path: root/modules/gltf/gltf_document.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/gltf/gltf_document.cpp')
1 files changed, 496 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/modules/gltf/gltf_document.cpp b/modules/gltf/gltf_document.cpp
index 788a70f640..028028a103 100644
--- a/modules/gltf/gltf_document.cpp
+++ b/modules/gltf/gltf_document.cpp
@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@
#include "extensions/gltf_spec_gloss.h"
+#include "core/config/project_settings.h"
#include "core/crypto/crypto_core.h"
+#include "core/io/config_file.h"
#include "core/io/dir_access.h"
#include "core/io/file_access.h"
#include "core/io/file_access_memory.h"
@@ -52,6 +54,9 @@
#include "modules/modules_enabled.gen.h" // For csg, gridmap.
+#include "editor/editor_file_system.h"
#include "modules/csg/csg_shape.h"
@@ -543,6 +548,7 @@ String GLTFDocument::_gen_unique_bone_name(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, const GLTFSke
Error GLTFDocument::_parse_scenes(Ref<GLTFState> p_state) {
+ p_state->unique_names.insert("Skeleton3D"); // Reserve skeleton name.
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!p_state->json.has("scenes"), ERR_FILE_CORRUPT);
const Array &scenes = p_state->json["scenes"];
int loaded_scene = 0;
@@ -3063,6 +3069,7 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_parse_images(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, const String &p_base_p
// Ref:
const Array &images = p_state->json["images"];
+ HashSet<String> used_names;
for (int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) {
const Dictionary &d = images[i];
@@ -3089,6 +3096,19 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_parse_images(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, const String &p_base_p
const uint8_t *data_ptr = nullptr;
int data_size = 0;
+ String image_name;
+ if (d.has("name")) {
+ image_name = d["name"];
+ image_name = image_name.get_file().get_basename().validate_filename();
+ }
+ if (image_name.is_empty()) {
+ image_name = itos(i);
+ }
+ while (used_names.has(image_name)) {
+ image_name += "_" + itos(i);
+ }
+ used_names.insert(image_name);
if (d.has("uri")) {
// Handles the first two bullet points from the spec (embedded data, or external file).
String uri = d["uri"];
@@ -3124,10 +3144,12 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_parse_images(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, const String &p_base_p
// API for that in Godot, so we'd have to load as a buffer (i.e. embedded in
// the material), so we do this only as fallback.
Ref<Texture2D> texture = ResourceLoader::load(uri);
+ String extension = uri.get_extension().to_lower();
if (texture.is_valid()) {
+ p_state->source_images.push_back(texture->get_image());
- } else if (mimetype == "image/png" || mimetype == "image/jpeg") {
+ } else if (mimetype == "image/png" || mimetype == "image/jpeg" || extension == "png" || extension == "jpg" || extension == "jpeg") {
// Fallback to loading as byte array.
// This enables us to support the spec's requirement that we honor mimetype
// regardless of file URI.
@@ -3195,9 +3217,87 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_parse_images(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, const String &p_base_p
if (img.is_null()) {
ERR_PRINT(vformat("glTF: Couldn't load image index '%d' with its given mimetype: %s.", i, mimetype));
+ p_state->source_images.push_back(Ref<Image>());
- p_state->images.push_back(ImageTexture::create_from_image(img));
+ img->set_name(image_name);
+ if (GLTFState::GLTFHandleBinary(p_state->handle_binary_image) == GLTFState::GLTFHandleBinary::HANDLE_BINARY_DISCARD_TEXTURES) {
+ p_state->images.push_back(Ref<Texture2D>());
+ p_state->source_images.push_back(Ref<Image>());
+ } else if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint() && GLTFState::GLTFHandleBinary(p_state->handle_binary_image) == GLTFState::GLTFHandleBinary::HANDLE_BINARY_EXTRACT_TEXTURES) {
+ if (p_state->base_path.is_empty()) {
+ p_state->images.push_back(Ref<Texture2D>());
+ p_state->source_images.push_back(Ref<Image>());
+ } else if (img->get_name().is_empty()) {
+ WARN_PRINT(vformat("glTF: Image index '%d' couldn't be named. Skipping it.", i));
+ p_state->images.push_back(Ref<Texture2D>());
+ p_state->source_images.push_back(Ref<Image>());
+ } else {
+ Error err = OK;
+ bool must_import = true;
+ Vector<uint8_t> img_data = img->get_data();
+ Dictionary generator_parameters;
+ String file_path = p_state->get_base_path() + "/" + p_state->filename.get_basename() + "_" + img->get_name() + ".png";
+ if (FileAccess::exists(file_path + ".import")) {
+ Ref<ConfigFile> config;
+ config.instantiate();
+ config->load(file_path + ".import");
+ if (config->has_section_key("remap", "generator_parameters")) {
+ generator_parameters = (Dictionary)config->get_value("remap", "generator_parameters");
+ }
+ if (!generator_parameters.has("md5")) {
+ must_import = false; // Didn't come form a gltf document; don't overwrite.
+ }
+ String existing_md5 = generator_parameters["md5"];
+ unsigned char md5_hash[16];
+ CryptoCore::md5(img_data.ptr(), img_data.size(), md5_hash);
+ String new_md5 = String::hex_encode_buffer(md5_hash, 16);
+ generator_parameters["md5"] = new_md5;
+ if (new_md5 == existing_md5) {
+ must_import = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (must_import) {
+ err = img->save_png(file_path);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, err);
+ // ResourceLoader::import will crash if not is_editor_hint(), so this case is protected above and will fall through to uncompressed.
+ HashMap<StringName, Variant> custom_options;
+ custom_options[SNAME("mipmaps/generate")] = true;
+ // Will only use project settings defaults if custom_importer is empty.
+ EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->update_file(file_path);
+ EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->reimport_append(file_path, custom_options, String(), generator_parameters);
+ }
+ Ref<Texture2D> saved_image = ResourceLoader::load(file_path, "Texture2D");
+ if (saved_image.is_valid()) {
+ p_state->images.push_back(saved_image);
+ p_state->source_images.push_back(img);
+ } else {
+ WARN_PRINT(vformat("glTF: Image index '%d' couldn't be loaded with the name: %s. Skipping it.", i, img->get_name()));
+ // Placeholder to keep count.
