path: root/scene/resources/animation.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'scene/resources/animation.h')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/scene/resources/animation.h b/scene/resources/animation.h
index 9a410bd566..8e4287e4fb 100644
--- a/scene/resources/animation.h
+++ b/scene/resources/animation.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "core/io/resource.h"
+#include "core/templates/local_vector.h"
#define ANIM_MIN_LENGTH 0.001
@@ -42,7 +43,10 @@ class Animation : public Resource {
enum TrackType {
TYPE_VALUE, ///< Set a value in a property, can be interpolated.
- TYPE_TRANSFORM3D, ///< Transform a node or a bone.
+ TYPE_POSITION_3D, ///< Position 3D track
+ TYPE_ROTATION_3D, ///< Rotation 3D track
+ TYPE_SCALE_3D, ///< Scale 3D track
+ TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE, ///< Blend Shape track
TYPE_METHOD, ///< Call any method on a specific node.
TYPE_BEZIER, ///< Bezier curve
@@ -60,7 +64,17 @@ public:
+ };
+ enum LoopMode {
+ };
+ enum HandleMode {
@@ -86,21 +100,41 @@ private:
T value;
- struct TransformKey {
- Vector3 loc;
- Quaternion rot;
- Vector3 scale;
+ const int32_t POSITION_TRACK_SIZE = 5;
+ const int32_t ROTATION_TRACK_SIZE = 6;
+ const int32_t SCALE_TRACK_SIZE = 5;
+ const int32_t BLEND_SHAPE_TRACK_SIZE = 3;
+ struct PositionTrack : public Track {
+ Vector<TKey<Vector3>> positions;
+ int32_t compressed_track = -1;
+ PositionTrack() { type = TYPE_POSITION_3D; }
- // Not necessarily the same size as Transform3D. The amount of numbers in Animation::Key and TransformKey.
- const int32_t TRANSFORM_TRACK_SIZE = 12;
+ struct RotationTrack : public Track {
+ Vector<TKey<Quaternion>> rotations;
+ int32_t compressed_track = -1;
+ RotationTrack() { type = TYPE_ROTATION_3D; }
+ };
+ struct ScaleTrack : public Track {
+ Vector<TKey<Vector3>> scales;
+ int32_t compressed_track = -1;
+ ScaleTrack() { type = TYPE_SCALE_3D; }
+ };
- struct TransformTrack : public Track {
- Vector<TKey<TransformKey>> transforms;
- TransformTrack() { type = TYPE_TRANSFORM3D; }
+ struct BlendShapeTrack : public Track {
+ Vector<TKey<float>> blend_shapes;
+ int32_t compressed_track = -1;
+ BlendShapeTrack() { type = TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE; }
@@ -128,10 +162,10 @@ private:
struct BezierKey {
Vector2 in_handle; //relative (x always <0)
Vector2 out_handle; //relative (x always >0)
+ HandleMode handle_mode = HANDLE_MODE_BALANCED;
real_t value = 0.0;
@@ -184,23 +218,21 @@ private:
int _insert(double p_time, T &p_keys, const V &p_value);
template <class K>
- inline int _find(const Vector<K> &p_keys, double p_time) const;
- _FORCE_INLINE_ Animation::TransformKey _interpolate(const Animation::TransformKey &p_a, const Animation::TransformKey &p_b, real_t p_c) const;
+ inline int _find(const Vector<K> &p_keys, double p_time, bool p_backward = false) const;
_FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 _interpolate(const Vector3 &p_a, const Vector3 &p_b, real_t p_c) const;
_FORCE_INLINE_ Quaternion _interpolate(const Quaternion &p_a, const Quaternion &p_b, real_t p_c) const;
_FORCE_INLINE_ Variant _interpolate(const Variant &p_a, const Variant &p_b, real_t p_c) const;
_FORCE_INLINE_ real_t _interpolate(const real_t &p_a, const real_t &p_b, real_t p_c) const;
- _FORCE_INLINE_ Animation::TransformKey _cubic_interpolate(const Animation::TransformKey &p_pre_a, const Animation::TransformKey &p_a, const Animation::TransformKey &p_b, const Animation::TransformKey &p_post_b, real_t p_c) const;
_FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 _cubic_interpolate(const Vector3 &p_pre_a, const Vector3 &p_a, const Vector3 &p_b, const Vector3 &p_post_b, real_t p_c) const;
_FORCE_INLINE_ Quaternion _cubic_interpolate(const Quaternion &p_pre_a, const Quaternion &p_a, const Quaternion &p_b, const Quaternion &p_post_b, real_t p_c) const;
_FORCE_INLINE_ Variant _cubic_interpolate(const Variant &p_pre_a, const Variant &p_a, const Variant &p_b, const Variant &p_post_b, real_t p_c) const;
_FORCE_INLINE_ real_t _cubic_interpolate(const real_t &p_pre_a, const real_t &p_a, const real_t &p_b, const real_t &p_post_b, real_t p_c) const;
template <class T>
- _FORCE_INLINE_ T _interpolate(const Vector<TKey<T>> &p_keys, double p_time, InterpolationType p_interp, bool p_loop_wrap, bool *p_ok) const;
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ T _interpolate(const Vector<TKey<T>> &p_keys, double p_time, InterpolationType p_interp, bool p_loop_wrap, bool *p_ok, bool p_backward = false) const;
template <class T>
_FORCE_INLINE_ void _track_get_key_indices_in_range(const Vector<T> &p_array, double from_time, double to_time, List<int> *p_indices) const;
@@ -210,22 +242,94 @@ private:
double length = 1.0;
real_t step = 0.1;
- bool loop = false;
+ LoopMode loop_mode = LOOP_NONE;
+ int pingponged = 0;
+ /* Animation compression page format (version 1):
+ *
+ * Animation uses bitwidth based compression separated into small pages. The intention is that pages fit easily in the cache, so decoding is cache efficient.
