path: root/scene/gui/control.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scene/gui/control.h')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/scene/gui/control.h b/scene/gui/control.h
index f18dd99bff..72e870930d 100644
--- a/scene/gui/control.h
+++ b/scene/gui/control.h
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
class Viewport;
class Label;
class Panel;
+class ThemeOwner;
class Control : public CanvasItem {
GDCLASS(Control, CanvasItem);
@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ public:
enum LayoutPresetMode {
@@ -158,14 +159,21 @@ private:
+ // This Data struct is to avoid namespace pollution in derived classes.
struct Data {
- Point2 pos_cache;
- Size2 size_cache;
- Size2 minimum_size_cache;
- bool minimum_size_valid = false;
+ // Global relations.
- Size2 last_minimum_size;
- bool updating_last_minimum_size = false;
+ List<Control *>::Element *RI = nullptr;
+ Control *parent = nullptr;
+ Window *parent_window = nullptr;
+ CanvasItem *parent_canvas_item = nullptr;
+ ObjectID drag_owner;
+ // Positioning and sizing.
+ LayoutMode stored_layout_mode = LayoutMode::LAYOUT_MODE_POSITION;
+ bool stored_use_custom_anchors = false;
real_t offset[4] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
@@ -173,49 +181,52 @@ private:
GrowDirection h_grow = GROW_DIRECTION_END;
GrowDirection v_grow = GROW_DIRECTION_END;
- LayoutDirection layout_dir = LAYOUT_DIRECTION_INHERITED;
- bool is_rtl_dirty = true;
- bool is_rtl = false;
- bool auto_translate = true;
real_t rotation = 0.0;
Vector2 scale = Vector2(1, 1);
Vector2 pivot_offset;
+ Point2 pos_cache;
+ Size2 size_cache;
+ Size2 minimum_size_cache;
+ bool minimum_size_valid = false;
+ Size2 last_minimum_size;
+ bool updating_last_minimum_size = false;
+ bool block_minimum_size_adjust = false;
bool size_warning = true;
+ // Container sizing.
int h_size_flags = SIZE_FILL;
int v_size_flags = SIZE_FILL;
real_t expand = 1.0;
Point2 custom_minimum_size;
+ // Input events and rendering.
MouseFilter mouse_filter = MOUSE_FILTER_STOP;
bool force_pass_scroll_events = true;
bool clip_contents = false;
- bool block_minimum_size_adjust = false;
bool disable_visibility_clip = false;
- Control *parent = nullptr;
- ObjectID drag_owner;
- Ref<Theme> theme;
- Control *theme_owner = nullptr;
- Window *theme_owner_window = nullptr;
- Window *parent_window = nullptr;
- StringName theme_type_variation;
- String tooltip;
CursorShape default_cursor = CURSOR_ARROW;
- List<Control *>::Element *RI = nullptr;
- CanvasItem *parent_canvas_item = nullptr;
+ // Focus.
NodePath focus_neighbor[4];
NodePath focus_next;
NodePath focus_prev;
+ ObjectID shortcut_context;
+ // Theming.
+ ThemeOwner *theme_owner = nullptr;
+ Ref<Theme> theme;
+ StringName theme_type_variation;
bool bulk_theme_override = false;
Theme::ThemeIconMap icon_override;
Theme::ThemeStyleMap style_override;
@@ -224,78 +235,108 @@ private:
Theme::ThemeColorMap color_override;
Theme::ThemeConstantMap constant_override;
+ mutable HashMap<StringName, Theme::ThemeIconMap> theme_icon_cache;
+ mutable HashMap<StringName, Theme::ThemeStyleMap> theme_style_cache;
+ mutable HashMap<StringName, Theme::ThemeFontMap> theme_font_cache;
+ mutable HashMap<StringName, Theme::ThemeFontSizeMap> theme_font_size_cache;
+ mutable HashMap<StringName, Theme::ThemeColorMap> theme_color_cache;
+ mutable HashMap<StringName, Theme::ThemeConstantMap> theme_constant_cache;
+ // Internationalization.
