path: root/scene/resources/scene_format_text.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scene/resources/scene_format_text.cpp')
1 files changed, 792 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scene/resources/scene_format_text.cpp b/scene/resources/scene_format_text.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8403c06ad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scene/resources/scene_format_text.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+#include "scene_format_text.h"
+#include "globals.h"
+#include "version.h"
+#include "os/dir_access.h"
+void ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance::write_property(const String& p_name,const Variant& p_property,bool *r_ok) {
+ if (r_ok)
+ *r_ok=false;
+ if (p_name!=String()) {
+ f->store_string(p_name+" = ");
+ }
+ switch( p_property.get_type() ) {
+ case Variant::NIL: {
+ f->store_string("null");
+ } break;
+ case Variant::BOOL: {
+ f->store_string(p_property.operator bool() ? "true":"false" );
+ } break;
+ case Variant::INT: {
+ f->store_string( itos(p_property.operator int()) );
+ } break;
+ case Variant::REAL: {
+ f->store_string( rtoss(p_property.operator real_t()) );
+ } break;
+ case Variant::STRING: {
+ String str=p_property;
+ str="\""+str.c_escape()+"\"";
+ f->store_string( str );
+ } break;
+ case Variant::VECTOR2: {
+ Vector2 v = p_property;
+ f->store_string("Vector2( "+rtoss(v.x) +", "+rtoss(v.y)+" )" );
+ } break;
+ case Variant::RECT2: {
+ Rect2 aabb = p_property;
+ f->store_string("Rect2( "+rtoss(aabb.pos.x) +", "+rtoss(aabb.pos.y) +", "+rtoss(aabb.size.x) +", "+rtoss(aabb.size.y)+" )" );
+ } break;
+ case Variant::VECTOR3: {
+ Vector3 v = p_property;
+ f->store_string("Vector3( "+rtoss(v.x) +", "+rtoss(v.y)+", "+rtoss(v.z)+" )");
+ } break;
+ case Variant::PLANE: {
+ Plane p = p_property;
+ f->store_string("Plane( "+rtoss(p.normal.x) +", "+rtoss(p.normal.y)+", "+rtoss(p.normal.z)+", "+rtoss(p.d)+" )" );
+ } break;
+ case Variant::_AABB: {
+ AABB aabb = p_property;
+ f->store_string("AABB( "+rtoss(aabb.pos.x) +", "+rtoss(aabb.pos.y) +", "+rtoss(aabb.pos.z) +", "+rtoss(aabb.size.x) +", "+rtoss(aabb.size.y) +", "+rtoss(aabb.size.z)+" )" );
+ } break;
+ case Variant::QUAT: {
+ Quat quat = p_property;
+ f->store_string("Quat( "+rtoss(quat.x)+", "+rtoss(quat.y)+", "+rtoss(quat.z)+", "+rtoss(quat.w)+" )");
+ } break;
+ case Variant::MATRIX32: {
+ String s="Matrix32( ";
+ Matrix32 m3 = p_property;
+ for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
+ for (int j=0;j<2;j++) {
+ if (i!=0 || j!=0)
+ s+=", ";
+ s+=rtoss( m3.elements[i][j] );
+ }
+ }
+ f->store_string(s+" )");
+ } break;
+ case Variant::MATRIX3: {
+ String s="Matrix3( ";
+ Matrix3 m3 = p_property;
+ for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
+ for (int j=0;j<3;j++) {
+ if (i!=0 || j!=0)
+ s+=", ";
+ s+=rtoss( m3.elements[i][j] );
+ }
+ }
+ f->store_string(s+" )");
+ } break;
+ case Variant::TRANSFORM: {
+ String s="Transform( ";
+ Transform t = p_property;
+ Matrix3 &m3 = t.basis;
+ for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
+ for (int j=0;j<3;j++) {
+ if (i!=0 || j!=0)
+ s+=", ";
+ s+=rtoss( m3.elements[i][j] );
+ }
+ }
+ s=s+", "+rtoss(t.origin.x) +", "+rtoss(t.origin.y)+", "+rtoss(t.origin.z);
+ f->store_string(s+" )");
+ } break;
+ // misc types
+ case Variant::COLOR: {
+ Color c = p_property;
+ f->store_string("Color( "+rtoss(c.r) +", "+rtoss(c.g)+", "+rtoss(c.b)+", "+rtoss(c.a)+" )");
+ } break;
+ case Variant::IMAGE: {
+ Image img=p_property;
+ if (img.empty()) {
+ f->store_string("RawImage()");
+ break;
+ }
+ String imgstr="RawImage( ";
