path: root/scene/resources/scene_format_text.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scene/resources/scene_format_text.cpp')
1 files changed, 945 insertions, 310 deletions
diff --git a/scene/resources/scene_format_text.cpp b/scene/resources/scene_format_text.cpp
index 8403c06ad1..ca85ca957a 100644
--- a/scene/resources/scene_format_text.cpp
+++ b/scene/resources/scene_format_text.cpp
@@ -6,434 +6,1051 @@
-void ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance::write_property(const String& p_name,const Variant& p_property,bool *r_ok) {
+#include "version.h"
+#include "os/dir_access.h"
+#define _printerr() ERR_PRINT(String(res_path+":"+itos(lines)+" - Parse Error: "+error_text).utf8().get_data());
- if (r_ok)
- *r_ok=false;
+void ResourceInteractiveLoaderText::set_local_path(const String& p_local_path) {
+ res_path=p_local_path;
+Ref<Resource> ResourceInteractiveLoaderText::get_resource() {
+ return resource;
- if (p_name!=String()) {
- f->store_string(p_name+" = ");
+Error ResourceInteractiveLoaderText::_parse_sub_resource(VariantParser::Stream* p_stream,Ref<Resource>& r_res,int &line,String &r_err_str) {
+ VariantParser::Token token;
+ VariantParser::get_token(p_stream,token,line,r_err_str);
+ if (token.type!=VariantParser::TK_NUMBER) {
+ r_err_str="Expected number (sub-resource index)";
- switch( p_property.get_type() ) {
+ int index = token.value;
- case Variant::NIL: {
- f->store_string("null");
- } break;
- case Variant::BOOL: {
+ String path = local_path+"::"+itos(index);
- f->store_string(p_property.operator bool() ? "true":"false" );
- } break;
- case Variant::INT: {
+ if (!ResourceCache::has(path)) {
+ r_err_str="Can't load cached sub-resource: "+path;
+ }
- f->store_string( itos(p_property.operator int()) );
- } break;
- case Variant::REAL: {
+ r_res=RES(ResourceCache::get(path));
- f->store_string( rtoss(p_property.operator real_t()) );
- } break;
- case Variant::STRING: {
+ VariantParser::get_token(p_stream,token,line,r_err_str);
+ if (token.type!=VariantParser::TK_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE) {
+ r_err_str="Expected ')'";
+ }
- String str=p_property;
- str="\""+str.c_escape()+"\"";
- f->store_string( str );
- } break;
- case Variant::VECTOR2: {
+ return OK;
- Vector2 v = p_property;
- f->store_string("Vector2( "+rtoss(v.x) +", "+rtoss(v.y)+" )" );
- } break;
- case Variant::RECT2: {
+Error ResourceInteractiveLoaderText::_parse_ext_resource(VariantParser::Stream* p_stream,Ref<Resource>& r_res,int &line,String &r_err_str){
- Rect2 aabb = p_property;
- f->store_string("Rect2( "+rtoss(aabb.pos.x) +", "+rtoss(aabb.pos.y) +", "+rtoss(aabb.size.x) +", "+rtoss(aabb.size.y)+" )" );
+ VariantParser::Token token;
+ VariantParser::get_token(p_stream,token,line,r_err_str);
+ if (token.type!=VariantParser::TK_NUMBER) {
+ r_err_str="Expected number (sub-resource index)";
+ }
- } break;
- case Variant::VECTOR3: {
+ int id = token.value;
- Vector3 v = p_property;
- f->store_string("Vector3( "+rtoss(v.x) +", "+rtoss(v.y)+", "+rtoss(v.z)+" )");
- } break;
- case Variant::PLANE: {
- Plane p = p_property;
- f->store_string("Plane( "+rtoss(p.normal.x) +", "+rtoss(p.normal.y)+", "+rtoss(p.normal.z)+", "+rtoss(p.d)+" )" );
+ if (!ext_resources.has(id)) {
+ r_err_str="Can't load cached ext-resource #"+itos(id);
+ }
- } break;
- case Variant::_AABB: {
+ String path = ext_resources[id].path;
+ String type = ext_resources[id].type;
- AABB aabb = p_property;
- f->store_string("AABB( "+rtoss(aabb.pos.x) +", "+rtoss(aabb.pos.y) +", "+rtoss(aabb.pos.z) +", "+rtoss(aabb.size.x) +", "+rtoss(aabb.size.y) +", "+rtoss(aabb.size.z)+" )" );
+ if (path.find("://")==-1 && path.is_rel_path()) {
+ // path is relative to file being loaded, so convert to a resource path
+ path=Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(res_path.get_base_dir().plus_file(path));
- } break;
- case Variant::QUAT: {
+ }
- Quat quat = p_property;
- f->store_string("Quat( "+rtoss(quat.x)+", "+rtoss(quat.y)+", "+rtoss(quat.z)+", "+rtoss(quat.w)+" )");
+ r_res=ResourceLoader::load(path,type);
- } break;
- case Variant::MATRIX32: {
+ if (r_res.is_null()) {
+ r_err_str="Couldn't load external resource: "+path;
