path: root/modules/gdscript/gd_parser.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/gdscript/gd_parser.cpp')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gd_parser.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gd_parser.cpp
index e5a8dc0152..3c01f469f9 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gd_parser.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gd_parser.cpp
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ bool GDParser::_get_completable_identifier(CompletionType p_type,StringName& ide
+ completion_ident_is_call=false;
if (tokenizer->get_token()==GDTokenizer::TK_IDENTIFIER) {
@@ -210,6 +211,9 @@ bool GDParser::_get_completable_identifier(CompletionType p_type,StringName& ide
+ if (tokenizer->get_token()==GDTokenizer::TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
+ completion_ident_is_call=true;
+ }
return true;
@@ -303,6 +307,10 @@ GDParser::Node* GDParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent,bool p_static,bool p_
_set_error("expected string constant as 'preload' argument.");
return NULL;
+ if (path.begins_with("/")) {
+ _set_error("Paths cannot start with '/', absolute paths must start with \'res://\', \'user://\', or \'local://\'");
+ return NULL;
+ }
if (!path.is_abs_path() && base_path!="")
path = path.replace("///","//").simplify_path();
@@ -936,6 +944,8 @@ GDParser::Node* GDParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent,bool p_static,bool p_
case GDTokenizer::TK_OP_BIT_OR: op=OperatorNode::OP_BIT_OR ; break;
case GDTokenizer::TK_OP_BIT_XOR: op=OperatorNode::OP_BIT_XOR ; break;
case GDTokenizer::TK_PR_EXTENDS: op=OperatorNode::OP_EXTENDS; break;
+ case GDTokenizer::TK_CF_IF: op=OperatorNode::OP_TERNARY_IF; break;
+ case GDTokenizer::TK_CF_ELSE: op=OperatorNode::OP_TERNARY_ELSE; break;
default: valid=false; break;
@@ -958,6 +968,7 @@ GDParser::Node* GDParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent,bool p_static,bool p_
int next_op=-1;
int min_priority=0xFFFFF;
bool is_unary=false;
+ bool is_ternary=false;
for(int i=0;i<expression.size();i++) {
@@ -971,6 +982,8 @@ GDParser::Node* GDParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent,bool p_static,bool p_
int priority;
bool unary=false;
+ bool ternary=false;
+ bool error=false;
switch(expression[i].op) {
@@ -1001,25 +1014,27 @@ GDParser::Node* GDParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent,bool p_static,bool p_
case OperatorNode::OP_EQUAL: priority=8; break;
case OperatorNode::OP_NOT_EQUAL: priority=8; break;
case OperatorNode::OP_IN: priority=10; break;
case OperatorNode::OP_NOT: priority=11; unary=true; break;
case OperatorNode::OP_AND: priority=12; break;
case OperatorNode::OP_OR: priority=13; break;
- // ?: = 10
- case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN: priority=14; break;
- case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_ADD: priority=14; break;
- case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SUB: priority=14; break;
- case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_MUL: priority=14; break;
- case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_DIV: priority=14; break;
- case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_MOD: priority=14; break;
- case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_LEFT: priority=14; break;
- case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_RIGHT: priority=14; break;
- case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_AND: priority=14; break;
- case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_OR: priority=14; break;
- case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_XOR: priority=14; break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_TERNARY_IF: priority=14; ternary=true; break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_TERNARY_ELSE: priority=14; error=true; break; // Errors out when found without IF (since IF would consume it)
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN: priority=15; break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_ADD: priority=15; break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SUB: priority=15; break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_MUL: priority=15; break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_DIV: priority=15; break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_MOD: priority=15; break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_LEFT: priority=15; break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_SHIFT_RIGHT: priority=15; break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_AND: priority=15; break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_OR: priority=15; break;
+ case OperatorNode::OP_ASSIGN_BIT_XOR: priority=15; break;
default: {
@@ -1030,11 +1045,16 @@ GDParser::Node* GDParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent,bool p_static,bool p_
if (priority<min_priority) {
+ if(error) {
+ _set_error("Unexpected operator");
+ return NULL;
+ }
// < is used for left to right (default)
// <= is used for right to left
+ is_ternary=ternary;
@@ -1075,6 +1095,62 @@ GDParser::Node* GDParser::_parse_expression(Node *p_parent,bool p_static,bool p_
+ } else if(is_ternary) {
+ if (next_op <1 || next_op>=(expression.size()-1)) {
+ _set_error("Parser bug..");
+ }
+ if(next_op>=(expression.size()-2) || expression[next_op+2].op != OperatorNode::OP_TERNARY_ELSE) {
+ _set_error("Expected else after ternary if.");
+ }
