path: root/scene/debugger/script_debugger_remote.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scene/debugger/script_debugger_remote.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1313 deletions
diff --git a/scene/debugger/script_debugger_remote.cpp b/scene/debugger/script_debugger_remote.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 80972ba3d1..0000000000
--- a/scene/debugger/script_debugger_remote.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1313 +0,0 @@
-/* script_debugger_remote.cpp */
-/* This file is part of: */
-/* */
-/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
-/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
-/* */
-/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
-/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
-/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
-/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
-/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
-/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
-/* the following conditions: */
-/* */
-/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
-/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
-/* */
-#include "script_debugger_remote.h"
-#include "core/engine.h"
-#include "core/io/ip.h"
-#include "core/io/marshalls.h"
-#include "core/os/input.h"
-#include "core/os/os.h"
-#include "core/project_settings.h"
-#include "scene/main/node.h"
-#include "scene/main/scene_tree.h"
-#include "scene/main/viewport.h"
-#include "scene/resources/packed_scene.h"
-#include "servers/visual_server.h"
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::_send_video_memory() {
- List<ResourceUsage> usage;
- if (resource_usage_func)
- resource_usage_func(&usage);
- usage.sort();
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("message:video_mem");
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(usage.size() * 4);
- for (List<ResourceUsage>::Element *E = usage.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(E->get().path);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(E->get().type);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(E->get().format);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(E->get().vram);
- }
-Error ScriptDebuggerRemote::connect_to_host(const String &p_host, uint16_t p_port) {
- IP_Address ip;
- if (p_host.is_valid_ip_address())
- ip = p_host;
- else
- ip = IP::get_singleton()->resolve_hostname(p_host);
- int port = p_port;
- const int tries = 6;
- int waits[tries] = { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 1000, 1000 };
- tcp_client->connect_to_host(ip, port);
- for (int i = 0; i < tries; i++) {
- if (tcp_client->get_status() == StreamPeerTCP::STATUS_CONNECTED) {
- print_verbose("Remote Debugger: Connected!");
- break;
- } else {
- const int ms = waits[i];
- OS::get_singleton()->delay_usec(ms * 1000);
- print_verbose("Remote Debugger: Connection failed with status: '" + String::num(tcp_client->get_status()) + "', retrying in " + String::num(ms) + " msec.");
- };
- };
- if (tcp_client->get_status() != StreamPeerTCP::STATUS_CONNECTED) {
- ERR_PRINT("Remote Debugger: Unable to connect. Status: " + String::num(tcp_client->get_status()) + ".");
- return FAILED;
- };
- packet_peer_stream->set_stream_peer(tcp_client);
- return OK;
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::_put_variable(const String &p_name, const Variant &p_variable) {
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(p_name);
- Variant var = p_variable;
- if (p_variable.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT && p_variable.get_validated_object() == nullptr) {
- var = Variant();
- }
- int len = 0;
- Error err = encode_variant(var, NULL, len, true);
- if (err != OK)
- ERR_PRINT("Failed to encode variant.");
- if (len > packet_peer_stream->get_output_buffer_max_size()) { //limit to max size
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(Variant());
- } else {
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(var);
- }
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::_save_node(ObjectID id, const String &p_path) {
- Node *node = Object::cast_to<Node>(ObjectDB::get_instance(id));
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!node);
- Ref<PackedScene> ps = memnew(PackedScene);
- ps->pack(node);
- ResourceSaver::save(p_path, ps);
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::debug(ScriptLanguage *p_script, bool p_can_continue, bool p_is_error_breakpoint) {
- //this function is called when there is a debugger break (bug on script)
- //or when execution is paused from editor
- if (skip_breakpoints && !p_is_error_breakpoint)
- return;
- ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(!tcp_client->is_connected_to_host(), "Script Debugger failed to connect, but being used anyway.");
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("debug_enter");
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(2);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(p_can_continue);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(p_script->debug_get_error());