+ }
- String s="Matrix32( ";
- Matrix32 m3 = p_property;
- for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
- for (int j=0;j<2;j++) {
+ VariantParser::get_token(p_stream,token,line,r_err_str);
+ if (token.type!=VariantParser::TK_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE) {
+ r_err_str="Expected ')'";
+ }
- if (i!=0 || j!=0)
- s+=", ";
- s+=rtoss( m3.elements[i][j] );
- }
- }
- f->store_string(s+" )");
+ return OK;
- } break;
- case Variant::MATRIX3: {
- String s="Matrix3( ";
- Matrix3 m3 = p_property;
- for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
- for (int j=0;j<3;j++) {
+Error ResourceInteractiveLoaderText::poll() {
- if (i!=0 || j!=0)
- s+=", ";
- s+=rtoss( m3.elements[i][j] );
- }
+ if (error!=OK)
+ return error;
+ if ("ext_resource") {
+ if (!next_tag.fields.has("path")) {
+ error_text="Missing 'path' in external resource tag";
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (!next_tag.fields.has("type")) {
+ error_text="Missing 'type' in external resource tag";
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (!next_tag.fields.has("id")) {
+ error_text="Missing 'id' in external resource tag";
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
+ }
+ String path=next_tag.fields["path"];
+ String type=next_tag.fields["type"];
+ int index=next_tag.fields["id"];
+ if (path.find("://")==-1 && path.is_rel_path()) {
+ // path is relative to file being loaded, so convert to a resource path
+ path=Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(local_path.get_base_dir().plus_file(path));
+ }
+ if (remaps.has(path)) {
+ path=remaps[path];
+ }
+ RES res = ResourceLoader::load(path,type);
+ if (res.is_null()) {
+ if (ResourceLoader::get_abort_on_missing_resources()) {
+ error_text="[ext_resource] referenced nonexistent resource at: "+path;
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
+ } else {
+ ResourceLoader::notify_dependency_error(local_path,path,type);
+ } else {
- f->store_string(s+" )");
+ resource_cache.push_back(res);
+ }
- } break;
- case Variant::TRANSFORM: {
+ ExtResource er;
+ er.path=path;
+ er.type=type;
+ ext_resources[index]=er;
- String s="Transform( ";
- Transform t = p_property;
- Matrix3 &m3 = t.basis;
- for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
- for (int j=0;j<3;j++) {
+ error = VariantParser::parse_tag(&stream,lines,error_text,next_tag,&rp);
- if (i!=0 || j!=0)
- s+=", ";
- s+=rtoss( m3.elements[i][j] );
- }
+ if (error) {
+ _printerr();
+ }
+ return error;
+ } else if ("sub_resource") {
+ if (!next_tag.fields.has("type")) {
+ error_text="Missing 'type' in external resource tag";
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (!next_tag.fields.has("id")) {
+ error_text="Missing 'index' in external resource tag";
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
+ }
+ String type=next_tag.fields["type"];
+ int id=next_tag.fields["id"];
+ String path = local_path+"::"+itos(id);
+ //bool exists=ResourceCache::has(path);
+ Ref<Resource> res;
+ if ( !ResourceCache::has(path)) { //only if it doesn't exist
+ Object *obj = ObjectTypeDB::instance(type);
+ if (!obj) {
+ error_text+="Can't create sub resource of type: "+type;
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
- s=s+", "+rtoss(t.origin.x) +", "+rtoss(t.origin.y)+", "+rtoss(t.origin.z);
- f->store_string(s+" )");
- } break;
+ Resource *r = obj->cast_to<Resource>();
+ if (!r) {
- // misc types
- case Variant::COLOR: {
+ error_text+="Can't create sub resource of type, because not a resource: "+type;
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
+ }
- Color c = p_property;
- f->store_string("Color( "+rtoss(c.r) +", "+rtoss(c.g)+", "+rtoss(c.b)+", "+rtoss(c.a)+" )");
+ res=Ref<Resource>(r);
+ resource_cache.push_back(res);
+ res->set_path(path);
- } break;
- case Variant::IMAGE: {
+ }
+ while(true) {
+ String assign;
+ Variant value;
+ error = VariantParser::parse_tag_assign_eof(&stream,lines,error_text,next_tag,assign,value,&rp);
- Image img=p_property;
+ if (error) {
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (assign!=String()) {
+ if (res.is_valid()) {
+ res->set(assign,value);
+ }
+ //it's assignment
