path: root/scene/main
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scene/main')
4 files changed, 550 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/scene/main/node.cpp b/scene/main/node.cpp
index 7e31bf8dd0..8336ce35f6 100644
--- a/scene/main/node.cpp
+++ b/scene/main/node.cpp
@@ -196,6 +196,14 @@ void Node::_propagate_enter_tree() {
+ if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton() && data.filename!=String()) {
+ //used for live edit
+ data.tree->live_scene_edit_cache[data.filename].insert(this);
+ }
// enter groups
@@ -205,6 +213,28 @@ void Node::_propagate_exit_tree() {
//block while removing children
+ if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton() && data.filename!=String()) {
+ //used for live edit
+ Map<String,Set<Node*> >::Element *E=data.tree->live_scene_edit_cache.find(data.filename);
+ if (E) {
+ E->get().erase(this);
+ if (E->get().size()==0) {
+ data.tree->live_scene_edit_cache.erase(E);
+ }
+ }
+ Map<Node*,Map<ObjectID,Node*> >::Element *F=data.tree->live_edit_remove_list.find(this);
+ if (F) {
+ for (Map<ObjectID,Node*>::Element*G=F->get().front();G;G=G->next()) {
+ memdelete(G->get());
+ }
+ data.tree->live_edit_remove_list.erase(F);
+ }
+ }
for (int i=data.children.size()-1;i>=0;i--) {
@@ -552,6 +582,52 @@ void Node::set_human_readable_collision_renaming(bool p_enabled) {
+String Node::validate_child_name(const String& p_name) const {
+ //this approach to autoset node names is human readable but very slow
+ //it's turned on while running in the editor
+ String basename = p_name;
+ if (basename==String()) {
+ return String();
+ }
+ int val=1;
+ for(;;) {
+ String attempted = val > 1 ? (basename + " " +itos(val) ) : basename;
+ bool found=false;
+ for (int i=0;i<data.children.size();i++) {
+ //if (data.children[i]==p_child)
+ // continue;
+ if (data.children[i]->get_name() == attempted) {
+ found=true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found) {
+ val++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ return attempted;
+ break;
+ }
+ return basename;
void Node::_validate_child_name(Node *p_child) {
/* Make sure the name is unique */
@@ -1323,18 +1399,31 @@ int Node::get_position_in_parent() const {
-Node *Node::duplicate() const {
+Node *Node::duplicate(bool p_use_instancing) const {
Node *node=NULL;
- Object *obj = ObjectTypeDB::instance(get_type());
- node = obj->cast_to<Node>();
- if (!node)
- memdelete(obj);
+ bool instanced=false;
+ if (p_use_instancing && get_filename()!=String()) {
+ Ref<PackedScene> res = ResourceLoader::load(get_filename());
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(res.is_null(),NULL);
+ node=res->instance();
+ instanced=true;
+ } else {
+ Object *obj = ObjectTypeDB::instance(get_type());
+ node = obj->cast_to<Node>();
+ if (!node)
+ memdelete(obj);
+ }
if (get_filename()!="") { //an instance
@@ -1360,7 +1449,10 @@ Node *Node::duplicate() const {
if (get_child(i)->data.parent_owned)
- Node *dup = get_child(i)->duplicate();
+ if (instanced && get_child(i)->data.owner==this)
+ continue; //part of instance
+ Node *dup = get_child(i)->duplicate(p_use_instancing);
if (!dup) {
@@ -1882,7 +1974,7 @@ void Node::_bind_methods() {
- ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("duplicate:Node"),&Node::duplicate);
+ ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("duplicate:Node","use_instancing"),&Node::duplicate,DEFVAL(false));
diff --git a/scene/main/node.h b/scene/main/node.h
index be91c6e1bb..a6d5bfbd9f 100644
--- a/scene/main/node.h
+++ b/scene/main/node.h
@@ -255,8 +255,9 @@ public:
int get_position_in_parent() const;
- Node *duplicate() const;
+ Node *duplicate(bool p_use_instancing=false) const;
