual bool is_script_supported(const String &p_script) const;
+ virtual void set_script_support_override(const String &p_script, bool p_supported);
+ virtual bool get_script_support_override(const String &p_script) const;
+ virtual void remove_script_support_override(const String &p_script);
+ virtual Vector<String> get_script_support_overrides() const;
+ // Base font properties.
+ virtual bool has_char(char32_t p_char) const;
+ virtual String get_supported_chars() const;
+ virtual int32_t get_glyph_index(int p_size, char32_t p_char, char32_t p_variation_selector = 0x0000) const;
+ virtual Dictionary get_supported_feature_list() const;
+ virtual Dictionary get_supported_variation_list() const;
+ FontData();
@@ -147,20 +210,22 @@ class TextParagraph;
class Font : public Resource {
GDCLASS(Font, Resource);
- enum SpacingType {
- };
- int spacing_top = 0;
- int spacing_bottom = 0;
+ // Shaped string cache.
mutable LRUCache<uint64_t, Ref<TextLine>> cache;
mutable LRUCache<uint64_t, Ref<TextParagraph>> cache_wrap;
+ // Font data cache.
Vector<Ref<FontData>> data;
+ mutable Vector<RID> rids;
+ // Font config.
+ int base_size = 16;
+ Dictionary variation_coordinates;
+ int spacing_bottom = 0;
+ int spacing_top = 0;
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void _data_changed();
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void _ensure_rid(int p_index) const; // Find or create cache record.
static void _bind_methods();
@@ -171,41 +236,49 @@ protected:
virtual void reset_state() override;
- void _data_changed();
Dictionary get_feature_list() const;
- // Font data control.
- void add_data(const Ref<FontData> &p_data);
- void set_data(int p_idx, const Ref<FontData> &p_data);
- int get_data_count() const;
- Ref<FontData> get_data(int p_idx) const;
- void remove_data(int p_idx);
+ // Font data.
+ virtual void add_data(const Ref<FontData> &p_data);
+ virtual void set_data(int p_idx, const Ref<FontData> &p_data);
+ virtual int get_data_count() const;
+ virtual Ref<FontData> get_data(int p_idx) const;
+ virtual RID get_data_rid(int p_idx) const;
+ virtual void clear_data();
+ virtual void remove_data(int p_idx);
+ // Font configuration.
+ virtual void set_base_size(int p_size);
+ virtual int get_base_size() const;
- float get_height(int p_size = -1) const;
- float get_ascent(int p_size = -1) const;
- float get_descent(int p_size = -1) const;
+ virtual void set_variation_coordinates(const Dictionary &p_variation_coordinates);
+ virtual Dictionary get_variation_coordinates() const;
- float get_underline_position(int p_size = -1) const;
- float get_underline_thickness(int p_size = -1) const;
+ virtual void set_spacing(TextServer::SpacingType p_spacing, int p_value);
+ virtual int get_spacing(TextServer::SpacingType p_spacing) const;
- int get_spacing(int p_type) const;
- void set_spacing(int p_type, int p_value);
+ // Font metrics.
+ virtual real_t get_height(int p_size = -1) const;
+ virtual real_t get_ascent(int p_size = -1) const;
+ virtual real_t get_descent(int p_size = -1) const;
+ virtual real_t get_underline_position(int p_size = -1) const;
+ virtual real_t get_underline_thickness(int p_size = -1) const;
// Drawing string.
