path: root/scene
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6 files changed, 143 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/scene/3d/node_3d.cpp b/scene/3d/node_3d.cpp
index 60858b00b1..4c00250162 100644
--- a/scene/3d/node_3d.cpp
+++ b/scene/3d/node_3d.cpp
@@ -85,12 +85,20 @@ void Node3D::_notify_dirty() {
void Node3D::_update_local_transform() const {
- if (this->get_rotation_edit_mode() != ROTATION_EDIT_MODE_BASIS) {
- data.local_transform = data.local_transform.orthogonalized();
- }
- data.local_transform.basis.set_euler_scale(data.rotation, data.scale);
+ // This function is called when the local transform (data.local_transform) is dirty and the right value is contained in the Euler rotation and scale.
+ data.local_transform.basis.set_euler_scale(data.euler_rotation, data.scale, data.euler_rotation_order);
- data.dirty &= ~DIRTY_LOCAL;
+ data.dirty &= ~DIRTY_LOCAL_TRANSFORM;
+void Node3D::_update_rotation_and_scale() const {
+ // This function is called when the Euler rotation (data.euler_rotation) is dirty and the right value is contained in the local transform
+ data.scale = data.local_transform.basis.get_scale();
+ data.euler_rotation = data.local_transform.basis.get_euler_normalized(data.euler_rotation_order);
void Node3D::_propagate_transform_changed(Node3D *p_origin) {
@@ -113,7 +121,7 @@ void Node3D::_propagate_transform_changed(Node3D *p_origin) {
- data.dirty |= DIRTY_GLOBAL;
@@ -137,12 +145,12 @@ void Node3D::_notification(int p_what) {
if (data.top_level && !Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
if (data.parent) {
data.local_transform = data.parent->get_global_transform() * get_transform();
- data.dirty = DIRTY_VECTORS; //global is always dirty upon entering a scene
+ data.dirty = DIRTY_EULER_ROTATION_AND_SCALE; // As local transform was updated, rot/scale should be dirty.
data.top_level_active = true;
- data.dirty |= DIRTY_GLOBAL; //global is always dirty upon entering a scene
+ data.dirty |= DIRTY_GLOBAL_TRANSFORM; // Global is always dirty upon entering a scene.
@@ -212,12 +220,27 @@ void Node3D::set_basis(const Basis &p_basis) {
set_transform(Transform3D(p_basis, data.local_transform.origin));
void Node3D::set_quaternion(const Quaternion &p_quaternion) {
- set_transform(Transform3D(Basis(p_quaternion), data.local_transform.origin));
+ if (data.dirty & DIRTY_EULER_ROTATION_AND_SCALE) {
+ // We need the scale part, so if these are dirty, update it
+ data.scale = data.local_transform.basis.get_scale();
+ }
+ data.local_transform.basis = Basis(p_quaternion, data.scale);
+ // Rotscale should not be marked dirty because that would cause precision loss issues with the scale. Instead reconstruct rotation now.
+ data.euler_rotation = data.local_transform.basis.get_euler_normalized(data.euler_rotation_order);
+ data.dirty = DIRTY_NONE;
+ _propagate_transform_changed(this);
+ if (data.notify_local_transform) {
+ }
void Node3D::set_transform(const Transform3D &p_transform) {
data.local_transform = p_transform;
- data.dirty |= DIRTY_VECTORS;
+ data.dirty = DIRTY_EULER_ROTATION_AND_SCALE; // Make rot/scale dirty.
