path: root/modules/gdscript
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/gdscript')
14 files changed, 7352 insertions, 2564 deletions
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp b/modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp
index fedc510f01..f2a1a5b50c 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.cpp
@@ -75,9 +75,11 @@ Map<int, TextEdit::HighlighterInfo> GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter::_get_line_syntax_
bool in_keyword = false;
bool in_word = false;
bool in_function_name = false;
+ bool in_variable_declaration = false;
bool in_member_variable = false;
bool in_node_path = false;
bool is_hex_notation = false;
+ bool expect_type = false;
Color keyword_color;
Color color;
@@ -205,6 +207,8 @@ Map<int, TextEdit::HighlighterInfo> GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter::_get_line_syntax_
if (str[k] == '(') {
in_function_name = true;
+ } else if (previous_text == GDScriptTokenizer::get_token_name(GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_VAR)) {
+ in_variable_declaration = true;
@@ -222,6 +226,28 @@ Map<int, TextEdit::HighlighterInfo> GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter::_get_line_syntax_
if (is_symbol) {
in_function_name = false;
in_member_variable = false;
+ if (expect_type && str[j] != ' ' && str[j] != '\t' && str[j] != ':') {
+ expect_type = false;
+ }
+ if (j > 0 && str[j] == '>' && str[j - 1] == '-') {
+ expect_type = true;
+ }
+ if (in_variable_declaration || previous_text == "(" || previous_text == ",") {
+ int k = j;
+ // Skip space
+ while (k < str.length() && (str[k] == '\t' || str[k] == ' ')) {
+ k++;
+ }
+ if (str[k] == ':') {
+ // has type hint
+ expect_type = true;
+ }
+ }
+ in_variable_declaration = false;
if (!in_node_path && in_region == -1 && str[j] == '$') {
@@ -256,6 +282,9 @@ Map<int, TextEdit::HighlighterInfo> GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter::_get_line_syntax_
} else if (is_number) {
next_type = NUMBER;
color = number_color;
+ } else if (expect_type) {
+ next_type = TYPE;
+ color = type_color;
} else {
next_type = IDENTIFIER;
@@ -330,6 +359,7 @@ void GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter::_update_cache() {
function_definition_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/gdscript/function_definition_color");
node_path_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/gdscript/node_path_color");
+ type_color = EDITOR_GET("text_editor/highlighting/base_type_color");
SyntaxHighlighter *GDScriptSyntaxHighlighter::create() {
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.h b/modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.h
index 0296ab7652..b8cb4a65e9 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.h
+++ b/modules/gdscript/editor/gdscript_highlighter.h
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ private:
// colours
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ private:
Color number_color;
Color member_color;
Color node_path_color;
+ Color type_color;
static SyntaxHighlighter *create();
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
index f23e7854a5..ef6a42f145 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp
@@ -220,16 +220,14 @@ void GDScript::_placeholder_erased(PlaceHolderScriptInstance *p_placeholder) {
void GDScript::get_script_method_list(List<MethodInfo> *p_list) const {
for (const Map<StringName, GDScriptFunction *>::Element *E = member_functions.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ GDScriptFunction *func = E->get();
MethodInfo mi; = E->key();
- for (int i = 0; i < E->get()->get_argument_count(); i++) {
- PropertyInfo arg;
- arg.type = Variant::NIL; //variant
- = E->get()->get_argument_name(i);
- mi.arguments.push_back(arg);
+ for (int i = 0; i < func->get_argument_count(); i++) {
+ mi.arguments.push_back(func->get_argument_type(i));
- = "Variant";
+ mi.return_val = func->get_return_type();
@@ -277,16 +275,14 @@ MethodInfo GDScript::get_method_info(const StringName &p_method) const {
if (!E)
return MethodInfo();
+ GDScriptFunction *func = E->get();
MethodInfo mi; = E->key();
- for (int i = 0; i < E->get()->get_argument_count(); i++) {
- PropertyInfo arg;
- arg.type = Variant::NIL; //variant
- = E->get()->get_argument_name(i);
- mi.arguments.push_back(arg);
+ for (int i = 0; i < func->get_argument_count(); i++) {
+ mi.arguments.push_back(func->get_argument_type(i));
- = "Variant";
+ mi.return_val = func->get_return_type();
return mi;
@@ -600,6 +596,13 @@ Error GDScript::reload(bool p_keep_state) {
return err;
+ for (const List<GDScriptWarning>::Element *E = parser.get_warnings().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ String msg = "Script warning: " + E->get().get_name() + " (" + path + ") line " + itos(E->get().line) + ": ";
+ msg += E->get().get_message();
+ }
valid = true;
@@ -734,7 +737,7 @@ Error GDScript::load_byte_code(const String &p_path) {
Vector<uint8_t> key;
for (int i = 0; i < key.size(); i++) {
- key[i] = script_encryption_key[i];
+ key.write[i] = script_encryption_key[i];
Error err = fae->open_and_parse(fa, key, FileAccessEncrypted::MODE_READ);
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err, err);
@@ -941,8 +944,12 @@ bool GDScriptInstance::set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) {
if (err.error == Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) {
return true; //function exists, call was successful
- } else
- members[E->get().index] = p_value;
+ } else {
+ if (!E->get().data_type.is_type(p_value)) {
+ return false; // Type mismatch
+ }
+ members.write[E->get().index] = p_value;
+ }
return true;
@@ -1270,7 +1277,7 @@ void GDScriptInstance::reload_members() {
if (member_indices_cache.has(E->key())) {
Variant value = members[member_indices_cache[E->key()]];
- new_members[E->get().index] = value;
+ new_members.write[E->get().index] = value;
@@ -1320,7 +1327,7 @@ void GDScriptLanguage::_add_global(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_va
if (globals.has(p_name)) {
//overwrite existing
- global_array[globals[p_name]] = p_value;
+ global_array.write[globals[p_name]] = p_value;
globals[p_name] = global_array.size();
@@ -1735,10 +1742,13 @@ void GDScriptLanguage::get_reserved_words(List<String> *p_words) const {
+ "void",
// functions
+ "as",
+ "class_name",
@@ -1788,6 +1798,238 @@ void GDScriptLanguage::get_reserved_words(List<String> *p_words) const {
+bool GDScriptLanguage::handles_global_class_type(const String &p_type) const {
+ return p_type == "GDScript";
+String GDScriptLanguage::get_global_class_name(const String &p_path, String *r_base_type) const {
+ PoolVector<uint8_t> sourcef;
+ Error err;
+ FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(p_path, FileAccess::READ, &err);
+ if (err) {
+ return String();
+ }
+ int len = f->get_len();
+ sourcef.resize(len + 1);
+ PoolVector<uint8_t>::Write w = sourcef.write();
+ int r = f->get_buffer(w.ptr(), len);
+ f->close();
+ memdelete(f);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(r != len, String());
+ w[len] = 0;
+ String s;
+ if (s.parse_utf8((const char *)w.ptr())) {
+ return String();
+ }
+ GDScriptParser parser;
+ parser.parse(s, p_path.get_base_dir(), true, p_path);
+ if (parser.get_parse_tree() && parser.get_parse_tree()->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CLASS) {
+ const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *c = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(parser.get_parse_tree());
+ if (r_base_type) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base_type;
+ if (c->base_type.has_type) {
+ base_type = c->base_type;
+ while (base_type.has_type && base_type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE) {
+ switch (base_type.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
+ base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = base_type.script_type;
+ if (gds.is_valid()) {
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ base_type.native_type = gds->get_instance_base_type();
+ } else {
+ base_type = GDScriptParser::DataType();
+ }
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ base_type = GDScriptParser::DataType();
+ } break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (base_type.has_type) {
+ *r_base_type = base_type.native_type;
+ } else {
+ // Fallback
+ if (c->extends_used && c->extends_class.size() == 1) {
+ *r_base_type = c->extends_class[0];
+ } else if (!c->extends_used) {
+ *r_base_type = "Reference";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return c->name;
+ }
+ return String();
+String GDScriptWarning::get_message() const {
+#define CHECK_SYMBOLS(m_amount) ERR_FAIL_COND_V(symbols.size() < m_amount, String());
+ switch (code) {
+ return "Using assignment with operation but the variable '" + symbols[0] + "' was not previously assigned a value.";
+ } break;
+ return "The variable '" + symbols[0] + "' was used but never assigned a value.";
+ } break;
+ return "The local variable '" + symbols[0] + "' is declared but never used in the block.";
+ } break;
+ return "The class variable '" + symbols[0] + "' is declared but never used in the script.";
+ } break;
+ return "The argument '" + symbols[1] + "' is never used in the function '" + symbols[0] + "'.";
+ } break;
+ return "Unreachable code (statement after return) in function '" + symbols[0] + "()'.";
+ } break;
+ return "Standalone expression (the line has no effect).";
+ } break;
+ return "Assignment operation, but the function '" + symbols[0] + "()' returns void.";
+ } break;
+ return "Narrowing coversion (float is converted to int and lose precision).";
+ } break;
+ return "Assigned variable is typed but the function '" + symbols[0] + "()' may yield and return a GDScriptFunctionState instead.";
+ } break;
+ return "Variable declaration of '" + symbols[0] + "' conflicts with a function of the same name.";
+ } break;
+ return "Function declaration of '" + symbols[0] + "()' conflicts with a variable of the same name.";
+ } break;
+ return "Function declaration of '" + symbols[0] + "()' conflicts with a constant of the same name.";
+ } break;
+ return "Values of the ternary conditional are not mutually compatible.";
+ } break;
+ return "The signal '" + symbols[0] + "' is declared but never emitted.";
+ } break;
+ return "The function '" + symbols[0] + "()' returns a value, but this value is never used.";
+ } break;
+ return "The method '" + symbols[0] + "()' was not found in base '" + symbols[1] + "' but there's a property with the same name. Did you mean to access it?";
+ } break;
+ return "The method '" + symbols[0] + "()' was not found in base '" + symbols[1] + "' but there's a constant with the same name. Did you mean to access it?";
+ } break;
+ return "The property '" + symbols[0] + "' was not found in base '" + symbols[1] + "' but there's a method with the same name. Did you mean to call it?";
+ } break;
+ return "Integer division, decimal part will be discarded.";
+ } break;
+ return "The property '" + symbols[0] + "' is not present on the inferred type '" + symbols[1] + "' (but may be present on a subtype).";
+ } break;
+ return "The method '" + symbols[0] + "' is not present on the inferred type '" + symbols[1] + "' (but may be present on a subtype).";
+ } break;
+ case UNSAFE_CAST: {
+ return "The value is cast to '" + symbols[0] + "' but has an unkown type.";
+ } break;
+ return "The argument '" + symbols[0] + "' of the function '" + symbols[1] + "' requires a the subtype '" + symbols[2] + "' but the supertype '" + symbols[3] + "' was provided";
+ } break;
+ }
+ ERR_EXPLAIN("Invalid GDScript waring code: " + get_name_from_code(code));
+ ERR_FAIL_V(String());
+String GDScriptWarning::get_name() const {
+ return get_name_from_code(code);
+String GDScriptWarning::get_name_from_code(Code p_code) {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_code < 0 || p_code >= WARNING_MAX, String());
+ static const char *names[] = {
+ };
+ return names[(int)p_code];
+GDScriptWarning::Code GDScriptWarning::get_code_from_name(const String &p_name) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < WARNING_MAX; i++) {
+ if (get_name_from_code((Code)i) == p_name) {
+ return (Code)i;
+ }
+ }
+ ERR_EXPLAIN("Invalid GDScript waring name: " + p_name);
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
GDScriptLanguage::GDScriptLanguage() {
calls = 0;
@@ -1824,6 +2066,15 @@ GDScriptLanguage::GDScriptLanguage() {
_debug_max_call_stack = 0;
_call_stack = NULL;
+ GLOBAL_DEF("debug/gdscript/warnings/enable", true);
+ GLOBAL_DEF("debug/gdscript/warnings/treat_warnings_as_errors", false);
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)GDScriptWarning::WARNING_MAX; i++) {
+ String warning = GDScriptWarning::get_name_from_code((GDScriptWarning::Code)i).to_lower();
+ GLOBAL_DEF("debug/gdscript/warnings/" + warning, !warning.begins_with("unsafe_"));
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
GDScriptLanguage::~GDScriptLanguage() {
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript.h b/modules/gdscript/gdscript.h
index a35b0a10d5..edad12f1f3 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript.h
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript.h
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ class GDScript : public Script {
StringName setter;
StringName getter;
MultiplayerAPI::RPCMode rpc_mode;
+ GDScriptDataType data_type;
friend class GDScriptInstance;
@@ -145,8 +146,13 @@ public:
const Map<StringName, Ref<GDScript> > &get_subclasses() const { return subclasses; }
const Map<StringName, Variant> &get_constants() const { return constants; }
const Set<StringName> &get_members() const { return members; }
+ const GDScriptDataType &get_member_type(const StringName &p_member) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!member_indices.has(p_member), GDScriptDataType());
+ return member_indices[p_member].data_type;
+ }
const Map<StringName, GDScriptFunction *> &get_member_functions() const { return member_functions; }
const Ref<GDScriptNativeClass> &get_native() const { return native; }
+ const String &get_script_class_name() const { return name; }
virtual bool has_script_signal(const StringName &p_signal) const;
virtual void get_script_signal_list(List<MethodInfo> *r_signals) const;
@@ -255,6 +261,49 @@ public:
+struct GDScriptWarning {
+ enum Code {
+ UNASSIGNED_VARIABLE, // Variable used but never assigned
+ UNASSIGNED_VARIABLE_OP_ASSIGN, // Variable never assigned but used in an assignment operation (+=, *=, etc)
+ UNUSED_VARIABLE, // Local variable is declared but never used
+ UNUSED_CLASS_VARIABLE, // Class variable is declared but never used in the file
+ UNUSED_ARGUMENT, // Function argument is never used
+ UNREACHABLE_CODE, // Code after a return statement
+ STANDALONE_EXPRESSION, // Expression not assigned to a variable
+ VOID_ASSIGNMENT, // Function returns void but it's assigned to a variable
+ NARROWING_CONVERSION, // Float value into an integer slot, precision is lost
+ FUNCTION_MAY_YIELD, // Typed assign of function call that yields (it may return a function state)
+ VARIABLE_CONFLICTS_FUNCTION, // Variable has the same name of a function
+ FUNCTION_CONFLICTS_VARIABLE, // Function has the same name of a variable
+ FUNCTION_CONFLICTS_CONSTANT, // Function has the same name of a constant
+ INCOMPATIBLE_TERNARY, // Possible values of a ternary if are not mutually compatible
+ UNUSED_SIGNAL, // Signal is defined but never emitted
+ RETURN_VALUE_DISCARDED, // Function call returns something but the value isn't used
+ PROPERTY_USED_AS_FUNCTION, // Function not found, but there's a property with the same name
+ CONSTANT_USED_AS_FUNCTION, // Function not found, but there's a constant with the same name
+ FUNCTION_USED_AS_PROPERTY, // Property not found, but there's a function with the same name
+ INTEGER_DIVISION, // Integer divide by integer, decimal part is discarded
+ UNSAFE_PROPERTY_ACCESS, // Property not found in the detected type (but can be in subtypes)
+ UNSAFE_METHOD_ACCESS, // Fucntion not found in the detected type (but can be in subtypes)
+ UNSAFE_CAST, // Cast used in an unknown type
+ UNSAFE_CALL_ARGUMENT, // Function call argument is of a supertype of the require argument
+ } code;
+ Vector<String> symbols;
+ int line;
+ String get_name() const;
+ String get_message() const;
+ static String get_name_from_code(Code p_code);
+ static Code get_code_from_name(const String &p_name);
+ GDScriptWarning() :
+ line(-1),
+ code(WARNING_MAX) {}
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
class GDScriptLanguage : public ScriptLanguage {
static GDScriptLanguage *singleton;
@@ -349,10 +398,10 @@ public:
Vector<StackInfo> csi;
for (int i = 0; i < _debug_call_stack_pos; i++) {
- csi[_debug_call_stack_pos - i - 1].line = _call_stack[i].line ? *_call_stack[i].line : 0;
+ csi.write[_debug_call_stack_pos - i - 1].line = _call_stack[i].line ? *_call_stack[i].line : 0;
if (_call_stack[i].function)
- csi[_debug_call_stack_pos - i - 1].func = _call_stack[i].function->get_name();
- csi[_debug_call_stack_pos - i - 1].file = _call_stack[i].function->get_script()->get_path();
+ csi.write[_debug_call_stack_pos - i - 1].func = _call_stack[i].function->get_name();
+ csi.write[_debug_call_stack_pos - i - 1].file = _call_stack[i].function->get_script()->get_path();
return csi;
@@ -391,7 +440,7 @@ public:
virtual Ref<Script> get_template(const String &p_class_name, const String &p_base_class_name) const;
virtual bool is_using_templates();
virtual void make_template(const String &p_class_name, const String &p_base_class_name, Ref<Script> &p_script);
- virtual bool validate(const String &p_script, int &r_line_error, int &r_col_error, String &r_test_error, const String &p_path = "", List<String> *r_functions = NULL) const;
+ virtual bool validate(const String &p_script, int &r_line_error, int &r_col_error, String &r_test_error, const String &p_path = "", List<String> *r_functions = NULL, List<ScriptLanguage::Warning> *r_warnings = NULL, Set<int> *r_safe_lines = NULL) const;
virtual Script *create_script() const;
virtual bool has_named_classes() const;
virtual bool supports_builtin_mode() const;
@@ -439,6 +488,11 @@ public:
virtual void get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const;
+ virtual bool handles_global_class_type(const String &p_type) const;
+ virtual String get_global_class_name(const String &p_path, String *r_base_type = NULL) const;
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp
index 85c36647a1..fe393957db 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp
@@ -111,23 +111,50 @@ bool GDScriptCompiler::_create_binary_operator(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptP
return true;
-int GDScriptCompiler::_parse_subexpression(CodeGen& codegen,const GDScriptParser::Node *p_expression) {
+GDScriptDataType GDScriptCompiler::_gdtype_from_datatype(const GDScriptParser::DataType &p_datatype) const {
+ if (!p_datatype.has_type) {
+ return GDScriptDataType();
+ }
- int ret = _parse_expression(codegen,p_expression);
- if (ret<0)
- return ret;
+ GDScriptDataType result;
+ result.has_type = true;
- if (ret&(GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_STACK<<GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS)) {
- codegen.stack_level++;
- codegen.check_max_stack_level();
- //stack was used, keep value
+ switch (p_datatype.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: {
+ result.kind = GDScriptDataType::BUILTIN;
+ result.builtin_type = p_datatype.builtin_type;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
+ result.kind = GDScriptDataType::NATIVE;
+ result.native_type = p_datatype.native_type;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: {
+ result.kind = GDScriptDataType::SCRIPT;
+ result.script_type = p_datatype.script_type;
+ result.native_type = result.script_type->get_instance_base_type();
+ }
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ result.kind = GDScriptDataType::GDSCRIPT;
+ result.script_type = p_datatype.script_type;
+ result.native_type = result.script_type->get_instance_base_type();
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
+ result.kind = GDScriptDataType::GDSCRIPT;
+ if (!p_datatype.class_type->owner) {
+ result.script_type = Ref<GDScript>(main_script);
+ } else {
+ result.script_type = class_map[p_datatype.class_type->name];
+ }
+ result.native_type = result.script_type->get_instance_base_type();
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ ERR_PRINT("Parser bug: converting unresolved type.");
+ result.has_type = false;
+ }
- return ret;
+ return result;
int GDScriptCompiler::_parse_assign_right_expression(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *p_expression, int p_stack_level) {
@@ -263,21 +290,47 @@ int GDScriptCompiler::_parse_expression(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::
owner = owner->_owner;
- /*
- handled in constants now
- if (codegen.script->subclasses.has(identifier)) {
- //same with a subclass, make it a local constant.
- int idx = codegen.get_constant_pos(codegen.script->subclasses[identifier]);
- return idx|(GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_LOCAL_CONSTANT<<GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS); //make it a local constant (faster access)
- }*/
if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map().has(identifier)) {
int idx = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map()[identifier];
return idx | (GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_GLOBAL << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS); //argument (stack root)
+ if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(identifier)) {
+ const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *class_node = codegen.class_node;
+ while (class_node->owner) {
+ class_node = class_node->owner;
+ }
+ if (class_node->name == identifier) {
+ _set_error("Using own name in class file is not allowed (creates a cyclic reference)", p_expression);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ RES res = ResourceLoader::load(ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(identifier));
+ if (res.is_null()) {
+ _set_error("Can't load global class " + String(identifier) + ", cyclic reference?", p_expression);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ Variant key = res;
+ int idx;
+ if (!codegen.constant_map.has(key)) {
+ idx = codegen.constant_map.size();
+ codegen.constant_map[key] = idx;
+ } else {
+ idx = codegen.constant_map[key];
+ }
+ return idx | (GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_LOCAL_CONSTANT << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS); //make it a local constant (faster access)
+ }
if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map().has(identifier)) {
@@ -395,6 +448,83 @@ int GDScriptCompiler::_parse_expression(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::
return dst_addr;
} break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CAST: {
+ const GDScriptParser::CastNode *cn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::CastNode *>(p_expression);
+ int slevel = p_stack_level;
+ int src_addr = _parse_expression(codegen, cn->source_node, slevel);
+ if (src_addr < 0)
+ return src_addr;
+ if (src_addr & GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_STACK << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS) {
+ slevel++;
+ codegen.alloc_stack(slevel);
+ }
+ switch (cn->cast_type.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: {
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(GDScriptFunction::OPCODE_CAST_TO_BUILTIN);
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(cn->cast_type.builtin_type);
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
+ int class_idx;
+ if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map().has(cn->cast_type.native_type)) {
+ class_idx = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map()[cn->cast_type.native_type];
+ class_idx |= (GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_GLOBAL << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS); //argument (stack root)
+ } else {
+ _set_error("Invalid native class type '" + String(cn->cast_type.native_type) + "'.", cn);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(GDScriptFunction::OPCODE_CAST_TO_NATIVE); // perform operator
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(class_idx); // variable type
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
+ Variant script;
+ int idx = -1;
+ if (!cn->cast_type.class_type->owner) {
+ script = codegen.script;
+ } else {
+ StringName name = cn->cast_type.class_type->name;
+ if (class_map[name] == codegen.script->subclasses[name]) {
+ idx = codegen.get_name_map_pos(name);
+ idx |= GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_CLASS_CONSTANT << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS;
+ } else {
+ script = class_map[name];
+ }
+ }
+ if (idx < 0) {
+ idx = codegen.get_constant_pos(script);
+ idx |= GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_LOCAL_CONSTANT << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS; //make it a local constant (faster access)
+ }
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(GDScriptFunction::OPCODE_CAST_TO_SCRIPT); // perform operator
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(idx); // variable type
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT:
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ Variant script = cn->cast_type.script_type;
+ int idx = codegen.get_constant_pos(script);
+ idx |= GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_LOCAL_CONSTANT << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS; //make it a local constant (faster access)
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(GDScriptFunction::OPCODE_CAST_TO_SCRIPT); // perform operator
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(idx); // variable type
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: unresolved data type.", cn);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(src_addr); // source adddress
+ int dst_addr = (p_stack_level) | (GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_STACK << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS);
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(dst_addr); // append the stack level as destination address of the opcode
+ codegen.alloc_stack(p_stack_level);
+ return dst_addr;
+ } break;
case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR: {
//hell breaks loose
@@ -655,8 +785,8 @@ int GDScriptCompiler::_parse_expression(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::
codegen.opcodes.push_back(p_stack_level | GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_STACK << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS);
codegen.opcodes.push_back(codegen.opcodes.size() + 3);
- codegen.opcodes[jump_fail_pos] = codegen.opcodes.size();
- codegen.opcodes[jump_fail_pos2] = codegen.opcodes.size();
+ codegen.opcodes.write[jump_fail_pos] = codegen.opcodes.size();
+ codegen.opcodes.write[jump_fail_pos2] = codegen.opcodes.size();
codegen.opcodes.push_back(p_stack_level | GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_STACK << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS);
return p_stack_level | GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_STACK << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS;
@@ -688,8 +818,8 @@ int GDScriptCompiler::_parse_expression(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::
codegen.opcodes.push_back(p_stack_level | GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_STACK << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS);
codegen.opcodes.push_back(codegen.opcodes.size() + 3);
- codegen.opcodes[jump_success_pos] = codegen.opcodes.size();
- codegen.opcodes[jump_success_pos2] = codegen.opcodes.size();
+ codegen.opcodes.write[jump_success_pos] = codegen.opcodes.size();
+ codegen.opcodes.write[jump_success_pos2] = codegen.opcodes.size();
codegen.opcodes.push_back(p_stack_level | GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_STACK << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS);
return p_stack_level | GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_STACK << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS;
@@ -720,7 +850,7 @@ int GDScriptCompiler::_parse_expression(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::
int jump_past_pos = codegen.opcodes.size();
- codegen.opcodes[jump_fail_pos] = codegen.opcodes.size();
+ codegen.opcodes.write[jump_fail_pos] = codegen.opcodes.size();
res = _parse_expression(codegen, on->arguments[2], p_stack_level);
if (res < 0)
return res;
@@ -729,7 +859,7 @@ int GDScriptCompiler::_parse_expression(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::
codegen.opcodes.push_back(p_stack_level | GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_STACK << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS);
- codegen.opcodes[jump_past_pos] = codegen.opcodes.size();
+ codegen.opcodes.write[jump_past_pos] = codegen.opcodes.size();
return p_stack_level | GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_STACK << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS;
@@ -747,14 +877,6 @@ int GDScriptCompiler::_parse_expression(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::
case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_BIT_INVERT: {
if (!_create_unary_operator(codegen, on, Variant::OP_BIT_NEGATE, p_stack_level)) return -1;
} break;
- case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_PREINC: {
- } break; //?
- case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_PREDEC: {
- } break;
- case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_INC: {
- } break;
- case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_DEC: {
- } break;
//binary operators (in precedence order)
case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_IN: {
if (!_create_binary_operator(codegen, on, Variant::OP_IN, p_stack_level)) return -1;
@@ -828,7 +950,7 @@ int GDScriptCompiler::_parse_expression(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::
if (on->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR && (static_cast<GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(on->arguments[0])->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_INDEX || static_cast<GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(on->arguments[0])->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_INDEX_NAMED)) {
- // SET (chained) MODE!
+ // SET (chained) MODE!
if (static_cast<GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(on->arguments[0])->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_INDEX_NAMED) {
const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *inon = static_cast<GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(on->arguments[0]);
@@ -1029,12 +1151,87 @@ int GDScriptCompiler::_parse_expression(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::
if (src_address_b < 0)
return -1;
- codegen.opcodes.push_back(GDScriptFunction::OPCODE_ASSIGN); // perform operator
- codegen.opcodes.push_back(dst_address_a); // argument 1
- codegen.opcodes.push_back(src_address_b); // argument 2 (unary only takes one parameter)
+ GDScriptParser::DataType assign_type = on->arguments[0]->get_datatype();
+ if (assign_type.has_type && !on->arguments[1]->get_datatype().has_type) {
+ // Typed assignment
+ switch (assign_type.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: {
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(GDScriptFunction::OPCODE_ASSIGN_TYPED_BUILTIN); // perform operator
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(assign_type.builtin_type); // variable type
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(dst_address_a); // argument 1
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(src_address_b); // argument 2
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
+ int class_idx;
+ if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map().has(assign_type.native_type)) {
+ class_idx = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map()[assign_type.native_type];
+ class_idx |= (GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_GLOBAL << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS); //argument (stack root)
+ } else {
+ _set_error("Invalid native class type '" + String(assign_type.native_type) + "'.", on->arguments[0]);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(GDScriptFunction::OPCODE_ASSIGN_TYPED_NATIVE); // perform operator
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(class_idx); // variable type
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(dst_address_a); // argument 1
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(src_address_b); // argument 2
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
+ Variant script;
+ int idx = -1;
+ if (!assign_type.class_type->owner) {
+ script = codegen.script;
+ } else {
+ StringName name = assign_type.class_type->name;
+ if (class_map[name] == codegen.script->subclasses[name]) {
+ idx = codegen.get_name_map_pos(name);
+ idx |= GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_CLASS_CONSTANT << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS;
+ } else {
+ script = class_map[name];
+ }
+ }
+ if (idx < 0) {
+ idx = codegen.get_constant_pos(script);
+ idx |= GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_LOCAL_CONSTANT << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS; //make it a local constant (faster access)
+ }
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(GDScriptFunction::OPCODE_ASSIGN_TYPED_SCRIPT); // perform operator
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(idx); // variable type
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(dst_address_a); // argument 1
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(src_address_b); // argument 2
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT:
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ Variant script = assign_type.script_type;
+ int idx = codegen.get_constant_pos(script);
+ idx |= GDScriptFunction::ADDR_TYPE_LOCAL_CONSTANT << GDScriptFunction::ADDR_BITS; //make it a local constant (faster access)
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(GDScriptFunction::OPCODE_ASSIGN_TYPED_SCRIPT); // perform operator
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(idx); // variable type
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(dst_address_a); // argument 1
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(src_address_b); // argument 2
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ ERR_PRINT("Compiler bug: unresolved assign.");
+ // Shouldn't get here, but fail-safe to a regular assignment
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(GDScriptFunction::OPCODE_ASSIGN); // perform operator
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(dst_address_a); // argument 1
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(src_address_b); // argument 2 (unary only takes one parameter)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Either untyped assignment or already type-checked by the parser
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(GDScriptFunction::OPCODE_ASSIGN); // perform operator
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(dst_address_a); // argument 1
+ codegen.opcodes.push_back(src_address_b); // argument 2 (unary only takes one parameter)
+ }
return dst_address_a; //if anything, returns wathever was assigned or correct stack position
} break;
case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_IS: {
@@ -1164,10 +1361,10 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_block(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::Blo
- codegen.opcodes[continue_addr + 1] = codegen.opcodes.size();
+ codegen.opcodes.write[continue_addr + 1] = codegen.opcodes.size();
- codegen.opcodes[break_addr + 1] = codegen.opcodes.size();
+ codegen.opcodes.write[break_addr + 1] = codegen.opcodes.size();
} break;
@@ -1196,16 +1393,16 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_block(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::Blo
int end_addr = codegen.opcodes.size();
- codegen.opcodes[else_addr] = codegen.opcodes.size();
+ codegen.opcodes.write[else_addr] = codegen.opcodes.size();
Error err = _parse_block(codegen, cf->body_else, p_stack_level, p_break_addr, p_continue_addr);
if (err)
return err;
- codegen.opcodes[end_addr] = codegen.opcodes.size();
+ codegen.opcodes.write[end_addr] = codegen.opcodes.size();
} else {
//end without else
- codegen.opcodes[else_addr] = codegen.opcodes.size();
+ codegen.opcodes.write[else_addr] = codegen.opcodes.size();
} break;
@@ -1256,7 +1453,7 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_block(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::Blo
- codegen.opcodes[break_pos + 1] = codegen.opcodes.size();
+ codegen.opcodes.write[break_pos + 1] = codegen.opcodes.size();
@@ -1282,7 +1479,7 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_block(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::Blo
- codegen.opcodes[break_addr + 1] = codegen.opcodes.size();
+ codegen.opcodes.write[break_addr + 1] = codegen.opcodes.size();
} break;
case GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode::CF_SWITCH: {
@@ -1490,6 +1687,18 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_function(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptParser
if (p_func) {
gdfunc->_static = p_func->_static;
gdfunc->rpc_mode = p_func->rpc_mode;
+ gdfunc->argument_types.resize(p_func->argument_types.size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_func->argument_types.size(); i++) {
+ gdfunc->argument_types.write[i] = _gdtype_from_datatype(p_func->argument_types[i]);
+ }
+ gdfunc->return_type = _gdtype_from_datatype(p_func->return_type);
+ } else {
+ gdfunc->_static = false;
+ gdfunc->rpc_mode = MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_DISABLED;
+ gdfunc->return_type = GDScriptDataType();
+ gdfunc->return_type.has_type = true;
+ gdfunc->return_type.kind = GDScriptDataType::BUILTIN;
+ gdfunc->return_type.builtin_type = Variant::NIL;
@@ -1499,11 +1708,11 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_function(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptParser
if (codegen.constant_map.size()) {
gdfunc->_constant_count = codegen.constant_map.size();
- gdfunc->_constants_ptr = &gdfunc->constants[0];
+ gdfunc->_constants_ptr = gdfunc->constants.ptrw();
const Variant *K = NULL;
while ((K = {
int idx = codegen.constant_map[*K];
- gdfunc->constants[idx] = *K;
+ gdfunc->constants.write[idx] = *K;
} else {
@@ -1517,7 +1726,7 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_function(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptParser
gdfunc->_global_names_ptr = &gdfunc->global_names[0];
for (Map<StringName, int>::Element *E = codegen.name_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- gdfunc->global_names[E->get()] = E->key();
+ gdfunc->global_names.write[E->get()] = E->key();
gdfunc->_global_names_count = gdfunc->global_names.size();
@@ -1532,7 +1741,7 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_function(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptParser
gdfunc->_named_globals_ptr = gdfunc->named_globals.ptr();
for (int i = 0; i < codegen.named_globals.size(); i++) {
- gdfunc->named_globals[i] = codegen.named_globals[i];
+ gdfunc->named_globals.write[i] = codegen.named_globals[i];
gdfunc->_named_globals_count = gdfunc->named_globals.size();
@@ -1618,12 +1827,23 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_function(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptParser
return OK;
-Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_class(GDScript *p_script, GDScript *p_owner, const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class, bool p_keep_state) {
- Map<StringName, Ref<GDScript> > old_subclasses;
+Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_class_level(GDScript *p_script, GDScript *p_owner, const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class, bool p_keep_state) {
- if (p_keep_state) {
- old_subclasses = p_script->subclasses;
+ if (p_class->owner && p_class->owner->owner) {
+ // Owner is not root
+ StringName owner_name = p_class->owner->name;
+ if (!parsed_classes.has(owner_name)) {
+ if (parsing_classes.has(owner_name)) {
+ _set_error("Cyclic class reference for '" + String(owner_name) + "'.", p_class);
+ }
+ parsing_classes.insert(owner_name);
+ Error err = _parse_class_level(class_map[owner_name].ptr(), class_map[owner_name]->_owner, p_class->owner, p_keep_state);
+ if (err) {
+ return err;
+ }
+ parsing_classes.erase(owner_name);
+ }
p_script->native = Ref<GDScriptNativeClass>();
@@ -1647,236 +1867,100 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_class(GDScript *p_script, GDScript *p_owner, cons
Ref<GDScriptNativeClass> native;
- if (p_class->extends_used) {
- //do inheritance
- String path = p_class->extends_file;
- Ref<GDScript> script;
- if (path != "") {
- //path (and optionally subclasses)
- if (path.is_rel_path()) {
- String base;
- if (p_owner) {
- GDScript *current_class = p_owner;
- while (current_class != NULL) {
- base = current_class->get_path();
- if (base == "")
- current_class = current_class->_owner;
- else
- break;
- }
- } else {
- base = p_script->get_path();
- }
- if (base == "" || base.is_rel_path()) {
- _set_error("Could not resolve relative path for parent class: " + path, p_class);
- }
- path = base.get_base_dir().plus_file(path).simplify_path();
- }
- script = ResourceLoader::load(path);
- if (script.is_null()) {
- _set_error("Could not load base class: " + path, p_class);
- }
- if (!script->valid) {
- _set_error("Script not fully loaded (cyclic preload?): " + path, p_class);
- return ERR_BUSY;
- }
- //print_line("EXTENDS PATH: "+path+" script is "+itos(script.is_valid())+" indices is "+itos(script->member_indices.size())+" valid? "+itos(script->valid));
- if (p_class->extends_class.size()) {
- for (int i = 0; i < p_class->extends_class.size(); i++) {
- String sub = p_class->extends_class[i];
- if (script->subclasses.has(sub)) {
- Ref<Script> subclass = script->subclasses[sub]; //avoid reference from disappearing
- script = subclass;
- } else {
- _set_error("Could not find subclass: " + sub, p_class);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_class->extends_class.size() == 0, ERR_BUG);
- //look around for the subclasses
- String base = p_class->extends_class[0];
- GDScript *p = p_owner;
- Ref<GDScript> base_class;
- while (p) {
- if (p->subclasses.has(base)) {
- base_class = p->subclasses[base];
- break;
- }
- if (p->constants.has(base)) {
- base_class = p->constants[base];
- if (base_class.is_null()) {
- _set_error("Constant is not a class: " + base, p_class);
- }
- break;
- }
- p = p->_owner;
- }
- if (base_class.is_valid()) {
- String ident = base;
- for (int i = 1; i < p_class->extends_class.size(); i++) {
- String subclass = p_class->extends_class[i];
- ident += ("." + subclass);
- if (base_class->subclasses.has(subclass)) {
- base_class = base_class->subclasses[subclass];
- } else if (base_class->constants.has(subclass)) {
- Ref<GDScript> new_base_class = base_class->constants[subclass];
- if (new_base_class.is_null()) {
- _set_error("Constant is not a class: " + ident, p_class);
- }
- base_class = new_base_class;
- } else {
- _set_error("Could not find subclass: " + ident, p_class);
- }
- }
- script = base_class;
- } else {
- if (p_class->extends_class.size() > 1) {
- _set_error("Invalid inheritance (unknown class+subclasses)", p_class);
- }
- //if not found, try engine classes
- if (!GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map().has(base)) {
- _set_error("Unknown class: '" + base + "'", p_class);
+ // Inheritance
+ switch (p_class->base_type.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
+ StringName base_name = p_class->base_type.class_type->name;
+ // Make sure dependency is parsed first
+ if (!parsed_classes.has(base_name)) {
+ if (parsing_classes.has(base_name)) {
+ _set_error("Cyclic class reference for '" + String(base_name) + "'.", p_class);
- int base_idx = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map()[base];
- native = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[base_idx];
- if (!native.is_valid()) {
- _set_error("Global not a class: '" + base + "'", p_class);
+ parsing_classes.insert(base_name);
+ Error err = _parse_class_level(class_map[base_name].ptr(), class_map[base_name]->_owner, p_class->base_type.class_type, p_keep_state);
+ if (err) {
+ return err;
+ parsing_classes.erase(base_name);
- }
- if (script.is_valid()) {
- p_script->base = script;
+ Ref<GDScript> base = class_map[base_name];
+ p_script->base = base;
p_script->_base = p_script->base.ptr();
- p_script->member_indices = script->member_indices;
- } else if (native.is_valid()) {
+ p_script->member_indices = base->member_indices;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ Ref<GDScript> base = p_class->base_type.script_type;
+ p_script->base = base;
+ p_script->_base = p_script->base.ptr();
+ p_script->member_indices = base->member_indices;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
+ int native_idx = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map()[p_class->base_type.native_type];
+ native = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[native_idx];
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(native.is_null(), ERR_BUG);
p_script->native = native;
- } else {
- _set_error("Could not determine inheritance", p_class);
- }
- } else {
- // without extends, implicitly extend Reference
- int native_idx = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map()["Reference"];
- native = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[native_idx];
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(native.is_null(), ERR_BUG);
- p_script->native = native;
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: invalid inheritance.", p_class);
+ return ERR_BUG;
+ } break;
- //print_line("Script: "+p_script->get_path()+" indices: "+itos(p_script->member_indices.size()));
for (int i = 0; i < p_class->variables.size(); i++) {
StringName name = p_class->variables[i].identifier;
- if (p_script->member_indices.has(name)) {
- _set_error("Member '" + name + "' already exists (in current or parent class)", p_class);
- }
- if (_is_class_member_property(p_script, name)) {
- _set_error("Member '" + name + "' already exists as a class property.", p_class);
- }
- if (p_class->variables[i]._export.type != Variant::NIL) {
+ GDScript::MemberInfo minfo;
+ minfo.index = p_script->member_indices.size();
+ minfo.setter = p_class->variables[i].setter;
+ minfo.getter = p_class->variables[i].getter;
+ minfo.rpc_mode = p_class->variables[i].rpc_mode;
+ minfo.data_type = _gdtype_from_datatype(p_class->variables[i].data_type);
+ PropertyInfo prop_info = minfo.data_type;
+ = name;
+ PropertyInfo export_info = p_class->variables[i]._export;
- p_script->member_info[name] = p_class->variables[i]._export;
+ if (export_info.type != Variant::NIL) {
+ if (!minfo.data_type.has_type) {
+ prop_info.type = export_info.type;
+ prop_info.class_name = export_info.class_name;
+ }
+ prop_info.hint = export_info.hint;
+ prop_info.hint_string = export_info.hint_string;
+ prop_info.usage = export_info.usage;
if (p_class->variables[i].default_value.get_type() != Variant::NIL) {
p_script->member_default_values[name] = p_class->variables[i].default_value;
} else {
- p_script->member_info[name] = PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, name, PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE);
- //int new_idx = p_script->member_indices.size();
- GDScript::MemberInfo minfo;
- minfo.index = p_script->member_indices.size();
- minfo.setter = p_class->variables[i].setter;
- minfo.getter = p_class->variables[i].getter;
- minfo.rpc_mode = p_class->variables[i].rpc_mode;
+ p_script->member_info[name] = prop_info;
p_script->member_indices[name] = minfo;
p_script->member_lines[name] = p_class->variables[i].line;
- for (int i = 0; i < p_class->constant_expressions.size(); i++) {
+ for (Map<StringName, GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Constant>::Element *E = p_class->constant_expressions.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- StringName name = p_class->constant_expressions[i].identifier;
- ERR_CONTINUE(p_class->constant_expressions[i].expression->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CONSTANT);
+ StringName name = E->key();
- if (_is_class_member_property(p_script, name)) {
- _set_error("Member '" + name + "' already exists as a class property.", p_class);
- }
+ ERR_CONTINUE(E->get().expression->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CONSTANT);
- GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *constant = static_cast<GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *>(p_class->constant_expressions[i].expression);
+ GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *constant = static_cast<GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *>(E->get().expression);
p_script->constants.insert(name, constant->value);
- p_script->member_lines[name] = p_class->constant_expressions[i].expression->line;
+ p_script->member_lines[name] = E->get().expression->line;
@@ -1909,23 +1993,27 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_class(GDScript *p_script, GDScript *p_owner, cons
p_script->_signals[name] = p_class->_signals[i].arguments;
+ if (!p_class->owner) {
+ parsed_classes.insert(p_class->name);
+ }
//parse sub-classes
for (int i = 0; i < p_class->subclasses.size(); i++) {
StringName name = p_class->subclasses[i]->name;
- Ref<GDScript> subclass;
+ Ref<GDScript> subclass = class_map[name];
- if (old_subclasses.has(name)) {
- subclass = old_subclasses[name];
- } else {
- subclass.instance();
+ // Subclass might still be parsing, just skip it
+ if (!parsed_classes.has(name) && !parsing_classes.has(name)) {
+ parsing_classes.insert(name);
+ Error err = _parse_class_level(subclass.ptr(), p_script, p_class->subclasses[i], p_keep_state);
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+ parsing_classes.erase(name);
- Error err = _parse_class(subclass.ptr(), p_script, p_class->subclasses[i], p_keep_state);
- if (err)
- return err;
p_script->member_lines[name] = p_class->subclasses[i]->line;
@@ -1935,6 +2023,10 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_class(GDScript *p_script, GDScript *p_owner, cons
p_script->subclasses.insert(name, subclass);
+ return OK;
+Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_class_blocks(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class, bool p_keep_state) {
//parse methods
bool has_initializer = false;
@@ -1975,44 +2067,6 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_class(GDScript *p_script, GDScript *p_owner, cons
- //validate setters/getters if debug is enabled
- for (int i = 0; i < p_class->variables.size(); i++) {
- if (p_class->variables[i].setter) {
- const Map<StringName, GDScriptFunction *>::Element *E = p_script->get_member_functions().find(p_class->variables[i].setter);
- if (!E) {
- _set_error("Setter function '" + String(p_class->variables[i].setter) + "' not found in class.", NULL);
- err_line = p_class->variables[i].line;
- err_column = 0;
- }
- if (E->get()->is_static()) {
- _set_error("Setter function '" + String(p_class->variables[i].setter) + "' is static.", NULL);
- err_line = p_class->variables[i].line;
- err_column = 0;
- }
- }
- if (p_class->variables[i].getter) {
- const Map<StringName, GDScriptFunction *>::Element *E = p_script->get_member_functions().find(p_class->variables[i].getter);
- if (!E) {
- _set_error("Getter function '" + String(p_class->variables[i].getter) + "' not found in class.", NULL);
- err_line = p_class->variables[i].line;
- err_column = 0;
- }
- if (E->get()->is_static()) {
- _set_error("Getter function '" + String(p_class->variables[i].getter) + "' is static.", NULL);
- err_line = p_class->variables[i].line;
- err_column = 0;
- }
- }
- }
//validate instances if keeping state
@@ -2065,22 +2119,67 @@ Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_class(GDScript *p_script, GDScript *p_owner, cons
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->subclasses.size(); i++) {
+ StringName name = p_class->subclasses[i]->name;
+ Ref<GDScript> subclass = class_map[name];
