path: root/modules/gdscript/gd_editor.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/gdscript/gd_editor.cpp')
1 files changed, 459 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/gd_editor.cpp b/modules/gdscript/gd_editor.cpp
index 5b74dab889..c3e59836a2 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/gd_editor.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdscript/gd_editor.cpp
@@ -47,16 +47,14 @@ void GDScriptLanguage::get_string_delimiters(List<String> *p_delimiters) const {
Ref<Script> GDScriptLanguage::get_template(const String& p_class_name, const String& p_base_class_name) const {
String _template = String()+
- "\nextends %BASE%\n\n"+
- "# member variables here, example:\n"+
- "# var a=2\n"+
- "# var b=\"textvar\"\n\n"+
+ "extends %BASE%\n\n"+
+ "# class member variables go here, for example:\n"+
+ "# var a = 2\n"+
+ "# var b = \"textvar\"\n\n"+
"func _ready():\n"+
"\t# Called every time the node is added to the scene.\n"+
"\t# Initialization here\n"+
- "\tpass\n"+
- "\n"+
- "\n";
+ "\tpass\n";
_template = _template.replace("%BASE%",p_base_class_name);
@@ -353,6 +351,7 @@ struct GDCompletionIdentifier {
Ref<GDScript> script;
Variant::Type type;
Variant value; //im case there is a value, also return it
@@ -937,6 +936,7 @@ static bool _guess_expression_type(GDCompletionContext& context,const GDParser::
return false;
static bool _guess_identifier_type_in_block(GDCompletionContext& context,int p_line,const StringName& p_identifier,GDCompletionIdentifier &r_type) {
@@ -2096,7 +2096,7 @@ Error GDScriptLanguage::complete_code(const String& p_code, const String& p_base
GDParser p;
- Error err = p.parse(p_code,p_base_path,false,"",true);
+ p.parse(p_code,p_base_path,false,"",true);
bool isfunction=false;
Set<String> options;
@@ -2143,7 +2143,18 @@ Error GDScriptLanguage::complete_code(const String& p_code, const String& p_base
GDCompletionIdentifier t;
if (_guess_expression_type(context,static_cast<const GDParser::OperatorNode *>(node)->arguments[0],p.get_completion_line(),t)) {
- if (t.type==Variant::OBJECT && t.obj_type!=StringName()) {
+ if (t.type==Variant::OBJECT && t.obj_type=="GDNativeClass") {
+ //native enum
+ Ref<GDNativeClass> gdn = t.value;
+ if (gdn.is_valid()) {
+ StringName cn = gdn->get_name();
+ List<String> cnames;
+ ObjectTypeDB::get_integer_constant_list(cn,&cnames);
+ for (List<String>::Element *E=cnames.front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ options.insert(E->get());
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (t.type==Variant::OBJECT && t.obj_type!=StringName()) {
Ref<GDScript> on_script;
@@ -2513,3 +2524,442 @@ void GDScriptLanguage::auto_indent_code(String& p_code,int p_from_line,int p_to_
+Error GDScriptLanguage::lookup_code(const String& p_code, const String& p_symbol,const String& p_base_path, Object*p_owner,LookupResult& r_result) {
+ //before parsing, try the usual stuff
+ if (ObjectTypeDB::type_exists(p_symbol)) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS;
+ r_result.class_name=p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<Variant::VARIANT_MAX;i++) {
+ Variant::Type t = Variant::Type(i);
+ if (Variant::get_type_name(t)==p_symbol) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS;
+ r_result.class_name=Variant::get_type_name(t);
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<GDFunctions::FUNC_MAX;i++) {
+ if (GDFunctions::get_func_name(GDFunctions::Function(i))==p_symbol) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
+ r_result.class_name="@GDScript";
+ r_result.class_member=p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ GDParser p;
+ p.parse(p_code,p_base_path,false,"",true);
+ if (p.get_completion_type()==GDParser::COMPLETION_NONE)
+ GDCompletionContext context;
+ context._class=p.get_completion_class();
+ context.block=p.get_completion_block();
+ context.function=p.get_completion_function();
+ context.base=p_owner;
+ context.base_path=p_base_path;
+ bool isfunction=false;
+ switch(p.get_completion_type()) {
+ case GDParser::COMPLETION_NONE: {
+ } break;
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
+ r_result.class_name=Variant::get_type_name(p.get_completion_built_in_constant());
+ r_result.class_member=p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ } break;
+ if (context._class && context._class->functions.size()) {
+ for(int i=0;i<context._class->functions.size();i++) {
+ if (context._class->functions[i]->name==p_symbol) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
