path: root/modules/svg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/svg')
4 files changed, 158 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/modules/svg/SCsub b/modules/svg/SCsub
index c7228a8d0b..bb03147731 100644
--- a/modules/svg/SCsub
+++ b/modules/svg/SCsub
@@ -9,16 +9,66 @@ env_svg = env_modules.Clone()
thirdparty_obj = []
-thirdparty_dir = "#thirdparty/nanosvg/"
+thirdparty_dir = "#thirdparty/thorvg/"
thirdparty_sources = [
- "",
+ "src/lib/tvgBezier.cpp",
+ "src/lib/tvgCanvas.cpp",
+ "src/lib/tvgFill.cpp",
+ "src/lib/tvgGlCanvas.cpp",
+ "src/lib/tvgInitializer.cpp",
+ "src/lib/tvgLinearGradient.cpp",
+ "src/lib/tvgLoader.cpp",
+ "src/lib/tvgLzw.cpp",
+ "src/lib/tvgPaint.cpp",
+ "src/lib/tvgPicture.cpp",
+ "src/lib/tvgRadialGradient.cpp",
+ "src/lib/tvgRender.cpp",
+ "src/lib/tvgSaver.cpp",
+ "src/lib/tvgScene.cpp",
+ "src/lib/tvgShape.cpp",
+ "src/lib/tvgSwCanvas.cpp",
+ "src/lib/tvgTaskScheduler.cpp",
+ "src/loaders/raw/tvgRawLoader.cpp",
+ "src/loaders/svg/tvgXmlParser.cpp",
+ "src/loaders/svg/tvgSvgUtil.cpp",
+ "src/loaders/svg/tvgSvgSceneBuilder.cpp",
+ "src/loaders/svg/tvgSvgPath.cpp",
+ "src/loaders/svg/tvgSvgLoader.cpp",
+ "src/loaders/tvg/tvgTvgBinInterpreter.cpp",
+ "src/loaders/tvg/tvgTvgLoader.cpp",
+ "src/loaders/jpg/tvgJpgLoader.cpp",
+ "src/loaders/jpg/tvgJpgd.cpp",
+ "src/loaders/external_png/tvgPngLoader.cpp",
+ "src/lib/sw_engine/tvgSwFill.cpp",
+ "src/lib/sw_engine/tvgSwImage.cpp",
+ "src/lib/sw_engine/tvgSwMath.cpp",
+ "src/lib/sw_engine/tvgSwMemPool.cpp",
+ "src/lib/sw_engine/tvgSwRaster.cpp",
+ "src/lib/sw_engine/tvgSwRenderer.cpp",
+ "src/lib/sw_engine/tvgSwRle.cpp",
+ "src/lib/sw_engine/tvgSwShape.cpp",
+ "src/lib/sw_engine/tvgSwStroke.cpp",
+ "src/savers/tvg/tvgTvgSaver.cpp",
thirdparty_sources = [thirdparty_dir + file for file in thirdparty_sources]
+env_svg.Prepend(CPPPATH=[thirdparty_dir + "inc"])
env_thirdparty = env_svg.Clone()
+ thirdparty_dir + "src/lib",
+ thirdparty_dir + "src/lib/sw_engine",
+ thirdparty_dir + "src/loaders/raw",
+ thirdparty_dir + "src/loaders/svg",
+ thirdparty_dir + "src/loaders/jpg",
+ thirdparty_dir + "src/loaders/png",
+ thirdparty_dir + "src/loaders/tvg",
+ thirdparty_dir + "src/savers/tvg",
+ ]
env_thirdparty.add_source_files(thirdparty_obj, thirdparty_sources)
env.modules_sources += thirdparty_obj
diff --git a/modules/svg/image_loader_svg.cpp b/modules/svg/image_loader_svg.cpp
index bf43d7a4ad..96b83bf25a 100644
--- a/modules/svg/image_loader_svg.cpp
+++ b/modules/svg/image_loader_svg.cpp
@@ -30,132 +30,118 @@
#include "image_loader_svg.h"
-#include <nanosvg.h>
-#include <nanosvgrast.h>
-void SVGRasterizer::rasterize(NSVGimage *p_image, float p_tx, float p_ty, float p_scale, unsigned char *p_dst, int p_w, int p_h, int p_stride) {
- nsvgRasterize(rasterizer, p_image, p_tx, p_ty, p_scale, p_dst, p_w, p_h, p_stride);
-SVGRasterizer::SVGRasterizer() {
- rasterizer = nsvgCreateRasterizer();
-SVGRasterizer::~SVGRasterizer() {
- nsvgDeleteRasterizer(rasterizer);
-SVGRasterizer ImageLoaderSVG::rasterizer;
-inline void change_nsvg_paint_color(NSVGpaint *p_paint, const uint32_t p_old, const uint32_t p_new) {
- if (p_paint->type == NSVG_PAINT_COLOR) {
- if (p_paint->color << 8 == p_old << 8) {
- p_paint->color = (p_paint->color & 0xFF000000) | (p_new & 0x00FFFFFF);
- }
- }
- if (p_paint->type == NSVG_PAINT_LINEAR_GRADIENT || p_paint->type == NSVG_PAINT_RADIAL_GRADIENT) {
