path: root/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'scene/gui/text_edit.cpp')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 489 deletions
diff --git a/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp b/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
index 1d732bec5b..957e1c11c7 100644
--- a/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/text_edit.cpp
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ static int _find_first_non_whitespace_column_of_line(const String &line) {
return left;
void TextEdit::Text::set_font(const Ref<Font> &p_font) {
font = p_font;
@@ -165,12 +167,6 @@ void TextEdit::Text::clear_wrap_cache() {
-void TextEdit::Text::clear_info_icons() {
- for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) {
- text.write[i].has_info = false;
- }
void TextEdit::Text::clear() {
insert(0, "");
@@ -198,12 +194,9 @@ void TextEdit::Text::set(int p_line, const String &p_text) {
void TextEdit::Text::insert(int p_at, const String &p_text) {
Line line;
+ line.gutters.resize(gutter_count);
line.marked = false;
- = false;
- line.breakpoint = false;
- line.bookmark = false;
line.hidden = false;
- line.has_info = false;
line.width_cache = -1;
line.wrap_amount_cache = -1; = p_text;
@@ -231,6 +224,32 @@ int TextEdit::Text::get_char_width(char32_t c, char32_t next_c, int px) const {
return w;
+void TextEdit::Text::add_gutter(int p_at) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) {
+ if (p_at < 0 || p_at > gutter_count) {
+ text.write[i].gutters.push_back(Gutter());
+ } else {
+ text.write[i].gutters.insert(p_at, Gutter());
+ }
+ }
+ gutter_count++;
+void TextEdit::Text::remove_gutter(int p_gutter) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) {
+ text.write[i].gutters.remove(p_gutter);
+ }
+ gutter_count--;
+void TextEdit::Text::move_gutters(int p_from_line, int p_to_line) {
+ text.write[p_to_line].gutters = text[p_from_line].gutters;
+ text.write[p_from_line].gutters.clear();
+ text.write[p_from_line].gutters.resize(gutter_count);
void TextEdit::_update_scrollbars() {
Size2 size = get_size();
Size2 hmin = h_scroll->get_combined_minimum_size();
@@ -249,23 +268,7 @@ void TextEdit::_update_scrollbars() {
int visible_width = size.width - cache.style_normal->get_minimum_size().width;
- int total_width = text.get_max_width(true) + vmin.x;
- if (line_numbers) {
- total_width += cache.line_number_w;
- }
- if (draw_breakpoint_gutter || draw_bookmark_gutter) {
- total_width += cache.breakpoint_gutter_width;
- }
- if (draw_info_gutter) {
- total_width += cache.info_gutter_width;
- }
- if (draw_fold_gutter) {
- total_width += cache.fold_gutter_width;
- }
+ int total_width = text.get_max_width(true) + vmin.x + gutters_width + gutter_padding;
if (draw_minimap) {
total_width += cache.minimap_width;
@@ -557,54 +560,16 @@ void TextEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
draw_caret = false;
- if (draw_breakpoint_gutter || draw_bookmark_gutter) {
- breakpoint_gutter_width = (get_row_height() * 55) / 100;
- cache.breakpoint_gutter_width = breakpoint_gutter_width;
- } else {
- cache.breakpoint_gutter_width = 0;
- }
- if (draw_info_gutter) {
- info_gutter_width = (get_row_height());
- cache.info_gutter_width = info_gutter_width;
- } else {
- cache.info_gutter_width = 0;
- }
- if (draw_fold_gutter) {
- fold_gutter_width = (get_row_height() * 55) / 100;
- cache.fold_gutter_width = fold_gutter_width;
- } else {
- cache.fold_gutter_width = 0;
- }
cache.minimap_width = 0;
if (draw_minimap) {
cache.minimap_width = minimap_width;
- int line_number_char_count = 0;
- {
- int lc = text.size();
- cache.line_number_w = 0;
- while (lc) {
- cache.line_number_w += 1;
- lc /= 10;
- };
- if (line_numbers) {
- line_number_char_count = cache.line_number_w;
- cache.line_number_w = (cache.line_number_w + 1) * cache.font->get_char_size('0').width;
- } else {
- cache.line_number_w = 0;
- }
- }
RID ci = get_canvas_item();
RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_set_clip(get_canvas_item(), true);
- int xmargin_beg = cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + cache.line_number_w + cache.breakpoint_gutter_width + cache.fold_gutter_width + cache.info_gutter_width;
+ int xmargin_beg = cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + gutters_width + gutter_padding;
int xmargin_end = size.width - cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT) - cache.minimap_width;
// Let's do it easy for now.
@@ -795,8 +760,6 @@ void TextEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
// Check if highlighted words contains only whitespaces (tabs or spaces).
bool only_whitespaces_highlighted = highlighted_text.strip_edges() == String();
- String line_num_padding = line_numbers_zero_padded ? "0" : " ";
int cursor_wrap_index = get_cursor_wrap_index();
FontDrawer drawer(cache.font, Color(1, 1, 1));
@@ -1053,103 +1016,52 @@ void TextEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
if (line_wrap_index == 0) {
// Only do these if we are on the first wrapped part of a line.
- if (text.is_breakpoint(line) && !draw_breakpoint_gutter) {
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(xmargin_beg + ofs_x, ofs_y + get_row_height() - EDSCALE, xmargin_end - xmargin_beg, EDSCALE), cache.breakpoint_color);
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(xmargin_beg + ofs_x, ofs_y, xmargin_end - xmargin_beg, get_row_height()), cache.breakpoint_color);
- }
+ int gutter_offset = cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT);
+ for (int g = 0; g < gutters.size(); g++) {
+ const GutterInfo gutter = gutters[g];
- // Draw bookmark marker.
