path: root/modules
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules')
29 files changed, 659 insertions, 596 deletions
diff --git a/modules/bullet/btRayShape.cpp b/modules/bullet/btRayShape.cpp
index b902d08eca..b60d6ba693 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/btRayShape.cpp
+++ b/modules/bullet/btRayShape.cpp
@@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ void btRayShape::setLength(btScalar p_length) {
+void btRayShape::setMargin(btScalar margin) {
+ btConvexInternalShape::setMargin(margin);
+ reload_cache();
void btRayShape::setSlipsOnSlope(bool p_slipsOnSlope) {
slipsOnSlope = p_slipsOnSlope;
@@ -77,10 +82,9 @@ void btRayShape::batchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const btVecto
void btRayShape::getAabb(const btTransform &t, btVector3 &aabbMin, btVector3 &aabbMax) const {
btVector3 localAabbMin(0, 0, 0);
- btVector3 localAabbMax(m_shapeAxis * (m_cacheScaledLength + m_collisionMargin));
- btTransformAabb(localAabbMin, localAabbMax, MARGIN_BROADPHASE, t, aabbMin, aabbMax);
+ btVector3 localAabbMax(m_shapeAxis * m_cacheScaledLength);
+ btTransformAabb(localAabbMin, localAabbMax, m_collisionMargin, t, aabbMin, aabbMax);
void btRayShape::calculateLocalInertia(btScalar mass, btVector3 &inertia) const {
@@ -100,5 +104,5 @@ void btRayShape::reload_cache() {
m_cacheScaledLength = m_length * m_localScaling[2];
- m_cacheSupportPoint.setOrigin(m_shapeAxis * (m_cacheScaledLength + m_collisionMargin));
+ m_cacheSupportPoint.setOrigin(m_shapeAxis * m_cacheScaledLength);
diff --git a/modules/bullet/btRayShape.h b/modules/bullet/btRayShape.h
index 7fedb74083..7f3229b3e8 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/btRayShape.h
+++ b/modules/bullet/btRayShape.h
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ public:
void setLength(btScalar p_length);
btScalar getLength() const { return m_length; }
+ virtual void setMargin(btScalar margin);
void setSlipsOnSlope(bool p_slipOnSlope);
bool getSlipsOnSlope() const { return slipsOnSlope; }
diff --git a/modules/bullet/bullet_physics_server.cpp b/modules/bullet/bullet_physics_server.cpp
index b21bdee052..be4e0b88e8 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/bullet_physics_server.cpp
+++ b/modules/bullet/bullet_physics_server.cpp
@@ -348,13 +348,13 @@ void BulletPhysicsServer::area_set_shape_disabled(RID p_area, int p_shape_idx, b
area->set_shape_disabled(p_shape_idx, p_disabled);
-void BulletPhysicsServer::area_attach_object_instance_id(RID p_area, ObjectID p_ID) {
+void BulletPhysicsServer::area_attach_object_instance_id(RID p_area, ObjectID p_id) {
if (space_owner.owns(p_area)) {
AreaBullet *area = area_owner.get(p_area);
- area->set_instance_id(p_ID);
+ area->set_instance_id(p_id);
ObjectID BulletPhysicsServer::area_get_object_instance_id(RID p_area) const {
@@ -569,11 +569,11 @@ void BulletPhysicsServer::body_clear_shapes(RID p_body) {
-void BulletPhysicsServer::body_attach_object_instance_id(RID p_body, uint32_t p_ID) {
+void BulletPhysicsServer::body_attach_object_instance_id(RID p_body, uint32_t p_id) {
CollisionObjectBullet *body = get_collisin_object(p_body);
- body->set_instance_id(p_ID);
+ body->set_instance_id(p_id);
uint32_t BulletPhysicsServer::body_get_object_instance_id(RID p_body) const {
diff --git a/modules/bullet/bullet_physics_server.h b/modules/bullet/bullet_physics_server.h
index 5bcb0d244b..0b8ad53658 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/bullet_physics_server.h
+++ b/modules/bullet/bullet_physics_server.h
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ public:
virtual void area_remove_shape(RID p_area, int p_shape_idx);
virtual void area_clear_shapes(RID p_area);
virtual void area_set_shape_disabled(RID p_area, int p_shape_idx, bool p_disabled);
- virtual void area_attach_object_instance_id(RID p_area, ObjectID p_ID);
+ virtual void area_attach_object_instance_id(RID p_area, ObjectID p_id);
virtual ObjectID area_get_object_instance_id(RID p_area) const;
/// If you pass as p_area the SpaceBullet you can set some parameters as specified below
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ public:
virtual void body_clear_shapes(RID p_body);
// Used for Rigid and Soft Bodies
- virtual void body_attach_object_instance_id(RID p_body, uint32_t p_ID);
+ virtual void body_attach_object_instance_id(RID p_body, uint32_t p_id);
virtual uint32_t body_get_object_instance_id(RID p_body) const;
virtual void body_set_enable_continuous_collision_detection(RID p_body, bool p_enable);
diff --git a/modules/bullet/collision_object_bullet.cpp b/modules/bullet/collision_object_bullet.cpp
index 3a90bdc6ae..166d7e6158 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/collision_object_bullet.cpp
+++ b/modules/bullet/collision_object_bullet.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,9 @@
@author AndreaCatania
-#define enableDynamicAabbTree false
+// We enable dynamic AABB tree so that we can actually perform a broadphase on bodies with compound collision shapes.
+// This is crucial for the performance of kinematic bodies and for bodies with transforming shapes.
+#define enableDynamicAabbTree true
CollisionObjectBullet::ShapeWrapper::~ShapeWrapper() {}
@@ -57,6 +59,25 @@ void CollisionObjectBullet::ShapeWrapper::set_transform(const btTransform &p_tra
transform = p_transform;
+btTransform CollisionObjectBullet::ShapeWrapper::get_adjusted_transform() const {
+ if (shape->get_type() == PhysicsServer::SHAPE_HEIGHTMAP) {
+ const HeightMapShapeBullet *hm_shape = (const HeightMapShapeBullet *)shape; // should be safe to cast now
+ btTransform adjusted_transform;
+ // Bullet centers our heightmap:
+ //
+ // This is really counter intuitive so we're adjusting for it
+ adjusted_transform.setIdentity();
+ adjusted_transform.setOrigin(btVector3(0.0, hm_shape->min_height + ((hm_shape->max_height - hm_shape->min_height) * 0.5), 0.0));
+ adjusted_transform *= transform;
+ return adjusted_transform;
+ } else {
+ return transform;
+ }
void CollisionObjectBullet::ShapeWrapper::claim_bt_shape(const btVector3 &body_scale) {
if (!bt_shape) {
if (active)
@@ -284,7 +305,6 @@ void RigidCollisionObjectBullet::set_shape_transform(int p_index, const Transfor
ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_index, get_shape_count());
- // Note, enableDynamicAabbTree is false because on transform change compound is destroyed
@@ -344,7 +364,8 @@ void RigidCollisionObjectBullet::reload_shapes() {
// Try to optimize by not using compound
if (1 == shape_count) {
shpWrapper = &shapes.write[0];
- if (shpWrapper->transform.getOrigin().isZero() && shpWrapper->transform.getBasis() == shpWrapper->transform.getBasis().getIdentity()) {
+ btTransform transform = shpWrapper->get_adjusted_transform();
+ if (transform.getOrigin().isZero() && transform.getBasis() == transform.getBasis().getIdentity()) {
mainShape = shpWrapper->bt_shape;
@@ -358,7 +379,7 @@ void RigidCollisionObjectBullet::reload_shapes() {
for (int i(0); i < shape_count; ++i) {
shpWrapper = &shapes.write[i];
- btTransform scaled_shape_transform(shpWrapper->transform);
+ btTransform scaled_shape_transform(shpWrapper->get_adjusted_transform());
scaled_shape_transform.getOrigin() *= body_scale;
compoundShape->addChildShape(scaled_shape_transform, shpWrapper->bt_shape);
diff --git a/modules/bullet/collision_object_bullet.h b/modules/bullet/collision_object_bullet.h
index e65bc52caf..c9430bec18 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/collision_object_bullet.h
+++ b/modules/bullet/collision_object_bullet.h
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ public:
void set_transform(const Transform &p_transform);
void set_transform(const btTransform &p_transform);
+ btTransform get_adjusted_transform() const;
void claim_bt_shape(const btVector3 &body_scale);
diff --git a/modules/bullet/godot_ray_world_algorithm.cpp b/modules/bullet/godot_ray_world_algorithm.cpp
index 3e06239453..2ba75b9a98 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/godot_ray_world_algorithm.cpp
+++ b/modules/bullet/godot_ray_world_algorithm.cpp
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
@author AndreaCatania
+// Epsilon to account for floating point inaccuracies
GodotRayWorldAlgorithm::CreateFunc::CreateFunc(const btDiscreteDynamicsWorld *world) :
m_world(world) {}
@@ -100,8 +103,8 @@ void GodotRayWorldAlgorithm::processCollision(const btCollisionObjectWrapper *bo
btScalar depth(ray_shape->getScaledLength() * (btResult.m_closestHitFraction - 1));
- if (depth >= -ray_shape->getMargin() * 0.5)
- depth = 0;
+ depth = 0.0;
if (ray_shape->getSlipsOnSlope())
resultOut->addContactPoint(btResult.m_hitNormalWorld, btResult.m_hitPointWorld, depth);
diff --git a/modules/bullet/shape_bullet.cpp b/modules/bullet/shape_bullet.cpp
index b590d63167..f15bcec914 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/shape_bullet.cpp
+++ b/modules/bullet/shape_bullet.cpp
@@ -148,7 +148,13 @@ btHeightfieldTerrainShape *ShapeBullet::create_shape_height_field(PoolVector<rea
const bool flipQuadEdges = false;
const void *heightsPtr =;
- return bulletnew(btHeightfieldTerrainShape(p_width, p_depth, heightsPtr, ignoredHeightScale, p_min_height, p_max_height, YAxis, PHY_FLOAT, flipQuadEdges));
+ btHeightfieldTerrainShape *heightfield = bulletnew(btHeightfieldTerrainShape(p_width, p_depth, heightsPtr, ignoredHeightScale, p_min_height, p_max_height, YAxis, PHY_FLOAT, flipQuadEdges));
+ // The shape can be created without params when you do PhysicsServer.shape_create(PhysicsServer.SHAPE_HEIGHTMAP)
+ if (heightsPtr)
+ heightfield->buildAccelerator(16);
+ return heightfield;
btRayShape *ShapeBullet::create_shape_ray(real_t p_length, bool p_slips_on_slope) {
diff --git a/modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp b/modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp
index 8fb8eba057..6bfd98873e 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp
+++ b/modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp
@@ -1043,23 +1043,16 @@ int SpaceBullet::test_ray_separation(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const Transform &p
btVector3 recover_motion(0, 0, 0);
int rays_found = 0;
+ int rays_found_this_round = 0;
for (int t(RECOVERING_MOVEMENT_CYCLES); 0 < t; --t) {
- int last_ray_index = recover_from_penetration_ray(p_body, body_transform, RECOVERING_MOVEMENT_SCALE, p_infinite_inertia, p_result_max, recover_motion, r_results);
+ PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *next_results = &r_results[rays_found];
