path: root/modules/gdnative/nativearvr/arvr_interface_gdnative.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/gdnative/nativearvr/arvr_interface_gdnative.cpp')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/modules/gdnative/nativearvr/arvr_interface_gdnative.cpp b/modules/gdnative/nativearvr/arvr_interface_gdnative.cpp
index 78b0d1eadd..2f60339afa 100644
--- a/modules/gdnative/nativearvr/arvr_interface_gdnative.cpp
+++ b/modules/gdnative/nativearvr/arvr_interface_gdnative.cpp
@@ -33,12 +33,18 @@
#include "servers/arvr/arvr_positional_tracker.h"
#include "servers/visual/visual_server_global.h"
+#include "oa_hash_map.h"
+extern OAHashMap<StringName, godot_arvr_interface_gdnative *> *_registered_interfaces;
ARVRInterfaceGDNative::ARVRInterfaceGDNative() {
// testing
printf("Construct gdnative interface\n");
// we won't have our data pointer until our library gets set
data = NULL;
+ interface = NULL;
ARVRInterfaceGDNative::~ARVRInterfaceGDNative() {
@@ -53,38 +59,42 @@ ARVRInterfaceGDNative::~ARVRInterfaceGDNative() {
void ARVRInterfaceGDNative::cleanup() {
- if (data != NULL) {
- library->call_native_raw("arvr_call_destructor", "godot_arvr_destructor", data, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ if (interface != NULL) {
+ interface->destructor(data);
data = NULL;
- };
+ interface = NULL;
+ }
- if (library.is_valid()) {
- library->terminate();
- };
+void ARVRInterfaceGDNative::set_interface(StringName p_name) {
-void ARVRInterfaceGDNative::set_gdnative_library(Ref<GDNativeLibrary> p_library) {
- if (library.is_null()) {
- library.instance();
- } else {
+ godot_arvr_interface_gdnative *new_interface;
+ if (!_registered_interfaces->lookup(p_name, &new_interface)) {
+ ERR_PRINT((String("ARVR interface \"") + p_name + "\" does not exist.").utf8().get_data());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (interface) {
- };
+ }
- library->set_library(p_library);
- library->initialize();
+ interface = new_interface;
// Now we do our constructing...
- void *parameters[1];
- parameters[0] = (void *)this;
- library->call_native_raw("arvr_call_constructor", "godot_arvr_constructor", NULL, 1, parameters, &data);
+ data = interface->constructor((godot_object *)this);
StringName ARVRInterfaceGDNative::get_name() const {
- StringName name;
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data == NULL, StringName());
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(interface == NULL, StringName());
+ godot_string result = interface->get_name(data);
- const_cast<GDNative *>(library.ptr())->call_native_raw("arvr_return_string", "godot_arvr_get_name", data, 0, NULL, &name);
+ StringName name = *(String *)&result;
+ godot_string_destroy(&result);
return name;
@@ -92,58 +102,56 @@ StringName ARVRInterfaceGDNative::get_name() const {
int ARVRInterfaceGDNative::get_capabilities() const {
int capabilities;
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data == NULL, 0); // 0 = None
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(interface == NULL, 0); // 0 = None
- const_cast<GDNative *>(library.ptr())->call_native_raw("arvr_return_int", "godot_arvr_get_capabilities", data, 0, NULL, &capabilities);
+ capabilities = interface->get_capabilities(data);
return capabilities;
bool ARVRInterfaceGDNative::get_anchor_detection_is_enabled() const {
bool enabled;
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data == NULL, false);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(interface == NULL, false);
- const_cast<GDNative *>(library.ptr())->call_native_raw("arvr_return_bool", "godot_arvr_get_anchor_detection_is_enabled", data, 0, NULL, &enabled);
+ enabled = interface->get_anchor_detection_is_enabled(data);
return enabled;
void ARVRInterfaceGDNative::set_anchor_detection_is_enabled(bool p_enable) {
- void *parameters[1];
- ERR_FAIL_COND(data == NULL);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(interface == NULL);
- parameters[0] = (void *)&p_enable;
- library->call_native_raw("arvr_set_bool", "godot_arvr_set_anchor_detection_is_enabled", data, 1, parameters, NULL);
+ interface->set_anchor_detection_is_enabled(data, p_enable);
bool ARVRInterfaceGDNative::is_stereo() {
bool stereo;
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data == NULL, false);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(interface == NULL, false);
- library->call_native_raw("arvr_return_bool", "godot_arvr_is_stereo", data, 0, NULL, &stereo);