+ p_state->images.push_back(Ref<Texture2D>());
+ p_state->source_images.push_back(Ref<Image>());
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (GLTFState::GLTFHandleBinary(p_state->handle_binary_image) == GLTFState::GLTFHandleBinary::HANDLE_BINARY_EMBED_AS_BASISU) {
+ Ref<PortableCompressedTexture2D> tex;
+ tex.instantiate();
+ tex->set_name(img->get_name());
+ tex->set_keep_compressed_buffer(true);
+ p_state->source_images.push_back(img);
+ tex->create_from_image(img, PortableCompressedTexture2D::COMPRESSION_MODE_BASIS_UNIVERSAL);
+ p_state->images.push_back(tex);
+ p_state->source_images.push_back(img);
+ } else {
+ // This handles two cases: if editor hint and HANDLE_BINARY_EXTRACT_TEXTURES; or if HANDLE_BINARY_EMBED_AS_UNCOMPRESSED
+ Ref<ImageTexture> tex;
+ tex.instantiate();
+ tex->set_name(img->get_name());
+ tex->set_image(img);
+ p_state->images.push_back(tex);
+ p_state->source_images.push_back(img);
+ }
print_verbose("glTF: Total images: " + itos(p_state->images.size()));
@@ -3267,12 +3367,24 @@ GLTFTextureIndex GLTFDocument::_set_texture(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, Ref<Texture2
return gltf_texture_i;
-Ref<Texture2D> GLTFDocument::_get_texture(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, const GLTFTextureIndex p_texture) {
+Ref<Texture2D> GLTFDocument::_get_texture(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, const GLTFTextureIndex p_texture, int p_texture_types) {
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_texture, p_state->textures.size(), Ref<Texture2D>());
const GLTFImageIndex image = p_state->textures[p_texture]->get_src_image();
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(image, p_state->images.size(), Ref<Texture2D>());
+ if (GLTFState::GLTFHandleBinary(p_state->handle_binary_image) == GLTFState::GLTFHandleBinary::HANDLE_BINARY_EMBED_AS_BASISU) {
+ Ref<PortableCompressedTexture2D> portable_texture;
+ portable_texture.instantiate();
+ portable_texture->set_keep_compressed_buffer(true);
+ Ref<Image> new_img = p_state->source_images[p_texture]->duplicate();
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(new_img.is_null(), Ref<Texture2D>());
+ new_img->generate_mipmaps();
+ if (p_texture_types) {
+ portable_texture->create_from_image(new_img, PortableCompressedTexture2D::COMPRESSION_MODE_BASIS_UNIVERSAL, true);
+ } else {
+ portable_texture->create_from_image(new_img, PortableCompressedTexture2D::COMPRESSION_MODE_BASIS_UNIVERSAL, false);
+ }
+ p_state->images.write[image] = portable_texture;
+ }
return p_state->images[image];
@@ -3683,7 +3795,7 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_parse_materials(Ref<GLTFState> p_state) {
material->set_flag(BaseMaterial3D::FLAG_USE_TEXTURE_REPEAT, diffuse_sampler->get_wrap_mode());
- Ref<Texture2D> diffuse_texture = _get_texture(p_state, diffuse_texture_dict["index"]);
+ Ref<Texture2D> diffuse_texture = _get_texture(p_state, diffuse_texture_dict["index"], TEXTURE_TYPE_GENERIC);
if (diffuse_texture.is_valid()) {
spec_gloss->diffuse_img = diffuse_texture->get_image();
material->set_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_ALBEDO, diffuse_texture);
@@ -3711,7 +3823,7 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_parse_materials(Ref<GLTFState> p_state) {
if (sgm.has("specularGlossinessTexture")) {
const Dictionary &spec_gloss_texture = sgm["specularGlossinessTexture"];
if (spec_gloss_texture.has("index")) {
- const Ref<Texture2D> orig_texture = _get_texture(p_state, spec_gloss_texture["index"]);
+ const Ref<Texture2D> orig_texture = _get_texture(p_state, spec_gloss_texture["index"], TEXTURE_TYPE_GENERIC);
if (orig_texture.is_valid()) {
spec_gloss->spec_gloss_img = orig_texture->get_image();
@@ -3734,7 +3846,7 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_parse_materials(Ref<GLTFState> p_state) {
Ref<GLTFTextureSampler> bct_sampler = _get_sampler_for_texture(p_state, bct["index"]);
material->set_flag(BaseMaterial3D::FLAG_USE_TEXTURE_REPEAT, bct_sampler->get_wrap_mode());
- material->set_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_ALBEDO, _get_texture(p_state, bct["index"]));
+ material->set_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_ALBEDO, _get_texture(p_state, bct["index"], TEXTURE_TYPE_GENERIC));
if (!mr.has("baseColorFactor")) {
material->set_albedo(Color(1, 1, 1));
@@ -3757,7 +3869,7 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_parse_materials(Ref<GLTFState> p_state) {
if (mr.has("metallicRoughnessTexture")) {
const Dictionary &bct = mr["metallicRoughnessTexture"];
if (bct.has("index")) {
- const Ref<Texture2D> t = _get_texture(p_state, bct["index"]);
+ const Ref<Texture2D> t = _get_texture(p_state, bct["index"], TEXTURE_TYPE_GENERIC);
material->set_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_METALLIC, t);
material->set_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS, t);
@@ -3775,7 +3887,7 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_parse_materials(Ref<GLTFState> p_state) {
if (d.has("normalTexture")) {
const Dictionary &bct = d["normalTexture"];
if (bct.has("index")) {
- material->set_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_NORMAL, _get_texture(p_state, bct["index"]));
+ material->set_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_NORMAL, _get_texture(p_state, bct["index"], TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMAL));
material->set_feature(BaseMaterial3D::FEATURE_NORMAL_MAPPING, true);
if (bct.has("scale")) {
@@ -3785,7 +3897,7 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_parse_materials(Ref<GLTFState> p_state) {
if (d.has("occlusionTexture")) {
const Dictionary &bct = d["occlusionTexture"];
if (bct.has("index")) {
- material->set_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION, _get_texture(p_state, bct["index"]));
+ material->set_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION, _get_texture(p_state, bct["index"], TEXTURE_TYPE_GENERIC));
material->set_feature(BaseMaterial3D::FEATURE_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION, true);
@@ -3803,7 +3915,7 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_parse_materials(Ref<GLTFState> p_state) {
if (d.has("emissiveTexture")) {
const Dictionary &bct = d["emissiveTexture"];
if (bct.has("index")) {
- material->set_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_EMISSION, _get_texture(p_state, bct["index"]));
+ material->set_texture(BaseMaterial3D::TEXTURE_EMISSION, _get_texture(p_state, bct["index"], TEXTURE_TYPE_GENERIC));
material->set_feature(BaseMaterial3D::FEATURE_EMISSION, true);
material->set_emission(Color(0, 0, 0));
@@ -4232,6 +4344,21 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_parse_skins(Ref<GLTFState> p_state) {
return OK;
+void GLTFDocument::_recurse_children(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, const GLTFNodeIndex p_node_index,
+ RBSet<GLTFNodeIndex> &p_all_skin_nodes, HashSet<GLTFNodeIndex> &p_child_visited_set) {
+ if (p_child_visited_set.has(p_node_index)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ p_child_visited_set.insert(p_node_index);
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_state->nodes[p_node_index]->children.size(); ++i) {
+ _recurse_children(p_state, p_state->nodes[p_node_index]->children[i], p_all_skin_nodes, p_child_visited_set);
+ }
+ if (p_state->nodes[p_node_index]->skin < 0 || p_state->nodes[p_node_index]->mesh < 0 || !p_state->nodes[p_node_index]->children.is_empty()) {
+ p_all_skin_nodes.insert(p_node_index);
+ }
Error GLTFDocument::_determine_skeletons(Ref<GLTFState> p_state) {
// Using a disjoint set, we are going to potentially combine all skins that are actually branches
// of a main skeleton, or treat skins defining the same set of nodes as ONE skeleton.
