path: root/scene/resources/tile_set.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'scene/resources/tile_set.h')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/scene/resources/tile_set.h b/scene/resources/tile_set.h
index ba7207241a..46cb1fb36d 100644
--- a/scene/resources/tile_set.h
+++ b/scene/resources/tile_set.h
@@ -447,16 +447,23 @@ public:
class TileSetAtlasSource : public TileSetSource {
GDCLASS(TileSetAtlasSource, TileSetSource);
struct TileAlternativesData {
Vector2i size_in_atlas = Vector2i(1, 1);
Vector2i texture_offset;
+ // Animation
+ int animation_columns = 0;
+ Vector2i animation_separation;
+ real_t animation_speed = 1.0;
+ LocalVector<real_t> animation_frames_durations;
+ // Alternatives
Map<int, TileData *> alternatives;
Vector<int> alternatives_ids;
int next_alternative_id = 1;
Ref<Texture2D> texture;
Vector2i margins;
Vector2i separation;
@@ -471,6 +478,9 @@ private:
void _compute_next_alternative_id(const Vector2i p_atlas_coords);
+ void _create_coords_mapping_cache(Vector2i p_atlas_coords);
+ void _clear_coords_mapping_cache(Vector2i p_atlas_coords);
bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value);
bool _get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const;
@@ -513,18 +523,32 @@ public:
Vector2i get_texture_region_size() const;
// Base tiles.
- void create_tile(const Vector2i p_atlas_coords, const Vector2i p_size = Vector2i(1, 1)); // Create a tile if it does not exists, or add alternative tile if it does.
- void remove_tile(Vector2i p_atlas_coords); // Remove a tile. If p_tile_key.alternative_tile if different from 0, remove the alternative
+ void create_tile(const Vector2i p_atlas_coords, const Vector2i p_size = Vector2i(1, 1));
+ void remove_tile(Vector2i p_atlas_coords);
virtual bool has_tile(Vector2i p_atlas_coords) const override;
- bool can_move_tile_in_atlas(Vector2i p_atlas_coords, Vector2i p_new_atlas_coords = INVALID_ATLAS_COORDS, Vector2i p_new_size = Vector2i(-1, -1)) const;
void move_tile_in_atlas(Vector2i p_atlas_coords, Vector2i p_new_atlas_coords = INVALID_ATLAS_COORDS, Vector2i p_new_size = Vector2i(-1, -1));
Vector2i get_tile_size_in_atlas(Vector2i p_atlas_coords) const;
virtual int get_tiles_count() const override;
virtual Vector2i get_tile_id(int p_index) const override;
+ bool has_room_for_tile(Vector2i p_atlas_coords, Vector2i p_size, int p_animation_columns, Vector2i p_animation_separation, int p_frames_count, Vector2i p_ignored_tile = INVALID_ATLAS_COORDS) const;
Vector2i get_tile_at_coords(Vector2i p_atlas_coords) const;
+ // Animation.
+ void set_tile_animation_columns(const Vector2i p_atlas_coords, int p_frame_columns);
+ int get_tile_animation_columns(const Vector2i p_atlas_coords) const;
+ void set_tile_animation_separation(const Vector2i p_atlas_coords, const Vector2i p_separation);
+ Vector2i get_tile_animation_separation(const Vector2i p_atlas_coords) const;
+ void set_tile_animation_speed(const Vector2i p_atlas_coords, real_t p_speed);
+ real_t get_tile_animation_speed(const Vector2i p_atlas_coords) const;
+ void set_tile_animation_frames_count(const Vector2i p_atlas_coords, int p_frames_count);
+ int get_tile_animation_frames_count(const Vector2i p_atlas_coords) const;
+ void set_tile_animation_frame_duration(const Vector2i p_atlas_coords, int p_frame_index, real_t p_duration);
+ real_t get_tile_animation_frame_duration(const Vector2i p_atlas_coords, int p_frame_index) const;
+ real_t get_tile_animation_total_duration(const Vector2i p_atlas_coords) const;
// Alternative tiles.
int create_alternative_tile(const Vector2i p_atlas_coords, int p_alternative_id_override = -1);
void remove_alternative_tile(const Vector2i p_atlas_coords, int p_alternative_tile);
@@ -542,7 +566,7 @@ public:
Vector2i get_atlas_grid_size() const;
bool has_tiles_outside_texture();
void clear_tiles_outside_texture();
- Rect2i get_tile_texture_region(Vector2i p_atlas_coords) const;
+ Rect2i get_tile_texture_region(Vector2i p_atlas_coords, int p_frame = 0) const;
Vector2i get_tile_effective_texture_offset(Vector2i p_atlas_coords, int p_alternative_tile) const;