+ } else if (!=String()) {
- if (img.empty()) {
- f->store_string("RawImage()");
+ error=OK;
+ } else {
+ error_text="Premature end of file while parsing [sub_resource]";
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
- String imgstr="RawImage( ";
- imgstr+=itos(img.get_width());
- imgstr+=", "+itos(img.get_height());
- imgstr+=", "+itos(img.get_mipmaps());
- imgstr+=", ";
- switch(img.get_format()) {
- case Image::FORMAT_GRAYSCALE: imgstr+="GRAYSCALE"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_INTENSITY: imgstr+="INTENSITY"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_GRAYSCALE_ALPHA: imgstr+="GRAYSCALE_ALPHA"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_RGB: imgstr+="RGB"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_RGBA: imgstr+="RGBA"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_INDEXED : imgstr+="INDEXED"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_INDEXED_ALPHA: imgstr+="INDEXED_ALPHA"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_BC1: imgstr+="BC1"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_BC2: imgstr+="BC2"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_BC3: imgstr+="BC3"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_BC4: imgstr+="BC4"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_BC5: imgstr+="BC5"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_PVRTC2: imgstr+="PVRTC2"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_PVRTC2_ALPHA: imgstr+="PVRTC2_ALPHA"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_PVRTC4: imgstr+="PVRTC4"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_PVRTC4_ALPHA: imgstr+="PVRTC4_ALPHA"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_ETC: imgstr+="ETC"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_ATC: imgstr+="ATC"; break;
- case Image::FORMAT_CUSTOM: imgstr+="CUSTOM"; break;
- default: {}
- }
- String s;
- DVector<uint8_t> data = img.get_data();
- int len = data.size();
- DVector<uint8_t>::Read r =;
- const uint8_t *ptr=r.ptr();;
- for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
- uint8_t byte = ptr[i];
- const char hex[16]={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};
- char str[3]={ hex[byte>>4], hex[byte&0xF], 0};
- s+=str;
- }
- imgstr+=", ";
- f->store_string(imgstr);
- f->store_string(s);
- f->store_string(" )");
- } break;
- case Variant::NODE_PATH: {
- String str=p_property;
+ }
- str="NodePath(\""+str.c_escape()+"\")";
- f->store_string(str);
+ return OK;
- } break;
+ } else if ("resource") {
- case Variant::OBJECT: {
+ if (is_scene) {
- RES res = p_property;
- if (res.is_null()) {
- f->store_string("null");
- if (r_ok)
- *r_ok=true;
+ error_text+="found the 'resource' tag on a scene file!";
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
+ }
+ Object *obj = ObjectTypeDB::instance(res_type);
+ if (!obj) {
+ error_text+="Can't create sub resource of type: "+res_type;
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
+ }
+ Resource *r = obj->cast_to<Resource>();
+ if (!r) {
+ error_text+="Can't create sub resource of type, because not a resource: "+res_type;
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
+ }
+ resource=Ref<Resource>(r);
+ while(true) {
+ String assign;
+ Variant value;
+ error = VariantParser::parse_tag_assign_eof(&stream,lines,error_text,next_tag,assign,value,&rp);
- break; // don't save it
+ if (error) {
+ if (error!=ERR_FILE_EOF) {
+ _printerr();
+ }
+ return error;
- if (external_resources.has(res)) {
+ if (assign!=String()) {
+ resource->set(assign,value);
+ //it's assignment
+ } else if (!=String()) {
- f->store_string("ExtResource( "+itos(external_resources[res]+1)+" )");
+ error_text="Extra tag found when parsing main resource file";
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
} else {
+ error=ERR_FILE_EOF;
+ return error;
+ }
+ }
+ return OK;
+ } else if ("node") {
+ if (!is_scene) {
+ error_text+="found the 'node' tag on a resource file!";
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
+ }
+ /*
+ int add_name(const StringName& p_name);
+ int add_value(const Variant& p_value);
+ int add_node_path(const NodePath& p_path);
