path: root/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp
index 94daba4bf6..326720ce86 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp
@@ -646,41 +646,51 @@ void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_class_interface(GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_clas
- if (member.variable->datatype_specifier != nullptr) {
- datatype = specified_type;
+ // Check if initalizer is an unset identifier (ie: a variable within scope, but declared below)
+ if (member.variable->initializer && !member.variable->initializer->get_datatype().is_set()) {
+ if (member.variable->initializer->type == GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER) {
+ GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *initializer_identifier = static_cast<GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(member.variable->initializer);
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Identifier "%s" must be declared above current variable.)", initializer_identifier->name), member.variable->initializer);
+ } else {
+ ERR_PRINT("Parser bug (please report): tried to assign unset node without an identifier.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (member.variable->datatype_specifier != nullptr) {
+ datatype = specified_type;
- if (member.variable->initializer != nullptr) {
- if (!is_type_compatible(datatype, member.variable->initializer->get_datatype(), true, member.variable->initializer)) {
- // Try reverse test since it can be a masked subtype.
- if (!is_type_compatible(member.variable->initializer->get_datatype(), datatype, true, member.variable->initializer)) {
- push_error(vformat(R"(Value of type "%s" cannot be assigned to a variable of type "%s".)", member.variable->initializer->get_datatype().to_string(), datatype.to_string()), member.variable->initializer);
- } else {
- // TODO: Add warning.
+ if (member.variable->initializer != nullptr) {
+ if (!is_type_compatible(datatype, member.variable->initializer->get_datatype(), true, member.variable->initializer)) {
+ // Try reverse test since it can be a masked subtype.
+ if (!is_type_compatible(member.variable->initializer->get_datatype(), datatype, true, member.variable->initializer)) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Value of type "%s" cannot be assigned to a variable of type "%s".)", member.variable->initializer->get_datatype().to_string(), datatype.to_string()), member.variable->initializer);
+ } else {
+ // TODO: Add warning.
+ mark_node_unsafe(member.variable->initializer);
+ member.variable->use_conversion_assign = true;
+ }
+ } else if (datatype.builtin_type == Variant::INT && member.variable->initializer->get_datatype().builtin_type == Variant::FLOAT) {
+ parser->push_warning(member.variable->initializer, GDScriptWarning::NARROWING_CONVERSION);
+ }
+ if (member.variable->initializer->get_datatype().is_variant()) {
+ // TODO: Warn unsafe assign.
member.variable->use_conversion_assign = true;
- } else if (datatype.builtin_type == Variant::INT && member.variable->initializer->get_datatype().builtin_type == Variant::FLOAT) {
- parser->push_warning(member.variable->initializer, GDScriptWarning::NARROWING_CONVERSION);
- if (member.variable->initializer->get_datatype().is_variant()) {
- // TODO: Warn unsafe assign.
- mark_node_unsafe(member.variable->initializer);
- member.variable->use_conversion_assign = true;
+ } else if (member.variable->infer_datatype) {
+ if (member.variable->initializer == nullptr) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot infer the type of "%s" variable because there's no default value.)", member.variable->identifier->name), member.variable->identifier);
+ } else if (!datatype.is_set() || datatype.has_no_type()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot infer the type of "%s" variable because the initial value doesn't have a set type.)", member.variable->identifier->name), member.variable->initializer);
+ } else if (datatype.is_variant()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot infer the type of "%s" variable because the initial value is Variant. Use explicit "Variant" type if this is intended.)", member.variable->identifier->name), member.variable->initializer);
+ } else if (datatype.builtin_type == Variant::NIL) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot infer the type of "%s" variable because the initial value is "null".)", member.variable->identifier->name), member.variable->initializer);
+ datatype.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_INFERRED;
- } else if (member.variable->infer_datatype) {
- if (member.variable->initializer == nullptr) {
- push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot infer the type of "%s" variable because there's no default value.)", member.variable->identifier->name), member.variable->identifier);
- } else if (!datatype.is_set() || datatype.has_no_type()) {
- push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot infer the type of "%s" variable because the initial value doesn't have a set type.)", member.variable->identifier->name), member.variable->initializer);
- } else if (datatype.is_variant()) {
- push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot infer the type of "%s" variable because the initial value is Variant. Use explicit "Variant" type if this is intended.)", member.variable->identifier->name), member.variable->initializer);
- } else if (datatype.builtin_type == Variant::NIL) {
- push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot infer the type of "%s" variable because the initial value is "null".)", member.variable->identifier->name), member.variable->initializer);
- }
- datatype.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_INFERRED;
datatype.is_constant = false;
@@ -1129,7 +1139,7 @@ void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_function_signature(GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *
- if (p_function->identifier->name == "_init") {
+ if (p_function->identifier->name == GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->strings._init) {
// Constructor.
