path: root/platform/x11
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Diffstat (limited to 'platform/x11')
4 files changed, 150 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/platform/x11/SCsub b/platform/x11/SCsub
index b18757337a..d0f77892ef 100644
--- a/platform/x11/SCsub
+++ b/platform/x11/SCsub
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ import os
def make_debug(target, source, env):
- os.system('objcopy --only-keep-debug %s %s.debugsymbols' % (target[0], target[0]))
- os.system('strip --strip-debug --strip-unneeded %s' % (target[0]))
- os.system('objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=%s.debugsymbols %s' % (target[0], target[0]))
+ os.system('objcopy --only-keep-debug {0} {0}.debugsymbols'.format(target[0]))
+ os.system('strip --strip-debug --strip-unneeded {0}'.format(target[0]))
+ os.system('objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink={0}.debugsymbols {0}'.format(target[0]))
common_x11 = [
diff --git a/platform/x11/ b/platform/x11/
index 02bd7232c2..da2b0701b6 100644
--- a/platform/x11/
+++ b/platform/x11/
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def get_opts():
return [
BoolVariable('use_llvm', 'Use the LLVM compiler', False),
- BoolVariable('use_static_cpp', 'Link stdc++ statically', False),
+ BoolVariable('use_static_cpp', 'Link libgcc and libstdc++ statically for better portability', False),
BoolVariable('use_sanitizer', 'Use LLVM compiler address sanitizer', False),
BoolVariable('use_leak_sanitizer', 'Use LLVM compiler memory leaks sanitizer (implies use_sanitizer)', False),
BoolVariable('pulseaudio', 'Detect & use pulseaudio', True),
@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ def get_flags():
return [
('builtin_freetype', False),
('builtin_libpng', False),
- ('builtin_openssl', False),
('builtin_zlib', False),
@@ -153,8 +152,9 @@ def configure(env):
# FIXME: Check for existence of the libs before parsing their flags with pkg-config
- if not env['builtin_openssl']:
- env.ParseConfig('pkg-config openssl --cflags --libs')
+ if not env['builtin_mbedtls']:
+ # mbedTLS does not provide a pkgconfig config yet. See
+ env.Append(LIBS=['mbedtls', 'mbedcrypto', 'mbedx509'])
if not env['builtin_libwebp']:
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libwebp --cflags --libs')
@@ -275,6 +275,6 @@ def configure(env):
env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-m64', '-L/usr/lib/i686-linux-gnu'])
+ # Link those statically for portability
if env['use_static_cpp']:
- env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-static-libstdc++'])
+ env.Append(LINKFLAGS=['-static-libgcc', '-static-libstdc++'])
diff --git a/platform/x11/os_x11.cpp b/platform/x11/os_x11.cpp
index eaf72d4dbf..2027667af3 100644
--- a/platform/x11/os_x11.cpp
+++ b/platform/x11/os_x11.cpp
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "drivers/gles3/rasterizer_gles3.h"
#include "errno.h"
#include "key_mapping_x11.h"
+#include "os/dir_access.h"
#include "print_string.h"
#include "servers/visual/visual_server_raster.h"
#include "servers/visual/visual_server_wrap_mt.h"
@@ -333,6 +334,11 @@ Error OS_X11::initialize(const VideoMode &p_desired, int p_video_driver, int p_a
+ if (current_videomode.always_on_top) {
+ current_videomode.always_on_top = false;
+ set_window_always_on_top(true);
+ }
@@ -549,6 +555,21 @@ void OS_X11::set_ime_position(const Point2 &p_pos) {
+String OS_X11::get_unique_id() const {
+ static String machine_id;
+ if (machine_id.empty()) {
+ if (FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open("/etc/machine-id", FileAccess::READ)) {
+ while (machine_id.empty() && !f->eof_reached()) {
+ machine_id = f->get_line().strip_edges();
+ }
+ f->close();
+ memdelete(f);
+ }
+ }
+ return machine_id;
void OS_X11::finalize() {
if (main_loop)
@@ -710,8 +731,15 @@ void OS_X11::get_fullscreen_mode_list(List<VideoMode> *p_list, int p_screen) con
void OS_X11::set_wm_fullscreen(bool p_enabled) {
- if (current_videomode.fullscreen == p_enabled)
- return;
+ if (p_enabled && !get_borderless_window()) {
+ // remove decorations if the window is not already borderless
+ Hints hints;
+ Atom property;
+ hints.flags = 2;
+ hints.decorations = 0;
+ property = XInternAtom(x11_display, "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", True);
+ XChangeProperty(x11_display, x11_window, property, property, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&hints, 5);
+ }
if (p_enabled && !is_window_resizable()) {
// Set the window as resizable to prevent window managers to ignore the fullscreen state flag.
