path: root/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp')
1 files changed, 3109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..561cdbbda4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gdscript_analyzer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3109 @@
+/* gdscript_analyzer.cpp */
+/* This file is part of: */
+/* */
+/* Copyright (c) 2007-2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Godot Engine contributors (cf. */
+/* */
+/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
+/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */
+/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */
+/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */
+/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */
+/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
+/* the following conditions: */
+/* */
+/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */
+/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */
+/* */
+#include "gdscript_analyzer.h"
+#include "core/class_db.h"
+#include "core/hash_map.h"
+#include "core/io/resource_loader.h"
+#include "core/project_settings.h"
+#include "core/script_language.h"
+#include "gdscript.h"
+// TODO: Move this to a central location (maybe core?).
+static HashMap<StringName, StringName> underscore_map;
+static const char *underscore_classes[] = {
+ "ClassDB",
+ "Directory",
+ "Engine",
+ "File",
+ "Geometry",
+ "GodotSharp",
+ "JSON",
+ "Marshalls",
+ "Mutex",
+ "OS",
+ "ResourceLoader",
+ "ResourceSaver",
+ "Semaphore",
+ "Thread",
+ "VisualScriptEditor",
+ nullptr,
+static StringName get_real_class_name(const StringName &p_source) {
+ if (underscore_map.empty()) {
+ const char **class_name = underscore_classes;
+ while (*class_name != nullptr) {
+ underscore_map[*class_name] = String("_") + *class_name;
+ class_name++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (underscore_map.has(p_source)) {
+ return underscore_map[p_source];
+ }
+ return p_source;
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::cleanup() {
+ underscore_map.clear();
+static GDScriptParser::DataType make_callable_type(const MethodInfo &p_info) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType type;
+ type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ type.builtin_type = Variant::CALLABLE;
+ type.is_constant = true;
+ type.method_info = p_info;
+ return type;
+static GDScriptParser::DataType make_signal_type(const MethodInfo &p_info) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType type;
+ type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ type.builtin_type = Variant::SIGNAL;
+ type.is_constant = true;
+ type.method_info = p_info;
+ return type;
+static GDScriptParser::DataType make_native_meta_type(const StringName &p_class_name) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType type;
+ type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ type.builtin_type = Variant::OBJECT;
+ type.is_constant = true;
+ type.native_type = p_class_name;
+ type.is_meta_type = true;
+ return type;
+static GDScriptParser::DataType make_native_enum_type(const StringName &p_native_class, const StringName &p_enum_name) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType type;
+ type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM;
+ type.builtin_type = Variant::OBJECT;
+ type.is_constant = true;
+ type.is_meta_type = true;
+ List<StringName> enum_values;
+ StringName real_native_name = get_real_class_name(p_native_class);
+ ClassDB::get_enum_constants(real_native_name, p_enum_name, &enum_values);
+ for (const List<StringName>::Element *E = enum_values.front(); E != nullptr; E = E->next()) {
+ type.enum_values[E->get()] = ClassDB::get_integer_constant(real_native_name, E->get());
+ }
+ return type;
+static GDScriptParser::DataType make_builtin_meta_type(Variant::Type p_type) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType type;
+ type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ type.builtin_type = p_type;
+ type.is_constant = true;
+ type.is_meta_type = true;
+ return type;
+Error GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_inheritance(GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class, bool p_recursive) {
+ if (p_class->base_type.is_set()) {
+ // Already resolved
+ return OK;
+ }
+ if (p_class == parser->head) {
+ if (p_class->identifier) {
+ p_class->fqcn = p_class->identifier->name;
+ } else {
+ p_class->fqcn = parser->script_path;
+ }
+ } else {
+ p_class->fqcn = p_class->outer->fqcn + "::" + String(p_class->identifier->name);
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::DataType result;
+ // Set datatype for class.
+ GDScriptParser::DataType class_type;
+ class_type.is_constant = true;
+ class_type.is_meta_type = true;
+ class_type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ class_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
+ class_type.class_type = p_class;
+ class_type.script_path = parser->script_path;
+ p_class->set_datatype(class_type);
+ if (!p_class->extends_used) {
+ result.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_INFERRED;
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ result.native_type = "Reference";
+ } else {
+ result.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base;
+ int extends_index = 0;
+ if (!p_class->extends_path.empty()) {
+ Ref<GDScriptParserRef> parser = get_parser_for(p_class->extends_path);
+ if (parser.is_null()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not resolve super class path "%s".)", p_class->extends_path), p_class);
+ }
+ Error err = parser->raise_status(GDScriptParserRef::INHERITANCE_SOLVED);
+ if (err != OK) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not resolve super class inheritance from "%s".)", p_class->extends_path), p_class);
+ return err;
+ }
+ base = parser->get_parser()->head->get_datatype();
+ } else {
+ if (p_class->extends.empty()) {
+ }
+ const StringName &name = p_class->extends[extends_index++];
+ base.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(name)) {
+ String base_path = ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(name);
+ if (base_path == parser->script_path) {
+ base = parser->head->get_datatype();
+ } else {
+ Ref<GDScriptParserRef> parser = get_parser_for(base_path);
+ if (parser.is_null()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not resolve super class "%s".)", name), p_class);
+ }
+ Error err = parser->raise_status(GDScriptParserRef::INHERITANCE_SOLVED);
+ if (err != OK) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not resolve super class inheritance from "%s".)", name), p_class);
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->has_autoload(name) && ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_autoload(name).is_singleton) {
+ const ProjectSettings::AutoloadInfo &info = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_autoload(name);
+ if (info.path.get_extension().to_lower() != ".gd") {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Singleton %s is not a GDScript.)",, p_class);
+ }
+ Ref<GDScriptParserRef> parser = get_parser_for(info.path);
+ if (parser.is_null()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not parse singleton from "%s".)", info.path), p_class);
+ }
+ Error err = parser->raise_status(GDScriptParserRef::INHERITANCE_SOLVED);
+ if (err != OK) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not resolve super class inheritance from "%s".)", name), p_class);
+ return err;
+ }
+ } else if (class_exists(name) && ClassDB::can_instance(get_real_class_name(name))) {
+ base.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ base.native_type = name;
+ } else {
+ // Look for other classes in script.
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode *look_class = p_class;
+ bool found = false;
+ while (look_class != nullptr) {
+ if (look_class->identifier && look_class->identifier->name == name) {
+ if (!look_class->get_datatype().is_set()) {
+ Error err = resolve_inheritance(look_class, false);
+ if (err) {
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
+ base = look_class->get_datatype();
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (look_class->members_indices.has(name) && look_class->get_member(name).type == GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CLASS) {
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member member = look_class->get_member(name);
+ if (!member.m_class->get_datatype().is_set()) {
+ Error err = resolve_inheritance(member.m_class, false);
+ if (err) {
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
+ base = member.m_class->get_datatype();
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ look_class = look_class->outer;
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not find base class "%s".)", name), p_class);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int index = extends_index; index < p_class->extends.size(); index++) {
+ if (base.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS) {
+ push_error(R"(Super type "%s" is not a GDScript. Cannot get nested types.)", p_class);
+ }
+ // TODO: Extends could use identifier nodes. That way errors can be pointed out properly and it can be used here.
+ GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *id = parser->alloc_node<GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode>();
+ id->name = p_class->extends[index];
+ reduce_identifier_from_base(id, &base);
+ GDScriptParser::DataType id_type = id->get_datatype();
+ if (!id_type.is_set()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not find type "%s" under base "%s".)", id->name, base.to_string()), p_class);
+ }
+ base = id_type;
+ }
+ result = base;
+ }
+ if (!result.is_set()) {
+ // TODO: More specific error messages.
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not resolve inheritance for class "%s".)", p_class->identifier == nullptr ? "<main>" : p_class->identifier->name), p_class);
+ }
+ p_class->base_type = result;
+ class_type.native_type = result.native_type;
+ p_class->set_datatype(class_type);
+ if (p_recursive) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->members.size(); i++) {
+ if (p_class->members[i].type == GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CLASS) {
+ resolve_inheritance(p_class->members[i].m_class, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return OK;
+GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_datatype(GDScriptParser::TypeNode *p_type) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType result;
+ if (p_type == nullptr) {
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ return result;
+ }
+ result.type_source = result.ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ result.builtin_type = Variant::OBJECT;
+ if (p_type->type_chain.empty()) {
+ // void.
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ result.builtin_type = Variant::NIL;
+ p_type->set_datatype(result);
+ return result;
+ }
+ StringName first = p_type->type_chain[0]->name;
+ if (first == "Variant") {
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ if (p_type->type_chain.size() > 1) {
+ push_error(R"("Variant" type don't contain nested types.)", p_type->type_chain[1]);
+ return GDScriptParser::DataType();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (first == "Object") {
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ result.native_type = "Object";
+ if (p_type->type_chain.size() > 1) {
+ push_error(R"("Object" type don't contain nested types.)", p_type->type_chain[1]);
+ return GDScriptParser::DataType();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (GDScriptParser::get_builtin_type(first) < Variant::VARIANT_MAX) {
+ // Built-in types.
+ if (p_type->type_chain.size() > 1) {
+ push_error(R"(Built-in types don't contain nested types.)", p_type->type_chain[1]);
+ return GDScriptParser::DataType();
+ }
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ result.builtin_type = GDScriptParser::get_builtin_type(first);
+ } else if (class_exists(first)) {
+ // Native engine classes.
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ result.native_type = first;
+ } else if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(first)) {
+ if (parser->script_path == ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(first)) {
+ result = parser->head->get_datatype();
+ } else {
+ Ref<GDScriptParserRef> ref = get_parser_for(ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(first));
+ if (ref->raise_status(GDScriptParserRef::INTERFACE_SOLVED) != OK) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not parse global class "%s" from "%s".)", first, ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(first)), p_type);
+ return GDScriptParser::DataType();
+ }
+ result = ref->get_parser()->head->get_datatype();
+ }
+ } else if (ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->has_autoload(first) && ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_autoload(first).is_singleton) {
+ const ProjectSettings::AutoloadInfo &autoload = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get_autoload(first);
+ Ref<GDScriptParserRef> ref = get_parser_for(autoload.path);
+ if (ref->raise_status(GDScriptParserRef::INTERFACE_SOLVED) != OK) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not parse singleton "%s" from "%s".)", first, autoload.path), p_type);
+ return GDScriptParser::DataType();
+ }
+ result = ref->get_parser()->head->get_datatype();
+ } else if (ClassDB::has_enum(get_real_class_name(parser->current_class->base_type.native_type), first)) {
+ // Native enum in current class.
+ result = make_native_enum_type(parser->current_class->base_type.native_type, first);
+ } else {
+ // Classes in current scope.
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode *script_class = parser->current_class;
+ bool found = false;
+ while (!found && script_class != nullptr) {
+ if (script_class->identifier && script_class->identifier->name == first) {
+ result = script_class->get_datatype();
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (script_class->members_indices.has(first)) {
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member member = script_class->members[script_class->members_indices[first]];
+ switch (member.type) {
+ case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CLASS:
+ result = member.m_class->get_datatype();
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::ENUM:
+ result = member.m_enum->get_datatype();
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CONSTANT:
+ if (member.constant->get_datatype().is_meta_type) {
+ result = member.constant->get_datatype();
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ [[fallthrough]];
+ default:
+ push_error(vformat(R"("%s" is a %s but does not contain a type.)", first, member.get_type_name()), p_type);
+ return GDScriptParser::DataType();
+ }
+ }
+ script_class = script_class->outer;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!result.is_set()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"("%s" was not found in the current scope.)", first), p_type);
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT; // Leave Variant anyway so future type check don't use an unresolved type.
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (p_type->type_chain.size() > 1) {
+ if (result.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS) {
+ for (int i = 1; i < p_type->type_chain.size(); i++) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base = result;
+ reduce_identifier_from_base(p_type->type_chain[i], &base);
+ result = p_type->type_chain[i]->get_datatype();
+ if (!result.is_set()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not find type "%s" under base "%s".)", p_type->type_chain[i]->name, base.to_string()), p_type->type_chain[1]);
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT; // Leave Variant anyway so future type check don't use an unresolved type.
+ return result;
+ } else if (!result.is_meta_type) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Member "%s" under base "%s" is not a valid type.)", p_type->type_chain[i]->name, base.to_string()), p_type->type_chain[1]);
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT; // Leave Variant anyway so future type check don't use an unresolved type.
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (result.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE) {
+ // Only enums allowed for native.
+ if (ClassDB::has_enum(get_real_class_name(result.native_type), p_type->type_chain[1]->name)) {
+ if (p_type->type_chain.size() > 2) {
+ push_error(R"(Enums cannot contain nested types.)", p_type->type_chain[2]);
+ } else {
+ result = make_native_enum_type(result.native_type, p_type->type_chain[1]->name);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not find nested type "%s" under base "%s".)", p_type->type_chain[1]->name, result.to_string()), p_type->type_chain[1]);
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT; // Leave Variant anyway so future type check don't use an unresolved type.
