path: root/scene/resources/resource_format_text.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'scene/resources/resource_format_text.h')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/scene/resources/resource_format_text.h b/scene/resources/resource_format_text.h
index 9585b9040f..adab503599 100644
--- a/scene/resources/resource_format_text.h
+++ b/scene/resources/resource_format_text.h
@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ class ResourceLoaderText {
String res_path;
String error_text;
- FileAccess *f = nullptr;
+ Ref<FileAccess> f;
VariantParser::StreamFile stream;
struct ExtResource {
- RES cache;
+ Ref<Resource> cache;
String path;
String type;
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ class ResourceLoaderText {
bool ignore_resource_parsing = false;
- Map<String, ExtResource> ext_resources;
- Map<String, RES> int_resources;
+ HashMap<String, ExtResource> ext_resources;
+ HashMap<String, Ref<Resource>> int_resources;
int resources_total = 0;
int resource_current = 0;
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class ResourceLoaderText {
ResourceUID::ID res_uid = ResourceUID::INVALID_ID;
- Map<String, String> remaps;
+ HashMap<String, String> remaps;
static Error _parse_sub_resources(void *p_self, VariantParser::Stream *p_stream, Ref<Resource> &r_res, int &line, String &r_err_str) { return reinterpret_cast<ResourceLoaderText *>(p_self)->_parse_sub_resource(p_stream, r_res, line, r_err_str); }
static Error _parse_ext_resources(void *p_self, VariantParser::Stream *p_stream, Ref<Resource> &r_res, int &line, String &r_err_str) { return reinterpret_cast<ResourceLoaderText *>(p_self)->_parse_ext_resource(p_stream, r_res, line, r_err_str); }
@@ -90,14 +90,14 @@ class ResourceLoaderText {
struct DummyReadData {
- Map<RES, int> external_resources;
- Map<String, RES> rev_external_resources;
- Map<RES, int> resource_index_map;
- Map<String, RES> resource_map;
+ HashMap<Ref<Resource>, int> external_resources;
+ HashMap<String, Ref<Resource>> rev_external_resources;
+ HashMap<Ref<Resource>, int> resource_index_map;
+ HashMap<String, Ref<Resource>> resource_map;
- static Error _parse_sub_resource_dummys(void *p_self, VariantParser::Stream *p_stream, Ref<Resource> &r_res, int &line, String &r_err_str) { return _parse_sub_resource_dummy((DummyReadData *)(p_self), p_stream, r_res, line, r_err_str); }
- static Error _parse_ext_resource_dummys(void *p_self, VariantParser::Stream *p_stream, Ref<Resource> &r_res, int &line, String &r_err_str) { return _parse_ext_resource_dummy((DummyReadData *)(p_self), p_stream, r_res, line, r_err_str); }
+ static Error _parse_sub_resource_dummys(void *p_self, VariantParser::Stream *p_stream, Ref<Resource> &r_res, int &line, String &r_err_str) { return _parse_sub_resource_dummy(static_cast<DummyReadData *>(p_self), p_stream, r_res, line, r_err_str); }
+ static Error _parse_ext_resource_dummys(void *p_self, VariantParser::Stream *p_stream, Ref<Resource> &r_res, int &line, String &r_err_str) { return _parse_ext_resource_dummy(static_cast<DummyReadData *>(p_self), p_stream, r_res, line, r_err_str); }
static Error _parse_sub_resource_dummy(DummyReadData *p_data, VariantParser::Stream *p_stream, Ref<Resource> &r_res, int &line, String &r_err_str);
static Error _parse_ext_resource_dummy(DummyReadData *p_data, VariantParser::Stream *p_stream, Ref<Resource> &r_res, int &line, String &r_err_str);
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class ResourceLoaderText {
Error error = OK;
- RES resource;
+ Ref<Resource> resource;
Ref<PackedScene> _parse_node_tag(VariantParser::ResourceParser &parser);
@@ -120,28 +120,27 @@ public:
int get_stage_count() const;
void set_translation_remapped(bool p_remapped);
- void open(FileAccess *p_f, bool p_skip_first_tag = false);
- String recognize(FileAccess *p_f);
- ResourceUID::ID get_uid(FileAccess *p_f);
- void get_dependencies(FileAccess *p_f, List<String> *p_dependencies, bool p_add_types);
- Error rename_dependencies(FileAccess *p_f, const String &p_path, const Map<String, String> &p_map);