+ rays_found_this_round = recover_from_penetration_ray(p_body, body_transform, RECOVERING_MOVEMENT_SCALE, p_infinite_inertia, p_result_max - rays_found, recover_motion, next_results);
- rays_found = MAX(last_ray_index, rays_found);
- if (!rays_found) {
- break;
- } else {
+ rays_found += rays_found_this_round;
+ if (rays_found_this_round == 0) {
body_transform.getOrigin() += recover_motion;
- }
- }
- //optimize results (remove non colliding)
- for (int i = 0; i < rays_found; i++) {
- if (r_results[i].collision_depth >= 0) {
- rays_found--;
- SWAP(r_results[i], r_results[rays_found]);
+ break;
@@ -1069,18 +1062,47 @@ int SpaceBullet::test_ray_separation(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const Transform &p
struct RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback : public btBroadphaseAabbCallback {
+ btDbvtVolume bounds;
const btCollisionObject *self_collision_object;
uint32_t collision_layer;
uint32_t collision_mask;
+ struct CompoundLeafCallback : btDbvt::ICollide {
+ private:
+ RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback *parent_callback;
+ btCollisionObject *collision_object;
+ public:
+ CompoundLeafCallback(RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback *p_parent_callback, btCollisionObject *p_collision_object) :
+ parent_callback(p_parent_callback),
+ collision_object(p_collision_object) {
+ }
+ void Process(const btDbvtNode *leaf) {
+ BroadphaseResult result;
+ result.collision_object = collision_object;
+ result.compound_child_index = leaf->dataAsInt;
+ parent_callback->results.push_back(result);
+ }
+ };
- Vector<btCollisionObject *> result_collision_objects;
+ struct BroadphaseResult {
+ btCollisionObject *collision_object;
+ int compound_child_index;
+ };
+ Vector<BroadphaseResult> results;
- RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback(const btCollisionObject *p_self_collision_object, uint32_t p_collision_layer, uint32_t p_collision_mask) :
+ RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback(const btCollisionObject *p_self_collision_object, uint32_t p_collision_layer, uint32_t p_collision_mask, btVector3 p_aabb_min, btVector3 p_aabb_max) :
- collision_mask(p_collision_mask) {}
+ collision_mask(p_collision_mask) {
+ bounds = btDbvtVolume::FromMM(p_aabb_min, p_aabb_max);
+ }
virtual ~RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback() {}
@@ -1089,35 +1111,98 @@ public:
btCollisionObject *co = static_cast<btCollisionObject *>(proxy->m_clientObject);
if (co->getInternalType() <= btCollisionObject::CO_RIGID_BODY) {
if (self_collision_object != proxy->m_clientObject && GodotFilterCallback::test_collision_filters(collision_layer, collision_mask, proxy->m_collisionFilterGroup, proxy->m_collisionFilterMask)) {
- result_collision_objects.push_back(co);
+ if (co->getCollisionShape()->isCompound()) {
+ const btCompoundShape *cs = static_cast<btCompoundShape *>(co->getCollisionShape());
+ if (cs->getNumChildShapes() > 1) {
+ const btDbvt *tree = cs->getDynamicAabbTree();
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(tree == NULL, true);
+ // Transform bounds into compound shape local space
+ const btTransform other_in_compound_space = co->getWorldTransform().inverse();
+ const btMatrix3x3 abs_b = other_in_compound_space.getBasis().absolute();
+ const btVector3 local_center = other_in_compound_space(bounds.Center());
+ const btVector3 local_extent = bounds.Extents().dot3(abs_b[0], abs_b[1], abs_b[2]);
+ const btVector3 local_aabb_min = local_center - local_extent;
+ const btVector3 local_aabb_max = local_center + local_extent;
+ const btDbvtVolume local_bounds = btDbvtVolume::FromMM(local_aabb_min, local_aabb_max);
+ // Test collision against compound child shapes using its AABB tree
+ CompoundLeafCallback compound_leaf_callback(this, co);
+ tree->collideTV(tree->m_root, local_bounds, compound_leaf_callback);
+ } else {
+ // If there's only a single child shape then there's no need to search any more, we know which child overlaps
+ BroadphaseResult result;
+ result.collision_object = co;
+ result.compound_child_index = 0;
+ results.push_back(result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ BroadphaseResult result;
+ result.collision_object = co;
+ result.compound_child_index = -1;
+ results.push_back(result);
+ }
return true;
return false;
- void reset() {
- result_collision_objects.clear();
- }
bool SpaceBullet::recover_from_penetration(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btTransform &p_body_position, btScalar p_recover_movement_scale, bool p_infinite_inertia, btVector3 &r_delta_recover_movement, RecoverResult *r_recover_result) {
- RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback recover_broad_result(p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), p_body->get_collision_layer(), p_body->get_collision_mask());
+ // Calculate the cummulative AABB of all shapes of the kinematic body
+ btVector3 aabb_min, aabb_max;
+ bool shapes_found = false;
+ for (int kinIndex = p_body->get_kinematic_utilities()->shapes.size() - 1; 0 <= kinIndex; --kinIndex) {
+ const RigidBodyBullet::KinematicShape &kin_shape(p_body->get_kinematic_utilities()->shapes[kinIndex]);
+ if (!kin_shape.is_active()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (kin_shape.shape->getShapeType() == CUSTOM_CONVEX_SHAPE_TYPE) {
+ // Skip rayshape in order to implement custom separation process
+ continue;
+ }
+ btTransform shape_transform = p_body_position * kin_shape.transform;
+ shape_transform.getOrigin() += r_delta_recover_movement;
+ btVector3 shape_aabb_min, shape_aabb_max;
+ kin_shape.shape->getAabb(shape_transform, shape_aabb_min, shape_aabb_max);
+ if (!shapes_found) {
+ aabb_min = shape_aabb_min;
+ aabb_max = shape_aabb_max;
+ shapes_found = true;
+ } else {
+ aabb_min.setX((aabb_min.x() < shape_aabb_min.x()) ? aabb_min.x() : shape_aabb_min.x());
+ aabb_min.setY((aabb_min.y() < shape_aabb_min.y()) ? aabb_min.y() : shape_aabb_min.y());
+ aabb_min.setZ((aabb_min.z() < shape_aabb_min.z()) ? aabb_min.z() : shape_aabb_min.z());
+ aabb_max.setX((aabb_max.x() > shape_aabb_max.x()) ? aabb_max.x() : shape_aabb_max.x());
+ aabb_max.setY((aabb_max.y() > shape_aabb_max.y()) ? aabb_max.y() : shape_aabb_max.y());
+ aabb_max.setZ((aabb_max.z() > shape_aabb_max.z()) ? aabb_max.z() : shape_aabb_max.z());
+ }
+ }
- btTransform body_shape_position;
- btTransform body_shape_position_recovered;
+ // If there are no shapes then there is no penetration either
+ if (!shapes_found) {
+ return false;
+ }
- // Broad phase support
- btVector3 minAabb, maxAabb;
+ // Perform broadphase test
+ RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback recover_broad_result(p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), p_body->get_collision_layer(), p_body->get_collision_mask(), aabb_min, aabb_max);
+ dynamicsWorld->getBroadphase()->aabbTest(aabb_min, aabb_max, recover_broad_result);
bool penetration = false;
- // For each shape
+ // Perform narrowphase per shape
for (int kinIndex = p_body->get_kinematic_utilities()->shapes.size() - 1; 0 <= kinIndex; --kinIndex) {
- recover_broad_result.reset();
const RigidBodyBullet::KinematicShape &kin_shape(p_body->get_kinematic_utilities()->shapes[kinIndex]);
if (!kin_shape.is_active()) {
@@ -1128,15 +1213,11 @@ bool SpaceBullet::recover_from_penetration(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btTran
- body_shape_position = p_body_position * kin_shape.transform;
- body_shape_position_recovered = body_shape_position;
- body_shape_position_recovered.getOrigin() += r_delta_recover_movement;
+ btTransform shape_transform = p_body_position * kin_shape.transform;
+ shape_transform.getOrigin() += r_delta_recover_movement;
- kin_shape.shape->getAabb(body_shape_position_recovered, minAabb, maxAabb);
- dynamicsWorld->getBroadphase()->aabbTest(minAabb, maxAabb, recover_broad_result);
- for (int i = recover_broad_result.result_collision_objects.size() - 1; 0 <= i; --i) {
- btCollisionObject *otherObject = recover_broad_result.result_collision_objects[i];
+ for (int i = recover_broad_result.results.size() - 1; 0 <= i; --i) {
+ btCollisionObject *otherObject = recover_broad_result.results[i].collision_object;
if (p_infinite_inertia && !otherObject->isStaticOrKinematicObject()) {
otherObject->activate(); // Force activation of hitten rigid, soft body
@@ -1144,30 +1225,28 @@ bool SpaceBullet::recover_from_penetration(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btTran
if (otherObject->getCollisionShape()->isCompound()) {
+ const btCompoundShape *cs = static_cast<const btCompoundShape *>(otherObject->getCollisionShape());
+ int shape_idx = recover_broad_result.results[i].compound_child_index;
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(shape_idx < 0 || shape_idx >= cs->getNumChildShapes(), false);
- // Each convex shape
- btCompoundShape *cs = static_cast<btCompoundShape *>(otherObject->getCollisionShape());
- for (int x = cs->getNumChildShapes() - 1; 0 <= x; --x) {
- if (cs->getChildShape(x)->isConvex()) {
- if (RFP_convex_convex_test(kin_shape.shape, static_cast<const btConvexShape *>(cs->getChildShape(x)), otherObject, x, body_shape_position, otherObject->getWorldTransform() * cs->getChildTransform(x), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, r_recover_result)) {
+ if (cs->getChildShape(shape_idx)->isConvex()) {
+ if (RFP_convex_convex_test(kin_shape.shape, static_cast<const btConvexShape *>(cs->getChildShape(shape_idx)), otherObject, shape_idx, shape_transform, otherObject->getWorldTransform() * cs->getChildTransform(shape_idx), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, r_recover_result)) {
- penetration = true;
- }
- } else {
- if (RFP_convex_world_test(kin_shape.shape, cs->getChildShape(x), p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), otherObject, kinIndex, x, body_shape_position, otherObject->getWorldTransform() * cs->getChildTransform(x), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, r_recover_result)) {
+ penetration = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (RFP_convex_world_test(kin_shape.shape, cs->getChildShape(shape_idx), p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), otherObject, kinIndex, shape_idx, shape_transform, otherObject->getWorldTransform() * cs->getChildTransform(shape_idx), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, r_recover_result)) {
- penetration = true;
- }
+ penetration = true;
} else if (otherObject->getCollisionShape()->isConvex()) { /// Execute GJK test against object shape
- if (RFP_convex_convex_test(kin_shape.shape, static_cast<const btConvexShape *>(otherObject->getCollisionShape()), otherObject, 0, body_shape_position, otherObject->getWorldTransform(), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, r_recover_result)) {