+ * The page-based nature also makes future animation streaming from disk possible.
+ *
+ * Actual format:
+ *
+ * num_compressed_tracks = bounds.size()
+ * header : (x num_compressed_tracks)
+ * -------
+ * timeline_keys_offset : uint32_t - offset to time keys
+ * timeline_size : uint32_t - amount of time keys
+ * data_keys_offset : uint32_t offset to key data
+ *
+ * time key (uint32_t):
+ * ------------------
+ * frame : bits 0-15 - time offset of key, computed as: page.time_offset + frame * (1.0/fps)
+ * data_key_offset : bits 16-27 - offset to key data, computed as: data_keys_offset * 4 + data_key_offset
+ * data_key_count : bits 28-31 - amount of data keys pointed to, computed as: data_key_count+1 (max 16)
+ *
+ * data key:
+ * ---------
+ * X / Blend Shape : uint16_t - X coordinate of XYZ vector key, or Blend Shape value. If Blend shape, Y and Z are not present and can be ignored.
+ * Y : uint16_t
+ * Z : uint16_t
+ * If data_key_count+1 > 1 (if more than 1 key is stored):
+ * data_bitwidth : uint16_t - This is only present if data_key_count > 1. Contains delta bitwidth information.
+ * X / Blend Shape delta bitwidth: bits 0-3 -
+ * if 0, nothing is present for X (use the first key-value for subsequent keys),
+ * else assume the number of bits present for each element (+ 1 for sign). Assumed always 16 bits, delta max signed 15 bits, with underflow and overflow supported.
+ * Y delta bitwidth : bits 4-7
+ * Z delta bitwidth : bits 8-11
+ * FRAME delta bitwidth : 12-15 bits - always present (obviously), actual bitwidth is FRAME+1
+ * Data key is 4 bytes long for Blend Shapes, 8 bytes long for pos/rot/scale.
+ *
+ * delta keys:
+ * -----------
+ * Compressed format is packed in the following format after the data key, containing delta keys one after the next in a tightly bit packed fashion.
+ * FRAME bits -> X / Blend Shape Bits (if bitwidth > 0) -> Y Bits (if not Blend Shape and Y Bitwidth > 0) -> Z Bits (if not Blend Shape and Z Bitwidth > 0)
+ *
+ * data key format:
+ * ----------------
+ * Decoding keys means starting from the base key and going key by key applying deltas until the proper position is reached needed for interpolation.
+ * Resulting values are uint32_t
+ * data for X / Blend Shape, Y and Z must be normalized first: unorm = float(data) / 65535.0
+ * **Blend Shape**: (unorm * 2.0 - 1.0) * Compression::BLEND_SHAPE_RANGE
+ * **Pos/Scale**: unorm_vec3 * bounds[track].size + bounds[track].position
+ * **Rotation**: Quaternion(Vector3::octahedron_decode(unorm_vec3.xy),unorm_vec3.z * Math_PI * 2.0)
+ * **Frame**: page.time_offset + frame * (1.0/fps)
+ */
+ struct Compression {
+ enum {
+ BLEND_SHAPE_RANGE = 8, // - 8.0 to 8.0
+ };
+ struct Page {
+ Vector<uint8_t> data;
+ double time_offset;
+ };
+ uint32_t fps = 120;
+ LocalVector<Page> pages;
+ LocalVector<AABB> bounds; //used by position and scale tracks (which contain index to track and index to bounds).