+ LayoutDirection layout_dir = LAYOUT_DIRECTION_INHERITED;
+ bool is_rtl_dirty = true;
+ bool is_rtl = false;
+ bool auto_translate = true;
+ // Extra properties.
+ String tooltip;
} data;
+ // Dynamic properties.
static constexpr unsigned properties_managed_by_container_count = 12;
static String properties_managed_by_container[properties_managed_by_container_count];
- void _window_find_focus_neighbor(const Vector2 &p_dir, Node *p_at, const Point2 *p_points, real_t p_min, real_t &r_closest_dist, Control **r_closest);
- Control *_get_focus_neighbor(Side p_side, int p_count = 0);
+ // Global relations.
+ friend class Viewport;
+ // Positioning and sizing.
+ void _update_canvas_item_transform();
+ Transform2D _get_internal_transform() const;
void _set_anchor(Side p_side, real_t p_anchor);
void _set_position(const Point2 &p_point);
void _set_global_position(const Point2 &p_point);
void _set_size(const Size2 &p_size);
+ void _compute_offsets(Rect2 p_rect, const real_t p_anchors[4], real_t (&r_offsets)[4]);
+ void _compute_anchors(Rect2 p_rect, const real_t p_offsets[4], real_t (&r_anchors)[4]);
void _set_layout_mode(LayoutMode p_mode);
LayoutMode _get_layout_mode() const;
+ LayoutMode _get_default_layout_mode() const;
void _set_anchors_layout_preset(int p_preset);
int _get_anchors_layout_preset() const;
- void _theme_changed();
- void _notify_theme_changed();
+ void _update_minimum_size_cache();
void _update_minimum_size();
+ void _size_changed();
void _clear_size_warning();
- void _compute_offsets(Rect2 p_rect, const real_t p_anchors[4], real_t (&r_offsets)[4]);
- void _compute_anchors(Rect2 p_rect, const real_t p_offsets[4], real_t (&r_anchors)[4]);
- void _size_changed();
- String _get_tooltip() const;
+ // Input events.
- void _override_changed();
+ void _call_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event);
- void _update_canvas_item_transform();
+ // Focus.
- Transform2D _get_internal_transform() const;
+ void _window_find_focus_neighbor(const Vector2 &p_dir, Node *p_at, const Point2 *p_points, real_t p_min, real_t &r_closest_dist, Control **r_closest);
+ Control *_get_focus_neighbor(Side p_side, int p_count = 0);
- friend class Viewport;
+ // Theming.
- void _call_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event);
+ void _theme_changed();
+ void _notify_theme_override_changed();
+ void _invalidate_theme_cache();
- void _update_minimum_size_cache();
- friend class Window;
- static void _propagate_theme_changed(Node *p_at, Control *p_owner, Window *p_owner_window, bool p_assign = true);
+ // Extra properties.
- template <class T>
- static T get_theme_item_in_types(Control *p_theme_owner, Window *p_theme_owner_window, Theme::DataType p_data_type, const StringName &p_name, List<StringName> p_theme_types);
- static bool has_theme_item_in_types(Control *p_theme_owner, Window *p_theme_owner_window, Theme::DataType p_data_type, const StringName &p_name, List<StringName> p_theme_types);
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void _get_theme_type_dependencies(const StringName &p_theme_type, List<StringName> *p_list) const;
+ String get_tooltip_text() const;
- virtual void add_child_notify(Node *p_child) override;
- virtual void remove_child_notify(Node *p_child) override;
- //virtual void _window_gui_input(InputEvent p_event);
- virtual Array structured_text_parser(TextServer::StructuredTextParser p_parser_type, const Array &p_args, const String &p_text) const;
+ // Dynamic properties.
bool _set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value);
bool _get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const;
void _get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const;
+ void _validate_property(PropertyInfo &p_property) const;
+ bool _property_can_revert(const StringName &p_name) const;
+ bool _property_get_revert(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_property) const;
+ // Theming.
+ virtual void _update_theme_item_cache();
+ // Internationalization.