+ if (RFP_convex_convex_test(kin_shape.shape, static_cast<const btConvexShape *>(otherObject->getCollisionShape()), otherObject, 0, shape_transform, otherObject->getWorldTransform(), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, r_recover_result)) {
penetration = true;
} else {
- if (RFP_convex_world_test(kin_shape.shape, otherObject->getCollisionShape(), p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), otherObject, kinIndex, 0, body_shape_position, otherObject->getWorldTransform(), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, r_recover_result)) {
+ if (RFP_convex_world_test(kin_shape.shape, otherObject->getCollisionShape(), p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), otherObject, kinIndex, 0, shape_transform, otherObject->getWorldTransform(), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, r_recover_result)) {
penetration = true;
@@ -1183,7 +1262,6 @@ bool SpaceBullet::RFP_convex_convex_test(const btConvexShape *p_shapeA, const bt
// Initialize GJK input
btGjkPairDetector::ClosestPointInput gjk_input;
gjk_input.m_transformA = p_transformA;
- gjk_input.m_transformA.getOrigin() += r_delta_recover_movement;
gjk_input.m_transformB = p_transformB;
// Perform GJK test
@@ -1214,7 +1292,6 @@ bool SpaceBullet::RFP_convex_world_test(const btConvexShape *p_shapeA, const btC
/// Contact test
btTransform tA(p_transformA);
- tA.getOrigin() += r_delta_recover_movement;
btCollisionObjectWrapper obA(NULL, p_shapeA, p_objectA, tA, -1, p_shapeId_A);
btCollisionObjectWrapper obB(NULL, p_shapeB, p_objectB, p_transformB, -1, p_shapeId_B);
@@ -1246,39 +1323,81 @@ bool SpaceBullet::RFP_convex_world_test(const btConvexShape *p_shapeA, const btC
return false;
-void SpaceBullet::convert_to_separation_result(PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *r_result, const SpaceBullet::RecoverResult &p_recover_result, int p_shape_id, const btCollisionObject *p_other_object) const {
+int SpaceBullet::add_separation_result(PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *r_result, const SpaceBullet::RecoverResult &p_recover_result, int p_shape_id, const btCollisionObject *p_other_object) const {
+ // optimize results (ignore non-colliding)
+ if (p_recover_result.penetration_distance < 0.0) {
+ const btRigidBody *btRigid = static_cast<const btRigidBody *>(p_other_object);
+ CollisionObjectBullet *collisionObject = static_cast<CollisionObjectBullet *>(p_other_object->getUserPointer());
- const btRigidBody *btRigid = static_cast<const btRigidBody *>(p_other_object);
- CollisionObjectBullet *collisionObject = static_cast<CollisionObjectBullet *>(p_other_object->getUserPointer());
+ r_result->collision_depth = p_recover_result.penetration_distance;
+ B_TO_G(p_recover_result.pointWorld, r_result->collision_point);
+ B_TO_G(p_recover_result.normal, r_result->collision_normal);
+ B_TO_G(btRigid->getVelocityInLocalPoint(p_recover_result.pointWorld - btRigid->getWorldTransform().getOrigin()), r_result->collider_velocity);
+ r_result->collision_local_shape = p_shape_id;
+ r_result->collider_id = collisionObject->get_instance_id();
+ r_result->collider = collisionObject->get_self();
+ r_result->collider_shape = p_recover_result.other_compound_shape_index;
- r_result->collision_depth = p_recover_result.penetration_distance;
- B_TO_G(p_recover_result.pointWorld, r_result->collision_point);
- B_TO_G(p_recover_result.normal, r_result->collision_normal);
- B_TO_G(btRigid->getVelocityInLocalPoint(p_recover_result.pointWorld - btRigid->getWorldTransform().getOrigin()), r_result->collider_velocity);
- r_result->collision_local_shape = p_shape_id;
- r_result->collider_id = collisionObject->get_instance_id();
- r_result->collider = collisionObject->get_self();
- r_result->collider_shape = p_recover_result.other_compound_shape_index;
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
int SpaceBullet::recover_from_penetration_ray(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btTransform &p_body_position, btScalar p_recover_movement_scale, bool p_infinite_inertia, int p_result_max, btVector3 &r_delta_recover_movement, PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *r_results) {
- RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback recover_broad_result(p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), p_body->get_collision_layer(), p_body->get_collision_mask());
+ // Calculate the cummulative AABB of all shapes of the kinematic body
+ btVector3 aabb_min, aabb_max;
+ bool shapes_found = false;
+ for (int kinIndex = p_body->get_kinematic_utilities()->shapes.size() - 1; 0 <= kinIndex; --kinIndex) {
+ const RigidBodyBullet::KinematicShape &kin_shape(p_body->get_kinematic_utilities()->shapes[kinIndex]);
+ if (!kin_shape.is_active()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (kin_shape.shape->getShapeType() != CUSTOM_CONVEX_SHAPE_TYPE) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ btTransform shape_transform = p_body_position * kin_shape.transform;
+ shape_transform.getOrigin() += r_delta_recover_movement;
- btTransform body_shape_position;
- btTransform body_shape_position_recovered;
+ btVector3 shape_aabb_min, shape_aabb_max;
+ kin_shape.shape->getAabb(shape_transform, shape_aabb_min, shape_aabb_max);
- // Broad phase support
- btVector3 minAabb, maxAabb;
+ if (!shapes_found) {
+ aabb_min = shape_aabb_min;
+ aabb_max = shape_aabb_max;
+ shapes_found = true;
+ } else {
+ aabb_min.setX((aabb_min.x() < shape_aabb_min.x()) ? aabb_min.x() : shape_aabb_min.x());
+ aabb_min.setY((aabb_min.y() < shape_aabb_min.y()) ? aabb_min.y() : shape_aabb_min.y());
+ aabb_min.setZ((aabb_min.z() < shape_aabb_min.z()) ? aabb_min.z() : shape_aabb_min.z());
- int ray_index = 0;
+ aabb_max.setX((aabb_max.x() > shape_aabb_max.x()) ? aabb_max.x() : shape_aabb_max.x());
+ aabb_max.setY((aabb_max.y() > shape_aabb_max.y()) ? aabb_max.y() : shape_aabb_max.y());
+ aabb_max.setZ((aabb_max.z() > shape_aabb_max.z()) ? aabb_max.z() : shape_aabb_max.z());
+ }
+ }
- // For each shape
- for (int kinIndex = p_body->get_kinematic_utilities()->shapes.size() - 1; 0 <= kinIndex; --kinIndex) {
+ // If there are no shapes then there is no penetration either
+ if (!shapes_found) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Perform broadphase test
+ RecoverPenetrationBroadPhaseCallback recover_broad_result(p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), p_body->get_collision_layer(), p_body->get_collision_mask(), aabb_min, aabb_max);
+ dynamicsWorld->getBroadphase()->aabbTest(aabb_min, aabb_max, recover_broad_result);
- recover_broad_result.reset();
+ int ray_count = 0;
+ // Perform narrowphase per shape
+ for (int kinIndex = p_body->get_kinematic_utilities()->shapes.size() - 1; 0 <= kinIndex; --kinIndex) {
- if (ray_index >= p_result_max) {
+ if (ray_count >= p_result_max) {
@@ -1291,15 +1410,11 @@ int SpaceBullet::recover_from_penetration_ray(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btT
- body_shape_position = p_body_position * kin_shape.transform;
- body_shape_position_recovered = body_shape_position;
- body_shape_position_recovered.getOrigin() += r_delta_recover_movement;
+ btTransform shape_transform = p_body_position * kin_shape.transform;
+ shape_transform.getOrigin() += r_delta_recover_movement;
- kin_shape.shape->getAabb(body_shape_position_recovered, minAabb, maxAabb);
- dynamicsWorld->getBroadphase()->aabbTest(minAabb, maxAabb, recover_broad_result);
- for (int i = recover_broad_result.result_collision_objects.size() - 1; 0 <= i; --i) {
- btCollisionObject *otherObject = recover_broad_result.result_collision_objects[i];
+ for (int i = recover_broad_result.results.size() - 1; 0 <= i; --i) {
+ btCollisionObject *otherObject = recover_broad_result.results[i].collision_object;
if (p_infinite_inertia && !otherObject->isStaticOrKinematicObject()) {
otherObject->activate(); // Force activation of hitten rigid, soft body
@@ -1307,29 +1422,25 @@ int SpaceBullet::recover_from_penetration_ray(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btT
if (otherObject->getCollisionShape()->isCompound()) {
+ const btCompoundShape *cs = static_cast<const btCompoundShape *>(otherObject->getCollisionShape());
+ int shape_idx = recover_broad_result.results[i].compound_child_index;
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(shape_idx < 0 || shape_idx >= cs->getNumChildShapes(), false);
- // Each convex shape
- btCompoundShape *cs = static_cast<btCompoundShape *>(otherObject->getCollisionShape());
- for (int x = cs->getNumChildShapes() - 1; 0 <= x; --x) {
- RecoverResult recover_result;
- if (RFP_convex_world_test(kin_shape.shape, cs->getChildShape(x), p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), otherObject, kinIndex, x, body_shape_position, otherObject->getWorldTransform() * cs->getChildTransform(x), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, &recover_result)) {
+ RecoverResult recover_result;
+ if (RFP_convex_world_test(kin_shape.shape, cs->getChildShape(shape_idx), p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), otherObject, kinIndex, shape_idx, shape_transform, otherObject->getWorldTransform() * cs->getChildTransform(shape_idx), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, &recover_result)) {
- convert_to_separation_result(&r_results[ray_index], recover_result, kinIndex, otherObject);
- }
+ ray_count = add_separation_result(&r_results[ray_count], recover_result, kinIndex, otherObject);
} else {
RecoverResult recover_result;
- if (RFP_convex_world_test(kin_shape.shape, otherObject->getCollisionShape(), p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), otherObject, kinIndex, 0, body_shape_position, otherObject->getWorldTransform(), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, &recover_result)) {
+ if (RFP_convex_world_test(kin_shape.shape, otherObject->getCollisionShape(), p_body->get_bt_collision_object(), otherObject, kinIndex, 0, shape_transform, otherObject->getWorldTransform(), p_recover_movement_scale, r_delta_recover_movement, &recover_result)) {
- convert_to_separation_result(&r_results[ray_index], recover_result, kinIndex, otherObject);
+ ray_count = add_separation_result(&r_results[ray_count], recover_result, kinIndex, otherObject);
- ++ray_index;
- return ray_index;
+ return ray_count;
diff --git a/modules/bullet/space_bullet.h b/modules/bullet/space_bullet.h
index 7bf6a216b5..6b3d65edf6 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/space_bullet.h
+++ b/modules/bullet/space_bullet.h
