path: root/scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scene/gui/line_edit.cpp')
1 files changed, 1147 insertions, 800 deletions
diff --git a/scene/gui/line_edit.cpp b/scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
index 27c2c70708..ba08aae8e3 100644
--- a/scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/line_edit.cpp
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
/* */
-/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
-/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
/* */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
@@ -30,30 +30,202 @@
#include "line_edit.h"
-#include "core/message_queue.h"
+#include "core/input/input_map.h"
+#include "core/object/message_queue.h"
#include "core/os/keyboard.h"
#include "core/os/os.h"
-#include "core/print_string.h"
-#include "core/translation.h"
+#include "core/string/print_string.h"
+#include "core/string/translation.h"
#include "label.h"
#include "servers/display_server.h"
+#include "servers/text_server.h"
#include "editor/editor_scale.h"
#include "editor/editor_settings.h"
#include "scene/main/window.h"
-static bool _is_text_char(CharType c) {
- return !is_symbol(c);
+void LineEdit::_swap_current_input_direction() {
+ if (input_direction == TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR) {
+ input_direction = TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL;
+ } else {
+ input_direction = TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR;
+ }
+ set_cursor_position(get_cursor_position());
+ update();
+void LineEdit::_move_cursor_left(bool p_select, bool p_move_by_word) {
+ if (selection.enabled && !p_select) {
+ set_cursor_position(selection.begin);
+ deselect();
+ return;
+ }
+ shift_selection_check_pre(p_select);
+ if (p_move_by_word) {
+ int cc = cursor_pos;
+ Vector<Vector2i> words = TS->shaped_text_get_word_breaks(text_rid);
+ for (int i = words.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (words[i].x < cc) {
+ cc = words[i].x;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ set_cursor_position(cc);
+ } else {
+ if (mid_grapheme_caret_enabled) {
+ set_cursor_position(get_cursor_position() - 1);
+ } else {
+ set_cursor_position(TS->shaped_text_prev_grapheme_pos(text_rid, get_cursor_position()));
+ }
+ }
+ shift_selection_check_post(p_select);
+void LineEdit::_move_cursor_right(bool p_select, bool p_move_by_word) {
+ if (selection.enabled && !p_select) {
+ set_cursor_position(selection.end);
+ deselect();
+ return;
+ }
+ shift_selection_check_pre(p_select);
+ if (p_move_by_word) {
+ int cc = cursor_pos;
+ Vector<Vector2i> words = TS->shaped_text_get_word_breaks(text_rid);
+ for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
+ if (words[i].y > cc) {
+ cc = words[i].y;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ set_cursor_position(cc);
+ } else {
+ if (mid_grapheme_caret_enabled) {
+ set_cursor_position(get_cursor_position() + 1);
+ } else {
+ set_cursor_position(TS->shaped_text_next_grapheme_pos(text_rid, get_cursor_position()));
+ }
+ }
+ shift_selection_check_post(p_select);
+void LineEdit::_move_cursor_start(bool p_select) {
+ shift_selection_check_pre(p_select);
+ set_cursor_position(0);
+ shift_selection_check_post(p_select);
+void LineEdit::_move_cursor_end(bool p_select) {
+ shift_selection_check_pre(p_select);
+ set_cursor_position(text.length());
+ shift_selection_check_post(p_select);
+void LineEdit::_backspace(bool p_word, bool p_all_to_left) {
+ if (!editable) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (p_all_to_left) {
+ deselect();
+ text = text.substr(0, cursor_pos);
+ _text_changed();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (selection.enabled) {
+ selection_delete();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (p_word) {
+ int cc = cursor_pos;
+ Vector<Vector2i> words = TS->shaped_text_get_word_breaks(text_rid);
+ for (int i = words.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (words[i].x < cc) {
+ cc = words[i].x;
+ }
+ }
+ delete_text(cc, cursor_pos);
+ set_cursor_position(cc);
+ } else {
+ delete_char();
+ }
+void LineEdit::_delete(bool p_word, bool p_all_to_right) {
+ if (!editable) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (p_all_to_right) {
+ deselect();
+ text = text.substr(cursor_pos, text.length() - cursor_pos);
+ _shape();
+ set_cursor_position(0);
+ _text_changed();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (selection.enabled) {
+ selection_delete();
+ return;
+ }
+ int text_len = text.length();
+ if (cursor_pos == text_len) {
+ return; // Nothing to do.
+ }
+ if (p_word) {
+ int cc = cursor_pos;
+ Vector<Vector2i> words = TS->shaped_text_get_word_breaks(text_rid);
+ for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
+ if (words[i].y > cc) {
+ cc = words[i].y;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ delete_text(cursor_pos, cc);
+ } else {
+ if (mid_grapheme_caret_enabled) {
+ set_cursor_position(cursor_pos + 1);
+ delete_char();
+ } else {
+ int cc = cursor_pos;
+ set_cursor_position(TS->shaped_text_next_grapheme_pos(text_rid, cursor_pos));
+ delete_text(cc, cursor_pos);
+ }
+ }
void LineEdit::_gui_input(Ref<InputEvent> p_event) {
Ref<InputEventMouseButton> b = p_event;
if (b.is_valid()) {
+ if (ime_text.length() != 0) {
+ // Ignore mouse clicks in IME input mode.
+ return;
+ }
if (b->is_pressed() && b->get_button_index() == BUTTON_RIGHT && context_menu_enabled) {
menu->set_size(Vector2(1, 1));
- //menu->set_scale(get_global_transform().get_scale());
+ _generate_context_menu();
@@ -67,9 +239,10 @@ void LineEdit::_gui_input(Ref<InputEvent> p_event) {
if (b->is_pressed()) {
accept_event(); //don't pass event further when clicked on text field
- if (!text.empty() && is_editable() && _is_over_clear_button(b->get_position())) {
+ if (!text.is_empty() && is_editable() && _is_over_clear_button(b->get_position())) {
clear_button_status.press_attempt = true;
clear_button_status.pressing_inside = true;
+ update();
@@ -103,7 +276,7 @@ void LineEdit::_gui_input(Ref<InputEvent> p_event) {
} else {
- if (!text.empty() && is_editable() && clear_button_enabled) {
+ if (!text.is_empty() && is_editable() && clear_button_enabled) {
bool press_attempt = clear_button_status.press_attempt;
clear_button_status.press_attempt = false;
if (press_attempt && clear_button_status.pressing_inside && _is_over_clear_button(b->get_position())) {
@@ -118,13 +291,7 @@ void LineEdit::_gui_input(Ref<InputEvent> p_event) {
selection.creating = false;
selection.doubleclick = false;
- if (DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD)) {
- if (selection.enabled) {
- DisplayServer::get_singleton()->virtual_keyboard_show(text, get_global_rect(), max_length, selection.begin, selection.end);
- } else {
- DisplayServer::get_singleton()->virtual_keyboard_show(text, get_global_rect(), max_length, cursor_pos);
- }
- }
+ show_virtual_keyboard();
@@ -133,7 +300,7 @@ void LineEdit::_gui_input(Ref<InputEvent> p_event) {
Ref<InputEventMouseMotion> m = p_event;
if (m.is_valid()) {
- if (!text.empty() && is_editable() && clear_button_enabled) {
+ if (!text.is_empty() && is_editable() && clear_button_enabled) {
bool last_press_inside = clear_button_status.pressing_inside;
clear_button_status.pressing_inside = clear_button_status.press_attempt && _is_over_clear_button(m->get_position());
if (last_press_inside != clear_button_status.pressing_inside) {
@@ -156,455 +323,172 @@ void LineEdit::_gui_input(Ref<InputEvent> p_event) {
- if (k->get_control() && !k->get_shift() && !k->get_alt() && !k->get_command()) {
- uint32_t remap_key = KEY_UNKNOWN;
- switch (k->get_keycode()) {
- case KEY_F: {
- remap_key = KEY_RIGHT;
- } break;
- case KEY_B: {
- remap_key = KEY_LEFT;
- } break;
- case KEY_P: {
- remap_key = KEY_UP;
- } break;
- case KEY_N: {
- remap_key = KEY_DOWN;
- } break;
- case KEY_D: {
- remap_key = KEY_DELETE;
- } break;
- case KEY_H: {
- remap_key = KEY_BACKSPACE;
- } break;
- case KEY_A: {
- remap_key = KEY_HOME;
- } break;
- case KEY_E: {
- remap_key = KEY_END;
- } break;
+ if (context_menu_enabled) {
+ if (k->is_action("ui_menu", true)) {
+ Point2 pos = Point2(get_cursor_pixel_pos().x, (get_size().y + get_theme_font("font")->get_height(get_theme_font_size("font_size"))) / 2);
+ menu->set_position(get_global_transform().xform(pos));
+ menu->set_size(Vector2(1, 1));
+ _generate_context_menu();
+ menu->popup();
+ menu->grab_focus();
+ }
- if (remap_key != KEY_UNKNOWN) {
- k->set_keycode(remap_key);
- k->set_control(false);
+ // Default is ENTER, KP_ENTER. Cannot use ui_accept as default includes SPACE
+ if (k->is_action("ui_text_newline", true)) {
+ emit_signal("text_entered", text);
+ if (DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD) && virtual_keyboard_enabled) {
+ DisplayServer::get_singleton()->virtual_keyboard_hide();
- unsigned int code = k->get_keycode();
- if (k->get_command() && is_shortcut_keys_enabled()) {
- bool handled = true;
- switch (code) {
- case (KEY_X): { // CUT.
- if (editable) {
- cut_text();
- }
- } break;
- case (KEY_C): { // COPY.
- copy_text();
- } break;
- case (KEY_V): { // PASTE.
- if (editable) {
- paste_text();
- }
- } break;
- case (KEY_Z): { // Undo/redo.
- if (editable) {
- if (k->get_shift()) {
- redo();
- } else {
- undo();
- }
- }
- } break;
- case (KEY_U): { // Delete from start to cursor.
- if (editable) {
- deselect();
- text = text.substr(cursor_pos, text.length() - cursor_pos);
- update_cached_width();
- set_cursor_position(0);
- _text_changed();
- }
- } break;
- case (KEY_Y): { // PASTE (Yank for unix users).
- if (editable) {
- paste_text();
- }
- } break;
- case (KEY_K): { // Delete from cursor_pos to end.