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ p_type->set_datatype(result);
+ return result;
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_class_interface(GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class) {
+ if (p_class->resolved_interface) {
+ return;
+ }
+ p_class->resolved_interface = true;
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode *previous_class = parser->current_class;
+ parser->current_class = p_class;
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->members.size(); i++) {
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member member = p_class->members[i];
+ switch (member.type) {
+ case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::VARIABLE: {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType datatype;
+ datatype.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ datatype.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::UNDETECTED;
+ if (member.variable->initializer != nullptr) {
+ member.variable->set_datatype(datatype); // Allow recursive usage.
+ reduce_expression(member.variable->initializer);
+ datatype = member.variable->initializer->get_datatype();
+ }
+ if (member.variable->datatype_specifier != nullptr) {
+ datatype = resolve_datatype(member.variable->datatype_specifier);
+ datatype.is_meta_type = false;
+ if (member.variable->initializer != nullptr) {
+ if (!is_type_compatible(datatype, member.variable->initializer->get_datatype(), true)) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Value of type "%s" cannot be assigned to a variable of type "%s".)", member.variable->initializer->get_datatype().to_string(), datatype.to_string()), member.variable->initializer);
+ } else if (datatype.builtin_type == Variant::INT && member.variable->initializer->get_datatype().builtin_type == Variant::FLOAT) {
+ parser->push_warning(member.variable->initializer, GDScriptWarning::NARROWING_CONVERSION);
+ }
+ if (member.variable->initializer->get_datatype().is_variant()) {
+ // TODO: Warn unsafe assign.
+ mark_node_unsafe(member.variable->initializer);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (member.variable->infer_datatype) {
+ if (member.variable->initializer == nullptr) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot infer the type of "%s" variable because there's no default value.)", member.variable->identifier->name), member.variable->identifier);
+ } else if (!datatype.is_set() || datatype.has_no_type()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot infer the type of "%s" variable because the initial value doesn't have a set type.)", member.variable->identifier->name), member.variable->initializer);
+ } else if (datatype.is_variant()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot infer the type of "%s" variable because the initial value is Variant. Use explicit "Variant" type if this is intended.)", member.variable->identifier->name), member.variable->initializer);
+ } else if (datatype.builtin_type == Variant::NIL) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot infer the type of "%s" variable because the initial value is "null".)", member.variable->identifier->name), member.variable->initializer);
+ }
+ }
+ datatype.is_constant = false;
+ member.variable->set_datatype(datatype);
+ if (!datatype.has_no_type()) {
+ // TODO: Move this out into a routine specific to validate annotations.
+ if (member.variable->export_info.hint == PROPERTY_HINT_TYPE_STRING) {
+ // @export annotation.
+ switch (datatype.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN:
+ member.variable->export_info.hint_string = Variant::get_type_name(datatype.builtin_type);
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE:
+ if (ClassDB::is_parent_class(get_real_class_name(datatype.native_type), "Resource")) {
+ member.variable->export_info.hint_string = get_real_class_name(datatype.native_type);
+ } else {
+ push_error(R"(Export type can only be built-in or a resource.)", member.variable);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ // TODO: Allow custom user resources.
+ push_error(R"(Export type can only be built-in or a resource.)", member.variable);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CONSTANT: {
+ reduce_expression(member.constant->initializer);
+ GDScriptParser::DataType datatype = member.constant->get_datatype();
+ if (member.constant->initializer) {
+ if (!member.constant->initializer->is_constant) {
+ push_error(R"(Initializer for a constant must be a constant expression.)", member.constant->initializer);
+ }
+ if (member.constant->datatype_specifier != nullptr) {
+ datatype = resolve_datatype(member.constant->datatype_specifier);
+ datatype.is_meta_type = false;
+ if (!is_type_compatible(datatype, member.constant->initializer->get_datatype(), true)) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Value of type "%s" cannot be initialized to constant of type "%s".)", member.constant->initializer->get_datatype().to_string(), datatype.to_string()), member.constant->initializer);
+ } else if (datatype.builtin_type == Variant::INT && member.constant->initializer->get_datatype().builtin_type == Variant::FLOAT) {
+ parser->push_warning(member.constant->initializer, GDScriptWarning::NARROWING_CONVERSION);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ datatype.is_constant = true;
+ member.constant->set_datatype(datatype);
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::SIGNAL: {
+ for (int j = 0; j < member.signal->parameters.size(); j++) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType signal_type = resolve_datatype(member.signal->parameters[j]->datatype_specifier);
+ signal_type.is_meta_type = false;
+ member.signal->parameters[j]->set_datatype(signal_type);
+ }
+ // TODO: Make MethodInfo from signal.
+ GDScriptParser::DataType signal_type;
+ signal_type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ signal_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ signal_type.builtin_type = Variant::SIGNAL;
+ member.signal->set_datatype(signal_type);
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::ENUM: {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType enum_type;
+ enum_type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ enum_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM;
+ enum_type.builtin_type = Variant::DICTIONARY;
+ enum_type.enum_type = member.m_enum->identifier->name;
+ enum_type.native_type = p_class->fqcn + "." + member.m_enum->identifier->name;
+ enum_type.is_meta_type = true;
+ enum_type.is_constant = true;
+ for (int j = 0; j < member.m_enum->values.size(); j++) {
+ enum_type.enum_values[member.m_enum->values[j].identifier->name] = member.m_enum->values[j].value;
+ }
+ member.m_enum->set_datatype(enum_type);
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::FUNCTION:
+ resolve_function_signature(member.function);
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::ENUM_VALUE:
+ break; // Nothing to do, type and value set in parser.
+ case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CLASS:
+ break; // Done later.
+ case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::UNDEFINED:
+ ERR_PRINT("Trying to resolve undefined member.");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Recurse nested classes.
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->members.size(); i++) {
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member member = p_class->members[i];
+ if (member.type != GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CLASS) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ resolve_class_interface(member.m_class);
+ }
+ parser->current_class = previous_class;
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_class_body(GDScriptParser::ClassNode *p_class) {
+ if (p_class->resolved_body) {
+ return;
+ }
+ p_class->resolved_body = true;
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode *previous_class = parser->current_class;
+ parser->current_class = p_class;
+ // Do functions now.
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->members.size(); i++) {
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member member = p_class->members[i];
+ if (member.type != GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::FUNCTION) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ resolve_function_body(member.function);
+ }
+ parser->current_class = previous_class;
+ // Recurse nested classes.
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->members.size(); i++) {
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member member = p_class->members[i];
+ if (member.type != GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CLASS) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ resolve_class_body(member.m_class);
+ }
+ // Check unused variables.
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_class->members.size(); i++) {
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member member = p_class->members[i];
+ if (member.type != GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::VARIABLE) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (member.variable->usages == 0 && String(member.variable->identifier->name).begins_with("_")) {
+ parser->push_warning(member.variable->identifier, GDScriptWarning::UNUSED_PRIVATE_CLASS_VARIABLE, member.variable->identifier->name);
+ }
+ }
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_node(GDScriptParser::Node *p_node) {
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_MSG(p_node == nullptr, "Trying to resolve type of a null node.");
+ switch (p_node->type) {
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::NONE:
+ break; // Unreachable.
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::CLASS:
+ resolve_class_interface(static_cast<GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(p_node));
+ resolve_class_body(static_cast<GDScriptParser::ClassNode *>(p_node));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::CONSTANT:
+ resolve_constant(static_cast<GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *>(p_node));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::FOR:
+ resolve_for(static_cast<GDScriptParser::ForNode *>(p_node));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::FUNCTION:
+ resolve_function_signature(static_cast<GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *>(p_node));
+ resolve_function_body(static_cast<GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *>(p_node));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::IF:
+ resolve_if(static_cast<GDScriptParser::IfNode *>(p_node));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::SUITE:
+ resolve_suite(static_cast<GDScriptParser::SuiteNode *>(p_node));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::VARIABLE:
+ resolve_variable(static_cast<GDScriptParser::VariableNode *>(p_node));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::WHILE:
+ resolve_while(static_cast<GDScriptParser::WhileNode *>(p_node));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::ANNOTATION:
+ resolve_annotation(static_cast<GDScriptParser::AnnotationNode *>(p_node));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::ASSERT:
+ resolve_assert(static_cast<GDScriptParser::AssertNode *>(p_node));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::MATCH:
+ resolve_match(static_cast<GDScriptParser::MatchNode *>(p_node));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::MATCH_BRANCH:
+ resolve_match_branch(static_cast<GDScriptParser::MatchBranchNode *>(p_node), nullptr);
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::PARAMETER:
+ resolve_pararameter(static_cast<GDScriptParser::ParameterNode *>(p_node));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::PATTERN:
+ resolve_match_pattern(static_cast<GDScriptParser::PatternNode *>(p_node), nullptr);
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::RETURN:
+ resolve_return(static_cast<GDScriptParser::ReturnNode *>(p_node));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE:
+ resolve_datatype(static_cast<GDScriptParser::TypeNode *>(p_node));
+ break;
+ // Resolving expression is the same as reducing them.
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::ARRAY:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::ASSIGNMENT:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::AWAIT:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::BINARY_OPERATOR:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::CALL:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::CAST:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::DICTIONARY:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::GET_NODE:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::LITERAL:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::PRELOAD:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::SELF:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::SUBSCRIPT:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::TERNARY_OPERATOR:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::UNARY_OPERATOR:
+ reduce_expression(static_cast<GDScriptParser::ExpressionNode *>(p_node));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::BREAK:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::BREAKPOINT:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::CONTINUE:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::ENUM:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::PASS:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::SIGNAL:
+ // Nothing to do.
+ break;
+ }
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_annotation(GDScriptParser::AnnotationNode *p_annotation) {
+ // TODO: Add second validation function for annotations, so they can use checked types.
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_function_signature(GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *p_function) {
+ if (p_function->resolved_signature) {
+ return;
+ }
+ p_function->resolved_signature = true;
+ GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *previous_function = parser->current_function;
+ parser->current_function = p_function;
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_function->parameters.size(); i++) {
+ resolve_pararameter(p_function->parameters[i]);
+ if (p_function->parameters[i]->usages == 0 && !String(p_function->parameters[i]->identifier->name).begins_with("_")) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_function->parameters[i]->identifier, GDScriptWarning::UNUSED_PARAMETER, p_function->identifier->name, p_function->parameters[i]->identifier->name);
+ }
+ is_shadowing(p_function->parameters[i]->identifier, "function parameter");
+ }
+ if (p_function->identifier->name == "_init") {
+ // Constructor.
+ GDScriptParser::DataType return_type = parser->current_class->get_datatype();
+ return_type.is_meta_type = false;
+ p_function->set_datatype(return_type);
+ if (p_function->return_type) {
+ push_error("Constructor cannot have an explicit return type.", p_function->return_type);
+ }
+ } else {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType return_type = resolve_datatype(p_function->return_type);
+ p_function->set_datatype(return_type);
+ }
+ parser->current_function = previous_function;
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_function_body(GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *p_function) {
+ if (p_function->resolved_body) {
+ return;
+ }
+ p_function->resolved_body = true;
+ GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *previous_function = parser->current_function;
+ parser->current_function = p_function;
+ resolve_suite(p_function->body);
+ GDScriptParser::DataType return_type = p_function->body->get_datatype();
+ if (p_function->get_datatype().has_no_type() && return_type.is_set()) {
+ // Use the suite inferred type if return isn't explicitly set.
+ return_type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::INFERRED;
+ p_function->set_datatype(p_function->body->get_datatype());
+ } else if (p_function->get_datatype().is_hard_type() && (p_function->get_datatype().kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN || p_function->get_datatype().builtin_type != Variant::NIL)) {
+ if (!p_function->body->has_return && p_function->identifier->name != GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->strings._init) {
+ push_error(R"(Not all code paths return a value.)", p_function);
+ }
+ }
+ parser->current_function = previous_function;
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::decide_suite_type(GDScriptParser::Node *p_suite, GDScriptParser::Node *p_statement) {
+ if (p_statement == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (p_statement->type) {
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::IF:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::FOR:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::MATCH:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::PATTERN:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::RETURN:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::WHILE:
+ // Use return or nested suite type as this suite type.
+ if (p_suite->get_datatype().is_set() && (p_suite->get_datatype() != p_statement->get_datatype())) {
+ // Mixed types.
+ // TODO: This could use the common supertype instead.