- if (text.is_bookmark(line)) {
- if (draw_bookmark_gutter) {
- int vertical_gap = (get_row_height() * 40) / 100;
- int horizontal_gap = (cache.breakpoint_gutter_width * 30) / 100;
- int marker_radius = get_row_height() - (vertical_gap * 2);
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_circle(ci, Point2(cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + horizontal_gap - 2 + marker_radius / 2, ofs_y + vertical_gap + marker_radius / 2), marker_radius, Color(cache.bookmark_color.r, cache.bookmark_color.g, cache.bookmark_color.b));
+ if (!gutter.draw || gutter.width <= 0) {
+ continue;
- }
- // Draw breakpoint marker.
- if (text.is_breakpoint(line)) {
- if (draw_breakpoint_gutter) {
- int vertical_gap = (get_row_height() * 40) / 100;
- int horizontal_gap = (cache.breakpoint_gutter_width * 30) / 100;
- int marker_height = get_row_height() - (vertical_gap * 2);
- int marker_width = cache.breakpoint_gutter_width - (horizontal_gap * 2);
- // No transparency on marker.
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + horizontal_gap - 2, ofs_y + vertical_gap, marker_width, marker_height), Color(cache.breakpoint_color.r, cache.breakpoint_color.g, cache.breakpoint_color.b));
- }
- }
- // Draw info icons.
- if (draw_info_gutter && text.has_info_icon(line)) {
- int vertical_gap = (get_row_height() * 40) / 100;
- int horizontal_gap = (cache.info_gutter_width * 30) / 100;
- int gutter_left = cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + cache.breakpoint_gutter_width;
- Ref<Texture2D> info_icon = text.get_info_icon(line);
- // Ensure the icon fits the gutter size.
- Size2i icon_size = info_icon->get_size();
- if (icon_size.width > cache.info_gutter_width - horizontal_gap) {
- icon_size.width = cache.info_gutter_width - horizontal_gap;
- }
- if (icon_size.height > get_row_height() - horizontal_gap) {
- icon_size.height = get_row_height() - horizontal_gap;
- }
+ switch (gutter.type) {
+ const String &text = get_line_gutter_text(line, g);
+ if (text == "") {
+ break;
+ }
- Size2i icon_pos;
- int xofs = horizontal_gap - (info_icon->get_width() / 4);
- int yofs = vertical_gap - (info_icon->get_height() / 4);
- icon_pos.x = gutter_left + xofs + ofs_x;
- icon_pos.y = ofs_y + yofs;
+ int yofs = ofs_y + (get_row_height() - cache.font->get_height()) / 2;
+ cache.font->draw(ci, Point2(gutter_offset + ofs_x, yofs + cache.font->get_ascent()), text, get_line_gutter_item_color(line, g));
+ } break;
+ const Ref<Texture2D> icon = get_line_gutter_icon(line, g);
+ if (icon.is_null()) {
+ break;
+ }
- draw_texture_rect(info_icon, Rect2(icon_pos, icon_size));
- }
+ Rect2i gutter_rect = Rect2i(Point2i(gutter_offset, ofs_y), Size2i(gutter.width, get_row_height()));
- // Draw execution marker.
- if (executing_line == line) {
- if (draw_breakpoint_gutter) {
- int icon_extra_size = 4;
- int vertical_gap = (get_row_height() * 40) / 100;
- int horizontal_gap = (cache.breakpoint_gutter_width * 30) / 100;
- int marker_height = get_row_height() - (vertical_gap * 2) + icon_extra_size;
- int marker_width = cache.breakpoint_gutter_width - (horizontal_gap * 2) + icon_extra_size;
- cache.executing_icon->draw_rect(ci, Rect2(cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + horizontal_gap - 2 - icon_extra_size / 2, ofs_y + vertical_gap - icon_extra_size / 2, marker_width, marker_height), false, Color(cache.executing_line_color.r, cache.executing_line_color.g, cache.executing_line_color.b));
- } else {
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(xmargin_beg + ofs_x, ofs_y + get_row_height() - EDSCALE, xmargin_end - xmargin_beg, EDSCALE), cache.executing_line_color);
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(xmargin_beg + ofs_x, ofs_y, xmargin_end - xmargin_beg, get_row_height()), cache.executing_line_color);
- }
- }
+ int horizontal_padding = gutter_rect.size.x / 6;
+ int vertical_padding = gutter_rect.size.y / 6;
- // Draw fold markers.
- if (draw_fold_gutter) {
- int horizontal_gap = (cache.fold_gutter_width * 30) / 100;
- int gutter_left = cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + cache.breakpoint_gutter_width + cache.line_number_w + cache.info_gutter_width;
- if (is_folded(line)) {
- int xofs = horizontal_gap - (cache.can_fold_icon->get_width()) / 2;
- int yofs = (get_row_height() - cache.folded_icon->get_height()) / 2;
- cache.folded_icon->draw(ci, Point2(gutter_left + xofs + ofs_x, ofs_y + yofs), cache.code_folding_color);
- } else if (can_fold(line)) {
- int xofs = -cache.can_fold_icon->get_width() / 2 - horizontal_gap + 3;
- int yofs = (get_row_height() - cache.can_fold_icon->get_height()) / 2;
- cache.can_fold_icon->draw(ci, Point2(gutter_left + xofs + ofs_x, ofs_y + yofs), cache.code_folding_color);
- }
- }
+ gutter_rect.position += Point2(horizontal_padding, vertical_padding);
+ gutter_rect.size -= Point2(horizontal_padding, vertical_padding) * 2;
- // Draw line numbers.