- if (editable) {
- deselect();
- text = text.substr(0, cursor_pos);
- _text_changed();
- }
+ if (is_shortcut_keys_enabled()) {
+ if (k->is_action("ui_copy", true)) {
+ copy_text();
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
- } break;
- case (KEY_A): { // Select all.
- select();
+ if (k->is_action("ui_text_select_all", true)) {
+ select();
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
- } break;
- case (KEY_LEFT): { // Go to start of text - like HOME key.
- shift_selection_check_pre(k->get_shift());
- set_cursor_position(0);
- shift_selection_check_post(k->get_shift());
- } break;
- case (KEY_RIGHT): { // Go to end of text - like END key.
- shift_selection_check_pre(k->get_shift());
- set_cursor_position(text.length());
- shift_selection_check_post(k->get_shift());
- } break;
- case (KEY_BACKSPACE): {
- if (!editable)
- break;
+ // Cut / Paste
+ if (k->is_action("ui_cut", true)) {
+ cut_text();
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
- // If selected, delete the selection
- if (selection.enabled) {
- selection_delete();
- break;
- }
+ if (k->is_action("ui_paste", true)) {
+ paste_text();
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
- // Otherwise delete from cursor to beginning of text edit
- int current_pos = get_cursor_position();
- if (current_pos != 0) {
- delete_text(0, current_pos);
- }
- } break;
- default: {
- handled = false;
- }
+ // Undo / Redo
+ if (k->is_action("ui_undo", true)) {
+ undo();
+ accept_event();
+ return;
- if (handled) {
+ if (k->is_action("ui_redo", true)) {
+ redo();
- _reset_caret_blink_timer();
- if (!k->get_metakey()) {
- bool handled = true;
- switch (code) {
- case KEY_KP_ENTER:
- case KEY_ENTER: {
- emit_signal("text_entered", text);
- if (DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD)) {
- DisplayServer::get_singleton()->virtual_keyboard_hide();
- }
- } break;
- if (!editable) {
- break;
- }
- if (selection.enabled) {
- selection_delete();
- break;
- }
- if (k->get_alt()) {
- if (k->get_alt()) {
- handled = false;
- break;
- } else if (k->get_command()) {
- int cc = cursor_pos;
- bool prev_char = false;
- while (cc > 0) {
- bool ischar = _is_text_char(text[cc - 1]);
- if (prev_char && !ischar) {
- break;
- }
- prev_char = ischar;
- cc--;
- }
- delete_text(cc, cursor_pos);
- set_cursor_position(cc);
- } else {
- delete_char();
- }
- } break;
- case KEY_KP_4: {
- if (k->get_unicode() != 0) {
- handled = false;
- break;
- }
- [[fallthrough]];
- }
- case KEY_LEFT: {
- if (!k->get_alt()) {
- if (selection.enabled && !k->get_shift()) {
- set_cursor_position(selection.begin);
- deselect();
- handled = true;
- break;
- }
- shift_selection_check_pre(k->get_shift());
- }
- if (k->get_command()) {
- set_cursor_position(0);
- } else if (k->get_alt()) {
- if (k->get_alt()) {
- handled = false;
- break;
- } else if (k->get_command()) {
- bool prev_char = false;
- int cc = cursor_pos;
- while (cc > 0) {
- bool ischar = _is_text_char(text[cc - 1]);
- if (prev_char && !ischar) {
- break;
- }
- prev_char = ischar;
- cc--;
- }
- set_cursor_position(cc);
- } else {
- set_cursor_position(get_cursor_position() - 1);
- }
- shift_selection_check_post(k->get_shift());
- } break;
- case KEY_KP_6: {
- if (k->get_unicode() != 0) {
- handled = false;
- break;
- }
- [[fallthrough]];
- }
- case KEY_RIGHT: {
- if (!k->get_alt()) {
- if (selection.enabled && !k->get_shift()) {
- set_cursor_position(selection.end);
- deselect();
- handled = true;
- break;
- }
- shift_selection_check_pre(k->get_shift());
- }
- if (k->get_command()) {
- set_cursor_position(text.length());
- } else if (k->get_alt()) {
- if (k->get_alt()) {
- handled = false;
- break;
- } else if (k->get_command()) {
- bool prev_char = false;
- int cc = cursor_pos;
- while (cc < text.length()) {
- bool ischar = _is_text_char(text[cc]);
- if (prev_char && !ischar) {
- break;
- }
- prev_char = ischar;
- cc++;
- }
- set_cursor_position(cc);
- } else {
- set_cursor_position(get_cursor_position() + 1);
- }
- shift_selection_check_post(k->get_shift());
- } break;
- case KEY_UP: {
- shift_selection_check_pre(k->get_shift());
- if (get_cursor_position() == 0) {
- handled = false;
- }
- set_cursor_position(0);
- shift_selection_check_post(k->get_shift());
- } break;
- case KEY_DOWN: {
- shift_selection_check_pre(k->get_shift());
- if (get_cursor_position() == text.length()) {
- handled = false;
- }
- set_cursor_position(text.length());
- shift_selection_check_post(k->get_shift());
- } break;
- case KEY_DELETE: {
- if (!editable) {
- break;
- }
- if (k->get_shift() && !k->get_command() && !k->get_alt()) {
- cut_text();
- break;
- }
- if (selection.enabled) {
- selection_delete();
- break;
- }
- int text_len = text.length();
- if (cursor_pos == text_len) {
- break; // Nothing to do.
- }
- if (k->get_alt()) {
- if (k->get_alt()) {
- handled = false;
- break;
- } else if (k->get_command()) {
- int cc = cursor_pos;
+ if (k->is_action("ui_text_backspace_all_to_left", true)) {
+ _backspace(false, true);
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (k->is_action("ui_text_backspace_word", true)) {
+ _backspace(true);
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (k->is_action("ui_text_backspace", true)) {
+ _backspace();
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
- bool prev_char = false;
+ if (k->is_action("ui_text_delete_all_to_right", true)) {
+ _delete(false, true);
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (k->is_action("ui_text_delete_word", true)) {
+ _delete(true);
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (k->is_action("ui_text_delete", true)) {
+ _delete();
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
- while (cc < text.length()) {
- bool ischar = _is_text_char(text[cc]);
+ // Cursor Movement
- if (prev_char && !ischar) {
- break;
- }
- prev_char = ischar;
- cc++;
- }
+ k = k->duplicate();
+ bool shift_pressed = k->get_shift();
+ // Remove shift or else actions will not match. Use above variable for selection.
+ k->set_shift(false);
- delete_text(cursor_pos, cc);
+ if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_word_left", true)) {
+ _move_cursor_left(shift_pressed, true);
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_left", true)) {
+ _move_cursor_left(shift_pressed);
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_word_right", true)) {
+ _move_cursor_right(shift_pressed, true);
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_right", true)) {
+ _move_cursor_right(shift_pressed, false);
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
- } else {
- set_cursor_position(cursor_pos + 1);
- delete_char();
- }
+ // Up = Home, Down = End
+ if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_up", true) || k->is_action("ui_text_caret_line_start", true) || k->is_action("ui_text_caret_page_up", true)) {
+ _move_cursor_start(shift_pressed);
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (k->is_action("ui_text_caret_down", true) || k->is_action("ui_text_caret_line_end", true) || k->is_action("ui_text_caret_page_down", true)) {
+ _move_cursor_end(shift_pressed);
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
- } break;
- case KEY_KP_7: {
- if (k->get_unicode() != 0) {
- handled = false;
- break;
- }
- [[fallthrough]];
- }
- case KEY_HOME: {
- shift_selection_check_pre(k->get_shift());
- set_cursor_position(0);
- shift_selection_check_post(k->get_shift());
- } break;
- case KEY_KP_1: {
- if (k->get_unicode() != 0) {
- handled = false;
- break;
- }
- [[fallthrough]];
- }
- case KEY_END: {
- shift_selection_check_pre(k->get_shift());
- set_cursor_position(text.length());
- shift_selection_check_post(k->get_shift());
- } break;
- case KEY_MENU: {
- if (context_menu_enabled) {
- Point2 pos = Point2(get_cursor_pixel_pos(), (get_size().y + get_theme_font("font")->get_height()) / 2);
- menu->set_position(get_global_transform().xform(pos));
- menu->set_size(Vector2(1, 1));
- // menu->set_scale(get_global_transform().get_scale());
- menu->popup();
- menu->grab_focus();
- }
- } break;
+ // Misc
+ if (k->is_action("ui_swap_input_direction", true)) {
+ _swap_current_input_direction();
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
- default: {
- handled = false;
- } break;
- }
+ _reset_caret_blink_timer();
- if (handled) {
- accept_event();
- } else if (!k->get_command()) {
- if (k->get_unicode() >= 32 && k->get_keycode() != KEY_DELETE) {
- if (editable) {
- selection_delete();
- CharType ucodestr[2] = { (CharType)k->get_unicode(), 0 };
- int prev_len = text.length();
- append_at_cursor(ucodestr);
- if (text.length() != prev_len) {
- _text_changed();
- }
- accept_event();
- }
+ // Allow unicode handling if:
+ // * No Modifiers are pressed (except shift)
+ bool allow_unicode_handling = !(k->get_command() || k->get_control() || k->get_alt() || k->get_metakey());
- } else {
- return;
- }
+ if (allow_unicode_handling && editable && k->get_unicode() >= 32) {
+ // Handle Unicode (if no modifiers active)
+ selection_delete();
+ char32_t ucodestr[2] = { (char32_t)k->get_unicode(), 0 };
+ int prev_len = text.length();
+ append_at_cursor(ucodestr);
+ if (text.length() != prev_len) {
+ _text_changed();
- update();
+ accept_event();
- return;
void LineEdit::set_align(Align p_align) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX((int)p_align, 4);
- align = p_align;
+ if (align != p_align) {
+ align = p_align;
+ _shape();
+ }
@@ -625,22 +509,23 @@ Variant LineEdit::get_drag_data(const Point2 &p_point) {
bool LineEdit::can_drop_data(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data) const {
+ bool drop_override = Control::can_drop_data(p_point, p_data); // In case user wants to drop custom data.