+ p_suite->datatype.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ p_suite->datatype.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::UNDETECTED;
+ } else {
+ p_suite->set_datatype(p_statement->get_datatype());
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_suite(GDScriptParser::SuiteNode *p_suite) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_suite->statements.size(); i++) {
+ GDScriptParser::Node *stmt = p_suite->statements[i];
+ resolve_node(stmt);
+ decide_suite_type(p_suite, stmt);
+ }
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_if(GDScriptParser::IfNode *p_if) {
+ reduce_expression(p_if->condition);
+ resolve_suite(p_if->true_block);
+ p_if->set_datatype(p_if->true_block->get_datatype());
+ if (p_if->false_block != nullptr) {
+ resolve_suite(p_if->false_block);
+ decide_suite_type(p_if, p_if->false_block);
+ }
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_for(GDScriptParser::ForNode *p_for) {
+ bool list_resolved = false;
+ // Optimize constant range() call to not allocate an array.
+ // Use int, Vector2, Vector3 instead, which also can be used as range iterators.
+ if (p_for->list && p_for->list->type == GDScriptParser::Node::CALL) {
+ GDScriptParser::CallNode *call = static_cast<GDScriptParser::CallNode *>(p_for->list);
+ GDScriptParser::Node::Type callee_type = call->get_callee_type();
+ if (callee_type == GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER) {
+ GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *callee = static_cast<GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(call->callee);
+ if (callee->name == "range") {
+ list_resolved = true;
+ if (call->arguments.size() < 1) {
+ push_error(R"*(Invalid call for "range()" function. Expected at least 1 argument, none given.)*", call->callee);
+ } else if (call->arguments.size() > 3) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"*(Invalid call for "range()" function. Expected at most 3 arguments, %d given.)*", call->arguments.size()), call->callee);
+ } else {
+ // Now we can optimize it.
+ bool all_is_constant = true;
+ Vector<Variant> args;
+ args.resize(call->arguments.size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < call->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ reduce_expression(call->arguments[i]);
+ if (!call->arguments[i]->is_constant) {
+ all_is_constant = false;
+ } else {
+ args.write[i] = call->arguments[i]->reduced_value;
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::DataType arg_type = call->arguments[i]->get_datatype();
+ if (arg_type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ all_is_constant = false;
+ push_error(vformat(R"*(Invalid argument for "range()" call. Argument %d should be int or float but "%s" was given.)*", i + 1, arg_type.to_string()), call->arguments[i]);
+ } else if (arg_type.builtin_type != Variant::INT && arg_type.builtin_type != Variant::FLOAT) {
+ all_is_constant = false;
+ push_error(vformat(R"*(Invalid argument for "range()" call. Argument %d should be int or float but "%s" was given.)*", i + 1, arg_type.to_string()), call->arguments[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ Variant reduced;
+ if (all_is_constant) {
+ switch (args.size()) {
+ case 1:
+ reduced = args[0];
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ reduced = Vector2i(args[0], args[1]);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ reduced = Vector3i(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
+ break;
+ }
+ p_for->list->is_constant = true;
+ p_for->list->reduced_value = reduced;
+ }
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::DataType list_type;
+ list_type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ list_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ list_type.builtin_type = Variant::ARRAY;
+ p_for->list->set_datatype(list_type);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!list_resolved) {
+ resolve_node(p_for->list);
+ }
+ // TODO: If list is a typed array, the variable should be an element.
+ // Also applicable for constant range() (so variable is int or float).
+ resolve_suite(p_for->loop);
+ p_for->set_datatype(p_for->loop->get_datatype());
+ if (p_for->variable) {
+ is_shadowing(p_for->variable, R"("for" iterator variable)");
+ }
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_while(GDScriptParser::WhileNode *p_while) {
+ resolve_node(p_while->condition);
+ resolve_suite(p_while->loop);
+ p_while->set_datatype(p_while->loop->get_datatype());
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_variable(GDScriptParser::VariableNode *p_variable) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType type;
+ type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT; // By default.
+ if (p_variable->initializer != nullptr) {
+ reduce_expression(p_variable->initializer);
+ type = p_variable->initializer->get_datatype();
+ if (p_variable->infer_datatype) {
+ type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_INFERRED;
+ if (type.has_no_type()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not infer the type of the variable "%s" because the initial value does not have a set type.)", p_variable->identifier->name), p_variable->initializer);
+ } else if (type.is_variant()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not infer the type of the variable "%s" because the initial value is a variant. Use explicit "Variant" type if this is intended.)", p_variable->identifier->name), p_variable->initializer);
+ } else if (type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && type.builtin_type == Variant::NIL) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Could not infer the type of the variable "%s" because the initial value is "null".)", p_variable->identifier->name), p_variable->initializer);
+ }
+ } else {
+ type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::INFERRED;
+ }
+ if (p_variable->initializer->type == GDScriptParser::Node::CALL && type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && type.builtin_type == Variant::NIL) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_variable->initializer, GDScriptWarning::VOID_ASSIGNMENT, static_cast<GDScriptParser::CallNode *>(p_variable->initializer)->function_name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (p_variable->datatype_specifier != nullptr) {
+ type = resolve_datatype(p_variable->datatype_specifier);
+ type.is_meta_type = false;
+ if (p_variable->initializer != nullptr) {
+ if (!is_type_compatible(type, p_variable->initializer->get_datatype(), true)) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Value of type "%s" cannot be assigned to a variable of type "%s".)", p_variable->initializer->get_datatype().to_string(), type.to_string()), p_variable->initializer);
+ } else if (type.builtin_type == Variant::INT && p_variable->initializer->get_datatype().builtin_type == Variant::FLOAT) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_variable->initializer, GDScriptWarning::NARROWING_CONVERSION);
+ }
+ if (p_variable->initializer->get_datatype().is_variant()) {
+ // TODO: Warn unsafe assign.
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_variable->initializer);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (p_variable->infer_datatype) {
+ if (type.has_no_type()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot infer the type of variable "%s" because the initial value doesn't have a set type.)", p_variable->identifier->name), p_variable->identifier);
+ }
+ type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_INFERRED;
+ }
+ type.is_constant = false;
+ p_variable->set_datatype(type);
+ if (p_variable->usages == 0 && !String(p_variable->identifier->name).begins_with("_")) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_variable, GDScriptWarning::UNUSED_VARIABLE, p_variable->identifier->name);
+ } else if (p_variable->assignments == 0) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_variable, GDScriptWarning::UNASSIGNED_VARIABLE, p_variable->identifier->name);
+ }
+ is_shadowing(p_variable->identifier, "variable");
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_constant(GDScriptParser::ConstantNode *p_constant) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType type;
+ reduce_expression(p_constant->initializer);
+ if (!p_constant->initializer->is_constant) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Assigned value for constant "%s" isn't a constant expression.)", p_constant->identifier->name), p_constant->initializer);
+ }
+ type = p_constant->initializer->get_datatype();
+ if (p_constant->initializer->type == GDScriptParser::Node::CALL && type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && type.builtin_type == Variant::NIL) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_constant->initializer, GDScriptWarning::VOID_ASSIGNMENT, static_cast<GDScriptParser::CallNode *>(p_constant->initializer)->function_name);
+ }
+ if (p_constant->datatype_specifier != nullptr) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType explicit_type = resolve_datatype(p_constant->datatype_specifier);
+ explicit_type.is_meta_type = false;
+ if (!is_type_compatible(explicit_type, type)) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Assigned value for constant "%s" has type %s which is not compatible with defined type %s.)", p_constant->identifier->name, type.to_string(), explicit_type.to_string()), p_constant->initializer);
+ } else if (explicit_type.builtin_type == Variant::INT && type.builtin_type == Variant::FLOAT) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_constant->initializer, GDScriptWarning::NARROWING_CONVERSION);
+ }
+ type = explicit_type;
+ } else if (p_constant->infer_datatype) {
+ if (type.has_no_type()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot infer the type of constant "%s" because the initial value doesn't have a set type.)", p_constant->identifier->name), p_constant->identifier);
+ }
+ type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_INFERRED;
+ }
+ type.is_constant = true;
+ p_constant->set_datatype(type);
+ if (p_constant->usages == 0) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_constant, GDScriptWarning::UNUSED_LOCAL_CONSTANT, p_constant->identifier->name);
+ }
+ is_shadowing(p_constant->identifier, "constant");
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_assert(GDScriptParser::AssertNode *p_assert) {
+ reduce_expression(p_assert->condition);
+ if (p_assert->message != nullptr) {
+ reduce_literal(p_assert->message);
+ }
+ p_assert->set_datatype(p_assert->condition->get_datatype());
+ if (p_assert->condition->is_constant) {
+ if (p_assert->condition->reduced_value.booleanize()) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_assert->condition, GDScriptWarning::ASSERT_ALWAYS_TRUE);
+ } else {
+ parser->push_warning(p_assert->condition, GDScriptWarning::ASSERT_ALWAYS_FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_match(GDScriptParser::MatchNode *p_match) {
+ reduce_expression(p_match->test);
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_match->branches.size(); i++) {
+ resolve_match_branch(p_match->branches[i], p_match->test);
+ decide_suite_type(p_match, p_match->branches[i]);
+ }
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_match_branch(GDScriptParser::MatchBranchNode *p_match_branch, GDScriptParser::ExpressionNode *p_match_test) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_match_branch->patterns.size(); i++) {
+ resolve_match_pattern(p_match_branch->patterns[i], p_match_test);
+ }
+ resolve_suite(p_match_branch->block);
+ decide_suite_type(p_match_branch, p_match_branch->block);
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_match_pattern(GDScriptParser::PatternNode *p_match_pattern, GDScriptParser::ExpressionNode *p_match_test) {
+ if (p_match_pattern == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::DataType result;
+ switch (p_match_pattern->pattern_type) {
+ case GDScriptParser::PatternNode::PT_LITERAL:
+ if (p_match_pattern->literal) {
+ reduce_literal(p_match_pattern->literal);
+ result = p_match_pattern->literal->get_datatype();
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::PatternNode::PT_EXPRESSION:
+ if (p_match_pattern->expression) {
+ reduce_expression(p_match_pattern->expression);
+ if (!p_match_pattern->expression->is_constant) {
+ push_error(R"(Expression in match pattern must be a constant.)", p_match_pattern->expression);
+ }
+ result = p_match_pattern->expression->get_datatype();
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::PatternNode::PT_BIND:
+ if (p_match_test != nullptr) {
+ result = p_match_test->get_datatype();
+ } else {
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ }
+ p_match_pattern->bind->set_datatype(result);
+ is_shadowing(p_match_pattern->bind, "pattern bind");
+ if (p_match_pattern->bind->usages == 0) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_match_pattern->bind, GDScriptWarning::UNASSIGNED_VARIABLE, p_match_pattern->bind->name);
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::PatternNode::PT_ARRAY:
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_match_pattern->array.size(); i++) {
+ resolve_match_pattern(p_match_pattern->array[i], nullptr);
+ decide_suite_type(p_match_pattern, p_match_pattern->array[i]);
+ }
+ result = p_match_pattern->get_datatype();
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::PatternNode::PT_DICTIONARY:
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_match_pattern->dictionary.size(); i++) {
+ if (p_match_pattern->dictionary[i].key) {
+ reduce_expression(p_match_pattern->dictionary[i].key);
+ if (!p_match_pattern->dictionary[i].key->is_constant) {
+ push_error(R"(Expression in dictionary pattern key must be a constant.)", p_match_pattern->expression);
+ }
+ }
+ if (p_match_pattern->dictionary[i].value_pattern) {
+ resolve_match_pattern(p_match_pattern->dictionary[i].value_pattern, nullptr);
+ decide_suite_type(p_match_pattern, p_match_pattern->dictionary[i].value_pattern);
+ }
+ }
+ result = p_match_pattern->get_datatype();
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::PatternNode::PT_WILDCARD:
+ case GDScriptParser::PatternNode::PT_REST:
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ break;
+ }
+ p_match_pattern->set_datatype(result);
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_pararameter(GDScriptParser::ParameterNode *p_parameter) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType result;
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ if (p_parameter->default_value != nullptr) {
+ reduce_expression(p_parameter->default_value);
+ result = p_parameter->default_value->get_datatype();
+ result.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::INFERRED;
+ }
+ if (p_parameter->datatype_specifier != nullptr) {
+ resolve_datatype(p_parameter->datatype_specifier);
+ result = p_parameter->datatype_specifier->get_datatype();
+ result.is_meta_type = false;
+ if (p_parameter->default_value != nullptr) {
+ if (!is_type_compatible(result, p_parameter->default_value->get_datatype())) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Type of default value for parameter "%s" (%s) is not compatible with paremeter type (%s).)", p_parameter->identifier->name, p_parameter->default_value->get_datatype().to_string(), p_parameter->datatype_specifier->get_datatype().to_string()), p_parameter->default_value);
+ } else if (p_parameter->default_value->get_datatype().is_variant()) {
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_parameter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p_parameter->set_datatype(result);
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_return(GDScriptParser::ReturnNode *p_return) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType result;
+ if (p_return->return_value != nullptr) {
+ reduce_expression(p_return->return_value);
+ result = p_return->return_value->get_datatype();
+ } else {
+ // Return type is null by default.
