path: root/modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp b/modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp
index 8b135051c5..8fd3626a20 100644
--- a/modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp
+++ b/modules/mono/csharp_script.cpp
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ bool CSharpLanguage::is_assembly_reloading_needed() {
assembly_path = GodotSharpDirs::get_res_temp_assemblies_dir()
- .plus_file(assembly_name + ".dll");
+ .path_join(assembly_name + ".dll");
assembly_path = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->globalize_path(assembly_path);
if (!FileAccess::exists(assembly_path)) {
@@ -784,6 +784,13 @@ void CSharpLanguage::reload_assemblies(bool p_soft_reload) {
for (Object *obj : script->instances) {
+ // Since this script instance wasn't a placeholder, add it to the list of placeholders
+ // that will have to be eventually replaced with a script instance in case it turns into one.
+ // This list is not cleared after the reload and the collected instances only leave
+ // the list if the script is instantiated or if it was a tool script but becomes a
+ // non-tool script in a rebuild.
+ script->pending_replace_placeholders.insert(obj->get_instance_id());
RefCounted *rc = Object::cast_to<RefCounted>(obj);
if (rc) {
@@ -836,6 +843,7 @@ void CSharpLanguage::reload_assemblies(bool p_soft_reload) {
obj->set_script(Ref<RefCounted>()); // Remove script and existing script instances (placeholder are not removed before domain reload)
+ script->was_tool_before_reload = script->tool;
@@ -924,24 +932,34 @@ void CSharpLanguage::reload_assemblies(bool p_soft_reload) {
ScriptInstance *si = obj->get_script_instance();
+ // Check if the script must be instantiated or kept as a placeholder
+ // when the script may not be a tool (see #65266)
+ bool replace_placeholder = script->pending_replace_placeholders.has(obj->get_instance_id());
+ if (!script->is_tool() && script->was_tool_before_reload) {
+ // The script was a tool before the rebuild so the removal was intentional.
+ replace_placeholder = false;
+ script->pending_replace_placeholders.erase(obj->get_instance_id());
+ }
if (si) {
// If the script instance is not null, then it must be a placeholder.
// Non-placeholder script instances are removed in godot_icall_Object_Disposed.
- if (script->is_tool() || ScriptServer::is_scripting_enabled()) {
- // Replace placeholder with a script instance
+ if (replace_placeholder || script->is_tool() || ScriptServer::is_scripting_enabled()) {
+ // Replace placeholder with a script instance.
CSharpScript::StateBackup &state_backup = script->pending_reload_state[obj_id];
- // Backup placeholder script instance state before replacing it with a script instance
+ // Backup placeholder script instance state before replacing it with a script instance.
ScriptInstance *script_instance = script->instance_create(obj);
if (script_instance) {
script->placeholders.erase(static_cast<PlaceHolderScriptInstance *>(si));
+ script->pending_replace_placeholders.erase(obj->get_instance_id());
@@ -951,8 +969,24 @@ void CSharpLanguage::reload_assemblies(bool p_soft_reload) {
CRASH_COND(si != nullptr);
- // Re-create script instance
- obj->set_script(script); // will create the script instance as well
+ // Re-create the script instance.
+ if (replace_placeholder || script->is_tool() || ScriptServer::is_scripting_enabled()) {
+ // Create script instance or replace placeholder with a script instance.
+ ScriptInstance *script_instance = script->instance_create(obj);
+ if (script_instance) {
+ script->pending_replace_placeholders.erase(obj->get_instance_id());
+ obj->set_script_instance(script_instance);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // The script instance could not be instantiated or wasn't in the list of placeholders to replace.
+ obj->set_script(script);
+ // If we reached here, the instantiated script must be a placeholder.
+ CRASH_COND(!obj->get_script_instance()->is_placeholder());
@@ -1085,7 +1119,7 @@ void CSharpLanguage::_editor_init_callback() {
const void **interop_funcs = godotsharp::get_editor_interop_funcs(interop_funcs_size);
Object *editor_plugin_obj = GDMono::get_singleton()->get_plugin_callbacks().LoadToolsAssemblyCallback(
- GodotSharpDirs::get_data_editor_tools_dir().plus_file("GodotTools.dll").utf16(),
+ GodotSharpDirs::get_data_editor_tools_dir().path_join("GodotTools.dll").utf16(),
interop_funcs, interop_funcs_size);
CRASH_COND(editor_plugin_obj == nullptr);
@@ -1754,20 +1788,16 @@ void CSharpInstance::mono_object_disposed_baseref(GCHandleIntPtr p_gchandle_to_f
void CSharpInstance::connect_event_signals() {
- CSharpScript *top = script.ptr();
- while (top != nullptr) {
- for (CSharpScript::EventSignalInfo &signal : top->get_script_event_signals()) {
- String signal_name =;
+ // The script signals list includes the signals declared in base scripts.
+ for (CSharpScript::EventSignalInfo &signal : script->get_script_event_signals()) {
+ String signal_name =;
- // TODO: Use pooling for ManagedCallable instances.