+ if (drop_override) {
+ return drop_override;
+ }
return p_data.get_type() == Variant::STRING;
void LineEdit::drop_data(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data) {
+ Control::drop_data(p_point, p_data);
if (p_data.get_type() == Variant::STRING) {
int selected = selection.end - selection.begin;
- Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font("font");
- if (font != nullptr) {
- for (int i = selection.begin; i < selection.end; i++) {
- cached_width -= font->get_char_size(pass ? secret_character[0] : text[i]).width;
- }
- }
text.erase(selection.begin, selected);
+ _shape();
selection.begin = cursor_pos - selected;
@@ -649,7 +534,7 @@ void LineEdit::drop_data(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data) {
Control::CursorShape LineEdit::get_cursor_shape(const Point2 &p_pos) const {
- if (!text.empty() && is_editable() && _is_over_clear_button(p_pos)) {
+ if (!text.is_empty() && is_editable() && _is_over_clear_button(p_pos)) {
return Control::get_cursor_shape(p_pos);
@@ -679,13 +564,18 @@ void LineEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
} break;
- window_pos = 0;
+ _fit_to_width();
+ scroll_offset = 0;
+ } break;
+ _shape();
+ update();
} break;
placeholder_translated = tr(placeholder);
- update_placeholder_width();
+ _shape();
} break;
@@ -699,11 +589,12 @@ void LineEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
} break;
- if ((!has_focus() && !menu->has_focus()) || !window_has_focus) {
+ if ((!has_focus() && !menu->has_focus() && !caret_force_displayed) || !window_has_focus) {
draw_caret = false;
int width, height;
+ bool rtl = is_layout_rtl();
Size2 size = get_size();
width = size.width;
@@ -716,7 +607,6 @@ void LineEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
style = get_theme_stylebox("read_only");
draw_caret = false;
Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font("font");
style->draw(ci, Rect2(Point2(), size));
@@ -726,40 +616,45 @@ void LineEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
int x_ofs = 0;
- bool using_placeholder = text.empty() && ime_text.empty();
- int cached_text_width = using_placeholder ? cached_placeholder_width : cached_width;
+ bool using_placeholder = text.is_empty() && ime_text.is_empty();
+ float text_width = TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).x;
+ float text_height = TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM);
switch (align) {
case ALIGN_LEFT: {
- x_ofs = style->get_offset().x;
+ if (rtl) {
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), int(size.width - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) - (text_width)));
+ } else {
+ x_ofs = style->get_offset().x;
+ }
} break;
- if (window_pos != 0) {
+ if (scroll_offset != 0) {
x_ofs = style->get_offset().x;
} else {
- x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT), int(size.width - (cached_text_width)) / 2);
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), int(size.width - (text_width)) / 2);
} break;
- x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT), int(size.width - style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT) - (cached_text_width)));
+ if (rtl) {
+ x_ofs = style->get_offset().x;
+ } else {
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), int(size.width - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) - (text_width)));
+ }
} break;
- int ofs_max = width - style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT);
- int char_ofs = window_pos;
+ int ofs_max = width - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT);
int y_area = height - style->get_minimum_size().height;
- int y_ofs = style->get_offset().y + (y_area - font->get_height()) / 2;
- int font_ascent = font->get_ascent();
+ int y_ofs = style->get_offset().y + (y_area - text_height) / 2;
Color selection_color = get_theme_color("selection_color");
- Color font_color = is_editable() ? get_theme_color("font_color") : get_theme_color("font_color_uneditable");
- Color font_color_selected = get_theme_color("font_color_selected");
+ Color font_color = is_editable() ? get_theme_color("font_color") : get_theme_color("font_uneditable_color");
+ Color font_selected_color = get_theme_color("font_selected_color");
Color cursor_color = get_theme_color("cursor_color");
- const String &t = using_placeholder ? placeholder_translated : text;
// Draw placeholder color.
if (using_placeholder) {
font_color.a *= placeholder_alpha;
@@ -777,158 +672,178 @@ void LineEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
- r_icon->draw(ci, Point2(width - r_icon->get_width() - style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT), height / 2 - r_icon->get_height() / 2), color_icon);
+ r_icon->draw(ci, Point2(width - r_icon->get_width() - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT), height / 2 - r_icon->get_height() / 2), color_icon);
if (align == ALIGN_CENTER) {
- if (window_pos == 0) {
- x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT), int(size.width - cached_text_width - r_icon->get_width() - style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT) * 2) / 2);
+ if (scroll_offset == 0) {
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), int(size.width - text_width - r_icon->get_width() - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) * 2) / 2);
} else {
- x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(MARGIN_LEFT), x_ofs - r_icon->get_width() - style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT));
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), x_ofs - r_icon->get_width() - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT));
ofs_max -= r_icon->get_width();
- int caret_height = font->get_height() > y_area ? y_area : font->get_height();
- FontDrawer drawer(font, Color(1, 1, 1));
- while (true) {
- // End of string, break.
- if (char_ofs >= t.length()) {
- break;
- }
- if (char_ofs == cursor_pos) {
- if (ime_text.length() > 0) {
- int ofs = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (ofs >= ime_text.length()) {
- break;
- }
- CharType cchar = (pass && !text.empty()) ? secret_character[0] : ime_text[ofs];
- CharType next = (pass && !text.empty()) ? secret_character[0] : ime_text[ofs + 1];
- int im_char_width = font->get_char_size(cchar, next).width;
- if ((x_ofs + im_char_width) > ofs_max) {
- break;
- }
+ int caret_width = Math::round(EDSCALE);
+ int caret_width = 1;
- bool selected = ofs >= ime_selection.x && ofs < ime_selection.x + ime_selection.y;
- if (selected) {
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(Point2(x_ofs, y_ofs + caret_height), Size2(im_char_width, 3)), font_color);
- } else {
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(Point2(x_ofs, y_ofs + caret_height), Size2(im_char_width, 1)), font_color);
+ // Draw selections rects.
+ Vector2 ofs = Point2(x_ofs + scroll_offset, y_ofs);
+ if (selection.enabled) {
+ Vector<Vector2> sel = TS->shaped_text_get_selection(text_rid, selection.begin, selection.end);
+ for (int i = 0; i < sel.size(); i++) {
+ Rect2 rect = Rect2(sel[i].x + ofs.x, ofs.y, sel[i].y - sel[i].x, text_height);
+ if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x <= x_ofs || rect.position.x > ofs_max) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (rect.position.x < x_ofs) {
+ rect.size.x -= (x_ofs - rect.position.x);
+ rect.position.x = x_ofs;
+ } else if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x > ofs_max) {
+ rect.size.x = ofs_max - rect.position.x;
+ }
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, rect, selection_color);
+ }
+ }
+ const Vector<TextServer::Glyph> visual = TS->shaped_text_get_glyphs(text_rid);
+ const TextServer::Glyph *glyphs = visual.ptr();
+ int gl_size = visual.size();
+ // Draw text.
+ ofs.y += TS->shaped_text_get_ascent(text_rid);
+ Color font_outline_color = get_theme_color("font_outline_color");
+ int outline_size = get_theme_constant("outline_size");
+ if (outline_size > 0 && font_outline_color.a > 0) {
+ Vector2 oofs = ofs;
+ for (int i = 0; i < gl_size; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < glyphs[i].repeat; j++) {
+ if (ceil(oofs.x) >= x_ofs && (oofs.x + glyphs[i].advance) <= ofs_max) {
+ if (glyphs[i].font_rid != RID()) {
+ TS->font_draw_glyph_outline(glyphs[i].font_rid, ci, glyphs[i].font_size, outline_size, oofs + Vector2(glyphs[i].x_off, glyphs[i].y_off), glyphs[i].index, font_outline_color);
- drawer.draw_char(ci, Point2(x_ofs, y_ofs + font_ascent), cchar, next, font_color);
- x_ofs += im_char_width;
- ofs++;
+ oofs.x += glyphs[i].advance;
+ }
+ if (oofs.x >= ofs_max) {
+ break;
- CharType cchar = (pass && !text.empty()) ? secret_character[0] : t[char_ofs];
- CharType next = (pass && !text.empty()) ? secret_character[0] : t[char_ofs + 1];
- int char_width = font->get_char_size(cchar, next).width;
- // End of widget, break.
- if ((x_ofs + char_width) > ofs_max) {
- break;
- }
- bool selected = selection.enabled && char_ofs >= selection.begin && char_ofs < selection.end;
- if (selected) {
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(Point2(x_ofs, y_ofs), Size2(char_width, caret_height)), selection_color);
- }
- int yofs = y_ofs + (caret_height - font->get_height()) / 2;
- drawer.draw_char(ci, Point2(x_ofs, yofs + font_ascent), cchar, next, selected ? font_color_selected : font_color);
- if (char_ofs == cursor_pos && draw_caret && !using_placeholder) {
- if (ime_text.length() == 0) {
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(Point2(x_ofs, y_ofs), Size2(Math::round(EDSCALE), caret_height)), cursor_color);
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(Point2(x_ofs, y_ofs), Size2(1, caret_height)), cursor_color);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < gl_size; i++) {
+ bool selected = selection.enabled && glyphs[i].start >= selection.begin && glyphs[i].end <= selection.end;
+ for (int j = 0; j < glyphs[i].repeat; j++) {
+ if (ceil(ofs.x) >= x_ofs && (ofs.x + glyphs[i].advance) <= ofs_max) {
+ if (glyphs[i].font_rid != RID()) {
+ TS->font_draw_glyph(glyphs[i].font_rid, ci, glyphs[i].font_size, ofs + Vector2(glyphs[i].x_off, glyphs[i].y_off), glyphs[i].index, selected ? font_selected_color : font_color);
+ } else if ((glyphs[i].flags & TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) != TextServer::GRAPHEME_IS_VIRTUAL) {
+ TS->draw_hex_code_box(ci, glyphs[i].font_size, ofs + Vector2(glyphs[i].x_off, glyphs[i].y_off), glyphs[i].index, selected ? font_selected_color : font_color);
+ }
+ ofs.x += glyphs[i].advance;
+ }
+ if (ofs.x >= ofs_max) {
+ break;
- x_ofs += char_width;
- char_ofs++;
- if (char_ofs == cursor_pos) {
- if (ime_text.length() > 0) {
- int ofs = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (ofs >= ime_text.length()) {
- break;
+ // Draw carets.
