path: root/platform/osx/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/osx/')
1 files changed, 473 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/platform/osx/ b/platform/osx/
index 939f75859c..5589f93a5d 100644
--- a/platform/osx/
+++ b/platform/osx/
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "os_osx.h"
#include "dir_access_osx.h"
+#include "drivers/gles2/rasterizer_gles2.h"
#include "drivers/gles3/rasterizer_gles3.h"
#include "main/main.h"
#include "os/keyboard.h"
@@ -88,6 +89,15 @@ static void get_key_modifier_state(unsigned int p_osx_state, Ref<InputEventWithM
state->set_metakey((p_osx_state & NSEventModifierFlagCommand));
+static void push_to_key_event_buffer(const OS_OSX::KeyEvent &p_event) {
+ Vector<OS_OSX::KeyEvent> &buffer = OS_OSX::singleton->key_event_buffer;
+ if (OS_OSX::singleton->key_event_pos >= buffer.size()) {
+ buffer.resize(1 + OS_OSX::singleton->key_event_pos);
+ }
+ buffer[OS_OSX::singleton->key_event_pos++] = p_event;
static int mouse_x = 0;
static int mouse_y = 0;
static int prev_mouse_x = 0;
@@ -140,10 +150,52 @@ static Vector2 get_mouse_pos(NSEvent *event) {
@interface GodotApplicationDelegate : NSObject
+- (void)forceUnbundledWindowActivationHackStep1;
+- (void)forceUnbundledWindowActivationHackStep2;
+- (void)forceUnbundledWindowActivationHackStep3;
@implementation GodotApplicationDelegate
+- (void)forceUnbundledWindowActivationHackStep1 {
+ // Step1: Switch focus to macOS Dock.
+ // Required to perform step 2, TransformProcessType will fail if app is already the in focus.
+ for (NSRunningApplication *app in [NSRunningApplication runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier:@""]) {
+ [app activateWithOptions:NSApplicationActivateIgnoringOtherApps];
+ break;
+ }
+ [self performSelector:@selector(forceUnbundledWindowActivationHackStep2) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.02];
+- (void)forceUnbundledWindowActivationHackStep2 {
+ // Step 2: Register app as foreground process.
+ ProcessSerialNumber psn = { 0, kCurrentProcess };
+ (void)TransformProcessType(&psn, kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication);
+ [self performSelector:@selector(forceUnbundledWindowActivationHackStep3) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.02];
+- (void)forceUnbundledWindowActivationHackStep3 {
+ // Step 3: Switch focus back to app window.
+ [[NSRunningApplication currentApplication] activateWithOptions:NSApplicationActivateIgnoringOtherApps];
+- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notice {
+ NSString *nsappname = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleName"];
+ if (nsappname == nil) {
+ // If executable is not a bundled, macOS WindowServer won't register and activate app window correctly (menu and title bar are grayed out and input ignored).
+ [self performSelector:@selector(forceUnbundledWindowActivationHackStep1) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.02];
+ }
+- (BOOL)application:(NSApplication *)sender openFile:(NSString *)filename {
+ // Note: called before main loop init!