GDScriptParser::DataType return_type = parser->current_class->get_datatype();
return_type.is_meta_type = false;
@@ -1143,6 +1153,57 @@ void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_function_signature(GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *
} else {
GDScriptParser::DataType return_type = resolve_datatype(p_function->return_type);
+ // Check if the function signature matches the parent. If not it's an error since it breaks polymorphism.
+ // Not for the constructor which can vary in signature.
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = parser->current_class->base_type;
+ GDScriptParser::DataType parent_return_type;
+ List<GDScriptParser::DataType> parameters_types;
+ int default_par_count = 0;
+ bool is_static = false;
+ bool is_vararg = false;
+ if (get_function_signature(p_function, false, base_type, p_function->identifier->name, parent_return_type, parameters_types, default_par_count, is_static, is_vararg)) {
+ bool valid = p_function->is_static == is_static;
+ valid = valid && parent_return_type == p_function->get_datatype();
+ int par_count_diff = p_function->parameters.size() - parameters_types.size();
+ valid = valid && par_count_diff >= 0;
+ valid = valid && p_function->default_arg_values.size() >= default_par_count + par_count_diff;
+ int i = 0;
+ for (const GDScriptParser::DataType &par_type : parameters_types) {
+ valid = valid && par_type == p_function->parameters[i++]->get_datatype();
+ }
+ if (!valid) {
+ // Compute parent signature as a string to show in the error message.
+ String parent_signature = parent_return_type.is_hard_type() ? parent_return_type.to_string() : "Variant";
+ if (parent_signature == "null") {
+ parent_signature = "void";
+ }
+ parent_signature += " " + p_function->identifier->name.operator String() + "(";
+ int j = 0;
+ for (const GDScriptParser::DataType &par_type : parameters_types) {
+ if (j > 0) {
+ parent_signature += ", ";
+ }
+ String parameter = par_type.to_string();
+ if (parameter == "null") {
+ parameter = "Variant";
+ }
+ parent_signature += parameter;
+ if (j == parameters_types.size() - default_par_count) {
+ parent_signature += " = default";
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+ parent_signature += ")";
+ push_error(vformat(R"(The function signature doesn't match the parent. Parent signature is "%s".)", parent_signature), p_function);
+ }
+ }
parser->current_function = previous_function;
@@ -1241,7 +1302,7 @@ void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_for(GDScriptParser::ForNode *p_for) {
bool list_resolved = false;
// Optimize constant range() call to not allocate an array.
- // Use int, Vector2, Vector3 instead, which also can be used as range iterators.
+ // Use int, Vector2i, Vector3i instead, which also can be used as range iterators.
if (p_for->list && p_for->list->type == GDScriptParser::Node::CALL) {
GDScriptParser::CallNode *call = static_cast<GDScriptParser::CallNode *>(p_for->list);
GDScriptParser::Node::Type callee_type = call->get_callee_type();
@@ -1414,7 +1475,7 @@ void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_variable(GDScriptParser::VariableNode *p_variable
parser->push_warning(p_variable->initializer, GDScriptWarning::NARROWING_CONVERSION);
- if (p_variable->initializer->get_datatype().is_variant()) {
+ if (p_variable->initializer->get_datatype().is_variant() && !type.is_variant()) {
// TODO: Warn unsafe assign.
