path: root/scene/gui/tree.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'scene/gui/tree.cpp')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/scene/gui/tree.cpp b/scene/gui/tree.cpp
index ccd24ed2cf..0ca9a66e08 100644
--- a/scene/gui/tree.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/tree.cpp
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ void TreeItem::_change_tree(Tree *p_tree) {
if (tree->popup_edited_item == this) {
tree->popup_edited_item = nullptr;
+ tree->popup_pressing_edited_item = nullptr;
tree->pressing_for_editor = false;
@@ -333,7 +334,7 @@ int TreeItem::get_opentype_feature(int p_column, const String &p_name) const {
return cells[p_column].opentype_features[tag];
-void TreeItem::set_structured_text_bidi_override(int p_column, Control::StructuredTextParser p_parser) {
+void TreeItem::set_structured_text_bidi_override(int p_column, TextServer::StructuredTextParser p_parser) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_column, cells.size());
if (cells[p_column].st_parser != p_parser) {
@@ -345,8 +346,8 @@ void TreeItem::set_structured_text_bidi_override(int p_column, Control::Structur
-Control::StructuredTextParser TreeItem::get_structured_text_bidi_override(int p_column) const {
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_column, cells.size(), Control::STRUCTURED_TEXT_NONE);
+TextServer::StructuredTextParser TreeItem::get_structured_text_bidi_override(int p_column) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_column, cells.size(), TextServer::STRUCTURED_TEXT_NONE);
return cells[p_column].st_parser;
@@ -1411,8 +1412,8 @@ void Tree::update_cache() {
cache.font_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_color"));
cache.font_selected_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_selected_color"));
cache.drop_position_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("drop_position_color"));
- cache.hseparation = get_theme_constant(SNAME("hseparation"));
- cache.vseparation = get_theme_constant(SNAME("vseparation"));
+ cache.hseparation = get_theme_constant(SNAME("h_separation"));
+ cache.vseparation = get_theme_constant(SNAME("v_separation"));
cache.item_margin = get_theme_constant(SNAME("item_margin"));
cache.button_margin = get_theme_constant(SNAME("button_margin"));
@@ -1753,19 +1754,16 @@ int Tree::draw_item(const Point2i &p_pos, const Point2 &p_draw_ofs, const Size2
for (int j = p_item->cells[i].buttons.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
Ref<Texture2D> b = p_item->cells[i].buttons[j].texture;
Size2 s = b->get_size() + cache.button_pressed->get_minimum_size();
- if (s.height < label_h) {
- s.height = label_h;
- }
Point2i o = Point2i(ofs + w - s.width, p_pos.y) - cache.offset + p_draw_ofs;
if (cache.click_type == Cache::CLICK_BUTTON && cache.click_item == p_item && cache.click_column == i && cache.click_index == j && !p_item->cells[i].buttons[j].disabled) {
- //being pressed
+ // Being pressed.
Point2 od = o;
if (rtl) {
od.x = get_size().width - od.x - s.x;
- cache.button_pressed->draw(get_canvas_item(), Rect2(od, s));
+ cache.button_pressed->draw(get_canvas_item(), Rect2(od.x, od.y, s.width, MAX(s.height, label_h)));
o.y += (label_h - s.height) / 2;
@@ -2088,7 +2086,6 @@ int Tree::draw_item(const Point2i &p_pos, const Point2 &p_draw_ofs, const Size2
if (!p_item->collapsed) { /* if not collapsed, check the children */
TreeItem *c = p_item->first_child;
int base_ofs = children_pos.y - cache.offset.y + p_draw_ofs.y;
@@ -2096,82 +2093,97 @@ int Tree::draw_item(const Point2i &p_pos, const Point2 &p_draw_ofs, const Size2
int prev_hl_ofs = base_ofs;
while (c) {
+ int child_h = -1;
if (htotal >= 0) {
- int child_h = draw_item(children_pos, p_draw_ofs, p_draw_size, c);
+ child_h = draw_item(children_pos, p_draw_ofs, p_draw_size, c);
+ }
- // Draw relationship lines.
