path: root/scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'scene/gui/dialogs.cpp')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/scene/gui/dialogs.cpp b/scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
index b4e0747ab8..f5edaf02d8 100644
--- a/scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
+++ b/scene/gui/dialogs.cpp
@@ -50,12 +50,27 @@ void AcceptDialog::_parent_focused() {
+void AcceptDialog::_update_theme_item_cache() {
+ Window::_update_theme_item_cache();
+ theme_cache.panel_style = get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("panel"));
+ theme_cache.buttons_separation = get_theme_constant(SNAME("buttons_separation"));
void AcceptDialog::_notification(int p_what) {
switch (p_what) {
if (is_visible()) {
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (is_visible()) {
+ if (get_ok_button()->is_inside_tree()) {
+ get_ok_button()->grab_focus();
+ }
parent_visible = get_parent_visible_window();
if (parent_visible) {
parent_visible->connect("focus_entered", callable_mp(this, &AcceptDialog::_parent_focused));
@@ -69,7 +84,12 @@ void AcceptDialog::_notification(int p_what) {
} break;
- bg->add_theme_style_override("panel", bg->get_theme_stylebox(SNAME("panel"), SNAME("AcceptDialog")));
+ bg_panel->add_theme_style_override("panel", theme_cache.panel_style);
+ child_controls_changed();
+ if (is_visible()) {
+ _update_child_rects();
+ }
} break;
@@ -126,14 +146,16 @@ void AcceptDialog::_cancel_pressed() {
String AcceptDialog::get_text() const {
- return label->get_text();
+ return message_label->get_text();
void AcceptDialog::set_text(String p_text) {
- if (label->get_text() == p_text) {
+ if (message_label->get_text() == p_text) {
- label->set_text(p_text);
+ message_label->set_text(p_text);
if (is_visible()) {
@@ -157,19 +179,24 @@ bool AcceptDialog::get_close_on_escape() const {
void AcceptDialog::set_autowrap(bool p_autowrap) {
- label->set_autowrap_mode(p_autowrap ? TextServer::AUTOWRAP_WORD : TextServer::AUTOWRAP_OFF);
+ message_label->set_autowrap_mode(p_autowrap ? TextServer::AUTOWRAP_WORD : TextServer::AUTOWRAP_OFF);
bool AcceptDialog::has_autowrap() {
- return label->get_autowrap_mode() != TextServer::AUTOWRAP_OFF;
+ return message_label->get_autowrap_mode() != TextServer::AUTOWRAP_OFF;
void AcceptDialog::set_ok_button_text(String p_ok_button_text) {
- ok->set_text(p_ok_button_text);
+ ok_button->set_text(p_ok_button_text);
+ child_controls_changed();
+ if (is_visible()) {
+ _update_child_rects();
+ }
String AcceptDialog::get_ok_button_text() const {
- return ok->get_text();
+ return ok_button->get_text();
void AcceptDialog::register_text_enter(Control *p_line_edit) {
@@ -181,69 +208,79 @@ void AcceptDialog::register_text_enter(Control *p_line_edit) {
void AcceptDialog::_update_child_rects() {
- Size2 label_size = label->get_minimum_size();
- if (label->get_text().is_empty()) {
- label_size.height = 0;
- }
- int margin = hbc->get_theme_constant(SNAME("margin"), SNAME("Dialogs"));
Size2 size = get_size();
- Size2 hminsize = hbc->get_combined_minimum_size();
+ float h_margins = theme_cache.panel_style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT) + theme_cache.panel_style->get_margin(SIDE_RIGHT);
+ float v_margins = theme_cache.panel_style->get_margin(SIDE_TOP) + theme_cache.panel_style->get_margin(SIDE_BOTTOM);
+ // Fill the entire size of the window with the background.
+ bg_panel->set_position(Point2());
+ bg_panel->set_size(size);
+ // Place the buttons from the bottom edge to their minimum required size.
+ Size2 buttons_minsize = buttons_hbox->get_combined_minimum_size();
+ Size2 buttons_size = Size2(size.x - h_margins, buttons_minsize.y);
+ Point2 buttons_position = Point2(theme_cache.panel_style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), size.y - theme_cache.panel_style->get_margin(SIDE_BOTTOM) - buttons_size.y);
+ buttons_hbox->set_position(buttons_position);
+ buttons_hbox->set_size(buttons_size);
- Vector2 cpos(margin, margin + label_size.height);
- Vector2 csize(size.x - margin * 2, size.y - margin * 3 - hminsize.y - label_size.height);
+ // Place the content from the top to fill the rest of the space (minus the separation).
