path: root/modules/bullet/space_bullet.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/bullet/space_bullet.h')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/modules/bullet/space_bullet.h b/modules/bullet/space_bullet.h
index 32372f1630..f9a8c063fd 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/space_bullet.h
+++ b/modules/bullet/space_bullet.h
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
#include "core/vector.h"
#include "godot_result_callbacks.h"
#include "rid_bullet.h"
-#include "servers/physics_server.h"
+#include "servers/physics_server_3d.h"
#include <BulletCollision/BroadphaseCollision/btBroadphaseProxy.h>
#include <BulletCollision/BroadphaseCollision/btOverlappingPairCache.h>
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ class btGjkEpaPenetrationDepthSolver;
extern ContactAddedCallback gContactAddedCallback;
-class BulletPhysicsDirectSpaceState : public PhysicsDirectSpaceState {
- GDCLASS(BulletPhysicsDirectSpaceState, PhysicsDirectSpaceState);
+class BulletPhysicsDirectSpaceState : public PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D {
+ GDCLASS(BulletPhysicsDirectSpaceState, PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D);
SpaceBullet *space;
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public:
virtual int intersect_point(const Vector3 &p_point, ShapeResult *r_results, int p_result_max, const Set<RID> &p_exclude = Set<RID>(), uint32_t p_collision_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF, bool p_collide_with_bodies = true, bool p_collide_with_areas = false);
virtual bool intersect_ray(const Vector3 &p_from, const Vector3 &p_to, RayResult &r_result, const Set<RID> &p_exclude = Set<RID>(), uint32_t p_collision_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF, bool p_collide_with_bodies = true, bool p_collide_with_areas = false, bool p_pick_ray = false);
virtual int intersect_shape(const RID &p_shape, const Transform &p_xform, float p_margin, ShapeResult *r_results, int p_result_max, const Set<RID> &p_exclude = Set<RID>(), uint32_t p_collision_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF, bool p_collide_with_bodies = true, bool p_collide_with_areas = false);
- virtual bool cast_motion(const RID &p_shape, const Transform &p_xform, const Vector3 &p_motion, float p_margin, float &r_closest_safe, float &r_closest_unsafe, const Set<RID> &p_exclude = Set<RID>(), uint32_t p_collision_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF, bool p_collide_with_bodies = true, bool p_collide_with_areas = false, ShapeRestInfo *r_info = NULL);
+ virtual bool cast_motion(const RID &p_shape, const Transform &p_xform, const Vector3 &p_motion, float p_margin, float &r_closest_safe, float &r_closest_unsafe, const Set<RID> &p_exclude = Set<RID>(), uint32_t p_collision_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF, bool p_collide_with_bodies = true, bool p_collide_with_areas = false, ShapeRestInfo *r_info = nullptr);
/// Returns the list of contacts pairs in this order: Local contact, other body contact
virtual bool collide_shape(RID p_shape, const Transform &p_shape_xform, float p_margin, Vector3 *r_results, int p_result_max, int &r_result_count, const Set<RID> &p_exclude = Set<RID>(), uint32_t p_collision_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF, bool p_collide_with_bodies = true, bool p_collide_with_areas = false);
virtual bool rest_info(RID p_shape, const Transform &p_shape_xform, float p_margin, ShapeRestInfo *r_info, const Set<RID> &p_exclude = Set<RID>(), uint32_t p_collision_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF, bool p_collide_with_bodies = true, bool p_collide_with_areas = false);
@@ -131,15 +131,15 @@ public:
/// @param p_param:
/// AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY to set the gravity magnitude of entire world
/// AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_VECTOR to set the gravity direction of entire world
- void set_param(PhysicsServer::AreaParameter p_param, const Variant &p_value);
+ void set_param(PhysicsServer3D::AreaParameter p_param, const Variant &p_value);
/// Used to get some parameters to Bullet world
/// @param p_param:
/// AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY to get the gravity magnitude of entire world
/// AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_VECTOR to get the gravity direction of entire world
- Variant get_param(PhysicsServer::AreaParameter p_param);
+ Variant get_param(PhysicsServer3D::AreaParameter p_param);
- void set_param(PhysicsServer::SpaceParameter p_param, real_t p_value);
- real_t get_param(PhysicsServer::SpaceParameter p_param);
+ void set_param(PhysicsServer3D::SpaceParameter p_param, real_t p_value);