- if (cache.draw_relationship_lines > 0 && (!hide_root || c->parent != root)) {
- int root_ofs = children_pos.x + ((p_item->disable_folding || hide_folding) ? cache.hseparation : cache.item_margin);
- int parent_ofs = p_pos.x + cache.item_margin;
- Point2i root_pos = Point2i(root_ofs, children_pos.y + label_h / 2) - cache.offset + p_draw_ofs;
+ // Draw relationship lines.
+ if (cache.draw_relationship_lines > 0 && (!hide_root || c->parent != root)) {
+ int root_ofs = children_pos.x + ((p_item->disable_folding || hide_folding) ? cache.hseparation : cache.item_margin);
+ int parent_ofs = p_pos.x + cache.item_margin;
+ Point2i root_pos = Point2i(root_ofs, children_pos.y + label_h / 2) - cache.offset + p_draw_ofs;
- if (c->get_first_child() != nullptr) {
- root_pos -= Point2i(cache.arrow->get_width(), 0);
- }
+ if (c->get_first_child() != nullptr) {
+ root_pos -= Point2i(cache.arrow->get_width(), 0);
+ }
- float line_width = cache.relationship_line_width * Math::round(cache.base_scale);
- float parent_line_width = cache.parent_hl_line_width * Math::round(cache.base_scale);
- float children_line_width = cache.children_hl_line_width * Math::round(cache.base_scale);
+ float line_width = cache.relationship_line_width * Math::round(cache.base_scale);
+ float parent_line_width = cache.parent_hl_line_width * Math::round(cache.base_scale);
+ float children_line_width = cache.children_hl_line_width * Math::round(cache.base_scale);
- Point2i parent_pos = Point2i(parent_ofs - cache.arrow->get_width() / 2, p_pos.y + label_h / 2 + cache.arrow->get_height() / 2) - cache.offset + p_draw_ofs;
+ Point2i parent_pos = Point2i(parent_ofs - cache.arrow->get_width() / 2, p_pos.y + label_h / 2 + cache.arrow->get_height() / 2) - cache.offset + p_draw_ofs;
- int more_prev_ofs = 0;
+ int more_prev_ofs = 0;
- if (root_pos.y + line_width >= 0) {
- if (rtl) {
- root_pos.x = get_size().width - root_pos.x;
- parent_pos.x = get_size().width - parent_pos.x;
- }
+ if (root_pos.y + line_width >= 0) {
+ if (rtl) {
+ root_pos.x = get_size().width - root_pos.x;
+ parent_pos.x = get_size().width - parent_pos.x;
+ }
- // Order of parts on this bend: the horizontal line first, then the vertical line.
- if (_is_branch_selected(c)) {
- // If this item or one of its children is selected, we draw the line using parent highlight style.
+ // Order of parts on this bend: the horizontal line first, then the vertical line.
+ if (_is_branch_selected(c)) {
+ // If this item or one of its children is selected, we draw the line using parent highlight style.
+ if (htotal >= 0) {
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, root_pos, Point2i(parent_pos.x + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2), root_pos.y), cache.parent_hl_line_color, parent_line_width);
+ }
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, Point2i(parent_pos.x, root_pos.y + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2)), Point2i(parent_pos.x, prev_hl_ofs), cache.parent_hl_line_color, parent_line_width);
+ more_prev_ofs = cache.parent_hl_line_margin;
+ prev_hl_ofs = root_pos.y + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2);
+ } else if (p_item->is_selected(0)) {
+ // If parent item is selected (but this item is not), we draw the line using children highlight style.
+ // Siblings of the selected branch can be drawn with a slight offset and their vertical line must appear as highlighted.
