path: root/modules/assimp
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/assimp')
3 files changed, 1079 insertions, 1466 deletions
diff --git a/modules/assimp/SCsub b/modules/assimp/SCsub
index 61a357809a..0da7e432e2 100644
--- a/modules/assimp/SCsub
+++ b/modules/assimp/SCsub
@@ -4,19 +4,19 @@ Import('env')
env_assimp = env_modules.Clone()
#env_assimp.Append(CPPFLAGS=['-DASSIMP_DOUBLE_PRECISION']) # TODO default to what godot is compiled with for future double support
diff --git a/modules/assimp/editor_scene_importer_assimp.cpp b/modules/assimp/editor_scene_importer_assimp.cpp
index ee66097ffd..8d82fb2eeb 100644
--- a/modules/assimp/editor_scene_importer_assimp.cpp
+++ b/modules/assimp/editor_scene_importer_assimp.cpp
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ Node *EditorSceneImporterAssimp::import_scene(const String &p_path, uint32_t p_f
std::string s_path(w_path.begin(), w_path.end());
importer.SetPropertyBool(AI_CONFIG_PP_FD_REMOVE, true);
// Cannot remove pivot points because the static mesh will be in the wrong place
- importer.SetPropertyBool(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_FBX_PRESERVE_PIVOTS, true);
+ importer.SetPropertyBool(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_FBX_PRESERVE_PIVOTS, false);
int32_t max_bone_weights = 4;
// const int eight_bones = 8;
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ Node *EditorSceneImporterAssimp::import_scene(const String &p_path, uint32_t p_f
int32_t post_process_Steps = aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace |
//aiProcess_FlipUVs |
//aiProcess_FlipWindingOrder |
- aiProcess_DropNormals |
- aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals |
+ //aiProcess_DropNormals |
+ //aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals |
aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices |
aiProcess_ImproveCacheLocality |
aiProcess_LimitBoneWeights |
@@ -282,673 +282,438 @@ T EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_interpolate_track(const Vector<float> &p_times, co
-Spatial *EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_generate_scene(const String &p_path, const aiScene *scene, const uint32_t p_flags, int p_bake_fps, const int32_t p_max_bone_weights) {
- Spatial *root = memnew(Spatial);
- AnimationPlayer *ap = NULL;
- if (p_flags & IMPORT_ANIMATION) {
- ap = memnew(AnimationPlayer);
- root->add_child(ap);
- ap->set_owner(root);
- ap->set_name(TTR("AnimationPlayer"));
- }
- Set<String> bone_names;
- Set<String> light_names;
- Set<String> camera_names;
- real_t factor = 1.0f;
- String ext = p_path.get_file().get_extension().to_lower();
- if ((ext == "fbx")) {
- if (scene->mMetaData != NULL) {
- scene->mMetaData->Get("UnitScaleFactor", factor);
- factor = factor * 0.01f;
+void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_generate_bone_groups(ImportState &state, const aiNode *p_assimp_node, Map<String, int> &ownership, Map<String, Transform> &bind_xforms) {
+ Transform mesh_offset = _get_global_assimp_node_transform(p_assimp_node);
+ //mesh_offset.basis = Basis();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_assimp_node->mNumMeshes; i++) {
+ const aiMesh *mesh = state.assimp_scene->mMeshes[i];
+ int owned_by = -1;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < mesh->mNumBones; j++) {
+ const aiBone *bone = mesh->mBones[j];
+ String name = _assimp_get_string(bone->mName);
+ if (ownership.has(name)) {
+ owned_by = ownership[name];
+ break;
+ }
- }
- for (size_t l = 0; l < scene->mNumLights; l++) {
- Light *light = NULL;
- aiLight *ai_light = scene->mLights[l];
- ERR_CONTINUE(ai_light == NULL);
- if (ai_light->mType == aiLightSource_DIRECTIONAL) {
- light = memnew(DirectionalLight);
- Vector3 dir = Vector3(ai_light->mDirection.y, ai_light->mDirection.x, ai_light->mDirection.z);
- dir.normalize();
- Transform xform;
- Quat quat;
- quat.set_euler(dir);
- Vector3 pos = Vector3(ai_light->mPosition.x, ai_light->mPosition.y, ai_light->mPosition.z);
- pos = factor * pos;
- xform.origin = pos;
- light->set_transform(xform);
- } else if (ai_light->mType == aiLightSource_POINT) {
- light = memnew(OmniLight);
- Vector3 pos = Vector3(ai_light->mPosition.x, ai_light->mPosition.y, ai_light->mPosition.z);
- Transform xform;
- xform.origin = pos;
- pos = factor * pos;
- light->set_transform(xform);
- // No idea for energy
- light->set_param(Light::PARAM_ATTENUATION, 0.0f);
- } else if (ai_light->mType == aiLightSource_SPOT) {
- light = memnew(SpotLight);
- Vector3 pos = Vector3(ai_light->mPosition.x, ai_light->mPosition.y, ai_light->mPosition.z);
- pos = factor * pos;
- Transform xform;
- xform.origin = pos;
- Vector3 dir = Vector3(ai_light->mDirection.y, ai_light->mDirection.x, ai_light->mDirection.z);
- dir.normalize();
- Quat quat;
- quat.set_euler(dir);
- xform.basis = quat;
- light->set_transform(xform);
- // No idea for energy
- light->set_param(Light::PARAM_ATTENUATION, 0.0f);
+ if (owned_by == -1) { //no owned, create new unique id
+ owned_by = 1;
+ for (Map<String, int>::Element *E = ownership.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ owned_by = MAX(E->get() + 1, owned_by);
+ }
- ERR_CONTINUE(light == NULL);
- light->set_color(Color(ai_light->mColorDiffuse.r, ai_light->mColorDiffuse.g, ai_light->mColorDiffuse.b));
- root->add_child(light);
- light->set_name(_ai_string_to_string(ai_light->mName));
- light->set_owner(root);
- light_names.insert(_ai_string_to_string(scene->mLights[l]->mName));
- }
- for (size_t c = 0; c < scene->mNumCameras; c++) {
- aiCamera *ai_camera = scene->mCameras[c];
- Camera *camera = memnew(Camera);
- float near = ai_camera->mClipPlaneNear;
- if (Math::is_equal_approx(near, 0.0f)) {
- near = 0.1f;
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < mesh->mNumBones; j++) {
+ const aiBone *bone = mesh->mBones[j];
+ String name = _assimp_get_string(bone->mName);
+ ownership[name] = owned_by;
+ //store the actuall full path for the bone transform
+ //when skeleton finds it's place in the tree, it will be restored
+ bind_xforms[name] = mesh_offset * _assimp_matrix_transform(bone->mOffsetMatrix);
- camera->set_perspective(Math::rad2deg(ai_camera->mHorizontalFOV) * 2.0f, near, ai_camera->mClipPlaneFar);
- Vector3 pos = Vector3(ai_camera->mPosition.x, ai_camera->mPosition.y, ai_camera->mPosition.z);
+ }
- Vector3 look_at = Vector3(ai_camera->mLookAt.y, ai_camera->mLookAt.x, ai_camera->mLookAt.z).normalized();
- Quat quat;
- quat.set_euler(look_at);
- Transform xform;
- xform.basis = quat;
- xform.set_origin(pos);
- root->add_child(camera);
- camera->set_transform(xform);
- camera->set_name(_ai_string_to_string(ai_camera->mName));
- camera->set_owner(root);
- camera_names.insert(_ai_string_to_string(scene->mCameras[c]->mName));
- }
- Map<Skeleton *, MeshInstance *> skeletons;
- Map<String, Transform> bone_rests;
- Vector<MeshInstance *> meshes;
- int32_t mesh_count = 0;
- Skeleton *s = memnew(Skeleton);
- Set<String> removed_bones;
- Map<String, Map<uint32_t, String> > path_morph_mesh_names;
- _generate_node(p_path, scene, scene->mRootNode, root, root, bone_names, light_names, camera_names, skeletons, bone_rests, meshes, mesh_count, s, p_max_bone_weights, removed_bones, path_morph_mesh_names);
- for (Map<Skeleton *, MeshInstance *>::Element *E = skeletons.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- E->key()->localize_rests();
- }
- Set<String> removed_nodes;
- Set<Node *> keep_nodes;
- _keep_node(p_path, root, root, keep_nodes);
- _fill_kept_node(keep_nodes);
- _filter_node(p_path, root, root, keep_nodes, removed_nodes);
- if (p_flags & IMPORT_ANIMATION) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < scene->mNumAnimations; i++) {
- _import_animation(p_path, meshes, scene, ap, i, p_bake_fps, skeletons, removed_nodes, removed_bones, path_morph_mesh_names);
- }
- List<StringName> animation_names;
- ap->get_animation_list(&animation_names);
- if (animation_names.empty()) {
- root->remove_child(ap);
- memdelete(ap);
- }
- }
- return root;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < p_assimp_node->mNumChildren; i++) {
+ _generate_bone_groups(state, p_assimp_node->mChildren[i], ownership, bind_xforms);
+ }
-void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_fill_kept_node(Set<Node *> &keep_nodes) {
- for (Set<Node *>::Element *E = keep_nodes.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- Node *node = E->get();
- while (node != NULL) {
- if (keep_nodes.has(node) == false) {
- keep_nodes.insert(node);
+void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_fill_node_relationships(ImportState &state, const aiNode *p_assimp_node, Map<String, int> &ownership, Map<int, int> &skeleton_map, int p_skeleton_id, Skeleton *p_skeleton, const String &p_parent_name, int &holecount, const Vector<SkeletonHole> &p_holes, const Map<String, Transform> &bind_xforms) {
+ String name = _assimp_get_string(p_assimp_node->mName);
+ if (name == String()) {
+ name = "AuxiliaryBone" + itos(holecount++);
+ }
+ Transform pose = _assimp_matrix_transform(p_assimp_node->mTransformation);
+ if (!ownership.has(name)) {
+ //not a bone, it's a hole
+ Vector<SkeletonHole> holes = p_holes;
+ SkeletonHole hole; //add a new one
+ = name;
+ hole.pose = pose;
+ hole.node = p_assimp_node;
+ hole.parent = p_parent_name;
+ holes.push_back(hole);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < p_assimp_node->mNumChildren; i++) {
+ _fill_node_relationships(state, p_assimp_node->mChildren[i], ownership, skeleton_map, p_skeleton_id, p_skeleton, name, holecount, holes, bind_xforms);
+ }
+ return;
+ } else if (ownership[name] != p_skeleton_id) {
+ //oh, it's from another skeleton? fine.. reparent all bones to this skeleton.
+ int prev_owner = ownership[name];
+ ERR_EXPLAIN("A previous skeleton exists for bone '" + name + "', this type of skeleton layout is unsupported.");
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(skeleton_map.has(prev_owner));
+ for (Map<String, int>::Element *E = ownership.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ if (E->get() == prev_owner) {
+ E->get() = p_skeleton_id;
- node = node->get_parent();
-String EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_find_skeleton_bone_root(Map<Skeleton *, MeshInstance *> &skeletons, Map<MeshInstance *, String> &meshes, Spatial *root) {
- for (Map<Skeleton *, MeshInstance *>::Element *E = skeletons.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (meshes.has(E->get())) {
- String name = meshes[E->get()];
- if (name != "") {
- return name;
- }
+ //valid bone, first fill holes if needed
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_holes.size(); i++) {
+ int bone_idx = p_skeleton->get_bone_count();
+ p_skeleton->add_bone(p_holes[i].name);
+ int parent_idx = p_skeleton->find_bone(p_holes[i].parent);
+ if (parent_idx >= 0) {
+ p_skeleton->set_bone_parent(bone_idx, parent_idx);
+ Transform pose_transform = _get_global_assimp_node_transform(p_holes[i].node);
+ p_skeleton->set_bone_rest(bone_idx, pose_transform);
+ state.bone_owners[p_holes[i].name] = skeleton_map[p_skeleton_id];
+ }
+ //finally fill bone
+ int bone_idx = p_skeleton->get_bone_count();
+ p_skeleton->add_bone(name);
+ int parent_idx = p_skeleton->find_bone(p_parent_name);
+ if (parent_idx >= 0) {
+ p_skeleton->set_bone_parent(bone_idx, parent_idx);
+ }
+ //p_skeleton->set_bone_pose(bone_idx, pose);
+ if (bind_xforms.has(name)) {
+ //for now this is the full path to the bone in rest pose
+ //when skeleton finds it's place in the tree, it will get fixed
+ p_skeleton->set_bone_rest(bone_idx, bind_xforms[name]);
+ }
+ state.bone_owners[name] = skeleton_map[p_skeleton_id];
+ //go to children
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < p_assimp_node->mNumChildren; i++) {
+ _fill_node_relationships(state, p_assimp_node->mChildren[i], ownership, skeleton_map, p_skeleton_id, p_skeleton, name, holecount, Vector<SkeletonHole>(), bind_xforms);
- return "";
-void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_set_bone_parent(Skeleton *s, Node *p_owner, aiNode *p_node) {
- for (int32_t j = 0; j < s->get_bone_count(); j++) {
- String bone_name = s->get_bone_name(j);
- const aiNode *ai_bone_node = _ai_find_node(p_node, bone_name);
- if (ai_bone_node == NULL) {
- continue;
- }
- ai_bone_node = ai_bone_node->mParent;
- while (ai_bone_node != NULL) {
- int32_t node_parent_index = -1;
- String parent_bone_name = _ai_string_to_string(ai_bone_node->mName);
- node_parent_index = s->find_bone(parent_bone_name);
- if (node_parent_index != -1) {
- s->set_bone_parent(j, node_parent_index);
- break;
+void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_generate_skeletons(ImportState &state, const aiNode *p_assimp_node, Map<String, int> &ownership, Map<int, int> &skeleton_map, const Map<String, Transform> &bind_xforms) {
+ //find skeletons at this level, there may be multiple root nodes for each
+ Map<int, List<aiNode *> > skeletons_found;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < p_assimp_node->mNumChildren; i++) {
+ String name = _assimp_get_string(p_assimp_node->mChildren[i]->mName);
+ if (ownership.has(name)) {
+ int skeleton = ownership[name];
+ if (!skeletons_found.has(skeleton)) {
+ skeletons_found[skeleton] = List<aiNode *>();
- ai_bone_node = ai_bone_node->mParent;
+ skeletons_found[skeleton].push_back(p_assimp_node->mChildren[i]);
+ //go via the potential skeletons found and generate the actual skeleton
+ for (Map<int, List<aiNode *> >::Element *E = skeletons_found.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ ERR_CONTINUE(skeleton_map.has(E->key())); //skeleton already exists? this can't be.. skip
+ Skeleton *skeleton = memnew(Skeleton);
+ //this the only way to reliably use multiple meshes with one skeleton, at the cost of less precision
+ skeleton->set_use_bones_in_world_transform(true);
+ skeleton_map[E->key()] = state.skeletons.size();
+ state.skeletons.push_back(skeleton);
+ int holecount = 1;
+ //fill the bones and their relationships
+ for (List<aiNode *>::Element *F = E->get().front(); F; F = F->next()) {
+ _fill_node_relationships(state, F->get(), ownership, skeleton_map, E->key(), skeleton, "", holecount, Vector<SkeletonHole>(), bind_xforms);
+ }
+ }
+ //go to the children
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_assimp_node->mNumChildren; i++) {
+ String name = _assimp_get_string(p_assimp_node->mChildren[i]->mName);
+ if (ownership.has(name)) {
+ continue; //a bone, so don't bother with this
+ }
+ _generate_skeletons(state, p_assimp_node->mChildren[i], ownership, skeleton_map, bind_xforms);
+ }
-void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_insert_animation_track(const aiScene *p_scene, const String p_path, int p_bake_fps, Ref<Animation> animation, float ticks_per_second, float length, const Skeleton *sk, const aiNodeAnim *track, String node_name, NodePath node_path) {
+Spatial *EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_generate_scene(const String &p_path, const aiScene *scene, const uint32_t p_flags, int p_bake_fps, const int32_t p_max_bone_weights) {
- if (track->mNumRotationKeys || track->mNumPositionKeys || track->mNumScalingKeys) {
- //make transform track
- int track_idx = animation->get_track_count();
- animation->add_track(Animation::TYPE_TRANSFORM);
- animation->track_set_path(track_idx, node_path);
- //first determine animation length
+ ImportState state;
+ state.path = p_path;
+ state.assimp_scene = scene;
+ state.max_bone_weights = p_max_bone_weights;
+ state.root = memnew(Spatial);
+ state.fbx = false;
+ state.animation_player = NULL;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < track->mNumRotationKeys; i++) {
- length = MAX(length, track->mRotationKeys[i].mTime / ticks_per_second);
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < track->mNumPositionKeys; i++) {
- length = MAX(length, track->mPositionKeys[i].mTime / ticks_per_second);
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < track->mNumScalingKeys; i++) {
- length = MAX(length, track->mScalingKeys[i].mTime / ticks_per_second);
+ real_t scale_factor = 1.0f;
+ {
+ //handle scale
+ String ext = p_path.get_file().get_extension().to_lower();
+ if (ext == "fbx") {
+ if (scene->mMetaData != NULL) {
+ float factor = 1.0;
+ scene->mMetaData->Get("UnitScaleFactor", factor);
+ scale_factor = factor * 0.01f;
+ }
+ state.fbx = true;
+ }
- float increment = 1.0 / float(p_bake_fps);
- float time = 0.0;
+ state.root->set_scale(Vector3(scale_factor, scale_factor, scale_factor));
- Vector3 base_pos;
- Quat base_rot;
- Vector3 base_scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1);
+ //fill light map cache
+ for (size_t l = 0; l < scene->mNumLights; l++) {
- if (track->mNumRotationKeys != 0) {
- aiQuatKey key = track->mRotationKeys[0];
- real_t x = key.mValue.x;
- real_t y = key.mValue.y;
- real_t z = key.mValue.z;
- real_t w = key.mValue.w;
- Quat q(x, y, z, w);
- q = q.normalized();
- base_rot = q;
- }
+ aiLight *ai_light = scene->mLights[l];
+ ERR_CONTINUE(ai_light == NULL);
+ state.light_cache[_assimp_get_string(ai_light->mName)] = l;
+ }
- if (track->mNumPositionKeys != 0) {
- aiVectorKey key = track->mPositionKeys[0];
- real_t x = key.mValue.x;
- real_t y = key.mValue.y;
- real_t z = key.mValue.z;
- base_pos = Vector3(x, y, z);
+ //fill camera cache
+ for (size_t c = 0; c < scene->mNumCameras; c++) {
+ aiCamera *ai_camera = scene->mCameras[c];
+ ERR_CONTINUE(ai_camera == NULL);
+ state.camera_cache[_assimp_get_string(ai_camera->mName)] = c;
+ }
+ if (scene->mRootNode) {
+ Map<String, Transform> bind_xforms; //temporary map to store bind transforms
+ //guess the skeletons, since assimp does not really support them directly
+ Map<String, int> ownership; //bone names to groups
+ //fill this map with bone names and which group where they detected to, going mesh by mesh
+ _generate_bone_groups(state, state.assimp_scene->mRootNode, ownership, bind_xforms);
+ Map<int, int> skeleton_map; //maps previously created groups to actual skeletons
+ //generates the skeletons when bones are found in the hierarchy, and follows them (including gaps/holes).