@@ -4242,16 +4369,21 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_determine_skeletons(Ref<GLTFState> p_state) {
for (GLTFSkinIndex skin_i = 0; skin_i < p_state->skins.size(); ++skin_i) {
const Ref<GLTFSkin> skin = p_state->skins[skin_i];
- Vector<GLTFNodeIndex> all_skin_nodes;
- all_skin_nodes.append_array(skin->joints);
- all_skin_nodes.append_array(skin->non_joints);
- for (int i = 0; i < all_skin_nodes.size(); ++i) {
- const GLTFNodeIndex node_index = all_skin_nodes[i];
+ HashSet<GLTFNodeIndex> child_visited_set;
+ RBSet<GLTFNodeIndex> all_skin_nodes;
+ for (int i = 0; i < skin->joints.size(); ++i) {
+ all_skin_nodes.insert(skin->joints[i]);
+ _recurse_children(p_state, skin->joints[i], all_skin_nodes, child_visited_set);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < skin->non_joints.size(); ++i) {
+ all_skin_nodes.insert(skin->non_joints[i]);
+ _recurse_children(p_state, skin->non_joints[i], all_skin_nodes, child_visited_set);
+ }
+ for (GLTFNodeIndex node_index : all_skin_nodes) {
const GLTFNodeIndex parent = p_state->nodes[node_index]->parent;
- if (all_skin_nodes.find(parent) >= 0) {
+ if (all_skin_nodes.has(parent)) {
skeleton_sets.create_union(parent, node_index);
@@ -4470,7 +4602,7 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_create_skeletons(Ref<GLTFState> p_state) {
p_state->skeleton3d_to_gltf_skeleton[skeleton->get_instance_id()] = skel_i;
// Make a unique name, no gltf node represents this skeleton
- skeleton->set_name(_gen_unique_name(p_state, "Skeleton3D"));
+ skeleton->set_name("Skeleton3D");
List<GLTFNodeIndex> bones;
@@ -4762,13 +4894,11 @@ Error GLTFDocument::_serialize_animations(Ref<GLTFState> p_state) {
return OK;
for (int32_t player_i = 0; player_i < p_state->animation_players.size(); player_i++) {
- List<StringName> animation_names;
AnimationPlayer *animation_player = p_state->animation_players[player_i];
- animation_player->get_animation_list(&animation_names);
- if (animation_names.size()) {
- for (int animation_name_i = 0; animation_name_i < animation_names.size(); animation_name_i++) {
- _convert_animation(p_state, animation_player, animation_names[animation_name_i]);
- }
+ List<StringName> animations;
+ animation_player->get_animation_list(&animations);
+ for (StringName animation_name : animations) {
+ _convert_animation(p_state, animation_player, animation_name);
Array animations;
@@ -5162,6 +5292,7 @@ ImporterMeshInstance3D *GLTFDocument::_generate_mesh_instance(Ref<GLTFState> p_s
ImporterMeshInstance3D *mi = memnew(ImporterMeshInstance3D);
print_verbose("glTF: Creating mesh for: " + gltf_node->get_name());
+ p_state->scene_mesh_instances.insert(p_node_index, mi);
Ref<GLTFMesh> mesh = p_state->meshes.write[gltf_node->mesh];
if (mesh.is_null()) {
return mi;
@@ -5602,7 +5733,7 @@ void GLTFDocument::_generate_scene_node(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, Node *scene_pare
// There is no gltf_node that represent this, so just directly create a unique name
- bone_attachment->set_name(_gen_unique_name(p_state, "BoneAttachment3D"));
+ bone_attachment->set_name(gltf_node->get_name());
// We change the scene_parent to our bone attachment now. We do not set current_node because we want to make the node
// and attach it to the bone_attachment
@@ -5618,7 +5749,13 @@ void GLTFDocument::_generate_scene_node(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, Node *scene_pare
// If none of our GLTFDocumentExtension classes generated us a node, we generate one.
if (!current_node) {
- if (gltf_node->mesh >= 0) {
+ if (gltf_node->skin >= 0 && gltf_node->mesh >= 0 && !gltf_node->children.is_empty()) {
+ current_node = _generate_spatial(p_state, node_index);
+ Node3D *mesh_inst = _generate_mesh_instance(p_state, node_index);
+ mesh_inst->set_name(gltf_node->get_name());
+ current_node->add_child(mesh_inst, true);
+ } else if (gltf_node->mesh >= 0) {
current_node = _generate_mesh_instance(p_state, node_index);
} else if (gltf_node->camera >= 0) {
current_node = _generate_camera(p_state, node_index);
@@ -5639,7 +5776,6 @@ void GLTFDocument::_generate_scene_node(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, Node *scene_pare
p_state->scene_nodes.insert(node_index, current_node);
for (int i = 0; i < gltf_node->children.size(); ++i) {
_generate_scene_node(p_state, current_node, scene_root, gltf_node->children[i]);
@@ -5658,22 +5794,17 @@ void GLTFDocument::_generate_skeleton_bone_node(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, Node *p_
Skeleton3D *active_skeleton = Object::cast_to<Skeleton3D>(p_scene_parent);
if (active_skeleton != skeleton) {
if (active_skeleton) {
- // Bone Attachment - Direct Parented Skeleton Case
+ // Should no longer be possible.