- if (cache.line_number_w) {
- int yofs = ofs_y + (get_row_height() - cache.font->get_height()) / 2;
- String fc = String::num(line + 1);
- while (fc.length() < line_number_char_count) {
- fc = line_num_padding + fc;
+ icon->draw_rect(ci, gutter_rect, false, get_line_gutter_item_color(line, g));
+ } break;
+ if (gutter.custom_draw_obj.is_valid()) {
+ Object *cdo = ObjectDB::get_instance(gutter.custom_draw_obj);
+ if (cdo) {
+ Rect2i gutter_rect = Rect2i(Point2i(gutter_offset, ofs_y), Size2i(gutter.width, get_row_height()));
+ cdo->call(gutter.custom_draw_callback, line, g, Rect2(gutter_rect));
+ }
+ }
+ } break;
- cache.font->draw(ci, Point2(cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + cache.breakpoint_gutter_width + cache.info_gutter_width + ofs_x, yofs + cache.font->get_ascent()), fc, text.is_safe(line) ? cache.safe_line_number_color : cache.line_number_color);
+ gutter_offset += gutter.width;
@@ -1797,18 +1709,34 @@ void TextEdit::backspace_at_cursor() {
int prev_line = cursor.column ? cursor.line : cursor.line - 1;
int prev_column = cursor.column ? (cursor.column - 1) : (text[cursor.line - 1].length());
- if (is_line_hidden(cursor.line)) {
- set_line_as_hidden(prev_line, true);
- }
- if (is_line_set_as_breakpoint(cursor.line)) {
- if (!text.is_breakpoint(prev_line)) {
- emit_signal("breakpoint_toggled", prev_line);
+ if (cursor.line != prev_line) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < gutters.size(); i++) {
+ if (!gutters[i].overwritable) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (text.get_line_gutter_text(cursor.line, i) != "") {
+ text.set_line_gutter_text(prev_line, i, text.get_line_gutter_text(cursor.line, i));
+ text.set_line_gutter_item_color(prev_line, i, text.get_line_gutter_item_color(cursor.line, i));
+ }
+ if (text.get_line_gutter_icon(cursor.line, i).is_valid()) {
+ text.set_line_gutter_icon(prev_line, i, text.get_line_gutter_icon(cursor.line, i));
+ text.set_line_gutter_item_color(prev_line, i, text.get_line_gutter_item_color(cursor.line, i));
+ }
+ if (text.get_line_gutter_metadata(cursor.line, i) != "") {
+ text.set_line_gutter_metadata(prev_line, i, text.get_line_gutter_metadata(cursor.line, i));
+ }
+ if (text.is_line_gutter_clickable(cursor.line, i)) {
+ text.set_line_gutter_clickable(prev_line, i, true);
+ }
- set_line_as_breakpoint(prev_line, true);
- if (text.has_info_icon(cursor.line)) {
- set_line_info_icon(prev_line, text.get_info_icon(cursor.line), text.get_info(cursor.line));
+ if (is_line_hidden(cursor.line)) {
+ set_line_as_hidden(prev_line, true);
if (auto_brace_completion_enabled &&
@@ -1998,7 +1926,7 @@ void TextEdit::_get_mouse_pos(const Point2i &p_mouse, int &r_row, int &r_col) co
row = text.size() - 1;
col = text[row].size();
} else {
- int colx = p_mouse.x - (cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + cache.line_number_w + cache.breakpoint_gutter_width + cache.fold_gutter_width + cache.info_gutter_width);
+ int colx = p_mouse.x - (cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + gutters_width + gutter_padding);
colx += cursor.x_ofs;
col = get_char_pos_for_line(colx, row, wrap_index);
if (is_wrap_enabled() && wrap_index < times_line_wraps(row)) {
@@ -2043,7 +1971,7 @@ Vector2i TextEdit::_get_cursor_pixel_pos() {
// Calculate final pixel position
int y = (row - get_v_scroll_offset() + 1 /*Bottom of line*/) * get_row_height();
- int x = cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + cache.line_number_w + cache.breakpoint_gutter_width + cache.fold_gutter_width + cache.info_gutter_width - cursor.x_ofs;
+ int x = cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + gutters_width + gutter_padding - cursor.x_ofs;
int ix = 0;
while (ix < rows2[0].size() && ix < cursor.column) {
if (cache.font != nullptr) {
@@ -2178,45 +2106,24 @@ void TextEdit::_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_gui_input) {
int row, col;
_get_mouse_pos(Point2i(mb->get_position().x, mb->get_position().y), row, col);
- // Toggle breakpoint on gutter click.
- if (draw_breakpoint_gutter) {
- int gutter = cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT);
- if (mb->get_position().x > gutter - 6 && mb->get_position().x <= gutter + cache.breakpoint_gutter_width - 3) {
- set_line_as_breakpoint(row, !is_line_set_as_breakpoint(row));
- emit_signal("breakpoint_toggled", row);
- return;
+ int left_margin = cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT);
+ for (int i = 0; i < gutters.size(); i++) {
+ if (!gutters[i].draw || gutters[i].width <= 0) {
+ continue;
- }
- // Emit info clicked.
- if (draw_info_gutter && text.has_info_icon(row)) {
- int left_margin = cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT);
- int gutter_left = left_margin + cache.breakpoint_gutter_width;
- if (mb->get_position().x > gutter_left - 6 && mb->get_position().x <= gutter_left + cache.info_gutter_width - 3) {
- emit_signal("info_clicked", row, text.get_info(row));
+ if (mb->get_position().x > left_margin && mb->get_position().x <= (left_margin + gutters[i].width) - 3) {
+ emit_signal("gutter_clicked", row, i);
- }
- // Toggle fold on gutter click if can.