if (data.notify_local_transform) {
@@ -227,8 +250,13 @@ void Node3D::set_transform(const Transform3D &p_transform) {
Basis Node3D::get_basis() const {
return get_transform().basis;
Quaternion Node3D::get_quaternion() const {
- return Quaternion(get_transform().basis);
+ if (data.dirty & DIRTY_LOCAL_TRANSFORM) {
+ _update_local_transform();
+ }
+ return data.local_transform.basis.get_rotation_quaternion();
void Node3D::set_global_transform(const Transform3D &p_transform) {
@@ -240,7 +268,7 @@ void Node3D::set_global_transform(const Transform3D &p_transform) {
Transform3D Node3D::get_transform() const {
- if (data.dirty & DIRTY_LOCAL) {
+ if (data.dirty & DIRTY_LOCAL_TRANSFORM) {
@@ -249,8 +277,8 @@ Transform3D Node3D::get_transform() const {
Transform3D Node3D::get_global_transform() const {
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!is_inside_tree(), Transform3D());
- if (data.dirty & DIRTY_GLOBAL) {
- if (data.dirty & DIRTY_LOCAL) {
+ if (data.dirty & DIRTY_GLOBAL_TRANSFORM) {
+ if (data.dirty & DIRTY_LOCAL_TRANSFORM) {
@@ -264,7 +292,7 @@ Transform3D Node3D::get_global_transform() const {
- data.dirty &= ~DIRTY_GLOBAL;
+ data.dirty &= ~DIRTY_GLOBAL_TRANSFORM;
return data.global_transform;
@@ -314,13 +342,27 @@ void Node3D::set_rotation_edit_mode(RotationEditMode p_mode) {
if (data.rotation_edit_mode == p_mode) {
+ bool transform_changed = false;
+ if (data.rotation_edit_mode == ROTATION_EDIT_MODE_BASIS && !(data.dirty & DIRTY_LOCAL_TRANSFORM)) {
+ data.local_transform.orthogonalize();
+ transform_changed = true;
+ }
data.rotation_edit_mode = p_mode;
- // Shearing is not allowed except in ROTATION_EDIT_MODE_BASIS.
- data.dirty |= DIRTY_LOCAL;
- _propagate_transform_changed(this);
- if (data.notify_local_transform) {
+ // If going to Euler mode, ensure that vectors are _not_ dirty, else the retrieved value may be wrong.
+ // Otherwise keep what is there, so switching back and forth between modes does not break the vectors.
+ _update_rotation_and_scale();
+ }
+ if (transform_changed) {
+ _propagate_transform_changed(this);
+ if (data.notify_local_transform) {
+ }
@@ -333,38 +375,47 @@ Node3D::RotationEditMode Node3D::get_rotation_edit_mode() const {
void Node3D::set_rotation_order(RotationOrder p_order) {
Basis::EulerOrder order = Basis::EulerOrder(p_order);
- if (data.rotation_order == order) {
+ if (data.euler_rotation_order == order) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(int32_t(order), 6);
+ bool transform_changed = false;
- if (data.dirty & DIRTY_VECTORS) {
- data.rotation = data.local_transform.basis.get_euler_normalized(order);
- data.scale = data.local_transform.basis.get_scale();
- data.dirty &= ~DIRTY_VECTORS;
+ if (data.dirty & DIRTY_EULER_ROTATION_AND_SCALE) {
+ _update_rotation_and_scale();
+ } else if (data.dirty & DIRTY_LOCAL_TRANSFORM) {
+ data.euler_rotation = Basis::from_euler(data.euler_rotation, data.euler_rotation_order).get_euler_normalized(order);
+ transform_changed = true;
} else {
- data.rotation = Basis::from_euler(data.rotation, data.rotation_order).get_euler_normalized(order);
+ data.dirty |= DIRTY_LOCAL_TRANSFORM;
+ transform_changed = true;
- data.rotation_order = order;
- //changing rotation order should not affect transform
+ data.euler_rotation_order = order;
- notify_property_list_changed(); //will change rotation
+ if (transform_changed) {
+ _propagate_transform_changed(this);
+ if (data.notify_local_transform) {
+ }
+ }
+ notify_property_list_changed(); // Will change the rotation property.
Node3D::RotationOrder Node3D::get_rotation_order() const {
- return RotationOrder(data.rotation_order);
+ return RotationOrder(data.euler_rotation_order);
void Node3D::set_rotation(const Vector3 &p_euler_rad) {
- if (data.dirty & DIRTY_VECTORS) {
+ if (data.dirty & DIRTY_EULER_ROTATION_AND_SCALE) {
+ // Update scale only if rotation and scale are dirty, as rotation will be overridden.
data.scale = data.local_transform.basis.get_scale();
- data.dirty &= ~DIRTY_VECTORS;
- data.rotation = p_euler_rad;
- data.dirty |= DIRTY_LOCAL;
+ data.euler_rotation = p_euler_rad;
if (data.notify_local_transform) {
@@ -372,13 +423,14 @@ void Node3D::set_rotation(const Vector3 &p_euler_rad) {
void Node3D::set_scale(const Vector3 &p_scale) {
- if (data.dirty & DIRTY_VECTORS) {
- data.rotation = data.local_transform.basis.get_euler_normalized(data.rotation_order);
- data.dirty &= ~DIRTY_VECTORS;
+ if (data.dirty & DIRTY_EULER_ROTATION_AND_SCALE) {
+ // Update rotation only if rotation and scale are dirty, as scale will be overridden.
