path: root/modules
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules')
9 files changed, 268 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml b/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml
index d9fab01dce..d0926d317b 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml
+++ b/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
Returns an array with the given range. Range can be 1 argument [code]N[/code] (0 to [code]N[/code] - 1), two arguments ([code]initial[/code], [code]final - 1[/code]) or three arguments ([code]initial[/code], [code]final - 1[/code], [code]increment[/code]). Returns an empty array if the range isn't valid (e.g. [code]range(2, 5, -1)[/code] or [code]range(5, 5, 1)[/code]).
Returns an array with the given range. [code]range()[/code] can have 1 argument N ([code]0[/code] to [code]N - 1[/code]), two arguments ([code]initial[/code], [code]final - 1[/code]) or three arguments ([code]initial[/code], [code]final - 1[/code], [code]increment[/code]). [code]increment[/code] can be negative. If [code]increment[/code] is negative, [code]final - 1[/code] will become [code]final + 1[/code]. Also, the initial value must be greater than the final value for the loop to run.
- [code]range()(/code] converts all arguments to [int] before processing.
+ [code]range()[/code] converts all arguments to [int] before processing.
print(range(2, 5))
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.cpp
index d3287ab345..63fad0d9bb 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.cpp
@@ -1493,7 +1493,7 @@ GDScriptTokenizer::Token GDScriptTokenizer::scan() {
- return make_error(vformat(R"(Unknown character "%s".")", String(&c, 1)));
+ return make_error(vformat(R"(Unknown character "%s".)", String(&c, 1)));
diff --git a/modules/navigation/nav_map.cpp b/modules/navigation/nav_map.cpp
index 217e503d82..a6df6bb72c 100644
--- a/modules/navigation/nav_map.cpp
+++ b/modules/navigation/nav_map.cpp
@@ -142,10 +142,10 @@ Vector<Vector3> NavMap::get_path(Vector3 p_origin, Vector3 p_destination, bool p
bool is_reachable = true;
while (true) {
- gd::NavigationPoly *least_cost_poly = &navigation_polys[least_cost_id];
// Takes the current least_cost_poly neighbors (iterating over its edges) and compute the traveled_distance.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < least_cost_poly->poly->edges.size(); i++) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < navigation_polys[least_cost_id].poly->edges.size(); i++) {
+ gd::NavigationPoly *least_cost_poly = &navigation_polys[least_cost_id];
const gd::Edge &edge = least_cost_poly->poly->edges[i];
// Iterate over connections in this edge, then compute the new optimized travel distance assigned to this polygon.
diff --git a/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp b/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp
index 4cd5dada4d..0ae8219e23 100644
--- a/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp
+++ b/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.cpp
@@ -994,8 +994,8 @@ _FORCE_INLINE_ TextServerAdvanced::FontGlyph TextServerAdvanced::rasterize_msdf(
int w = (bounds.r - bounds.l);
int h = (bounds.t - bounds.b);
- int mw = w + p_rect_margin * 2;
- int mh = h + p_rect_margin * 2;
+ int mw = w + p_rect_margin * 4;
+ int mh = h + p_rect_margin * 4;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(mw > 4096, FontGlyph());
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(mh > 4096, FontGlyph());
@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ _FORCE_INLINE_ TextServerAdvanced::FontGlyph TextServerAdvanced::rasterize_msdf(
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) {
- int ofs = ((i + tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin) * tex.texture_w + j + tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin) * 4;
+ int ofs = ((i + tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin * 2) * tex.texture_w + j + tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin * 2) * 4;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(ofs >= tex.imgdata.size(), FontGlyph());
wr[ofs + 0] = (uint8_t)(CLAMP(image(j, i)[0] * 256.f, 0.f, 255.f));
wr[ofs + 1] = (uint8_t)(CLAMP(image(j, i)[1] * 256.f, 0.f, 255.f));
@@ -1049,8 +1049,9 @@ _FORCE_INLINE_ TextServerAdvanced::FontGlyph TextServerAdvanced::rasterize_msdf(