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ private:
/// Using this we leave Bullet to select the best algorithm, For example GJK in case we have Convex Convex, or a Bullet accelerated algorithm
bool RFP_convex_world_test(const btConvexShape *p_shapeA, const btCollisionShape *p_shapeB, btCollisionObject *p_objectA, btCollisionObject *p_objectB, int p_shapeId_A, int p_shapeId_B, const btTransform &p_transformA, const btTransform &p_transformB, btScalar p_recover_movement_scale, btVector3 &r_delta_recover_movement, RecoverResult *r_recover_result = NULL);
- void convert_to_separation_result(PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *r_result, const SpaceBullet::RecoverResult &p_recover_result, int p_shape_id, const btCollisionObject *p_other_object) const;
+ int add_separation_result(PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *r_results, const SpaceBullet::RecoverResult &p_recover_result, int p_shape_id, const btCollisionObject *p_other_object) const;
int recover_from_penetration_ray(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btTransform &p_body_position, btScalar p_recover_movement_scale, bool p_infinite_inertia, int p_result_max, btVector3 &r_delta_recover_movement, PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *r_results);
diff --git a/modules/freetype/SCsub b/modules/freetype/SCsub
index 0c8b223a9e..0ea581220e 100644
--- a/modules/freetype/SCsub
+++ b/modules/freetype/SCsub
@@ -61,13 +61,6 @@ if env['builtin_freetype']:
# Globally too, as freetype is used in scene (see bottom)
env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/FI', '"modules/freetype/uwpdef.h"'])
- sfnt = thirdparty_dir + 'src/sfnt/sfnt.c'
- if env['platform'] == 'javascript':
- # Forcibly undefine this macro so SIMD is not used in this file,
- # since currently unsupported in WASM
- sfnt = env_freetype.Object(sfnt, CPPFLAGS=['-U__OPTIMIZE__'])
- thirdparty_sources += [sfnt]
env_freetype.Prepend(CPPPATH=[thirdparty_dir + "/include"])
# Also needed in main env for scene/
env.Prepend(CPPPATH=[thirdparty_dir + "/include"])
@@ -80,6 +73,16 @@ if env['builtin_freetype']:
if env['builtin_libpng']:
+ sfnt = thirdparty_dir + 'src/sfnt/sfnt.c'
+ # Must be done after all CPPFLAGS are being set so we can copy them.
+ if env['platform'] == 'javascript':
+ # Forcibly undefine this macro so SIMD is not used in this file,
+ # since currently unsupported in WASM
+ tmp_env = env_freetype.Clone()
+ tmp_env.Append(CPPFLAGS=['-U__OPTIMIZE__'])
+ sfnt = tmp_env.Object(sfnt)
+ thirdparty_sources += [sfnt]
env_thirdparty = env_freetype.Clone()
lib = env_thirdparty.add_library("freetype_builtin", thirdparty_sources)
diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp
index e8278825bc..c8e17e8dc5 100644
--- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative.cpp
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ void GDNativeLibrary::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_symbol_prefix", "symbol_prefix"), &GDNativeLibrary::set_symbol_prefix);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_reloadable", "reloadable"), &GDNativeLibrary::set_reloadable);
- ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "config_file", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "ConfigFile"), "set_config_file", "get_config_file");
+ ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "config_file", PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE, "ConfigFile", 0), "set_config_file", "get_config_file");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "load_once"), "set_load_once", "should_load_once");
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL, "singleton"), "set_singleton", "is_singleton");
diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative.h b/modules/gdnative/gdnative.h
index 492dc5beaa..ef57387059 100644
--- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative.h
+++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative.h
@@ -99,16 +99,20 @@ public:
_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_load_once(bool p_load_once) {
+ config_file->set_value("general", "load_once", p_load_once);
load_once = p_load_once;
_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_singleton(bool p_singleton) {
+ config_file->set_value("general", "singleton", p_singleton);
singleton = p_singleton;
_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_symbol_prefix(String p_symbol_prefix) {
+ config_file->set_value("general", "symbol_prefix", p_symbol_prefix);
symbol_prefix = p_symbol_prefix;
_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_reloadable(bool p_reloadable) {
+ config_file->set_value("general", "reloadable", p_reloadable);
reloadable = p_reloadable;
diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp b/modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp
index 55bc16fccc..389b353a51 100644
--- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.cpp
@@ -32,11 +32,16 @@
#include "gdnative_library_singleton_editor.h"
#include "gdnative.h"
-void GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor::_find_gdnative_singletons(EditorFileSystemDirectory *p_dir, const Set<String> &enabled_list) {
+#include "editor/editor_node.h"
+Set<String> GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor::_find_singletons_recursive(EditorFileSystemDirectory *p_dir) {
+ Set<String> file_paths;
// check children
for (int i = 0; i < p_dir->get_file_count(); i++) {
+ String file_name = p_dir->get_file(i);
String file_type = p_dir->get_file_type(i);
if (file_type != "GDNativeLibrary") {
@@ -45,23 +50,57 @@ void GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor::_find_gdnative_singletons(EditorFileSystemD
Ref<GDNativeLibrary> lib = ResourceLoader::load(p_dir->get_file_path(i));
if (lib.is_valid() && lib->is_singleton()) {
- String path = p_dir->get_file_path(i);
- TreeItem *ti = libraries->create_item(libraries->get_root());
- ti->set_text(0, path.get_file());
- ti->set_tooltip(0, path);
- ti->set_metadata(0, path);
- ti->set_cell_mode(1, TreeItem::CELL_MODE_RANGE);
- ti->set_text(1, "Disabled,Enabled");
- bool enabled = enabled_list.has(path) ? true : false;
- ti->set_range(1, enabled ? 1 : 0);
- ti->set_custom_color(1, enabled ? Color(0, 1, 0) : Color(1, 0, 0));
+ file_paths.insert(p_dir->get_file_path(i));
// check subdirectories
for (int i = 0; i < p_dir->get_subdir_count(); i++) {
- _find_gdnative_singletons(p_dir->get_subdir(i), enabled_list);
+ Set<String> paths = _find_singletons_recursive(p_dir->get_subdir(i));
+ for (Set<String>::Element *E = paths.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ file_paths.insert(E->get());
+ }
+ }
+ return file_paths;
+void GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor::_discover_singletons() {
+ EditorFileSystemDirectory *dir = EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_filesystem();
+ Set<String> file_paths = _find_singletons_recursive(dir);
+ bool changed = false;
+ Array current_files;
+ if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->has_setting("gdnative/singletons")) {
+ current_files = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("gdnative/singletons");
+ }
+ Array files;
+ for (Set<String>::Element *E = file_paths.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (!current_files.has(E->get())) {
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ files.append(E->get());
+ }
+ // Check for removed files
+ if (!changed) {
+ // Removed singleton
+ for (int j = 0; j < current_files.size(); j++) {
+ if (!files.has(current_files[j])) {
+ changed = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (changed) {
+ ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set("gdnative/singletons", files);
+ _update_libraries(); // So singleton options (i.e. disabled) updates too
+ ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->save();
@@ -69,22 +108,40 @@ void GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor::_update_libraries() {
updating = true;
- libraries->create_item(); //rppt
+ libraries->create_item(); // root item
- Vector<String> enabled_paths;
+ Array singletons;
if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->has_setting("gdnative/singletons")) {
- enabled_paths = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("gdnative/singletons");
+ singletons = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("gdnative/singletons");
- Set<String> enabled_list;
- for (int i = 0; i < enabled_paths.size(); i++) {
- enabled_list.insert(enabled_paths[i]);
+ Array singletons_disabled;
+ if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->has_setting("gdnative/singletons_disabled")) {
+ singletons_disabled = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("gdnative/singletons_disabled");
- EditorFileSystemDirectory *fs = EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_filesystem();
- if (fs) {
- _find_gdnative_singletons(fs, enabled_list);
+ Array updated_disabled;
+ for (int i = 0; i < singletons.size(); i++) {
+ bool enabled = true;
+ String path = singletons[i];
+ if (singletons_disabled.has(path)) {
+ enabled = false;
+ updated_disabled.push_back(path);
+ }
+ TreeItem *ti = libraries->create_item(libraries->get_root());
+ ti->set_text(0, path.get_file());
+ ti->set_tooltip(0, path);
+ ti->set_metadata(0, path);
+ ti->set_cell_mode(1, TreeItem::CELL_MODE_RANGE);
+ ti->set_text(1, "Disabled,Enabled");
+ ti->set_range(1, enabled ? 1 : 0);
+ ti->set_custom_color(1, enabled ? Color(0, 1, 0) : Color(1, 0, 0));
+ ti->set_editable(1, true);
+ // The singletons list changed, we must update the settings
+ if (updated_disabled.size() != singletons_disabled.size())
+ ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set("gdnative/singletons_disabled", updated_disabled);
updating = false;
@@ -99,24 +156,29 @@ void GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor::_item_edited() {
bool enabled = item->get_range(1);
String path = item->get_metadata(0);
- Vector<String> enabled_paths;
- if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->has_setting("gdnative/singletons")) {
- enabled_paths = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("gdnative/singletons");
+ Array disabled_paths;
+ Array undo_paths;
+ if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->has_setting("gdnative/singletons_disabled")) {
+ disabled_paths = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("gdnative/singletons_disabled");
+ // Duplicate so redo works (not a reference)
+ disabled_paths = disabled_paths.duplicate();
+ // For undo, so we can reset the property.
