path: root/modules
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules')
8 files changed, 216 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
index 258f1a80f7..57a29cc81e 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
@@ -1111,21 +1111,27 @@ bool GDScript::inherits_script(const Ref<Script> &p_script) const {
GDScript *GDScript::find_class(const String &p_qualified_name) {
String first = p_qualified_name.get_slice("::", 0);
+ Vector<String> class_names;
GDScript *result = nullptr;
+ // Empty initial name means start here.
if (first.is_empty() || first == name) {
+ class_names = p_qualified_name.split("::");
result = this;
- } else if (first == get_root_script()->path) {
+ } else if (p_qualified_name.begins_with(get_root_script()->path)) {
+ // Script path could have a class path separator("::") in it.
+ class_names = p_qualified_name.trim_prefix(get_root_script()->path).split("::");
result = get_root_script();
} else if (HashMap<StringName, Ref<GDScript>>::Iterator E = subclasses.find(first)) {
+ class_names = p_qualified_name.split("::");
result = E->value.ptr();
} else if (_owner != nullptr) {
// Check parent scope.
return _owner->find_class(p_qualified_name);
- int name_count = p_qualified_name.get_slice_count("::");
- for (int i = 1; result != nullptr && i < name_count; i++) {
- String current_name = p_qualified_name.get_slice("::", i);
+ // Starts at index 1 because index 0 was handled above.
+ for (int i = 1; result != nullptr && i < class_names.size(); i++) {
+ String current_name = class_names[i];
if (HashMap<StringName, Ref<GDScript>>::Iterator E = result->subclasses.find(current_name)) {
result = E->value.ptr();
} else {
@@ -1137,11 +1143,12 @@ GDScript *GDScript::find_class(const String &p_qualified_name) {
return result;
-bool GDScript::is_subclass(const GDScript *p_script) {
+bool GDScript::has_class(const GDScript *p_script) {
String fqn = p_script->fully_qualified_name;
- if (!fqn.is_empty() && fqn != fully_qualified_name && fqn.begins_with(fully_qualified_name)) {
- String fqn_rest = fqn.substr(fully_qualified_name.length());
- return find_class(fqn_rest) == p_script;
+ if (fully_qualified_name.is_empty() && fqn.get_slice("::", 0).is_empty()) {
+ return p_script == this;
+ } else if (fqn.begins_with(fully_qualified_name)) {
+ return p_script == find_class(fqn.trim_prefix(fully_qualified_name));
return false;
@@ -2592,8 +2599,7 @@ Ref<GDScript> GDScriptLanguage::get_script_by_fully_qualified_name(const String
SelfList<GDScript> *elem = script_list.first();
while (elem) {
GDScript *scr = elem->self();
- scr = scr->find_class(p_name);
- if (scr != nullptr) {
+ if (scr->fully_qualified_name == p_name) {
return scr;
elem = elem->next();
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript.h b/modules/gdscript/gdscript.h
index 7911ea47ec..332d18f720 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript.h
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript.h
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ public:
bool inherits_script(const Ref<Script> &p_script) const override;
GDScript *find_class(const String &p_qualified_name);
- bool is_subclass(const GDScript *p_script);
+ bool has_class(const GDScript *p_script);
GDScript *get_root_script();
bool is_root_script() const { return _owner == nullptr; }
String get_fully_qualified_name() const { return fully_qualified_name; }
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp
index a443556fd5..3bbe71fb90 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp
@@ -3148,6 +3148,16 @@ void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_identifier_from_base(GDScriptParser::IdentifierNod
case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::FUNCTION:
+ case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CLASS:
+ if (p_base != nullptr && p_base->is_constant) {
+ Error err = OK;
+ GDScript *scr = GDScriptCache::get_full_script(base.script_path, err).ptr();
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(err != OK, "Error while getting subscript full script.");
+ scr = scr->find_class(p_identifier->get_datatype().class_type->fqcn);
+ p_identifier->reduced_value = scr;
+ p_identifier->is_constant = true;
+ }
+ break;
break; // Type already set.