- Size2 get_string_size(const String &p_text, int p_size = -1) const;
- Size2 get_multiline_string_size(const String &p_text, float p_width = -1, int p_size = -1, uint8_t p_flags = TextServer::BREAK_MANDATORY | TextServer::BREAK_WORD_BOUND) const;
+ virtual Size2 get_string_size(const String &p_text, int p_size = -1, HAlign p_align = HALIGN_LEFT, real_t p_width = -1, uint8_t p_flags = TextServer::JUSTIFICATION_KASHIDA | TextServer::JUSTIFICATION_WORD_BOUND) const;
+ virtual Size2 get_multiline_string_size(const String &p_text, real_t p_width = -1, int p_size = -1, uint8_t p_flags = TextServer::BREAK_MANDATORY | TextServer::BREAK_WORD_BOUND) const;
- void draw_string(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const String &p_text, HAlign p_align = HALIGN_LEFT, float p_width = -1, int p_size = -1, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), int p_outline_size = 0, const Color &p_outline_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 0), uint8_t p_flags = TextServer::JUSTIFICATION_KASHIDA | TextServer::JUSTIFICATION_WORD_BOUND) const;
- void draw_multiline_string(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const String &p_text, HAlign p_align = HALIGN_LEFT, float p_width = -1, int p_max_lines = -1, int p_size = -1, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), int p_outline_size = 0, const Color &p_outline_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 0), uint8_t p_flags = TextServer::BREAK_MANDATORY | TextServer::BREAK_WORD_BOUND | TextServer::JUSTIFICATION_KASHIDA | TextServer::JUSTIFICATION_WORD_BOUND) const;
+ virtual void draw_string(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const String &p_text, HAlign p_align = HALIGN_LEFT, real_t p_width = -1, int p_size = -1, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), int p_outline_size = 0, const Color &p_outline_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 0), uint8_t p_flags = TextServer::JUSTIFICATION_KASHIDA | TextServer::JUSTIFICATION_WORD_BOUND) const;
+ virtual void draw_multiline_string(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, const String &p_text, HAlign p_align = HALIGN_LEFT, real_t p_width = -1, int p_max_lines = -1, int p_size = -1, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), int p_outline_size = 0, const Color &p_outline_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 0), uint8_t p_flags = TextServer::BREAK_MANDATORY | TextServer::BREAK_WORD_BOUND | TextServer::JUSTIFICATION_KASHIDA | TextServer::JUSTIFICATION_WORD_BOUND) const;
// Helper functions.
- bool has_char(char32_t p_char) const;
- String get_supported_chars() const;
+ virtual bool has_char(char32_t p_char) const;
+ virtual String get_supported_chars() const;
- Size2 get_char_size(char32_t p_char, char32_t p_next = 0, int p_size = -1) const;
- float draw_char(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, char32_t p_char, char32_t p_next = 0, int p_size = -1, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), int p_outline_size = 0, const Color &p_outline_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 0)) const;
+ // Drawing char.
+ virtual Size2 get_char_size(char32_t p_char, char32_t p_next = 0, int p_size = -1) const;
+ virtual real_t draw_char(RID p_canvas_item, const Point2 &p_pos, char32_t p_char, char32_t p_next = 0, int p_size = -1, const Color &p_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1), int p_outline_size = 0, const Color &p_outline_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 0)) const;
Vector<RID> get_rids() const;
@@ -215,31 +288,4 @@ public:
-class ResourceFormatLoaderFont : public ResourceFormatLoader {
- virtual RES load(const String &p_path, const String &p_original_path = "", Error *r_error = nullptr, bool p_use_sub_threads = false, float *r_progress = nullptr, CacheMode p_cache_mode = CACHE_MODE_REUSE);
- virtual void get_recognized_extensions_for_type(const String &p_type, List<String> *p_extensions) const;
- virtual void get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const;
- virtual bool handles_type(const String &p_type) const;
- virtual String get_resource_type(const String &p_path) const;
-class ResourceFormatLoaderCompatFont : public ResourceFormatLoader {
- virtual RES load(const String &p_path, const String &p_original_path = "", Error *r_error = nullptr, bool p_use_sub_threads = false, float *r_progress = nullptr, CacheMode p_cache_mode = CACHE_MODE_REUSE);
- virtual void get_recognized_extensions_for_type(const String &p_type, List<String> *p_extensions) const;
- virtual void get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const;
- virtual bool handles_type(const String &p_type) const;
- virtual String get_resource_type(const String &p_path) const;
#endif /* FONT_H */
diff --git a/scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp b/scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
index ba85ea4a6c..e7da41db9d 100644
--- a/scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/primitive_meshes.cpp
@@ -1420,6 +1420,8 @@ void SphereMesh::_create_mesh_array(Array &p_arr) const {
int i, j, prevrow, thisrow, point;
float x, y, z;
+ float scale = height * (is_hemisphere ? 1.0 : 0.5);