+ Error err = _parse_class_blocks(subclass.ptr(), p_class->subclasses[i], p_keep_state);
+ if (err) {
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
p_script->valid = true;
return OK;
+void GDScriptCompiler::_make_scripts(const GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class, bool p_keep_state) {
+ Map<StringName, Ref<GDScript> > old_subclasses;
+ if (p_keep_state) {
+ old_subclasses = p_script->subclasses;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->subclasses.size(); i++) {
+ StringName name = p_class->subclasses[i]->name;
+ Ref<GDScript> subclass;
+ if (old_subclasses.has(name)) {
+ subclass = old_subclasses[name];
+ } else {
+ subclass.instance();
+ }
+ subclass->_owner = const_cast<GDScript *>(p_script);
+ class_map.insert(name, subclass);
+ _make_scripts(subclass.ptr(), p_class->subclasses[i], p_keep_state);
+ }
Error GDScriptCompiler::compile(const GDScriptParser *p_parser, GDScript *p_script, bool p_keep_state) {
err_line = -1;
err_column = -1;
error = "";
parser = p_parser;
+ main_script = p_script;
const GDScriptParser::Node *root = parser->get_parse_tree();
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(root->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CLASS, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
source = p_script->get_path();
- Error err = _parse_class(p_script, NULL, static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(root), p_keep_state);
+ // Create scripts for subclasses beforehand so they can be referenced
+ _make_scripts(p_script, static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(root), p_keep_state);
+ Error err = _parse_class_level(p_script, NULL, static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(root), p_keep_state);
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+ err = _parse_class_blocks(p_script, static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(root), p_keep_state);
if (err)
return err;
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.h b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.h
index 237b0de9e7..55f5e2b48e 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.h
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.h
@@ -31,12 +31,17 @@
+#include "core/set.h"
#include "gdscript.h"
#include "gdscript_parser.h"
class GDScriptCompiler {
const GDScriptParser *parser;
+ Map<StringName, Ref<GDScript> > class_map;
+ Set<StringName> parsed_classes;
+ Set<StringName> parsing_classes;
+ GDScript *main_script;
struct CodeGen {
GDScript *script;
@@ -138,11 +143,15 @@ class GDScriptCompiler {
bool _create_unary_operator(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *on, Variant::Operator op, int p_stack_level);
bool _create_binary_operator(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *on, Variant::Operator op, int p_stack_level, bool p_initializer = false);
+ GDScriptDataType _gdtype_from_datatype(const GDScriptParser::DataType &p_datatype) const;
int _parse_assign_right_expression(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *p_expression, int p_stack_level);
int _parse_expression(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::Node *p_expression, int p_stack_level, bool p_root = false, bool p_initializer = false);
Error _parse_block(CodeGen &codegen, const GDScriptParser::BlockNode *p_block, int p_stack_level = 0, int p_break_addr = -1, int p_continue_addr = -1);
Error _parse_function(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class, const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *p_func, bool p_for_ready = false);
- Error _parse_class(GDScript *p_script, GDScript *p_owner, const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class, bool p_keep_state);
+ Error _parse_class_level(GDScript *p_script, GDScript *p_owner, const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class, bool p_keep_state);
+ Error _parse_class_blocks(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class, bool p_keep_state);
+ void _make_scripts(const GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class, bool p_keep_state);
int err_line;
int err_column;
StringName source;
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp
index c0c3bd7b06..abd56d2757 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_editor.cpp
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include "os/file_access.h"
+#include "core/reference.h"
#include "editor/editor_file_system.h"
#include "editor/editor_settings.h"
#include "engine.h"
@@ -53,21 +54,45 @@ void GDScriptLanguage::get_string_delimiters(List<String> *p_delimiters) const {
p_delimiters->push_back("' '");
Ref<Script> GDScriptLanguage::get_template(const String &p_class_name, const String &p_base_class_name) const {
+ bool th = EDITOR_DEF("text_editor/completion/add_type_hints", false);
+ bool th = false;
String _template = "extends %BASE%\n"
"# Declare member variables here. Examples:\n"
- "# var a = 2\n"
- "# var b = \"text\"\n"
+ "# var a %INT_TYPE%= 2\n"
+ "# var b %STRING_TYPE%= \"text\"\n"
"# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.\n"
- "func _ready():\n"
+ "func _ready()%VOID_RETURN%:\n"
"%TS%pass # Replace with function body.\n"
"# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.\n"
- "#func _process(delta):\n"
+ "#func _process(delta%FLOAT_TYPE%)%VOID_RETURN%:\n"
+ if (EDITOR_DEF("text_editor/completion/add_type_hints", false)) {
+ _template = _template.replace("%INT_TYPE%", ": int ");
+ _template = _template.replace("%STRING_TYPE%", ": String ");
+ _template = _template.replace("%FLOAT_TYPE%", " : float");
+ _template = _template.replace("%VOID_RETURN%", " -> void");
+ } else {
+ _template = _template.replace("%INT_TYPE%", "");
+ _template = _template.replace("%STRING_TYPE%", "");
+ _template = _template.replace("%FLOAT_TYPE%", "");
+ _template = _template.replace("%VOID_RETURN%", "");
+ }
+ _template = _template.replace("%INT_TYPE%", "");
+ _template = _template.replace("%STRING_TYPE%", "");
+ _template = _template.replace("%FLOAT_TYPE%", "");
+ _template = _template.replace("%VOID_RETURN%", "");
_template = _template.replace("%BASE%", p_base_class_name);
_template = _template.replace("%TS%", _get_indentation());
@@ -91,11 +116,24 @@ void GDScriptLanguage::make_template(const String &p_class_name, const String &p
-bool GDScriptLanguage::validate(const String &p_script, int &r_line_error, int &r_col_error, String &r_test_error, const String &p_path, List<String> *r_functions) const {
+bool GDScriptLanguage::validate(const String &p_script, int &r_line_error, int &r_col_error, String &r_test_error, const String &p_path, List<String> *r_functions, List<ScriptLanguage::Warning> *r_warnings, Set<int> *r_safe_lines) const {
GDScriptParser parser;
- Error err = parser.parse(p_script, p_path.get_base_dir(), true, p_path);
+ Error err = parser.parse(p_script, p_path.get_base_dir(), true, p_path, false, r_safe_lines);
+ if (r_warnings) {
+ for (const List<GDScriptWarning>::Element *E = parser.get_warnings().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ const GDScriptWarning &warn = E->get();
+ ScriptLanguage::Warning w;
+ w.line = warn.line;
+ w.code = (int)warn.code;
+ w.string_code = GDScriptWarning::get_name_from_code(warn.code);
+ w.message = warn.get_message();
+ r_warnings->push_back(w);
+ }
+ }
if (err) {
r_line_error = parser.get_error_line();
r_col_error = parser.get_error_column();
@@ -415,63 +453,34 @@ void GDScriptLanguage::get_public_constants(List<Pair<String, Variant> > *p_cons
String GDScriptLanguage::make_function(const String &p_class, const String &p_name, const PoolStringArray &p_args) const {
+ bool th = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_setting("text_editor/completion/add_type_hints");
+ bool th = false;
String s = "func " + p_name + "(";
if (p_args.size()) {
for (int i = 0; i < p_args.size(); i++) {
if (i > 0)
s += ", ";
s += p_args[i].get_slice(":", 0);
+ if (th) {
+ String type = p_args[i].get_slice(":", 1);
+ if (!type.empty() && type != "var") {
+ s += " : " + type;
+ }
+ }
- s += "):\n" + _get_indentation() + "pass # Replace with function body.\n";
+ s += String(")") + (th ? " -> void" : "") + ":\n" + _get_indentation() + "pass # Replace with function body.\n";
return s;
-struct GDScriptCompletionIdentifier {
+//////// COMPLETION //////////
- String enumeration;
- StringName obj_type;
- Ref<GDScript> script;
- Variant::Type type;
- Variant value; //im case there is a value, also return it
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier() :
- type(Variant::NIL) {}
-static GDScriptCompletionIdentifier _get_type_from_variant(const Variant &p_variant, bool p_allow_gdnative_class = false) {
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier t;
- t.type = p_variant.get_type();
- t.value = p_variant;
- if (p_variant.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
- Object *obj = p_variant;
- if (obj) {
- if (p_allow_gdnative_class && Object::cast_to<GDScriptNativeClass>(obj)) {
- t.obj_type = Object::cast_to<GDScriptNativeClass>(obj)->get_name();
- t.value = Variant();
- } else {
- t.obj_type = obj->get_class();
- }
- }
- }
- return t;
-static GDScriptCompletionIdentifier _get_type_from_pinfo(const PropertyInfo &p_info) {
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier t;
- t.type = p_info.type;
- if (p_info.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) {
- t.obj_type = p_info.hint_string;
- }
- return t;
struct GDScriptCompletionContext {
@@ -480,1043 +489,1612 @@ struct GDScriptCompletionContext {
const GDScriptParser::BlockNode *block;
Object *base;
String base_path;
+ int line;
-static Ref<Reference> _get_parent_class(GDScriptCompletionContext &context) {
- if (context._class->extends_used) {
- //do inheritance
- String path = context._class->extends_file;
- Ref<GDScript> script;
- Ref<GDScriptNativeClass> native;
- if (path != "") {
- //path (and optionally subclasses)
- if (path.is_rel_path()) {
- path = context.base_path.plus_file(path);
- }
- if (ScriptCodeCompletionCache::get_singleton())
- script = ScriptCodeCompletionCache::get_singleton()->get_cached_resource(path);
- else
- script = ResourceLoader::load(path);
+ GDScriptCompletionContext() :
+ _class(NULL),
+ function(NULL),
+ block(NULL),
+ base(NULL) {}
- if (script.is_null()) {
- return REF();
- }
- if (!script->is_valid()) {
+struct GDScriptCompletionIdentifier {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType type;
+ String enumeration;
+ Variant value;
+ const GDScriptParser::Node *assigned_expression;
- return REF();
- }
- //print_line("EXTENDS PATH: "+path+" script is "+itos(script.is_valid())+" indices is "+itos(script->member_indices.size())+" valid? "+itos(script->valid));
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier() :
+ assigned_expression(NULL) {}
- if (context._class->extends_class.size()) {
+static void _get_directory_contents(EditorFileSystemDirectory *p_dir, Set<String> &r_list) {
- for (int i = 0; i < context._class->extends_class.size(); i++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_dir->get_file_count(); i++) {
+ r_list.insert("\"" + p_dir->get_file_path(i) + "\"");
+ }
- String sub = context._class->extends_class[i];
- if (script->get_subclasses().has(sub)) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_dir->get_subdir_count(); i++) {
+ _get_directory_contents(p_dir->get_subdir(i), r_list);
+ }
- script = script->get_subclasses()[sub];
- } else {
+static String _get_visual_datatype(const PropertyInfo &p_info, bool p_isarg = true) {
- return REF();
- }
- }
- }
+ if (p_info.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) {
+ String enum_name = p_info.class_name;
+ if (enum_name.find(".") == -1) {
+ return enum_name;
+ }
+ return enum_name.get_slice(".", 1);
+ }
- if (script.is_valid())
- return script;
+ String n =;
+ int idx = n.find(":");
+ if (idx != -1) {
+ return n.substr(idx + 1, n.length());
+ }
+ if (p_info.type == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ if (p_info.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) {
+ return p_info.hint_string;
} else {
+ return p_info.class_name.operator String();
+ }
+ }
+ if (p_info.type == Variant::NIL) {
+ if (p_isarg || (p_info.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT)) {
+ return "var";
+ } else {
+ return "void";
+ }
+ }
- if (context._class->extends_class.size() == 0) {
- return REF();
- }
- String base = context._class->extends_class[0];
- if (context._class->extends_class.size() > 1) {
- return REF();
- }
- //if not found, try engine classes
- if (!GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map().has(base)) {
+ return Variant::get_type_name(p_info.type);
- return REF();
+static GDScriptCompletionIdentifier _type_from_variant(const Variant &p_value) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci;
+ ci.value = p_value;
+ ci.type.is_constant = true;
+ ci.type.has_type = true;
+ ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ ci.type.builtin_type = p_value.get_type();
+ if (ci.type.builtin_type == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ Object *obj = p_value.operator Object *();
+ if (!obj) {
+ return ci;
+ }
+ ci.type.native_type = obj->get_class_name();
+ Ref<Script> scr = p_value;
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ ci.type.is_meta_type = true;
+ } else {
+ ci.type.is_meta_type = false;
+ scr = obj->get_script();
+ }
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ ci.type.script_type = scr;
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = scr;
+ if (gds.is_valid()) {
+ ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT;
+ } else {
+ ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT;
- int base_idx = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map()[base];
- native = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[base_idx];
- return native;
+ ci.type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type();
+ } else {
+ ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
- return Ref<Reference>();
+ return ci;
-static GDScriptCompletionIdentifier _get_native_class(GDScriptCompletionContext &context) {
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier id;
+static GDScriptCompletionIdentifier _type_from_property(const PropertyInfo &p_property) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci;
- REF pc = _get_parent_class(context);
- if (!pc.is_valid()) {
- return id;
+ if (p_property.type == Variant::NIL) {
+ // Variant
+ return ci;
- Ref<GDScriptNativeClass> nc = pc;
- Ref<GDScript> s = pc;
- if (s.is_null() && nc.is_null()) {
- return id;
- }
- while (!s.is_null()) {
- nc = s->get_native();
- s = s->get_base();
- }
- if (nc.is_null()) {
- return id;
+ if (p_property.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) {
+ ci.enumeration = p_property.class_name;
- id.type = Variant::OBJECT;
- if (context.base)
- id.value = context.base;
- id.obj_type = nc->get_name();
- return id;
+ ci.type.has_type = true;
+ ci.type.builtin_type = p_property.type;
+ if (p_property.type == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ ci.type.native_type = p_property.class_name == StringName() ? "Object" : p_property.class_name;
+ } else {
+ ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ }
+ return ci;
-static bool _guess_identifier_type(GDScriptCompletionContext &context, int p_line, const StringName &p_identifier, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type, bool p_for_indexing);
-static bool _guess_expression_type(GDScriptCompletionContext &context, const GDScriptParser::Node *p_node, int p_line, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type, bool p_for_indexing = false) {
- if (p_node->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
- const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *>(p_node);
- r_type = _get_type_from_variant(cn->value);
+static GDScriptCompletionIdentifier _type_from_gdtype(const GDScriptDataType &p_gdtype) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci;
+ if (!p_gdtype.has_type) {
+ return ci;
+ }
- return true;
- } else if (p_node->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
+ ci.type.has_type = true;
+ ci.type.builtin_type = p_gdtype.builtin_type;
+ ci.type.native_type = p_gdtype.native_type;
+ ci.type.script_type = p_gdtype.script_type;
- r_type.type = Variant::DICTIONARY;
+ switch (p_gdtype.kind) {
+ case GDScriptDataType::BUILTIN: {
+ ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptDataType::NATIVE: {
+ ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptDataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptDataType::SCRIPT: {
+ ci.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT;
+ } break;
+ }
+ return ci;
- //what the heck, fill it anyway
- const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *an = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(p_node);
- Dictionary d;
- for (int i = 0; i < an->elements.size(); i++) {
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier k;
- if (_guess_expression_type(context, an->elements[i].key, p_line, k) && k.value.get_type() != Variant::NIL) {
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier v;
- if (_guess_expression_type(context, an->elements[i].value, p_line, v)) {
- d[k.value] = v.value;
+static bool _guess_identifier_type(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const StringName &p_identifier, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type);
+static bool _guess_identifier_type_from_base(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, const StringName &p_identifier, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type);
+static bool _guess_method_return_type_from_base(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, const StringName &p_method, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type);
+static bool _guess_expression_type(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptParser::Node *p_expression, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type) {
+ bool found = false;
+ switch (p_expression->type) {
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CONSTANT: {
+ const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *>(p_expression);
+ r_type = _type_from_variant(cn->value);
+ found = true;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_SELF: {
+ if (p_context._class) {
+ r_type.type.has_type = true;
+ r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
+ r_type.type.class_type = const_cast<GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(p_context._class);
+ r_type.type.is_constant = true;
+ r_type.value = p_context.base;
+ found = true;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER: {
+ const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(p_expression);
+ found = _guess_identifier_type(p_context, id->name, r_type);
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_DICTIONARY: {
+ // Try to recreate the dictionary
+ const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *dn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(p_expression);
+ Dictionary d;
+ bool full = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < dn->elements.size(); i++) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier key;
+ if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, dn->elements[i].key, key)) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier value;
+ if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, dn->elements[i].value, value)) {
+ if (!value.type.is_constant) {
+ full = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ d[key.value] = value.value;
+ } else {
+ full = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ full = false;
+ break;
- }
- r_type.value = d;
- return true;
- } else if (p_node->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_ARRAY) {
- r_type.type = Variant::ARRAY;
- //what the heck, fill it anyway
- const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *an = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *>(p_node);
- Array arr;
- arr.resize(an->elements.size());
- for (int i = 0; i < an->elements.size(); i++) {
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci;
- if (_guess_expression_type(context, an->elements[i], p_line, ci)) {
- arr[i] = ci.value;
+ if (full) {
+ // If not fully constant, setting this value is detrimental to the inference
+ r_type.value = d;
+ r_type.type.is_constant = true;
- }
- r_type.value = arr;
- return true;
- } else if (p_node->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION) {
- MethodInfo mi = GDScriptFunctions::get_info(static_cast<const GDScriptParser::BuiltInFunctionNode *>(p_node)->function);
- r_type = _get_type_from_pinfo(mi.return_val);
- return true;
- } else if (p_node->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
- return _guess_identifier_type(context, p_line - 1, static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(p_node)->name, r_type, p_for_indexing);
- } else if (p_node->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_SELF) {
- //eeh...
- r_type = _get_native_class(context);
- return r_type.type != Variant::NIL;
- } else if (p_node->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
- const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(p_node);
- if (op->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_CALL) {
- if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_TYPE) {
- const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *tn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *>(op->arguments[0]);
- r_type.type = tn->vtype;
- return true;
- } else if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION) {
- const GDScriptParser::BuiltInFunctionNode *bin = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::BuiltInFunctionNode *>(op->arguments[0]);
- return _guess_expression_type(context, bin, p_line, r_type);
- } else if (op->arguments.size() > 1 && op->arguments[1]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
- StringName id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[1])->name;
- if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER && String(id) == "new") {
- //shortcut
- StringName identifier = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[0])->name;
- if (ClassDB::class_exists(identifier)) {
- r_type.type = Variant::OBJECT;
- r_type.value = Variant();
- r_type.obj_type = identifier;
- return true;
- }
+ r_type.type.has_type = true;
+ r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ r_type.type.builtin_type = Variant::DICTIONARY;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_ARRAY: {
+ // Try to recreate the array
+ const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *an = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *>(p_expression);
+ Array a;
+ bool full = true;
+ a.resize(an->elements.size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < an->elements.size(); i++) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier value;
+ if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, an->elements[i], value)) {
+ a[i] = value.value;
+ } else {
+ full = false;
+ break;
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
- if (!_guess_expression_type(context, op->arguments[0], p_line, base))
- return false;
- if (base.type == Variant::OBJECT) {
- if (id.operator String() == "new" && base.value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
- Object *obj = base.value;
- if (obj && Object::cast_to<GDScriptNativeClass>(obj)) {
- GDScriptNativeClass *gdnc = Object::cast_to<GDScriptNativeClass>(obj);
- r_type.type = Variant::OBJECT;
- r_type.value = Variant();
- r_type.obj_type = gdnc->get_name();
- return true;
- } else {
- if (base.obj_type != StringName()) {
- r_type.type = Variant::OBJECT;
- r_type.value = Variant();
- r_type.obj_type = base.obj_type;
- return true;
- }
+ }
+ if (full) {
+ // If not fully constant, setting this value is detrimental to the inference
+ r_type.value = a;
+ }
+ r_type.type.has_type = true;
+ r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ r_type.type.builtin_type = Variant::ARRAY;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR: {
+ const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(p_expression);
+ switch (op->op) {
+ case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_CALL: {
+ if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_TYPE) {
+ const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *tn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *>(op->arguments[0]);
+ r_type.type.has_type = true;
+ r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ r_type.type.builtin_type = tn->vtype;
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ } else if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION) {
+ const GDScriptParser::BuiltInFunctionNode *bin = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::BuiltInFunctionNode *>(op->arguments[0]);
+ MethodInfo mi = GDScriptFunctions::get_info(bin->function);
+ r_type = _type_from_property(mi.return_val);
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ } else if (op->arguments.size() >= 2 && op->arguments[1]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
+ StringName id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[1])->name;
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context;
+ c.line = op->line;
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
+ if (!_guess_expression_type(c, op->arguments[0], base)) {
+ found = false;
+ break;
- }
- if (ClassDB::has_method(base.obj_type, id)) {
- MethodBind *mb = ClassDB::get_method(base.obj_type, id);
- PropertyInfo pi = mb->get_return_info();
- //try calling the function if constant and all args are constant, should not crash..
- Object *baseptr = base.value;
- if (mb->is_const() && pi.type == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ // Try call if constant methods with constant arguments
+ if (base.type.is_constant && base.value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType native_type = base.type;
- bool all_valid = true;
- Vector<Variant> args;
- for (int i = 2; i < op->arguments.size(); i++) {
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier arg;
+ while (native_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS) {
+ native_type = native_type.class_type->base_type;
+ }
- if (_guess_expression_type(context, op->arguments[i], p_line, arg)) {
- if (arg.value.get_type() != Variant::NIL && arg.value.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT) { // calling with object seems dangerous, i don' t know
- args.push_back(arg.value);
+ while (native_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT || native_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT) {
+ if (native_type.script_type.is_valid()) {
+ Ref<Script> parent = native_type.script_type->get_base_script();
+ if (parent.is_valid()) {
+ native_type.script_type = parent;
} else {
- all_valid = false;
- break;
+ native_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ native_type.native_type = native_type.script_type->get_instance_base_type();
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(native_type.native_type)) {
+ native_type.native_type = String("_") + native_type.native_type;
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(native_type.native_type)) {
+ native_type.has_type = false;
+ }
+ }
- } else {
- all_valid = false;
- if (all_valid && String(id) == "get_node" && ClassDB::is_parent_class(base.obj_type, "Node") && args.size()) {
- String arg1 = args[0];
- if (arg1.begins_with("/root/")) {
- String which = arg1.get_slice("/", 2);
- if (which != "") {
- List<PropertyInfo> props;
- ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props);
- //print_line("find singleton");
- for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- String s = E->get().name;
- if (!s.begins_with("autoload/"))
- continue;
- //print_line("found "+s);
- String name = s.get_slice("/", 1);
- //print_line("name: "+name+", which: "+which);
- if (name == which) {
- String script = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get(s);
- if (!script.begins_with("res://")) {
- script = "res://" + script;
- }
- if (!script.ends_with(".gd")) {
- //not a script, try find the script anyway,
- //may have some success
- script = script.get_basename() + ".gd";
- }
- if (FileAccess::exists(script)) {
- //print_line("is a script");
- Ref<Script> scr;
- if (ScriptCodeCompletionCache::get_singleton())
- scr = ScriptCodeCompletionCache::get_singleton()->get_cached_resource(script);
- else
- scr = ResourceLoader::load(script);
- r_type.obj_type = "Node";
- r_type.type = Variant::OBJECT;
- r_type.script = scr;
- r_type.value = Variant();
- return true;
- }
+ if (native_type.has_type && native_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE) {
+ MethodBind *mb = ClassDB::get_method(native_type.native_type, id);
+ if (mb && mb->is_const()) {
+ bool all_is_const = true;
+ Vector<Variant> args;
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context;
+ c.line = op->line;
+ for (int i = 2; all_is_const && i < op->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier arg;
+ if (_guess_expression_type(c, op->arguments[i], arg)) {
+ if (arg.type.has_type && arg.type.is_constant && arg.value.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT) {
+ args.push_back(arg.value);
+ } else {
+ all_is_const = false;
+ } else {
+ all_is_const = false;
- }
- }
- if (baseptr) {
- if (all_valid) {
- Vector<const Variant *> argptr;
- for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
- argptr.push_back(&args[i]);
+ Object *baseptr = base.value;
+ if (all_is_const && String(id) == "get_node" && ClassDB::is_parent_class(native_type.native_type, "Node") && args.size()) {
+ String arg1 = args[0];
+ if (arg1.begins_with("/root/")) {
+ String which = arg1.get_slice("/", 2);
+ if (which != "") {
+ // Try singletons first
+ if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map().has(which)) {
+ r_type = _type_from_variant(GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map()[which]);
+ found = true;
+ } else {
+ List<PropertyInfo> props;
+ ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props);
+ for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ String s = E->get().name;
+ if (!s.begins_with("autoload/")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ String name = s.get_slice("/", 1);
+ if (name == which) {
+ String script = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get(s);
+ if (script.begins_with("*")) {
+ script = script.right(1);
+ }
+ if (!script.begins_with("res://")) {
+ script = "res://" + script;
+ }
+ if (!script.ends_with(".gd")) {
+ //not a script, try find the script anyway,
+ //may have some success
+ script = script.get_basename() + ".gd";
+ }
+ if (FileAccess::exists(script)) {
+ Ref<Script> scr;
+ if (ScriptCodeCompletionCache::get_singleton()) {
+ scr = ScriptCodeCompletionCache::get_singleton()->get_cached_resource(script);
+ } else {
+ scr = ResourceLoader::load(script);
+ }
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ r_type.type.has_type = true;
+ r_type.type.script_type = scr;
+ r_type.type.is_constant = false;
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = scr;
+ if (gds.is_valid()) {
+ r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT;
+ } else {
+ r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT;
+ }
+ r_type.value = Variant();
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- Variant::CallError ce;
- Variant ret = mb->call(baseptr, (const Variant **)argptr.ptr(), argptr.size(), ce);
- if (ce.error == Variant::CallError::CALL_OK && ret.get_type() != Variant::NIL) {
+ if (!found && all_is_const && baseptr) {
+ Vector<const Variant *> argptr;
+ for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
+ argptr.push_back(&args[i]);
+ }
- if (ret.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT || ret.operator Object *() != NULL) {
+ Variant::CallError ce;
+ Variant ret = mb->call(baseptr, (const Variant **)argptr.ptr(), argptr.size(), ce);
- r_type = _get_type_from_variant(ret);
- return true;
+ if (ce.error == Variant::CallError::CALL_OK && ret.get_type() != Variant::NIL) {
+ if (ret.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT || ret.operator Object *() != NULL) {
+ r_type = _type_from_variant(ret);
+ found = true;
+ }
- r_type.type = pi.type;
- r_type.obj_type = pi.hint_string;
+ if (!found) {
+ found = _guess_method_return_type_from_base(c, base, id, r_type);
- return true;
- return false;
- } else {
- return false;
- } else {
- //method for some variant..
- Variant::CallError ce;
- Variant v = Variant::construct(base.type, NULL, 0, ce);
- List<MethodInfo> mi;
- v.get_method_list(&mi);
- for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = mi.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (!E->get().name.begins_with("_") && E->get().name == id.operator String()) {
- MethodInfo mi = E->get();
- r_type.type = mi.return_val.type;
- if (mi.return_val.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE) {
- r_type.obj_type = mi.return_val.hint_string;
- }
- return true;
- }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_PARENT_CALL: {
+ if (!p_context._class || !op->arguments.size() || op->arguments[0]->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
+ break;
- }
- }
- } else if (op->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_INDEX || op->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_INDEX_NAMED) {
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier p1;
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier p2;
- if (op->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_INDEX_NAMED) {
+ StringName id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[0])->name;
- if (op->arguments[1]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
- String id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[1])->name;
- p2.type = Variant::STRING;
- p2.value = id;
- }
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
+ base.value = p_context.base;
+ base.type = p_context._class->base_type;
- } else {
- if (op->arguments[1]) {
- if (!_guess_expression_type(context, op->arguments[1], p_line, p2)) {
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context;
+ c.line = op->line;
- return false;
+ found = _guess_method_return_type_from_base(c, base, id, r_type);
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_INDEX_NAMED: {
+ if (op->arguments.size() < 2 || op->arguments[1]->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
+ found = false;
+ break;
- }
- }
- if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_ARRAY) {
- const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *an = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *>(op->arguments[0]);
- if (p2.value.is_num()) {
- int index = p2.value;
- if (index < 0 || index >= an->elements.size())
- return false;
- return _guess_expression_type(context, an->elements[index], p_line, r_type);
- }
+ const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[1]);
- } else if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context;
+ c.line = op->line;
- const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *dn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(op->arguments[0]);
- if (p2.value.get_type() == Variant::NIL)
- return false;
- for (int i = 0; i < dn->elements.size(); i++) {
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier k;
- if (!_guess_expression_type(context, dn->elements[i].key, p_line, k)) {
- return false;
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
+ if (!_guess_expression_type(c, op->arguments[0], base)) {
+ found = false;
+ break;
- if (k.value.get_type() == Variant::NIL)
- return false;
+ if (base.value.get_type() == Variant::DICTIONARY && base.value.operator Dictionary().has(String(id->name))) {
+ Variant value = base.value.operator Dictionary()[String(id->name)];
+ r_type = _type_from_variant(value);
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
- if (k.value == p2.value) {
+ const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *dn = NULL;
+ if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
+ dn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(op->arguments[0]);
+ } else if (base.assigned_expression && base.assigned_expression->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
+ dn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(base.assigned_expression);
+ }
- return _guess_expression_type(context, dn->elements[i].value, p_line, r_type);
+ if (dn) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < dn->elements.size(); i++) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier key;
+ if (!_guess_expression_type(c, dn->elements[i].key, key)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (key.value == String(id->name)) {
+ r_type.assigned_expression = dn->elements[i].value;
+ found = _guess_expression_type(c, dn->elements[i].value, r_type);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- }
- } else {
+ if (!found) {
+ found = _guess_identifier_type_from_base(c, base, id->name, r_type);
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_INDEX: {
+ if (op->arguments.size() < 2) {
+ found = false;
+ break;
+ }
- if (op->arguments[0]) {
- if (!_guess_expression_type(context, op->arguments[0], p_line, p1)) {
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context;
+ c.line = op->line;
- return false;
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
+ if (!_guess_expression_type(c, op->arguments[0], base)) {
+ found = false;
+ break;
- }
- if (p1.value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
- //??
- if (p1.obj_type != StringName() && p2.type == Variant::STRING) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier index;
+ if (!_guess_expression_type(c, op->arguments[1], index)) {
+ found = false;
+ break;
+ }
- StringName base_type = p1.obj_type;
+ if ( {
+ Variant value = base.value.get(index.value);
+ r_type = _type_from_variant(value);
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
- if (p1.obj_type == "GDScriptNativeClass") {
- //native enum
- Ref<GDScriptNativeClass> gdn = p1.value;
- if (gdn.is_valid()) {
+ // Look if it is a dictionary node
+ const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *dn = NULL;
+ if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
+ dn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(op->arguments[0]);
+ } else if (base.assigned_expression && base.assigned_expression->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
+ dn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(base.assigned_expression);
+ }
- base_type = gdn->get_name();
+ if (dn) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < dn->elements.size(); i++) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier key;
+ if (!_guess_expression_type(c, dn->elements[i].key, key)) {
+ continue;
- }
- StringName index = p2.value;
- bool valid;
- Variant::Type t = ClassDB::get_property_type(base_type, index, &valid);
- if (t != Variant::NIL && valid) {
- r_type.type = t;
- if (t == Variant::INT || t == Variant::OBJECT) {
-//check for enum!
- StringName getter = ClassDB::get_property_getter(base_type, index);
- if (getter != StringName()) {
- MethodBind *mb = ClassDB::get_method(base_type, getter);
- if (mb) {
- PropertyInfo rt = mb->get_return_info();
- if ((rt.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) && t == Variant::INT) {
- r_type.enumeration = rt.class_name;
- } else if (t == Variant::OBJECT) {
- r_type.obj_type = rt.class_name;
- }
- }
- }
+ if (key.value == index.value) {
+ r_type.assigned_expression = dn->elements[i].value;
+ found = _guess_expression_type(p_context, dn->elements[i].value, r_type);
+ break;
- return true;
- } else if (p1.value.get_type() != Variant::NIL) {
- bool valid;
- Variant ret = p1.value.get(p2.value, &valid);
- if (valid) {
- r_type = _get_type_from_variant(ret);
- return true;
+ // Look if it is an array node
+ if (!found && index.value.is_num()) {
+ int idx = index.value;
+ const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *an = NULL;
+ if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_ARRAY) {
+ an = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *>(op->arguments[0]);
+ } else if (base.assigned_expression && base.assigned_expression->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_ARRAY) {
+ an = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *>(base.assigned_expression);
+ }
+ if (an && idx >= 0 && an->elements.size() > idx) {
+ r_type.assigned_expression = an->elements[idx];
+ found = _guess_expression_type(c, an->elements[idx], r_type);
+ break;
+ }
- } else {
- if (p1.type != Variant::NIL) {
- Variant::CallError ce;
- Variant base = Variant::construct(p1.type, NULL, 0, ce);
- bool valid;
- Variant ret = base.get(p2.value, &valid);
+ // Look for valid indexing in other types
+ if (!found && (index.value.get_type() == Variant::STRING || index.value.get_type() == Variant::NODE_PATH)) {
+ StringName id = index.value;
+ found = _guess_identifier_type_from_base(c, base, id, r_type);
+ } else if (!found && index.type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ Variant::CallError err;
+ Variant base_val = Variant::construct(base.type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err);
+ bool valid = false;
+ Variant res = base_val.get(index.value, &valid);
if (valid) {
- r_type = _get_type_from_variant(ret);
- return true;
+ r_type = _type_from_variant(res);
+ r_type.value = Variant();
+ r_type.type.is_constant = false;
+ found = true;
- }
- }
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ if (op->arguments.size() < 2) {
+ found = false;
+ break;
+ }
- } else {
+ Variant::Operator vop = Variant::OP_MAX;
+ switch (op->op) {
+ case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ADD: vop = Variant::OP_ADD; break;
+ case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_SUB: vop = Variant::OP_SUBTRACT; break;
+ case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_MUL: vop = Variant::OP_MULTIPLY; break;
+ case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_DIV: vop = Variant::OP_DIVIDE; break;
+ case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_MOD: vop = Variant::OP_MODULE; break;
+ case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_SHIFT_LEFT: vop = Variant::OP_SHIFT_LEFT; break;
+ case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_SHIFT_RIGHT: vop = Variant::OP_SHIFT_RIGHT; break;
+ case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_BIT_AND: vop = Variant::OP_BIT_AND; break;
+ case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_BIT_OR: vop = Variant::OP_BIT_OR; break;
+ case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_BIT_XOR: vop = Variant::OP_BIT_XOR; break;
+ default: {}
+ }
- Variant::Operator vop = Variant::OP_MAX;
- switch (op->op) {
- case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ADD: vop = Variant::OP_ADD; break;
- case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_SUB: vop = Variant::OP_SUBTRACT; break;
- case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_MUL: vop = Variant::OP_MULTIPLY; break;
- case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_DIV: vop = Variant::OP_DIVIDE; break;
- case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_MOD: vop = Variant::OP_MODULE; break;
- case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_SHIFT_LEFT: vop = Variant::OP_SHIFT_LEFT; break;
- case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_SHIFT_RIGHT: vop = Variant::OP_SHIFT_RIGHT; break;
- case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_BIT_AND: vop = Variant::OP_BIT_AND; break;
- case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_BIT_OR: vop = Variant::OP_BIT_OR; break;
- case GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_BIT_XOR: vop = Variant::OP_BIT_XOR; break;
- default: {}
- }
- if (vop == Variant::OP_MAX)
- return false;
+ if (vop == Variant::OP_MAX) {
+ break;
+ }
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier p1;
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier p2;
+ GDScriptCompletionContext context = p_context;
+ context.line = op->line;
- if (op->arguments[0]) {
- if (!_guess_expression_type(context, op->arguments[0], p_line, p1)) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier p1;
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier p2;
- return false;
- }
- }
+ if (!_guess_expression_type(context, op->arguments[0], p1)) {
+ found = false;
+ break;
+ }
- if (op->arguments.size() > 1) {
- if (!_guess_expression_type(context, op->arguments[1], p_line, p2)) {
+ if (!_guess_expression_type(context, op->arguments[1], p2)) {
+ found = false;
+ break;
+ }
- return false;
- }
- }
+ Variant::CallError ce;
+ bool v1_use_value = p1.value.get_type() != Variant::NIL && p1.value.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT;
+ Variant v1 = (v1_use_value) ? p1.value : Variant::construct(p1.type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, ce);
+ bool v2_use_value = p2.value.get_type() != Variant::NIL && p2.value.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT;
+ Variant v2 = (v2_use_value) ? p2.value : Variant::construct(p2.type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, ce);
+ // avoid potential invalid ops
+ if ((vop == Variant::OP_DIVIDE || vop == Variant::OP_MODULE) && v2.get_type() == Variant::INT) {
+ v2 = 1;
+ v2_use_value = false;
+ }
+ if (vop == Variant::OP_DIVIDE && v2.get_type() == Variant::REAL) {
+ v2 = 1.0;
+ v2_use_value = false;
+ }
- Variant::CallError ce;
- bool v1_use_value = p1.value.get_type() != Variant::NIL && p1.value.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT;
- Variant v1 = (v1_use_value) ? p1.value : Variant::construct(p1.type, NULL, 0, ce);
- bool v2_use_value = p2.value.get_type() != Variant::NIL && p2.value.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT;
- Variant v2 = (v2_use_value) ? p2.value : Variant::construct(p2.type, NULL, 0, ce);
- // avoid potential invalid ops
- if ((vop == Variant::OP_DIVIDE || vop == Variant::OP_MODULE) && v2.get_type() == Variant::INT) {
- v2 = 1;
- v2_use_value = false;
- }
- if (vop == Variant::OP_DIVIDE && v2.get_type() == Variant::REAL) {
- v2 = 1.0;
- v2_use_value = false;
+ Variant res;
+ bool valid;
+ Variant::evaluate(vop, v1, v2, res, valid);
+ if (!valid) {
+ found = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ r_type = _type_from_variant(res);
+ if (!v1_use_value || !v2_use_value) {
+ r_type.value = Variant();
+ r_type.type.is_constant = false;
+ }
+ found = true;
+ } break;
+ } break;
+ }
- Variant r;
- bool valid;
- Variant::evaluate(vop, v1, v2, r, valid);
- if (!valid)
- return false;
- r_type.type = r.get_type();
- if (v1_use_value && v2_use_value)
- r_type.value = r;
+ // It may have found a null, but that's never useful
+ if (found && r_type.type.has_type && r_type.type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && r_type.type.builtin_type == Variant::NIL) {
+ found = false;
+ }
- return true;
+ // Check type hint last. For collections we want chance to get the actual value first
+ // This way we can detect types from the content of dictionaries and arrays
+ if (!found && p_expression->get_datatype().has_type) {
+ r_type.type = p_expression->get_datatype();
+ if (!r_type.assigned_expression) {
+ r_type.assigned_expression = p_expression;
+ found = true;
- return false;
+ return found;
-static bool _guess_identifier_type_in_block(GDScriptCompletionContext &context, int p_line, const StringName &p_identifier, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type) {
+static bool _guess_identifier_type(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const StringName &p_identifier, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type) {
- if (context.block->if_condition && context.block->if_condition->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR && static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(context.block->if_condition)->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_IS) {
- //is used, check if identifier is in there! this helps resolve in blocks that are (if (identifier is value)): which are very common..
- //super dirty hack, but very useful
- //credit: Zylann
- //TODO: this could be hacked to detect ANDed conditions too..
- const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(context.block->if_condition);
- if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER && static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[0])->name == p_identifier) {
- //bingo
- if (_guess_expression_type(context, op->arguments[1], op->line, r_type)) {
- return true;
+ // Look in blocks first
+ const GDScriptParser::BlockNode *blk = p_context.block;
+ int last_assign_line = -1;
+ const GDScriptParser::Node *last_assigned_expression = NULL;
+ GDScriptParser::DataType var_type;
+ while (blk) {
+ if (blk->variables.has(p_identifier)) {
+ if (blk->variables[p_identifier]->line > p_context.line) {
+ return false;
- }
- }
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier gdi = _get_native_class(context);
- if (gdi.obj_type != StringName()) {
- bool valid;
- Variant::Type t = ClassDB::get_property_type(gdi.obj_type, p_identifier, &valid);
- if (t != Variant::NIL && valid) {
- r_type.type = t;
- if (t == Variant::INT) {
-//check for enum!
+ var_type = blk->variables[p_identifier]->datatype;
- StringName getter = ClassDB::get_property_getter(gdi.obj_type, p_identifier);
- if (getter != StringName()) {
- MethodBind *mb = ClassDB::get_method(gdi.obj_type, getter);
- if (mb) {
- PropertyInfo rt = mb->get_return_info();
- if (rt.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) {
- r_type.enumeration = rt.class_name;
- }
- }
+ if (!last_assigned_expression && blk->variables[p_identifier]->assign && blk->variables[p_identifier]->assign->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
+ const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(blk->variables[p_identifier]->assign);
+ if (op->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN && op->arguments.size() >= 2) {
+ last_assign_line = op->line;
+ last_assigned_expression = op->arguments[1];
- return true;
- }
- const GDScriptParser::Node *last_assign = NULL;
- int last_assign_line = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < context.block->statements.size(); i++) {
- if (context.block->statements[i]->line > p_line)
- continue;
- if (context.block->statements[i]->type == GDScriptParser::BlockNode::TYPE_LOCAL_VAR) {
- const GDScriptParser::LocalVarNode *lv = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::LocalVarNode *>(context.block->statements[i]);
+ for (const List<GDScriptParser::Node *>::Element *E = blk->statements.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ const GDScriptParser::Node *expr = E->get();
+ if (expr->line > p_context.line || expr->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
+ continue;
+ }
- if (lv->assign && lv->name == p_identifier) {
+ const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(expr);
+ if (op->op != GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN || op->line < last_assign_line) {
+ continue;
+ }
- last_assign = lv->assign;
- last_assign_line = context.block->statements[i]->line;
+ if (op->arguments.size() >= 2 && op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
+ const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[0]);
+ if (id->name == p_identifier) {
+ last_assign_line = op->line;
+ last_assigned_expression = op->arguments[1];
+ }
- if (context.block->statements[i]->type == GDScriptParser::BlockNode::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
- const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(context.block->statements[i]);
- if (op->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN) {
- if (op->arguments.size() && op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
- const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[0]);
- if (id->name == p_identifier) {
- last_assign = op->arguments[1];
- last_assign_line = context.block->statements[i]->line;
- }
+ if (blk->if_condition && blk->if_condition->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR && static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(blk->if_condition)->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_IS) {
+ //is used, check if identifier is in there! this helps resolve in blocks that are (if (identifier is value)): which are very common..