+ virtual TypedArray<Vector2i> structured_text_parser(TextServer::StructuredTextParser p_parser_type, const Array &p_args, const String &p_text) const;
- virtual void _validate_property(PropertyInfo &property) const override;
+ // Base object overrides.
void _notification(int p_notification);
static void _bind_methods();
- //bind helpers
+ // Exposed virtual methods.
GDVIRTUAL1RC(bool, _has_point, Vector2)
- GDVIRTUAL2RC(Array, _structured_text_parser, Array, String)
+ GDVIRTUAL2RC(TypedArray<Vector2i>, _structured_text_parser, Array, String)
GDVIRTUAL0RC(Vector2, _get_minimum_size)
GDVIRTUAL1RC(Variant, _get_drag_data, Vector2)
@@ -307,8 +348,6 @@ protected:
enum {
@@ -318,10 +357,11 @@ public:
- /* EDITOR */
+ // Editor plugin interoperability.
+ // TODO: Decouple controls from their editor plugin and get rid of this.
virtual Dictionary _edit_get_state() const override;
virtual void _edit_set_state(const Dictionary &p_state) override;
@@ -347,56 +387,50 @@ public:
virtual Size2 _edit_get_minimum_size() const override;
- virtual void gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event);
+ // Editor integration.
- void accept_event();
+ virtual void get_argument_options(const StringName &p_function, int p_idx, List<String> *r_options) const override;
+ PackedStringArray get_configuration_warnings() const override;
- virtual Size2 get_minimum_size() const;
- virtual Size2 get_combined_minimum_size() const;
- virtual bool has_point(const Point2 &p_point) const;
- virtual void set_drag_forwarding(Object *p_target);
- virtual Variant get_drag_data(const Point2 &p_point);
- virtual bool can_drop_data(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data) const;
- virtual void drop_data(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data);
- void set_drag_preview(Control *p_control);
- void force_drag(const Variant &p_data, Control *p_control);
- bool is_drag_successful() const;
+ virtual bool is_text_field() const;
- void set_custom_minimum_size(const Size2 &p_custom);
- Size2 get_custom_minimum_size() const;
+ // Global relations.
+ bool is_top_level_control() const;
Control *get_parent_control() const;
Window *get_parent_window() const;
+ Control *get_root_parent_control() const;
- void set_layout_direction(LayoutDirection p_direction);
- LayoutDirection get_layout_direction() const;
- virtual bool is_layout_rtl() const;
- void set_auto_translate(bool p_enable);
- bool is_auto_translating() const;
- _FORCE_INLINE_ String atr(const String p_string) const { return is_auto_translating() ? tr(p_string) : p_string; };
+ Size2 get_parent_area_size() const;
+ Rect2 get_parent_anchorable_rect() const;
+ // Positioning and sizing.
- void set_anchors_preset(LayoutPreset p_preset, bool p_keep_offsets = true);
- void set_offsets_preset(LayoutPreset p_preset, LayoutPresetMode p_resize_mode = PRESET_MODE_MINSIZE, int p_margin = 0);
- void set_anchors_and_offsets_preset(LayoutPreset p_preset, LayoutPresetMode p_resize_mode = PRESET_MODE_MINSIZE, int p_margin = 0);
- void set_grow_direction_preset(LayoutPreset p_preset);
+ virtual Transform2D get_transform() const override;
void set_anchor(Side p_side, real_t p_anchor, bool p_keep_offset = true, bool p_push_opposite_anchor = true);
real_t get_anchor(Side p_side) const;
void set_offset(Side p_side, real_t p_value);
real_t get_offset(Side p_side) const;
void set_anchor_and_offset(Side p_side, real_t p_anchor, real_t p_pos, bool p_push_opposite_anchor = true);
- void set_begin(const Point2 &p_point); // helper
- void set_end(const Point2 &p_point); // helper
+ // TODO: Rename to set_begin/end_offsets ?