Node *duplicate_and_reown(const Map<Node*,Node*>& p_reown_map) const;
//Node *clone_tree() const;
// used by editors, to save what has changed only
@@ -275,6 +276,8 @@ public:
static void print_stray_nodes();
+ String validate_child_name(const String& p_name) const;
void queue_delete();
//shitty hacks for speed
diff --git a/scene/main/scene_main_loop.cpp b/scene/main/scene_main_loop.cpp
index 1664a9bea1..45e3d92ece 100644
--- a/scene/main/scene_main_loop.cpp
+++ b/scene/main/scene_main_loop.cpp
@@ -1044,7 +1044,371 @@ void SceneTree::add_current_scene(Node * p_current) {
+void SceneTree::_live_edit_node_path_func(const NodePath &p_path,int p_id) {
+ live_edit_node_path_cache[p_id]=p_path;
+void SceneTree::_live_edit_res_path_func(const String &p_path,int p_id) {
+ live_edit_resource_cache[p_id]=p_path;
+void SceneTree::_live_edit_node_set_func(int p_id,const StringName& p_prop,const Variant& p_value) {
+ if (!live_edit_node_path_cache.has(p_id))
+ return;
+ NodePath np = live_edit_node_path_cache[p_id];
+ Node *base = NULL;
+ if (root->has_node(live_edit_root))
+ base = root->get_node(live_edit_root);
+ Map<String,Set<Node*> >::Element *E=live_scene_edit_cache.find(live_edit_scene);
+ if (!E)
+ return; //scene not editable
+ for(Set<Node*>::Element *F=E->get().front();F;F=F->next()) {
+ Node *n=F->get();
+ if (base && !base->is_a_parent_of(n))
+ continue;
+ if (!n->has_node(np))
+ continue;
+ Node *n2 = n->get_node(np);
+ n2->set(p_prop,p_value);
+ }
+void SceneTree::_live_edit_node_set_res_func(int p_id,const StringName& p_prop,const String& p_value) {
+ RES r = ResourceLoader::load(p_value);
+ if (!r.is_valid())
+ return;
+ _live_edit_node_set_func(p_id,p_prop,r);
+void SceneTree::_live_edit_node_call_func(int p_id,const StringName& p_method,VARIANT_ARG_DECLARE) {
+ if (!live_edit_node_path_cache.has(p_id))
+ return;
+ NodePath np = live_edit_node_path_cache[p_id];
+ Node *base = NULL;
+ if (root->has_node(live_edit_root))
+ base = root->get_node(live_edit_root);
+ Map<String,Set<Node*> >::Element *E=live_scene_edit_cache.find(live_edit_scene);
+ if (!E)
+ return; //scene not editable
+ for(Set<Node*>::Element *F=E->get().front();F;F=F->next()) {
+ Node *n=F->get();
+ if (base && !base->is_a_parent_of(n))
+ continue;
+ if (!n->has_node(np))
+ continue;
+ Node *n2 = n->get_node(np);
+ n2->call(p_method,VARIANT_ARG_PASS);
+ }
+void SceneTree::_live_edit_res_set_func(int p_id,const StringName& p_prop,const Variant& p_value) {
+ if (!live_edit_resource_cache.has(p_id))
+ return;
+ String resp = live_edit_resource_cache[p_id];
+ if (!ResourceCache::has(resp))
+ return;
+ RES r = ResourceCache::get(resp);
+ if (!r.is_valid())
+ return;
+ r->set(p_prop,p_value);
+void SceneTree::_live_edit_res_set_res_func(int p_id,const StringName& p_prop,const String& p_value) {
+ RES r = ResourceLoader::load(p_value);
+ if (!r.is_valid())
+ return;
+ _live_edit_res_set_func(p_id,p_prop,r);
+void SceneTree::_live_edit_res_call_func(int p_id,const StringName& p_method,VARIANT_ARG_DECLARE) {
+ if (!live_edit_resource_cache.has(p_id))
+ return;
+ String resp = live_edit_resource_cache[p_id];
+ if (!ResourceCache::has(resp))
+ return;
+ RES r = ResourceCache::get(resp);
+ if (!r.is_valid())
+ return;
+ r->call(p_method,VARIANT_ARG_PASS);
+void SceneTree::_live_edit_root_func(const NodePath& p_scene_path,const String& p_scene_from) {
+ live_edit_root=p_scene_path;
+ live_edit_scene=p_scene_from;
+void SceneTree::_live_edit_create_node_func(const NodePath& p_parent,const String& p_type,const String& p_name) {
+ Node *base = NULL;
+ if (root->has_node(live_edit_root))
+ base = root->get_node(live_edit_root);
+ Map<String,Set<Node*> >::Element *E=live_scene_edit_cache.find(live_edit_scene);
+ if (!E)