@@ -3996,37 +4006,27 @@ GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptAnalyzer::type_from_variant(const Variant &p_va
result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
// This might be an inner class, so we want to get the parser for the root.
// But still get the inner class from that tree.
- GDScript *current = gds.ptr();
- List<StringName> class_chain;
- while (current->_owner) {
- // Push to front so it's in reverse.
- class_chain.push_front(current->name);
- current = current->_owner;
- }
- Ref<GDScriptParserRef> ref = get_parser_for(current->get_path());
+ String script_path = gds->get_script_path();
+ Ref<GDScriptParserRef> ref = get_parser_for(script_path);
if (ref.is_null()) {
- push_error("Could not find script in path.", p_source);
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not find script "%s".)", script_path), p_source);
GDScriptParser::DataType error_type;
error_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
return error_type;
- ref->raise_status(GDScriptParserRef::INHERITANCE_SOLVED);
- GDScriptParser::ClassNode *found = ref->get_parser()->head;
- for (const StringName &E : class_chain) {
- if (!found->has_member(E)) {
- return GDScriptParser::DataType();
- }
- if (found->get_member(E).type != GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CLASS) {
- return GDScriptParser::DataType();
+ Error err = ref->raise_status(GDScriptParserRef::INHERITANCE_SOLVED);
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode *found = nullptr;
+ if (err == OK) {
+ found = ref->get_parser()->find_class(gds->fully_qualified_name);
+ if (found != nullptr) {
+ err = resolve_class_inheritance(found, p_source);
- resolve_class_member(found, E, p_source);
- found = found->get_member(E).m_class;
+ }
+ if (err || found == nullptr) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not resolve script "%s".)", script_path), p_source);
+ GDScriptParser::DataType error_type;
+ error_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ return error_type;
result.class_type = found;
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp
index 4740b9b5a9..50588110c4 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp
@@ -117,8 +117,7 @@ GDScriptDataType GDScriptCompiler::_gdtype_from_datatype(const GDScriptParser::D
result.builtin_type = p_datatype.builtin_type;
result.native_type = p_datatype.native_type;
- String root_name = p_datatype.class_type->fqcn.get_slice("::", 0);
- bool is_local_class = !root_name.is_empty() && root_name == main_script->fully_qualified_name;
+ bool is_local_class = parser->has_class(p_datatype.class_type);
Ref<GDScript> script;
if (is_local_class) {
@@ -2300,7 +2299,7 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_populate_class_members(GDScript *p_script, const GDScri
- if (base.ptr() == main_script || main_script->is_subclass(base.ptr())) {
+ if (main_script->has_class(base.ptr())) {
Error err = _populate_class_members(base.ptr(), p_class->base_type.class_type, p_keep_state);
if (err) {
return err;
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/tests/scripts/analyzer/features/ b/modules/gdscript/tests/scripts/analyzer/features/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed5fb18b73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/gdscript/tests/scripts/analyzer/features/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+const External = preload("")
+const ExternalInnerClass = External.InnerClass
+func test():
+ var inst_external: ExternalInnerClass =
+ inst_external.x = 4.0
+ print(inst_external.x)
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/tests/scripts/analyzer/features/inner_class_constant_assignment.out b/modules/gdscript/tests/scripts/analyzer/features/inner_class_constant_assignment.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15666c46ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/gdscript/tests/scripts/analyzer/features/inner_class_constant_assignment.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/tests/scripts/analyzer/features/ b/modules/gdscript/tests/scripts/analyzer/features/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..788c99d469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/gdscript/tests/scripts/analyzer/features/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+class InnerClass:
+ var x: = 3.0
diff --git a/modules/gltf/gltf_document.cpp b/modules/gltf/gltf_document.cpp
index f4db576b0c..d858f76b28 100644
--- a/modules/gltf/gltf_document.cpp
+++ b/modules/gltf/gltf_document.cpp
@@ -3384,177 +3384,179 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_serialize_materials(Ref<GLTFState> p_state) {
if (!material->get_name().is_empty()) {
d["name"] = _gen_unique_name(p_state, material->get_name());
Ref<BaseMaterial3D> base_material = material;
- if (base_material.is_valid()) {
- Dictionary mr;
- {
- Array arr;
- const Color c = base_material->get_albedo().srgb_to_linear();
- arr.push_back(c.r);
- arr.push_back(c.g);
- arr.push_back(c.b);
- arr.push_back(c.a);
- mr["baseColorFactor"] = arr;
+ if (base_material.is_null()) {
+ materials.push_back(d);
+ continue;
+ }
+ Dictionary mr;
+ {
+ Array arr;
+ const Color c = base_material->get_albedo().srgb_to_linear();
+ arr.push_back(c.r);
+ arr.push_back(c.g);
+ arr.push_back(c.b);
+ arr.push_back(c.a);
+ mr["baseColorFactor"] = arr;
+ }
+ {
+ Dictionary bct;
+ Ref<Texture2D> albedo_texture = base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_ALBEDO);
+ GLTFTextureIndex gltf_texture_index = -1;
+ if (albedo_texture.is_valid() && albedo_texture->get_image().is_valid()) {
+ albedo_texture->set_name(material->get_name() + "_albedo");
+ gltf_texture_index = _set_texture(p_state, albedo_texture, base_material->get_texture_filter(), base_material->get_flag(BaseMaterial3D::FLAG_USE_TEXTURE_REPEAT));
- {
- Dictionary bct;
- if (base_material.is_valid()) {
- Ref<Texture2D> albedo_texture = base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_ALBEDO);
- GLTFTextureIndex gltf_texture_index = -1;
- if (albedo_texture.is_valid() && albedo_texture->get_image().is_valid()) {
- albedo_texture->set_name(material->get_name() + "_albedo");
- gltf_texture_index = _set_texture(p_state, albedo_texture, base_material->get_texture_filter(), base_material->get_flag(BaseMaterial3D::FLAG_USE_TEXTURE_REPEAT));
- }
- if (gltf_texture_index != -1) {
- bct["index"] = gltf_texture_index;
- Dictionary extensions = _serialize_texture_transform_uv1(material);
- if (!extensions.is_empty()) {
- bct["extensions"] = extensions;
- p_state->use_khr_texture_transform = true;
- }
- mr["baseColorTexture"] = bct;
- }
+ if (gltf_texture_index != -1) {
+ bct["index"] = gltf_texture_index;
+ Dictionary extensions = _serialize_texture_transform_uv1(material);
+ if (!extensions.is_empty()) {
+ bct["extensions"] = extensions;
+ p_state->use_khr_texture_transform = true;
+ }
+ mr["baseColorTexture"] = bct;
+ }
+ }
+ mr["metallicFactor"] = base_material->get_metallic();
+ mr["roughnessFactor"] = base_material->get_roughness();
+ bool has_roughness = base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS).is_valid() && base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS)->get_image().is_valid();
+ bool has_ao = base_material->get_feature(BaseMaterial3D::FEATURE_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION) && base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION).is_valid();
+ bool has_metalness = base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_METALLIC).is_valid() && base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_METALLIC)->get_image().is_valid();
+ if (has_ao || has_roughness || has_metalness) {
+ Dictionary mrt;
+ Ref<Texture2D> roughness_texture = base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS);
+ BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel roughness_channel = base_material->get_roughness_texture_channel();
+ Ref<Texture2D> metallic_texture = base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_METALLIC);
+ BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel metalness_channel = base_material->get_metallic_texture_channel();