chr.texture_idx = tex_pos.index;
- chr.uv_rect = Rect2(tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin, tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin, w, h);
- chr.rect.position = Vector2(bounds.l, -bounds.t);
+ chr.uv_rect = Rect2(tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin, tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin, w + p_rect_margin * 2, h + p_rect_margin * 2);
+ chr.rect.position = Vector2(bounds.l - p_rect_margin, -bounds.t - p_rect_margin);
chr.rect.size = chr.uv_rect.size;
return chr;
@@ -1062,8 +1063,8 @@ _FORCE_INLINE_ TextServerAdvanced::FontGlyph TextServerAdvanced::rasterize_bitma
int w = bitmap.width;
int h = bitmap.rows;
- int mw = w + p_rect_margin * 2;
- int mh = h + p_rect_margin * 2;
+ int mw = w + p_rect_margin * 4;
+ int mh = h + p_rect_margin * 4;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(mw > 4096, FontGlyph());
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(mh > 4096, FontGlyph());
@@ -1083,7 +1084,7 @@ _FORCE_INLINE_ TextServerAdvanced::FontGlyph TextServerAdvanced::rasterize_bitma
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) {
- int ofs = ((i + tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin) * tex.texture_w + j + tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin) * color_size;
+ int ofs = ((i + tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin * 2) * tex.texture_w + j + tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin * 2) * color_size;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(ofs >= tex.imgdata.size(), FontGlyph());
switch (bitmap.pixel_mode) {
@@ -1124,8 +1125,8 @@ _FORCE_INLINE_ TextServerAdvanced::FontGlyph TextServerAdvanced::rasterize_bitma
chr.texture_idx = tex_pos.index;
chr.found = true;
- chr.uv_rect = Rect2(tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin, tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin, w, h);
- chr.rect.position = Vector2(xofs, -yofs) * p_data->scale / p_data->oversampling;
+ chr.uv_rect = Rect2(tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin, tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin, w + p_rect_margin * 2, h + p_rect_margin * 2);
+ chr.rect.position = Vector2(xofs - p_rect_margin, -yofs - p_rect_margin) * p_data->scale / p_data->oversampling;
chr.rect.size = chr.uv_rect.size * p_data->scale / p_data->oversampling;
return chr;
@@ -1796,6 +1797,29 @@ bool TextServerAdvanced::font_is_antialiased(const RID &p_font_rid) const {
return fd->antialiased;
+void TextServerAdvanced::font_set_generate_mipmaps(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_generate_mipmaps) {
+ FontDataAdvanced *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid);
+ MutexLock lock(fd->mutex);
+ if (fd->mipmaps != p_generate_mipmaps) {
+ for (KeyValue<Vector2i, FontDataForSizeAdvanced *> &E : fd->cache) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < E.value->textures.size(); i++) {
+ E.value->textures.write[i].dirty = true;
+ }
+ }
+ fd->mipmaps = p_generate_mipmaps;
+ }
+bool TextServerAdvanced::font_get_generate_mipmaps(const RID &p_font_rid) const {
+ FontDataAdvanced *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!fd, false);
+ MutexLock lock(fd->mutex);
+ return fd->mipmaps;
void TextServerAdvanced::font_set_multichannel_signed_distance_field(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_msdf) {
FontDataAdvanced *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid);
@@ -2276,6 +2300,9 @@ void TextServerAdvanced::font_set_texture_image(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vec
Ref<Image> img;
img->create_from_data(tex.texture_w, tex.texture_h, false, tex.format, tex.imgdata);
+ if (fd->mipmaps) {
+ img->generate_mipmaps();
+ }
tex.texture = Ref<ImageTexture>();
@@ -2559,6 +2586,86 @@ void TextServerAdvanced::font_set_glyph_texture_idx(const RID &p_font_rid, const
gl[p_glyph].found = true;
+RID TextServerAdvanced::font_get_glyph_texture_rid(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const {
+ FontDataAdvanced *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!fd, RID());
+ MutexLock lock(fd->mutex);
+ Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), RID());
+ if (!_ensure_glyph(fd, size, p_glyph)) {
+ return RID(); // Invalid or non graphicl glyph, do not display errors.