- if (draw_fold_gutter) {
- int left_margin = cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT);
- int gutter_left = left_margin + cache.breakpoint_gutter_width + cache.line_number_w + cache.info_gutter_width;
- if (mb->get_position().x > gutter_left - 6 && mb->get_position().x <= gutter_left + cache.fold_gutter_width - 3) {
- if (is_folded(row)) {
- unfold_line(row);
- } else if (can_fold(row)) {
- fold_line(row);
- }
- return;
- }
+ left_margin += gutters[i].width;
// Unfold on folded icon click.
if (is_folded(row)) {
- int line_width = text.get_line_width(row);
- line_width += cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + cache.line_number_w + cache.breakpoint_gutter_width + cache.info_gutter_width + cache.fold_gutter_width - cursor.x_ofs;
- if (mb->get_position().x > line_width - 3 && mb->get_position().x <= line_width + cache.folded_eol_icon->get_width() + 3) {
+ left_margin += gutter_padding + text.get_line_width(row) - cursor.x_ofs;
+ if (mb->get_position().x > left_margin && mb->get_position().x <= left_margin + cache.folded_eol_icon->get_width() + 3) {
@@ -3775,30 +3682,15 @@ void TextEdit::_base_insert_text(int p_line, int p_char, const String &p_text, i
Vector<String> substrings = p_text.replace("\r", "").split("\n");
- /* STEP 2: Fire breakpoint_toggled signals. */
// Is this just a new empty line?
bool shift_first_line = p_char == 0 && p_text.replace("\r", "") == "\n";
- int i = p_line + !shift_first_line;
- int lines = substrings.size() - 1;
- for (; i < text.size(); i++) {
- if (text.is_breakpoint(i)) {
- if ((i - lines < p_line || !text.is_breakpoint(i - lines)) || (i - lines == p_line && !shift_first_line)) {
- emit_signal("breakpoint_toggled", i);
- }
- if (i + lines >= text.size() || !text.is_breakpoint(i + lines)) {
- emit_signal("breakpoint_toggled", i + lines);
- }
- }
- }
- /* STEP 3: Add spaces if the char is greater than the end of the line. */
+ /* STEP 2: Add spaces if the char is greater than the end of the line. */
while (p_char > text[p_line].length()) {
text.set(p_line, text[p_line] + String::chr(' '));
- /* STEP 4: Separate dest string in pre and post text. */
+ /* STEP 3: Separate dest string in pre and post text. */
String preinsert_text = text[p_line].substr(0, p_char);
String postinsert_text = text[p_line].substr(p_char, text[p_line].size());
@@ -3818,15 +3710,10 @@ void TextEdit::_base_insert_text(int p_line, int p_char, const String &p_text, i
if (shift_first_line) {
- text.set_breakpoint(p_line + 1, text.is_breakpoint(p_line));
+ text.move_gutters(p_line, p_line + 1);
text.set_hidden(p_line + 1, text.is_hidden(p_line));
- if (text.has_info_icon(p_line)) {
- text.set_info_icon(p_line + 1, text.get_info_icon(p_line), text.get_info(p_line));
- }
- text.set_breakpoint(p_line, false);
text.set_hidden(p_line, false);
- text.set_info_icon(p_line, nullptr, "");
text.set_line_wrap_amount(p_line, -1);
@@ -3840,7 +3727,7 @@ void TextEdit::_base_insert_text(int p_line, int p_char, const String &p_text, i
text_changed_dirty = true;
- emit_signal("line_edited_from", p_line);
+ emit_signal("lines_edited_from", p_line, r_end_line);
String TextEdit::_base_get_text(int p_from_line, int p_from_column, int p_to_line, int p_to_column) const {
@@ -3877,19 +3764,6 @@ void TextEdit::_base_remove_text(int p_from_line, int p_from_column, int p_to_li
String pre_text = text[p_from_line].substr(0, p_from_column);
String post_text = text[p_to_line].substr(p_to_column, text[p_to_line].length());
- int lines = p_to_line - p_from_line;
- for (int i = p_from_line + 1; i < text.size(); i++) {
- if (text.is_breakpoint(i)) {
- if (i + lines >= text.size() || !text.is_breakpoint(i + lines)) {
- emit_signal("breakpoint_toggled", i);
- }
- if (i > p_to_line && (i - lines < 0 || !text.is_breakpoint(i - lines))) {
- emit_signal("breakpoint_toggled", i - lines);
- }
- }
- }
for (int i = p_from_line; i < p_to_line; i++) {
text.remove(p_from_line + 1);
@@ -3903,7 +3777,7 @@ void TextEdit::_base_remove_text(int p_from_line, int p_from_column, int p_to_li
text_changed_dirty = true;
- emit_signal("line_edited_from", p_from_line);
+ emit_signal("lines_edited_from", p_to_line, p_from_line);
void TextEdit::_insert_text(int p_line, int p_char, const String &p_text, int *r_end_line, int *r_end_char) {
@@ -4097,7 +3971,7 @@ int TextEdit::get_total_visible_rows() const {
void TextEdit::_update_wrap_at() {
- wrap_at = get_size().width - cache.style_normal->get_minimum_size().width - cache.line_number_w - cache.breakpoint_gutter_width - cache.fold_gutter_width - cache.info_gutter_width - cache.minimap_width - wrap_right_offset;
+ wrap_at = get_size().width - cache.style_normal->get_minimum_size().width - gutters_width - gutter_padding - cache.minimap_width - wrap_right_offset;
@@ -4132,7 +4006,7 @@ void TextEdit::adjust_viewport_to_cursor() {
set_line_as_last_visible(cur_line, cur_wrap);
- int visible_width = get_size().width - cache.style_normal->get_minimum_size().width - cache.line_number_w - cache.breakpoint_gutter_width - cache.fold_gutter_width - cache.info_gutter_width - cache.minimap_width;
+ int visible_width = get_size().width - cache.style_normal->get_minimum_size().width - gutters_width - gutter_padding - cache.minimap_width;
if (v_scroll->is_visible_in_tree()) {
visible_width -= v_scroll->get_combined_minimum_size().width;
@@ -4167,7 +4041,7 @@ void TextEdit::center_viewport_to_cursor() {
set_line_as_center_visible(cursor.line, get_cursor_wrap_index());
- int visible_width = get_size().width - cache.style_normal->get_minimum_size().width - cache.line_number_w - cache.breakpoint_gutter_width - cache.fold_gutter_width - cache.info_gutter_width - cache.minimap_width;
+ int visible_width = get_size().width - cache.style_normal->get_minimum_size().width - gutters_width - gutter_padding - cache.minimap_width;
if (v_scroll->is_visible_in_tree()) {
visible_width -= v_scroll->get_combined_minimum_size().width;
@@ -4614,54 +4488,41 @@ Control::CursorShape TextEdit::get_cursor_shape(const Point2 &p_pos) const {
- int gutter = cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + cache.line_number_w + cache.breakpoint_gutter_width + cache.fold_gutter_width + cache.info_gutter_width;
if ((completion_active && completion_rect.has_point(p_pos))) {
- if (p_pos.x < gutter) {
- int row, col;
- _get_mouse_pos(p_pos, row, col);
- int left_margin = cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT);
- // Breakpoint icon.