+ Ref<Texture2D> ao_texture = base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION);
+ BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel ao_channel = base_material->get_ao_texture_channel();
+ Ref<ImageTexture> orm_texture;
+ orm_texture.instantiate();
+ Ref<Image> orm_image;
+ orm_image.instantiate();
+ int32_t height = 0;
+ int32_t width = 0;
+ Ref<Image> ao_image;
+ if (has_ao) {
+ height = ao_texture->get_height();
+ width = ao_texture->get_width();
+ ao_image = ao_texture->get_image();
+ Ref<ImageTexture> img_tex = ao_image;
+ if (img_tex.is_valid()) {
+ ao_image = img_tex->get_image();
+ }
+ if (ao_image->is_compressed()) {
+ ao_image->decompress();
+ }
+ }
+ Ref<Image> roughness_image;
+ if (has_roughness) {
+ height = roughness_texture->get_height();
+ width = roughness_texture->get_width();
+ roughness_image = roughness_texture->get_image();
+ Ref<ImageTexture> img_tex = roughness_image;
+ if (img_tex.is_valid()) {
+ roughness_image = img_tex->get_image();
+ }
+ if (roughness_image->is_compressed()) {
+ roughness_image->decompress();
- if (base_material.is_valid()) {
- mr["metallicFactor"] = base_material->get_metallic();
- mr["roughnessFactor"] = base_material->get_roughness();
- bool has_roughness = base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS).is_valid() && base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS)->get_image().is_valid();
- bool has_ao = base_material->get_feature(BaseMaterial3D::FEATURE_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION) && base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION).is_valid();
- bool has_metalness = base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_METALLIC).is_valid() && base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_METALLIC)->get_image().is_valid();
- if (has_ao || has_roughness || has_metalness) {
- Dictionary mrt;
- Ref<Texture2D> roughness_texture = base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS);
- BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel roughness_channel = base_material->get_roughness_texture_channel();
- Ref<Texture2D> metallic_texture = base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_METALLIC);
- BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel metalness_channel = base_material->get_metallic_texture_channel();
- Ref<Texture2D> ao_texture = base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION);
- BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel ao_channel = base_material->get_ao_texture_channel();
- Ref<ImageTexture> orm_texture;
- orm_texture.instantiate();
- Ref<Image> orm_image;
- orm_image.instantiate();
- int32_t height = 0;
- int32_t width = 0;
- Ref<Image> ao_image;
+ Ref<Image> metallness_image;
+ if (has_metalness) {
+ height = metallic_texture->get_height();
+ width = metallic_texture->get_width();
+ metallness_image = metallic_texture->get_image();
+ Ref<ImageTexture> img_tex = metallness_image;
+ if (img_tex.is_valid()) {
+ metallness_image = img_tex->get_image();
+ }
+ if (metallness_image->is_compressed()) {
+ metallness_image->decompress();
+ }
+ }
+ Ref<Texture2D> albedo_texture = base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_ALBEDO);
+ if (albedo_texture.is_valid() && albedo_texture->get_image().is_valid()) {
+ height = albedo_texture->get_height();
+ width = albedo_texture->get_width();
+ }
+ orm_image->initialize_data(width, height, false, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8);
+ if (ao_image.is_valid() && ao_image->get_size() != Vector2(width, height)) {
+ ao_image->resize(width, height, Image::INTERPOLATE_LANCZOS);
+ }
+ if (roughness_image.is_valid() && roughness_image->get_size() != Vector2(width, height)) {
+ roughness_image->resize(width, height, Image::INTERPOLATE_LANCZOS);
+ }
+ if (metallness_image.is_valid() && metallness_image->get_size() != Vector2(width, height)) {
+ metallness_image->resize(width, height, Image::INTERPOLATE_LANCZOS);
+ }
+ for (int32_t h = 0; h < height; h++) {
+ for (int32_t w = 0; w < width; w++) {