+ stereo = interface->is_stereo(data);
return stereo;
bool ARVRInterfaceGDNative::is_initialized() {
bool initialized;
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data == NULL, false);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(interface == NULL, false);
- library->call_native_raw("arvr_return_bool", "godot_arvr_is_initialized", data, 0, NULL, &initialized);
+ initialized = interface->is_initialized(data);
return initialized;
bool ARVRInterfaceGDNative::initialize() {
bool initialized;
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data == NULL, false);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(interface == NULL, false);
- library->call_native_raw("arvr_return_bool", "godot_arvr_initialize", data, 0, NULL, &initialized);
+ initialized = interface->initialize(data);
if (initialized) {
// if we successfully initialize our interface and we don't have a primary interface yet, this becomes our primary interface
@@ -158,7 +166,7 @@ bool ARVRInterfaceGDNative::initialize() {
void ARVRInterfaceGDNative::uninitialize() {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(data == NULL);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(interface == NULL);
ARVRServer *arvr_server = ARVRServer::get_singleton();
if (arvr_server != NULL) {
@@ -166,78 +174,76 @@ void ARVRInterfaceGDNative::uninitialize() {
- library->call_native_raw("arvr_call_method", "godot_arvr_uninitialize", data, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ interface->uninitialize(data);
Size2 ARVRInterfaceGDNative::get_recommended_render_targetsize() {
- Size2 size;
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data == NULL, Size2());
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(interface == NULL, Size2());
- library->call_native_raw("arvr_return_vector2", "godot_arvr_get_recommended_render_targetsize", data, 0, NULL, &size);
+ godot_vector2 result = interface->get_recommended_render_targetsize(data);
+ Vector2 *vec = (Vector2 *)&result;
- return size;
+ return *vec;
Transform ARVRInterfaceGDNative::get_transform_for_eye(ARVRInterface::Eyes p_eye, const Transform &p_cam_transform) {
- void *parameters[2];
- Transform ret;
+ Transform *ret;
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data == NULL, Transform());
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(interface == NULL, Transform());
- parameters[0] = (void *)&p_eye;
- parameters[1] = (void *)&p_cam_transform;
- library->call_native_raw("arvr_return_transform_for_eye", "godot_arvr_get_transform_for_eye", data, 2, parameters, &ret);
+ godot_transform t = interface->get_transform_for_eye(data, (int)p_eye, (godot_transform *)&p_cam_transform);
- return ret;
+ ret = (Transform *)&t;
+ return *ret;
CameraMatrix ARVRInterfaceGDNative::get_projection_for_eye(ARVRInterface::Eyes p_eye, real_t p_aspect, real_t p_z_near, real_t p_z_far) {
- void *parameters[5];
CameraMatrix cm;
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(data == NULL, CameraMatrix());
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(interface == NULL, CameraMatrix());
- parameters[0] = (void *)cm.matrix;
- parameters[1] = (void *)&p_eye;
- parameters[2] = (void *)&p_aspect;
- parameters[3] = (void *)&p_z_near;
- parameters[4] = (void *)&p_z_far;
- library->call_native_raw("arvr_call_fill_projection_for_eye", "godot_arvr_fill_projection_for_eye", data, 5, parameters, NULL);
+ interface->fill_projection_for_eye(data, (godot_real *)cm.matrix, (godot_int)p_eye, p_aspect, p_z_near, p_z_far);
return cm;
void ARVRInterfaceGDNative::commit_for_eye(ARVRInterface::Eyes p_eye, RID p_render_target, const Rect2 &p_screen_rect) {
- void *parameters[3];
- ERR_FAIL_COND(data == NULL);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(interface == NULL);
- parameters[0] = (void *)&p_eye;
- parameters[1] = (void *)&p_render_target;
- parameters[2] = (void *)&p_screen_rect;
- library->call_native_raw("arvr_call_commit_for_eye", "godot_arvr_commit_for_eye", data, 3, parameters, NULL);
+ interface->commit_for_eye(data, (godot_int)p_eye, (godot_rid *)&p_render_target, (godot_rect2 *)&p_screen_rect);
void ARVRInterfaceGDNative::process() {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(data == NULL);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(interface == NULL);
- library->call_native_raw("arvr_call_method", "godot_arvr_process", data, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ interface->process(data);