+ imgstr+=itos(img.get_width());
+ imgstr+=", "+itos(img.get_height());
+ imgstr+=", "+itos(img.get_mipmaps());
+ imgstr+=", ";
+ switch(img.get_format()) {
+ case Image::FORMAT_GRAYSCALE: imgstr+="GRAYSCALE"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_INTENSITY: imgstr+="INTENSITY"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_GRAYSCALE_ALPHA: imgstr+="GRAYSCALE_ALPHA"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_RGB: imgstr+="RGB"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_RGBA: imgstr+="RGBA"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_INDEXED : imgstr+="INDEXED"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_INDEXED_ALPHA: imgstr+="INDEXED_ALPHA"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_BC1: imgstr+="BC1"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_BC2: imgstr+="BC2"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_BC3: imgstr+="BC3"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_BC4: imgstr+="BC4"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_BC5: imgstr+="BC5"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_PVRTC2: imgstr+="PVRTC2"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_PVRTC2_ALPHA: imgstr+="PVRTC2_ALPHA"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_PVRTC4: imgstr+="PVRTC4"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_PVRTC4_ALPHA: imgstr+="PVRTC4_ALPHA"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_ETC: imgstr+="ETC"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_ATC: imgstr+="ATC"; break;
+ case Image::FORMAT_CUSTOM: imgstr+="CUSTOM"; break;
+ default: {}
+ }
+ String s;
+ DVector<uint8_t> data = img.get_data();
+ int len = data.size();
+ DVector<uint8_t>::Read r =;
+ const uint8_t *ptr=r.ptr();;
+ for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ uint8_t byte = ptr[i];
+ const char hex[16]={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};
+ char str[3]={ hex[byte>>4], hex[byte&0xF], 0};
+ s+=str;
+ }
+ imgstr+=", ";
+ f->store_string(imgstr);
+ f->store_string(s);
+ f->store_string(" )");
+ } break;
+ case Variant::NODE_PATH: {
+ String str=p_property;
+ str="NodePath(\""+str.c_escape()+"\")";
+ f->store_string(str);
+ } break;
+ case Variant::OBJECT: {
+ RES res = p_property;
+ if (res.is_null()) {
+ f->store_string("null");
+ if (r_ok)
+ *r_ok=true;
+ break; // don't save it
+ }
+ if (external_resources.has(res)) {
+ f->store_string("ExtResource( "+itos(external_resources[res]+1)+" )");
+ } else {
+ if (internal_resources.has(res)) {
+ f->store_string("SubResource( "+itos(internal_resources[res])+" )");
+ } else if (res->get_path().length() && res->get_path().find("::")==-1) {
+ //external resource
+ String path=relative_paths?local_path.path_to_file(res->get_path()):res->get_path();
+ f->store_string("Resource( \""+path+"\" )");
+ } else {
+ f->store_string("null");
+ ERR_EXPLAIN("Resource was not pre cached for the resource section, bug?");
+ ERR_BREAK(true);
+ //internal resource
+ }
+ }
+ } break;
+ case Variant::INPUT_EVENT: {
+ f->store_string("InputEvent()"); //will be added later
+ } break;
+ case Variant::DICTIONARY: {
+ Dictionary dict = p_property;
+ List<Variant> keys;
+ dict.get_key_list(&keys);
+ keys.sort();
+ f->store_string("{ ");
+ for(List<Variant>::Element *E=keys.front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ //if (!_check_type(dict[E->get()]))
+ // continue;
+ bool ok;
+ write_property("",E->get(),&ok);
+ f->store_string(":");
+ write_property("",dict[E->get()],&ok);
+ if (!ok)
+ write_property("",Variant()); //at least make the file consistent..