+ char *utfs = strdup([filename UTF8String]);
+ OS_OSX::singleton->open_with_filename.parse_utf8(utfs);
+ free(utfs);
+ return YES;
- (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication *)sender {
if (OS_OSX::singleton->get_main_loop())
@@ -212,6 +264,7 @@ static Vector2 get_mouse_pos(NSEvent *event) {
NSWindow *window = (NSWindow *)[notification object];
CGFloat newBackingScaleFactor = [window backingScaleFactor];
CGFloat oldBackingScaleFactor = [[[notification userInfo] objectForKey:@"NSBackingPropertyOldScaleFactorKey"] doubleValue];
+ [OS_OSX::singleton->window_view setWantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface:YES];
if (newBackingScaleFactor != oldBackingScaleFactor) {
//Set new display scale and window size
@@ -407,13 +460,6 @@ static const NSRange kEmptyRange = { NSNotFound, 0 };
- (void)insertText:(id)aString replacementRange:(NSRange)replacementRange {
NSEvent *event = [NSApp currentEvent];
- Ref<InputEventKey> k;
- k.instance();
- get_key_modifier_state([event modifierFlags], k);
- k->set_pressed(true);
- k->set_echo(false);
- k->set_scancode(0);
NSString *characters;
if ([aString isKindOfClass:[NSAttributedString class]]) {
@@ -438,8 +484,15 @@ static const NSRange kEmptyRange = { NSNotFound, 0 };
if ((codepoint & 0xFF00) == 0xF700)
- k->set_unicode(codepoint);
- OS_OSX::singleton->push_input(k);
+ OS_OSX::KeyEvent ke;
+ ke.osx_state = [event modifierFlags];
+ ke.pressed = true;
+ ke.echo = false;
+ ke.scancode = 0;
+ ke.unicode = codepoint;
+ push_to_key_event_buffer(ke);
[self cancelComposition];
@@ -488,7 +541,9 @@ static const NSRange kEmptyRange = { NSNotFound, 0 };
- (void)cursorUpdate:(NSEvent *)event {
- //setModeCursor(window, window->cursorMode);
+ OS::CursorShape p_shape = OS_OSX::singleton->cursor_shape;
+ OS_OSX::singleton->cursor_shape = OS::CURSOR_MAX;
+ OS_OSX::singleton->set_cursor_shape(p_shape);
static void _mouseDownEvent(NSEvent *event, int index, int mask, bool pressed) {
@@ -603,11 +658,12 @@ static void _mouseDownEvent(NSEvent *event, int index, int mask, bool pressed) {
if (OS_OSX::singleton->main_loop && OS_OSX::singleton->mouse_mode != OS::MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED)
- if (OS_OSX::singleton->input) {
+ if (OS_OSX::singleton->input)
- OS_OSX::singleton->cursor_shape = OS::CURSOR_MAX;
- OS_OSX::singleton->set_cursor_shape(OS::CURSOR_ARROW);
- }
+ OS::CursorShape p_shape = OS_OSX::singleton->cursor_shape;
+ OS_OSX::singleton->cursor_shape = OS::CURSOR_MAX;
+ OS_OSX::singleton->set_cursor_shape(p_shape);
- (void)magnifyWithEvent:(NSEvent *)event {
@@ -786,82 +842,191 @@ static int translateKey(unsigned int key) {
return table[key];
-- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event {
+struct _KeyCodeMap {
+ UniChar kchar;
+ int kcode;
- Ref<InputEventKey> k;
- k.instance();
+static const _KeyCodeMap _keycodes[55] = {
+ { '`', KEY_QUOTELEFT },
+ { '~', KEY_ASCIITILDE },
+ { '0', KEY_0 },
+ { '1', KEY_1 },
+ { '2', KEY_2 },
+ { '3', KEY_3 },
+ { '4', KEY_4 },
+ { '5', KEY_5 },
+ { '6', KEY_6 },
+ { '7', KEY_7 },
+ { '8', KEY_8 },
+ { '9', KEY_9 },
+ { '-', KEY_MINUS },
+ { '_', KEY_UNDERSCORE },
+ { '=', KEY_EQUAL },
+ { '+', KEY_PLUS },
+ { 'q', KEY_Q },
+ { 'w', KEY_W },
+ { 'e', KEY_E },
+ { 'r', KEY_R },
+ { 't', KEY_T },
+ { 'y', KEY_Y },
+ { 'u', KEY_U },
+ { 'i', KEY_I },
+ { 'o', KEY_O },
+ { 'p', KEY_P },
+ { '[', KEY_BRACERIGHT },
+ { ']', KEY_BRACELEFT },
+ { '{', KEY_BRACERIGHT },
+ { '}', KEY_BRACELEFT },
+ { 'a', KEY_A },
+ { 's', KEY_S },