+ return; //scene not editable
+ for(Set<Node*>::Element *F=E->get().front();F;F=F->next()) {
+ Node *n=F->get();
+ if (base && !base->is_a_parent_of(n))
+ continue;
+ if (!n->has_node(p_parent))
+ continue;
+ Node *n2 = n->get_node(p_parent);
+ Object *o = ObjectTypeDB::instance(p_type);
+ if (!o)
+ continue;
+ Node *no=o->cast_to<Node>();
+ no->set_name(p_name);
+ n2->add_child(no);
+ }
+void SceneTree::_live_edit_instance_node_func(const NodePath& p_parent,const String& p_path,const String& p_name){
+ Ref<PackedScene> ps = ResourceLoader::load(p_path);
+ if (!ps.is_valid())
+ return;
+ Node *base = NULL;
+ if (root->has_node(live_edit_root))
+ base = root->get_node(live_edit_root);
+ Map<String,Set<Node*> >::Element *E=live_scene_edit_cache.find(live_edit_scene);
+ if (!E)
+ return; //scene not editable
+ for(Set<Node*>::Element *F=E->get().front();F;F=F->next()) {
+ Node *n=F->get();
+ if (base && !base->is_a_parent_of(n))
+ continue;
+ if (!n->has_node(p_parent))
+ continue;
+ Node *n2 = n->get_node(p_parent);
+ Node *no=ps->instance();
+ no->set_name(p_name);
+ n2->add_child(no);
+ }
+void SceneTree::_live_edit_remove_node_func(const NodePath& p_at){
+ Node *base = NULL;
+ if (root->has_node(live_edit_root))
+ base = root->get_node(live_edit_root);
+ Map<String,Set<Node*> >::Element *E=live_scene_edit_cache.find(live_edit_scene);
+ if (!E)
+ return; //scene not editable
+ for(Set<Node*>::Element *F=E->get().front();F;) {
+ Set<Node*>::Element *N=F->next();
+ Node *n=F->get();
+ if (base && !base->is_a_parent_of(n))
+ continue;
+ if (!n->has_node(p_at))
+ continue;
+ Node *n2 = n->get_node(p_at);
+ memdelete(n2);
+ F=N;
+ }
+void SceneTree::_live_edit_remove_and_keep_node_func(const NodePath& p_at,ObjectID p_keep_id){
+ Node *base = NULL;
+ if (root->has_node(live_edit_root))
+ base = root->get_node(live_edit_root);
+ Map<String,Set<Node*> >::Element *E=live_scene_edit_cache.find(live_edit_scene);
+ if (!E)
+ return; //scene not editable
+ for(Set<Node*>::Element *F=E->get().front();F;) {
+ Set<Node*>::Element *N=F->next();
+ Node *n=F->get();
+ if (base && !base->is_a_parent_of(n))
+ continue;
+ if (!n->has_node(p_at))
+ continue;
+ Node *n2 = n->get_node(p_at);
+ n2->get_parent()->remove_child(n2);
+ live_edit_remove_list[n][p_keep_id]=n2;
+ F=N;
+ }
+void SceneTree::_live_edit_restore_node_func(ObjectID p_id,const NodePath& p_at,int p_at_pos){
+ Node *base = NULL;
+ if (root->has_node(live_edit_root))
+ base = root->get_node(live_edit_root);
+ Map<String,Set<Node*> >::Element *E=live_scene_edit_cache.find(live_edit_scene);
+ if (!E)
+ return; //scene not editable
+ for(Set<Node*>::Element *F=E->get().front();F;) {
+ Set<Node*>::Element *N=F->next();
+ Node *n=F->get();
+ if (base && !base->is_a_parent_of(n))
+ continue;
+ if (!n->has_node(p_at))
+ continue;
+ Node *n2 = n->get_node(p_at);
+ Map<Node*,Map<ObjectID,Node*> >::Element *EN=live_edit_remove_list.find(n);
+ if (!EN)
+ continue;
+ Map<ObjectID,Node*>::Element *FN=EN->get().find(p_id);
+ if (!FN)
+ continue;
+ n2->add_child(FN->get());
+ EN->get().erase(FN);
+ if (EN->get().size()==0) {
+ live_edit_remove_list.erase(EN);
+ }
+ F=N;
+ }
+void SceneTree::_live_edit_duplicate_node_func(const NodePath& p_at,const String& p_new_name){
+ Node *base = NULL;
+ if (root->has_node(live_edit_root))
+ base = root->get_node(live_edit_root);
+ Map<String,Set<Node*> >::Element *E=live_scene_edit_cache.find(live_edit_scene);
+ if (!E)
+ return; //scene not editable
+ for(Set<Node*>::Element *F=E->get().front();F;F=F->next()) {
+ Node *n=F->get();
+ if (base && !base->is_a_parent_of(n))
+ continue;
+ if (!n->has_node(p_at))
+ continue;
+ Node *n2 = n->get_node(p_at);
+ Node *dup = n2->duplicate(true);