+ _generate_skeletons(state, state.assimp_scene->mRootNode, ownership, skeleton_map, bind_xforms);
+ //generate nodes
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < scene->mRootNode->mNumChildren; i++) {
+ _generate_node(state, scene->mRootNode->mChildren[i], state.root);
- if (track->mNumScalingKeys != 0) {
- aiVectorKey key = track->mScalingKeys[0];
- real_t x = key.mValue.x;
- real_t y = key.mValue.y;
- real_t z = key.mValue.z;
- base_scale = Vector3(x, y, z);
+ //assign skeletons to nodes
+ for (Map<MeshInstance *, Skeleton *>::Element *E = state.mesh_skeletons.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
+ MeshInstance *mesh = E->key();
+ Skeleton *skeleton = E->get();
+ NodePath skeleton_path = mesh->get_path_to(skeleton);
+ mesh->set_skeleton_path(skeleton_path);
+ }
- bool last = false;
+ if (p_flags & IMPORT_ANIMATION && scene->mNumAnimations) {
- Vector<Vector3> pos_values;
- Vector<float> pos_times;
- Vector<Vector3> scale_values;
- Vector<float> scale_times;
- Vector<Quat> rot_values;
- Vector<float> rot_times;
+ state.animation_player = memnew(AnimationPlayer);
+ state.root->add_child(state.animation_player);
+ state.animation_player->set_owner(state.root);
- for (size_t p = 0; p < track->mNumPositionKeys; p++) {
- aiVector3D pos = track->mPositionKeys[p].mValue;
- pos_values.push_back(Vector3(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z));
- pos_times.push_back(track->mPositionKeys[p].mTime / ticks_per_second);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < scene->mNumAnimations; i++) {
+ _import_animation(state, i, p_bake_fps);
+ }
+ return state.root;
+void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_insert_animation_track(ImportState &scene, const aiAnimation *assimp_anim, int p_track, int p_bake_fps, Ref<Animation> animation, float ticks_per_second, Skeleton *p_skeleton, const NodePath &p_path, const String &p_name) {
+ const aiNodeAnim *assimp_track = assimp_anim->mChannels[p_track];
+ //make transform track
+ int track_idx = animation->get_track_count();
+ animation->add_track(Animation::TYPE_TRANSFORM);
+ animation->track_set_path(track_idx, p_path);
+ //first determine animation length
- for (size_t r = 0; r < track->mNumRotationKeys; r++) {
- aiQuaternion quat = track->mRotationKeys[r].mValue;
- rot_values.push_back(Quat(quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w).normalized());
- rot_times.push_back(track->mRotationKeys[r].mTime / ticks_per_second);
+ float increment = 1.0 / float(p_bake_fps);
+ float time = 0.0;
+ bool last = false;
+ int skeleton_bone = -1;
+ if (p_skeleton) {
+ skeleton_bone = p_skeleton->find_bone(p_name);
+ }
+ Vector<Vector3> pos_values;
+ Vector<float> pos_times;
+ Vector<Vector3> scale_values;
+ Vector<float> scale_times;
+ Vector<Quat> rot_values;
+ Vector<float> rot_times;
+ for (size_t p = 0; p < assimp_track->mNumPositionKeys; p++) {
+ aiVector3D pos = assimp_track->mPositionKeys[p].mValue;
+ pos_values.push_back(Vector3(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z));
+ pos_times.push_back(assimp_track->mPositionKeys[p].mTime / ticks_per_second);
+ }
+ for (size_t r = 0; r < assimp_track->mNumRotationKeys; r++) {
+ aiQuaternion quat = assimp_track->mRotationKeys[r].mValue;
+ rot_values.push_back(Quat(quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w).normalized());
+ rot_times.push_back(assimp_track->mRotationKeys[r].mTime / ticks_per_second);
+ }
+ for (size_t sc = 0; sc < assimp_track->mNumScalingKeys; sc++) {
+ aiVector3D scale = assimp_track->mScalingKeys[sc].mValue;
+ scale_values.push_back(Vector3(scale.x, scale.y, scale.z));
+ scale_times.push_back(assimp_track->mScalingKeys[sc].mTime / ticks_per_second);
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ Vector3 pos;
+ Quat rot;
+ Vector3 scale(1, 1, 1);
+ if (pos_values.size()) {
+ pos = _interpolate_track<Vector3>(pos_times, pos_values, time, AssetImportAnimation::INTERP_LINEAR);
- for (size_t sc = 0; sc < track->mNumScalingKeys; sc++) {
- aiVector3D scale = track->mScalingKeys[sc].mValue;
- scale_values.push_back(Vector3(scale.x, scale.y, scale.z));
- scale_times.push_back(track->mScalingKeys[sc].mTime / ticks_per_second);
+ if (rot_values.size()) {
+ rot = _interpolate_track<Quat>(rot_times, rot_values, time, AssetImportAnimation::INTERP_LINEAR).normalized();
- while (true) {
- Vector3 pos = base_pos;
- Quat rot = base_rot;
- Vector3 scale = base_scale;
- if (pos_values.size()) {
- pos = _interpolate_track<Vector3>(pos_times, pos_values, time, AssetImportAnimation::INTERP_LINEAR);
- }
+ if (scale_values.size()) {
+ scale = _interpolate_track<Vector3>(scale_times, scale_values, time, AssetImportAnimation::INTERP_LINEAR);
+ }
- if (rot_values.size()) {
- rot = _interpolate_track<Quat>(rot_times, rot_values, time, AssetImportAnimation::INTERP_LINEAR).normalized();
- }
+ if (skeleton_bone >= 0) {
+ Transform xform;
+ xform.basis.set_quat_scale(rot, scale);
+ xform.origin = pos;
- if (scale_values.size()) {
- scale = _interpolate_track<Vector3>(scale_times, scale_values, time, AssetImportAnimation::INTERP_LINEAR);
- }
+ Transform rest_xform = p_skeleton->get_bone_rest(skeleton_bone);
+ xform = rest_xform.affine_inverse() * xform;
+ rot = xform.basis.get_rotation_quat();
+ scale = xform.basis.get_scale();
+ pos = xform.origin;
+ }
- if (sk != NULL && sk->find_bone(node_name) != -1) {
- Transform xform;
- xform.basis.set_quat_scale(rot, scale);
- xform.origin = pos;
- int bone = sk->find_bone(node_name);
- Transform rest_xform = sk->get_bone_rest(bone);
- xform = rest_xform.affine_inverse() * xform;
- rot = xform.basis.get_rotation_quat();
- scale = xform.basis.get_scale();
- pos = xform.origin;
- }
- {
- Transform xform;
- xform.basis.set_quat_scale(rot, scale);
- xform.origin = pos;
- Transform anim_xform;
- String ext = p_path.get_file().get_extension().to_lower();
- if (ext == "fbx") {
- real_t factor = 1.0f;
- if (p_scene->mMetaData != NULL) {
- p_scene->mMetaData->Get("UnitScaleFactor", factor);
- }
- anim_xform = anim_xform.scaled(Vector3(factor, factor, factor));
- }
- xform = anim_xform * xform;
- rot = xform.basis.get_rotation_quat();
- scale = xform.basis.get_scale();
- pos = xform.origin;
- }
- rot.normalize();
+ rot.normalize();
- animation->track_set_interpolation_type(track_idx, Animation::INTERPOLATION_LINEAR);
- animation->transform_track_insert_key(track_idx, time, pos, rot, scale);
+ animation->track_set_interpolation_type(track_idx, Animation::INTERPOLATION_LINEAR);
+ animation->transform_track_insert_key(track_idx, time, pos, rot, scale);
- if (last) {
- break;
- }
- time += increment;
- if (time >= length) {
- last = true;
- time = length;
- }
+ if (last) { //done this way so a key is always inserted past the end (for proper interpolation)
+ break;
+ }
+ time += increment;
+ if (time >= animation->get_length()) {
+ last = true;
-void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_import_animation(const String p_path, const Vector<MeshInstance *> p_meshes, const aiScene *p_scene, AnimationPlayer *ap, int32_t p_index, int p_bake_fps, Map<Skeleton *, MeshInstance *> p_skeletons, const Set<String> p_removed_nodes, const Set<String> removed_bones, const Map<String, Map<uint32_t, String> > p_path_morph_mesh_names) {
- String name = "Animation";
- aiAnimation const *anim = NULL;
- if (p_index != -1) {
- anim = p_scene->mAnimations[p_index];
- if (anim->mName.length > 0) {
- name = _ai_anim_string_to_string(anim->mName);
- }
+void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_import_animation(ImportState &state, int p_animation_index, int p_bake_fps) {
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX(p_animation_index, (int)state.assimp_scene->mNumAnimations);
+ const aiAnimation *anim = state.assimp_scene->mAnimations[p_animation_index];
+ String name = _assimp_anim_string_to_string(anim->mName);
+ if (name == String()) {
+ name = "Animation " + itos(p_animation_index + 1);
- Ref<Animation> animation;
- animation.instance();
- float length = 0.0f;
- animation->set_name(name);
- float ticks_per_second = p_scene->mAnimations[p_index]->mTicksPerSecond;
+ float ticks_per_second = anim->mTicksPerSecond;
- if (p_scene->mMetaData != NULL && Math::is_equal_approx(ticks_per_second, 0.0f)) {
+ if (state.assimp_scene->mMetaData != NULL && Math::is_equal_approx(ticks_per_second, 0.0f)) {
int32_t time_mode = 0;
- p_scene->mMetaData->Get("TimeMode", time_mode);
- ticks_per_second = _get_fbx_fps(time_mode, p_scene);
+ state.assimp_scene->mMetaData->Get("TimeMode", time_mode);
+ ticks_per_second = _get_fbx_fps(time_mode, state.assimp_scene);
- if ((p_path.get_file().get_extension().to_lower() == "glb" || p_path.get_file().get_extension().to_lower() == "gltf") && Math::is_equal_approx(ticks_per_second, 0.0f)) {
- ticks_per_second = 1000.0f;
- }
+ //?
