path: root/modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp b/modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp
index bf47127877..7aa3815c94 100644
--- a/modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp
+++ b/modules/bullet/space_bullet.cpp
@@ -662,101 +662,77 @@ void SpaceBullet::destroy_world() {
void SpaceBullet::check_ghost_overlaps() {
- /// Algorithm support variables
- btCollisionShape *other_body_shape;
- btConvexShape *area_shape;
- btGjkPairDetector::ClosestPointInput gjk_input;
- AreaBullet *area;
- int x(-1), i(-1), y(-1), z(-1), indexOverlap(-1);
- /// For each areas
- for (x = areas.size() - 1; 0 <= x; --x) {
- area = areas[x];
- btVector3 area_scale(area->get_bt_body_scale());
+ // For each area
+ for (int area_idx = 0; area_idx < areas.size(); area_idx++) {
+ AreaBullet *area = areas[area_idx];
if (!area->is_monitoring()) {
- /// 1. Reset all states
- for (i = area->overlappingObjects.size() - 1; 0 <= i; --i) {
- AreaBullet::OverlappingObjectData &otherObj = area->overlappingObjects.write[i];
- // This check prevent the overwrite of ENTER state
- // if this function is called more times before dispatchCallbacks
- if (otherObj.state != AreaBullet::OVERLAP_STATE_ENTER) {
- otherObj.state = AreaBullet::OVERLAP_STATE_DIRTY;
- }
- }
+ btGhostObject *bt_ghost = area->get_bt_ghost();
+ const btTransform &area_transform = area->get_transform__bullet();
+ const btVector3 &area_scale(area->get_bt_body_scale());
- /// 2. Check all overlapping objects using GJK
+ // Mark all current overlapping shapes dirty.
+ area->mark_all_overlaps_dirty();
- const btAlignedObjectArray<btCollisionObject *> ghostOverlaps = area->get_bt_ghost()->getOverlappingPairs();
+ // Broadphase
+ const btAlignedObjectArray<btCollisionObject *> overlapping_pairs = bt_ghost->getOverlappingPairs();
+ // Narrowphase
+ for (int pair_idx = 0; pair_idx < overlapping_pairs.size(); pair_idx++) {
+ btCollisionObject *other_bt_collision_object = overlapping_pairs[pair_idx];
+ RigidCollisionObjectBullet *other_object = static_cast<RigidCollisionObjectBullet *>(other_bt_collision_object->getUserPointer());
+ const btTransform &other_transform = other_object->get_transform__bullet();
+ const btVector3 &other_scale(other_object->get_bt_body_scale());
- // For each overlapping
- for (i = ghostOverlaps.size() - 1; 0 <= i; --i) {
- bool hasOverlap = false;
- btCollisionObject *overlapped_bt_co = ghostOverlaps[i];
- RigidCollisionObjectBullet *otherObject = static_cast<RigidCollisionObjectBullet *>(overlapped_bt_co->getUserPointer());
- btVector3 other_body_scale(otherObject->get_bt_body_scale());
- if (!area->is_updated() && !otherObject->is_updated()) {
- hasOverlap = -1 != area->find_overlapping_object(otherObject);
- goto collision_found;
+ if (!area->is_updated() && !other_object->is_updated()) {
+ area->mark_object_overlaps_inside(other_object);
+ continue;
- if (overlapped_bt_co->getUserIndex() == CollisionObjectBullet::TYPE_AREA) {
- if (!static_cast<AreaBullet *>(overlapped_bt_co->getUserPointer())->is_monitorable()) {
+ if (other_bt_collision_object->getUserIndex() == CollisionObjectBullet::TYPE_AREA) {
+ if (!static_cast<AreaBullet *>(other_bt_collision_object->getUserPointer())->is_monitorable()) {
- } else if (overlapped_bt_co->getUserIndex() != CollisionObjectBullet::TYPE_RIGID_BODY) {
+ } else if (other_bt_collision_object->getUserIndex() != CollisionObjectBullet::TYPE_RIGID_BODY) {
// For each area shape
- for (y = area->get_shape_count() - 1; 0 <= y; --y) {
- if (!area->get_bt_shape(y)->isConvex()) {
+ for (int our_shape_id = 0; our_shape_id < area->get_shape_count(); our_shape_id++) {
+ btCollisionShape *area_shape = area->get_bt_shape(our_shape_id);
+ if (!area_shape->isConvex()) {
+ btConvexShape *area_convex_shape = static_cast<btConvexShape *>(area_shape);
