path: root/modules/gdscript/doc_classes
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1 files changed, 25 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml b/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml
index f04cb4b4c3..36de66ea52 100644
--- a/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml
+++ b/modules/gdscript/doc_classes/@GDScript.xml
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
<argument index="0" name="s" type="float">
- Returns the absolute value of parameter [code]s[/code] (i.e. unsigned value, works for integer and float).
+ Returns the absolute value of parameter [code]s[/code] (i.e. positive value).
# a is 1
a = abs(-1)
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
Returns the arc tangent of [code]s[/code] in radians. Use it to get the angle from an angle's tangent in trigonometry: [code]atan(tan(angle)) == angle[/code].
- The method cannot know in which quadrant the angle should fall. See [method atan2] if you always want an exact angle.
+ The method cannot know in which quadrant the angle should fall. See [method atan2] if you have both [code]y[code] and [code]x[/code].
a = atan(0.5) # a is 0.463648
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@
Returns the arc tangent of [code]y/x[/code] in radians. Use to get the angle of tangent [code]y/x[/code]. To compute the value, the method takes into account the sign of both arguments in order to determine the quadrant.
+ Important note: The Y coordinate comes first, by convention.
a = atan2(0, -1) # a is 3.141593
@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@
<argument index="0" name="s" type="float">
- Rounds [code]s[/code] upward, returning the smallest integral value that is not less than [code]s[/code].
+ Rounds [code]s[/code] upward (towards positive infinity), returning the smallest whole number that is not less than [code]s[/code].
i = ceil(1.45) # i is 2
i = ceil(1.001) # i is 2
@@ -283,7 +284,7 @@
<argument index="0" name="deg" type="float">
- Returns degrees converted to radians.
+ Converts an angle expressed in degrees to radians.
# r is 3.141593
r = deg2rad(180)
@@ -307,7 +308,7 @@
<argument index="1" name="curve" type="float">
- Easing function, based on exponent. 0 is constant, 1 is linear, 0 to 1 is ease-in, 1+ is ease out. Negative values are in-out/out in.
+ Easing function, based on exponent. The curve values are: 0 is constant, 1 is linear, 0 to 1 is ease-in, 1+ is ease out. Negative values are in-out/out in.
<method name="exp">
@@ -330,7 +331,7 @@
<argument index="0" name="s" type="float">
- Rounds [code]s[/code] to the closest smaller integer and returns it.
+ Rounds [code]s[/code] downward (towards negative infinity), returning the largest whole number that is not more than [code]s[/code].
# a is 2.0
a = floor(2.99)
@@ -530,7 +531,7 @@
<argument index="0" name="s" type="float">
- Returns whether [code]s[/code] is a NaN (Not-A-Number) value.
+ Returns whether [code]s[/code] is a NaN ("Not a Number" or invalid) value.
<method name="is_zero_approx">
@@ -540,6 +541,7 @@
Returns [code]true[/code] if [code]s[/code] is zero or almost zero.
+ This method is faster than using [method is_equal_approx] with one value as zero.
<method name="len">
@@ -907,7 +909,7 @@
<argument index="0" name="rad" type="float">
- Converts from radians to degrees.
+ Converts an angle expressed in radians to degrees.
rad2deg(0.523599) # Returns 30
@@ -1026,7 +1028,7 @@
<argument index="0" name="s" type="float">
- Returns the integral value that is nearest to [code]s[/code], with halfway cases rounded away from zero.
+ Rounds [code]s[/code] to the nearest whole number, with halfway cases rounded away from zero.
round(2.6) # Returns 3
@@ -1108,10 +1110,11 @@
<argument index="0" name="s" type="float">
- Returns the square root of [code]s[/code].
+ Returns the square root of [code]s[/code], where [code]s[/code] is a non-negative number.
sqrt(9) # Returns 3
+ If you need negative inputs, use [code]System.Numerics.Complex[/code] in C#.
<method name="step_decimals">
@@ -1312,27 +1315,19 @@
Wraps float [code]value[/code] between [code]min[/code] and [code]max[/code].
Usable for creating loop-alike behavior or infinite surfaces.
- # a is 0.5
- a = wrapf(10.5, 0.0, 10.0)
- [/codeblock]
- [codeblock]
- # a is 9.5
- a = wrapf(-0.5, 0.0, 10.0)
- [/codeblock]
- [codeblock]
- # Infinite loop between 0.0 and 0.99
- f = wrapf(f + 0.1, 0.0, 1.0)
+ # Infinite loop between 5.0 and 9.9
+ value = wrapf(value + 0.1, 5.0, 10.0)
# Infinite rotation (in radians)
angle = wrapf(angle + 0.1, 0.0, TAU)
- [b]Note:[/b] If you just want to wrap between 0.0 and [code]n[/code] (where [code]n[/code] is a positive floating-point value), it is better for performance to use the [method fmod] method like [code]fmod(number, n)[/code].
- [code]wrapf[/code] is more flexible than using the [method fmod] approach by giving the user a simple control over the minimum value. It also fully supports negative numbers, e.g.
# Infinite rotation (in radians)
angle = wrapf(angle + 0.1, -PI, PI)
+ [b]Note:[/b] If [code]min[/code] is [code]0[/code], this is equivalent to [method fposmod], so prefer using that instead.
+ [code]wrapf[/code] is more flexible than using the [method fposmod] approach by giving the user control over the minimum value.
<method name="wrapi">
@@ -1348,23 +1343,15 @@
Wraps integer [code]value[/code] between [code]min[/code] and [code]max[/code].
Usable for creating loop-alike behavior or infinite surfaces.
- # a is 0
- a = wrapi(10, 0, 10)
- [/codeblock]
- [codeblock]
- # a is 9
- a = wrapi(-1, 0, 10)
- [/codeblock]
- [codeblock]
- # Infinite loop between 0 and 9
- frame = wrapi(frame + 1, 0, 10)
+ # Infinite loop between 5 and 9
+ frame = wrapi(frame + 1, 5, 10)
- [b]Note:[/b] If you just want to wrap between 0 and [code]n[/code] (where [code]n[/code] is a positive integer value), it is better for performance to use the modulo operator like [code]number % n[/code].
- [code]wrapi[/code] is more flexible than using the modulo approach by giving the user a simple control over the minimum value. It also fully supports negative numbers, e.g.
# result is -2
var result = wrapi(-6, -5, -1)
+ [b]Note:[/b] If [code]min[/code] is [code]0[/code], this is equivalent to [method posmod], so prefer using that instead.
+ [code]wrapi[/code] is more flexible than using the [method posmod] approach by giving the user control over the minimum value.
<method name="yield">
@@ -1406,17 +1393,16 @@
<constant name="PI" value="3.141593">
- Constant that represents how many times the diameter of a circle fits around its perimeter.
+ Constant that represents how many times the diameter of a circle fits around its perimeter. This is equivalent to [code]TAU / 2[/code].
<constant name="TAU" value="6.283185">
- The circle constant, the circumference of the unit circle.
+ The circle constant, the circumference of the unit circle in radians.
<constant name="INF" value="inf">
- A positive infinity. (For negative infinity, use -INF).
+ Positive infinity. For negative infinity, use -INF.
<constant name="NAN" value="nan">
- Macro constant that expands to an expression of type float that represents a NaN.
- The NaN values are used to identify undefined or non-representable values for floating-point elements, such as the square root of negative numbers or the result of 0/0.
+ "Not a Number", an invalid value. [code]NaN[/code] has special properties, including that it is not equal to itself. It is output by some invalid operations, such as dividing zero by zero.