+ if (_is_sibling_branch_selected(c)) {
+ if (htotal >= 0) {
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, root_pos, Point2i(parent_pos.x + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2), root_pos.y), cache.children_hl_line_color, children_line_width);
+ }
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, Point2i(parent_pos.x, root_pos.y + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2)), Point2i(parent_pos.x, prev_hl_ofs), cache.parent_hl_line_color, parent_line_width);
- more_prev_ofs = cache.parent_hl_line_margin;
prev_hl_ofs = root_pos.y + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2);
- } else if (p_item->is_selected(0)) {
- // If parent item is selected (but this item is not), we draw the line using children highlight style.
- // Siblings of the selected branch can be drawn with a slight offset and their vertical line must appear as highlighted.
- if (_is_sibling_branch_selected(c)) {
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, root_pos, Point2i(parent_pos.x + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2), root_pos.y), cache.children_hl_line_color, children_line_width);
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, Point2i(parent_pos.x, root_pos.y + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2)), Point2i(parent_pos.x, prev_hl_ofs), cache.parent_hl_line_color, parent_line_width);
- prev_hl_ofs = root_pos.y + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2);
- } else {
+ } else {
+ if (htotal >= 0) {
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, root_pos, Point2i(parent_pos.x + Math::floor(children_line_width / 2), root_pos.y), cache.children_hl_line_color, children_line_width);
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, Point2i(parent_pos.x, root_pos.y + Math::floor(children_line_width / 2)), Point2i(parent_pos.x, prev_ofs + Math::floor(children_line_width / 2)), cache.children_hl_line_color, children_line_width);
- } else {
- // If nothing of the above is true, we draw the line using normal style.
- // Siblings of the selected branch can be drawn with a slight offset and their vertical line must appear as highlighted.
- if (_is_sibling_branch_selected(c)) {
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, Point2i(parent_pos.x, root_pos.y + Math::floor(children_line_width / 2)), Point2i(parent_pos.x, prev_ofs + Math::floor(children_line_width / 2)), cache.children_hl_line_color, children_line_width);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If nothing of the above is true, we draw the line using normal style.
+ // Siblings of the selected branch can be drawn with a slight offset and their vertical line must appear as highlighted.
+ if (_is_sibling_branch_selected(c)) {
+ if (htotal >= 0) {
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, root_pos, Point2i(parent_pos.x + cache.parent_hl_line_margin, root_pos.y), cache.relationship_line_color, line_width);
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, Point2i(parent_pos.x, root_pos.y + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2)), Point2i(parent_pos.x, prev_hl_ofs), cache.parent_hl_line_color, parent_line_width);
+ }
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, Point2i(parent_pos.x, root_pos.y + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2)), Point2i(parent_pos.x, prev_hl_ofs), cache.parent_hl_line_color, parent_line_width);
- prev_hl_ofs = root_pos.y + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2);
- } else {
+ prev_hl_ofs = root_pos.y + Math::floor(parent_line_width / 2);
+ } else {
+ if (htotal >= 0) {
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, root_pos, Point2i(parent_pos.x + Math::floor(line_width / 2), root_pos.y), cache.relationship_line_color, line_width);
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, Point2i(parent_pos.x, root_pos.y + Math::floor(line_width / 2)), Point2i(parent_pos.x, prev_ofs + Math::floor(line_width / 2)), cache.relationship_line_color, line_width);
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_line(ci, Point2i(parent_pos.x, root_pos.y + Math::floor(line_width / 2)), Point2i(parent_pos.x, prev_ofs + Math::floor(line_width / 2)), cache.relationship_line_color, line_width);
- prev_ofs = root_pos.y + more_prev_ofs;
- if (child_h < 0) {
- if (cache.draw_relationship_lines == 0) {
- return -1; // break, stop drawing, no need to anymore
- }
+ prev_ofs = root_pos.y + more_prev_ofs;
+ }
- htotal = -1;
- children_pos.y = cache.offset.y + p_draw_size.height;
- } else {
- htotal += child_h;
- children_pos.y += child_h;
+ if (child_h < 0) {
+ if (htotal == -1) {
+ break; // Last loop done, stop.
+ }
+ if (cache.draw_relationship_lines == 0) {
+ return -1; // No need to draw anymore, full stop.
