path: root/scene/gui/item_list.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scene/gui/item_list.cpp')
1 files changed, 577 insertions, 446 deletions
diff --git a/scene/gui/item_list.cpp b/scene/gui/item_list.cpp
index d10ad90c1f..aeb5338022 100644
--- a/scene/gui/item_list.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/item_list.cpp
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
/* */
-/* Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
-/* Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
/* */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include "item_list.h"
#include "core/config/project_settings.h"
#include "core/os/os.h"
#include "core/string/translation.h"
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ void ItemList::_shape(int p_idx) {
} else {
- item.text_buf->add_string(item.text, get_theme_font(SNAME("font")), get_theme_font_size(SNAME("font_size")), item.opentype_features, (item.language != "") ? item.language : TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale());
+ item.text_buf->add_string(item.text, get_theme_font(SNAME("font")), get_theme_font_size(SNAME("font_size")), item.opentype_features, (!item.language.is_empty()) ? item.language : TranslationServer::get_singleton()->get_tool_locale());
if (icon_mode == ICON_MODE_TOP && max_text_lines > 0) {
item.text_buf->set_flags(TextServer::BREAK_MANDATORY | TextServer::BREAK_WORD_BOUND | TextServer::BREAK_GRAPHEME_BOUND);
} else {
@@ -55,16 +56,8 @@ void ItemList::_shape(int p_idx) {
int ItemList::add_item(const String &p_item, const Ref<Texture2D> &p_texture, bool p_selectable) {
Item item;
item.icon = p_texture;
- item.icon_transposed = false;
- item.icon_region = Rect2i();
- item.icon_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
item.text = p_item;
- item.text_buf.instantiate();
item.selectable = p_selectable;
- item.selected = false;
- item.disabled = false;
- item.tooltip_enabled = true;
- item.custom_bg = Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
int item_id = items.size() - 1;
@@ -72,31 +65,27 @@ int ItemList::add_item(const String &p_item, const Ref<Texture2D> &p_texture, bo
shape_changed = true;
+ notify_property_list_changed();
return item_id;
int ItemList::add_icon_item(const Ref<Texture2D> &p_item, bool p_selectable) {
Item item;
item.icon = p_item;
- item.icon_transposed = false;
- item.icon_region = Rect2i();
- item.icon_modulate = Color(1, 1, 1, 1);
- //item.text=p_item;
- item.text_buf.instantiate();
item.selectable = p_selectable;
- item.selected = false;
- item.disabled = false;
- item.tooltip_enabled = true;
- item.custom_bg = Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
int item_id = items.size() - 1;
shape_changed = true;
+ notify_property_list_changed();
return item_id;
void ItemList::set_item_text(int p_idx, const String &p_text) {
+ if (p_idx < 0) {
+ p_idx += get_item_count();
+ }
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
items.write[p_idx].text = p_text;
@@ -111,6 +100,9 @@ String ItemList::get_item_text(int p_idx) const {
void ItemList::set_item_text_direction(int p_idx, Control::TextDirection p_text_direction) {
+ if (p_idx < 0) {
+ p_idx += get_item_count();
+ }
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
ERR_FAIL_COND((int)p_text_direction < -1 || (int)p_text_direction > 3);
if (items[p_idx].text_direction != p_text_direction) {
@@ -133,6 +125,9 @@ void ItemList::clear_item_opentype_features(int p_idx) {
void ItemList::set_item_opentype_feature(int p_idx, const String &p_name, int p_value) {
+ if (p_idx < 0) {
+ p_idx += get_item_count();
+ }
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
int32_t tag = TS->name_to_tag(p_name);
if (!items[p_idx].opentype_features.has(tag) || (int)items[p_idx].opentype_features[tag] != p_value) {
@@ -152,6 +147,9 @@ int ItemList::get_item_opentype_feature(int p_idx, const String &p_name) const {
void ItemList::set_item_language(int p_idx, const String &p_language) {
+ if (p_idx < 0) {
+ p_idx += get_item_count();
+ }
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
if (items[p_idx].language != p_language) {
items.write[p_idx].language = p_language;
@@ -166,6 +164,9 @@ String ItemList::get_item_language(int p_idx) const {
void ItemList::set_item_tooltip_enabled(int p_idx, const bool p_enabled) {
+ if (p_idx < 0) {
+ p_idx += get_item_count();
+ }
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
items.write[p_idx].tooltip_enabled = p_enabled;
@@ -176,6 +177,9 @@ bool ItemList::is_item_tooltip_enabled(int p_idx) const {
void ItemList::set_item_tooltip(int p_idx, const String &p_tooltip) {
+ if (p_idx < 0) {
+ p_idx += get_item_count();
+ }
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
items.write[p_idx].tooltip = p_tooltip;
@@ -189,6 +193,9 @@ String ItemList::get_item_tooltip(int p_idx) const {
void ItemList::set_item_icon(int p_idx, const Ref<Texture2D> &p_icon) {
+ if (p_idx < 0) {
+ p_idx += get_item_count();
+ }
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
items.write[p_idx].icon = p_icon;
@@ -203,6 +210,9 @@ Ref<Texture2D> ItemList::get_item_icon(int p_idx) const {
void ItemList::set_item_icon_transposed(int p_idx, const bool p_transposed) {
+ if (p_idx < 0) {
+ p_idx += get_item_count();
+ }
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
items.write[p_idx].icon_transposed = p_transposed;
@@ -217,6 +227,9 @@ bool ItemList::is_item_icon_transposed(int p_idx) const {
void ItemList::set_item_icon_region(int p_idx, const Rect2 &p_region) {
+ if (p_idx < 0) {
+ p_idx += get_item_count();
+ }
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
items.write[p_idx].icon_region = p_region;
@@ -231,6 +244,9 @@ Rect2 ItemList::get_item_icon_region(int p_idx) const {
void ItemList::set_item_icon_modulate(int p_idx, const Color &p_modulate) {
+ if (p_idx < 0) {
+ p_idx += get_item_count();
+ }
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
items.write[p_idx].icon_modulate = p_modulate;
@@ -244,6 +260,9 @@ Color ItemList::get_item_icon_modulate(int p_idx) const {
void ItemList::set_item_custom_bg_color(int p_idx, const Color &p_custom_bg_color) {
+ if (p_idx < 0) {
+ p_idx += get_item_count();
+ }
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
items.write[p_idx].custom_bg = p_custom_bg_color;
@@ -257,6 +276,9 @@ Color ItemList::get_item_custom_bg_color(int p_idx) const {
void ItemList::set_item_custom_fg_color(int p_idx, const Color &p_custom_fg_color) {
+ if (p_idx < 0) {
+ p_idx += get_item_count();
+ }
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
items.write[p_idx].custom_fg = p_custom_fg_color;
@@ -270,6 +292,9 @@ Color ItemList::get_item_custom_fg_color(int p_idx) const {
void ItemList::set_item_tag_icon(int p_idx, const Ref<Texture2D> &p_tag_icon) {
+ if (p_idx < 0) {