+ void set_begin(const Point2 &p_point);
Point2 get_begin() const;
+ void set_end(const Point2 &p_point);
Point2 get_end() const;
+ void set_h_grow_direction(GrowDirection p_direction);
+ GrowDirection get_h_grow_direction() const;
+ void set_v_grow_direction(GrowDirection p_direction);
+ GrowDirection get_v_grow_direction() const;
+ void set_anchors_preset(LayoutPreset p_preset, bool p_keep_offsets = true);
+ void set_offsets_preset(LayoutPreset p_preset, LayoutPresetMode p_resize_mode = PRESET_MODE_MINSIZE, int p_margin = 0);
+ void set_anchors_and_offsets_preset(LayoutPreset p_preset, LayoutPresetMode p_resize_mode = PRESET_MODE_MINSIZE, int p_margin = 0);
+ void set_grow_direction_preset(LayoutPreset p_preset);
void set_position(const Point2 &p_point, bool p_keep_offsets = false);
void set_global_position(const Point2 &p_point, bool p_keep_offsets = false);
Point2 get_position() const;
@@ -407,52 +441,75 @@ public:
Size2 get_size() const;
void reset_size();
+ void set_rect(const Rect2 &p_rect); // Reset anchors to begin and set rect, for faster container children sorting.
Rect2 get_rect() const;
Rect2 get_global_rect() const;
Rect2 get_screen_rect() const;
- Rect2 get_window_rect() const; ///< use with care, as it blocks waiting for the rendering server
Rect2 get_anchorable_rect() const override;
- void set_rect(const Rect2 &p_rect); // Reset anchors to begin and set rect, for faster container children sorting.
+ void set_scale(const Vector2 &p_scale);
+ Vector2 get_scale() const;
void set_rotation(real_t p_radians);
real_t get_rotation() const;
- void set_h_grow_direction(GrowDirection p_direction);
- GrowDirection get_h_grow_direction() const;
- void set_v_grow_direction(GrowDirection p_direction);
- GrowDirection get_v_grow_direction() const;
void set_pivot_offset(const Vector2 &p_pivot);
Vector2 get_pivot_offset() const;
- void set_scale(const Vector2 &p_scale);
- Vector2 get_scale() const;
+ void update_minimum_size();
- void set_theme(const Ref<Theme> &p_theme);
- Ref<Theme> get_theme() const;
+ void set_block_minimum_size_adjust(bool p_block);
+ bool is_minimum_size_adjust_blocked() const;
- void set_theme_type_variation(const StringName &p_theme_type);
- StringName get_theme_type_variation() const;
+ virtual Size2 get_minimum_size() const;
+ virtual Size2 get_combined_minimum_size() const;
+ void set_custom_minimum_size(const Size2 &p_custom);
+ Size2 get_custom_minimum_size() const;
+ // Container sizing.
void set_h_size_flags(int p_flags);
int get_h_size_flags() const;
void set_v_size_flags(int p_flags);
int get_v_size_flags() const;
void set_stretch_ratio(real_t p_ratio);
real_t get_stretch_ratio() const;
- void update_minimum_size();
+ // Input events.
+ virtual void gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event);
+ void accept_event();
+ virtual bool has_point(const Point2 &p_point) const;
+ void set_mouse_filter(MouseFilter p_filter);
+ MouseFilter get_mouse_filter() const;
+ void set_force_pass_scroll_events(bool p_force_pass_scroll_events);
+ bool is_force_pass_scroll_events() const;
+ void warp_mouse(const Point2 &p_position);
+ bool is_focus_owner_in_shortcut_context() const;
+ void set_shortcut_context(const Node *p_node);
+ Node *get_shortcut_context() const;
- /* FOCUS */
+ // Drag and drop handling.
+ virtual void set_drag_forwarding(Object *p_target);
+ virtual Variant get_drag_data(const Point2 &p_point);
+ virtual bool can_drop_data(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data) const;
+ virtual void drop_data(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_data);
+ void set_drag_preview(Control *p_control);
+ void force_drag(const Variant &p_data, Control *p_control);
+ bool is_drag_successful() const;
+ // Focus.
void set_focus_mode(FocusMode p_focus_mode);
FocusMode get_focus_mode() const;
bool has_focus() const;
void grab_focus();
+ void grab_click_focus();
void release_focus();
Control *find_next_valid_focus() const;
@@ -466,13 +523,29 @@ public:
void set_focus_previous(const NodePath &p_prev);
NodePath get_focus_previous() const;
- void set_mouse_filter(MouseFilter p_filter);
- MouseFilter get_mouse_filter() const;
+ // Rendering.