+ bool enabled = false;
+ } compression;
+ Vector3i _compress_key(uint32_t p_track, const AABB &p_bounds, int32_t p_key = -1, float p_time = 0.0);
+ bool _rotation_interpolate_compressed(uint32_t p_compressed_track, double p_time, Quaternion &r_ret) const;
+ bool _pos_scale_interpolate_compressed(uint32_t p_compressed_track, double p_time, Vector3 &r_ret) const;
+ bool _blend_shape_interpolate_compressed(uint32_t p_compressed_track, double p_time, float &r_ret) const;
+ template <uint32_t COMPONENTS>
+ bool _fetch_compressed(uint32_t p_compressed_track, double p_time, Vector3i &r_current_value, double &r_current_time, Vector3i &r_next_value, double &r_next_time, uint32_t *key_index = nullptr) const;
+ template <uint32_t COMPONENTS>
+ bool _fetch_compressed_by_index(uint32_t p_compressed_track, int p_index, Vector3i &r_value, double &r_time) const;
+ int _get_compressed_key_count(uint32_t p_compressed_track) const;
+ template <uint32_t COMPONENTS>
+ void _get_compressed_key_indices_in_range(uint32_t p_compressed_track, double p_time, double p_delta, List<int> *r_indices) const;
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ Quaternion _uncompress_quaternion(const Vector3i &p_value) const;
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 _uncompress_pos_scale(uint32_t p_compressed_track, const Vector3i &p_value) const;
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ float _uncompress_blend_shape(const Vector3i &p_value) const;
// bind helpers
- Array _transform_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time) const {
- Vector3 loc;
- Quaternion rot;
- Vector3 scale;
- transform_track_interpolate(p_track, p_time, &loc, &rot, &scale);
- Array ret;
- ret.push_back(loc);
- ret.push_back(rot);
- ret.push_back(scale);
- return ret;
- }
Vector<int> _value_track_get_key_indices(int p_track, double p_time, double p_delta) const {
List<int> idxs;
value_track_get_key_indices(p_track, p_time, p_delta, &idxs);
@@ -247,8 +351,15 @@ private:
return idxr;
- bool _transform_track_optimize_key(const TKey<TransformKey> &t0, const TKey<TransformKey> &t1, const TKey<TransformKey> &t2, real_t p_alowed_linear_err, real_t p_alowed_angular_err, real_t p_max_optimizable_angle, const Vector3 &p_norm);
- void _transform_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_linear_err = 0.05, real_t p_allowed_angular_err = 0.01, real_t p_max_optimizable_angle = Math_PI * 0.125);
+ bool _position_track_optimize_key(const TKey<Vector3> &t0, const TKey<Vector3> &t1, const TKey<Vector3> &t2, real_t p_alowed_linear_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, const Vector3 &p_norm);
+ bool _rotation_track_optimize_key(const TKey<Quaternion> &t0, const TKey<Quaternion> &t1, const TKey<Quaternion> &t2, real_t p_allowed_angular_error, float p_max_optimizable_angle);
+ bool _scale_track_optimize_key(const TKey<Vector3> &t0, const TKey<Vector3> &t1, const TKey<Vector3> &t2, real_t p_allowed_linear_error);
+ bool _blend_shape_track_optimize_key(const TKey<float> &t0, const TKey<float> &t1, const TKey<float> &t2, real_t p_allowed_unit_error);
+ void _position_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_linear_err, real_t p_allowed_angular_err);
+ void _rotation_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_angular_err, real_t p_max_optimizable_angle);
+ void _scale_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_linear_err);
+ void _blend_shape_track_optimize(int p_idx, real_t p_allowed_unit_error);
bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value);
@@ -268,8 +379,7 @@ public:
void track_set_path(int p_track, const NodePath &p_path);
NodePath track_get_path(int p_track) const;
- int find_track(const NodePath &p_path) const;
- // transform
+ int find_track(const NodePath &p_path, const TrackType p_type) const;
void track_move_up(int p_track);
void track_move_down(int p_track);
@@ -293,17 +403,34 @@ public:
Variant track_get_key_value(int p_track, int p_key_idx) const;
double track_get_key_time(int p_track, int p_key_idx) const;
real_t track_get_key_transition(int p_track, int p_key_idx) const;
+ bool track_is_compressed(int p_track) const;
+ int position_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, const Vector3 &p_position);
+ Error position_track_get_key(int p_track, int p_key, Vector3 *r_position) const;
+ Error position_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, Vector3 *r_interpolation) const;
+ int rotation_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, const Quaternion &p_rotation);