+ //if ((p_path.get_file().get_extension().to_lower() == "glb" || p_path.get_file().get_extension().to_lower() == "gltf") && Math::is_equal_approx(ticks_per_second, 0.0f)) {
+ // ticks_per_second = 1000.0f;
+ //}
if (Math::is_equal_approx(ticks_per_second, 0.0f)) {
ticks_per_second = 25.0f;
- length = anim->mDuration / ticks_per_second;
- if (anim) {
- Map<String, Vector<const aiNodeAnim *> > node_tracks;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < anim->mNumChannels; i++) {
- const aiNodeAnim *track = anim->mChannels[i];
- String node_name = _ai_string_to_string(track->mNodeName);
- NodePath node_path = node_name;
- bool is_bone = false;
- if (node_name.split(ASSIMP_FBX_KEY).size() > 1) {
- String p_track_type = node_name.split(ASSIMP_FBX_KEY)[1];
- if (p_track_type == "_Translation" || p_track_type == "_Rotation" || p_track_type == "_Scaling") {
- continue;
- }
- }
- for (Map<Skeleton *, MeshInstance *>::Element *E = p_skeletons.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- Skeleton *sk = E->key();
- const String path = ap->get_owner()->get_path_to(sk);
- if (path.empty()) {
- continue;
- }
- if (sk->find_bone(node_name) == -1) {
- continue;
- }
- node_path = path + ":" + node_name;
- ERR_CONTINUE(ap->get_owner()->has_node(node_path) == false);
- _insert_animation_track(p_scene, p_path, p_bake_fps, animation, ticks_per_second, length, sk, track, node_name, node_path);
- is_bone = true;
- }
- if (is_bone) {
- continue;
- }
- Node *node = ap->get_owner()->find_node(node_name);
- if (node == NULL) {
- continue;
- }
- if (p_removed_nodes.has(node_name)) {
- continue;
- }
- const String path = ap->get_owner()->get_path_to(node);
- if (path.empty()) {
- print_verbose("Can't animate path");
- continue;
- }
- node_path = path;
- if (ap->get_owner()->has_node(node_path) == false) {
- continue;
- }
- _insert_animation_track(p_scene, p_path, p_bake_fps, animation, ticks_per_second, length, NULL, track, node_name, node_path);
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < anim->mNumChannels; i++) {
- const aiNodeAnim *track = anim->mChannels[i];
- String node_name = _ai_string_to_string(track->mNodeName);
- Vector<String> split_name = node_name.split(ASSIMP_FBX_KEY);
- String bare_name = split_name[0];
- Node *node = ap->get_owner()->find_node(bare_name);
- if (node != NULL && split_name.size() > 1) {
- Map<String, Vector<const aiNodeAnim *> >::Element *E = node_tracks.find(bare_name);
- Vector<const aiNodeAnim *> ai_tracks;
- if (E) {
- ai_tracks = E->get();
- ai_tracks.push_back(anim->mChannels[i]);
- } else {
- ai_tracks.push_back(anim->mChannels[i]);
- }
- node_tracks.insert(bare_name, ai_tracks);
- }
- }
- for (Map<Skeleton *, MeshInstance *>::Element *E = p_skeletons.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- Skeleton *sk = E->key();
- Map<String, Vector<const aiNodeAnim *> > anim_tracks;
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < sk->get_bone_count(); i++) {
- String _bone_name = sk->get_bone_name(i);
- Vector<const aiNodeAnim *> ai_tracks;
+ Ref<Animation> animation;
+ animation.instance();
+ animation->set_name(name);
+ animation->set_length(anim->mDuration / ticks_per_second);
- if (sk->find_bone(_bone_name) == -1) {
- continue;
- }
- for (size_t j = 0; j < anim->mNumChannels; j++) {
- if (_ai_string_to_string(anim->mChannels[j]->mNodeName).split(ASSIMP_FBX_KEY).size() == 1) {
- continue;
- }
- String track_name = _ai_string_to_string(anim->mChannels[j]->mNodeName).split(ASSIMP_FBX_KEY)[0];
- if (track_name != _bone_name) {
- continue;
- }
- if (sk->find_bone(_bone_name) == -1) {
- continue;
- }
- ai_tracks.push_back(anim->mChannels[j]);
- }
- if (ai_tracks.size() == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- anim_tracks.insert(_bone_name, ai_tracks);
- }
- for (Map<String, Vector<const aiNodeAnim *> >::Element *F = anim_tracks.front(); F; F = F->next()) {
- _insert_pivot_anim_track(p_meshes, F->key(), F->get(), ap, sk, length, ticks_per_second, animation, p_bake_fps, p_path, p_scene);
- }
- }
- for (Map<String, Vector<const aiNodeAnim *> >::Element *E = node_tracks.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
- if (p_removed_nodes.has(E->key())) {
- continue;
- }
- if (removed_bones.find(E->key())) {
+ //regular tracks
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < anim->mNumChannels; i++) {
+ const aiNodeAnim *track = anim->mChannels[i];
+ String node_name = _assimp_get_string(track->mNodeName);
+ /*
+ if (node_name.find(ASSIMP_FBX_KEY) != -1) {
+ String p_track_type = node_name.get_slice(ASSIMP_FBX_KEY, 1);
+ if (p_track_type == "_Translation" || p_track_type == "_Rotation" || p_track_type == "_Scaling") {
- _insert_pivot_anim_track(p_meshes, E->key(), E->get(), ap, NULL, length, ticks_per_second, animation, p_bake_fps, p_path, p_scene);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < anim->mNumMorphMeshChannels; i++) {
- const aiMeshMorphAnim *anim_mesh = anim->mMorphMeshChannels[i];
- const String prop_name = _ai_string_to_string(anim_mesh->mName);
- const String mesh_name = prop_name.split("*")[0];
- if (p_removed_nodes.has(mesh_name)) {
- continue;
- }
- ERR_CONTINUE(prop_name.split("*").size() != 2);
- const MeshInstance *mesh_instance = Object::cast_to<MeshInstance>(ap->get_owner()->find_node(mesh_name));
- ERR_CONTINUE(mesh_instance == NULL);
- if (ap->get_owner()->find_node(mesh_instance->get_name()) == NULL) {
- print_verbose("Can't find mesh in scene: " + mesh_instance->get_name());
- continue;
- }
- const String path = ap->get_owner()->get_path_to(mesh_instance);
- if (path.empty()) {
- print_verbose("Can't find mesh in scene");
- continue;
- }
- Ref<Mesh> mesh = mesh_instance->get_mesh();
- ERR_CONTINUE(mesh.is_null());
- const Map<String, Map<uint32_t, String> >::Element *E = p_path_morph_mesh_names.find(mesh_name);
- for (size_t k = 0; k < anim_mesh->mNumKeys; k++) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < anim_mesh->mKeys[k].mNumValuesAndWeights; j++) {
- const Map<uint32_t, String>::Element *F = E->get().find(anim_mesh->mKeys[k].mValues[j]);
- const String prop = "blend_shapes/" + F->get();
- const NodePath node_path = String(path) + ":" + prop;
- ERR_CONTINUE(ap->get_owner()->has_node(node_path) == false);
- int32_t blend_track_idx = -1;
- if (animation->find_track(node_path) == -1) {
- blend_track_idx = animation->get_track_count();
- animation->add_track(Animation::TYPE_VALUE);
- animation->track_set_interpolation_type(blend_track_idx, Animation::INTERPOLATION_LINEAR);
- animation->track_set_path(blend_track_idx, node_path);
- } else {
- blend_track_idx = animation->find_track(node_path);
- }
- float t = anim_mesh->mKeys[k].mTime / ticks_per_second;
- float w = anim_mesh->mKeys[k].mWeights[j];
- animation->track_insert_key(blend_track_idx, t, w);
- }
- }
+ if (track->mNumRotationKeys == 0 && track->mNumPositionKeys == 0 && track->mNumScalingKeys == 0) {
+ continue; //do not bother
- }
- animation->set_length(length);
- if (animation->get_track_count()) {
- ap->add_animation(name, animation);
- }
-void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_insert_pivot_anim_track(const Vector<MeshInstance *> p_meshes, const String p_node_name, Vector<const aiNodeAnim *> F, AnimationPlayer *ap, Skeleton *sk, float &length, float ticks_per_second, Ref<Animation> animation, int p_bake_fps, const String &p_path, const aiScene *p_scene) {
- NodePath node_path;
- if (sk != NULL) {
- const String path = ap->get_owner()->get_path_to(sk);
- if (path.empty()) {
- return;
- }
- if (sk->find_bone(p_node_name) == -1) {
- return;
- }
- node_path = path + ":" + p_node_name;
- } else {
- Node *node = ap->get_owner()->find_node(p_node_name);
- if (node == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- const String path = ap->get_owner()->get_path_to(node);
- node_path = path;
- }
- if (node_path.is_empty()) {
- return;
- }
+ bool is_bone = state.bone_owners.has(node_name);
+ NodePath node_path;
+ Skeleton *skeleton = NULL;
- Vector<Vector3> pos_values;
- Vector<float> pos_times;
- Vector<Vector3> scale_values;
- Vector<float> scale_times;
- Vector<Quat> rot_values;
- Vector<float> rot_times;
- Vector3 base_pos;
- Quat base_rot;
- Vector3 base_scale = Vector3(1, 1, 1);
- bool is_translation = false;
- bool is_rotation = false;
- bool is_scaling = false;
- for (int32_t k = 0; k < F.size(); k++) {
- String p_track_type = _ai_string_to_string(F[k]->mNodeName).split(ASSIMP_FBX_KEY)[1];
- if (p_track_type == "_Translation") {
- is_translation = is_translation || true;
- } else if (p_track_type == "_Rotation") {
- is_rotation = is_rotation || true;
- } else if (p_track_type == "_Scaling") {
- is_scaling = is_scaling || true;
+ if (is_bone) {
+ skeleton = state.skeletons[state.bone_owners[node_name]];
+ String path = state.root->get_path_to(skeleton);
+ path += ":" + node_name;
+ node_path = path;
} else {
- continue;
+ ERR_CONTINUE(!state.node_map.has(node_name));
+ Node *node = state.node_map[node_name];
+ node_path = state.root->get_path_to(node);
- ERR_CONTINUE(ap->get_owner()->has_node(node_path) == false);
- if (F[k]->mNumRotationKeys || F[k]->mNumPositionKeys || F[k]->mNumScalingKeys) {
+ _insert_animation_track(state, anim, i, p_bake_fps, animation, ticks_per_second, skeleton, node_path, node_name);
+ }
- if (is_rotation) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < F[k]->mNumRotationKeys; i++) {
- length = MAX(length, F[k]->mRotationKeys[i].mTime / ticks_per_second);
- }
- }
- if (is_translation) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < F[k]->mNumPositionKeys; i++) {
- length = MAX(length, F[k]->mPositionKeys[i].mTime / ticks_per_second);
- }
- }
- if (is_scaling) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < F[k]->mNumScalingKeys; i++) {
- length = MAX(length, F[k]->mScalingKeys[i].mTime / ticks_per_second);
- }
- }
+ //blend shape tracks
- if (is_rotation == false && is_translation == false && is_scaling == false) {
- return;
- }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < anim->mNumMorphMeshChannels; i++) {
- if (is_rotation) {
- if (F[k]->mNumRotationKeys != 0) {
- aiQuatKey key = F[k]->mRotationKeys[0];
- real_t x = key.mValue.x;
- real_t y = key.mValue.y;
- real_t z = key.mValue.z;
- real_t w = key.mValue.w;
- Quat q(x, y, z, w);
- q = q.normalized();
- base_rot = q;
- }
- }
+ const aiMeshMorphAnim *anim_mesh = anim->mMorphMeshChannels[i];
- if (is_translation) {
- if (F[k]->mNumPositionKeys != 0) {
- aiVectorKey key = F[k]->mPositionKeys[0];
- real_t x = key.mValue.x;
- real_t y = key.mValue.y;
- real_t z = key.mValue.z;
- base_pos = Vector3(x, y, z);
- }
- }
+ const String prop_name = _assimp_get_string(anim_mesh->mName);
+ const String mesh_name = prop_name.split("*")[0];
- if (is_scaling) {
- if (F[k]->mNumScalingKeys != 0) {
- aiVectorKey key = F[k]->mScalingKeys[0];
- real_t x = key.mValue.x;
- real_t y = key.mValue.y;
- real_t z = key.mValue.z;
- base_scale = Vector3(x, y, z);
- }
- }
- if (is_translation) {
- for (size_t p = 0; p < F[k]->mNumPositionKeys; p++) {
- aiVector3D pos = F[k]->mPositionKeys[p].mValue;
- pos_values.push_back(Vector3(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z));
- pos_times.push_back(F[k]->mPositionKeys[p].mTime / ticks_per_second);
- }
- }
+ ERR_CONTINUE(prop_name.split("*").size() != 2);
- if (is_rotation) {
- for (size_t r = 0; r < F[k]->mNumRotationKeys; r++) {
- aiQuaternion quat = F[k]->mRotationKeys[r].mValue;
- rot_values.push_back(Quat(quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w).normalized());
- rot_times.push_back(F[k]->mRotationKeys[r].mTime / ticks_per_second);
- }
- }
+ ERR_CONTINUE(!state.node_map.has(mesh_name));
- if (is_scaling) {
- for (size_t sc = 0; sc < F[k]->mNumScalingKeys; sc++) {
- aiVector3D scale = F[k]->mScalingKeys[sc].mValue;
- scale_values.push_back(Vector3(scale.x, scale.y, scale.z));
- scale_times.push_back(F[k]->mScalingKeys[sc].mTime / ticks_per_second);
- }
- }
+ const MeshInstance *mesh_instance = Object::cast_to<MeshInstance>(state.node_map[mesh_name]);
+ ERR_CONTINUE(mesh_instance == NULL);
+ String base_path = state.root->get_path_to(mesh_instance);
+ Ref<Mesh> mesh = mesh_instance->get_mesh();
+ ERR_CONTINUE(mesh.is_null());
+ //add the tracks for this mesh
+ int base_track = animation->get_track_count();
+ for (int j = 0; j < mesh->get_blend_shape_count(); j++) {
+ animation->add_track(Animation::TYPE_VALUE);
+ animation->track_set_path(base_track + j, base_path + ":blend_shapes/" + mesh->get_blend_shape_name(j));
- }
- int32_t track_idx = animation->get_track_count();
- animation->add_track(Animation::TYPE_TRANSFORM);
- animation->track_set_path(track_idx, node_path);
- float increment = 1.0 / float(p_bake_fps);
- float time = 0.0;
- bool last = false;
- while (true) {
- Vector3 pos = Vector3();
- Quat rot = Quat();
- Vector3 scale = Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- if (is_translation && pos_values.size()) {
- pos = _interpolate_track<Vector3>(pos_times, pos_values, time, AssetImportAnimation::INTERP_LINEAR);
- Transform anim_xform;
- String ext = p_path.get_file().get_extension().to_lower();
- if (ext == "fbx") {
- aiNode *ai_node = _ai_find_node(p_scene->mRootNode, p_node_name);
- Transform mesh_xform = _get_global_ai_node_transform(p_scene, ai_node);
- pos = mesh_xform.origin + pos;
- real_t factor = 1.0f;
- if (p_scene->mMetaData != NULL) {
- p_scene->mMetaData->Get("UnitScaleFactor", factor);
- factor = factor * 0.01f;
- }
- pos = pos * factor;
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < anim_mesh->mNumKeys; k++) {
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < anim_mesh->mKeys[k].mNumValuesAndWeights; j++) {
+ float t = anim_mesh->mKeys[k].mTime / ticks_per_second;
+ float w = anim_mesh->mKeys[k].mWeights[j];
+ animation->track_insert_key(base_track + j, t, w);
- if (is_rotation && rot_values.size()) {
- rot = _interpolate_track<Quat>(rot_times, rot_values, time, AssetImportAnimation::INTERP_LINEAR).normalized();
- }
- if (is_scaling && scale_values.size()) {
- scale = _interpolate_track<Vector3>(scale_times, scale_values, time, AssetImportAnimation::INTERP_LINEAR);
- }
- animation->track_set_interpolation_type(track_idx, Animation::INTERPOLATION_LINEAR);
- animation->transform_track_insert_key(track_idx, time, pos, rot, scale);
+ }
- if (last) {
- break;
- }
- time += increment;
- if (time >= length) {
- last = true;
- time = length;
- }
+ if (animation->get_track_count()) {
+ state.animation_player->add_animation(name, animation);
@@ -976,611 +741,320 @@ float EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_get_fbx_fps(int32_t time_mode, const aiScene *
return 0;
-Transform EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_get_global_ai_node_transform(const aiScene *p_scene, const aiNode *p_current_node) {
+Transform EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_get_global_assimp_node_transform(const aiNode *p_current_node) {
aiNode const *current_node = p_current_node;
Transform xform;
while (current_node != NULL) {
- xform = _ai_matrix_transform(current_node->mTransformation) * xform;
+ xform = _assimp_matrix_transform(current_node->mTransformation) * xform;
current_node = current_node->mParent;
return xform;
-void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_generate_node_bone(const aiScene *p_scene, const aiNode *p_node, Map<String, bool> &p_mesh_bones, Skeleton *p_skeleton, const String p_path, const int32_t p_max_bone_weights) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < p_node->mNumMeshes; i++) {
- const unsigned int mesh_idx = p_node->mMeshes[i];
- const aiMesh *ai_mesh = p_scene->mMeshes[mesh_idx];
- for (size_t j = 0; j < ai_mesh->mNumBones; j++) {
- String bone_name = _ai_string_to_string(ai_mesh->mBones[j]->mName);
- if (p_skeleton->find_bone(bone_name) != -1) {
- continue;
- }
- p_mesh_bones.insert(bone_name, true);
- p_skeleton->add_bone(bone_name);
- int32_t idx = p_skeleton->find_bone(bone_name);
- Transform xform = _ai_matrix_transform(ai_mesh->mBones[j]->mOffsetMatrix);
- String ext = p_path.get_file().get_extension().to_lower();
- if (ext == "fbx") {
- Transform mesh_xform = _get_global_ai_node_transform(p_scene, p_node);
- mesh_xform.basis = Basis();
- xform = mesh_xform.affine_inverse() * xform;
- }
- p_skeleton->set_bone_rest(idx, xform.affine_inverse());
- }
- }
+Ref<Texture> EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_load_texture(ImportState &state, String p_path) {
+ Vector<String> split_path = p_path.get_basename().split("*");
+ if (split_path.size() == 2) {
+ size_t texture_idx = split_path[1].to_int();
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(texture_idx >= state.assimp_scene->mNumTextures, Ref<Texture>());
+ aiTexture *tex = state.assimp_scene->mTextures[texture_idx];
+ String filename = _assimp_raw_string_to_string(tex->mFilename);
+ filename = filename.get_file();
+ print_verbose("Open Asset Import: Loading embedded texture " + filename);
+ if (tex->mHeight == 0) {
+ if (tex->CheckFormat("png")) {
+ Ref<Image> img = Image::_png_mem_loader_func((uint8_t *)tex->pcData, tex->mWidth);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(img.is_null(), Ref<Texture>());