- void set_force_pass_scroll_events(bool p_force_pass_scroll_events);
- bool is_force_pass_scroll_events() const;
+ void set_default_cursor_shape(CursorShape p_shape);
+ CursorShape get_default_cursor_shape() const;
+ virtual CursorShape get_cursor_shape(const Point2 &p_pos = Point2i()) const;
+ void set_clip_contents(bool p_clip);
+ bool is_clipping_contents();
+ void set_disable_visibility_clip(bool p_ignore);
+ bool is_visibility_clip_disabled() const;
+ // Theming.
+ void set_theme_owner_node(Node *p_node);
+ Node *get_theme_owner_node() const;
+ bool has_theme_owner_node() const;
+ void set_theme(const Ref<Theme> &p_theme);
+ Ref<Theme> get_theme() const;
- /* SKINNING */
+ void set_theme_type_variation(const StringName &p_theme_type);
+ StringName get_theme_type_variation() const;
void begin_bulk_theme_override();
void end_bulk_theme_override();
@@ -512,54 +585,30 @@ public:
bool has_theme_color(const StringName &p_name, const StringName &p_theme_type = StringName()) const;
bool has_theme_constant(const StringName &p_name, const StringName &p_theme_type = StringName()) const;
- static float fetch_theme_default_base_scale(Control *p_theme_owner, Window *p_theme_owner_window);
- static Ref<Font> fetch_theme_default_font(Control *p_theme_owner, Window *p_theme_owner_window);
- static int fetch_theme_default_font_size(Control *p_theme_owner, Window *p_theme_owner_window);
float get_theme_default_base_scale() const;
Ref<Font> get_theme_default_font() const;
int get_theme_default_font_size() const;
- /* TOOLTIP */
- void set_tooltip(const String &p_tooltip);
- virtual String get_tooltip(const Point2 &p_pos) const;
- virtual Control *make_custom_tooltip(const String &p_text) const;
- /* CURSOR */
- void set_default_cursor_shape(CursorShape p_shape);
- CursorShape get_default_cursor_shape() const;
- virtual CursorShape get_cursor_shape(const Point2 &p_pos = Point2i()) const;
- virtual Transform2D get_transform() const override;
- bool is_top_level_control() const;
- Size2 get_parent_area_size() const;
- Rect2 get_parent_anchorable_rect() const;
- void grab_click_focus();
- void warp_mouse(const Point2 &p_position);
- virtual bool is_text_field() const;
- Control *get_root_parent_control() const;
+ // Internationalization.
- void set_clip_contents(bool p_clip);
- bool is_clipping_contents();
+ void set_layout_direction(LayoutDirection p_direction);
+ LayoutDirection get_layout_direction() const;
+ virtual bool is_layout_rtl() const;
- void set_block_minimum_size_adjust(bool p_block);
- bool is_minimum_size_adjust_blocked() const;
+ void set_auto_translate(bool p_enable);
+ bool is_auto_translating() const;
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ String atr(const String p_string) const {
+ return is_auto_translating() ? tr(p_string) : p_string;
+ };
- void set_disable_visibility_clip(bool p_ignore);
- bool is_visibility_clip_disabled() const;
+ // Extra properties.
- virtual void get_argument_options(const StringName &p_function, int p_idx, List<String> *r_options) const override;
- TypedArray<String> get_configuration_warnings() const override;
+ void set_tooltip_text(const String &text);
+ virtual String get_tooltip(const Point2 &p_pos) const;
+ virtual Control *make_custom_tooltip(const String &p_text) const;
- Control() {}
+ Control();
+ ~Control();
@@ -574,4 +623,4 @@ VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(Control::LayoutMode);
+#endif // CONTROL_H