+ //super dirty hack, but very useful
+ //credit: Zylann
+ //TODO: this could be hacked to detect ANDed conditions too..
+ const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(blk->if_condition);
+ if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER && static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[0])->name == p_identifier) {
+ //bingo
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context;
+ c.line = op->line;
+ c.block = blk;
+ if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, op->arguments[1], r_type)) {
+ return true;
- }
- //use the last assignment, (then backwards?)
- if (last_assign && last_assign_line != p_line) {
- return _guess_expression_type(context, last_assign, last_assign_line, r_type);
+ blk = blk->parent_block;
- return false;
-static bool _guess_identifier_from_assignment_in_function(GDScriptCompletionContext &context, int p_src_line, const StringName &p_identifier, const StringName &p_function, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type) {
- const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *func = NULL;
- for (int i = 0; i < context._class->functions.size(); i++) {
- if (context._class->functions[i]->name == p_function) {
- func = context._class->functions[i];
- break;
+ if (last_assigned_expression && last_assign_line != p_context.line) {
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context;
+ c.line = last_assign_line;
+ r_type.assigned_expression = last_assigned_expression;
+ if (_guess_expression_type(c, last_assigned_expression, r_type)) {
+ return true;
- if (!func)
- return false;
+ if (var_type.has_type) {
+ r_type.type = var_type;
+ return true;
+ }
- for (int i = 0; i < func->body->statements.size(); i++) {
+ if (p_context.function) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_context.function->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ if (p_context.function->arguments[i] == p_identifier) {
+ if (p_context.function->argument_types[i].has_type) {
+ r_type.type = p_context.function->argument_types[i];
+ return true;
+ }
- if (func->body->statements[i]->line == p_src_line) {
- break;
+ int def_from = p_context.function->arguments.size() - p_context.function->default_values.size();
+ if (i >= def_from) {
+ int def_idx = def_from - i;
+ if (p_context.function->default_values[def_idx]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
+ const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(p_context.function->default_values[def_idx]);
+ if (op->arguments.size() < 2) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context;
+ c.function = NULL;
+ c.block = NULL;
+ return _guess_expression_type(c, op->arguments[1], r_type);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
- if (func->body->statements[i]->type == GDScriptParser::BlockNode::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
- const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(func->body->statements[i]);
- if (op->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN) {
- if (op->arguments.size() && op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
- const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[0]);
- if (id->name == p_identifier) {
- return _guess_expression_type(context, op->arguments[1], func->body->statements[i]->line, r_type);
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_context._class->base_type;
+ while (base_type.has_type) {
+ switch (base_type.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = base_type.script_type;
+ if (gds.is_valid() && gds->has_method(p_context.function->name)) {
+ GDScriptFunction *func = gds->get_member_functions()[p_context.function->name];
+ if (func) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < func->get_argument_count(); i++) {
+ if (func->get_argument_name(i) == p_identifier) {
+ r_type = _type_from_gdtype(func->get_argument_type(i));
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ref<GDScript> base_gds = gds->get_base_script();
+ if (base_gds.is_valid()) {
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT;
+ base_type.script_type = base_gds;
+ } else {
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ base_type.native_type = gds->get_instance_base_type();
+ }
+ } else {
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ base_type.native_type = gds->get_instance_base_type();
- }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
+ List<MethodInfo> methods;
+ ClassDB::get_method_list(base_type.native_type, &methods);
+ ClassDB::get_virtual_methods(base_type.native_type, &methods);
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get().name == p_context.function->name) {
+ MethodInfo &mi = E->get();
+ for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = mi.arguments.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get().name == p_identifier) {
+ r_type = _type_from_property(E->get());
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ } break;
- return false;
-static bool _guess_identifier_type(GDScriptCompletionContext &context, int p_line, const StringName &p_identifier, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type, bool p_for_indexing) {
- //go to block first
- const GDScriptParser::BlockNode *block = context.block;
- while (block) {
- GDScriptCompletionContext c = context;
- c.block = block;
+ // Check current class (including inheritance)
+ if (p_context._class) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier context_base;
+ context_base.value = p_context.base;
+ context_base.type.has_type = true;
+ context_base.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
+ context_base.type.class_type = const_cast<GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(p_context._class);
+ context_base.type.is_meta_type = p_context.function && p_context.function->_static;
- if (_guess_identifier_type_in_block(c, p_line, p_identifier, r_type)) {
+ if (_guess_identifier_type_from_base(p_context, context_base, p_identifier, r_type)) {
return true;
- block = block->parent_block;
- //guess from argument if virtual
- if (context.function && context.function->name != StringName()) {
- int argindex = -1;
+ // Check named scripts
+ if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(p_identifier)) {
+ Ref<Script> scr = ResourceLoader::load(ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(p_identifier));
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ r_type = _type_from_variant(scr);
+ r_type.type.is_meta_type = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
- for (int i = 0; i < context.function->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ // Check ClassDB
+ if (ClassDB::class_exists(p_identifier)) {
+ r_type.type.has_type = true;
+ r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ r_type.type.native_type = p_identifier;
+ if (Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton(p_identifier)) {
+ r_type.type.is_meta_type = false;
+ r_type.value = Engine::get_singleton()->get_singleton_object(p_identifier);
+ } else {
+ r_type.type.is_meta_type = true;
+ int idx = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map()[p_identifier];
+ r_type.value = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[idx];
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
- if (context.function->arguments[i] == p_identifier) {
- argindex = i;
- break;
- }
+ // ClassDB again for underscore-prefixed classes
+ StringName under_id = String("_") + p_identifier;
+ if (ClassDB::class_exists(under_id)) {
+ r_type.type.has_type = true;
+ r_type.type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ r_type.type.native_type = p_identifier;
+ if (Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton(p_identifier)) {
+ r_type.type.is_meta_type = false;
+ r_type.value = Engine::get_singleton()->get_singleton_object(p_identifier);
+ } else {
+ r_type.type.is_meta_type = true;
+ int idx = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map()[p_identifier];
+ r_type.value = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[idx];
+ return true;
+ }
- if (argindex != -1) {
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier id = _get_native_class(context);
- if (id.type == Variant::OBJECT && id.obj_type != StringName()) {
- //this kinda sucks but meh
+ // Check autoload singletons
+ if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map().has(p_identifier)) {
+ r_type = _type_from_variant(GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map()[p_identifier]);
+ return true;
+ }
- List<MethodInfo> vmethods;
- ClassDB::get_virtual_methods(id.obj_type, &vmethods);
- for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = vmethods.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ return false;
- if (E->get().name == context.function->name && argindex < E->get().arguments.size()) {
+static bool _guess_identifier_type_from_base(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, const StringName &p_identifier, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_base.type;
+ bool _static = base_type.is_meta_type;
+ while (base_type.has_type) {
+ switch (base_type.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
+ if (base_type.class_type->constant_expressions.has(p_identifier)) {
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Constant c = base_type.class_type->constant_expressions[p_identifier];
+ r_type.type = c.type;
+ if (c.expression->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
+ r_type.value = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *>(c.expression)->value;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
- PropertyInfo arg = E->get().arguments[argindex];
+ if (!_static) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->variables.size(); i++) {
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member m = base_type.class_type->variables[i];
+ if (m.identifier == p_identifier) {
+ if (m.data_type.has_type) {
+ r_type.type = m.data_type;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (m.expression) {
+ if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, m.expression, r_type)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (m.expression->get_datatype().has_type) {
+ r_type.type = m.expression->get_datatype();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = base_type.script_type;
+ if (gds.is_valid()) {
+ if (gds->get_constants().has(p_identifier)) {
+ r_type = _type_from_variant(gds->get_constants()[p_identifier]);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!_static) {
+ const Set<StringName>::Element *m = gds->get_members().find(p_identifier);
+ if (m) {
+ r_type = _type_from_gdtype(gds->get_member_type(p_identifier));
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ Ref<GDScript> parent = gds->get_base_script();
+ if (parent.is_valid()) {
+ base_type.script_type = parent;
+ } else {
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ base_type.native_type = gds->get_instance_base_type();
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: {
+ Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type;
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ Map<StringName, Variant> constants;
+ scr->get_constants(&constants);
+ if (constants.has(p_identifier)) {
+ r_type = _type_from_variant(constants[p_identifier]);
+ return true;
+ }
- int scp = String(":");
- if (scp != -1) {
+ if (!_static) {
+ List<PropertyInfo> members;
+ scr->get_script_property_list(&members);
+ for (const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = members.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ const PropertyInfo &prop = E->get();
+ if ( == p_identifier) {
+ r_type = _type_from_property(prop);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ref<Script> parent = scr->get_base_script();
+ if (parent.is_valid()) {
+ base_type.script_type = parent;
+ } else {
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ base_type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type();
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
+ StringName class_name = base_type.native_type;
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) {
+ class_name = String("_") + class_name;
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
- r_type.type = Variant::OBJECT;
- r_type.obj_type = String( + 1, String(;
- return true;
+ // Skip constants since they're all integers. Type does not matter because int has no members
+ List<PropertyInfo> props;
+ ClassDB::get_property_list(class_name, &props);
+ for (const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ const PropertyInfo &prop = E->get();
+ if ( == p_identifier) {
+ StringName getter = ClassDB::get_property_getter(class_name, p_identifier);
+ if (getter != StringName()) {
+ MethodBind *g = ClassDB::get_method(class_name, getter);
+ if (g) {
+ r_type = _type_from_property(g->get_return_info());
+ return true;
+ }
} else {
- r_type.type = arg.type;
- r_type.obj_type = arg.hint_string;
+ r_type = _type_from_property(prop);
return true;
+ break;
- }
+ return false;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: {
+ Variant::CallError err;
+ Variant tmp = Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err);
+ if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool valid = false;
+ Variant res = tmp.get(p_identifier, &valid);
+ if (valid) {
+ r_type = _type_from_variant(res);
+ r_type.value = Variant();
+ r_type.type.is_constant = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ return false;
+ } break;
- //guess type in constant
+ return false;
- for (int i = 0; i < context._class->constant_expressions.size(); i++) {
+static bool _find_last_return_in_block(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, int &r_last_return_line, const GDScriptParser::Node **r_last_returned_value) {
+ if (!p_context.block) {
+ return false;
+ }
- if (context._class->constant_expressions[i].identifier == p_identifier) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_context.block->statements.size(); i++) {
+ if (p_context.block->statements[i]->line < r_last_return_line) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (p_context.block->statements[i]->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CONTROL_FLOW) {
+ continue;
+ }
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(context._class->constant_expressions[i].expression->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CONSTANT, false);
- r_type = _get_type_from_variant(static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *>(context._class->constant_expressions[i].expression)->value);
- return true;
+ const GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode *cf = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode *>(p_context.block->statements[i]);
+ if (cf->cf_type == GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode::CF_RETURN && cf->arguments.size() > 0) {
+ if (cf->line > r_last_return_line) {
+ r_last_return_line = cf->line;
+ *r_last_returned_value = cf->arguments[0];
+ }
- if (!(context.function && context.function->_static)) {
+ // Recurse into subblocks
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_context.block->sub_blocks.size(); i++) {
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context;
+ c.block = p_context.block->sub_blocks[i];
+ _find_last_return_in_block(c, r_last_return_line, r_last_returned_value);
+ }
- for (int i = 0; i < context._class->variables.size(); i++) {
+ return false;
- if (context._class->variables[i].identifier == p_identifier) {
+static bool _guess_method_return_type_from_base(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, const StringName &p_method, GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &r_type) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_base.type;
+ bool _static = base_type.is_meta_type;
- if (context._class->variables[i]._export.type != Variant::NIL) {
+ if (_static && p_method == "new") {
+ r_type.type = base_type;
+ r_type.type.is_meta_type = false;
+ r_type.type.is_constant = false;
+ return true;
+ }
- r_type = _get_type_from_pinfo(context._class->variables[i]._export);
- return true;
- } else if (context._class->variables[i].expression) {
- if (p_line <= context._class->variables[i].line)
- return false;
+ while (base_type.has_type) {
+ switch (base_type.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
+ if (!base_type.class_type) {
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ break;
+ }
- bool rtype = _guess_expression_type(context, context._class->variables[i].expression, context._class->variables[i].line, r_type);
- if (rtype && r_type.type != Variant::NIL)
- return true;
- //return _guess_expression_type(context,context._class->variables[i].expression,context._class->variables[i].line,r_type);
+ for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->static_functions.size(); i++) {
+ if (base_type.class_type->static_functions[i]->name == p_method) {
+ int last_return_line = -1;
+ const GDScriptParser::Node *last_returned_value = NULL;
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context;
+ c._class = base_type.class_type;
+ c.function = base_type.class_type->static_functions[i];
+ c.block = c.function->body;
+ _find_last_return_in_block(c, last_return_line, &last_returned_value);
+ if (last_returned_value) {
+ c.line = c.block->end_line;
+ return _guess_expression_type(c, last_returned_value, r_type);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_static) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->functions.size(); i++) {
+ if (base_type.class_type->functions[i]->name == p_method) {
+ int last_return_line = -1;
+ const GDScriptParser::Node *last_returned_value = NULL;
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context;
+ c._class = base_type.class_type;
+ c.function = base_type.class_type->functions[i];
+ c.block = c.function->body;
+ _find_last_return_in_block(c, last_return_line, &last_returned_value);
+ if (last_returned_value) {
+ c.line = c.block->end_line;
+ return _guess_expression_type(c, last_returned_value, r_type);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- //try to guess from assignment in constructor or _ready
- if (_guess_identifier_from_assignment_in_function(context, p_line + 1, p_identifier, "_ready", r_type))
- return true;
- if (_guess_identifier_from_assignment_in_function(context, p_line + 1, p_identifier, "_enter_tree", r_type))
- return true;
- if (_guess_identifier_from_assignment_in_function(context, p_line + 1, p_identifier, "_init", r_type))
+ base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = base_type.script_type;
+ if (gds.is_valid()) {
+ if (gds->get_member_functions().has(p_method)) {
+ r_type = _type_from_gdtype(gds->get_member_functions()[p_method]->get_return_type());
+ return true;
+ }
+ Ref<GDScript> base_script = gds->get_base_script();
+ if (base_script.is_valid()) {
+ base_type.script_type = base_script;
+ } else {
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ base_type.native_type = gds->get_instance_base_type();
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: {
+ Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type;
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ List<MethodInfo> methods;
+ scr->get_script_method_list(&methods);
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ MethodInfo &mi = E->get();
+ if ( == p_method) {
+ r_type = _type_from_property(mi.return_val);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ Ref<Script> base_script = scr->get_base_script();
+ if (base_script.is_valid()) {
+ base_type.script_type = base_script;
+ } else {
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ base_type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type();
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
+ StringName native = base_type.native_type;
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(native)) {
+ native = String("_") + native;
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(native)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ MethodBind *mb = ClassDB::get_method(native, p_method);
+ if (mb) {
+ r_type = _type_from_property(mb->get_return_info());
return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: {
+ Variant::CallError err;
+ Variant tmp = Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err);
+ if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ List<MethodInfo> methods;
+ tmp.get_method_list(&methods);
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ MethodInfo &mi = E->get();
+ if ( == p_method) {
+ r_type = _type_from_property(mi.return_val);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ } break;
+ default: {
return false;
+ return false;
- //autoloads as singletons
- List<PropertyInfo> props;
- ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props);
- for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- String s = E->get().name;
- if (!s.begins_with("autoload/"))
- continue;
- String name = s.get_slice("/", 1);
- if (name == String(p_identifier)) {
+static String _make_arguments_hint(const MethodInfo &p_info, int p_arg_idx) {
- String path = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get(s);
- if (path.begins_with("*")) {
- String script = path.substr(1, path.length());
+ String arghint = _get_visual_datatype(p_info.return_val, false) + " " + + "(";
- if (!script.ends_with(".gd")) {
- //not a script, try find the script anyway,
- //may have some success
- script = script.get_basename() + ".gd";
- }
+ int def_args = p_info.arguments.size() - p_info.default_arguments.size();
+ int i = 0;
+ for (const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = p_info.arguments.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ arghint += ", ";
+ } else {
+ arghint += " ";
+ }
- if (FileAccess::exists(script)) {
+ if (i == p_arg_idx) {
+ arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
+ }
+ arghint += _get_visual_datatype(E->get(), true) + " " + E->get().name;
- //print_line("is a script");
+ if (i - def_args >= 0) {
+ arghint += String(" = ") + p_info.default_arguments[i - def_args].get_construct_string();
+ }
- Ref<Script> scr;
- if (ScriptCodeCompletionCache::get_singleton())
- scr = ScriptCodeCompletionCache::get_singleton()->get_cached_resource(script);
- else
- scr = ResourceLoader::load(script);
+ if (i == p_arg_idx) {
+ arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
+ }
- r_type.obj_type = "Node";
- r_type.type = Variant::OBJECT;
- r_type.script = scr;
- r_type.value = Variant();
+ i++;
+ }
- return true;
- }
- }
+ if (p_info.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG) {
+ if (p_info.arguments.size() > 0) {
+ arghint += ", ";
+ } else {
+ arghint += " ";
+ if (p_arg_idx >= p_info.arguments.size()) {
+ arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
+ }
+ arghint += "...";
+ if (p_arg_idx >= p_info.arguments.size()) {
+ arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
+ }
+ }
+ if (p_info.arguments.size() > 0 || (p_info.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG)) {
+ arghint += " ";
- //global
- for (Map<StringName, int>::Element *E = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (E->key() == p_identifier) {
+ arghint += ")";
- r_type = _get_type_from_variant(GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[E->get()], !p_for_indexing);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
+ return arghint;
-static void _find_identifiers_in_block(GDScriptCompletionContext &context, int p_line, bool p_only_functions, Set<String> &result) {
+static String _make_arguments_hint(const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *p_function, int p_arg_idx) {
- if (p_only_functions)
- return;
+ String arghint = p_function->return_type.to_string() + " " + p_function->name.operator String() + "(";
- for (int i = 0; i < context.block->statements.size(); i++) {
+ int def_args = p_function->arguments.size() - p_function->default_values.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_function->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ arghint += ", ";
+ } else {
+ arghint += " ";
+ }
- GDScriptParser::Node *statement = context.block->statements[i];
- if (statement->line > p_line)
- continue;
+ if (i == p_arg_idx) {
+ arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
+ }
+ arghint += p_function->argument_types[i].to_string() + " " + p_function->arguments[i].operator String();
+ if (i - def_args >= 0) {
+ String def_val = "<unknown>";
+ if (p_function->default_values[i - def_args] && p_function->default_values[i - def_args]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
+ const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *assign = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(p_function->default_values[i - def_args]);
+ if (assign->arguments.size() >= 2) {
+ if (assign->arguments[1]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
+ const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *>(assign->arguments[1]);
+ def_val = cn->value.get_construct_string();
+ } else if (assign->arguments[1]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
+ const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(assign->arguments[1]);
+ def_val = id->name.operator String();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ arghint += " = " + def_val;
+ }
+ if (i == p_arg_idx) {
+ arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
+ }
+ }
- GDScriptParser::BlockNode::Type statementType = statement->type;
- if (statementType == GDScriptParser::BlockNode::TYPE_LOCAL_VAR) {
+ if (p_function->arguments.size() > 0) {
+ arghint += " ";
+ }
+ arghint += ")";
- const GDScriptParser::LocalVarNode *lv = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::LocalVarNode *>(statement);
- result.insert(lv->name.operator String());
- } else if (statementType == GDScriptParser::BlockNode::TYPE_CONTROL_FLOW) {
+ return arghint;
- const GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode *cf = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode *>(statement);
- if (cf->cf_type == GDScriptParser::ControlFlowNode::CF_FOR) {
+static void _find_enumeration_candidates(const String p_enum_hint, Set<String> &r_result) {
- const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(cf->arguments[0]);
- result.insert(id->name.operator String());
+ if (p_enum_hint.find(".") == -1) {
+ // Global constant
+ StringName current_enum = p_enum_hint;
+ for (int i = 0; i < GlobalConstants::get_global_constant_count(); i++) {
+ if (GlobalConstants::get_global_constant_enum(i) == current_enum) {
+ r_result.insert(GlobalConstants::get_global_constant_name(i));
- }
-static void _find_identifiers_in_class(GDScriptCompletionContext &context, bool p_static, bool p_only_functions, Set<String> &result) {
+ } else {
+ String class_name = p_enum_hint.get_slice(".", 0);
+ String enum_name = p_enum_hint.get_slice(".", 1);
- if (!p_static && !p_only_functions) {
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) {
+ return;
+ }
- for (int i = 0; i < context._class->variables.size(); i++) {
- result.insert(context._class->variables[i].identifier);
+ List<StringName> enum_constants;
+ ClassDB::get_enum_constants(class_name, enum_name, &enum_constants);
+ for (List<StringName>::Element *E = enum_constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ String candidate = class_name + "." + E->get();
+ r_result.insert(candidate);
- if (!p_only_functions) {
- for (int i = 0; i < context._class->constant_expressions.size(); i++) {
- result.insert(context._class->constant_expressions[i].identifier);
+static void _find_identifiers_in_block(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, Set<String> &r_result) {
+ for (Map<StringName, GDScriptParser::LocalVarNode *>::Element *E = p_context.block->variables.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get()->line < p_context.line) {
+ r_result.insert(E->key().operator String());
+ }
+ if (p_context.block->parent_block) {
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context;
+ c.block = p_context.block->parent_block;
+ _find_identifiers_in_block(c, r_result);
+ }
- for (int i = 0; i < context._class->subclasses.size(); i++) {
- result.insert(context._class->subclasses[i]->name);
+static void _find_identifiers_in_base(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, bool p_only_functions, Set<String> &r_result);
+static void _find_identifiers_in_class(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, bool p_static, bool p_only_functions, bool p_parent_only, Set<String> &r_result) {
+ if (!p_parent_only) {
+ if (!p_static && !p_only_functions) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_context._class->variables.size(); i++) {
+ r_result.insert(p_context._class->variables[i].identifier);
+ }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < context._class->static_functions.size(); i++) {
- if (context._class->static_functions[i]->arguments.size())
- result.insert(context._class->static_functions[i]->name.operator String() + "(");
- else
- result.insert(context._class->static_functions[i]->name.operator String() + "()");
- }
+ if (!p_only_functions) {
+ for (Map<StringName, GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Constant>::Element *E = p_context._class->constant_expressions.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ r_result.insert(E->key());
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_context._class->subclasses.size(); i++) {
+ r_result.insert(p_context._class->subclasses[i]->name);
+ }
+ }
- if (!p_static) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_context._class->static_functions.size(); i++) {
+ if (p_context._class->static_functions[i]->arguments.size()) {
+ r_result.insert(p_context._class->static_functions[i]->name.operator String() + "(");
+ } else {
+ r_result.insert(p_context._class->static_functions[i]->name.operator String() + "()");
+ }
+ }
- for (int i = 0; i < context._class->functions.size(); i++) {
- if (context._class->functions[i]->arguments.size())
- result.insert(context._class->functions[i]->name.operator String() + "(");
- else
- result.insert(context._class->functions[i]->name.operator String() + "()");
+ if (!p_static) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_context._class->functions.size(); i++) {
+ if (p_context._class->functions[i]->arguments.size()) {
+ r_result.insert(p_context._class->functions[i]->name.operator String() + "(");
+ } else {
+ r_result.insert(p_context._class->functions[i]->name.operator String() + "()");
+ }
+ }
- //globals
+ // Parents
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base_type;
+ base_type.type = p_context._class->base_type;
+ base_type.type.is_meta_type = p_static;
+ base_type.value = p_context.base;
- Ref<Reference> base = _get_parent_class(context);
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context;
+ c.block = NULL;
+ c.function = NULL;
- while (true) {
- Ref<GDScript> script = base;
- Ref<GDScriptNativeClass> nc = base;
- if (script.is_valid()) {
+ _find_identifiers_in_base(c, base_type, p_only_functions, r_result);
- if (!p_static && !p_only_functions) {
- for (const Set<StringName>::Element *E = script->get_members().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- result.insert(E->get().operator String());
+static void _find_identifiers_in_base(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, bool p_only_functions, Set<String> &r_result) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_base.type;
+ bool _static = base_type.is_meta_type;
+ if (_static && base_type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ r_result.insert("new(");
+ }
+ while (base_type.has_type) {
+ switch (base_type.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context;
+ c._class = base_type.class_type;
+ c.block = NULL;
+ c.function = NULL;
+ _find_identifiers_in_class(c, _static, p_only_functions, false, r_result);
+ base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ Ref<GDScript> script = base_type.script_type;
+ if (script.is_valid()) {
+ if (!_static && !p_only_functions) {
+ for (const Set<StringName>::Element *E = script->get_members().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ r_result.insert(E->get().operator String());
+ }
+ }
+ if (!p_only_functions) {
+ for (const Map<StringName, Variant>::Element *E = script->get_constants().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ r_result.insert(E->key().operator String());
+ }
+ }
+ for (const Map<StringName, GDScriptFunction *>::Element *E = script->get_member_functions().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (!_static || E->get()->is_static()) {
+ if (E->get()->get_argument_count()) {
+ r_result.insert(E->key().operator String() + "(");
+ } else {
+ r_result.insert(E->key().operator String() + "()");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!p_only_functions) {
+ for (const Map<StringName, Ref<GDScript> >::Element *E = script->get_subclasses().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ r_result.insert(E->key().operator String());
+ }
+ }
+ base_type = GDScriptParser::DataType();
+ if (script->get_base().is_valid()) {
+ base_type.has_type = true;
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT;
+ base_type.script_type = script->get_base();
+ } else {
+ base_type.has_type = script->get_instance_base_type() != StringName();
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ base_type.script_type = script->get_instance_base_type();
+ }
+ } else {
+ return;
- }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT: {
+ Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type;
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ if (!_static && !p_only_functions) {
+ List<PropertyInfo> members;
+ scr->get_script_property_list(&members);
+ for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = members.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ r_result.insert(E->get().name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!p_only_functions) {
+ Map<StringName, Variant> constants;
+ scr->get_constants(&constants);
+ for (Map<StringName, Variant>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ r_result.insert(E->key().operator String());
+ }
+ }
- if (!p_only_functions) {
- for (const Map<StringName, Variant>::Element *E = script->get_constants().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- result.insert(E->key().operator String());
- }
- }
+ List<MethodInfo> methods;
+ scr->get_script_method_list(&methods);
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get().arguments.size()) {
+ r_result.insert(E->get().name + "(");
+ } else {
+ r_result.insert(E->get().name + "()");
+ }
+ }
- for (const Map<StringName, GDScriptFunction *>::Element *E = script->get_member_functions().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (!p_static || E->get()->is_static()) {
- if (E->get()->get_argument_count())
- result.insert(E->key().operator String() + "(");
- else
- result.insert(E->key().operator String() + "()");
+ Ref<Script> base_script = scr->get_base_script();
+ if (base_script.is_valid()) {
+ base_type.script_type = base_script;
+ } else {
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ base_type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type();
+ }
+ } else {
+ return;
- }
- if (!p_only_functions) {
- for (const Map<StringName, Ref<GDScript> >::Element *E = script->get_subclasses().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- result.insert(E->key().operator String());
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
+ StringName type = base_type.native_type;
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(type)) {
+ type = String("_") + type;
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(type)) {
+ return;
+ }
- }
- base = script->get_base();
- if (base.is_null())
- base = script->get_native();
- } else if (nc.is_valid()) {
+ if (!p_only_functions) {
+ List<String> constants;
+ ClassDB::get_integer_constant_list(type, &constants);
+ for (List<String>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ r_result.insert(E->get());
+ }
- StringName type = nc->get_name();
+ if (!_static) {
+ List<PropertyInfo> pinfo;
+ ClassDB::get_property_list(type, &pinfo);
+ for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = pinfo.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (E->get().name.find("/") != -1) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ r_result.insert(E->get().name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (!p_only_functions) {
+ if (!_static) {
+ List<MethodInfo> methods;
+ ClassDB::get_method_list(type, &methods, false, true);
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get().name.begins_with("_")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (E->get().arguments.size()) {
+ r_result.insert(E->get().name + "(");
+ } else {
+ r_result.insert(E->get().name + "()");
+ }
+ }
+ }
- List<String> constants;
- ClassDB::get_integer_constant_list(type, &constants);
- for (List<String>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- result.insert(E->get());
+ return;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: {
+ Variant::CallError err;
+ Variant tmp = Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err);
+ if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) {
+ return;
- List<PropertyInfo> pinfo;
+ if (!p_only_functions) {
+ List<PropertyInfo> members;
+ tmp.get_property_list(&members);
- ClassDB::get_property_list(type, &pinfo);
+ for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = members.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (String(E->get().name).find("/") == -1) {
+ r_result.insert(E->get().name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = pinfo.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- continue;
- if (String(E->get().name).find("/") != -1)
- continue;
- result.insert(E->get().name);
+ List<MethodInfo> methods;
+ tmp.get_method_list(&methods);
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get().arguments.size()) {
+ r_result.insert(E->get().name + "(");
+ } else {
+ r_result.insert(E->get().name + "()");
+ }
- }
- List<MethodInfo> methods;
- ClassDB::get_method_list(type, &methods, false, true);
- for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (E->get().name.begins_with("_"))
- continue;
- if (E->get().arguments.size())
- result.insert(E->get().name + "(");
- else
- result.insert(E->get().name + "()");
- }
- break;
- } else
- break;
+ return;
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ return;
+ } break;
+ }
-static void _find_identifiers(GDScriptCompletionContext &context, int p_line, bool p_only_functions, Set<String> &result) {
+static void _find_identifiers(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, bool p_only_functions, Set<String> &r_result) {
- const GDScriptParser::BlockNode *block = context.block;
+ const GDScriptParser::BlockNode *block = p_context.block;
- if (context.function) {
+ if (p_context.function) {
- const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *f = context.function;
+ const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *f = p_context.function;
for (int i = 0; i < f->arguments.size(); i++) {
- result.insert(f->arguments[i].operator String());
+ r_result.insert(f->arguments[i].operator String());
- while (block) {
- GDScriptCompletionContext c = context;
+ if (!p_only_functions && block) {
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context;
c.block = block;
- _find_identifiers_in_block(c, p_line, p_only_functions, result);
- block = block->parent_block;
+ _find_identifiers_in_block(c, r_result);
- const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *clss = context._class;
- bool _static = context.function && context.function->_static;
+ const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *clss = p_context._class;
+ bool _static = !p_context.function || p_context.function->_static;
while (clss) {
- GDScriptCompletionContext c = context;
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = p_context;
c._class = clss;
c.block = NULL;
c.function = NULL;
- _find_identifiers_in_class(c, _static, p_only_functions, result);
+ _find_identifiers_in_class(c, _static, p_only_functions, false, r_result);
+ _static = true;
clss = clss->owner;
for (int i = 0; i < GDScriptFunctions::FUNC_MAX; i++) {
- result.insert(GDScriptFunctions::get_func_name(GDScriptFunctions::Function(i)));
+ MethodInfo mi = GDScriptFunctions::get_info(GDScriptFunctions::Function(i));
+ if (mi.arguments.size() || (mi.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG)) {
+ r_result.insert(String(GDScriptFunctions::get_func_name(GDScriptFunctions::Function(i))) + "(");
+ } else {
+ r_result.insert(String(GDScriptFunctions::get_func_name(GDScriptFunctions::Function(i))) + "()");
+ }
static const char *_type_names[Variant::VARIANT_MAX] = {
@@ -1526,667 +2104,372 @@ static void _find_identifiers(GDScriptCompletionContext &context, int p_line, bo
for (int i = 0; i < Variant::VARIANT_MAX; i++) {
- result.insert(_type_names[i]);
+ r_result.insert(_type_names[i]);
- List<String> reserved_words;
- GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_reserved_words(&reserved_words);
+ static const char *_keywords[] = {
+ "and", "in", "not", "or", "false", "PI", "TAU", "INF", "NAN", "self", "true", "as", "assert",
+ "breakpoint", "class", "extends", "is", "func", "preload", "setget", "signal", "tool", "yield",
+ "const", "enum", "export", "onready", "static", "var", "break", "continue", "if", "elif",
+ "else", "for", "pass", "return", "match", "while", "remote", "sync", "master", "slave",
+ "remotesync", "mastersync", "slavesync",
+ 0
+ };
- for (List<String>::Element *E = reserved_words.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- result.insert(E->get());
+ const char **kw = _keywords;
+ while (*kw) {
+ r_result.insert(*kw);
+ kw++;
- //autoload singletons
+ // Autoload singletons
List<PropertyInfo> props;
for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
String s = E->get().name;
- if (!s.begins_with("autoload/"))
+ if (!s.begins_with("autoload/")) {
- String name = s.get_slice("/", 1);
+ }
String path = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get(s);
if (path.begins_with("*")) {
- result.insert(name);
+ r_result.insert(s.get_slice("/", 1));
- for (const Map<StringName, int>::Element *E = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- result.insert(E->key().operator String());
+ // Named scripts
+ List<StringName> named_scripts;
+ ScriptServer::get_global_class_list(&named_scripts);
+ for (List<StringName>::Element *E = named_scripts.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ r_result.insert(E->get().operator String());
-static String _get_visual_datatype(const PropertyInfo &p_info, bool p_isarg = true) {
- String n =;
- int idx = n.find(":");
- if (idx != -1) {
- return n.substr(idx + 1, n.length());
- }
- if (p_info.type == Variant::OBJECT && p_info.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE)
- return p_info.hint_string;
- if (p_info.type == Variant::NIL) {
- if (p_isarg)
- return "var";
- else
- return "void";
+ // Native classes
+ for (const Map<StringName, int>::Element *E = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ r_result.insert(E->key().operator String());
- return Variant::get_type_name(p_info.type);
-static void _make_function_hint(const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *p_func, int p_argidx, String &arghint) {
- arghint = "func " + p_func->name + "(";
- for (int i = 0; i < p_func->arguments.size(); i++) {
- if (i > 0)
- arghint += ", ";
- else
- arghint += " ";
- if (i == p_argidx) {
- arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
- }
- arghint += p_func->arguments[i].operator String();
- int deffrom = p_func->arguments.size() - p_func->default_values.size();
- if (i >= deffrom) {
- int defidx = deffrom - i;
- if (defidx >= 0 && defidx < p_func->default_values.size()) {
- if (p_func->default_values[defidx]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
- const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(p_func->default_values[defidx]);
- if (op->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN) {
- const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *>(op->arguments[1]);
- arghint += "=" + cn->value.get_construct_string();
+static void _find_call_arguments(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &p_base, const StringName &p_method, int p_argidx, bool p_static, Set<String> &r_result, String &r_arghint) {
+ Variant base = p_base.value;
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_base.type;
+ bool _static = false;
+ while (base_type.has_type) {
+ switch (base_type.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
+ for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->static_functions.size(); i++) {
+ if (base_type.class_type->static_functions[i]->name == p_method) {
+ r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(base_type.class_type->static_functions[i], p_argidx);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_static) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->functions.size(); i++) {
+ if (base_type.class_type->functions[i]->name == p_method) {
+ r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(base_type.class_type->functions[i], p_argidx);
+ return;
+ }
- } else {
- }
- }
- if (i == p_argidx) {
- arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
- }
- }
- if (p_func->arguments.size() > 0)
- arghint += " ";
- arghint += ")";
-void get_directory_contents(EditorFileSystemDirectory *p_dir, Set<String> &r_list) {
- for (int i = 0; i < p_dir->get_subdir_count(); i++) {
- get_directory_contents(p_dir->get_subdir(i), r_list);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < p_dir->get_file_count(); i++) {
- r_list.insert("\"" + p_dir->get_file_path(i) + "\"");
- }
-static void _find_type_arguments(GDScriptCompletionContext &context, const GDScriptParser::Node *p_node, int p_line, const StringName &p_method, const GDScriptCompletionIdentifier &id, int p_argidx, Set<String> &result, bool &r_forced, String &arghint) {
- //print_line("find type arguments?");
- if (id.type == Variant::OBJECT && id.obj_type != StringName()) {
- MethodBind *m = ClassDB::get_method(id.obj_type, p_method);
- if (!m) {
- //not in static method, see script
- //print_line("not in static: "+String(p_method));
- Ref<GDScript> on_script;
- if (id.value.get_type()) {
- Object *obj = id.value;
- GDScript *scr = Object::cast_to<GDScript>(obj);
- if (scr) {
- while (scr) {
+ if ((p_method == "connect" || p_method == "emit_signal") && p_argidx == 0) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->_signals.size(); i++) {
+ r_result.insert("\"" + base_type.class_type->_signals[i].name.operator String() + "\"");
+ }
+ }
- for (const Map<StringName, GDScriptFunction *>::Element *E = scr->get_member_functions().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (E->get()->is_static() && p_method == E->get()->get_name()) {
- arghint = "static func " + String(p_method) + "(";
- for (int i = 0; i < E->get()->get_argument_count(); i++) {
- if (i > 0)
- arghint += ", ";
- else
- arghint += " ";
- if (i == p_argidx) {
- arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
- }
- arghint += "var " + E->get()->get_argument_name(i);
- int deffrom = E->get()->get_argument_count() - E->get()->get_default_argument_count();
- if (i >= deffrom) {
- int defidx = deffrom - i;
- if (defidx >= 0 && defidx < E->get()->get_default_argument_count()) {
- arghint += "=" + E->get()->get_default_argument(defidx).get_construct_string();
- }
- }
- if (i == p_argidx) {
- arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
- }
- }
- arghint += ")";
- return; //found
- }
+ base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = base_type.script_type;
+ if (gds.is_valid()) {
+ if ((p_method == "connect" || p_method == "emit_signal") && p_argidx == 0) {
+ List<MethodInfo> signals;
+ gds->get_script_signal_list(&signals);
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = signals.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ r_result.insert("\"" + E->get().name + "\"");
- if (scr->get_base().is_valid())
- scr = scr->get_base().ptr();
- else
- scr = NULL;
+ }
+ Ref<GDScript> base_script = gds->get_base_script();
+ if (base_script.is_valid()) {
+ base_type.script_type = base_script;
+ } else {
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ base_type.native_type = gds->get_instance_base_type();
} else {
- if (obj) {
- on_script = obj->get_script();
+ return;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
+ StringName class_name = base_type.native_type;
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) {
+ class_name = String("_") + class_name;
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) {
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ break;
- }
- //print_line("but it has a script?");
- if (!on_script.is_valid() && id.script.is_valid()) {
- //print_line("yes");
- on_script = id.script;
- }
- if (on_script.is_valid()) {
- GDScript *scr = on_script.ptr();
- if (scr) {
- while (scr) {
- String code = scr->get_source_code();
- //print_line("has source code!");
- if (code != "") {
- //if there is code, parse it. This way is slower but updates in real-time
- GDScriptParser p;
- //Error parse(const String& p_code, const String& p_base_path="", bool p_just_validate=false,const String& p_self_path="",bool p_for_completion=false);
- Error err = p.parse(scr->get_source_code(), scr->get_path().get_base_dir(), true, "", false);
- if (err == OK) {
- //print_line("checking the functions...");
- //only if ok, otherwise use what is cached on the script
- //GDScriptParser::ClassNode *base = p.