+ real_t get_param(PhysicsServer3D::SpaceParameter p_param);
void add_area(AreaBullet *p_area);
void remove_area(AreaBullet *p_area);
@@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ public:
void update_gravity();
- bool test_body_motion(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const Transform &p_from, const Vector3 &p_motion, bool p_infinite_inertia, PhysicsServer::MotionResult *r_result, bool p_exclude_raycast_shapes);
- int test_ray_separation(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const Transform &p_transform, bool p_infinite_inertia, Vector3 &r_recover_motion, PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *r_results, int p_result_max, float p_margin);
+ bool test_body_motion(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const Transform &p_from, const Vector3 &p_motion, bool p_infinite_inertia, PhysicsServer3D::MotionResult *r_result, bool p_exclude_raycast_shapes);
+ int test_ray_separation(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const Transform &p_transform, bool p_infinite_inertia, Vector3 &r_recover_motion, PhysicsServer3D::SeparationResult *r_results, int p_result_max, float p_margin);
void create_empty_world(bool p_create_soft_world);
@@ -201,19 +201,19 @@ private:
pointWorld(0, 0, 0),
- other_collision_object(NULL),
+ other_collision_object(nullptr),
local_shape_most_recovered(0) {}
- bool recover_from_penetration(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btTransform &p_body_position, btScalar p_recover_movement_scale, bool p_infinite_inertia, btVector3 &r_delta_recover_movement, RecoverResult *r_recover_result = NULL);
+ bool recover_from_penetration(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btTransform &p_body_position, btScalar p_recover_movement_scale, bool p_infinite_inertia, btVector3 &r_delta_recover_movement, RecoverResult *r_recover_result = nullptr);
/// This is an API that recover a kinematic object from penetration
/// This allow only Convex Convex test and it always use GJK algorithm, With this API we don't benefit of Bullet special accelerated functions
- bool RFP_convex_convex_test(const btConvexShape *p_shapeA, const btConvexShape *p_shapeB, btCollisionObject *p_objectB, int p_shapeId_A, int p_shapeId_B, const btTransform &p_transformA, const btTransform &p_transformB, btScalar p_recover_movement_scale, btVector3 &r_delta_recover_movement, RecoverResult *r_recover_result = NULL);
+ bool RFP_convex_convex_test(const btConvexShape *p_shapeA, const btConvexShape *p_shapeB, btCollisionObject *p_objectB, int p_shapeId_A, int p_shapeId_B, const btTransform &p_transformA, const btTransform &p_transformB, btScalar p_recover_movement_scale, btVector3 &r_delta_recover_movement, RecoverResult *r_recover_result = nullptr);
/// This is an API that recover a kinematic object from penetration
/// Using this we leave Bullet to select the best algorithm, For example GJK in case we have Convex Convex, or a Bullet accelerated algorithm
- bool RFP_convex_world_test(const btConvexShape *p_shapeA, const btCollisionShape *p_shapeB, btCollisionObject *p_objectA, btCollisionObject *p_objectB, int p_shapeId_A, int p_shapeId_B, const btTransform &p_transformA, const btTransform &p_transformB, btScalar p_recover_movement_scale, btVector3 &r_delta_recover_movement, RecoverResult *r_recover_result = NULL);
+ bool RFP_convex_world_test(const btConvexShape *p_shapeA, const btCollisionShape *p_shapeB, btCollisionObject *p_objectA, btCollisionObject *p_objectB, int p_shapeId_A, int p_shapeId_B, const btTransform &p_transformA, const btTransform &p_transformB, btScalar p_recover_movement_scale, btVector3 &r_delta_recover_movement, RecoverResult *r_recover_result = nullptr);
- int add_separation_result(PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *r_results, const SpaceBullet::RecoverResult &p_recover_result, int p_shape_id, const btCollisionObject *p_other_object) const;
- int recover_from_penetration_ray(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btTransform &p_body_position, btScalar p_recover_movement_scale, bool p_infinite_inertia, int p_result_max, btVector3 &r_delta_recover_movement, PhysicsServer::SeparationResult *r_results);
+ int add_separation_result(PhysicsServer3D::SeparationResult *r_results, const SpaceBullet::RecoverResult &p_recover_result, int p_shape_id, const btCollisionObject *p_other_object) const;
+ int recover_from_penetration_ray(RigidBodyBullet *p_body, const btTransform &p_body_position, btScalar p_recover_movement_scale, bool p_infinite_inertia, int p_result_max, btVector3 &r_delta_recover_movement, PhysicsServer3D::SeparationResult *r_results);