-void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_generate_node_bone_parents(const aiScene *p_scene, const aiNode *p_node, Map<String, bool> &p_mesh_bones, Skeleton *p_skeleton, const MeshInstance *p_mi) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < p_node->mNumMeshes; i++) {
- const unsigned int mesh_idx = p_node->mMeshes[i];
- const aiMesh *ai_mesh = p_scene->mMeshes[mesh_idx];
- for (size_t j = 0; j < ai_mesh->mNumBones; j++) {
- aiNode *bone_node = p_scene->mRootNode->FindNode(ai_mesh->mBones[j]->mName);
- ERR_CONTINUE(bone_node == NULL);
- aiNode *bone_node_parent = bone_node->mParent;
- while (bone_node_parent != NULL) {
- String bone_parent_name = _ai_string_to_string(bone_node_parent->mName);
- bone_parent_name = bone_parent_name.split(ASSIMP_FBX_KEY)[0];
- if (bone_parent_name == p_mi->get_name()) {
- break;
- }
- if (p_mi->get_parent() == NULL) {
- break;
- }
- if (bone_parent_name == p_mi->get_parent()->get_name()) {
- break;
- }
- if (bone_node_parent->mParent == p_scene->mRootNode) {
- break;
- }
- if (p_skeleton->find_bone(bone_parent_name) == -1) {
- p_mesh_bones.insert(bone_parent_name, true);
- }
- bone_node_parent = bone_node_parent->mParent;
- }
- }
- }
-void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_calculate_skeleton_root(Skeleton *s, const aiScene *p_scene, aiNode *&p_ai_skeleton_root, Map<String, bool> &mesh_bones, const aiNode *p_node) {
- if (s->get_bone_count() > 0) {
- String bone_name = s->get_bone_name(0);
- p_ai_skeleton_root = _ai_find_node(p_scene->mRootNode, bone_name);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < p_scene->mRootNode->mNumChildren; i++) {
- if (p_ai_skeleton_root == NULL) {
- break;
+ Ref<ImageTexture> t;
+ t.instance();
+ t->create_from_image(img);
+ t->set_storage(ImageTexture::STORAGE_COMPRESS_LOSSY);
+ return t;
+ } else if (tex->CheckFormat("jpg")) {
+ Ref<Image> img = Image::_jpg_mem_loader_func((uint8_t *)tex->pcData, tex->mWidth);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(img.is_null(), Ref<Texture>());
+ Ref<ImageTexture> t;
+ t.instance();
+ t->create_from_image(img);
+ t->set_storage(ImageTexture::STORAGE_COMPRESS_LOSSY);
+ return t;
+ } else if (tex->CheckFormat("dds")) {
+ ERR_EXPLAIN("Open Asset Import: Embedded dds not implemented");
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(true, Ref<Texture>());
+ //Ref<Image> img = Image::_dds_mem_loader_func((uint8_t *)tex->pcData, tex->mWidth);
+ //ERR_FAIL_COND_V(img.is_null(), Ref<Texture>());
+ //Ref<ImageTexture> t;
+ //t.instance();
+ //t->create_from_image(img);
+ //t->set_storage(ImageTexture::STORAGE_COMPRESS_LOSSY);
+ //return t;
- aiNode *found = p_scene->mRootNode->mChildren[i]->FindNode(p_ai_skeleton_root->mName);
- if (found) {
- p_ai_skeleton_root = p_scene->mRootNode->mChildren[i];
- break;
+ } else {
+ Ref<Image> img;
+ img.instance();
+ PoolByteArray arr;
+ uint32_t size = tex->mWidth * tex->mHeight;
+ arr.resize(size);
+ memcpy(arr.write().ptr(), tex->pcData, size);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(arr.size() % 4 != 0, Ref<Texture>());
+ //ARGB8888 to RGBA8888
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < arr.size() / 4; i++) {
+ arr.write().ptr()[(4 * i) + 3] = arr[(4 * i) + 0];
+ arr.write().ptr()[(4 * i) + 0] = arr[(4 * i) + 1];
+ arr.write().ptr()[(4 * i) + 1] = arr[(4 * i) + 2];
+ arr.write().ptr()[(4 * i) + 2] = arr[(4 * i) + 3];
- }
- }
+ img->create(tex->mWidth, tex->mHeight, true, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, arr);
+ ERR_FAIL_COND_V(img.is_null(), Ref<Texture>());
- if (p_ai_skeleton_root == NULL) {
- p_ai_skeleton_root = p_scene->mRootNode->FindNode(p_node->mName);
- while (p_ai_skeleton_root && p_ai_skeleton_root->mParent && p_ai_skeleton_root->mParent != p_scene->mRootNode) {
- p_ai_skeleton_root = p_scene->mRootNode->FindNode(p_ai_skeleton_root->mName)->mParent;
+ Ref<ImageTexture> t;
+ t.instance();
+ t->create_from_image(img);
+ t->set_storage(ImageTexture::STORAGE_COMPRESS_LOSSY);
+ return t;
+ return Ref<Texture>();
- p_ai_skeleton_root = _ai_find_node(p_scene->mRootNode, _ai_string_to_string(p_ai_skeleton_root->mName).split(ASSIMP_FBX_KEY)[0]);
-void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_fill_skeleton(const aiScene *p_scene, const aiNode *p_node, Spatial *p_current, Node *p_owner, Skeleton *p_skeleton, const Map<String, bool> p_mesh_bones, const Map<String, Transform> &p_bone_rests, Set<String> p_tracks, const String p_path, Set<String> &r_removed_bones) {
- String node_name = _ai_string_to_string(p_node->mName);
- if (p_mesh_bones.find(node_name) != NULL && p_skeleton->find_bone(node_name) == -1) {
- r_removed_bones.insert(node_name);
- p_skeleton->add_bone(node_name);
- int32_t idx = p_skeleton->find_bone(node_name);
- Transform xform = _get_global_ai_node_transform(p_scene, p_node);
- xform = _format_rot_xform(p_path, p_scene) * xform;
- p_skeleton->set_bone_rest(idx, xform);
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < p_node->mNumChildren; i++) {
- _fill_skeleton(p_scene, p_node->mChildren[i], p_current, p_owner, p_skeleton, p_mesh_bones, p_bone_rests, p_tracks, p_path, r_removed_bones);
- }
+ Ref<Texture> p_texture = ResourceLoader::load(p_path, "Texture");
+ return p_texture;
-void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_keep_node(const String &p_path, Node *p_current, Node *p_owner, Set<Node *> &r_keep_nodes) {
- if (p_current == p_owner) {
- r_keep_nodes.insert(p_current);
- }
- if (p_current->get_class() != Spatial().get_class()) {
- r_keep_nodes.insert(p_current);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < p_current->get_child_count(); i++) {
- _keep_node(p_path, p_current->get_child(i), p_owner, r_keep_nodes);
- }
+Ref<Material> EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_generate_material_from_index(ImportState &state, int p_index, bool p_double_sided) {
-void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_filter_node(const String &p_path, Node *p_current, Node *p_owner, const Set<Node *> p_keep_nodes, Set<String> &r_removed_nodes) {
- if (p_keep_nodes.has(p_current) == false) {
- r_removed_nodes.insert(p_current->get_name());
- p_current->queue_delete();
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < p_current->get_child_count(); i++) {
- _filter_node(p_path, p_current->get_child(i), p_owner, p_keep_nodes, r_removed_nodes);
- }
+ ERR_FAIL_INDEX_V(p_index, (int)state.assimp_scene->mNumMaterials, Ref<Material>());
-void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_generate_node(const String &p_path, const aiScene *p_scene, const aiNode *p_node, Node *p_parent, Node *p_owner, Set<String> &r_bone_name, Set<String> p_light_names, Set<String> p_camera_names, Map<Skeleton *, MeshInstance *> &r_skeletons, const Map<String, Transform> &p_bone_rests, Vector<MeshInstance *> &r_mesh_instances, int32_t &r_mesh_count, Skeleton *p_skeleton, const int32_t p_max_bone_weights, Set<String> &r_removed_bones, Map<String, Map<uint32_t, String> > &r_name_morph_mesh_names) {
- Spatial *child_node = NULL;
- if (p_node == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- String node_name = _ai_string_to_string(p_node->mName);
- real_t factor = 1.0f;
- String ext = p_path.get_file().get_extension().to_lower();
- if (ext == "fbx") {
- if (p_scene->mMetaData != NULL) {
- p_scene->mMetaData->Get("UnitScaleFactor", factor);
- factor = factor * 0.01f;
- }
- }
- {
- Transform xform = _ai_matrix_transform(p_node->mTransformation);
- child_node = memnew(Spatial);
- p_parent->add_child(child_node);
- child_node->set_owner(p_owner);
- if (p_node == p_scene->mRootNode) {
- if ((ext == "fbx") && p_node == p_scene->mRootNode) {
- xform = xform.scaled(Vector3(factor, factor, factor));
- Transform format_xform = _format_rot_xform(p_path, p_scene);
- xform = format_xform * xform;
- }
- }
- child_node->set_transform(xform * child_node->get_transform());
- }
+ aiMaterial *ai_material = state.assimp_scene->mMaterials[p_index];
+ Ref<SpatialMaterial> mat;
+ mat.instance();
- if (p_node->mNumMeshes > 0) {
- MeshInstance *mesh_node = memnew(MeshInstance);
- p_parent->add_child(mesh_node);
- mesh_node->set_owner(p_owner);
- mesh_node->set_transform(child_node->get_transform());
- {
- Map<String, bool> mesh_bones;
- p_skeleton->set_use_bones_in_world_transform(true);
- _generate_node_bone(p_scene, p_node, mesh_bones, p_skeleton, p_path, p_max_bone_weights);
- Set<String> tracks;
- _get_track_set(p_scene, tracks);
- aiNode *skeleton_root = NULL;
- _calculate_skeleton_root(p_skeleton, p_scene, skeleton_root, mesh_bones, p_node);
- _generate_node_bone_parents(p_scene, p_node, mesh_bones, p_skeleton, mesh_node);
- if (p_skeleton->get_bone_count() > 0) {
- _fill_skeleton(p_scene, skeleton_root, mesh_node, p_owner, p_skeleton, mesh_bones, p_bone_rests, tracks, p_path, r_removed_bones);
- _set_bone_parent(p_skeleton, p_owner, p_scene->mRootNode);
- }
- MeshInstance *mi = Object::cast_to<MeshInstance>(mesh_node);
- if (mi) {
- r_mesh_instances.push_back(mi);
- }
- _add_mesh_to_mesh_instance(p_node, p_scene, p_skeleton, p_path, mesh_node, p_owner, r_bone_name, r_mesh_count, p_max_bone_weights, r_name_morph_mesh_names);
- }
- if (mesh_node != NULL && p_skeleton->get_bone_count() > 0 && p_owner->find_node(p_skeleton->get_name()) == NULL) {
- Node *node = p_owner->find_node(_ai_string_to_string(p_scene->mRootNode->mName));
- ERR_FAIL_COND(node == NULL);
- node->add_child(p_skeleton);
- p_skeleton->set_owner(p_owner);
- if (ext == "fbx") {
- Transform mesh_xform = _get_global_ai_node_transform(p_scene, p_node);
- mesh_xform.origin = Vector3();
- p_skeleton->set_transform(mesh_xform);
- }
- r_skeletons.insert(p_skeleton, mesh_node);
- }
- for (size_t i = 0; i < p_node->mNumMeshes; i++) {
- if (p_scene->mMeshes[p_node->mMeshes[i]]->HasBones()) {
- mesh_node->set_name(node_name);
- // Meshes without skeletons must not have skeletons
- mesh_node->set_skeleton_path(String(mesh_node->get_path_to(p_owner)) + "/" + p_owner->get_path_to(p_skeleton));
- }
+ int32_t mat_two_sided = 0;
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_TWOSIDED, mat_two_sided)) {
+ if (mat_two_sided > 0) {
+ mat->set_cull_mode(SpatialMaterial::CULL_DISABLED);
- child_node->get_parent()->remove_child(child_node);
- memdelete(child_node);
- child_node = mesh_node;
- } else if (p_light_names.has(node_name)) {
- Spatial *light_node = Object::cast_to<Light>(p_owner->find_node(node_name));
- ERR_FAIL_COND(light_node == NULL);
- if (!p_parent->has_node(light_node->get_path())) {
- p_parent->add_child(light_node);
- }
- light_node->set_owner(p_owner);
- light_node->set_transform(child_node->get_transform().scaled(Vector3(factor, factor, factor)) *
- light_node->get_transform().scaled(Vector3(factor, factor, factor)));
- child_node->get_parent()->remove_child(child_node);
- memdelete(child_node);
- child_node = light_node;
- } else if (p_camera_names.has(node_name)) {
- Spatial *camera_node = Object::cast_to<Camera>(p_owner->find_node(node_name));
- ERR_FAIL_COND(camera_node == NULL);
- if (!p_parent->has_node(camera_node->get_path())) {
- p_parent->add_child(camera_node);
- }
- camera_node->set_owner(p_owner);
- camera_node->set_transform(child_node->get_transform().scaled(Vector3(factor, factor, factor)) *
- camera_node->get_transform().scaled(Vector3(factor, factor, factor)));
- camera_node->scale(Vector3(factor, factor, factor));
- child_node->get_parent()->remove_child(child_node);
- memdelete(child_node);
- child_node = camera_node;
- }
- child_node->set_name(node_name);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < p_node->mNumChildren; i++) {
- _generate_node(p_path, p_scene, p_node->mChildren[i], child_node, p_owner, r_bone_name, p_light_names, p_camera_names, r_skeletons, p_bone_rests, r_mesh_instances, r_mesh_count, p_skeleton, p_max_bone_weights, r_removed_bones, r_name_morph_mesh_names);
-aiNode *EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_ai_find_node(aiNode *ai_child_node, const String bone_name) {
- if (_ai_string_to_string(ai_child_node->mName) == bone_name) {
- return ai_child_node;
+ //const String mesh_name = _assimp_get_string(ai_mesh->mName);
+ aiString mat_name;
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_NAME, mat_name)) {
+ mat->set_name(_assimp_get_string(mat_name));
- aiNode *target = NULL;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ai_child_node->mNumChildren; i++) {
- target = _ai_find_node(ai_child_node->mChildren[i], bone_name);
- if (target != NULL) {
- return target;
- }
- }
- return target;
+ aiTextureType tex_normal = aiTextureType_NORMALS;
+ {
+ aiString ai_filename = aiString();
+ String filename = "";
+ aiTextureMapMode map_mode[2];
-Transform EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_format_rot_xform(const String p_path, const aiScene *p_scene) {
- String ext = p_path.get_file().get_extension().to_lower();
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->GetTexture(tex_normal, 0, &ai_filename, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, map_mode)) {
+ filename = _assimp_raw_string_to_string(ai_filename);
+ String path = state.path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
+ bool found = false;
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (found) {
+ Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(state, path);
- Transform xform;
- int32_t up_axis = 0;
- Vector3 up_axis_vec3 = Vector3();
- int32_t front_axis = 0;
- Vector3 front_axis_vec3 = Vector3();
- if (p_scene->mMetaData != NULL) {
- p_scene->mMetaData->Get("UpAxis", up_axis);
- if (up_axis == AssetImportFbx::UP_VECTOR_AXIS_X) {
- if (p_scene->mMetaData != NULL) {
- p_scene->mMetaData->Get("FrontAxis", front_axis);
- if (front_axis == AssetImportFbx::FRONT_PARITY_EVEN) {
- // y
- } else if (front_axis == AssetImportFbx::FRONT_PARITY_ODD) {
- // z
- //front_axis_vec3 = Vector3(0.0f, Math::deg2rad(-180.f), 0.0f);
- }
- }
- } else if (up_axis == AssetImportFbx::UP_VECTOR_AXIS_Y) {
- up_axis_vec3 = Vector3(Math::deg2rad(-90.f), 0.0f, 0.0f);
- if (p_scene->mMetaData != NULL) {
- p_scene->mMetaData->Get("FrontAxis", front_axis);
- if (front_axis == AssetImportFbx::FRONT_PARITY_EVEN) {
- // x
- } else if (front_axis == AssetImportFbx::FRONT_PARITY_ODD) {
- // z
- }
- }
- } else if (up_axis == AssetImportFbx::UP_VECTOR_AXIS_Z) {
- up_axis_vec3 = Vector3(0.0f, Math ::deg2rad(90.f), 0.0f);
- if (p_scene->mMetaData != NULL) {
- p_scene->mMetaData->Get("FrontAxis", front_axis);
- if (front_axis == AssetImportFbx::FRONT_PARITY_EVEN) {
- // x
- } else if (front_axis == AssetImportFbx::FRONT_PARITY_ODD) {
- // y
+ if (texture != NULL) {
+ if (map_mode != NULL) {
+ _set_texture_mapping_mode(map_mode, texture);
+ }
+ mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::Feature::FEATURE_NORMAL_MAPPING, true);
+ mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_NORMAL, texture);
- int32_t up_axis_sign = 0;
- if (p_scene->mMetaData != NULL) {
- p_scene->mMetaData->Get("UpAxisSign", up_axis_sign);
- up_axis_vec3 = up_axis_vec3 * up_axis_sign;
- }
- int32_t front_axis_sign = 0;
- if (p_scene->mMetaData != NULL) {
- p_scene->mMetaData->Get("FrontAxisSign", front_axis_sign);
- front_axis_vec3 = front_axis_vec3 * front_axis_sign;
- }
+ {
+ aiString ai_filename = aiString();
+ String filename = "";
- int32_t coord_axis = 0;
- Vector3 coord_axis_vec3 = Vector3();
- if (p_scene->mMetaData != NULL) {
- p_scene->mMetaData->Get("CoordAxis", coord_axis);
- if (coord_axis == AssetImportFbx::COORD_LEFT) {
- } else if (coord_axis == AssetImportFbx::COORD_RIGHT) {
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_NORMAL_TEXTURE, ai_filename)) {
+ filename = _assimp_raw_string_to_string(ai_filename);
+ String path = state.path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
+ bool found = false;
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (found) {
+ Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(state, path);
+ if (texture != NULL) {
+ mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::Feature::FEATURE_NORMAL_MAPPING, true);
+ mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_NORMAL, texture);
+ }
+ }
- int32_t coord_axis_sign = 0;
- if (p_scene->mMetaData != NULL) {
- p_scene->mMetaData->Get("CoordAxisSign", coord_axis_sign);
- }
- Quat up_quat;
- up_quat.set_euler(up_axis_vec3);
- Quat coord_quat;
- coord_quat.set_euler(coord_axis_vec3);
- Quat front_quat;
- front_quat.set_euler(front_axis_vec3);
+ aiTextureType tex_emissive = aiTextureType_EMISSIVE;
- xform.basis.set_quat(up_quat * coord_quat * front_quat);
- return xform;
+ if (ai_material->GetTextureCount(tex_emissive) > 0) {
-void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_get_track_set(const aiScene *p_scene, Set<String> &tracks) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < p_scene->mNumAnimations; i++) {
- for (size_t j = 0; j < p_scene->mAnimations[i]->mNumChannels; j++) {
- aiString ai_name = p_scene->mAnimations[i]->mChannels[j]->mNodeName;
- String name = _ai_string_to_string(ai_name);
- tracks.insert(name);
- }
- }