- const GDScriptParser::Node *root = p.get_parse_tree();
- ERR_FAIL_COND(root->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CLASS);
- const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *cl = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(root);
- const GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *func = NULL;
- bool st = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < cl->functions.size(); i++) {
- //print_line(String(cl->functions[i]->name)+" vs "+String(p_method));
- if (cl->functions[i]->name == p_method) {
- func = cl->functions[i];
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < cl->static_functions.size(); i++) {
- //print_line(String(cl->static_functions[i]->name)+" vs "+String(p_method));
- if (cl->static_functions[i]->name == p_method) {
- func = cl->static_functions[i];
- st = true;
- }
- }
- if (func) {
- arghint = "func " + String(p_method) + "(";
- if (st)
- arghint = "static " + arghint;
- for (int i = 0; i < func->arguments.size(); i++) {
- if (i > 0)
- arghint += ", ";
- else
- arghint += " ";
- if (i == p_argidx) {
- arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
- }
- arghint += "var " + String(func->arguments[i]);
- int deffrom = func->arguments.size() - func->default_values.size();
- if (i >= deffrom) {
+ List<MethodInfo> methods;
+ ClassDB::get_method_list(class_name, &methods);
+ ClassDB::get_virtual_methods(class_name, &methods);
+ int method_args = 0;
- int defidx = deffrom - i;
- if (defidx >= 0 && defidx < func->default_values.size() && func->default_values[defidx]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
- const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(func->default_values[defidx]);
- if (op->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN) {
- const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *>(op->arguments[1]);
- arghint += "=" + cn->value.get_construct_string();
- }
- }
- }
- if (i == p_argidx) {
- arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
- }
- }
- arghint += " )";
- return;
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get().name == p_method) {
+ method_args = E->get().arguments.size();
+ if (base.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ Object *obj = base.operator Object *();
+ if (obj) {
+ List<String> options;
+ obj->get_argument_options(p_method, p_argidx, &options);
+ for (List<String>::Element *E = options.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ r_result.insert(E->get());
- } else {
- //print_line("failed parsing?");
- code = "";
- if (code == "") {
- for (const Map<StringName, GDScriptFunction *>::Element *E = scr->get_member_functions().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (p_method == E->get()->get_name()) {
- arghint = "func " + String(p_method) + "(";
- for (int i = 0; i < E->get()->get_argument_count(); i++) {
- if (i > 0)
- arghint += ", ";
- else
- arghint += " ";
- if (i == p_argidx) {
- arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
- }
- arghint += "var " + E->get()->get_argument_name(i);
- int deffrom = E->get()->get_argument_count() - E->get()->get_default_argument_count();
- if (i >= deffrom) {
- int defidx = deffrom - i;
- if (defidx >= 0 && defidx < E->get()->get_default_argument_count()) {
- arghint += "=" + E->get()->get_default_argument(defidx).get_construct_string();
- }
- }
- if (i == p_argidx) {
- arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
- }
- }
- arghint += ")";
- return; //found
- }
+ if (p_argidx < method_args) {
+ PropertyInfo arg_info = E->get().arguments[p_argidx];
+ if (arg_info.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) {
+ _find_enumeration_candidates(arg_info.class_name, r_result);
- if (scr->get_base().is_valid())
- scr = scr->get_base().ptr();
- else
- scr = NULL;
+ r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(E->get(), p_argidx);
+ break;
- }
- } else {
- //regular method
- if (p_argidx < m->get_argument_count()) {
- PropertyInfo pi = m->get_argument_info(p_argidx);
- if (pi.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_CLASS_IS_ENUM) {
- String enumeration = pi.class_name;
- if (enumeration.find(".") != -1) {
- //class constant
- List<StringName> constants;
- String cls = enumeration.get_slice(".", 0);
- String enm = enumeration.get_slice(".", 1);
- ClassDB::get_enum_constants(cls, enm, &constants);
- //constants.sort_custom<StringName::AlphCompare>();
- for (List<StringName>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- String add = cls + "." + E->get();
- result.insert(add);
- r_forced = true;
- }
- } else {
- //global constant
- StringName current_enum = enumeration;
- for (int i = 0; i < GlobalConstants::get_global_constant_count(); i++) {
- if (GlobalConstants::get_global_constant_enum(i) == current_enum) {
- result.insert(GlobalConstants::get_global_constant_name(i));
- r_forced = true;
- }
- }
- //global
+ if ((p_method == "connect" || p_method == "emit_signal") && p_argidx == 0) {
+ List<MethodInfo> signals;
+ ClassDB::get_signal_list(class_name, &signals);
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = signals.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ r_result.insert("\"" + E->get().name + "\"");
- }
- if (p_method.operator String() == "connect" || (p_method.operator String() == "emit_signal" && p_argidx == 0)) {
- if (p_argidx == 0) {
- List<MethodInfo> sigs;
- ClassDB::get_signal_list(id.obj_type, &sigs);
- if (id.script.is_valid()) {
- id.script->get_script_signal_list(&sigs);
- } else if (id.value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
- Object *obj = id.value;
- if (obj && !obj->get_script().is_null()) {
- Ref<Script> scr = obj->get_script();
- if (scr.is_valid()) {
- scr->get_script_signal_list(&sigs);
- }
- }
- }
- for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = sigs.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- result.insert("\"" + E->get().name + "\"");
- r_forced = true;
- }
- } else if (p_argidx == 2) {
+ if (ClassDB::is_parent_class(class_name, "Node") && (p_method == "get_node" || p_method == "has_node") && p_argidx == 0) {
+ // Get autoloads
+ List<PropertyInfo> props;
+ ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props);
- if (context._class) {
- for (int i = 0; i < context._class->functions.size(); i++) {
- result.insert("\"" + context._class->functions[i]->name + "\"");
- r_forced = true;
+ for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ String s = E->get().name;
+ if (!s.begins_with("autoload/")) {
+ continue;
+ String name = s.get_slice("/", 1);
+ r_result.insert("\"/root/" + name + "\"");
- /*if (p_argidx==2) {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(p_node->type!=GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR);
- const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op=static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(p_node);
- if (op->arguments.size()>)
- }*/
- } else {
- if (p_argidx == 0 && (String(p_method) == "get_node" || String(p_method) == "has_node") && ClassDB::is_parent_class(id.obj_type, "Node")) {
+ if (p_argidx == 0 && method_args > 0 && ClassDB::is_parent_class(class_name, "InputEvent") && p_method.operator String().find("action") != -1) {
+ // Get input actions
List<PropertyInfo> props;
for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
String s = E->get().name;
- if (!s.begins_with("autoload/"))
+ if (!s.begins_with("input/")) {
- //print_line("found "+s);
+ }
String name = s.get_slice("/", 1);
- result.insert("\"/root/" + name + "\"");
- r_forced = true;
+ r_result.insert("\"" + name + "\"");
- Object *obj = id.value;
- if (obj) {
- List<String> options;
- obj->get_argument_options(p_method, p_argidx, &options);
- for (List<String>::Element *E = options.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- result.insert(E->get());
- r_forced = true;
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: {
+ if (base.get_type() == Variant::NIL) {
+ Variant::CallError err;
+ base = Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err);
+ if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) {
+ return;
- }
- arghint = _get_visual_datatype(m->get_return_info(), false) + " " + p_method.operator String() + String("(");
- for (int i = 0; i < m->get_argument_count(); i++) {
- if (i > 0)
- arghint += ", ";
- else
- arghint += " ";
- if (i == p_argidx) {
- arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
- }
- String n = m->get_argument_info(i).name;
- int dp = n.find(":");
- if (dp != -1)
- n = n.substr(0, dp);
- arghint += _get_visual_datatype(m->get_argument_info(i)) + " " + n;
- int deffrom = m->get_argument_count() - m->get_default_argument_count();
- if (i >= deffrom) {
- int defidx = i - deffrom;
- if (defidx >= 0 && defidx < m->get_default_argument_count()) {
- Variant v = m->get_default_argument(i);
- arghint += "=" + v.get_construct_string();
+ List<MethodInfo> methods;
+ base.get_method_list(&methods);
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get().name == p_method) {
+ r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(E->get(), p_argidx);
+ return;
- if (i == p_argidx) {
- arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
- }
- }
- if (m->get_argument_count() > 0)
- arghint += " ";
- arghint += ")";
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ } break;
-static void _find_call_arguments(GDScriptCompletionContext &context, const GDScriptParser::Node *p_node, int p_line, int p_argidx, Set<String> &result, bool &r_forced, String &arghint) {
+static void _find_call_arguments(const GDScriptCompletionContext &p_context, const GDScriptParser::Node *p_node, int p_argidx, Set<String> &r_result, bool &r_forced, String &r_arghint) {
if (!p_node || p_node->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
+ Variant base;
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base_type;
+ StringName function;
+ bool _static = false;
const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(p_node);
- if (op->op != GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_CALL) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier connect_base;
+ if (op->op != GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_CALL && op->op != GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_PARENT_CALL) {
- if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION) {
- //complete built-in function
- const GDScriptParser::BuiltInFunctionNode *fn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::BuiltInFunctionNode *>(op->arguments[0]);
- MethodInfo mi = GDScriptFunctions::get_info(fn->function);
+ if (!op->arguments.size()) {
+ return;
+ }
- if ( == "load" && bool(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/completion/complete_file_paths"))) {
- get_directory_contents(EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_filesystem(), result);
- }
+ if (op->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_CALL) {
+ if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION) {
+ // Complete built-in function
+ const GDScriptParser::BuiltInFunctionNode *fn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::BuiltInFunctionNode *>(op->arguments[0]);
+ MethodInfo mi = GDScriptFunctions::get_info(fn->function);
- arghint = _get_visual_datatype(mi.return_val, false) + " " + GDScriptFunctions::get_func_name(fn->function) + String("(");
- for (int i = 0; i < mi.arguments.size(); i++) {
- if (i > 0)
- arghint += ", ";
- else
- arghint += " ";
- if (i == p_argidx || ((mi.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG) && i > p_argidx)) {
- arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
+ if (( == "load" || == "preload") && bool(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/completion/complete_file_paths"))) {
+ _get_directory_contents(EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_filesystem(), r_result);
- arghint += _get_visual_datatype(mi.arguments[i]) + " " + mi.arguments[i].name;
- if (i == p_argidx || ((mi.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG) && i > p_argidx)) {
- arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
- }
- }
- if (mi.arguments.size() > 0)
- arghint += " ";
- arghint += ")";
- } else if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_TYPE) {
- //complete constructor
- const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *tn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *>(op->arguments[0]);
+ r_arghint = _make_arguments_hint(mi, p_argidx);
+ return;
- List<MethodInfo> mil;
- Variant::get_constructor_list(tn->vtype, &mil);
+ } else if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_TYPE) {
+ // Complete constructor
+ const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *tn = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::TypeNode *>(op->arguments[0]);
- for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = mil.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ List<MethodInfo> constructors;
+ Variant::get_constructor_list(tn->vtype, &constructors);
- MethodInfo mi = E->get();
- if (mi.arguments.size() == 0)
- continue;
- if (E->prev())
- arghint += "\n";
- arghint += Variant::get_type_name(tn->vtype) + " " + Variant::get_type_name(tn->vtype) + String("(");
- for (int i = 0; i < mi.arguments.size(); i++) {
- if (i > 0)
- arghint += ", ";
- else
- arghint += " ";
- if (i == p_argidx) {
- arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
- }
- arghint += _get_visual_datatype(mi.arguments[i]) + " " + mi.arguments[i].name;
- if (i == p_argidx) {
- arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
+ int i = 0;
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = constructors.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (p_argidx >= E->get().arguments.size()) {
+ continue;
- }
- if (mi.arguments.size() > 0)
- arghint += " ";
- arghint += ")";
- }
- } else if (op->arguments.size() >= 2 && op->arguments[1]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
- //make sure identifier exists...
- const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[1]);
- if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_SELF) {
- //self, look up
- for (int i = 0; i < context._class->static_functions.size(); i++) {
- if (context._class->static_functions[i]->name == id->name) {
- _make_function_hint(context._class->static_functions[i], p_argidx, arghint);
- return;
+ if (i > 0) {
+ r_arghint += "\n";
+ r_arghint += _make_arguments_hint(E->get(), p_argidx);
+ i++;
+ return;
+ } else if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_SELF) {
- if (context.function && !context.function->_static) {
- for (int i = 0; i < context._class->functions.size(); i++) {
- if (context._class->functions[i]->name == id->name) {
- _make_function_hint(context._class->functions[i], p_argidx, arghint);
- return;
- }
- }
+ if (op->arguments.size() < 2 || op->arguments[1]->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
+ return;
- Ref<Reference> base = _get_parent_class(context);
- while (true) {
+ base = p_context.base;
- Ref<GDScript> script = base;
- Ref<GDScriptNativeClass> nc = base;
- if (script.is_valid()) {
- for (const Map<StringName, GDScriptFunction *>::Element *E = script->get_member_functions().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[1]);
+ function = id->name;
+ base_type.has_type = true;
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
+ base_type.class_type = const_cast<GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(p_context._class);
+ _static = p_context.function && p_context.function->_static;
- if (E->key() == id->name) {
- if (context.function && context.function->_static && !E->get()->is_static())
- continue;
+ if (function == "connect" && op->arguments.size() >= 4) {
+ _guess_expression_type(p_context, op->arguments[3], connect_base);
+ }
- arghint = "func " + id->name.operator String() + String("(");
- for (int i = 0; i < E->get()->get_argument_count(); i++) {
- if (i > 0)
- arghint += ", ";
- else
- arghint += " ";
- if (i == p_argidx) {
- arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
- }
- arghint += E->get()->get_argument_name(i);
- int deffrom = E->get()->get_argument_count() - E->get()->get_default_argument_count();
- if (i >= deffrom) {
- int defidx = deffrom - i;
- if (defidx >= 0 && defidx < E->get()->get_default_argument_count()) {
- arghint += "=" + E->get()->get_default_argument(defidx).get_construct_string();
- }
- }
- if (i == p_argidx) {
- arghint += String::chr(0xFFFF);
- }
- }
- if (E->get()->get_argument_count() > 0)
- arghint += " ";
- arghint += ")";
- return;
- }
- }
+ } else {
+ if (op->arguments.size() < 2 || op->arguments[1]->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[1]);
+ function = id->name;
- base = script->get_base();
- if (base.is_null())
- base = script->get_native();
- } else if (nc.is_valid()) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci;
+ if (_guess_expression_type(p_context, op->arguments[0], ci)) {
+ base_type = ci.type;
+ base = ci.value;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ _static = ci.type.is_meta_type;
- if (!(context.function && context.function->_static)) {
+ if (function == "connect" && op->arguments.size() >= 4) {
+ _guess_expression_type(p_context, op->arguments[3], connect_base);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!p_context._class || op->arguments.size() < 1 || op->arguments[0]->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
+ return;
+ }
+ base_type.has_type = true;
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
+ base_type.class_type = const_cast<GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(p_context._class);
+ base_type.is_meta_type = p_context.function && p_context.function->_static;
+ base = p_context.base;
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci;
- ci.type = Variant::OBJECT;
- ci.obj_type = nc->get_name();
- if (!context._class->owner)
- ci.value = context.base;
+ function = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[0])->name;
- _find_type_arguments(context, p_node, p_line, id->name, ci, p_argidx, result, r_forced, arghint);
- //guess type..
- /*
- List<MethodInfo> methods;
- ClassDB::get_method_list(type,&methods);
- for(List<MethodInfo>::Element *E=methods.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- if (E->get().arguments.size())
- result.insert(E->get().name+"(");
- else
- result.insert(E->get().name+"()");
- }*/
- }
- break;
- } else
- break;
- }
- } else {
- //indexed lookup
+ if (function == "connect" && op->arguments.size() >= 4) {
+ _guess_expression_type(p_context, op->arguments[3], connect_base);
+ }
+ }
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci;
- if (_guess_expression_type(context, op->arguments[0], p_line, ci)) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci;
+ ci.type = base_type;
+ ci.value = base;
+ _find_call_arguments(p_context, ci, function, p_argidx, _static, r_result, r_arghint);
- _find_type_arguments(context, p_node, p_line, id->name, ci, p_argidx, result, r_forced, arghint);
- return;
- }
+ if (function == "connect" && p_argidx == 2) {
+ Set<String> methods;
+ _find_identifiers_in_base(p_context, connect_base, true, methods);
+ for (Set<String>::Element *E = methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ r_result.insert("\"" + E->get().replace("(", "").replace(")", "") + "\"");
+ r_forced = r_result.size() > 0;
Error GDScriptLanguage::complete_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_base_path, Object *p_owner, List<String> *r_options, bool &r_forced, String &r_call_hint) {
- GDScriptParser p;
+ GDScriptParser parser;
- p.parse(p_code, p_base_path, false, "", true);
- bool isfunction = false;
- Set<String> options;
+ parser.parse(p_code, p_base_path, false, "", true);
r_forced = false;
+ Set<String> options;
GDScriptCompletionContext context;
- context._class = p.get_completion_class();
- context.block = p.get_completion_block();
- context.function = p.get_completion_function();
+ context._class = parser.get_completion_class();
+ context.block = parser.get_completion_block();
+ context.function = parser.get_completion_function();
context.base = p_owner;
context.base_path = p_base_path;
+ context.line = parser.get_completion_line();
+ bool is_function = false;
- switch (p.get_completion_type()) {
+ switch (parser.get_completion_type()) {
case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_NONE: {
} break;
List<StringName> constants;
- Variant::get_numeric_constants_for_type(p.get_completion_built_in_constant(), &constants);
+ Variant::get_constants_for_type(parser.get_completion_built_in_constant(), &constants);
for (List<StringName>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
options.insert(E->get().operator String());
- } break;
- isfunction = true;
- _find_identifiers(context, p.get_completion_line(), isfunction, options);
} break;
+ _find_identifiers_in_class(context, !context.function || context.function->_static, true, true, options);
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_FUNCTION: {
+ is_function = true;
+ } // fallthrough
+ _find_identifiers(context, is_function, options);
} break;
case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_GET_NODE: {
if (p_owner) {
List<String> opts;
p_owner->get_argument_options("get_node", 0, &opts);
@@ -2204,315 +2487,358 @@ Error GDScriptLanguage::complete_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_base
+ // Get autoloads
+ List<PropertyInfo> props;
+ ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props);
+ for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ String s = E->get().name;
+ if (!s.begins_with("autoload/")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ String name = s.get_slice("/", 1);
+ options.insert("\"/root/" + name + "\"");
+ }
} break;
- case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_METHOD:
- isfunction = true;
+ case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_METHOD: {
+ is_function = true;
+ } // fallthrough
case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_INDEX: {
- const GDScriptParser::Node *node = p.get_completion_node();
- if (node->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR)
+ const GDScriptParser::Node *node = parser.get_completion_node();
+ if (node->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
+ }
+ const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(node);
+ if (op->arguments.size() < 1) {
+ break;
+ }
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier t;
- if (_guess_expression_type(context, static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(node)->arguments[0], p.get_completion_line(), t, true)) {
- if (t.type == Variant::OBJECT && t.obj_type == "GDScriptNativeClass") {
- //native enum
- Ref<GDScriptNativeClass> gdn = t.value;
- if (gdn.is_valid()) {
- StringName cn = gdn->get_name();
- List<String> cnames;
- ClassDB::get_integer_constant_list(cn, &cnames);
- for (List<String>::Element *E = cnames.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- options.insert(E->get());
- }
- List<PropertyInfo> pinfo;
- ClassDB::get_property_list(cn, &pinfo);
- for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = pinfo.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- continue;
- if (String(E->get().name).find("/") != -1)
- continue;
- options.insert(E->get().name);
- }
- }
- } else if (t.type == Variant::OBJECT && t.obj_type != StringName()) {
- Ref<GDScript> on_script;
- if (t.value.get_type()) {
- Object *obj = t.value;
- GDScript *scr = Object::cast_to<GDScript>(obj);
- if (scr) {
- while (scr) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
+ if (!_guess_expression_type(context, op->arguments[0], base)) {
+ break;
+ }
- if (!isfunction) {
- for (const Map<StringName, Variant>::Element *E = scr->get_constants().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- options.insert(E->key());
- }
- }
- for (const Map<StringName, GDScriptFunction *>::Element *E = scr->get_member_functions().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (E->get()->is_static())
- options.insert(E->key());
- }
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = context;
+ c.function = NULL;
+ c.block = NULL;
+ c.base = base.value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT ? base.value.operator Object *() : NULL;
+ if (base.type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS) {
+ c._class = base.type.class_type;
+ } else {
+ c._class = NULL;
+ }
- if (scr->get_base().is_valid())
- scr = scr->get_base().ptr();
- else
- scr = NULL;
+ _find_identifiers_in_base(c, base, is_function, options);
+ } break;
+ _find_call_arguments(context, parser.get_completion_node(), parser.get_completion_argument_index(), options, r_forced, r_call_hint);
+ } break;
+ GDScriptParser::DataType native_type = context._class->base_type;
+ while (native_type.has_type && native_type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE) {
+ switch (native_type.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
+ native_type = native_type.class_type->base_type;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = native_type.script_type;
+ if (gds.is_valid()) {
+ Ref<GDScript> base = gds->get_base_script();
+ if (base.is_valid()) {
+ native_type.script_type = base;
+ } else {
+ native_type.native_type = gds->get_instance_base_type();
+ native_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
} else {
- if (obj) {
- on_script = obj->get_script();
- }
+ native_type.has_type = false;
- }
- if (!on_script.is_valid() && t.script.is_valid()) {
- on_script = t.script;
- }
- if (on_script.is_valid()) {
- GDScript *scr = on_script.ptr();
- if (scr) {
- while (scr) {
- String code = scr->get_source_code();
- if (code != "") {
- //if there is code, parse it. This way is slower but updates in real-time
- GDScriptParser p;
- Error err = p.parse(scr->get_source_code(), scr->get_path().get_base_dir(), true, "", false);
- if (err == OK) {
- //only if ok, otherwise use what is cached on the script
- //GDScriptParser::ClassNode *base = p.
- const GDScriptParser::Node *root = p.get_parse_tree();
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(root->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CLASS, ERR_PARSE_ERROR);
- const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *cl = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(root);
- for (int i = 0; i < cl->functions.size(); i++) {
- if (cl->functions[i]->arguments.size())
- options.insert(String(cl->functions[i]->name) + "(");
- else
- options.insert(String(cl->functions[i]->name) + "()");
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < cl->static_functions.size(); i++) {
- if (cl->static_functions[i]->arguments.size())
- options.insert(String(cl->static_functions[i]->name) + "(");
- else
- options.insert(String(cl->static_functions[i]->name) + "()");
- }
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ native_type.has_type = false;
+ } break;
+ }
+ }
- if (!isfunction) {
- for (int i = 0; i < cl->variables.size(); i++) {
+ if (!native_type.has_type) {
+ break;
+ }
- options.insert(String(cl->variables[i].identifier));
- }
+ StringName class_name = native_type.native_type;
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) {
+ class_name = String("_") + class_name;
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- for (int i = 0; i < cl->constant_expressions.size(); i++) {
+ bool use_type_hint = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_setting("text_editor/completion/add_type_hints").operator bool();
- options.insert(String(cl->constant_expressions[i].identifier));
- }
- }
+ List<MethodInfo> virtual_methods;
+ ClassDB::get_virtual_methods(class_name, &virtual_methods);
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = virtual_methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- } else {
- code = ""; //well, then no code
- }
- }
- if (code == "") {
- //use class directly, no code was found
- if (!isfunction) {
- for (const Map<StringName, Variant>::Element *E = scr->get_constants().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- options.insert(E->key());
- }
- }
- for (const Map<StringName, GDScriptFunction *>::Element *E = scr->get_member_functions().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (E->get()->get_argument_count())
- options.insert(String(E->key()) + "()");
- else
- options.insert(String(E->key()) + "(");
- }
- for (const Set<StringName>::Element *E = scr->get_members().front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- options.insert(E->get());
- }
- }
+ MethodInfo &mi = E->get();
+ String method_hint =;
+ if (method_hint.find(":") != -1) {
+ method_hint = method_hint.get_slice(":", 0);
+ }
+ method_hint += "(";
- if (scr->get_base().is_valid())
- scr = scr->get_base().ptr();
- else
- scr = NULL;
+ if (mi.arguments.size()) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < mi.arguments.size(); i++) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ method_hint += ", ";
+ }
+ String arg = mi.arguments[i].name;
+ if (arg.find(":") != -1) {
+ arg = arg.substr(0, arg.find(":"));
+ }
+ method_hint += arg;
+ if (use_type_hint && mi.arguments[i].type != Variant::NIL) {
+ method_hint += " : ";
+ if (mi.arguments[i].type == Variant::OBJECT && mi.arguments[i].class_name != StringName()) {
+ method_hint += mi.arguments[i].class_name.operator String();
+ } else {
+ method_hint += Variant::get_type_name(mi.arguments[i].type);
- if (!isfunction) {
- ClassDB::get_integer_constant_list(t.obj_type, r_options);
- List<PropertyInfo> pinfo;
- ClassDB::get_property_list(t.obj_type, &pinfo);
- for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = pinfo.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- continue;
- if (String(E->get().name).find("/") != -1)
- continue;
- r_options->push_back(E->get().name);
- }
+ }
+ method_hint += ")";
+ if (use_type_hint && (mi.return_val.type != Variant::NIL || !(mi.return_val.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT))) {
+ method_hint += " -> ";
+ if (mi.return_val.type == Variant::NIL) {
+ method_hint += "void";
+ } else if (mi.return_val.type == Variant::OBJECT && mi.return_val.class_name != StringName()) {
+ method_hint += mi.return_val.class_name.operator String();
+ } else {
+ method_hint += Variant::get_type_name(mi.return_val.type);
+ }
+ method_hint += ":";
- List<MethodInfo> mi;
- ClassDB::get_method_list(t.obj_type, &mi, false, true);
- for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = mi.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (E->get().name.begins_with("_"))
- continue;
+ options.insert(method_hint);
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_YIELD: {
+ const GDScriptParser::Node *node = parser.get_completion_node();
- if (E->get().arguments.size())
- options.insert(E->get().name + "(");
- else
- options.insert(E->get().name + "()");
- }
- } else {
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = context;
+ c.line = node->line;
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier type;
+ if (!_guess_expression_type(c, node, type)) {
+ break;
+ }
- //check InputEvent hint
- {
- if (t.value.get_type() == Variant::NIL) {
- Variant::CallError ce;
- t.value = Variant::construct(t.type, NULL, 0, ce);
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = type.type;
+ while (base_type.has_type) {
+ switch (base_type.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
+ for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->_signals.size(); i++) {
+ options.insert("\"" + base_type.class_type->_signals[i].name.operator String() + "\"");
- if (!isfunction) {
- List<PropertyInfo> pl;
- t.value.get_property_list(&pl);
- for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = pl.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (String(E->get().name).find("/") == -1)
- options.insert(E->get().name);
+ base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT:
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type;
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ List<MethodInfo> signals;
+ scr->get_script_signal_list(&signals);
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = signals.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ options.insert("\"" + E->get().name + "\"");
+ }
+ Ref<Script> base_script = scr->get_base_script();
+ if (base_script.is_valid()) {
+ base_type.script_type = base_script;
+ } else {
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ base_type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type();
+ }
+ } else {
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ StringName class_name = base_type.native_type;
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) {
+ class_name = String("_") + class_name;
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) {
+ break;
- List<MethodInfo> mi;
- t.value.get_method_list(&mi);
- for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = mi.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (E->get().arguments.size())
- options.insert(E->get().name + "(");
- else
- options.insert(E->get().name + "()");
+ List<MethodInfo> signals;
+ ClassDB::get_signal_list(class_name, &signals);
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = signals.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ options.insert("\"" + E->get().name + "\"");
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ base_type.has_type = false;
} break;
- _find_call_arguments(context, p.get_completion_node(), p.get_completion_line(), p.get_completion_argument_index(), options, r_forced, r_call_hint);
+ if (EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/completion/complete_file_paths")) {
+ _get_directory_contents(EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_filesystem(), options);
+ r_forced = true;
+ }
} break;
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier cid = _get_native_class(context);
- if (cid.obj_type != StringName()) {
- List<MethodInfo> vm;
- ClassDB::get_virtual_methods(cid.obj_type, &vm);
- for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = vm.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_ASSIGN: {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier type;
+ if (!_guess_expression_type(context, parser.get_completion_node(), type)) {
+ break;
+ }
- MethodInfo &mi = E->get();
- String m =;
- if (m.find(":") != -1)
- m = m.substr(0, m.find(":"));
- m += "(";
- if (mi.arguments.size()) {
- for (int i = 0; i < mi.arguments.size(); i++) {
- if (i > 0)
- m += ", ";
- String n = mi.arguments[i].name;
- if (n.find(":") != -1)
- n = n.substr(0, n.find(":"));
- m += n;
+ if (!type.enumeration.empty()) {
+ _find_enumeration_candidates(type.enumeration, options);
+ r_forced = options.size() > 0;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_TYPE_HINT: {
+ const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *clss = context._class;
+ while (clss) {
+ for (Map<StringName, GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Constant>::Element *E = clss->constant_expressions.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier constant;
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = context;
+ c.function = NULL;
+ c.block = NULL;
+ c.line = E->value().expression->line;
+ if (_guess_expression_type(c, E->value().expression, constant)) {
+ if (constant.type.has_type && constant.type.is_meta_type) {
+ options.insert(E->key().operator String());
- m += "):";
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < clss->subclasses.size(); i++) {
+ if (clss->subclasses[i]->name != StringName()) {
+ options.insert(clss->subclasses[i]->name.operator String());
+ }
+ }
+ clss = clss->owner;
+ for (int i = 0; i < Variant::VARIANT_MAX; i++) {
+ options.insert(Variant::get_type_name((Variant::Type)i));
+ }
+ }
- options.insert(m);
+ List<StringName> native_classes;
+ ClassDB::get_class_list(&native_classes);
+ for (List<StringName>::Element *E = native_classes.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ String class_name = E->get().operator String();
+ if (class_name.begins_with("_")) {
+ class_name = class_name.right(1);
+ if (Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton(class_name)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ options.insert(class_name);
- } break;
- case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_YIELD: {
- const GDScriptParser::Node *node = p.get_completion_node();
+ // Named scripts
+ List<StringName> named_scripts;
+ ScriptServer::get_global_class_list(&named_scripts);
+ for (List<StringName>::Element *E = named_scripts.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ options.insert(E->get().operator String());
+ }
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier t;
- if (!_guess_expression_type(context, node, p.get_completion_line(), t))
+ if (parser.get_completion_identifier_is_function()) {
+ options.insert("void");
+ }
+ r_forced = true;
+ } break;
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
+ String index = parser.get_completion_cursor().operator String();
+ if (!_guess_identifier_type(context, index.get_slice(".", 0), base)) {
+ }
- if (t.type == Variant::OBJECT && t.obj_type != StringName()) {
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = context;
+ c._class = NULL;
+ c.function = NULL;
+ c.block = NULL;
+ bool finding = true;
+ index = index.right(index.find(".") + 1);
+ while (index.find(".") != -1) {
+ String id = index.get_slice(".", 0);
- List<MethodInfo> sigs;
- ClassDB::get_signal_list(t.obj_type, &sigs);
- for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = sigs.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- options.insert("\"" + E->get().name + "\"");
- r_forced = true;
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier sub_base;
+ if (!_guess_identifier_type_from_base(c, base, id, sub_base)) {
+ finding = false;
+ break;
+ index = index.right(index.find(".") + 1);
+ base = sub_base;
- } break;
- if (EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("text_editor/completion/complete_file_paths")) {
- get_directory_contents(EditorFileSystem::get_singleton()->get_filesystem(), options);
- r_forced = true;
+ if (!finding) {
+ break;
- } break;
- case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_ASSIGN: {
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier ci;
- if (_guess_expression_type(context, p.get_completion_node(), p.get_completion_line(), ci)) {
- String enumeration = ci.enumeration;
- if (enumeration.find(".") != -1) {
- //class constant
- List<StringName> constants;
- String cls = enumeration.get_slice(".", 0);
- String enm = enumeration.get_slice(".", 1);
- ClassDB::get_enum_constants(cls, enm, &constants);
- //constants.sort_custom<StringName::AlphCompare>();
- for (List<StringName>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- String add = cls + "." + E->get();
- r_options->push_back(add);
- r_forced = true;
- }
- } else {
- //global constant
- StringName current_enum = enumeration;
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = base.type;
+ while (base_type.has_type) {
+ switch (base_type.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
+ if (base_type.class_type) {
+ for (Map<StringName, GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Constant>::Element *E = base_type.class_type->constant_expressions.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier constant;
+ GDScriptCompletionContext c = context;
+ c._class = base_type.class_type;
+ c.function = NULL;
+ c.block = NULL;
+ c.line = E->value().expression->line;
+ if (_guess_expression_type(c, E->value().expression, constant)) {
+ if (constant.type.has_type && constant.type.is_meta_type) {
+ options.insert(E->key().operator String());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->subclasses.size(); i++) {
+ if (base_type.class_type->subclasses[i]->name != StringName()) {
+ options.insert(base_type.class_type->subclasses[i]->name.operator String());
+ }
+ }
- for (int i = 0; i < GlobalConstants::get_global_constant_count(); i++) {
- if (GlobalConstants::get_global_constant_enum(i) == current_enum) {
- r_options->push_back(GlobalConstants::get_global_constant_name(i));
- r_forced = true;
+ base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type;
+ } else {
+ base_type.has_type = false;
- }
- //global
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT:
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type;
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ Map<StringName, Variant> constants;
+ scr->get_constants(&constants);
+ for (Map<StringName, Variant>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ Ref<Script> const_scr = E->value();
+ if (const_scr.is_valid()) {
+ options.insert(E->key().operator String());
+ }
+ }
+ Ref<Script> base_script = scr->get_base_script();
+ if (base_script.is_valid()) {
+ base_type.script_type = base_script;
+ } else {
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ }
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ } break;
+ r_forced = options.size() > 0;
} break;
@@ -2531,6 +2857,8 @@ Error GDScriptLanguage::complete_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_base
+//////// END COMPLETION //////////
String GDScriptLanguage::_get_indentation() const {
if (Engine::get_singleton()->is_editor_hint()) {
@@ -2603,7 +2931,7 @@ void GDScriptLanguage::auto_indent_code(String &p_code, int p_from_line, int p_t
//print_line(itos(indent_stack.size())+","+itos(tc)+": "+l);
- lines[i] = l;
+ lines.write[i] = l;
p_code = "";
@@ -2616,6 +2944,185 @@ void GDScriptLanguage::auto_indent_code(String &p_code, int p_from_line, int p_t
+static Error _lookup_symbol_from_base(const GDScriptParser::DataType &p_base, const String &p_symbol, bool p_is_function, GDScriptLanguage::LookupResult &r_result) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_base;
+ while (base_type.has_type) {
+ switch (base_type.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS: {
+ if (base_type.class_type) {
+ if (p_is_function) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->functions.size(); i++) {
+ if (base_type.class_type->functions[i]->name == p_symbol) {
+ r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
+ r_result.location = base_type.class_type->functions[i]->line;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->static_functions.size(); i++) {
+ if (base_type.class_type->static_functions[i]->name == p_symbol) {
+ r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
+ r_result.location = base_type.class_type->static_functions[i]->line;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (base_type.class_type->constant_expressions.has(p_symbol)) {
+ r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
+ r_result.location = base_type.class_type->constant_expressions[p_symbol].expression->line;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < base_type.class_type->variables.size(); i++) {
+ if (base_type.class_type->variables[i].identifier == p_symbol) {
+ r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
+ r_result.location = base_type.class_type->variables[i].line;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ base_type = base_type.class_type->base_type;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT:
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type;
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ int line = scr->get_member_line(p_symbol);
+ if (line >= 0) {
+ r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
+ r_result.location = line;
+ r_result.script = scr;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ Ref<Script> base_script = scr->get_base_script();
+ if (base_script.is_valid()) {
+ base_type.script_type = base_script;
+ } else {
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ base_type.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type();
+ }
+ } else {
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
+ StringName class_name = base_type.native_type;
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) {
+ class_name = String("_") + class_name;
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(class_name)) {
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ClassDB::has_method(class_name, p_symbol, true)) {
+ r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
+ r_result.class_name = base_type.native_type;
+ r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ List<MethodInfo> virtual_methods;
+ ClassDB::get_virtual_methods(class_name, &virtual_methods, true);
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = virtual_methods.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get().name == p_symbol) {
+ r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
+ r_result.class_name = base_type.native_type;
+ r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ StringName enum_name = ClassDB::get_integer_constant_enum(class_name, p_symbol, true);
+ if (enum_name != StringName()) {
+ r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_ENUM;
+ r_result.class_name = base_type.native_type;
+ r_result.class_member = enum_name;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ List<String> constants;
+ ClassDB::get_integer_constant_list(class_name, &constants, true);
+ for (List<String>::Element *E = constants.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get() == p_symbol) {
+ r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
+ r_result.class_name = base_type.native_type;
+ r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ List<PropertyInfo> properties;
+ ClassDB::get_property_list(class_name, &properties, true);
+ for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = properties.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get().name == p_symbol) {
+ r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_PROPERTY;
+ r_result.class_name = base_type.native_type;
+ r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ StringName parent = ClassDB::get_parent_class(class_name);
+ if (parent != StringName()) {
+ if (String(parent).begins_with("_")) {
+ base_type.native_type = String(parent).right(1);
+ } else {
+ base_type.native_type = parent;
+ }
+ } else {
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN: {
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ if (Variant::has_constant(base_type.builtin_type, p_symbol)) {
+ r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
+ r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(base_type.builtin_type);
+ r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ Variant v;
+ REF v_ref;
+ if (base_type.builtin_type == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ v_ref.instance();
+ v = v_ref;
+ } else {
+ Variant::CallError err;
+ v = Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err);
+ if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (v.has_method(p_symbol)) {
+ r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
+ r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(base_type.builtin_type);
+ r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ bool valid = false;
+ v.get(p_symbol, &valid);
+ if (valid) {
+ r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_PROPERTY;
+ r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(base_type.builtin_type);
+ r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ base_type.has_type = false;
+ } break;
+ }
+ }
Error GDScriptLanguage::lookup_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_symbol, const String &p_base_path, Object *p_owner, LookupResult &r_result) {
//before parsing, try the usual stuff
@@ -2623,6 +3130,13 @@ Error GDScriptLanguage::lookup_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_symbol
r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS;
r_result.class_name = p_symbol;
return OK;
+ } else {
+ String under_prefix = "_" + p_symbol;
+ if (ClassDB::class_exists(under_prefix)) {
+ r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS;
+ r_result.class_name = p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
for (int i = 0; i < Variant::VARIANT_MAX; i++) {
@@ -2650,17 +3164,18 @@ Error GDScriptLanguage::lookup_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_symbol
return OK;
- GDScriptParser p;
- p.parse(p_code, p_base_path, false, "", true);
+ GDScriptParser parser;
+ parser.parse(p_code, p_base_path, false, "", true);
- if (p.get_completion_type() == GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_NONE)
+ if (parser.get_completion_type() == GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_NONE) {
+ }
GDScriptCompletionContext context;
- context._class = p.get_completion_class();
- context.block = p.get_completion_block();
- context.function = p.get_completion_function();
+ context._class = parser.get_completion_class();
+ context.function = parser.get_completion_function();
+ context.block = parser.get_completion_block();
+ context.line = parser.get_completion_line();
context.base = p_owner;
context.base_path = p_base_path;
@@ -2675,171 +3190,68 @@ Error GDScriptLanguage::lookup_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_symbol
- bool isfunction = false;
+ bool is_function = false;
- switch (p.get_completion_type()) {
- case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_GET_NODE:
- case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_NONE: {
- } break;
+ switch (parser.get_completion_type()) {
r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
- r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(p.get_completion_built_in_constant());
+ r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(parser.get_completion_built_in_constant());
r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
return OK;
} break;
- if (context._class && context._class->functions.size()) {
- for (int i = 0; i < context._class->functions.size(); i++) {
- if (context._class->functions[i]->name == p_symbol) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
- r_result.location = context._class->functions[i]->line;
- return OK;
- }
- }
- }
- Ref<GDScript> parent = _get_parent_class(context);
- while (parent.is_valid()) {
- int line = parent->get_member_line(p_symbol);
- if (line >= 0) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
- r_result.location = line;
- r_result.script = parent;
- return OK;
- }
- parent = parent->get_base();
- }
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier identifier = _get_native_class(context);
- print_line("identifier: " + String(identifier.obj_type));
- if (ClassDB::has_method(identifier.obj_type, p_symbol)) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
- r_result.class_name = identifier.obj_type;
- r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
- return OK;
- }
- } break;
+ is_function = true;
+ } // fallthrough
- //check if a function
- if (p.get_completion_identifier_is_function()) {
- if (context._class && context._class->functions.size()) {
- for (int i = 0; i < context._class->functions.size(); i++) {
- if (context._class->functions[i]->name == p_symbol) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
- r_result.location = context._class->functions[i]->line;
- return OK;
- }
- }
- }
- Ref<GDScript> parent = _get_parent_class(context);
- while (parent.is_valid()) {
- int line = parent->get_member_line(p_symbol);
- if (line >= 0) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
- r_result.location = line;
- r_result.script = parent;
- return OK;
- }
- parent = parent->get_base();
- }
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier identifier = _get_native_class(context);
- if (ClassDB::has_method(identifier.obj_type, p_symbol)) {
+ if (!is_function) {
+ is_function = parser.get_completion_identifier_is_function();
+ }
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
- r_result.class_name = identifier.obj_type;
- r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
- return OK;
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base_type;
+ if (context._class) {
+ if (parser.get_completion_type() != GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_PARENT_FUNCTION) {
+ base_type.has_type = true;
+ base_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
+ base_type.class_type = const_cast<GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(context._class);
+ } else {
+ base_type = context._class->base_type;
} else {
+ break;
+ }
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier gdi = _get_native_class(context);
- if (gdi.obj_type != StringName()) {
- bool valid;
- Variant::Type t = ClassDB::get_property_type(gdi.obj_type, p_symbol, &valid);
- if (t != Variant::NIL && valid) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_PROPERTY;
- r_result.class_name = gdi.obj_type;
- r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
- return OK;
- }
- }
+ if (!is_function && context.block) {
+ // Lookup local variables
const GDScriptParser::BlockNode *block = context.block;
- //search in blocks going up (local var?)