+ p_idx += get_item_count();
+ }
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
items.write[p_idx].tag_icon = p_tag_icon;
@@ -284,6 +309,9 @@ Ref<Texture2D> ItemList::get_item_tag_icon(int p_idx) const {
void ItemList::set_item_selectable(int p_idx, bool p_selectable) {
+ if (p_idx < 0) {
+ p_idx += get_item_count();
+ }
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
items.write[p_idx].selectable = p_selectable;
@@ -295,6 +323,9 @@ bool ItemList::is_item_selectable(int p_idx) const {
void ItemList::set_item_disabled(int p_idx, bool p_disabled) {
+ if (p_idx < 0) {
+ p_idx += get_item_count();
+ }
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
items.write[p_idx].disabled = p_disabled;
@@ -307,6 +338,9 @@ bool ItemList::is_item_disabled(int p_idx) const {
void ItemList::set_item_metadata(int p_idx, const Variant &p_metadata) {
+ if (p_idx < 0) {
+ p_idx += get_item_count();
+ }
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
items.write[p_idx].metadata = p_metadata;
@@ -395,11 +429,20 @@ void ItemList::move_item(int p_from_idx, int p_to_idx) {
Item item = items[p_from_idx];
- items.remove(p_from_idx);
+ items.remove_at(p_from_idx);
items.insert(p_to_idx, item);
shape_changed = true;
+ notify_property_list_changed();
+void ItemList::set_item_count(int p_count) {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(p_count < 0);
+ items.resize(p_count);
+ update();
+ shape_changed = true;
+ notify_property_list_changed();
int ItemList::get_item_count() const {
@@ -409,13 +452,14 @@ int ItemList::get_item_count() const {
void ItemList::remove_item(int p_idx) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_idx, items.size());
- items.remove(p_idx);
+ items.remove_at(p_idx);
if (current == p_idx) {
current = -1;
shape_changed = true;
defer_select_single = -1;
+ notify_property_list_changed();
void ItemList::clear() {
@@ -425,6 +469,7 @@ void ItemList::clear() {
shape_changed = true;
defer_select_single = -1;
+ notify_property_list_changed();
void ItemList::set_fixed_column_width(int p_size) {
@@ -540,6 +585,9 @@ Size2 ItemList::Item::get_icon_size() const {
void ItemList::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
+#define CAN_SELECT(i) (items[i].selectable && !items[i].disabled)
+#define IS_SAME_ROW(i, row) (i / current_columns == row)
double prev_scroll = scroll_bar->get_value();
Ref<InputEventMouseMotion> mm = p_event;
@@ -550,7 +598,7 @@ void ItemList::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
Ref<InputEventMouseButton> mb = p_event;
- if (defer_select_single >= 0 && mb.is_valid() && mb->get_button_index() == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT && !mb->is_pressed()) {
+ if (defer_select_single >= 0 && mb.is_valid() && mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::LEFT && !mb->is_pressed()) {
select(defer_select_single, true);
emit_signal(SNAME("multi_selected"), defer_select_single, true);
@@ -558,7 +606,7 @@ void ItemList::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
- if (mb.is_valid() && (mb->get_button_index() == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT || (allow_rmb_select && mb->get_button_index() == MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT)) && mb->is_pressed()) {
+ if (mb.is_valid() && mb->is_pressed()) {
search_string = ""; //any mousepress cancels
Vector2 pos = mb->get_position();
Ref<StyleBox> bg = get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("bg"));
@@ -583,7 +631,7 @@ void ItemList::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
- if (closest != -1) {
+ if (closest != -1 && (mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::LEFT || (allow_rmb_select && mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::RIGHT))) {
int i = closest;
if (select_mode == SELECT_MULTI && items[i].selected && mb->is_command_pressed()) {
@@ -597,72 +645,64 @@ void ItemList::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
SWAP(from, to);
for (int j = from; j <= to; j++) {
+ if (!CAN_SELECT(j)) {
+ continue;
+ }
bool selected = !items[j].selected;
select(j, false);
if (selected) {
emit_signal(SNAME("multi_selected"), j, true);
+ emit_signal(SNAME("item_clicked"), i, get_local_mouse_position(), mb->get_button_index());
- if (mb->get_button_index() == MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) {
- emit_signal(SNAME("item_rmb_selected"), i, get_local_mouse_position());
- }
} else {
- if (!mb->is_double_click() && !mb->is_command_pressed() && select_mode == SELECT_MULTI && items[i].selectable && !items[i].disabled && items[i].selected && mb->get_button_index() == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) {
+ if (!mb->is_double_click() && !mb->is_command_pressed() && select_mode == SELECT_MULTI && items[i].selectable && !items[i].disabled && items[i].selected && mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::LEFT) {
defer_select_single = i;
- if (items[i].selected && mb->get_button_index() == MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) {
- emit_signal(SNAME("item_rmb_selected"), i, get_local_mouse_position());
- } else {
- bool selected = items[i].selected;
+ if (!items[i].selected || allow_reselect) {
select(i, select_mode == SELECT_SINGLE || !mb->is_command_pressed());
- if (!selected || allow_reselect) {
- if (select_mode == SELECT_SINGLE) {
- emit_signal(SNAME("item_selected"), i);
- } else {
- emit_signal(SNAME("multi_selected"), i, true);
- }
+ if (select_mode == SELECT_SINGLE) {
+ emit_signal(SNAME("item_selected"), i);
+ } else {
+ emit_signal(SNAME("multi_selected"), i, true);
+ }
- if (mb->get_button_index() == MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) {
- emit_signal(SNAME("item_rmb_selected"), i, get_local_mouse_position());
- } else if (/*select_mode==SELECT_SINGLE &&*/ mb->is_double_click()) {
- emit_signal(SNAME("item_activated"), i);
- }
+ emit_signal(SNAME("item_clicked"), i, get_local_mouse_position(), mb->get_button_index());
+ if (mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::LEFT && mb->is_double_click()) {
+ emit_signal(SNAME("item_activated"), i);
+ } else if (closest != -1) {
+ emit_signal(SNAME("item_clicked"), closest, get_local_mouse_position(), mb->get_button_index());
+ } else {
+ // Since closest is null, more likely we clicked on empty space, so send signal to interested controls. Allows, for example, implement items deselecting.
+ emit_signal(SNAME("empty_clicked"), get_local_mouse_position(), mb->get_button_index());
- if (mb->get_button_index() == MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT) {
- emit_signal(SNAME("rmb_clicked"), mb->get_position());
- return;
- }
- // Since closest is null, more likely we clicked on empty space, so send signal to interested controls. Allows, for example, implement items deselecting.