+ result.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ result.builtin_type = Variant::NIL;
+ result.is_constant = true;
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::DataType function_type = parser->current_function->get_datatype();
+ function_type.is_meta_type = false;
+ if (function_type.is_hard_type()) {
+ if (!is_type_compatible(function_type, result)) {
+ // Try other way. Okay but not safe.
+ if (!is_type_compatible(result, function_type)) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot return value of type "%s" because the function return type is "%s".)", result.to_string(), function_type.to_string()), p_return);
+ } else {
+ // TODO: Add warning.
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_return);
+ }
+ } else if (function_type.builtin_type == Variant::INT && result.builtin_type == Variant::FLOAT) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_return, GDScriptWarning::NARROWING_CONVERSION);
+ } else if (result.is_variant()) {
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_return);
+ }
+ }
+ p_return->set_datatype(result);
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_expression(GDScriptParser::ExpressionNode *p_expression) {
+ // This one makes some magic happen.
+ if (p_expression == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (p_expression->reduced) {
+ // Don't do this more than once.
+ return;
+ }
+ p_expression->reduced = true;
+ switch (p_expression->type) {
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::ARRAY:
+ reduce_array(static_cast<GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *>(p_expression));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::ASSIGNMENT:
+ reduce_assignment(static_cast<GDScriptParser::AssignmentNode *>(p_expression));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::AWAIT:
+ reduce_await(static_cast<GDScriptParser::AwaitNode *>(p_expression));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::BINARY_OPERATOR:
+ reduce_binary_op(static_cast<GDScriptParser::BinaryOpNode *>(p_expression));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::CALL:
+ reduce_call(static_cast<GDScriptParser::CallNode *>(p_expression));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::CAST:
+ reduce_cast(static_cast<GDScriptParser::CastNode *>(p_expression));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::DICTIONARY:
+ reduce_dictionary(static_cast<GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *>(p_expression));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::GET_NODE:
+ reduce_get_node(static_cast<GDScriptParser::GetNodeNode *>(p_expression));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER:
+ reduce_identifier(static_cast<GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(p_expression));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::LITERAL:
+ reduce_literal(static_cast<GDScriptParser::LiteralNode *>(p_expression));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::PRELOAD:
+ reduce_preload(static_cast<GDScriptParser::PreloadNode *>(p_expression));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::SELF:
+ reduce_self(static_cast<GDScriptParser::SelfNode *>(p_expression));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::SUBSCRIPT:
+ reduce_subscript(static_cast<GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *>(p_expression));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::TERNARY_OPERATOR:
+ reduce_ternary_op(static_cast<GDScriptParser::TernaryOpNode *>(p_expression));
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::UNARY_OPERATOR:
+ reduce_unary_op(static_cast<GDScriptParser::UnaryOpNode *>(p_expression));
+ break;
+ // Non-expressions. Here only to make sure new nodes aren't forgotten.
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::NONE:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::ANNOTATION:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::ASSERT:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::BREAK:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::BREAKPOINT:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::CLASS:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::CONSTANT:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::CONTINUE:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::ENUM:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::FOR:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::FUNCTION:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::IF:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::MATCH:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::MATCH_BRANCH:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::PARAMETER:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::PASS:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::PATTERN:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::RETURN:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::SIGNAL:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::SUITE:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::TYPE:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::VARIABLE:
+ case GDScriptParser::Node::WHILE:
+ ERR_FAIL_MSG("Reaching unreachable case");
+ }
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_array(GDScriptParser::ArrayNode *p_array) {
+ bool all_is_constant = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_array->elements.size(); i++) {
+ GDScriptParser::ExpressionNode *element = p_array->elements[i];
+ reduce_expression(element);
+ all_is_constant = all_is_constant && element->is_constant;
+ }
+ if (all_is_constant) {
+ Array array;
+ array.resize(p_array->elements.size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_array->elements.size(); i++) {
+ array[i] = p_array->elements[i]->reduced_value;
+ }
+ p_array->is_constant = true;
+ p_array->reduced_value = array;
+ }
+ // It's array in any case.
+ GDScriptParser::DataType arr_type;
+ arr_type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ arr_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ arr_type.builtin_type = Variant::ARRAY;
+ arr_type.is_constant = true;
+ p_array->set_datatype(arr_type);
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_assignment(GDScriptParser::AssignmentNode *p_assignment) {
+ reduce_expression(p_assignment->assignee);
+ reduce_expression(p_assignment->assigned_value);
+ if (p_assignment->assigned_value == nullptr || p_assignment->assignee == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (p_assignment->assignee->get_datatype().is_constant) {
+ push_error("Cannot assign a new value to a constant.", p_assignment->assignee);
+ }
+ if (!p_assignment->assignee->get_datatype().is_variant() && !p_assignment->assigned_value->get_datatype().is_variant()) {
+ bool compatible = true;
+ GDScriptParser::DataType op_type = p_assignment->assigned_value->get_datatype();
+ if (p_assignment->operation != GDScriptParser::AssignmentNode::OP_NONE) {
+ op_type = get_operation_type(p_assignment->variant_op, p_assignment->assignee->get_datatype(), p_assignment->assigned_value->get_datatype(), compatible);
+ }
+ if (compatible) {
+ compatible = is_type_compatible(p_assignment->assignee->get_datatype(), op_type, true);
+ if (!compatible) {
+ if (p_assignment->assignee->get_datatype().is_hard_type()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot assign a value of type "%s" to a target of type "%s".)", p_assignment->assigned_value->get_datatype().to_string(), p_assignment->assignee->get_datatype().to_string()), p_assignment->assigned_value);
+ } else {
+ // TODO: Warning in this case.
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Invalid operands "%s" and "%s" for assignment operator.)", p_assignment->assignee->get_datatype().to_string(), p_assignment->assigned_value->get_datatype().to_string()), p_assignment);
+ }
+ }
+ if (p_assignment->assignee->get_datatype().has_no_type() || p_assignment->assigned_value->get_datatype().is_variant()) {
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_assignment);
+ }
+ if (p_assignment->assignee->type == GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER) {
+ // Change source type so it's not wrongly detected later.
+ GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *identifier = static_cast<GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(p_assignment->assignee);
+ switch (identifier->source) {
+ case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::MEMBER_VARIABLE: {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType id_type = identifier->variable_source->get_datatype();
+ if (!id_type.is_hard_type()) {
+ id_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ id_type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::UNDETECTED;
+ identifier->variable_source->set_datatype(id_type);
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::LOCAL_VARIABLE: {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType id_type = identifier->variable_source->get_datatype();
+ if (!id_type.is_hard_type()) {
+ id_type = p_assignment->assigned_value->get_datatype();
+ id_type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::INFERRED;
+ id_type.is_constant = false;
+ identifier->variable_source->set_datatype(id_type);
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::LOCAL_ITERATOR: {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType id_type = identifier->bind_source->get_datatype();
+ if (!id_type.is_hard_type()) {
+ id_type = p_assignment->assigned_value->get_datatype();
+ id_type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::INFERRED;
+ id_type.is_constant = false;
+ identifier->variable_source->set_datatype(id_type);
+ }
+ } break;
+ default:
+ // Nothing to do.
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::DataType assignee_type = p_assignment->assignee->get_datatype();
+ GDScriptParser::DataType assigned_type = p_assignment->assigned_value->get_datatype();
+ if (p_assignment->assigned_value->type == GDScriptParser::Node::CALL && assigned_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && assigned_type.builtin_type == Variant::NIL) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_assignment->assigned_value, GDScriptWarning::VOID_ASSIGNMENT, static_cast<GDScriptParser::CallNode *>(p_assignment->assigned_value)->function_name);
+ } else if (assignee_type.is_hard_type() && assignee_type.builtin_type == Variant::INT && assigned_type.builtin_type == Variant::FLOAT) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_assignment->assigned_value, GDScriptWarning::NARROWING_CONVERSION);
+ }
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_await(GDScriptParser::AwaitNode *p_await) {
+ if (p_await->to_await == nullptr) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType await_type;
+ await_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ p_await->set_datatype(await_type);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (p_await->to_await->type == GDScriptParser::Node::CALL) {
+ reduce_call(static_cast<GDScriptParser::CallNode *>(p_await->to_await), true);
+ } else {
+ reduce_expression(p_await->to_await);
+ }
+ p_await->is_constant = p_await->to_await->is_constant;
+ p_await->reduced_value = p_await->to_await->reduced_value;
+ GDScriptParser::DataType awaiting_type = p_await->to_await->get_datatype();
+ p_await->set_datatype(awaiting_type);
+ if (!awaiting_type.is_coroutine && awaiting_type.builtin_type != Variant::SIGNAL) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_await, GDScriptWarning::REDUNDANT_AWAIT);
+ }
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_binary_op(GDScriptParser::BinaryOpNode *p_binary_op) {
+ reduce_expression(p_binary_op->left_operand);
+ if (p_binary_op->operation == GDScriptParser::BinaryOpNode::OP_TYPE_TEST && p_binary_op->right_operand && p_binary_op->right_operand->type == GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER) {
+ reduce_identifier(static_cast<GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(p_binary_op->right_operand), true);
+ } else {
+ reduce_expression(p_binary_op->right_operand);
+ }
+ // TODO: Right operand must be a valid type with the `is` operator. Need to check here.
+ GDScriptParser::DataType left_type;
+ if (p_binary_op->left_operand) {
+ left_type = p_binary_op->left_operand->get_datatype();
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::DataType right_type;
+ if (p_binary_op->right_operand) {
+ right_type = p_binary_op->right_operand->get_datatype();
+ }
+ if (!left_type.is_set() || !right_type.is_set()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (p_binary_op->variant_op == Variant::OP_DIVIDE && left_type.builtin_type == Variant::INT && right_type.builtin_type == Variant::INT) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_binary_op, GDScriptWarning::INTEGER_DIVISION);
+ }
+ if (p_binary_op->left_operand->is_constant && p_binary_op->right_operand->is_constant) {
+ p_binary_op->is_constant = true;
+ if (p_binary_op->variant_op < Variant::OP_MAX) {
+ bool valid = false;
+ Variant::evaluate(p_binary_op->variant_op, p_binary_op->left_operand->reduced_value, p_binary_op->right_operand->reduced_value, p_binary_op->reduced_value, valid);
+ if (!valid) {
+ if (p_binary_op->reduced_value.get_type() == Variant::STRING) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(%s in operator %s.)", p_binary_op->reduced_value, Variant::get_operator_name(p_binary_op->variant_op)), p_binary_op);
+ } else {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Invalid operands to operator %s, %s and %s.".)",
+ Variant::get_operator_name(p_binary_op->variant_op),
+ Variant::get_type_name(p_binary_op->left_operand->reduced_value.get_type()),
+ Variant::get_type_name(p_binary_op->right_operand->reduced_value.get_type())),
+ p_binary_op);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (p_binary_op->operation == GDScriptParser::BinaryOpNode::OP_TYPE_TEST) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType test_type = right_type;
+ test_type.is_meta_type = false;
+ if (!is_type_compatible(test_type, p_binary_op->left_operand->get_datatype(), false)) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Expression is of type "%s" so it can't be of type "%s".)"), p_binary_op->left_operand);
+ p_binary_op->reduced_value = false;
+ } else {
+ p_binary_op->reduced_value = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ERR_PRINT("Parser bug: unknown binary operation.");
+ }
+ }
+ p_binary_op->set_datatype(type_from_variant(p_binary_op->reduced_value));
+ return;
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::DataType result;
+ if (left_type.is_variant() || right_type.is_variant()) {
+ // Cannot infer type because one operand can be anything.
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_binary_op);
+ } else {
+ if (p_binary_op->variant_op < Variant::OP_MAX) {
+ bool valid = false;
+ result = get_operation_type(p_binary_op->variant_op, p_binary_op->left_operand->get_datatype(), right_type, valid);
+ if (!valid) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Invalid operands "%s" and "%s" for "%s" operator.)", p_binary_op->left_operand->get_datatype().to_string(), right_type.to_string(), Variant::get_operator_name(p_binary_op->variant_op)), p_binary_op);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (p_binary_op->operation == GDScriptParser::BinaryOpNode::OP_TYPE_TEST) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType test_type = right_type;
+ test_type.is_meta_type = false;
+ if (!is_type_compatible(test_type, p_binary_op->left_operand->get_datatype(), false)) {
+ // Test reverse as well to consider for subtypes.
+ if (!is_type_compatible(p_binary_op->left_operand->get_datatype(), test_type, false)) {
+ if (p_binary_op->left_operand->get_datatype().is_hard_type()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Expression is of type "%s" so it can't be of type "%s".)", p_binary_op->left_operand->get_datatype().to_string(), test_type.to_string()), p_binary_op->left_operand);
+ } else {
+ // TODO: Warning.