+ if (!dup)
+ continue;
+ dup->set_name(p_new_name);
+ n2->get_parent()->add_child(dup);
+ }
+void SceneTree::_live_edit_reparent_node_func(const NodePath& p_at,const NodePath& p_new_place,const String& p_new_name,int p_at_pos){
+ Node *base = NULL;
+ if (root->has_node(live_edit_root))
+ base = root->get_node(live_edit_root);
+ Map<String,Set<Node*> >::Element *E=live_scene_edit_cache.find(live_edit_scene);
+ if (!E)
+ return; //scene not editable
+ for(Set<Node*>::Element *F=E->get().front();F;F=F->next()) {
+ Node *n=F->get();
+ if (base && !base->is_a_parent_of(n))
+ continue;
+ if (!n->has_node(p_at))
+ continue;
+ Node *nfrom = n->get_node(p_at);
+ if (!n->has_node(p_new_place))
+ continue;
+ Node *nto = n->get_node(p_new_place);
+ nfrom->get_parent()->remove_child(nfrom);
+ nfrom->set_name(p_new_name);
+ nto->add_child(nfrom);
+ if (p_at_pos>=0)
+ nto->move_child(nfrom,p_at_pos);
+ }
void SceneTree::_bind_methods() {
@@ -1169,6 +1533,35 @@ SceneTree::SceneTree() {
+ live_edit_funcs.udata=this;
+ live_edit_funcs.node_path_func=_live_edit_node_path_funcs;
+ live_edit_funcs.res_path_func=_live_edit_res_path_funcs;
+ live_edit_funcs.node_set_func=_live_edit_node_set_funcs;
+ live_edit_funcs.node_set_res_func=_live_edit_node_set_res_funcs;
+ live_edit_funcs.node_call_func=_live_edit_node_call_funcs;
+ live_edit_funcs.res_set_func=_live_edit_res_set_funcs;
+ live_edit_funcs.res_set_res_func=_live_edit_res_set_res_funcs;
+ live_edit_funcs.res_call_func=_live_edit_res_call_funcs;
+ live_edit_funcs.root_func=_live_edit_root_funcs;
+ live_edit_funcs.tree_create_node_func=_live_edit_create_node_funcs;
+ live_edit_funcs.tree_instance_node_func=_live_edit_instance_node_funcs;
+ live_edit_funcs.tree_remove_node_func=_live_edit_remove_node_funcs;
+ live_edit_funcs.tree_remove_and_keep_node_func=_live_edit_remove_and_keep_node_funcs;
+ live_edit_funcs.tree_restore_node_func=_live_edit_restore_node_funcs;
+ live_edit_funcs.tree_duplicate_node_func=_live_edit_duplicate_node_funcs;
+ live_edit_funcs.tree_reparent_node_func=_live_edit_reparent_node_funcs;
+ if (ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()) {
+ ScriptDebugger::get_singleton()->set_live_edit_funcs(&live_edit_funcs);
+ }
+ live_edit_root=NodePath("/root");
diff --git a/scene/main/scene_main_loop.h b/scene/main/scene_main_loop.h
index e49c150fbf..1f09d9c546 100644
--- a/scene/main/scene_main_loop.h
+++ b/scene/main/scene_main_loop.h
@@ -164,6 +164,58 @@ friend class Viewport;
SelfList<Node>::List xform_change_list;
+ Map<int,NodePath> live_edit_node_path_cache;
+ Map<int,String> live_edit_resource_cache;
+ NodePath live_edit_root;
+ String live_edit_scene;
+ Map<String,Set<Node*> > live_scene_edit_cache;
+ Map<Node*,Map<ObjectID,Node*> > live_edit_remove_list;
+ ScriptDebugger::LiveEditFuncs live_edit_funcs;
+ void _live_edit_node_path_func(const NodePath &p_path,int p_id) ;
+ void _live_edit_res_path_func(const String &p_path,int p_id) ;
+ void _live_edit_node_set_func(int p_id,const StringName& p_prop,const Variant& p_value) ;
+ void _live_edit_node_set_res_func(int p_id,const StringName& p_prop,const String& p_value) ;
+ void _live_edit_node_call_func(int p_id,const StringName& p_method,VARIANT_ARG_DECLARE) ;
+ void _live_edit_res_set_func(int p_id,const StringName& p_prop,const Variant& p_value) ;
+ void _live_edit_res_set_res_func(int p_id,const StringName& p_prop,const String& p_value) ;
+ void _live_edit_res_call_func(int p_id,const StringName& p_method,VARIANT_ARG_DECLARE) ;
+ void _live_edit_root_func(const NodePath& p_scene_path,const String& p_scene_from) ;
+ void _live_edit_create_node_func(const NodePath& p_parent,const String& p_type,const String& p_name);