- if (draw_breakpoint_gutter && p_pos.x > left_margin - 6 && p_pos.x <= left_margin + cache.breakpoint_gutter_width - 3) {
- }
+ int row, col;
+ _get_mouse_pos(p_pos, row, col);
- // Info icons.
- int gutter_left = left_margin + cache.breakpoint_gutter_width + cache.info_gutter_width;
- if (draw_info_gutter && p_pos.x > left_margin + cache.breakpoint_gutter_width - 6 && p_pos.x <= gutter_left - 3) {
- if (text.has_info_icon(row)) {
+ int left_margin = cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT);
+ int gutter = left_margin + gutters_width;
+ if (p_pos.x < gutter) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < gutters.size(); i++) {
+ if (!gutters[i].draw) {
+ continue;
- return CURSOR_ARROW;
- }
- // Fold icon.
- if (draw_fold_gutter && p_pos.x > gutter_left + cache.line_number_w - 6 && p_pos.x <= gutter_left + cache.line_number_w + cache.fold_gutter_width - 3) {
- if (is_folded(row) || can_fold(row)) {
- } else {
- return CURSOR_ARROW;
+ if (p_pos.x > left_margin && p_pos.x <= (left_margin + gutters[i].width) - 3) {
+ if (gutters[i].clickable || is_line_gutter_clickable(row, i)) {
+ }
+ left_margin += gutters[i].width;
+ return CURSOR_ARROW;
+ }
+ int xmargin_end = get_size().width - cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT);
+ if (draw_minimap && p_pos.x > xmargin_end - minimap_width && p_pos.x <= xmargin_end) {
- } else {
- int xmargin_end = get_size().width - cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT);
- if (draw_minimap && p_pos.x > xmargin_end - minimap_width && p_pos.x <= xmargin_end) {
- return CURSOR_ARROW;
- }
- int row, col;
- _get_mouse_pos(p_pos, row, col);
- // EOL fold icon.
- if (is_folded(row)) {
- int line_width = text.get_line_width(row);
- line_width += cache.style_normal->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT) + cache.line_number_w + cache.breakpoint_gutter_width + cache.fold_gutter_width + cache.info_gutter_width - cursor.x_ofs;
- if (p_pos.x > line_width - 3 && p_pos.x <= line_width + cache.folded_eol_icon->get_width() + 3) {
- }
+ }
+ // EOL fold icon.
+ if (is_folded(row)) {
+ gutter += gutter_padding + text.get_line_width(row) - cursor.x_ofs;
+ if (p_pos.x > gutter - 3 && p_pos.x <= gutter + cache.folded_eol_icon->get_width() + 3) {
@@ -4861,8 +4722,6 @@ void TextEdit::_update_caches() {
cache.font = get_theme_font("font");
cache.caret_color = get_theme_color("caret_color");
cache.caret_background_color = get_theme_color("caret_background_color");
- cache.line_number_color = get_theme_color("line_number_color");
- cache.safe_line_number_color = get_theme_color("safe_line_number_color");
cache.font_color = get_theme_color("font_color");
cache.font_color_selected = get_theme_color("font_color_selected");
cache.font_color_readonly = get_theme_color("font_color_readonly");
@@ -4870,9 +4729,6 @@ void TextEdit::_update_caches() {
cache.mark_color = get_theme_color("mark_color");
cache.current_line_color = get_theme_color("current_line_color");
cache.line_length_guideline_color = get_theme_color("line_length_guideline_color");
- cache.bookmark_color = get_theme_color("bookmark_color");
- cache.breakpoint_color = get_theme_color("breakpoint_color");
- cache.executing_line_color = get_theme_color("executing_line_color");
cache.code_folding_color = get_theme_color("code_folding_color");
cache.brace_mismatch_color = get_theme_color("brace_mismatch_color");
cache.word_highlighted_color = get_theme_color("word_highlighted_color");
@@ -4887,10 +4743,7 @@ void TextEdit::_update_caches() {
cache.row_height = cache.font->get_height() + cache.line_spacing;
cache.tab_icon = get_theme_icon("tab");
cache.space_icon = get_theme_icon("space");
- cache.folded_icon = get_theme_icon("folded");
- cache.can_fold_icon = get_theme_icon("fold");
cache.folded_eol_icon = get_theme_icon("GuiEllipsis", "EditorIcons");
- cache.executing_icon = get_theme_icon("MainPlay", "EditorIcons");
@@ -4899,6 +4752,7 @@ void TextEdit::_update_caches() {
+/* Syntax Highlighting. */
Ref<SyntaxHighlighter> TextEdit::get_syntax_highlighter() {
return syntax_highlighter;
@@ -4911,6 +4765,187 @@ void TextEdit::set_syntax_highlighter(Ref<SyntaxHighlighter> p_syntax_highlighte
+/* Gutters. */
+void TextEdit::_update_gutter_width() {
+ gutters_width = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < gutters.size(); i++) {
+ if (gutters[i].draw) {
+ gutters_width += gutters[i].width;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gutters_width > 0) {
+ gutter_padding = 2;
+ }
+ update();
+void TextEdit::add_gutter(int p_at) {
+ if (p_at < 0 || p_at > gutters.size()) {
+ gutters.push_back(GutterInfo());
+ } else {
+ gutters.insert(p_at, GutterInfo());
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < text.size() + 1; i++) {
+ text.add_gutter(p_at);
+ }
+ emit_signal("gutter_added");
+ update();
+void TextEdit::remove_gutter(int p_gutter) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size());
+ gutters.remove(p_gutter);
+ for (int i = 0; i < text.size() + 1; i++) {
+ text.remove_gutter(p_gutter);
+ }
+ emit_signal("gutter_removed");
+ update();
+int TextEdit::get_gutter_count() const {
+ return gutters.size();
+void TextEdit::set_gutter_name(int p_gutter, const String &p_name) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size());
+ gutters.write[p_gutter].name = p_name;
+String TextEdit::get_gutter_name(int p_gutter) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), "");
+ return gutters[p_gutter].name;
+void TextEdit::set_gutter_type(int p_gutter, GutterType p_type) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size());
+ gutters.write[p_gutter].type = p_type;
+ update();
+TextEdit::GutterType TextEdit::get_gutter_type(int p_gutter) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), GUTTER_TYPE_STRING);
+ return gutters[p_gutter].type;
+void TextEdit::set_gutter_width(int p_gutter, int p_width) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size());
+ gutters.write[p_gutter].width = p_width;
+ _update_gutter_width();
+int TextEdit::get_gutter_width(int p_gutter) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), -1);
+ return gutters[p_gutter].width;
+void TextEdit::set_gutter_draw(int p_gutter, bool p_draw) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size());