+ }
+ const HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map;
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(gl[p_glyph].texture_idx < -1 || gl[p_glyph].texture_idx >= fd->cache[size]->textures.size(), RID());
+ if (RenderingServer::get_singleton() != nullptr) {
+ if (gl[p_glyph].texture_idx != -1) {
+ if (fd->cache[size]->textures[gl[p_glyph].texture_idx].dirty) {
+ FontTexture &tex = fd->cache[size]->textures.write[gl[p_glyph].texture_idx];
+ Ref<Image> img;
+ img.instantiate();
+ img->create_from_data(tex.texture_w, tex.texture_h, false, tex.format, tex.imgdata);
+ if (fd->mipmaps) {
+ img->generate_mipmaps();
+ }
+ if (tex.texture.is_null()) {
+ tex.texture.instantiate();
+ tex.texture->create_from_image(img);
+ } else {
+ tex.texture->update(img);
+ }
+ tex.dirty = false;
+ }
+ return fd->cache[size]->textures[gl[p_glyph].texture_idx].texture->get_rid();
+ }
+ }
+ return RID();
+Size2 TextServerAdvanced::font_get_glyph_texture_size(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const {
+ FontDataAdvanced *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!fd, Size2());
+ MutexLock lock(fd->mutex);
+ Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), Size2());
+ if (!_ensure_glyph(fd, size, p_glyph)) {
+ return Size2(); // Invalid or non graphicl glyph, do not display errors.
+ }
+ const HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map;
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(gl[p_glyph].texture_idx < -1 || gl[p_glyph].texture_idx >= fd->cache[size]->textures.size(), Size2());
+ if (RenderingServer::get_singleton() != nullptr) {
+ if (gl[p_glyph].texture_idx != -1) {
+ if (fd->cache[size]->textures[gl[p_glyph].texture_idx].dirty) {
+ FontTexture &tex = fd->cache[size]->textures.write[gl[p_glyph].texture_idx];
+ Ref<Image> img;
+ img.instantiate();
+ img->create_from_data(tex.texture_w, tex.texture_h, false, tex.format, tex.imgdata);
+ if (fd->mipmaps) {
+ img->generate_mipmaps();
+ }
+ if (tex.texture.is_null()) {
+ tex.texture.instantiate();
+ tex.texture->create_from_image(img);
+ } else {
+ tex.texture->update(img);
+ }
+ tex.dirty = false;
+ }
+ return fd->cache[size]->textures[gl[p_glyph].texture_idx].texture->get_size();
+ }
+ }
+ return Size2();
Dictionary TextServerAdvanced::font_get_glyph_contours(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, int64_t p_index) const {
FontDataAdvanced *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!fd, Dictionary());
@@ -2865,6 +2972,9 @@ void TextServerAdvanced::font_draw_glyph(const RID &p_font_rid, const RID &p_can
Ref<Image> img;
img->create_from_data(tex.texture_w, tex.texture_h, false, tex.format, tex.imgdata);
+ if (fd->mipmaps) {
+ img->generate_mipmaps();
+ }
if (tex.texture.is_null()) {
@@ -2941,6 +3051,9 @@ void TextServerAdvanced::font_draw_glyph_outline(const RID &p_font_rid, const RI
Ref<Image> img;
img->create_from_data(tex.texture_w, tex.texture_h, false, tex.format, tex.imgdata);
+ if (fd->mipmaps) {
+ img->generate_mipmaps();
+ }
if (tex.texture.is_null()) {
@@ -3304,7 +3417,9 @@ void TextServerAdvanced::shaped_text_set_bidi_override(const RID &p_shaped, cons
for (int i = 0; i < p_override.size(); i++) {
- sd->bidi_override.push_back(p_override[i]);
+ if (p_override[i].get_type() == Variant::VECTOR2I) {
+ sd->bidi_override.push_back(p_override[i]);
+ }
invalidate(sd, false);
diff --git a/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.h b/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.h
index 8afba6adca..fa59566a94 100644
--- a/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.h
+++ b/modules/text_server_adv/text_server_adv.h
@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ class TextServerAdvanced : public TextServerExtension {
Mutex mutex;
bool antialiased = true;
+ bool mipmaps = false;
bool msdf = false;
int msdf_range = 14;
int msdf_source_size = 48;
@@ -483,6 +484,9 @@ public:
virtual void font_set_antialiased(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_antialiased) override;
virtual bool font_is_antialiased(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
+ virtual void font_set_generate_mipmaps(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_generate_mipmaps) override;