+ r_result.location=context._class->functions[i]->line;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ref<GDScript> parent = _get_parent_class(context);
+ while(parent.is_valid()) {
+ int line = parent->get_member_line(p_symbol);
+ if (line>=0) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
+ r_result.location=line;
+ r_result.script=parent;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ parent=parent->get_base();
+ }
+ GDCompletionIdentifier identifier = _get_native_class(context);
+ print_line("identifier: "+String(identifier.obj_type));
+ if (ObjectTypeDB::has_method(identifier.obj_type,p_symbol)) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
+ r_result.class_name=identifier.obj_type;
+ r_result.class_member=p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ } break;
+ //check if a function
+ if (p.get_completion_identifier_is_function()) {
+ if (context._class && context._class->functions.size()) {
+ for(int i=0;i<context._class->functions.size();i++) {
+ if (context._class->functions[i]->name==p_symbol) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
+ r_result.location=context._class->functions[i]->line;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ref<GDScript> parent = _get_parent_class(context);
+ while(parent.is_valid()) {
+ int line = parent->get_member_line(p_symbol);
+ if (line>=0) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
+ r_result.location=line;
+ r_result.script=parent;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ parent=parent->get_base();
+ }
+ GDCompletionIdentifier identifier = _get_native_class(context);
+ if (ObjectTypeDB::has_method(identifier.obj_type,p_symbol)) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
+ r_result.class_name=identifier.obj_type;
+ r_result.class_member=p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ const GDParser::BlockNode *block=context.block;
+ //search in blocks going up (local var?)
+ while(block) {
+ for (int i=0;i<block->statements.size();i++) {
+ if (block->statements[i]->line>p.get_completion_line())
+ continue;
+ if (block->statements[i]->type==GDParser::BlockNode::TYPE_LOCAL_VAR) {
+ const GDParser::LocalVarNode *lv=static_cast<const GDParser::LocalVarNode *>(block->statements[i]);
+ if (lv->assign && lv->name==p_symbol) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
+ r_result.location=block->statements[i]->line;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ block=block->parent_block;
+ }
+ //guess from function arguments
+ if (context.function && context.function->name!=StringName()) {
+ for(int i=0;i<context.function->arguments.size();i++) {
+ if (context.function->arguments[i]==p_symbol) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
+ r_result.location=context.function->line;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //guess in class constants
+ for(int i=0;i<context._class->constant_expressions.size();i++) {
+ if (context._class->constant_expressions[i].identifier==p_symbol) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
+ r_result.location=context._class->constant_expressions[i].expression->line;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ //guess in class variables
+ if (!(context.function && context.function->_static)) {
+ for(int i=0;i<context._class->variables.size();i++) {
+ if (context._class->variables[i].identifier==p_symbol) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
+ r_result.location=context._class->variables[i].line;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //guess in autoloads as singletons
+ List<PropertyInfo> props;
+ Globals::get_singleton()->get_property_list(&props);
+ for(List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E=props.front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ String s = E->get().name;
+ if (!s.begins_with("autoload/"))
+ continue;
+ String name = s.get_slice("/",1);
+ if (name==String(p_symbol)) {
+ String path = Globals::get_singleton()->get(s);
+ if (path.begins_with("*")) {
+ String script =path.substr(1,path.length());
+ if (!script.ends_with(".gd")) {
+ //not a script, try find the script anyway,
+ //may have some success
+ script=script.basename()+".gd";
+ }
+ if (FileAccess::exists(script)) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
+ r_result.location=0;
+ r_result.script=ResourceLoader::load(script);
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //global