+ ofs.x = x_ofs + scroll_offset;
+ if (draw_caret) {
+ if (ime_text.length() == 0) {
+ // Normal caret.
+ Rect2 l_caret, t_caret;
+ TextServer::Direction l_dir, t_dir;
+ TS->shaped_text_get_carets(text_rid, cursor_pos, l_caret, l_dir, t_caret, t_dir);
+ if (l_caret == Rect2() && t_caret == Rect2()) {
+ // No carets, add one at the start.
+ int h = get_theme_font("font")->get_height(get_theme_font_size("font_size"));
+ int y = style->get_offset().y + (y_area - h) / 2;
+ if (rtl) {
+ l_dir = TextServer::DIRECTION_RTL;
+ l_caret = Rect2(Vector2(ofs_max, y), Size2(caret_width, h));
+ } else {
+ l_dir = TextServer::DIRECTION_LTR;
+ l_caret = Rect2(Vector2(x_ofs, y), Size2(caret_width, h));
- CharType cchar = (pass && !text.empty()) ? secret_character[0] : ime_text[ofs];
- CharType next = (pass && !text.empty()) ? secret_character[0] : ime_text[ofs + 1];
- int im_char_width = font->get_char_size(cchar, next).width;
- if ((x_ofs + im_char_width) > ofs_max) {
- break;
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, l_caret, cursor_color);
+ } else {
+ if (l_caret != Rect2() && l_dir == TextServer::DIRECTION_AUTO) {
+ // Draw extra marker on top of mid caret.
+ Rect2 trect = Rect2(l_caret.position.x - 3 * caret_width, l_caret.position.y, 6 * caret_width, caret_width);
+ trect.position += ofs;
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, trect, cursor_color);
- bool selected = ofs >= ime_selection.x && ofs < ime_selection.x + ime_selection.y;
- if (selected) {
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(Point2(x_ofs, y_ofs + caret_height), Size2(im_char_width, 3)), font_color);
- } else {
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(Point2(x_ofs, y_ofs + caret_height), Size2(im_char_width, 1)), font_color);
- }
+ l_caret.position += ofs;
+ l_caret.size.x = caret_width;
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, l_caret, cursor_color);
- drawer.draw_char(ci, Point2(x_ofs, y_ofs + font_ascent), cchar, next, font_color);
+ t_caret.position += ofs;
+ t_caret.size.x = caret_width;
- x_ofs += im_char_width;
- ofs++;
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, t_caret, cursor_color);
- }
- }
- if ((char_ofs == cursor_pos || using_placeholder) && draw_caret) { // May be at the end, or placeholder.
- if (ime_text.length() == 0) {
- int caret_x_ofs = x_ofs;
- if (using_placeholder) {
- switch (align) {
- case ALIGN_LEFT:
- case ALIGN_FILL: {
- caret_x_ofs = style->get_offset().x;
- } break;
- case ALIGN_CENTER: {
- caret_x_ofs = ofs_max / 2;
- } break;
- case ALIGN_RIGHT: {
- caret_x_ofs = ofs_max;
- } break;
+ } else {
+ {
+ // IME intermidiet text range.
+ Vector<Vector2> sel = TS->shaped_text_get_selection(text_rid, cursor_pos, cursor_pos + ime_text.length());
+ for (int i = 0; i < sel.size(); i++) {
+ Rect2 rect = Rect2(sel[i].x + ofs.x, ofs.y, sel[i].y - sel[i].x, text_height);
+ if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x <= x_ofs || rect.position.x > ofs_max) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (rect.position.x < x_ofs) {
+ rect.size.x -= (x_ofs - rect.position.x);
+ rect.position.x = x_ofs;
+ } else if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x > ofs_max) {
+ rect.size.x = ofs_max - rect.position.x;
+ }
+ rect.size.y = caret_width;
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, rect, cursor_color);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ // IME caret.
+ Vector<Vector2> sel = TS->shaped_text_get_selection(text_rid, cursor_pos + ime_selection.x, cursor_pos + ime_selection.x + ime_selection.y);
+ for (int i = 0; i < sel.size(); i++) {
+ Rect2 rect = Rect2(sel[i].x + ofs.x, ofs.y, sel[i].y - sel[i].x, text_height);
+ if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x <= x_ofs || rect.position.x > ofs_max) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (rect.position.x < x_ofs) {
+ rect.size.x -= (x_ofs - rect.position.x);
+ rect.position.x = x_ofs;
+ } else if (rect.position.x + rect.size.x > ofs_max) {
+ rect.size.x = ofs_max - rect.position.x;
+ }
+ rect.size.y = caret_width * 3;
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, rect, cursor_color);
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(Point2(caret_x_ofs, y_ofs), Size2(Math::round(EDSCALE), caret_height)), cursor_color);
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_rect(ci, Rect2(Point2(caret_x_ofs, y_ofs), Size2(1, caret_height)), cursor_color);
if (has_focus()) {
if (get_viewport()->get_window_id() != DisplayServer::INVALID_WINDOW_ID) {
DisplayServer::get_singleton()->window_set_ime_active(true, get_viewport()->get_window_id());
- DisplayServer::get_singleton()->window_set_ime_position(get_global_position() + Point2(using_placeholder ? 0 : x_ofs, y_ofs + caret_height), get_viewport()->get_window_id());
+ DisplayServer::get_singleton()->window_set_ime_position(get_global_position() + Point2(using_placeholder ? 0 : x_ofs, y_ofs + TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).y), get_viewport()->get_window_id());
} break;
- if (caret_blink_enabled) {
- caret_blink_timer->start();
- } else {
- draw_caret = true;
+ if (!caret_force_displayed) {
+ if (caret_blink_enabled) {
+ if (caret_blink_timer->is_stopped()) {
+ caret_blink_timer->start();
+ }
+ } else {
+ draw_caret = true;
+ }
if (get_viewport()->get_window_id() != DisplayServer::INVALID_WINDOW_ID) {
@@ -937,17 +852,10 @@ void LineEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
DisplayServer::get_singleton()->window_set_ime_position(get_global_position() + cursor_pos, get_viewport()->get_window_id());
- if (DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD)) {
- if (selection.enabled) {
- DisplayServer::get_singleton()->virtual_keyboard_show(text, get_global_rect(), max_length, selection.begin, selection.end);
- } else {
- DisplayServer::get_singleton()->virtual_keyboard_show(text, get_global_rect(), max_length, cursor_pos);
- }
- }
+ show_virtual_keyboard();
} break;
- if (caret_blink_enabled) {
+ if (caret_blink_enabled && !caret_force_displayed) {
@@ -957,8 +865,10 @@ void LineEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
ime_text = "";
ime_selection = Point2();
+ _shape();
+ set_cursor_position(cursor_pos); // Update scroll_offset
- if (DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD)) {
+ if (DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD) && virtual_keyboard_enabled) {
@@ -967,6 +877,9 @@ void LineEdit::_notification(int p_what) {
if (has_focus()) {
ime_text = DisplayServer::get_singleton()->ime_get_text();
ime_selection = DisplayServer::get_singleton()->ime_get_selection();
+ _shape();
+ set_cursor_position(cursor_pos); // Update scroll_offset
} break;
@@ -980,13 +893,17 @@ void LineEdit::copy_text() {
void LineEdit::cut_text() {
- if (selection.enabled && !pass) {
+ if (editable && selection.enabled && !pass) {
DisplayServer::get_singleton()->clipboard_set(text.substr(selection.begin, selection.end - selection.begin));
void LineEdit::paste_text() {
+ if (!editable) {
+ return;
+ }
// Strip escape characters like \n and \t as they can't be displayed on LineEdit.
String paste_buffer = DisplayServer::get_singleton()->clipboard_get().strip_escapes();
@@ -1007,6 +924,10 @@ void LineEdit::paste_text() {
void LineEdit::undo() {
+ if (!editable) {
+ return;
+ }
if (undo_stack_pos == nullptr) {
if (undo_stack.size() <= 1) {
@@ -1018,18 +939,18 @@ void LineEdit::undo() {
undo_stack_pos = undo_stack_pos->prev();
TextOperation op = undo_stack_pos->get();
text = op.text;
- cached_width = op.cached_width;
- window_pos = op.window_pos;
+ scroll_offset = op.scroll_offset;
- if (expand_to_text_length) {
- minimum_size_changed();
- }
+ _shape();
void LineEdit::redo() {
+ if (!editable) {
+ return;
+ }
if (undo_stack_pos == nullptr) {
@@ -1039,14 +960,10 @@ void LineEdit::redo() {
undo_stack_pos = undo_stack_pos->next();
TextOperation op = undo_stack_pos->get();
text = op.text;
- cached_width = op.cached_width;
- window_pos = op.window_pos;
+ scroll_offset = op.scroll_offset;
- if (expand_to_text_length) {
- minimum_size_changed();
- }
+ _shape();
@@ -1066,98 +983,138 @@ void LineEdit::shift_selection_check_post(bool p_shift) {
void LineEdit::set_cursor_at_pixel_pos(int p_x) {
- Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font("font");
- int ofs = window_pos;
Ref<StyleBox> style = get_theme_stylebox("normal");
- int pixel_ofs = 0;
- Size2 size = get_size();
- bool display_clear_icon = !text.empty() && is_editable() && clear_button_enabled;
- int r_icon_width = Control::get_theme_icon("clear")->get_width();
+ bool rtl = is_layout_rtl();
+ int x_ofs = 0;
+ float text_width = TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).x;
switch (align) {
case ALIGN_LEFT: {
- pixel_ofs = int(style->get_offset().x);
+ if (rtl) {
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), int(get_size().width - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) - (text_width)));
+ } else {
+ x_ofs = style->get_offset().x;
+ }
} break;
- if (window_pos != 0) {
- pixel_ofs = int(style->get_offset().x);
+ if (scroll_offset != 0) {
+ x_ofs = style->get_offset().x;
} else {
- pixel_ofs = int(size.width - (cached_width)) / 2;
- }
- if (display_clear_icon) {
- pixel_ofs -= int(r_icon_width / 2 + style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT));
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), int(get_size().width - (text_width)) / 2);
} break;
- pixel_ofs = int(size.width - style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT) - (cached_width));
- if (display_clear_icon) {
- pixel_ofs -= int(r_icon_width + style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT));
+ if (rtl) {
+ x_ofs = style->get_offset().x;
+ } else {
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), int(get_size().width - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) - (text_width)));
} break;
- while (ofs < text.length()) {
- int char_w = 0;
- if (font != nullptr) {
- char_w = font->get_char_size(pass ? secret_character[0] : text[ofs]).width;
- }
- pixel_ofs += char_w;
- if (pixel_ofs > p_x) { // Found what we look for.