+ aiString ai_filename = aiString();
+ String filename = "";
+ aiTextureMapMode map_mode[2];
-void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_add_mesh_to_mesh_instance(const aiNode *p_node, const aiScene *p_scene, Skeleton *s, const String &p_path, MeshInstance *p_mesh_instance, Node *p_owner, Set<String> &r_bone_name, int32_t &r_mesh_count, int32_t p_max_bone_weights, Map<String, Map<uint32_t, String> > &r_name_morph_mesh_names) {
- Ref<ArrayMesh> mesh;
- mesh.instance();
- bool has_uvs = false;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < p_node->mNumMeshes; i++) {
- const unsigned int mesh_idx = p_node->mMeshes[i];
- const aiMesh *ai_mesh = p_scene->mMeshes[mesh_idx];
- Map<uint32_t, Vector<float> > vertex_weight;
- Map<uint32_t, Vector<String> > vertex_bone_name;
- for (size_t b = 0; b < ai_mesh->mNumBones; b++) {
- aiBone *bone = ai_mesh->mBones[b];
- for (size_t w = 0; w < bone->mNumWeights; w++) {
- String name = _ai_string_to_string(bone->mName);
- aiVertexWeight ai_weights = bone->mWeights[w];
- uint32_t vertexId = ai_weights.mVertexId;
- Map<uint32_t, Vector<float> >::Element *result = vertex_weight.find(vertexId);
- Vector<float> weights;
- if (result != NULL) {
- weights.append_array(result->value());
- }
- weights.push_back(ai_weights.mWeight);
- if (vertex_weight.has(vertexId)) {
- vertex_weight[vertexId] = weights;
- } else {
- vertex_weight.insert(vertexId, weights);
- }
- Map<uint32_t, Vector<String> >::Element *bone_result = vertex_bone_name.find(vertexId);
- Vector<String> bone_names;
- if (bone_result != NULL) {
- bone_names.append_array(bone_result->value());
- }
- bone_names.push_back(name);
- if (vertex_bone_name.has(vertexId)) {
- vertex_bone_name[vertexId] = bone_names;
- } else {
- vertex_bone_name.insert(vertexId, bone_names);
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->GetTexture(tex_emissive, 0, &ai_filename, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, map_mode)) {
+ filename = _assimp_raw_string_to_string(ai_filename);
+ String path = state.path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
+ bool found = false;
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (found) {
+ Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(state, path);
+ if (texture != NULL) {
+ _set_texture_mapping_mode(map_mode, texture);
+ mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::FEATURE_EMISSION, true);
+ mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_EMISSION, texture);
+ }
- Ref<SurfaceTool> st;
- st.instance();
- st->begin(Mesh::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES);
- for (size_t j = 0; j < ai_mesh->mNumVertices; j++) {
- if (ai_mesh->HasTextureCoords(0)) {
- has_uvs = true;
- st->add_uv(Vector2(ai_mesh->mTextureCoords[0][j].x, 1.0f - ai_mesh->mTextureCoords[0][j].y));
- }
- if (ai_mesh->HasTextureCoords(1)) {
- has_uvs = true;
- st->add_uv2(Vector2(ai_mesh->mTextureCoords[1][j].x, 1.0f - ai_mesh->mTextureCoords[1][j].y));
- }
- if (ai_mesh->HasVertexColors(0)) {
- Color color = Color(ai_mesh->mColors[0]->r, ai_mesh->mColors[0]->g, ai_mesh->mColors[0]->b, ai_mesh->mColors[0]->a);
- st->add_color(color);
- }
- if (ai_mesh->mNormals != NULL) {
- const aiVector3D normals = ai_mesh->mNormals[j];
- const Vector3 godot_normal = Vector3(normals.x, normals.y, normals.z);
- st->add_normal(godot_normal);
- if (ai_mesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents()) {
- const aiVector3D tangents = ai_mesh->mTangents[j];
- const Vector3 godot_tangent = Vector3(tangents.x, tangents.y, tangents.z);
- const aiVector3D bitangent = ai_mesh->mBitangents[j];
- const Vector3 godot_bitangent = Vector3(bitangent.x, bitangent.y, bitangent.z);
- float d = godot_normal.cross(godot_tangent).dot(godot_bitangent) > 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
- st->add_tangent(Plane(tangents.x, tangents.y, tangents.z, d));
- }
- }
+ aiTextureType tex_albedo = aiTextureType_DIFFUSE;
+ if (ai_material->GetTextureCount(tex_albedo) > 0) {
- if (s != NULL && s->get_bone_count() > 0) {
- Map<uint32_t, Vector<String> >::Element *I = vertex_bone_name.find(j);
- Vector<int32_t> bones;
- if (I != NULL) {
- Vector<String> bone_names;
- bone_names.append_array(I->value());
- for (int32_t f = 0; f < bone_names.size(); f++) {
- int32_t bone = s->find_bone(bone_names[f]);
- ERR_EXPLAIN("Asset Importer: Mesh can't find bone " + bone_names[f]);
- ERR_FAIL_COND(bone == -1);
- bones.push_back(bone);
- }
- if (s->get_bone_count()) {
- int32_t add = CLAMP(p_max_bone_weights - bones.size(), 0, p_max_bone_weights);
- for (int32_t f = 0; f < add; f++) {
- bones.push_back(0);
- }
- }
- st->add_bones(bones);
- Map<uint32_t, Vector<float> >::Element *E = vertex_weight.find(j);
- Vector<float> weights;
- if (E != NULL) {
- weights = E->value();
- if (weights.size() != p_max_bone_weights) {
- int32_t add = CLAMP(p_max_bone_weights - weights.size(), 0, p_max_bone_weights);
- for (int32_t f = 0; f < add; f++) {
- weights.push_back(0.0f);
- }
- }
+ aiString ai_filename = aiString();
+ String filename = "";
+ aiTextureMapMode map_mode[2];
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->GetTexture(tex_albedo, 0, &ai_filename, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, map_mode)) {
+ filename = _assimp_raw_string_to_string(ai_filename);
+ String path = state.path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
+ bool found = false;
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (found) {
+ Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(state, path);
+ if (texture != NULL) {
+ if (texture->get_data()->detect_alpha() != Image::ALPHA_NONE) {
+ _set_texture_mapping_mode(map_mode, texture);
+ mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::FEATURE_TRANSPARENT, true);
+ mat->set_depth_draw_mode(SpatialMaterial::DepthDrawMode::DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_OPAQUE_PREPASS);
- ERR_CONTINUE(weights.size() == 0);
- st->add_weights(weights);
+ mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_ALBEDO, texture);
- const aiVector3D pos = ai_mesh->mVertices[j];
- Vector3 godot_pos = Vector3(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
- st->add_vertex(godot_pos);
- for (size_t j = 0; j < ai_mesh->mNumFaces; j++) {
- const aiFace face = ai_mesh->mFaces[j];
- ERR_FAIL_COND(face.mNumIndices != 3);
- Vector<size_t> order;
- order.push_back(2);
- order.push_back(1);
- order.push_back(0);
- for (int32_t k = 0; k < order.size(); k++) {
- st->add_index(face.mIndices[order[k]]);
+ } else {
+ aiColor4D clr_diffuse;
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE, clr_diffuse)) {
+ if (Math::is_equal_approx(clr_diffuse.a, 1.0f) == false) {
+ mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::FEATURE_TRANSPARENT, true);
+ mat->set_depth_draw_mode(SpatialMaterial::DepthDrawMode::DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_OPAQUE_PREPASS);
+ }
+ mat->set_albedo(Color(clr_diffuse.r, clr_diffuse.g, clr_diffuse.b, clr_diffuse.a));
+ }
+ }
+ aiString tex_gltf_base_color_path = aiString();
+ aiTextureMapMode map_mode[2];
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->GetTexture(AI_MATKEY_GLTF_PBRMETALLICROUGHNESS_BASE_COLOR_TEXTURE, &tex_gltf_base_color_path, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, map_mode)) {
+ String filename = _assimp_raw_string_to_string(tex_gltf_base_color_path);
+ String path = state.path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
+ bool found = false;
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (found) {
+ Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(state, path);
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (texture != NULL) {
+ if (texture->get_data()->detect_alpha() == Image::ALPHA_BLEND) {
+ _set_texture_mapping_mode(map_mode, texture);
+ mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::FEATURE_TRANSPARENT, true);
+ mat->set_depth_draw_mode(SpatialMaterial::DepthDrawMode::DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_OPAQUE_PREPASS);
+ }
+ mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_ALBEDO, texture);
- if (ai_mesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents() == false && has_uvs) {
- st->generate_tangents();
- }
- aiMaterial *ai_material = p_scene->mMaterials[ai_mesh->mMaterialIndex];
- Ref<SpatialMaterial> mat;
- mat.instance();
- int32_t mat_two_sided = 0;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_TWOSIDED, mat_two_sided)) {
- if (mat_two_sided > 0) {
- mat->set_cull_mode(SpatialMaterial::CULL_DISABLED);
+ } else {
+ aiColor4D pbr_base_color;
+ if (Math::is_equal_approx(pbr_base_color.a, 1.0f) == false) {
+ mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::FEATURE_TRANSPARENT, true);
+ mat->set_depth_draw_mode(SpatialMaterial::DepthDrawMode::DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_OPAQUE_PREPASS);
+ mat->set_albedo(Color(pbr_base_color.r, pbr_base_color.g, pbr_base_color.b, pbr_base_color.a));
- const String mesh_name = _ai_string_to_string(ai_mesh->mName);
- aiString mat_name;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_NAME, mat_name)) {
- mat->set_name(_ai_string_to_string(mat_name));
- }
- aiTextureType tex_normal = aiTextureType_NORMALS;
- {
- aiString ai_filename = aiString();
- String filename = "";
- aiTextureMapMode map_mode[2];
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->GetTexture(tex_normal, 0, &ai_filename, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, map_mode)) {
- filename = _ai_raw_string_to_string(ai_filename);
- String path = p_path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
- bool found = false;
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (found) {
- Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(p_scene, path);
- if (texture != NULL) {
- if (map_mode != NULL) {
- _set_texture_mapping_mode(map_mode, texture);
- }
- mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::Feature::FEATURE_NORMAL_MAPPING, true);
- mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_NORMAL, texture);
+ }
+ {
+ aiString tex_fbx_pbs_base_color_path = aiString();
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_BASE_COLOR_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_pbs_base_color_path)) {
+ String filename = _assimp_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_pbs_base_color_path);
+ String path = state.path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
+ bool found = false;
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (found) {
+ Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(state, path);
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (texture != NULL) {
+ if (texture->get_data()->detect_alpha() == Image::ALPHA_BLEND) {
+ mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::FEATURE_TRANSPARENT, true);
+ mat->set_depth_draw_mode(SpatialMaterial::DepthDrawMode::DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_OPAQUE_PREPASS);
+ mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_ALBEDO, texture);
- }
- {
- aiString ai_filename = aiString();
- String filename = "";
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_NORMAL_TEXTURE, ai_filename)) {
- filename = _ai_raw_string_to_string(ai_filename);
- String path = p_path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
- bool found = false;
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (found) {
- Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(p_scene, path);
- if (texture != NULL) {
- mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::Feature::FEATURE_NORMAL_MAPPING, true);
- mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_NORMAL, texture);
- }
- }
+ } else {
+ aiColor4D pbr_base_color;
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_BASE_COLOR_FACTOR, pbr_base_color)) {
+ mat->set_albedo(Color(pbr_base_color.r, pbr_base_color.g, pbr_base_color.b, pbr_base_color.a));
- aiTextureType tex_emissive = aiTextureType_EMISSIVE;
- if (ai_material->GetTextureCount(tex_emissive) > 0) {
- aiString ai_filename = aiString();
- String filename = "";
- aiTextureMapMode map_mode[2];
+ aiUVTransform pbr_base_color_uv_xform;
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_BASE_COLOR_UV_XFORM, pbr_base_color_uv_xform)) {
+ mat->set_uv1_offset(Vector3(pbr_base_color_uv_xform.mTranslation.x, pbr_base_color_uv_xform.mTranslation.y, 0.0f));
+ mat->set_uv1_scale(Vector3(pbr_base_color_uv_xform.mScaling.x, pbr_base_color_uv_xform.mScaling.y, 1.0f));
+ }
+ }
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->GetTexture(tex_emissive, 0, &ai_filename, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, map_mode)) {
- filename = _ai_raw_string_to_string(ai_filename);
- String path = p_path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
- bool found = false;
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (found) {
- Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(p_scene, path);
- if (texture != NULL) {
- _set_texture_mapping_mode(map_mode, texture);
- mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::FEATURE_EMISSION, true);
- mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_EMISSION, texture);
- }
+ {
+ aiString tex_fbx_pbs_normal_path = aiString();
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_NORMAL_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_pbs_normal_path)) {
+ String filename = _assimp_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_pbs_normal_path);
+ String path = state.path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
+ bool found = false;
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (found) {
+ Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(state, path);
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (texture != NULL) {
+ mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::Feature::FEATURE_NORMAL_MAPPING, true);
+ mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_NORMAL, texture);
+ }
- aiTextureType tex_albedo = aiTextureType_DIFFUSE;
- if (ai_material->GetTextureCount(tex_albedo) > 0) {
- aiString ai_filename = aiString();
- String filename = "";
- aiTextureMapMode map_mode[2];
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->GetTexture(tex_albedo, 0, &ai_filename, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, map_mode)) {
- filename = _ai_raw_string_to_string(ai_filename);
- String path = p_path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
- bool found = false;
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (found) {
- Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(p_scene, path);
- if (texture != NULL) {
- if (texture->get_data()->detect_alpha() != Image::ALPHA_NONE) {
- _set_texture_mapping_mode(map_mode, texture);
- mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::FEATURE_TRANSPARENT, true);
- mat->set_depth_draw_mode(SpatialMaterial::DepthDrawMode::DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_OPAQUE_PREPASS);
- }
- mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_ALBEDO, texture);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- aiColor4D clr_diffuse;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE, clr_diffuse)) {
- if (Math::is_equal_approx(clr_diffuse.a, 1.0f) == false) {
- mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::FEATURE_TRANSPARENT, true);
- mat->set_depth_draw_mode(SpatialMaterial::DepthDrawMode::DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_OPAQUE_PREPASS);
+ if (p_double_sided) {
+ mat->set_cull_mode(SpatialMaterial::CULL_DISABLED);
+ }
+ {
+ aiString tex_fbx_stingray_normal_path = aiString();
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_NORMAL_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_stingray_normal_path)) {
+ String filename = _assimp_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_stingray_normal_path);
+ String path = state.path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
+ bool found = false;
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (found) {
+ Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(state, path);
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (texture != NULL) {
+ mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::Feature::FEATURE_NORMAL_MAPPING, true);
+ mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_NORMAL, texture);
- mat->set_albedo(Color(clr_diffuse.r, clr_diffuse.g, clr_diffuse.b, clr_diffuse.a));
+ }
- aiString tex_gltf_base_color_path = aiString();
- aiTextureMapMode map_mode[2];
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->GetTexture(AI_MATKEY_GLTF_PBRMETALLICROUGHNESS_BASE_COLOR_TEXTURE, &tex_gltf_base_color_path, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, map_mode)) {
- String filename = _ai_raw_string_to_string(tex_gltf_base_color_path);
- String path = p_path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
+ {
+ aiString tex_fbx_pbs_base_color_path = aiString();
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_COLOR_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_pbs_base_color_path)) {
+ String filename = _assimp_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_pbs_base_color_path);