+ ERR_PRINT(vformat("glTF: Generating scene detected direct parented Skeletons at node %d", p_node_index));
BoneAttachment3D *bone_attachment = _generate_bone_attachment(p_state, active_skeleton, p_node_index, gltf_node->parent);
p_scene_parent->add_child(bone_attachment, true);
// There is no gltf_node that represent this, so just directly create a unique name
bone_attachment->set_name(_gen_unique_name(p_state, "BoneAttachment3D"));
// We change the scene_parent to our bone attachment now. We do not set current_node because we want to make the node
// and attach it to the bone_attachment
p_scene_parent = bone_attachment;
- WARN_PRINT(vformat("glTF: Generating scene detected direct parented Skeletons at node %d", p_node_index));
- // Add it to the scene if it has not already been added
if (skeleton->get_parent() == nullptr) {
p_scene_parent->add_child(skeleton, true);
@@ -5681,9 +5812,10 @@ void GLTFDocument::_generate_skeleton_bone_node(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, Node *p_
active_skeleton = skeleton;
- current_node = skeleton;
+ current_node = active_skeleton;
if (requires_extra_node) {
+ current_node = nullptr;
// skinned meshes must not be placed in a bone attachment.
if (!is_skinned_mesh) {
// Bone Attachment - Same Node Case
@@ -5693,7 +5825,7 @@ void GLTFDocument::_generate_skeleton_bone_node(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, Node *p_
// There is no gltf_node that represent this, so just directly create a unique name
- bone_attachment->set_name(_gen_unique_name(p_state, "BoneAttachment3D"));
+ bone_attachment->set_name(gltf_node->get_name());
// We change the scene_parent to our bone attachment now. We do not set current_node because we want to make the node
// and attach it to the bone_attachment
@@ -5858,7 +5990,7 @@ T GLTFDocument::_interpolate_track(const Vector<real_t> &p_times, const Vector<T
-void GLTFDocument::_import_animation(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, AnimationPlayer *p_animation_player, const GLTFAnimationIndex p_index, const float p_bake_fps, const bool p_trimming) {
+void GLTFDocument::_import_animation(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, AnimationPlayer *p_animation_player, const GLTFAnimationIndex p_index, const float p_bake_fps, const bool p_trimming, const bool p_remove_immutable_tracks) {
Ref<GLTFAnimation> anim = p_state->animations[p_index];
String anim_name = anim->get_name();
@@ -5884,6 +6016,8 @@ void GLTFDocument::_import_animation(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, AnimationPlayer *p_
NodePath node_path;
//for skeletons, transform tracks always affect bones
NodePath transform_node_path;
+ //for meshes, especially skinned meshes, there are cases where it will be added as a child
+ NodePath mesh_instance_node_path;
GLTFNodeIndex node_index = track_i.key;
@@ -5892,8 +6026,14 @@ void GLTFDocument::_import_animation(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, AnimationPlayer *p_
Node *root = p_animation_player->get_parent();
ERR_FAIL_COND(root == nullptr);
HashMap<GLTFNodeIndex, Node *>::Iterator node_element = p_state->scene_nodes.find(node_index);
- ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!node_element, vformat("Unable to find node %d for animation", node_index));
+ ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!node_element, vformat("Unable to find node %d for animation.", node_index));
node_path = root->get_path_to(node_element->value);
+ HashMap<GLTFNodeIndex, ImporterMeshInstance3D *>::Iterator mesh_instance_element = p_state->scene_mesh_instances.find(node_index);
+ if (mesh_instance_element) {
+ mesh_instance_node_path = root->get_path_to(mesh_instance_element->value);
+ } else {
+ mesh_instance_node_path = node_path;
+ }
if (gltf_node->skeleton >= 0) {
const Skeleton3D *sk = p_state->skeletons[gltf_node->skeleton]->godot_skeleton;
@@ -5953,35 +6093,38 @@ void GLTFDocument::_import_animation(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, AnimationPlayer *p_
int scale_idx = -1;
if (track.position_track.values.size()) {
- Vector3 base_pos = p_state->nodes[track_i.key]->position;
- bool not_default = false; //discard the track if all it contains is default values
- for (int i = 0; i < track.position_track.times.size(); i++) {
- Vector3 value = track.position_track.values[track.position_track.interpolation == GLTFAnimation::INTERP_CUBIC_SPLINE ? (1 + i * 3) : i];
- if (!value.is_equal_approx(base_pos)) {
- not_default = true;
- break;
+ bool is_default = true; //discard the track if all it contains is default values
+ if (p_remove_immutable_tracks) {
+ Vector3 base_pos = p_state->nodes[track_i.key]->position;
+ for (int i = 0; i < track.position_track.times.size(); i++) {
+ Vector3 value = track.position_track.values[track.position_track.interpolation == GLTFAnimation::INTERP_CUBIC_SPLINE ? (1 + i * 3) : i];
+ if (!value.is_equal_approx(base_pos)) {
+ is_default = false;
+ break;
+ }
- if (not_default) {
+ if (!p_remove_immutable_tracks || !is_default) {
position_idx = base_idx;
animation->track_set_path(position_idx, transform_node_path);
animation->track_set_imported(position_idx, true); //helps merging later
if (track.rotation_track.values.size()) {
- Quaternion base_rot = p_state->nodes[track_i.key]->rotation.normalized();
- bool not_default = false; //discard the track if all it contains is default values
- for (int i = 0; i < track.rotation_track.times.size(); i++) {
- Quaternion value = track.rotation_track.values[track.rotation_track.interpolation == GLTFAnimation::INTERP_CUBIC_SPLINE ? (1 + i * 3) : i].normalized();
- if (!value.is_equal_approx(base_rot)) {
- not_default = true;
- break;
+ bool is_default = true; //discard the track if all it contains is default values
+ if (p_remove_immutable_tracks) {
+ Quaternion base_rot = p_state->nodes[track_i.key]->rotation.normalized();
+ for (int i = 0; i < track.rotation_track.times.size(); i++) {
+ Quaternion value = track.rotation_track.values[track.rotation_track.interpolation == GLTFAnimation::INTERP_CUBIC_SPLINE ? (1 + i * 3) : i].normalized();
+ if (!value.is_equal_approx(base_rot)) {
+ is_default = false;
+ break;
+ }
- if (not_default) {
+ if (!p_remove_immutable_tracks || !is_default) {
rotation_idx = base_idx;
animation->track_set_path(rotation_idx, transform_node_path);
@@ -5990,16 +6133,18 @@ void GLTFDocument::_import_animation(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, AnimationPlayer *p_
if (track.scale_track.values.size()) {
- Vector3 base_scale = p_state->nodes[track_i.key]->scale;
- bool not_default = false; //discard the track if all it contains is default values
- for (int i = 0; i < track.scale_track.times.size(); i++) {
- Vector3 value = track.scale_track.values[track.scale_track.interpolation == GLTFAnimation::INTERP_CUBIC_SPLINE ? (1 + i * 3) : i];
- if (!value.is_equal_approx(base_scale)) {
- not_default = true;
- break;
+ bool is_default = true; //discard the track if all it contains is default values
+ if (p_remove_immutable_tracks) {
+ Vector3 base_scale = p_state->nodes[track_i.key]->scale;
+ for (int i = 0; i < track.scale_track.times.size(); i++) {
+ Vector3 value = track.scale_track.values[track.scale_track.interpolation == GLTFAnimation::INTERP_CUBIC_SPLINE ? (1 + i * 3) : i];
+ if (!value.is_equal_approx(base_scale)) {
+ is_default = false;
+ break;
+ }
- if (not_default) {
+ if (!p_remove_immutable_tracks || !is_default) {
scale_idx = base_idx;
animation->track_set_path(scale_idx, transform_node_path);
@@ -6066,11 +6211,12 @@ void GLTFDocument::_import_animation(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, AnimationPlayer *p_
- const String blend_path = String(node_path) + ":" + String(mesh->get_mesh()->get_blend_shape_name(i));
+ const String blend_path = String(mesh_instance_node_path) + ":" + String(mesh->get_mesh()->get_blend_shape_name(i));
const int track_idx = animation->get_track_count();
animation->track_set_path(track_idx, blend_path);
+ animation->track_set_imported(track_idx, true); //helps merging later
// Only LINEAR and STEP (NEAREST) can be supported out of the box by Godot's Animation,
// the other modes have to be baked.
