path: root/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'scene/gui/text_edit.cpp')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp b/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
index d5249e9ee5..81c53708ab 100644
--- a/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
@@ -810,8 +810,8 @@ void TextEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
+ bool is_cursor_line_visible = false;
Point2 cursor_pos;
- int cursor_insert_offset_y = 0;
// Get the highlighted words.
String highlighted_text = get_selection_text();
@@ -1238,6 +1238,7 @@ void TextEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
+ const int line_top_offset_y = ofs_y;
ofs_y += (row_height - text_height) / 2;
const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = TS->shaped_text_get_glyphs(rid);
@@ -1327,7 +1328,9 @@ void TextEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
int caret_width = 1;
if (cursor.line == line && ((line_wrap_index == line_wrap_amount) || (cursor.column != TS->shaped_text_get_range(rid).y))) {
- cursor_pos.y = ofs_y + ldata->get_line_descent(line_wrap_index);
+ is_cursor_line_visible = true;
+ cursor_pos.y = line_top_offset_y;
if (ime_text.length() == 0) {
Rect2 l_caret, t_caret;
TextServer::Direction l_dir, t_dir;
@@ -1446,78 +1449,97 @@ void TextEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
bool completion_below = false;
- if (completion_active && completion_options.size() > 0) {
- // Code completion box.
- Ref<StyleBox> csb = get_theme_stylebox("completion");
- int maxlines = get_theme_constant("completion_lines");
- int cmax_width = get_theme_constant("completion_max_width") * cache.font->get_char_size('x', 0, cache.font_size).x;
- int scrollw = get_theme_constant("completion_scroll_width");
- Color scrollc = get_theme_color("completion_scroll_color");
+ if (completion_active && is_cursor_line_visible && completion_options.size() > 0) {
+ // Completion panel
+ const Ref<StyleBox> csb = get_theme_stylebox("completion");
+ const int maxlines = get_theme_constant("completion_lines");
+ const int cmax_width = get_theme_constant("completion_max_width") * cache.font->get_char_size('x', 0, cache.font_size).x;
+ const Color scrollc = get_theme_color("completion_scroll_color");
const int completion_options_size = completion_options.size();
- int lines = MIN(completion_options_size, maxlines);
- int w = 0;
- int h = lines * row_height;
- int nofs = cache.font->get_string_size(completion_base, cache.font_size).width;
+ const int row_count = MIN(completion_options_size, maxlines);
+ const int completion_rows_height = row_count * row_height;
+ const int completion_base_width = cache.font->get_string_size(completion_base, cache.font_size).width;
+ int scroll_rectangle_width = get_theme_constant("completion_scroll_width");
+ int width = 0;
+ // Compute max width of the panel based on the longest completion option
if (completion_options_size < 50) {
for (int i = 0; i < completion_options_size; i++) {
- int w2 = MIN(cache.font->get_string_size(completion_options[i].display, cache.font_size).x, cmax_width);
- if (w2 > w) {
- w = w2;
+ int line_width = MIN(cache.font->get_string_size(completion_options[i].display, cache.font_size).x, cmax_width);
+ if (line_width > width) {
+ width = line_width;
} else {
- w = cmax_width;
+ width = cmax_width;
// Add space for completion icons.