+ String path = state.path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
bool found = false;
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
if (found) {
- Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(p_scene, path);
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
+ Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(state, path);
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
if (texture != NULL) {
if (texture->get_data()->detect_alpha() == Image::ALPHA_BLEND) {
- _set_texture_mapping_mode(map_mode, texture);
mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::FEATURE_TRANSPARENT, true);
@@ -1589,263 +1063,274 @@ void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_add_mesh_to_mesh_instance(const aiNode *p_node,
} else {
aiColor4D pbr_base_color;
- if (Math::is_equal_approx(pbr_base_color.a, 1.0f) == false) {
- mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::FEATURE_TRANSPARENT, true);
- mat->set_depth_draw_mode(SpatialMaterial::DepthDrawMode::DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_OPAQUE_PREPASS);
- }
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_BASE_COLOR_FACTOR, pbr_base_color)) {
mat->set_albedo(Color(pbr_base_color.r, pbr_base_color.g, pbr_base_color.b, pbr_base_color.a));
- {
- aiString tex_fbx_pbs_base_color_path = aiString();
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_BASE_COLOR_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_pbs_base_color_path)) {
- String filename = _ai_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_pbs_base_color_path);
- String path = p_path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
- bool found = false;
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (found) {
- Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(p_scene, path);
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (texture != NULL) {
- if (texture->get_data()->detect_alpha() == Image::ALPHA_BLEND) {
- mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::FEATURE_TRANSPARENT, true);
- mat->set_depth_draw_mode(SpatialMaterial::DepthDrawMode::DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_OPAQUE_PREPASS);
- }
- mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_ALBEDO, texture);
- }
- }
- } else {
- aiColor4D pbr_base_color;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_BASE_COLOR_FACTOR, pbr_base_color)) {
- mat->set_albedo(Color(pbr_base_color.r, pbr_base_color.g, pbr_base_color.b, pbr_base_color.a));
- }
- }
- aiUVTransform pbr_base_color_uv_xform;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_BASE_COLOR_UV_XFORM, pbr_base_color_uv_xform)) {
- mat->set_uv1_offset(Vector3(pbr_base_color_uv_xform.mTranslation.x, pbr_base_color_uv_xform.mTranslation.y, 0.0f));
- mat->set_uv1_scale(Vector3(pbr_base_color_uv_xform.mScaling.x, pbr_base_color_uv_xform.mScaling.y, 1.0f));
- }
+ aiUVTransform pbr_base_color_uv_xform;
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_COLOR_UV_XFORM, pbr_base_color_uv_xform)) {
+ mat->set_uv1_offset(Vector3(pbr_base_color_uv_xform.mTranslation.x, pbr_base_color_uv_xform.mTranslation.y, 0.0f));
+ mat->set_uv1_scale(Vector3(pbr_base_color_uv_xform.mScaling.x, pbr_base_color_uv_xform.mScaling.y, 1.0f));
+ }
- {
- aiString tex_fbx_pbs_normal_path = aiString();
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_NORMAL_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_pbs_normal_path)) {
- String filename = _ai_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_pbs_normal_path);
- String path = p_path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
- bool found = false;
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (found) {
- Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(p_scene, path);
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (texture != NULL) {
- mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::Feature::FEATURE_NORMAL_MAPPING, true);
- mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_NORMAL, texture);
+ {
+ aiString tex_fbx_pbs_emissive_path = aiString();
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_EMISSIVE_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_pbs_emissive_path)) {
+ String filename = _assimp_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_pbs_emissive_path);
+ String path = state.path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
+ bool found = false;
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (found) {
+ Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(state, path);
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (texture != NULL) {
+ if (texture->get_data()->detect_alpha() == Image::ALPHA_BLEND) {
+ mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::FEATURE_TRANSPARENT, true);
+ mat->set_depth_draw_mode(SpatialMaterial::DepthDrawMode::DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_OPAQUE_PREPASS);
+ mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_ALBEDO, texture);
+ } else {
+ aiColor4D pbr_emmissive_color;
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_EMISSIVE_FACTOR, pbr_emmissive_color)) {
+ mat->set_emission(Color(pbr_emmissive_color.r, pbr_emmissive_color.g, pbr_emmissive_color.b, pbr_emmissive_color.a));
+ }
- aiString cull_mode;
- if (p_node->mMetaData) {
- p_node->mMetaData->Get("Culling", cull_mode);
- }
- if (cull_mode.length != 0 && cull_mode == aiString("CullingOff")) {
- mat->set_cull_mode(SpatialMaterial::CULL_DISABLED);
+ real_t pbr_emission_intensity;
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_EMISSIVE_INTENSITY_FACTOR, pbr_emission_intensity)) {
+ mat->set_emission_energy(pbr_emission_intensity);
+ }
- {
- aiString tex_fbx_stingray_normal_path = aiString();
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_NORMAL_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_stingray_normal_path)) {
- String filename = _ai_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_stingray_normal_path);
- String path = p_path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
- bool found = false;
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (found) {
- Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(p_scene, path);
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (texture != NULL) {
- mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::Feature::FEATURE_NORMAL_MAPPING, true);
- mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_NORMAL, texture);
- }
- }
+ aiString tex_gltf_pbr_metallicroughness_path;
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->GetTexture(AI_MATKEY_GLTF_PBRMETALLICROUGHNESS_METALLICROUGHNESS_TEXTURE, &tex_gltf_pbr_metallicroughness_path)) {
+ String filename = _assimp_raw_string_to_string(tex_gltf_pbr_metallicroughness_path);
+ String path = state.path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
+ bool found = false;
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (found) {
+ Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(state, path);
+ if (texture != NULL) {
+ mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_METALLIC, texture);
+ mat->set_metallic_texture_channel(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_BLUE);
+ mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS, texture);
+ mat->set_roughness_texture_channel(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GREEN);
+ } else {
+ float pbr_roughness = 0.0f;
+ mat->set_roughness(pbr_roughness);
+ }
+ float pbr_metallic = 0.0f;
- {
- aiString tex_fbx_pbs_base_color_path = aiString();
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_COLOR_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_pbs_base_color_path)) {
- String filename = _ai_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_pbs_base_color_path);
- String path = p_path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
- bool found = false;
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (found) {
- Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(p_scene, path);
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (texture != NULL) {
- if (texture->get_data()->detect_alpha() == Image::ALPHA_BLEND) {
- mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::FEATURE_TRANSPARENT, true);
- mat->set_depth_draw_mode(SpatialMaterial::DepthDrawMode::DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_OPAQUE_PREPASS);
- }
- mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_ALBEDO, texture);
- }
- }
- } else {
- aiColor4D pbr_base_color;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_BASE_COLOR_FACTOR, pbr_base_color)) {
- mat->set_albedo(Color(pbr_base_color.r, pbr_base_color.g, pbr_base_color.b, pbr_base_color.a));
+ mat->set_metallic(pbr_metallic);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ aiString tex_fbx_pbs_metallic_path;
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_METALLIC_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_pbs_metallic_path)) {
+ String filename = _assimp_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_pbs_metallic_path);
+ String path = state.path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
+ bool found = false;
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (found) {
+ Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(state, path);
+ if (texture != NULL) {
+ mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_METALLIC, texture);
+ mat->set_metallic_texture_channel(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE);
- aiUVTransform pbr_base_color_uv_xform;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_COLOR_UV_XFORM, pbr_base_color_uv_xform)) {
- mat->set_uv1_offset(Vector3(pbr_base_color_uv_xform.mTranslation.x, pbr_base_color_uv_xform.mTranslation.y, 0.0f));
- mat->set_uv1_scale(Vector3(pbr_base_color_uv_xform.mScaling.x, pbr_base_color_uv_xform.mScaling.y, 1.0f));
+ } else {
+ float pbr_metallic = 0.0f;
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_METALLIC_FACTOR, pbr_metallic)) {
+ mat->set_metallic(pbr_metallic);
- {
- aiString tex_fbx_pbs_emissive_path = aiString();
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_EMISSIVE_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_pbs_emissive_path)) {
- String filename = _ai_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_pbs_emissive_path);
- String path = p_path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
- bool found = false;
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (found) {
- Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(p_scene, path);
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (texture != NULL) {
- if (texture->get_data()->detect_alpha() == Image::ALPHA_BLEND) {
- mat->set_feature(SpatialMaterial::FEATURE_TRANSPARENT, true);
- mat->set_depth_draw_mode(SpatialMaterial::DepthDrawMode::DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_OPAQUE_PREPASS);
- }
- mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_ALBEDO, texture);
- }
- }
- } else {
- aiColor4D pbr_emmissive_color;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_EMISSIVE_FACTOR, pbr_emmissive_color)) {
- mat->set_emission(Color(pbr_emmissive_color.r, pbr_emmissive_color.g, pbr_emmissive_color.b, pbr_emmissive_color.a));
+ aiString tex_fbx_pbs_rough_path;
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_ROUGHNESS_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_pbs_rough_path)) {
+ String filename = _assimp_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_pbs_rough_path);
+ String path = state.path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
+ bool found = false;
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (found) {
+ Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(state, path);
+ if (texture != NULL) {
+ mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS, texture);
+ mat->set_roughness_texture_channel(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE);
+ } else {
+ float pbr_roughness = 0.04f;
- real_t pbr_emission_intensity;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_EMISSIVE_INTENSITY_FACTOR, pbr_emission_intensity)) {
- mat->set_emission_energy(pbr_emission_intensity);
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_ROUGHNESS_FACTOR, pbr_roughness)) {
+ mat->set_roughness(pbr_roughness);
+ }
- aiString tex_gltf_pbr_metallicroughness_path;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->GetTexture(AI_MATKEY_GLTF_PBRMETALLICROUGHNESS_METALLICROUGHNESS_TEXTURE, &tex_gltf_pbr_metallicroughness_path)) {
- String filename = _ai_raw_string_to_string(tex_gltf_pbr_metallicroughness_path);
- String path = p_path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
+ {
+ aiString tex_fbx_pbs_metallic_path;
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_METALNESS_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_pbs_metallic_path)) {
+ String filename = _assimp_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_pbs_metallic_path);
+ String path = state.path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
bool found = false;
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
if (found) {
- Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(p_scene, path);
+ Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(state, path);
if (texture != NULL) {
mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_METALLIC, texture);
- mat->set_metallic_texture_channel(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_BLUE);
- mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS, texture);
- mat->set_roughness_texture_channel(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GREEN);
+ mat->set_metallic_texture_channel(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE);
} else {
- float pbr_roughness = 0.0f;
- mat->set_roughness(pbr_roughness);
- }
float pbr_metallic = 0.0f;
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_METALNESS_FACTOR, pbr_metallic)) {
- {
- aiString tex_fbx_pbs_metallic_path;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_METALLIC_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_pbs_metallic_path)) {
- String filename = _ai_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_pbs_metallic_path);
- String path = p_path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
- bool found = false;
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (found) {
- Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(p_scene, path);
- if (texture != NULL) {
- mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_METALLIC, texture);
- mat->set_metallic_texture_channel(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE);
- }
- }
- } else {
- float pbr_metallic = 0.0f;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_METALLIC_FACTOR, pbr_metallic)) {
- mat->set_metallic(pbr_metallic);
+ aiString tex_fbx_pbs_rough_path;
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_DIFFUSE_ROUGHNESS_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_pbs_rough_path)) {
+ String filename = _assimp_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_pbs_rough_path);
+ String path = state.path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
+ bool found = false;
+ _find_texture_path(state.path, path, found);
+ if (found) {
+ Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(state, path);
+ if (texture != NULL) {
+ mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS, texture);
+ mat->set_roughness_texture_channel(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE);
+ } else {
+ float pbr_roughness = 0.04f;
+ if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_DIFFUSE_ROUGHNESS_FACTOR, pbr_roughness)) {
+ mat->set_roughness(pbr_roughness);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return mat;
+Ref<Mesh> EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_generate_mesh_from_surface_indices(ImportState &state, const Vector<int> &p_surface_indices, Skeleton *p_skeleton, bool p_double_sided_material) {
+ Ref<ArrayMesh> mesh;
+ mesh.instance();
+ bool has_uvs = false;
- aiString tex_fbx_pbs_rough_path;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_ROUGHNESS_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_pbs_rough_path)) {
- String filename = _ai_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_pbs_rough_path);
- String path = p_path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
- bool found = false;
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (found) {
- Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(p_scene, path);
- if (texture != NULL) {
- mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS, texture);
- mat->set_roughness_texture_channel(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE);
+ for (int i = 0; i < p_surface_indices.size(); i++) {
+ const unsigned int mesh_idx = p_surface_indices[i];
+ const aiMesh *ai_mesh = state.assimp_scene->mMeshes[mesh_idx];
+ Map<uint32_t, Vector<BoneInfo> > vertex_weights;
+ if (p_skeleton) {
+ for (size_t b = 0; b < ai_mesh->mNumBones; b++) {
+ aiBone *bone = ai_mesh->mBones[b];
+ String bone_name = _assimp_get_string(bone->mName);
+ int bone_index = p_skeleton->find_bone(bone_name);
+ ERR_CONTINUE(bone_index == -1); //bone refers to an unexisting index, wtf.