+ if(next_op>=(expression.size()-3)) {
+ _set_error("Expected value after ternary else.");
+ }
+ OperatorNode *op = alloc_node<OperatorNode>();
+ op->op=expression[next_op].op;
+ op->line=op_line; //line might have been changed from a \n
+ if (expression[next_op-1].is_op) {
+ _set_error("Parser bug..");
+ }
+ if (expression[next_op+1].is_op) {
+ // this is not invalid and can really appear
+ // but it becomes invalid anyway because no binary op
+ // can be followed by an unary op in a valid combination,
+ // due to how precedence works, unaries will always dissapear first
+ _set_error("Unexpected two consecutive operators after ternary if.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (expression[next_op+3].is_op) {
+ // this is not invalid and can really appear
+ // but it becomes invalid anyway because no binary op
+ // can be followed by an unary op in a valid combination,
+ // due to how precedence works, unaries will always dissapear first
+ _set_error("Unexpected two consecutive operators after ternary else.");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ op->arguments.push_back(expression[next_op+1].node); //next expression goes as first
+ op->arguments.push_back(expression[next_op-1].node); //left expression goes as when-true
+ op->arguments.push_back(expression[next_op+3].node); //expression after next goes as when-false
+ //replace all 3 nodes by this operator and make it an expression
+ expression[next_op-1].node=op;
+ expression.remove(next_op);
+ expression.remove(next_op);
+ expression.remove(next_op);
+ expression.remove(next_op);
} else {
if (next_op <1 || next_op>=(expression.size()-1)) {
@@ -2037,6 +2113,10 @@ void GDParser::_parse_extends(ClassNode *p_class) {
_set_error("'extends' constant must be a string.");
+ if (((String)(constant)).begins_with("/")) {
+ _set_error("Paths cannot start with '/', absolute paths must start with \'res://\', \'user://\', or \'local://\'");
+ return;
+ }
@@ -3029,6 +3109,16 @@ void GDParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
+ if (cn->value.get_type()==Variant::OBJECT) {
+ Object *obj = cn->value;
+ Resource *res = obj->cast_to<Resource>();
+ if(res==NULL) {
+ _set_error("Exported constant not a type or resource.");
+ return;
+ }
+ member._export.hint=PROPERTY_HINT_RESOURCE_TYPE;
+ member._export.hint_string=res->get_type();
+ }
@@ -3157,6 +3247,114 @@ void GDParser::_parse_class(ClassNode *p_class) {
} break;
+ case GDTokenizer::TK_PR_ENUM: {
+ //mutiple constant declarations..
+ int last_assign = -1; // Incremented by 1 right before the assingment.
+ String enum_name;
+ Dictionary enum_dict;
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ if (tokenizer->get_token()==GDTokenizer::TK_IDENTIFIER) {
+ enum_name=tokenizer->get_token_identifier();
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ }
+ if (tokenizer->get_token()!=GDTokenizer::TK_CURLY_BRACKET_OPEN) {
+ _set_error("Expected '{' in enum declaration");
+ return;
+ }
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ while(true) {
+ if(tokenizer->get_token()==GDTokenizer::TK_NEWLINE) {
+ tokenizer->advance(); // Ignore newlines
+ } else if (tokenizer->get_token()==GDTokenizer::TK_CURLY_BRACKET_CLOSE) {
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ break; // End of enum
+ } else if (tokenizer->get_token()!=GDTokenizer::TK_IDENTIFIER) {
+ if(tokenizer->get_token()==GDTokenizer::TK_EOF) {
+ _set_error("Unexpected end of file.");
+ } else {
+ _set_error(String("Unexpected ") + GDTokenizer::get_token_name(tokenizer->get_token()) + ", expected identifier");
+ }
+ return;
+ } else { // tokenizer->get_token()==GDTokenizer::TK_IDENTIFIER
+ ClassNode::Constant constant;
+ constant.identifier=tokenizer->get_token_identifier();
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ if (tokenizer->get_token()==GDTokenizer::TK_OP_ASSIGN) {
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ Node *subexpr=NULL;
+ subexpr = _parse_and_reduce_expression(p_class,true,true);
+ if (!subexpr) {
+ if (_recover_from_completion()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (subexpr->type!=Node::TYPE_CONSTANT) {
+ _set_error("Expected constant expression");
+ }
+ const ConstantNode *subexpr_const = static_cast<const ConstantNode*>(subexpr);
+ if(subexpr_const->value.get_type() != Variant::INT) {
+ _set_error("Expected an int value for enum");
+ }
+ last_assign = subexpr_const->value;
+ constant.expression=subexpr;
+ } else {
+ last_assign = last_assign + 1;
+ ConstantNode *cn = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
+ cn->value = last_assign;
+ constant.expression = cn;
+ }
+ if(tokenizer->get_token()==GDTokenizer::TK_COMMA) {
+ tokenizer->advance();
+ }
+ if(enum_name != "") {
+ const ConstantNode *cn = static_cast<const ConstantNode*>(constant.expression);
+ enum_dict[constant.identifier] = cn->value;
+ }
+ p_class->constant_expressions.push_back(constant);
+ }
+ }
+ if(enum_name != "") {
+ ClassNode::Constant enum_constant;
+ enum_constant.identifier=enum_name;
+ ConstantNode *cn = alloc_node<ConstantNode>();
+ cn->value = enum_dict;
+ enum_constant.expression=cn;
+ p_class->constant_expressions.push_back(enum_constant);
+ }
+ if (!_end_statement()) {
+ _set_error("Expected end of statement (enum)");
+ return;
+ }
+ } break;
default: {
@@ -3376,6 +3574,11 @@ int GDParser::get_completion_argument_index() {
return completion_argument;
+int GDParser::get_completion_identifier_is_function() {
+ return completion_ident_is_call;
GDParser::GDParser() {