path: root/platform/javascript/os_javascript.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'platform/javascript/os_javascript.cpp')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/platform/javascript/os_javascript.cpp b/platform/javascript/os_javascript.cpp
index 09e4dc7fcb..cc3018716d 100644
--- a/platform/javascript/os_javascript.cpp
+++ b/platform/javascript/os_javascript.cpp
@@ -415,12 +415,129 @@ void OS_JavaScript::set_cursor_shape(CursorShape p_shape) {
+ if (get_mouse_mode() == MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE) {
+ if (cursors[p_shape] != "") {
+ Vector<String> url = cursors[p_shape].split("?");
+ set_css_cursor(("url(\"" + url[0] + "\") " + url[1] + ", auto").utf8());
+ } else {
+ set_css_cursor(godot2dom_cursor(p_shape));
+ }
+ }
cursor_shape = p_shape;
- if (get_mouse_mode() != MOUSE_MODE_HIDDEN)
- set_css_cursor(godot2dom_cursor(cursor_shape));
void OS_JavaScript::set_custom_mouse_cursor(const RES &p_cursor, CursorShape p_shape, const Vector2 &p_hotspot) {
+ if (p_cursor.is_valid()) {
+ Ref<Texture> texture = p_cursor;
+ Ref<AtlasTexture> atlas_texture = p_cursor;
+ Ref<Image> image;
+ Size2 texture_size;
+ Rect2 atlas_rect;
+ if (texture.is_valid()) {
+ image = texture->get_data();
+ }
+ if (!image.is_valid() && atlas_texture.is_valid()) {
+ texture = atlas_texture->get_atlas();
+ atlas_rect.size.width = texture->get_width();
+ atlas_rect.size.height = texture->get_height();
+ atlas_rect.position.x = atlas_texture->get_region().position.x;
+ atlas_rect.position.y = atlas_texture->get_region().position.y;
+ texture_size.width = atlas_texture->get_region().size.x;
+ texture_size.height = atlas_texture->get_region().size.y;
+ } else if (image.is_valid()) {
+ texture_size.width = texture->get_width();
+ texture_size.height = texture->get_height();
+ }
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!texture.is_valid());
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(p_hotspot.x < 0 || p_hotspot.y < 0);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(texture_size.width > 256 || texture_size.height > 256);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(p_hotspot.x > texture_size.width || p_hotspot.y > texture_size.height);
+ image = texture->get_data();
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!image.is_valid());
+ if (atlas_texture.is_valid())
+ image->crop_from_point(
+ atlas_rect.position.x,
+ atlas_rect.position.y,
+ texture_size.width,
+ texture_size.height);
+ if (image->get_format() != Image::FORMAT_RGBA8) {
+ image->convert(Image::FORMAT_RGBA8);
+ }
+ png_image png_meta;
+ memset(&png_meta, 0, sizeof png_meta);
+ png_meta.version = PNG_IMAGE_VERSION;
+ png_meta.width = texture_size.width;
+ png_meta.height = texture_size.height;
+ png_meta.format = PNG_FORMAT_RGBA;
+ PoolByteArray png;
+ size_t len;
+ PoolByteArray::Read r = image->get_data().read();
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!png_image_write_get_memory_size(png_meta, len, 0, r.ptr(), 0, NULL));
+ png.resize(len);
+ PoolByteArray::Write w = png.write();
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!png_image_write_to_memory(&png_meta, w.ptr(), &len, 0, r.ptr(), 0, NULL));
+ w = PoolByteArray::Write();
+ r =;
+ char *object_url;
+ /* clang-format off */
+ EM_ASM({
+ var PNG_PTR = $0;
+ var PNG_LEN = $1;
+ var PTR = $2;
+ var png = new Blob([HEAPU8.slice(PNG_PTR, PNG_PTR + PNG_LEN)], { type: 'image/png' });
+ var url = URL.createObjectURL(png);
+ var length_bytes = lengthBytesUTF8(url) + 1;
+ var string_on_wasm_heap = _malloc(length_bytes);
+ setValue(PTR, string_on_wasm_heap, '*');
+ stringToUTF8(url, string_on_wasm_heap, length_bytes);
+ }, r.ptr(), len, &object_url);
+ /* clang-format on */
+ r = PoolByteArray::Read();
+ String url = String::utf8(object_url) + "?" + itos(p_hotspot.x) + " " + itos(p_hotspot.y);
+ /* clang-format off */
+ EM_ASM({ _free($0); }, object_url);
+ /* clang-format on */
+ if (cursors[p_shape] != "") {
+ /* clang-format off */
+ EM_ASM({
+ URL.revokeObjectURL(UTF8ToString($0).split('?')[0]);
+ }, cursors[p_shape].utf8().get_data());
+ /* clang-format on */
+ cursors[p_shape] = "";
+ }
+ cursors[p_shape] = url;
+ } else if (cursors[p_shape] != "") {
+ /* clang-format off */
+ EM_ASM({
+ URL.revokeObjectURL(UTF8ToString($0).split('?')[0]);
+ }, cursors[p_shape].utf8().get_data());
+ /* clang-format on */
+ cursors[p_shape] = "";
+ }
+ set_cursor_shape(cursor_shape);
void OS_JavaScript::set_mouse_mode(OS::MouseMode p_mode) {
@@ -432,7 +549,9 @@ void OS_JavaScript::set_mouse_mode(OS::MouseMode p_mode) {
if (p_mode == MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE) {
+ // set_css_cursor must be called before set_cursor_shape to make the cursor visible
+ set_cursor_shape(cursor_shape);
} else if (p_mode == MOUSE_MODE_HIDDEN) {
@@ -446,7 +565,9 @@ void OS_JavaScript::set_mouse_mode(OS::MouseMode p_mode) {
ERR_EXPLAIN("MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED can only be entered from within an appropriate input callback");
+ // set_css_cursor must be called before set_cursor_shape to make the cursor visible
+ set_cursor_shape(cursor_shape);