- emit_signal(SNAME("nothing_selected"));
- if (mb.is_valid() && mb->get_button_index() == MOUSE_BUTTON_WHEEL_UP && mb->is_pressed()) {
+ if (mb.is_valid() && mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::WHEEL_UP && mb->is_pressed()) {
scroll_bar->set_value(scroll_bar->get_value() - scroll_bar->get_page() * mb->get_factor() / 8);
- if (mb.is_valid() && mb->get_button_index() == MOUSE_BUTTON_WHEEL_DOWN && mb->is_pressed()) {
+ if (mb.is_valid() && mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::WHEEL_DOWN && mb->is_pressed()) {
scroll_bar->set_value(scroll_bar->get_value() + scroll_bar->get_page() * mb->get_factor() / 8);
if (p_event->is_pressed() && items.size() > 0) {
if (p_event->is_action("ui_up")) {
- if (search_string != "") {
+ if (!search_string.is_empty()) {
uint64_t now = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec();
uint64_t diff = now - search_time_msec;
if (diff < uint64_t(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("gui/timers/incremental_search_max_interval_msec")) * 2) {
for (int i = current - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (items[i].text.begins_with(search_string)) {
+ if (CAN_SELECT(i) && items[i].text.begins_with(search_string)) {
if (select_mode == SELECT_SINGLE) {
@@ -678,7 +718,15 @@ void ItemList::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
if (current >= current_columns) {
- set_current(current - current_columns);
+ int next = current - current_columns;
+ while (next >= 0 && !CAN_SELECT(next)) {
+ next = next - current_columns;
+ }
+ if (next < 0) {
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
+ set_current(next);
if (select_mode == SELECT_SINGLE) {
emit_signal(SNAME("item_selected"), current);
@@ -686,13 +734,13 @@ void ItemList::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
} else if (p_event->is_action("ui_down")) {
- if (search_string != "") {
+ if (!search_string.is_empty()) {
uint64_t now = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec();
uint64_t diff = now - search_time_msec;
if (diff < uint64_t(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("gui/timers/incremental_search_max_interval_msec")) * 2) {
for (int i = current + 1; i < items.size(); i++) {
- if (items[i].text.begins_with(search_string)) {
+ if (CAN_SELECT(i) && items[i].text.begins_with(search_string)) {
if (select_mode == SELECT_SINGLE) {
@@ -707,7 +755,15 @@ void ItemList::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
if (current < items.size() - current_columns) {
- set_current(current + current_columns);
+ int next = current + current_columns;
+ while (next < items.size() && !CAN_SELECT(next)) {
+ next = next + current_columns;
+ }
+ if (next >= items.size()) {
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
+ set_current(next);
if (select_mode == SELECT_SINGLE) {
emit_signal(SNAME("item_selected"), current);
@@ -718,7 +774,7 @@ void ItemList::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
search_string = ""; //any mousepress cancels
for (int i = 4; i > 0; i--) {
- if (current - current_columns * i >= 0) {
+ if (current - current_columns * i >= 0 && CAN_SELECT(current - current_columns * i)) {
set_current(current - current_columns * i);
if (select_mode == SELECT_SINGLE) {
@@ -732,7 +788,7 @@ void ItemList::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
search_string = ""; //any mousepress cancels
for (int i = 4; i > 0; i--) {
- if (current + current_columns * i < items.size()) {
+ if (current + current_columns * i < items.size() && CAN_SELECT(current + current_columns * i)) {
set_current(current + current_columns * i);
if (select_mode == SELECT_SINGLE) {
@@ -747,7 +803,16 @@ void ItemList::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
search_string = ""; //any mousepress cancels
if (current % current_columns != 0) {
- set_current(current - 1);
+ int current_row = current / current_columns;
+ int next = current - 1;
+ while (!CAN_SELECT(next)) {
+ next = next - 1;
+ }
+ if (next < 0 || !IS_SAME_ROW(next, current_row)) {
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
+ set_current(next);
if (select_mode == SELECT_SINGLE) {
emit_signal(SNAME("item_selected"), current);
@@ -758,7 +823,16 @@ void ItemList::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
search_string = ""; //any mousepress cancels
if (current % current_columns != (current_columns - 1) && current + 1 < items.size()) {
- set_current(current + 1);
+ int current_row = current / current_columns;
+ int next = current + 1;
+ while (!CAN_SELECT(next)) {
+ next = next + 1;
+ }
+ if (items.size() <= next || !IS_SAME_ROW(next, current_row)) {
+ accept_event();
+ return;
+ }
+ set_current(next);
if (select_mode == SELECT_SINGLE) {
emit_signal(SNAME("item_selected"), current);
@@ -834,6 +908,9 @@ void ItemList::gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
if (scroll_bar->get_value() != prev_scroll) {
accept_event(); //accept event if scroll changed
+#undef CAN_SELECT
+#undef IS_SAME_ROW
void ItemList::ensure_current_is_visible() {
@@ -858,445 +935,451 @@ static Rect2 _adjust_to_max_size(Size2 p_size, Size2 p_max_size) {
void ItemList::_notification(int p_what) {
- if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_RESIZED) {
- shape_changed = true;
- update();
- }
+ switch (p_what) {
+ shape_changed = true;
+ update();
+ } break;
+ for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
+ _shape(i);
+ }
+ shape_changed = true;
+ update();
+ } break;
- for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
- _shape(i);
- }
- shape_changed = true;
- update();
- }
+ Ref<StyleBox> bg = get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("bg"));
- if (p_what == NOTIFICATION_DRAW) {
- Ref<StyleBox> bg = get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("bg"));
+ int mw = scroll_bar->get_minimum_size().x;
+ scroll_bar->set_anchor_and_offset(SIDE_LEFT, ANCHOR_END, -mw);
+ scroll_bar->set_anchor_and_offset(SIDE_RIGHT, ANCHOR_END, 0);
+ scroll_bar->set_anchor_and_offset(SIDE_TOP, ANCHOR_BEGIN, bg->get_margin(SIDE_TOP));
+ scroll_bar->set_anchor_and_offset(SIDE_BOTTOM, ANCHOR_END, -bg->get_margin(SIDE_BOTTOM));
- int mw = scroll_bar->get_minimum_size().x;
- scroll_bar->set_anchor_and_offset(SIDE_LEFT, ANCHOR_END, -mw);
- scroll_bar->set_anchor_and_offset(SIDE_RIGHT, ANCHOR_END, 0);
- scroll_bar->set_anchor_and_offset(SIDE_TOP, ANCHOR_BEGIN, bg->get_margin(SIDE_TOP));
- scroll_bar->set_anchor_and_offset(SIDE_BOTTOM, ANCHOR_END, -bg->get_margin(SIDE_BOTTOM));