- break;
+ bool using_placeholder = text.is_empty() && ime_text.is_empty();
+ bool display_clear_icon = !using_placeholder && is_editable() && clear_button_enabled;
+ if (right_icon.is_valid() || display_clear_icon) {
+ Ref<Texture2D> r_icon = display_clear_icon ? Control::get_theme_icon("clear") : right_icon;
+ if (align == ALIGN_CENTER) {
+ if (scroll_offset == 0) {
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), int(get_size().width - text_width - r_icon->get_width() - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) * 2) / 2);
+ }
+ } else {
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), x_ofs - r_icon->get_width() - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT));
- ofs++;
+ int ofs = TS->shaped_text_hit_test_position(text_rid, p_x - x_ofs - scroll_offset);
-int LineEdit::get_cursor_pixel_pos() {
- Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font("font");
- int ofs = window_pos;
+Vector2i LineEdit::get_cursor_pixel_pos() {
Ref<StyleBox> style = get_theme_stylebox("normal");
- int pixel_ofs = 0;
- Size2 size = get_size();
- bool display_clear_icon = !text.empty() && is_editable() && clear_button_enabled;
- int r_icon_width = Control::get_theme_icon("clear")->get_width();
+ bool rtl = is_layout_rtl();
+ int x_ofs = 0;
+ float text_width = TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).x;
switch (align) {
case ALIGN_LEFT: {
- pixel_ofs = int(style->get_offset().x);
+ if (rtl) {
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), int(get_size().width - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) - (text_width)));
+ } else {
+ x_ofs = style->get_offset().x;
+ }
} break;
- if (window_pos != 0) {
- pixel_ofs = int(style->get_offset().x);
+ if (scroll_offset != 0) {
+ x_ofs = style->get_offset().x;
} else {
- pixel_ofs = int(size.width - (cached_width)) / 2;
- }
- if (display_clear_icon) {
- pixel_ofs -= int(r_icon_width / 2 + style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT));
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), int(get_size().width - (text_width)) / 2);
} break;
- pixel_ofs = int(size.width - style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT) - (cached_width));
- if (display_clear_icon) {
- pixel_ofs -= int(r_icon_width + style->get_margin(MARGIN_RIGHT));
+ if (rtl) {
+ x_ofs = style->get_offset().x;
+ } else {
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), int(get_size().width - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) - (text_width)));
} break;
- while (ofs < cursor_pos) {
- if (font != nullptr) {
- pixel_ofs += font->get_char_size(pass ? secret_character[0] : text[ofs]).width;
+ bool using_placeholder = text.is_empty() && ime_text.is_empty();
+ bool display_clear_icon = !using_placeholder && is_editable() && clear_button_enabled;
+ if (right_icon.is_valid() || display_clear_icon) {
+ Ref<Texture2D> r_icon = display_clear_icon ? Control::get_theme_icon("clear") : right_icon;
+ if (align == ALIGN_CENTER) {
+ if (scroll_offset == 0) {
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), int(get_size().width - text_width - r_icon->get_width() - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) * 2) / 2);
+ }
+ } else {
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), x_ofs - r_icon->get_width() - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT));
+ }
+ }
+ Vector2i ret;
+ Rect2 l_caret, t_caret;
+ TextServer::Direction l_dir, t_dir;
+ // Get position of the start of caret.
+ if (ime_text.length() != 0 && ime_selection.x != 0) {
+ TS->shaped_text_get_carets(text_rid, cursor_pos + ime_selection.x, l_caret, l_dir, t_caret, t_dir);
+ } else {
+ TS->shaped_text_get_carets(text_rid, cursor_pos, l_caret, l_dir, t_caret, t_dir);
+ }
+ if ((l_caret != Rect2() && (l_dir == TextServer::DIRECTION_AUTO || l_dir == (TextServer::Direction)input_direction)) || (t_caret == Rect2())) {
+ ret.x = x_ofs + l_caret.position.x + scroll_offset;
+ } else {
+ ret.x = x_ofs + t_caret.position.x + scroll_offset;
+ }
+ // Get position of the end of caret.
+ if (ime_text.length() != 0) {
+ if (ime_selection.y != 0) {
+ TS->shaped_text_get_carets(text_rid, cursor_pos + ime_selection.x + ime_selection.y, l_caret, l_dir, t_caret, t_dir);
+ } else {
+ TS->shaped_text_get_carets(text_rid, cursor_pos + ime_text.size(), l_caret, l_dir, t_caret, t_dir);
+ }
+ if ((l_caret != Rect2() && (l_dir == TextServer::DIRECTION_AUTO || l_dir == (TextServer::Direction)input_direction)) || (t_caret == Rect2())) {
+ ret.y = x_ofs + l_caret.position.x + scroll_offset;
+ } else {
+ ret.y = x_ofs + t_caret.position.x + scroll_offset;
- ofs++;
+ } else {
+ ret.y = ret.x;
- return pixel_ofs;
+ return ret;
+void LineEdit::set_mid_grapheme_caret_enabled(const bool p_enabled) {
+ mid_grapheme_caret_enabled = p_enabled;
+bool LineEdit::get_mid_grapheme_caret_enabled() const {
+ return mid_grapheme_caret_enabled;
bool LineEdit::cursor_get_blink_enabled() const {
@@ -1167,9 +1124,11 @@ bool LineEdit::cursor_get_blink_enabled() const {
void LineEdit::cursor_set_blink_enabled(const bool p_enabled) {
caret_blink_enabled = p_enabled;
- if (has_focus()) {
+ if (has_focus() || caret_force_displayed) {
if (p_enabled) {
- caret_blink_timer->start();
+ if (caret_blink_timer->is_stopped()) {
+ caret_blink_timer->start();
+ }
} else {
@@ -1178,6 +1137,16 @@ void LineEdit::cursor_set_blink_enabled(const bool p_enabled) {
draw_caret = true;
+bool LineEdit::cursor_get_force_displayed() const {
+ return caret_force_displayed;
+void LineEdit::cursor_set_force_displayed(const bool p_enabled) {
+ caret_force_displayed = p_enabled;
+ cursor_set_blink_enabled(caret_blink_enabled);
+ update();
float LineEdit::cursor_get_blink_speed() const {
return caret_blink_timer->get_wait_time();
@@ -1200,7 +1169,7 @@ void LineEdit::_reset_caret_blink_timer() {
void LineEdit::_toggle_draw_caret() {
draw_caret = !draw_caret;
- if (is_visible_in_tree() && has_focus() && window_has_focus) {
+ if (is_visible_in_tree() && ((has_focus() && window_has_focus) || caret_force_displayed)) {
@@ -1210,49 +1179,26 @@ void LineEdit::delete_char() {
- Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font("font");
- if (font != nullptr) {
- cached_width -= font->get_char_size(pass ? secret_character[0] : text[cursor_pos - 1]).width;
- }
text.erase(cursor_pos - 1, 1);
+ _shape();
set_cursor_position(get_cursor_position() - 1);
- if (align == ALIGN_CENTER || align == ALIGN_RIGHT) {
- window_pos = CLAMP(window_pos - 1, 0, MAX(text.length() - 1, 0));
- }
void LineEdit::delete_text(int p_from_column, int p_to_column) {
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_from_column < 0 || p_from_column > p_to_column || p_to_column > text.length(),
vformat("Positional parameters (from: %d, to: %d) are inverted or outside the text length (%d).", p_from_column, p_to_column, text.length()));
- if (text.size() > 0) {
- Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font("font");
- if (font != nullptr) {
- for (int i = p_from_column; i < p_to_column; i++) {
- cached_width -= font->get_char_size(pass ? secret_character[0] : text[i]).width;
- }
- }
- } else {
- cached_width = 0;
- }
text.erase(p_from_column, p_to_column - p_from_column);
+ _shape();
cursor_pos -= CLAMP(cursor_pos - p_from_column, 0, p_to_column - p_from_column);
if (cursor_pos >= text.length()) {
cursor_pos = text.length();
- if (window_pos > cursor_pos) {
- window_pos = cursor_pos;
- }
- if (align == ALIGN_CENTER || align == ALIGN_RIGHT) {
- window_pos = CLAMP(window_pos - (p_to_column - p_from_column), 0, MAX(text.length() - 1, 0));
- }
if (!text_changed_dirty) {
if (is_inside_tree()) {
@@ -1266,18 +1212,120 @@ void LineEdit::set_text(String p_text) {
- if (expand_to_text_length) {
- minimum_size_changed();
+ update();
+ cursor_pos = 0;
+ scroll_offset = 0;
+void LineEdit::set_text_direction(Control::TextDirection p_text_direction) {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND((int)p_text_direction < -1 || (int)p_text_direction > 3);
+ if (text_direction != p_text_direction) {
+ text_direction = p_text_direction;
+ if (text_direction != TEXT_DIRECTION_AUTO && text_direction != TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERITED) {
+ input_direction = text_direction;
+ }
+ _shape();
+ menu_dir->set_item_checked(menu_dir->get_item_index(MENU_DIR_INHERITED), text_direction == TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERITED);
+ menu_dir->set_item_checked(menu_dir->get_item_index(MENU_DIR_AUTO), text_direction == TEXT_DIRECTION_AUTO);
+ menu_dir->set_item_checked(menu_dir->get_item_index(MENU_DIR_LTR), text_direction == TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR);
+ menu_dir->set_item_checked(menu_dir->get_item_index(MENU_DIR_RTL), text_direction == TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL);
+ update();
+Control::TextDirection LineEdit::get_text_direction() const {
+ return text_direction;
+void LineEdit::clear_opentype_features() {
+ opentype_features.clear();
+ _shape();
- cursor_pos = 0;
- window_pos = 0;
+void LineEdit::set_opentype_feature(const String &p_name, int p_value) {
+ int32_t tag = TS->name_to_tag(p_name);
+ if (!opentype_features.has(tag) || (int)opentype_features[tag] != p_value) {
+ opentype_features[tag] = p_value;
+ _shape();
+ update();
+ }
+int LineEdit::get_opentype_feature(const String &p_name) const {
+ int32_t tag = TS->name_to_tag(p_name);
+ if (!opentype_features.has(tag)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return opentype_features[tag];
+void LineEdit::set_language(const String &p_language) {
+ if (language != p_language) {
+ language = p_language;
+ _shape();
+ update();
+ }
+String LineEdit::get_language() const {
+ return language;
+void LineEdit::set_draw_control_chars(bool p_draw_control_chars) {
+ if (draw_control_chars != p_draw_control_chars) {
+ draw_control_chars = p_draw_control_chars;
+ menu->set_item_checked(menu->get_item_index(MENU_DISPLAY_UCC), draw_control_chars);
+ _shape();
+ update();
+ }
+bool LineEdit::get_draw_control_chars() const {
+ return draw_control_chars;
+void LineEdit::set_structured_text_bidi_override(Control::StructuredTextParser p_parser) {
+ if (st_parser != p_parser) {
+ st_parser = p_parser;
+ _shape();
+ update();
+ }
+Control::StructuredTextParser LineEdit::get_structured_text_bidi_override() const {
+ return st_parser;
+void LineEdit::set_structured_text_bidi_override_options(Array p_args) {
+ st_args = p_args;
+ _shape();
+ update();
+Array LineEdit::get_structured_text_bidi_override_options() const {
+ return st_args;
void LineEdit::clear() {
+ // This should reset virtual keyboard state if needed.