+ if (E->next())
+ f->store_string(", ");
+ }
+ f->store_string(" }");
+ } break;
+ case Variant::ARRAY: {
+ f->store_string("[ ");
+ Array array = p_property;
+ int len=array.size();
+ for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ if (i>0)
+ f->store_string(", ");
+ write_property("",array[i]);
+ }
+ f->store_string(" ]");
+ } break;
+ case Variant::RAW_ARRAY: {
+ f->store_string("RawArray( ");
+ String s;
+ DVector<uint8_t> data = p_property;
+ int len = data.size();
+ DVector<uint8_t>::Read r =;
+ const uint8_t *ptr=r.ptr();;
+ for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ if (i>0)
+ f->store_string(", ");
+ uint8_t byte = ptr[i];
+ const char hex[16]={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};
+ char str[3]={ hex[byte>>4], hex[byte&0xF], 0};
+ f->store_string(str);
+ }
+ f->store_string(" )");
+ } break;
+ case Variant::INT_ARRAY: {
+ f->store_string("IntArray( ");
+ DVector<int> data = p_property;
+ int len = data.size();
+ DVector<int>::Read r =;
+ const int *ptr=r.ptr();;
+ for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ if (i>0)
+ f->store_string(", ");
+ f->store_string(itos(ptr[i]));
+ }
+ f->store_string(" )");
+ } break;
+ case Variant::REAL_ARRAY: {
+ f->store_string("FloatArray( ");
+ DVector<real_t> data = p_property;
+ int len = data.size();
+ DVector<real_t>::Read r =;
+ const real_t *ptr=r.ptr();;
+ for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ if (i>0)
+ f->store_string(", ");
+ f->store_string(rtoss(ptr[i]));
+ }
+ f->store_string(" )");
+ } break;
+ case Variant::STRING_ARRAY: {
+ f->store_string("StringArray( ");
+ DVector<String> data = p_property;
+ int len = data.size();
+ DVector<String>::Read r =;
+ const String *ptr=r.ptr();;
+ String s;
+ //write_string("\n");
+ for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ if (i>0)
+ f->store_string(", ");
+ String str=ptr[i];
+ f->store_string(""+str.c_escape()+"\"");
+ }
+ f->store_string(" )");
+ } break;
+ case Variant::VECTOR2_ARRAY: {
+ f->store_string("Vector2Array( ");
+ DVector<Vector2> data = p_property;
+ int len = data.size();
+ DVector<Vector2>::Read r =;
+ const Vector2 *ptr=r.ptr();;
+ for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ if (i>0)
+ f->store_string(", ");
+ f->store_string(rtoss(ptr[i].x)+", "+rtoss(ptr[i].y) );
+ }
+ f->store_string(" )");
+ } break;
+ case Variant::VECTOR3_ARRAY: {
+ f->store_string("Vector3Array( ");
+ DVector<Vector3> data = p_property;
+ int len = data.size();
+ DVector<Vector3>::Read r =;
+ const Vector3 *ptr=r.ptr();;
+ for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ if (i>0)
+ f->store_string(", ");
+ f->store_string(rtoss(ptr[i].x)+", "+rtoss(ptr[i].y)+", "+rtoss(ptr[i].z) );
+ }
+ f->store_string(" )");
+ } break;
+ case Variant::COLOR_ARRAY: {
+ f->store_string("ColorArray( ");
+ DVector<Color> data = p_property;
+ int len = data.size();
+ DVector<Color>::Read r =;
+ const Color *ptr=r.ptr();;
+ for (int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ if (i>0)
+ f->store_string(", ");
+ f->store_string(rtoss(ptr[i].r)+", "+rtoss(ptr[i].g)+", "+rtoss(ptr[i].b)+", "+rtoss(ptr[i].a) );
+ }
+ f->store_string(" )");
+ } break;
+ default: {}
+ }
+ if (r_ok)
+ *r_ok=true;
+void ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance::_find_resources(const Variant& p_variant,bool p_main) {
+ switch(p_variant.get_type()) {
+ case Variant::OBJECT: {
+ RES res = p_variant.operator RefPtr();
+ if (res.is_null() || external_resources.has(res))
+ return;
+ if (!p_main && (!bundle_resources ) && res->get_path().length() && res->get_path().find("::") == -1 ) {
+ int index = external_resources.size();
+ external_resources[res]=index;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (resource_set.has(res))
+ return;
+ List<PropertyInfo> property_list;
+ res->get_property_list( &property_list );
+ property_list.sort();
+ List<PropertyInfo>::Element *I=property_list.front();
+ while(I) {
+ PropertyInfo pi=I->get();
+ if (pi.usage&PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE || (bundle_resources && pi.usage&PROPERTY_USAGE_BUNDLE)) {
+ Variant v=res->get(I->get().name);
+ _find_resources(v);
+ }
+ I=I->next();
+ }
+ resource_set.insert( res ); //saved after, so the childs it needs are available when loaded
+ saved_resources.push_back(res);
+ } break;
+ case Variant::ARRAY: {
+ Array varray=p_variant;
+ int len=varray.size();
+ for(int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ Variant v=varray.get(i);
+ _find_resources(v);
+ }
+ } break;
+ case Variant::DICTIONARY: {
+ Dictionary d=p_variant;