+ Size2 size = get_size();
- Size2 size = get_size();
+ int width = size.width - bg->get_minimum_size().width;
+ if (scroll_bar->is_visible()) {
+ width -= mw;
+ }
- int width = size.width - bg->get_minimum_size().width;
- if (scroll_bar->is_visible()) {
- width -= mw;
- }
+ draw_style_box(bg, Rect2(Point2(), size));
- draw_style_box(bg, Rect2(Point2(), size));
+ int hseparation = get_theme_constant(SNAME("h_separation"));
+ int vseparation = get_theme_constant(SNAME("v_separation"));
+ int icon_margin = get_theme_constant(SNAME("icon_margin"));
+ int line_separation = get_theme_constant(SNAME("line_separation"));
+ Color font_outline_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_outline_color"));
+ int outline_size = get_theme_constant(SNAME("outline_size"));
- int hseparation = get_theme_constant(SNAME("hseparation"));
- int vseparation = get_theme_constant(SNAME("vseparation"));
- int icon_margin = get_theme_constant(SNAME("icon_margin"));
- int line_separation = get_theme_constant(SNAME("line_separation"));
- Color font_outline_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_outline_color"));
- int outline_size = get_theme_constant(SNAME("outline_size"));
+ Ref<StyleBox> sbsel = has_focus() ? get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("selected_focus")) : get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("selected"));
+ Ref<StyleBox> cursor = has_focus() ? get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("cursor")) : get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("cursor_unfocused"));
+ bool rtl = is_layout_rtl();
- Ref<StyleBox> sbsel = has_focus() ? get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("selected_focus")) : get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("selected"));
- Ref<StyleBox> cursor = has_focus() ? get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("cursor")) : get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("cursor_unfocused"));
- bool rtl = is_layout_rtl();
+ Color guide_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("guide_color"));
+ Color font_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_color"));
+ Color font_selected_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_selected_color"));
- Color guide_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("guide_color"));
- Color font_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_color"));
- Color font_selected_color = get_theme_color(SNAME("font_selected_color"));
+ if (has_focus()) {
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_clip_ignore(get_canvas_item(), true);
+ draw_style_box(get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("bg_focus")), Rect2(Point2(), size));
+ RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_clip_ignore(get_canvas_item(), false);
+ }
- if (has_focus()) {
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_clip_ignore(get_canvas_item(), true);
- draw_style_box(get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("bg_focus")), Rect2(Point2(), size));
- RenderingServer::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_clip_ignore(get_canvas_item(), false);
- }
+ if (shape_changed) {
+ float max_column_width = 0.0;
- if (shape_changed) {
- float max_column_width = 0.0;
+ //1- compute item minimum sizes
+ for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
+ Size2 minsize;
+ if (items[i].icon.is_valid()) {
+ if (fixed_icon_size.x > 0 && fixed_icon_size.y > 0) {
+ minsize = fixed_icon_size * icon_scale;
+ } else {
+ minsize = items[i].get_icon_size() * icon_scale;
+ }
- //1- compute item minimum sizes
- for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
- Size2 minsize;
- if (items[i].icon.is_valid()) {
- if (fixed_icon_size.x > 0 && fixed_icon_size.y > 0) {
- minsize = fixed_icon_size * icon_scale;
- } else {
- minsize = items[i].get_icon_size() * icon_scale;
+ if (!items[i].text.is_empty()) {
+ if (icon_mode == ICON_MODE_TOP) {
+ minsize.y += icon_margin;
+ } else {
+ minsize.x += icon_margin;
+ }
+ }
- if (items[i].text != "") {
- if (icon_mode == ICON_MODE_TOP) {
- minsize.y += icon_margin;
- } else {
- minsize.x += icon_margin;
+ if (!items[i].text.is_empty()) {
+ int max_width = -1;
+ if (fixed_column_width) {
+ max_width = fixed_column_width;
+ } else if (same_column_width) {
+ max_width = items[i].rect_cache.size.x;
- }
- }
+ items.write[i].text_buf->set_width(max_width);
+ Size2 s = items[i].text_buf->get_size();
- if (items[i].text != "") {
- int max_width = -1;
- if (fixed_column_width) {
- max_width = fixed_column_width;
- } else if (same_column_width) {
- max_width = items[i].rect_cache.size.x;
- }
- items.write[i].text_buf->set_width(max_width);
- Size2 s = items[i].text_buf->get_size();
+ if (icon_mode == ICON_MODE_TOP) {
+ minsize.x = MAX(minsize.x, s.width);
+ if (max_text_lines > 0) {
+ minsize.y += s.height + line_separation * max_text_lines;
+ } else {
+ minsize.y += s.height;
+ }
- if (icon_mode == ICON_MODE_TOP) {
- minsize.x = MAX(minsize.x, s.width);
- if (max_text_lines > 0) {
- minsize.y += s.height + line_separation * max_text_lines;
} else {
- minsize.y += s.height;
+ minsize.y = MAX(minsize.y, s.height);
+ minsize.x += s.width;
+ }
- } else {
- minsize.y = MAX(minsize.y, s.height);
- minsize.x += s.width;
+ if (fixed_column_width > 0) {
+ minsize.x = fixed_column_width;
+ max_column_width = MAX(max_column_width, minsize.x);
+ // elements need to adapt to the selected size
+ minsize.y += vseparation;
+ minsize.x += hseparation;
+ items.write[i].rect_cache.size = minsize;
+ items.write[i].min_rect_cache.size = minsize;
- if (fixed_column_width > 0) {
- minsize.x = fixed_column_width;
+ int fit_size = size.x - bg->get_minimum_size().width - mw;
+ //2-attempt best fit
+ current_columns = 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ if (max_columns > 0) {
+ current_columns = max_columns;
- max_column_width = MAX(max_column_width, minsize.x);
- // elements need to adapt to the selected size
- minsize.y += vseparation;
- minsize.x += hseparation;
- items.write[i].rect_cache.size = minsize;
- items.write[i].min_rect_cache.size = minsize;
- }
+ while (true) {
+ //repeat until all fits
+ bool all_fit = true;
+ Vector2 ofs;
+ int col = 0;
+ int max_h = 0;
+ separators.clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
+ if (current_columns > 1 && items[i].rect_cache.size.width + ofs.x > fit_size) {
+ //went past
+ current_columns = MAX(col, 1);
+ all_fit = false;