+ data.euler_rotation = data.local_transform.basis.get_euler_normalized(data.euler_rotation_order);
data.scale = p_scale;
- data.dirty |= DIRTY_LOCAL;
if (data.notify_local_transform) {
@@ -390,22 +442,16 @@ Vector3 Node3D::get_position() const {
Vector3 Node3D::get_rotation() const {
- if (data.dirty & DIRTY_VECTORS) {
- data.scale = data.local_transform.basis.get_scale();
- data.rotation = data.local_transform.basis.get_euler_normalized(data.rotation_order);
- data.dirty &= ~DIRTY_VECTORS;
+ if (data.dirty & DIRTY_EULER_ROTATION_AND_SCALE) {
+ _update_rotation_and_scale();
- return data.rotation;
+ return data.euler_rotation;
Vector3 Node3D::get_scale() const {
- if (data.dirty & DIRTY_VECTORS) {
- data.scale = data.local_transform.basis.get_scale();
- data.rotation = data.local_transform.basis.get_euler_normalized(data.rotation_order);
- data.dirty &= ~DIRTY_VECTORS;
+ if (data.dirty & DIRTY_EULER_ROTATION_AND_SCALE) {
+ _update_rotation_and_scale();
return data.scale;
@@ -865,14 +911,14 @@ Variant Node3D::property_get_revert(const String &p_name) {
} else if (p_name == "quaternion") {
Variant variant = PropertyUtils::get_property_default_value(this, "transform", &valid);
if (valid && variant.get_type() == Variant::Type::TRANSFORM3D) {
- r_ret = Quaternion(Transform3D(variant).get_basis());
+ r_ret = Quaternion(Transform3D(variant).get_basis().get_rotation_quaternion());
} else {
return Quaternion();
} else if (p_name == "rotation") {
Variant variant = PropertyUtils::get_property_default_value(this, "transform", &valid);
if (valid && variant.get_type() == Variant::Type::TRANSFORM3D) {
- r_ret = Transform3D(variant).get_basis().get_euler_normalized(data.rotation_order);
+ r_ret = Transform3D(variant).get_basis().get_euler_normalized(data.euler_rotation_order);
} else {
return Vector3();
diff --git a/scene/3d/node_3d.h b/scene/3d/node_3d.h
index 6d857a83ea..cfd88585e4 100644
--- a/scene/3d/node_3d.h
+++ b/scene/3d/node_3d.h
@@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ class Node3D : public Node {
GDCLASS(Node3D, Node);
+ // Edit mode for the rotation.
+ // IT DOES _NOT_ AFFECT THE TRANSFORM LOGIC (see comment in TransformDirty).
enum RotationEditMode {
@@ -68,11 +71,27 @@ public:
+ // For the sake of ease of use, Node3D can operate with Transforms (Basis+Origin), Quaterinon/Scale and Euler Rotation/Scale.
+ // Transform and Quaterinon are stored in data.local_transform Basis (so quaternion is not really stored, but converted back/forth from 3x3 matrix on demand).
+ // Euler needs to be kept separate because converting to Basis and back may result in a different vector (which is troublesome for users
+ // editing in the inspector, not only because of the numerical precision loss but because they expect these rotations to be consistent, or support
+ // "redundant" rotations for animation interpolation, like going from 0 to 720 degrees).
+ //
+ // As such, the system works in a way where if the local transform is set (via transform/basis/quaternion), the EULER rotation and scale becomes dirty.
+ // It will remain dirty until reading back is attempted (for performance reasons). Likewise, if the Euler rotation scale are set, the local transform
+ // will become dirty (and again, will not become valid again until read).
+ //
+ // All this is transparent from outside the Node3D API, which allows everything to works by calling these functions in exchange.
+ //
+ // Additionally, setting either transform, quaternion, Euler rotation or scale makes the global transform dirty, which will be updated when read again.