+ int add_node(int p_parent,int p_owner,int p_type,int p_name, int p_instance);
+ void add_node_property(int p_node,int p_name,int p_value);
+ void add_node_group(int p_node,int p_group);
+ void set_base_scene(int p_idx);
+ void add_connection(int p_from,int p_to, int p_signal, int p_method, int p_flags,const Vector<int>& p_binds);
+ void add_editable_instance(const NodePath& p_path);
+ */
+ int parent=-1;
+ int owner=-1;
+ int type=-1;
+ int name=-1;
+ int instance=-1;
+ int base_scene=-1;
+ if (next_tag.fields.has("name")) {
+ name=packed_scene->get_state()->add_name(next_tag.fields["name"]);
+ }
- if (internal_resources.has(res)) {
- f->store_string("SubResource( "+itos(internal_resources[res])+" )");
- } else if (res->get_path().length() && res->get_path().find("::")==-1) {
+ if (next_tag.fields.has("parent")) {
+ parent=packed_scene->get_state()->add_node_path(next_tag.fields["parent"]);
+ }
+ if (next_tag.fields.has("owner")) {
+ owner=packed_scene->get_state()->add_node_path(next_tag.fields["owner"]);
+ } else {
+ if (parent!=-1)
+ owner=0; //if no owner, owner is root
+ }
+ if (next_tag.fields.has("type")) {
+ type=packed_scene->get_state()->add_name(next_tag.fields["type"]);
+ }
+ if (next_tag.fields.has("instance")) {
+ instance=packed_scene->get_state()->add_value(next_tag.fields["instance"]);
+ if (packed_scene->get_state()->get_node_count()==0 && parent==-1) {
+ packed_scene->get_state()->set_base_scene(instance);
+ instance=-1;
+ }
+ }
- //external resource
- String path=relative_paths?local_path.path_to_file(res->get_path()):res->get_path();
- f->store_string("Resource( \""+path+"\" )");
+ int node_id = packed_scene->get_state()->add_node(parent,owner,type,name,instance);
+ while(true) {
+ String assign;
+ Variant value;
+ error = VariantParser::parse_tag_assign_eof(&stream,lines,error_text,next_tag,assign,value,&rp);
+ if (error) {
+ if (error!=ERR_FILE_EOF) {
+ _printerr();
} else {
- f->store_string("null");
- ERR_EXPLAIN("Resource was not pre cached for the resource section, bug?");
- ERR_BREAK(true);
- //internal resource
+ resource=packed_scene;
+ return error;
- } break;
- case Variant::INPUT_EVENT: {
+ if (assign!=String()) {
+ int nameidx = packed_scene->get_state()->add_name(assign);
+ int valueidx = packed_scene->get_state()->add_value(value);
+ packed_scene->get_state()->add_node_property(node_id,nameidx,valueidx);
+ //it's assignment
+ } else if (!=String()) {
- f->store_string("InputEvent()"); //will be added later
- } break;
- case Variant::DICTIONARY: {
+ error=OK;
+ return error;
+ } else {
- Dictionary dict = p_property;
+ resource=packed_scene;
+ error=ERR_FILE_EOF;
+ return error;
+ }
- List<Variant> keys;
- dict.get_key_list(&keys);
- keys.sort();
+ }
- f->store_string("{ ");
- for(List<Variant>::Element *E=keys.front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ return OK;
- //if (!_check_type(dict[E->get()]))
- // continue;
- bool ok;
- write_property("",E->get(),&ok);
+ } else if ("connection") {
- f->store_string(":");
- write_property("",dict[E->get()],&ok);
- if (!ok)
- write_property("",Variant()); //at least make the file consistent..
- if (E->next())
- f->store_string(", ");
- }
+ if (!is_scene) {
+ error_text+="found the 'connection' tag on a resource file!";
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
+ }
- f->store_string(" }");
+ if (!next_tag.fields.has("from")) {
+ error_text="missing 'from' field fron connection tag";
+ return error;
+ }
+ if (!next_tag.fields.has("to")) {
+ error_text="missing 'to' field fron connection tag";
+ return error;
+ }
- } break;
- case Variant::ARRAY: {
+ if (!next_tag.fields.has("signal")) {
+ error_text="missing 'signal' field fron connection tag";
+ return error;
+ }
- f->store_string("[ ");
- Array array = p_property;
- int len=array.size();
- for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ if (!next_tag.fields.has("method")) {
+ error_text="missing 'method' field fron connection tag";
+ return error;
+ }
- if (i>0)
- f->store_string(", ");
- write_property("",array[i]);
+ NodePath from = next_tag.fields["from"];
+ NodePath to = next_tag.fields["to"];
+ StringName method = next_tag.fields["method"];