+ for (size_t w = 0; w < bone->mNumWeights; w++) {
+ aiVertexWeight ai_weights = bone->mWeights[w];
+ BoneInfo bi;
+ uint32_t vertex_index = ai_weights.mVertexId;
+ bi.bone = bone_index;
+ bi.weight = ai_weights.mWeight;
+ ;
+ if (!vertex_weights.has(vertex_index)) {
+ vertex_weights[vertex_index] = Vector<BoneInfo>();
- }
- } else {
- float pbr_roughness = 0.04f;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_STINGRAY_ROUGHNESS_FACTOR, pbr_roughness)) {
- mat->set_roughness(pbr_roughness);
+ vertex_weights[vertex_index].push_back(bi);
- {
- aiString tex_fbx_pbs_metallic_path;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_METALNESS_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_pbs_metallic_path)) {
- String filename = _ai_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_pbs_metallic_path);
- String path = p_path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
- bool found = false;
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (found) {
- Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(p_scene, path);
- if (texture != NULL) {
- mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_METALLIC, texture);
- mat->set_metallic_texture_channel(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE);
- }
- }
- } else {
- float pbr_metallic = 0.0f;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_METALNESS_FACTOR, pbr_metallic)) {
- mat->set_metallic(pbr_metallic);
+ Ref<SurfaceTool> st;
+ st.instance();
+ st->begin(Mesh::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < ai_mesh->mNumVertices; j++) {
+ if (ai_mesh->HasTextureCoords(0)) {
+ has_uvs = true;
+ st->add_uv(Vector2(ai_mesh->mTextureCoords[0][j].x, 1.0f - ai_mesh->mTextureCoords[0][j].y));
+ }
+ if (ai_mesh->HasTextureCoords(1)) {
+ has_uvs = true;
+ st->add_uv2(Vector2(ai_mesh->mTextureCoords[1][j].x, 1.0f - ai_mesh->mTextureCoords[1][j].y));
+ }
+ if (ai_mesh->HasVertexColors(0)) {
+ Color color = Color(ai_mesh->mColors[0]->r, ai_mesh->mColors[0]->g, ai_mesh->mColors[0]->b, ai_mesh->mColors[0]->a);
+ st->add_color(color);
+ }
+ if (ai_mesh->mNormals != NULL) {
+ const aiVector3D normals = ai_mesh->mNormals[j];
+ const Vector3 godot_normal = Vector3(normals.x, normals.y, normals.z);
+ st->add_normal(godot_normal);
+ if (ai_mesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents()) {
+ const aiVector3D tangents = ai_mesh->mTangents[j];
+ const Vector3 godot_tangent = Vector3(tangents.x, tangents.y, tangents.z);
+ const aiVector3D bitangent = ai_mesh->mBitangents[j];
+ const Vector3 godot_bitangent = Vector3(bitangent.x, bitangent.y, bitangent.z);
+ float d = godot_normal.cross(godot_tangent).dot(godot_bitangent) > 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
+ st->add_tangent(Plane(tangents.x, tangents.y, tangents.z, d));
- aiString tex_fbx_pbs_rough_path;
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_DIFFUSE_ROUGHNESS_TEXTURE, tex_fbx_pbs_rough_path)) {
- String filename = _ai_raw_string_to_string(tex_fbx_pbs_rough_path);
- String path = p_path.get_base_dir() + "/" + filename.replace("\\", "/");
- bool found = false;
- _find_texture_path(p_path, path, found);
- if (found) {
- Ref<Texture> texture = _load_texture(p_scene, path);
- if (texture != NULL) {
- mat->set_texture(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS, texture);
- mat->set_roughness_texture_channel(SpatialMaterial::TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE);
- }
- }
- } else {
- float pbr_roughness = 0.04f;
+ if (vertex_weights.has(j)) {
- if (AI_SUCCESS == ai_material->Get(AI_MATKEY_FBX_MAYA_DIFFUSE_ROUGHNESS_FACTOR, pbr_roughness)) {
- mat->set_roughness(pbr_roughness);
+ Vector<BoneInfo> bone_info = vertex_weights[j];
+ Vector<int> bones;
+ bones.resize(bone_info.size());
+ Vector<float> weights;
+ weights.resize(bone_info.size());
+ for (int k = 0; k < bone_info.size(); k++) {
+ bones.write[k] = bone_info[k].bone;
+ weights.write[k] = bone_info[k].weight;
+ st->add_bones(bones);
+ st->add_weights(weights);
+ const aiVector3D pos = ai_mesh->mVertices[j];
+ Vector3 godot_pos = Vector3(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
+ st->add_vertex(godot_pos);
+ }
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < ai_mesh->mNumFaces; j++) {
+ const aiFace face = ai_mesh->mFaces[j];
+ ERR_CONTINUE(face.mNumIndices != 3);
+ Vector<size_t> order;
+ order.push_back(2);
+ order.push_back(1);
+ order.push_back(0);
+ for (int32_t k = 0; k < order.size(); k++) {
+ st->add_index(face.mIndices[order[k]]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ai_mesh->HasTangentsAndBitangents() == false && has_uvs) {
+ st->generate_tangents();
+ }
+ Ref<Material> material;
+ if (!state.material_cache.has(ai_mesh->mMaterialIndex)) {
+ material = _generate_material_from_index(state, ai_mesh->mMaterialIndex, p_double_sided_material);
Array array_mesh = st->commit_to_arrays();
@@ -1855,13 +1340,16 @@ void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_add_mesh_to_mesh_instance(const aiNode *p_node,
Map<uint32_t, String> morph_mesh_idx_names;
for (size_t j = 0; j < ai_mesh->mNumAnimMeshes; j++) {
- String ai_anim_mesh_name = _ai_string_to_string(ai_mesh->mAnimMeshes[j]->mName);
- mesh->set_blend_shape_mode(Mesh::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED);
- if (ai_anim_mesh_name.empty()) {
- ai_anim_mesh_name = String("morph_") + itos(j);
+ if (i == 0) {
+ //only do this the first time
+ String ai_anim_mesh_name = _assimp_get_string(ai_mesh->mAnimMeshes[j]->mName);
+ mesh->set_blend_shape_mode(Mesh::BLEND_SHAPE_MODE_NORMALIZED);
+ if (ai_anim_mesh_name.empty()) {
+ ai_anim_mesh_name = String("morph_") + itos(j);
+ }
+ mesh->add_blend_shape(ai_anim_mesh_name);
- mesh->add_blend_shape(ai_anim_mesh_name);
- morph_mesh_idx_names.insert(j, ai_anim_mesh_name);
Array array_copy;
@@ -1945,82 +1433,192 @@ void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_add_mesh_to_mesh_instance(const aiNode *p_node,
morphs[j] = array_copy;
- r_name_morph_mesh_names.insert(_ai_string_to_string(p_node->mName), morph_mesh_idx_names);
mesh->add_surface_from_arrays(primitive, array_mesh, morphs);
- mesh->surface_set_material(i, mat);
- mesh->surface_set_name(i, _ai_string_to_string(ai_mesh->mName));
- r_mesh_count++;
- print_line(String("Open Asset Import: Created mesh (including instances) ") + _ai_string_to_string(ai_mesh->mName) + " " + itos(r_mesh_count) + " of " + itos(p_scene->mNumMeshes));
+ mesh->surface_set_material(i, material);
+ mesh->surface_set_name(i, _assimp_get_string(ai_mesh->mName));
- p_mesh_instance->set_mesh(mesh);
+ return mesh;
-Ref<Texture> EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_load_texture(const aiScene *p_scene, String p_path) {
- Vector<String> split_path = p_path.get_basename().split("*");
- if (split_path.size() == 2) {
- size_t texture_idx = split_path[1].to_int();
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(texture_idx >= p_scene->mNumTextures, Ref<Texture>());
- aiTexture *tex = p_scene->mTextures[texture_idx];
- String filename = _ai_raw_string_to_string(tex->mFilename);
- filename = filename.get_file();
- print_verbose("Open Asset Import: Loading embedded texture " + filename);
- if (tex->mHeight == 0) {
- if (tex->CheckFormat("png")) {
- Ref<Image> img = Image::_png_mem_loader_func((uint8_t *)tex->pcData, tex->mWidth);
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(img.is_null(), Ref<Texture>());
+void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_generate_node(ImportState &state, const aiNode *p_assimp_node, Node *p_parent) {
- Ref<ImageTexture> t;
- t.instance();
- t->create_from_image(img);
- t->set_storage(ImageTexture::STORAGE_COMPRESS_LOSSY);
- return t;
- } else if (tex->CheckFormat("jpg")) {
- Ref<Image> img = Image::_jpg_mem_loader_func((uint8_t *)tex->pcData, tex->mWidth);
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(img.is_null(), Ref<Texture>());
- Ref<ImageTexture> t;
- t.instance();
- t->create_from_image(img);
- t->set_storage(ImageTexture::STORAGE_COMPRESS_LOSSY);
- return t;
- } else if (tex->CheckFormat("dds")) {
- ERR_EXPLAIN("Open Asset Import: Embedded dds not implemented");
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(true, Ref<Texture>());
- //Ref<Image> img = Image::_dds_mem_loader_func((uint8_t *)tex->pcData, tex->mWidth);
- //ERR_FAIL_COND_V(img.is_null(), Ref<Texture>());
- //Ref<ImageTexture> t;
- //t.instance();
- //t->create_from_image(img);
- //t->set_storage(ImageTexture::STORAGE_COMPRESS_LOSSY);
- //return t;
+ Spatial *new_node = NULL;
+ String node_name = _assimp_get_string(p_assimp_node->mName);
+ Transform node_transform = _assimp_matrix_transform(p_assimp_node->mTransformation);
+ if (p_assimp_node->mNumMeshes > 0) {
+ /* MESH NODE */
+ Ref<Mesh> mesh;
+ Skeleton *skeleton = NULL;
+ {
+ //see if we have mesh cache for this.
+ Vector<int> surface_indices;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < p_assimp_node->mNumMeshes; i++) {
+ int mesh_index = p_assimp_node->mMeshes[i];
+ surface_indices.push_back(mesh_index);
+ //take the chane and attempt to find the skeleton from the bones
+ if (!skeleton) {
+ aiMesh *ai_mesh = state.assimp_scene->mMeshes[p_assimp_node->mMeshes[i]];
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < ai_mesh->mNumBones; j++) {
+ aiBone *bone = ai_mesh->mBones[j];
+ String bone_name = _assimp_get_string(bone->mName);
+ if (state.bone_owners.has(bone_name)) {
+ skeleton = state.skeletons[state.bone_owners[bone_name]];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- } else {
- Ref<Image> img;
- img.instance();
- PoolByteArray arr;
- uint32_t size = tex->mWidth * tex->mHeight;
- arr.resize(size);
- memcpy(arr.write().ptr(), tex->pcData, size);
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(arr.size() % 4 != 0, Ref<Texture>());
- //ARGB8888 to RGBA8888
- for (int32_t i = 0; i < arr.size() / 4; i++) {
- arr.write().ptr()[(4 * i) + 3] = arr[(4 * i) + 0];
- arr.write().ptr()[(4 * i) + 0] = arr[(4 * i) + 1];
- arr.write().ptr()[(4 * i) + 1] = arr[(4 * i) + 2];
- arr.write().ptr()[(4 * i) + 2] = arr[(4 * i) + 3];
+ surface_indices.sort();
+ String mesh_key;
+ for (int i = 0; i < surface_indices.size(); i++) {
+ if (i > 0) {
+ mesh_key += ":";
+ }
+ mesh_key += itos(surface_indices[i]);
- img->create(tex->mWidth, tex->mHeight, true, Image::FORMAT_RGBA8, arr);
- ERR_FAIL_COND_V(img.is_null(), Ref<Texture>());
- Ref<ImageTexture> t;
- t.instance();
- t->create_from_image(img);
- t->set_storage(ImageTexture::STORAGE_COMPRESS_LOSSY);
- return t;
+ if (!state.mesh_cache.has(mesh_key)) {
+ //adding cache
+ aiString cull_mode; //cull is on mesh, which is kind of stupid tbh
+ bool double_sided_material = false;
+ if (p_assimp_node->mMetaData) {
+ p_assimp_node->mMetaData->Get("Culling", cull_mode);
+ }
+ if (cull_mode.length != 0 && cull_mode == aiString("CullingOff")) {
+ double_sided_material = true;
+ }
+ mesh = _generate_mesh_from_surface_indices(state, surface_indices, skeleton, double_sided_material);
+ state.mesh_cache[mesh_key] = mesh;
+ }
+ mesh = state.mesh_cache[mesh_key];
- return Ref<Texture>();
+ MeshInstance *mesh_node = memnew(MeshInstance);
+ if (skeleton) {
+ state.mesh_skeletons[mesh_node] = skeleton;
+ }
+ mesh_node->set_mesh(mesh);
+ new_node = mesh_node;
+ } else if (state.light_cache.has(node_name)) {
+ Light *light = NULL;
+ aiLight *ai_light = state.assimp_scene->mLights[state.light_cache[node_name]];
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!ai_light);
+ if (ai_light->mType == aiLightSource_DIRECTIONAL) {
+ light = memnew(DirectionalLight);
+ Vector3 dir = Vector3(ai_light->mDirection.y, ai_light->mDirection.x, ai_light->mDirection.z);
+ dir.normalize();
+ Vector3 pos = Vector3(ai_light->mPosition.x, ai_light->mPosition.y, ai_light->mPosition.z);
+ Vector3 up = Vector3(ai_light->mUp.x, ai_light->mUp.y, ai_light->mUp.z);
+ up.normalize();
+ Transform light_transform;
+ light_transform.set_look_at(pos, pos + dir, up);
+ node_transform *= light_transform;
+ } else if (ai_light->mType == aiLightSource_POINT) {
+ light = memnew(OmniLight);
+ Vector3 pos = Vector3(ai_light->mPosition.x, ai_light->mPosition.y, ai_light->mPosition.z);
+ Transform xform;
+ xform.origin = pos;
+ node_transform *= xform;
+ light->set_transform(xform);
+ //light->set_param(Light::PARAM_ATTENUATION, 1);
+ } else if (ai_light->mType == aiLightSource_SPOT) {
+ light = memnew(SpotLight);
+ Vector3 dir = Vector3(ai_light->mDirection.y, ai_light->mDirection.x, ai_light->mDirection.z);
+ dir.normalize();
+ Vector3 pos = Vector3(ai_light->mPosition.x, ai_light->mPosition.y, ai_light->mPosition.z);
+ Vector3 up = Vector3(ai_light->mUp.x, ai_light->mUp.y, ai_light->mUp.z);
+ up.normalize();
+ Transform light_transform;
+ light_transform.set_look_at(pos, pos + dir, up);
+ node_transform *= light_transform;
+ //light->set_param(Light::PARAM_ATTENUATION, 0.0f);
+ }
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(light == NULL);
+ light->set_color(Color(ai_light->mColorDiffuse.r, ai_light->mColorDiffuse.g, ai_light->mColorDiffuse.b));
+ new_node = light;
+ } else if (state.camera_cache.has(node_name)) {
+ aiCamera *ai_camera = state.assimp_scene->mCameras[state.camera_cache[node_name]];
+ ERR_FAIL_COND(!ai_camera);
+ Camera *camera = memnew(Camera);
+ float near = ai_camera->mClipPlaneNear;
+ if (Math::is_equal_approx(near, 0.0f)) {
+ near = 0.1f;
+ }
+ camera->set_perspective(Math::rad2deg(ai_camera->mHorizontalFOV) * 2.0f, near, ai_camera->mClipPlaneFar);
+ Vector3 pos = Vector3(ai_camera->mPosition.x, ai_camera->mPosition.y, ai_camera->mPosition.z);
+ Vector3 look_at = Vector3(ai_camera->mLookAt.y, ai_camera->mLookAt.x, ai_camera->mLookAt.z).normalized();
+ Vector3 up = Vector3(ai_camera->mUp.x, ai_camera->mUp.y, ai_camera->mUp.z);
+ Transform xform;
+ xform.set_look_at(pos, look_at, up);
+ new_node = camera;
+ } else if (state.bone_owners.has(node_name)) {
+ //have to actually put the skeleton somewhere, you know.