+ gutters.write[p_gutter].draw = p_draw;
+ _update_gutter_width();
+bool TextEdit::is_gutter_drawn(int p_gutter) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), false);
+ return gutters[p_gutter].draw;
+void TextEdit::set_gutter_clickable(int p_gutter, bool p_clickable) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size());
+ gutters.write[p_gutter].clickable = p_clickable;
+ update();
+bool TextEdit::is_gutter_clickable(int p_gutter) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), false);
+ return gutters[p_gutter].clickable;
+void TextEdit::set_gutter_overwritable(int p_gutter, bool p_overwritable) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size());
+ gutters.write[p_gutter].overwritable = p_overwritable;
+bool TextEdit::is_gutter_overwritable(int p_gutter) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), false);
+ return gutters[p_gutter].overwritable;
+void TextEdit::set_gutter_custom_draw(int p_gutter, Object *p_object, const StringName &p_callback) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size());
+ ERR_FAIL_NULL(p_object);
+ gutters.write[p_gutter].custom_draw_obj = p_object->get_instance_id();
+ gutters.write[p_gutter].custom_draw_callback = p_callback;
+ update();
+// Line gutters.
+void TextEdit::set_line_gutter_metadata(int p_line, int p_gutter, const Variant &p_metadata) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size());
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size());
+ text.set_line_gutter_metadata(p_line, p_gutter, p_metadata);
+Variant TextEdit::get_line_gutter_metadata(int p_line, int p_gutter) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), "");
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), "");
+ return text.get_line_gutter_metadata(p_line, p_gutter);
+void TextEdit::set_line_gutter_text(int p_line, int p_gutter, const String &p_text) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size());
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size());
+ text.set_line_gutter_text(p_line, p_gutter, p_text);
+ update();
+String TextEdit::get_line_gutter_text(int p_line, int p_gutter) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), "");
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), "");
+ return text.get_line_gutter_text(p_line, p_gutter);
+void TextEdit::set_line_gutter_icon(int p_line, int p_gutter, Ref<Texture2D> p_icon) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size());
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size());
+ text.set_line_gutter_icon(p_line, p_gutter, p_icon);
+ update();
+Ref<Texture2D> TextEdit::get_line_gutter_icon(int p_line, int p_gutter) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), Ref<Texture2D>());
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), Ref<Texture2D>());
+ return text.get_line_gutter_icon(p_line, p_gutter);
+void TextEdit::set_line_gutter_item_color(int p_line, int p_gutter, const Color &p_color) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size());
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size());
+ text.set_line_gutter_item_color(p_line, p_gutter, p_color);
+ update();
+Color TextEdit::get_line_gutter_item_color(int p_line, int p_gutter) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), Color());
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), Color());
+ return text.get_line_gutter_item_color(p_line, p_gutter);
+void TextEdit::set_line_gutter_clickable(int p_line, int p_gutter, bool p_clickable) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size());
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_gutter, gutters.size());
+ text.set_line_gutter_clickable(p_line, p_gutter, p_clickable);
+bool TextEdit::is_line_gutter_clickable(int p_line, int p_gutter) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), false);
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_gutter, gutters.size(), false);
+ return text.is_line_gutter_clickable(p_line, p_gutter);
void TextEdit::add_keyword(const String &p_keyword) {
@@ -5341,106 +5376,6 @@ void TextEdit::set_line_as_marked(int p_line, bool p_marked) {
-void TextEdit::set_line_as_safe(int p_line, bool p_safe) {
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size());
- text.set_safe(p_line, p_safe);
- update();
-bool TextEdit::is_line_set_as_safe(int p_line) const {
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), false);
- return text.is_safe(p_line);
-void TextEdit::set_executing_line(int p_line) {
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size());
- executing_line = p_line;
- update();
-void TextEdit::clear_executing_line() {
- executing_line = -1;
- update();
-bool TextEdit::is_line_set_as_bookmark(int p_line) const {
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), false);
- return text.is_bookmark(p_line);
-void TextEdit::set_line_as_bookmark(int p_line, bool p_bookmark) {
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size());
- text.set_bookmark(p_line, p_bookmark);
- update();
-void TextEdit::get_bookmarks(List<int> *p_bookmarks) const {
- for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) {
- if (text.is_bookmark(i)) {
- p_bookmarks->push_back(i);
- }
- }
-Array TextEdit::get_bookmarks_array() const {
- Array arr;
- for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) {
- if (text.is_bookmark(i)) {
- arr.append(i);
- }
- }
- return arr;
-bool TextEdit::is_line_set_as_breakpoint(int p_line) const {
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_line, text.size(), false);
- return text.is_breakpoint(p_line);
-void TextEdit::set_line_as_breakpoint(int p_line, bool p_breakpoint) {
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size());
- text.set_breakpoint(p_line, p_breakpoint);
- update();
-void TextEdit::get_breakpoints(List<int> *p_breakpoints) const {
- for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) {
- if (text.is_breakpoint(i)) {
- p_breakpoints->push_back(i);
- }
- }
-Array TextEdit::get_breakpoints_array() const {
- Array arr;
- for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) {
- if (text.is_breakpoint(i)) {
- arr.append(i);
- }
- }
- return arr;
-void TextEdit::remove_breakpoints() {
- for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) {
- if (text.is_breakpoint(i)) {