+ undo_paths = disabled_paths.duplicate();
if (enabled) {
- if (enabled_paths.find(path) == -1) {
- enabled_paths.push_back(path);
- }
+ disabled_paths.erase(path);
} else {
- enabled_paths.erase(path);
+ if (disabled_paths.find(path) == -1)
+ disabled_paths.push_back(path);
- if (enabled_paths.size()) {
- ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set("gdnative/singletons", enabled_paths);
- } else {
- ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set("gdnative/singletons", Variant());
- }
+ undo_redo->create_action(enabled ? TTR("Enabled GDNative Singleton") : TTR("Disabled GDNative Singleton"));
+ undo_redo->add_do_property(ProjectSettings::get_singleton(), "gdnative/singletons_disabled", disabled_paths);
+ undo_redo->add_do_method(this, "_update_libraries");
+ undo_redo->add_undo_property(ProjectSettings::get_singleton(), "gdnative/singletons_disabled", undo_paths);
+ undo_redo->add_undo_method(this, "_update_libraries");
+ undo_redo->commit_action();
void GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor::_notification(int p_what) {
@@ -131,9 +193,12 @@ void GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor::_notification(int p_what) {
void GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_item_edited"), &GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor::_item_edited);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_discover_singletons"), &GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor::_discover_singletons);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("_update_libraries"), &GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor::_update_libraries);
GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor::GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor() {
+ undo_redo = EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_undo_redo();
libraries = memnew(Tree);
@@ -143,6 +208,7 @@ GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor::GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor() {
add_margin_child(TTR("Libraries: "), libraries, true);
updating = false;
libraries->connect("item_edited", this, "_item_edited");
+ EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->connect("filesystem_changed", this, "_discover_singletons");
diff --git a/modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.h b/modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.h
index cf5ab23501..b43080dfdb 100644
--- a/modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.h
+++ b/modules/gdnative/gdnative_library_singleton_editor.h
@@ -36,18 +36,24 @@
#include "editor/project_settings_editor.h"
class GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor : public VBoxContainer {
+ GDCLASS(GDNativeLibrarySingletonEditor, VBoxContainer);
Tree *libraries;
+ UndoRedo *undo_redo;
bool updating;
- void _update_libraries();
- void _find_gdnative_singletons(EditorFileSystemDirectory *p_dir, const Set<String> &enabled_list);
- void _item_edited();
+ static Set<String> _find_singletons_recursive(EditorFileSystemDirectory *p_dir);
void _notification(int p_what);
static void _bind_methods();
+ void _discover_singletons();
+ void _item_edited();
+ void _update_libraries();
diff --git a/modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp b/modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp
index 5cf144d4fe..04ba28dc68 100644
--- a/modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdnative/nativescript/nativescript.cpp
@@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@ void NativeScriptLanguage::unregister_binding_functions(int p_idx) {
for (Set<Vector<void *> *>::Element *E = binding_instances.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
Vector<void *> &binding_data = *E->get();
- if (binding_data[p_idx] && binding_functions[p_idx].second.free_instance_binding_data)
+ if (p_idx < binding_data.size() && binding_data[p_idx] && binding_functions[p_idx].second.free_instance_binding_data)
binding_functions[p_idx].second.free_instance_binding_data(binding_functions[p_idx], binding_data[p_idx]);
diff --git a/modules/gdnative/register_types.cpp b/modules/gdnative/register_types.cpp
index 2094dca6e4..55d44ceec8 100644
--- a/modules/gdnative/register_types.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdnative/register_types.cpp
@@ -50,97 +50,6 @@
#include "editor/editor_node.h"
#include "gdnative_library_editor_plugin.h"
#include "gdnative_library_singleton_editor.h"
-// Class used to discover singleton gdnative files
-static void actual_discoverer_handler();
-class GDNativeSingletonDiscover : public Object {
- // GDCLASS(GDNativeSingletonDiscover, Object)
- virtual String get_class() const {
- // okay, this is a really dirty hack.
- // We're overriding get_class so we can connect it to a signal
- // This works because get_class is a virtual method, so we don't
- // need to register a new class to ClassDB just for this one
- // little signal.
- actual_discoverer_handler();
- return "Object";
- }
-static Set<String> get_gdnative_singletons(EditorFileSystemDirectory *p_dir) {
- Set<String> file_paths;
- // check children
- for (int i = 0; i < p_dir->get_file_count(); i++) {
- String file_name = p_dir->get_file(i);
- String file_type = p_dir->get_file_type(i);
- if (file_type != "GDNativeLibrary") {
- continue;
- }
- Ref<GDNativeLibrary> lib = ResourceLoader::load(p_dir->get_file_path(i));
- if (lib.is_valid() && lib->is_singleton()) {
- file_paths.insert(p_dir->get_file_path(i));
- }
- }
- // check subdirectories
- for (int i = 0; i < p_dir->get_subdir_count(); i++) {
- Set<String> paths = get_gdnative_singletons(p_dir->get_subdir(i));
- for (Set<String>::Element *E = paths.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- file_paths.insert(E->get());
- }
- }
- return file_paths;
-static void actual_discoverer_handler() {
- EditorFileSystemDirectory *dir = EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_filesystem();
- Set<String> file_paths = get_gdnative_singletons(dir);
- bool changed = false;
- Array current_files;
- if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->has_setting("gdnative/singletons")) {
- current_files = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("gdnative/singletons");
- }
- Array files;
- files.resize(file_paths.size());
- int i = 0;
- for (Set<String>::Element *E = file_paths.front(); E; i++, E = E->next()) {
- if (!current_files.has(E->get())) {
- changed = true;
- }
- files.set(i, E->get());
- }
- // Check for removed files
- if (!changed) {
- for (int j = 0; j < current_files.size(); j++) {
- if (!file_paths.has(current_files[j])) {
- changed = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (changed) {
- ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->set("gdnative/singletons", files);
- ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->save();
- }
-static GDNativeSingletonDiscover *discoverer = NULL;
class GDNativeExportPlugin : public EditorExportPlugin {
@@ -275,9 +184,6 @@ static void editor_init_callback() {
- discoverer = memnew(GDNativeSingletonDiscover);
- EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->connect("filesystem_changed", discoverer, "get_class");
Ref<GDNativeExportPlugin> export_plugin;
@@ -335,30 +241,36 @@ void register_gdnative_types() {
if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->has_setting("gdnative/singletons")) {
singletons = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("gdnative/singletons");
- singleton_gdnatives.resize(singletons.size());
+ Array excluded = Array();
+ if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->has_setting("gdnative/singletons_disabled")) {
+ excluded = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("gdnative/singletons_disabled");
+ }
for (int i = 0; i < singletons.size(); i++) {
String path = singletons[i];
- Ref<GDNativeLibrary> lib = ResourceLoader::load(path);
+ if (excluded.has(path))
+ continue;
- singleton_gdnatives.write[i].instance();
- singleton_gdnatives.write[i]->set_library(lib);
+ Ref<GDNativeLibrary> lib = ResourceLoader::load(path);
+ Ref<GDNative> singleton;
+ singleton.instance();
+ singleton->set_library(lib);
- if (!singleton_gdnatives.write[i]->initialize()) {
+ if (!singleton->initialize()) {
// Can't initialize. Don't make a native_call then
void *proc_ptr;
- Error err = singleton_gdnatives[i]->get_symbol(
+ Error err = singleton->get_symbol(
lib->get_symbol_prefix() + "gdnative_singleton",
if (err != OK) {
- ERR_PRINT((String("No godot_gdnative_singleton in \"" + singleton_gdnatives[i]->get_library()->get_current_library_path()) + "\" found").utf8().get_data());
+ ERR_PRINT((String("No godot_gdnative_singleton in \"" + singleton->get_library()->get_current_library_path()) + "\" found").utf8().get_data());
} else {
+ singleton_gdnatives.push_back(singleton);
((void (*)())proc_ptr)();
@@ -388,12 +300,6 @@ void unregister_gdnative_types() {
- if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() && discoverer != NULL) {
- memdelete(discoverer);
- }
diff --git a/modules/gdnative/videodecoder/video_stream_gdnative.cpp b/modules/gdnative/videodecoder/video_stream_gdnative.cpp
index 9bb1186269..be131c5402 100644
--- a/modules/gdnative/videodecoder/video_stream_gdnative.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdnative/videodecoder/video_stream_gdnative.cpp
@@ -146,23 +146,25 @@ void VideoStreamPlaybackGDNative::update(float p_delta) {
ERR_FAIL_COND(interface == NULL);
interface->update(data_struct, p_delta);
- if (pcm_write_idx >= 0) {
- // Previous remains
- int mixed = mix_callback(mix_udata, pcm, samples_decoded);
- if (mixed == samples_decoded) {
- pcm_write_idx = -1;
- } else {
- samples_decoded -= mixed;
- pcm_write_idx += mixed;
+ if (mix_callback) {
+ if (pcm_write_idx >= 0) {
+ // Previous remains
+ int mixed = mix_callback(mix_udata, pcm, samples_decoded);
+ if (mixed == samples_decoded) {
+ pcm_write_idx = -1;
+ } else {