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_binary_op);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // "is" operator is always a boolean anyway.
+ result.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ result.builtin_type = Variant::BOOL;
+ } else {
+ ERR_PRINT("Parser bug: unknown binary operation.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p_binary_op->set_datatype(result);
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_call(GDScriptParser::CallNode *p_call, bool is_await) {
+ bool all_is_constant = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_call->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ reduce_expression(p_call->arguments[i]);
+ all_is_constant = all_is_constant && p_call->arguments[i]->is_constant;
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::Node::Type callee_type = p_call->get_callee_type();
+ GDScriptParser::DataType call_type;
+ if (!p_call->is_super && callee_type == GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER) {
+ // Call to name directly.
+ StringName function_name = p_call->function_name;
+ Variant::Type builtin_type = GDScriptParser::get_builtin_type(function_name);
+ GDScriptFunctions::Function builtin_function = GDScriptParser::get_builtin_function(function_name);
+ if (builtin_type < Variant::VARIANT_MAX) {
+ // Is a builtin constructor.
+ call_type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ call_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ call_type.builtin_type = builtin_type;
+ if (builtin_type == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ call_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ call_type.native_type = function_name; // "Object".
+ }
+ if (all_is_constant) {
+ // Construct here.
+ Vector<const Variant *> args;
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_call->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ args.push_back(&(p_call->arguments[i]->reduced_value));
+ }
+ Callable::CallError err;
+ Variant value = Variant::construct(builtin_type, (const Variant **)args.ptr(), args.size(), err);
+ switch (err.error) {
+ case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT:
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Invalid argument for %s constructor: argument %d should be %s but is %s.)", Variant::get_type_name(builtin_type), err.argument + 1,
+ Variant::get_type_name(Variant::Type(err.expected)), p_call->arguments[err.argument]->get_datatype().to_string()),
+ p_call->arguments[err.argument]);
+ break;
+ case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD: {
+ String signature = Variant::get_type_name(builtin_type) + "(";
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_call->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ signature += ", ";
+ }
+ signature += p_call->arguments[i]->get_datatype().to_string();
+ }
+ push_error(vformat(R"(No constructor of "%s" matches the signature "%s".)", Variant::get_type_name(builtin_type), signature), p_call->callee);
+ } break;
+ case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS:
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Too many arguments for %s constructor. Received %d but expected %d.)", Variant::get_type_name(builtin_type), p_call->arguments.size(), err.expected), p_call);
+ break;
+ case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS:
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Too few arguments for %s constructor. Received %d but expected %d.)", Variant::get_type_name(builtin_type), p_call->arguments.size(), err.expected), p_call);
+ break;
+ case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INSTANCE_IS_NULL:
+ break; // Can't happen in a builtin constructor.
+ case Callable::CallError::CALL_OK:
+ p_call->is_constant = true;
+ p_call->reduced_value = value;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // TODO: Check constructors without constants.
+ // If there's one argument, try to use copy constructor (those aren't explicitly defined).
+ if (p_call->arguments.size() == 1) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType arg_type = p_call->arguments[0]->get_datatype();
+ if (arg_type.is_variant()) {
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_call->arguments[0]);
+ } else {
+ if (arg_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && arg_type.builtin_type == builtin_type) {
+ // Okay.
+ p_call->set_datatype(call_type);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ List<MethodInfo> constructors;
+ Variant::get_constructor_list(builtin_type, &constructors);
+ bool match = false;
+ for (const List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = constructors.front(); E != nullptr; E = E->next()) {
+ const MethodInfo &info = E->get();
+ if (p_call->arguments.size() < info.arguments.size() - info.default_arguments.size()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (p_call->arguments.size() > info.arguments.size()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool types_match = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_call->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType par_type = type_from_property(info.arguments[i]);
+ if (!is_type_compatible(par_type, p_call->arguments[i]->get_datatype())) {
+ types_match = false;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ if (par_type.builtin_type == Variant::INT && p_call->arguments[i]->get_datatype().builtin_type == Variant::FLOAT) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_call, GDScriptWarning::NARROWING_CONVERSION, p_call->function_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (types_match) {
+ match = true;
+ call_type = type_from_property(info.return_val);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!match) {
+ String signature = Variant::get_type_name(builtin_type) + "(";
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_call->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ signature += ", ";
+ }
+ signature += p_call->arguments[i]->get_datatype().to_string();
+ }
+ push_error(vformat(R"(No constructor of "%s" matches the signature "%s".)", Variant::get_type_name(builtin_type), signature), p_call);
+ }
+ }
+ p_call->set_datatype(call_type);
+ return;
+ } else if (builtin_function < GDScriptFunctions::FUNC_MAX) {
+ MethodInfo function_info = GDScriptFunctions::get_info(builtin_function);
+ if (all_is_constant && GDScriptFunctions::is_deterministic(builtin_function)) {
+ // Can call on compilation.
+ Vector<const Variant *> args;
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_call->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ args.push_back(&(p_call->arguments[i]->reduced_value));
+ }
+ Variant value;
+ Callable::CallError err;
+ GDScriptFunctions::call(builtin_function, (const Variant **)args.ptr(), args.size(), value, err);
+ switch (err.error) {
+ case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT: {
+ PropertyInfo wrong_arg = function_info.arguments[err.argument];
+ push_error(vformat(R"*(Invalid argument for "%s()" function: argument %d should be %s but is %s.)*", GDScriptFunctions::get_func_name(builtin_function), err.argument + 1,
+ type_from_property(wrong_arg).to_string(), p_call->arguments[err.argument]->get_datatype().to_string()),
+ p_call->arguments[err.argument]);
+ } break;
+ case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INVALID_METHOD:
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Invalid call for function "%s".)", GDScriptFunctions::get_func_name(builtin_function)), p_call);
+ break;
+ case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS:
+ push_error(vformat(R"*(Too many arguments for "%s()" call. Expected at most %d but received %d.)*", GDScriptFunctions::get_func_name(builtin_function), err.expected, p_call->arguments.size()), p_call);
+ break;
+ case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS:
+ push_error(vformat(R"*(Too few arguments for "%s()" call. Expected at least %d but received %d.)*", GDScriptFunctions::get_func_name(builtin_function), err.expected, p_call->arguments.size()), p_call);
+ break;
+ case Callable::CallError::CALL_ERROR_INSTANCE_IS_NULL:
+ break; // Can't happen in a builtin constructor.
+ case Callable::CallError::CALL_OK:
+ p_call->is_constant = true;
+ p_call->reduced_value = value;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ validate_call_arg(function_info, p_call);
+ }
+ p_call->set_datatype(type_from_property(function_info.return_val));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base_type;
+ call_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ bool is_self = false;
+ if (p_call->is_super) {
+ base_type = parser->current_class->base_type;
+ is_self = true;
+ } else if (callee_type == GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER) {
+ base_type = parser->current_class->get_datatype();
+ is_self = true;
+ } else if (callee_type == GDScriptParser::Node::SUBSCRIPT) {
+ GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *subscript = static_cast<GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *>(p_call->callee);
+ if (!subscript->is_attribute) {
+ // Invalid call. Error already sent in parser.
+ // TODO: Could check if Callable here.
+ p_call->set_datatype(call_type);
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_call);
+ return;
+ }
+ reduce_expression(subscript->base);
+ base_type = subscript->base->get_datatype();
+ } else {
+ // Invalid call. Error already sent in parser.
+ // TODO: Could check if Callable here too.
+ p_call->set_datatype(call_type);
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_call);
+ return;
+ }
+ bool is_static = false;
+ bool is_vararg = false;
+ int default_arg_count = 0;
+ GDScriptParser::DataType return_type;
+ List<GDScriptParser::DataType> par_types;
+ if (get_function_signature(p_call, base_type, p_call->function_name, return_type, par_types, default_arg_count, is_static, is_vararg)) {
+ validate_call_arg(par_types, default_arg_count, is_vararg, p_call);
+ if (is_self && parser->current_function != nullptr && parser->current_function->is_static && !is_static) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"*(Cannot call non-static function "%s()" from static function "%s()".)*", p_call->function_name, parser->current_function->identifier->name), p_call->callee);
+ }
+ call_type = return_type;
+ } else {
+ // Check if the name exists as something else.
+ bool found = false;
+ if (!p_call->is_super && callee_type != GDScriptParser::Node::NONE) {
+ GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *callee_id;
+ if (callee_type == GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER) {
+ callee_id = static_cast<GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(p_call->callee);
+ } else {
+ // Can only be attribute.
+ callee_id = static_cast<GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *>(p_call->callee)->attribute;
+ }
+ if (callee_id) {
+ reduce_identifier_from_base(callee_id, &base_type);
+ GDScriptParser::DataType callee_datatype = callee_id->get_datatype();
+ if (callee_datatype.is_set() && !callee_datatype.is_variant()) {
+ found = true;
+ if (callee_datatype.builtin_type == Variant::CALLABLE) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"*(Name "%s" is a Callable. You can call it with "" instead.)*", p_call->function_name, p_call->function_name), p_call->callee);
+ } else {
+ push_error(vformat(R"*(Name "%s" called as a function but is a "%s".)*", p_call->function_name, callee_datatype.to_string()), p_call->callee);
+ }
+ } else if (!is_self) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_call, GDScriptWarning::UNSAFE_METHOD_ACCESS, p_call->function_name, base_type.to_string());
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_call);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found && is_self) {
+ String base_name = is_self && !p_call->is_super ? "self" : base_type.to_string();
+ push_error(vformat(R"*(Function "%s()" not found in base %s.)*", p_call->function_name, base_name), p_call->is_super ? p_call : p_call->callee);
+ }
+ }
+ if (call_type.is_coroutine && !is_await) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"*(Function "%s()" is a coroutine, so it must be called with "await".)*", p_call->function_name), p_call->callee);
+ }
+ p_call->set_datatype(call_type);
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_cast(GDScriptParser::CastNode *p_cast) {
+ reduce_expression(p_cast->operand);
+ GDScriptParser::DataType cast_type = resolve_datatype(p_cast->cast_type);
+ if (!cast_type.is_set()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ cast_type.is_meta_type = false; // The casted value won't be a type name.
+ p_cast->set_datatype(cast_type);
+ if (!cast_type.is_variant()) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType op_type = p_cast->operand->get_datatype();
+ if (!op_type.is_variant()) {
+ bool valid = false;
+ if (op_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && cast_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ valid = Variant::can_convert(op_type.builtin_type, cast_type.builtin_type);
+ } else if (op_type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && cast_type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ valid = is_type_compatible(cast_type, op_type) || is_type_compatible(op_type, cast_type);
+ }
+ if (!valid) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Invalid cast. Cannot convert from "%s" to "%s".)", op_type.to_string(), cast_type.to_string()), p_cast->cast_type);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_cast);
+ }
+ if (p_cast->operand->get_datatype().is_variant()) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_cast, GDScriptWarning::UNSAFE_CAST, cast_type.to_string());
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_cast);
+ }
+ // TODO: Perform cast on constants.
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_dictionary(GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode *p_dictionary) {
+ bool all_is_constant = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_dictionary->elements.size(); i++) {
+ const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode::Pair &element = p_dictionary->elements[i];
+ if (p_dictionary->style == GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode::PYTHON_DICT) {
+ reduce_expression(element.key);
+ }
+ reduce_expression(element.value);
+ all_is_constant = all_is_constant && element.key->is_constant && element.value->is_constant;
+ }
+ if (all_is_constant) {
+ Dictionary dict;
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_dictionary->elements.size(); i++) {
+ const GDScriptParser::DictionaryNode::Pair &element = p_dictionary->elements[i];
+ dict[element.key->reduced_value] = element.value->reduced_value;
+ }
+ p_dictionary->is_constant = true;
+ p_dictionary->reduced_value = dict;
+ }
+ // It's dictionary in any case.
