path: root/modules/mono
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/mono')
16 files changed, 182 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/modules/mono/SCsub b/modules/mono/SCsub
index a2df83925c..f3cf4c9c5d 100644
--- a/modules/mono/SCsub
+++ b/modules/mono/SCsub
@@ -18,14 +18,20 @@ def make_cs_files_header(src, dst):
header.write('#include "ustring.h"\n')
inserted_files = ''
import os
- for file in os.listdir(src):
- if file.endswith('.cs'):
- with open(os.path.join(src, file), 'rb') as f:
+ latest_mtime = 0
+ for root, _, files in os.walk(src):
+ files = [f for f in files if f.endswith('.cs')]
+ for file in files:
+ filepath = os.path.join(root, file)
+ filepath_src_rel = os.path.relpath(filepath, src)
+ mtime = os.path.getmtime(filepath)
+ latest_mtime = mtime if mtime > latest_mtime else latest_mtime
+ with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
buf =
decomp_size = len(buf)
import zlib
buf = zlib.compress(buf)
- name = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
+ name = os.path.splitext(os.path.normpath(filepath_src_rel))[0].strip(os.sep).replace(os.sep, '_').replace('.', '_dotto_')
header.write('\nstatic const int _cs_' + name + '_compressed_size = ' + str(len(buf)) + ';\n')
header.write('static const int _cs_' + name + '_uncompressed_size = ' + str(decomp_size) + ';\n')
header.write('static const unsigned char _cs_' + name + '_compressed[] = { ')
@@ -33,18 +39,13 @@ def make_cs_files_header(src, dst):
if i > 0:
header.write(', ')
- inserted_files += '\tr_files.insert("' + file + '", ' \
+ inserted_files += '\tr_files.insert("' + filepath_src_rel + '", ' \
'CompressedFile(_cs_' + name + '_compressed_size, ' \
'_cs_' + name + '_uncompressed_size, ' \
'_cs_' + name + '_compressed));\n'
header.write(' };\n')
- version_file = os.path.join(src, 'VERSION.txt')
- with open(version_file, 'r') as content_file:
- try:
- glue_version = int( # make sure the format is valid
- header.write('\n#define CS_GLUE_VERSION UINT32_C(' + str(glue_version) + ')\n')
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError('Invalid C# glue version in: ' + version_file)
+ glue_version = int(latest_mtime) # The latest modified time will do for now
+ header.write('\n#define CS_GLUE_VERSION UINT32_C(' + str(glue_version) + ')\n')
header.write('\nstruct CompressedFile\n' '{\n'
'\tint compressed_size;\n' '\tint uncompressed_size;\n' '\tconst unsigned char* data;\n'
'\n\tCompressedFile(int p_comp_size, int p_uncomp_size, const unsigned char* p_data)\n'
diff --git a/modules/mono/ b/modules/mono/
index 9a000a2a72..70fd1a35f1 100644
--- a/modules/mono/
+++ b/modules/mono/
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ def configure(env):
mono_lib_names = ['mono-2.0-sgen', 'monosgen-2.0']
if env['platform'] == 'windows':
+ mono_root = ''
if bits == '32':
if os.getenv('MONO32_PREFIX'):
mono_root = os.getenv('MONO32_PREFIX')
@@ -263,11 +265,13 @@ def pkgconfig_try_find_mono_root(mono_lib_names, sharedlib_ext):
def pkgconfig_try_find_mono_version():
+ from compat import decode_utf8
lines = subprocess.check_output(['pkg-config', 'monosgen-2', '--modversion']).splitlines()
greater_version = None
for line in lines:
- version = LooseVersion(line)
+ version = LooseVersion(decode_utf8(line))
if greater_version is None or version > greater_version:
greater_version = version
except ValueError:
diff --git a/modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp b/modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp
index 7d7028a7a6..cd1a8266ed 100644
--- a/modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp
+++ b/modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp
@@ -736,6 +736,9 @@ void CSharpLanguage::reload_assemblies_if_needed(bool p_soft_reload) {
map[obj->get_instance_id()] = state;
+ } else {
+ // no instance found. Let's remove it so we don't loop forever
+ E->get()->placeholders.erase(E->get()->placeholders.front()->get());
@@ -747,8 +750,24 @@ void CSharpLanguage::reload_assemblies_if_needed(bool p_soft_reload) {
- if (gdmono->reload_scripts_domain() != OK)
+ if (gdmono->reload_scripts_domain() != OK) {
+ // Failed to reload the scripts domain
+ // Make sure to add the scripts back to their owners before returning
+ for (Map<Ref<CSharpScript>, Map<ObjectID, List<Pair<StringName, Variant> > > >::Element *E = to_reload.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ Ref<CSharpScript> scr = E->key();
+ for (Map<ObjectID, List<Pair<StringName, Variant> > >::Element *F = E->get().front(); F; F = F->next()) {