+ //
+ // NOTE: Again, RotationEditMode is _independent_ of this mechanism, it is only meant to expose the right set of properties for editing (editor) and saving
+ // (to scene, in order to keep the same values and avoid data loss on conversions). It has zero influence in the logic described above.
enum TransformDirty {
mutable SelfList<Node> xform_change;
@@ -80,8 +99,8 @@ private:
struct Data {
mutable Transform3D global_transform;
mutable Transform3D local_transform;
- mutable Basis::EulerOrder rotation_order = Basis::EULER_ORDER_YXZ;
- mutable Vector3 rotation;
+ mutable Basis::EulerOrder euler_rotation_order = Basis::EULER_ORDER_YXZ;
+ mutable Vector3 euler_rotation;
mutable Vector3 scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1);
mutable RotationEditMode rotation_edit_mode = ROTATION_EDIT_MODE_EULER;
@@ -131,6 +150,7 @@ protected:
_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_ignore_transform_notification(bool p_ignore) { data.ignore_notification = p_ignore; }
_FORCE_INLINE_ void _update_local_transform() const;
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void _update_rotation_and_scale() const;
void _notification(int p_what);
static void _bind_methods();
diff --git a/scene/gui/spin_box.cpp b/scene/gui/spin_box.cpp
index e50d7e765c..890e349afb 100644
--- a/scene/gui/spin_box.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/spin_box.cpp
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ void SpinBox::_text_submitted(const String &p_string) {
- Variant value = expr->execute(Array(), nullptr, false);
+ Variant value = expr->execute(Array(), nullptr, false, true);
if (value.get_type() != Variant::NIL) {
diff --git a/scene/resources/animation.cpp b/scene/resources/animation.cpp
index 8ae4872d14..7183accc66 100644
--- a/scene/resources/animation.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/animation.cpp
@@ -3379,17 +3379,6 @@ Vector2 Animation::bezier_track_get_key_out_handle(int p_track, int p_index) con
return bt->values[p_index].value.out_handle;
-static _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector2 _bezier_interp(real_t t, const Vector2 &start, const Vector2 &control_1, const Vector2 &control_2, const Vector2 &end) {
- /* Formula from Wikipedia article on Bezier curves. */
- real_t omt = (1.0 - t);
- real_t omt2 = omt * omt;
- real_t omt3 = omt2 * omt;
- real_t t2 = t * t;
- real_t t3 = t2 * t;
- return start * omt3 + control_1 * omt2 * t * 3.0 + control_2 * omt * t2 * 3.0 + end * t3;
real_t Animation::bezier_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time) const {
//this uses a different interpolation scheme
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_track, tracks.size(), 0);
@@ -3438,7 +3427,7 @@ real_t Animation::bezier_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time) const {
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
real_t middle = (low + high) / 2;
- Vector2 interp = _bezier_interp(middle, start, start_out, end_in, end);
+ Vector2 interp = start.bezier_interpolate(start_out, end_in, end, middle);
if (interp.x < t) {
low = middle;
@@ -3448,8 +3437,8 @@ real_t Animation::bezier_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time) const {
//interpolate the result:
- Vector2 low_pos = _bezier_interp(low, start, start_out, end_in, end);
- Vector2 high_pos = _bezier_interp(high, start, start_out, end_in, end);
+ Vector2 low_pos = start.bezier_interpolate(start_out, end_in, end, low);
+ Vector2 high_pos = start.bezier_interpolate(start_out, end_in, end, high);
real_t c = (t - low_pos.x) / (high_pos.x - low_pos.x);