+ void _live_edit_instance_node_func(const NodePath& p_parent,const String& p_path,const String& p_name);
+ void _live_edit_remove_node_func(const NodePath& p_at);
+ void _live_edit_remove_and_keep_node_func(const NodePath& p_at,ObjectID p_keep_id);
+ void _live_edit_restore_node_func(ObjectID p_id,const NodePath& p_at,int p_at_pos);
+ void _live_edit_duplicate_node_func(const NodePath& p_at,const String& p_new_name);
+ void _live_edit_reparent_node_func(const NodePath& p_at,const NodePath& p_new_place,const String& p_new_name,int p_at_pos);
+ static void _live_edit_node_path_funcs(void *self,const NodePath &p_path,int p_id) { reinterpret_cast<SceneTree*>(self)->_live_edit_node_path_func(p_path,p_id); }
+ static void _live_edit_res_path_funcs(void *self,const String &p_path,int p_id) { reinterpret_cast<SceneTree*>(self)->_live_edit_res_path_func(p_path,p_id); }
+ static void _live_edit_node_set_funcs(void *self,int p_id,const StringName& p_prop,const Variant& p_value) { reinterpret_cast<SceneTree*>(self)->_live_edit_node_set_func(p_id,p_prop,p_value); }
+ static void _live_edit_node_set_res_funcs(void *self,int p_id,const StringName& p_prop,const String& p_value) { reinterpret_cast<SceneTree*>(self)->_live_edit_node_set_res_func(p_id,p_prop,p_value); }
+ static void _live_edit_node_call_funcs(void *self,int p_id,const StringName& p_method,VARIANT_ARG_DECLARE) { reinterpret_cast<SceneTree*>(self)->_live_edit_node_call_func(p_id,p_method,VARIANT_ARG_PASS); }
+ static void _live_edit_res_set_funcs(void *self,int p_id,const StringName& p_prop,const Variant& p_value) { reinterpret_cast<SceneTree*>(self)->_live_edit_res_set_func(p_id,p_prop,p_value); }
+ static void _live_edit_res_set_res_funcs(void *self,int p_id,const StringName& p_prop,const String& p_value) { reinterpret_cast<SceneTree*>(self)->_live_edit_res_set_res_func(p_id,p_prop,p_value); }
+ static void _live_edit_res_call_funcs(void *self,int p_id,const StringName& p_method,VARIANT_ARG_DECLARE) { reinterpret_cast<SceneTree*>(self)->_live_edit_res_call_func(p_id,p_method,VARIANT_ARG_PASS); }
+ static void _live_edit_root_funcs(void *self, const NodePath& p_scene_path,const String& p_scene_from) { reinterpret_cast<SceneTree*>(self)->_live_edit_root_func(p_scene_path,p_scene_from); }
+ static void _live_edit_create_node_funcs(void* self,const NodePath& p_parent,const String& p_type,const String& p_name) { reinterpret_cast<SceneTree*>(self)->_live_edit_create_node_func(p_parent,p_type,p_name); }
+ static void _live_edit_instance_node_funcs(void* self,const NodePath& p_parent,const String& p_path,const String& p_name) { reinterpret_cast<SceneTree*>(self)->_live_edit_instance_node_func(p_parent,p_path,p_name); }
+ static void _live_edit_remove_node_funcs(void* self,const NodePath& p_at) { reinterpret_cast<SceneTree*>(self)->_live_edit_remove_node_func(p_at); }
+ static void _live_edit_remove_and_keep_node_funcs(void* self,const NodePath& p_at,ObjectID p_keep_id) { reinterpret_cast<SceneTree*>(self)->_live_edit_remove_and_keep_node_func(p_at,p_keep_id); }
+ static void _live_edit_restore_node_funcs(void* self,ObjectID p_id,const NodePath& p_at,int p_at_pos) { reinterpret_cast<SceneTree*>(self)->_live_edit_restore_node_func(p_id,p_at,p_at_pos); }
+ static void _live_edit_duplicate_node_funcs(void* self,const NodePath& p_at,const String& p_new_name) { reinterpret_cast<SceneTree*>(self)->_live_edit_duplicate_node_func(p_at,p_new_name); }
+ static void _live_edit_reparent_node_funcs(void* self,const NodePath& p_at,const NodePath& p_new_place,const String& p_new_name,int p_at_pos) { reinterpret_cast<SceneTree*>(self)->_live_edit_reparent_node_func(p_at,p_new_place,p_new_name,p_at_pos); }
void _notification(int p_notification);