- for (int stop_index = 0; stop_index < p_paint->gradient->nstops; stop_index++) {
- if (p_paint->gradient->stops[stop_index].color << 8 == p_old << 8) {
- p_paint->gradient->stops[stop_index].color = p_new;
+#include "core/os/memory.h"
+#include "core/variant/variant.h"
+#include <thorvg.h>
+void ImageLoaderSVG::_replace_color_property(const String &p_prefix, String &r_string) {
+ // Replace colors in the SVG based on what is configured in `replace_colors`.
+ // Used to change the colors of editor icons based on the used theme.
+ // The strings being replaced are typically of the form:
+ // fill="#5abbef"
+ // But can also be 3-letter codes, include alpha, be "none" or a named color
+ // string ("blue"). So we convert to Godot Color to compare with `replace_colors`.
+ const int prefix_len = p_prefix.length();
+ int pos = r_string.find(p_prefix);
+ while (pos != -1) {
+ pos += prefix_len; // Skip prefix.
+ int end_pos = r_string.find("\"", pos);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(end_pos == -1, vformat("Malformed SVG string after property \"%s\".", p_prefix));
+ const String color_code = r_string.substr(pos, end_pos - pos);
+ if (color_code != "none" && !color_code.begins_with("url(")) {
+ const Color color = Color(color_code); // Handles both HTML codes and named colors.
+ if (replace_colors.has(color)) {
+ r_string = r_string.left(pos) + "#" + replace_colors[color].operator Color().to_html(false) + r_string.substr(end_pos);
+ // Search for other occurrences.
+ pos = r_string.find(p_prefix, pos);
-void ImageLoaderSVG::_convert_colors(NSVGimage *p_svg_image) {
- for (NSVGshape *shape = p_svg_image->shapes; shape != nullptr; shape = shape->next) {
- for (int i = 0; i < replace_colors.old_colors.size(); i++) {
- change_nsvg_paint_color(&(shape->stroke), replace_colors.old_colors[i], replace_colors.new_colors[i]);
- change_nsvg_paint_color(&(shape->fill), replace_colors.old_colors[i], replace_colors.new_colors[i]);
- }
- }
+void ImageLoaderSVG::create_image_from_string(Ref<Image> p_image, String p_string, float p_scale, bool p_upsample, bool p_convert_color) {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(Math::is_zero_approx(p_scale));
-void ImageLoaderSVG::set_convert_colors(Dictionary *p_replace_color) {
- if (p_replace_color) {
- Dictionary replace_color = *p_replace_color;
- for (int i = 0; i < replace_color.keys().size(); i++) {
- Variant o_c = replace_color.keys()[i];
- Variant n_c = replace_color[replace_color.keys()[i]];
- if (o_c.get_type() == Variant::COLOR && n_c.get_type() == Variant::COLOR) {
- Color old_color = o_c;
- Color new_color = n_c;
- replace_colors.old_colors.push_back(old_color.to_abgr32());
- replace_colors.new_colors.push_back(new_color.to_abgr32());
- }
- }
- } else {
- replace_colors.old_colors.clear();
- replace_colors.new_colors.clear();
+ if (p_convert_color) {
+ _replace_color_property("stop-color=\"", p_string);
+ _replace_color_property("fill=\"", p_string);
+ _replace_color_property("stroke=\"", p_string);
-Error ImageLoaderSVG::_create_image(Ref<Image> p_image, const Vector<uint8_t> *p_data, float p_scale, bool upsample, bool convert_colors) {
- NSVGimage *svg_image;
- const uint8_t *src_r = p_data->ptr();
- svg_image = nsvgParse((char *)src_r, "px", 96);
- if (svg_image == nullptr) {
- ERR_PRINT("SVG Corrupted");
- }
+ std::unique_ptr<tvg::Picture> picture = tvg::Picture::gen();
+ PackedByteArray bytes = p_string.to_utf8_buffer();