+ Object *obj = ObjectDB::get_instance(F->key());
+ if (!obj)
+ continue;
+ obj->set_script(scr.get_ref_ptr());
+ // Save reload state for next time if not saved
+ if (!scr->pending_reload_state.has(obj->get_instance_id())) {
+ scr->pending_reload_state[obj->get_instance_id()] = F->get();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
for (Map<Ref<CSharpScript>, Map<ObjectID, List<Pair<StringName, Variant> > > >::Element *E = to_reload.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
@@ -778,6 +797,14 @@ void CSharpLanguage::reload_assemblies_if_needed(bool p_soft_reload) {
+ if (scr->valid && scr->is_tool() && obj->get_script_instance()->is_placeholder()) {
+ // Script instance was a placeholder, but now the script was built successfully and is a tool script.
+ // We have to replace the placeholder with an actual C# script instance.
+ scr->placeholders.erase(static_cast<PlaceHolderScriptInstance *>(obj->get_script_instance()));
+ ScriptInstance *script_instance = scr->instance_create(obj);
+ obj->set_script_instance(script_instance); // Not necessary as it's already done in instance_create, but just in case...
+ }
for (List<Pair<StringName, Variant> >::Element *G = F->get().front(); G; G = G->next()) {
obj->get_script_instance()->set(G->get().first, G->get().second);
@@ -1474,8 +1501,12 @@ void CSharpScript::_update_exports_values(Map<StringName, Variant> &values, List
bool CSharpScript::_update_exports() {
- if (!valid)
+ if (!valid) {
+ for (Set<PlaceHolderScriptInstance *>::Element *E = placeholders.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ E->get()->set_build_failed(true);
+ }
return false;
+ }
bool changed = false;
@@ -1577,6 +1608,7 @@ bool CSharpScript::_update_exports() {
_update_exports_values(values, propnames);
for (Set<PlaceHolderScriptInstance *>::Element *E = placeholders.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ E->get()->set_build_failed(false);
E->get()->update(propnames, values);
@@ -1687,7 +1719,7 @@ bool CSharpScript::_get_member_export(GDMonoClass *p_class, GDMonoClassMember *p
MonoObject *attr = p_member->get_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(ExportAttribute));
- PropertyHint hint;
+ PropertyHint hint = PROPERTY_HINT_NONE;
String hint_string;
if (variant_type == Variant::NIL) {
@@ -1873,7 +1905,11 @@ bool CSharpScript::can_instance() const {
- return valid || (!tool && !ScriptServer::is_scripting_enabled());
+ return valid && (tool || ScriptServer::is_scripting_enabled());
+ return valid;
StringName CSharpScript::get_instance_base_type() const {
@@ -1971,16 +2007,9 @@ Variant CSharpScript::_new(const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Variant::Call
ScriptInstance *CSharpScript::instance_create(Object *p_this) {
- if (!tool && !ScriptServer::is_scripting_enabled()) {
- PlaceHolderScriptInstance *si = memnew(PlaceHolderScriptInstance(CSharpLanguage::get_singleton(), Ref<Script>(this), p_this));
- placeholders.insert(si);
- _update_exports();
- return si;
- return NULL;
+ CRASH_COND(!valid);
- }
if (!script_class) {
if (GDMono::get_singleton()->get_project_assembly() == NULL) {
@@ -2011,6 +2040,18 @@ ScriptInstance *CSharpScript::instance_create(Object *p_this) {
return _create_instance(NULL, 0, p_this, Object::cast_to<Reference>(p_this), unchecked_error);
+PlaceHolderScriptInstance *CSharpScript::placeholder_instance_create(Object *p_this) {
+ PlaceHolderScriptInstance *si = memnew(PlaceHolderScriptInstance(CSharpLanguage::get_singleton(), Ref<Script>(this), p_this));
+ placeholders.insert(si);
+ _update_exports();
+ return si;
+ return NULL;
bool CSharpScript::instance_has(const Object *p_this) const {
#ifndef NO_THREADS
@@ -2077,9 +2118,11 @@ Error CSharpScript::reload(bool p_keep_state) {
if (script_class) {
- OS::get_singleton()->print(String("Found class " + script_class->get_namespace() + "." +
- script_class->get_name() + " for script " + get_path() + "\n")
- .utf8());
+ if (OS::get_singleton()->is_stdout_verbose()) {
+ OS::get_singleton()->print(String("Found class " + script_class->get_namespace() + "." +
+ script_class->get_name() + " for script " + get_path() + "\n")
+ .utf8());
+ }
tool = script_class->has_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(ToolAttribute));
diff --git a/modules/mono/csharp_script.h b/modules/mono/csharp_script.h
index 363ae59d22..53644eafae 100644
--- a/modules/mono/csharp_script.h
+++ b/modules/mono/csharp_script.h