@@ -6256,11 +6402,16 @@ void GLTFDocument::_process_mesh_instances(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, Node *p_scene
if (node->skin >= 0 && node->mesh >= 0) {
const GLTFSkinIndex skin_i = node->skin;
- HashMap<GLTFNodeIndex, Node *>::Iterator mi_element = p_state->scene_nodes.find(node_i);
- ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!mi_element, vformat("Unable to find node %d", node_i));
- ImporterMeshInstance3D *mi = Object::cast_to<ImporterMeshInstance3D>(mi_element->value);
- ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(mi == nullptr, vformat("Unable to cast node %d of type %s to ImporterMeshInstance3D", node_i, mi_element->value->get_class_name()));
+ ImporterMeshInstance3D *mi = nullptr;
+ HashMap<GLTFNodeIndex, ImporterMeshInstance3D *>::Iterator mi_element = p_state->scene_mesh_instances.find(node_i);
+ if (mi_element) {
+ mi = mi_element->value;
+ } else {
+ HashMap<GLTFNodeIndex, Node *>::Iterator si_element = p_state->scene_nodes.find(node_i);
+ ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!si_element, vformat("Unable to find node %d", node_i));
+ mi = Object::cast_to<ImporterMeshInstance3D>(si_element->value);
+ ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(mi == nullptr, vformat("Unable to cast node %d of type %s to ImporterMeshInstance3D", node_i, si_element->value->get_class_name()));
+ }
const GLTFSkeletonIndex skel_i = p_state->skins.write[node->skin]->skeleton;
Ref<GLTFSkeleton> gltf_skeleton = p_state->skeletons.write[skel_i];
@@ -6297,58 +6448,179 @@ GLTFAnimation::Track GLTFDocument::_convert_animation_track(Ref<GLTFState> p_sta
for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < key_count; key_i++) {
times.write[key_i] = p_animation->track_get_key_time(p_track_i, key_i);
+ double anim_end = p_animation->get_length();
if (track_type == Animation::TYPE_SCALE_3D) {
- p_track.scale_track.times = times;
- p_track.scale_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
- p_track.scale_track.values.resize(key_count);
- for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < key_count; key_i++) {
- Vector3 scale;
- Error err = p_animation->scale_track_get_key(p_track_i, key_i, &scale);
- ERR_CONTINUE(err != OK);
- p_track.scale_track.values.write[key_i] = scale;
+ if (gltf_interpolation == GLTFAnimation::INTERP_CUBIC_SPLINE) {
+ gltf_interpolation = GLTFAnimation::INTERP_LINEAR;
+ p_track.scale_track.times.clear();
+ p_track.scale_track.values.clear();
+ // CATMULLROMSPLINE or CUBIC_SPLINE have to be baked, apologies.
+ const double increment = 1.0 / BAKE_FPS;
+ double time = 0.0;
+ bool last = false;
+ while (true) {
+ Vector3 scale;
+ Error err = p_animation->scale_track_interpolate(p_track_i, time, &scale);
+ ERR_CONTINUE(err != OK);
+ p_track.scale_track.values.push_back(scale);
+ p_track.scale_track.times.push_back(time);
+ if (last) {
+ break;
+ }
+ time += increment;
+ if (time >= anim_end) {
+ last = true;
+ time = anim_end;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ p_track.scale_track.times = times;
+ p_track.scale_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
+ p_track.scale_track.values.resize(key_count);
+ for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < key_count; key_i++) {
+ Vector3 scale;
+ Error err = p_animation->scale_track_get_key(p_track_i, key_i, &scale);
+ ERR_CONTINUE(err != OK);
+ p_track.scale_track.values.write[key_i] = scale;
+ }
} else if (track_type == Animation::TYPE_POSITION_3D) {
- p_track.position_track.times = times;
- p_track.position_track.values.resize(key_count);
- p_track.position_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
- for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < key_count; key_i++) {
- Vector3 position;
- Error err = p_animation->position_track_get_key(p_track_i, key_i, &position);
- ERR_CONTINUE(err != OK);
- p_track.position_track.values.write[key_i] = position;
+ if (gltf_interpolation == GLTFAnimation::INTERP_CUBIC_SPLINE) {
+ gltf_interpolation = GLTFAnimation::INTERP_LINEAR;
+ p_track.position_track.times.clear();
+ p_track.position_track.values.clear();
+ // CATMULLROMSPLINE or CUBIC_SPLINE have to be baked, apologies.
+ const double increment = 1.0 / BAKE_FPS;
+ double time = 0.0;
+ bool last = false;
+ while (true) {
+ Vector3 scale;
+ Error err = p_animation->position_track_interpolate(p_track_i, time, &scale);
+ ERR_CONTINUE(err != OK);
+ p_track.position_track.values.push_back(scale);
+ p_track.position_track.times.push_back(time);
+ if (last) {
+ break;
+ }
+ time += increment;
+ if (time >= anim_end) {
+ last = true;
+ time = anim_end;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ p_track.position_track.times = times;
+ p_track.position_track.values.resize(key_count);
+ p_track.position_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
+ for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < key_count; key_i++) {
+ Vector3 position;
+ Error err = p_animation->position_track_get_key(p_track_i, key_i, &position);
+ ERR_CONTINUE(err != OK);
+ p_track.position_track.values.write[key_i] = position;
+ }
} else if (track_type == Animation::TYPE_ROTATION_3D) {
- p_track.rotation_track.times = times;
- p_track.rotation_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
- p_track.rotation_track.values.resize(key_count);
- for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < key_count; key_i++) {
- Quaternion rotation;
- Error err = p_animation->rotation_track_get_key(p_track_i, key_i, &rotation);
- ERR_CONTINUE(err != OK);
- p_track.rotation_track.values.write[key_i] = rotation;
+ if (gltf_interpolation == GLTFAnimation::INTERP_CUBIC_SPLINE) {
+ gltf_interpolation = GLTFAnimation::INTERP_LINEAR;
+ p_track.rotation_track.times.clear();
+ p_track.rotation_track.values.clear();
+ // CATMULLROMSPLINE or CUBIC_SPLINE have to be baked, apologies.