@@ -773,6 +801,22 @@ void OS_X11::set_wm_fullscreen(bool p_enabled) {
+void OS_X11::set_wm_above(bool p_enabled) {
+ Atom wm_state = XInternAtom(x11_display, "_NET_WM_STATE", False);
+ Atom wm_above = XInternAtom(x11_display, "_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE", False);
+ XClientMessageEvent xev;
+ memset(&xev, 0, sizeof(xev));
+ xev.type = ClientMessage;
+ xev.window = x11_window;
+ xev.message_type = wm_state;
+ xev.format = 32;
+[0] = p_enabled ? _NET_WM_STATE_ADD : _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE;
+[1] = wm_above;
+[3] = 1;
+ XSendEvent(x11_display, DefaultRootWindow(x11_display), False, SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask, (XEvent *)&xev);
int OS_X11::get_screen_count() const {
// Using Xinerama Extension
int event_base, error_base;
@@ -924,6 +968,26 @@ Size2 OS_X11::get_window_size() const {
return Size2i(current_videomode.width, current_videomode.height);
+Size2 OS_X11::get_real_window_size() const {
+ XWindowAttributes xwa;
+ XSync(x11_display, False);
+ XGetWindowAttributes(x11_display, x11_window, &xwa);
+ int w = xwa.width;
+ int h = xwa.height;
+ Atom prop = XInternAtom(x11_display, "_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS", True);
+ Atom type;
+ int format;
+ unsigned long len;
+ unsigned long remaining;
+ unsigned char *data = NULL;
+ if (XGetWindowProperty(x11_display, x11_window, prop, 0, 4, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &len, &remaining, &data) == Success) {
+ long *extents = (long *)data;
+ w += extents[0] + extents[1]; // left, right
+ h += extents[2] + extents[3]; // top, bottom
+ }
+ return Size2(w, h);
void OS_X11::set_window_size(const Size2 p_size) {
// If window resizable is disabled we need to update the attributes first
if (is_window_resizable() == false) {
@@ -947,7 +1011,19 @@ void OS_X11::set_window_size(const Size2 p_size) {
void OS_X11::set_window_fullscreen(bool p_enabled) {
+ if (current_videomode.fullscreen == p_enabled)
+ return;
+ if (p_enabled && current_videomode.always_on_top) {
+ // Fullscreen + Always-on-top requires a maximized window on some window managers (Metacity)
+ set_window_maximized(true);
+ }
+ if (!p_enabled && !current_videomode.always_on_top) {
+ // Restore
+ set_window_maximized(false);
+ }
current_videomode.fullscreen = p_enabled;
@@ -1154,6 +1230,27 @@ bool OS_X11::is_window_maximized() const {
return false;
+void OS_X11::set_window_always_on_top(bool p_enabled) {
+ if (is_window_always_on_top() == p_enabled)
+ return;
+ if (p_enabled && current_videomode.fullscreen) {
+ // Fullscreen + Always-on-top requires a maximized window on some window managers (Metacity)
+ set_window_maximized(true);
+ }
+ set_wm_above(p_enabled);
+ if (!p_enabled && !current_videomode.fullscreen) {
+ // Restore
+ set_window_maximized(false);
+ }
+ current_videomode.always_on_top = p_enabled;
+bool OS_X11::is_window_always_on_top() const {
+ return current_videomode.always_on_top;
void OS_X11::set_borderless_window(bool p_borderless) {
if (current_videomode.borderless_window == p_borderless)
@@ -2499,48 +2596,66 @@ static String get_mountpoint(const String &p_path) {
Error OS_X11::move_to_trash(const String &p_path) {
- String trashcan = "";
+ String trash_can = "";
String mnt = get_mountpoint(p_path);
+ // If there is a directory "[Mountpoint]/.Trash-[UID]/files", use it as the trash can.
if (mnt != "") {
String path(mnt + "/.Trash-" + itos(getuid()) + "/files");
struct stat s;
if (!stat(path.utf8().get_data(), &s)) {
- trashcan = path;
+ trash_can = path;
- if (trashcan == "") {
+ // Otherwise, if ${XDG_DATA_HOME} is defined, use "${XDG_DATA_HOME}/Trash/files" as the trash can.