return low_pos.lerp(high_pos, c).y;
diff --git a/scene/resources/curve.cpp b/scene/resources/curve.cpp
index 96cf7bb708..da26a0261f 100644
--- a/scene/resources/curve.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/curve.cpp
@@ -32,18 +32,6 @@
#include "core/core_string_names.h"
-template <class T>
-static _FORCE_INLINE_ T _bezier_interp(real_t p_t, T p_start, T p_control_1, T p_control_2, T p_end) {
- /* Formula from Wikipedia article on Bezier curves. */
- real_t omt = (1.0 - p_t);
- real_t omt2 = omt * omt;
- real_t omt3 = omt2 * omt;
- real_t t2 = p_t * p_t;
- real_t t3 = t2 * p_t;
- return p_start * omt3 + p_control_1 * omt2 * p_t * 3.0 + p_control_2 * omt * t2 * 3.0 + p_end * t3;
const char *Curve::SIGNAL_RANGE_CHANGED = "range_changed";
Curve::Curve() {
@@ -376,7 +364,7 @@ real_t Curve::interpolate_local_nocheck(int p_index, real_t p_local_offset) cons
real_t yac = a.position.y + d * a.right_tangent;
real_t ybc = b.position.y - d * b.left_tangent;
- real_t y = _bezier_interp(p_local_offset, a.position.y, yac, ybc, b.position.y);
+ real_t y = Math::bezier_interpolate(a.position.y, yac, ybc, b.position.y, p_local_offset);
return y;
@@ -747,7 +735,7 @@ Vector2 Curve2D::interpolate(int p_index, const real_t p_offset) const {
Vector2 p3 = points[p_index + 1].position;
Vector2 p2 = p3 + points[p_index + 1].in;
- return _bezier_interp(p_offset, p0, p1, p2, p3);
+ return p0.bezier_interpolate(p1, p2, p3, p_offset);
Vector2 Curve2D::interpolatef(real_t p_findex) const {
@@ -767,9 +755,9 @@ void Curve2D::mark_dirty() {
void Curve2D::_bake_segment2d(RBMap<real_t, Vector2> &r_bake, real_t p_begin, real_t p_end, const Vector2 &p_a, const Vector2 &p_out, const Vector2 &p_b, const Vector2 &p_in, int p_depth, int p_max_depth, real_t p_tol) const {
real_t mp = p_begin + (p_end - p_begin) * 0.5;
- Vector2 beg = _bezier_interp(p_begin, p_a, p_a + p_out, p_b + p_in, p_b);
- Vector2 mid = _bezier_interp(mp, p_a, p_a + p_out, p_b + p_in, p_b);
- Vector2 end = _bezier_interp(p_end, p_a, p_a + p_out, p_b + p_in, p_b);
+ Vector2 beg = p_a.bezier_interpolate(p_a + p_out, p_b + p_in, p_b, p_begin);
+ Vector2 mid = p_a.bezier_interpolate(p_a + p_out, p_b + p_in, p_b, mp);
+ Vector2 end = p_a.bezier_interpolate(p_a + p_out, p_b + p_in, p_b, p_end);
Vector2 na = (mid - beg).normalized();
Vector2 nb = (end - mid).normalized();
@@ -828,7 +816,7 @@ void Curve2D::_bake() const {
np = 1.0;
- Vector2 npp = _bezier_interp(np, points[i].position, points[i].position + points[i].out, points[i + 1].position + points[i + 1].in, points[i + 1].position);
+ Vector2 npp = points[i].position.bezier_interpolate(points[i].position + points[i].out, points[i + 1].position + points[i + 1].in, points[i + 1].position, np);
real_t d = position.distance_to(npp);
if (d > bake_interval) {
@@ -841,7 +829,7 @@ void Curve2D::_bake() const {
real_t mid = low + (hi - low) * 0.5;
for (int j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
- npp = _bezier_interp(mid, points[i].position, points[i].position + points[i].out, points[i + 1].position + points[i + 1].in, points[i + 1].position);
+ npp = points[i].position.bezier_interpolate(points[i].position + points[i].out, points[i + 1].position + points[i + 1].in, points[i + 1].position, mid);
d = position.distance_to(npp);
if (bake_interval < d) {
@@ -1336,7 +1324,7 @@ Vector3 Curve3D::interpolate(int p_index, real_t p_offset) const {
Vector3 p3 = points[p_index + 1].position;
Vector3 p2 = p3 + points[p_index + 1].in;
- return _bezier_interp(p_offset, p0, p1, p2, p3);
+ return p0.bezier_interpolate(p1, p2, p3, p_offset);
