path: root/platform/x11/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/x11/')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/platform/x11/ b/platform/x11/
index 356de7b2bc..eb71ac7409 100644
--- a/platform/x11/
+++ b/platform/x11/
@@ -68,13 +68,10 @@ def get_opts():
def get_flags():
return [
- ('builtin_zlib', 'no'),
- ('glew', 'yes'),
- ("openssl", "yes"),
- ('freetype','yes'), #use system freetype
- #("theora","no"),
- ]
+ ("openssl", "system"),
+ ('freetype', 'system'),
+ ('libpng', 'system'),
+ ]
@@ -140,22 +137,54 @@ def configure(env):
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config xcursor --cflags --libs')
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config xrandr --cflags --libs')
- if (env["openssl"]=="yes"):
+ if (env["openssl"] == "system"):
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config openssl --cflags --libs')
+ if (env["libwebp"] == "system"):
+ env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libwebp --cflags --libs')
- if (env["freetype"]=="yes"):
+ if (env["freetype"] == "system"):
+ env["libpng"] = "system" # Freetype links against libpng
env.ParseConfig('pkg-config freetype2 --cflags --libs')
+ if (env["libpng"] == "system"):
+ env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libpng --cflags --libs')
+ if (env["enet"] == "system"):
+ env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libenet --cflags --libs')
+ if (env["squish"] == "system" and env["tools"] == "yes"):
+ env.ParseConfig('pkg-config libsquish --cflags --libs')
+ # Sound and video libraries
+ # Keep the order as it triggers chained dependencies (ogg needed by others, etc.)
+ if (env["libtheora"] == "system"):
+ env["libogg"] = "system" # Needed to link against system libtheora
+ env["libvorbis"] = "system" # Needed to link against system libtheora
+ env.ParseConfig('pkg-config theora theoradec --cflags --libs')
+ if (env["libvorbis"] == "system"):
+ env["libogg"] = "system" # Needed to link against system libvorbis
+ env.ParseConfig('pkg-config vorbis vorbisfile --cflags --libs')
+ if (env["opus"] == "system"):
+ env["libogg"] = "system" # Needed to link against system opus
+ env.ParseConfig('pkg-config opus opusfile --cflags --libs')
+ if (env["libogg"] == "system"):
+ env.ParseConfig('pkg-config ogg --cflags --libs')
+ if (env["glew"] == "system"):
+ env.ParseConfig('pkg-config glew --cflags --libs')
if os.system("pkg-config --exists alsa")==0:
print("Enabling ALSA")
- env.Append(LIBS=['asound'])
+ env.ParseConfig('pkg-config alsa --cflags --libs')
print("ALSA libraries not found, disabling driver")
@@ -208,5 +237,5 @@ def configure(env):
list_of_x86 = ['x86_64', 'x86', 'i386', 'i586']
if any(platform.machine() in s for s in list_of_x86):
- env["x86_opt_gcc"]=True
+ env["x86_libtheora_opt_gcc"]=True