+ Point2 content_position = Point2(theme_cache.panel_style->get_margin(SIDE_LEFT), theme_cache.panel_style->get_margin(SIDE_TOP));
+ Size2 content_size = Size2(size.x - h_margins, size.y - v_margins - buttons_size.y - theme_cache.buttons_separation);
for (int i = 0; i < get_child_count(); i++) {
Control *c = Object::cast_to<Control>(get_child(i));
if (!c) {
- if (c == hbc || c == label || c == bg || c->is_set_as_top_level()) {
+ if (c == buttons_hbox || c == bg_panel || c->is_set_as_top_level()) {
- c->set_position(cpos);
- c->set_size(csize);
+ c->set_position(content_position);
+ c->set_size(content_size);
- cpos.y += csize.y + margin;
- csize.y = hminsize.y;
- hbc->set_position(cpos);
- hbc->set_size(csize);
- bg->set_position(Point2());
- bg->set_size(size);
Size2 AcceptDialog::_get_contents_minimum_size() const {
- int margin = hbc->get_theme_constant(SNAME("margin"), SNAME("Dialogs"));
- Size2 minsize = label->get_combined_minimum_size();
+ // First, we then iterate over the label and any other custom controls
+ // to try and find the size that encompasses all content.
+ Size2 content_minsize;
for (int i = 0; i < get_child_count(); i++) {
Control *c = Object::cast_to<Control>(get_child(i));
if (!c) {
- if (c == hbc || c == label || c->is_set_as_top_level()) {
+ // Buttons will be included afterwards.
+ // The panel only displays the stylebox and doesn't contribute to the size.
+ if (c == buttons_hbox || c == bg_panel || c->is_set_as_top_level()) {
- Size2 cminsize = c->get_combined_minimum_size();
- minsize.x = MAX(cminsize.x, minsize.x);
- minsize.y = MAX(cminsize.y, minsize.y);
+ Size2 child_minsize = c->get_combined_minimum_size();
+ content_minsize.x = MAX(child_minsize.x, content_minsize.x);
+ content_minsize.y = MAX(child_minsize.y, content_minsize.y);
+ }
+ // Then we take the background panel as it provides the offsets,
+ // which are always added to the minimum size.
+ if (theme_cache.panel_style.is_valid()) {
+ content_minsize += theme_cache.panel_style->get_minimum_size();
- Size2 hminsize = hbc->get_combined_minimum_size();
- minsize.x = MAX(hminsize.x, minsize.x);
- minsize.y += hminsize.y;
- minsize.x += margin * 2;
- minsize.y += margin * 3; //one as separation between hbc and child
+ // Then we add buttons. Horizontally we're interested in whichever
+ // value is the biggest. Vertically buttons add to the overall size.
+ Size2 buttons_minsize = buttons_hbox->get_combined_minimum_size();
+ content_minsize.x = MAX(buttons_minsize.x, content_minsize.x);
+ content_minsize.y += buttons_minsize.y;
+ // Plus there is a separation size added on top.
+ content_minsize.y += theme_cache.buttons_separation;
- Size2 wmsize = get_min_size();
- minsize.x = MAX(wmsize.x, minsize.x);
- return minsize;
+ // Last, we make sure that we aren't below the minimum window size.