+ { 'd', KEY_D },
+ { 'f', KEY_F },
+ { 'g', KEY_G },
+ { 'h', KEY_H },
+ { 'j', KEY_J },
+ { 'k', KEY_K },
+ { 'l', KEY_L },
+ { ';', KEY_SEMICOLON },
+ { ':', KEY_COLON },
+ { '\'', KEY_APOSTROPHE },
+ { '\"', KEY_QUOTEDBL },
+ { '\\', KEY_BACKSLASH },
+ { '#', KEY_NUMBERSIGN },
+ { 'z', KEY_Z },
+ { 'x', KEY_X },
+ { 'c', KEY_C },
+ { 'v', KEY_V },
+ { 'b', KEY_B },
+ { 'n', KEY_N },
+ { 'm', KEY_M },
+ { ',', KEY_COMMA },
+ { '.', KEY_PERIOD },
+ { '/', KEY_SLASH }
- get_key_modifier_state([event modifierFlags], k);
- k->set_pressed(true);
- k->set_scancode(latin_keyboard_keycode_convert(translateKey([event keyCode])));
- k->set_echo([event isARepeat]);
+static int remapKey(unsigned int key) {
- NSString *characters = [event characters];
- NSUInteger i, length = [characters length];
+ TISInputSourceRef currentKeyboard = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardInputSource();
+ if (!currentKeyboard)
+ return translateKey(key);
+ CFDataRef layoutData = (CFDataRef)TISGetInputSourceProperty(currentKeyboard, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData);
+ if (!layoutData)
+ return 0;
+ const UCKeyboardLayout *keyboardLayout = (const UCKeyboardLayout *)CFDataGetBytePtr(layoutData);
+ UInt32 keysDown = 0;
+ UniChar chars[4];
+ UniCharCount realLength;
+ OSStatus err = UCKeyTranslate(keyboardLayout,
+ key,
+ kUCKeyActionDisplay,
+ 0,
+ LMGetKbdType(),
+ kUCKeyTranslateNoDeadKeysBit,
+ &keysDown,
+ sizeof(chars) / sizeof(chars[0]),
+ &realLength,
+ chars);
+ if (err != noErr) {
+ return translateKey(key);
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 55; i++) {
+ if (_keycodes[i].kchar == chars[0]) {
+ return _keycodes[i].kcode;
+ }
+ }
+ return translateKey(key);
+- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event {
//disable raw input in IME mode
- if (!imeMode)
- OS_OSX::singleton->push_input(k);
+ if (!imeMode) {
+ OS_OSX::KeyEvent ke;
+ ke.osx_state = [event modifierFlags];
+ ke.pressed = true;
+ ke.echo = [event isARepeat];
+ ke.scancode = remapKey([event keyCode]);
+ ke.unicode = 0;
+ push_to_key_event_buffer(ke);
+ }
if ((OS_OSX::singleton->im_position.x != 0) && (OS_OSX::singleton->im_position.y != 0))
[self interpretKeyEvents:[NSArray arrayWithObject:event]];
- (void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent *)event {
- Ref<InputEventKey> k;
- k.instance();
- int key = [event keyCode];
- int mod = [event modifierFlags];
+ if (!imeMode) {
+ OS_OSX::KeyEvent ke;
- if (key == 0x36 || key == 0x37) {
- if (mod & NSEventModifierFlagCommand) {
- mod &= ~NSEventModifierFlagCommand;
- k->set_pressed(true);
- } else {
- k->set_pressed(false);
- }
- } else if (key == 0x38 || key == 0x3c) {
- if (mod & NSEventModifierFlagShift) {
- mod &= ~NSEventModifierFlagShift;
- k->set_pressed(true);
- } else {
- k->set_pressed(false);
- }
- } else if (key == 0x3a || key == 0x3d) {
- if (mod & NSEventModifierFlagOption) {
- mod &= ~NSEventModifierFlagOption;
- k->set_pressed(true);
- } else {
- k->set_pressed(false);
- }
- } else if (key == 0x3b || key == 0x3e) {
- if (mod & NSEventModifierFlagControl) {
- mod &= ~NSEventModifierFlagControl;
- k->set_pressed(true);
+ ke.echo = false;
+ int key = [event keyCode];
+ int mod = [event modifierFlags];
+ if (key == 0x36 || key == 0x37) {
+ if (mod & NSEventModifierFlagCommand) {
+ mod &= ~NSEventModifierFlagCommand;
+ ke.pressed = true;
+ } else {
+ ke.pressed = false;
+ }
+ } else if (key == 0x38 || key == 0x3c) {
+ if (mod & NSEventModifierFlagShift) {
+ mod &= ~NSEventModifierFlagShift;