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ public:
virtual bool can_instance() const;
virtual StringName get_instance_base_type() const;
virtual ScriptInstance *instance_create(Object *p_this);
+ virtual PlaceHolderScriptInstance *placeholder_instance_create(Object *p_this);
virtual bool instance_has(const Object *p_this) const;
virtual bool has_source_code() const;
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.cpp b/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.cpp
index 76907451e7..b97bb5e95f 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.cpp
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/bindings_generator.cpp
@@ -512,6 +512,15 @@ Error BindingsGenerator::generate_cs_core_project(const String &p_output_dir, bo
Compression::decompress(data.ptrw(), file_data.uncompressed_size,, file_data.compressed_size, Compression::MODE_DEFLATE);
+ String output_dir = output_file.get_base_dir();
+ if (!DirAccess::exists(output_dir)) {
+ DirAccessRef da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM);
+ Error err = da->make_dir_recursive(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->globalize_path(output_dir));
+ }
FileAccessRef file = FileAccess::open(output_file, FileAccess::WRITE);
file->store_buffer(data.ptr(), data.size());
diff --git a/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_builds.cpp b/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_builds.cpp
index b3b259e851..0fb8734410 100644
--- a/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_builds.cpp
+++ b/modules/mono/editor/godotsharp_builds.cpp
@@ -210,6 +210,8 @@ bool GodotSharpBuilds::build_api_sln(const String &p_name, const String &p_api_s
if (!FileAccess::exists(api_assembly_file)) {
MonoBuildInfo api_build_info(api_sln_file, p_config);
+ // TODO Replace this global NoWarn with '#pragma warning' directives on generated files,
+ // once we start to actively document manually maintained C# classes
api_build_info.custom_props.push_back("NoWarn=1591"); // Ignore missing documentation warnings
if (!GodotSharpBuilds::get_singleton()->build(api_build_info)) {
diff --git a/modules/mono/glue/collections_glue.cpp b/modules/mono/glue/collections_glue.cpp
index 0551c1991a..148bb32398 100644
--- a/modules/mono/glue/collections_glue.cpp
+++ b/modules/mono/glue/collections_glue.cpp
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ bool godot_icall_Dictionary_ContainsKey(Dictionary *ptr, MonoObject *key) {
bool godot_icall_Dictionary_RemoveKey(Dictionary *ptr, MonoObject *key) {
- return ptr->erase_checked(GDMonoMarshal::mono_object_to_variant(key));
+ return ptr->erase(GDMonoMarshal::mono_object_to_variant(key));
bool godot_icall_Dictionary_Remove(Dictionary *ptr, MonoObject *key, MonoObject *value) {
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ bool godot_icall_Dictionary_Remove(Dictionary *ptr, MonoObject *key, MonoObject
// no dupes
Variant *ret = ptr->getptr(varKey);
if (ret != NULL && *ret == GDMonoMarshal::mono_object_to_variant(value)) {
- ptr->erase_checked(varKey);
+ ptr->erase(varKey);
return true;
diff --git a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Array.cs b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Array.cs
index 51f57daef4..1ec4d7d20a 100644
--- a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Array.cs
+++ b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Array.cs
@@ -331,5 +331,10 @@ namespace Godot
return GetEnumerator();
+ internal IntPtr GetPtr()
+ {
+ return objectArray.GetPtr();
+ }
diff --git a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Dictionary.cs b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Dictionary.cs
index 57a1960ad9..30d17c2a59 100644
--- a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Dictionary.cs
+++ b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Dictionary.cs
@@ -397,5 +397,10 @@ namespace Godot
return GetEnumerator();
+ internal IntPtr GetPtr()
+ {
+ return objectDict.GetPtr();
+ }
diff --git a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/GD.cs b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/GD.cs
index 43de9156f2..0a5d703f27 100644
--- a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/GD.cs
+++ b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/GD.cs
@@ -192,10 +192,5 @@ namespace Godot
return NativeCalls.godot_icall_Godot_var2str(var);
- public static WeakRef WeakRef(Object obj)
- {
- return NativeCalls.godot_icall_Godot_weakref(Object.GetPtr(obj));