+ samples_decoded -= mixed;
+ pcm_write_idx += mixed;
+ }
- }
- if (pcm_write_idx < 0) {
- samples_decoded = interface->get_audioframe(data_struct, pcm, AUX_BUFFER_SIZE);
- pcm_write_idx = mix_callback(mix_udata, pcm, samples_decoded);
- if (pcm_write_idx == samples_decoded) {
- pcm_write_idx = -1;
- } else {
- samples_decoded -= pcm_write_idx;
+ if (pcm_write_idx < 0) {
+ samples_decoded = interface->get_audioframe(data_struct, pcm, AUX_BUFFER_SIZE);
+ pcm_write_idx = mix_callback(mix_udata, pcm, samples_decoded);
+ if (pcm_write_idx == samples_decoded) {
+ pcm_write_idx = -1;
+ } else {
+ samples_decoded -= pcm_write_idx;
+ }
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
index eada389c51..33e99cb82f 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ void GDScript::get_script_method_list(List<MethodInfo> *p_list) const {
const GDScript *current = this;
while (current) {
- for (const Map<StringName, GDScriptFunction *>::Element *E = member_functions.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ for (const Map<StringName, GDScriptFunction *>::Element *E = current->member_functions.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
GDScriptFunction *func = E->get();
MethodInfo mi; = E->key();
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp
index bcf3140fa6..d91e32249e 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp
@@ -1951,7 +1951,7 @@ static void _find_identifiers_in_base(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context
} else {
base_type.has_type = script->get_instance_base_type() != StringName();
base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
- base_type.script_type = script->get_instance_base_type();
+ base_type.native_type = script->get_instance_base_type();
} else {
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.cpp
index 51ec0c1442..903b3892d1 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.cpp
@@ -4782,19 +4782,30 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
- if (member._export.type != Variant::NIL) {
+ Variant::Type initial_type = member.data_type.has_type ? member.data_type.builtin_type : member._export.type;
+ if (initial_type != Variant::NIL && initial_type != Variant::OBJECT) {
IdentifierNode *id = alloc_node<IdentifierNode>();
id->name = member.identifier;
- ConstantNode *cn = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
+ Node *expr;
- Variant::CallError ce2;
- cn->value = Variant::construct(member._export.type, NULL, 0, ce2);
+ // Make sure arrays and dictionaries are not shared
+ if (initial_type == Variant::ARRAY) {
+ expr = alloc_node<ArrayNode>();
+ } else if (initial_type == Variant::DICTIONARY) {
+ expr = alloc_node<DictionaryNode>();
+ } else {
+ ConstantNode *cn = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
+ Variant::CallError ce2;
+ cn->value = Variant::construct(initial_type, NULL, 0, ce2);
+ expr = cn;
+ }
OperatorNode *op = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
op->op = OperatorNode::OP_INIT_ASSIGN;
- op->arguments.push_back(cn);
+ op->arguments.push_back(expr);
@@ -7491,30 +7502,6 @@ void GDScriptParser::_check_class_level_types(ClassNode *p_class) {
v.data_type = expr_type;
v.data_type.is_constant = false;
- } else if (v.data_type.has_type && v.data_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN) {
- // Create default value based on the type
- IdentifierNode *id = alloc_node<IdentifierNode>();
- id->line = v.line;
- id->name = v.identifier;
- ConstantNode *init = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
- init->line = v.line;
- Variant::CallError err;
- init->value = Variant::construct(v.data_type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err);
- OperatorNode *op = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
- op->line = v.line;
- op->op = OperatorNode::OP_INIT_ASSIGN;
- op->arguments.push_back(id);
- op->arguments.push_back(init);
- p_class->initializer->statements.push_front(op);
- v.initial_assignment = op;
- NewLineNode *nl = alloc_node<NewLineNode>();
- nl->line = v.line - 1;
- p_class->initializer->statements.push_front(nl);
// Check export hint
diff --git a/modules/mono/utils/string_utils.cpp b/modules/mono/utils/string_utils.cpp
index 1fdddd3925..877122985d 100644
--- a/modules/mono/utils/string_utils.cpp
+++ b/modules/mono/utils/string_utils.cpp
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ int sfind(const String &p_text, int p_from) {
case 1: {
CharType c = src[read_pos];
- found = src[read_pos] == 's' || (c >= '0' || c <= '4');
+ found = src[read_pos] == 's' || (c >= '0' && c <= '4');
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ String str_format(const char *p_format, ...) {
-#if defined(MINGW_ENABLED) || defined(_MSC_VER)
+#if defined(MINGW_ENABLED) || defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900
#define vsnprintf(m_buffer, m_count, m_format, m_argptr) vsnprintf_s(m_buffer, m_count, _TRUNCATE, m_format, m_argptr)
diff --git a/modules/recast/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp b/modules/recast/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
index 80e98a13a5..79ccbbb030 100644
--- a/modules/recast/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
+++ b/modules/recast/navigation_mesh_generator.cpp
@@ -126,9 +126,10 @@ void NavigationMeshGenerator::_convert_detail_mesh_to_native_navigation_mesh(con
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ntris; j++) {
Vector<int> nav_indices;
+ // Polygon order in recast is opposite than godot's
nav_indices.write[0] = ((int)(bverts + tris[j * 4 + 0]));
- nav_indices.write[1] = ((int)(bverts + tris[j * 4 + 1]));
- nav_indices.write[2] = ((int)(bverts + tris[j * 4 + 2]));
+ nav_indices.write[1] = ((int)(bverts + tris[j * 4 + 2]));
+ nav_indices.write[2] = ((int)(bverts + tris[j * 4 + 1]));
diff --git a/modules/regex/doc_classes/RegEx.xml b/modules/regex/doc_classes/RegEx.xml
index 0538753a47..cc8205e400 100644
--- a/modules/regex/doc_classes/RegEx.xml
+++ b/modules/regex/doc_classes/RegEx.xml
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
<argument index="4" name="end" type="int" default="-1">
- Searches the text for the compiled pattern and replaces it with the specified string. Escapes and backreferences such as [code]\1[/code] and [code]\g&lt;name&gt;[/code] expanded and resolved. By default only the first instance is replaced but it can be changed for all instances (global replacement). The region to search within can be specified without modifying where the start and end anchor would be.
+ Searches the text for the compiled pattern and replaces it with the specified string. Escapes and backreferences such as [code]$1[/code] and [code]$name[/code] are expanded and resolved. By default only the first instance is replaced but it can be changed for all instances (global replacement). The region to search within can be specified without modifying where the start and end anchor would be.
diff --git a/modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp b/modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
index 28c9a11cb8..4f6828bf1c 100644
--- a/modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
+++ b/modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.cpp
@@ -1330,9 +1330,9 @@ void VisualScriptEditor::_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
-void VisualScriptEditor::_generic_search() {
+void VisualScriptEditor::_generic_search(String p_base_type) {
port_action_pos = graph->get_viewport()->get_mouse_position() - graph->get_global_position();
- new_connect_node_select->select_from_visual_script(String(""), false);
+ new_connect_node_select->select_from_visual_script(p_base_type, false);
void VisualScriptEditor::_members_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event) {
@@ -1787,7 +1787,6 @@ void VisualScriptEditor::drop_data_fw(const Point2 &p_point, const Variant &p_da
n = call;
selecting_method_id = base_id;
@@ -3156,7 +3155,7 @@ void VisualScriptEditor::_menu_option(int p_what) {
} break;
- _generic_search();
+ _generic_search(script->get_instance_base_type());
} break;
diff --git a/modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.h b/modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.h
index 9387a09c78..3d3a49f672 100644
--- a/modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.h
+++ b/modules/visual_script/visual_script_editor.h
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class VisualScriptEditor : public ScriptEditorBase {
void _input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event);
- void _generic_search();
+ void _generic_search(String p_base_type = "");
void _members_gui_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_event);
void _on_nodes_delete();
diff --git a/modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp b/modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
index ac5f73d113..ceec79c0d5 100644
--- a/modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
+++ b/modules/visual_script/visual_script_property_selector.cpp
@@ -87,38 +87,17 @@ void VisualScriptPropertySelector::_update_search() {
TreeItem *root = search_options->create_item();
bool found = false;
+ StringName base = base_type;
+ List<StringName> base_list;
+ while (base) {
+ base_list.push_back(base);
+ base = ClassDB::get_parent_class_nocheck(base);
+ }
- if (properties) {
+ for (List<StringName>::Element *E = base_list.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ List<MethodInfo> methods;
List<PropertyInfo> props;
- if (instance) {
- instance->get_property_list(&props, true);
- } else if (type != Variant::NIL) {
- Variant v;
- Variant::CallError ce;
- v = Variant::construct(type, NULL, 0, ce);
- v.get_property_list(&props);
- } else {
- Object *obj = ObjectDB::get_instance(script);
- if (Object::cast_to<Script>(obj)) {
- props.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "Script Variables", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_CATEGORY));