+ break;
+ }
- int fit_size = size.x - bg->get_minimum_size().width - mw;
+ if (same_column_width) {
+ items.write[i].rect_cache.size.x = max_column_width;
+ }
+ items.write[i].rect_cache.position = ofs;
+ max_h = MAX(max_h, items[i].rect_cache.size.y);
+ ofs.x += items[i].rect_cache.size.x + hseparation;
+ col++;
+ if (col == current_columns) {
+ if (i < items.size() - 1) {
+ separators.push_back(ofs.y + max_h + vseparation / 2);
+ }
- //2-attempt best fit
- current_columns = 0x7FFFFFFF;
- if (max_columns > 0) {
- current_columns = max_columns;
- }
+ for (int j = i; j >= 0 && col > 0; j--, col--) {
+ items.write[j].rect_cache.size.y = max_h;
+ }
- while (true) {
- //repeat until all fits
- bool all_fit = true;
- Vector2 ofs;
- int col = 0;
- int max_h = 0;
- separators.clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
- if (current_columns > 1 && items[i].rect_cache.size.width + ofs.x > fit_size) {
- //went past
- current_columns = MAX(col, 1);
- all_fit = false;
- break;
+ ofs.x = 0;
+ ofs.y += max_h + vseparation;
+ col = 0;
+ max_h = 0;
+ }
- if (same_column_width) {
- items.write[i].rect_cache.size.x = max_column_width;
+ for (int j = items.size() - 1; j >= 0 && col > 0; j--, col--) {
+ items.write[j].rect_cache.size.y = max_h;
- items.write[i].rect_cache.position = ofs;
- max_h = MAX(max_h, items[i].rect_cache.size.y);
- ofs.x += items[i].rect_cache.size.x + hseparation;
- col++;
- if (col == current_columns) {
- if (i < items.size() - 1) {
- separators.push_back(ofs.y + max_h + vseparation / 2);
- }
- for (int j = i; j >= 0 && col > 0; j--, col--) {
- items.write[j].rect_cache.size.y = max_h;
+ if (all_fit) {
+ float page = MAX(0, size.height - bg->get_minimum_size().height);
+ float max = MAX(page, ofs.y + max_h);
+ if (auto_height) {
+ auto_height_value = ofs.y + max_h + bg->get_minimum_size().height;
+ scroll_bar->set_max(max);
+ scroll_bar->set_page(page);
+ if (max <= page) {
+ scroll_bar->set_value(0);
+ scroll_bar->hide();
+ } else {
+ scroll_bar->show();
- ofs.x = 0;
- ofs.y += max_h + vseparation;
- col = 0;
- max_h = 0;
+ if (do_autoscroll_to_bottom) {
+ scroll_bar->set_value(max);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
- for (int j = items.size() - 1; j >= 0 && col > 0; j--, col--) {
- items.write[j].rect_cache.size.y = max_h;
- }
+ update_minimum_size();
+ shape_changed = false;
+ }
- if (all_fit) {
- float page = MAX(0, size.height - bg->get_minimum_size().height);
- float max = MAX(page, ofs.y + max_h);
- if (auto_height) {
- auto_height_value = ofs.y + max_h + bg->get_minimum_size().height;
- }
- scroll_bar->set_max(max);
- scroll_bar->set_page(page);
- if (max <= page) {
- scroll_bar->set_value(0);
- scroll_bar->hide();
- } else {
- scroll_bar->show();
+ //ensure_selected_visible needs to be checked before we draw the list.
+ if (ensure_selected_visible && current >= 0 && current < items.size()) {
+ Rect2 r = items[current].rect_cache;
+ int from = scroll_bar->get_value();
+ int to = from + scroll_bar->get_page();
- if (do_autoscroll_to_bottom) {
- scroll_bar->set_value(max);
- }
- }
- break;
+ if (r.position.y < from) {
+ scroll_bar->set_value(r.position.y);
+ } else if (r.position.y + r.size.y > to) {
+ scroll_bar->set_value(r.position.y + r.size.y - (to - from));
- minimum_size_changed();
- shape_changed = false;
- }
+ ensure_selected_visible = false;
- //ensure_selected_visible needs to be checked before we draw the list.
- if (ensure_selected_visible && current >= 0 && current < items.size()) {
- Rect2 r = items[current].rect_cache;
- int from = scroll_bar->get_value();
- int to = from + scroll_bar->get_page();
+ Vector2 base_ofs = bg->get_offset();
+ base_ofs.y -= int(scroll_bar->get_value());
- if (r.position.y < from) {
- scroll_bar->set_value(r.position.y);
- } else if (r.position.y + r.size.y > to) {
- scroll_bar->set_value(r.position.y + r.size.y - (to - from));
- }
- }
- ensure_selected_visible = false;
+ const Rect2 clip(-base_ofs, size); // visible frame, don't need to draw outside of there
- Vector2 base_ofs = bg->get_offset();
- base_ofs.y -= int(scroll_bar->get_value());
- const Rect2 clip(-base_ofs, size); // visible frame, don't need to draw outside of there
- int first_item_visible;
- {
- // do a binary search to find the first item whose rect reaches below clip.position.y
- int lo = 0;
- int hi = items.size();
- while (lo < hi) {
- const int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
- const Rect2 &rcache = items[mid].rect_cache;
- if (rcache.position.y + rcache.size.y < clip.position.y) {
- lo = mid + 1;
- } else {
- hi = mid;
+ int first_item_visible;
+ {
+ // do a binary search to find the first item whose rect reaches below clip.position.y
+ int lo = 0;
+ int hi = items.size();
+ while (lo < hi) {
+ const int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
+ const Rect2 &rcache = items[mid].rect_cache;
+ if (rcache.position.y + rcache.size.y < clip.position.y) {
+ lo = mid + 1;
+ } else {
+ hi = mid;
+ }
+ // we might have ended up with column 2, or 3, ..., so let's find the first column
+ while (lo > 0 && items[lo - 1].rect_cache.position.y == items[lo].rect_cache.position.y) {
+ lo -= 1;
+ }
+ first_item_visible = lo;
- // we might have ended up with column 2, or 3, ..., so let's find the first column
- while (lo > 0 && items[lo - 1].rect_cache.position.y == items[lo].rect_cache.position.y) {
- lo -= 1;
- }
- first_item_visible = lo;
- }
- for (int i = first_item_visible; i < items.size(); i++) {
- Rect2 rcache = items[i].rect_cache;
- if (rcache.position.y > clip.position.y + clip.size.y) {
- break; // done
- }
+ for (int i = first_item_visible; i < items.size(); i++) {
+ Rect2 rcache = items[i].rect_cache;
- if (!clip.intersects(rcache)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (current_columns == 1) {
- rcache.size.width = width - rcache.position.x;
- }
+ if (rcache.position.y > clip.position.y + clip.size.y) {
+ break; // done
+ }
- if (items[i].selected) {
- Rect2 r = rcache;
- r.position += base_ofs;
- r.position.y -= vseparation / 2;
- r.size.y += vseparation;
- r.position.x -= hseparation / 2;
- r.size.x += hseparation;
- if (rtl) {
- r.position.x = size.width - r.position.x - r.size.x;
+ if (!clip.intersects(rcache)) {
+ continue;
- draw_style_box(sbsel, r);
- }
- if (items[i].custom_bg.a > 0.001) {
- Rect2 r = rcache;
- r.position += base_ofs;
- // Size rect to make the align the temperature colors
- r.position.y -= vseparation / 2;
- r.size.y += vseparation;