+ GDScriptParser::DataType dict_type;
+ dict_type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ dict_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ dict_type.builtin_type = Variant::DICTIONARY;
+ dict_type.is_constant = true;
+ p_dictionary->set_datatype(dict_type);
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_get_node(GDScriptParser::GetNodeNode *p_get_node) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType result;
+ result.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ result.native_type = "Node";
+ result.builtin_type = Variant::OBJECT;
+ if (!ClassDB::is_parent_class(get_real_class_name(parser->current_class->base_type.native_type), result.native_type)) {
+ push_error(R"*(Cannot use shorthand "get_node()" notation ("$") on a class that isn't a node.)*", p_get_node);
+ }
+ p_get_node->set_datatype(result);
+GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptAnalyzer::make_global_class_meta_type(const StringName &p_class_name) {
+ Ref<GDScriptParserRef> ref = get_parser_for(ScriptServer::get_global_class_path(p_class_name));
+ ref->raise_status(GDScriptParserRef::INTERFACE_SOLVED);
+ GDScriptParser::DataType type;
+ type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
+ type.builtin_type = Variant::OBJECT;
+ type.native_type = ScriptServer::get_global_class_native_base(p_class_name);
+ type.class_type = ref->get_parser()->head;
+ type.script_path = ref->get_parser()->script_path;
+ type.is_constant = true;
+ type.is_meta_type = true;
+ return type;
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_identifier_from_base(GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *p_identifier, GDScriptParser::DataType *p_base) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base;
+ if (p_base == nullptr) {
+ base = type_from_metatype(parser->current_class->get_datatype());
+ } else {
+ base = *p_base;
+ }
+ const StringName &name = p_identifier->name;
+ if (base.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ if (base.is_meta_type) {
+ bool valid = true;
+ Variant result = Variant::get_constant_value(base.builtin_type, name, &valid);
+ if (valid) {
+ p_identifier->is_constant = true;
+ p_identifier->reduced_value = result;
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(type_from_variant(result));
+ } else {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot find constant "%s" on type "%s".)", name, base.to_string()), p_identifier);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Callable::CallError temp;
+ Variant dummy = Variant::construct(base.builtin_type, nullptr, 0, temp);
+ List<PropertyInfo> properties;
+ dummy.get_property_list(&properties);
+ for (const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = properties.front(); E != nullptr; E = E->next()) {
+ const PropertyInfo &prop = E->get();
+ if ( == name) {
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(type_from_property(prop));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot find property "%s" on base "%s".)", name, base.to_string()), p_identifier);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (base.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM) {
+ if (base.is_meta_type) {
+ if (base.enum_values.has(name)) {
+ p_identifier->is_constant = true;
+ p_identifier->reduced_value = base.enum_values[name];
+ GDScriptParser::DataType result;
+ result.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM_VALUE;
+ result.native_type = base.native_type;
+ result.enum_type = name;
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(result);
+ } else {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot find value "%s" in "%s".)", name, base.to_string()), p_identifier);
+ }
+ } else {
+ push_error(R"(Cannot get property from enum value.)", p_identifier);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode *base_class = base.class_type;
+ // TODO: Switch current class/function/suite here to avoid misrepresenting identifiers (in recursive reduce calls).
+ while (base_class != nullptr) {
+ if (base_class->identifier && base_class->identifier->name == name) {
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(base_class->get_datatype());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (base_class->has_member(name)) {
+ const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member &member = base_class->get_member(name);
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(member.get_datatype());
+ switch (member.type) {
+ case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CONSTANT:
+ // For out-of-order resolution:
+ reduce_expression(member.constant->initializer);
+ p_identifier->is_constant = true;
+ p_identifier->reduced_value = member.constant->initializer->reduced_value;
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(member.constant->initializer->get_datatype());
+ p_identifier->source = GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::MEMBER_CONSTANT;
+ p_identifier->constant_source = member.constant;
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::ENUM_VALUE:
+ p_identifier->is_constant = true;
+ p_identifier->reduced_value = member.enum_value.value;
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::VARIABLE:
+ p_identifier->source = GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::MEMBER_VARIABLE;
+ p_identifier->variable_source = member.variable;
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::FUNCTION:
+ resolve_function_signature(member.function);
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(make_callable_type(member.function->info));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break; // Type already set.
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check outer constants.
+ // TODO: Allow outer static functions.
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode *outer = base_class->outer;
+ while (outer != nullptr) {
+ if (outer->has_member(name)) {
+ const GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member &member = outer->get_member(name);
+ if (member.type == GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::CONSTANT) {
+ // TODO: Make sure loops won't cause problem. And make special error message for those.
+ // For out-of-order resolution:
+ reduce_expression(member.constant->initializer);
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(member.get_datatype());
+ p_identifier->is_constant = true;
+ p_identifier->reduced_value = member.constant->initializer->reduced_value;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ outer = outer->outer;
+ }
+ base_class = base_class->base_type.class_type;
+ }
+ // Check native members.
+ const StringName &native = get_real_class_name(base.native_type);
+ if (class_exists(native)) {
+ PropertyInfo prop_info;
+ MethodInfo method_info;
+ if (ClassDB::get_property_info(native, name, &prop_info)) {
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(type_from_property(prop_info));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ClassDB::get_method_info(native, name, &method_info)) {
+ // Method is callable.
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(make_callable_type(method_info));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ClassDB::get_signal(native, name, &method_info)) {
+ // Signal is a type too.
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(make_signal_type(method_info));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ClassDB::has_enum(native, name)) {
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(make_native_enum_type(native, name));
+ return;
+ }
+ bool valid = false;
+ int int_constant = ClassDB::get_integer_constant(native, name, &valid);
+ if (valid) {
+ p_identifier->is_constant = true;
+ p_identifier->reduced_value = int_constant;
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(type_from_variant(int_constant));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_identifier(GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *p_identifier, bool can_be_builtin) {
+ // TODO: This is opportunity to further infer types.
+ // Check if identifier is local.
+ // If that's the case, the declaration already was solved before.
+ switch (p_identifier->source) {
+ case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::FUNCTION_PARAMETER:
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(p_identifier->parameter_source->get_datatype());
+ return;
+ case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::LOCAL_CONSTANT:
+ case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::MEMBER_CONSTANT:
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(p_identifier->constant_source->get_datatype());
+ p_identifier->is_constant = true;
+ // TODO: Constant should have a value on the node itself.
+ p_identifier->reduced_value = p_identifier->constant_source->initializer->reduced_value;
+ return;
+ case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::MEMBER_VARIABLE:
+ p_identifier->variable_source->usages++;
+ [[fallthrough]];
+ case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::LOCAL_VARIABLE:
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(p_identifier->variable_source->get_datatype());
+ return;
+ case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::LOCAL_ITERATOR:
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(p_identifier->bind_source->get_datatype());
+ return;
+ case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::LOCAL_BIND: {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType result = p_identifier->bind_source->get_datatype();
+ result.is_constant = true;
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(result);
+ return;
+ }
+ case GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::UNDEFINED_SOURCE:
+ break;
+ }
+ // Not a local, so check members.
+ reduce_identifier_from_base(p_identifier);
+ if (p_identifier->get_datatype().is_set()) {
+ // Found.
+ return;
+ }
+ StringName name = p_identifier->name;
+ p_identifier->source = GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode::UNDEFINED_SOURCE;
+ // Check globals.
+ if (GDScriptParser::get_builtin_type(name) < Variant::VARIANT_MAX) {
+ if (can_be_builtin) {
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(make_builtin_meta_type(GDScriptParser::get_builtin_type(name)));
+ return;
+ } else {
+ push_error(R"(Builtin type cannot be used as a name on its own.)", p_identifier);
+ }
+ }
+ if (class_exists(name)) {
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(make_native_meta_type(name));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ScriptServer::is_global_class(name)) {
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(make_global_class_meta_type(name));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map().has(name)) {
+ int idx = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map()[name];
+ Variant constant = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[idx];
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(type_from_variant(constant));
+ p_identifier->is_constant = true;
+ p_identifier->reduced_value = constant;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map().has(name)) {
+ Variant constant = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_named_globals_map()[name];
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(type_from_variant(constant));
+ p_identifier->is_constant = true;
+ p_identifier->reduced_value = constant;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Not found.
+ // Check if it's a builtin function.
+ if (parser->get_builtin_function(name) < GDScriptFunctions::FUNC_MAX) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Built-in function "%s" cannot be used as an identifier.)", name), p_identifier);
+ } else {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Identifier "%s" not declared in the current scope.)", name), p_identifier);
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::DataType dummy;
+ dummy.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ p_identifier->set_datatype(dummy); // Just so type is set to something.
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_literal(GDScriptParser::LiteralNode *p_literal) {
+ p_literal->reduced_value = p_literal->value;
+ p_literal->is_constant = true;
+ p_literal->set_datatype(type_from_variant(p_literal->reduced_value));
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_preload(GDScriptParser::PreloadNode *p_preload) {
+ p_preload->is_constant = true;
+ p_preload->reduced_value = p_preload->resource;
+ p_preload->set_datatype(type_from_variant(p_preload->reduced_value));
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_self(GDScriptParser::SelfNode *p_self) {
+ p_self->is_constant = false;
+ p_self->set_datatype(type_from_metatype(parser->current_class->get_datatype()));
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_subscript(GDScriptParser::SubscriptNode *p_subscript) {
+ if (p_subscript->base->type == GDScriptParser::Node::IDENTIFIER) {
+ reduce_identifier(static_cast<GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *>(p_subscript->base), true);
+ } else {
+ reduce_expression(p_subscript->base);
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::DataType result_type;
+ // Reduce index first. If it's a constant StringName, use attribute instead.
+ if (!p_subscript->is_attribute) {
+ if (p_subscript->index == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ reduce_expression(p_subscript->index);
+ if (p_subscript->index->is_constant && p_subscript->index->reduced_value.get_type() == Variant::STRING_NAME) {
+ GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *attribute = parser->alloc_node<GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode>();
+ // Copy location for better error message.
+ attribute->start_line = p_subscript->index->start_line;
+ attribute->end_line = p_subscript->index->end_line;
+ attribute->leftmost_column = p_subscript->index->leftmost_column;
+ attribute->rightmost_column = p_subscript->index->rightmost_column;
+ p_subscript->is_attribute = true;
+ p_subscript->attribute = attribute;
+ }
+ }
+ if (p_subscript->is_attribute) {
+ if (p_subscript->attribute == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (p_subscript->base->is_constant) {
+ // Just try to get it.
+ bool valid = false;
+ Variant value = p_subscript->base->reduced_value.get_named(p_subscript->attribute->name, &valid);
+ if (!valid) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot get member "%s" from "%s".)", p_subscript->attribute->name, p_subscript->base->reduced_value), p_subscript->index);
+ } else {
+ p_subscript->is_constant = true;
+ p_subscript->reduced_value = value;
+ result_type = type_from_variant(value);
+ }
+ result_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ } else {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_subscript->base->get_datatype();
+ if (base_type.is_variant()) {
+ result_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_subscript);
+ } else {
+ reduce_identifier_from_base(p_subscript->attribute, &base_type);
+ GDScriptParser::DataType attr_type = p_subscript->attribute->get_datatype();
+ if (attr_type.is_set()) {
+ result_type = attr_type;
+ p_subscript->is_constant = p_subscript->attribute->is_constant;
+ p_subscript->reduced_value = p_subscript->attribute->reduced_value;
+ } else {
+ if (base_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot find member "%s" in base "%s".)", p_subscript->attribute->name, base_type.to_string()), p_subscript->attribute);
+ } else {
+ parser->push_warning(p_subscript, GDScriptWarning::UNSAFE_PROPERTY_ACCESS, p_subscript->attribute->name, base_type.to_string());
+ }
+ result_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Index was already reduced before.
+ if (p_subscript->base->is_constant && p_subscript->index->is_constant) {
+ // Just try to get it.
+ bool valid = false;
+ Variant value = p_subscript->base->reduced_value.get(p_subscript->index->reduced_value, &valid);
+ if (!valid) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot get index "%s" from "%s".)", p_subscript->index->reduced_value, p_subscript->base->reduced_value), p_subscript->index);
+ } else {
+ p_subscript->is_constant = true;
+ p_subscript->reduced_value = value;
+ result_type = type_from_variant(value);
+ }
+ result_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ } else {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base_type = p_subscript->base->get_datatype();
+ GDScriptParser::DataType index_type = p_subscript->index->get_datatype();
+ if (base_type.is_variant()) {
+ result_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_subscript);
+ } else {
+ if (base_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && !index_type.is_variant()) {
+ // Check if indexing is valid.
+ bool error = index_type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && base_type.builtin_type != Variant::DICTIONARY;
+ if (!error) {
+ switch (base_type.builtin_type) {
+ // Expect int or real as index.
+ case Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT64_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::PACKED_INT32_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::PACKED_INT64_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::PACKED_STRING_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::ARRAY:
+ case Variant::STRING:
+ error = index_type.builtin_type != Variant::INT && index_type.builtin_type != Variant::FLOAT;
+ break;
+ // Expect String only.
+ case Variant::RECT2:
+ case Variant::RECT2I:
+ case Variant::PLANE:
+ case Variant::QUAT:
+ case Variant::AABB:
+ case Variant::OBJECT:
+ error = index_type.builtin_type != Variant::STRING;
+ break;
+ // Expect String or number.
+ case Variant::BASIS:
+ case Variant::VECTOR2:
+ case Variant::VECTOR2I:
+ case Variant::VECTOR3:
+ case Variant::VECTOR3I:
+ case Variant::TRANSFORM:
+ case Variant::TRANSFORM2D:
+ error = index_type.builtin_type != Variant::INT && index_type.builtin_type != Variant::FLOAT &&
+ index_type.builtin_type != Variant::STRING;
+ break;
+ // Expect String or int.
