path: root/scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp b/scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp
index b2ebb91500..f237f79be1 100644
--- a/scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/popup_menu.cpp
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ Size2 PopupMenu::_get_contents_minimum_size() const {
Size2 minsize = get_theme_stylebox("panel")->get_minimum_size(); // Accounts for margin in the margin container
minsize.x += scroll_container->get_v_scrollbar()->get_size().width * 2; // Adds a buffer so that the scrollbar does not render over the top of content
- float max_w = 0;
- float icon_w = 0;
+ float max_w = 0.0;
+ float icon_w = 0.0;
int check_w = MAX(get_theme_icon("checked")->get_width(), get_theme_icon("radio_checked")->get_width()) + hseparation;
int accel_max_w = 0;
bool has_check = false;
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Size2 PopupMenu::_get_contents_minimum_size() const {
Size2 size;
Size2 icon_size = items[i].get_icon_size();
- size.height = MAX(icon_size.height, items[i].text_buf->get_size().y);
+ size.height = _get_item_height(i);
icon_w = MAX(icon_size.width, icon_w);
size.width += items[i].h_ofs;
@@ -89,7 +89,9 @@ Size2 PopupMenu::_get_contents_minimum_size() const {
minsize.height += size.height;
- minsize.width += max_w + icon_w + accel_max_w;
+ int item_side_padding = get_theme_constant("item_start_padding") + get_theme_constant("item_end_padding");
+ minsize.width += max_w + icon_w + accel_max_w + item_side_padding;
if (has_check) {
minsize.width += check_w;
@@ -104,13 +106,35 @@ Size2 PopupMenu::_get_contents_minimum_size() const {
return minsize;
+int PopupMenu::_get_item_height(int p_item) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_item, items.size(), 0);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_item < 0, 0);
+ int icon_height = items[p_item].get_icon_size().height;
+ if (items[p_item].checkable_type) {
+ icon_height = MAX(icon_height, MAX(get_theme_icon("checked")->get_height(), get_theme_icon("radio_checked")->get_height()));
+ }
+ int text_height = items[p_item].text_buf->get_size().height;
+ if (text_height == 0 && !items[p_item].separator) {
+ text_height = get_theme_font("font")->get_height(get_theme_font_size("font_size"));
+ }
+ int separator_height = 0;
+ if (items[p_item].separator) {
+ separator_height = MAX(get_theme_stylebox("separator")->get_minimum_size().height, MAX(get_theme_stylebox("labeled_separator_left")->get_minimum_size().height, get_theme_stylebox("labeled_separator_right")->get_minimum_size().height));
+ }
+ return MAX(separator_height, MAX(text_height, icon_height));
int PopupMenu::_get_items_total_height() const {
int vsep = get_theme_constant("vseparation");
// Get total height of all items by taking max of icon height and font height
int items_total_height = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
- items_total_height += MAX(items[i].get_icon_size().height, items[i].text_buf->get_size().y) + vsep;
+ items_total_height += _get_item_height(i) + vsep;
// Subtract a separator which is not needed for the last item.
@@ -152,7 +176,7 @@ int PopupMenu::_get_mouse_over(const Point2 &p_over) const {
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
ofs.y += i > 0 ? vseparation : (float)vseparation / 2;
- ofs.y += MAX(items[i].get_icon_size().height, items[i].text_buf->get_size().y);
+ ofs.y += _get_item_height(i);
if (p_over.y - control->get_position().y < ofs.y) {
return i;
@@ -451,6 +475,10 @@ void PopupMenu::_draw_items() {
margin_size.width = margin_container->get_theme_constant("margin_right") + margin_container->get_theme_constant("margin_left");
margin_size.height = margin_container->get_theme_constant("margin_top") + margin_container->get_theme_constant("margin_bottom");
+ // Space between the item content and the sides of popup menu.
+ int item_start_padding = get_theme_constant("item_start_padding");
+ int item_end_padding = get_theme_constant("item_end_padding");
bool rtl = control->is_layout_rtl();
Ref<StyleBox> style = get_theme_stylebox("panel");
Ref<StyleBox> hover = get_theme_stylebox("hover");
@@ -509,7 +537,7 @@ void PopupMenu::_draw_items() {
Point2 item_ofs = ofs;
Size2 icon_size = items[i].get_icon_size();
- float h = MAX(icon_size.height, items[i].text_buf->get_size().y);
+ float h = _get_item_height(i);
if (i == mouse_over) {
if (rtl) {
@@ -525,24 +553,28 @@ void PopupMenu::_draw_items() {
item_ofs.x += items[i].h_ofs;
if (items[i].separator) {
int sep_h = separator->get_center_size().height + separator->get_minimum_size().height;
+ int sep_ofs = Math::floor((h - sep_h) / 2.0);
if (text != String()) {
int text_size = items[i].text_buf->get_size().width;
int text_center = display_width / 2;
int text_left = text_center - text_size / 2;
int text_right = text_center + text_size / 2;
if (text_left > item_ofs.x) {
- labeled_separator_left->draw(ci, Rect2(item_ofs + Point2(0, Math::floor((h - sep_h) / 2.0)), Size2(MAX(0, text_left - item_ofs.x), sep_h)));
+ labeled_separator_left->draw(ci, Rect2(item_ofs + Point2(0, sep_ofs), Size2(MAX(0, text_left - item_ofs.x), sep_h)));
if (text_right < display_width) {
- labeled_separator_right->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(text_right, item_ofs.y + Math::floor((h - sep_h) / 2.0)), Size2(MAX(0, display_width - text_right), sep_h)));
+ labeled_separator_right->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(text_right, item_ofs.y + sep_ofs), Size2(MAX(0, display_width - text_right), sep_h)));
} else {
- separator->draw(ci, Rect2(item_ofs + Point2(0, Math::floor((h - sep_h) / 2.0)), Size2(display_width, sep_h)));
+ separator->draw(ci, Rect2(item_ofs + Point2(0, sep_ofs), Size2(display_width, sep_h)));
Color icon_color(1, 1, 1, items[i].disabled ? 0.5 : 1);
+ // For non-separator items, add some padding for the content.