while (block) {
- for (int i = 0; i < block->statements.size(); i++) {
- if (block->statements[i]->line > p.get_completion_line())
- continue;
- if (block->statements[i]->type == GDScriptParser::BlockNode::TYPE_LOCAL_VAR) {
- const GDScriptParser::LocalVarNode *lv = static_cast<const GDScriptParser::LocalVarNode *>(block->statements[i]);
- if (lv->assign && lv->name == p_symbol) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
- r_result.location = block->statements[i]->line;
- return OK;
- }
- }
+ if (block->variables.has(p_symbol)) {
+ r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
+ r_result.location = block->variables[p_symbol]->line;
+ return OK;
block = block->parent_block;
+ }
- //guess from function arguments
- if (context.function && context.function->name != StringName()) {
- for (int i = 0; i < context.function->arguments.size(); i++) {
- if (context.function->arguments[i] == p_symbol) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
- r_result.location = context.function->line;
- return OK;
- }
- }
- }
- //guess in class constants
- for (int i = 0; i < context._class->constant_expressions.size(); i++) {
- if (context._class->constant_expressions[i].identifier == p_symbol) {
+ if (context.function && context.function->name != StringName()) {
+ // Lookup function arguments
+ for (int i = 0; i < context.function->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ if (context.function->arguments[i] == p_symbol) {
r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
- r_result.location = context._class->constant_expressions[i].expression->line;
+ r_result.location = context.function->line;
return OK;
+ }
- //guess in class variables
- if (!(context.function && context.function->_static)) {
- for (int i = 0; i < context._class->variables.size(); i++) {
- if (context._class->variables[i].identifier == p_symbol) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
- r_result.location = context._class->variables[i].line;
- return OK;
- }
- }
- }
+ if (_lookup_symbol_from_base(base_type, p_symbol, is_function, r_result) == OK) {
+ return OK;
+ }
- //guess in autoloads as singletons
+ if (!is_function) {
+ // Guess in autoloads as singletons
List<PropertyInfo> props;
@@ -2856,8 +3268,8 @@ Error GDScriptLanguage::lookup_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_symbol
String script = path.substr(1, path.length());
if (!script.ends_with(".gd")) {
- //not a script, try find the script anyway,
- //may have some success
+ // Not a script, try find the script anyway,
+ // may have some success
script = script.get_basename() + ".gd";
@@ -2872,7 +3284,7 @@ Error GDScriptLanguage::lookup_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_symbol
- //global
+ // Global
Map<StringName, int> classes = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map();
if (classes.has(p_symbol)) {
Variant value = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[classes[p_symbol]];
@@ -2918,152 +3330,31 @@ Error GDScriptLanguage::lookup_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_symbol
- } break;
} break;
- case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_METHOD:
- isfunction = true;
+ case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_METHOD: {
+ is_function = true;
+ } // fallthrough
case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_INDEX: {
- const GDScriptParser::Node *node = p.get_completion_node();
- if (node->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR)
+ const GDScriptParser::Node *node = parser.get_completion_node();
+ if (node->type != GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
+ break;
+ }
+ GDScriptCompletionIdentifier base;
+ if (!_guess_expression_type(context, static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(node)->arguments[0], base)) {
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier t;
- if (_guess_expression_type(context, static_cast<const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *>(node)->arguments[0], p.get_completion_line(), t)) {
- if (t.type == Variant::OBJECT && t.obj_type == "GDScriptNativeClass") {
- //native enum
- Ref<GDScriptNativeClass> gdn = t.value;
- if (gdn.is_valid()) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
- r_result.class_name = gdn->get_name();
- r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
- return OK;
- }
- } else if (t.type == Variant::OBJECT && t.obj_type != StringName()) {
- Ref<GDScript> on_script;
- if (t.value.get_type()) {
- Object *obj = t.value;
- if (obj) {
- on_script = obj->get_script();
- if (on_script.is_valid()) {
- int loc = on_script->get_member_line(p_symbol);
- if (loc >= 0) {
- r_result.script = on_script;
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
- r_result.location = loc;
- return OK;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (ClassDB::has_method(t.obj_type, p_symbol)) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
- r_result.class_name = t.obj_type;
- r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
- return OK;
- }
- StringName enumName = ClassDB::get_integer_constant_enum(t.obj_type, p_symbol, true);
- if (enumName != StringName()) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_ENUM;
- r_result.class_name = t.obj_type;
- r_result.class_member = enumName;
- return OK;
- }
- bool success;
- ClassDB::get_integer_constant(t.obj_type, p_symbol, &success);
- if (success) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
- r_result.class_name = t.obj_type;
- r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
- return OK;
- }
- ClassDB::get_property_type(t.obj_type, p_symbol, &success);
- if (success) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_PROPERTY;
- r_result.class_name = t.obj_type;
- r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
- return OK;
- }
- } else {
- Variant::CallError ce;
- Variant v = Variant::construct(t.type, NULL, 0, ce);
- bool valid;
- v.get_numeric_constant_value(t.type, p_symbol, &valid);
- if (valid) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
- r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(t.type);
- r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
- return OK;
- }
- //todo check all inputevent types for property
- v.get(p_symbol, &valid);
- if (valid) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_PROPERTY;
- r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(t.type);
- r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
- return OK;
- }
- if (v.has_method(p_symbol)) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
- r_result.class_name = Variant::get_type_name(t.type);
- r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
- return OK;
- }
- }
- } break;
+ if (_lookup_symbol_from_base(base.type, p_symbol, is_function, r_result) == OK) {
+ return OK;
+ }
} break;
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = context._class->base_type;
- GDScriptCompletionIdentifier cid = _get_native_class(context);
- if (cid.obj_type != StringName()) {
- List<MethodInfo> vm;
- ClassDB::get_virtual_methods(cid.obj_type, &vm);
- for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = vm.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (p_symbol == E->get().name) {
- r_result.type = ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
- r_result.class_name = cid.obj_type;
- r_result.class_member = p_symbol;
- return OK;
- }
- }
+ if (_lookup_symbol_from_base(base_type, p_symbol, true, r_result) == OK) {
+ return OK;
} break;
- case GDScriptParser::COMPLETION_YIELD: {
- } break;
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_function.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_function.cpp
index 10599f0c38..bae3f48923 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_function.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_function.cpp
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Variant *GDScriptFunction::_get_variant(int p_address, GDScriptInstance *p_insta
//member indexing is O(1)
- return &p_instance->members[address];
+ return &p_instance->members.write[address];
} break;
@@ -200,6 +200,12 @@ static String _get_var_type(const Variant *p_type) {
@@ -318,10 +324,28 @@ Variant GDScriptFunction::call(GDScriptInstance *p_instance, const Variant **p_a
if (_stack_size) {
stack = (Variant *)aptr;
- for (int i = 0; i < p_argcount; i++)
- memnew_placement(&stack[i], Variant(*p_args[i]));
- for (int i = p_argcount; i < _stack_size; i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_argcount; i++) {
+ if (!argument_types[i].has_type) {
+ memnew_placement(&stack[i], Variant(*p_args[i]));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!argument_types[i].is_type(*p_args[i], true)) {
+ r_err.error = Variant::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
+ r_err.argument = i;
+ r_err.expected = argument_types[i].kind == GDScriptDataType::BUILTIN ? argument_types[i].builtin_type : Variant::OBJECT;
+ return Variant();
+ }
+ if (argument_types[i].kind == GDScriptDataType::BUILTIN) {
+ Variant arg = Variant::construct(argument_types[i].builtin_type, &p_args[i], 1, r_err);
+ memnew_placement(&stack[i], Variant(arg));
+ } else {
+ memnew_placement(&stack[i], Variant(*p_args[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = p_argcount; i < _stack_size; i++) {
memnew_placement(&stack[i], Variant);
+ }
} else {
stack = NULL;
@@ -709,6 +733,215 @@ Variant GDScriptFunction::call(GDScriptInstance *p_instance, const Variant **p_a
+ Variant::Type var_type = (Variant::Type)_code_ptr[ip + 1];
+ GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 2);
+ GET_VARIANT_PTR(src, 3);
+ GD_ERR_BREAK(var_type < 0 || var_type >= Variant::VARIANT_MAX);
+ if (src->get_type() != var_type) {
+ if (Variant::can_convert_strict(src->get_type(), var_type)) {
+ Variant::CallError ce;
+ *dst = Variant::construct(var_type, const_cast<const Variant **>(&src), 1, ce);
+ } else {
+ err_text = "Trying to assign value of type '" + Variant::get_type_name(src->get_type()) +
+ "' to a variable of type '" + Variant::get_type_name(var_type) + "'.";
+ }
+ } else {
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ *dst = *src;
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ ip += 4;
+ }
+ GET_VARIANT_PTR(type, 1);
+ GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 2);
+ GET_VARIANT_PTR(src, 3);
+ GDScriptNativeClass *nc = Object::cast_to<GDScriptNativeClass>(type->operator Object *());
+ GD_ERR_BREAK(!nc);
+ if (!src->get_type() != Variant::OBJECT && !src->get_type() != Variant::NIL) {
+ err_text = "Trying to assign value of type '" + Variant::get_type_name(src->get_type()) +
+ "' to a variable of type '" + nc->get_name() + "'.";
+ }
+ Object *src_obj = src->operator Object *();
+ if (src_obj && !ClassDB::is_parent_class(src_obj->get_class_name(), nc->get_name())) {
+ err_text = "Trying to assign value of type '" + src_obj->get_class_name() +
+ "' to a variable of type '" + nc->get_name() + "'.";
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ *dst = *src;
+ ip += 4;
+ }
+ GET_VARIANT_PTR(type, 1);
+ GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 2);
+ GET_VARIANT_PTR(src, 3);
+ Script *base_type = Object::cast_to<Script>(type->operator Object *());
+ GD_ERR_BREAK(!base_type);
+ if (src->get_type() != Variant::OBJECT && src->get_type() != Variant::NIL) {
+ err_text = "Trying to assign a non-object value to a variable of type '" + base_type->get_path().get_file() + "'.";
+ }
+ if (src->get_type() != Variant::NIL && src->operator Object *() != NULL) {
+ ScriptInstance *scr_inst = src->operator Object *()->get_script_instance();
+ if (!scr_inst) {
+ err_text = "Trying to assign value of type '" + src->operator Object *()->get_class_name() +
+ "' to a variable of type '" + base_type->get_path().get_file() + "'.";
+ }
+ Script *src_type = src->operator Object *()->get_script_instance()->get_script().ptr();
+ bool valid = false;
+ while (src_type) {
+ if (src_type == base_type) {
+ valid = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ src_type = src_type->get_base_script().ptr();
+ }
+ if (!valid) {
+ err_text = "Trying to assign value of type '" + src->operator Object *()->get_script_instance()->get_script()->get_path().get_file() +
+ "' to a variable of type '" + base_type->get_path().get_file() + "'.";
+ }
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ *dst = *src;
+ ip += 4;
+ }
+ Variant::Type to_type = (Variant::Type)_code_ptr[ip + 1];
+ GET_VARIANT_PTR(src, 2);
+ GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 3);
+ GD_ERR_BREAK(to_type < 0 || to_type >= Variant::VARIANT_MAX);
+ Variant::CallError err;
+ *dst = Variant::construct(to_type, (const Variant **)&src, 1, err);
+ if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) {
+ err_text = "Invalid cast: could not convert value to '" + Variant::get_type_name(to_type) + "'.";
+ }
+ ip += 4;
+ }
+ GET_VARIANT_PTR(to_type, 1);
+ GET_VARIANT_PTR(src, 2);
+ GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 3);
+ GDScriptNativeClass *nc = Object::cast_to<GDScriptNativeClass>(to_type->operator Object *());
+ GD_ERR_BREAK(!nc);
+ if (src->get_type() != Variant::OBJECT && src->get_type() != Variant::NIL) {
+ err_text = "Invalid cast: can't convert a non-object value to an object type.";
+ }
+ Object *src_obj = src->operator Object *();
+ if (src_obj && !ClassDB::is_parent_class(src_obj->get_class_name(), nc->get_name())) {
+ *dst = Variant(); // invalid cast, assign NULL
+ } else {
+ *dst = *src;
+ }
+ ip += 4;
+ }
+ GET_VARIANT_PTR(to_type, 1);
+ GET_VARIANT_PTR(src, 2);
+ GET_VARIANT_PTR(dst, 3);
+ Script *base_type = Object::cast_to<Script>(to_type->operator Object *());
+ GD_ERR_BREAK(!base_type);
+ if (src->get_type() != Variant::OBJECT && src->get_type() != Variant::NIL) {
+ err_text = "Trying to assign a non-object value to a variable of type '" + base_type->get_path().get_file() + "'.";
+ }
+ bool valid = false;
+ if (src->get_type() != Variant::NIL && src->operator Object *() != NULL) {
+ ScriptInstance *scr_inst = src->operator Object *()->get_script_instance();
+ if (scr_inst) {
+ Script *src_type = src->operator Object *()->get_script_instance()->get_script().ptr();
+ while (src_type) {
+ if (src_type == base_type) {
+ valid = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ src_type = src_type->get_base_script().ptr();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (valid) {
+ *dst = *src; // Valid cast, copy the source object
+ } else {
+ *dst = Variant(); // invalid cast, assign NULL
+ }
+ ip += 4;
+ }
@@ -1001,7 +1234,7 @@ Variant GDScriptFunction::call(GDScriptInstance *p_instance, const Variant **p_a
//copy variant stack
for (int i = 0; i < _stack_size; i++) {
- memnew_placement(&gdfs->state.stack[sizeof(Variant) * i], Variant(stack[i]));
+ memnew_placement(&gdfs->state.stack.write[sizeof(Variant) * i], Variant(stack[i]));
gdfs->state.stack_size = _stack_size;
gdfs->state.self = self;
@@ -1362,7 +1595,7 @@ StringName GDScriptFunction::get_global_name(int p_idx) const {
int GDScriptFunction::get_default_argument_count() const {
- return default_arguments.size();
+ return _default_arg_count;
int GDScriptFunction::get_default_argument_addr(int p_idx) const {
@@ -1370,6 +1603,15 @@ int GDScriptFunction::get_default_argument_addr(int p_idx) const {
return default_arguments[p_idx];
+GDScriptDataType GDScriptFunction::get_return_type() const {
+ return return_type;
+GDScriptDataType GDScriptFunction::get_argument_type(int p_idx) const {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_idx, argument_types.size(), GDScriptDataType());
+ return argument_types[p_idx];
StringName GDScriptFunction::get_name() const {
return name;
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_function.h b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_function.h
index 770d5c8733..3ce84290fd 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_function.h
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_function.h
@@ -42,6 +42,95 @@
class GDScriptInstance;
class GDScript;
+struct GDScriptDataType {
+ bool has_type;
+ enum {
+ } kind;
+ Variant::Type builtin_type;
+ StringName native_type;
+ Ref<Script> script_type;
+ bool is_type(const Variant &p_variant, bool p_allow_implicit_conversion = false) const {
+ if (!has_type) return true; // Can't type check
+ switch (kind) {
+ case BUILTIN: {
+ Variant::Type var_type = p_variant.get_type();
+ bool valid = builtin_type == var_type;
+ if (!valid && p_allow_implicit_conversion) {
+ valid = Variant::can_convert_strict(var_type, builtin_type);
+ }
+ return valid;
+ } break;
+ case NATIVE: {
+ if (p_variant.get_type() == Variant::NIL) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (p_variant.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Object *obj = p_variant.operator Object *();
+ if (obj && !ClassDB::is_parent_class(obj->get_class_name(), native_type)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ } break;
+ case SCRIPT:
+ case GDSCRIPT: {
+ if (p_variant.get_type() == Variant::NIL) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (p_variant.get_type() != Variant::OBJECT) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Object *obj = p_variant.operator Object *();
+ Ref<Script> base = obj && obj->get_script_instance() ? obj->get_script_instance()->get_script() : NULL;
+ bool valid = false;
+ while (base.is_valid()) {
+ if (base == script_type) {
+ valid = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ base = base->get_base_script();
+ }
+ return valid;
+ } break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ operator PropertyInfo() const {
+ PropertyInfo info;
+ if (has_type) {
+ switch (kind) {
+ case BUILTIN: {
+ info.type = builtin_type;
+ } break;
+ case NATIVE: {
+ info.type = Variant::OBJECT;
+ info.class_name = native_type;
+ } break;
+ case SCRIPT:
+ case GDSCRIPT: {
+ info.type = Variant::OBJECT;
+ info.class_name = script_type->get_instance_base_type();
+ } break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ info.type = Variant::NIL;
+ }
+ return info;
+ }
+ GDScriptDataType() :
+ has_type(false) {}
class GDScriptFunction {
enum Opcode {
@@ -56,6 +145,12 @@ public:
OPCODE_CONSTRUCT, //only for basic types!!
@@ -139,6 +234,8 @@ private:
Vector<int> default_arguments;
Vector<int> code;
+ Vector<GDScriptDataType> argument_types;
+ GDScriptDataType return_type;
Vector<StringName> arg_names;
@@ -199,6 +296,8 @@ public:
int get_max_stack_size() const;
int get_default_argument_count() const;
int get_default_argument_addr(int p_idx) const;
+ GDScriptDataType get_return_type() const;
+ GDScriptDataType get_argument_type(int p_idx) const;
GDScript *get_script() const { return _script; }
StringName get_source() const { return source; }
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
index ce91e7dff3..f2e52d48dd 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_functions.cpp
@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ void GDScriptFunctions::call(Function p_func, const Variant **p_args, int p_arg_
for (Map<StringName, GDScript::MemberInfo>::Element *E = gd_ref->member_indices.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
if (d.has(E->key())) {
- ins->members[E->get().index] = d[E->key()];
+ ins->members.write[E->get().index] = d[E->key()];
@@ -1412,7 +1412,7 @@ bool GDScriptFunctions::is_deterministic(Function p_func) {
MethodInfo GDScriptFunctions::get_info(Function p_func) {
//using a switch, so the compiler generates a jumptable
switch (p_func) {
@@ -1663,7 +1663,7 @@ MethodInfo GDScriptFunctions::get_info(Function p_func) {
MethodInfo mi("weakref", PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "obj"));
mi.return_val.type = Variant::OBJECT;
- = "WeakRef";
+ mi.return_val.class_name = "WeakRef";
return mi;
@@ -1672,19 +1672,20 @@ MethodInfo GDScriptFunctions::get_info(Function p_func) {
MethodInfo mi("funcref", PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "instance"), PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "funcname"));
mi.return_val.type = Variant::OBJECT;
- = "FuncRef";
+ mi.return_val.class_name = "FuncRef";
return mi;
} break;
- MethodInfo mi("convert", PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "what"), PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "type"));
- mi.return_val.type = Variant::OBJECT;
+ MethodInfo mi("convert", PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "what", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT), PropertyInfo(Variant::INT, "type"));
+ mi.return_val.type = Variant::NIL;
+ mi.return_val.usage |= PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT;
return mi;
} break;
case TYPE_OF: {
- MethodInfo mi("typeof", PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "what"));
+ MethodInfo mi("typeof", PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "what", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT));
mi.return_val.type = Variant::INT;
return mi;
@@ -1760,7 +1761,7 @@ MethodInfo GDScriptFunctions::get_info(Function p_func) {
} break;
case VAR_TO_STR: {
- MethodInfo mi("var2str", PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "var"));
+ MethodInfo mi("var2str", PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "var", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT));
mi.return_val.type = Variant::STRING;
return mi;
@@ -1773,7 +1774,7 @@ MethodInfo GDScriptFunctions::get_info(Function p_func) {
return mi;
} break;
case VAR_TO_BYTES: {
- MethodInfo mi("var2bytes", PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "var"));
+ MethodInfo mi("var2bytes", PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "var", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT));
mi.return_val.type = Variant::POOL_BYTE_ARRAY;
return mi;
@@ -1796,7 +1797,7 @@ MethodInfo GDScriptFunctions::get_info(Function p_func) {
MethodInfo mi("load", PropertyInfo(Variant::STRING, "path"));
mi.return_val.type = Variant::OBJECT;
- = "Resource";
+ mi.return_val.class_name = "Resource";
return mi;
} break;
case INST2DICT: {
@@ -1826,13 +1827,13 @@ MethodInfo GDScriptFunctions::get_info(Function p_func) {
} break;
case TO_JSON: {
- MethodInfo mi("to_json", PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "var"));
+ MethodInfo mi("to_json", PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "var", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT));
mi.return_val.type = Variant::STRING;
return mi;
} break;
case HASH: {
- MethodInfo mi("hash", PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "var"));
+ MethodInfo mi("hash", PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "var", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT));
mi.return_val.type = Variant::INT;
return mi;
} break;
@@ -1868,7 +1869,7 @@ MethodInfo GDScriptFunctions::get_info(Function p_func) {
return mi;
} break;
case LEN: {
- MethodInfo mi("len", PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "var"));
+ MethodInfo mi("len", PropertyInfo(Variant::NIL, "var", PROPERTY_HINT_NONE, "", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT));
mi.return_val.type = Variant::INT;
return mi;
} break;
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.cpp
index 9650563ee6..177e245986 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.cpp
@@ -30,10 +30,15 @@
#include "gdscript_parser.h"
+#include "core/core_string_names.h"
+#include "core/engine.h"
+#include "core/project_settings.h"
+#include "core/reference.h"
#include "gdscript.h"
#include "io/resource_loader.h"
#include "os/file_access.h"
#include "print_string.h"
+#include "project_settings.h"
#include "script_language.h"
template <class T>
@@ -52,6 +57,8 @@ T *GDScriptParser::alloc_node() {
return t;
+static String _find_function_name(const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *p_call);
bool GDScriptParser::_end_statement() {
if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_SEMICOLON) {
@@ -138,8 +145,9 @@ bool GDScriptParser::_parse_arguments(Node *p_parent, Vector<Node *> &p_args, bo
Node *arg = _parse_expression(p_parent, p_static);
- if (!arg)
+ if (!arg) {
return false;
+ }
@@ -263,6 +271,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
bool need_identifier = true;
bool done = false;
+ int line = tokenizer->get_token_line();
while (!done) {
@@ -330,16 +339,19 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
OperatorNode *op = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
op->op = OperatorNode::OP_CALL;
+ op->line = line;
+ op->arguments[0]->line = line;
IdentifierNode *funcname = alloc_node<IdentifierNode>();
funcname->name = "get_node";
+ funcname->line = line;
ConstantNode *nodepath = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
nodepath->value = NodePath(StringName(path));
+ nodepath->datatype = _type_from_variant(nodepath->value);
+ nodepath->line = line;
expr = op;
@@ -353,6 +365,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
//constant defined by tokenizer
ConstantNode *constant = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
constant->value = tokenizer->get_token_constant();
+ constant->datatype = _type_from_variant(constant->value);
expr = constant;
} else if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CONST_PI) {
@@ -360,6 +373,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
//constant defined by tokenizer
ConstantNode *constant = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
constant->value = Math_PI;
+ constant->datatype = _type_from_variant(constant->value);
expr = constant;
} else if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CONST_TAU) {
@@ -367,6 +381,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
//constant defined by tokenizer
ConstantNode *constant = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
constant->value = Math_TAU;
+ constant->datatype = _type_from_variant(constant->value);
expr = constant;
} else if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CONST_INF) {
@@ -374,6 +389,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
//constant defined by tokenizer
ConstantNode *constant = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
constant->value = Math_INF;
+ constant->datatype = _type_from_variant(constant->value);
expr = constant;
} else if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CONST_NAN) {
@@ -381,6 +397,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
//constant defined by tokenizer
ConstantNode *constant = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
constant->value = Math_NAN;
+ constant->datatype = _type_from_variant(constant->value);
expr = constant;
} else if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_PRELOAD) {
@@ -419,15 +436,13 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
if (subexpr->type == Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
IdentifierNode *in = static_cast<IdentifierNode *>(subexpr);
- Vector<ClassNode::Constant> ce = current_class->constant_expressions;
// Try to find the constant expression by the identifier
- for (int i = 0; i < ce.size(); ++i) {
- if (ce[i].identifier == in->name) {
- if (ce[i].expression->type == Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
- cn = static_cast<ConstantNode *>(ce[i].expression);
- found_constant = true;
- }
+ if (current_class->constant_expressions.has(in->name)) {
+ Node *cn_exp = current_class->constant_expressions[in->name].expression;
+ if (cn_exp->type == Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
+ cn = static_cast<ConstantNode *>(cn_exp);
+ found_constant = true;
@@ -480,15 +495,28 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
_set_error("Expected ')' after 'preload' path");
return NULL;
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = res;
+ if (gds.is_valid() && !gds->is_valid()) {
+ _set_error("Could not fully preload the script, possible cyclic reference or compilation error.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
ConstantNode *constant = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
constant->value = res;
+ constant->datatype = _type_from_variant(constant->value);
expr = constant;
} else if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_YIELD) {
- //constant defined by tokenizer
+ if (!current_function) {
+ _set_error("yield() can only be used inside function blocks.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ current_function->has_yield = true;
if (tokenizer->get_token() != GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
@@ -582,7 +610,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
_set_error("Built-in type constant or static function expected after '.'");
return NULL;
- if (!Variant::has_numeric_constant(bi_type, identifier)) {
+ if (!Variant::has_constant(bi_type, identifier)) {
if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN &&
Variant::is_method_const(bi_type, identifier) &&
@@ -617,7 +645,8 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
} else {
ConstantNode *cn = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
- cn->value = Variant::get_numeric_constant_value(bi_type, identifier);
+ cn->value = Variant::get_constant_value(bi_type, identifier);
+ cn->datatype = _type_from_variant(cn->value);
expr = cn;
@@ -695,24 +724,65 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
const ClassNode *cln = current_class;
bool bfn = false;
StringName identifier;
+ int id_line = tokenizer->get_token_line();
if (_get_completable_identifier(COMPLETION_IDENTIFIER, identifier)) {
- if (p_parsing_constant) {
- for (int i = 0; i < cln->constant_expressions.size(); ++i) {
- if (cln->constant_expressions[i].identifier == identifier) {
+ BlockNode *b = current_block;
+ while (!bfn && b) {
+ if (b->variables.has(identifier)) {
+ IdentifierNode *id = alloc_node<IdentifierNode>();
+ LocalVarNode *lv = b->variables[identifier];
+ id->name = identifier;
+ id->declared_block = b;
+ id->line = id_line;
+ expr = id;
+ bfn = true;
- expr = cln->constant_expressions[i].expression;
- bfn = true;
- break;
+ switch (tokenizer->get_token()) {
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_ADD:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_BIT_AND:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_BIT_OR:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_BIT_XOR:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_DIV:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_MOD:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_MUL:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_LEFT:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_RIGHT:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_SUB: {
+ if (lv->assignments == 0) {
+ if (!lv->datatype.has_type) {
+ _set_error("Using assignment with operation on a variable that was never assigned.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::UNASSIGNED_VARIABLE_OP_ASSIGN, -1, identifier.operator String());
+ }
+ } // fallthrough
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN: {
+ lv->assignments += 1;
+ lv->usages--; // Assignment is not really usage
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ lv->usages++;
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ break;
+ b = b->parent_block;
+ }
- if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map().has(identifier)) {
+ if (!bfn && p_parsing_constant) {
+ if (cln->constant_expressions.has(identifier)) {
+ expr = cln->constant_expressions[identifier].expression;
+ bfn = true;
+ } else if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map().has(identifier)) {
//check from constants
ConstantNode *constant = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
constant->value = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map()[identifier]];
+ constant->datatype = _type_from_variant(constant->value);
+ constant->line = id_line;
expr = constant;
bfn = true;
@@ -727,8 +797,35 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
if (!bfn) {
+ if (current_function) {
+ int arg_idx = current_function->arguments.find(identifier);
+ if (arg_idx != -1) {
+ switch (tokenizer->get_token()) {
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_ADD:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_BIT_AND:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_BIT_OR:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_BIT_XOR:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_DIV:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_MOD:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_MUL:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_LEFT:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_RIGHT:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN_SUB:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN: {
+ // Assignment is not really usage
+ current_function->arguments_usage.write[arg_idx] = current_function->arguments_usage[arg_idx] - 1;
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ current_function->arguments_usage.write[arg_idx] = current_function->arguments_usage[arg_idx] + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
IdentifierNode *id = alloc_node<IdentifierNode>();
id->name = identifier;
+ id->line = id_line;
expr = id;
@@ -902,6 +999,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
//lua style identifier, easier to write
ConstantNode *cn = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
cn->value = tokenizer->get_token_literal();
+ cn->datatype = _type_from_variant(cn->value);
key = cn;
expecting = DICT_EXPECT_VALUE;
@@ -941,7 +1039,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
expr = dict;
- } else if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PERIOD && (tokenizer->is_token_literal(1) || tokenizer->get_token(1) == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CURSOR) && tokenizer->get_token(2) == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
+ } else if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PERIOD && (tokenizer->is_token_literal(1) || tokenizer->get_token(1) == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CURSOR)) {
// We check with is_token_literal, as this allows us to use match/sync/etc. as a name
// parent call
@@ -953,17 +1051,23 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
forbidden for now */
StringName identifier;
- if (_get_completable_identifier(COMPLETION_PARENT_FUNCTION, identifier)) {
- //indexing stuff
- }
+ bool is_completion = _get_completable_identifier(COMPLETION_PARENT_FUNCTION, identifier) && for_completion;
IdentifierNode *id = alloc_node<IdentifierNode>();
id->name = identifier;
- tokenizer->advance(1);
- if (!_parse_arguments(op, op->arguments, p_static))
- return NULL;
+ if (tokenizer->get_token() != GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
+ if (!is_completion) {
+ _set_error("Expected '(' for parent function call.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ if (!_parse_arguments(op, op->arguments, p_static)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
expr = op;
@@ -1087,6 +1191,26 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
+ /*****************/
+ /* Parse Casting */
+ /*****************/
+ bool has_casting = expr->type == Node::TYPE_CAST;
+ if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_AS) {
+ if (has_casting) {
+ _set_error("Unexpected 'as'.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ CastNode *cn = alloc_node<CastNode>();
+ if (!_parse_type(cn->cast_type)) {
+ _set_error("Expected type after 'as'.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ has_casting = true;
+ cn->source_node = expr;
+ expr = cn;
+ }
/* Parse Operator */
@@ -1110,7 +1234,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
//assign, if allowed is only allowed on the first operator
- if (!p_allow_assign) { \
+ if (!p_allow_assign || has_casting) { \
_set_error("Unexpected assign."); \
return NULL; \
} \
@@ -1325,8 +1449,8 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
op->op = expression[i].op;
op->arguments.push_back(expression[i + 1].node);
op->line = op_line; //line might have been changed from a \n
- expression[i].is_op = false;
- expression[i].node = op;
+ expression.write[i].is_op = false;
+ expression.write[i].node = op;
expression.remove(i + 1);
@@ -1338,11 +1462,11 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
if (next_op >= (expression.size() - 2) || expression[next_op + 2].op != OperatorNode::OP_TERNARY_ELSE) {
_set_error("Expected else after ternary if.");
+ return NULL;
if (next_op >= (expression.size() - 3)) {
_set_error("Expected value after ternary else.");
+ return NULL;
OperatorNode *op = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
@@ -1380,7 +1504,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
op->arguments.push_back(expression[next_op + 3].node); //expression after next goes as when-false
//replace all 3 nodes by this operator and make it an expression
- expression[next_op - 1].node = op;
+ expression.write[next_op - 1].node = op;
@@ -1416,7 +1540,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent, bool p_s
op->arguments.push_back(expression[next_op + 1].node); //next expression goes as right
//replace all 3 nodes by this operator and make it an expression
- expression[next_op - 1].node = op;
+ expression.write[next_op - 1].node = op;
@@ -1440,7 +1564,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_reduce_expression(Node *p_node, bool p_to
for (int i = 0; i < an->elements.size(); i++) {
- an->elements[i] = _reduce_expression(an->elements[i], p_to_const);
+ an->elements.write[i] = _reduce_expression(an->elements[i], p_to_const);
if (an->elements[i]->type != Node::TYPE_CONSTANT)
all_constants = false;
@@ -1450,13 +1574,13 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_reduce_expression(Node *p_node, bool p_to
ConstantNode *cn = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
Array arr;
- //print_line("mk array "+itos(!p_to_const));
for (int i = 0; i < an->elements.size(); i++) {
ConstantNode *acn = static_cast<ConstantNode *>(an->elements[i]);
arr[i] = acn->value;
cn->value = arr;
+ cn->datatype = _type_from_variant(cn->value);
return cn;
@@ -1470,10 +1594,10 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_reduce_expression(Node *p_node, bool p_to
for (int i = 0; i < dn->elements.size(); i++) {
- dn->elements[i].key = _reduce_expression(dn->elements[i].key, p_to_const);
+ dn->elements.write[i].key = _reduce_expression(dn->elements[i].key, p_to_const);
if (dn->elements[i].key->type != Node::TYPE_CONSTANT)
all_constants = false;
- dn->elements[i].value = _reduce_expression(dn->elements[i].value, p_to_const);
+ dn->elements.write[i].value = _reduce_expression(dn->elements[i].value, p_to_const);
if (dn->elements[i].value->type != Node::TYPE_CONSTANT)
all_constants = false;
@@ -1490,6 +1614,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_reduce_expression(Node *p_node, bool p_to
dict[key_c->value] = value_c->value;
cn->value = dict;
+ cn->datatype = _type_from_variant(cn->value);
return cn;
@@ -1505,7 +1630,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_reduce_expression(Node *p_node, bool p_to
for (int i = 0; i < op->arguments.size(); i++) {
- op->arguments[i] = _reduce_expression(op->arguments[i], p_to_const);
+ op->arguments.write[i] = _reduce_expression(op->arguments[i], p_to_const);
if (op->arguments[i]->type != Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
all_constants = false;
last_not_constant = i;
@@ -1533,7 +1658,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_reduce_expression(Node *p_node, bool p_to
for (int i = 0; i < ptrs.size(); i++) {
ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<ConstantNode *>(op->arguments[i + 1]);
- ptrs[i] = &cn->value;
+ ptrs.write[i] = &cn->value;
vptr = (const Variant **)&ptrs[0];
@@ -1591,6 +1716,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_reduce_expression(Node *p_node, bool p_to
ConstantNode *cn = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
cn->value = v;
+ cn->datatype = _type_from_variant(v);
return cn;
} else if (op->arguments[0]->type == Node::TYPE_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION && last_not_constant == 0) {
@@ -1620,24 +1746,9 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_reduce_expression(Node *p_node, bool p_to
ConstantNode *cn = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
cn->value = v;
+ cn->datatype = _type_from_variant(v);
return cn;
- } /*else if (op->arguments[0]->type==Node::TYPE_CONSTANT && op->arguments[1]->type==Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
- ConstantNode *ca = static_cast<ConstantNode*>(op->arguments[0]);
- IdentifierNode *ib = static_cast<IdentifierNode*>(op->arguments[1]);
- bool valid;
- Variant v = ca->value.get_named(ib->name,&valid);
- if (!valid) {
- _set_error("invalid index '"+String(ib->name)+"' in constant expression");
- return op;
- }
- ConstantNode *cn = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
- cn->value=v;
- return cn;
- }*/
+ }
return op;
@@ -1658,13 +1769,14 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_reduce_expression(Node *p_node, bool p_to
ConstantNode *cn = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
cn->value = v;
+ cn->datatype = _type_from_variant(v);
return cn;
return op;
- //validate assignment (don't assign to cosntant expression
+ //validate assignment (don't assign to constant expression
switch (op->op) {
case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN:
@@ -1711,6 +1823,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_reduce_expression(Node *p_node, bool p_to
} \
ConstantNode *cn = alloc_node<ConstantNode>(); \
cn->value = res; \
+ cn->datatype = _type_from_variant(res); \
return cn;
#define _REDUCE_BINARY(m_vop) \
@@ -1724,6 +1837,7 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_reduce_expression(Node *p_node, bool p_to
} \
ConstantNode *cn = alloc_node<ConstantNode>(); \
cn->value = res; \
+ cn->datatype = _type_from_variant(res); \
return cn;
switch (op->op) {
@@ -1799,6 +1913,13 @@ GDScriptParser::Node *GDScriptParser::_reduce_expression(Node *p_node, bool p_to
case OperatorNode::OP_BIT_XOR: {
} break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_TERNARY_IF: {
+ if (static_cast<ConstantNode *>(op->arguments[0])->value.booleanize()) {
+ return op->arguments[1];
+ } else {
+ return op->arguments[2];
+ }
+ } break;
default: { ERR_FAIL_V(op); }
@@ -1905,6 +2026,15 @@ GDScriptParser::PatternNode *GDScriptParser::_parse_pattern(bool p_static) {
pattern->pt_type = GDScriptParser::PatternNode::PT_BIND;
pattern->bind = tokenizer->get_token_identifier();
+ // Check if binding is already used
+ if (current_block->variables.has(pattern->bind)) {
+ _set_error("Binding name of '" + pattern->bind.operator String() + "' was already used in the pattern.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Create local variable for proper identifier detection later
+ LocalVarNode *lv = alloc_node<LocalVarNode>();
+ lv->name = pattern->bind;
+ current_block->variables.insert(lv->name, lv);
} break;
// dictionary
@@ -2038,18 +2168,34 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_pattern_block(BlockNode *p_block, Vector<PatternBran
PatternBranchNode *branch = alloc_node<PatternBranchNode>();
+ branch->body = alloc_node<BlockNode>();
+ branch->body->parent_block = p_block;
+ p_block->sub_blocks.push_back(branch->body);
+ current_block = branch->body;
if (!branch->patterns[0]) {
+ bool has_binding = branch->patterns[0]->pt_type == PatternNode::PT_BIND;
+ bool catch_all = has_binding || branch->patterns[0]->pt_type == PatternNode::PT_WILDCARD;
while (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_COMMA) {
if (!branch->patterns[branch->patterns.size() - 1]) {
+ PatternNode::PatternType pt = branch->patterns[branch->patterns.size() - 1]->pt_type;
+ if (pt == PatternNode::PT_BIND) {
+ _set_error("Cannot use bindings with multipattern.");
+ return;
+ }
+ catch_all = catch_all || pt == PatternNode::PT_WILDCARD;
if (!_enter_indent_block()) {
@@ -2057,54 +2203,76 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_pattern_block(BlockNode *p_block, Vector<PatternBran
- branch->body = alloc_node<BlockNode>();
- branch->body->parent_block = p_block;
- p_block->sub_blocks.push_back(branch->body);
- current_block = branch->body;
_parse_block(branch->body, p_static);
current_block = p_block;
+ if (catch_all && branch->body->has_return) {
+ p_block->has_return = true;
+ }
void GDScriptParser::_generate_pattern(PatternNode *p_pattern, Node *p_node_to_match, Node *&p_resulting_node, Map<StringName, Node *> &p_bindings) {
+ const DataType &to_match_type = p_node_to_match->get_datatype();
switch (p_pattern->pt_type) {
case PatternNode::PT_CONSTANT: {
- // typecheck
- BuiltInFunctionNode *typeof_node = alloc_node<BuiltInFunctionNode>();
- typeof_node->function = GDScriptFunctions::TYPE_OF;
+ DataType pattern_type = _reduce_node_type(p_pattern->constant);
+ if (error_set) {
+ return;
+ }
+ OperatorNode *type_comp = NULL;
- OperatorNode *typeof_match_value = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
- typeof_match_value->op = OperatorNode::OP_CALL;
- typeof_match_value->arguments.push_back(typeof_node);
- typeof_match_value->arguments.push_back(p_node_to_match);
+ // static type check if possible
+ if (pattern_type.has_type && to_match_type.has_type) {
+ if (!_is_type_compatible(to_match_type, pattern_type) && !_is_type_compatible(pattern_type, to_match_type)) {
+ _set_error("Pattern type (" + pattern_type.to_string() + ") is not compatible with the type of the value to match (" + to_match_type.to_string() + ").",
+ p_pattern->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // runtime typecheck
+ BuiltInFunctionNode *typeof_node = alloc_node<BuiltInFunctionNode>();
+ typeof_node->function = GDScriptFunctions::TYPE_OF;
- OperatorNode *typeof_pattern_value = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
- typeof_pattern_value->op = OperatorNode::OP_CALL;
- typeof_pattern_value->arguments.push_back(typeof_node);
- typeof_pattern_value->arguments.push_back(p_pattern->constant);
+ OperatorNode *typeof_match_value = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
+ typeof_match_value->op = OperatorNode::OP_CALL;
+ typeof_match_value->arguments.push_back(typeof_node);
+ typeof_match_value->arguments.push_back(p_node_to_match);
- OperatorNode *type_comp = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
- type_comp->op = OperatorNode::OP_EQUAL;
- type_comp->arguments.push_back(typeof_match_value);
- type_comp->arguments.push_back(typeof_pattern_value);
+ OperatorNode *typeof_pattern_value = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
+ typeof_pattern_value->op = OperatorNode::OP_CALL;
+ typeof_pattern_value->arguments.push_back(typeof_node);
+ typeof_pattern_value->arguments.push_back(p_pattern->constant);
- // comare the actual values
+ type_comp = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
+ type_comp->op = OperatorNode::OP_EQUAL;
+ type_comp->arguments.push_back(typeof_match_value);
+ type_comp->arguments.push_back(typeof_pattern_value);
+ }
+ // compare the actual values
OperatorNode *value_comp = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
value_comp->op = OperatorNode::OP_EQUAL;
- OperatorNode *comparison = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
- comparison->op = OperatorNode::OP_AND;
- comparison->arguments.push_back(type_comp);
- comparison->arguments.push_back(value_comp);
+ if (type_comp) {
+ OperatorNode *full_comparison = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
+ full_comparison->op = OperatorNode::OP_AND;
+ full_comparison->arguments.push_back(type_comp);
+ full_comparison->arguments.push_back(value_comp);
- p_resulting_node = comparison;
+ p_resulting_node = full_comparison;
+ } else {
+ p_resulting_node = value_comp;
+ }
} break;
case PatternNode::PT_BIND: {
@@ -2129,22 +2297,32 @@ void GDScriptParser::_generate_pattern(PatternNode *p_pattern, Node *p_node_to_m
// typeof(value_to_match) == TYPE_ARRAY && value_to_match.size() == length
- // typecheck
- BuiltInFunctionNode *typeof_node = alloc_node<BuiltInFunctionNode>();
- typeof_node->function = GDScriptFunctions::TYPE_OF;
- OperatorNode *typeof_match_value = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
- typeof_match_value->op = OperatorNode::OP_CALL;
- typeof_match_value->arguments.push_back(typeof_node);
- typeof_match_value->arguments.push_back(p_node_to_match);
- IdentifierNode *typeof_array = alloc_node<IdentifierNode>();
- typeof_array->name = "TYPE_ARRAY";
- OperatorNode *type_comp = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
- type_comp->op = OperatorNode::OP_EQUAL;
- type_comp->arguments.push_back(typeof_match_value);
- type_comp->arguments.push_back(typeof_array);
+ OperatorNode *type_comp = NULL;
+ // static type check if possible
+ if (to_match_type.has_type) {
+ // must be an array
+ if (to_match_type.kind != DataType::BUILTIN || to_match_type.builtin_type != Variant::ARRAY) {
+ _set_error("Cannot match an array pattern with a non-array expression.", p_pattern->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // runtime typecheck
+ BuiltInFunctionNode *typeof_node = alloc_node<BuiltInFunctionNode>();
+ typeof_node->function = GDScriptFunctions::TYPE_OF;
+ OperatorNode *typeof_match_value = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
+ typeof_match_value->op = OperatorNode::OP_CALL;
+ typeof_match_value->arguments.push_back(typeof_node);
+ typeof_match_value->arguments.push_back(p_node_to_match);
+ IdentifierNode *typeof_array = alloc_node<IdentifierNode>();
+ typeof_array->name = "TYPE_ARRAY";
+ type_comp = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
+ type_comp->op = OperatorNode::OP_EQUAL;
+ type_comp->arguments.push_back(typeof_match_value);
+ type_comp->arguments.push_back(typeof_array);
+ }
// size
ConstantNode *length = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
@@ -2163,12 +2341,16 @@ void GDScriptParser::_generate_pattern(PatternNode *p_pattern, Node *p_node_to_m
- OperatorNode *type_and_length_comparison = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
- type_and_length_comparison->op = OperatorNode::OP_AND;
- type_and_length_comparison->arguments.push_back(type_comp);
- type_and_length_comparison->arguments.push_back(length_comparison);
+ if (type_comp) {
+ OperatorNode *type_and_length_comparison = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
+ type_and_length_comparison->op = OperatorNode::OP_AND;
+ type_and_length_comparison->arguments.push_back(type_comp);
+ type_and_length_comparison->arguments.push_back(length_comparison);
- p_resulting_node = type_and_length_comparison;
+ p_resulting_node = type_and_length_comparison;
+ } else {
+ p_resulting_node = length_comparison;
+ }
for (int i = 0; i < p_pattern->array.size(); i++) {
@@ -2208,22 +2390,32 @@ void GDScriptParser::_generate_pattern(PatternNode *p_pattern, Node *p_node_to_m
// typeof(value_to_match) == TYPE_DICTIONARY && value_to_match.size() == length
- // typecheck
- BuiltInFunctionNode *typeof_node = alloc_node<BuiltInFunctionNode>();
- typeof_node->function = GDScriptFunctions::TYPE_OF;
- OperatorNode *typeof_match_value = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
- typeof_match_value->op = OperatorNode::OP_CALL;
- typeof_match_value->arguments.push_back(typeof_node);
- typeof_match_value->arguments.push_back(p_node_to_match);
- IdentifierNode *typeof_dictionary = alloc_node<IdentifierNode>();
- typeof_dictionary->name = "TYPE_DICTIONARY";
- OperatorNode *type_comp = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
- type_comp->op = OperatorNode::OP_EQUAL;
- type_comp->arguments.push_back(typeof_match_value);
- type_comp->arguments.push_back(typeof_dictionary);
+ OperatorNode *type_comp = NULL;
+ // static type check if possible
+ if (to_match_type.has_type) {
+ // must be an dictionary
+ if (to_match_type.kind != DataType::BUILTIN || to_match_type.builtin_type != Variant::DICTIONARY) {
+ _set_error("Cannot match an dictionary pattern with a non-dictionary expression.", p_pattern->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // runtime typecheck
+ BuiltInFunctionNode *typeof_node = alloc_node<BuiltInFunctionNode>();
+ typeof_node->function = GDScriptFunctions::TYPE_OF;
+ OperatorNode *typeof_match_value = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
+ typeof_match_value->op = OperatorNode::OP_CALL;
+ typeof_match_value->arguments.push_back(typeof_node);
+ typeof_match_value->arguments.push_back(p_node_to_match);
+ IdentifierNode *typeof_dictionary = alloc_node<IdentifierNode>();
+ typeof_dictionary->name = "TYPE_DICTIONARY";
+ type_comp = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
+ type_comp->op = OperatorNode::OP_EQUAL;
+ type_comp->arguments.push_back(typeof_match_value);
+ type_comp->arguments.push_back(typeof_dictionary);
+ }
// size
ConstantNode *length = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
@@ -2242,12 +2434,16 @@ void GDScriptParser::_generate_pattern(PatternNode *p_pattern, Node *p_node_to_m
- OperatorNode *type_and_length_comparison = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
- type_and_length_comparison->op = OperatorNode::OP_AND;
- type_and_length_comparison->arguments.push_back(type_comp);
- type_and_length_comparison->arguments.push_back(length_comparison);
+ if (type_comp) {
+ OperatorNode *type_and_length_comparison = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
+ type_and_length_comparison->op = OperatorNode::OP_AND;
+ type_and_length_comparison->arguments.push_back(type_comp);
+ type_and_length_comparison->arguments.push_back(length_comparison);
- p_resulting_node = type_and_length_comparison;
+ p_resulting_node = type_and_length_comparison;
+ } else {
+ p_resulting_node = length_comparison;
+ }
for (Map<ConstantNode *, PatternNode *>::Element *e = p_pattern->dictionary.front(); e; e = e->next()) {
@@ -2308,9 +2504,20 @@ void GDScriptParser::_generate_pattern(PatternNode *p_pattern, Node *p_node_to_m
-void GDScriptParser::_transform_match_statment(BlockNode *p_block, MatchNode *p_match_statement) {
+void GDScriptParser::_transform_match_statment(MatchNode *p_match_statement) {
IdentifierNode *id = alloc_node<IdentifierNode>();
id->name = "#match_value";
+ id->line = p_match_statement->line;
+ id->datatype = _reduce_node_type(p_match_statement->val_to_match);
+ if (id->datatype.has_type) {
+ _mark_line_as_safe(id->line);
+ } else {
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(id->line);
+ }
+ if (error_set) {
+ return;
+ }
for (int i = 0; i < p_match_statement->branches.size(); i++) {
@@ -2323,11 +2530,16 @@ void GDScriptParser::_transform_match_statment(BlockNode *p_block, MatchNode *p_
for (int j = 0; j < branch->patterns.size(); j++) {
PatternNode *pattern = branch->patterns[j];
+ _mark_line_as_safe(pattern->line);
Map<StringName, Node *> bindings;
- Node *resulting_node;
+ Node *resulting_node = NULL;
_generate_pattern(pattern, id, resulting_node, bindings);
+ if (!resulting_node) {
+ return;
+ }
if (!binding.empty() && !bindings.empty()) {
_set_error("Multipatterns can't contain bindings");
@@ -2335,6 +2547,14 @@ void GDScriptParser::_transform_match_statment(BlockNode *p_block, MatchNode *p_
binding = bindings;
+ // Result is always a boolean
+ DataType resulting_node_type;
+ resulting_node_type.has_type = true;
+ resulting_node_type.is_constant = true;
+ resulting_node_type.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ resulting_node_type.builtin_type = Variant::BOOL;
+ resulting_node->set_datatype(resulting_node_type);
if (compiled_branch.compiled_pattern) {
OperatorNode *or_node = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
or_node->op = OperatorNode::OP_OR;
@@ -2350,12 +2570,19 @@ void GDScriptParser::_transform_match_statment(BlockNode *p_block, MatchNode *p_
// prepare the body ...hehe
for (Map<StringName, Node *>::Element *e = binding.front(); e; e = e->next()) {
- LocalVarNode *local_var = alloc_node<LocalVarNode>();
- local_var->name = e->key();
+ if (!branch->body->variables.has(e->key())) {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: missing pattern bind variable.", branch->line);
+ }
+ LocalVarNode *local_var = branch->body->variables[e->key()];
local_var->assign = e->value();
+ local_var->set_datatype(local_var->assign->get_datatype());
IdentifierNode *id = alloc_node<IdentifierNode>();
id->name = local_var->name;
+ id->declared_block = branch->body;
+ id->set_datatype(local_var->assign->get_datatype());
OperatorNode *op = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
op->op = OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN;
@@ -2412,8 +2639,23 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
pending_newline = -1;
+ switch (token) {
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_EOF:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_ERROR:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_NEWLINE:
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CF_PASS: {
+ // will check later
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ if (p_block->has_return && !current_function->has_unreachable_code) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::UNREACHABLE_CODE, -1, current_function->name.operator String());
+ current_function->has_unreachable_code = true;
+ }
+ } break;
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
switch (token) {
case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_EOF:
p_block->end_line = tokenizer->get_token_line();
case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_ERROR: {
@@ -2443,6 +2685,7 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
_set_error("Expected ';' or <NewLine>.");
+ _mark_line_as_safe(tokenizer->get_token_line());
if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_SEMICOLON) {
// Ignore semicolon after 'pass'
@@ -2453,6 +2696,7 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
//variale declaration and (eventual) initialization
+ int var_line = tokenizer->get_token_line();
if (!tokenizer->is_token_literal(0, true)) {
_set_error("Expected identifier for local variable name.");
@@ -2470,24 +2714,34 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
BlockNode *check_block = p_block;
while (check_block) {
- for (int i = 0; i < check_block->variables.size(); i++) {
- if (n == check_block->variables[i]) {
- _set_error("Variable '" + String(n) + "' already defined in the scope (at line: " + itos(check_block->variable_lines[i]) + ").");
- return;
- }
+ if (check_block->variables.has(n)) {
+ _set_error("Variable '" + String(n) + "' already defined in the scope (at line: " + itos(check_block->variables[n]->line) + ").");
+ return;
check_block = check_block->parent_block;
- int var_line = tokenizer->get_token_line();
//must know when the local variable is declared
LocalVarNode *lv = alloc_node<LocalVarNode>();
lv->name = n;
+ lv->line = var_line;
Node *assigned = NULL;
+ if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_COLON) {
+ if (tokenizer->get_token(1) == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN) {
+ lv->datatype = DataType();
+ lv->datatype.infer_type = true;
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ } else if (!_parse_type(lv->datatype)) {
+ _set_error("Expected type for variable.");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN) {
@@ -2499,26 +2753,39 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
- lv->assign = subexpr;
+ lv->assignments++;
assigned = subexpr;
} else {
ConstantNode *c = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
- c->value = Variant();
+ if (lv->datatype.has_type && lv->datatype.kind == DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ Variant::CallError err;
+ c->value = Variant::construct(lv->datatype.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err);
+ } else {
+ c->value = Variant();
+ }
+ c->line = var_line;
assigned = c;
+ lv->assign = assigned;
//must be added later, to avoid self-referencing.