+ const double increment = 1.0 / BAKE_FPS;
+ double time = 0.0;
+ bool last = false;
+ while (true) {
+ Quaternion rotation;
+ Error err = p_animation->rotation_track_interpolate(p_track_i, time, &rotation);
+ ERR_CONTINUE(err != OK);
+ p_track.rotation_track.values.push_back(rotation);
+ p_track.rotation_track.times.push_back(time);
+ if (last) {
+ break;
+ }
+ time += increment;
+ if (time >= anim_end) {
+ last = true;
+ time = anim_end;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ p_track.rotation_track.times = times;
+ p_track.rotation_track.values.resize(key_count);
+ p_track.rotation_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
+ for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < key_count; key_i++) {
+ Quaternion rotation;
+ Error err = p_animation->rotation_track_get_key(p_track_i, key_i, &rotation);
+ ERR_CONTINUE(err != OK);
+ p_track.rotation_track.values.write[key_i] = rotation;
+ }
} else if (track_type == Animation::TYPE_VALUE) {
if (path.contains(":position")) {
- p_track.position_track.times = times;
p_track.position_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
+ p_track.position_track.times = times;
- p_track.position_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
- for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < key_count; key_i++) {
- Vector3 position = p_animation->track_get_key_value(p_track_i, key_i);
- p_track.position_track.values.write[key_i] = position;
+ if (gltf_interpolation == GLTFAnimation::INTERP_CUBIC_SPLINE) {
+ gltf_interpolation = GLTFAnimation::INTERP_LINEAR;
+ p_track.position_track.times.clear();
+ p_track.position_track.values.clear();
+ // CATMULLROMSPLINE or CUBIC_SPLINE have to be baked, apologies.
+ const double increment = 1.0 / BAKE_FPS;
+ double time = 0.0;
+ bool last = false;
+ while (true) {
+ Vector3 position;
+ Error err = p_animation->position_track_interpolate(p_track_i, time, &position);
+ ERR_CONTINUE(err != OK);
+ p_track.position_track.values.push_back(position);
+ p_track.position_track.times.push_back(time);
+ if (last) {
+ break;
+ }
+ time += increment;
+ if (time >= anim_end) {
+ last = true;
+ time = anim_end;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < key_count; key_i++) {
+ Vector3 position = p_animation->track_get_key_value(p_track_i, key_i);
+ p_track.position_track.values.write[key_i] = position;
+ }
} else if (path.contains(":rotation")) {
- p_track.rotation_track.times = times;
p_track.rotation_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
+ p_track.rotation_track.times = times;
- p_track.rotation_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
- for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < key_count; key_i++) {
- Vector3 rotation_radian = p_animation->track_get_key_value(p_track_i, key_i);
- p_track.rotation_track.values.write[key_i] = Quaternion::from_euler(rotation_radian);
+ if (gltf_interpolation == GLTFAnimation::INTERP_CUBIC_SPLINE) {
+ gltf_interpolation = GLTFAnimation::INTERP_LINEAR;
+ p_track.rotation_track.times.clear();
+ p_track.rotation_track.values.clear();
+ // CATMULLROMSPLINE or CUBIC_SPLINE have to be baked, apologies.
+ const double increment = 1.0 / BAKE_FPS;
+ double time = 0.0;
+ bool last = false;
+ while (true) {
+ Quaternion rotation;
+ Error err = p_animation->rotation_track_interpolate(p_track_i, time, &rotation);
+ ERR_CONTINUE(err != OK);
+ p_track.rotation_track.values.push_back(rotation);
+ p_track.rotation_track.times.push_back(time);
+ if (last) {
+ break;
+ }
+ time += increment;
+ if (time >= anim_end) {
+ last = true;
+ time = anim_end;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < key_count; key_i++) {
+ Vector3 rotation_radian = p_animation->track_get_key_value(p_track_i, key_i);
+ p_track.rotation_track.values.write[key_i] = Quaternion::from_euler(rotation_radian);
+ }
} else if (path.contains(":scale")) {
p_track.scale_track.times = times;
@@ -6357,68 +6629,115 @@ GLTFAnimation::Track GLTFDocument::_convert_animation_track(Ref<GLTFState> p_sta
p_track.scale_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
- for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < key_count; key_i++) {
- Vector3 scale_track = p_animation->track_get_key_value(p_track_i, key_i);
- p_track.scale_track.values.write[key_i] = scale_track;
+ if (gltf_interpolation == GLTFAnimation::INTERP_CUBIC_SPLINE) {
+ gltf_interpolation = GLTFAnimation::INTERP_LINEAR;
+ p_track.scale_track.times.clear();
+ p_track.scale_track.values.clear();
+ // CATMULLROMSPLINE or CUBIC_SPLINE have to be baked, apologies.