+ StringName signal = next_tag.fields["signal"];
+ int flags=CONNECT_PERSIST;
+ Array binds;
+ if (next_tag.fields.has("flags")) {
+ flags=next_tag.fields["flags"];
+ }
+ if (next_tag.fields.has("binds")) {
+ binds=next_tag.fields["binds"];
+ }
+ Vector<int> bind_ints;
+ for(int i=0;i<binds.size();i++) {
+ bind_ints.push_back( packed_scene->get_state()->add_value( binds[i] ) );
+ }
+ packed_scene->get_state()->add_connection(
+ packed_scene->get_state()->add_node_path(from.simplified()),
+ packed_scene->get_state()->add_node_path(to.simplified()),
+ packed_scene->get_state()->add_name(signal),
+ packed_scene->get_state()->add_name(method),
+ flags,
+ bind_ints
+ );
+ error = VariantParser::parse_tag(&stream,lines,error_text,next_tag,&rp);
+ if (error) {
+ if (error!=ERR_FILE_EOF) {
+ _printerr();
+ } else {
+ resource=packed_scene;
- f->store_string(" ]");
+ }
- } break;
+ return error;
+ } else if ("editable") {
+ if (!is_scene) {
+ error_text+="found the 'editable' tag on a resource file!";
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
+ }
- case Variant::RAW_ARRAY: {
+ if (!next_tag.fields.has("path")) {
+ error_text="missing 'path' field fron connection tag";
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
+ }
+ NodePath path = next_tag.fields["path"];
- f->store_string("RawArray( ");
- String s;
- DVector<uint8_t> data = p_property;
- int len = data.size();
- DVector<uint8_t>::Read r =;
- const uint8_t *ptr=r.ptr();;
- for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ packed_scene->get_state()->add_editable_instance(path.simplified());
- if (i>0)
- f->store_string(", ");
- uint8_t byte = ptr[i];
- const char hex[16]={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};
- char str[3]={ hex[byte>>4], hex[byte&0xF], 0};
- f->store_string(str);
+ error = VariantParser::parse_tag(&stream,lines,error_text,next_tag,&rp);
+ if (error) {
+ if (error!=ERR_FILE_EOF) {
+ _printerr();
+ } else {
+ resource=packed_scene;
+ }
- f->store_string(" )");
+ return error;
- } break;
- case Variant::INT_ARRAY: {
+ } else {
- f->store_string("IntArray( ");
- DVector<int> data = p_property;
- int len = data.size();
- DVector<int>::Read r =;
- const int *ptr=r.ptr();;
+ error_text+="Unknown tag in file: ";
+ _printerr();
+ return error;
+ }
- for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ return OK;
- if (i>0)
- f->store_string(", ");
+int ResourceInteractiveLoaderText::get_stage() const {
- f->store_string(itos(ptr[i]));
- }
+ return resource_current;
+int ResourceInteractiveLoaderText::get_stage_count() const {
+ return resources_total;//+ext_resources;
- f->store_string(" )");
+ResourceInteractiveLoaderText::~ResourceInteractiveLoaderText() {
- } break;
- case Variant::REAL_ARRAY: {
+ memdelete(f);
- f->store_string("FloatArray( ");
- DVector<real_t> data = p_property;
- int len = data.size();
- DVector<real_t>::Read r =;
- const real_t *ptr=r.ptr();;
+void ResourceInteractiveLoaderText::get_dependencies(FileAccess *f,List<String> *p_dependencies,bool p_add_types) {
- for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
- if (i>0)
- f->store_string(", ");
- f->store_string(rtoss(ptr[i]));
- }
+ open(f);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(error!=OK);
- f->store_string(" )");
+ while("ext_resource") {
- } break;
- case Variant::STRING_ARRAY: {
+ if (!next_tag.fields.has("type")) {
+ error_text="Missing 'type' in external resource tag";
+ _printerr();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!next_tag.fields.has("id")) {
+ error_text="Missing 'index' in external resource tag";
+ _printerr();
+ return;
+ }
- f->store_string("StringArray( ");
- DVector<String> data = p_property;
- int len = data.size();
- DVector<String>::Read r =;
- const String *ptr=r.ptr();;
- String s;
- //write_string("\n");
+ String path=next_tag.fields["path"];
+ String type=next_tag.fields["type"];
+ if (path.find("://")==-1 && path.is_rel_path()) {
+ // path is relative to file being loaded, so convert to a resource path
+ path=Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(local_path.get_base_dir().plus_file(path));
+ }
+ if (p_add_types) {
+ path+="::"+type;
+ }
+ p_dependencies->push_back(path);