+ List<Variant> keys;
+ d.get_key_list(&keys);
+ for(List<Variant>::Element *E=keys.front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ Variant v = d[E->get()];
+ _find_resources(v);
+ }
+ } break;
+ default: {}
+ }
+Error ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance::save(const String &p_path,const RES& p_resource,uint32_t p_flags) {
+ if (p_path.ends_with(".tscn")) {
+ packed_scene=p_resource;
+ }
+ Error err;
+ f = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::WRITE,&err);
+ FileAccessRef _fref(f);
+ local_path = Globals::get_singleton()->localize_path(p_path);
+ relative_paths=p_flags&ResourceSaver::FLAG_RELATIVE_PATHS;
+ skip_editor=p_flags&ResourceSaver::FLAG_OMIT_EDITOR_PROPERTIES;
+ bundle_resources=p_flags&ResourceSaver::FLAG_BUNDLE_RESOURCES;
+ takeover_paths=p_flags&ResourceSaver::FLAG_REPLACE_SUBRESOURCE_PATHS;
+ if (!p_path.begins_with("res://")) {
+ takeover_paths=false;
+ }
+ // save resources
+ _find_resources(p_resource,true);
+ if (packed_scene.is_valid()) {
+ //add instances to external resources if saving a packed scene
+ for(int i=0;i<packed_scene->get_state()->get_node_count();i++) {
+ Ref<PackedScene> instance=packed_scene->get_state()->get_node_instance(i);
+ if (instance.is_valid() && !external_resources.has(instance)) {
+ int index = external_resources.size();
+ external_resources[instance]=index;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err!=OK,err);
+ {
+ String title=packed_scene.is_valid()?"[gd_scene ":"[gd_resource ";
+ if (packed_scene.is_null())
+ title+="type=\""+p_resource->get_type()+"\" ";
+ int load_steps=saved_resources.size()+external_resources.size();
+ //if (packed_scene.is_valid()) {
+ // load_steps+=packed_scene->get_node_count();
+ //}
+ //no, better to not use load steps from nodes, no point to that
+ if (load_steps>1) {
+ title+="load_steps="+itos(load_steps)+" ";
+ }
+ title+="format="+itos(FORMAT_VERSION)+"";
+ //title+="engine_version=\""+itos(VERSION_MAJOR)+"."+itos(VERSION_MINOR)+"\"";
+ f->store_string(title);
+ f->store_line("]\n"); //one empty line
+ }
+ for(Map<RES,int>::Element *E=external_resources.front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ String p = E->key()->get_path();
+ f->store_string("[ext_resource path=\""+p+"\" type=\""+E->key()->get_save_type()+"\" id="+itos(E->get()+1)+"]\n"); //bundled
+ }
+ if (external_resources.size())
+ f->store_line(String()); //separate
+ Set<int> used_indices;
+ for(List<RES>::Element *E=saved_resources.front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ RES res = E->get();
+ if (E->next() && (res->get_path()=="" || res->get_path().find("::") != -1 )) {
+ if (res->get_subindex()!=0) {
+ if (used_indices.has(res->get_subindex())) {
+ res->set_subindex(0); //repeated
+ } else {
+ used_indices.insert(res->get_subindex());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(List<RES>::Element *E=saved_resources.front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ RES res = E->get();
+ ERR_CONTINUE(!resource_set.has(res));
+ bool main = (E->next()==NULL);
+ if (main && packed_scene.is_valid())
+ break; //save as a scene
+ if (main) {
+ f->store_line("[resource]\n");
+ } else {
+ String line="[sub_resource ";
+ if (res->get_subindex()==0) {
+ int new_subindex=1;
+ if (used_indices.size()) {
+ new_subindex=used_indices.back()->get()+1;
+ }
+ res->set_subindex(new_subindex);
+ used_indices.insert(new_subindex);
+ }
+ int idx = res->get_subindex();
+ line+="type=\""+res->get_type()+"\" id="+itos(idx);
+ f->store_line(line+"]\n");
+ if (takeover_paths) {
+ res->set_path(p_path+"::"+itos(idx),true);
+ }
+ internal_resources[res]=idx;
+ }
+ List<PropertyInfo> property_list;
+ res->get_property_list(&property_list);
+// property_list.sort();
+ for(List<PropertyInfo>::Element *PE = property_list.front();PE;PE=PE->next()) {
+ if (skip_editor && PE->get().name.begins_with("__editor"))
+ continue;
+ if (PE->get().usage&PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE || (bundle_resources && PE->get().usage&PROPERTY_USAGE_BUNDLE)) {
+ String name = PE->get().name;
+ Variant value = res->get(name);
+ if ((PE->get().usage&PROPERTY_USAGE_STORE_IF_NONZERO && value.is_zero())||(PE->get().usage&PROPERTY_USAGE_STORE_IF_NONONE && value.is_one()) )
+ continue;
+ if (PE->get().type==Variant::OBJECT && value.is_zero())
+ continue;
+ write_property(name,value);
+ f->store_string("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ f->store_string("\n");
+ }
+ if (packed_scene.is_valid()) {
+ //if this is a scene, save nodes and connections!