// set our bounding box
Vector<Vector3> points;
@@ -1443,7 +1445,7 @@ void SphereMesh::_create_mesh_array(Array &p_arr) const {
v /= (rings + 1);
w = sin(Math_PI * v);
- y = height * (is_hemisphere ? 1.0 : 0.5) * cos(Math_PI * v);
+ y = scale * cos(Math_PI * v);
for (i = 0; i <= radial_segments; i++) {
float u = i;
@@ -1458,7 +1460,8 @@ void SphereMesh::_create_mesh_array(Array &p_arr) const {
} else {
Vector3 p = Vector3(x * radius * w, y, z * radius * w);
- normals.push_back(p.normalized());
+ Vector3 normal = Vector3(x * radius * w * scale, y / scale, z * radius * w * scale);
+ normals.push_back(normal.normalized());
ADD_TANGENT(z, 0.0, -x, 1.0)
uvs.push_back(Vector2(u, v));
diff --git a/scene/resources/separation_ray_shape_2d.cpp b/scene/resources/separation_ray_shape_2d.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0acd6d268d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scene/resources/separation_ray_shape_2d.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+/* separation_ray_shape_2d.cpp */
+/* This file is part of: */
+/* */
+/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
+/* */
+/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
+/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
+/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
+/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
+/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
+/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
+/* the following conditions: */
+/* */
+/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
+/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
+/* */
+#include "separation_ray_shape_2d.h"
+#include "servers/physics_server_2d.h"
+#include "servers/rendering_server.h"
+void SeparationRayShape2D::_update_shape() {
+ Dictionary d;
+ d["length"] = length;
+ d["slide_on_slope"] = slide_on_slope;
+ PhysicsServer2D::get_singleton()->shape_set_data(get_rid(), d);
+ emit_changed();
+void SeparationRayShape2D::draw(const RID &p_to_rid, const Color &p_color) {
+ const Vector2 target_position = Vector2(0, get_length());
+ const float max_arrow_size = 6;
+ const float line_width = 1.4;
+ bool no_line = target_position.length() < line_width;
+ float arrow_size = CLAMP(target_position.length() * 2 / 3, line_width, max_arrow_size);
+ if (no_line) {
+ arrow_size = target_position.length();
+ } else {
+ RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(p_to_rid, Vector2(), target_position - target_position.normalized() * arrow_size, p_color, line_width);
+ }
+ Transform2D xf;
+ xf.rotate(target_position.angle());
+ xf.translate(Vector2(no_line ? 0 : target_position.length() - arrow_size, 0));
+ Vector<Vector2> pts;
+ pts.push_back(xf.xform(Vector2(arrow_size, 0)));
+ pts.push_back(xf.xform(Vector2(0, 0.5 * arrow_size)));
+ pts.push_back(xf.xform(Vector2(0, -0.5 * arrow_size)));
+ Vector<Color> cols;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ cols.push_back(p_color);
+ }
+ RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_primitive(p_to_rid, pts, cols, Vector<Point2>(), RID());
+Rect2 SeparationRayShape2D::get_rect() const {
+ Rect2 rect;
+ rect.position = Vector2();
+ rect.expand_to(Vector2(0, length));
+ rect = rect.grow(Math_SQRT12 * 4);
+ return rect;
+real_t SeparationRayShape2D::get_enclosing_radius() const {
+ return length;
+void SeparationRayShape2D::_bind_methods() {
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_length", "length"), &SeparationRayShape2D::set_length);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_length"), &SeparationRayShape2D::get_length);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_slide_on_slope", "active"), &SeparationRayShape2D::set_slide_on_slope);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_slide_on_slope"), &SeparationRayShape2D::get_slide_on_slope);
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "length"), "set_length", "get_length");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "slide_on_slope"), "set_slide_on_slope", "get_slide_on_slope");
+void SeparationRayShape2D::set_length(real_t p_length) {
+ length = p_length;
+ _update_shape();
+real_t SeparationRayShape2D::get_length() const {
+ return length;
+void SeparationRayShape2D::set_slide_on_slope(bool p_active) {
+ slide_on_slope = p_active;
+ _update_shape();
+bool SeparationRayShape2D::get_slide_on_slope() const {
+ return slide_on_slope;
+SeparationRayShape2D::SeparationRayShape2D() :
+ Shape2D(PhysicsServer2D::get_singleton()->separation_ray_shape_create()) {
+ _update_shape();
diff --git a/scene/resources/separation_ray_shape_2d.h b/scene/resources/separation_ray_shape_2d.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b74e6c727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scene/resources/separation_ray_shape_2d.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* separation_ray_shape_2d.h */
+/* This file is part of: */
+/* */
+/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
+/* */
+/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
+/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
+/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
+/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