+ ke.pressed = true;
+ } else {
+ ke.pressed = false;
+ }
+ } else if (key == 0x3a || key == 0x3d) {
+ if (mod & NSEventModifierFlagOption) {
+ mod &= ~NSEventModifierFlagOption;
+ ke.pressed = true;
+ } else {
+ ke.pressed = false;
+ }
+ } else if (key == 0x3b || key == 0x3e) {
+ if (mod & NSEventModifierFlagControl) {
+ mod &= ~NSEventModifierFlagControl;
+ ke.pressed = true;
+ } else {
+ ke.pressed = false;
+ }
} else {
- k->set_pressed(false);
+ return;
- } else {
- return;
- }
- get_key_modifier_state(mod, k);
- k->set_scancode(latin_keyboard_keycode_convert(translateKey(key)));
+ ke.osx_state = mod;
+ ke.scancode = remapKey(key);
+ ke.unicode = 0;
- OS_OSX::singleton->push_input(k);
+ push_to_key_event_buffer(ke);
+ }
- (void)keyUp:(NSEvent *)event {
- Ref<InputEventKey> k;
- k.instance();
+ if (!imeMode) {
+ OS_OSX::KeyEvent ke;
- get_key_modifier_state([event modifierFlags], k);
- k->set_pressed(false);
- k->set_scancode(latin_keyboard_keycode_convert(translateKey([event keyCode])));
+ ke.osx_state = [event modifierFlags];
+ ke.pressed = false;
+ ke.echo = false;
+ ke.scancode = remapKey([event keyCode]);
+ ke.unicode = 0;
- OS_OSX::singleton->push_input(k);
+ push_to_key_event_buffer(ke);
+ }
inline void sendScrollEvent(int button, double factor, int modifierFlags) {
@@ -940,17 +1105,32 @@ void OS_OSX::set_ime_intermediate_text_callback(ImeCallback p_callback, void *p_
-void OS_OSX::set_ime_position(const Point2 &p_pos) {
- im_position = p_pos;
+String OS_OSX::get_unique_id() const {
-int OS_OSX::get_video_driver_count() const {
- return 1;
+ static String serial_number;
+ if (serial_number.empty()) {
+ io_service_t platformExpert = IOServiceGetMatchingService(kIOMasterPortDefault, IOServiceMatching("IOPlatformExpertDevice"));
+ CFStringRef serialNumberAsCFString = NULL;
+ if (platformExpert) {
+ serialNumberAsCFString = (CFStringRef)IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(platformExpert, CFSTR(kIOPlatformSerialNumberKey), kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
+ IOObjectRelease(platformExpert);
+ }
-const char *OS_OSX::get_video_driver_name(int p_driver) const {
+ NSString *serialNumberAsNSString = nil;
+ if (serialNumberAsCFString) {
+ serialNumberAsNSString = [NSString stringWithString:(NSString *)serialNumberAsCFString];
+ CFRelease(serialNumberAsCFString);
+ }
- return "GLES3";
+ serial_number = [serialNumberAsNSString UTF8String];
+ }
+ return serial_number;
+void OS_OSX::set_ime_position(const Point2 &p_pos) {
+ im_position = p_pos;
void OS_OSX::initialize_core() {
@@ -1004,6 +1184,7 @@ Error OS_OSX::initialize(const VideoMode &p_desired, int p_video_driver, int p_a
if (p_desired.borderless_window) {
styleMask = NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless;
} else {
+ resizable = p_desired.resizable;
styleMask = NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskClosable | NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable | (p_desired.resizable ? NSWindowStyleMaskResizable : 0);
@@ -1045,7 +1226,7 @@ Error OS_OSX::initialize(const VideoMode &p_desired, int p_video_driver, int p_a
unsigned int attributeCount = 0;
- // OS X needs non-zero color size, so set resonable values
+ // OS X needs non-zero color size, so set reasonable values
int colorBits = 32;
// Fail if a robustness strategy was requested
@@ -1064,8 +1245,12 @@ Error OS_OSX::initialize(const VideoMode &p_desired, int p_video_driver, int p_a
- //we now need OpenGL 3 or better, maybe even change this to 3_3Core ?