+ Ref<SceneState> state = packed_scene->get_state();
+ for(int i=0;i<state->get_node_count();i++) {
+ StringName type = state->get_node_type(i);
+ StringName name = state->get_node_name(i);
+ NodePath path = state->get_node_path(i,true);
+ NodePath owner = state->get_node_owner_path(i);
+ Ref<PackedScene> instance = state->get_node_instance(i);
+ Vector<StringName> groups = state->get_node_groups(i);
+ String header="[node";
+ header+=" name=\""+String(name)+"\"";
+ if (type!=StringName()) {
+ header+=" type=\""+String(type)+"\"";
+ }
+ if (path!=NodePath()) {
+ header+=" parent=\""+String(path.simplified())+"\"";
+ }
+ if (owner!=NodePath() && owner!=NodePath(".")) {
+ header+=" owner=\""+String(owner.simplified())+"\"";
+ }
+ if (groups.size()) {
+ String sgroups=" groups=[ ";
+ for(int j=0;j<groups.size();j++) {
+ if (j>0)
+ sgroups+=", ";
+ sgroups+="\""+groups[i].operator String().c_escape()+"\"";
+ }
+ sgroups+=" ]";
+ header+=sgroups;
+ }
+ f->store_string(header);
+ if (instance.is_valid()) {
+ f->store_string(" instance=");
+ write_property("",instance);
+ }
+ f->store_line("]\n");
+ for(int j=0;j<state->get_node_property_count(i);j++) {
+ write_property(state->get_node_property_name(i,j),state->get_node_property_value(i,j));
+ f->store_line(String());
+ }
+ if (state->get_node_property_count(i)) {
+ //add space
+ f->store_line(String());
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<state->get_connection_count();i++) {
+ String connstr="[connection";
+ connstr+=" signal=\""+String(state->get_connection_signal(i))+"\"";
+ connstr+=" from=\""+String(state->get_connection_source(i).simplified())+"\"";
+ connstr+=" to=\""+String(state->get_connection_target(i).simplified())+"\"";
+ connstr+=" method=\""+String(state->get_connection_method(i))+"\"";
+ int flags = state->get_connection_flags(i);
+ if (flags!=Object::CONNECT_PERSIST) {
+ connstr+=" flags="+itos(flags);
+ }
+ Array binds=state->get_connection_binds(i);
+ f->store_string(connstr);
+ if (binds.size()) {
+ f->store_string(" binds=");
+ write_property("",binds);
+ }
+ f->store_line("]\n");
+ }
+ f->store_line(String());
+ Vector<NodePath> editable_instances = state->get_editable_instances();
+ for(int i=0;i<editable_instances.size();i++) {
+ f->store_line("[editable path=\""+editable_instances[i].operator String()+"\"]");
+ }
+ }
+ if (f->get_error()!=OK && f->get_error()!=ERR_FILE_EOF) {
+ f->close();
+ }
+ f->close();
+ //memdelete(f);
+ return OK;
+Error ResourceFormatSaverText::save(const String &p_path,const RES& p_resource,uint32_t p_flags) {
+ if (p_path.ends_with(".sct") && p_resource->get_type()!="PackedScene") {
+ }
+ ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance saver;
+ return,p_resource,p_flags);
+bool ResourceFormatSaverText::recognize(const RES& p_resource) const {
+ return true; // all recognized!
+void ResourceFormatSaverText::get_recognized_extensions(const RES& p_resource,List<String> *p_extensions) const {
+ p_extensions->push_back("tres"); //text resource
+ if (p_resource->get_type()=="PackedScene")
+ p_extensions->push_back("tscn"); //text scene
+ResourceFormatSaverText* ResourceFormatSaverText::singleton=NULL;
+ResourceFormatSaverText::ResourceFormatSaverText() {
+ singleton=this;