+/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
+/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
+/* the following conditions: */
+/* */
+/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
+/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
+/* */
+#include "scene/resources/shape_2d.h"
+class SeparationRayShape2D : public Shape2D {
+ GDCLASS(SeparationRayShape2D, Shape2D);
+ real_t length = 20.0;
+ bool slide_on_slope = false;
+ void _update_shape();
+ static void _bind_methods();
+ void set_length(real_t p_length);
+ real_t get_length() const;
+ void set_slide_on_slope(bool p_active);
+ bool get_slide_on_slope() const;
+ virtual void draw(const RID &p_to_rid, const Color &p_color) override;
+ virtual Rect2 get_rect() const override;
+ virtual real_t get_enclosing_radius() const override;
+ SeparationRayShape2D();
diff --git a/scene/resources/separation_ray_shape_3d.cpp b/scene/resources/separation_ray_shape_3d.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..376e04c844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scene/resources/separation_ray_shape_3d.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+/* separation_ray_shape_3d.cpp */
+/* This file is part of: */
+/* */
+/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
+/* */
+/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
+/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
+/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
+/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
+/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
+/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
+/* the following conditions: */
+/* */
+/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
+/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
+/* */
+#include "separation_ray_shape_3d.h"
+#include "servers/physics_server_3d.h"
+Vector<Vector3> SeparationRayShape3D::get_debug_mesh_lines() const {
+ Vector<Vector3> points;
+ points.push_back(Vector3());
+ points.push_back(Vector3(0, 0, get_length()));
+ return points;
+real_t SeparationRayShape3D::get_enclosing_radius() const {
+ return length;
+void SeparationRayShape3D::_update_shape() {
+ Dictionary d;
+ d["length"] = length;
+ d["slide_on_slope"] = slide_on_slope;
+ PhysicsServer3D::get_singleton()->shape_set_data(get_shape(), d);
+ Shape3D::_update_shape();
+void SeparationRayShape3D::set_length(float p_length) {
+ length = p_length;
+ _update_shape();
+ notify_change_to_owners();
+float SeparationRayShape3D::get_length() const {
+ return length;
+void SeparationRayShape3D::set_slide_on_slope(bool p_active) {
+ slide_on_slope = p_active;
+ _update_shape();
+ notify_change_to_owners();
+bool SeparationRayShape3D::get_slide_on_slope() const {
+ return slide_on_slope;
+void SeparationRayShape3D::_bind_methods() {
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_length", "length"), &SeparationRayShape3D::set_length);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_length"), &SeparationRayShape3D::get_length);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_slide_on_slope", "active"), &SeparationRayShape3D::set_slide_on_slope);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_slide_on_slope"), &SeparationRayShape3D::get_slide_on_slope);
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "length", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,4096,0.001"), "set_length", "get_length");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "slide_on_slope"), "set_slide_on_slope", "get_slide_on_slope");
+SeparationRayShape3D::SeparationRayShape3D() :
+ Shape3D(PhysicsServer3D::get_singleton()->shape_create(PhysicsServer3D::SHAPE_SEPARATION_RAY)) {
+ /* Code copied from setters to prevent the use of uninitialized variables */
+ _update_shape();
+ notify_change_to_owners();
diff --git a/scene/resources/separation_ray_shape_3d.h b/scene/resources/separation_ray_shape_3d.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54058b6095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scene/resources/separation_ray_shape_3d.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* separation_ray_shape_3d.h */
+/* This file is part of: */
+/* */
+/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
+/* */
+/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
+/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
+/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
+/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
+/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
+/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
+/* the following conditions: */
+/* */
+/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
+/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
+/* */
+#include "scene/resources/shape_3d.h"
+class SeparationRayShape3D : public Shape3D {
+ GDCLASS(SeparationRayShape3D, Shape3D);
+ float length = 1.0;
+ bool slide_on_slope = false;
+ static void _bind_methods();
+ virtual void _update_shape() override;
+ void set_length(float p_length);
+ float get_length() const;
+ void set_slide_on_slope(bool p_active);
+ bool get_slide_on_slope() const;
+ virtual Vector<Vector3> get_debug_mesh_lines() const override;
+ virtual real_t get_enclosing_radius() const override;
+ SeparationRayShape3D();
diff --git a/scene/resources/text_line.cpp b/scene/resources/text_line.cpp
index 0807a062f2..d2f38ba836 100644
--- a/scene/resources/text_line.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/text_line.cpp
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ void TextLine::set_bidi_override(const Vector<Vector2i> &p_override) {
bool TextLine::add_string(const String &p_text, const Ref<Font> &p_fonts, int p_size, const Dictionary &p_opentype_features, const String &p_language) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_fonts.is_null(), false);
bool res = TS->shaped_text_add_string(rid, p_text, p_fonts->get_rids(), p_size, p_opentype_features, p_language);
- spacing_top = p_fonts->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP);
- spacing_bottom = p_fonts->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM);
+ spacing_top = p_fonts->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_TOP);
+ spacing_bottom = p_fonts->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM);
dirty = true;
return res;
@@ -409,8 +409,8 @@ int TextLine::hit_test(float p_coords) const {
TextLine::TextLine(const String &p_text, const Ref<Font> &p_fonts, int p_size, const Dictionary &p_opentype_features, const String &p_language, TextServer::Direction p_direction, TextServer::Orientation p_orientation) {
rid = TS->create_shaped_text(p_direction, p_orientation);
- spacing_top = p_fonts->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP);
- spacing_bottom = p_fonts->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM);
+ spacing_top = p_fonts->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_TOP);
+ spacing_bottom = p_fonts->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM);
TS->shaped_text_add_string(rid, p_text, p_fonts->get_rids(), p_size, p_opentype_features, p_language);
diff --git a/scene/resources/text_paragraph.cpp b/scene/resources/text_paragraph.cpp
index 763033354a..62949b9b98 100644
--- a/scene/resources/text_paragraph.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/text_paragraph.cpp
@@ -333,8 +333,8 @@ void TextParagraph::clear_dropcap() {
bool TextParagraph::add_string(const String &p_text, const Ref<Font> &p_fonts, int p_size, const Dictionary &p_opentype_features, const String &p_language) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_fonts.is_null(), false);
bool res = TS->shaped_text_add_string(rid, p_text, p_fonts->get_rids(), p_size, p_opentype_features, p_language);
- spacing_top = p_fonts->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP);
- spacing_bottom = p_fonts->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM);
+ spacing_top = p_fonts->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_TOP);
+ spacing_bottom = p_fonts->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM);
lines_dirty = true;
return res;
@@ -829,8 +829,8 @@ void TextParagraph::draw_line_outline(RID p_canvas, const Vector2 &p_pos, int p_
TextParagraph::TextParagraph(const String &p_text, const Ref<Font> &p_fonts, int p_size, const Dictionary &p_opentype_features, const String &p_language, float p_width, TextServer::Direction p_direction, TextServer::Orientation p_orientation) {
rid = TS->create_shaped_text(p_direction, p_orientation);
TS->shaped_text_add_string(rid, p_text, p_fonts->get_rids(), p_size, p_opentype_features, p_language);
- spacing_top = p_fonts->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP);
- spacing_bottom = p_fonts->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM);
+ spacing_top = p_fonts->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_TOP);
+ spacing_bottom = p_fonts->get_spacing(TextServer::SPACING_BOTTOM);
width = p_width;
diff --git a/scene/resources/texture.cpp b/scene/resources/texture.cpp
index 4ad5f2a506..063a13efc0 100644
--- a/scene/resources/texture.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/texture.cpp
@@ -1758,11 +1758,16 @@ void GradientTexture::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_gradient"), &GradientTexture::get_gradient);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_width", "width"), &GradientTexture::set_width);
+ // The `get_width()` method is already exposed by the parent class Texture2D.
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_use_hdr", "enabled"), &GradientTexture::set_use_hdr);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_using_hdr"), &GradientTexture::is_using_hdr);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_update"), &GradientTexture::_update);
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "gradient", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Gradient"), "set_gradient", "get_gradient");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "width", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,4096"), "set_width", "get_width");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "use_hdr"), "set_use_hdr", "is_using_hdr");
void GradientTexture::set_gradient(Ref<Gradient> p_gradient) {
@@ -1800,30 +1805,49 @@ void GradientTexture::_update() {
- Vector<uint8_t> data;
- data.resize(width * 4);
- {
- uint8_t *wd8 = data.ptrw();
+ if (use_hdr) {
+ // High dynamic range.