+ virtual bool font_get_generate_mipmaps(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_multichannel_signed_distance_field(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_msdf) override;
virtual bool font_is_multichannel_signed_distance_field(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
@@ -567,6 +571,9 @@ public:
virtual int64_t font_get_glyph_texture_idx(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const override;
virtual void font_set_glyph_texture_idx(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph, int64_t p_texture_idx) override;
+ virtual RID font_get_glyph_texture_rid(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const override;
+ virtual Size2 font_get_glyph_texture_size(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const override;
virtual Dictionary font_get_glyph_contours(const RID &p_font, int64_t p_size, int64_t p_index) const override;
virtual Array font_get_kerning_list(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size) const override;
diff --git a/modules/text_server_fb/text_server_fb.cpp b/modules/text_server_fb/text_server_fb.cpp
index 47c6a73b24..1251aaf2b9 100644
--- a/modules/text_server_fb/text_server_fb.cpp
+++ b/modules/text_server_fb/text_server_fb.cpp
@@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ _FORCE_INLINE_ TextServerFallback::FontGlyph TextServerFallback::rasterize_msdf(
int w = (bounds.r - bounds.l);
int h = (bounds.t - bounds.b);
- int mw = w + p_rect_margin * 2;
- int mh = h + p_rect_margin * 2;
+ int mw = w + p_rect_margin * 4;
+ int mh = h + p_rect_margin * 4;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(mw > 4096, FontGlyph());
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(mh > 4096, FontGlyph());
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ _FORCE_INLINE_ TextServerFallback::FontGlyph TextServerFallback::rasterize_msdf(
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) {
- int ofs = ((i + tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin) * tex.texture_w + j + tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin) * 4;
+ int ofs = ((i + tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin * 2) * tex.texture_w + j + tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin * 2) * 4;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(ofs >= tex.imgdata.size(), FontGlyph());
wr[ofs + 0] = (uint8_t)(CLAMP(image(j, i)[0] * 256.f, 0.f, 255.f));
wr[ofs + 1] = (uint8_t)(CLAMP(image(j, i)[1] * 256.f, 0.f, 255.f));
@@ -493,8 +493,8 @@ _FORCE_INLINE_ TextServerFallback::FontGlyph TextServerFallback::rasterize_msdf(
chr.texture_idx = tex_pos.index;
- chr.uv_rect = Rect2(tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin, tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin, w, h);
- chr.rect.position = Vector2(bounds.l, -bounds.t);
+ chr.uv_rect = Rect2(tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin, tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin, w + p_rect_margin * 2, h + p_rect_margin * 2);
+ chr.rect.position = Vector2(bounds.l - p_rect_margin, -bounds.t - p_rect_margin);
chr.rect.size = chr.uv_rect.size;
return chr;
@@ -506,8 +506,8 @@ _FORCE_INLINE_ TextServerFallback::FontGlyph TextServerFallback::rasterize_bitma
int w = bitmap.width;
int h = bitmap.rows;
- int mw = w + p_rect_margin * 2;
- int mh = h + p_rect_margin * 2;
+ int mw = w + p_rect_margin * 4;
+ int mh = h + p_rect_margin * 4;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(mw > 4096, FontGlyph());
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(mh > 4096, FontGlyph());
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ _FORCE_INLINE_ TextServerFallback::FontGlyph TextServerFallback::rasterize_bitma
for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) {
- int ofs = ((i + tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin) * tex.texture_w + j + tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin) * color_size;
+ int ofs = ((i + tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin * 2) * tex.texture_w + j + tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin * 2) * color_size;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(ofs >= tex.imgdata.size(), FontGlyph());