- p_block->variables.push_back(n); //line?
- p_block->variable_lines.push_back(var_line);
+ p_block->variables.insert(n, lv);
IdentifierNode *id = alloc_node<IdentifierNode>();
id->name = n;
+ id->declared_block = p_block;
+ id->line = var_line;
OperatorNode *op = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
op->op = OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN;
+ op->line = var_line;
+ lv->assign_op = op;
+ lv->assign = assigned;
+ lv->assign_op = op;
if (!_end_statement()) {
_set_error("Expected end of statement (var)");
@@ -2563,6 +2830,9 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
+ bool all_have_return = cf_if->body->has_return;
+ bool have_else = false;
while (true) {
while (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_NEWLINE && _parse_newline())
@@ -2619,6 +2889,8 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
if (error_set)
+ all_have_return = all_have_return && cf_else->body->has_return;
} else if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CF_ELSE) {
if (tab_level.back()->get() > indent_level) {
@@ -2642,12 +2914,19 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
if (error_set)
+ all_have_return = all_have_return && cf_if->body_else->has_return;
+ have_else = true;
break; //after else, exit
} else
+ cf_if->body->has_return = all_have_return;
+ // If there's no else block, path out of the if might not have a return
+ p_block->has_return = all_have_return && have_else;
} break;
case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CF_WHILE: {
@@ -2680,6 +2959,7 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
current_block = p_block;
if (error_set)
+ p_block->has_return = cf_while->body->has_return;
} break;
case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CF_FOR: {
@@ -2711,6 +2991,9 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
+ DataType iter_type;
+ iter_type.is_constant = true;
if (container->type == Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
OperatorNode *op = static_cast<OperatorNode *>(container);
@@ -2745,6 +3028,7 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
case 2: cn->value = Vector2(constants[0], constants[1]); break;
case 3: cn->value = Vector3(constants[0], constants[1], constants[2]); break;
+ cn->datatype = _type_from_variant(cn->value);
container = cn;
} else {
OperatorNode *on = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
@@ -2766,6 +3050,10 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
container = on;
+ iter_type.has_type = true;
+ iter_type.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ iter_type.builtin_type = Variant::INT;
@@ -2789,15 +3077,20 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
// this is for checking variable for redefining
// inside this _parse_block
- cf_for->body->variables.push_back(id->name);
- cf_for->body->variable_lines.push_back(id->line);
+ LocalVarNode *lv = alloc_node<LocalVarNode>();
+ lv->name = id->name;
+ lv->line = id->line;
+ lv->assignments++;
+ id->declared_block = cf_for->body;
+ lv->set_datatype(iter_type);
+ id->set_datatype(iter_type);
+ cf_for->body->variables.insert(id->name, lv);
_parse_block(cf_for->body, p_static);
- cf_for->body->variables.remove(0);
- cf_for->body->variable_lines.remove(0);
current_block = p_block;
if (error_set)
+ p_block->has_return = cf_for->body->has_return;
} break;
case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CF_CONTINUE: {
@@ -2827,6 +3120,7 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
ControlFlowNode *cf_return = alloc_node<ControlFlowNode>();
cf_return->cf_type = ControlFlowNode::CF_RETURN;
+ cf_return->line = tokenizer->get_token_line(-1);
if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_SEMICOLON || tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_NEWLINE || tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_EOF) {
//expect end of statement
@@ -2850,6 +3144,7 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
+ p_block->has_return = true;
} break;
case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CF_MATCH: {
@@ -2882,12 +3177,14 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
_parse_pattern_block(compiled_branches, match_node->branches, p_static);
- _transform_match_statment(compiled_branches, match_node);
+ if (error_set) return;
ControlFlowNode *match_cf_node = alloc_node<ControlFlowNode>();
match_cf_node->cf_type = ControlFlowNode::CF_MATCH;
match_cf_node->match = match_node;
+ match_cf_node->body = compiled_branches;
+ p_block->has_return = p_block->has_return || compiled_branches->has_return;
@@ -2938,16 +3235,6 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
} break;
- /*
- case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CF_LOCAL: {
- if (tokenizer->get_token(1)!=GDScriptTokenizer::TK_SEMICOLON && tokenizer->get_token(1)!=GDScriptTokenizer::TK_NEWLINE ) {
- _set_error("Expected ';' or <NewLine>.");
- }
- tokenizer->advance();
- } break;
- */
@@ -3087,6 +3374,9 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
switch (token) {
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CURSOR: {
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ } break;
case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_EOF:
p_class->end_line = tokenizer->get_token_line();
case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_ERROR: {
@@ -3103,6 +3393,7 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
} break;
case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_EXTENDS: {
+ _mark_line_as_safe(tokenizer->get_token_line());
if (error_set)
@@ -3112,6 +3403,33 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
} break;
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_CLASS_NAME: {
+ if (p_class->owner) {
+ _set_error("'class_name' is only valid for the main class namespace.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tokenizer->get_token(1) != GDScriptTokenizer::TK_IDENTIFIER) {
+ _set_error("'class_name' syntax: 'class_name <UniqueName>'");
+ return;
+ }
+ p_class->name = tokenizer->get_token_identifier(1);
+ if (self_path != String() && ScriptServer::is_global_class(p_class->name) && ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(p_class->name) != self_path) {
+ _set_error("Unique global class '" + p_class->name + "' already exists at path: " + ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(p_class->name));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ClassDB::class_exists(p_class->name)) {
+ _set_error("Class '" + p_class->name + "' shadows a native class.");
+ return;
+ }
+ tokenizer->advance(2);
+ } break;
case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_TOOL: {
if (p_class->tool) {
@@ -3128,7 +3446,6 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
//class inside class :D
StringName name;
- StringName extends;
if (tokenizer->get_token(1) != GDScriptTokenizer::TK_IDENTIFIER) {
@@ -3138,6 +3455,31 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
name = tokenizer->get_token_identifier(1);
+ // Check if name is shadowing something else
+ if (ClassDB::class_exists(name) || ClassDB::class_exists("_" + name.operator String())) {
+ _set_error("Class '" + String(name) + "' shadows a native class.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(name)) {
+ _set_error("Can't override name of unique global class '" + name + "' already exists at path: " + ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(p_class->name));
+ return;
+ }
+ ClassNode *outer_class = p_class;
+ while (outer_class) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < outer_class->subclasses.size(); i++) {
+ if (outer_class->subclasses[i]->name == name) {
+ _set_error("Another class named '" + String(name) + "' already exists in this scope (at line " + itos(outer_class->subclasses[i]->line) + ").");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (outer_class->constant_expressions.has(name)) {
+ _set_error("A constant named '" + String(name) + "' already exists in the outer class scope (at line" + itos(outer_class->constant_expressions[name].expression->line) + ").");
+ return;
+ }
+ outer_class = outer_class->owner;
+ }
ClassNode *newclass = alloc_node<ClassNode>();
newclass->initializer = alloc_node<BlockNode>();
newclass->initializer->parent_class = newclass;
@@ -3213,6 +3555,17 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
+ if (p_class->constant_expressions.has(name)) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::FUNCTION_CONFLICTS_CONSTANT, -1, name);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->variables.size(); i++) {
+ if (p_class->variables[i].identifier == name) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::FUNCTION_CONFLICTS_VARIABLE, -1, name);
+ }
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
if (tokenizer->get_token() != GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
_set_error("Expected '(' after identifier (syntax: 'func <identifier>([arguments]):' ).");
@@ -3222,7 +3575,11 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
Vector<StringName> arguments;
+ Vector<DataType> argument_types;
Vector<Node *> default_values;
+ Vector<int> arguments_usage;
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
int fnline = tokenizer->get_token_line();
@@ -3249,9 +3606,24 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
StringName argname = tokenizer->get_token_identifier();
+ arguments_usage.push_back(0);
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ DataType argtype;
+ if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_COLON) {
+ if (tokenizer->get_token(1) == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN) {
+ argtype.infer_type = true;
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ } else if (!_parse_type(argtype)) {
+ _set_error("Expected type for argument.");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ argument_types.push_back(argtype);
if (defaulting && tokenizer->get_token() != GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN) {
_set_error("Default parameter expected.");
@@ -3269,9 +3641,11 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
OperatorNode *on = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
on->op = OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN;
+ on->line = fnline;
IdentifierNode *in = alloc_node<IdentifierNode>();
in->name = argname;
+ in->line = fnline;
@@ -3308,6 +3682,11 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
if (name == "_init") {
+ if (_static) {
+ _set_error("Constructor cannot be static.");
+ return;
+ }
if (p_class->extends_used) {
OperatorNode *cparent = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
@@ -3322,6 +3701,7 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
if (tokenizer->get_token() != GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
_set_error("expected '(' for parent constructor arguments.");
+ return;
@@ -3359,6 +3739,15 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
+ DataType return_type;
+ if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_FORWARD_ARROW) {
+ if (!_parse_type(return_type, true)) {
+ _set_error("Expected return type for function.");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
if (!_enter_indent_block(block)) {
_set_error("Indented block expected.");
@@ -3367,11 +3756,15 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
FunctionNode *function = alloc_node<FunctionNode>();
function->name = name;
+ function->return_type = return_type;
function->arguments = arguments;
+ function->argument_types = argument_types;
function->default_values = default_values;
function->_static = _static;
function->line = fnline;
+ function->arguments_usage = arguments_usage;
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
function->rpc_mode = rpc_mode;
rpc_mode = MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_DISABLED;
@@ -3398,6 +3791,8 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
ClassNode::Signal sig; = tokenizer->get_token_identifier();
+ sig.emissions = 0;
+ sig.line = tokenizer->get_token_line();
if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
@@ -3861,6 +4256,7 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
current_export.usage |= PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE;
current_export.hint_string = native_class->get_name();
+ current_export.class_name = native_class->get_name();
} else {
current_export = PropertyInfo();
@@ -4080,12 +4476,53 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
member.expression = NULL; = member.identifier;
member.line = tokenizer->get_token_line();
+ member.usages = 0;
member.rpc_mode = rpc_mode;
+ if (current_class->constant_expressions.has(member.identifier)) {
+ _set_error("A constant named '" + String(member.identifier) + "' alread exists in this class (at line: " +
+ itos(current_class->constant_expressions[member.identifier].expression->line) + ").");
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < current_class->variables.size(); i++) {
+ if (current_class->variables[i].identifier == member.identifier) {
+ _set_error("Variable '" + String(member.identifier) + "' alread exists in this class (at line: " +
+ itos(current_class->variables[i].line) + ").");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < current_class->functions.size(); i++) {
+ if (current_class->functions[i]->name == member.identifier) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::VARIABLE_CONFLICTS_FUNCTION, member.line, member.identifier);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < current_class->static_functions.size(); i++) {
+ if (current_class->static_functions[i]->name == member.identifier) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::VARIABLE_CONFLICTS_FUNCTION, member.line, member.identifier);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
rpc_mode = MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_DISABLED;
+ if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_COLON) {
+ if (tokenizer->get_token(1) == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN) {
+ member.data_type = DataType();
+ member.data_type.infer_type = true;
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ } else if (!_parse_type(member.data_type)) {
+ _set_error("Expected type for class variable.");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN) {
@@ -4117,42 +4554,31 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
member.expression = subexpr;
- if (autoexport) {
- if (1) /*(subexpr->type==Node::TYPE_ARRAY) {
+ if (autoexport && !member.data_type.has_type) {
- member._export.type=Variant::ARRAY;
- } else if (subexpr->type==Node::TYPE_DICTIONARY) {
- member._export.type=Variant::DICTIONARY;
- } else*/
- {
- if (subexpr->type != Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
+ if (subexpr->type != Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
- _set_error("Type-less export needs a constant expression assigned to infer type.");
- return;
- }
+ _set_error("Type-less export needs a constant expression assigned to infer type.");
+ return;
+ }
- ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<ConstantNode *>(subexpr);
- if (cn->value.get_type() == Variant::NIL) {
+ ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<ConstantNode *>(subexpr);
+ if (cn->value.get_type() == Variant::NIL) {
- _set_error("Can't accept a null constant expression for inferring export type.");
+ _set_error("Can't accept a null constant expression for inferring export type.");
+ return;
+ }
+ member._export.type = cn->value.get_type();
+ member._export.usage |= PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE;
+ if (cn->value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ Object *obj = cn->value;
+ Resource *res = Object::cast_to<Resource>(obj);
+ if (res == NULL) {
+ _set_error("Exported constant not a type or resource.");
- member._export.type = cn->value.get_type();
- member._export.usage |= PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE;
- if (cn->value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
- Object *obj = cn->value;
- Resource *res = Object::cast_to<Resource>(obj);
- if (res == NULL) {
- _set_error("Exported constant not a type or resource.");
- return;
- }
- member._export.hint = PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE;
- member._export.hint_string = res->get_class();
- }
+ member._export.hint = PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE;
+ member._export.hint_string = res->get_class();
@@ -4186,15 +4612,37 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
- } else {
+ member.initial_assignment = op;
- if (autoexport) {
+ } else {
+ if (autoexport && !member.data_type.has_type) {
_set_error("Type-less export needs a constant expression assigned to infer type.");
+ if (autoexport && member.data_type.has_type) {
+ if (member.data_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ member._export.type = member.data_type.builtin_type;
+ } else if (member.data_type.kind == DataType::NATIVE) {
+ if (ClassDB::is_parent_class(member.data_type.native_type, "Resource")) {
+ member._export.type = Variant::OBJECT;
+ member._export.hint = PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE;
+ member._export.usage |= PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE;
+ member._export.hint_string = member.data_type.native_type;
+ member._export.class_name = member.data_type.native_type;
+ } else {
+ _set_error("Invalid export type. Only built-in and native resource types can be exported.", member.line);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ _set_error("Invalid export type. Only built-in and native resource types can be exported.", member.line);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_SETGET) {
@@ -4231,7 +4679,7 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
} break;
case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_CONST: {
- //variale declaration and (eventual) initialization
+ // constant declaration and initialization
ClassNode::Constant constant;
@@ -4242,9 +4690,38 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
- constant.identifier = tokenizer->get_token_literal();
+ StringName const_id = tokenizer->get_token_literal();
+ int line = tokenizer->get_token_line();
+ if (current_class->constant_expressions.has(const_id)) {
+ _set_error("Constant '" + String(const_id) + "' alread exists in this class (at line: " +
+ itos(current_class->constant_expressions[const_id].expression->line) + ").");
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < current_class->variables.size(); i++) {
+ if (current_class->variables[i].identifier == const_id) {
+ _set_error("A variable named '" + String(const_id) + "' alread exists in this class (at line: " +
+ itos(current_class->variables[i].line) + ").");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_COLON) {
+ if (tokenizer->get_token(1) == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN) {
+ constant.type = DataType();
+ constant.type.infer_type = true;
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ } else if (!_parse_type(constant.type)) {
+ _set_error("Expected type for class constant.");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
if (tokenizer->get_token() != GDScriptTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN) {
_set_error("Constant expects assignment.");
@@ -4261,14 +4738,16 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
if (subexpr->type != Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
- _set_error("Expected constant expression");
+ _set_error("Expected constant expression", line);
+ return;
+ subexpr->line = line;
constant.expression = subexpr;
- p_class->constant_expressions.push_back(constant);
+ p_class->constant_expressions.insert(const_id, constant);
if (!_end_statement()) {
- _set_error("Expected end of statement (constant)");
+ _set_error("Expected end of statement (constant)", line);
@@ -4311,7 +4790,7 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
} else { // tokenizer->is_token_literal(0, true)
ClassNode::Constant constant;
- constant.identifier = tokenizer->get_token_literal();
+ StringName const_id = tokenizer->get_token_literal();
@@ -4328,22 +4807,25 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
if (subexpr->type != Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
_set_error("Expected constant expression");
+ return;
- const ConstantNode *subexpr_const = static_cast<const ConstantNode *>(subexpr);
+ ConstantNode *subexpr_const = static_cast<ConstantNode *>(subexpr);
if (subexpr_const->value.get_type() != Variant::INT) {
_set_error("Expected an int value for enum");
+ return;
last_assign = subexpr_const->value;
- constant.expression = subexpr;
+ constant.expression = subexpr_const;
} else {
last_assign = last_assign + 1;
ConstantNode *cn = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
cn->value = last_assign;
+ cn->datatype = _type_from_variant(cn->value);
constant.expression = cn;
@@ -4353,20 +4835,25 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
if (enum_name != "") {
const ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<const ConstantNode *>(constant.expression);
- enum_dict[constant.identifier] = cn->value;
+ enum_dict[const_id] = cn->value;
- p_class->constant_expressions.push_back(constant);
+ constant.type.has_type = true;
+ constant.type.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ constant.type.builtin_type = Variant::INT;
+ p_class->constant_expressions.insert(const_id, constant);
if (enum_name != "") {
ClassNode::Constant enum_constant;
- enum_constant.identifier = enum_name;
ConstantNode *cn = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
cn->value = enum_dict;
+ cn->datatype = _type_from_variant(cn->value);
enum_constant.expression = cn;
- p_class->constant_expressions.push_back(enum_constant);
+ enum_constant.type = cn->datatype;
+ p_class->constant_expressions.insert(enum_name, enum_constant);
if (!_end_statement()) {
@@ -4396,6 +4883,2954 @@ void GDScriptParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
+void GDScriptParser::_determine_inheritance(ClassNode *p_class) {
+ if (p_class->extends_used) {
+ //do inheritance
+ String path = p_class->extends_file;
+ Ref<GDScript> script;
+ StringName native;
+ ClassNode *base_class = NULL;
+ if (path != "") {
+ //path (and optionally subclasses)
+ if (path.is_rel_path()) {
+ String base = base_path;
+ if (base == "" || base.is_rel_path()) {
+ _set_error("Could not resolve relative path for parent class: " + path, p_class->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ path = base.plus_file(path).simplify_path();
+ }
+ script = ResourceLoader::load(path);
+ if (script.is_null()) {
+ _set_error("Could not load base class: " + path, p_class->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!script->is_valid()) {
+ _set_error("Script not fully loaded (cyclic preload?): " + path, p_class->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (p_class->extends_class.size()) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->extends_class.size(); i++) {
+ String sub = p_class->extends_class[i];
+ if (script->get_subclasses().has(sub)) {
+ Ref<Script> subclass = script->get_subclasses()[sub]; //avoid reference from disappearing
+ script = subclass;
+ } else {
+ _set_error("Could not find subclass: " + sub, p_class->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (p_class->extends_class.size() == 0) {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: undecidable inheritance.", p_class->line);
+ }
+ //look around for the subclasses
+ int extend_iter = 1;
+ String base = p_class->extends_class[0];
+ ClassNode *p = p_class->owner;
+ Ref<GDScript> base_script;
+ if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(base)) {
+ base_script = ResourceLoader::load(ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(base));
+ if (!base_script.is_valid()) {
+ _set_error("Class '" + base + "' could not be fully loaded (script error or cyclic inheritance).", p_class->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ p = NULL;
+ }
+ while (p) {
+ bool found = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < p->subclasses.size(); i++) {
+ if (p->subclasses[i]->name == base) {
+ ClassNode *test = p->subclasses[i];
+ while (test) {
+ if (test == p_class) {
+ _set_error("Cyclic inheritance.", test->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (test->base_type.kind == DataType::CLASS) {
+ test = test->base_type.class_type;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ found = true;
+ if (extend_iter < p_class->extends_class.size()) {
+ // Keep looking at current classes if possible
+ base = p_class->extends_class[extend_iter++];
+ p = p->subclasses[i];
+ } else {
+ base_class = p->subclasses[i];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (base_class) break;
+ if (found) continue;
+ if (p->constant_expressions.has(base)) {
+ if (!p->constant_expressions[base].expression->type == Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
+ _set_error("Could not resolve constant '" + base + "'.", p_class->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ const ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<const ConstantNode *>(p->constant_expressions[base].expression);
+ base_script = cn->value;
+ if (base_script.is_null()) {
+ _set_error("Constant is not a class: " + base, p_class->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ p = p->owner;
+ }
+ if (base_script.is_valid()) {
+ String ident = base;
+ for (int i = extend_iter; i < p_class->extends_class.size(); i++) {
+ String subclass = p_class->extends_class[i];
+ ident += ("." + subclass);
+ if (base_script->get_subclasses().has(subclass)) {
+ base_script = base_script->get_subclasses()[subclass];
+ } else if (base_script->get_constants().has(subclass)) {
+ Ref<GDScript> new_base_class = base_script->get_constants()[subclass];
+ if (new_base_class.is_null()) {
+ _set_error("Constant is not a class: " + ident, p_class->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ base_script = new_base_class;
+ } else {
+ _set_error("Could not find subclass: " + ident, p_class->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ script = base_script;
+ } else if (!base_class) {
+ if (p_class->extends_class.size() > 1) {
+ _set_error("Invalid inheritance (unknown class + subclasses)", p_class->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ //if not found, try engine classes
+ if (!GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map().has(base)) {
+ _set_error("Unknown class: '" + base + "'", p_class->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ native = base;
+ }
+ }
+ if (base_class) {
+ p_class->base_type.has_type = true;
+ p_class->base_type.kind = DataType::CLASS;
+ p_class->base_type.class_type = base_class;
+ } else if (script.is_valid()) {
+ p_class->base_type.has_type = true;
+ p_class->base_type.kind = DataType::GDSCRIPT;
+ p_class->base_type.script_type = script;
+ p_class->base_type.native_type = script->get_instance_base_type();
+ } else if (native != StringName()) {
+ p_class->base_type.has_type = true;
+ p_class->base_type.kind = DataType::NATIVE;
+ p_class->base_type.native_type = native;
+ } else {
+ _set_error("Could not determine inheritance", p_class->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // without extends, implicitly extend Reference
+ p_class->base_type.has_type = true;
+ p_class->base_type.kind = DataType::NATIVE;
+ p_class->base_type.native_type = "Reference";
+ }
+ // Recursively determine subclasses
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->subclasses.size(); i++) {
+ _determine_inheritance(p_class->subclasses[i]);
+ }
+String GDScriptParser::DataType::to_string() const {
+ if (!has_type) return "var";
+ switch (kind) {
+ case BUILTIN: {
+ if (builtin_type == Variant::NIL) return "null";
+ return Variant::get_type_name(builtin_type);
+ } break;
+ case NATIVE: {
+ if (is_meta_type) {
+ return "GDScriptNativeClass";
+ }
+ return native_type.operator String();
+ } break;
+ case GDSCRIPT: {
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = script_type;
+ const String &gds_class = gds->get_script_class_name();
+ if (!gds_class.empty()) {
+ return gds_class;
+ }
+ } // fallthrough
+ case SCRIPT: {
+ if (is_meta_type) {
+ return script_type->get_class_name().operator String();
+ }
+ String name = script_type->get_name();
+ if (name != String()) {
+ return name;
+ }
+ name = script_type->get_path().get_file();
+ if (name != String()) {
+ return name;
+ }
+ return native_type.operator String();
+ } break;
+ case CLASS: {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!class_type, String());
+ if (is_meta_type) {
+ return "GDScript";
+ }
+ if (class_type->name == StringName()) {
+ return "self";
+ }
+ return class_type->name.operator String();
+ } break;
+ }
+ return "Unresolved";
+bool GDScriptParser::_parse_type(DataType &r_type, bool p_can_be_void) {
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ r_type.has_type = true;
+ bool finished = false;
+ bool can_index = false;
+ String full_name;
+ if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CURSOR) {
+ completion_cursor = StringName();
+ completion_type = COMPLETION_TYPE_HINT;
+ completion_class = current_class;
+ completion_function = current_function;
+ completion_line = tokenizer->get_token_line();
+ completion_argument = 0;
+ completion_block = current_block;
+ completion_found = true;
+ completion_ident_is_call = p_can_be_void;
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ }
+ switch (tokenizer->get_token()) {
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_VOID: {
+ if (!p_can_be_void) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ r_type.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ r_type.builtin_type = Variant::NIL;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_BUILT_IN_TYPE: {
+ r_type.builtin_type = tokenizer->get_token_type();
+ if (tokenizer->get_token_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ r_type.kind = DataType::NATIVE;
+ r_type.native_type = "Object";
+ } else {
+ r_type.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_IDENTIFIER: {
+ r_type.native_type = tokenizer->get_token_identifier();
+ if (ClassDB::class_exists(r_type.native_type) || ClassDB::class_exists("_" + r_type.native_type.operator String())) {
+ r_type.kind = DataType::NATIVE;
+ } else {
+ r_type.kind = DataType::UNRESOLVED;
+ can_index = true;
+ full_name = r_type.native_type;
+ }
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ if (tokenizer->get_token() == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_CURSOR) {
+ completion_cursor = r_type.native_type;
+ completion_type = COMPLETION_TYPE_HINT;
+ completion_class = current_class;
+ completion_function = current_function;
+ completion_line = tokenizer->get_token_line();
+ completion_argument = 0;
+ completion_block = current_block;
+ completion_found = true;
+ completion_ident_is_call = p_can_be_void;
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ }
+ if (can_index) {
+ while (!finished) {
+ switch (tokenizer->get_token()) {
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PERIOD: {
+ if (!can_index) {
+ _set_error("Unexpected '.'.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ can_index = false;
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptTokenizer::TK_IDENTIFIER: {
+ if (can_index) {
+ _set_error("Unexpected identifier.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ StringName id;
+ bool has_completion = _get_completable_identifier(COMPLETION_TYPE_HINT_INDEX, id);
+ if (id == StringName()) {
+ id = "@temp";
+ }
+ full_name += "." + id.operator String();
+ can_index = true;
+ if (has_completion) {
+ completion_cursor = full_name;
+ }
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ finished = true;
+ } break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tokenizer->get_token(-1) == GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PERIOD) {
+ _set_error("Expected subclass identifier.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ r_type.native_type = full_name;
+ }
+ return true;
+GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptParser::_resolve_type(const DataType &p_source, int p_line) {
+ if (!p_source.has_type) return p_source;
+ if (p_source.kind != DataType::UNRESOLVED) return p_source;
+ Vector<String> full_name = p_source.native_type.operator String().split(".", false);
+ int name_part = 0;
+ DataType result;
+ result.has_type = true;
+ while (name_part < full_name.size()) {
+ bool found = false;
+ StringName id = full_name[name_part];
+ DataType base_type = result;
+ ClassNode *p = NULL;
+ if (name_part == 0) {
+ if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(id)) {
+ String script_path = ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(id);
+ if (script_path == self_path) {
+ result.kind = DataType::CLASS;
+ result.class_type = current_class;
+ } else {
+ Ref<Script> script = ResourceLoader::load(script_path);
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = script;
+ if (gds.is_valid()) {
+ if (!gds->is_valid()) {
+ _set_error("Class '" + id + "' could not be fully loaded (script error or cyclic inheritance).", p_line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ result.kind = DataType::GDSCRIPT;
+ result.script_type = gds;
+ } else if (script.is_valid()) {
+ result.kind = DataType::SCRIPT;
+ result.script_type = script;
+ } else {
+ _set_error("Class '" + id + "' was found in global scope but its script could not be loaded.", p_line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ }
+ name_part++;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ p = current_class;
+ }
+ } else if (base_type.kind == DataType::CLASS) {
+ p = base_type.class_type;
+ }
+ while (p) {
+ if (p->constant_expressions.has(id)) {
+ if (p->constant_expressions[id].expression->type != Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: unresolved constant.", p_line);
+ ERR_FAIL_V(result);
+ }
+ const ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<const ConstantNode *>(p->constant_expressions[id].expression);
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = cn->value;
+ if (gds.is_valid()) {
+ result.kind = DataType::GDSCRIPT;
+ result.script_type = gds;
+ found = true;
+ } else {
+ Ref<Script> scr = cn->value;
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ result.kind = DataType::SCRIPT;
+ result.script_type = scr;
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Inner classes
+ ClassNode *outer_class = p;
+ while (outer_class) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < outer_class->subclasses.size(); i++) {
+ if (outer_class->subclasses[i] == p) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (outer_class->subclasses[i]->name == id) {
+ found = true;
+ result.kind = DataType::CLASS;
+ result.class_type = outer_class->subclasses[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found) {
+ break;
+ }
+ outer_class = outer_class->owner;
+ }
+ if (!found && p->base_type.kind == DataType::CLASS) {
+ p = p->base_type.class_type;
+ } else {
+ base_type = p->base_type;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Still look for class constants in parent script
+ if (!found && (base_type.kind == DataType::GDSCRIPT || base_type.kind == DataType::SCRIPT)) {
+ Ref<Script> scr = base_type.script_type;
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(scr.is_null(), result);
+ Map<StringName, Variant> constants;
+ scr->get_constants(&constants);
+ if (constants.has(id)) {
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = constants[id];
+ if (gds.is_valid()) {
+ result.kind = DataType::GDSCRIPT;
+ result.script_type = gds;
+ found = true;
+ } else {
+ Ref<Script> scr = constants[id];
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ result.kind = DataType::SCRIPT;
+ result.script_type = scr;
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found && !for_completion) {
+ String base;
+ if (name_part == 0) {
+ base = "self";
+ } else {
+ base = result.to_string();
+ }
+ _set_error("Identifier '" + String(id) + "' is not a valid type (not a script or class), or could not be found on base '" +
+ base + "'.",
+ p_line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ name_part++;
+ }
+ return result;
+GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptParser::_type_from_variant(const Variant &p_value) const {
+ DataType result;
+ result.has_type = true;
+ result.is_constant = true;
+ result.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ result.builtin_type = p_value.get_type();
+ if (result.builtin_type == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ Object *obj = p_value.operator Object *();
+ if (!obj) {
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ result.native_type = obj->get_class_name();
+ Ref<Script> scr = p_value;
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ result.is_meta_type = true;
+ } else {
+ result.is_meta_type = false;
+ scr = obj->get_script();
+ }
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ result.script_type = scr;
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = scr;
+ if (gds.is_valid()) {
+ result.kind = DataType::GDSCRIPT;
+ } else {
+ result.kind = DataType::SCRIPT;
+ }
+ result.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type();
+ } else {
+ result.kind = DataType::NATIVE;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptParser::_type_from_property(const PropertyInfo &p_property, bool p_nil_is_variant) const {
+ DataType ret;
+ if (p_property.type == Variant::NIL && (p_nil_is_variant || (p_property.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT))) {
+ // Variant
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ret.has_type = true;
+ ret.builtin_type = p_property.type;
+ if (p_property.type == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ ret.kind = DataType::NATIVE;
+ ret.native_type = p_property.class_name == StringName() ? "Object" : p_property.class_name;
+ } else {
+ ret.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ }
+ return ret;
+GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptParser::_type_from_gdtype(const GDScriptDataType &p_gdtype) const {
+ DataType result;
+ if (!p_gdtype.has_type) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ result.has_type = true;
+ result.builtin_type = p_gdtype.builtin_type;
+ result.native_type = p_gdtype.native_type;
+ result.script_type = p_gdtype.script_type;
+ switch (p_gdtype.kind) {
+ case GDScriptDataType::BUILTIN: {
+ result.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptDataType::NATIVE: {
+ result.kind = DataType::NATIVE;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptDataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ result.kind = DataType::GDSCRIPT;
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptDataType::SCRIPT: {
+ result.kind = DataType::SCRIPT;
+ } break;
+ }
+ return result;
+GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptParser::_get_operation_type(const Variant::Operator p_op, const DataType &p_a, const DataType &p_b, bool &r_valid) const {
+ if (!p_a.has_type || !p_b.has_type) {
+ r_valid = true;
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ Variant::Type a_type = p_a.kind == DataType::BUILTIN ? p_a.builtin_type : Variant::OBJECT;
+ Variant::Type b_type = p_b.kind == DataType::BUILTIN ? p_b.builtin_type : Variant::OBJECT;
+ Variant a;
+ REF a_ref;
+ if (a_type == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ a_ref.instance();
+ a = a_ref;
+ } else {
+ Variant::CallError err;
+ a = Variant::construct(a_type, NULL, 0, err);
+ if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) {
+ r_valid = false;
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ }
+ Variant b;
+ REF b_ref;
+ if (b_type == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ b_ref.instance();
+ b = b_ref;
+ } else {
+ Variant::CallError err;
+ b = Variant::construct(b_type, NULL, 0, err);
+ if (err.error != Variant::CallError::CALL_OK) {
+ r_valid = false;
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ }
+ // Avoid division by zero
+ if (a_type == Variant::INT || a_type == Variant::REAL) {
+ Variant::evaluate(Variant::OP_ADD, a, 1, a, r_valid);
+ }
+ if (b_type == Variant::INT || b_type == Variant::REAL) {
+ Variant::evaluate(Variant::OP_ADD, b, 1, b, r_valid);
+ }
+ if (a_type == Variant::STRING && b_type != Variant::ARRAY) {
+ a = "%s"; // Work around for formatting operator (%)
+ }
+ Variant ret;
+ Variant::evaluate(p_op, a, b, ret, r_valid);
+ if (r_valid) {
+ return _type_from_variant(ret);
+ }
+ return DataType();
+Variant::Operator GDScriptParser::_get_variant_operation(const OperatorNode::Operator &p_op) const {
+ switch (p_op) {
+ case OperatorNode::OP_NEG: {
+ return Variant::OP_NEGATE;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_POS: {
+ return Variant::OP_POSITIVE;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_NOT: {
+ return Variant::OP_NOT;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_BIT_INVERT: {
+ return Variant::OP_BIT_NEGATE;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_IN: {
+ return Variant::OP_IN;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_EQUAL: {
+ return Variant::OP_EQUAL;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_NOT_EQUAL: {
+ return Variant::OP_NOT_EQUAL;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_LESS: {
+ return Variant::OP_LESS;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_LESS_EQUAL: {
+ return Variant::OP_LESS_EQUAL;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_GREATER: {
+ return Variant::OP_GREATER;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_GREATER_EQUAL: {
+ return Variant::OP_GREATER_EQUAL;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_AND: {
+ return Variant::OP_AND;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_OR: {
+ return Variant::OP_OR;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_ADD:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ADD: {
+ return Variant::OP_ADD;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SUB:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_SUB: {
+ return Variant::OP_SUBTRACT;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_MUL:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_MUL: {
+ return Variant::OP_MULTIPLY;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_DIV:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_DIV: {
+ return Variant::OP_DIVIDE;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_MOD:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_MOD: {
+ return Variant::OP_MODULE;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_AND:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_BIT_AND: {
+ return Variant::OP_BIT_AND;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_OR:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_BIT_OR: {
+ return Variant::OP_BIT_OR;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_XOR:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_BIT_XOR: {
+ return Variant::OP_BIT_XOR;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_LEFT:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_SHIFT_LEFT: {
+ return Variant::OP_SHIFT_LEFT;
+ }
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_RIGHT:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_SHIFT_RIGHT: {
+ return Variant::OP_SHIFT_RIGHT;
+ }
+ default: {
+ return Variant::OP_MAX;
+ } break;
+ }
+bool GDScriptParser::_is_type_compatible(const DataType &p_container, const DataType &p_expression, bool p_allow_implicit_conversion) const {
+ // Ignore for completion
+ if (!check_types || for_completion) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Can't test if not all have type
+ if (!p_container.has_type || !p_expression.has_type) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Should never get here unresolved
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_container.kind == DataType::UNRESOLVED, false);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(p_expression.kind == DataType::UNRESOLVED, false);
+ if (p_container.kind == DataType::BUILTIN && p_expression.kind == DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ bool valid = p_container.builtin_type == p_expression.builtin_type;
+ if (p_allow_implicit_conversion) {
+ valid = valid || (p_container.builtin_type == Variant::INT && p_expression.builtin_type == Variant::REAL);
+ valid = valid || (p_container.builtin_type == Variant::REAL && p_expression.builtin_type == Variant::INT);
+ valid = valid || (p_container.builtin_type == Variant::STRING && p_expression.builtin_type == Variant::NODE_PATH);
+ valid = valid || (p_container.builtin_type == Variant::NODE_PATH && p_expression.builtin_type == Variant::STRING);
+ valid = valid || (p_container.builtin_type == Variant::BOOL && p_expression.builtin_type == Variant::REAL);
+ valid = valid || (p_container.builtin_type == Variant::BOOL && p_expression.builtin_type == Variant::INT);
+ valid = valid || (p_container.builtin_type == Variant::INT && p_expression.builtin_type == Variant::BOOL);
+ valid = valid || (p_container.builtin_type == Variant::REAL && p_expression.builtin_type == Variant::BOOL);
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ if (p_container.kind == DataType::BUILTIN || (p_expression.kind == DataType::BUILTIN && p_expression.builtin_type != Variant::NIL)) {
+ // Can't mix built-ins with objects
+ return false;
+ }
+ // From now on everything is objects, check polymorphism
+ // The container must be the same class or a superclass of the expression
+ if (p_expression.kind == DataType::BUILTIN && p_expression.builtin_type == Variant::NIL) {
+ // Null can be assigned to object types
+ return true;
+ }
+ StringName expr_native;
+ Ref<Script> expr_script;
+ ClassNode *expr_class = NULL;
+ switch (p_expression.kind) {
+ case DataType::NATIVE: {
+ if (p_container.kind != DataType::NATIVE) {
+ // Non-native type can't be a superclass of a native type
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (p_expression.is_meta_type) {
+ expr_native = GDScriptNativeClass::get_class_static();
+ } else {
+ expr_native = p_expression.native_type;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case DataType::SCRIPT:
+ case DataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ if (p_container.kind == DataType::CLASS) {
+ // This cannot be resolved without cyclic dependencies, so just bail out
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (p_expression.is_meta_type) {
+ expr_native = p_expression.script_type->get_class_name();
+ } else {
+ expr_script = p_expression.script_type;
+ expr_native = expr_script->get_instance_base_type();
+ }
+ } break;
+ case DataType::CLASS: {
+ if (p_expression.is_meta_type) {
+ expr_native = GDScript::get_class_static();
+ } else {
+ expr_class = p_expression.class_type;
+ ClassNode *base = expr_class;
+ while (base->base_type.kind == DataType::CLASS) {
+ base = base->base_type.class_type;
+ }
+ expr_native = base->base_type.native_type;
+ expr_script = base->base_type.script_type;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch (p_container.kind) {
+ case DataType::NATIVE: {
+ if (p_container.is_meta_type) {
+ return ClassDB::is_parent_class(expr_native, GDScriptNativeClass::get_class_static());
+ } else {
+ return ClassDB::is_parent_class(expr_native, p_container.native_type);
+ }
+ } break;
+ case DataType::SCRIPT:
+ case DataType::GDSCRIPT: {
+ if (p_container.is_meta_type) {
+ return ClassDB::is_parent_class(expr_native, GDScript::get_class_static());
+ }
+ if (expr_class == head && p_container.script_type->get_path() == self_path) {
+ // Special case: container is self script and expression is self
+ return true;
+ }
+ while (expr_script.is_valid()) {
+ if (expr_script == p_container.script_type) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ expr_script = expr_script->get_base_script();
+ }
+ return false;
+ } break;
+ case DataType::CLASS: {
+ if (p_container.is_meta_type) {
+ return ClassDB::is_parent_class(expr_native, GDScript::get_class_static());
+ }
+ if (p_container.class_type == head && expr_script.is_valid() && expr_script->get_path() == self_path) {
+ // Special case: container is self and expression is self script
+ return true;
+ }
+ while (expr_class) {
+ if (expr_class == p_container.class_type) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ expr_class = expr_class->base_type.class_type;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptParser::_reduce_node_type(Node *p_node) {
+ if (p_node->get_datatype().has_type) {
+ return p_node->get_datatype();
+ }
+ DataType node_type;
+ switch (p_node->type) {
+ case Node::TYPE_CONSTANT: {
+ node_type = _type_from_variant(static_cast<ConstantNode *>(p_node)->value);
+ } break;
+ case Node::TYPE_ARRAY: {
+ node_type.has_type = true;
+ node_type.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ node_type.builtin_type = Variant::ARRAY;
+ // Check stuff inside the array
+ ArrayNode *an = static_cast<ArrayNode *>(p_node);
+ for (int i = 0; i < an->elements.size(); i++) {
+ _reduce_node_type(an->elements[i]);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ } break;
+ case Node::TYPE_DICTIONARY: {
+ node_type.has_type = true;
+ node_type.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ node_type.builtin_type = Variant::DICTIONARY;
+ // Check stuff inside the dictionarty
+ DictionaryNode *dn = static_cast<DictionaryNode *>(p_node);
+ for (int i = 0; i < dn->elements.size(); i++) {
+ _reduce_node_type(dn->elements[i].key);
+ _reduce_node_type(dn->elements[i].value);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ } break;
+ case Node::TYPE_SELF: {
+ node_type.has_type = true;
+ node_type.kind = DataType::CLASS;
+ node_type.class_type = current_class;
+ } break;
+ case Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER: {
+ IdentifierNode *id = static_cast<IdentifierNode *>(p_node);
+ if (id->declared_block) {
+ node_type = id->declared_block->variables[id->name]->get_datatype();
+ id->declared_block->variables[id->name]->usages += 1;
+ print_line("var " + id->name + " line " + itos(id->line) + " usages " + itos(id->declared_block->variables[id->name]->usages));
+ } else if (id->name == "#match_value") {
+ // It's a special id just for the match statetement, ignore
+ break;
+ } else if (current_function && current_function->arguments.find(id->name) >= 0) {
+ int idx = current_function->arguments.find(id->name);
+ node_type = current_function->argument_types[idx];
+ } else {
+ node_type = _reduce_identifier_type(NULL, id->name, id->line);
+ }
+ } break;
+ case Node::TYPE_CAST: {
+ CastNode *cn = static_cast<CastNode *>(p_node);
+ DataType source_type = _reduce_node_type(cn->source_node);
+ cn->cast_type = _resolve_type(cn->cast_type, cn->line);
+ if (source_type.has_type) {
+ bool valid = false;
+ if (check_types) {
+ if (cn->cast_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN && source_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ valid = Variant::can_convert(source_type.builtin_type, cn->cast_type.builtin_type);
+ }
+ if (cn->cast_type.kind != DataType::BUILTIN && source_type.kind != DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ valid = _is_type_compatible(cn->cast_type, source_type) || _is_type_compatible(source_type, cn->cast_type);
+ }
+ if (!valid) {
+ _set_error("Invalid cast. Cannot convert from '" + source_type.to_string() +
+ "' to '" + cn->cast_type.to_string() + "'.",
+ cn->line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::UNSAFE_CAST, cn->line, cn->cast_type.to_string());
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(cn->line);
+ }
+ node_type = cn->cast_type;
+ } break;
+ case Node::TYPE_OPERATOR: {
+ OperatorNode *op = static_cast<OperatorNode *>(p_node);
+ switch (op->op) {
+ case OperatorNode::OP_CALL:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_PARENT_CALL: {
+ node_type = _reduce_function_call_type(op);
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_YIELD: {
+ if (op->arguments.size() == 2) {
+ DataType base_type = _reduce_node_type(op->arguments[0]);
+ DataType signal_type = _reduce_node_type(op->arguments[1]);
+ // TODO: Check if signal exists when it's a constant
+ if (base_type.has_type && base_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN && base_type.builtin_type != Variant::NIL && base_type.builtin_type != Variant::OBJECT) {
+ _set_error("First argument of 'yield()' must be an object.", op->line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ if (signal_type.has_type && (signal_type.kind != DataType::BUILTIN || signal_type.builtin_type != Variant::STRING)) {
+ _set_error("Second argument of 'yield()' must be a string.", op->line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ }
+ // yield can return anything
+ node_type.has_type = false;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_IS: {
+ if (op->arguments.size() != 2) {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: binary operation without 2 arguments.", op->line);
+ ERR_FAIL_V(DataType());
+ }
+ DataType value_type = _reduce_node_type(op->arguments[0]);
+ DataType type_type = _reduce_node_type(op->arguments[1]);
+ if (check_types && type_type.has_type) {
+ if (!type_type.is_meta_type && (type_type.kind != DataType::NATIVE || !ClassDB::is_parent_class(type_type.native_type, "Script"))) {
+ _set_error("Invalid 'is' test: right operand is not a type (not a native type nor a script).", op->line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ type_type.is_meta_type = false; // Test the actual type
+ if (!_is_type_compatible(type_type, value_type) && !_is_type_compatible(value_type, type_type)) {
+ // TODO: Make this a warning?