+ const double increment = 1.0 / BAKE_FPS;
+ double time = 0.0;
+ bool last = false;
+ while (true) {
+ Vector3 scale;
+ Error err = p_animation->scale_track_interpolate(p_track_i, time, &scale);
+ ERR_CONTINUE(err != OK);
+ p_track.scale_track.values.push_back(scale);
+ p_track.scale_track.times.push_back(time);
+ if (last) {
+ break;
+ }
+ time += increment;
+ if (time >= anim_end) {
+ last = true;
+ time = anim_end;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < key_count; key_i++) {
+ Vector3 scale_track = p_animation->track_get_key_value(p_track_i, key_i);
+ p_track.scale_track.values.write[key_i] = scale_track;
+ }
} else if (track_type == Animation::TYPE_BEZIER) {
- if (path.contains("/scale")) {
- const int32_t keys = p_animation->track_get_key_time(p_track_i, key_count - 1) * BAKE_FPS;
+ const int32_t keys = anim_end * BAKE_FPS;
+ if (path.contains(":scale")) {
if (!p_track.scale_track.times.size()) {
+ p_track.scale_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
Vector<real_t> new_times;
for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < keys; key_i++) {
new_times.write[key_i] = key_i / BAKE_FPS;
p_track.scale_track.times = new_times;
- p_track.scale_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < keys; key_i++) {
p_track.scale_track.values.write[key_i] = Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- p_track.scale_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
- }
- for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < keys; key_i++) {
- Vector3 bezier_track = p_track.scale_track.values[key_i];
- if (path.contains("/scale:x")) {
- bezier_track.x = p_animation->bezier_track_interpolate(p_track_i, key_i / BAKE_FPS);
- } else if (path.contains("/scale:y")) {
- bezier_track.y = p_animation->bezier_track_interpolate(p_track_i, key_i / BAKE_FPS);
- } else if (path.contains("/scale:z")) {
- bezier_track.z = p_animation->bezier_track_interpolate(p_track_i, key_i / BAKE_FPS);
+ for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < keys; key_i++) {
+ Vector3 bezier_track = p_track.scale_track.values[key_i];
+ if (path.contains(":scale:x")) {
+ bezier_track.x = p_animation->bezier_track_interpolate(p_track_i, key_i / BAKE_FPS);
+ } else if (path.contains(":scale:y")) {
+ bezier_track.y = p_animation->bezier_track_interpolate(p_track_i, key_i / BAKE_FPS);
+ } else if (path.contains(":scale:z")) {
+ bezier_track.z = p_animation->bezier_track_interpolate(p_track_i, key_i / BAKE_FPS);
+ }
+ p_track.scale_track.values.write[key_i] = bezier_track;
- p_track.scale_track.values.write[key_i] = bezier_track;
- } else if (path.contains("/position")) {
- const int32_t keys = p_animation->track_get_key_time(p_track_i, key_count - 1) * BAKE_FPS;
+ } else if (path.contains(":position")) {
if (!p_track.position_track.times.size()) {
+ p_track.position_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
Vector<real_t> new_times;
for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < keys; key_i++) {
new_times.write[key_i] = key_i / BAKE_FPS;
p_track.position_track.times = new_times;
- p_track.position_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
- p_track.position_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < keys; key_i++) {
Vector3 bezier_track = p_track.position_track.values[key_i];
- if (path.contains("/position:x")) {
+ if (path.contains(":position:x")) {
bezier_track.x = p_animation->bezier_track_interpolate(p_track_i, key_i / BAKE_FPS);
- } else if (path.contains("/position:y")) {
+ } else if (path.contains(":position:y")) {
bezier_track.y = p_animation->bezier_track_interpolate(p_track_i, key_i / BAKE_FPS);
- } else if (path.contains("/position:z")) {
+ } else if (path.contains(":position:z")) {
bezier_track.z = p_animation->bezier_track_interpolate(p_track_i, key_i / BAKE_FPS);
p_track.position_track.values.write[key_i] = bezier_track;
+ } else if (path.contains(":rotation")) {
+ if (!p_track.rotation_track.times.size()) {
+ p_track.rotation_track.interpolation = gltf_interpolation;
+ Vector<real_t> new_times;
+ new_times.resize(keys);
+ for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < keys; key_i++) {
+ new_times.write[key_i] = key_i / BAKE_FPS;
+ }
+ p_track.rotation_track.times = new_times;
+ p_track.rotation_track.values.resize(keys);
+ }
+ for (int32_t key_i = 0; key_i < keys; key_i++) {
+ Quaternion bezier_track = p_track.rotation_track.values[key_i];
+ if (path.contains(":rotation:x")) {
+ bezier_track.x = p_animation->bezier_track_interpolate(p_track_i, key_i / BAKE_FPS);
+ } else if (path.contains(":rotation:y")) {
+ bezier_track.y = p_animation->bezier_track_interpolate(p_track_i, key_i / BAKE_FPS);
+ } else if (path.contains(":rotation:z")) {
+ bezier_track.z = p_animation->bezier_track_interpolate(p_track_i, key_i / BAKE_FPS);
+ } else if (path.contains(":rotation:w")) {
+ bezier_track.w = p_animation->bezier_track_interpolate(p_track_i, key_i / BAKE_FPS);
+ }
+ p_track.rotation_track.values.write[key_i] = bezier_track;
+ }
return p_track;
@@ -6429,16 +6748,18 @@ void GLTFDocument::_convert_animation(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, AnimationPlayer *p
Ref<GLTFAnimation> gltf_animation;
gltf_animation->set_name(_gen_unique_name(p_state, p_animation_track_name));
for (int32_t track_i = 0; track_i < animation->get_track_count(); track_i++) {
if (!animation->track_is_enabled(track_i)) {
- String orig_track_path = animation->track_get_path(track_i);
- if (String(orig_track_path).contains(":position")) {
- const Vector<String> node_suffix = String(orig_track_path).split(":position");
+ String final_track_path = animation->track_get_path(track_i);
+ Node *animation_base_node = p_animation_player->get_parent();
+ ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!animation_base_node, "Cannot get the parent of the animation player.");
+ if (String(final_track_path).contains(":position")) {
+ const Vector<String> node_suffix = String(final_track_path).split(":position");
const NodePath path = node_suffix[0];
- const Node *node = p_animation_player->get_parent()->get_node_or_null(path);
+ const Node *node = animation_base_node->get_node_or_null(path);
+ ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!node, "Cannot get the node from a position path.");
for (const KeyValue<GLTFNodeIndex, Node *> &position_scene_node_i : p_state->scene_nodes) {
if (position_scene_node_i.value == node) {
GLTFNodeIndex node_index = position_scene_node_i.key;
@@ -6451,10 +6772,11 @@ void GLTFDocument::_convert_animation(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, AnimationPlayer *p
gltf_animation->get_tracks().insert(node_index, track);
- } else if (String(orig_track_path).contains(":rotation_degrees")) {
- const Vector<String> node_suffix = String(orig_track_path).split(":rotation_degrees");
+ } else if (String(final_track_path).contains(":rotation_degrees")) {
+ const Vector<String> node_suffix = String(final_track_path).split(":rotation_degrees");
const NodePath path = node_suffix[0];
- const Node *node = p_animation_player->get_parent()->get_node_or_null(path);
+ const Node *node = animation_base_node->get_node_or_null(path);
+ ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!node, "Cannot get the node from a rotation degrees path.");
for (const KeyValue<GLTFNodeIndex, Node *> &rotation_degree_scene_node_i : p_state->scene_nodes) {