void ARVRInterfaceGDNative::_bind_methods() {
- ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_gdnative_library", "library"), &ARVRInterfaceGDNative::set_gdnative_library);
+ ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_interface", "name"), &ARVRInterfaceGDNative::set_interface);
// some helper callbacks
+extern "C" {
+void GDAPI godot_arvr_register_interface(const char *p_name, const godot_arvr_interface_gdnative *p_interface) {
+ // this method is supposed to only be called by GDNative singletons
+ // which are initialized in a thread safe way, so using a global map is fine here
+ _registered_interfaces->set(StringName(p_name), (godot_arvr_interface_gdnative * const)p_interface);
godot_real GDAPI godot_arvr_get_worldscale() {
ARVRServer *arvr_server = ARVRServer::get_singleton();
ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(arvr_server, 1.0);
return arvr_server->get_world_scale();
godot_transform GDAPI godot_arvr_get_reference_frame() {
godot_transform reference_frame;
@@ -248,10 +254,10 @@ godot_transform GDAPI godot_arvr_get_reference_frame() {
*reference_frame_ptr = arvr_server->get_reference_frame();
} else {
- };
+ }
return reference_frame;
void GDAPI godot_arvr_blit(godot_int p_eye, godot_rid *p_render_target, godot_rect2 *p_rect) {
// blits out our texture as is, handy for preview display of one of the eyes that is already rendered with lens distortion on an external HMD
@@ -268,7 +274,7 @@ void GDAPI godot_arvr_blit(godot_int p_eye, godot_rid *p_render_target, godot_re
VSG::rasterizer->blit_render_target_to_screen(*render_target, screen_rect, 0);
godot_int GDAPI godot_arvr_get_texid(godot_rid *p_render_target) {
// In order to send off our textures to display on our hardware we need the opengl texture ID instead of the render target RID
@@ -279,7 +285,7 @@ godot_int GDAPI godot_arvr_get_texid(godot_rid *p_render_target) {
uint32_t texid = VS::get_singleton()->texture_get_texid(eye_texture);
return texid;
godot_int GDAPI godot_arvr_add_controller(char *p_device_name, godot_int p_hand, godot_bool p_tracks_orientation, godot_bool p_tracks_position) {
ARVRServer *arvr_server = ARVRServer::get_singleton();
@@ -295,30 +301,30 @@ godot_int GDAPI godot_arvr_add_controller(char *p_device_name, godot_int p_hand,
} else if (p_hand == 2) {
- };
+ }
// also register as joystick...
int joyid = input->get_unused_joy_id();
if (joyid != -1) {
input->joy_connection_changed(joyid, true, p_device_name, "");
- };
+ }
if (p_tracks_orientation) {
Basis orientation;
- };
+ }
if (p_tracks_position) {
Vector3 position;
- };
+ }
// add our tracker to our server and remember its pointer
// note, this ID is only unique within controllers!
return new_tracker->get_tracker_id();
void GDAPI godot_arvr_remove_controller(godot_int p_controller_id) {
ARVRServer *arvr_server = ARVRServer::get_singleton();
@@ -334,13 +340,13 @@ void GDAPI godot_arvr_remove_controller(godot_int p_controller_id) {
if (joyid != -1) {
input->joy_connection_changed(joyid, false, "", "");
- };
+ }
// remove our tracker from our server
- };
+ }
void GDAPI godot_arvr_set_controller_transform(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_transform *p_transform, godot_bool p_tracks_orientation, godot_bool p_tracks_position) {
ARVRServer *arvr_server = ARVRServer::get_singleton();
@@ -351,12 +357,12 @@ void GDAPI godot_arvr_set_controller_transform(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_
Transform *transform = (Transform *)p_transform;
if (p_tracks_orientation) {
- };
+ }
if (p_tracks_position) {
- };
- };
+ }
+ }
void GDAPI godot_arvr_set_controller_button(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p_button, godot_bool p_is_pressed) {
ARVRServer *arvr_server = ARVRServer::get_singleton();
@@ -370,9 +376,9 @@ void GDAPI godot_arvr_set_controller_button(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int
int joyid = tracker->get_joy_id();
if (joyid != -1) {
input->joy_button(joyid, p_button, p_is_pressed);
- };
- };
+ }
+ }
void GDAPI godot_arvr_set_controller_axis(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p_axis, godot_real p_value, godot_bool p_can_be_negative) {
ARVRServer *arvr_server = ARVRServer::get_singleton();
@@ -389,6 +395,7 @@ void GDAPI godot_arvr_set_controller_axis(godot_int p_controller_id, godot_int p
jx.min = p_can_be_negative ? -1 : 0;
jx.value = p_value;
input->joy_axis(joyid, p_axis, jx);
- };
- };
+ }
+ }