+ if (has_focus()) {
+ show_virtual_keyboard();
+ }
+void LineEdit::show_virtual_keyboard() {
+ if (DisplayServer::get_singleton()->has_feature(DisplayServer::FEATURE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD) && virtual_keyboard_enabled) {
+ if (selection.enabled) {
+ DisplayServer::get_singleton()->virtual_keyboard_show(text, get_global_rect(), false, max_length, selection.begin, selection.end);
+ } else {
+ DisplayServer::get_singleton()->virtual_keyboard_show(text, get_global_rect(), false, max_length, cursor_pos);
+ }
+ }
String LineEdit::get_text() const {
@@ -1287,7 +1335,7 @@ String LineEdit::get_text() const {
void LineEdit::set_placeholder(String p_text) {
placeholder = p_text;
placeholder_translated = tr(placeholder);
- update_placeholder_width();
+ _shape();
@@ -1315,57 +1363,68 @@ void LineEdit::set_cursor_position(int p_pos) {
cursor_pos = p_pos;
+ // Fit to window.
if (!is_inside_tree()) {
- window_pos = cursor_pos;
+ scroll_offset = 0;
Ref<StyleBox> style = get_theme_stylebox("normal");
- Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font("font");
- if (cursor_pos <= window_pos) {
- // Adjust window if cursor goes too much to the left.
- set_window_pos(MAX(0, cursor_pos - 1));
- } else {
- // Adjust window if cursor goes too much to the right.
- int window_width = get_size().width - style->get_minimum_size().width;
- bool display_clear_icon = !text.empty() && is_editable() && clear_button_enabled;
- if (right_icon.is_valid() || display_clear_icon) {
- Ref<Texture2D> r_icon = display_clear_icon ? Control::get_theme_icon("clear") : right_icon;
- window_width -= r_icon->get_width();
- }
- if (window_width < 0) {
- return;
- }
- int wp = window_pos;
- if (font.is_valid()) {
- int accum_width = 0;
+ bool rtl = is_layout_rtl();
- for (int i = cursor_pos; i >= window_pos; i--) {
- if (i >= text.length()) {
- // Do not do this, because if the cursor is at the end, its just fine that it takes no space.
- // accum_width = font->get_char_size(' ').width;
- } else {
- if (pass) {
- accum_width += font->get_char_size(secret_character[0], i + 1 < text.length() ? secret_character[0] : 0).width;
- } else {
- accum_width += font->get_char_size(text[i], i + 1 < text.length() ? text[i + 1] : 0).width; // Anything should do.
- }
- }
- if (accum_width > window_width) {
- break;
- }
+ int x_ofs = 0;
+ float text_width = TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).x;
+ switch (align) {
+ case ALIGN_FILL:
+ case ALIGN_LEFT: {
+ if (rtl) {
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), int(get_size().width - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) - (text_width)));
+ } else {
+ x_ofs = style->get_offset().x;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case ALIGN_CENTER: {
+ if (scroll_offset != 0) {
+ x_ofs = style->get_offset().x;
+ } else {
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), int(get_size().width - (text_width)) / 2);
+ }
+ } break;
+ case ALIGN_RIGHT: {
+ if (rtl) {
+ x_ofs = style->get_offset().x;
+ } else {
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), int(get_size().width - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) - (text_width)));
+ }
+ } break;
+ }
- wp = i;
+ int ofs_max = get_size().width - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT);
+ bool using_placeholder = text.is_empty() && ime_text.is_empty();
+ bool display_clear_icon = !using_placeholder && is_editable() && clear_button_enabled;
+ if (right_icon.is_valid() || display_clear_icon) {
+ Ref<Texture2D> r_icon = display_clear_icon ? Control::get_theme_icon("clear") : right_icon;
+ if (align == ALIGN_CENTER) {
+ if (scroll_offset == 0) {
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), int(get_size().width - text_width - r_icon->get_width() - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) * 2) / 2);
+ } else {
+ x_ofs = MAX(style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), x_ofs - r_icon->get_width() - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT));
+ ofs_max -= r_icon->get_width();
+ }
- if (wp != window_pos) {
- set_window_pos(wp);
- }
+ // Note: Use too coordinates to fit IME input range.
+ Vector2i primary_catret_offset = get_cursor_pixel_pos();
+ if (MIN(primary_catret_offset.x, primary_catret_offset.y) <= x_ofs) {
+ scroll_offset += (x_ofs - MIN(primary_catret_offset.x, primary_catret_offset.y));
+ } else if (MAX(primary_catret_offset.x, primary_catret_offset.y) >= ofs_max) {
+ scroll_offset += (ofs_max - MAX(primary_catret_offset.x, primary_catret_offset.y));
+ scroll_offset = MIN(0, scroll_offset);
@@ -1373,19 +1432,27 @@ int LineEdit::get_cursor_position() const {
return cursor_pos;
-void LineEdit::set_window_pos(int p_pos) {
- window_pos = p_pos;
- if (window_pos < 0) {
- window_pos = 0;
+void LineEdit::set_scroll_offset(int p_pos) {
+ scroll_offset = p_pos;
+ if (scroll_offset < 0) {
+ scroll_offset = 0;
+int LineEdit::get_scroll_offset() const {
+ return scroll_offset;
void LineEdit::append_at_cursor(String p_text) {
if ((max_length <= 0) || (text.length() + p_text.length() <= max_length)) {
String pre = text.substr(0, cursor_pos);
String post = text.substr(cursor_pos, text.length() - cursor_pos);
text = pre + p_text + post;
- update_cached_width();
+ _shape();
+ TextServer::Direction dir = TS->shaped_text_get_dominant_direciton_in_range(text_rid, cursor_pos, cursor_pos + p_text.length());
+ if (dir != TextServer::DIRECTION_AUTO) {
+ input_direction = (TextDirection)dir;
+ }
set_cursor_position(cursor_pos + p_text.length());
} else {
@@ -1395,39 +1462,39 @@ void LineEdit::append_at_cursor(String p_text) {
void LineEdit::clear_internal() {
- cached_width = 0;
cursor_pos = 0;
- window_pos = 0;
+ scroll_offset = 0;
undo_text = "";
text = "";
+ _shape();
Size2 LineEdit::get_minimum_size() const {
Ref<StyleBox> style = get_theme_stylebox("normal");
Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font("font");
+ int font_size = get_theme_font_size("font_size");
Size2 min_size;
// Minimum size of text.
- int space_size = font->get_char_size(' ').x;
- min_size.width = get_theme_constant("minimum_spaces") * space_size;
+ int em_space_size = font->get_char_size('M', 0, font_size).x;
+ min_size.width = get_theme_constant("minimum_character_width") * em_space_size;
if (expand_to_text_length) {
// Add a space because some fonts are too exact, and because cursor needs a bit more when at the end.
- min_size.width = MAX(min_size.width, font->get_string_size(text).x + space_size);
+ min_size.width = MAX(min_size.width, full_width + em_space_size);
- min_size.height = font->get_height();
+ min_size.height = MAX(TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).y + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_TOP) + font->get_spacing(Font::SPACING_BOTTOM), font->get_height(font_size));
// Take icons into account.
- if (!text.empty() && is_editable() && clear_button_enabled) {
- min_size.width = MAX(min_size.width, Control::get_theme_icon("clear")->get_width());
- min_size.height = MAX(min_size.height, Control::get_theme_icon("clear")->get_height());
- }
- if (right_icon.is_valid()) {
- min_size.width = MAX(min_size.width, right_icon->get_width());
- min_size.height = MAX(min_size.height, right_icon->get_height());
+ bool using_placeholder = text.is_empty() && ime_text.is_empty();
+ bool display_clear_icon = !using_placeholder && is_editable() && clear_button_enabled;
+ if (right_icon.is_valid() || display_clear_icon) {
+ Ref<Texture2D> r_icon = display_clear_icon ? Control::get_theme_icon("clear") : right_icon;
+ min_size.width += r_icon->get_width();
+ min_size.height = MAX(min_size.height, r_icon->get_height());
return style->get_minimum_size() + min_size;
@@ -1510,8 +1577,10 @@ bool LineEdit::is_editable() const {
void LineEdit::set_secret(bool p_secret) {
- pass = p_secret;
- update_cached_width();
+ if (pass != p_secret) {
+ pass = p_secret;
+ _shape();
+ }
@@ -1524,8 +1593,10 @@ void LineEdit::set_secret_character(const String &p_string) {
// It also wouldn't make sense to use multiple characters as the secret character.
ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_string.length() != 1, "Secret character must be exactly one character long (" + itos(p_string.length()) + " characters given).");
- secret_character = p_string;
- update_cached_width();
+ if (secret_character != p_string) {
+ secret_character = p_string;
+ _shape();
+ }
@@ -1602,6 +1673,101 @@ void LineEdit::menu_option(int p_option) {
if (editable) {
+ } break;
+ set_text_direction(TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERITED);
+ } break;
+ case MENU_DIR_AUTO: {
+ set_text_direction(TEXT_DIRECTION_AUTO);
+ } break;
+ case MENU_DIR_LTR: {
+ set_text_direction(TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR);
+ } break;
+ case MENU_DIR_RTL: {
+ set_text_direction(TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL);
+ } break;
+ set_draw_control_chars(!get_draw_control_chars());
+ } break;
+ if (editable) {
+ append_at_cursor(String::chr(0x200E));
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (editable) {
+ append_at_cursor(String::chr(0x200F));
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (editable) {
+ append_at_cursor(String::chr(0x202A));
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (editable) {
+ append_at_cursor(String::chr(0x202B));
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (editable) {
+ append_at_cursor(String::chr(0x202D));
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (editable) {
+ append_at_cursor(String::chr(0x202E));
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (editable) {
+ append_at_cursor(String::chr(0x202C));
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (editable) {
+ append_at_cursor(String::chr(0x061C));
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (editable) {
+ append_at_cursor(String::chr(0x2066));
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (editable) {
+ append_at_cursor(String::chr(0x2067));
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (editable) {
+ append_at_cursor(String::chr(0x2068));
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (editable) {
+ append_at_cursor(String::chr(0x2069));
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (editable) {
+ append_at_cursor(String::chr(0x200D));
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (editable) {
+ append_at_cursor(String::chr(0x200C));
+ }
+ } break;
+ case MENU_INSERT_WJ: {
+ if (editable) {
+ append_at_cursor(String::chr(0x2060));
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (editable) {
+ append_at_cursor(String::chr(0x00AD));
+ }
@@ -1628,7 +1794,7 @@ void LineEdit::_editor_settings_changed() {
void LineEdit::set_expand_to_text_length(bool p_enabled) {
expand_to_text_length = p_enabled;
- set_window_pos(0);
+ set_cursor_position(cursor_pos);
bool LineEdit::get_expand_to_text_length() const {
@@ -1640,6 +1806,7 @@ void LineEdit::set_clear_button_enabled(bool p_enabled) {
clear_button_enabled = p_enabled;
+ _fit_to_width();
@@ -1658,6 +1825,14 @@ bool LineEdit::is_shortcut_keys_enabled() const {
return shortcut_keys_enabled;
+void LineEdit::set_virtual_keyboard_enabled(bool p_enable) {
+ virtual_keyboard_enabled = p_enable;
+bool LineEdit::is_virtual_keyboard_enabled() const {
+ return virtual_keyboard_enabled;
void LineEdit::set_selecting_enabled(bool p_enabled) {
selecting_enabled = p_enabled;
@@ -1677,6 +1852,7 @@ void LineEdit::set_right_icon(const Ref<Texture2D> &p_icon) {
right_icon = p_icon;
+ _fit_to_width();
@@ -1686,38 +1862,64 @@ Ref<Texture2D> LineEdit::get_right_icon() {
void LineEdit::_text_changed() {
- if (expand_to_text_length) {
- minimum_size_changed();
- }
void LineEdit::_emit_text_change() {
emit_signal("text_changed", text);
- _change_notify("text");
text_changed_dirty = false;
-void LineEdit::update_cached_width() {
- Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font("font");
- cached_width = 0;
- if (font != nullptr) {
- String text = get_text();
- for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
- cached_width += font->get_char_size(pass ? secret_character[0] : text[i]).width;
+void LineEdit::_shape() {
+ Size2 old_size = TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid);
+ TS->shaped_text_clear(text_rid);
+ String t;
+ if (text.length() == 0) {
+ t = placeholder_translated;
+ } else if (pass) {
+ t = secret_character.repeat(text.length() + ime_text.length());
+ } else {
+ if (ime_text.length() > 0) {
+ t = text.substr(0, cursor_pos) + ime_text + text.substr(cursor_pos, text.length());
+ } else {
+ t = text;
+ if (text_direction == Control::TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERITED) {
+ TS->shaped_text_set_direction(text_rid, is_layout_rtl() ? TextServer::DIRECTION_RTL : TextServer::DIRECTION_LTR);
+ } else {
+ TS->shaped_text_set_direction(text_rid, (TextServer::Direction)text_direction);
+ }
+ TS->shaped_text_set_preserve_control(text_rid, draw_control_chars);
+ const Ref<Font> &font = get_theme_font("font");
+ int font_size = get_theme_font_size("font_size");
+ TS->shaped_text_add_string(text_rid, t, font->get_rids(), font_size, opentype_features, (language != "") ? language : TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale());
+ TS->shaped_text_set_bidi_override(text_rid, structured_text_parser(st_parser, st_args, t));
+ full_width = TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid).x;
+ _fit_to_width();
+ Size2 size = TS->shaped_text_get_size(text_rid);
+ if ((expand_to_text_length && old_size.x != size.x) || (old_size.y != size.y)) {
+ minimum_size_changed();
+ }
-void LineEdit::update_placeholder_width() {
- Ref<Font> font = get_theme_font("font");
- cached_placeholder_width = 0;
- if (font != nullptr) {
- for (int i = 0; i < placeholder_translated.length(); i++) {
- cached_placeholder_width += font->get_char_size(placeholder_translated[i]).width;
+void LineEdit::_fit_to_width() {
+ if (align == ALIGN_FILL) {
+ Ref<StyleBox> style = get_theme_stylebox("normal");
+ int t_width = get_size().width - style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT) - style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT);
+ bool using_placeholder = text.is_empty() && ime_text.is_empty();
+ bool display_clear_icon = !using_placeholder && is_editable() && clear_button_enabled;
+ if (right_icon.is_valid() || display_clear_icon) {
+ Ref<Texture2D> r_icon = display_clear_icon ? Control::get_theme_icon("clear") : right_icon;
+ t_width -= r_icon->get_width();
+ TS->shaped_text_fit_to_width(text_rid, MAX(t_width, full_width));
@@ -1745,34 +1947,115 @@ void LineEdit::_clear_undo_stack() {
void LineEdit::_create_undo_state() {
TextOperation op;
op.text = text;
- op.cached_width = cached_width;
op.cursor_pos = cursor_pos;
- op.window_pos = window_pos;
+ op.scroll_offset = scroll_offset;
+int LineEdit::_get_menu_action_accelerator(const String &p_action) {
+ const List<Ref<InputEvent>> *events = InputMap::get_singleton()->action_get_events(p_action);
+ if (!events) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Use first event in the list for the accelerator.
+ const List<Ref<InputEvent>>::Element *first_event = events->front();
+ if (!first_event) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const Ref<InputEventKey> event = first_event->get();
+ if (event.is_null()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Use physical keycode if non-zero
+ if (event->get_physical_keycode() != 0) {
+ return event->get_physical_keycode_with_modifiers();
+ } else {
+ return event->get_keycode_with_modifiers();
+ }
void LineEdit::_generate_context_menu() {
// Reorganize context menu.
if (editable) {
- menu->add_item(RTR("Cut"), MENU_CUT, is_shortcut_keys_enabled() ? KEY_MASK_CMD | KEY_X : 0);
+ menu->add_item(RTR("Cut"), MENU_CUT, is_shortcut_keys_enabled() ? _get_menu_action_accelerator("ui_cut") : 0);
- menu->add_item(RTR("Copy"), MENU_COPY, is_shortcut_keys_enabled() ? KEY_MASK_CMD | KEY_C : 0);
+ menu->add_item(RTR("Copy"), MENU_COPY, is_shortcut_keys_enabled() ? _get_menu_action_accelerator("ui_copy") : 0);
if (editable) {
- menu->add_item(RTR("Paste"), MENU_PASTE, is_shortcut_keys_enabled() ? KEY_MASK_CMD | KEY_V : 0);
+ menu->add_item(RTR("Paste"), MENU_PASTE, is_shortcut_keys_enabled() ? _get_menu_action_accelerator("ui_paste") : 0);
if (is_selecting_enabled()) {
- menu->add_item(RTR("Select All"), MENU_SELECT_ALL, is_shortcut_keys_enabled() ? KEY_MASK_CMD | KEY_A : 0);
+ menu->add_item(RTR("Select All"), MENU_SELECT_ALL, is_shortcut_keys_enabled() ? _get_menu_action_accelerator("ui_text_select_all") : 0);
if (editable) {
menu->add_item(RTR("Clear"), MENU_CLEAR);
- menu->add_item(RTR("Undo"), MENU_UNDO, is_shortcut_keys_enabled() ? KEY_MASK_CMD | KEY_Z : 0);
- menu->add_item(RTR("Redo"), MENU_REDO, is_shortcut_keys_enabled() ? KEY_MASK_CMD | KEY_MASK_SHIFT | KEY_Z : 0);
+ menu->add_item(RTR("Undo"), MENU_UNDO, is_shortcut_keys_enabled() ? _get_menu_action_accelerator("ui_undo") : 0);
+ menu->add_item(RTR("Redo"), MENU_REDO, is_shortcut_keys_enabled() ? _get_menu_action_accelerator("ui_redo") : 0);
+ }
+ menu->add_separator();
+ menu->add_submenu_item(RTR("Text writing direction"), "DirMenu");
+ menu->add_separator();
+ menu->add_check_item(RTR("Display control characters"), MENU_DISPLAY_UCC);
+ if (editable) {
+ menu->add_submenu_item(RTR("Insert control character"), "CTLMenu");
+bool LineEdit::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) {
+ String str = p_name;
+ if (str.begins_with("opentype_features/")) {
+ String name = str.get_slicec('/', 1);
+ int32_t tag = TS->name_to_tag(name);
+ double value = p_value;
+ if (value == -1) {
+ if (opentype_features.has(tag)) {
+ opentype_features.erase(tag);
+ _shape();
+ update();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((double)opentype_features[tag] != value) {
+ opentype_features[tag] = value;
+ _shape();
+ update();
+ }
+ }
+ notify_property_list_changed();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool LineEdit::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const {
+ String str = p_name;
+ if (str.begins_with("opentype_features/")) {
+ String name = str.get_slicec('/', 1);
+ int32_t tag = TS->name_to_tag(name);
+ if (opentype_features.has(tag)) {
+ r_ret = opentype_features[tag];
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ r_ret = -1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void LineEdit::_get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const {
+ for (const Variant *ftr =; ftr != nullptr; ftr = {
+ String name = TS->tag_to_name(*ftr);
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "opentype_features/" + name));
+ }
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "opentype_features/_new", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR));
void LineEdit::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_text_changed"), &LineEdit::_text_changed);