+ if (trash_can == "") {
char *dhome = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME");
if (dhome) {
- trashcan = String(dhome) + "/Trash/files";
+ trash_can = String(dhome) + "/Trash/files";
- if (trashcan == "") {
+ // Otherwise, if ${HOME} is defined, use "${HOME}/.local/share/Trash/files" as the trash can.
+ if (trash_can == "") {
char *home = getenv("HOME");
if (home) {
- trashcan = String(home) + "/.local/share/Trash/files";
+ trash_can = String(home) + "/.local/share/Trash/files";
- if (trashcan == "") {
- ERR_PRINTS("move_to_trash: Could not determine trashcan location");
+ // Issue an error if none of the previous locations is appropriate for the trash can.
+ if (trash_can == "") {
+ ERR_PRINTS("move_to_trash: Could not determine the trash can location");
return FAILED;
- List<String> args;
- args.push_back("-p");
- args.push_back(trashcan);
- Error err = execute("mkdir", args, true);
- if (err == OK) {
- List<String> args2;
- args2.push_back(p_path);
- args2.push_back(trashcan);
- err = execute("mv", args2, true);
+ // Create needed directories for decided trash can location.
+ DirAccess *dir_access = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM);
+ Error err = dir_access->make_dir_recursive(trash_can);
+ memdelete(dir_access);
+ // Issue an error if trash can is not created proprely.
+ if (err != OK) {
+ ERR_PRINTS("move_to_trash: Could not create the trash can \"" + trash_can + "\"");
+ return err;
+ }
+ // The trash can is successfully created, now move the given resource to it.
+ // Do not use DirAccess:rename() because it can't move files across multiple mountpoints.
+ List<String> mv_args;
+ mv_args.push_back(p_path);
+ mv_args.push_back(trash_can);
+ int retval;
+ err = execute("mv", mv_args, true, NULL, NULL, &retval);
+ // Issue an error if "mv" failed to move the given resource to the trash can.
+ if (err != OK || retval != 0) {
+ ERR_PRINTS("move_to_trash: Could not move the resource \"" + p_path + "\" to the trash can \"" + trash_can + "\"");
+ return FAILED;
- return err;
+ return OK;
OS::LatinKeyboardVariant OS_X11::get_latin_keyboard_variant() const {
diff --git a/platform/x11/os_x11.h b/platform/x11/os_x11.h
index ee62b89227..494845bc56 100644
--- a/platform/x11/os_x11.h
+++ b/platform/x11/os_x11.h
@@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ class OS_X11 : public OS_Unix {
bool maximized;
//void set_wm_border(bool p_enabled);
void set_wm_fullscreen(bool p_enabled);
+ void set_wm_above(bool p_enabled);
typedef xrr_monitor_info *(*xrr_get_monitors_t)(Display *dpy, Window window, Bool get_active, int *nmonitors);
typedef void (*xrr_free_monitors_t)(xrr_monitor_info *monitors);
@@ -251,6 +252,7 @@ public:
virtual Point2 get_window_position() const;
virtual void set_window_position(const Point2 &p_position);
virtual Size2 get_window_size() const;
+ virtual Size2 get_real_window_size() const;
virtual void set_window_size(const Size2 p_size);
virtual void set_window_fullscreen(bool p_enabled);
virtual bool is_window_fullscreen() const;
@@ -260,12 +262,16 @@ public:
virtual bool is_window_minimized() const;
virtual void set_window_maximized(bool p_enabled);
virtual bool is_window_maximized() const;
+ virtual void set_window_always_on_top(bool p_enabled);
+ virtual bool is_window_always_on_top() const;
virtual void request_attention();
virtual void set_borderless_window(bool p_borderless);
virtual bool get_borderless_window();
virtual void set_ime_position(const Point2 &p_pos);
+ virtual String get_unique_id() const;
virtual void move_window_to_foreground();
virtual void alert(const String &p_alert, const String &p_title = "ALERT!");