- EventSignalCallable *event_signal_callable = memnew(EventSignalCallable(owner, signal_name));
- Callable callable(event_signal_callable);
- connected_event_signals.push_back(callable);
- owner->connect(signal_name, callable);
- }
+ // TODO: Use pooling for ManagedCallable instances.
+ EventSignalCallable *event_signal_callable = memnew(EventSignalCallable(owner, signal_name));
- top = top->base_script.ptr();
+ Callable callable(event_signal_callable);
+ connected_event_signals.push_back(callable);
+ owner->connect(signal_name, callable);
@@ -2005,6 +2035,52 @@ void CSharpScript::_update_exports_values(HashMap<StringName, Variant> &values,
+void GD_CLR_STDCALL CSharpScript::_add_property_info_list_callback(CSharpScript *p_script, const String *p_current_class_name, void *p_props, int32_t p_count) {
+ GDMonoCache::godotsharp_property_info *props = (GDMonoCache::godotsharp_property_info *)p_props;
+ p_script->exported_members_cache.push_back(PropertyInfo(
+ Variant::NIL, *p_current_class_name, PROPERTY_HINT_NONE,
+ p_script->get_path(), PROPERTY_USAGE_CATEGORY));
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_count; i++) {
+ const GDMonoCache::godotsharp_property_info &prop = props[i];
+ StringName name = *reinterpret_cast<const StringName *>(&;
+ String hint_string = *reinterpret_cast<const String *>(&prop.hint_string);
+ PropertyInfo pinfo(prop.type, name, prop.hint, hint_string, prop.usage);
+ p_script->member_info[name] = pinfo;
+ if (prop.exported) {
+ p_script->exported_members_cache.push_back(pinfo);
+#if defined(TOOLS_ENABLED) || defined(DEBUG_ENABLED)
+ p_script->exported_members_names.insert(name);
+ }
+ }
+void GD_CLR_STDCALL CSharpScript::_add_property_default_values_callback(CSharpScript *p_script, void *p_def_vals, int32_t p_count) {
+ GDMonoCache::godotsharp_property_def_val_pair *def_vals = (GDMonoCache::godotsharp_property_def_val_pair *)p_def_vals;
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_count; i++) {
+ const GDMonoCache::godotsharp_property_def_val_pair &def_val_pair = def_vals[i];
+ StringName name = *reinterpret_cast<const StringName *>(&;
+ Variant value = *reinterpret_cast<const Variant *>(&def_val_pair.value);
+ p_script->exported_members_defval_cache[name] = value;
+ }
bool CSharpScript::_update_exports(PlaceHolderScriptInstance *p_instance_to_update) {
bool is_editor = Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint();
@@ -2036,49 +2112,10 @@ bool CSharpScript::_update_exports(PlaceHolderScriptInstance *p_instance_to_upda
if (GDMonoCache::godot_api_cache_updated) {
- GDMonoCache::managed_callbacks.ScriptManagerBridge_GetPropertyInfoList(this,
- [](CSharpScript *p_script, const String *p_current_class_name, GDMonoCache::godotsharp_property_info *p_props, int32_t p_count) {
- p_script->exported_members_cache.push_back(PropertyInfo(
- Variant::NIL, *p_current_class_name, PROPERTY_HINT_NONE,
- p_script->get_path(), PROPERTY_USAGE_CATEGORY));
- for (int i = 0; i < p_count; i++) {
- const GDMonoCache::godotsharp_property_info &prop = p_props[i];
- StringName name = *reinterpret_cast<const StringName *>(&;
- String hint_string = *reinterpret_cast<const String *>(&prop.hint_string);
- PropertyInfo pinfo(prop.type, name, prop.hint, hint_string, prop.usage);
- p_script->member_info[name] = pinfo;
- if (prop.exported) {
+ GDMonoCache::managed_callbacks.ScriptManagerBridge_GetPropertyInfoList(this, &_add_property_info_list_callback);
- p_script->exported_members_cache.push_back(pinfo);
-#if defined(TOOLS_ENABLED) || defined(DEBUG_ENABLED)
- p_script->exported_members_names.insert(name);
- }
- }
- });
- GDMonoCache::managed_callbacks.ScriptManagerBridge_GetPropertyDefaultValues(this,
- [](CSharpScript *p_script, GDMonoCache::godotsharp_property_def_val_pair *p_def_vals, int32_t p_count) {
- for (int i = 0; i < p_count; i++) {
- const GDMonoCache::godotsharp_property_def_val_pair &def_val_pair = p_def_vals[i];
- StringName name = *reinterpret_cast<const StringName *>(&;
- Variant value = *reinterpret_cast<const Variant *>(&def_val_pair.value);
- p_script->exported_members_defval_cache[name] = value;
- }
- });
+ GDMonoCache::managed_callbacks.ScriptManagerBridge_GetPropertyDefaultValues(this, &_add_property_default_values_callback);