- ADD_ATTR2(NSOpenGLPFAOpenGLProfile, NSOpenGLProfileVersion3_2Core);
+ if (p_video_driver == VIDEO_DRIVER_GLES2) {
+ ADD_ATTR2(NSOpenGLPFAOpenGLProfile, NSOpenGLProfileVersionLegacy);
+ } else {
+ //we now need OpenGL 3 or better, maybe even change this to 3_3Core ?
+ ADD_ATTR2(NSOpenGLPFAOpenGLProfile, NSOpenGLProfileVersion3_2Core);
+ }
ADD_ATTR2(NSOpenGLPFAColorSize, colorBits);
@@ -1091,7 +1276,7 @@ Error OS_OSX::initialize(const VideoMode &p_desired, int p_video_driver, int p_a
// NOTE: All NSOpenGLPixelFormats on the relevant cards support sRGB
- // frambuffer, so there's no need (and no way) to request it
+ // framebuffer, so there's no need (and no way) to request it
@@ -1122,13 +1307,14 @@ Error OS_OSX::initialize(const VideoMode &p_desired, int p_video_driver, int p_a
- bool use_gl2 = p_video_driver != 1;
- AudioDriverManager::add_driver(&audio_driver);
// only opengl support here...
- RasterizerGLES3::register_config();
- RasterizerGLES3::make_current();
+ if (p_video_driver == VIDEO_DRIVER_GLES2) {
+ RasterizerGLES2::register_config();
+ RasterizerGLES2::make_current();
+ } else {
+ RasterizerGLES3::register_config();
+ RasterizerGLES3::make_current();
+ }
visual_server = memnew(VisualServerRaster);
if (get_render_thread_mode() != RENDER_THREAD_UNSAFE) {
@@ -1148,6 +1334,9 @@ Error OS_OSX::initialize(const VideoMode &p_desired, int p_video_driver, int p_a
restore_rect = Rect2(get_window_position(), get_window_size());
+ if (p_desired.layered_splash) {
+ set_window_per_pixel_transparency_enabled(true);
+ }
return OK;
@@ -1292,6 +1481,11 @@ void OS_OSX::set_cursor_shape(CursorShape p_shape) {
if (cursor_shape == p_shape)
+ if (mouse_mode != MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE && mouse_mode != MOUSE_MODE_CONFINED) {
+ cursor_shape = p_shape;
+ return;
+ }
if (cursors[p_shape] != NULL) {
[cursors[p_shape] set];
} else {
@@ -1323,41 +1517,78 @@ void OS_OSX::set_cursor_shape(CursorShape p_shape) {
void OS_OSX::set_custom_mouse_cursor(const RES &p_cursor, CursorShape p_shape, const Vector2 &p_hotspot) {
if (p_cursor.is_valid()) {
Ref<Texture> texture = p_cursor;
- Ref<Image> image = texture->get_data();
+ Ref<AtlasTexture> atlas_texture = p_cursor;
+ Ref<Image> image;
+ Size2 texture_size;
+ Rect2 atlas_rect;
- int image_size = 32 * 32;
+ if (texture.is_valid()) {
+ image = texture->get_data();
+ }
+ if (!image.is_valid() && atlas_texture.is_valid()) {
+ texture = atlas_texture->get_atlas();
+ atlas_rect.size.width = texture->get_width();
+ atlas_rect.size.height = texture->get_height();
+ atlas_rect.position.x = atlas_texture->get_region().position.x;
+ atlas_rect.position.y = atlas_texture->get_region().position.y;
+ texture_size.width = atlas_texture->get_region().size.x;
+ texture_size.height = atlas_texture->get_region().size.y;
+ } else if (image.is_valid()) {
+ texture_size.width = texture->get_width();
+ texture_size.height = texture->get_height();
+ }
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!texture.is_valid());
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(texture_size.width > 256 || texture_size.height > 256);