+ case Variant::COLOR:
+ error = index_type.builtin_type != Variant::INT && index_type.builtin_type != Variant::STRING;
+ break;
+ // Don't support indexing, but we will check it later.
+ case Variant::_RID:
+ case Variant::BOOL:
+ case Variant::CALLABLE:
+ case Variant::FLOAT:
+ case Variant::INT:
+ case Variant::NIL:
+ case Variant::NODE_PATH:
+ case Variant::SIGNAL:
+ case Variant::STRING_NAME:
+ break;
+ // Here for completeness.
+ case Variant::DICTIONARY:
+ case Variant::VARIANT_MAX:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (error) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Invalid index type "%s" for a base of type "%s".)", index_type.to_string(), base_type.to_string()), p_subscript->index);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (base_type.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && !index_type.is_variant()) {
+ if (index_type.builtin_type != Variant::STRING && index_type.builtin_type != Variant::STRING_NAME) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Only String or StringName can be used as index for type "%s", but received a "%s".)", base_type.to_string(), index_type.to_string()), p_subscript->index);
+ }
+ }
+ // Check resulting type if possible.
+ result_type.builtin_type = Variant::NIL;
+ result_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ result_type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::INFERRED;
+ switch (base_type.builtin_type) {
+ // Can't index at all.
+ case Variant::_RID:
+ case Variant::BOOL:
+ case Variant::CALLABLE:
+ case Variant::FLOAT:
+ case Variant::INT:
+ case Variant::NIL:
+ case Variant::NODE_PATH:
+ case Variant::SIGNAL:
+ case Variant::STRING_NAME:
+ result_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Cannot use subscript operator on a base of type "%s".)", base_type.to_string()), p_subscript->base);
+ break;
+ // Return int.
+ case Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::PACKED_INT32_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::PACKED_INT64_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::VECTOR2I:
+ case Variant::VECTOR3I:
+ result_type.builtin_type = Variant::INT;
+ break;
+ // Return float.
+ case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT64_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::VECTOR2:
+ case Variant::VECTOR3:
+ case Variant::QUAT:
+ result_type.builtin_type = Variant::FLOAT;
+ break;
+ // Return Color.
+ case Variant::PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY:
+ result_type.builtin_type = Variant::COLOR;
+ break;
+ // Return String.
+ case Variant::PACKED_STRING_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::STRING:
+ result_type.builtin_type = Variant::STRING;
+ break;
+ // Return Vector2.
+ case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::TRANSFORM2D:
+ case Variant::RECT2:
+ result_type.builtin_type = Variant::VECTOR2;
+ break;
+ // Return Vector2I.
+ case Variant::RECT2I:
+ result_type.builtin_type = Variant::VECTOR2I;
+ break;
+ // Return Vector3.
+ case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY:
+ case Variant::AABB:
+ case Variant::BASIS:
+ result_type.builtin_type = Variant::VECTOR3;
+ break;
+ // Depends on the index.
+ case Variant::TRANSFORM:
+ case Variant::PLANE:
+ case Variant::COLOR:
+ case Variant::ARRAY:
+ case Variant::DICTIONARY:
+ result_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ result_type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::UNDETECTED;
+ break;
+ // Here for completeness.
+ case Variant::OBJECT:
+ case Variant::VARIANT_MAX:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p_subscript->set_datatype(result_type);
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_ternary_op(GDScriptParser::TernaryOpNode *p_ternary_op) {
+ reduce_expression(p_ternary_op->condition);
+ reduce_expression(p_ternary_op->true_expr);
+ reduce_expression(p_ternary_op->false_expr);
+ GDScriptParser::DataType result;
+ if (p_ternary_op->condition && p_ternary_op->condition->is_constant && p_ternary_op->true_expr->is_constant && p_ternary_op->false_expr && p_ternary_op->false_expr->is_constant) {
+ p_ternary_op->is_constant = true;
+ if (p_ternary_op->condition->reduced_value.booleanize()) {
+ p_ternary_op->reduced_value = p_ternary_op->true_expr->reduced_value;
+ } else {
+ p_ternary_op->reduced_value = p_ternary_op->false_expr->reduced_value;
+ }
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::DataType true_type;
+ if (p_ternary_op->true_expr) {
+ true_type = p_ternary_op->true_expr->get_datatype();
+ } else {
+ true_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::DataType false_type;
+ if (p_ternary_op->false_expr) {
+ false_type = p_ternary_op->false_expr->get_datatype();
+ } else {
+ false_type.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ }
+ if (true_type.is_variant() || false_type.is_variant()) {
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ } else {
+ result = true_type;
+ if (!is_type_compatible(true_type, false_type)) {
+ result = false_type;
+ if (!is_type_compatible(false_type, true_type)) {
+ result.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::UNDETECTED;
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ parser->push_warning(p_ternary_op, GDScriptWarning::INCOMPATIBLE_TERNARY);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p_ternary_op->set_datatype(result);
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::reduce_unary_op(GDScriptParser::UnaryOpNode *p_unary_op) {
+ reduce_expression(p_unary_op->operand);
+ GDScriptParser::DataType result;
+ if (p_unary_op->operand->is_constant) {
+ p_unary_op->is_constant = true;
+ p_unary_op->reduced_value = Variant::evaluate(p_unary_op->variant_op, p_unary_op->operand->reduced_value, Variant());
+ result = type_from_variant(p_unary_op->reduced_value);
+ } else if (p_unary_op->operand->get_datatype().is_variant()) {
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_unary_op);
+ } else {
+ bool valid = false;
+ result = get_operation_type(p_unary_op->variant_op, p_unary_op->operand->get_datatype(), p_unary_op->operand->get_datatype(), valid);
+ if (!valid) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Invalid operand of type "%s" for unary operator "%s".)", p_unary_op->operand->get_datatype().to_string(), Variant::get_operator_name(p_unary_op->variant_op)), p_unary_op->operand);
+ }
+ }
+ p_unary_op->set_datatype(result);
+GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptAnalyzer::type_from_variant(const Variant &p_value) {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType result;
+ result.is_constant = true;
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ result.builtin_type = p_value.get_type();
+ result.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT; // Constant has explicit type.
+ if (p_value.get_type() == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ Object *obj = p_value;
+ if (!obj) {
+ return GDScriptParser::DataType();
+ }
+ result.native_type = obj->get_class_name();
+ Ref<Script> scr = p_value; // Check if value is a script itself.
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ result.is_meta_type = true;
+ } else {
+ result.is_meta_type = false;
+ scr = obj->get_script();
+ }
+ if (scr.is_valid()) {
+ result.script_type = scr;
+ result.script_path = scr->get_path();
+ Ref<GDScript> gds = scr;
+ if (gds.is_valid()) {
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS;
+ Ref<GDScriptParserRef> ref = get_parser_for(gds->get_path());
+ ref->raise_status(GDScriptParserRef::INTERFACE_SOLVED);
+ result.class_type = ref->get_parser()->head;
+ result.script_path = ref->get_parser()->script_path;
+ } else {
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT;
+ }
+ result.native_type = scr->get_instance_base_type();
+ } else {
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ if (result.native_type == GDScriptNativeClass::get_class_static()) {
+ result.is_meta_type = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptAnalyzer::type_from_metatype(const GDScriptParser::DataType &p_meta_type) const {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType result = p_meta_type;
+ result.is_meta_type = false;
+ result.is_constant = false;
+ return result;
+GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptAnalyzer::type_from_property(const PropertyInfo &p_property) const {
+ GDScriptParser::DataType result;
+ result.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ if (p_property.type == Variant::NIL && (p_property.usage & PROPERTY_USAGE_NIL_IS_VARIANT)) {
+ // Variant
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ return result;
+ }
+ result.builtin_type = p_property.type;
+ if (p_property.type == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE;
+ result.native_type = p_property.class_name == StringName() ? "Object" : p_property.class_name;
+ } else {
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN;
+ }
+ return result;
+bool GDScriptAnalyzer::get_function_signature(GDScriptParser::Node *p_source, GDScriptParser::DataType p_base_type, const StringName &p_function, GDScriptParser::DataType &r_return_type, List<GDScriptParser::DataType> &r_par_types, int &r_default_arg_count, bool &r_static, bool &r_vararg) {
+ r_static = false;
+ r_vararg = false;
+ r_default_arg_count = 0;
+ StringName function_name = p_function;
+ if (p_base_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ // Construct a base type to get methods.
+ Callable::CallError err;
+ Variant dummy = Variant::construct(p_base_type.builtin_type, nullptr, 0, err);
+ if (err.error != Callable::CallError::CALL_OK) {
+ ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, "Could not construct base Variant type.");
+ }
+ List<MethodInfo> methods;
+ dummy.get_method_list(&methods);
+ for (const List<MethodInfo>::Element *E = methods.front(); E != nullptr; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get().name == p_function) {
+ return function_signature_from_info(E->get(), r_return_type, r_par_types, r_default_arg_count, r_static, r_vararg);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool is_constructor = p_base_type.is_meta_type && p_function == "new";
+ if (is_constructor) {
+ function_name = "_init";
+ r_static = true;
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode *base_class = p_base_type.class_type;
+ GDScriptParser::FunctionNode *found_function = nullptr;
+ while (found_function == nullptr && base_class != nullptr) {
+ if (base_class->has_member(function_name)) {
+ if (base_class->get_member(function_name).type != GDScriptParser::ClassNode::Member::FUNCTION) {
+ // TODO: If this is Callable it can have a better error message.
+ push_error(vformat(R"(Member "%s" is not a function.)", function_name), p_source);
+ return false;
+ }
+ found_function = base_class->get_member(function_name).function;
+ }
+ base_class = base_class->base_type.class_type;
+ }
+ if (found_function != nullptr) {
+ r_static = is_constructor || found_function->is_static;
+ for (int i = 0; i < found_function->parameters.size(); i++) {
+ r_par_types.push_back(found_function->parameters[i]->get_datatype());
+ if (found_function->parameters[i]->default_value != nullptr) {
+ r_default_arg_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ r_return_type = found_function->get_datatype();
+ r_return_type.is_coroutine = found_function->is_coroutine;
+ return true;
+ }
+ Ref<Script> base_script = p_base_type.script_type;
+ while (base_script.is_valid() && base_script->is_valid()) {
+ MethodInfo info = base_script->get_method_info(function_name);
+ if (!(info == MethodInfo())) {
+ return function_signature_from_info(info, r_return_type, r_par_types, r_default_arg_count, r_static, r_vararg);
+ }
+ base_script = base_script->get_base_script();
+ }
+ // If the base is a script, it might be trying to access members of the Script class itself.
+ if (p_base_type.is_meta_type && !is_constructor && (p_base_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT || p_base_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS)) {
+ MethodInfo info;
+ StringName script_class = p_base_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT ? p_base_type.script_type->get_class_name() : StringName(GDScript::get_class_static());
+ if (ClassDB::get_method_info(script_class, function_name, &info)) {
+ return function_signature_from_info(info, r_return_type, r_par_types, r_default_arg_count, r_static, r_vararg);
+ }
+ }
+ StringName base_native = p_base_type.native_type;
+ if (base_native != StringName()) {
+ // Empty native class might happen in some Script implementations.
+ // Just ignore it.
+ if (!class_exists(base_native)) {
+ ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(false, vformat("Native class %s used in script doesn't exist or isn't exposed.", base_native));
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_constructor) {
+ // Native types always have a default constructor.