- r.position.x -= hseparation / 2;
- r.size.x += hseparation;
- if (rtl) {
- r.position.x = size.width - r.position.x - r.size.x;
+ if (current_columns == 1) {
+ rcache.size.width = width - rcache.position.x;
- draw_rect(r, items[i].custom_bg);
- }
+ if (items[i].selected) {
+ Rect2 r = rcache;
+ r.position += base_ofs;
+ r.position.y -= vseparation / 2;
+ r.size.y += vseparation;
+ r.position.x -= hseparation / 2;
+ r.size.x += hseparation;
- Vector2 text_ofs;
- if (items[i].icon.is_valid()) {
- Size2 icon_size;
- //= _adjust_to_max_size(items[i].get_icon_size(),fixed_icon_size) * icon_scale;
+ if (rtl) {
+ r.position.x = size.width - r.position.x - r.size.x;
+ }
- if (fixed_icon_size.x > 0 && fixed_icon_size.y > 0) {
- icon_size = fixed_icon_size * icon_scale;
- } else {
- icon_size = items[i].get_icon_size() * icon_scale;
+ draw_style_box(sbsel, r);
+ if (items[i].custom_bg.a > 0.001) {
+ Rect2 r = rcache;
+ r.position += base_ofs;
- Vector2 icon_ofs;
+ // Size rect to make the align the temperature colors
+ r.position.y -= vseparation / 2;
+ r.size.y += vseparation;
+ r.position.x -= hseparation / 2;
+ r.size.x += hseparation;
- Point2 pos = items[i].rect_cache.position + icon_ofs + base_ofs;
+ if (rtl) {
+ r.position.x = size.width - r.position.x - r.size.x;
+ }
- if (icon_mode == ICON_MODE_TOP) {
- pos.x += Math::floor((items[i].rect_cache.size.width - icon_size.width) / 2);
- pos.y += icon_margin;
- text_ofs.y = icon_size.height + icon_margin * 2;
- } else {
- pos.y += Math::floor((items[i].rect_cache.size.height - icon_size.height) / 2);
- text_ofs.x = icon_size.width + icon_margin;
+ draw_rect(r, items[i].custom_bg);
- Rect2 draw_rect = Rect2(pos, icon_size);
+ Vector2 text_ofs;
+ if (items[i].icon.is_valid()) {
+ Size2 icon_size;
+ //= _adjust_to_max_size(items[i].get_icon_size(),fixed_icon_size) * icon_scale;
- if (fixed_icon_size.x > 0 && fixed_icon_size.y > 0) {
- Rect2 adj = _adjust_to_max_size(items[i].get_icon_size() * icon_scale, icon_size);
- draw_rect.position += adj.position;
- draw_rect.size = adj.size;
- }
+ if (fixed_icon_size.x > 0 && fixed_icon_size.y > 0) {
+ icon_size = fixed_icon_size * icon_scale;
+ } else {
+ icon_size = items[i].get_icon_size() * icon_scale;
+ }
- Color modulate = items[i].icon_modulate;
- if (items[i].disabled) {
- modulate.a *= 0.5;
- }
+ Vector2 icon_ofs;
- // If the icon is transposed, we have to switch the size so that it is drawn correctly
- if (items[i].icon_transposed) {
- Size2 size_tmp = draw_rect.size;
- draw_rect.size.x = size_tmp.y;
- draw_rect.size.y = size_tmp.x;
- }
+ Point2 pos = items[i].rect_cache.position + icon_ofs + base_ofs;
- Rect2 region = (items[i].icon_region.size.x == 0 || items[i].icon_region.size.y == 0) ? Rect2(Vector2(), items[i].icon->get_size()) : Rect2(items[i].icon_region);
+ if (icon_mode == ICON_MODE_TOP) {
+ pos.x += Math::floor((items[i].rect_cache.size.width - icon_size.width) / 2);
+ pos.y += icon_margin;
+ text_ofs.y = icon_size.height + icon_margin * 2;
+ } else {
+ pos.y += Math::floor((items[i].rect_cache.size.height - icon_size.height) / 2);
+ text_ofs.x = icon_size.width + icon_margin;
+ }
- if (rtl) {
- draw_rect.position.x = size.width - draw_rect.position.x - draw_rect.size.x;
- }
- draw_texture_rect_region(items[i].icon, draw_rect, region, modulate, items[i].icon_transposed);
- }
+ Rect2 draw_rect = Rect2(pos, icon_size);
- if (items[i].tag_icon.is_valid()) {
- Point2 draw_pos = items[i].rect_cache.position;
- if (rtl) {
- draw_pos.x = size.width - draw_pos.x - items[i].tag_icon->get_width();
- }
- draw_texture(items[i].tag_icon, draw_pos + base_ofs);
- }
+ if (fixed_icon_size.x > 0 && fixed_icon_size.y > 0) {
+ Rect2 adj = _adjust_to_max_size(items[i].get_icon_size() * icon_scale, icon_size);
+ draw_rect.position += adj.position;
+ draw_rect.size = adj.size;
+ }
- if (items[i].text != "") {
- int max_len = -1;
+ Color modulate = items[i].icon_modulate;
+ if (items[i].disabled) {
+ modulate.a *= 0.5;
+ }
- Vector2 size2 = items[i].text_buf->get_size();
- if (fixed_column_width) {
- max_len = fixed_column_width;
- } else if (same_column_width) {
- max_len = items[i].rect_cache.size.x;
- } else {
- max_len = size2.x;
- }
+ // If the icon is transposed, we have to switch the size so that it is drawn correctly
+ if (items[i].icon_transposed) {
+ Size2 size_tmp = draw_rect.size;
+ draw_rect.size.x = size_tmp.y;
+ draw_rect.size.y = size_tmp.x;
+ }
- Color modulate = items[i].selected ? font_selected_color : (items[i].custom_fg != Color() ? items[i].custom_fg : font_color);
- if (items[i].disabled) {
- modulate.a *= 0.5;
- }
+ Rect2 region = (items[i].icon_region.size.x == 0 || items[i].icon_region.size.y == 0) ? Rect2(Vector2(), items[i].icon->get_size()) : Rect2(items[i].icon_region);
- if (icon_mode == ICON_MODE_TOP && max_text_lines > 0) {
- text_ofs += base_ofs;
- text_ofs += items[i].rect_cache.position;
+ if (rtl) {
+ draw_rect.position.x = size.width - draw_rect.position.x - draw_rect.size.x;
+ }
+ draw_texture_rect_region(items[i].icon, draw_rect, region, modulate, items[i].icon_transposed);
+ }
+ if (items[i].tag_icon.is_valid()) {
+ Point2 draw_pos = items[i].rect_cache.position;
if (rtl) {
- text_ofs.x = size.width - text_ofs.x - max_len;
+ draw_pos.x = size.width - draw_pos.x - items[i].tag_icon->get_width();
+ draw_texture(items[i].tag_icon, draw_pos + base_ofs);
+ }
- items.write[i].text_buf->set_align(HALIGN_CENTER);
+ if (!items[i].text.is_empty()) {
+ int max_len = -1;
- if (outline_size > 0 && font_outline_color.a > 0) {
- items[i].text_buf->draw_outline(get_canvas_item(), text_ofs, outline_size, font_outline_color);
+ Vector2 size2 = items[i].text_buf->get_size();
+ if (fixed_column_width) {
+ max_len = fixed_column_width;
+ } else if (same_column_width) {
+ max_len = items[i].rect_cache.size.x;
+ } else {
+ max_len = size2.x;
- items[i].text_buf->draw(get_canvas_item(), text_ofs, modulate);
- } else {
- if (fixed_column_width > 0) {
- size2.x = MIN(size2.x, fixed_column_width);
+ Color modulate = items[i].selected ? font_selected_color : (items[i].custom_fg != Color() ? items[i].custom_fg : font_color);
+ if (items[i].disabled) {
+ modulate.a *= 0.5;
- if (icon_mode == ICON_MODE_TOP) {
- text_ofs.x += (items[i].rect_cache.size.width - size2.x) / 2;
- } else {
- text_ofs.y += (items[i].rect_cache.size.height - size2.y) / 2;
- }
+ if (icon_mode == ICON_MODE_TOP && max_text_lines > 0) {
+ text_ofs += base_ofs;
+ text_ofs += items[i].rect_cache.position;