- skip_profile_frame = true; // to avoid super long frame time for the frame
- Input::MouseMode mouse_mode = Input::get_singleton()->get_mouse_mode();
- if (mouse_mode != Input::MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE)
- Input::get_singleton()->set_mouse_mode(Input::MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE);
- uint64_t loop_begin_usec = 0;
- uint64_t loop_time_sec = 0;
- while (true) {
- loop_begin_usec = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec();
- _get_output();
- if (packet_peer_stream->get_available_packet_count() > 0) {
- Variant var;
- Error err = packet_peer_stream->get_var(var);
- ERR_CONTINUE(err != OK);
- ERR_CONTINUE(var.get_type() != Variant::ARRAY);
- Array cmd = var;
- ERR_CONTINUE(cmd.size() == 0);
- ERR_CONTINUE(cmd[0].get_type() != Variant::STRING);
- String command = cmd[0];
- if (command == "get_stack_dump") {
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("stack_dump");
- int slc = p_script->debug_get_stack_level_count();
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(slc);
- for (int i = 0; i < slc; i++) {
- Dictionary d;
- d["file"] = p_script->debug_get_stack_level_source(i);
- d["line"] = p_script->debug_get_stack_level_line(i);
- d["function"] = p_script->debug_get_stack_level_function(i);
- //d["id"]=p_script->debug_get_stack_level_
- d["id"] = 0;
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(d);
- }
- } else if (command == "get_stack_frame_vars") {
- cmd.remove(0);
- ERR_CONTINUE(cmd.size() != 1);
- int lv = cmd[0];
- List<String> members;
- List<Variant> member_vals;
- if (ScriptInstance *inst = p_script->debug_get_stack_level_instance(lv)) {
- members.push_back("self");
- member_vals.push_back(inst->get_owner());
- }
- p_script->debug_get_stack_level_members(lv, &members, &member_vals);
- ERR_CONTINUE(members.size() != member_vals.size());
- List<String> locals;
- List<Variant> local_vals;
- p_script->debug_get_stack_level_locals(lv, &locals, &local_vals);
- ERR_CONTINUE(locals.size() != local_vals.size());
- List<String> globals;
- List<Variant> globals_vals;
- p_script->debug_get_globals(&globals, &globals_vals);
- ERR_CONTINUE(globals.size() != globals_vals.size());
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("stack_frame_vars");
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(3 + (locals.size() + members.size() + globals.size()) * 2);
- { //locals
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(locals.size());
- List<String>::Element *E = locals.front();
- List<Variant>::Element *F = local_vals.front();
- while (E) {
- _put_variable(E->get(), F->get());
- E = E->next();
- F = F->next();
- }
- }
- { //members
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(members.size());
- List<String>::Element *E = members.front();
- List<Variant>::Element *F = member_vals.front();
- while (E) {
- _put_variable(E->get(), F->get());
- E = E->next();
- F = F->next();
- }
- }
- { //globals
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(globals.size());
- List<String>::Element *E = globals.front();
- List<Variant>::Element *F = globals_vals.front();
- while (E) {
- _put_variable(E->get(), F->get());
- E = E->next();
- F = F->next();
- }
- }
- } else if (command == "step") {
- set_depth(-1);
- set_lines_left(1);
- break;
- } else if (command == "next") {
- set_depth(0);
- set_lines_left(1);
- break;
- } else if (command == "continue") {
- set_depth(-1);
- set_lines_left(-1);
- OS::get_singleton()->move_window_to_foreground();
- break;
- } else if (command == "break") {
- ERR_PRINT("Got break when already broke!");
- break;
- } else if (command == "request_scene_tree") {
- if (scene_tree)
- scene_tree->_debugger_request_tree();
- } else if (command == "request_video_mem") {
- _send_video_memory();
- } else if (command == "inspect_object") {
- ObjectID id = cmd[1];
- _send_object_id(id);
- } else if (command == "set_object_property") {
- _set_object_property(cmd[1], cmd[2], cmd[3]);
- } else if (command == "override_camera_2D:set") {
- bool enforce = cmd[1];
- if (scene_tree) {
- scene_tree->get_root()->enable_canvas_transform_override(enforce);
- }
- } else if (command == "override_camera_2D:transform") {
- Transform2D transform = cmd[1];
- if (scene_tree) {
- scene_tree->get_root()->set_canvas_transform_override(transform);
- }
- } else if (command == "override_camera_3D:set") {
- bool enable = cmd[1];
- if (scene_tree) {
- scene_tree->get_root()->enable_camera_override(enable);
- }
- } else if (command == "override_camera_3D:transform") {
- Transform transform = cmd[1];
- bool is_perspective = cmd[2];
- float size_or_fov = cmd[3];
- float near = cmd[4];
- float far = cmd[5];
- if (scene_tree) {
- if (is_perspective) {
- scene_tree->get_root()->set_camera_override_perspective(size_or_fov, near, far);
- } else {
- scene_tree->get_root()->set_camera_override_orthogonal(size_or_fov, near, far);
- }
- scene_tree->get_root()->set_camera_override_transform(transform);
- }
- } else if (command == "reload_scripts") {
- reload_all_scripts = true;
- } else if (command == "breakpoint") {
- bool set = cmd[3];
- if (set)
- insert_breakpoint(cmd[2], cmd[1]);
- else
- remove_breakpoint(cmd[2], cmd[1]);
- } else if (command == "save_node") {
- _save_node(cmd[1], cmd[2]);
- } else if (command == "set_skip_breakpoints") {
- skip_breakpoints = cmd[1];
- } else {
- _parse_live_edit(cmd);
- }
- } else {
- OS::get_singleton()->delay_usec(10000);
- OS::get_singleton()->process_and_drop_events();
- }
- // This is for the camera override to stay live even when the game is paused from the editor
- loop_time_sec = (OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() - loop_begin_usec) / 1000000.0f;
- VisualServer::get_singleton()->sync();
- if (VisualServer::get_singleton()->has_changed()) {
- VisualServer::get_singleton()->draw(true, loop_time_sec * Engine::get_singleton()->get_time_scale());
- }
- }
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("debug_exit");
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(0);
- if (mouse_mode != Input::MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE)
- Input::get_singleton()->set_mouse_mode(mouse_mode);
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::_get_output() {
- mutex->lock();
- if (output_strings.size()) {
- locking = true;
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("output");
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(output_strings.size());
- while (output_strings.size()) {
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(output_strings.front()->get());
- output_strings.pop_front();
- }
- locking = false;
- }
- if (n_messages_dropped > 0) {
- Message msg;
- msg.message = "Too many messages! " + String::num_int64(n_messages_dropped) + " messages were dropped.";
- messages.push_back(msg);
- n_messages_dropped = 0;
- }
- while (messages.size()) {
- locking = true;
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("message:" + messages.front()->get().message);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(messages.front()->get().data.size());
- for (int i = 0; i < messages.front()->get().data.size(); i++) {
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(messages.front()->get().data[i]);
- }
- messages.pop_front();
- locking = false;
- }
- if (n_errors_dropped == 1) {
- // Only print one message about dropping per second
- OutputError oe;
- oe.error = "TOO_MANY_ERRORS";
- oe.error_descr = "Too many errors! Ignoring errors for up to 1 second.";
- oe.warning = false;
- uint64_t time = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec();
- = time / 3600000;
- oe.min = (time / 60000) % 60;
- oe.sec = (time / 1000) % 60;
- oe.msec = time % 1000;
- errors.push_back(oe);
- }
- if (n_warnings_dropped == 1) {
- // Only print one message about dropping per second
- OutputError oe;
- oe.error = "TOO_MANY_WARNINGS";
- oe.error_descr = "Too many warnings! Ignoring warnings for up to 1 second.";
- oe.warning = true;
- uint64_t time = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec();
- = time / 3600000;
- oe.min = (time / 60000) % 60;
- oe.sec = (time / 1000) % 60;
- oe.msec = time % 1000;
- errors.push_back(oe);
- }
- while (errors.size()) {
- locking = true;
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("error");
- OutputError oe = errors.front()->get();
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(oe.callstack.size() + 2);
- Array error_data;
- error_data.push_back(;
- error_data.push_back(oe.min);
- error_data.push_back(oe.sec);
- error_data.push_back(oe.msec);
- error_data.push_back(oe.source_func);
- error_data.push_back(oe.source_file);
- error_data.push_back(oe.source_line);
- error_data.push_back(oe.error);
- error_data.push_back(oe.error_descr);
- error_data.push_back(oe.warning);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(error_data);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(oe.callstack.size());
- for (int i = 0; i < oe.callstack.size(); i++) {
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(oe.callstack[i]);
- }
- errors.pop_front();
- locking = false;
- }
- mutex->unlock();
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::line_poll() {
- //the purpose of this is just processing events every now and then when the script might get too busy
- //otherwise bugs like infinite loops can't be caught
- if (poll_every % 2048 == 0)
- _poll_events();
- poll_every++;
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::_err_handler(void *ud, const char *p_func, const char *p_file, int p_line, const char *p_err, const char *p_descr, ErrorHandlerType p_type) {
- if (p_type == ERR_HANDLER_SCRIPT)
- return; //ignore script errors, those go through debugger
- Vector<ScriptLanguage::StackInfo> si;
- for (int i = 0; i < ScriptServer::get_language_count(); i++) {
- si = ScriptServer::get_language(i)->debug_get_current_stack_info();
- if (si.size())
- break;
- }
- ScriptDebuggerRemote *sdr = (ScriptDebuggerRemote *)ud;
- sdr->send_error(p_func, p_file, p_line, p_err, p_descr, p_type, si);
-bool ScriptDebuggerRemote::_parse_live_edit(const Array &p_command) {
- String cmdstr = p_command[0];
- if (!scene_tree || !cmdstr.begins_with("live_"))
- return false;
- if (cmdstr == "live_set_root") {
- scene_tree->_live_edit_root_func(p_command[1], p_command[2]);
- } else if (cmdstr == "live_node_path") {
- scene_tree->_live_edit_node_path_func(p_command[1], p_command[2]);
- } else if (cmdstr == "live_res_path") {
- scene_tree->_live_edit_res_path_func(p_command[1], p_command[2]);
- } else if (cmdstr == "live_node_prop_res") {
- scene_tree->_live_edit_node_set_res_func(p_command[1], p_command[2], p_command[3]);
- } else if (cmdstr == "live_node_prop") {
- scene_tree->_live_edit_node_set_func(p_command[1], p_command[2], p_command[3]);
- } else if (cmdstr == "live_res_prop_res") {
- scene_tree->_live_edit_res_set_res_func(p_command[1], p_command[2], p_command[3]);
- } else if (cmdstr == "live_res_prop") {
- scene_tree->_live_edit_res_set_func(p_command[1], p_command[2], p_command[3]);
- } else if (cmdstr == "live_node_call") {
- scene_tree->_live_edit_node_call_func(p_command[1], p_command[2], p_command[3], p_command[4], p_command[5], p_command[6], p_command[7]);
- } else if (cmdstr == "live_res_call") {
- scene_tree->_live_edit_res_call_func(p_command[1], p_command[2], p_command[3], p_command[4], p_command[5], p_command[6], p_command[7]);
- } else if (cmdstr == "live_create_node") {
- scene_tree->_live_edit_create_node_func(p_command[1], p_command[2], p_command[3]);
- } else if (cmdstr == "live_instance_node") {
- scene_tree->_live_edit_instance_node_func(p_command[1], p_command[2], p_command[3]);
- } else if (cmdstr == "live_remove_node") {
- scene_tree->_live_edit_remove_node_func(p_command[1]);
- } else if (cmdstr == "live_remove_and_keep_node") {
- scene_tree->_live_edit_remove_and_keep_node_func(p_command[1], p_command[2]);
- } else if (cmdstr == "live_restore_node") {
- scene_tree->_live_edit_restore_node_func(p_command[1], p_command[2], p_command[3]);
- } else if (cmdstr == "live_duplicate_node") {
- scene_tree->_live_edit_duplicate_node_func(p_command[1], p_command[2]);
- } else if (cmdstr == "live_reparent_node") {
- scene_tree->_live_edit_reparent_node_func(p_command[1], p_command[2], p_command[3], p_command[4]);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- return false;
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::_send_object_id(ObjectID p_id) {
- Object *obj = ObjectDB::get_instance(p_id);
- if (!obj)
- return;
- typedef Pair<PropertyInfo, Variant> PropertyDesc;
- List<PropertyDesc> properties;
- if (ScriptInstance *si = obj->get_script_instance()) {
- if (!si->get_script().is_null()) {
- typedef Map<const Script *, Set<StringName> > ScriptMemberMap;
- typedef Map<const Script *, Map<StringName, Variant> > ScriptConstantsMap;
- ScriptMemberMap members;
- members[si->get_script().ptr()] = Set<StringName>();
- si->get_script()->get_members(&(members[si->get_script().ptr()]));
- ScriptConstantsMap constants;
- constants[si->get_script().ptr()] = Map<StringName, Variant>();
- si->get_script()->get_constants(&(constants[si->get_script().ptr()]));
- Ref<Script> base = si->get_script()->get_base_script();
- while (base.is_valid()) {
- members[base.ptr()] = Set<StringName>();
- base->get_members(&(members[base.ptr()]));
- constants[base.ptr()] = Map<StringName, Variant>();
- base->get_constants(&(constants[base.ptr()]));
- base = base->get_base_script();
- }
- for (ScriptMemberMap::Element *sm = members.front(); sm; sm = sm->next()) {
- for (Set<StringName>::Element *E = sm->get().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- Variant m;
- if (si->get(E->get(), m)) {
- String script_path = sm->key() == si->get_script().ptr() ? "" : sm->key()->get_path().get_file() + "/";
- PropertyInfo pi(m.get_type(), "Members/" + script_path + E->get());
- properties.push_back(PropertyDesc(pi, m));
- }
- }
- }
- for (ScriptConstantsMap::Element *sc = constants.front(); sc; sc = sc->next()) {
- for (Map<StringName, Variant>::Element *E = sc->get().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- String script_path = sc->key() == si->get_script().ptr() ? "" : sc->key()->get_path().get_file() + "/";
- if (E->value().get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
- Variant id = ((Object *)E->value())->get_instance_id();
- PropertyInfo pi(id.get_type(), "Constants/" + E->key(), PROPERTY_HINT_OBJECT_ID, "Object");
- properties.push_back(PropertyDesc(pi, id));
- } else {
- PropertyInfo pi(E->value().get_type(), "Constants/" + script_path + E->key());
- properties.push_back(PropertyDesc(pi, E->value()));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (Node *node = Object::cast_to<Node>(obj)) {
- // in some cases node will not be in tree here
- // for instance where it created as variable and not yet added to tree
- // in such cases we can't ask for it's path
- if (node->is_inside_tree()) {
- PropertyInfo pi(Variant::NODE_PATH, String("Node/path"));
- properties.push_front(PropertyDesc(pi, node->get_path()));
- } else {
- PropertyInfo pi(Variant::STRING, String("Node/path"));
- properties.push_front(PropertyDesc(pi, "[Orphan]"));
- }
- } else if (Resource *res = Object::cast_to<Resource>(obj)) {
- if (Script *s = Object::cast_to<Script>(res)) {
- Map<StringName, Variant> constants;
- s->get_constants(&constants);
- for (Map<StringName, Variant>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (E->value().get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
- Variant id = ((Object *)E->value())->get_instance_id();
- PropertyInfo pi(id.get_type(), "Constants/" + E->key(), PROPERTY_HINT_OBJECT_ID, "Object");
- properties.push_front(PropertyDesc(pi, E->value()));
- } else {
- PropertyInfo pi(E->value().get_type(), String("Constants/") + E->key());
- properties.push_front(PropertyDesc(pi, E->value()));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- List<PropertyInfo> pinfo;
- obj->get_property_list(&pinfo, true);
- for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = pinfo.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- properties.push_back(PropertyDesc(E->get(), obj->get(E->get().name)));
- }
- }
- Array send_props;
- for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) {
- const PropertyInfo &pi = properties[i].first;
- Variant &var = properties[i].second;
- WeakRef *ref = Object::cast_to<WeakRef>(var);
- if (ref) {
- var = ref->get_ref();
- }
- RES res = var;
- Array prop;
- prop.push_back(;
- prop.push_back(pi.type);
- //only send information that can be sent..
- int len = 0; //test how big is this to encode
- encode_variant(var, NULL, len);
- if (len > packet_peer_stream->get_output_buffer_max_size()) { //limit to max size
- prop.push_back("");
- prop.push_back(pi.usage);
- prop.push_back(Variant());
- } else {
- prop.push_back(pi.hint);
- prop.push_back(pi.hint_string);
- prop.push_back(pi.usage);
- if (!res.is_null()) {
- var = res->get_path();
- }
- prop.push_back(var);
- }
- send_props.push_back(prop);
- }
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("message:inspect_object");
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(3);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(p_id);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(obj->get_class());
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(send_props);
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::_set_object_property(ObjectID p_id, const String &p_property, const Variant &p_value) {
- Object *obj = ObjectDB::get_instance(p_id);
- if (!obj)
- return;
- String prop_name = p_property;
- if (p_property.begins_with("Members/")) {
- Vector<String> ss = p_property.split("/");
- prop_name = ss[ss.size() - 1];
- }
- obj->set(prop_name, p_value);
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::_poll_events() {
- //this si called from ::idle_poll, happens only when running the game,
- //does not get called while on debug break
- while (packet_peer_stream->get_available_packet_count() > 0) {
- _get_output();
- //send over output_strings
- Variant var;
- Error err = packet_peer_stream->get_var(var);
- ERR_CONTINUE(err != OK);
- ERR_CONTINUE(var.get_type() != Variant::ARRAY);
- Array cmd = var;
- ERR_CONTINUE(cmd.size() == 0);
- ERR_CONTINUE(cmd[0].get_type() != Variant::STRING);
- String command = cmd[0];
- //cmd.remove(0);
- if (command == "break") {
- if (get_break_language())
- debug(get_break_language());
- } else if (command == "request_scene_tree") {
- if (scene_tree)
- scene_tree->_debugger_request_tree();
- } else if (command == "request_video_mem") {
- _send_video_memory();
- } else if (command == "inspect_object") {
- ObjectID id = cmd[1];
- _send_object_id(id);
- } else if (command == "set_object_property") {
- _set_object_property(cmd[1], cmd[2], cmd[3]);
- } else if (command == "start_profiling") {
- for (int i = 0; i < ScriptServer::get_language_count(); i++) {
- ScriptServer::get_language(i)->profiling_start();
- }
- max_frame_functions = cmd[1];
- profiler_function_signature_map.clear();
- profiling = true;
- frame_time = 0;
- idle_time = 0;
- physics_time = 0;
- physics_frame_time = 0;
- print_line("PROFILING ALRIGHT!");
- } else if (command == "stop_profiling") {
- for (int i = 0; i < ScriptServer::get_language_count(); i++) {
- ScriptServer::get_language(i)->profiling_stop();
- }
- profiling = false;
- _send_profiling_data(false);
- print_line("PROFILING END!");
- } else if (command == "start_visual_profiling") {
- visual_profiling = true;
- VS::get_singleton()->set_frame_profiling_enabled(true);
- } else if (command == "stop_visual_profiling") {
- visual_profiling = false;
- VS::get_singleton()->set_frame_profiling_enabled(false);
- } else if (command == "start_network_profiling") {
- network_profiling = true;
- multiplayer->profiling_start();
- } else if (command == "stop_network_profiling") {
- network_profiling = false;
- multiplayer->profiling_end();
- } else if (command == "override_camera_2D:set") {
- bool enforce = cmd[1];
- if (scene_tree) {
- scene_tree->get_root()->enable_canvas_transform_override(enforce);
- }
- } else if (command == "override_camera_2D:transform") {
- Transform2D transform = cmd[1];
- if (scene_tree) {
- scene_tree->get_root()->set_canvas_transform_override(transform);
- }
- } else if (command == "override_camera_3D:set") {
- bool enable = cmd[1];
- if (scene_tree) {
- scene_tree->get_root()->enable_camera_override(enable);
- }
- } else if (command == "override_camera_3D:transform") {
- Transform transform = cmd[1];
- bool is_perspective = cmd[2];
- float size_or_fov = cmd[3];
- float near = cmd[4];
- float far = cmd[5];
- if (scene_tree) {
- if (is_perspective) {
- scene_tree->get_root()->set_camera_override_perspective(size_or_fov, near, far);
- } else {
- scene_tree->get_root()->set_camera_override_orthogonal(size_or_fov, near, far);
- }
- scene_tree->get_root()->set_camera_override_transform(transform);
- }
- } else if (command == "reload_scripts") {
- reload_all_scripts = true;
- } else if (command == "breakpoint") {
- bool set = cmd[3];
- if (set)
- insert_breakpoint(cmd[2], cmd[1]);
- else
- remove_breakpoint(cmd[2], cmd[1]);
- } else if (command == "set_skip_breakpoints") {
- skip_breakpoints = cmd[1];
- } else {
- _parse_live_edit(cmd);
- }
- }
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::_send_profiling_data(bool p_for_frame) {
- int ofs = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < ScriptServer::get_language_count(); i++) {
- if (p_for_frame)
- ofs += ScriptServer::get_language(i)->profiling_get_frame_data(&profile_info.write[ofs], profile_info.size() - ofs);
- else
- ofs += ScriptServer::get_language(i)->profiling_get_accumulated_data(&profile_info.write[ofs], profile_info.size() - ofs);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < ofs; i++) {
- profile_info_ptrs.write[i] = &profile_info.write[i];
- }
- SortArray<ScriptLanguage::ProfilingInfo *, ProfileInfoSort> sa;
- sa.sort(profile_info_ptrs.ptrw(), ofs);
- int to_send = MIN(ofs, max_frame_functions);
- //check signatures first
- uint64_t total_script_time = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < to_send; i++) {
- if (!profiler_function_signature_map.has(profile_info_ptrs[i]->signature)) {
- int idx = profiler_function_signature_map.size();
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("profile_sig");
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(2);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(profile_info_ptrs[i]->signature);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(idx);
- profiler_function_signature_map[profile_info_ptrs[i]->signature] = idx;
- }
- total_script_time += profile_info_ptrs[i]->self_time;
- }
- //send frames then
- if (p_for_frame) {
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("profile_frame");
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(8 + profile_frame_data.size() * 2 + to_send * 4);
- } else {
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("profile_total");
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(8 + to_send * 4);
- }
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(Engine::get_singleton()->get_frames_drawn()); //total frame time
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(frame_time); //total frame time
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(idle_time); //idle frame time
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(physics_time); //fixed frame time
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(physics_frame_time); //fixed frame time
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(USEC_TO_SEC(total_script_time)); //total script execution time
- if (p_for_frame) {
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(profile_frame_data.size()); //how many profile framedatas to send
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(to_send); //how many script functions to send
- for (int i = 0; i < profile_frame_data.size(); i++) {
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(profile_frame_data[i].name);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(profile_frame_data[i].data);
- }
- } else {
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(0); //how many script functions to send
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(to_send); //how many script functions to send
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < to_send; i++) {
- int sig_id = -1;
- if (profiler_function_signature_map.has(profile_info_ptrs[i]->signature)) {
- sig_id = profiler_function_signature_map[profile_info_ptrs[i]->signature];
- }
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(sig_id);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(profile_info_ptrs[i]->call_count);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(profile_info_ptrs[i]->total_time / 1000000.0);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(profile_info_ptrs[i]->self_time / 1000000.0);
- }
- if (p_for_frame) {
- profile_frame_data.clear();
- }
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::idle_poll() {
- // this function is called every frame, except when there is a debugger break (::debug() in this class)
- // execution stops and remains in the ::debug function
- _get_output();
- if (requested_quit) {
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("kill_me");
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(0);
- requested_quit = false;
- }
- if (performance) {
- uint64_t pt = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec();
- if (pt - last_perf_time > 1000) {
- last_perf_time = pt;
- int max = performance->get("MONITOR_MAX");
- Array arr;
- arr.resize(max);
- for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
- arr[i] = performance->call("get_monitor", i);
- }
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("performance");
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(1);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(arr);
- }
- }
- if (visual_profiling) {
- Vector<VS::FrameProfileArea> profile_areas = VS::get_singleton()->get_frame_profile();
- if (profile_areas.size()) {
- PoolVector<String> area_names;
- PoolVector<real_t> area_times;
- area_names.resize(profile_areas.size());
- area_times.resize(profile_areas.size() * 2);
- {
- PoolVector<String>::Write area_namesw = area_names.write();
- PoolVector<real_t>::Write area_timesw = area_times.write();
- for (int i = 0; i < profile_areas.size(); i++) {
- area_namesw[i] = profile_areas[i].name;
- area_timesw[i * 2 + 0] = profile_areas[i].cpu_msec;
- area_timesw[i * 2 + 1] = profile_areas[i].gpu_msec;
- }
- }
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("visual_profile");
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(3);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(VS::get_singleton()->get_frame_profile_frame());
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(area_names);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(area_times);
- }
- }
- if (profiling) {
- if (skip_profile_frame) {
- skip_profile_frame = false;
- } else {
- //send profiling info normally
- _send_profiling_data(true);
- }
- }
- if (network_profiling) {
- uint64_t pt = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec();
- if (pt - last_net_bandwidth_time > 200) {
- last_net_bandwidth_time = pt;
- _send_network_bandwidth_usage();
- }
- if (pt - last_net_prof_time > 100) {
- last_net_prof_time = pt;
- _send_network_profiling_data();
- }
- }
- if (reload_all_scripts) {
- for (int i = 0; i < ScriptServer::get_language_count(); i++) {
- ScriptServer::get_language(i)->reload_all_scripts();
- }
- reload_all_scripts = false;
- }
- _poll_events();
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::_send_network_profiling_data() {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(multiplayer.is_null());
- int n_nodes = multiplayer->get_profiling_frame(&network_profile_info.write[0]);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("network_profile");
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(n_nodes * 6);
- for (int i = 0; i < n_nodes; ++i) {
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(network_profile_info[i].node);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(network_profile_info[i].node_path);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(network_profile_info[i].incoming_rpc);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(network_profile_info[i].incoming_rset);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(network_profile_info[i].outgoing_rpc);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(network_profile_info[i].outgoing_rset);
- }
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::_send_network_bandwidth_usage() {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(multiplayer.is_null());
- int incoming_bandwidth = multiplayer->get_incoming_bandwidth_usage();
- int outgoing_bandwidth = multiplayer->get_outgoing_bandwidth_usage();
- packet_peer_stream->put_var("network_bandwidth");
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(2);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(incoming_bandwidth);
- packet_peer_stream->put_var(outgoing_bandwidth);
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::send_message(const String &p_message, const Array &p_args) {
- mutex->lock();
- if (!locking && tcp_client->is_connected_to_host()) {
- if (messages.size() >= max_messages_per_frame) {
- n_messages_dropped++;
- } else {
- Message msg;
- msg.message = p_message;
- = p_args;
- messages.push_back(msg);
- }
- }
- mutex->unlock();
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::send_error(const String &p_func, const String &p_file, int p_line, const String &p_err, const String &p_descr, ErrorHandlerType p_type, const Vector<ScriptLanguage::StackInfo> &p_stack_info) {
- OutputError oe;
- oe.error = p_err;
- oe.error_descr = p_descr;
- oe.source_file = p_file;
- oe.source_line = p_line;
- oe.source_func = p_func;
- oe.warning = p_type == ERR_HANDLER_WARNING;
- uint64_t time = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_msec();
- = time / 3600000;
- oe.min = (time / 60000) % 60;
- oe.sec = (time / 1000) % 60;
- oe.msec = time % 1000;
- Array cstack;
- uint64_t ticks = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() / 1000;
- msec_count += ticks - last_msec;
- last_msec = ticks;
- if (msec_count > 1000) {
- msec_count = 0;
- err_count = 0;
- n_errors_dropped = 0;
- warn_count = 0;
- n_warnings_dropped = 0;