+ Size2 window_minsize = get_min_size();
+ content_minsize.x = MAX(window_minsize.x, content_minsize.x);
+ content_minsize.y = MAX(window_minsize.y, content_minsize.y);
+ return content_minsize;
void AcceptDialog::_custom_action(const String &p_action) {
@@ -254,13 +291,19 @@ void AcceptDialog::_custom_action(const String &p_action) {
Button *AcceptDialog::add_button(const String &p_text, bool p_right, const String &p_action) {
Button *button = memnew(Button);
if (p_right) {
- hbc->add_child(button);
- hbc->add_spacer();
+ buttons_hbox->add_child(button);
+ buttons_hbox->add_spacer();
} else {
- hbc->add_child(button);
- hbc->move_child(button, 0);
- hbc->add_spacer(true);
+ buttons_hbox->add_child(button);
+ buttons_hbox->move_child(button, 0);
+ buttons_hbox->add_spacer(true);
+ }
+ child_controls_changed();
+ if (is_visible()) {
+ _update_child_rects();
if (!p_action.is_empty()) {
@@ -275,24 +318,19 @@ Button *AcceptDialog::add_cancel_button(const String &p_cancel) {
if (p_cancel.is_empty()) {
c = "Cancel";
Button *b = swap_cancel_ok ? add_button(c, true) : add_button(c);
b->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &AcceptDialog::_cancel_pressed));
return b;
void AcceptDialog::remove_button(Control *p_button) {
Button *button = Object::cast_to<Button>(p_button);
- ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(button->get_parent() != hbc, vformat("Cannot remove button %s as it does not belong to this dialog.", button->get_name()));
- ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(button == ok, "Cannot remove dialog's OK button.");
- Node *right_spacer = hbc->get_child(button->get_index() + 1);
- // Should always be valid but let's avoid crashing
- if (right_spacer) {
- hbc->remove_child(right_spacer);
- memdelete(right_spacer);
- }
- hbc->remove_child(button);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(button->get_parent() != buttons_hbox, vformat("Cannot remove button %s as it does not belong to this dialog.", button->get_name()));
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(button == ok_button, "Cannot remove dialog's OK button.");
if (button->is_connected("pressed", callable_mp(this, &AcceptDialog::_custom_action))) {
button->disconnect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &AcceptDialog::_custom_action));
@@ -300,6 +338,19 @@ void AcceptDialog::remove_button(Control *p_button) {
if (button->is_connected("pressed", callable_mp(this, &AcceptDialog::_cancel_pressed))) {
button->disconnect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &AcceptDialog::_cancel_pressed));
+ Node *right_spacer = buttons_hbox->get_child(button->get_index() + 1);
+ // Should always be valid but let's avoid crashing.
+ if (right_spacer) {
+ buttons_hbox->remove_child(right_spacer);
+ memdelete(right_spacer);
+ }
+ buttons_hbox->remove_child(button);
+ child_controls_changed();
+ if (is_visible()) {
+ _update_child_rects();
+ }
void AcceptDialog::_bind_methods() {
@@ -345,30 +396,25 @@ AcceptDialog::AcceptDialog() {
- bg = memnew(Panel);
- add_child(bg, false, INTERNAL_MODE_FRONT);
- hbc = memnew(HBoxContainer);
+ bg_panel = memnew(Panel);
+ add_child(bg_panel, false, INTERNAL_MODE_FRONT);
- int margin = hbc->get_theme_constant(SNAME("margin"), SNAME("Dialogs"));
- int button_margin = hbc->get_theme_constant(SNAME("button_margin"), SNAME("Dialogs"));
+ buttons_hbox = memnew(HBoxContainer);
- label = memnew(Label);
- label->set_anchor(SIDE_RIGHT, Control::ANCHOR_END);
- label->set_anchor(SIDE_BOTTOM, Control::ANCHOR_END);
- label->set_begin(Point2(margin, margin));
- label->set_end(Point2(-margin, -button_margin - 10));
- add_child(label, false, INTERNAL_MODE_FRONT);
+ message_label = memnew(Label);
+ message_label->set_anchor(SIDE_RIGHT, Control::ANCHOR_END);
+ message_label->set_anchor(SIDE_BOTTOM, Control::ANCHOR_END);
+ add_child(message_label, false, INTERNAL_MODE_FRONT);
- add_child(hbc, false, INTERNAL_MODE_FRONT);
+ add_child(buttons_hbox, false, INTERNAL_MODE_FRONT);
- hbc->add_spacer();
- ok = memnew(Button);
- ok->set_text("OK");
- hbc->add_child(ok);
- hbc->add_spacer();
+ buttons_hbox->add_spacer();
+ ok_button = memnew(Button);
+ ok_button->set_text("OK");
+ buttons_hbox->add_child(ok_button);
+ buttons_hbox->add_spacer();
- ok->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &AcceptDialog::_ok_pressed));
+ ok_button->connect("pressed", callable_mp(this, &AcceptDialog::_ok_pressed));