+ Ref<Image> image = memnew(Image(width, 1, false, Image::FORMAT_RGBAF));
Gradient &g = **gradient;
+ // `create()` isn't available for non-uint8_t data, so fill in the data manually.
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
float ofs = float(i) / (width - 1);
- Color color = g.get_color_at_offset(ofs);
+ image->set_pixel(i, 0, g.get_color_at_offset(ofs));
+ }
- wd8[i * 4 + 0] = uint8_t(CLAMP(color.r * 255.0, 0, 255));
- wd8[i * 4 + 1] = uint8_t(CLAMP(color.g * 255.0, 0, 255));
- wd8[i * 4 + 2] = uint8_t(CLAMP(color.b * 255.0, 0, 255));
- wd8[i * 4 + 3] = uint8_t(CLAMP(color.a * 255.0, 0, 255));
+ if (texture.is_valid()) {
+ RID new_texture = RS::get_singleton()->texture_2d_create(image);
+ RS::get_singleton()->texture_replace(texture, new_texture);
+ } else {
+ texture = RS::get_singleton()->texture_2d_create(image);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Low dynamic range. "Overbright" colors will be clamped.
+ Vector<uint8_t> data;
+ data.resize(width * 4);
+ {
+ uint8_t *wd8 = data.ptrw();
+ Gradient &g = **gradient;
+ for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
+ float ofs = float(i) / (width - 1);
+ Color color = g.get_color_at_offset(ofs);
+ wd8[i * 4 + 0] = uint8_t(CLAMP(color.r * 255.0, 0, 255));
+ wd8[i * 4 + 1] = uint8_t(CLAMP(color.g * 255.0, 0, 255));
+ wd8[i * 4 + 2] = uint8_t(CLAMP(color.b * 255.0, 0, 255));
+ wd8[i * 4 + 3] = uint8_t(CLAMP(color.a * 255.0, 0, 255));
+ }
- }
- Ref<Image> image = memnew(Image(width, 1, false, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, data));
+ Ref<Image> image = memnew(Image(width, 1, false, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, data));
- if (texture.is_valid()) {
- RID new_texture = RS::get_singleton()->texture_2d_create(image);
- RS::get_singleton()->texture_replace(texture, new_texture);
- } else {
- texture = RS::get_singleton()->texture_2d_create(image);
+ if (texture.is_valid()) {
+ RID new_texture = RS::get_singleton()->texture_2d_create(image);
+ RS::get_singleton()->texture_replace(texture, new_texture);
+ } else {
+ texture = RS::get_singleton()->texture_2d_create(image);
+ }
@@ -1839,6 +1863,19 @@ int GradientTexture::get_width() const {
return width;
+void GradientTexture::set_use_hdr(bool p_enabled) {
+ if (p_enabled == use_hdr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ use_hdr = p_enabled;
+ _queue_update();
+bool GradientTexture::is_using_hdr() const {
+ return use_hdr;
Ref<Image> GradientTexture::get_image() const {
if (!texture.is_valid()) {
return Ref<Image>();
diff --git a/scene/resources/texture.h b/scene/resources/texture.h
index 2e97c2deb1..f6b991c335 100644
--- a/scene/resources/texture.h
+++ b/scene/resources/texture.h
@@ -686,6 +686,7 @@ private:
bool update_pending = false;
RID texture;
int width = 2048;
+ bool use_hdr = false;
void _queue_update();
void _update();
@@ -700,6 +701,9 @@ public:
void set_width(int p_width);
int get_width() const override;
+ void set_use_hdr(bool p_enabled);
+ bool is_using_hdr() const;
virtual RID get_rid() const override { return texture; }
virtual int get_height() const override { return 1; }
virtual bool has_alpha() const override { return true; }
diff --git a/scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp b/scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
index a7f99a2113..e8fe3ff3cd 100644
--- a/scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/visual_shader.cpp
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ String VisualShaderNodeCustom::get_output_port_name(int p_port) const {
String VisualShaderNodeCustom::generate_code(Shader::Mode p_mode, VisualShader::Type p_type, int p_id, const String *p_input_vars, const String *p_output_vars, bool p_for_preview) const {
Vector<String> input_vars;
for (int i = 0; i < get_input_port_count(); i++) {