+ void open(Ref<FileAccess> p_f, bool p_skip_first_tag = false);
+ String recognize(Ref<FileAccess> p_f);
+ ResourceUID::ID get_uid(Ref<FileAccess> p_f);
+ void get_dependencies(Ref<FileAccess> p_f, List<String> *p_dependencies, bool p_add_types);
+ Error rename_dependencies(Ref<FileAccess> p_f, const String &p_path, const HashMap<String, String> &p_map);
- Error save_as_binary(FileAccess *p_f, const String &p_path);
+ Error save_as_binary(Ref<FileAccess> p_f, const String &p_path);
- ~ResourceLoaderText();
class ResourceFormatLoaderText : public ResourceFormatLoader {
static ResourceFormatLoaderText *singleton;
- virtual RES load(const String &p_path, const String &p_original_path = "", Error *r_error = nullptr, bool p_use_sub_threads = false, float *r_progress = nullptr, CacheMode p_cache_mode = CACHE_MODE_REUSE);
+ virtual Ref<Resource> load(const String &p_path, const String &p_original_path = "", Error *r_error = nullptr, bool p_use_sub_threads = false, float *r_progress = nullptr, CacheMode p_cache_mode = CACHE_MODE_REUSE);
virtual void get_recognized_extensions_for_type(const String &p_type, List<String> *p_extensions) const;
virtual void get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const;
virtual bool handles_type(const String &p_type) const;
virtual String get_resource_type(const String &p_path) const;
virtual ResourceUID::ID get_resource_uid(const String &p_path) const;
virtual void get_dependencies(const String &p_path, List<String> *p_dependencies, bool p_add_types = false);
- virtual Error rename_dependencies(const String &p_path, const Map<String, String> &p_map);
+ virtual Error rename_dependencies(const String &p_path, const HashMap<String, String> &p_map);
static Error convert_file_to_binary(const String &p_src_path, const String &p_dst_path);
@@ -157,23 +156,22 @@ class ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance {
bool relative_paths = false;
bool bundle_resources = false;
bool skip_editor = false;
- FileAccess *f = nullptr;
struct NonPersistentKey { //for resource properties generated on the fly
- RES base;
+ Ref<Resource> base;
StringName property;
bool operator<(const NonPersistentKey &p_key) const { return base == p_key.base ? property < : base < p_key.base; }
- Map<NonPersistentKey, RES> non_persistent_map;
+ RBMap<NonPersistentKey, Ref<Resource>> non_persistent_map;
- Set<RES> resource_set;
- List<RES> saved_resources;
- Map<RES, String> external_resources;
- Map<RES, String> internal_resources;
+ RBSet<Ref<Resource>> resource_set;
+ List<Ref<Resource>> saved_resources;
+ HashMap<Ref<Resource>, String> external_resources;
+ HashMap<Ref<Resource>, String> internal_resources;
struct ResourceSort {
- RES resource;
+ Ref<Resource> resource;
String id;
bool operator<(const ResourceSort &p_right) const {
return id.naturalnocasecmp_to( < 0;
@@ -182,19 +180,19 @@ class ResourceFormatSaverTextInstance {
void _find_resources(const Variant &p_variant, bool p_main = false);
- static String _write_resources(void *ud, const RES &p_resource);
- String _write_resource(const RES &res);
+ static String _write_resources(void *ud, const Ref<Resource> &p_resource);
+ String _write_resource(const Ref<Resource> &res);
- Error save(const String &p_path, const RES &p_resource, uint32_t p_flags = 0);
+ Error save(const String &p_path, const Ref<Resource> &p_resource, uint32_t p_flags = 0);
class ResourceFormatSaverText : public ResourceFormatSaver {
static ResourceFormatSaverText *singleton;
- virtual Error save(const String &p_path, const RES &p_resource, uint32_t p_flags = 0);
- virtual bool recognize(const RES &p_resource) const;
- virtual void get_recognized_extensions(const RES &p_resource, List<String> *p_extensions) const;
+ virtual Error save(const String &p_path, const Ref<Resource> &p_resource, uint32_t p_flags = 0);
+ virtual bool recognize(const Ref<Resource> &p_resource) const;
+ virtual void get_recognized_extensions(const Ref<Resource> &p_resource, List<String> *p_extensions) const;