if (rotation_degree_scene_node_i.value == node) {
GLTFNodeIndex node_index = rotation_degree_scene_node_i.key;
@@ -6467,10 +6789,11 @@ void GLTFDocument::_convert_animation(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, AnimationPlayer *p
gltf_animation->get_tracks().insert(node_index, track);
- } else if (String(orig_track_path).contains(":scale")) {
- const Vector<String> node_suffix = String(orig_track_path).split(":scale");
+ } else if (String(final_track_path).contains(":scale")) {
+ const Vector<String> node_suffix = String(final_track_path).split(":scale");
const NodePath path = node_suffix[0];
- const Node *node = p_animation_player->get_parent()->get_node_or_null(path);
+ const Node *node = animation_base_node->get_node_or_null(path);
+ ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!node, "Cannot get the node from a scale path.");
for (const KeyValue<GLTFNodeIndex, Node *> &scale_scene_node_i : p_state->scene_nodes) {
if (scale_scene_node_i.value == node) {
GLTFNodeIndex node_index = scale_scene_node_i.key;
@@ -6483,10 +6806,11 @@ void GLTFDocument::_convert_animation(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, AnimationPlayer *p
gltf_animation->get_tracks().insert(node_index, track);
- } else if (String(orig_track_path).contains(":transform")) {
- const Vector<String> node_suffix = String(orig_track_path).split(":transform");
+ } else if (String(final_track_path).contains(":transform")) {
+ const Vector<String> node_suffix = String(final_track_path).split(":transform");
const NodePath path = node_suffix[0];
- const Node *node = p_animation_player->get_parent()->get_node_or_null(path);
+ const Node *node = animation_base_node->get_node_or_null(path);
+ ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!node, "Cannot get the node from a transform path.");
for (const KeyValue<GLTFNodeIndex, Node *> &transform_track_i : p_state->scene_nodes) {
if (transform_track_i.value == node) {
GLTFAnimation::Track track;
@@ -6494,12 +6818,16 @@ void GLTFDocument::_convert_animation(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, AnimationPlayer *p
gltf_animation->get_tracks().insert(transform_track_i.key, track);
- } else if (String(orig_track_path).contains(":") && animation->track_get_type(track_i) == Animation::TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE) {
- const Vector<String> node_suffix = String(orig_track_path).split(":");
+ } else if (String(final_track_path).contains(":") && animation->track_get_type(track_i) == Animation::TYPE_BLEND_SHAPE) {
+ const Vector<String> node_suffix = String(final_track_path).split(":");
const NodePath path = node_suffix[0];
const String suffix = node_suffix[1];
- Node *node = p_animation_player->get_parent()->get_node_or_null(path);
+ Node *node = animation_base_node->get_node_or_null(path);
+ ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!node, "Cannot get the node from a blend shape path.");
MeshInstance3D *mi = cast_to<MeshInstance3D>(node);
+ if (!mi) {
+ continue;
+ }
Ref<Mesh> mesh = mi->get_mesh();
int32_t mesh_index = -1;
@@ -6550,14 +6878,20 @@ void GLTFDocument::_convert_animation(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, AnimationPlayer *p
tracks[mesh_index] = track;
- } else if (String(orig_track_path).contains(":")) {
+ } else if (String(final_track_path).contains(":")) {
//Process skeleton
- const Vector<String> node_suffix = String(orig_track_path).split(":");
+ const Vector<String> node_suffix = String(final_track_path).split(":");
const String node = node_suffix[0];
const NodePath node_path = node;
const String suffix = node_suffix[1];
- Node *godot_node = p_animation_player->get_parent()->get_node_or_null(node_path);
- Skeleton3D *skeleton = nullptr;
+ Node *godot_node = animation_base_node->get_node_or_null(node_path);
+ if (!godot_node) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Skeleton3D *skeleton = cast_to<Skeleton3D>(animation_base_node->get_node_or_null(node));
+ if (!skeleton) {
+ continue;
+ }
GLTFSkeletonIndex skeleton_gltf_i = -1;
for (GLTFSkeletonIndex skeleton_i = 0; skeleton_i < p_state->skeletons.size(); skeleton_i++) {
if (p_state->skeletons[skeleton_i]->godot_skeleton == cast_to<Skeleton3D>(godot_node)) {
@@ -6566,7 +6900,7 @@ void GLTFDocument::_convert_animation(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, AnimationPlayer *p
Ref<GLTFSkeleton> skeleton_gltf = p_state->skeletons[skeleton_gltf_i];
int32_t bone = skeleton->find_bone(suffix);
- ERR_CONTINUE(bone == -1);
+ ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(bone == -1, vformat("Cannot find the bone %s.", suffix));
if (!skeleton_gltf->godot_bone_node.has(bone)) {
@@ -6580,9 +6914,10 @@ void GLTFDocument::_convert_animation(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, AnimationPlayer *p
gltf_animation->get_tracks()[node_i] = track;
- } else if (!String(orig_track_path).contains(":")) {
- ERR_CONTINUE(!p_animation_player->get_parent());
- Node *godot_node = p_animation_player->get_parent()->get_node_or_null(orig_track_path);
+ } else if (!String(final_track_path).contains(":")) {
+ ERR_CONTINUE(!animation_base_node);
+ Node *godot_node = animation_base_node->get_node_or_null(final_track_path);
+ ERR_CONTINUE_MSG(!godot_node, vformat("Cannot get the node from a skeleton path %s.", final_track_path));
for (const KeyValue<GLTFNodeIndex, Node *> &scene_node_i : p_state->scene_nodes) {
if (scene_node_i.value == godot_node) {
GLTFNodeIndex node_i = scene_node_i.key;
@@ -6778,8 +7113,8 @@ void GLTFDocument::_bind_methods() {
&GLTFDocument::append_from_buffer, DEFVAL(0));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("append_from_scene", "node", "state", "flags"),
&GLTFDocument::append_from_scene, DEFVAL(0));
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("generate_scene", "state", "bake_fps", "trimming"),
- &GLTFDocument::generate_scene, DEFVAL(30), DEFVAL(false));
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("generate_scene", "state", "bake_fps", "trimming", "remove_immutable_tracks"),
+ &GLTFDocument::generate_scene, DEFVAL(30), DEFVAL(false), DEFVAL(true));
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("generate_buffer", "state"),
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("write_to_filesystem", "state", "path"),
@@ -6888,7 +7223,7 @@ Error GLTFDocument::write_to_filesystem(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, const String &p_
return OK;
-Node *GLTFDocument::generate_scene(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, float p_bake_fps, bool p_trimming) {
+Node *GLTFDocument::generate_scene(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, float p_bake_fps, bool p_trimming, bool p_remove_immutable_tracks) {
ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(p_state, nullptr);
ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(0, p_state->root_nodes.size(), nullptr);
Error err = OK;
@@ -6902,7 +7237,7 @@ Node *GLTFDocument::generate_scene(Ref<GLTFState> p_state, float p_bake_fps, boo
root->add_child(ap, true);
for (int i = 0; i < p_state->animations.size(); i++) {
- _import_animation(p_state, ap, i, p_bake_fps, p_trimming);
+ _import_animation(p_state, ap, i, p_bake_fps, p_trimming, p_remove_immutable_tracks);
for (KeyValue<GLTFNodeIndex, Node *> E : p_state->scene_nodes) {