- Object::cast_to<Script>(obj)->get_script_property_list(&props);
- }
- StringName base = base_type;
- while (base) {
- props.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, base, PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_CATEGORY));
- ClassDB::get_property_list(base, &props, true);
- base = ClassDB::get_parent_class_nocheck(base);
- }
- }
TreeItem *category = NULL;
Ref<Texture> type_icons[Variant::VARIANT_MAX] = {
Control::get_icon("Variant", "EditorIcons"),
Control::get_icon("bool", "EditorIcons"),
@@ -148,85 +127,164 @@ void VisualScriptPropertySelector::_update_search() {
Control::get_icon("PoolVector3Array", "EditorIcons"),
Control::get_icon("PoolColorArray", "EditorIcons")
- if (!seq_connect && !visual_script_generic) {
- get_visual_node_names("flow_control/type_cast", Set<String>(), found, root, search_box);
- get_visual_node_names("functions/built_in/print", Set<String>(), found, root, search_box);
- get_visual_node_names("functions/by_type/" + Variant::get_type_name(type), Set<String>(), found, root, search_box);
- get_visual_node_names("operators/compare/", Set<String>(), found, root, search_box);
- if (type == Variant::INT) {
- get_visual_node_names("operators/bitwise/", Set<String>(), found, root, search_box);
- }
- if (type == Variant::BOOL) {
- get_visual_node_names("operators/logic/", Set<String>(), found, root, search_box);
+ {
+ String b = String(E->get());
+ category = search_options->create_item(root);
+ category->set_text(0, b.replace_first("*", ""));
+ category->set_selectable(0, false);
+ Ref<Texture> icon;
+ String rep = b.replace("*", "");
+ icon = EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_class_icon(rep);
+ category->set_icon(0, icon);
+ }
+ if (properties || seq_connect) {
+ if (instance) {
+ instance->get_property_list(&props, true);
+ } else {
+ Object *obj = ObjectDB::get_instance(script);
+ if (Object::cast_to<Script>(obj)) {
+ Object::cast_to<Script>(obj)->get_script_property_list(&props);
+ } else {
+ ClassDB::get_property_list(E->get(), &props, true);
+ }
- if (type == Variant::BOOL || type == Variant::INT || type == Variant::REAL || type == Variant::VECTOR2 || type == Variant::VECTOR3) {
- get_visual_node_names("operators/math/", Set<String>(), found, root, search_box);
+ for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *F = props.front(); F; F = F->next()) {
+ if (!(F->get().usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR) && !(F->get().usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE))
+ continue;
+ if (type_filter.size() && type_filter.find(F->get().type) == -1)
+ continue;
+ // capitalize() also converts underscore to space, we'll match again both possible styles
+ String get_text_raw = String(vformat(TTR("Get %s"), F->get().name));
+ String get_text = get_text_raw.capitalize();
+ String set_text_raw = String(vformat(TTR("Set %s"), F->get().name));
+ String set_text = set_text_raw.capitalize();
+ String input = search_box->get_text().capitalize();
+ if (input == String() || get_text_raw.findn(input) != -1 || get_text.findn(input) != -1) {
+ TreeItem *item = search_options->create_item(category ? category : root);
+ item->set_text(0, get_text);
+ item->set_metadata(0, F->get().name);
+ item->set_icon(0, type_icons[F->get().type]);
+ item->set_metadata(1, "get");
+ item->set_collapsed(1);
+ item->set_selectable(0, true);
+ item->set_selectable(1, false);
+ item->set_selectable(2, false);
+ item->set_metadata(2, connecting);
+ }
+ if (input == String() || set_text_raw.findn(input) != -1 || set_text.findn(input) != -1) {
+ TreeItem *item = search_options->create_item(category ? category : root);
+ item->set_text(0, set_text);
+ item->set_metadata(0, F->get().name);
+ item->set_icon(0, type_icons[F->get().type]);
+ item->set_metadata(1, "set");
+ item->set_selectable(0, true);
+ item->set_selectable(1, false);
+ item->set_selectable(2, false);
+ item->set_metadata(2, connecting);
+ }
+ bool script_methods = false;
+ {
+ if (type != Variant::NIL) {
+ Variant v;
+ Variant::CallError ce;
+ v = Variant::construct(type, NULL, 0, ce);
+ v.get_method_list(&methods);
+ } else {
- for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (E->get().usage == PROPERTY_USAGE_CATEGORY) {
- if (category && category->get_children() == NULL) {
- memdelete(category); //old category was unused
- }
- category = search_options->create_item(root);
- category->set_text(0, E->get().name);
- category->set_selectable(0, false);
+ Object *obj = ObjectDB::get_instance(script);
+ if (Object::cast_to<Script>(obj)) {
+ methods.push_back(MethodInfo("*Script Methods"));
+ Object::cast_to<Script>(obj)->get_script_method_list(&methods);
- Ref<Texture> icon;
- if (E->get().name == "Script Variables") {
- icon = get_icon("Script", "EditorIcons");
} else {
- icon = EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_class_icon(E->get().name);
+ methods.push_back(MethodInfo("*" + String(E->get())));
+ ClassDB::get_method_list(E->get(), &methods, true, true);
- category->set_icon(0, icon);
- continue;
+ }
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *M = methods.front(); M; M = M->next()) {
+ String name = M->get().name.get_slice(":", 0);
+ if (!script_methods && name.begins_with("_") && !(M->get().flags & METHOD_FLAG_VIRTUAL))
+ continue;
- if (!(E->get().usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_EDITOR) && !(E->get().usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE))
+ if (virtuals_only && !(M->get().flags & METHOD_FLAG_VIRTUAL))
- if (type_filter.size() && type_filter.find(E->get().type) == -1)
+ if (!virtuals_only && (M->get().flags & METHOD_FLAG_VIRTUAL))
- // capitalize() also converts underscore to space, we'll match again both possible styles
- String get_text_raw = String(vformat(TTR("Get %s"), E->get().name));
- String get_text = get_text_raw.capitalize();
- String set_text_raw = String(vformat(TTR("Set %s"), E->get().name));
- String set_text = set_text_raw.capitalize();
- String input = search_box->get_text().capitalize();
- if (input == String() || get_text_raw.findn(input) != -1 || get_text.findn(input) != -1) {
- TreeItem *item = search_options->create_item(category ? category : root);
- item->set_text(0, get_text);
- item->set_metadata(0, E->get().name);
- item->set_icon(0, type_icons[E->get().type]);
- item->set_metadata(1, "get");
- item->set_collapsed(1);
- item->set_selectable(0, true);
- item->set_selectable(1, false);
- item->set_selectable(2, false);
- item->set_metadata(2, connecting);
+ MethodInfo mi = M->get();
+ String desc_arguments;
+ if (mi.arguments.size() > 0) {
+ desc_arguments = "(";
+ for (int i = 0; i < mi.arguments.size(); i++) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ desc_arguments += ", ";
+ }
+ if (mi.arguments[i].type == Variant::NIL) {
+ desc_arguments += "var";
+ } else if (mi.arguments[i].name.find(":") != -1) {
+ desc_arguments += mi.arguments[i].name.get_slice(":", 1);
+ mi.arguments[i].name = mi.arguments[i].name.get_slice(":", 0);
+ } else {
+ desc_arguments += Variant::get_type_name(mi.arguments[i].type);
+ }
+ }
+ desc_arguments += ")";
+ String desc_raw = + desc_arguments;
+ String desc = desc_raw.capitalize().replace("( ", "(");
- if (input == String() || set_text_raw.findn(input) != -1 || set_text.findn(input) != -1) {
- TreeItem *item = search_options->create_item(category ? category : root);
- item->set_text(0, set_text);
- item->set_metadata(0, E->get().name);
- item->set_icon(0, type_icons[E->get().type]);
- item->set_metadata(1, "set");
- item->set_selectable(0, true);
- item->set_selectable(1, false);
- item->set_selectable(2, false);
- item->set_metadata(2, connecting);
+ if (search_box->get_text() != String() &&
+ name.findn(search_box->get_text()) == -1 &&
+ desc.findn(search_box->get_text()) == -1 &&
+ desc_raw.findn(search_box->get_text()) == -1) {
+ continue;
+ TreeItem *item = search_options->create_item(category ? category : root);
+ item->set_text(0, desc);
+ item->set_icon(0, get_icon("MemberMethod", "EditorIcons"));
+ item->set_metadata(0, name);
+ item->set_selectable(0, true);
+ item->set_metadata(1, "method");
+ item->set_collapsed(1);
+ item->set_selectable(1, false);
+ item->set_selectable(2, false);
+ item->set_metadata(2, connecting);
if (category && category->get_children() == NULL) {
memdelete(category); //old category was unused
+ if (properties) {
+ if (!seq_connect && !visual_script_generic) {
+ get_visual_node_names("flow_control/type_cast", Set<String>(), found, root, search_box);
+ get_visual_node_names("functions/built_in/print", Set<String>(), found, root, search_box);
+ get_visual_node_names("functions/by_type/" + Variant::get_type_name(type), Set<String>(), found, root, search_box);
+ get_visual_node_names("operators/compare/", Set<String>(), found, root, search_box);
+ if (type == Variant::INT) {
+ get_visual_node_names("operators/bitwise/", Set<String>(), found, root, search_box);
+ }
+ if (type == Variant::BOOL) {
+ get_visual_node_names("operators/logic/", Set<String>(), found, root, search_box);
+ }
+ if (type == Variant::BOOL || type == Variant::INT || type == Variant::REAL || type == Variant::VECTOR2 || type == Variant::VECTOR3) {
+ get_visual_node_names("operators/math/", Set<String>(), found, root, search_box);
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (seq_connect && !visual_script_generic) {
String text = search_box->get_text();
@@ -240,127 +298,16 @@ void VisualScriptPropertySelector::_update_search() {
get_visual_node_names("functions/built_in/print", Set<String>(), found, root, search_box);
- if (visual_script_generic) {
+ if ((properties || seq_connect) && visual_script_generic) {
get_visual_node_names("", Set<String>(), found, root, search_box);
- List<MethodInfo> methods;
- if (type != Variant::NIL) {
- Variant v;
- Variant::CallError ce;
- v = Variant::construct(type, NULL, 0, ce);
- v.get_method_list(&methods);
- } else {