- text_ofs += base_ofs;
- text_ofs += items[i].rect_cache.position;
+ if (rtl) {
+ text_ofs.x = size.width - text_ofs.x - max_len;
+ }
- if (rtl) {
- text_ofs.x = size.width - text_ofs.x - max_len;
- }
+ items.write[i].text_buf->set_alignment(HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER);
- items.write[i].text_buf->set_width(max_len);
+ if (outline_size > 0 && font_outline_color.a > 0) {
+ items[i].text_buf->draw_outline(get_canvas_item(), text_ofs, outline_size, font_outline_color);
+ }
- if (rtl) {
- items.write[i].text_buf->set_align(HALIGN_RIGHT);
+ items[i].text_buf->draw(get_canvas_item(), text_ofs, modulate);
} else {
- items.write[i].text_buf->set_align(HALIGN_LEFT);
+ if (fixed_column_width > 0) {
+ size2.x = MIN(size2.x, fixed_column_width);
+ }
+ if (icon_mode == ICON_MODE_TOP) {
+ text_ofs.x += (items[i].rect_cache.size.width - size2.x) / 2;
+ } else {
+ text_ofs.y += (items[i].rect_cache.size.height - size2.y) / 2;
+ }
+ text_ofs += base_ofs;
+ text_ofs += items[i].rect_cache.position;
+ if (rtl) {
+ text_ofs.x = size.width - text_ofs.x - max_len;
+ }
+ items.write[i].text_buf->set_width(width - text_ofs.x);
+ if (rtl) {
+ items.write[i].text_buf->set_alignment(HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT);
+ } else {
+ items.write[i].text_buf->set_alignment(HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT);
+ }
+ if (outline_size > 0 && font_outline_color.a > 0) {
+ items[i].text_buf->draw_outline(get_canvas_item(), text_ofs, outline_size, font_outline_color);
+ }
+ if (width - text_ofs.x > 0) {
+ items[i].text_buf->draw(get_canvas_item(), text_ofs, modulate);
+ }
+ }
+ if (select_mode == SELECT_MULTI && i == current) {
+ Rect2 r = rcache;
+ r.position += base_ofs;
+ r.position.y -= vseparation / 2;
+ r.size.y += vseparation;
+ r.position.x -= hseparation / 2;
+ r.size.x += hseparation;
- if (outline_size > 0 && font_outline_color.a > 0) {
- items[i].text_buf->draw_outline(get_canvas_item(), text_ofs, outline_size, font_outline_color);
+ if (rtl) {
+ r.position.x = size.width - r.position.x - r.size.x;
- items[i].text_buf->draw(get_canvas_item(), text_ofs, modulate);
+ draw_style_box(cursor, r);
- if (select_mode == SELECT_MULTI && i == current) {
- Rect2 r = rcache;
- r.position += base_ofs;
- r.position.y -= vseparation / 2;
- r.size.y += vseparation;
- r.position.x -= hseparation / 2;
- r.size.x += hseparation;
- if (rtl) {
- r.position.x = size.width - r.position.x - r.size.x;
+ int first_visible_separator = 0;
+ {
+ // do a binary search to find the first separator that is below clip_position.y
+ int lo = 0;
+ int hi = separators.size();
+ while (lo < hi) {
+ const int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
+ if (separators[mid] < clip.position.y) {
+ lo = mid + 1;
+ } else {
+ hi = mid;
+ }
- draw_style_box(cursor, r);
+ first_visible_separator = lo;
- }
- int first_visible_separator = 0;
- {
- // do a binary search to find the first separator that is below clip_position.y
- int lo = 0;
- int hi = separators.size();
- while (lo < hi) {
- const int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
- if (separators[mid] < clip.position.y) {
- lo = mid + 1;
- } else {
- hi = mid;
+ for (int i = first_visible_separator; i < separators.size(); i++) {
+ if (separators[i] > clip.position.y + clip.size.y) {
+ break; // done
- }
- first_visible_separator = lo;
- }
- for (int i = first_visible_separator; i < separators.size(); i++) {
- if (separators[i] > clip.position.y + clip.size.y) {
- break; // done
+ const int y = base_ofs.y + separators[i];
+ draw_line(Vector2(bg->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), y), Vector2(width, y), guide_color);
- const int y = base_ofs.y + separators[i];
- draw_line(Vector2(bg->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), y), Vector2(width, y), guide_color);
- }
+ } break;
@@ -1363,10 +1446,10 @@ String ItemList::get_tooltip(const Point2 &p_pos) const {
if (!items[closest].tooltip_enabled) {
return "";
- if (items[closest].tooltip != "") {
+ if (!items[closest].tooltip.is_empty()) {
return items[closest].tooltip;
- if (items[closest].text != "") {
+ if (!items[closest].text.is_empty()) {
return items[closest].text;
@@ -1446,32 +1529,6 @@ bool ItemList::is_anything_selected() {
return false;
-void ItemList::_set_items(const Array &p_items) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(p_items.size() % 3);
- clear();
- for (int i = 0; i < p_items.size(); i += 3) {
- String text = p_items[i + 0];
- Ref<Texture2D> icon = p_items[i + 1];
- bool disabled = p_items[i + 2];
- int idx = get_item_count();
- add_item(text, icon);
- set_item_disabled(idx, disabled);
- }
-Array ItemList::_get_items() const {
- Array items;
- for (int i = 0; i < get_item_count(); i++) {
- items.push_back(get_item_text(i));
- items.push_back(get_item_icon(i));
- items.push_back(is_item_disabled(i));
- }
- return items;
Size2 ItemList::get_minimum_size() const {
if (auto_height) {
return Size2(0, auto_height_value);
@@ -1493,7 +1550,7 @@ bool ItemList::has_auto_height() const {
return auto_height;
-void ItemList::set_text_overrun_behavior(TextParagraph::OverrunBehavior p_behavior) {
+void ItemList::set_text_overrun_behavior(TextServer::OverrunBehavior p_behavior) {
if (text_overrun_behavior != p_behavior) {
text_overrun_behavior = p_behavior;
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
@@ -1504,10 +1561,88 @@ void ItemList::set_text_overrun_behavior(TextParagraph::OverrunBehavior p_behavi
-TextParagraph::OverrunBehavior ItemList::get_text_overrun_behavior() const {
+TextServer::OverrunBehavior ItemList::get_text_overrun_behavior() const {
return text_overrun_behavior;
+bool ItemList::_set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) {
+ Vector<String> components = String(p_name).split("/", true, 2);
+ if (components.size() >= 2 && components[0].begins_with("item_") && components[0].trim_prefix("item_").is_valid_int()) {
+ int item_index = components[0].trim_prefix("item_").to_int();
+ if (components[1] == "text") {
+ set_item_text(item_index, p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (components[1] == "icon") {
+ set_item_icon(item_index, p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (components[1] == "disabled") {
+ set_item_disabled(item_index, p_value);
+ return true;
+ } else if (components[1] == "selectable") {
+ set_item_selectable(item_index, p_value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Compatibility.