+ item_ofs.x += item_start_padding;
// Checkboxes
if (items[i].checkable_type) {
Texture2D *icon = (items[i].checked ? check[items[i].checkable_type - 1] : uncheck[items[i].checkable_type - 1]).ptr();
@@ -565,35 +597,53 @@ void PopupMenu::_draw_items() {
// Submenu arrow on right hand side
if (items[i].submenu != "") {
if (rtl) {
- submenu->draw(ci, Point2(scroll_width + style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), item_ofs.y + Math::floor(h - submenu->get_height()) / 2), icon_color);
+ submenu->draw(ci, Point2(scroll_width + style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT) + item_end_padding, item_ofs.y + Math::floor(h - submenu->get_height()) / 2), icon_color);
} else {
- submenu->draw(ci, Point2(display_width - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) - submenu->get_width(), item_ofs.y + Math::floor(h - submenu->get_height()) / 2), icon_color);
+ submenu->draw(ci, Point2(display_width - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) - submenu->get_width() - item_end_padding, item_ofs.y + Math::floor(h - submenu->get_height()) / 2), icon_color);
// Text
+ Color font_outline_color = get_theme_color("font_outline_color");
+ int outline_size = get_theme_constant("outline_size");
if (items[i].separator) {
if (text != String()) {
int center = (display_width - items[i].text_buf->get_size().width) / 2;
- items[i].text_buf->draw(ci, Point2(center, item_ofs.y + Math::floor((h - items[i].text_buf->get_size().y) / 2.0)), font_separator_color);
+ Vector2 text_pos = Point2(center, item_ofs.y + Math::floor((h - items[i].text_buf->get_size().y) / 2.0));
+ if (outline_size > 0 && font_outline_color.a > 0) {
+ items[i].text_buf->draw_outline(ci, text_pos, outline_size, font_outline_color);
+ }
+ items[i].text_buf->draw(ci, text_pos, font_separator_color);
} else {
item_ofs.x += icon_ofs + check_ofs;
if (rtl) {
- items[i].text_buf->draw(ci, Size2(control->get_size().width - items[i].text_buf->get_size().width - item_ofs.x, item_ofs.y) + Point2(0, Math::floor((h - items[i].text_buf->get_size().y) / 2.0)), items[i].disabled ? font_disabled_color : (i == mouse_over ? font_hover_color : font_color));
+ Vector2 text_pos = Size2(control->get_size().width - items[i].text_buf->get_size().width - item_ofs.x, item_ofs.y) + Point2(0, Math::floor((h - items[i].text_buf->get_size().y) / 2.0));
+ if (outline_size > 0 && font_outline_color.a > 0) {
+ items[i].text_buf->draw_outline(ci, text_pos, outline_size, font_outline_color);
+ }
+ items[i].text_buf->draw(ci, text_pos, items[i].disabled ? font_disabled_color : (i == mouse_over ? font_hover_color : font_color));
} else {
- items[i].text_buf->draw(ci, item_ofs + Point2(0, Math::floor((h - items[i].text_buf->get_size().y) / 2.0)), items[i].disabled ? font_disabled_color : (i == mouse_over ? font_hover_color : font_color));
+ Vector2 text_pos = item_ofs + Point2(0, Math::floor((h - items[i].text_buf->get_size().y) / 2.0));
+ if (outline_size > 0 && font_outline_color.a > 0) {
+ items[i].text_buf->draw_outline(ci, text_pos, outline_size, font_outline_color);
+ }
+ items[i].text_buf->draw(ci, text_pos, items[i].disabled ? font_disabled_color : (i == mouse_over ? font_hover_color : font_color));
// Accelerator / Shortcut
if (items[i].accel || (items[i].shortcut.is_valid() && items[i].shortcut->is_valid())) {
if (rtl) {
- item_ofs.x = scroll_width + style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT);
+ item_ofs.x = scroll_width + style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT) + item_end_padding;
} else {
- item_ofs.x = display_width - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) - items[i].accel_text_buf->get_size().x;
+ item_ofs.x = display_width - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) - items[i].accel_text_buf->get_size().x - item_end_padding;
+ }
+ Vector2 text_pos = item_ofs + Point2(0, Math::floor((h - items[i].text_buf->get_size().y) / 2.0));
+ if (outline_size > 0 && font_outline_color.a > 0) {
+ items[i].accel_text_buf->draw_outline(ci, text_pos, outline_size, font_outline_color);
- items[i].accel_text_buf->draw(ci, item_ofs + Point2(0, Math::floor((h - items[i].text_buf->get_size().y) / 2.0)), i == mouse_over ? font_hover_color : font_accelerator_color);
+ items[i].accel_text_buf->draw(ci, text_pos, i == mouse_over ? font_hover_color : font_accelerator_color);
// Cache the item vertical offset from the first item and the height
@@ -1656,19 +1706,6 @@ PopupMenu::PopupMenu() {
connect("window_input", callable_mp(this, &PopupMenu::_gui_input));
- mouse_over = -1;
- submenu_over = -1;
- initial_button_mask = 0;
- during_grabbed_click = false;
- allow_search = true;
- search_time_msec = 0;
- search_string = "";
- set_hide_on_item_selection(true);
- set_hide_on_checkable_item_selection(true);
- set_hide_on_multistate_item_selection(false);
submenu_timer = memnew(Timer);