+ Skeleton *skeleton = state.skeletons[state.bone_owners[node_name]];
+ if (skeleton->get_parent()) {
+ //a bone for a skeleton already added..
+ //could go downwards here to add meshes children of skeleton bones
+ //but let's not support it for now.
+ return;
+ }
+ //restore rest poses to local, now that we know where the skeleton finally is
+ Transform skeleton_transform;
+ if (p_assimp_node->mParent) {
+ skeleton_transform = _get_global_assimp_node_transform(p_assimp_node->mParent);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < skeleton->get_bone_count(); i++) {
+ Transform rest = skeleton_transform.affine_inverse() * skeleton->get_bone_rest(i);
+ skeleton->set_bone_rest(i, rest.affine_inverse());
+ }
+ skeleton->localize_rests();
+ node_name = "Skeleton"; //don't use the bone root name
+ node_transform = Transform(); //dont transform
+ new_node = skeleton;
+ } else {
+ //generic node
+ new_node = memnew(Spatial);
+ }
+ {
+ new_node->set_name(node_name);
+ new_node->set_transform(node_transform);
+ p_parent->add_child(new_node);
+ new_node->set_owner(state.root);
+ }
+ state.node_map[node_name] = new_node;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < p_assimp_node->mNumChildren; i++) {
+ _generate_node(state, p_assimp_node->mChildren[i], new_node);
- Ref<Texture> p_texture = ResourceLoader::load(p_path, "Texture");
- return p_texture;
void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_calc_tangent_from_mesh(const aiMesh *ai_mesh, int i, int tri_index, int index, PoolColorArray::Write &w) {
@@ -2122,31 +1720,25 @@ void EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_find_texture_path(const String &p_path, _Direct
-String EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_ai_string_to_string(const aiString p_string) const {
- Vector<char> raw_name;
- raw_name.resize(p_string.length);
- memcpy(raw_name.ptrw(), p_string.C_Str(), p_string.length);
+String EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_assimp_get_string(const aiString p_string) const {
+ //convert an assimp String to a Godot String
String name;
- name.parse_utf8(raw_name.ptrw(), raw_name.size());
+ name.parse_utf8(p_string.C_Str() /*,p_string.length*/);
if (name.find(":") != -1) {
String replaced_name = name.split(":")[1];
print_verbose("Replacing " + name + " containing : with " + replaced_name);
name = replaced_name;
- if (name.find(".") != -1) {
- String replaced_name = name.replace(".", "");
- print_verbose("Replacing " + name + " containing . with " + replaced_name);
- name = replaced_name;
- }
+ name = name.replace(".", ""); //can break things, specially bone names
return name;
-String EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_ai_anim_string_to_string(const aiString p_string) const {
- Vector<char> raw_name;
- raw_name.resize(p_string.length);
- memcpy(raw_name.ptrw(), p_string.C_Str(), p_string.length);
+String EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_assimp_anim_string_to_string(const aiString p_string) const {
String name;
- name.parse_utf8(raw_name.ptrw(), raw_name.size());
+ name.parse_utf8(p_string.C_Str() /*,p_string.length*/);
if (name.find(":") != -1) {
String replaced_name = name.split(":")[1];
print_verbose("Replacing " + name + " containing : with " + replaced_name);
@@ -2155,12 +1747,9 @@ String EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_ai_anim_string_to_string(const aiString p_str
return name;
-String EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_ai_raw_string_to_string(const aiString p_string) const {
- Vector<char> raw_name;
- raw_name.resize(p_string.length);
- memcpy(raw_name.ptrw(), p_string.C_Str(), p_string.length);
+String EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_assimp_raw_string_to_string(const aiString p_string) const {
String name;
- name.parse_utf8(raw_name.ptrw(), raw_name.size());
+ name.parse_utf8(p_string.C_Str() /*,p_string.length*/);
return name;
@@ -2168,14 +1757,10 @@ Ref<Animation> EditorSceneImporterAssimp::import_animation(const String &p_path,
return Ref<Animation>();
-const Transform EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_ai_matrix_transform(const aiMatrix4x4 p_matrix) {
+const Transform EditorSceneImporterAssimp::_assimp_matrix_transform(const aiMatrix4x4 p_matrix) {
aiMatrix4x4 matrix = p_matrix;
Transform xform;
- xform.set(matrix.a1, matrix.b1, matrix.c1, matrix.a2, matrix.b2, matrix.c2, matrix.a3, matrix.b3, matrix.c3, matrix.a4, matrix.b4, matrix.c4);
- xform.basis.inverse();
- xform.basis.transpose();
- Vector3 scale = xform.basis.get_scale();
- Quat rot = xform.basis.get_rotation_quat();
- xform.basis.set_quat_scale(rot, scale);
+ //xform.set(matrix.a1, matrix.b1, matrix.c1, matrix.a2, matrix.b2, matrix.c2, matrix.a3, matrix.b3, matrix.c3, matrix.a4, matrix.b4, matrix.c4);
+ xform.set(matrix.a1, matrix.a2, matrix.a3, matrix.b1, matrix.b2, matrix.b3, matrix.c1, matrix.c2, matrix.c3, matrix.a4, matrix.b4, matrix.c4);
return xform;
diff --git a/modules/assimp/editor_scene_importer_assimp.h b/modules/assimp/editor_scene_importer_assimp.h
index 8f9ed434ae..598845236e 100644
--- a/modules/assimp/editor_scene_importer_assimp.h
+++ b/modules/assimp/editor_scene_importer_assimp.h
@@ -146,37 +146,65 @@ private:
- Spatial *_generate_scene(const String &p_path, const aiScene *scene, const uint32_t p_flags, int p_bake_fps, const int32_t p_max_bone_weights);
- void _fill_kept_node(Set<Node *> &keep_nodes);
- String _find_skeleton_bone_root(Map<Skeleton *, MeshInstance *> &skeletons, Map<MeshInstance *, String> &meshes, Spatial *root);
- void _set_bone_parent(Skeleton *s, Node *p_owner, aiNode *p_node);
- Transform _get_global_ai_node_transform(const aiScene *p_scene, const aiNode *p_current_node);
- void _generate_node_bone(const aiScene *p_scene, const aiNode *p_node, Map<String, bool> &p_mesh_bones, Skeleton *p_skeleton, const String p_path, const int32_t p_max_bone_weights);
- void _generate_node_bone_parents(const aiScene *p_scene, const aiNode *p_node, Map<String, bool> &p_mesh_bones, Skeleton *p_skeleton, const MeshInstance *p_mi);
- void _calculate_skeleton_root(Skeleton *s, const aiScene *p_scene, aiNode *&p_ai_skeleton_root, Map<String, bool> &mesh_bones, const aiNode *p_node);
- void _fill_skeleton(const aiScene *p_scene, const aiNode *p_node, Spatial *p_current, Node *p_owner, Skeleton *p_skeleton, const Map<String, bool> p_mesh_bones, const Map<String, Transform> &p_bone_rests, Set<String> p_tracks, const String p_path, Set<String> &r_removed_bones);
- void _keep_node(const String &p_path, Node *p_current, Node *p_owner, Set<Node *> &r_keep_nodes);
- void _filter_node(const String &p_path, Node *p_current, Node *p_owner, const Set<Node *> p_keep_nodes, Set<String> &r_removed_nodes);
- void _generate_node(const String &p_path, const aiScene *p_scene, const aiNode *p_node, Node *p_parent, Node *p_owner, Set<String> &r_bone_name, Set<String> p_light_names, Set<String> p_camera_names, Map<Skeleton *, MeshInstance *> &r_skeletons, const Map<String, Transform> &p_bone_rests, Vector<MeshInstance *> &r_mesh_instances, int32_t &r_mesh_count, Skeleton *p_skeleton, const int32_t p_max_bone_weights, Set<String> &r_removed_bones, Map<String, Map<uint32_t, String> > &r_name_morph_mesh_names);
- aiNode *_ai_find_node(aiNode *ai_child_node, const String bone_name);
- Transform _format_rot_xform(const String p_path, const aiScene *p_scene);
- void _get_track_set(const aiScene *p_scene, Set<String> &tracks);
- void _insert_animation_track(const aiScene *p_scene, const String p_path, int p_bake_fps, Ref<Animation> animation, float ticks_per_second, float length, const Skeleton *sk, const aiNodeAnim *track, String node_name, NodePath node_path);
- void _add_mesh_to_mesh_instance(const aiNode *p_node, const aiScene *p_scene, Skeleton *s, const String &p_path, MeshInstance *p_mesh_instance, Node *p_owner, Set<String> &r_bone_name, int32_t &r_mesh_count, int32_t p_max_bone_weights, Map<String, Map<uint32_t, String> > &r_name_morph_mesh_names);
- Ref<Texture> _load_texture(const aiScene *p_scene, String p_path);
+ struct ImportState {
+ String path;
+ const aiScene *assimp_scene;
+ uint32_t max_bone_weights;
+ Spatial *root;
+ Map<String, Ref<Mesh> > mesh_cache;
+ Map<int, Ref<Material> > material_cache;
+ Map<String, int> light_cache;
+ Map<String, int> camera_cache;
+ Vector<Skeleton *> skeletons;
+ Map<String, int> bone_owners; //maps bones to skeleton index owned by
+ Map<String, Node *> node_map;
+ Map<MeshInstance *, Skeleton *> mesh_skeletons;
+ bool fbx; //for some reason assimp does some things different for FBX
+ AnimationPlayer *animation_player;
+ };
+ struct BoneInfo {
+ uint32_t bone;
+ float weight;
+ };
+ struct SkeletonHole { //nodes may be part of the skeleton by used by vertex
+ String name;
+ String parent;
+ Transform pose;
+ const aiNode *node;
+ };
+ const Transform _assimp_matrix_transform(const aiMatrix4x4 p_matrix);
+ String _assimp_get_string(const aiString p_string) const;
+ Transform _get_global_assimp_node_transform(const aiNode *p_current_node);
void _calc_tangent_from_mesh(const aiMesh *ai_mesh, int i, int tri_index, int index, PoolColorArray::Write &w);
void _set_texture_mapping_mode(aiTextureMapMode *map_mode, Ref<Texture> texture);
void _find_texture_path(const String &p_path, String &path, bool &r_found);
void _find_texture_path(const String &p_path, _Directory &dir, String &path, bool &found, String extension);
- String _ai_string_to_string(const aiString p_string) const;
- String _ai_anim_string_to_string(const aiString p_string) const;
- String _ai_raw_string_to_string(const aiString p_string) const;
- void _import_animation(const String p_path, const Vector<MeshInstance *> p_meshes, const aiScene *p_scene, AnimationPlayer *ap, int32_t p_index, int p_bake_fps, Map<Skeleton *, MeshInstance *> p_skeletons, const Set<String> p_removed_nodes, const Set<String> removed_bones, const Map<String, Map<uint32_t, String> > p_path_morph_mesh_names);
- void _insert_pivot_anim_track(const Vector<MeshInstance *> p_meshes, const String p_node_name, Vector<const aiNodeAnim *> F, AnimationPlayer *ap, Skeleton *sk, float &length, float ticks_per_second, Ref<Animation> animation, int p_bake_fps, const String &p_path, const aiScene *p_scene);
+ Ref<Texture> _load_texture(ImportState &state, String p_path);
+ Ref<Material> _generate_material_from_index(ImportState &state, int p_index, bool p_double_sided);
+ Ref<Mesh> _generate_mesh_from_surface_indices(ImportState &state, const Vector<int> &p_surface_indices, Skeleton *p_skeleton = NULL, bool p_double_sided_material = false);
+ void _generate_node(ImportState &state, const aiNode *p_assimp_node, Node *p_parent);
+ void _generate_bone_groups(ImportState &state, const aiNode *p_assimp_node, Map<String, int> &ownership, Map<String, Transform> &bind_xforms);
+ void _fill_node_relationships(ImportState &state, const aiNode *p_assimp_node, Map<String, int> &ownership, Map<int, int> &skeleton_map, int p_skeleton_id, Skeleton *p_skeleton, const String &p_parent_name, int &holecount, const Vector<SkeletonHole> &p_holes, const Map<String, Transform> &bind_xforms);
+ void _generate_skeletons(ImportState &state, const aiNode *p_assimp_node, Map<String, int> &ownership, Map<int, int> &skeleton_map, const Map<String, Transform> &bind_xforms);
+ void _insert_animation_track(ImportState &scene, const aiAnimation *assimp_anim, int p_track, int p_bake_fps, Ref<Animation> animation, float ticks_per_second, Skeleton *p_skeleton, const NodePath &p_path, const String &p_name);
+ void _import_animation(ImportState &state, int p_animation_index, int p_bake_fps);
+ Spatial *_generate_scene(const String &p_path, const aiScene *scene, const uint32_t p_flags, int p_bake_fps, const int32_t p_max_bone_weights);
+ String _assimp_anim_string_to_string(const aiString p_string) const;
+ String _assimp_raw_string_to_string(const aiString p_string) const;
float _get_fbx_fps(int32_t time_mode, const aiScene *p_scene);
template <class T>
T _interpolate_track(const Vector<float> &p_times, const Vector<T> &p_values, float p_time, AssetImportAnimation::Interpolation p_interp);
- const Transform _ai_matrix_transform(const aiMatrix4x4 p_matrix);
void _register_project_setting_import(const String generic, const String import_setting_string, const Vector<String> &exts, List<String> *r_extensions, const bool p_enabled) const;
struct ImportFormat {