+ for(Map<StringName,int>::Element *E=GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_map().front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ if (E->key()==p_symbol) {
+ Variant value = GDScriptLanguage::get_singleton()->get_global_array()[E->get()];
+ if (value.get_type()==Variant::OBJECT) {
+ Object *obj = value;
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj->cast_to<GDNativeClass>()) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS;
+ r_result.class_name=obj->cast_to<GDNativeClass>()->get_name();
+ } else {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS;
+ r_result.class_name=obj->get_type();
+ }
+ return OK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
+ r_result.class_name="@Global Scope";
+ r_result.class_member=p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ GDCompletionIdentifier identifier;
+ if (_guess_identifier_type(context,p.get_completion_line(),p_symbol,identifier)) {
+ print_line("var type: "+Variant::get_type_name(identifier.type));
+ if (identifier.script.is_valid()) {
+ print_line("var script: "+identifier.script->get_path());
+ }
+ print_line("obj type: "+String(identifier.obj_type));
+ print_line("value: "+String(identifier.value));
+ }
+ }
+ } break;
+ } break;
+ isfunction=true;
+ case GDParser::COMPLETION_INDEX: {
+ const GDParser::Node *node = p.get_completion_node();
+ if (node->type!=GDParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR)
+ break;
+ GDCompletionIdentifier t;
+ if (_guess_expression_type(context,static_cast<const GDParser::OperatorNode *>(node)->arguments[0],p.get_completion_line(),t)) {
+ if (t.type==Variant::OBJECT && t.obj_type=="GDNativeClass") {
+ //native enum
+ Ref<GDNativeClass> gdn = t.value;
+ if (gdn.is_valid()) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
+ r_result.class_name=gdn->get_name();;
+ r_result.class_member=p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ } else if (t.type==Variant::OBJECT && t.obj_type!=StringName()) {
+ Ref<GDScript> on_script;
+ if (t.value.get_type()) {
+ Object *obj=t.value;
+ if (obj) {
+ on_script=obj->get_script();
+ if (on_script.is_valid()) {
+ int loc = on_script->get_member_line(p_symbol);
+ if (loc>=0) {
+ r_result.script=on_script;
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION;
+ r_result.location=loc;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ObjectTypeDB::has_method(t.obj_type,p_symbol)) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
+ r_result.class_name=t.obj_type;
+ r_result.class_member=p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ bool success;
+ ObjectTypeDB::get_integer_constant(t.obj_type,p_symbol,&success);
+ if (success) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
+ r_result.class_name=t.obj_type;
+ r_result.class_member=p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ ObjectTypeDB::get_property_type(t.obj_type,p_symbol,&success);
+ if (success) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_PROPERTY;
+ r_result.class_name=t.obj_type;
+ r_result.class_member=p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ } else {
+ Variant::CallError ce;
+ Variant v = Variant::construct(t.type,NULL,0,ce);
+ bool valid;
+ v.get_numeric_constant_value(t.type,p_symbol,&valid);
+ if (valid) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_CONSTANT;
+ r_result.class_name=Variant::get_type_name(t.type);
+ r_result.class_member=p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ //todo check all inputevent types for property
+ v.get(p_symbol,&valid);
+ if (valid) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_PROPERTY;
+ r_result.class_name=Variant::get_type_name(t.type);
+ r_result.class_member=p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ if (v.has_method(p_symbol)) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
+ r_result.class_name=Variant::get_type_name(t.type);
+ r_result.class_member=p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } break;
+ } break;
+ GDCompletionIdentifier cid = _get_native_class(context);
+ if (cid.obj_type!=StringName()) {
+ List<MethodInfo> vm;
+ ObjectTypeDB::get_virtual_methods(cid.obj_type,&vm);
+ for(List<MethodInfo>::Element *E=vm.front();E;E=E->next()) {
+ if (p_symbol==E->get().name) {
+ r_result.type=ScriptLanguage::LookupResult::RESULT_CLASS_METHOD;
+ r_result.class_name=cid.obj_type;
+ r_result.class_member=p_symbol;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } break;
+ case GDParser::COMPLETION_YIELD: {
+ } break;
+ }