const int icon_hsep = get_theme_constant("hseparation", "ItemList");
- Size2 icon_area_size(row_height, row_height);
- w += icon_area_size.width + icon_hsep;
+ const Size2 icon_area_size(row_height, row_height);
+ const int icon_area_width = icon_area_size.width + icon_hsep;
+ width += icon_area_width;
- int line_from = CLAMP(completion_index - lines / 2, 0, completion_options_size - lines);
+ const int line_from = CLAMP(completion_index - row_count / 2, 0, completion_options_size - row_count);
- for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < row_count; i++) {
int l = line_from + i;
ERR_CONTINUE(l < 0 || l >= completion_options_size);
if (completion_options[l].default_value.get_type() == Variant::COLOR) {
- w += icon_area_size.width;
+ width += icon_area_size.width;
- int th = h + csb->get_minimum_size().y;
+ // Position completion panel
+ completion_rect.size.width = width + 2;
+ completion_rect.size.height = completion_rows_height;
- if (cursor_pos.y + row_height + th > get_size().height) {
- completion_rect.position.y = cursor_pos.y - th - (cache.line_spacing / 2.0f) - cursor_insert_offset_y;
- } else {
- completion_rect.position.y = cursor_pos.y + cache.font->get_height(cache.font_size) + (cache.line_spacing / 2.0f) + csb->get_offset().y - cursor_insert_offset_y;
- completion_below = true;
+ if (completion_options_size <= maxlines) {
+ scroll_rectangle_width = 0;
- if (cursor_pos.x - nofs + w + scrollw > get_size().width) {
- completion_rect.position.x = get_size().width - w - scrollw;
+ const Point2 csb_offset = csb->get_offset();
+ const int total_width = completion_rect.size.width + csb->get_minimum_size().x + scroll_rectangle_width;
+ const int total_height = completion_rect.size.height + csb->get_minimum_size().y;
+ const int rect_left_border_x = cursor_pos.x - completion_base_width - icon_area_width - csb_offset.x;
+ const int rect_right_border_x = rect_left_border_x + total_width;
+ if (rect_left_border_x < 0) {
+ // Anchor the completion panel to the left
+ completion_rect.position.x = 0;
+ } else if (rect_right_border_x > get_size().width) {
+ // Anchor the completion panel to the right
+ completion_rect.position.x = get_size().width - total_width;
} else {
- completion_rect.position.x = cursor_pos.x - nofs;
+ // Let the completion panel float with the cursor
+ completion_rect.position.x = rect_left_border_x;
- completion_rect.size.width = w + 2;
- completion_rect.size.height = h;
- if (completion_options_size <= maxlines) {
- scrollw = 0;
+ if (cursor_pos.y + row_height + total_height > get_size().height) {
+ // Completion panel above the cursor line
+ completion_rect.position.y = cursor_pos.y - total_height;
+ } else {
+ // Completion panel below the cursor line
+ completion_rect.position.y = cursor_pos.y + row_height;
+ completion_below = true;
- draw_style_box(csb, Rect2(completion_rect.position - csb->get_offset(), completion_rect.size + csb->get_minimum_size() + Size2(scrollw, 0)));
+ draw_style_box(csb, Rect2(completion_rect.position - csb_offset, completion_rect.size + csb->get_minimum_size() + Size2(scroll_rectangle_width, 0)));
if (cache.completion_background_color.a > 0.01) {
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(completion_rect.position, completion_rect.size + Size2(scrollw, 0)), cache.completion_background_color);
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(completion_rect.position, completion_rect.size + Size2(scroll_rectangle_width, 0)), cache.completion_background_color);
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(Point2(completion_rect.position.x, completion_rect.position.y + (completion_index - line_from) * get_row_height()), Size2(completion_rect.size.width, get_row_height())), cache.completion_selected_color);
- draw_rect(Rect2(completion_rect.position + Vector2(icon_area_size.x + icon_hsep, 0), Size2(MIN(nofs, completion_rect.size.width - (icon_area_size.x + icon_hsep)), completion_rect.size.height)), cache.completion_existing_color);
+ draw_rect(Rect2(completion_rect.position + Vector2(icon_area_size.x + icon_hsep, 0), Size2(MIN(completion_base_width, completion_rect.size.width - (icon_area_size.x + icon_hsep)), completion_rect.size.height)), cache.completion_existing_color);
- for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < row_count; i++) {
int l = line_from + i;
ERR_CONTINUE(l < 0 || l >= completion_options_size);
@@ -1557,11 +1579,11 @@ void TextEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
tl->draw(ci, title_pos, completion_options[l].font_color);
- if (scrollw) {
+ if (scroll_rectangle_width) {
// Draw a small scroll rectangle to show a position in the options.
float r = (float)maxlines / completion_options_size;
float o = (float)line_from / completion_options_size;
- draw_rect(Rect2(completion_rect.position.x + completion_rect.size.width, completion_rect.position.y + o * completion_rect.size.y, scrollw, completion_rect.size.y * r), scrollc);
+ draw_rect(Rect2(completion_rect.position.x + completion_rect.size.width, completion_rect.position.y + o * completion_rect.size.y, scroll_rectangle_width, completion_rect.size.y * r), scrollc);
completion_line_ofs = line_from;
@@ -1569,7 +1591,7 @@ void TextEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
// Check to see if the hint should be drawn.
bool show_hint = false;
- if (completion_hint != "") {
+ if (is_cursor_line_visible && completion_hint != "") {
if (completion_active) {
if (completion_below && !callhint_below) {
show_hint = true;