- if (convert_colors) {
- _convert_colors(svg_image);
+ tvg::Result result = picture->load((const char *)bytes.ptr(), bytes.size(), "svg", true);
+ if (result != tvg::Result::Success) {
+ return;
+ float fw, fh;
+ picture->viewbox(nullptr, nullptr, &fw, &fh);
- const float upscale = upsample ? 2.0 : 1.0;
- const int w = (int)(svg_image->width * p_scale * upscale);
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(w > Image::MAX_WIDTH, ERR_PARAMETER_RANGE_ERROR, vformat("Can't create image from SVG with scale %s, the resulting image size exceeds max width.", rtos(p_scale)));
- const int h = (int)(svg_image->height * p_scale * upscale);
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(h > Image::MAX_HEIGHT, ERR_PARAMETER_RANGE_ERROR, vformat("Can't create image from SVG with scale %s, the resulting image size exceeds max height.", rtos(p_scale)));
- Vector<uint8_t> dst_image;
- dst_image.resize(w * h * 4);
+ uint32_t width = MIN(fw * p_scale, 16 * 1024);
+ uint32_t height = MIN(fh * p_scale, 16 * 1024);
+ picture->size(width, height);
- uint8_t *dw = dst_image.ptrw();
+ std::unique_ptr<tvg::SwCanvas> sw_canvas = tvg::SwCanvas::gen();
+ // Note: memalloc here, be sure to memfree before any return.
+ uint32_t *buffer = (uint32_t *)memalloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * width * height);
- rasterizer.rasterize(svg_image, 0, 0, p_scale * upscale, (unsigned char *)dw, w, h, w * 4);
- p_image->create(w, h, false, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, dst_image);
- if (upsample) {
- p_image->shrink_x2();
+ tvg::Result res = sw_canvas->target(buffer, width, width, height, tvg::SwCanvas::ARGB8888_STRAIGHT);
+ if (res != tvg::Result::Success) {
+ memfree(buffer);
+ ERR_FAIL_MSG("ImageLoaderSVG can't create image.");
- nsvgDelete(svg_image);
+ res = sw_canvas->push(move(picture));
+ if (res != tvg::Result::Success) {
+ memfree(buffer);
+ ERR_FAIL_MSG("ImageLoaderSVG can't create image.");
+ }
- return OK;
+ res = sw_canvas->draw();
+ if (res != tvg::Result::Success) {
+ memfree(buffer);
+ ERR_FAIL_MSG("ImageLoaderSVG can't create image.");
+ }
-Error ImageLoaderSVG::create_image_from_string(Ref<Image> p_image, const char *p_svg_str, float p_scale, bool upsample, bool convert_colors) {
- size_t str_len = strlen(p_svg_str);
- Vector<uint8_t> src_data;
- src_data.resize(str_len + 1);
- uint8_t *src_w = src_data.ptrw();
- memcpy(src_w, p_svg_str, str_len + 1);
+ res = sw_canvas->sync();
+ if (res != tvg::Result::Success) {
+ memfree(buffer);
+ ERR_FAIL_MSG("ImageLoaderSVG can't create image.");
+ }
- return _create_image(p_image, &src_data, p_scale, upsample, convert_colors);
+ Vector<uint8_t> image;
+ image.resize(width * height * sizeof(uint32_t));
+ for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; y++) {
+ for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ uint32_t n = buffer[y * width + x];
+ const size_t offset = sizeof(uint32_t) * width * y + sizeof(uint32_t) * x;
+ image.write[offset + 0] = (n >> 16) & 0xff;
+ image.write[offset + 1] = (n >> 8) & 0xff;
+ image.write[offset + 2] = n & 0xff;
+ image.write[offset + 3] = (n >> 24) & 0xff;
+ }
+ }
-Error ImageLoaderSVG::load_image(Ref<Image> p_image, FileAccess *f, bool p_force_linear, float p_scale) {
- uint64_t size = f->get_length();
- Vector<uint8_t> src_image;
- src_image.resize(size + 1);
- uint8_t *src_w = src_image.ptrw();
- f->get_buffer(src_w, size);
- src_w[size] = '\0';