- /* Should "breakpoint_toggled" be fired when breakpoints are removed this way? */
- text.set_breakpoint(i, false);
- }
- }
-void TextEdit::set_line_info_icon(int p_line, Ref<Texture2D> p_icon, String p_info) {
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size());
- text.set_info_icon(p_line, p_icon, p_info);
- update();
-void TextEdit::clear_info_icons() {
- text.clear_info_icons();
- update();
void TextEdit::set_line_as_hidden(int p_line, bool p_hidden) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_line, text.size());
if (is_hiding_enabled() || !p_hidden) {
@@ -6502,20 +6437,6 @@ void TextEdit::insert_at(const String &p_text, int at) {
-void TextEdit::set_show_line_numbers(bool p_show) {
- line_numbers = p_show;
- update();
-void TextEdit::set_line_numbers_zero_padded(bool p_zero_padded) {
- line_numbers_zero_padded = p_zero_padded;
- update();
-bool TextEdit::is_show_line_numbers_enabled() const {
- return line_numbers;
void TextEdit::set_show_line_length_guidelines(bool p_show) {
line_length_guidelines = p_show;
@@ -6531,69 +6452,6 @@ void TextEdit::set_line_length_guideline_hard_column(int p_column) {
-void TextEdit::set_bookmark_gutter_enabled(bool p_draw) {
- draw_bookmark_gutter = p_draw;
- update();
-bool TextEdit::is_bookmark_gutter_enabled() const {
- return draw_bookmark_gutter;
-void TextEdit::set_breakpoint_gutter_enabled(bool p_draw) {
- draw_breakpoint_gutter = p_draw;
- update();
-bool TextEdit::is_breakpoint_gutter_enabled() const {
- return draw_breakpoint_gutter;
-void TextEdit::set_breakpoint_gutter_width(int p_gutter_width) {
- breakpoint_gutter_width = p_gutter_width;
- update();
-int TextEdit::get_breakpoint_gutter_width() const {
- return cache.breakpoint_gutter_width;
-void TextEdit::set_draw_fold_gutter(bool p_draw) {
- draw_fold_gutter = p_draw;
- update();
-bool TextEdit::is_drawing_fold_gutter() const {
- return draw_fold_gutter;
-void TextEdit::set_fold_gutter_width(int p_gutter_width) {
- fold_gutter_width = p_gutter_width;
- update();
-int TextEdit::get_fold_gutter_width() const {
- return cache.fold_gutter_width;
-void TextEdit::set_draw_info_gutter(bool p_draw) {
- draw_info_gutter = p_draw;
- update();
-bool TextEdit::is_drawing_info_gutter() const {
- return draw_info_gutter;
-void TextEdit::set_info_gutter_width(int p_gutter_width) {
- info_gutter_width = p_gutter_width;
- update();
-int TextEdit::get_info_gutter_width() const {
- return info_gutter_width;
void TextEdit::set_draw_minimap(bool p_draw) {
draw_minimap = p_draw;
@@ -6800,16 +6658,10 @@ void TextEdit::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("redo"), &TextEdit::redo);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_undo_history"), &TextEdit::clear_undo_history);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_show_line_numbers", "enable"), &TextEdit::set_show_line_numbers);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_show_line_numbers_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_show_line_numbers_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_draw_tabs"), &TextEdit::set_draw_tabs);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_drawing_tabs"), &TextEdit::is_drawing_tabs);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_draw_spaces"), &TextEdit::set_draw_spaces);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_drawing_spaces"), &TextEdit::is_drawing_spaces);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_breakpoint_gutter_enabled", "enable"), &TextEdit::set_breakpoint_gutter_enabled);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_breakpoint_gutter_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_breakpoint_gutter_enabled);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_draw_fold_gutter"), &TextEdit::set_draw_fold_gutter);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_drawing_fold_gutter"), &TextEdit::is_drawing_fold_gutter);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_hiding_enabled", "enable"), &TextEdit::set_hiding_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_hiding_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_hiding_enabled);
@@ -6832,6 +6684,40 @@ void TextEdit::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_syntax_highlighter", "syntax_highlighter"), &TextEdit::set_syntax_highlighter);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_syntax_highlighter"), &TextEdit::get_syntax_highlighter);
+ /* Gutters. */
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_gutter", "at"), &TextEdit::add_gutter, DEFVAL(-1));
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_gutter", "gutter"), &TextEdit::remove_gutter);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_gutter_count"), &TextEdit::get_gutter_count);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gutter_name", "gutter", "name"), &TextEdit::set_gutter_name);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_gutter_name", "gutter"), &TextEdit::get_gutter_name);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gutter_type", "gutter", "type"), &TextEdit::set_gutter_type);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_gutter_type", "gutter"), &TextEdit::get_gutter_type);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gutter_width", "gutter", "width"), &TextEdit::set_gutter_width);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_gutter_width", "gutter"), &TextEdit::get_gutter_width);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gutter_draw", "gutter", "draw"), &TextEdit::set_gutter_draw);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_gutter_drawn", "gutter"), &TextEdit::is_gutter_drawn);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gutter_clickable", "gutter", "clickable"), &TextEdit::set_gutter_clickable);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_gutter_clickable", "gutter"), &TextEdit::is_gutter_clickable);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gutter_overwritable", "gutter", "overwritable"), &TextEdit::set_gutter_overwritable);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_gutter_overwritable", "gutter"), &TextEdit::is_gutter_overwritable);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gutter_custom_draw", "column", "object", "callback"), &TextEdit::set_gutter_custom_draw);
+ // Line gutters.