+ r_return_type = p_base_type;
+ r_return_type.type_source = GDScriptParser::DataType::ANNOTATED_EXPLICIT;
+ r_return_type.is_meta_type = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ StringName real_native = get_real_class_name(base_native);
+ MethodInfo info;
+ if (ClassDB::get_method_info(real_native, function_name, &info)) {
+ return function_signature_from_info(info, r_return_type, r_par_types, r_default_arg_count, r_static, r_vararg);
+ }
+ return false;
+bool GDScriptAnalyzer::function_signature_from_info(const MethodInfo &p_info, GDScriptParser::DataType &r_return_type, List<GDScriptParser::DataType> &r_par_types, int &r_default_arg_count, bool &r_static, bool &r_vararg) {
+ r_return_type = type_from_property(p_info.return_val);
+ r_default_arg_count = p_info.default_arguments.size();
+ r_vararg = (p_info.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG) != 0;
+ for (const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = p_info.arguments.front(); E != nullptr; E = E->next()) {
+ r_par_types.push_back(type_from_property(E->get()));
+ }
+ return true;
+bool GDScriptAnalyzer::validate_call_arg(const MethodInfo &p_method, const GDScriptParser::CallNode *p_call) {
+ List<GDScriptParser::DataType> arg_types;
+ for (const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E = p_method.arguments.front(); E != nullptr; E = E->next()) {
+ arg_types.push_back(type_from_property(E->get()));
+ }
+ return validate_call_arg(arg_types, p_method.default_arguments.size(), (p_method.flags & METHOD_FLAG_VARARG) != 0, p_call);
+bool GDScriptAnalyzer::validate_call_arg(const List<GDScriptParser::DataType> &p_par_types, int p_default_args_count, bool p_is_vararg, const GDScriptParser::CallNode *p_call) {
+ bool valid = true;
+ if (p_call->arguments.size() < p_par_types.size() - p_default_args_count) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"*(Too few arguments for "%s()" call. Expected at least %d but received %d.)*", p_call->function_name, p_par_types.size() - p_default_args_count, p_call->arguments.size()), p_call);
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ if (!p_is_vararg && p_call->arguments.size() > p_par_types.size()) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"*(Too many arguments for "%s()" call. Expected at most %d but received %d.)*", p_call->function_name, p_par_types.size(), p_call->arguments.size()), p_call->arguments[p_par_types.size()]);
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_call->arguments.size(); i++) {
+ if (i >= p_par_types.size()) {
+ // Already on vararg place.
+ break;
+ }
+ GDScriptParser::DataType par_type = p_par_types[i];
+ GDScriptParser::DataType arg_type = p_call->arguments[i]->get_datatype();
+ if (arg_type.is_variant()) {
+ // Argument can be anything, so this is unsafe.
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_call->arguments[i]);
+ } else if (!is_type_compatible(par_type, arg_type, true)) {
+ // Supertypes are acceptable for dynamic compliance, but it's unsafe.
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_call);
+ if (!is_type_compatible(arg_type, par_type)) {
+ push_error(vformat(R"*(Invalid argument for "%s()" function: argument %d should be %s but is %s.)*",
+ p_call->function_name, i + 1, par_type.to_string(), arg_type.to_string()),
+ p_call->arguments[i]);
+ valid = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (par_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && par_type.builtin_type == Variant::INT && arg_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && arg_type.builtin_type == Variant::FLOAT) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_call, GDScriptWarning::NARROWING_CONVERSION, p_call->function_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return valid;
+bool GDScriptAnalyzer::is_shadowing(GDScriptParser::IdentifierNode *p_local, const String &p_context) {
+ const StringName &name = p_local->name;
+ GDScriptParser::DataType base = parser->current_class->get_datatype();
+ GDScriptParser::ClassNode *base_class = base.class_type;
+ while (base_class != nullptr) {
+ if (base_class->has_member(name)) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_local, GDScriptWarning::SHADOWED_VARIABLE, p_context, p_local->name, base_class->get_member(name).get_type_name(), itos(base_class->get_member(name).get_line()));
+ return true;
+ }
+ base_class = base_class->base_type.class_type;
+ }
+ StringName base_native = base.native_type;
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!class_exists(base_native), false, "Non-existent native base class.");
+ StringName parent = base_native;
+ while (parent != StringName()) {
+ StringName real_class_name = get_real_class_name(parent);
+ if (ClassDB::has_method(real_class_name, name, true)) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_local, GDScriptWarning::SHADOWED_VARIABLE_BASE_CLASS, p_context, p_local->name, "method", parent);
+ return true;
+ } else if (ClassDB::has_signal(real_class_name, name, true)) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_local, GDScriptWarning::SHADOWED_VARIABLE_BASE_CLASS, p_context, p_local->name, "signal", parent);
+ return true;
+ } else if (ClassDB::has_property(real_class_name, name, true)) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_local, GDScriptWarning::SHADOWED_VARIABLE_BASE_CLASS, p_context, p_local->name, "property", parent);
+ return true;
+ } else if (ClassDB::has_integer_constant(real_class_name, name, true)) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_local, GDScriptWarning::SHADOWED_VARIABLE_BASE_CLASS, p_context, p_local->name, "constant", parent);
+ return true;
+ } else if (ClassDB::has_enum(real_class_name, name, true)) {
+ parser->push_warning(p_local, GDScriptWarning::SHADOWED_VARIABLE_BASE_CLASS, p_context, p_local->name, "enum", parent);
+ return true;
+ }
+ parent = ClassDB::get_parent_class(real_class_name);
+ }
+ return false;
+GDScriptParser::DataType GDScriptAnalyzer::get_operation_type(Variant::Operator p_operation, const GDScriptParser::DataType &p_a, const GDScriptParser::DataType &p_b, bool &r_valid) {
+ // This function creates dummy variant values and apply the operation to those. Less error-prone than keeping a table of valid operations.
+ GDScriptParser::DataType result;
+ result.kind = GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT;
+ Variant::Type a_type = p_a.builtin_type;
+ Variant::Type b_type = p_b.builtin_type;
+ Variant a;
+ REF a_ref;
+ if (a_type == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ a_ref.instance();
+ a = a_ref;
+ } else {
+ Callable::CallError err;
+ a = Variant::construct(a_type, nullptr, 0, err);
+ if (err.error != Callable::CallError::CALL_OK) {
+ r_valid = false;
+ ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(result, vformat("Could not construct value of type %s", Variant::get_type_name(a_type)));
+ }
+ }
+ Variant b;
+ REF b_ref;
+ if (b_type == Variant::OBJECT) {
+ b_ref.instance();
+ b = b_ref;
+ } else {
+ Callable::CallError err;
+ b = Variant::construct(b_type, nullptr, 0, err);
+ if (err.error != Callable::CallError::CALL_OK) {
+ r_valid = false;
+ ERR_FAIL_V_MSG(result, vformat("Could not construct value of type %s", Variant::get_type_name(b_type)));
+ }
+ }
+ // Avoid division by zero.
+ switch (b_type) {
+ case Variant::INT:
+ b = 1;
+ break;
+ case Variant::FLOAT:
+ b = 1.0;
+ break;
+ case Variant::VECTOR2:
+ b = Vector2(1.0, 1.0);
+ break;
+ case Variant::VECTOR2I:
+ b = Vector2i(1, 1);
+ break;
+ case Variant::VECTOR3:
+ b = Vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ break;
+ case Variant::VECTOR3I:
+ b = Vector3i(1, 1, 1);
+ break;
+ case Variant::COLOR:
+ b = Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ // No change needed.
+ break;
+ }
+ // Avoid error in formatting operator (%) where it doesn't find a placeholder.
+ if (a_type == Variant::STRING) {
+ a = String("%s");
+ }
+ Variant ret;
+ Variant::evaluate(p_operation, a, b, ret, r_valid);
+ if (r_valid) {
+ return type_from_variant(ret);
+ }
+ return result;
+// TODO: Add safe/unsafe return variable (for variant cases)
+bool GDScriptAnalyzer::is_type_compatible(const GDScriptParser::DataType &p_target, const GDScriptParser::DataType &p_source, bool p_allow_implicit_conversion) const {
+ // These return "true" so it doesn't affect users negatively.
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!p_target.is_set(), true, "Parser bug (please report): Trying to check compatibility of unset target type");
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V_MSG(!p_source.is_set(), true, "Parser bug (please report): Trying to check compatibility of unset value type");
+ if (p_target.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT) {
+ // Variant can receive anything.
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (p_source.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT) {
+ // TODO: This is acceptable but unsafe. Make sure unsafe line is set.
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (p_target.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN) {
+ bool valid = p_source.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && p_target.builtin_type == p_source.builtin_type;
+ if (!valid && p_allow_implicit_conversion) {
+ valid = Variant::can_convert_strict(p_source.builtin_type, p_target.builtin_type);
+ }
+ if (!valid && p_target.builtin_type == Variant::INT && p_source.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM_VALUE) {
+ // Enum value is also integer.
+ valid = true;
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ if (p_target.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM) {
+ if (p_source.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && p_source.builtin_type == Variant::INT) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (p_source.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM_VALUE) {
+ if (p_source.native_type == p_target.native_type && p_target.enum_values.has(p_source.enum_type)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // From here on the target type is an object, so we have to test polymorphism.
+ if (p_source.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN && p_source.builtin_type == Variant::NIL) {
+ // null is acceptable in object.
+ return true;
+ }
+ StringName src_native;
+ Ref<Script> src_script;
+ const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *src_class = nullptr;
+ switch (p_source.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE:
+ if (p_target.kind != GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE) {
+ // Non-native class cannot be supertype of native.
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (p_source.is_meta_type) {
+ src_native = GDScriptNativeClass::get_class_static();
+ } else {
+ src_native = p_source.native_type;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT:
+ if (p_target.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS) {
+ // A script type cannot be a subtype of a GDScript class.
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (p_source.is_meta_type) {
+ src_native = p_source.script_type->get_class_name();
+ } else {
+ src_script = p_source.script_type;
+ src_native = src_script->get_instance_base_type();
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS:
+ if (p_source.is_meta_type) {
+ src_native = GDScript::get_class_static();
+ } else {
+ src_class = p_source.class_type;
+ const GDScriptParser::ClassNode *base = src_class;
+ while (base->base_type.kind == GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS) {
+ base = base->base_type.class_type;
+ }
+ src_native = base->base_type.native_type;
+ src_script = base->base_type.script_type;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT:
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN:
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM:
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM_VALUE:
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::UNRESOLVED:
+ break; // Already solved before.
+ }
+ // Get underscore-prefixed version for some classes.
+ src_native = get_real_class_name(src_native);
+ switch (p_target.kind) {
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::NATIVE: {
+ if (p_target.is_meta_type) {
+ return ClassDB::is_parent_class(src_native, GDScriptNativeClass::get_class_static());
+ }
+ StringName tgt_native = get_real_class_name(p_target.native_type);
+ return ClassDB::is_parent_class(src_native, tgt_native);
+ }
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::SCRIPT:
+ if (p_target.is_meta_type) {
+ return ClassDB::is_parent_class(src_native, p_target.script_type->get_class_name());
+ }
+ while (src_script.is_valid()) {
+ if (src_script == p_target.script_type) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ src_script = src_script->get_base_script();
+ }
+ return false;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::CLASS:
+ if (p_target.is_meta_type) {
+ return ClassDB::is_parent_class(src_native, GDScript::get_class_static());
+ }
+ while (src_class != nullptr) {
+ if (src_class->fqcn == p_target.class_type->fqcn) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ src_class = src_class->base_type.class_type;
+ }
+ return false;
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::VARIANT:
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::BUILTIN:
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM:
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::ENUM_VALUE:
+ case GDScriptParser::DataType::UNRESOLVED:
+ break; // Already solved before.
+ }
+ return false;
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::push_error(const String &p_message, const GDScriptParser::Node *p_origin) {
+ mark_node_unsafe(p_origin);
+ parser->push_error(p_message, p_origin);
+void GDScriptAnalyzer::mark_node_unsafe(const GDScriptParser::Node *p_node) {
+ for (int i = p_node->start_line; i <= p_node->end_line; i++) {
+ parser->unsafe_lines.insert(i);
+ }
+bool GDScriptAnalyzer::class_exists(const StringName &p_class) {
+ StringName real_name = get_real_class_name(p_class);
+ return ClassDB::class_exists(real_name) && ClassDB::is_class_exposed(real_name);
+Ref<GDScriptParserRef> GDScriptAnalyzer::get_parser_for(const String &p_path) {
+ Ref<GDScriptParserRef> ref;
+ if (depended_parsers.has(p_path)) {
+ ref = depended_parsers[p_path];
+ } else {
+ Error err = OK;
+ ref = GDScriptCache::get_parser(p_path, GDScriptParserRef::EMPTY, err, parser->script_path);
+ depended_parsers[p_path] = ref;
+ }
+ return ref;
+Error GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_inheritance() {
+ return resolve_inheritance(parser->head);
+Error GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_interface() {
+ resolve_class_interface(parser->head);
+ return parser->errors.empty() ? OK : ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
+Error GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_body() {
+ resolve_class_body(parser->head);
+ return parser->errors.empty() ? OK : ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
+Error GDScriptAnalyzer::resolve_program() {
+ resolve_class_interface(parser->head);
+ resolve_class_body(parser->head);
+ List<String> parser_keys;
+ depended_parsers.get_key_list(&parser_keys);
+ for (const List<String>::Element *E = parser_keys.front(); E != nullptr; E = E->next()) {
+ depended_parsers[E->get()]->raise_status(GDScriptParserRef::FULLY_SOLVED);
+ }
+ depended_parsers.clear();
+ return parser->errors.empty() ? OK : ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
+Error GDScriptAnalyzer::analyze() {
+ parser->errors.clear();
+ Error err = resolve_inheritance(parser->head);
+ if (err) {
+ return err;
+ }
+ return resolve_program();
+GDScriptAnalyzer::GDScriptAnalyzer(GDScriptParser *p_parser) {
+ parser = p_parser;