+ Color c = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
if (has_ao) {
- height = ao_texture->get_height();
- width = ao_texture->get_width();
- ao_image = ao_texture->get_image();
- Ref<ImageTexture> img_tex = ao_image;
- if (img_tex.is_valid()) {
- ao_image = img_tex->get_image();
- }
- if (ao_image->is_compressed()) {
- ao_image->decompress();
+ if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_RED == ao_channel) {
+ c.r = ao_image->get_pixel(w, h).r;
+ } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GREEN == ao_channel) {
+ c.r = ao_image->get_pixel(w, h).g;
+ } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_BLUE == ao_channel) {
+ c.r = ao_image->get_pixel(w, h).b;
+ } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_ALPHA == ao_channel) {
+ c.r = ao_image->get_pixel(w, h).a;
- Ref<Image> roughness_image;
if (has_roughness) {
- height = roughness_texture->get_height();
- width = roughness_texture->get_width();
- roughness_image = roughness_texture->get_image();
- Ref<ImageTexture> img_tex = roughness_image;
- if (img_tex.is_valid()) {
- roughness_image = img_tex->get_image();
- }
- if (roughness_image->is_compressed()) {
- roughness_image->decompress();
+ if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_RED == roughness_channel) {
+ c.g = roughness_image->get_pixel(w, h).r;
+ } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GREEN == roughness_channel) {
+ c.g = roughness_image->get_pixel(w, h).g;
+ } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_BLUE == roughness_channel) {
+ c.g = roughness_image->get_pixel(w, h).b;
+ } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_ALPHA == roughness_channel) {
+ c.g = roughness_image->get_pixel(w, h).a;
- Ref<Image> metallness_image;
if (has_metalness) {
- height = metallic_texture->get_height();
- width = metallic_texture->get_width();
- metallness_image = metallic_texture->get_image();
- Ref<ImageTexture> img_tex = metallness_image;
- if (img_tex.is_valid()) {
- metallness_image = img_tex->get_image();
- }
- if (metallness_image->is_compressed()) {
- metallness_image->decompress();
- }
- }
- Ref<Texture2D> albedo_texture = base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_ALBEDO);
- if (albedo_texture.is_valid() && albedo_texture->get_image().is_valid()) {
- height = albedo_texture->get_height();
- width = albedo_texture->get_width();
- }
- orm_image->initialize_data(width, height, false, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8);
- if (ao_image.is_valid() && ao_image->get_size() != Vector2(width, height)) {
- ao_image->resize(width, height, Image::INTERPOLATE_LANCZOS);
- }
- if (roughness_image.is_valid() && roughness_image->get_size() != Vector2(width, height)) {
- roughness_image->resize(width, height, Image::INTERPOLATE_LANCZOS);
- }
- if (metallness_image.is_valid() && metallness_image->get_size() != Vector2(width, height)) {
- metallness_image->resize(width, height, Image::INTERPOLATE_LANCZOS);
- }
- for (int32_t h = 0; h < height; h++) {
- for (int32_t w = 0; w < width; w++) {
- Color c = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- if (has_ao) {
- if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_RED == ao_channel) {
- c.r = ao_image->get_pixel(w, h).r;
- } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GREEN == ao_channel) {
- c.r = ao_image->get_pixel(w, h).g;
- } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_BLUE == ao_channel) {
- c.r = ao_image->get_pixel(w, h).b;
- } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_ALPHA == ao_channel) {
- c.r = ao_image->get_pixel(w, h).a;
- }
- }
- if (has_roughness) {
- if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_RED == roughness_channel) {
- c.g = roughness_image->get_pixel(w, h).r;
- } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GREEN == roughness_channel) {
- c.g = roughness_image->get_pixel(w, h).g;
- } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_BLUE == roughness_channel) {
- c.g = roughness_image->get_pixel(w, h).b;
- } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_ALPHA == roughness_channel) {
- c.g = roughness_image->get_pixel(w, h).a;
- }
- }
- if (has_metalness) {
- if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_RED == metalness_channel) {
- c.b = metallness_image->get_pixel(w, h).r;
- } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GREEN == metalness_channel) {
- c.b = metallness_image->get_pixel(w, h).g;
- } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_BLUE == metalness_channel) {
- c.b = metallness_image->get_pixel(w, h).b;
- } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_ALPHA == metalness_channel) {
- c.b = metallness_image->get_pixel(w, h).a;
- }
- }
- orm_image->set_pixel(w, h, c);
- }
- }
- orm_image->generate_mipmaps();
- orm_texture->set_image(orm_image);
- GLTFTextureIndex orm_texture_index = -1;
- if (has_ao || has_roughness || has_metalness) {
- orm_texture->set_name(material->get_name() + "_orm");
- orm_texture_index = _set_texture(p_state, orm_texture, base_material->get_texture_filter(), base_material->get_flag(BaseMaterial3D::FLAG_USE_TEXTURE_REPEAT));
- }
- if (has_ao) {
- Dictionary occt;
- occt["index"] = orm_texture_index;
- d["occlusionTexture"] = occt;
- }
- if (has_roughness || has_metalness) {
- mrt["index"] = orm_texture_index;
- Dictionary extensions = _serialize_texture_transform_uv1(material);
- if (!extensions.is_empty()) {
- mrt["extensions"] = extensions;
- p_state->use_khr_texture_transform = true;
+ if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_RED == metalness_channel) {
+ c.b = metallness_image->get_pixel(w, h).r;
+ } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GREEN == metalness_channel) {
+ c.b = metallness_image->get_pixel(w, h).g;
+ } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_BLUE == metalness_channel) {
+ c.b = metallness_image->get_pixel(w, h).b;
+ } else if (BaseMaterial3D::TextureChannel::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_ALPHA == metalness_channel) {
+ c.b = metallness_image->get_pixel(w, h).a;
- mr["metallicRoughnessTexture"] = mrt;
+ orm_image->set_pixel(w, h, c);
- d["pbrMetallicRoughness"] = mr;
+ orm_image->generate_mipmaps();
+ orm_texture->set_image(orm_image);
+ GLTFTextureIndex orm_texture_index = -1;
+ if (has_ao || has_roughness || has_metalness) {
+ orm_texture->set_name(material->get_name() + "_orm");
+ orm_texture_index = _set_texture(p_state, orm_texture, base_material->get_texture_filter(), base_material->get_flag(BaseMaterial3D::FLAG_USE_TEXTURE_REPEAT));
+ }
+ if (has_ao) {
+ Dictionary occt;
+ occt["index"] = orm_texture_index;
+ d["occlusionTexture"] = occt;
+ }
+ if (has_roughness || has_metalness) {
+ mrt["index"] = orm_texture_index;
+ Dictionary extensions = _serialize_texture_transform_uv1(material);
+ if (!extensions.is_empty()) {
+ mrt["extensions"] = extensions;
+ p_state->use_khr_texture_transform = true;
+ }
+ mr["metallicRoughnessTexture"] = mrt;
+ }
+ d["pbrMetallicRoughness"] = mr;
if (base_material->get_feature(BaseMaterial3D::FEATURE_NORMAL_MAPPING)) {
Dictionary nt;
Ref<ImageTexture> tex;
@@ -3607,6 +3609,7 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_serialize_materials(Ref<GLTFState> p_state) {
d["emissiveFactor"] = arr;
if (base_material->get_feature(BaseMaterial3D::FEATURE_EMISSION)) {
Dictionary et;
Ref<Texture2D> emission_texture = base_material->get_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_EMISSION);
@@ -3621,16 +3624,19 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_serialize_materials(Ref<GLTFState> p_state) {
d["emissiveTexture"] = et;
const bool ds = base_material->get_cull_mode() == BaseMaterial3D::CULL_DISABLED;
if (ds) {
d["doubleSided"] = ds;
if (base_material->get_transparency() == BaseMaterial3D::TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA_SCISSOR) {
d["alphaMode"] = "MASK";
d["alphaCutoff"] = base_material->get_alpha_scissor_threshold();
} else if (base_material->get_transparency() != BaseMaterial3D::TRANSPARENCY_DISABLED) {
d["alphaMode"] = "BLEND";
if (!materials.size()) {