+ _set_error("A value of type '" + value_type.to_string() + "' will never be an instance of '" + type_type.to_string() + "'.", op->line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ }
+ node_type.has_type = true;
+ node_type.is_constant = true;
+ node_type.is_meta_type = false;
+ node_type.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ node_type.builtin_type = Variant::BOOL;
+ } break;
+ // Unary operators
+ case OperatorNode::OP_NEG:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_POS:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_NOT:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_BIT_INVERT: {
+ DataType argument_type = _reduce_node_type(op->arguments[0]);
+ if (!argument_type.has_type) {
+ break;
+ }
+ Variant::Operator var_op = _get_variant_operation(op->op);
+ bool valid = false;
+ node_type = _get_operation_type(var_op, argument_type, argument_type, valid);
+ if (check_types && !valid) {
+ _set_error("Invalid operand type ('" + argument_type.to_string() +
+ "') to unary operator '" + Variant::get_operator_name(var_op) + "'.",
+ op->line, op->column);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ } break;
+ // Binary operators
+ case OperatorNode::OP_IN:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_EQUAL:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_NOT_EQUAL:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_LESS:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_LESS_EQUAL:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_GREATER:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_GREATER_EQUAL:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_AND:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_OR:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ADD:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_SUB:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_MUL:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_DIV:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_MOD:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_SHIFT_LEFT:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_SHIFT_RIGHT:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_BIT_AND:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_BIT_OR:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_BIT_XOR: {
+ if (op->arguments.size() != 2) {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: binary operation without 2 arguments.", op->line);
+ ERR_FAIL_V(DataType());
+ }
+ DataType argument_a_type = _reduce_node_type(op->arguments[0]);
+ DataType argument_b_type = _reduce_node_type(op->arguments[1]);
+ if (!argument_a_type.has_type || !argument_b_type.has_type) {
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(op->line);
+ break;
+ }
+ Variant::Operator var_op = _get_variant_operation(op->op);
+ bool valid = false;
+ node_type = _get_operation_type(var_op, argument_a_type, argument_b_type, valid);
+ if (check_types && !valid) {
+ _set_error("Invalid operand types ('" + argument_a_type.to_string() + "' and '" +
+ argument_b_type.to_string() + "') to operator '" + Variant::get_operator_name(var_op) + "'.",
+ op->line, op->column);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ if (var_op == Variant::OP_DIVIDE && argument_a_type.has_type && argument_a_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN && argument_a_type.builtin_type == Variant::INT &&
+ argument_b_type.has_type && argument_b_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN && argument_b_type.builtin_type == Variant::INT) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::INTEGER_DIVISION, op->line);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ } break;
+ // Ternary operators
+ case OperatorNode::OP_TERNARY_IF: {
+ if (op->arguments.size() != 3) {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: ternary operation without 3 arguments");
+ ERR_FAIL_V(DataType());
+ }
+ DataType true_type = _reduce_node_type(op->arguments[1]);
+ DataType false_type = _reduce_node_type(op->arguments[2]);
+ // If types are equal, then the expression is of the same type
+ // If they are compatible, return the broader type
+ if (true_type == false_type || _is_type_compatible(true_type, false_type)) {
+ node_type = true_type;
+ } else if (_is_type_compatible(false_type, true_type)) {
+ node_type = false_type;
+ } else {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::INCOMPATIBLE_TERNARY, op->line);
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ }
+ } break;
+ // Assignment should never happen within an expression
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_ADD:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SUB:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_MUL:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_DIV:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_MOD:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_LEFT:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_RIGHT:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_AND:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_OR:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_XOR:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_INIT_ASSIGN: {
+ _set_error("Assignment inside expression is not allowed (parser bug?).", op->line);
+ return DataType();
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_INDEX_NAMED: {
+ if (op->arguments.size() != 2) {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: named index with invalid arguments.", op->line);
+ ERR_FAIL_V(DataType());
+ }
+ if (op->arguments[1]->type != Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: named index without identifier argument.", op->line);
+ ERR_FAIL_V(DataType());
+ }
+ DataType base_type = _reduce_node_type(op->arguments[0]);
+ IdentifierNode *member_id = static_cast<IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[1]);
+ if (base_type.has_type) {
+ if (check_types && base_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ // Variant type, just test if it's possible
+ DataType result;
+ switch (base_type.builtin_type) {
+ case Variant::NIL:
+ case Variant::DICTIONARY: {
+ result.has_type = false;
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ Variant::CallError err;
+ Variant temp = Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err);
+ bool valid = false;
+ Variant res = temp.get(member_id->name.operator String(), &valid);
+ if (valid) {
+ result = _type_from_variant(res);
+ } else if (check_types) {
+ _set_error("Can't get index '" + String(member_id->name.operator String()) + "' on base '" +
+ base_type.to_string() + "'.",
+ op->line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ } break;
+ }
+ result.is_constant = false;
+ node_type = result;
+ } else {
+ node_type = _reduce_identifier_type(&base_type, member_id->name, op->line);
+ if (!node_type.has_type) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::UNSAFE_PROPERTY_ACCESS, op->line, member_id->name.operator String(), base_type.to_string());
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ }
+ } else {
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(op->line);
+ }
+ if (error_set) {
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_INDEX: {
+ if (op->arguments[1]->type == Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
+ ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<ConstantNode *>(op->arguments[1]);
+ if (cn->value.get_type() == Variant::STRING) {
+ // Treat this as named indexing
+ IdentifierNode *id = alloc_node<IdentifierNode>();
+ id->name = cn->value.operator StringName();
+ op->op = OperatorNode::OP_INDEX_NAMED;
+ op->arguments.write[1] = id;
+ return _reduce_node_type(op);
+ }
+ }
+ DataType base_type = _reduce_node_type(op->arguments[0]);
+ DataType index_type = _reduce_node_type(op->arguments[1]);
+ if (!base_type.has_type) {
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(op->line);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (check_types && index_type.has_type) {
+ if (base_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ // Check if indexing is valid
+ bool error = index_type.kind != DataType::BUILTIN;
+ if (!error) {
+ switch (base_type.builtin_type) {
+ // Expect int or real as index
+ case Variant::POOL_BYTE_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::POOL_COLOR_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::POOL_INT_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::POOL_REAL_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::POOL_STRING_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::POOL_VECTOR2_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::POOL_VECTOR3_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::ARRAY:
+ case Variant::STRING: {
+ error = index_type.builtin_type != Variant::INT && index_type.builtin_type != Variant::REAL;
+ } break;
+ // Expect String only
+ case Variant::RECT2:
+ case Variant::PLANE:
+ case Variant::QUAT:
+ case Variant::AABB:
+ case Variant::OBJECT: {
+ error = index_type.builtin_type != Variant::STRING;
+ } break;
+ // Expect String or number
+ case Variant::VECTOR2:
+ case Variant::VECTOR3:
+ case Variant::TRANSFORM2D:
+ case Variant::BASIS:
+ case Variant::TRANSFORM: {
+ error = index_type.builtin_type != Variant::INT && index_type.builtin_type != Variant::REAL &&
+ index_type.builtin_type != Variant::STRING;
+ } break;
+ // Expect String or int
+ case Variant::COLOR: {
+ error = index_type.builtin_type != Variant::INT && index_type.builtin_type != Variant::STRING;
+ } break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ _set_error("Invalid index type (" + index_type.to_string() + ") for base '" + base_type.to_string() + "'.",
+ op->line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ if (op->arguments[1]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
+ ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<ConstantNode *>(op->arguments[1]);
+ // Index is a constant, just try it if possible
+ switch (base_type.builtin_type) {
+ // Arrays/string have variable indexing, can't test directly
+ case Variant::STRING:
+ case Variant::ARRAY:
+ case Variant::DICTIONARY:
+ case Variant::POOL_BYTE_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::POOL_COLOR_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::POOL_INT_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::POOL_REAL_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::POOL_STRING_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::POOL_VECTOR2_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::POOL_VECTOR3_ARRAY: {
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ Variant::CallError err;
+ Variant temp = Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err);
+ bool valid = false;
+ Variant res = temp.get(cn->value, &valid);
+ if (valid) {
+ node_type = _type_from_variant(res);
+ node_type.is_constant = false;
+ } else if (check_types) {
+ _set_error("Can't get index '" + String(cn->value) + "' on base '" +
+ base_type.to_string() + "'.",
+ op->line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ } break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(op->line);
+ }
+ } else if (!for_completion && (index_type.kind != DataType::BUILTIN || index_type.builtin_type != Variant::STRING)) {
+ _set_error("Only strings can be used as index in the base type '" + base_type.to_string() + "'.", op->line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ }
+ if (check_types && !node_type.has_type) {
+ // Can infer indexing type for some variant types
+ DataType result;
+ result.has_type = true;
+ result.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ switch (base_type.builtin_type) {
+ // Can't index at all
+ case Variant::NIL:
+ case Variant::BOOL:
+ case Variant::INT:
+ case Variant::REAL:
+ case Variant::NODE_PATH:
+ case Variant::_RID: {
+ _set_error("Can't index on a value of type '" + base_type.to_string() + "'.", op->line);
+ return DataType();
+ } break;
+ // Return int
+ case Variant::POOL_BYTE_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::POOL_INT_ARRAY: {
+ result.builtin_type = Variant::INT;
+ } break;
+ // Return real
+ case Variant::POOL_REAL_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::VECTOR2:
+ case Variant::VECTOR3:
+ case Variant::QUAT: {
+ result.builtin_type = Variant::REAL;
+ } break;
+ // Return color
+ case Variant::POOL_COLOR_ARRAY: {
+ result.builtin_type = Variant::COLOR;
+ } break;
+ // Return string
+ case Variant::POOL_STRING_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::STRING: {
+ result.builtin_type = Variant::STRING;
+ } break;
+ // Return Vector2
+ case Variant::POOL_VECTOR2_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::TRANSFORM2D:
+ case Variant::RECT2: {
+ result.builtin_type = Variant::VECTOR2;
+ } break;
+ // Return Vector3
+ case Variant::POOL_VECTOR3_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::AABB:
+ case Variant::BASIS: {
+ result.builtin_type = Variant::VECTOR3;
+ } break;
+ // Depends on the index
+ case Variant::TRANSFORM:
+ case Variant::PLANE:
+ case Variant::COLOR:
+ default: {
+ result.has_type = false;
+ } break;
+ }
+ node_type = result;
+ }
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: unhandled operation.", op->line);
+ ERR_FAIL_V(DataType());
+ }
+ }
+ } break;
+ }
+ p_node->set_datatype(_resolve_type(node_type, p_node->line));
+ return node_type;
+bool GDScriptParser::_get_function_signature(DataType &p_base_type, const StringName &p_function, DataType &r_return_type, List<DataType> &r_arg_types, int &r_default_arg_count, bool &r_static, bool &r_vararg) const {
+ r_static = false;
+ r_default_arg_count = 0;
+ DataType original_type = p_base_type;
+ ClassNode *base = NULL;
+ FunctionNode *callee = NULL;
+ if (p_base_type.kind == DataType::CLASS) {
+ base = p_base_type.class_type;
+ }
+ // Look up the current file (parse tree)
+ while (!callee && base) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < base->static_functions.size(); i++) {
+ FunctionNode *func = base->static_functions[i];
+ if (p_function == func->name) {
+ r_static = true;
+ callee = func;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!callee && !p_base_type.is_meta_type) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < base->functions.size(); i++) {
+ FunctionNode *func = base->functions[i];
+ if (p_function == func->name) {
+ callee = func;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p_base_type = base->base_type;
+ if (p_base_type.kind == DataType::CLASS) {
+ base = p_base_type.class_type;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (callee) {
+ r_return_type = callee->get_datatype();
+ for (int i = 0; i < callee->argument_types.size(); i++) {
+ r_arg_types.push_back(callee->argument_types[i]);
+ }
+ r_default_arg_count = callee->default_values.size();
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Nothing in current file, check parent script
+ Ref<GDScript> base_gdscript;
+ Ref<Script> base_script;
+ StringName native;
+ if (p_base_type.kind == DataType::GDSCRIPT) {
+ base_gdscript = p_base_type.script_type;
+ } else if (p_base_type.kind == DataType::SCRIPT) {
+ base_script = p_base_type.script_type;
+ } else if (p_base_type.kind == DataType::NATIVE) {
+ native = p_base_type.native_type;
+ }
+ while (base_gdscript.is_valid()) {
+ native = base_gdscript->get_instance_base_type();
+ Map<StringName, GDScriptFunction *> funcs = base_gdscript->get_member_functions();
+ if (funcs.has(p_function)) {
+ GDScriptFunction *f = funcs[p_function];
+ r_static = f->is_static();
+ r_default_arg_count = f->get_default_argument_count();
+ r_return_type = _type_from_gdtype(f->get_return_type());
+ for (int i = 0; i < f->get_argument_count(); i++) {
+ r_arg_types.push_back(_type_from_gdtype(f->get_argument_type(i)));
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ base_gdscript = base_gdscript->get_base_script();
+ }
+ while (base_script.is_valid()) {
+ native = base_script->get_instance_base_type();
+ MethodInfo mi = base_script->get_method_info(p_function);
+ if (!(mi == MethodInfo())) {
+ r_return_type = _type_from_property(mi.return_val, false);
+ r_default_arg_count = mi.default_arguments.size();
+ for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = mi.arguments.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ r_arg_types.push_back(_type_from_property(E->get()));
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ base_script = base_script->get_base_script();
+ }
+ // Only native remains
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(native)) {
+ native = "_" + native.operator String();
+ }
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(native)) {
+ if (!check_types) return false;
+ ERR_EXPLAIN("Parser bug: Class '" + String(native) + "' not found.");
+ ERR_FAIL_V(false);
+ }
+ MethodBind *method = ClassDB::get_method(native, p_function);
+ if (!method) {
+ // Try virtual methods
+ List<MethodInfo> virtuals;
+ ClassDB::get_virtual_methods(native, &virtuals);
+ for (const List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = virtuals.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ const MethodInfo &mi = E->get();
+ if ( == p_function) {
+ r_default_arg_count = mi.default_arguments.size();
+ for (const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *pi = mi.arguments.front(); pi; pi = pi->next()) {
+ r_arg_types.push_back(_type_from_property(pi->get()));
+ }
+ r_return_type = _type_from_property(mi.return_val, false);
+ r_vararg = mi.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // If the base is a script, it might be trying to access members of the Script class itself
+ if (original_type.is_meta_type && !(p_function == "new") && (original_type.kind == DataType::SCRIPT || original_type.kind == DataType::GDSCRIPT)) {
+ method = ClassDB::get_method(original_type.script_type->get_class_name(), p_function);
+ if (method) {
+ r_static = true;
+ } else {
+ // Try virtual methods of the script type
+ virtuals.clear();
+ ClassDB::get_virtual_methods(original_type.script_type->get_class_name(), &virtuals);
+ for (const List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = virtuals.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ const MethodInfo &mi = E->get();
+ if ( == p_function) {
+ r_default_arg_count = mi.default_arguments.size();
+ for (const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *pi = mi.arguments.front(); pi; pi = pi->next()) {
+ r_arg_types.push_back(_type_from_property(pi->get()));
+ }
+ r_return_type = _type_from_property(mi.return_val, false);
+ r_static = true;
+ r_vararg = mi.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ r_default_arg_count = method->get_default_argument_count();
+ r_return_type = _type_from_property(method->get_return_info(), false);
+ r_vararg = method->is_vararg();
+ for (int i = 0; i < method->get_argument_count(); i++) {
+ r_arg_types.push_back(_type_from_property(method->get_argument_info(i)));
+ }
+ return true;
+ return false;
+GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptParser::_reduce_function_call_type(const OperatorNode *p_call) {
+ if (p_call->arguments.size() < 1) {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: function call without enough arguments.", p_call->line);
+ ERR_FAIL_V(DataType());
+ }
+ DataType return_type;
+ List<DataType> arg_types;
+ int default_args_count = 0;
+ int arg_count = p_call->arguments.size();
+ String callee_name;
+ bool is_vararg = false;
+ switch (p_call->arguments[0]->type) {
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_TYPE: {
+ // Built-in constructor, special case
+ TypeNode *tn = static_cast<TypeNode *>(p_call->arguments[0]);
+ Vector<DataType> par_types;
+ par_types.resize(p_call->arguments.size() - 1);
+ for (int i = 1; i < p_call->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ par_types.write[i - 1] = _reduce_node_type(p_call->arguments[i]);
+ }
+ if (error_set) return DataType();
+ bool match = false;
+ List<MethodInfo> constructors;
+ Variant::get_constructor_list(tn->vtype, &constructors);
+ PropertyInfo return_type;
+ for (List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = constructors.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ MethodInfo &mi = E->get();
+ if (p_call->arguments.size() - 1 < mi.arguments.size() - mi.default_arguments.size()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (p_call->arguments.size() - 1 > mi.arguments.size()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool types_match = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < par_types.size(); i++) {
+ DataType arg_type;
+ if (mi.arguments[i].type != Variant::NIL) {
+ arg_type.has_type = true;
+ arg_type.kind = mi.arguments[i].type == Variant::OBJECT ? DataType::NATIVE : DataType::BUILTIN;
+ arg_type.builtin_type = mi.arguments[i].type;
+ arg_type.native_type = mi.arguments[i].class_name;
+ }
+ if (!_is_type_compatible(arg_type, par_types[i], true)) {
+ types_match = false;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ if (arg_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN && arg_type.builtin_type == Variant::INT && par_types[i].kind == DataType::BUILTIN && par_types[i].builtin_type == Variant::REAL) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::NARROWING_CONVERSION, p_call->line, Variant::get_type_name(tn->vtype));
+ }
+ if (par_types[i].may_yield && p_call->arguments[i + 1]->type == Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::FUNCTION_MAY_YIELD, p_call->line, _find_function_name(static_cast<OperatorNode *>(p_call->arguments[i + 1])));
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ }
+ }
+ if (types_match) {
+ match = true;
+ return_type = mi.return_val;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (match) {
+ return _type_from_property(return_type, false);
+ } else if (check_types) {
+ String err = "No constructor of '";
+ err += Variant::get_type_name(tn->vtype);
+ err += "' matches the signature '";
+ err += Variant::get_type_name(tn->vtype) + "(";
+ for (int i = 0; i < par_types.size(); i++) {
+ if (i > 0) err += ", ";
+ err += par_types[i].to_string();
+ }
+ err += ")'.";
+ _set_error(err, p_call->line, p_call->column);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ return DataType();
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION: {
+ BuiltInFunctionNode *func = static_cast<BuiltInFunctionNode *>(p_call->arguments[0]);
+ MethodInfo mi = GDScriptFunctions::get_info(func->function);
+ return_type = _type_from_property(mi.return_val, false);
+ // Check all arguments beforehand to solve warnings
+ for (int i = 1; i < p_call->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ _reduce_node_type(p_call->arguments[i]);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ // Check arguments
+ is_vararg = mi.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG;
+ default_args_count = mi.default_arguments.size();
+ callee_name =;
+ arg_count -= 1;
+ // Check each argument type
+ for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = mi.arguments.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ arg_types.push_back(_type_from_property(E->get()));
+ }
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ if (p_call->op == OperatorNode::OP_CALL && p_call->arguments.size() < 2) {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: self method call without enough arguments.", p_call->line);
+ ERR_FAIL_V(DataType());
+ }
+ int arg_id = p_call->op == OperatorNode::OP_CALL ? 1 : 0;
+ if (p_call->arguments[arg_id]->type != Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: invalid function call argument.", p_call->line);
+ ERR_FAIL_V(DataType());
+ }
+ // Check all arguments beforehand to solve warnings
+ for (int i = arg_id + 1; i < p_call->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ _reduce_node_type(p_call->arguments[i]);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ IdentifierNode *func_id = static_cast<IdentifierNode *>(p_call->arguments[arg_id]);
+ callee_name = func_id->name;
+ arg_count -= 1 + arg_id;
+ DataType base_type;
+ if (p_call->op == OperatorNode::OP_PARENT_CALL) {
+ base_type = current_class->base_type;
+ } else {
+ base_type = _reduce_node_type(p_call->arguments[0]);
+ }
+ if (!base_type.has_type || (base_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN && base_type.builtin_type == Variant::NIL)) {
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(p_call->line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ if (base_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ Variant::CallError err;
+ Variant tmp = Variant::construct(base_type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err);
+ if (check_types) {
+ if (!tmp.has_method(callee_name)) {
+ _set_error("Method '" + callee_name + "' is not declared on base '" + base_type.to_string() + "'.", p_call->line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ default_args_count = Variant::get_method_default_arguments(base_type.builtin_type, callee_name).size();
+ const Vector<Variant::Type> &var_arg_types = Variant::get_method_argument_types(base_type.builtin_type, callee_name);
+ for (int i = 0; i < var_arg_types.size(); i++) {
+ DataType argtype;
+ if (var_arg_types[i] != Variant::NIL) {
+ argtype.has_type = true;
+ argtype.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ argtype.builtin_type = var_arg_types[i];
+ }
+ arg_types.push_back(argtype);
+ }
+ }
+ return_type.has_type = true;
+ return_type.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ return_type.builtin_type = Variant::get_method_return_type(base_type.builtin_type, callee_name);
+ break;
+ }
+ DataType original_type = base_type;
+ bool is_initializer = callee_name == "new";
+ bool is_static = false;
+ bool valid = false;
+ if (is_initializer && original_type.is_meta_type) {
+ // Try to check it as initializer
+ base_type = original_type;
+ callee_name = "_init";
+ base_type.is_meta_type = false;
+ valid = _get_function_signature(base_type, callee_name, return_type, arg_types,
+ default_args_count, is_static, is_vararg);
+ if (valid) {
+ return_type = original_type;
+ return_type.is_meta_type = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!valid) {
+ base_type = original_type;
+ return_type = DataType();
+ valid = _get_function_signature(base_type, callee_name, return_type, arg_types,
+ default_args_count, is_static, is_vararg);
+ }
+ if (!valid) {
+ if (p_call->arguments[0]->type == Node::TYPE_SELF) {
+ _set_error("Method '" + callee_name + "' is not declared in the current class.", p_call->line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ DataType tmp_type;
+ valid = _get_member_type(original_type, func_id->name, tmp_type);
+ if (valid) {
+ if (tmp_type.is_constant) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::CONSTANT_USED_AS_FUNCTION, p_call->line, callee_name, original_type.to_string());
+ } else {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::PROPERTY_USED_AS_FUNCTION, p_call->line, callee_name, original_type.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::UNSAFE_METHOD_ACCESS, p_call->line, callee_name, original_type.to_string());
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(p_call->line);
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ if (current_function && !for_completion && !is_static && p_call->arguments[0]->type == Node::TYPE_SELF && current_function->_static) {
+ if (current_function && current_function->_static && p_call->arguments[0]->type == Node::TYPE_SELF) {
+ _set_error("Can't call non-static function from a static function.", p_call->line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ }
+ if (check_types && !is_static && !is_initializer && base_type.is_meta_type) {
+ _set_error("Non-static function '" + String(callee_name) + "' can only be called from an instance.", p_call->line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ // Check signal emission for warnings
+ if (callee_name == "emit_signal" && p_call->op == OperatorNode::OP_CALL && p_call->arguments[0]->type == Node::TYPE_SELF && p_call->arguments.size() >= 3 && p_call->arguments[2]->type == Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
+ ConstantNode *sig = static_cast<ConstantNode *>(p_call->arguments[2]);
+ String emitted = sig->value.get_type() == Variant::STRING ? sig->value.operator String() : "";
+ for (int i = 0; i < current_class->_signals.size(); i++) {
+ if (current_class->_signals[i].name == emitted) {
+ current_class->_signals.write[i].emissions += 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ } break;
+ }
+ if (!check_types) {
+ return return_type;
+ }
+ if (arg_count < arg_types.size() - default_args_count) {
+ _set_error("Too few arguments for '" + callee_name + "()' call. Expected at least " + itos(arg_types.size() - default_args_count) + ".", p_call->line);
+ return return_type;
+ }
+ if (!is_vararg && arg_count > arg_types.size()) {
+ _set_error("Too many arguments for '" + callee_name + "()' call. Expected at most " + itos(arg_types.size()) + ".", p_call->line);
+ return return_type;
+ }
+ int arg_diff = p_call->arguments.size() - arg_count;
+ for (int i = arg_diff; i < p_call->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ DataType par_type = _reduce_node_type(p_call->arguments[i]);
+ if ((i - arg_diff) >= arg_types.size()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ DataType arg_type = arg_types[i - arg_diff];
+ if (!par_type.has_type) {
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(p_call->line);
+ if (par_type.may_yield && p_call->arguments[i]->type == Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::FUNCTION_MAY_YIELD, p_call->line, _find_function_name(static_cast<OperatorNode *>(p_call->arguments[i])));
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ } else if (!_is_type_compatible(arg_types[i - arg_diff], par_type, true)) {
+ // Supertypes are acceptable for dynamic compliance
+ if (!_is_type_compatible(par_type, arg_types[i - arg_diff])) {
+ _set_error("At '" + callee_name + "()' call, argument " + itos(i - arg_diff + 1) + ". Assigned type (" +
+ par_type.to_string() + ") doesn't match the function argument's type (" +
+ arg_types[i - arg_diff].to_string() + ").",
+ p_call->line);
+ return DataType();
+ } else {
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(p_call->line);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (arg_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN && arg_type.builtin_type == Variant::INT && par_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN && par_type.builtin_type == Variant::REAL) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::NARROWING_CONVERSION, p_call->line, callee_name);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ }
+ }
+ return return_type;
+bool GDScriptParser::_get_member_type(const DataType &p_base_type, const StringName &p_member, DataType &r_member_type) const {
+ DataType base_type = p_base_type;
+ // Check classes in current file
+ ClassNode *base = NULL;
+ if (base_type.kind == DataType::CLASS) {
+ base = base_type.class_type;
+ }
+ while (base) {
+ if (base->constant_expressions.has(p_member)) {
+ r_member_type = base->constant_expressions[p_member].expression->get_datatype();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!base_type.is_meta_type) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < base->variables.size(); i++) {
+ ClassNode::Member m = base->variables[i];
+ if (m.identifier == p_member) {
+ r_member_type = m.data_type;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < base->subclasses.size(); i++) {
+ ClassNode *c = base->subclasses[i];
+ if (c->name == p_member) {
+ DataType class_type;
+ class_type.has_type = true;
+ class_type.is_constant = true;
+ class_type.is_meta_type = true;
+ class_type.kind = DataType::CLASS;
+ class_type.class_type = c;
+ r_member_type = class_type;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ base_type = base->base_type;
+ if (base_type.kind == DataType::CLASS) {
+ base = base_type.class_type;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Ref<GDScript> gds;
+ if (base_type.kind == DataType::GDSCRIPT) {
+ gds = base_type.script_type;
+ }
+ Ref<Script> scr;
+ if (base_type.kind == DataType::SCRIPT) {
+ scr = base_type.script_type;
+ }
+ StringName native;
+ if (base_type.kind == DataType::NATIVE) {
+ native = base_type.native_type;
+ }
+ // Check GDScripts
+ while (gds.is_valid()) {
+ if (gds->get_constants().has(p_member)) {
+ Variant c = gds->get_constants()[p_member];
+ r_member_type = _type_from_variant(c);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!base_type.is_meta_type) {
+ if (gds->get_members().has(p_member)) {
+ r_member_type = _type_from_gdtype(gds->get_member_type(p_member));
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ native = gds->get_instance_base_type();
+ if (gds->get_base_script().is_valid()) {
+ gds = gds->get_base_script();
+ scr = gds->get_base_script();
+ bool is_meta = base_type.is_meta_type;
+ base_type = _type_from_variant(scr.operator Variant());
+ base_type.is_meta_type = is_meta;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check other script types
+ while (scr.is_valid()) {
+ Map<StringName, Variant> constants;
+ scr->get_constants(&constants);
+ if (constants.has(p_member)) {
+ r_member_type = _type_from_variant(constants[p_member]);
+ return true;
+ }
+ List<PropertyInfo> properties;
+ scr->get_script_property_list(&properties);
+ for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = properties.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get().name == p_member) {
+ r_member_type = _type_from_property(E->get());
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ base_type = _type_from_variant(scr.operator Variant());
+ native = scr->get_instance_base_type();
+ scr = scr->get_base_script();
+ }
+ // Check ClassDB
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(native)) {
+ native = "_" + native.operator String();
+ }
+ if (!ClassDB::class_exists(native)) {
+ if (!check_types) return false;
+ ERR_EXPLAIN("Parser bug: Class '" + String(native) + "' not found.");
+ ERR_FAIL_V(false);
+ }
+ bool valid = false;
+ ClassDB::get_integer_constant(native, p_member, &valid);
+ if (valid) {
+ DataType ct;
+ ct.has_type = true;
+ ct.is_constant = true;
+ ct.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ ct.builtin_type = Variant::INT;
+ r_member_type = ct;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!base_type.is_meta_type) {
+ List<PropertyInfo> properties;
+ ClassDB::get_property_list(native, &properties);
+ for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = properties.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get().name == p_member) {
+ // Check if a getter exists
+ StringName getter_name = ClassDB::get_property_getter(native, p_member);
+ if (getter_name != StringName()) {
+ // Use the getter return type
+ MethodBind *getter_method = ClassDB::get_method(native, getter_name);
+ if (getter_method) {
+ r_member_type = _type_from_property(getter_method->get_return_info());
+ } else {
+ r_member_type = DataType();
+ }
+ r_member_type = DataType();
+ } else {
+ r_member_type = _type_from_property(E->get());
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If the base is a script, it might be trying to access members of the Script class itself
+ if (p_base_type.is_meta_type && (p_base_type.kind == DataType::SCRIPT || p_base_type.kind == DataType::GDSCRIPT)) {
+ native = p_base_type.script_type->get_class_name();
+ ClassDB::get_integer_constant(native, p_member, &valid);
+ if (valid) {
+ DataType ct;
+ ct.has_type = true;
+ ct.is_constant = true;
+ ct.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ ct.builtin_type = Variant::INT;
+ r_member_type = ct;
+ return true;
+ }
+ List<PropertyInfo> properties;
+ ClassDB::get_property_list(native, &properties);
+ for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = properties.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get().name == p_member) {
+ // Check if a getter exists
+ StringName getter_name = ClassDB::get_property_getter(native, p_member);
+ if (getter_name != StringName()) {
+ // Use the getter return type
+ MethodBind *getter_method = ClassDB::get_method(native, getter_name);
+ if (getter_method) {
+ r_member_type = _type_from_property(getter_method->get_return_info());
+ } else {
+ r_member_type = DataType();
+ }
+ r_member_type = DataType();
+ } else {
+ r_member_type = _type_from_property(E->get());
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptParser::_reduce_identifier_type(const DataType *p_base_type, const StringName &p_identifier, int p_line) {
+ if (p_base_type && !p_base_type->has_type) {
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ DataType base_type;
+ // Check classes in current file
+ ClassNode *base = NULL;
+ if (!p_base_type) {
+ base = current_class;
+ base_type.has_type = true;
+ base_type.is_constant = true;
+ base_type.kind = DataType::CLASS;
+ base_type.class_type = base;
+ } else {
+ base_type = DataType(*p_base_type);
+ if (base_type.kind == DataType::CLASS) {
+ base = base_type.class_type;
+ }
+ }
+ DataType member_type;
+ for (int i = 0; i < current_class->variables.size(); i++) {
+ ClassNode::Member m = current_class->variables[i];
+ if (current_class->variables[i].identifier == p_identifier) {
+ member_type = current_class->variables[i].data_type;
+ current_class->variables.write[i].usages += 1;
+ return member_type;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_get_member_type(base_type, p_identifier, member_type)) {
+ return member_type;
+ }
+ if (!p_base_type) {
+ // Possibly this is a global, check before failing
+ if (ClassDB::class_exists(p_identifier) || ClassDB::class_exists("_" + p_identifier.operator String())) {
+ DataType result;
+ result.has_type = true;
+ result.is_constant = true;
+ result.is_meta_type = true;
+ if (Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton(p_identifier) || Engine::get_singleton()->has_singleton("_" + p_identifier.operator String())) {
+ result.is_meta_type = false;
+ }
+ result.kind = DataType::NATIVE;
+ result.native_type = p_identifier;
+ return result;
+ }
+ ClassNode *outer_class = current_class;
+ while (outer_class) {
+ if (outer_class->name == p_identifier) {
+ DataType result;
+ result.has_type = true;
+ result.is_constant = true;
+ result.is_meta_type = true;
+ result.kind = DataType::CLASS;
+ result.class_type = outer_class;
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (outer_class->constant_expressions.has(p_identifier)) {
+ return outer_class->constant_expressions[p_identifier].type;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < outer_class->subclasses.size(); i++) {
+ if (outer_class->subclasses[i] == current_class) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (outer_class->subclasses[i]->name == p_identifier) {
+ DataType result;
+ result.has_type = true;
+ result.is_constant = true;
+ result.is_meta_type = true;
+ result.kind = DataType::CLASS;
+ result.class_type = outer_class->subclasses[i];
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ outer_class = outer_class->owner;
+ }
+ if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(p_identifier)) {
+ Ref<Script> scr = ResourceLoader::load(ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(p_identifier));
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ DataType result;
+ result.has_type = true;
+ result.script_type = scr;
+ result.is_meta_type = true;
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = scr;
+ if (gds.is_valid()) {
+ if (!gds->is_valid()) {
+ _set_error("Class '" + p_identifier + "' could not be fully loaded (script error or cyclic inheritance).");
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ result.kind = DataType::GDSCRIPT;
+ } else {
+ result.kind = DataType::SCRIPT;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ _set_error("Class '" + p_identifier + "' was found in global scope but its script could not be loaded.");
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map().has(p_identifier)) {
+ int idx = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map()[p_identifier];
+ Variant g = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[idx];
+ return _type_from_variant(g);
+ }
+ if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map().has(p_identifier)) {
+ Variant g = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map()[p_identifier];
+ return _type_from_variant(g);
+ }
+ // Non-tool singletons aren't loaded, check project settings
+ List<PropertyInfo> props;
+ ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props);
+ for (List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = props.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ String s = E->get().name;
+ if (!s.begins_with("autoload/")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ String name = s.get_slice("/", 1);
+ if (name == p_identifier) {
+ String script = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get(s);
+ if (script.begins_with("*")) {
+ script = script.right(1);
+ }
+ if (!script.begins_with("res://")) {
+ script = "res://" + script;
+ }
+ Ref<Script> singleton = ResourceLoader::load(script);
+ if (singleton.is_valid()) {
+ DataType result;
+ result.has_type = true;
+ result.script_type = singleton;
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = singleton;
+ if (gds.is_valid()) {
+ if (!gds->is_valid()) {
+ _set_error("Couldn't fully load singleton script '" + p_identifier + "' (possible cyclic reference or parse error).", p_line);
+ return DataType();
+ }
+ result.kind = DataType::GDSCRIPT;
+ } else {
+ result.kind = DataType::SCRIPT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // This means looking in the current class, which type is always known
+ _set_error("Identifier '" + p_identifier.operator String() + "' is not declared in the current scope.", p_line);
+ }
+ {
+ DataType tmp_type;
+ List<DataType> arg_types;
+ int argcount;
+ bool _static;
+ bool vararg;
+ if (_get_function_signature(base_type, p_identifier, tmp_type, arg_types, argcount, _static, vararg)) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::FUNCTION_USED_AS_PROPERTY, p_line, p_identifier.operator String(), base_type.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(p_line);
+ return DataType();
+void GDScriptParser::_check_class_level_types(ClassNode *p_class) {
+ _mark_line_as_safe(p_class->line);
+ // Constants
+ for (Map<StringName, ClassNode::Constant>::Element *E = p_class->constant_expressions.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ ClassNode::Constant &c = E->get();
+ _mark_line_as_safe(c.expression->line);
+ DataType cont = _resolve_type(c.type, c.expression->line);
+ DataType expr = _resolve_type(c.expression->get_datatype(), c.expression->line);
+ if (!_is_type_compatible(cont, expr)) {
+ _set_error("Constant value type (" + expr.to_string() + ") is not compatible with declared type (" + cont.to_string() + ").",
+ c.expression->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ expr.is_constant = true;
+ c.type = expr;
+ c.expression->set_datatype(expr);
+ }
+ // Function declarations
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->static_functions.size(); i++) {
+ _check_function_types(p_class->static_functions[i]);
+ if (error_set) return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->functions.size(); i++) {
+ _check_function_types(p_class->functions[i]);
+ if (error_set) return;
+ }
+ // Class variables
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->variables.size(); i++) {
+ ClassNode::Member &v = p_class->variables.write[i];
+ DataType tmp;
+ if (_get_member_type(p_class->base_type, v.identifier, tmp)) {
+ _set_error("Member '" + String(v.identifier) + "' already exists in parent class.", v.line);
+ return;
+ }
+ _mark_line_as_safe(v.line);
+ v.data_type = _resolve_type(v.data_type, v.line);
+ if (v.expression) {
+ DataType expr_type = _reduce_node_type(v.expression);
+ if (!_is_type_compatible(v.data_type, expr_type)) {
+ // Try supertype test
+ if (_is_type_compatible(expr_type, v.data_type)) {
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(v.line);
+ } else {
+ // Try with implicit conversion
+ if (v.data_type.kind != DataType::BUILTIN || !_is_type_compatible(v.data_type, expr_type, true)) {
+ _set_error("Assigned expression type (" + expr_type.to_string() + ") doesn't match the variable's type (" +
+ v.data_type.to_string() + ").",
+ v.line);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Replace assigment with implict conversion
+ BuiltInFunctionNode *convert = alloc_node<BuiltInFunctionNode>();
+ convert->line = v.line;
+ convert->function = GDScriptFunctions::TYPE_CONVERT;
+ ConstantNode *tgt_type = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
+ tgt_type->line = v.line;
+ tgt_type->value = (int)v.data_type.builtin_type;
+ OperatorNode *convert_call = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
+ convert_call->line = v.line;
+ convert_call->op = OperatorNode::OP_CALL;
+ convert_call->arguments.push_back(convert);
+ convert_call->arguments.push_back(v.expression);
+ convert_call->arguments.push_back(tgt_type);
+ v.expression = convert_call;
+ v.initial_assignment->arguments.write[1] = convert_call;
+ }
+ }
+ if (v.data_type.infer_type) {
+ if (!expr_type.has_type) {
+ _set_error("Assigned value does not have a set type, variable type cannot be inferred.", v.line);
+ return;
+ }
+ v.data_type = expr_type;
+ v.data_type.is_constant = false;
+ }
+ } else if (v.data_type.has_type && v.data_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ // Create default value based on the type
+ IdentifierNode *id = alloc_node<IdentifierNode>();
+ id->line = v.line;
+ id->name = v.identifier;
+ ConstantNode *init = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
+ init->line = v.line;
+ Variant::CallError err;
+ init->value = Variant::construct(v.data_type.builtin_type, NULL, 0, err);
+ OperatorNode *op = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
+ op->line = v.line;
+ op->op = OperatorNode::OP_INIT_ASSIGN;
+ op->arguments.push_back(id);
+ op->arguments.push_back(init);
+ p_class->initializer->statements.push_front(op);
+ v.initial_assignment = op;
+ NewLineNode *nl = alloc_node<NewLineNode>();
+ nl->line = v.line - 1;
+ p_class->initializer->statements.push_front(nl);
+ }
+ // Check export hint
+ if (v.data_type.has_type && v._export.type != Variant::NIL) {
+ DataType export_type = _type_from_property(v._export);
+ if (!_is_type_compatible(v.data_type, export_type, true)) {
+ _set_error("Export hint type (" + export_type.to_string() + ") doesn't match the variable's type (" +
+ v.data_type.to_string() + ").",
+ v.line);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Setter and getter
+ if (v.setter == StringName() && v.getter == StringName()) continue;
+ bool found_getter = false;
+ bool found_setter = false;
+ for (int j = 0; j < p_class->functions.size(); j++) {
