path: root/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp
index 34b1e45cdf..1f9aad40af 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_compiler.cpp
@@ -2089,77 +2089,18 @@ GDScriptFunction *GDScriptCompiler::_parse_function(Error &r_error, GDScript *p_
Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_setter_getter(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class, const GDScriptParser::VariableNode *p_variable, bool p_is_setter) {
Error error = OK;
- CodeGen codegen;
- codegen.generator = memnew(GDScriptByteCodeGenerator);
- codegen.class_node = p_class;
- codegen.script = p_script;
- StringName func_name;
+ GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *function;
if (p_is_setter) {
- func_name = "@" + p_variable->identifier->name + "_setter";
+ function = p_variable->setter;
} else {
- func_name = "@" + p_variable->identifier->name + "_getter";
+ function = p_variable->getter;
- codegen.function_name = func_name;
- GDScriptDataType return_type;
- if (p_is_setter) {
- return_type.has_type = true;
- return_type.kind = GDScriptDataType::BUILTIN;
- return_type.builtin_type = Variant::NIL;
- } else {
- return_type = _gdtype_from_datatype(p_variable->get_datatype(), p_script);
- }
+ _parse_function(error, p_script, p_class, function);
- codegen.generator->write_start(p_script, func_name, false, Multiplayer::RPCConfig(), return_type);
- if (p_is_setter) {
- uint32_t par_addr = codegen.generator->add_parameter(p_variable->setter_parameter->name, false, _gdtype_from_datatype(p_variable->get_datatype()));
- codegen.parameters[p_variable->setter_parameter->name] = GDScriptCodeGenerator::Address(GDScriptCodeGenerator::Address::FUNCTION_PARAMETER, par_addr, _gdtype_from_datatype(p_variable->get_datatype()));
- }
- error = _parse_block(codegen, p_is_setter ? p_variable->setter : p_variable->getter);
- if (error) {
- memdelete(codegen.generator);
- return error;
- }
- GDScriptFunction *gd_function = codegen.generator->write_end();
- p_script->member_functions[func_name] = gd_function;
- if (EngineDebugger::is_active()) {
- String signature;
- //path
- if (p_script->get_path() != String()) {
- signature += p_script->get_path();
- }
- //loc
- signature += "::" + itos(p_is_setter ? p_variable->setter->start_line : p_variable->getter->start_line);
- //function and class
- if (p_class->identifier) {
- signature += "::" + String(p_class->identifier->name) + "." + String(func_name);
- } else {
- signature += "::" + String(func_name);
- }
- codegen.generator->set_signature(signature);
- }
- codegen.generator->set_initial_line(p_is_setter ? p_variable->setter->start_line : p_variable->getter->start_line);
- p_script->member_lines[func_name] = p_is_setter ? p_variable->setter->start_line : p_variable->getter->start_line;
- memdelete(codegen.generator);
- return OK;
+ return error;
Error GDScriptCompiler::_parse_class_level(GDScript *p_script, const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class, bool p_keep_state) {