@@ -1786,16 +2069,34 @@ void LineEdit::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("deselect"), &LineEdit::deselect);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_text", "text"), &LineEdit::set_text);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_text"), &LineEdit::get_text);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_draw_control_chars"), &LineEdit::get_draw_control_chars);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_draw_control_chars", "enable"), &LineEdit::set_draw_control_chars);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_text_direction", "direction"), &LineEdit::set_text_direction);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_text_direction"), &LineEdit::get_text_direction);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_opentype_feature", "tag", "value"), &LineEdit::set_opentype_feature);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_opentype_feature", "tag"), &LineEdit::get_opentype_feature);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("clear_opentype_features"), &LineEdit::clear_opentype_features);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_language", "language"), &LineEdit::set_language);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_language"), &LineEdit::get_language);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_structured_text_bidi_override", "parser"), &LineEdit::set_structured_text_bidi_override);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_structured_text_bidi_override"), &LineEdit::get_structured_text_bidi_override);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_structured_text_bidi_override_options", "args"), &LineEdit::set_structured_text_bidi_override_options);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_structured_text_bidi_override_options"), &LineEdit::get_structured_text_bidi_override_options);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_placeholder", "text"), &LineEdit::set_placeholder);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_placeholder"), &LineEdit::get_placeholder);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_placeholder_alpha", "alpha"), &LineEdit::set_placeholder_alpha);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_placeholder_alpha"), &LineEdit::get_placeholder_alpha);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_cursor_position", "position"), &LineEdit::set_cursor_position);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_cursor_position"), &LineEdit::get_cursor_position);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_scroll_offset"), &LineEdit::get_scroll_offset);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_expand_to_text_length", "enabled"), &LineEdit::set_expand_to_text_length);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_expand_to_text_length"), &LineEdit::get_expand_to_text_length);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("cursor_set_blink_enabled", "enabled"), &LineEdit::cursor_set_blink_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("cursor_get_blink_enabled"), &LineEdit::cursor_get_blink_enabled);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_mid_grapheme_caret_enabled", "enabled"), &LineEdit::set_mid_grapheme_caret_enabled);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_mid_grapheme_caret_enabled"), &LineEdit::get_mid_grapheme_caret_enabled);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("cursor_set_force_displayed", "enabled"), &LineEdit::cursor_set_force_displayed);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("cursor_get_force_displayed"), &LineEdit::cursor_get_force_displayed);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("cursor_set_blink_speed", "blink_speed"), &LineEdit::cursor_set_blink_speed);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("cursor_get_blink_speed"), &LineEdit::cursor_get_blink_speed);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_max_length", "chars"), &LineEdit::set_max_length);
@@ -1813,6 +2114,8 @@ void LineEdit::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_menu"), &LineEdit::get_menu);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_context_menu_enabled", "enable"), &LineEdit::set_context_menu_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_context_menu_enabled"), &LineEdit::is_context_menu_enabled);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_virtual_keyboard_enabled", "enable"), &LineEdit::set_virtual_keyboard_enabled);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_virtual_keyboard_enabled"), &LineEdit::is_virtual_keyboard_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_clear_button_enabled", "enable"), &LineEdit::set_clear_button_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("is_clear_button_enabled"), &LineEdit::is_clear_button_enabled);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_shortcut_keys_enabled", "enable"), &LineEdit::set_shortcut_keys_enabled);
@@ -1838,6 +2141,27 @@ void LineEdit::_bind_methods() {
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "text"), "set_text", "get_text");
@@ -1848,10 +2172,17 @@ void LineEdit::_bind_methods() {
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "secret_character"), "set_secret_character", "get_secret_character");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "expand_to_text_length"), "set_expand_to_text_length", "get_expand_to_text_length");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "context_menu_enabled"), "set_context_menu_enabled", "is_context_menu_enabled");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "virtual_keyboard_enabled"), "set_virtual_keyboard_enabled", "is_virtual_keyboard_enabled");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "clear_button_enabled"), "set_clear_button_enabled", "is_clear_button_enabled");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "shortcut_keys_enabled"), "set_shortcut_keys_enabled", "is_shortcut_keys_enabled");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "selecting_enabled"), "set_selecting_enabled", "is_selecting_enabled");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "right_icon", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Texture"), "set_right_icon", "get_right_icon");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "text_direction", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Auto,LTR,RTL,Inherited"), "set_text_direction", "get_text_direction");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "language"), "set_language", "get_language");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "draw_control_chars"), "set_draw_control_chars", "get_draw_control_chars");
+ ADD_GROUP("Structured Text", "structured_text_");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "structured_text_bidi_override", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Default,URI,File,Email,List,None,Custom"), "set_structured_text_bidi_override", "get_structured_text_bidi_override");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::ARRAY, "structured_text_bidi_override_options"), "set_structured_text_bidi_override_options", "get_structured_text_bidi_override_options");
ADD_GROUP("Placeholder", "placeholder_");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "placeholder_text"), "set_placeholder", "get_placeholder");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "placeholder_alpha", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1,0.001"), "set_placeholder_alpha", "get_placeholder_alpha");
@@ -1859,49 +2190,65 @@ void LineEdit::_bind_methods() {
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "caret_blink"), "cursor_set_blink_enabled", "cursor_get_blink_enabled");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "caret_blink_speed", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0.1,10,0.01"), "cursor_set_blink_speed", "cursor_get_blink_speed");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "caret_position"), "set_cursor_position", "get_cursor_position");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "caret_force_displayed"), "cursor_set_force_displayed", "cursor_get_force_displayed");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "caret_mid_grapheme"), "set_mid_grapheme_caret_enabled", "get_mid_grapheme_caret_enabled");
LineEdit::LineEdit() {
- undo_stack_pos = nullptr;
+ text_rid = TS->create_shaped_text();
- align = ALIGN_LEFT;
- cached_width = 0;
- cached_placeholder_width = 0;
- cursor_pos = 0;
- window_pos = 0;
- window_has_focus = true;
- max_length = 0;
- pass = false;
- secret_character = "*";
- text_changed_dirty = false;
- placeholder_alpha = 0.6;
- clear_button_enabled = false;
- clear_button_status.press_attempt = false;
- clear_button_status.pressing_inside = false;
- shortcut_keys_enabled = true;
- selecting_enabled = true;
- draw_caret = true;
- caret_blink_enabled = false;
caret_blink_timer = memnew(Timer);
caret_blink_timer->connect("timeout", callable_mp(this, &LineEdit::_toggle_draw_caret));
- context_menu_enabled = true;
menu = memnew(PopupMenu);
- editable = false; // Initialise to opposite first, so we get past the early-out in set_editable.
- set_editable(true);
+ menu_dir = memnew(PopupMenu);
+ menu_dir->set_name("DirMenu");
+ menu_dir->add_radio_check_item(RTR("Same as layout direction"), MENU_DIR_INHERITED);
+ menu_dir->add_radio_check_item(RTR("Auto-detect direction"), MENU_DIR_AUTO);
+ menu_dir->add_radio_check_item(RTR("Left-to-right"), MENU_DIR_LTR);
+ menu_dir->add_radio_check_item(RTR("Right-to-left"), MENU_DIR_RTL);
+ menu_dir->set_item_checked(menu_dir->get_item_index(MENU_DIR_INHERITED), true);
+ menu->add_child(menu_dir);
+ menu_ctl = memnew(PopupMenu);
+ menu_ctl->set_name("CTLMenu");
+ menu_ctl->add_item(RTR("Left-to-right mark (LRM)"), MENU_INSERT_LRM);
+ menu_ctl->add_item(RTR("Right-to-left mark (RLM)"), MENU_INSERT_RLM);
+ menu_ctl->add_item(RTR("Start of left-to-right embedding (LRE)"), MENU_INSERT_LRE);
+ menu_ctl->add_item(RTR("Start of right-to-left embedding (RLE)"), MENU_INSERT_RLE);
+ menu_ctl->add_item(RTR("Start of left-to-right override (LRO)"), MENU_INSERT_LRO);
+ menu_ctl->add_item(RTR("Start of right-to-left override (RLO)"), MENU_INSERT_RLO);
+ menu_ctl->add_item(RTR("Pop direction formatting (PDF)"), MENU_INSERT_PDF);
+ menu_ctl->add_separator();
+ menu_ctl->add_item(RTR("Arabic letter mark (ALM)"), MENU_INSERT_ALM);
+ menu_ctl->add_item(RTR("Left-to-right isolate (LRI)"), MENU_INSERT_LRI);
+ menu_ctl->add_item(RTR("Right-to-left isolate (RLI)"), MENU_INSERT_RLI);
+ menu_ctl->add_item(RTR("First strong isolate (FSI)"), MENU_INSERT_FSI);
+ menu_ctl->add_item(RTR("Pop direction isolate (PDI)"), MENU_INSERT_PDI);
+ menu_ctl->add_separator();
+ menu_ctl->add_item(RTR("Zero width joiner (ZWJ)"), MENU_INSERT_ZWJ);
+ menu_ctl->add_item(RTR("Zero width non-joiner (ZWNJ)"), MENU_INSERT_ZWNJ);
+ menu_ctl->add_item(RTR("Word joiner (WJ)"), MENU_INSERT_WJ);
+ menu_ctl->add_item(RTR("Soft hyphen (SHY)"), MENU_INSERT_SHY);
+ menu->add_child(menu_ctl);
+ set_editable(true); // Initialise to opposite first, so we get past the early-out in set_editable.
menu->connect("id_pressed", callable_mp(this, &LineEdit::menu_option));
- expand_to_text_length = false;
+ menu_dir->connect("id_pressed", callable_mp(this, &LineEdit::menu_option));
+ menu_ctl->connect("id_pressed", callable_mp(this, &LineEdit::menu_option));
LineEdit::~LineEdit() {
+ TS->free(text_rid);