- btTransform area_shape_treansform(area->get_bt_shape_transform(y));
- area_shape_treansform.getOrigin() *= area_scale;
- gjk_input.m_transformA =
- area->get_transform__bullet() *
- area_shape_treansform;
- area_shape = static_cast<btConvexShape *>(area->get_bt_shape(y));
+ btTransform area_shape_transform(area->get_bt_shape_transform(our_shape_id));
+ area_shape_transform.getOrigin() *= area_scale;
+ btGjkPairDetector::ClosestPointInput gjk_input;
+ gjk_input.m_transformA = area_transform * area_shape_transform;
// For each other object shape
- for (z = otherObject->get_shape_count() - 1; 0 <= z; --z) {
- other_body_shape = static_cast<btCollisionShape *>(otherObject->get_bt_shape(z));
- btTransform other_shape_transform(otherObject->get_bt_shape_transform(z));
- other_shape_transform.getOrigin() *= other_body_scale;
- gjk_input.m_transformB =
- otherObject->get_transform__bullet() *
- other_shape_transform;
+ for (int other_shape_id = 0; other_shape_id < other_object->get_shape_count(); other_shape_id++) {
+ btCollisionShape *other_shape = other_object->get_bt_shape(other_shape_id);
+ btTransform other_shape_transform(other_object->get_bt_shape_transform(other_shape_id));
+ other_shape_transform.getOrigin() *= other_scale;
+ gjk_input.m_transformB = other_transform * other_shape_transform;
- if (other_body_shape->isConvex()) {
+ if (other_shape->isConvex()) {
btPointCollector result;
btGjkPairDetector gjk_pair_detector(
- area_shape,
- static_cast<btConvexShape *>(other_body_shape),
+ area_convex_shape,
+ static_cast<btConvexShape *>(other_shape),
- gjk_pair_detector.getClosestPoints(gjk_input, result, nullptr);
- if (0 >= result.m_distance) {
- hasOverlap = true;
- goto collision_found;
+ gjk_pair_detector.getClosestPoints(gjk_input, result, nullptr);
+ if (result.m_distance <= 0) {
+ area->set_overlap(other_object, other_shape_id, our_shape_id);
- } else {
- btCollisionObjectWrapper obA(nullptr, area_shape, area->get_bt_ghost(), gjk_input.m_transformA, -1, y);
- btCollisionObjectWrapper obB(nullptr, other_body_shape, otherObject->get_bt_collision_object(), gjk_input.m_transformB, -1, z);
+ } else { // Other shape is not convex.
+ btCollisionObjectWrapper obA(nullptr, area_convex_shape, bt_ghost, gjk_input.m_transformA, -1, our_shape_id);
+ btCollisionObjectWrapper obB(nullptr, other_shape, other_bt_collision_object, gjk_input.m_transformB, -1, other_shape_id);
btCollisionAlgorithm *algorithm = dispatcher->findAlgorithm(&obA, &obB, nullptr, BT_CONTACT_POINT_ALGORITHMS);
if (!algorithm) {
@@ -765,42 +741,20 @@ void SpaceBullet::check_ghost_overlaps() {
GodotDeepPenetrationContactResultCallback contactPointResult(&obA, &obB);
algorithm->processCollision(&obA, &obB, dynamicsWorld->getDispatchInfo(), &contactPointResult);
if (contactPointResult.hasHit()) {
- hasOverlap = true;
- goto collision_found;
+ area->set_overlap(other_object, our_shape_id, other_shape_id);
+ } // End for each other object shape
+ } // End for each area shape
+ } // End for each overlapping pair
- } // ~For each other object shape
- } // ~For each area shape
- collision_found:
- if (!hasOverlap) {
- continue;
- }
- indexOverlap = area->find_overlapping_object(otherObject);
- if (-1 == indexOverlap) {
- // Not found
- area->add_overlap(otherObject);
- } else {
- // Found
- area->put_overlap_as_inside(indexOverlap);
- }
- }
- /// 3. Remove not overlapping
- for (i = area->overlappingObjects.size() - 1; 0 <= i; --i) {
- // If the overlap has DIRTY state it means that it's no more overlapping
- if (area->overlappingObjects[i].state == AreaBullet::OVERLAP_STATE_DIRTY) {
- area->put_overlap_as_exit(i);
- }
- }
- }
+ // All overlapping shapes still marked dirty must have exited.
+ area->mark_all_dirty_overlaps_as_exit();
+ } // End for each area
void SpaceBullet::check_body_collision() {