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_gutter_metadata", "line", "gutter", "metadata"), &TextEdit::set_line_gutter_metadata);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_gutter_metadata", "line", "gutter"), &TextEdit::get_line_gutter_metadata);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_gutter_text", "line", "gutter", "text"), &TextEdit::set_line_gutter_text);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_gutter_text", "line", "gutter"), &TextEdit::get_line_gutter_text);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_gutter_icon", "line", "gutter", "icon"), &TextEdit::set_line_gutter_icon);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_gutter_icon", "line", "gutter"), &TextEdit::get_line_gutter_icon);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_gutter_item_color", "line", "gutter", "color"), &TextEdit::set_line_gutter_item_color);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_line_gutter_item_color", "line", "gutter"), &TextEdit::get_line_gutter_item_color);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_line_gutter_clickable", "line", "gutter", "clickable"), &TextEdit::set_line_gutter_clickable);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_line_gutter_clickable", "line", "gutter"), &TextEdit::is_line_gutter_clickable);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_highlight_current_line", "enabled"), &TextEdit::set_highlight_current_line);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_highlight_current_line_enabled"), &TextEdit::is_highlight_current_line_enabled);
@@ -6847,9 +6733,6 @@ void TextEdit::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("menu_option", "option"), &TextEdit::menu_option);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_menu"), &TextEdit::get_menu);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_breakpoints"), &TextEdit::get_breakpoints_array);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_breakpoints"), &TextEdit::remove_breakpoints);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("draw_minimap", "draw"), &TextEdit::set_draw_minimap);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_drawing_minimap"), &TextEdit::is_drawing_minimap);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_minimap_width", "width"), &TextEdit::set_minimap_width);
@@ -6858,11 +6741,8 @@ void TextEdit::_bind_methods() {
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "text", PROPERTY_HINT_MULTILINE_TEXT), "set_text", "get_text");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "readonly"), "set_readonly", "is_readonly");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "highlight_current_line"), "set_highlight_current_line", "is_highlight_current_line_enabled");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "show_line_numbers"), "set_show_line_numbers", "is_show_line_numbers_enabled");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "draw_tabs"), "set_draw_tabs", "is_drawing_tabs");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "draw_spaces"), "set_draw_spaces", "is_drawing_spaces");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "breakpoint_gutter"), "set_breakpoint_gutter_enabled", "is_breakpoint_gutter_enabled");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "fold_gutter"), "set_draw_fold_gutter", "is_drawing_fold_gutter");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "highlight_all_occurrences"), "set_highlight_all_occurrences", "is_highlight_all_occurrences_enabled");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "override_selected_font_color"), "set_override_selected_font_color", "is_overriding_selected_font_color");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "context_menu_enabled"), "set_context_menu_enabled", "is_context_menu_enabled");
@@ -6890,11 +6770,12 @@ void TextEdit::_bind_methods() {
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("line_edited_from", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "line")));
+ ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("lines_edited_from", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "from_line"), PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "to_line")));
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("breakpoint_toggled", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "row")));
+ ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("gutter_clicked", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "line"), PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "gutter")));
+ ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("gutter_added"));
+ ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("gutter_removed"));
ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("symbol_lookup", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "symbol"), PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "row"), PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "column")));
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("info_clicked", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "row"), PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "info")));
ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("symbol_validate", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "symbol")));
@@ -6927,13 +6808,6 @@ TextEdit::TextEdit() {
cache.row_height = 1;
cache.line_spacing = 1;
- cache.line_number_w = 1;
- cache.breakpoint_gutter_width = 0;
- breakpoint_gutter_width = 0;
- cache.fold_gutter_width = 0;
- fold_gutter_width = 0;
- info_gutter_width = 0;
- cache.info_gutter_width = 0;
indent_size = 4;
@@ -6997,15 +6871,9 @@ TextEdit::TextEdit() {
completion_active = false;
completion_line_ofs = 0;
tooltip_obj = nullptr;
- line_numbers = false;
- line_numbers_zero_padded = false;
line_length_guidelines = false;
line_length_guideline_soft_col = 80;
line_length_guideline_hard_col = 100;
- draw_bookmark_gutter = false;
- draw_breakpoint_gutter = false;
- draw_fold_gutter = false;
- draw_info_gutter = false;
hiding_enabled = false;
next_operation_is_complex = false;
scroll_past_end_of_file_enabled = false;
@@ -7043,8 +6911,6 @@ TextEdit::TextEdit() {
menu->connect("id_pressed", callable_mp(this, &TextEdit::menu_option));
first_draw = true;
- executing_line = -1;
TextEdit::~TextEdit() {