- ERR_FAIL_COND(texture->get_width() != 32 || texture->get_height() != 32);
+ image = texture->get_data();
NSBitmapImageRep *imgrep = [[[NSBitmapImageRep alloc]
- pixelsWide:image->get_width()
- pixelsHigh:image->get_height()
+ pixelsWide:int(texture_size.width)
+ pixelsHigh:int(texture_size.height)
- bytesPerRow:image->get_width() * 4
+ bytesPerRow:int(texture_size.width) * 4
bitsPerPixel:32] autorelease];
ERR_FAIL_COND(imgrep == nil);
uint8_t *pixels = [imgrep bitmapData];
- int len = image->get_width() * image->get_height();
+ int len = int(texture_size.width * texture_size.height);
PoolVector<uint8_t> data = image->get_data();
PoolVector<uint8_t>::Read r =;
+ image->lock();
/* Premultiply the alpha channel */
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- uint8_t alpha = r[i * 4 + 3];
- pixels[i * 4 + 0] = (uint8_t)(((uint16_t)r[i * 4 + 0] * alpha) / 255);
- pixels[i * 4 + 1] = (uint8_t)(((uint16_t)r[i * 4 + 1] * alpha) / 255);
- pixels[i * 4 + 2] = (uint8_t)(((uint16_t)r[i * 4 + 2] * alpha) / 255);
+ int row_index = floor(i / texture_size.width) + atlas_rect.position.y;
+ int column_index = (i % int(texture_size.width)) + atlas_rect.position.x;
+ if (atlas_texture.is_valid()) {
+ column_index = MIN(column_index, atlas_rect.size.width - 1);
+ row_index = MIN(row_index, atlas_rect.size.height - 1);
+ }
+ uint32_t color = image->get_pixel(column_index, row_index).to_argb32();
+ uint8_t alpha = (color >> 24) & 0xFF;
+ pixels[i * 4 + 0] = ((color >> 16) & 0xFF) * alpha / 255;
+ pixels[i * 4 + 1] = ((color >> 8) & 0xFF) * alpha / 255;
+ pixels[i * 4 + 2] = ((color)&0xFF) * alpha / 255;
pixels[i * 4 + 3] = alpha;
- NSImage *nsimage = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:NSMakeSize(image->get_width(), image->get_height())] autorelease];
+ image->unlock();
+ NSImage *nsimage = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:NSMakeSize(texture_size.width, texture_size.height)] autorelease];
[nsimage addRepresentation:imgrep];
NSCursor *cursor = [[NSCursor alloc] initWithImage:nsimage hotSpot:NSMakePoint(p_hotspot.x, p_hotspot.y)];
@@ -1367,6 +1598,11 @@ void OS_OSX::set_custom_mouse_cursor(const RES &p_cursor, CursorShape p_shape, c
if (p_shape == CURSOR_ARROW) {
[cursor set];
+ } else {
+ // Reset to default system cursor
+ cursors[p_shape] = NULL;
+ cursor_shape = CURSOR_MAX;
+ set_cursor_shape(p_shape);
@@ -1505,7 +1741,8 @@ String OS_OSX::get_godot_dir_name() const {
String OS_OSX::get_system_dir(SystemDir p_dir) const {
- NSSearchPathDirectory id = 0;
+ NSSearchPathDirectory id;
+ bool found = true;
switch (p_dir) {
@@ -1526,10 +1763,13 @@ String OS_OSX::get_system_dir(SystemDir p_dir) const {
id = NSPicturesDirectory;
} break;
+ default: {
+ found = false;
+ }
String ret;
- if (id) {
+ if (found) {
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(id, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
if (paths && [paths count] >= 1) {
@@ -1822,6 +2062,12 @@ Size2 OS_OSX::get_window_size() const {
return window_size;
+Size2 OS_OSX::get_real_window_size() const {
+ NSRect frame = [window_object frame];
+ return Size2(frame.size.width, frame.size.height);
