path: root/modules/mono/mono_gc_handle.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/mono/mono_gc_handle.h')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/modules/mono/mono_gc_handle.h b/modules/mono/mono_gc_handle.h
index 37fc7d8a17..13cfad4654 100644
--- a/modules/mono/mono_gc_handle.h
+++ b/modules/mono/mono_gc_handle.h
@@ -35,42 +35,75 @@
#include "core/reference.h"
-class MonoGCHandle : public Reference {
+namespace gdmono {
- GDCLASS(MonoGCHandle, Reference);
+enum class GCHandleType : char {
+ NIL,
- bool released;
- bool weak;
- uint32_t handle;
- enum HandleType {
- };
+// Manual release of the GC handle must be done when using this struct
+struct MonoGCHandleData {
+ uint32_t handle = 0;
+ gdmono::GCHandleType type = gdmono::GCHandleType::NIL;
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_released() const { return !handle; }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_weak() const { return type == gdmono::GCHandleType::WEAK_HANDLE; }
- static uint32_t new_strong_handle(MonoObject *p_object);
- static uint32_t new_strong_handle_pinned(MonoObject *p_object);
- static uint32_t new_weak_handle(MonoObject *p_object);
- static void free_handle(uint32_t p_gchandle);
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ MonoObject *get_target() const { return handle ? mono_gchandle_get_target(handle) : nullptr; }
+ void release();
- static Ref<MonoGCHandle> create_strong(MonoObject *p_object);
- static Ref<MonoGCHandle> create_weak(MonoObject *p_object);
+ MonoGCHandleData &operator=(const MonoGCHandleData &p_other) {
+ CRASH_COND(!is_released());
+ handle = p_other.handle;
+ type = p_other.type;
+ return *this;
+ }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_released() { return released; }
- _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_weak() { return weak; }
+ MonoGCHandleData(const MonoGCHandleData &) = default;
- _FORCE_INLINE_ MonoObject *get_target() const { return released ? NULL : mono_gchandle_get_target(handle); }
+ MonoGCHandleData() {}
- _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_handle(uint32_t p_handle, HandleType p_handle_type) {
- released = false;
- weak = p_handle_type == WEAK_HANDLE;
- handle = p_handle;
+ MonoGCHandleData(uint32_t p_handle, gdmono::GCHandleType p_type) :
+ handle(p_handle),
+ type(p_type) {
- void release();
- MonoGCHandle(uint32_t p_handle, HandleType p_handle_type);
- ~MonoGCHandle();
+ static MonoGCHandleData new_strong_handle(MonoObject *p_object);
+ static MonoGCHandleData new_strong_handle_pinned(MonoObject *p_object);
+ static MonoGCHandleData new_weak_handle(MonoObject *p_object);
+class MonoGCHandleRef : public Reference {
+ GDCLASS(MonoGCHandleRef, Reference);
+ MonoGCHandleData data;
+ static Ref<MonoGCHandleRef> create_strong(MonoObject *p_object);
+ static Ref<MonoGCHandleRef> create_weak(MonoObject *p_object);
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_released() const { return data.is_released(); }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_weak() const { return data.is_weak(); }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ MonoObject *get_target() const { return data.get_target(); }
+ void release() { data.release(); }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void set_handle(uint32_t p_handle, gdmono::GCHandleType p_handle_type) {
+ data = MonoGCHandleData(p_handle, p_handle_type);
+ }
+ MonoGCHandleRef(const MonoGCHandleData &p_gc_handle_data) :
+ data(p_gc_handle_data) {
+ }
+ ~MonoGCHandleRef() { release(); }