+ htotal = -1;
+ children_pos.y = cache.offset.y + p_draw_size.height;
+ } else {
+ htotal += child_h;
+ children_pos.y += child_h;
c = c->next;
@@ -2670,8 +2682,8 @@ int Tree::propagate_mouse_event(const Point2i &p_pos, int x_ofs, int y_ofs, int
click_handled = true;
- popup_edited_item = p_item;
- popup_edited_item_col = col;
+ popup_pressing_edited_item = p_item;
+ popup_pressing_edited_item_column = col;
pressing_item_rect = Rect2(get_global_position() + Point2i(col_ofs, _get_title_button_height() + y_ofs) - cache.offset, Size2(col_width, item_h));
pressing_for_editor_text = editor_text;
@@ -3206,10 +3218,16 @@ void Tree::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
- if (pressing_for_editor && popup_edited_item && (popup_edited_item->get_cell_mode(popup_edited_item_col) == TreeItem::CELL_MODE_RANGE)) {
- //range drag
+ if (pressing_for_editor && popup_pressing_edited_item && (popup_pressing_edited_item->get_cell_mode(popup_pressing_edited_item_column) == TreeItem::CELL_MODE_RANGE)) {
+ /* This needs to happen now, because the popup can be closed when pressing another item, and must remain the popup edited item until it actually closes */
+ popup_edited_item = popup_pressing_edited_item;
+ popup_edited_item_col = popup_pressing_edited_item_column;
+ popup_pressing_edited_item = nullptr;
+ popup_pressing_edited_item_column = -1;
if (!range_drag_enabled) {
+ //range drag
Vector2 cpos = mm->get_position();
if (rtl) {
cpos.x = get_size().width - cpos.x;
@@ -3994,6 +4012,7 @@ void Tree::clear() {
selected_item = nullptr;
edited_item = nullptr;
popup_edited_item = nullptr;
+ popup_pressing_edited_item = nullptr;
@@ -4309,12 +4328,16 @@ int Tree::get_pressed_button() const {
return pressed_button;
-Rect2 Tree::get_item_rect(TreeItem *p_item, int p_column) const {
+Rect2 Tree::get_item_rect(TreeItem *p_item, int p_column, int p_button) const {
ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(p_item, Rect2());
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_item->tree != this, Rect2());
if (p_column != -1) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_column, columns.size(), Rect2());
+ if (p_button != -1) {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_column == -1, Rect2()); // pass a column if you want to pass a button
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_button, p_item->cells[p_column].buttons.size(), Rect2());
+ }
int ofs = get_item_offset(p_item);
int height = compute_item_height(p_item);
@@ -4332,6 +4355,19 @@ Rect2 Tree::get_item_rect(TreeItem *p_item, int p_column) const {
r.position.x = accum;
r.size.x = get_column_width(p_column);
+ if (p_button != -1) {
+ const TreeItem::Cell &c = p_item->cells[p_column];
+ Vector2 ofst = Vector2(r.position.x + r.size.x, r.position.y);
+ for (int j = c.buttons.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+ Ref<Texture2D> b = c.buttons[j].texture;
+ Size2 size = b->get_size() + cache.button_pressed->get_minimum_size();
+ ofst.x -= size.x;
+ if (j == p_button) {
+ return Rect2(ofst, size);
+ }
+ }
+ }
return r;
@@ -4870,7 +4906,7 @@ void Tree::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_edited_column"), &Tree::get_edited_column);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("edit_selected"), &Tree::edit_selected);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_custom_popup_rect"), &Tree::get_custom_popup_rect);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_item_area_rect", "item", "column"), &Tree::get_item_rect, DEFVAL(-1));
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_item_area_rect", "item", "column", "button_index"), &Tree::get_item_rect, DEFVAL(-1), DEFVAL(-1));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_item_at_position", "position"), &Tree::get_item_at_position);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_column_at_position", "position"), &Tree::get_column_at_position);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_drop_section_at_position", "position"), &Tree::get_drop_section_at_position);