- }
diff --git a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/ObjectExtensions.cs b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/ObjectExtensions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c9e6609f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/ObjectExtensions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+using System;
+namespace Godot
+ public partial class Object
+ {
+ public static bool IsInstanceValid(Object instance)
+ {
+ return instance != null && instance.NativeInstance != IntPtr.Zero;
+ }
+ public static WeakRef WeakRef(Object obj)
+ {
+ return NativeCalls.godot_icall_Godot_weakref(Object.GetPtr(obj));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Transform.cs b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Transform.cs
index d1b247a552..e432d5b52c 100644
--- a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Transform.cs
+++ b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Transform.cs
@@ -102,7 +102,18 @@ namespace Godot
basis[0, 2] * vInv.x + basis[1, 2] * vInv.y + basis[2, 2] * vInv.z
+ // Constants
+ private static readonly Transform _identity = new Transform(Basis.Identity, Vector3.Zero);
+ private static readonly Transform _flipX = new Transform(new Basis(new Vector3(-1, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 1)), Vector3.Zero);
+ private static readonly Transform _flipY = new Transform(new Basis(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, -1, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 1)), Vector3.Zero);
+ private static readonly Transform _flipZ = new Transform(new Basis(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, -1)), Vector3.Zero);
+ public static Transform Identity { get { return _identity; } }
+ public static Transform FlipX { get { return _flipX; } }
+ public static Transform FlipY { get { return _flipY; } }
+ public static Transform FlipZ { get { return _flipZ; } }
// Constructors
public Transform(Vector3 xAxis, Vector3 yAxis, Vector3 zAxis, Vector3 origin)
diff --git a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Transform2D.cs b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Transform2D.cs
index ff5259178b..8d30833066 100644
--- a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Transform2D.cs
+++ b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Transform2D.cs
@@ -11,22 +11,10 @@ namespace Godot
public struct Transform2D : IEquatable<Transform2D>
- private static readonly Transform2D identity = new Transform2D
- (
- new Vector2(1f, 0f),
- new Vector2(0f, 1f),
- new Vector2(0f, 0f)
- );
public Vector2 x;
public Vector2 y;
public Vector2 o;
- public static Transform2D Identity
- {
- get { return identity; }
- }
public Vector2 Origin
get { return o; }
@@ -264,6 +252,15 @@ namespace Godot
Vector2 vInv = v - o;
return new Vector2(x.Dot(vInv), y.Dot(vInv));
+ // Constants
+ private static readonly Transform2D _identity = new Transform2D(new Vector2(1f, 0f), new Vector2(0f, 1f), Vector2.Zero);
+ private static readonly Transform2D _flipX = new Transform2D(new Vector2(-1f, 0f), new Vector2(0f, 1f), Vector2.Zero);
+ private static readonly Transform2D _flipY = new Transform2D(new Vector2(1f, 0f), new Vector2(0f, -1f), Vector2.Zero);
+ public static Transform2D Identity { get { return _identity; } }
+ public static Transform2D FlipX { get { return _flipX; } }
+ public static Transform2D FlipY { get { return _flipY; } }
// Constructors
public Transform2D(Vector2 xAxis, Vector2 yAxis, Vector2 origin)
diff --git a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/VERSION.txt b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/VERSION.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index 7f8f011eb7..0000000000
--- a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/VERSION.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Vector2.cs b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Vector2.cs
index c274364895..14c8de6986 100644
--- a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Vector2.cs
+++ b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Vector2.cs
@@ -231,24 +231,27 @@ namespace Godot
return new Vector2(y, -x);
- private static readonly Vector2 zero = new Vector2 (0, 0);
- private static readonly Vector2 one = new Vector2 (1, 1);
- private static readonly Vector2 negOne = new Vector2 (-1, -1);
- private static readonly Vector2 up = new Vector2 (0, 1);
- private static readonly Vector2 down = new Vector2 (0, -1);