void OS_OSX::set_window_size(const Size2 p_size) {
Size2 size = p_size;
@@ -1851,6 +2097,8 @@ void OS_OSX::set_window_size(const Size2 p_size) {
void OS_OSX::set_window_fullscreen(bool p_enabled) {
if (zoomed != p_enabled) {
+ if (layered_window)
+ set_window_per_pixel_transparency_enabled(false);
[window_object toggleFullScreen:nil];
zoomed = p_enabled;
@@ -1867,6 +2115,8 @@ void OS_OSX::set_window_resizable(bool p_enabled) {
[window_object setStyleMask:[window_object styleMask] | NSWindowStyleMaskResizable];
[window_object setStyleMask:[window_object styleMask] & ~NSWindowStyleMaskResizable];
+ resizable = p_enabled;
bool OS_OSX::is_window_resizable() const {
@@ -1913,11 +2163,58 @@ void OS_OSX::move_window_to_foreground() {
[window_object orderFrontRegardless];
+void OS_OSX::set_window_always_on_top(bool p_enabled) {
+ if (is_window_always_on_top() == p_enabled)
+ return;
+ if (p_enabled)
+ [window_object setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel];
+ else
+ [window_object setLevel:NSNormalWindowLevel];
+bool OS_OSX::is_window_always_on_top() const {
+ return [window_object level] == NSFloatingWindowLevel;
void OS_OSX::request_attention() {
[NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest];
+bool OS_OSX::get_window_per_pixel_transparency_enabled() const {
+ if (!is_layered_allowed()) return false;
+ return layered_window;
+void OS_OSX::set_window_per_pixel_transparency_enabled(bool p_enabled) {
+ if (!is_layered_allowed()) return;
+ if (layered_window != p_enabled) {
+ if (p_enabled) {
+ set_borderless_window(true);
+ GLint opacity = 0;
+ [window_object setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor]];
+ [window_object setOpaque:NO];
+ [window_object setHasShadow:NO];
+ [context setValues:&opacity forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSurfaceOpacity];
+ layered_window = true;
+ } else {
+ GLint opacity = 1;
+ [window_object setBackgroundColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:1 alpha:1]];
+ [window_object setOpaque:YES];
+ [window_object setHasShadow:YES];
+ [context setValues:&opacity forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSurfaceOpacity];
+ layered_window = false;
+ }
+ [context update];
+ NSRect frame = [window_object frame];
+ [window_object setFrame:NSMakeRect(frame.origin.x, frame.origin.y, 1, 1) display:YES];
+ [window_object setFrame:frame display:YES];
+ }
void OS_OSX::set_borderless_window(bool p_borderless) {
// OrderOut prevents a lose focus bug with the window
@@ -1926,7 +2223,10 @@ void OS_OSX::set_borderless_window(bool p_borderless) {
if (p_borderless) {
[window_object setStyleMask:NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless];
} else {
- [window_object setStyleMask:NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskClosable | NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable | NSWindowStyleMaskResizable];
+ if (layered_window)
+ set_window_per_pixel_transparency_enabled(false);
+ [window_object setStyleMask:NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskClosable | NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable | (resizable ? NSWindowStyleMaskResizable : 0)];