+ Error rotation_track_get_key(int p_track, int p_key, Quaternion *r_rotation) const;
+ Error rotation_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, Quaternion *r_interpolation) const;
+ int scale_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, const Vector3 &p_scale);
+ Error scale_track_get_key(int p_track, int p_key, Vector3 *r_scale) const;
+ Error scale_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, Vector3 *r_interpolation) const;
+ int blend_shape_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, float p_blend);
+ Error blend_shape_track_get_key(int p_track, int p_key, float *r_blend) const;
+ Error blend_shape_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, float *r_blend) const;
- int transform_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, const Vector3 &p_loc, const Quaternion &p_rot = Quaternion(), const Vector3 &p_scale = Vector3());
- Error transform_track_get_key(int p_track, int p_key, Vector3 *r_loc, Quaternion *r_rot, Vector3 *r_scale) const;
void track_set_interpolation_type(int p_track, InterpolationType p_interp);
InterpolationType track_get_interpolation_type(int p_track) const;
- int bezier_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, real_t p_value, const Vector2 &p_in_handle, const Vector2 &p_out_handle);
+ int bezier_track_insert_key(int p_track, double p_time, real_t p_value, const Vector2 &p_in_handle, const Vector2 &p_out_handle, const HandleMode p_handle_mode = HandleMode::HANDLE_MODE_BALANCED);
+ void bezier_track_set_key_handle_mode(int p_track, int p_index, HandleMode p_mode, double p_balanced_value_time_ratio = 1.0);
void bezier_track_set_key_value(int p_track, int p_index, real_t p_value);
- void bezier_track_set_key_in_handle(int p_track, int p_index, const Vector2 &p_handle);
- void bezier_track_set_key_out_handle(int p_track, int p_index, const Vector2 &p_handle);
+ void bezier_track_set_key_in_handle(int p_track, int p_index, const Vector2 &p_handle, double p_balanced_value_time_ratio = 1.0);
+ void bezier_track_set_key_out_handle(int p_track, int p_index, const Vector2 &p_handle, double p_balanced_value_time_ratio = 1.0);
real_t bezier_track_get_key_value(int p_track, int p_index) const;
+ int bezier_track_get_key_handle_mode(int p_track, int p_index) const;
Vector2 bezier_track_get_key_in_handle(int p_track, int p_index) const;
Vector2 bezier_track_get_key_out_handle(int p_track, int p_index) const;
@@ -324,26 +451,24 @@ public:
void track_set_interpolation_loop_wrap(int p_track, bool p_enable);
bool track_get_interpolation_loop_wrap(int p_track) const;
- Error transform_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time, Vector3 *r_loc, Quaternion *r_rot, Vector3 *r_scale) const;
Variant value_track_interpolate(int p_track, double p_time) const;
- void value_track_get_key_indices(int p_track, double p_time, double p_delta, List<int> *p_indices) const;
+ void value_track_get_key_indices(int p_track, double p_time, double p_delta, List<int> *p_indices, int p_pingponged = 0) const;
void value_track_set_update_mode(int p_track, UpdateMode p_mode);
UpdateMode value_track_get_update_mode(int p_track) const;
- void method_track_get_key_indices(int p_track, double p_time, double p_delta, List<int> *p_indices) const;
+ void method_track_get_key_indices(int p_track, double p_time, double p_delta, List<int> *p_indices, int p_pingponged = 0) const;
Vector<Variant> method_track_get_params(int p_track, int p_key_idx) const;
StringName method_track_get_name(int p_track, int p_key_idx) const;
void copy_track(int p_track, Ref<Animation> p_to_animation);
- void track_get_key_indices_in_range(int p_track, double p_time, double p_delta, List<int> *p_indices) const;
+ void track_get_key_indices_in_range(int p_track, double p_time, double p_delta, List<int> *p_indices, int p_pingponged = 0) const;
void set_length(real_t p_length);
real_t get_length() const;
- void set_loop(bool p_enabled);
- bool has_loop() const;
+ void set_loop_mode(LoopMode p_loop_mode);
+ LoopMode get_loop_mode() const;
void set_step(real_t p_step);
real_t get_step() const;
@@ -351,6 +476,7 @@ public:
void clear();
void optimize(real_t p_allowed_linear_err = 0.05, real_t p_allowed_angular_err = 0.01, real_t p_max_optimizable_angle = Math_PI * 0.125);
+ void compress(uint32_t p_page_size = 8192, uint32_t p_fps = 120, float p_split_tolerance = 4.0); // 4.0 seems to be the split tolerance sweet spot from many tests
@@ -359,5 +485,7 @@ public: