path: root/scene/2d/navigation_region_2d.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'scene/2d/navigation_region_2d.cpp')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/scene/2d/navigation_region_2d.cpp b/scene/2d/navigation_region_2d.cpp
index 3484a9de65..5dbba313bc 100644
--- a/scene/2d/navigation_region_2d.cpp
+++ b/scene/2d/navigation_region_2d.cpp
@@ -167,58 +167,78 @@ void NavigationRegion2D::_notification(int p_what) {
- if (is_inside_tree() && (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() || NavigationServer3D::get_singleton()->get_debug_enabled()) && navigation_polygon.is_valid()) {
- Vector<Vector2> verts = navigation_polygon->get_vertices();
- if (verts.size() < 3) {
+ if (is_inside_tree() && (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() || NavigationServer2D::get_singleton()->get_debug_enabled()) && navigation_polygon.is_valid()) {
+ Vector<Vector2> navigation_polygon_vertices = navigation_polygon->get_vertices();
+ if (navigation_polygon_vertices.size() < 3) {
- Color color;
- if (enabled) {
- color = NavigationServer3D::get_singleton()->get_debug_navigation_geometry_face_color();
- } else {
- color = NavigationServer3D::get_singleton()->get_debug_navigation_geometry_face_disabled_color();
+ const NavigationServer2D *ns2d = NavigationServer2D::get_singleton();
+ bool enabled_geometry_face_random_color = ns2d->get_debug_navigation_enable_geometry_face_random_color();
+ bool enabled_edge_lines = ns2d->get_debug_navigation_enable_edge_lines();
+ bool enable_edge_connections = ns2d->get_debug_navigation_enable_edge_connections();
+ Color debug_face_color = ns2d->get_debug_navigation_geometry_face_color();
+ Color debug_edge_color = ns2d->get_debug_navigation_geometry_edge_color();
+ Color debug_edge_connection_color = ns2d->get_debug_navigation_edge_connection_color();
+ if (!enabled) {
+ debug_face_color = ns2d->get_debug_navigation_geometry_face_disabled_color();
+ debug_edge_color = ns2d->get_debug_navigation_geometry_edge_disabled_color();
- Color doors_color = NavigationServer3D::get_singleton()->get_debug_navigation_edge_connection_color();
RandomPCG rand;
for (int i = 0; i < navigation_polygon->get_polygon_count(); i++) {
// An array of vertices for this polygon.
Vector<int> polygon = navigation_polygon->get_polygon(i);
- Vector<Vector2> vertices;
- vertices.resize(polygon.size());
+ Vector<Vector2> debug_polygon_vertices;
+ debug_polygon_vertices.resize(polygon.size());
for (int j = 0; j < polygon.size(); j++) {
- ERR_FAIL_INDEX(polygon[j], verts.size());
- vertices.write[j] = verts[polygon[j]];
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(polygon[j], navigation_polygon_vertices.size());
+ debug_polygon_vertices.write[j] = navigation_polygon_vertices[polygon[j]];
// Generate the polygon color, slightly randomly modified from the settings one.
- Color random_variation_color;
- random_variation_color.set_hsv(color.get_h() + rand.random(-1.0, 1.0) * 0.1, color.get_s(), color.get_v() + rand.random(-1.0, 1.0) * 0.2);
- random_variation_color.a = color.a;
- Vector<Color> colors;
- colors.push_back(random_variation_color);
+ Color random_variation_color = debug_face_color;
+ if (enabled_geometry_face_random_color) {
+ random_variation_color.set_hsv(
+ debug_face_color.get_h() + rand.random(-1.0, 1.0) * 0.1,
+ debug_face_color.get_s(),
+ debug_face_color.get_v() + rand.random(-1.0, 1.0) * 0.2);
+ }
+ random_variation_color.a = debug_face_color.a;
- RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_polygon(get_canvas_item(), vertices, colors);
+ Vector<Color> debug_face_colors;
+ debug_face_colors.push_back(random_variation_color);
+ RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_polygon(get_canvas_item(), debug_polygon_vertices, debug_face_colors);
+ if (enabled_edge_lines) {
+ Vector<Color> debug_edge_colors;
+ debug_edge_colors.push_back(debug_edge_color);
+ debug_polygon_vertices.push_back(debug_polygon_vertices[0]); // Add first again for closing polyline.
+ RS::get_singleton()->canvas_item_add_polyline(get_canvas_item(), debug_polygon_vertices, debug_edge_colors);
+ }
- // Draw the region
- Transform2D xform = get_global_transform();
- const NavigationServer2D *ns = NavigationServer2D::get_singleton();
- real_t radius = ns->map_get_edge_connection_margin(get_world_2d()->get_navigation_map()) / 2.0;
- for (int i = 0; i < ns->region_get_connections_count(region); i++) {
- // Two main points
- Vector2 a = ns->region_get_connection_pathway_start(region, i);
- a = xform.affine_inverse().xform(a);
- Vector2 b = ns->region_get_connection_pathway_end(region, i);
- b = xform.affine_inverse().xform(b);
- draw_line(a, b, doors_color);
- // Draw a circle to illustrate the margins.
- real_t angle = a.angle_to_point(b);
- draw_arc(a, radius, angle + Math_PI / 2.0, angle - Math_PI / 2.0 + Math_TAU, 10, doors_color);
- draw_arc(b, radius, angle - Math_PI / 2.0, angle + Math_PI / 2.0, 10, doors_color);
+ if (enable_edge_connections) {
+ // Draw the region edge connections.
+ Transform2D xform = get_global_transform();
+ real_t radius = ns2d->map_get_edge_connection_margin(get_world_2d()->get_navigation_map()) / 2.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ns2d->region_get_connections_count(region); i++) {
+ // Two main points
+ Vector2 a = ns2d->region_get_connection_pathway_start(region, i);
+ a = xform.affine_inverse().xform(a);
+ Vector2 b = ns2d->region_get_connection_pathway_end(region, i);
+ b = xform.affine_inverse().xform(b);
+ draw_line(a, b, debug_edge_connection_color);
+ // Draw a circle to illustrate the margins.
+ real_t angle = a.angle_to_point(b);
+ draw_arc(a, radius, angle + Math_PI / 2.0, angle - Math_PI / 2.0 + Math_TAU, 10, debug_edge_connection_color);
+ draw_arc(b, radius, angle - Math_PI / 2.0, angle + Math_PI / 2.0, 10, debug_edge_connection_color);
+ }