switch (bitmap.pixel_mode) {
@@ -568,8 +568,8 @@ _FORCE_INLINE_ TextServerFallback::FontGlyph TextServerFallback::rasterize_bitma
chr.texture_idx = tex_pos.index;
chr.found = true;
- chr.uv_rect = Rect2(tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin, tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin, w, h);
- chr.rect.position = Vector2(xofs, -yofs) * p_data->scale / p_data->oversampling;
+ chr.uv_rect = Rect2(tex_pos.x + p_rect_margin, tex_pos.y + p_rect_margin, w + p_rect_margin * 2, h + p_rect_margin * 2);
+ chr.rect.position = Vector2(xofs - p_rect_margin, -yofs - p_rect_margin) * p_data->scale / p_data->oversampling;
chr.rect.size = chr.uv_rect.size * p_data->scale / p_data->oversampling;
return chr;
@@ -959,6 +959,29 @@ bool TextServerFallback::font_is_antialiased(const RID &p_font_rid) const {
return fd->antialiased;
+void TextServerFallback::font_set_generate_mipmaps(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_generate_mipmaps) {
+ FontDataFallback *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid);
+ MutexLock lock(fd->mutex);
+ if (fd->mipmaps != p_generate_mipmaps) {
+ for (KeyValue<Vector2i, FontDataForSizeFallback *> &E : fd->cache) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < E.value->textures.size(); i++) {
+ E.value->textures.write[i].dirty = true;
+ }
+ }
+ fd->mipmaps = p_generate_mipmaps;
+ }
+bool TextServerFallback::font_get_generate_mipmaps(const RID &p_font_rid) const {
+ FontDataFallback *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!fd, false);
+ MutexLock lock(fd->mutex);
+ return fd->mipmaps;
void TextServerFallback::font_set_multichannel_signed_distance_field(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_msdf) {
FontDataFallback *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid);
@@ -1439,6 +1462,9 @@ void TextServerFallback::font_set_texture_image(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vec
Ref<Image> img;
img->create_from_data(tex.texture_w, tex.texture_h, false, tex.format, tex.imgdata);
+ if (fd->mipmaps) {
+ img->generate_mipmaps();
+ }
tex.texture = Ref<ImageTexture>();
@@ -1708,6 +1734,86 @@ void TextServerFallback::font_set_glyph_texture_idx(const RID &p_font_rid, const
gl[p_glyph].found = true;
+RID TextServerFallback::font_get_glyph_texture_rid(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const {
+ FontDataFallback *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!fd, RID());
+ MutexLock lock(fd->mutex);
+ Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), RID());
+ if (!_ensure_glyph(fd, size, p_glyph)) {
+ return RID(); // Invalid or non graphicl glyph, do not display errors.
+ }
+ const HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map;
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(gl[p_glyph].texture_idx < -1 || gl[p_glyph].texture_idx >= fd->cache[size]->textures.size(), RID());
+ if (RenderingServer::get_singleton() != nullptr) {
+ if (gl[p_glyph].texture_idx != -1) {
+ if (fd->cache[size]->textures[gl[p_glyph].texture_idx].dirty) {
+ FontTexture &tex = fd->cache[size]->textures.write[gl[p_glyph].texture_idx];
+ Ref<Image> img;
+ img.instantiate();
+ img->create_from_data(tex.texture_w, tex.texture_h, false, tex.format, tex.imgdata);
+ if (fd->mipmaps) {
+ img->generate_mipmaps();
+ }
+ if (tex.texture.is_null()) {
+ tex.texture.instantiate();
+ tex.texture->create_from_image(img);
+ } else {
+ tex.texture->update(img);
+ }
+ tex.dirty = false;
+ }
+ return fd->cache[size]->textures[gl[p_glyph].texture_idx].texture->get_rid();
+ }
+ }
+ return RID();
+Size2 TextServerFallback::font_get_glyph_texture_size(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const {
+ FontDataFallback *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!fd, Size2());
+ MutexLock lock(fd->mutex);
+ Vector2i size = _get_size_outline(fd, p_size);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!_ensure_cache_for_size(fd, size), Size2());
+ if (!_ensure_glyph(fd, size, p_glyph)) {
+ return Size2(); // Invalid or non graphicl glyph, do not display errors.