- for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ Error err = VariantParser::parse_tag(&stream,lines,error_text,next_tag,&rp);
- if (i>0)
- f->store_string(", ");
- String str=ptr[i];
- f->store_string(""+str.c_escape()+"\"");
+ if (err) {
+ error_text="Unexpected end of file";
+ _printerr();
+ }
+ }
+Error ResourceInteractiveLoaderText::rename_dependencies(FileAccess *p_f, const String &p_path,const Map<String,String>& p_map) {
+#if 0
+ open(p_f);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(error!=OK,error);
+ //FileAccess
+ bool old_format=false;
+ FileAccess *fw = NULL;
+ String base_path=local_path.get_base_dir();
+ while(true) {
+ bool exit;
+ List<String> order;
+ Tag *tag = parse_tag(&exit,true,&order);
+ bool done=false;
+ if (!tag) {
+ if (fw) {
+ memdelete(fw);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!exit,error);
+ error=ERR_FILE_EOF;
- f->store_string(" )");
+ return error;
+ }
- } break;
- case Variant::VECTOR2_ARRAY: {
+ if (tag->name=="ext_resource") {
+ if (!tag->args.has("index") || !tag->args.has("path") || !tag->args.has("type")) {
+ old_format=true;
+ break;
+ }
- f->store_string("Vector2Array( ");
- DVector<Vector2> data = p_property;
- int len = data.size();
- DVector<Vector2>::Read r =;
- const Vector2 *ptr=r.ptr();;
+ if (!fw) {
- for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ fw=FileAccess::open(p_path+".depren",FileAccess::WRITE);
+ fw->store_line("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"); //no escape
+ fw->store_line("<resource_file type=\""+resource_type+"\" subresource_count=\""+itos(resources_total)+"\" version=\""+itos(VERSION_MAJOR)+"."+itos(VERSION_MINOR)+"\" version_name=\""+VERSION_FULL_NAME+"\">");
- if (i>0)
- f->store_string(", ");
- f->store_string(rtoss(ptr[i].x)+", "+rtoss(ptr[i].y) );
- f->store_string(" )");
+ String path = tag->args["path"];
+ String index = tag->args["index"];
+ String type = tag->args["type"];
- } break;
- case Variant::VECTOR3_ARRAY: {
- f->store_string("Vector3Array( ");
- DVector<Vector3> data = p_property;
- int len = data.size();
- DVector<Vector3>::Read r =;
- const Vector3 *ptr=r.ptr();;
+ bool relative=false;
+ if (!path.begins_with("res://")) {
+ path=base_path.plus_file(path).simplify_path();
+ relative=true;
+ }
- for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ if (p_map.has(path)) {
+ String np=p_map[path];
+ path=np;
+ }
- if (i>0)
- f->store_string(", ");
- f->store_string(rtoss(ptr[i].x)+", "+rtoss(ptr[i].y)+", "+rtoss(ptr[i].z) );
+ if (relative) {
+ //restore relative
+ path=base_path.path_to_file(path);
- f->store_string(" )");
+ tag->args["path"]=path;
+ tag->args["index"]=index;
+ tag->args["type"]=type;
- } break;
- case Variant::COLOR_ARRAY: {
+ } else {
- f->store_string("ColorArray( ");
+ done=true;
+ }
- DVector<Color> data = p_property;
- int len = data.size();
- DVector<Color>::Read r =;
- const Color *ptr=r.ptr();;
+ String tagt="\t<";
+ if (exit)
+ tagt+="/";
+ tagt+=tag->name;
- for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ for(List<String>::Element *E=order.front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ tagt+=" "+E->get()+"=\""+tag->args[E->get()]+"\"";
+ }
+ tagt+=">";
+ fw->store_line(tagt);
+ if (done)
+ break;
+ close_tag("ext_resource");
+ fw->store_line("\t</ext_resource>");
- if (i>0)
- f->store_string(", ");
+ }
- f->store_string(rtoss(ptr[i].r)+", "+rtoss(ptr[i].g)+", "+rtoss(ptr[i].b)+", "+rtoss(ptr[i].a) );
- }
- f->store_string(" )");
+ if (old_format) {
+ if (fw)
+ memdelete(fw);
- } break;
- default: {}
+ DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM);
+ da->remove(p_path+".depren");
+ memdelete(da);
+ //fuck it, use the old approach;
+ WARN_PRINT(("This file is old, so it can't refactor dependencies, opening and resaving: "+p_path).utf8().get_data());
+ Error err;
+ FileAccess *f2 = FileAccess::open(p_path,FileAccess::READ,&err);
+ if (err!=OK) {
+ }
+ Ref<ResourceInteractiveLoaderText> ria = memnew( ResourceInteractiveLoaderText );
+ ria->local_path=Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path);
+ ria->res_path=ria->local_path;
+ ria->remaps=p_map;