- private static readonly Vector2 right = new Vector2 (1, 0);
- private static readonly Vector2 left = new Vector2 (-1, 0);
- public static Vector2 Zero { get { return zero; } }
- public static Vector2 One { get { return one; } }
- public static Vector2 NegOne { get { return negOne; } }
- public static Vector2 Up { get { return up; } }
- public static Vector2 Down { get { return down; } }
- public static Vector2 Right { get { return right; } }
- public static Vector2 Left { get { return left; } }
+ // Constants
+ private static readonly Vector2 _zero = new Vector2(0, 0);
+ private static readonly Vector2 _one = new Vector2(1, 1);
+ private static readonly Vector2 _negOne = new Vector2(-1, -1);
+ private static readonly Vector2 _inf = new Vector2(Mathf.Inf, Mathf.Inf);
+ private static readonly Vector2 _up = new Vector2(0, -1);
+ private static readonly Vector2 _down = new Vector2(0, 1);
+ private static readonly Vector2 _right = new Vector2(1, 0);
+ private static readonly Vector2 _left = new Vector2(-1, 0);
+ public static Vector2 Zero { get { return _zero; } }
+ public static Vector2 NegOne { get { return _negOne; } }
+ public static Vector2 One { get { return _one; } }
+ public static Vector2 Inf { get { return _inf; } }
+ public static Vector2 Up { get { return _up; } }
+ public static Vector2 Down { get { return _down; } }
+ public static Vector2 Right { get { return _right; } }
+ public static Vector2 Left { get { return _left; } }
// Constructors
public Vector2(real_t x, real_t y)
diff --git a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Vector3.cs b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Vector3.cs
index 085a4f0043..861d9c54d9 100644
--- a/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Vector3.cs
+++ b/modules/mono/glue/cs_files/Vector3.cs
@@ -272,27 +272,30 @@ namespace Godot
- private static readonly Vector3 zero = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0);
- private static readonly Vector3 one = new Vector3 (1, 1, 1);
- private static readonly Vector3 negOne = new Vector3 (-1, -1, -1);
+ // Constants
+ private static readonly Vector3 _zero = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
+ private static readonly Vector3 _one = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
+ private static readonly Vector3 _negOne = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1);
+ private static readonly Vector3 _inf = new Vector3(Mathf.Inf, Mathf.Inf, Mathf.Inf);
- private static readonly Vector3 up = new Vector3 (0, 1, 0);
- private static readonly Vector3 down = new Vector3 (0, -1, 0);
- private static readonly Vector3 right = new Vector3 (1, 0, 0);
- private static readonly Vector3 left = new Vector3 (-1, 0, 0);
- private static readonly Vector3 forward = new Vector3 (0, 0, -1);
- private static readonly Vector3 back = new Vector3 (0, 0, 1);
- public static Vector3 Zero { get { return zero; } }
- public static Vector3 One { get { return one; } }
- public static Vector3 NegOne { get { return negOne; } }
+ private static readonly Vector3 _up = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
+ private static readonly Vector3 _down = new Vector3(0, -1, 0);
+ private static readonly Vector3 _right = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
+ private static readonly Vector3 _left = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);
+ private static readonly Vector3 _forward = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);
+ private static readonly Vector3 _back = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
+ public static Vector3 Zero { get { return _zero; } }
+ public static Vector3 One { get { return _one; } }
+ public static Vector3 NegOne { get { return _negOne; } }
+ public static Vector3 Inf { get { return _inf; } }
- public static Vector3 Up { get { return up; } }
- public static Vector3 Down { get { return down; } }
- public static Vector3 Right { get { return right; } }
- public static Vector3 Left { get { return left; } }
- public static Vector3 Forward { get { return forward; } }
- public static Vector3 Back { get { return back; } }
+ public static Vector3 Up { get { return _up; } }
+ public static Vector3 Down { get { return _down; } }
+ public static Vector3 Right { get { return _right; } }
+ public static Vector3 Left { get { return _left; } }
+ public static Vector3 Forward { get { return _forward; } }
+ public static Vector3 Back { get { return _back; } }
// Constructors
public Vector3(real_t x, real_t y, real_t z)