+ if (p_name == "items") {
+ Array arr = p_value;
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(arr.size() % 3, false);
+ clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i += 3) {
+ String text = arr[i + 0];
+ Ref<Texture2D> icon = arr[i + 1];
+ bool disabled = arr[i + 2];
+ int idx = get_item_count();
+ add_item(text, icon);
+ set_item_disabled(idx, disabled);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool ItemList::_get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const {
+ Vector<String> components = String(p_name).split("/", true, 2);
+ if (components.size() >= 2 && components[0].begins_with("item_") && components[0].trim_prefix("item_").is_valid_int()) {
+ int item_index = components[0].trim_prefix("item_").to_int();
+ if (components[1] == "text") {
+ r_ret = get_item_text(item_index);
+ return true;
+ } else if (components[1] == "icon") {
+ r_ret = get_item_icon(item_index);
+ return true;
+ } else if (components[1] == "disabled") {
+ r_ret = is_item_disabled(item_index);
+ return true;
+ } else if (components[1] == "selectable") {
+ r_ret = is_item_selectable(item_index);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void ItemList::_get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
+ p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, vformat("item_%d/text", i)));
+ PropertyInfo pi = PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, vformat("item_%d/icon", i), PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "Texture2D");
+ pi.usage &= ~(get_item_icon(i).is_null() ? PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE : 0);
+ p_list->push_back(pi);
+ pi = PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, vformat("item_%d/selectable", i));
+ pi.usage &= ~(is_item_selectable(i) ? PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE : 0);
+ p_list->push_back(pi);
+ pi = PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, vformat("item_%d/disabled", i));
+ pi.usage &= ~(!is_item_disabled(i) ? PROPERTY_USAGE_STORAGE : 0);
+ p_list->push_back(pi);
+ }
void ItemList::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_item", "text", "icon", "selectable"), &ItemList::add_item, DEFVAL(Variant()), DEFVAL(true));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_icon_item", "icon", "selectable"), &ItemList::add_icon_item, DEFVAL(true));
@@ -1567,6 +1702,7 @@ void ItemList::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("move_item", "from_idx", "to_idx"), &ItemList::move_item);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_item_count", "count"), &ItemList::set_item_count);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_item_count"), &ItemList::get_item_count);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_item", "idx"), &ItemList::remove_item);
@@ -1612,30 +1748,26 @@ void ItemList::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("ensure_current_is_visible"), &ItemList::ensure_current_is_visible);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_v_scroll"), &ItemList::get_v_scroll);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_set_items"), &ItemList::_set_items);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_get_items"), &ItemList::_get_items);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_v_scroll_bar"), &ItemList::get_v_scroll_bar);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_text_overrun_behavior", "overrun_behavior"), &ItemList::set_text_overrun_behavior);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_text_overrun_behavior"), &ItemList::get_text_overrun_behavior);
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::ARRAY, "items", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_NOEDITOR | PROPERTY_USAGE_INTERNAL), "_set_items", "_get_items");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "select_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Single,Multi"), "set_select_mode", "get_select_mode");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "allow_reselect"), "set_allow_reselect", "get_allow_reselect");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "allow_rmb_select"), "set_allow_rmb_select", "get_allow_rmb_select");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "max_text_lines", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "1,10,1,or_greater"), "set_max_text_lines", "get_max_text_lines");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "auto_height"), "set_auto_height", "has_auto_height");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "text_overrun_behavior", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Trim Nothing,Trim Characters,Trim Words,Ellipsis,Word Ellipsis"), "set_text_overrun_behavior", "get_text_overrun_behavior");
+ ADD_ARRAY_COUNT("Items", "item_count", "set_item_count", "get_item_count", "item_");
ADD_GROUP("Columns", "");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "max_columns", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,10,1,or_greater"), "set_max_columns", "get_max_columns");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "same_column_width"), "set_same_column_width", "is_same_column_width");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "fixed_column_width", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,100,1,or_greater"), "set_fixed_column_width", "get_fixed_column_width");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "fixed_column_width", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,100,1,or_greater,suffix:px"), "set_fixed_column_width", "get_fixed_column_width");
ADD_GROUP("Icon", "");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "icon_mode", PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "Top,Left"), "set_icon_mode", "get_icon_mode");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::FLOAT, "icon_scale"), "set_icon_scale", "get_icon_scale");
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "fixed_icon_size"), "set_fixed_icon_size", "get_fixed_icon_size");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "fixed_icon_size", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "suffix:px"), "set_fixed_icon_size", "get_fixed_icon_size");
@@ -1644,11 +1776,10 @@ void ItemList::_bind_methods() {
ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("item_selected", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "index")));
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("item_rmb_selected", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "index"), PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "at_position")));
+ ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("empty_clicked", PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "at_position"), PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "mouse_button_index")));
+ ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("item_clicked", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "index"), PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "at_position"), PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "mouse_button_index")));
ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("multi_selected", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "index"), PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "selected")));
ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("item_activated", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "index")));
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("rmb_clicked", PropertyInfo(Variant::VECTOR2, "at_position")));
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("nothing_selected"));
GLOBAL_DEF("gui/timers/incremental_search_max_interval_msec", 2000);
ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set_custom_property_info("gui/timers/incremental_search_max_interval_msec", PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "gui/timers/incremental_search_max_interval_msec", PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,10000,1,or_greater")); // No negative numbers