Vector3 Curve3D::interpolatef(real_t p_findex) const {
@@ -1356,9 +1344,9 @@ void Curve3D::mark_dirty() {
void Curve3D::_bake_segment3d(RBMap<real_t, Vector3> &r_bake, real_t p_begin, real_t p_end, const Vector3 &p_a, const Vector3 &p_out, const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_in, int p_depth, int p_max_depth, real_t p_tol) const {
real_t mp = p_begin + (p_end - p_begin) * 0.5;
- Vector3 beg = _bezier_interp(p_begin, p_a, p_a + p_out, p_b + p_in, p_b);
- Vector3 mid = _bezier_interp(mp, p_a, p_a + p_out, p_b + p_in, p_b);
- Vector3 end = _bezier_interp(p_end, p_a, p_a + p_out, p_b + p_in, p_b);
+ Vector3 beg = p_a.bezier_interpolate(p_a + p_out, p_b + p_in, p_b, p_begin);
+ Vector3 mid = p_a.bezier_interpolate(p_a + p_out, p_b + p_in, p_b, mp);
+ Vector3 end = p_a.bezier_interpolate(p_a + p_out, p_b + p_in, p_b, p_end);
Vector3 na = (mid - beg).normalized();
Vector3 nb = (end - mid).normalized();
@@ -1426,7 +1414,7 @@ void Curve3D::_bake() const {
np = 1.0;
- Vector3 npp = _bezier_interp(np, points[i].position, points[i].position + points[i].out, points[i + 1].position + points[i + 1].in, points[i + 1].position);
+ Vector3 npp = points[i].position.bezier_interpolate(points[i].position + points[i].out, points[i + 1].position + points[i + 1].in, points[i + 1].position, np);
real_t d = position.distance_to(npp);
if (d > bake_interval) {
@@ -1439,7 +1427,7 @@ void Curve3D::_bake() const {
real_t mid = low + (hi - low) * 0.5;
for (int j = 0; j < iterations; j++) {
- npp = _bezier_interp(mid, points[i].position, points[i].position + points[i].out, points[i + 1].position + points[i + 1].in, points[i + 1].position);
+ npp = points[i].position.bezier_interpolate(points[i].position + points[i].out, points[i + 1].position + points[i + 1].in, points[i + 1].position, mid);
d = position.distance_to(npp);
if (bake_interval < d) {
diff --git a/scene/resources/gradient.h b/scene/resources/gradient.h
index a3d3449099..2b04ead0af 100644
--- a/scene/resources/gradient.h
+++ b/scene/resources/gradient.h
@@ -92,10 +92,6 @@ public:
void set_interpolation_mode(InterpolationMode p_interp_mode);
InterpolationMode get_interpolation_mode();
- _FORCE_INLINE_ float cubic_interpolate(float p0, float p1, float p2, float p3, float x) {
- return p1 + 0.5 * x * (p2 - p0 + x * (2.0 * p0 - 5.0 * p1 + 4.0 * p2 - p3 + x * (3.0 * (p1 - p2) + p3 - p0)));
- }
_FORCE_INLINE_ Color get_color_at_offset(float p_offset) {
if (points.is_empty()) {
return Color(0, 0, 0, 1);
@@ -161,10 +157,10 @@ public:
const Point &pointP3 = points[p3];
float x = (p_offset - pointFirst.offset) / (pointSecond.offset - pointFirst.offset);
- float r = cubic_interpolate(pointP0.color.r, pointFirst.color.r, pointSecond.color.r, pointP3.color.r, x);
- float g = cubic_interpolate(pointP0.color.g, pointFirst.color.g, pointSecond.color.g, pointP3.color.g, x);
- float b = cubic_interpolate(pointP0.color.b, pointFirst.color.b, pointSecond.color.b, pointP3.color.b, x);
- float a = cubic_interpolate(pointP0.color.a, pointFirst.color.a, pointSecond.color.a, pointP3.color.a, x);
+ float r = Math::cubic_interpolate(pointP0.color.r, pointFirst.color.r, pointSecond.color.r, pointP3.color.r, x);
+ float g = Math::cubic_interpolate(pointP0.color.g, pointFirst.color.g, pointSecond.color.g, pointP3.color.g, x);
+ float b = Math::cubic_interpolate(pointP0.color.b, pointFirst.color.b, pointSecond.color.b, pointP3.color.b, x);
+ float a = Math::cubic_interpolate(pointP0.color.a, pointFirst.color.a, pointSecond.color.a, pointP3.color.a, x);
return Color(r, g, b, a);
} break;