p_variable->use_conversion_assign = true;
@@ -2406,7 +2467,9 @@ void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_call(GDScriptParser::CallNode *p_call, bool p_is_a
GDScriptParser::DataType return_type;
List<GDScriptParser::DataType> par_types;
- if (get_function_signature(p_call, base_type, p_call->function_name, return_type, par_types, default_arg_count, is_static, is_vararg)) {
+ bool is_constructor = (base_type.is_meta_type || (p_call->callee && p_call->callee->type == GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER)) && p_call->function_name == SNAME("new");
+ if (get_function_signature(p_call, is_constructor, base_type, p_call->function_name, return_type, par_types, default_arg_count, is_static, is_vararg)) {
// If the function require typed arrays we must make literals be typed.
for (const KeyValue<int, GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *> &E : arrays) {
int index = E.key;
@@ -2565,18 +2628,24 @@ void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_get_node(GDScriptParser::GetNodeNode *p_get_node)
GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptAnalyzer::make_global_class_meta_type(const StringName &p_class_name, const GDScriptParser::Node *p_source) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType type;
Ref<GDScriptParserRef> ref = get_parser_for(ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(p_class_name));
- Error err = ref->raise_status(GDScriptParserRef::INTERFACE_SOLVED);
+ if (ref.is_null()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not find script for class "%s".)", p_class_name), p_source);
+ type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::UNDETECTED;
+ type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ return type;
+ }
+ Error err = ref->raise_status(GDScriptParserRef::INTERFACE_SOLVED);
if (err) {
push_error(vformat(R"(Could not resolve class "%s", because of a parser error.)", p_class_name), p_source);
- GDScriptParser::DataType type;
type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::UNDETECTED;
type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
return type;
- GDScriptParser::DataType type;
type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
type.builtin_type = Variant::OBJECT;
@@ -3560,7 +3629,7 @@ GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptAnalyzer::type_from_property(const PropertyInfo
return result;
-bool GDScriptAnalyzer::get_function_signature(GDScriptParser::CallNode *p_source, GDScriptParser::DataType p_base_type, const StringName &p_function, GDScriptParser::DataType &r_return_type, List<GDScriptParser::DataType> &r_par_types, int &r_default_arg_count, bool &r_static, bool &r_vararg) {
+bool GDScriptAnalyzer::get_function_signature(GDScriptParser::Node *p_source, bool p_is_constructor, GDScriptParser::DataType p_base_type, const StringName &p_function, GDScriptParser::DataType &r_return_type, List<GDScriptParser::DataType> &r_par_types, int &r_default_arg_count, bool &r_static, bool &r_vararg) {
r_static = false;
r_vararg = false;
r_default_arg_count = 0;
@@ -3600,8 +3669,7 @@ bool GDScriptAnalyzer::get_function_signature(GDScriptParser::CallNode *p_source
return false;
- bool is_constructor = (p_base_type.is_meta_type || (p_source->callee && p_source->callee->type == GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER)) && p_function == StaticCString::create("new");
- if (is_constructor) {
+ if (p_is_constructor) {
function_name = "_init";
r_static = true;
@@ -3622,7 +3690,7 @@ bool GDScriptAnalyzer::get_function_signature(GDScriptParser::CallNode *p_source
if (found_function != nullptr) {
- r_static = is_constructor || found_function->is_static;
+ r_static = p_is_constructor || found_function->is_static;
for (int i = 0; i < found_function->parameters.size(); i++) {
if (found_function->parameters[i]->default_value != nullptr) {
@@ -3648,7 +3716,7 @@ bool GDScriptAnalyzer::get_function_signature(GDScriptParser::CallNode *p_source
// If the base is a script, it might be trying to access members of the Script class itself.
- if (p_base_type.is_meta_type && !is_constructor && (p_base_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT || p_base_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS)) {
+ if (p_base_type.is_meta_type && !p_is_constructor && (p_base_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT || p_base_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS)) {
MethodInfo info;
StringName script_class = p_base_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT ? p_base_type.script_type->get_class_name() : StringName(GDScript::get_class_static());
@@ -3668,7 +3736,7 @@ bool GDScriptAnalyzer::get_function_signature(GDScriptParser::CallNode *p_source
- if (is_constructor) {
+ if (p_is_constructor) {
// Native types always have a default constructor.
r_return_type = p_base_type;
r_return_type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;