+ if (v.setter == p_class->functions[j]->name) {
+ found_setter = true;
+ FunctionNode *setter = p_class->functions[j];
+ if (setter->arguments.size() != 1) {
+ _set_error("Setter function needs to receive exactly 1 argument. See '" + setter->name +
+ "()' definition at line " + itos(setter->line) + ".",
+ v.line);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!_is_type_compatible(v.data_type, setter->argument_types[0])) {
+ _set_error("Setter argument type (" + setter->argument_types[0].to_string() +
+ ") doesn't match the variable's type (" + v.data_type.to_string() + "). See '" +
+ setter->name + "()' definition at line " + itos(setter->line) + ".",
+ v.line);
+ return;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (v.getter == p_class->functions[j]->name) {
+ found_getter = true;
+ FunctionNode *getter = p_class->functions[j];
+ if (getter->arguments.size() != 0) {
+ _set_error("Getter function can't receive arguments. See '" + getter->name +
+ "()' definition at line " + itos(getter->line) + ".",
+ v.line);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!_is_type_compatible(v.data_type, getter->get_datatype())) {
+ _set_error("Getter return type (" + getter->get_datatype().to_string() +
+ ") doesn't match the variable's type (" + v.data_type.to_string() +
+ "). See '" + getter->name + "()' definition at line " + itos(getter->line) + ".",
+ v.line);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found_getter && found_setter) break;
+ }
+ if ((found_getter || v.getter == StringName()) && (found_setter || v.setter == StringName())) continue;
+ // Check for static functions
+ for (int j = 0; j < p_class->static_functions.size(); j++) {
+ if (v.setter == p_class->static_functions[j]->name) {
+ FunctionNode *setter = p_class->static_functions[j];
+ _set_error("Setter can't be a static function. See '" + setter->name + "()' definition at line " + itos(setter->line) + ".", v.line);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (v.getter == p_class->static_functions[j]->name) {
+ FunctionNode *getter = p_class->static_functions[j];
+ _set_error("Getter can't be a static function. See '" + getter->name + "()' definition at line " + itos(getter->line) + ".", v.line);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found_setter && v.setter != StringName()) {
+ _set_error("Setter function is not defined.", v.line);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!found_getter && v.getter != StringName()) {
+ _set_error("Getter function is not defined.", v.line);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Inner classes
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->subclasses.size(); i++) {
+ current_class = p_class->subclasses[i];
+ _check_class_level_types(current_class);
+ if (error_set) return;
+ current_class = p_class;
+ }
+void GDScriptParser::_check_function_types(FunctionNode *p_function) {
+ p_function->return_type = _resolve_type(p_function->return_type, p_function->line);
+ // Arguments
+ int defaults_ofs = p_function->arguments.size() - p_function->default_values.size();
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_function->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ if (i < defaults_ofs) {
+ p_function->argument_types.write[i] = _resolve_type(p_function->argument_types[i], p_function->line);
+ } else {
+ if (p_function->default_values[i - defaults_ofs]->type != Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: invalid argument default value.", p_function->line, p_function->column);
+ return;
+ }
+ OperatorNode *op = static_cast<OperatorNode *>(p_function->default_values[i - defaults_ofs]);
+ if (op->op != OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN || op->arguments.size() != 2) {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: invalid argument default value operation.", p_function->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ DataType def_type = _reduce_node_type(op->arguments[1]);
+ if (p_function->argument_types[i].infer_type) {
+ def_type.is_constant = false;
+ p_function->argument_types.write[i] = def_type;
+ } else {
+ p_function->return_type = _resolve_type(p_function->return_type, p_function->line);
+ if (!_is_type_compatible(p_function->argument_types[i], def_type, true)) {
+ String arg_name = p_function->arguments[i];
+ _set_error("Value type (" + def_type.to_string() + ") doesn't match the type of argument '" +
+ arg_name + "' (" + p_function->arguments[i] + ")",
+ p_function->line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (p_function->arguments_usage[i] == 0) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::UNUSED_ARGUMENT, p_function->line, p_function->name, p_function->arguments[i].operator String());
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ }
+ if (!(p_function->name == "_init")) {
+ // Signature for the initializer may vary
+ DataType return_type;
+ List<DataType> arg_types;
+ int default_arg_count = 0;
+ bool _static = false;
+ bool vararg = false;
+ DataType base_type = current_class->base_type;
+ if (_get_function_signature(base_type, p_function->name, return_type, arg_types, default_arg_count, _static, vararg)) {
+ bool valid = _static == p_function->_static;
+ valid = valid && return_type == p_function->return_type;
+ int argsize_diff = p_function->arguments.size() - arg_types.size();
+ valid = valid && argsize_diff >= 0;
+ valid = valid && p_function->default_values.size() >= default_arg_count + argsize_diff;
+ int i = 0;
+ for (List<DataType>::Element *E = arg_types.front(); valid && E; E = E->next()) {
+ valid = valid && E->get() == p_function->argument_types[i++];
+ }
+ if (!valid) {
+ String parent_signature = return_type.has_type ? return_type.to_string() : "Variant";
+ if (parent_signature == "null") {
+ parent_signature = "void";
+ }
+ parent_signature += " " + p_function->name + "(";
+ if (arg_types.size()) {
+ int i = 0;
+ for (List<DataType>::Element *E = arg_types.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E != arg_types.front()) {
+ parent_signature += ", ";
+ }
+ String arg = E->get().to_string();
+ if (arg == "null" || arg == "var") {
+ arg = "Variant";
+ }
+ parent_signature += arg;
+ if (i == arg_types.size() - default_arg_count) {
+ parent_signature += "=default";
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ parent_signature += ")";
+ _set_error("Function signature doesn't match the parent. Parent signature is: '" + parent_signature + "'.", p_function->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ } else {
+ if (p_function->return_type.has_type && (p_function->return_type.kind != DataType::BUILTIN || p_function->return_type.builtin_type != Variant::NIL)) {
+ _set_error("Constructor cannot return a value.", p_function->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (p_function->return_type.has_type && (p_function->return_type.kind != DataType::BUILTIN || p_function->return_type.builtin_type != Variant::NIL)) {
+ if (!p_function->body->has_return) {
+ _set_error("Non-void function must return a value in all possible paths.", p_function->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (p_function->has_yield) {
+ // yield() will make the function return a GDScriptFunctionState, so the type is ambiguous
+ p_function->return_type.has_type = false;
+ p_function->return_type.may_yield = true;
+ }
+void GDScriptParser::_check_class_blocks_types(ClassNode *p_class) {
+ // Function blocks
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->static_functions.size(); i++) {
+ current_function = p_class->static_functions[i];
+ current_block = current_function->body;
+ _mark_line_as_safe(current_function->line);
+ _check_block_types(current_block);
+ current_block = NULL;
+ current_function = NULL;
+ if (error_set) return;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->functions.size(); i++) {
+ current_function = p_class->functions[i];
+ current_block = current_function->body;
+ _mark_line_as_safe(current_function->line);
+ _check_block_types(current_block);
+ current_block = NULL;
+ current_function = NULL;
+ if (error_set) return;
+ }
+ // Warnings
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->variables.size(); i++) {
+ if (p_class->variables[i].usages == 0) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::UNUSED_CLASS_VARIABLE, p_class->variables[i].line, p_class->variables[i].identifier);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->_signals.size(); i++) {
+ if (p_class->_signals[i].emissions == 0) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::UNUSED_SIGNAL, p_class->_signals[i].line, p_class->_signals[i].name);
+ }
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ // Inner classes
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->subclasses.size(); i++) {
+ current_class = p_class->subclasses[i];
+ _check_class_blocks_types(current_class);
+ if (error_set) return;
+ current_class = p_class;
+ }
+static String _find_function_name(const GDScriptParser::OperatorNode *p_call) {
+ switch (p_call->arguments[0]->type) {
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_TYPE: {
+ return Variant::get_type_name(static_cast<GDScriptParser::TypeNode *>(p_call->arguments[0])->vtype);
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION: {
+ return GDScriptFunctions::get_func_name(static_cast<GDScriptParser::BuiltInFunctionNode *>(p_call->arguments[0])->function);
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ int id_index = p_call->op == GDScriptParser::OperatorNode::OP_PARENT_CALL ? 0 : 1;
+ if (p_call->arguments.size() > id_index && p_call->arguments[id_index]->type == GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
+ return static_cast<GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(p_call->arguments[id_index])->name;
+ }
+ } break;
+ }
+ return String();
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+void GDScriptParser::_check_block_types(BlockNode *p_block) {
+ Node *last_var_assign = NULL;
+ // Check each statement
+ for (List<Node *>::Element *E = p_block->statements.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ Node *statement = E->get();
+ switch (statement->type) {
+ case Node::TYPE_NEWLINE:
+ case Node::TYPE_ASSERT: {
+ // Nothing to do
+ } break;
+ case Node::TYPE_LOCAL_VAR: {
+ LocalVarNode *lv = static_cast<LocalVarNode *>(statement);
+ lv->datatype = _resolve_type(lv->datatype, lv->line);
+ _mark_line_as_safe(lv->line);
+ last_var_assign = lv->assign;
+ if (lv->assign) {
+ DataType assign_type = _reduce_node_type(lv->assign);
+ if (assign_type.has_type && assign_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN && assign_type.builtin_type == Variant::NIL) {
+ if (lv->assign->type == Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
+ OperatorNode *call = static_cast<OperatorNode *>(lv->assign);
+ if (call->op == OperatorNode::OP_CALL || call->op == OperatorNode::OP_PARENT_CALL) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::VOID_ASSIGNMENT, lv->line, _find_function_name(call));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (lv->datatype.has_type && assign_type.may_yield && lv->assign->type == Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::FUNCTION_MAY_YIELD, lv->line, _find_function_name(static_cast<OperatorNode *>(lv->assign)));
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ if (!_is_type_compatible(lv->datatype, assign_type)) {
+ // Try supertype test
+ if (_is_type_compatible(assign_type, lv->datatype)) {
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(lv->line);
+ } else {
+ // Try implict conversion
+ if (lv->datatype.kind != DataType::BUILTIN || !_is_type_compatible(lv->datatype, assign_type, true)) {
+ _set_error("Assigned value type (" + assign_type.to_string() + ") doesn't match the variable's type (" +
+ lv->datatype.to_string() + ").",
+ lv->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Replace assigment with implict conversion
+ BuiltInFunctionNode *convert = alloc_node<BuiltInFunctionNode>();
+ convert->line = lv->line;
+ convert->function = GDScriptFunctions::TYPE_CONVERT;
+ ConstantNode *tgt_type = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
+ tgt_type->line = lv->line;
+ tgt_type->value = (int)lv->datatype.builtin_type;
+ OperatorNode *convert_call = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
+ convert_call->line = lv->line;
+ convert_call->op = OperatorNode::OP_CALL;
+ convert_call->arguments.push_back(convert);
+ convert_call->arguments.push_back(lv->assign);
+ convert_call->arguments.push_back(tgt_type);
+ lv->assign = convert_call;
+ lv->assign_op->arguments.write[1] = convert_call;
+ if (lv->datatype.builtin_type == Variant::INT && assign_type.builtin_type == Variant::REAL) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::NARROWING_CONVERSION, lv->line);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ }
+ }
+ if (lv->datatype.infer_type) {
+ if (!assign_type.has_type) {
+ _set_error("Assigned value does not have a set type, variable type cannot be inferred.", lv->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ lv->datatype = assign_type;
+ lv->datatype.is_constant = false;
+ }
+ if (lv->datatype.has_type && !assign_type.has_type) {
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(lv->line);
+ }
+ }
+ } break;
+ case Node::TYPE_OPERATOR: {
+ OperatorNode *op = static_cast<OperatorNode *>(statement);
+ switch (op->op) {
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_ADD:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SUB:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_MUL:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_DIV:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_MOD:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_LEFT:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_RIGHT:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_AND:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_OR:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_XOR: {
+ if (op->arguments.size() < 2) {
+ _set_error("Parser bug: operation without enough arguments.", op->line, op->column);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (op->arguments[1] == last_var_assign) {
+ // Assignment was already checked
+ break;
+ }
+ _mark_line_as_safe(op->line);
+ DataType lh_type = _reduce_node_type(op->arguments[0]);
+ if (error_set) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!lh_type.has_type) {
+ if (op->arguments[0]->type == Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(op->line);
+ }
+ } else if (lh_type.is_constant) {
+ _set_error("Cannot assign a new value to a constant.", op->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ DataType rh_type;
+ if (op->op != OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN) {
+ // Validate operation
+ DataType arg_type = _reduce_node_type(op->arguments[1]);
+ if (!arg_type.has_type) {
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(op->line);
+ break;
+ }
+ Variant::Operator oper = _get_variant_operation(op->op);
+ bool valid = false;
+ rh_type = _get_operation_type(oper, lh_type, arg_type, valid);
+ if (!valid) {
+ _set_error("Invalid operand types ('" + lh_type.to_string() + "' and '" + arg_type.to_string() +
+ "') to assignment operator '" + Variant::get_operator_name(oper) + "'.",
+ op->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ rh_type = _reduce_node_type(op->arguments[1]);
+ }
+ if (rh_type.has_type && rh_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN && rh_type.builtin_type == Variant::NIL) {
+ if (op->arguments[1]->type == Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
+ OperatorNode *call = static_cast<OperatorNode *>(op->arguments[1]);
+ if (call->op == OperatorNode::OP_CALL || call->op == OperatorNode::OP_PARENT_CALL) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::VOID_ASSIGNMENT, op->line, _find_function_name(call));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (lh_type.has_type && rh_type.may_yield && op->arguments[1]->type == Node::TYPE_OPERATOR) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::FUNCTION_MAY_YIELD, op->line, _find_function_name(static_cast<OperatorNode *>(op->arguments[1])));
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ if (!_is_type_compatible(lh_type, rh_type)) {
+ // Try supertype test
+ if (_is_type_compatible(rh_type, lh_type)) {
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(op->line);
+ } else {
+ // Try implict conversion
+ if (lh_type.kind != DataType::BUILTIN || !_is_type_compatible(lh_type, rh_type, true)) {
+ _set_error("Assigned value type (" + rh_type.to_string() + ") doesn't match the variable's type (" +
+ lh_type.to_string() + ").",
+ op->line);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Replace assigment with implict conversion
+ BuiltInFunctionNode *convert = alloc_node<BuiltInFunctionNode>();
+ convert->line = op->line;
+ convert->function = GDScriptFunctions::TYPE_CONVERT;
+ ConstantNode *tgt_type = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
+ tgt_type->line = op->line;
+ tgt_type->value = (int)lh_type.builtin_type;
+ OperatorNode *convert_call = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
+ convert_call->line = op->line;
+ convert_call->op = OperatorNode::OP_CALL;
+ convert_call->arguments.push_back(convert);
+ convert_call->arguments.push_back(op->arguments[1]);
+ convert_call->arguments.push_back(tgt_type);
+ op->arguments.write[1] = convert_call;
+ if (lh_type.builtin_type == Variant::INT && rh_type.builtin_type == Variant::REAL) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::NARROWING_CONVERSION, op->line);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ }
+ }
+ if (!rh_type.has_type && (op->op != OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN || lh_type.has_type || op->arguments[0]->type == Node::TYPE_OPERATOR)) {
+ _mark_line_as_unsafe(op->line);
+ }
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_CALL:
+ case OperatorNode::OP_PARENT_CALL: {
+ _mark_line_as_safe(op->line);
+ DataType func_type = _reduce_function_call_type(op);
+ if (func_type.has_type && (func_type.kind != DataType::BUILTIN || func_type.builtin_type != Variant::NIL)) {
+ // Figure out function name for warning
+ String func_name = _find_function_name(op);
+ if (func_name.empty()) {
+ func_name == "<undetected name>";
+ }
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::RETURN_VALUE_DISCARDED, op->line, func_name);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ if (error_set) return;
+ } break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_YIELD: {
+ _mark_line_as_safe(op->line);
+ _reduce_node_type(op);
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ _mark_line_as_safe(op->line);
+ _reduce_node_type(op); // Test for safety anyway
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::STANDALONE_EXPRESSION, statement->line);
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ }
+ }
+ } break;
+ case Node::TYPE_CONTROL_FLOW: {
+ ControlFlowNode *cf = static_cast<ControlFlowNode *>(statement);
+ _mark_line_as_safe(cf->line);
+ switch (cf->cf_type) {
+ case ControlFlowNode::CF_RETURN: {
+ DataType function_type = current_function->get_datatype();
+ DataType ret_type;
+ if (cf->arguments.size() > 0) {
+ ret_type = _reduce_node_type(cf->arguments[0]);
+ if (error_set) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!function_type.has_type) break;
+ if (function_type.kind == DataType::BUILTIN && function_type.builtin_type == Variant::NIL) {
+ // Return void, should not have arguments
+ if (cf->arguments.size() > 0) {
+ _set_error("Void function cannot return a value.", cf->line, cf->column);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Return something, cannot be empty
+ if (cf->arguments.size() == 0) {
+ _set_error("Non-void function must return a value.", cf->line, cf->column);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!_is_type_compatible(function_type, ret_type)) {
+ _set_error("Returned value type (" + ret_type.to_string() + ") doesn't match the function return type (" +
+ function_type.to_string() + ").",
+ cf->line, cf->column);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ } break;
+ case ControlFlowNode::CF_MATCH: {
+ MatchNode *match_node = cf->match;
+ _transform_match_statment(match_node);
+ } break;
+ default: {
+ if (cf->body_else) {
+ _mark_line_as_safe(cf->body_else->line);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < cf->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ _reduce_node_type(cf->arguments[i]);
+ }
+ } break;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case Node::TYPE_CONSTANT: {
+ ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<ConstantNode *>(statement);
+ // Strings are fine since they can be multiline comments
+ if (cn->value.get_type() == Variant::STRING) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } // falthrough
+ default: {
+ _mark_line_as_safe(statement->line);
+ _reduce_node_type(statement); // Test for safety anyway
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::STANDALONE_EXPRESSION, statement->line);
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Parse sub blocks
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_block->sub_blocks.size(); i++) {
+ current_block = p_block->sub_blocks[i];
+ _check_block_types(current_block);
+ current_block = p_block;
+ if (error_set) return;
+ }
+ // Warnings check
+ for (Map<StringName, LocalVarNode *>::Element *E = p_block->variables.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ LocalVarNode *lv = E->get();
+ if (lv->usages == 0) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::UNUSED_VARIABLE, lv->line, lv->name);
+ } else if (lv->assignments == 0) {
+ _add_warning(GDScriptWarning::UNASSIGNED_VARIABLE, lv->line, lv->name);
+ }
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
void GDScriptParser::_set_error(const String &p_error, int p_line, int p_column) {
if (error_set)
@@ -4407,6 +7842,56 @@ void GDScriptParser::_set_error(const String &p_error, int p_line, int p_column)
error_set = true;
+void GDScriptParser::_add_warning(int p_code, int p_line, const String &p_symbol1, const String &p_symbol2, const String &p_symbol3, const String &p_symbol4) {
+ Vector<String> symbols;
+ if (!p_symbol1.empty()) {
+ symbols.push_back(p_symbol1);
+ }
+ if (!p_symbol2.empty()) {
+ symbols.push_back(p_symbol2);
+ }
+ if (!p_symbol3.empty()) {
+ symbols.push_back(p_symbol3);
+ }
+ if (!p_symbol4.empty()) {
+ symbols.push_back(p_symbol4);
+ }
+ _add_warning(p_code, p_line, symbols);
+void GDScriptParser::_add_warning(int p_code, int p_line, const Vector<String> &p_symbols) {
+ if (tokenizer->is_ignoring_warnings() || !GLOBAL_GET("debug/gdscript/warnings/enable").booleanize()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ String warn_name = GDScriptWarning::get_name_from_code((GDScriptWarning::Code)p_code).to_lower();
+ if (tokenizer->get_warning_global_skips().has(warn_name)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!GLOBAL_GET("debug/gdscript/warnings/" + warn_name)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ GDScriptWarning warn;
+ warn.code = (GDScriptWarning::Code)p_code;
+ warn.symbols = p_symbols;
+ warn.line = p_line == -1 ? tokenizer->get_token_line() : p_line;
+ List<GDScriptWarning>::Element *before = NULL;
+ for (List<GDScriptWarning>::Element *E = warnings.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get().line > warn.line) {
+ break;
+ }
+ before = E;
+ }
+ if (before) {
+ warnings.insert_after(before, warn);
+ } else {
+ warnings.push_front(warn);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
String GDScriptParser::get_error() const {
return error;
@@ -4440,10 +7925,70 @@ Error GDScriptParser::_parse(const String &p_base_path) {
_set_error("Parse Error: " + tokenizer->get_token_error());
+ if (error_set && !for_completion) {
+ }
+ _determine_inheritance(main_class);
if (error_set) {
+ }
+ current_class = main_class;
+ current_function = NULL;
+ current_block = NULL;
+ if (for_completion) check_types = false;
+ check_types = false;
+ // Resolve all class-level stuff before getting into function blocks
+ _check_class_level_types(main_class);
+ if (error_set) {
+ // Resolve the function blocks
+ _check_class_blocks_types(main_class);
+ if (error_set) {
+ }
+ // Resolve warning ignores
+ Vector<Pair<int, String> > warning_skips = tokenizer->get_warning_skips();
+ bool warning_is_error = GLOBAL_GET("debug/gdscript/warnings/treat_warnings_as_errors").booleanize();
+ for (List<GDScriptWarning>::Element *E = warnings.front(); E;) {
+ GDScriptWarning &w = E->get();
+ int skip_index = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < warning_skips.size(); i++) {
+ if (warning_skips[i].first >= w.line) {
+ break;
+ }
+ skip_index = i;
+ }
+ List<GDScriptWarning>::Element *next = E->next();
+ bool erase = false;
+ if (skip_index != -1) {
+ if (warning_skips[skip_index].second == GDScriptWarning::get_name_from_code(w.code).to_lower()) {
+ erase = true;
+ }
+ warning_skips.remove(skip_index);
+ }
+ if (erase) {
+ warnings.erase(E);
+ } else if (warning_is_error) {
+ _set_error(w.get_message() + " (warning treated as error)", w.line);
+ }
+ E = next;
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
return OK;
@@ -4461,7 +8006,7 @@ Error GDScriptParser::parse_bytecode(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_bytecode, const St
return ret;
-Error GDScriptParser::parse(const String &p_code, const String &p_base_path, bool p_just_validate, const String &p_self_path, bool p_for_completion) {
+Error GDScriptParser::parse(const String &p_code, const String &p_base_path, bool p_just_validate, const String &p_self_path, bool p_for_completion, Set<int> *r_safe_lines) {
@@ -4471,6 +8016,9 @@ Error GDScriptParser::parse(const String &p_code, const String &p_base_path, boo
validating = p_just_validate;
for_completion = p_for_completion;
+ safe_lines = r_safe_lines;
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
tokenizer = tt;
Error ret = _parse(p_base_path);
@@ -4523,7 +8071,11 @@ void GDScriptParser::clear() {
pending_newline = -1;
parenthesis = 0;
current_export.type = Variant::NIL;
+ check_types = true;
error = "";
+ safe_lines = NULL;
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
GDScriptParser::CompletionType GDScriptParser::get_completion_type() {
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.h b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.h
index b88a59537c..d8ee4e8159 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.h
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_parser.h
@@ -37,8 +37,71 @@
#include "object.h"
#include "script_language.h"
+struct GDScriptDataType;
+struct GDScriptWarning;
class GDScriptParser {
+ struct ClassNode;
+ struct DataType {
+ enum {
+ } kind;
+ bool has_type;
+ bool is_constant;
+ bool is_meta_type; // Whether the value can be used as a type
+ bool infer_type;
+ bool may_yield; // For function calls
+ Variant::Type builtin_type;
+ StringName native_type;
+ Ref<Script> script_type;
+ ClassNode *class_type;
+ String to_string() const;
+ bool operator==(const DataType &other) const {
+ if (!has_type || !other.has_type) {
+ return true; // Can be considered equal for parsing purpose
+ }
+ if (kind != other.kind) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch (kind) {
+ case BUILTIN: {
+ return builtin_type == other.builtin_type;
+ } break;
+ case NATIVE: {
+ return native_type == other.native_type;
+ } break;
+ case GDSCRIPT:
+ case SCRIPT: {
+ return script_type == other.script_type;
+ } break;
+ case CLASS: {
+ return class_type == other.class_type;
+ } break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ DataType() :
+ has_type(false),
+ is_constant(false),
+ is_meta_type(false),
+ infer_type(false),
+ may_yield(false),
+ builtin_type(Variant::NIL),
+ class_type(NULL) {}
+ };
struct Node {
enum Type {
@@ -55,6 +118,7 @@ public:
@@ -65,11 +129,17 @@ public:
int column;
Type type;
+ virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return DataType(); }
+ virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) {}
virtual ~Node() {}
struct FunctionNode;
struct BlockNode;
+ struct ConstantNode;
+ struct LocalVarNode;
+ struct OperatorNode;
struct ClassNode : public Node {
@@ -78,6 +148,7 @@ public:
bool extends_used;
StringName extends_file;
Vector<StringName> extends_class;
+ DataType base_type;
struct Member {
PropertyInfo _export;
@@ -85,25 +156,30 @@ public:
Variant default_value;
StringName identifier;
+ DataType data_type;
StringName setter;
StringName getter;
int line;
Node *expression;
+ OperatorNode *initial_assignment;
MultiplayerAPI::RPCMode rpc_mode;
+ int usages;
struct Constant {
- StringName identifier;
Node *expression;
+ DataType type;
struct Signal {
StringName name;
Vector<StringName> arguments;
+ int emissions;
+ int line;
Vector<ClassNode *> subclasses;
Vector<Member> variables;
- Vector<Constant> constant_expressions;
+ Map<StringName, Constant> constant_expressions;
Vector<FunctionNode *> functions;
Vector<FunctionNode *> static_functions;
Vector<Signal> _signals;
@@ -126,15 +202,27 @@ public:
bool _static;
MultiplayerAPI::RPCMode rpc_mode;
+ bool has_yield;
+ bool has_unreachable_code;
StringName name;
+ DataType return_type;
Vector<StringName> arguments;
+ Vector<DataType> argument_types;
Vector<Node *> default_values;
BlockNode *body;
+ Vector<int> arguments_usage;
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return return_type; }
+ virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) { return_type = p_datatype; }
FunctionNode() {
_static = false;
rpc_mode = MultiplayerAPI::RPC_MODE_DISABLED;
+ has_yield = false;
+ has_unreachable_code = false;
@@ -142,10 +230,9 @@ public:
ClassNode *parent_class;
BlockNode *parent_block;
- Map<StringName, int> locals;
List<Node *> statements;
- Vector<StringName> variables;
- Vector<int> variable_lines;
+ Map<StringName, LocalVarNode *> variables;
+ bool has_return;
Node *if_condition; //tiny hack to improve code completion on if () blocks
@@ -158,6 +245,7 @@ public:
end_line = -1;
parent_block = NULL;
parent_class = NULL;
+ has_return = false;
@@ -174,28 +262,55 @@ public:
struct IdentifierNode : public Node {
StringName name;
- IdentifierNode() { type = TYPE_IDENTIFIER; }
+ BlockNode *declared_block; // Simplify lookup by checking if it is declared locally
+ DataType datatype;
+ virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return datatype; }
+ virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) { datatype = p_datatype; }
+ IdentifierNode() {
+ declared_block = NULL;
+ }
struct LocalVarNode : public Node {
StringName name;
Node *assign;
+ OperatorNode *assign_op;
+ int assignments;
+ int usages;
+ DataType datatype;
+ virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return datatype; }
+ virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) { datatype = p_datatype; }
LocalVarNode() {
assign = NULL;
+ assign_op = NULL;
+ assignments = 0;
+ usages = 0;
struct ConstantNode : public Node {
Variant value;
+ DataType datatype;
+ virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return datatype; }
+ virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) { datatype = p_datatype; }
ConstantNode() { type = TYPE_CONSTANT; }
struct ArrayNode : public Node {
Vector<Node *> elements;
- ArrayNode() { type = TYPE_ARRAY; }
+ DataType datatype;
+ virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return datatype; }
+ virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) { datatype = p_datatype; }
+ ArrayNode() {
+ type = TYPE_ARRAY;
+ datatype.has_type = true;
+ datatype.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ datatype.builtin_type = Variant::ARRAY;
+ }
struct DictionaryNode : public Node {
@@ -207,7 +322,15 @@ public:
Vector<Pair> elements;
- DictionaryNode() { type = TYPE_DICTIONARY; }
+ DataType datatype;
+ virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return datatype; }
+ virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) { datatype = p_datatype; }
+ DictionaryNode() {
+ datatype.has_type = true;
+ datatype.kind = DataType::BUILTIN;
+ datatype.builtin_type = Variant::DICTIONARY;
+ }
struct SelfNode : public Node {
@@ -229,10 +352,6 @@ public:
//binary operators (in precedence order)
@@ -273,6 +392,9 @@ public:
Operator op;
Vector<Node *> arguments;
+ DataType datatype;
+ virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return datatype; }
+ virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) { datatype = p_datatype; }
OperatorNode() { type = TYPE_OPERATOR; }
@@ -340,6 +462,15 @@ public:
+ struct CastNode : public Node {
+ Node *source_node;
+ DataType cast_type;
+ DataType return_type;
+ virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return return_type; }
+ virtual void set_datatype(const DataType &p_datatype) { return_type = p_datatype; }
+ CastNode() { type = TYPE_CAST; }
+ };
struct AssertNode : public Node {
Node *condition;
AssertNode() { type = TYPE_ASSERT; }
@@ -362,76 +493,6 @@ public:
- /*
- struct OperatorNode : public Node {
- DataType return_cache;
- Operator op;
- Vector<Node*> arguments;
- virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return return_cache; }
- OperatorNode() { type=TYPE_OPERATOR; return_cache=TYPE_VOID; }
- };
- struct VariableNode : public Node {
- DataType datatype_cache;
- StringName name;
- virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return datatype_cache; }
- VariableNode() { type=TYPE_VARIABLE; datatype_cache=TYPE_VOID; }
- };
- struct ConstantNode : public Node {
- DataType datatype;
- Variant value;
- virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return datatype; }
- ConstantNode() { type=TYPE_CONSTANT; }
- };
- struct BlockNode : public Node {
- Map<StringName,DataType> variables;
- List<Node*> statements;
- BlockNode() { type=TYPE_BLOCK; }
- };
- struct ControlFlowNode : public Node {
- FlowOperation flow_op;
- Vector<Node*> statements;
- ControlFlowNode() { type=TYPE_CONTROL_FLOW; flow_op=FLOW_OP_IF;}
- };
- struct MemberNode : public Node {
- DataType datatype;
- StringName name;
- Node* owner;
- virtual DataType get_datatype() const { return datatype; }
- MemberNode() { type=TYPE_MEMBER; }
- };
- struct ProgramNode : public Node {
- struct Function {
- StringName name;
- FunctionNode*function;
- };
- Map<StringName,DataType> builtin_variables;
- Map<StringName,DataType> preexisting_variables;
- Vector<Function> functions;
- BlockNode *body;
- ProgramNode() { type=TYPE_PROGRAM; }
- };
enum CompletionType {
@@ -446,6 +507,8 @@ public:
@@ -463,6 +526,14 @@ private:
String error;
int error_line;
int error_column;
+ bool check_types;
+ Set<int> *safe_lines;
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ List<GDScriptWarning> warnings;
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
int pending_newline;
@@ -496,6 +567,10 @@ private:
MultiplayerAPI::RPCMode rpc_mode;
void _set_error(const String &p_error, int p_line = -1, int p_column = -1);
+ void _add_warning(int p_code, int p_line = -1, const String &p_symbol1 = String(), const String &p_symbol2 = String(), const String &p_symbol3 = String(), const String &p_symbol4 = String());
+ void _add_warning(int p_code, int p_line, const Vector<String> &p_symbols);
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
bool _recover_from_completion();
bool _parse_arguments(Node *p_parent, Vector<Node *> &p_args, bool p_static, bool p_can_codecomplete = false);
@@ -507,7 +582,7 @@ private:
PatternNode *_parse_pattern(bool p_static);
void _parse_pattern_block(BlockNode *p_block, Vector<PatternBranchNode *> &p_branches, bool p_static);
- void _transform_match_statment(BlockNode *p_block, MatchNode *p_match_statement);
+ void _transform_match_statment(MatchNode *p_match_statement);
void _generate_pattern(PatternNode *p_pattern, Node *p_node_to_match, Node *&p_resulting_node, Map<StringName, Node *> &p_bindings);
void _parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static);
@@ -515,13 +590,46 @@ private:
void _parse_class(ClassNode *p_class);
bool _end_statement();
+ void _determine_inheritance(ClassNode *p_class);
+ bool _parse_type(DataType &r_type, bool p_can_be_void = false);
+ DataType _resolve_type(const DataType &p_source, int p_line);
+ DataType _type_from_variant(const Variant &p_value) const;
+ DataType _type_from_property(const PropertyInfo &p_property, bool p_nil_is_variant = true) const;
+ DataType _type_from_gdtype(const GDScriptDataType &p_gdtype) const;
+ DataType _get_operation_type(const Variant::Operator p_op, const DataType &p_a, const DataType &p_b, bool &r_valid) const;
+ Variant::Operator _get_variant_operation(const OperatorNode::Operator &p_op) const;
+ bool _get_function_signature(DataType &p_base_type, const StringName &p_function, DataType &r_return_type, List<DataType> &r_arg_types, int &r_default_arg_count, bool &r_static, bool &r_vararg) const;
+ bool _get_member_type(const DataType &p_base_type, const StringName &p_member, DataType &r_member_type) const;
+ bool _is_type_compatible(const DataType &p_container, const DataType &p_expression, bool p_allow_implicit_conversion = false) const;
+ DataType _reduce_node_type(Node *p_node);
+ DataType _reduce_function_call_type(const OperatorNode *p_call);
+ DataType _reduce_identifier_type(const DataType *p_base_type, const StringName &p_identifier, int p_line);
+ void _check_class_level_types(ClassNode *p_class);
+ void _check_class_blocks_types(ClassNode *p_class);
+ void _check_function_types(FunctionNode *p_function);
+ void _check_block_types(BlockNode *p_block);
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void _mark_line_as_safe(int p_line) const {
+ if (safe_lines) safe_lines->insert(p_line);
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ }
+ _FORCE_INLINE_ void _mark_line_as_unsafe(int p_line) const {
+ if (safe_lines) safe_lines->erase(p_line);
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ }
Error _parse(const String &p_base_path);
String get_error() const;
int get_error_line() const;
int get_error_column() const;
- Error parse(const String &p_code, const String &p_base_path = "", bool p_just_validate = false, const String &p_self_path = "", bool p_for_completion = false);
+ const List<GDScriptWarning> &get_warnings() const { return warnings; }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
+ Error parse(const String &p_code, const String &p_base_path = "", bool p_just_validate = false, const String &p_self_path = "", bool p_for_completion = false, Set<int> *r_safe_lines = NULL);
Error parse_bytecode(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_bytecode, const String &p_base_path = "", const String &p_self_path = "");
bool is_tool_script() const;
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.cpp
index 3c8e1ddbe4..537a0c5eaf 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.cpp
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ const char *GDScriptTokenizer::token_names[TK_MAX] = {
+ "class_name",
@@ -100,6 +101,8 @@ const char *GDScriptTokenizer::token_names[TK_MAX] = {
+ "as",
+ "void",
@@ -124,6 +127,7 @@ const char *GDScriptTokenizer::token_names[TK_MAX] = {
+ "'->'",
@@ -187,6 +191,7 @@ static const _kws _keyword_list[] = {
{ GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_FUNCTION, "func" },
{ GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_CLASS, "class" },
+ { GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_CLASS_NAME, "class_name" },
{ GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_EXTENDS, "extends" },
{ GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_IS, "is" },
{ GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_ONREADY, "onready" },
@@ -195,6 +200,8 @@ static const _kws _keyword_list[] = {
{ GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_EXPORT, "export" },
{ GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_SETGET, "setget" },
{ GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_VAR, "var" },
+ { GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_AS, "as" },
+ { GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_VOID, "void" },
{ GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_PRELOAD, "preload" },
{ GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_ASSERT, "assert" },
{ GDScriptTokenizer::TK_PR_YIELD, "yield" },
@@ -519,8 +526,13 @@ void GDScriptTokenizerText::_advance() {
case '#': { // line comment skip
+ String comment;
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
while (GETCHAR(0) != '\n') {
+ comment += GETCHAR(0);
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
if (GETCHAR(0) == 0) { //end of file
//_make_error("Unterminated Comment");
@@ -528,6 +540,17 @@ void GDScriptTokenizerText::_advance() {
+ if (comment.begins_with("#warning-ignore:")) {
+ String code = comment.get_slice(":", 1);
+ warning_skips.push_back(Pair<int, String>(line, code.strip_edges().to_lower()));
+ } else if (comment.begins_with("#warning-ignore-all:")) {
+ String code = comment.get_slice(":", 1);
+ warning_global_skips.insert(code.strip_edges().to_lower());
+ } else if (comment.strip_edges() == "#warnings-disable") {
+ ignore_warnings = true;
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
column = 1;
@@ -705,11 +728,9 @@ void GDScriptTokenizerText::_advance() {
if (GETCHAR(1) == '=') {
- /*
- } else if (GETCHAR(1)=='-') {
- _make_token(TK_OP_MINUS_MINUS);
+ } else if (GETCHAR(1) == '>') {
+ _make_token(TK_FORWARD_ARROW);
- */
} else {
@@ -1040,6 +1061,9 @@ void GDScriptTokenizerText::set_code(const String &p_code) {
column = 1; //the same holds for columns
tk_rb_pos = 0;
error_flag = false;
+ ignore_warnings = false;
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
last_error = "";
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LOOKAHEAD + 1; i++)
@@ -1135,9 +1159,9 @@ void GDScriptTokenizerText::advance(int p_amount) {
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Error GDScriptTokenizerBuffer::set_code_buffer(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_buffer) {
@@ -1167,15 +1191,15 @@ Error GDScriptTokenizerBuffer::set_code_buffer(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_buffer)
Vector<uint8_t> cs;
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
- cs[j] = b[j] ^ 0xb6;
+ cs.write[j] = b[j] ^ 0xb6;
- cs[cs.size() - 1] = 0;
+ cs.write[cs.size() - 1] = 0;
String s;
s.parse_utf8((const char *)cs.ptr());
b += len;
total_len -= len + 4;
- identifiers[i] = s;
+ identifiers.write[i] = s;
@@ -1188,7 +1212,7 @@ Error GDScriptTokenizerBuffer::set_code_buffer(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_buffer)
return err;
b += len;
total_len -= len;
- constants[i] = v;
+ constants.write[i] = v;
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(line_count * 8 > total_len, ERR_INVALID_DATA);
@@ -1213,10 +1237,10 @@ Error GDScriptTokenizerBuffer::set_code_buffer(const Vector<uint8_t> &p_buffer)
if ((*b) & TOKEN_BYTE_MASK) { //little endian always
- tokens[i] = decode_uint32(b) & ~TOKEN_BYTE_MASK;
+ tokens.write[i] = decode_uint32(b) & ~TOKEN_BYTE_MASK;
b += 4;
} else {
- tokens[i] = *b;
+ tokens.write[i] = *b;
b += 1;
@@ -1315,15 +1339,15 @@ Vector<uint8_t> GDScriptTokenizerBuffer::parse_code_string(const String &p_code)
//save header
- buf[0] = 'G';
- buf[1] = 'D';
- buf[2] = 'S';
- buf[3] = 'C';
- encode_uint32(BYTECODE_VERSION, &buf[4]);
- encode_uint32(identifier_map.size(), &buf[8]);
- encode_uint32(constant_map.size(), &buf[12]);
- encode_uint32(line_map.size(), &buf[16]);
- encode_uint32(token_array.size(), &buf[20]);
+ buf.write[0] = 'G';
+ buf.write[1] = 'D';
+ buf.write[2] = 'S';
+ buf.write[3] = 'C';
+ encode_uint32(BYTECODE_VERSION, &buf.write[4]);
+ encode_uint32(identifier_map.size(), &buf.write[8]);
+ encode_uint32(constant_map.size(), &buf.write[12]);
+ encode_uint32(line_map.size(), &buf.write[16]);
+ encode_uint32(token_array.size(), &buf.write[20]);
//save identifiers
@@ -1355,7 +1379,7 @@ Vector<uint8_t> GDScriptTokenizerBuffer::parse_code_string(const String &p_code)
ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err != OK, Vector<uint8_t>());
int pos = buf.size();
buf.resize(pos + len);
- encode_variant(E->get(), &buf[pos], len);
+ encode_variant(E->get(), &buf.write[pos], len);
for (Map<int, uint32_t>::Element *E = rev_line_map.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.h b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.h
index c4f1f9fd94..28a08bfaf8 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.h
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_tokenizer.h
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+#include "core/pair.h"
#include "gdscript_functions.h"
#include "string_db.h"
#include "ustring.h"
@@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ public:
@@ -105,6 +107,8 @@ public:
@@ -130,6 +134,7 @@ public:
@@ -167,6 +172,11 @@ public:
virtual int get_token_line_indent(int p_offset = 0) const = 0;
virtual String get_token_error(int p_offset = 0) const = 0;
virtual void advance(int p_amount = 1) = 0;
+ virtual const Vector<Pair<int, String> > &get_warning_skips() const = 0;
+ virtual const Set<String> &get_warning_global_skips() const = 0;
+ virtual const bool is_ignoring_warnings() const = 0;
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
virtual ~GDScriptTokenizer(){};
@@ -186,6 +196,7 @@ class GDScriptTokenizerText : public GDScriptTokenizer {
union {
Variant::Type vtype; //for type types
GDScriptFunctions::Function func; //function for built in functions
+ int warning_code; //for warning skip
int line, col;
TokenData() {
@@ -213,6 +224,11 @@ class GDScriptTokenizerText : public GDScriptTokenizer {
int tk_rb_pos;
String last_error;
bool error_flag;
+ Vector<Pair<int, String> > warning_skips;
+ Set<String> warning_global_skips;
+ bool ignore_warnings;
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
void _advance();
@@ -228,6 +244,11 @@ public:
virtual const Variant &get_token_constant(int p_offset = 0) const;
virtual String get_token_error(int p_offset = 0) const;
virtual void advance(int p_amount = 1);
+ virtual const Vector<Pair<int, String> > &get_warning_skips() const { return warning_skips; }
+ virtual const Set<String> &get_warning_global_skips() const { return warning_global_skips; }
+ virtual const bool is_ignoring_warnings() const { return ignore_warnings; }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED
class GDScriptTokenizerBuffer : public GDScriptTokenizer {
@@ -261,6 +282,11 @@ public:
virtual const Variant &get_token_constant(int p_offset = 0) const;
virtual String get_token_error(int p_offset = 0) const;
virtual void advance(int p_amount = 1);
+ virtual const Vector<Pair<int, String> > &get_warning_skips() const { return Vector<Pair<int, String> >(); }
+ virtual const Set<String> &get_warning_global_skips() const { return Set<String>(); }
+ virtual const bool is_ignoring_warnings() const { return true; }
+#endif // DEBUG_ENABLED