- }
- cstack.resize(p_stack_info.size() * 3);
- for (int i = 0; i < p_stack_info.size(); i++) {
- cstack[i * 3 + 0] = p_stack_info[i].file;
- cstack[i * 3 + 1] = p_stack_info[i].func;
- cstack[i * 3 + 2] = p_stack_info[i].line;
- }
- oe.callstack = cstack;
- if (oe.warning) {
- warn_count++;
- } else {
- err_count++;
- }
- mutex->lock();
- if (!locking && tcp_client->is_connected_to_host()) {
- if (oe.warning) {
- if (warn_count > max_warnings_per_second) {
- n_warnings_dropped++;
- } else {
- errors.push_back(oe);
- }
- } else {
- if (err_count > max_errors_per_second) {
- n_errors_dropped++;
- } else {
- errors.push_back(oe);
- }
- }
- }
- mutex->unlock();
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::_print_handler(void *p_this, const String &p_string, bool p_error) {
- ScriptDebuggerRemote *sdr = (ScriptDebuggerRemote *)p_this;
- uint64_t ticks = OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec() / 1000;
- sdr->msec_count += ticks - sdr->last_msec;
- sdr->last_msec = ticks;
- if (sdr->msec_count > 1000) {
- sdr->char_count = 0;
- sdr->msec_count = 0;
- }
- String s = p_string;
- int allowed_chars = MIN(MAX(sdr->max_cps - sdr->char_count, 0), s.length());
- if (allowed_chars == 0)
- return;
- if (allowed_chars < s.length()) {
- s = s.substr(0, allowed_chars);
- }
- sdr->char_count += allowed_chars;
- bool overflowed = sdr->char_count >= sdr->max_cps;
- sdr->mutex->lock();
- if (!sdr->locking && sdr->tcp_client->is_connected_to_host()) {
- if (overflowed)
- s += "[...]";
- sdr->output_strings.push_back(s);
- if (overflowed) {
- sdr->output_strings.push_back("[output overflow, print less text!]");
- }
- }
- sdr->mutex->unlock();
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::request_quit() {
- requested_quit = true;
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::set_multiplayer(Ref<MultiplayerAPI> p_multiplayer) {
- multiplayer = p_multiplayer;
-bool ScriptDebuggerRemote::is_profiling() const {
- return profiling;
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::add_profiling_frame_data(const StringName &p_name, const Array &p_data) {
- int idx = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < profile_frame_data.size(); i++) {
- if (profile_frame_data[i].name == p_name) {
- idx = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- FrameData fd;
- = p_name;
- = p_data;
- if (idx == -1) {
- profile_frame_data.push_back(fd);
- } else {
- profile_frame_data.write[idx] = fd;
- }
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::profiling_start() {
- //ignores this, uses it via connection
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::profiling_end() {
- //ignores this, uses it via connection
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::profiling_set_frame_times(float p_frame_time, float p_idle_time, float p_physics_time, float p_physics_frame_time) {
- frame_time = p_frame_time;
- idle_time = p_idle_time;
- physics_time = p_physics_time;
- physics_frame_time = p_physics_frame_time;
-void ScriptDebuggerRemote::set_skip_breakpoints(bool p_skip_breakpoints) {
- skip_breakpoints = p_skip_breakpoints;
-ScriptDebuggerRemote::ResourceUsageFunc ScriptDebuggerRemote::resource_usage_func = NULL;
-ScriptDebuggerRemote::ScriptDebuggerRemote() :
- profiling(false),
- visual_profiling(false),
- network_profiling(false),
- max_frame_functions(16),
- skip_profile_frame(false),
- reload_all_scripts(false),
- tcp_client(Ref<StreamPeerTCP>(memnew(StreamPeerTCP))),
- packet_peer_stream(Ref<PacketPeerStream>(memnew(PacketPeerStream))),
- last_perf_time(0),
- last_net_prof_time(0),
- last_net_bandwidth_time(0),
- performance(Engine::get_singleton()->get_singleton_object("Performance")),
- requested_quit(false),
- mutex(Mutex::create()),
- max_messages_per_frame(GLOBAL_GET("network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_messages_per_frame")),
- n_messages_dropped(0),
- max_errors_per_second(GLOBAL_GET("network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_errors_per_second")),
- max_warnings_per_second(GLOBAL_GET("network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_warnings_per_second")),
- n_errors_dropped(0),
- max_cps(GLOBAL_GET("network/limits/debugger_stdout/max_chars_per_second")),
- char_count(0),
- err_count(0),
- warn_count(0),
- last_msec(0),
- msec_count(0),
- locking(false),
- poll_every(0),
- scene_tree(NULL) {
- packet_peer_stream->set_stream_peer(tcp_client);
- packet_peer_stream->set_output_buffer_max_size((1024 * 1024 * 8) - 4); // 8 MiB should be way more than enough, minus 4 bytes for separator.
- phl.printfunc = _print_handler;
- phl.userdata = this;
- add_print_handler(&phl);
- eh.errfunc = _err_handler;
- eh.userdata = this;
- add_error_handler(&eh);
- profile_info.resize(GLOBAL_GET("debug/settings/profiler/max_functions"));
- network_profile_info.resize(GLOBAL_GET("debug/settings/profiler/max_functions"));
- profile_info_ptrs.resize(profile_info.size());
-ScriptDebuggerRemote::~ScriptDebuggerRemote() {
- remove_print_handler(&phl);
- remove_error_handler(&eh);
- memdelete(mutex);