+ }
+ const HashMap<int32_t, FontGlyph> &gl = fd->cache[size]->glyph_map;
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(gl[p_glyph].texture_idx < -1 || gl[p_glyph].texture_idx >= fd->cache[size]->textures.size(), Size2());
+ if (RenderingServer::get_singleton() != nullptr) {
+ if (gl[p_glyph].texture_idx != -1) {
+ if (fd->cache[size]->textures[gl[p_glyph].texture_idx].dirty) {
+ FontTexture &tex = fd->cache[size]->textures.write[gl[p_glyph].texture_idx];
+ Ref<Image> img;
+ img.instantiate();
+ img->create_from_data(tex.texture_w, tex.texture_h, false, tex.format, tex.imgdata);
+ if (fd->mipmaps) {
+ img->generate_mipmaps();
+ }
+ if (tex.texture.is_null()) {
+ tex.texture.instantiate();
+ tex.texture->create_from_image(img);
+ } else {
+ tex.texture->update(img);
+ }
+ tex.dirty = false;
+ }
+ return fd->cache[size]->textures[gl[p_glyph].texture_idx].texture->get_size();
+ }
+ }
+ return Size2();
Dictionary TextServerFallback::font_get_glyph_contours(const RID &p_font_rid, int64_t p_size, int64_t p_index) const {
FontDataFallback *fd = font_owner.get_or_null(p_font_rid);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!fd, Dictionary());
@@ -1996,6 +2102,9 @@ void TextServerFallback::font_draw_glyph(const RID &p_font_rid, const RID &p_can
Ref<Image> img;
img->create_from_data(tex.texture_w, tex.texture_h, false, tex.format, tex.imgdata);
+ if (fd->mipmaps) {
+ img->generate_mipmaps();
+ }
if (tex.texture.is_null()) {
@@ -2072,6 +2181,9 @@ void TextServerFallback::font_draw_glyph_outline(const RID &p_font_rid, const RI
Ref<Image> img;
img->create_from_data(tex.texture_w, tex.texture_h, false, tex.format, tex.imgdata);
+ if (fd->mipmaps) {
+ img->generate_mipmaps();
+ }
if (tex.texture.is_null()) {
diff --git a/modules/text_server_fb/text_server_fb.h b/modules/text_server_fb/text_server_fb.h
index ea77659b5d..d6f61e02f8 100644
--- a/modules/text_server_fb/text_server_fb.h
+++ b/modules/text_server_fb/text_server_fb.h
@@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ class TextServerFallback : public TextServerExtension {
Mutex mutex;
bool antialiased = true;
+ bool mipmaps = false;
bool msdf = false;
int msdf_range = 14;
int msdf_source_size = 48;
@@ -375,6 +376,9 @@ public:
virtual void font_set_antialiased(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_antialiased) override;
virtual bool font_is_antialiased(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
+ virtual void font_set_generate_mipmaps(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_generate_mipmaps) override;
+ virtual bool font_get_generate_mipmaps(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
virtual void font_set_multichannel_signed_distance_field(const RID &p_font_rid, bool p_msdf) override;
virtual bool font_is_multichannel_signed_distance_field(const RID &p_font_rid) const override;
@@ -458,6 +462,8 @@ public:
virtual int64_t font_get_glyph_texture_idx(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const override;
virtual void font_set_glyph_texture_idx(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph, int64_t p_texture_idx) override;
+ virtual RID font_get_glyph_texture_rid(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const override;
+ virtual Size2 font_get_glyph_texture_size(const RID &p_font_rid, const Vector2i &p_size, int64_t p_glyph) const override;
virtual Dictionary font_get_glyph_contours(const RID &p_font, int64_t p_size, int64_t p_index) const override;
diff --git a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScript.xml b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScript.xml
index 96310538bf..5807c98d32 100644
--- a/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScript.xml
+++ b/modules/visual_script/doc_classes/VisualScript.xml
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
<method name="set_scroll">
<return type="void" />
- <argument index="0" name="ofs" type="Vector2" />
+ <argument index="0" name="offset" type="Vector2" />
Set the screen center to the given position.
diff --git a/modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp b/modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
index e8c44e2556..e31550b203 100644
--- a/modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
+++ b/modules/visual_script/visual_script.cpp
@@ -1118,7 +1118,7 @@ void VisualScript::_bind_methods() {
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("has_function", "name"), &VisualScript::has_function);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("remove_function", "name"), &VisualScript::remove_function);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("rename_function", "name", "new_name"), &VisualScript::rename_function);
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_scroll", "ofs"), &VisualScript::set_scroll);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_scroll", "offset"), &VisualScript::set_scroll);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_scroll"), &VisualScript::get_scroll);
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("add_node", "id", "node", "position"), &VisualScript::add_node, DEFVAL(Point2()));