path: root/modules/gdnative
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/gdnative')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/modules/gdnative/register_types.cpp b/modules/gdnative/register_types.cpp
index 136af5bd1e..d1b1513ac3 100644
--- a/modules/gdnative/register_types.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdnative/register_types.cpp
@@ -142,47 +142,85 @@ void GDNativeExportPlugin::_export_file(const String &p_path, const String &p_ty
+ // Add symbols for staticaly linked libraries on iOS
if (p_features.has("iOS")) {
- // Register symbols in the "fake" dynamic lookup table, because dlsym does not work well on iOS.
- LibrarySymbol expected_symbols[] = {
- { "gdnative_init", true },
- { "gdnative_terminate", false },
- { "nativescript_init", false },
- { "nativescript_frame", false },
- { "nativescript_thread_enter", false },
- { "nativescript_thread_exit", false },
- { "gdnative_singleton", false }
- };
- String declare_pattern = "extern \"C\" void $name(void)$weak;\n";
- String additional_code = "extern void register_dynamic_symbol(char *name, void *address);\n"
- "extern void add_ios_init_callback(void (*cb)());\n";
- String linker_flags = "";
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < sizeof(expected_symbols) / sizeof(expected_symbols[0]); ++i) {
- String full_name = lib->get_symbol_prefix() + expected_symbols[i].name;
- String code = declare_pattern.replace("$name", full_name);
- code = code.replace("$weak", expected_symbols[i].is_required ? "" : " __attribute__((weak))");
- additional_code += code;
- if (!expected_symbols[i].is_required) {
- if (linker_flags.length() > 0) {
- linker_flags += " ";
+ bool should_fake_dynamic = false;
+ List<String> entry_keys;
+ config->get_section_keys("entry", &entry_keys);
+ for (List<String>::Element *E = entry_keys.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ String key = E->get();
+ Vector<String> tags = key.split(".");
+ bool skip = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
+ bool has_feature = p_features.has(tags[i]);
+ if (!has_feature) {
+ skip = true;
+ break;
- linker_flags += "-Wl,-U,_" + full_name;
- }
- additional_code += String("void $prefixinit() {\n").replace("$prefix", lib->get_symbol_prefix());
- String register_pattern = " if (&$name) register_dynamic_symbol((char *)\"$name\", (void *)$name);\n";
- for (unsigned long i = 0; i < sizeof(expected_symbols) / sizeof(expected_symbols[0]); ++i) {
- String full_name = lib->get_symbol_prefix() + expected_symbols[i].name;
- additional_code += register_pattern.replace("$name", full_name);
+ if (skip) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ String entry_lib_path = config->get_value("entry", key);
+ if (entry_lib_path.begins_with("res://") && entry_lib_path.ends_with(".a")) {
+ // If we find static library that was used for export
+ // we should add a fake loopup table.
+ // In case of dynamic library being used,
+ // this symbols will not cause any issues with library loading.
+ should_fake_dynamic = true;
+ break;
+ }
- additional_code += "}\n";
- additional_code += String("struct $prefixstruct {$prefixstruct() {add_ios_init_callback($prefixinit);}};\n").replace("$prefix", lib->get_symbol_prefix());
- additional_code += String("$prefixstruct $prefixstruct_instance;\n").replace("$prefix", lib->get_symbol_prefix());
- add_ios_cpp_code(additional_code);
- add_ios_linker_flags(linker_flags);
+ if (should_fake_dynamic) {
+ // Register symbols in the "fake" dynamic lookup table, because dlsym does not work well on iOS.
+ LibrarySymbol expected_symbols[] = {
+ { "gdnative_init", true },
+ { "gdnative_terminate", false },
+ { "nativescript_init", false },
+ { "nativescript_frame", false },
+ { "nativescript_thread_enter", false },
+ { "nativescript_thread_exit", false },
+ { "gdnative_singleton", false }
+ };
+ String declare_pattern = "extern \"C\" void $name(void)$weak;\n";
+ String additional_code = "extern void register_dynamic_symbol(char *name, void *address);\n"
+ "extern void add_ios_init_callback(void (*cb)());\n";
+ String linker_flags = "";
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < sizeof(expected_symbols) / sizeof(expected_symbols[0]); ++i) {
+ String full_name = lib->get_symbol_prefix() + expected_symbols[i].name;
+ String code = declare_pattern.replace("$name", full_name);
+ code = code.replace("$weak", expected_symbols[i].is_required ? "" : " __attribute__((weak))");
+ additional_code += code;
+ if (!expected_symbols[i].is_required) {
+ if (linker_flags.length() > 0) {
+ linker_flags += " ";
+ }
+ linker_flags += "-Wl,-U,_" + full_name;
+ }
+ }
+ additional_code += String("void $prefixinit() {\n").replace("$prefix", lib->get_symbol_prefix());
+ String register_pattern = " if (&$name) register_dynamic_symbol((char *)\"$name\", (void *)$name);\n";
+ for (unsigned long i = 0; i < sizeof(expected_symbols) / sizeof(expected_symbols[0]); ++i) {
+ String full_name = lib->get_symbol_prefix() + expected_symbols[i].name;
+ additional_code += register_pattern.replace("$name", full_name);
+ }
+ additional_code += "}\n";
+ additional_code += String("struct $prefixstruct {$prefixstruct() {add_ios_init_callback($prefixinit);}};\n").replace("$prefix", lib->get_symbol_prefix());
+ additional_code += String("$prefixstruct $prefixstruct_instance;\n").replace("$prefix", lib->get_symbol_prefix());
+ add_ios_cpp_code(additional_code);
+ add_ios_linker_flags(linker_flags);
+ }