+ // ria->set_local_path( Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path) );
+ ria->open(f2);
+ err = ria->poll();
+ while(err==OK) {
+ err=ria->poll();
+ }
+ RES res = ria->get_resource();
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!res.is_valid(),ERR_FILE_CORRUPT);
+ return ResourceFormatSaverText::singleton->save(p_path,res);
+ }
+ if (!fw) {
+ return OK; //nothing to rename, do nothing
- if (r_ok)
- *r_ok=true;
+ uint8_t c=f->get_8();
+ while(!f->eof_reached()) {
+ fw->store_8(c);
+ c=f->get_8();
+ }
+ bool all_ok = fw->get_error()==OK;
+ memdelete(fw);
+ if (!all_ok) {
+ }
+ DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_RESOURCES);
+ da->remove(p_path);
+ da->rename(p_path+".depren",p_path);
+ memdelete(da);
+ return OK;
+void ResourceInteractiveLoaderText::open(FileAccess *p_f) {
+ error=OK;
+ lines=1;
+ f=p_f;
+ stream.f=f;
+ is_scene=false;
+ VariantParser::Tag tag;
+ Error err = VariantParser::parse_tag(&stream,lines,error_text,tag);
+ if (err) {
+ error=err;
+ _printerr();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tag.fields.has("format")) {
+ int fmt = tag.fields["format"];
+ if (fmt>FORMAT_VERSION) {
+ error_text="Saved with newer format version";
+ _printerr();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if ("gd_scene") {
+ is_scene=true;
+ packed_scene.instance();
+ } else if ("gd_resource") {
+ if (!tag.fields.has("type")) {
+ error_text="Missing 'type' field in 'gd_resource' tag";
+ _printerr();
+ return;
+ }
+ res_type=tag.fields["type"];
+ } else {
+ error_text="Unrecognized file type: ";
+ _printerr();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tag.fields.has("load_steps")) {
+ resources_total=tag.fields["load_steps"];
+ } else {
+ resources_total=0;
+ }
+ err = VariantParser::parse_tag(&stream,lines,error_text,next_tag,&rp);
+ if (err) {
+ error_text="Unexpected end of file";
+ _printerr();
+ }
+ rp.ext_func=_parse_ext_resources;
+ rp.sub_func=_parse_sub_resources;
+ rp.func=NULL;
+ rp.userdata=this;
+String ResourceInteractiveLoaderText::recognize(FileAccess *p_f) {
+ error=OK;
+ lines=1;
+ f=p_f;
+ stream.f=f;
+ VariantParser::Tag tag;
+ Error err = VariantParser::parse_tag(&stream,lines,error_text,tag);
+ if (err) {
+ _printerr();
+ return "";
+ }
+ if (tag.fields.has("format")) {
+ int fmt = tag.fields["format"];
+ if (fmt>FORMAT_VERSION) {
+ error_text="Saved with newer format version";
+ _printerr();
+ return "";
+ }
+ }
+ if ("gd_scene")
+ return "PackedScene";
+ if (!="gd_resource")
+ return "";
+ if (!tag.fields.has("type")) {
+ error_text="Missing 'type' field in 'gd_resource' tag";
+ _printerr();
+ return "";
+ }
+ return tag.fields["type"];
+Ref<ResourceInteractiveLoader> ResourceFormatLoaderText::load_interactive(const String &p_path, Error *r_error) {
+ if (r_error)
+ *r_error=ERR_CANT_OPEN;
+ Error err;
+ FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path,FileAccess::READ,&err);
+ if (err!=OK) {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err!=OK,Ref<ResourceInteractiveLoader>());
+ }
+ Ref<ResourceInteractiveLoaderText> ria = memnew( ResourceInteractiveLoaderText );
+ ria->local_path=Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path);
+ ria->res_path=ria->local_path;
+// ria->set_local_path( Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path) );
+ ria->open(f);
+ return ria;
+void ResourceFormatLoaderText::get_recognized_extensions_for_type(const String& p_type,List<String> *p_extensions) const {
+ if (p_type=="") {
+ get_recognized_extensions(p_extensions);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (p_type=="PackedScene")
+ p_extensions->push_back("tscn");
+ else
+ p_extensions->push_back("tres");
+void ResourceFormatLoaderText::get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const{
+ p_extensions->push_back("tscn");
+ p_extensions->push_back("tres");
+bool ResourceFormatLoaderText::handles_type(const String& p_type) const{
+ return true;
+String ResourceFormatLoaderText::get_resource_type(const String &p_path) const{
+ String ext=p_path.extension().to_lower();
+ if (ext=="tscn")
+ return "PackedScene";
+ else if (ext!="tres")
+ return String();
+ //for anyhting else must test..
+ FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path,FileAccess::READ);
+ if (!f) {
+ return ""; //could not rwead
+ }
+ Ref<ResourceInteractiveLoaderText> ria = memnew( ResourceInteractiveLoaderText );
+ ria->local_path=Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path);
+ ria->res_path=ria->local_path;
+// ria->set_local_path( Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path) );
+ String r = ria->recognize(f);
+ return r;
+void ResourceFormatLoaderText::get_dependencies(const String& p_path,List<String> *p_dependencies,bool p_add_types) {
+ FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path,FileAccess::READ);
+ if (!f) {
+ }
+ Ref<ResourceInteractiveLoaderText> ria = memnew( ResourceInteractiveLoaderText );
+ ria->local_path=Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path);
+ ria->res_path=ria->local_path;
+// ria->set_local_path( Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path) );
+ ria->get_dependencies(f,p_dependencies,p_add_types);
+Error ResourceFormatLoaderText::rename_dependencies(const String &p_path,const Map<String,String>& p_map) {
+ FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path,FileAccess::READ);
+ if (!f) {
+ }
+ Ref<ResourceInteractiveLoaderText> ria = memnew( ResourceInteractiveLoaderText );
+ ria->local_path=Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path);
+ ria->res_path=ria->local_path;
+// ria->set_local_path( Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path) );
+ return ria->rename_dependencies(f,p_path,p_map);
+String ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance::_write_resources(void *ud,const RES& p_resource) {
+ ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance *rsi=(ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance*)ud;
+ return rsi->_write_resource(p_resource);
+String ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance::_write_resource(const RES& res) {
+ if (external_resources.has(res)) {
+ return "ExtResource( "+itos(external_resources[res]+1)+" )";
+ } else {
+ if (internal_resources.has(res)) {
+ return "SubResource( "+itos(internal_resources[res])+" )";
+ } else if (res->get_path().length() && res->get_path().find("::")==-1) {
+ //external resource
+ String path=relative_paths?local_path.path_to_file(res->get_path()):res->get_path();
+ return "Resource( \""+path+"\" )";
+ } else {
+ ERR_EXPLAIN("Resource was not pre cached for the resource section, bug?");
+ ERR_FAIL_V("null");
+ //internal resource
+ }
+ }
+ return "null";
void ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance::_find_resources(const Variant& p_variant,bool p_main) {
@@ -567,11 +1184,18 @@ Error ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance::save(const String &p_path,const RES& p_re
+ Vector<RES> sorted_er;
+ sorted_er.resize(external_resources.size());
for(Map<RES,int>::Element *E=external_resources.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- String p = E->key()->get_path();
+ sorted_er[E->get()]=E->key();
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<sorted_er.size();i++) {
+ String p = sorted_er[i]->get_path();
- f->store_string("[ext_resource path=\""+p+"\" type=\""+E->key()->get_save_type()+"\" id="+itos(E->get()+1)+"]\n"); //bundled
+ f->store_string("[ext_resource path=\""+p+"\" type=\""+sorted_er[i]->get_save_type()+"\" id="+itos(i+1)+"]\n"); //bundled
if (external_resources.size())
@@ -650,8 +1274,9 @@ Error ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance::save(const String &p_path,const RES& p_re
if (PE->get().type==Variant::OBJECT && value.is_zero())
- write_property(name,value);
- f->store_string("\n");
+ String vars;
+ VariantWriter::write_to_string(value,vars,_write_resources,this);
+ f->store_string(name+" = "+vars+"\n");
@@ -673,6 +1298,9 @@ Error ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance::save(const String &p_path,const RES& p_re
Ref<PackedScene> instance = state->get_node_instance(i);
Vector<StringName> groups = state->get_node_groups(i);
+ if (instance.is_valid())
+ print_line("for path "+String(path)+" instance "+instance->get_path());
String header="[node";
header+=" name=\""+String(name)+"\"";
if (type!=StringName()) {
@@ -690,7 +1318,7 @@ Error ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance::save(const String &p_path,const RES& p_re
for(int j=0;j<groups.size();j++) {
if (j>0)
sgroups+=", ";
- sgroups+="\""+groups[i].operator String().c_escape()+"\"";
+ sgroups+="\""+groups[j].operator String().c_escape()+"\"";
sgroups+=" ]";
@@ -699,17 +1327,22 @@ Error ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance::save(const String &p_path,const RES& p_re
if (instance.is_valid()) {
+ String vars;
f->store_string(" instance=");
- write_property("",instance);
+ VariantWriter::write_to_string(instance,vars,_write_resources,this);
+ f->store_string(vars);
for(int j=0;j<state->get_node_property_count(i);j++) {
- write_property(state->get_node_property_name(i,j),state->get_node_property_value(i,j));
- f->store_line(String());
+ String vars;
+ VariantWriter::write_to_string(state->get_node_property_value(i,j),vars,_write_resources,this);
+ f->store_string(String(state->get_node_property_name(i,j))+" = "+vars+"\n");
if (state->get_node_property_count(i)) {
@@ -734,8 +1367,10 @@ Error ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance::save(const String &p_path,const RES& p_re
Array binds=state->get_connection_binds(i);
if (binds.size()) {
- f->store_string(" binds=");
- write_property("",binds);
+ String vars;
+ VariantWriter::write_to_string(binds,vars,_write_resources,this);
+ f->store_string(" binds= "+vars);