- Object *obj = ObjectDB::get_instance(script);
- if (Object::cast_to<Script>(obj)) {
- methods.push_back(MethodInfo("*Script Methods"));
- Object::cast_to<Script>(obj)->get_script_method_list(&methods);
- }
- StringName base = base_type;
- while (base) {
- methods.push_back(MethodInfo("*" + String(base)));
- ClassDB::get_method_list(base, &methods, true, true);
- base = ClassDB::get_parent_class_nocheck(base);
- }
- }
- TreeItem *category = NULL;
- bool script_methods = false;
- for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (E->get().name.begins_with("*")) {
- if (category && category->get_children() == NULL) {
- memdelete(category); //old category was unused
- }
- category = search_options->create_item(root);
- category->set_text(0, E->get().name.replace_first("*", ""));
- category->set_selectable(0, false);
- Ref<Texture> icon;
- script_methods = false;
- String rep = E->get().name.replace("*", "");
- if (E->get().name == "*Script Methods") {
- icon = get_icon("Script", "EditorIcons");
- script_methods = true;
- } else {
- icon = EditorNode::get_singleton()->get_class_icon(rep);
- }
- category->set_icon(0, icon);
- continue;
- }
- String name = E->get().name.get_slice(":", 0);
- if (!script_methods && name.begins_with("_") && !(E->get().flags & METHOD_FLAG_VIRTUAL))
- continue;
- if (virtuals_only && !(E->get().flags & METHOD_FLAG_VIRTUAL))
- continue;
- if (!virtuals_only && (E->get().flags & METHOD_FLAG_VIRTUAL))
- continue;
- MethodInfo mi = E->get();
- String desc_arguments;
- if (mi.arguments.size() > 0) {
- desc_arguments = "(";
- for (int i = 0; i < mi.arguments.size(); i++) {
- if (i > 0) {
- desc_arguments += ", ";
- }
- if (mi.arguments[i].type == Variant::NIL) {
- desc_arguments += "var";
- } else if (mi.arguments[i].name.find(":") != -1) {
- desc_arguments += mi.arguments[i].name.get_slice(":", 1);
- mi.arguments[i].name = mi.arguments[i].name.get_slice(":", 0);
- } else {
- desc_arguments += Variant::get_type_name(mi.arguments[i].type);
- }
- }
- desc_arguments += ")";
- }
- String desc_raw = + desc_arguments;
- String desc = desc_raw.capitalize().replace("( ", "(");
- if (search_box->get_text() != String() &&
- name.findn(search_box->get_text()) == -1 &&
- desc.findn(search_box->get_text()) == -1 &&
- desc_raw.findn(search_box->get_text()) == -1) {
- continue;
- }
- TreeItem *item = search_options->create_item(category ? category : root);
- item->set_text(0, desc);
- item->set_icon(0, get_icon("MemberMethod", "EditorIcons"));
- item->set_metadata(0, name);
- item->set_selectable(0, true);
- item->set_metadata(1, "method");
- item->set_collapsed(1);
- item->set_selectable(1, false);
- item->set_selectable(2, false);
- item->set_metadata(2, connecting);
- if (category && category->get_children() == NULL) {
- memdelete(category); //old category was unused
- }
- }
TreeItem *selected_item = search_options->search_item_text(search_box->get_text());
if (!found && selected_item != NULL) {
found = true;
- if (category && category->get_children() == NULL) {
- memdelete(category); //old category was unused
- }
get_ok()->set_disabled(root->get_children() == NULL);
@@ -488,23 +435,23 @@ void VisualScriptPropertySelector::_item_selected() {
while (at_class != String()) {
- Map<String, DocData::ClassDoc>::Element *E = dd->class_list.find(at_class);
- if (E) {
- for (int i = 0; i < E->get().methods.size(); i++) {
- if (E->get().methods[i].name == name) {
- text = E->get().methods[i].description;
+ Map<String, DocData::ClassDoc>::Element *C = dd->class_list.find(at_class);
+ if (C) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < C->get().methods.size(); i++) {
+ if (C->get().methods[i].name == name) {
+ text = C->get().methods[i].description;
at_class = ClassDB::get_parent_class_nocheck(at_class);
- Map<String, DocData::ClassDoc>::Element *E = dd->class_list.find(class_type);
- if (E) {
- for (int i = 0; i < E->get().methods.size(); i++) {
+ Map<String, DocData::ClassDoc>::Element *T = dd->class_list.find(class_type);
+ if (T) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < T->get().methods.size(); i++) {
Vector<String> functions = name.rsplit("/", false, 1);
- if (E->get().methods[i].name == functions[functions.size() - 1]) {
- text = E->get().methods[i].description;
+ if (T->get().methods[i].name == functions[functions.size() - 1]) {
+ text = T->get().methods[i].description;
diff --git a/modules/websocket/SCsub b/modules/websocket/SCsub
index 2d2de81220..d9e60eb6f1 100644
--- a/modules/websocket/SCsub
+++ b/modules/websocket/SCsub
@@ -9,90 +9,85 @@ env_lws = env_modules.Clone()
if env['builtin_libwebsockets'] and not env["platform"] == "javascript": # already builtin for javascript
thirdparty_dir = "#thirdparty/libwebsockets/"
- helper_dir = "#thirdparty/libwebsockets/win32helpers/"
+ helper_dir = "win32helpers/"
thirdparty_sources = [
- "lib/core/adopt.c",
- "lib/core/alloc.c",
- "lib/core/connect.c",
- "lib/core/context.c",
- "lib/core/dummy-callback.c",
- "lib/core/libwebsockets.c",
- "lib/core/output.c",
- "lib/core/pollfd.c",
- "lib/core/service.c",
- "lib/event-libs/poll/poll.c",
- "lib/misc/base64-decode.c",
- "lib/misc/lejp.c",
- "lib/misc/sha-1.c",
- "lib/roles/h1/ops-h1.c",
- "lib/roles/http/header.c",
- "lib/roles/http/client/client.c",
- "lib/roles/http/client/client-handshake.c",
- "lib/roles/http/server/fops-zip.c",
- "lib/roles/http/server/lejp-conf.c",
- "lib/roles/http/server/parsers.c",
- "lib/roles/http/server/server.c",
- "lib/roles/listen/ops-listen.c",
- "lib/roles/pipe/ops-pipe.c",
- "lib/roles/raw-skt/ops-raw-skt.c",
- "lib/roles/raw-file/ops-raw-file.c",
- "lib/roles/ws/client-ws.c",
- "lib/roles/ws/client-parser-ws.c",
- "lib/roles/ws/ops-ws.c",
- "lib/roles/ws/server-ws.c",
- "lib/tls/tls.c",
- "lib/tls/tls-client.c",
- "lib/tls/tls-server.c",
- "lib/tls/mbedtls/wrapper/library/ssl_cert.c",
- "lib/tls/mbedtls/wrapper/library/ssl_pkey.c",
- "lib/tls/mbedtls/wrapper/library/ssl_stack.c",
- "lib/tls/mbedtls/wrapper/library/ssl_methods.c",
- "lib/tls/mbedtls/wrapper/library/ssl_lib.c",
- "lib/tls/mbedtls/wrapper/library/ssl_x509.c",
- "lib/tls/mbedtls/wrapper/platform/ssl_port.c",
- "lib/tls/mbedtls/wrapper/platform/ssl_pm.c",
- "lib/tls/mbedtls/lws-genhash.c",
- "lib/tls/mbedtls/mbedtls-client.c",
- "lib/tls/mbedtls/lws-genrsa.c",
- "lib/tls/mbedtls/ssl.c",
- "lib/tls/mbedtls/mbedtls-server.c"
+ "core/alloc.c",
+ "core/context.c",
+ "core/libwebsockets.c",
+ "core/output.c",
+ "core/pollfd.c",
+ "core/service.c",
+ "event-libs/poll/poll.c",
+ "misc/base64-decode.c",
+ "misc/lejp.c",
+ "misc/sha-1.c",
+ "roles/h1/ops-h1.c",
+ "roles/http/header.c",
+ "roles/http/client/client.c",
+ "roles/http/client/client-handshake.c",
+ "roles/http/server/fops-zip.c",
+ "roles/http/server/lejp-conf.c",
+ "roles/http/server/parsers.c",
+ "roles/http/server/server.c",
+ "roles/listen/ops-listen.c",
+ "roles/pipe/ops-pipe.c",
+ "roles/raw/ops-raw.c",
+ "roles/ws/client-ws.c",
+ "roles/ws/client-parser-ws.c",
+ "roles/ws/ops-ws.c",
+ "roles/ws/server-ws.c",
+ "tls/tls.c",
+ "tls/tls-client.c",
+ "tls/tls-server.c",
+ "tls/mbedtls/wrapper/library/ssl_cert.c",
+ "tls/mbedtls/wrapper/library/ssl_pkey.c",
+ "tls/mbedtls/wrapper/library/ssl_stack.c",
+ "tls/mbedtls/wrapper/library/ssl_methods.c",
+ "tls/mbedtls/wrapper/library/ssl_lib.c",
+ "tls/mbedtls/wrapper/library/ssl_x509.c",
+ "tls/mbedtls/wrapper/platform/ssl_port.c",
+ "tls/mbedtls/wrapper/platform/ssl_pm.c",
+ "tls/mbedtls/lws-genhash.c",
+ "tls/mbedtls/mbedtls-client.c",
+ "tls/mbedtls/lws-genrsa.c",
+ "tls/mbedtls/ssl.c",
+ "tls/mbedtls/mbedtls-server.c"
if env["platform"] == "android": # Builtin getifaddrs
- thirdparty_sources += ["lib/misc/getifaddrs.c"]
- thirdparty_sources = [thirdparty_dir + file for file in thirdparty_sources]
+ thirdparty_sources += ["misc/getifaddrs.c"]
if env["platform"] == "windows" or env["platform"] == "uwp": # Winsock
- thirdparty_sources += Glob(thirdparty_dir + "lib/plat/windows/*.c") + [helper_dir + src for src in ["getopt.c", "getopt_long.c", "gettimeofday.c"]]
+ thirdparty_sources += ["plat/lws-plat-win.c", helper_dir + "getopt.c", helper_dir + "getopt_long.c", helper_dir + "gettimeofday.c"]
else: # Unix socket
- thirdparty_sources += Glob(thirdparty_dir + "lib/plat/unix/*.c")
+ thirdparty_sources += ["plat/lws-plat-unix.c"]
+ thirdparty_sources = [thirdparty_dir + file for file in thirdparty_sources]
- env_lws.Prepend(CPPPATH=[thirdparty_dir + 'include/'])
+ env_lws.Prepend(CPPPATH=[thirdparty_dir])
if env['builtin_mbedtls']:
mbedtls_includes = "#thirdparty/mbedtls/include"
- wrapper_includes = ["#thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/tls/mbedtls/wrapper/include/" + inc for inc in ["internal", "openssl", "platform", ""]]
+ wrapper_includes = ["#thirdparty/libwebsockets/tls/mbedtls/wrapper/include/" + inc for inc in ["internal", "openssl", "platform", ""]]
if env["platform"] == "windows" or env["platform"] == "uwp":
- env_lws.Prepend(CPPPATH=[helper_dir])
+ env_lws.Prepend(CPPPATH=[thirdparty_dir + helper_dir])
if env["platform"] == "uwp":
env_thirdparty = env_lws.Clone()
- env_thirdparty.Prepend(CPPPATH=[thirdparty_dir + 'lib/'])
env_thirdparty.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, thirdparty_sources)
env_lws.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, "*.cpp")
diff --git a/modules/websocket/lws_client.cpp b/modules/websocket/lws_client.cpp
index d09558ab22..08df76293b 100644
--- a/modules/websocket/lws_client.cpp
+++ b/modules/websocket/lws_client.cpp
@@ -32,11 +32,10 @@
#include "lws_client.h"
#include "core/io/ip.h"
-#include "core/io/stream_peer_ssl.h"
#include "core/project_settings.h"
-// Not openssl, just the mbedtls wrapper
-#include "openssl/ssl.h"
+#include "core/io/stream_peer_ssl.h"
+#include "tls/mbedtls/wrapper/include/openssl/ssl.h"
Error LWSClient::connect_to_host(String p_host, String p_path, uint16_t p_port, bool p_ssl, PoolVector<String> p_protocols) {