+ res = sw_canvas->clear(true);
+ memfree(buffer);
- return _create_image(p_image, &src_image, p_scale, 1.0);
+ p_image->create(width, height, false, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, image);
void ImageLoaderSVG::get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const {
- p_extensions->push_back("svgz");
-ImageLoaderSVG::ImageLoaderSVG() {
+Error ImageLoaderSVG::load_image(Ref<Image> p_image, FileAccess *p_fileaccess, bool p_force_linear, float p_scale) {
+ String svg = p_fileaccess->get_as_utf8_string();
+ create_image_from_string(p_image, svg, p_scale, false, false);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_image->is_empty(), FAILED);
+ if (p_force_linear) {
+ p_image->srgb_to_linear();
+ }
+ return OK;
-ImageLoaderSVG::ReplaceColors ImageLoaderSVG::replace_colors;
diff --git a/modules/svg/image_loader_svg.h b/modules/svg/image_loader_svg.h
index 03307c319e..d0bd71d92d 100644
--- a/modules/svg/image_loader_svg.h
+++ b/modules/svg/image_loader_svg.h
@@ -32,38 +32,18 @@
#include "core/io/image_loader.h"
-#include "core/string/ustring.h"
-// Forward declare and include thirdparty headers in .cpp.
-struct NSVGrasterizer;
-struct NSVGimage;
-class SVGRasterizer {
- NSVGrasterizer *rasterizer;
- void rasterize(NSVGimage *p_image, float p_tx, float p_ty, float p_scale, unsigned char *p_dst, int p_w, int p_h, int p_stride);
- SVGRasterizer();
- ~SVGRasterizer();
class ImageLoaderSVG : public ImageFormatLoader {
- static struct ReplaceColors {
- List<uint32_t> old_colors;
- List<uint32_t> new_colors;
- } replace_colors;
- static SVGRasterizer rasterizer;
- static void _convert_colors(NSVGimage *p_svg_image);
- static Error _create_image(Ref<Image> p_image, const Vector<uint8_t> *p_data, float p_scale, bool upsample, bool convert_colors = false);
+ Dictionary replace_colors;
+ void _replace_color_property(const String &p_prefix, String &r_string);
- static void set_convert_colors(Dictionary *p_replace_color = nullptr);
- static Error create_image_from_string(Ref<Image> p_image, const char *p_svg_str, float p_scale, bool upsample, bool convert_colors = false);
+ // Called by the editor to handle theme icon colors.
+ void set_replace_colors(Dictionary p_replace_colors) { replace_colors = p_replace_colors; }
+ void create_image_from_string(Ref<Image> p_image, String p_string, float p_scale, bool p_upsample, bool p_convert_color);
- virtual Error load_image(Ref<Image> p_image, FileAccess *f, bool p_force_linear, float p_scale);
- virtual void get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const;
- ImageLoaderSVG();
+ virtual Error load_image(Ref<Image> p_image, FileAccess *p_fileaccess, bool p_force_linear, float p_scale) override;
+ virtual void get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const override;
diff --git a/modules/svg/register_types.cpp b/modules/svg/register_types.cpp
index 1560af95c3..a4341c6f1e 100644
--- a/modules/svg/register_types.cpp
+++ b/modules/svg/register_types.cpp
@@ -32,13 +32,23 @@
#include "image_loader_svg.h"
+#include <thorvg.h>
static ImageLoaderSVG *image_loader_svg = nullptr;
void register_svg_types() {
+ tvg::CanvasEngine tvgEngine = tvg::CanvasEngine::Sw;
+ if (tvg::Initializer::init(tvgEngine, 0) != tvg::Result::Success) {
+ return;
+ }
image_loader_svg = memnew(ImageLoaderSVG);
void unregister_svg_types() {
+ if (!image_loader_svg) {
+ return;
+ }
+ tvg::Initializer::term(tvg::CanvasEngine::Sw);