// Force update of the window styles
NSRect frameRect = [window_object frame];
@@ -2060,11 +2360,49 @@ void OS_OSX::process_events() {
[NSApp sendEvent:event];
+ process_key_events();
[autoreleasePool drain];
autoreleasePool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
+void OS_OSX::process_key_events() {
+ Ref<InputEventKey> k;
+ for (int i = 0; i < key_event_pos; i++) {
+ KeyEvent &ke = key_event_buffer[i];
+ if ((i == 0 && ke.scancode == 0) || (i > 0 && key_event_buffer[i - 1].scancode == 0)) {
+ k.instance();
+ get_key_modifier_state(ke.osx_state, k);
+ k->set_pressed(ke.pressed);
+ k->set_echo(ke.echo);
+ k->set_scancode(0);
+ k->set_unicode(ke.unicode);
+ push_input(k);
+ }
+ if (ke.scancode != 0) {
+ k.instance();
+ get_key_modifier_state(ke.osx_state, k);
+ k->set_pressed(ke.pressed);
+ k->set_echo(ke.echo);
+ k->set_scancode(ke.scancode);
+ if (i + 1 < key_event_pos && key_event_buffer[i + 1].scancode == 0) {
+ k->set_unicode(key_event_buffer[i + 1].unicode);
+ }
+ push_input(k);
+ }
+ }
+ key_event_pos = 0;
void OS_OSX::push_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
Ref<InputEvent> ev = p_event;
@@ -2096,12 +2434,21 @@ void OS_OSX::run() {
//int frames=0;
//uint64_t frame=0;
- while (!force_quit) {
+ bool quit = false;
- process_events(); // get rid of pending events
- joypad_osx->process_joypads();
- if (Main::iteration() == true)
- break;
+ while (!force_quit && !quit) {
+ @try {
+ process_events(); // get rid of pending events
+ joypad_osx->process_joypads();
+ if (Main::iteration() == true) {
+ quit = true;
+ }
+ } @catch (NSException *exception) {
+ ERR_PRINTS("NSException: " + String([exception reason].UTF8String));
+ }
@@ -2184,12 +2531,15 @@ OS_OSX *OS_OSX::singleton = NULL;
+ memset(cursors, 0, sizeof(cursors));
+ key_event_pos = 0;
mouse_mode = OS::MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE;
main_loop = NULL;
singleton = this;
im_position = Point2();
im_callback = NULL;
im_target = NULL;
+ layered_window = false;
autoreleasePool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
eventSource = CGEventSourceCreate(kCGEventSourceStateHIDSystemState);
@@ -2219,7 +2569,7 @@ OS_OSX::OS_OSX() {
NSMenuItem *menu_item;
NSString *title;
- NSString *nsappname = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] performSelector:@selector(localizedInfoDictionary)] objectForKey:@"CFBundleName"];
+ NSString *nsappname = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleName"];
if (nsappname == nil)
nsappname = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processName];
@@ -2272,10 +2622,27 @@ OS_OSX::OS_OSX() {
minimized = false;
window_size = Vector2(1024, 600);
zoomed = false;
+ resizable = false;
Vector<Logger *> loggers;
+ //process application:openFile: event
+ while (true) {
+ NSEvent *event = [NSApp
+ nextEventMatchingMask:NSEventMaskAny
+ untilDate:[NSDate distantPast]
+ inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
+ dequeue:YES];
+ if (event == nil)
+ break;
+ [NSApp sendEvent:event];
+ }
+ AudioDriverManager::add_driver(&audio_driver);
bool OS_OSX::_check_internal_feature_support(const String &p_feature) {